BCC Minutes 03/09/1982 W j ---------------------------------------- , . HI'! pI re, F 10 r1 r!., I ,.. 1\ r c h (\, 1 ~ ~ , LET IT eF. RF:I'IEI'IOrRED, th...t th" flol\rd of ("ounty CommtR8ton~r" In ftnd for tho County of ("011 I or, nnd a1Eo ~ctlnq nB thn Covernlnq Board(s) of such special districts as hftv~ h~cn ~roated I'Iccordtnq to law nnd having conducted hunln~sn hcr~in, m~t on this date ðt 1)1,0 ^.I'I. in Workshop ~rB8ion in Building "f" of th~ Courthouse Complex, East Haplrs, Florldft, with th~ following mcmbcrn pre5cntl VIC~-C"ATPM~N: ~ftry-Fr...nces Kruse .'nhn ,.. pi ß tor Clifford W('nzf'l Dftvid Î. Brown A~:-PNT: Chnirmðn C. R. "nu~s" Wlmrr ALSO PRr.~~NT: c. Wllllð~ Nornl'ln, County ~~nl'lqer7 ~hcriff "ubr~y Rodgers7 Neil Dordll, Public s"r,.ty ¡"rlmlnlntriJtoq F.llnor 1'1. ~klnn"r, t'cputy Cl"r"; "'r~cf' r:r,,,,lr1fn'1, M!mfnlr,trDUvC "Ide to the E\o...r~, 1'I~8Brs. Robprt 7.lnm('r~ðn ~n~ Îhrln Pulitz~r, r~prps('ntln~ RORS/- F.hrenkrl'lntz, nnd varIous m~m~erB of ntnft. nF.VTf.1-1 C'F SCllf","TTC PLM;:, ff'lP CONr:ï'PU("!'Tf'I'-J 0F t-If~ ,'Atr. ",NP "I1rrnfF'f. P"CTLYiTff. "ND rRT"N!fR ÎLf':,r:Tf'T(''''T'T'~>J "IJD n..ponT P',' pnr,~/fllnnl (p"Nï'7. puhllc Safety "rlmlnlstrntor ParrIll pxpl~lnp.~ th~t the workshop W05 beIng held to provld~ }In opportunity for th~ ~('c to rcvlpw the schcm^tl~ d~ßlgn for the ~on~tructlon nn~nclftt~d with thp n~W 1^ll ~nd t h ft t t h,. r. 0 n ~ u 1 t... n t!:' WI' r e p r ~ 8 (' n t tor'I f, (" LJ ~!; ~ " I r! r! " s I Cl n . fI(' S} I ': t hat th~ d~slClns hav~ hc!'n rl'vll'wl'rl } nrl rll'vl']orcrl In ,lonl' r.oorrltn~tlon with thr ~herlff ðnd hiwc rc('p.lv"'" tcnt,'Itl"" ,'Ipprov,'II, "nr! th.,t th,.y havt' hren rl'vl('wpd by the ppp~rtmrnt of Corrl'r.tlnn~ In Tðllnh~~sre. ~(' f'~q(' 1 &OO~ Oe8 PAGE'- 68 ,- --- - -- - -- --.- -..----------------- " ;~, l,f!: :) ;~:,? 1·",:· .~ . ·.L.·.· 1":,1, .ii; t:i ~ o. .,Q"" .-4 Jþ' C,I ., ..~~ ...... ::::C A." ';;L !! .C .,s" ....8 ...~ fj"~ .,::s .. :'8 Sø.a -'I." ;:11:.-4'" s.: ....,. .. ,..¡ "'8;:: !!~ .. 0 "" ..-4 O~. ~~'" .-4...0 Z ø. '"' ^"-,.",..~.........._._."..,! oW _ _ _ _.. - - - - - --- - -"- - - ------ - --.- ---- -- ------- l'I"r~h 9, )Qn, MO~ 068 PAct'- 69 in~icatcd that th~ ...ssoclate~ document conc~rnlnq pri~oner Cl~88!t!Cft- tion wotll~ ~" din,.".,....., In t.h~ n lnr futuro If not this r1l1tft. f'lr. Chris pulitzer rclterlltf'd th"t his firm worked closely with the f,hcriff's D~p~rtm~nt and that the int~rl'lctlon resulted in the following two Items: 1. 'The prlr;on(>r clllss1fI~.'tlon stlJr1y rf'~u)t!'l contlllnec1 within the document, copies of which th" POllrd of ('ounty Com~18- Rion~r5 hnvr., lookrd nt the pr.