BCC Minutes 03/30/1982 R Nð p 1 c s, rl 0 r i ci i'1, r·'" r c h 3 ('\, 19 ß 7. LET IT BE REMR~REnED, thi'1t the nOi'1rd of Co~~ty Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, i'1nd R1so actin~ as the qoverninq hODrd(6) of such special dictrict5 ,,~ hi'1VC he en Grci'1ted according to 1 d W ,111 ,j II d V i n 9 t.: U 11 due t (~d b u:..; i n e s she rei n, met 0 n t. his ci ð t c i'1 t. 9: \1 () 1\. M . in nc~u1ðr Session in ßuildinq "F" of the Courthouse Complex, fi'15t N"plcs, Florida, with the fo1lowin~ mrmhers rr~sent: C 11" T m1" N : c. R. "Russ" loJimer v ; \. r. C I" I P ì·~" N : ~nry-Fri'1nce~ ~rusc John ri~tor C1 iff 0 r rJ yi e n z e 1 [),1V Id C. Arown "1.:'0 PP Ef, F.f\'' ': \\' III I .1" . L R r ., 'J .1 n I r' 1 (' .' \(; I ,1 r 0 1 n L. 11.1 1 1, ,,": hie f Deputy Clerk; .l'1ë1CS ('. C.il(·~;, Fi:¡c:ll nfflccr; r.',1urecn Y.cnyon, r'eputy Clerk; r'0n,.,ld rICY.\!0rth, Caunly ,\ttornp"; C. I-!illlilm Norman, ~ollnty M ..~ n ;')() r r; 1 r v I 11 q I' (~ r 7. () Iì, \ I t I lit i (' 5 ~ oJ n .1 q r r; N c j 1 fo r r j 1 l, P \J b 1 ! c ::; ,1 r c t y ¡,dm!n!:;lr.,'Lr;r; Terry Viit..l, (·cr.i.1l1nity L'('vc]oF,"('nt !'dnilì¡~;tr.)tor. Lee LnYIlf', rlilnn~~r; .11'f!ory [','rry, 7onino ¡'ir(Oct0!; Cliff IL1rksrJ¿¡]c, Puhlic Wo r k 5 'è ~ i r, i :; t r 11 l 0:'; r. r " (' (' ~ r,: \J 1 din", !. '1 r:1 ¡ !"' i ~> t r .1 t i 'J (. ,.. ¡ (1,... tot h I? Po 0" r d ; and D0PUty r'hicf ¡:.lY [\,lrnr'!t, ~;~\('rif!'" I'(~p,lrt~"nt. ßQ~.~ 068 rACE 267 Pð~ C 1 . t-'2 \.40~ 0~.-4 . CJ tI ~lI! u ........ .-4.... ",0r4 IP4~C .øe.. ....c g»§- f"4.S "e0r4 ~-~ .::s .. :'8 ig,~ ,11 . II :1:.-4... .c .+1. .. .-4 "-C0r4 l°'ö ~ tIC'... or4'u \.4~"",, 0.... ~.s... .......0 :II: ø. \.4 .--.,..--. I'I/Hch ~('\, 191\7. "GF:NDlI - ,..ppnovEr1 wrTH CI1"Nr.~S Commissioner wcn~c1 moved, seconded hy Commissioner plRtor and carried unanimously, th~t the i'1qcnd~ b~ ðpproved with thc fo~lowing chllnges: ð. Item 7C _ Ordlnòncc ame!lding Ordin,lnce R()-l~? continued to ^pri1 13, 19P.:L b. rtcm 7n - r:-otcctc·c1 Trc'(! 0rc1inélnC(~ - \·llthdr,lwn. c. It~m P^ - rresent~tion by relton~ Corp. - Withdrawn. d. rt0m 0^? - petillon FP-O?-lC - to renaln on ngcn~n. e. Item <1f11 _ .r......·,1[dlnq of Bid No. <;<;1 - wlthdrJwn and must be r('filed. f. Itpm (11'.;> _ (;"l(!pn C.-!l0 F·:t.'te~; ~'()difí('rI Tntcrlm ^cticn ProgrM:1 _ Wlthdr.l\-'n dnr. rol1st he rrfilcd. prn::SF:I,T"TT('o~ 0, FITI.l'YII "I'V' rF l"I'^''!':, (' 0 m r~ j S!;Í 0 r. l' r \.; I r. ere x p r (' " s c' d hi'; t h ~J!1 Y. s for the c n 1- Ire b 0 ~a cJ i) n rJ pre5cnLreJ the ( " . I. 0.1 J. u'v.' 1 I, C:í\O:uy'''''' ~C¡Vil'(~ ¡......,lrrl!; for tlll·ir cJedicc1l"d servlcc to thr: Co\:nly: "nne I'H.1 .. FI'r~;o¡.;.L'l ',nthon]' ni~',Hro - 'qlJ.lllc \.,'('('() Cor,trol .J" n R. I ~ e ~ 1 n (" t t - I' 0 [' ,. Fro f'. '\ r. i :. t, ,..". Roger f;lr"r,<1n" - Cf:Tf.. ~:{!rvlc":; ~-ur(!rvl:()r Fred í'ûquln - Poar~ f., r-rlrlqr ](1 ye¡,r!. 5 YClIr!'; 0; YC.H ~ 0; yei'lrs ., year!'; RF:~;OLUTI0N P?-lr.-". rf: r"TITTC'~: V-r?-?