-~r.ntrnce~ <'Ind ar.ntnncpd prlaionr.r popullltlons In the Colll"r County 11'111 "nd in the Jmmokalp.f' Stoc-kl1c1r.. Ih~ 5111(1 t.hnt thl' study cC\vrorcd m.,l(', feMilll', I1dult!'l nnd 1uvr.nI1C' pric;on"r popull'ltion~ nnd thnt t.hosc popu]atlons were hrokl'n IntI) I'1"'XIMUI", m"rlium, I'Ind minlr.1un RN:,urlt.y houslnq, whlrh hl1!'1 prrmlttC'rl 1u!>tificl'ltlon to the r'1¡>p.1rtmcnt of Corrl"ctionn of cC'rtl\ln cl\pltnl t'll\vinqs, such 1\8 c«-rtllln ,"lrrl'l8 of thl' 1...ll thl'lt coulc1 hI' ur.f'~ (or work relr.;Hlr., trust(>('s, nnd wrf'k-en(\rrn. 11(> (>xpl"lnec1 thllt his firm hnD hrqun to d~velop n ntllfflnq pInn wIth th~ Sh~rirf·s Drp~rtnrnt to r.1ntch t~r crcurlly ~n~ proqrllmmntlc require- m~nt:S ()f t.he Stl\te of Flo; ld<'l, liS well LIS the Inm<'ltl' populll- tion In custody. 2. Thr. opcr<'ltlono'!l "nldysls prrtorl'1NI In con1unctlon with the fh~:,,!f!'!\ T'rpl'lrtnrnt, ....hich rllvlrlM] thl' 11'111 Into III func- t Ion l 1 i1 r e 1\ s, I n c I II rl ! n" " rJ r I n I !;. r " t I "n, v I ~; I tin q, I n m" t (> houolnq, prcqr~m I\nd nctlvlty !\p~r~R, fcorl ~er~lcr, Il\undry, etc. Ie ß,'drl c"rh of thes£' ftrei'lS WIHC sturJlp.c1 with rcq.,rd to rlcoiqn, polIcy <'Inri st,ffln~ rf'quirrl'1f>nts ~nr! with user ne~d8. ~r. Robert 7.lmmrrm~n continued the pr"Rcnt...tlon dlncu5~lnq the vnrious nspccts ot th~ 1nll 'nc1 ~hrriff'ß f~cllltl~R with the ftid of the central floor dlsplny /'Inri rl']ntrd de~crlptive drl'lwlngs post~d on /In ovcrh(>l\rl hoarr!. lie cxplnlnl'd thi1t the low-rlsl' rlr~ir;n('r1 fi'lclllty would fllci1itðtC b(>ttrr security. 11(' intliCo'Irerl on the c1lfipll\Y where the housing units, comprlr.rd of approxll'1"tely 'nn c(»ls, would he loented nnd pointed out the o'Irel'l5 whcre vnrlouR tyrrs of mnxlmum, mr.dlul'1, and minimum security inmatf's would he houfn'rl. 111' ('xpl'" I nf'( th..,t thf' womf'n and juv(>nile Inm.1tes would be housecl In pod!! sepllrnte from the m,'x lInum security population. Pnqf' , - - - -- - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - --- - - - - -.. - - - - - -- - - - --- .... c:::J ~~ ___________-----------------------------J Ml"lr~h t'I, IctP' Mr. 71~mp.rmðn st~tP.~ thl"lt housinq pods hav~ b~cn rlp.Aiqn~~ so th~t the red areas on thr dloplftY Indicl"ltl' thp control pointR fro~ which an offlc~r CAn obRp.rvc ~, ðOOfS_ He oxpll"1ln~ð thl"lt ll"lt~r In the prrs~nt- ation ð ðr~wing will show 1"1 acction tndlcattnq two levels of housinq IInd thftt the c1cfdgn Dllows thr ml"lxlmum numbrr of c~l1s nrolJnd ð ccntrðl control point. ~~ ~-"r . . (:¡'Z ~...:4 ·,··..·0·.. ì,~ ... ...~. ..\4., ".J.o ::I=c ~.! .,1111 S... · 8 .... III'" .., H .. :'8 SAo~ ... x...... .c ,!'tø~ "'St !!f .... u ~ ... oø. t,s... .......0 . Øo'-t I'Ir. 7.1mm~rmðn sl"Ilð that the green I"Irrn on the displny indtcl"lt~s the Sheriff's Dep~ft~~n~. "~Indic/'Itl'd th~ ndministration /'Ircl'l and explðinpd thnt the custodIal arcl'l ~ont~lns th~ hðth facilIties which are outsidr the :.eclIre t.'Ielllty of the' 1,,11. III' 5ldd th<,'t tht'B~ two ðreðs would hDve ~ scpðrnte rntrance Jlrpctly I"ICr05S from the Collier County f"Iuseum. Mr. 7.lmmrrman stl"ltcd thnt the orange colorrd section Indlcl"ltes the booking arl'l"I nnd hI' dc~crlh~~ how the Inm~tes would I"Irrlvr In vchiclt's, enter the booklnq /'Irc.'! .'Ind hr- proc('<;!;~d. 110 IndlctltPd the l'Iuxllllt'1ry control hooth tht'lt monItors 1"1]1 entrl"lncc nn~ rxltA from th~ vehlc]~ 61"1llyport for inml"ltps ðnd ~15o monltor~ fror thr other Aldr for servlc~ of food, l.'lundry, etc. which gors In .'Ind out of the fl"lcllity. Pc e~pll"llnpd thnt a s.'Illyport 15 1"1 secure venllhu]r whIch h...6 l'Iutom/'ltlc doors I'Illowinq entry. ~(. 7.lmmcrml'ln cxplnlnerl thl"lt the pink sI'ct1on IndIcatoR thl' public arel"l. HI' dcncriberi the' two-cntrnncc frl'lture whIch would n110w the Shorlf('b 5t~f( to use ono ~ntr~nce, '10 to ~n ~1pv.'ltor "nd proc~rd upstðlrs. ^nothrr rntr..'lncl' wOlllrJ h" for tt!1' puhll~ to ur,f' to vl!11t ir.m..'ltcs \o'lth n (1!vl!'\lon bctwllrn tho:;;c two cr.lr~ncc!S, hr l'xpl.,lnrr!. 110 describer! the purpln nr~n in~icðt!n~ thp vlnltln~ ~CCO~"od~tinnn, with thr qln7~~ "crcen concept In the non-contact tYfc v nltin~ s~ctlon, ~nrl P.'l!10 '1 &OOK OeB PACE' - 70 .,- - -- - - - - -- - -- -- - - - -.- - -- -- --- -- ....-.-,- ~ ',;¡j,:,~:'." ¡¡f}' < þ", , '~ifJ.'. , ' . ,"·Þt'O ..:.... "', 0» ,0'" .... ....~.~ ,,\.4. "'tII~ ..-4.... '..... C ,þ.... rsi r1.S ...... ';JI+' .~ .. :'8 i g,~ -'!_fOI :1;....... .t: ...,. .. .... "8~ !!~ ... u \.4 .... o~. ~.s... .....0 . ø. '"' .,.-....-----t.""-.'.....'" ----~-~---------------------------------1 OI!O '-71 M.ttrch ~, 1t¡", MOK UO PAC[ not~d that th~r~ would bo ~ cont~ct vlsittnq ~rc~. AI' dPBcrlhod the h."rinq ",r"It with 1'1 r.prl~~ of officIO" for 1"""Yf"r~, ~ public drfrnc'ler, and aasistnnl Gtalc'6 ~ltorncy U8f" dcsignod without thl'lt the need to go through the Inmnte popu1ntlon. lit' r1escrlbcd the grey .H6" ðS " IftrgfO sorvice areo comprised of the kitchen, shops, storðq~, ~nd mechanic~l ð r en . Ho onid thnt the green nrcð Indicates the progrnm nnd nctlvity orca with n certnln omount of classrooms, nnd n Multi-purposo activity room, which could he