-C p.y t.rT;: ~;. IICSI'IN;, nr.QtJFsTII G ^ FRONT Yl'.Jìf ~;I:rr"';-~' VM<11·t:(ï ('~J LOT 1r, I Lr('}' r, corfU"f' H!:1Î,I:T~; TO CON:'Tn! C"¡ !.. IITT! 1~Y ~' !¡T - '·f)(,P~iT·. -- Leg. 1 not.lc" h.IVil1'J becn puh1i.~;llcrJ in lIe N.,pll·;. f,lÌJy Ncws on I'I<Hch 1'-,1087, ,1;. cvlc!p[}cpc\ hy l'ffl,],wit of !'lloJlc.1tlo:1 fll('·1 with the Clerr., public r,p;Hinq ·".1~; openi'd to con!drJ('!' ('I'tition V-P?-?C, by 1.015 S. Hoskin::> rpC1uc:ainq" front y,1rd 5cth(1Ck v.lfinnc(~ on Lot lP, ßloc!< r.., Goocl1.1nd Hciqht!i to construct.J utility shr'{\. Jcff Perr'!, 7,('1nin'J f'!rrct.or, st·,tr·j tl·'· th" f'".Itl,...nl'r I~ ",!'ltln'1 &00,; 068 rACE 2.71 paqc , c Þ>.c . ...... ~3~ l' Q", hJl! Q ~...... ....... roI... ...,C Þ." ¡§~ roI.8 .,.,"'" ~.~ ..::I .. :'8 Bø.~ :I:=~ s:: .., . . ~ ...C"'" l°e... ~5~ ... () '" "'" 0" . . :;5,., ; t.~ I . I Ma rch )0, 19R2 M~K 008 P^CE 272 the f'oarù to approve a D.S' front YiHd vDri¡¡nCe of the Village Residential District, thereby allowing D storage room ~dditlon to n Cllrport. He said that th~ ~~titioner owns a very ~ha1low lot which measures 100' wide and "0' cJ~ep. 1Ir:! sðid th"t In order for the petitioner to construct a utility shed on any p~rt of the property, ð vðri~nce would be required. There being no further cJiscussion, Commissioner ~rown moved, sccond@d by Commi~5ioner Wenzel ancJ carried un~nimously, that the puhlic hearing be closed. Commissioner Prown moved, seconded by Commissioner plstor and c,Hried .1/1 (Commissioner Wenzcl opposed). that Resolution 1;2-31)-1\ re petition V-f1?-?-C hy Loi~, S. !toskins requestin~ a front Y¿Hd setb~ck vi'1riance to con::::truct ,1 \1ti~lty ::::hrrl on Lot 18, [!lock r-., Good1and lie ight5 be i'1rJopted. ri'lqe 3 .- ~ ¡~. . " .- . .. ., c . 8 1'4 lot ~ g ~ Do " ~ ~ .... " 0 ~ u .... . ... 0 \.1 """-...",,..,... Mðr c h ~ n , 19 R ? ~USIC FESTIV"L PERMIT r?-' RE PETITION Z-I17.-'-C LELY ^LL SPORTS ROOSTER CLUB HF.QUESTING ^ Pf.H/'I IT TO COtcDUCT AN OUTDOOR MU;, IC Ff.STIV^ L "T TilE LEL'l II JGII SCIIOO!. ST¡'!)T III" ON ¡.rn T L 10, 1 C)f1 /. - "PPIWV¡-:f1 Legal notice having been published in th~ N~plcs Daily News on M~r~h 1~, 19P', ~fi cv\~en~prl hy "rfl~Avlt nf puh1ication filed with the Clcrk, puh1ic henrinq was opened to consider pctitio~ Z-112-2-C, Lc1y "11 Sports Booster Club, rcquestinC) ,1 pC!rmlt to conduc.t ¡'In outdoor music festival ðt the Lcly High School Sto1Cllum on April 10, 198'. Zon!n!) Director Perry st;¡t"d th"t the BCC is b(!lnq as~,ed to approve a request by the applicant rlH5u,1nt to Orc1in.lnce No. 70-11, to conc!uct ",n OlJtd00r fflU!;!C f,.stiv..,1 h0tw('C'n the hour" of ':0(' P.,.... "nò A:OO r.toI., on the ,1ftp[f,onn of '·pril JO, l"P', in orclcr to he!'cfit the Lely High ~;chool ¡'l.LI¡](·tic ¡~,.p.Htf'\("nt, õcìdil1(l that the ['.('C Is rcquirec! by Ordin.1[',:c0 7()-lJ t(, 1'.,,·1,' ,-, I'"!'} ir hc".inq 0:> a reCJIJ05~ for an outdoor music fest.ival. ¡If' r/''o:()r'/''I t:';)t ~'·r. Hohr·rt r.roff. rr""irlcnt of the Lcly ^11 ~;port5 I'.(¡ost",. Club, I,;,~. fil(,¡j .1n appllc,'tÏ-Jn, ,1ccof'1í'an1e(j hy the approprië1tc f(!p, 'lr)'~ h.l!; IJrthf'r ~,uhr.