u5ed for rrluCßtl~n and religious ftctlvlty. ~r. 7.immcrmnn Indic~tcrl th~t thrr~ would bp nn Inflrmnry with five (5) cells, nurse's offlc~, x-rny facilities ftnd n couple of cxamlnlnq rooms. Mr. Zimmerman Gt~trd that nIl the Gtnff mcmhrrs coming Into the fùcl1lty h~ve to pn~9 throuqh central control Itnd the Rnllyport to qot on tho other side of th~ f~~il lty, wIth 1'1 key control point to the secure ~ide of thp complex. CommIssioner Wpnzcl's r~aurGtrd clnrlflcn~lon concrrntnQ thp older design of n r~ctnnqul~r cell hlock "nd str~ight corridors ~~ compnrfOð with the triangular 9n dcqr~c ~nqle5 of thesp d~siqned cpll ~rens, sInce thrre sp.em~ð to be ð lot. of oppn £p~cc on thr ~r~wlnq under dlsr.us~ion. ~r. 71MmrrmAn cxplnlnrd th~t the pnrt.lcul~r I'Irpn the Commlsslonl'r qucstlonrd nr.tllðlly Is D clr~r story, which ~~ðn5 thAt the roo f i 5 r a I 5 C d ð t t h., t po i n t n t t h p (¡ ceo n rl II'! V f' 1 " n rl t h.~ t 11 q h twIll come in for the d~y rooms, and thot. thr ~rp~ I~ u~~hle, 9incn th~ II C t I v 1 t Y ~ n ,1 rll n I n g ,'If r a 5 I nth r ~'o u f, n q un Its wo 111 d ~. (I v,. n I r t'I n d 11 q h t without the lnmðtes l~nvlnq thr ~rl't'I. pp rlf'Gerlhrrl vt'lrloun frntureß of the dc~lqn with open Rp~CC ll~ht wrlls, 80 that <'Ill ccll~ hnvr wln~ows whkh will .]fford nt'ltur~l llqht into thr Cl'll~. PlIq" .. - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- --- -- - - - - - - - ---- ----- --- .... t'-....] =:3 ~'.; ~'.' , ~,. > '. "0 ~. ~i If "~'.s~ ·..·t··..:O..; '. . CI' \4. ":S" ,:I... c A." -=-~'i ~g a-S .... .... ,8 .. . '8 ig,~ _..., 'z'" ... ~~~ ...a:... !O~ .-4 !!I'" "'.=~ 'o+' . ""C u...... ,......0 . g, '" ___________________~___________________J ~"rch n, ,nfl' I'Ir. Zlmmerml'ln 'xpl" I nrel thl'lt tho fl'lct1\ty in c1eR iqnC'd so thJtt it cl\n be C'! ( pIt n<1..d -like a f;t't of hlocks- In tC'fmG of ndd I nq 11 hloC'k or 1/' block of cC'1ls liS the noed tlrlses, tI nr1 that th~r(' I'If<Þ two tlfOrn of cells. He expll'llnrd th~t In the orange "reft, ~hcro the puhllc will h~ve I'Icces~, there will hI' control ql'ltfO& wIth BPcrrtar1PD sitting noxt to the ('le~tronlc ql'lteo for r.ecurity purposes. Hp descri~(>r1 ttl,. centrlll control plcctronlc ql'lt~R with lIn override fe~ture I'Inc1 th~ cell door lock system. ~r. 7.1~m~rman cll'lborðted on the next r11sp11'1Y drðwinq which indl- cnted th~ lower lev~l of thr jail ftnd thC' support 5~ctlon. PC'sponr1lnq to Vice Chnir~nn Krusc, ~r. 71~~<,r~...n cl~rlfled thðt thp fðn room~ for thp. thrco ZOf1C'S of the- f/lcl) Ity -'lrf! npC'I'!HI.'Iry to clrcul..,tt> thf' nir IInd to bring In fresh ",Ir from the outside. He Ac'lld thllt therp would be ð £eplHðte f/'ln for thl' ki~chC'n b('C"1!IISC of tho spt!cL'll r"'l1u1rpmentR n,."r1l'd th(!re. Responding to Vlcl' rh"lrmiJn YrlJf;C'1> rcqur.'st for clnriflcl'ltion of the hellrinq room, ~r. 71~nC'rml'ln pxpl~lncd th"t it IR 1'1 5upplrml'ntal, moro secure room to ~hlch 1udqC's woulrl conp /'IS tho need I'IrlseA. HI' saId thllt It couIri be U!'iPr1 wtl..n th~ !nm.,t"!1"'o not ",.pd to 1('"vl' the fðcI11ty, ðnd coulrl ~]~o be usC'r1 for rli8clplln~ry hr1lrinqn InsIde th~ facility. lie elðboflltf'd on thl' C''¡(I',:,utlvC' of(I("1'5 of thp f.heriff's D~p^rtmrnl, tho 5ccurlty pC'rGonne}, rrcorrl and accountln'1 noctlonß. ~~ oxplalnl'd thrtt thl' lockrr room!J 1Ind squM1 room will hI' IRC'11lt,.d. n~ indlcatrd thl' p"rtL..,} pIlln of thr Invcstlql'ltlon unIt, wnlct- 18 11 self contnln~r1 ðr~~ with its own confrrpncC' rOOMR. I1~ cxpll'lln('r1 th"t Mor~ dcv,.lo~~ent [or thl' lnvI'"tiql'ltivr nr<,^ wIll he ncpdrd whlc-h wIll C-OM~ in th,. spcond ph.'lfiC' of lhr. prn1,.ct. T'..~ (" w ~oo~ 068 PACE .- 72 - - -- -- .-- - -- - -- -- --- --- - .-- --.. ~.- - - - ..-- -- - ..- -" . - -..- - - - - -...-- - - - - - - - 1':1:"7, .~..'\I:.'.¡ ";~;..:,,:,j '!";¡-' iV:: h"Y . , t:~ "". 0.. 0...... < Uti .þ~~ ...... ..... ..".... c: ,þ." ¡I¡ r4.B ...... t;.~ -=' .. :'8 ig,~ -- . ., :.;....... .5. .. r-4 "'8;::: !tIØ~ "C:u -.......... 0"'. ~5 ... 01'4...0 X g,~ --,,,........,.....--_..,.!..,..., - ------.----------.------- -- ------ --------- &OOK OB8 PACE '-13 "'IHCh (), 19'" romminsionrr W~nzal nnkrd r.herifr Pnq~r" if his drpnrtmrnt woul~ ~tlll uga the County bnrn ^~ stor~~~ ~r~~, nnð ~hrrift nogrr~ rxpl~tnr1 that moøt of t~~ Rtorr~ itrms will be trðnsfrrrr.d to the n~w fncillty. He Qxpl~ln~d the difflcultleø ~Rsoclðted with storing anythlnq of vl'!lue In the barn, bccðusp of the inability to secure the it~~8 from burqlary. Mr. Zimmermnn exrl~lned thnt th~ qround (loor of th~ j^il displðy shows the ('llnlc, th~ Chl'lpll'dn'l3 offIce, 11'1w llhr,HY, cOllnsaltnq ~n,j cll'l!'s:tflcðtion suitf', ,'nd the centrðl mf'ch...nlcnl ~pi'IC(!ß. Ho r~spondec1 to Commls~ion<.'r Wenzd's qllcstlon by !ltl'\tinq th<'lt tt-t' founrlntions I'Ire being designed with the pllln to I'Idd thrpp MldJtlonnl floors to the fllc1l1ty. Hf' saId the deslqns prr.5rntc~ ~t this work~hor cover I'Ipproximðtrly 7~,rOo sou~re !r.r.t, ~~ the n!orcmcntlon~rl ð~dltlons would represent nhout 75,000 squ^rr. feAt. Hr. fI"il1 the prrllminnry elevlItions will requIre more ,""ork liS will th" "xt"rior of th!' !:!C"lllty, whIch Is now ..,nt;i-=1F:~!;.::j ::0 be .1 stucco building, pO~5if)ly huff colorrc1. fie 8t~t"d thl'lt ð full set of the jUßtlce crnt~r rxp~n510n plðn9 wIll be submitted ðt thp. ~hrr1ff'Ð ~0p~rtmrnt st~ff mrf'tlnq, liS wpll ð9 th~ enalnecrll9, ¡',ndsc<'Ipr ." J slt~ rlevrlopmC'nt dr.,wlnQ~. He ell'lbor~teð on ð typlc"l hOIl~lnCJ porl rlrl!wlnq with tlH' two-fitory C",,11 RP^C"E'. He c1es- crlbed the ~OIIH '1"ln IIgl1t concept for thr. vnrlous f'xposurrs of the bulld1ng. On lInoth~r dlsplny, ~r. ZIMmrrMlln d!'Rcrlh,,~ th" old 1...il fllclllty whIch shnwpn thnt lP InM~t(' ccllu nrr to hI' retalnp~ for InMntr houalnq ftnd th.H thr hold In'} crll lIrel'l tor the ('our ts '"'Ill t\(O provlc1ed on the third floor. III' r1P""rlt>~rj t~t' ~.':-::'.C'r lr. ...·~,Ich Ir,,,,,.,lI"H ",Ill cro'!!'1 over on ~ srcurlty brldqr ðnd pnss through 11 new corridor Into th~ I'Iforn- Pðq. ,. r-------------------~-------------------- , ... t::.:J == '1:" $: .._"':"J' ',..( ~!. .:.- ..t.. . j .fi\',.'1-\ I . . ;. '~'~'r- ~' .... l~; ttZ :~ 0.. o .., .. . CI 't'- þ~¥ ::::Sk '-..., e :~:'i '. Ii f"4.8 .,..... ~,.+' :,~ ...'8 i g,~ -'!." ........ ,!,5 ~ ...8.... !Jf .... v ~ .... 0+'. t,s... ~...o ;II; ø, \.t ---------.--------- . I ,--- - --- - -- _. - - - - --- -- - -- March 0, ll\P:t' mentioned hold1nq cP.lls. ~e"ponI11nq to Vice Chrl1rml'ln I<runn, hI' explained thDt tho d~signs, nn pr~ßentod, would provide thp f1ftf>pn (IS) year expftnslon needR of thr Courts of Collier County. Ho inl1icntcd on the de8iqn whpre ~n Important nl1ditlon of fir~ ßtalrs wil) be plðcrd. DTSCll~~I()N ('If c[.,,~qPTC"1'T(1N C:'I'IJPV I'Ir. norr1ll expln1nr.~ thnt the previously mentioned Cl~s8tficðtton study relates to the Sh~riff'5 ~ctlvltic~ In the Tmmokalee nreD nnd tho contlnucrl U5r. thnt will Dr mðrlo of the preRC'nt fncilltles. 111' !1tntcd as ð mnttp.r of record thnt he would likp the construction mnn~q~r to briefly mr.ntlon the ð~herpnc~ to the ~rlqln~l nrchltccturðl proQrnm nnl1 the exinting budgnt, nlncp he und~rstood thðt Poss/rhrcnkr~nt7 hl'lB don~ a c08tlnq cffort <1ur!nr¡ the- w,.,,,k. "" 81'11<1 thIs could he prcßr.ntpl1 nt. /.t 1nt"r tlmr if nnt rll~r:II'H;('d th!a rll'lt('. I'Ir. Pulltzpr refprrrd :0 th,. report which the C'ommlssioners had received and explainr.d thðt, with thn I'Ipprpclntcd ...sslstðnce of the Sheriff's l~p~rtment, n 5~mple of lP~ pnrGOn6 wns col1ectnr! fro~ Nðpl~s ðnd lmmoknlee. He f'xpl.."n('~ thnt Inforl"l"'tlon wn9 nnn}yzl'rl ~n" thftt thp popu1ðtlon w~s rllvlded Into thr vnrlou~ clnsslflcntlon cðt('qorl~8 a9 rl'qulred by the D~p~rtnrnt of Corr~êt.ion5. Th'n Information wan refl~ctcd In thn design ,.,nd hrlprrl '1pnrrl'ltr th~ crl1 nrrnn'1rments ,.,nrl d Iv i s ion 0 f t h (' C r II 5 I n to t h ,.. VI' r i 0 lJ 5 '1 r C \J pi nq !1 . He "ðld th.:lt the Inltlðl ~;tudy of thl' Count.y functions Inclûrlf'd the prlsonrrn th~t come from Tmmnk~)rp hut I1ld not includp the- Tmmokn- lee ftlcl11tIC'B. lie said th"'t dlr:cu!\!Jlon~ h.wl' hl'H'n hrlrl with thr 5hp\,lff'9 n...p...rtmpnt 6hcwlnq nn I1pp:Hnnt book!nq f,.,cl)lty n('('d th/lt would be ~('drðhlC' In th,.. T~",ok",ll"n flrf''' for th" p"Tpo~f' of ¡"till thlln PIII'1" "7 ~OOK 068 PAtE 14 ___".4_ _ ___...._ -~--- --- .-...-- ---- ------- ---,-- ------------------- . n1..: 1 .]¡ ~.... ;....,1; ... . ;"'..~ u .~..... .. '"~... :::1 ~ c: A.II !i~ a· .8 ..... :.+' .~ .. ¡~ i.: I....... .5. - r-4 "'s::.... ~o~ ;\4! ~ .O+' . "'C: u"" ... ~...o ,JI Q.,", -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- -- - -----. - ------ ------- bOO~ 068 fAGE....75 twt'lvo (1:» hour holding. MArch a, ll\P' tie f' (pll'ltn~ó thfl fNIStbt1tty of convertlnq th~ 5hr.r1ff's 8ulnÜ"tlon for thllt purposp. IInó spokf' or the nflrd In termR of rl,.toxltic~tlon for Collirr County. ße slIid hp would bp mcctinq with thr County Mcnt~l HOlllth Director this dnte to dlscus~ said nf'cd. ~e referred to ft propo~lIl to U8~ the current rmmokðl~~ Jðll Centor or the 5tock.,óe for tbe dctoxiflcðtton purpost's. County ~I\nl)q~r Norm~n cxplnined, 1'16 ð r~5ult of the d~~iston to concentratr the rntire jll11 design efforts nt the new j~il complex, that for opcrlltionl'll purpon~s n rlefinitc proqrllm for the re-usp. of tho stocklld(' h:'l9 not hc('n m",de. Ite snid thllt the pce hl'lr. not rlCIJ\t ",ith the necds for the Sherlff'n DrpllrtMrnt opf>rfttlnq 11 lnw enforcement IIqC"n-::y In Immoklllce to h1lnrllf' pri8onprß. f'r 9/1trl he hl'lc1 lI~kf'Ó the consultftnts to conAI~cr nn adrlltlonnl srrvlce to cover thnRr two nef'~9, ðnd hp. w~s hoprfu\ to brlnq h more ~prclflc rrport hnck to the PCC in th~ nCllf tuturc. Cnnmi~sionl'r wcnzcl "skcd If the ovrfllll tinnnclnq pllln did not Inclu~c ð work-up of the ~tocklldc or thr TMr.o~lIlcn Jail ~nd would not bo pllrt of tha ovrrllll Þonrl IS9U~, to which Mr. Normlln cypllltnerl that those two items hnve not hr!!n lð(!nt I f i Or! "'~ ð coat i tt'm to c1.,t('. H~ sðid thðt before th.. fIn,} de~islon I~ M~rlC on just wh~t the hond ISDU. would provide thnt the B~C m~y wnnt to consirlef thORr Itcm~. Vlcc-Ch~lrM~n Y-rus(' th~nkt'r! the consult~ntR for the pre9cnt~tlon. . . . Thert' helnq no (urthcr husln(,s5 to ~OM(' be(ort' th(' ~o~rd of C'ounty Commissioners, th.. worl(f~hop WIlS nrl101lrnf'd lit '7:"' P."'. PlIae .. r--------------------------------------- I " .. t::::] :=:J