-.iLted it11 of th(~ h.,ck-up mðteriills .Jnd exr,ibit;, th.1t st,lff h,.s rpqupstp.d. 11(' concluded by st"ting ~hi\t, hil:;¡>d ul'"n t.h!' dO"\~fT'"ntr; su!:n!ttc~d, ~;t"ff 1:; recommending t hat the f' 0., r c1 q i v c f ,: \' n r ,., hi (' r <ì 11 '; i (. p ¡ ,~ t ion I .~. U¡[:. r e c; U r~ ~ t . Comr.1Íssioner pi:;tor 'ìuf':·tionr·d 101"0 \-ioulrl t'lr.C' ('"rl' of .1ny ò.lmMJe to the stadilJm, the clp;\n\:;), .Jnr) \-;ho ',,;olI1d p.1Y for :he e):tr., reputies, to ....·hich ~1r. Perry SL)tl'd th.lt th" Sl,ldIIJ;~ .lnr] c:1C,l~ìUp Vo'()\Jl(1 h0 t.11-.en care of by the schnoJ dnd ~h~ ['''['uti!'!, :,rr' off-duty pl~rsc,rHH'l p"id hy the promoter:.. There b0in'J n0 tiJrthror di::rll:;:;ion, ('(>nr'1i!;:;ion"r W<,n7.ll f".overl, seconded hy Con,~ission"r p!::tor ;Ind c.lrr!p'¡ \In,1:1il'ì'1\1~;]y, U¡.lt the rn~] (" hp.,rin') ~<' ("lo::(',-j, BO~K œB fACE 275 rag c ~ 800K 068 PACE 216 "'arch 10, 19P:1 Commission or Wenzol ~o~ed, seconded hy Commissioner pintor and c~rr1~d l1n¿¡ni!"lc"J:!ly, t:h,t MU5ic fC!itivlIl pcr::dt n:1-2 be gr.:!ntcd to tely All sports ßoo~ter Clu~ to conduct an outdoor music festivlIl lit the Lc1y High School f,tlld!um on "pdl 10, )082. pag c '; t::J I '1';,-~~><~ ~J{' .. .1J...... ~ "" 'Ð ,...... O~ "~": )~~ ..... ..... ......,c: .ø." iii l"'4.ä .,.~ ~JI~ ,=' .. . '8 ·1 ø.~ .., ~... s: .~. - ~ ..c.... !0'õ .... !!9 ~ ""::..... O~& ~ oS ... ~...o :II: ø. \-t BOOK 06 8 rACE 278 f-1i'1rch )0, 19R2 REPORT AND RECOMMENr"TION nf WIGGINS PASS N"VIG"TION PROJ~CT. COART"L E:t:GHa~un¡..¡c, INC. ~[nVICf.;' - ACCfPTf.£1. f,TM'F ','HF,'TU' TO PRC1CfF.O WITH DEVF.LOPMf.NT OF. TII IS PROFF:SS ION"L "Sf, ISTANCE /IS T'T RF:r."TF:S TO TilE SCOPP. OF SERVICES "cnr~MENT ^ND I"ITI^L F:PFORTS nE TAKEN TO EXPEDITF: rROJECT, CONTINGENT ON ner. /lrPRnV/lL - "PPROVr:D Mr. Neil Dorrll1, Public s"fety "dmlni~tri'1tor, stated that this report nnd rccommcnd~tion is on the pendinq rnvironm~ntnl permit application in T,1l1ah,'5;'cC for the Wi(Jgin5 P..,ss Navigational project. 11e sðid thðt quite som~ time ago i\t the public hei'1r1ng held by the DCe, the proposed project suhmltted hy the Army Corpg o( Enqineers Wüs unanimously ðdopt~d, adrlln~ that shortly aftcr that the County submitted the ,'pplic,1tion to th~ Df.R for a w.lter quality certificate Yi h i r:' his nee 0 ~; ~; a r y he for e con s t r lJ C t ion c ,1 n h ~ r¡ in. lie st.1tcd that severi'll months ngo the rER Indicated that thn application was incumrlete ónd "'ould r('qulre (vldltiona] tf'chnlcil1 In(ormatlon. lie stðted th¿¡t he cont.1ctcd the "rmy ('orps of fnr¡lneers, at which f,oint they indic.1tcd to him thllt th,~y wOIJ!d not hI' willing to spelld any ê!ddltion.:11 prof('~;s¡on.,l ('nCjinccr!nq or tpchnic,11 time trylnr¡ to dl'velop County option whpther to prOCeNJ or not. lie rcported that hc ....ent to Tall~ha5see for a worKshop session with thp nFR, wherr he learned wh~t the obj~ctions to the project were. "_ ~t,1tN\ that thl' Chief of pc r mitt I n r¡ wo u 1 d not h l' i n <1 po 5 i t ion to q r J n t i'I re r m i t for t h n. pro j c c t as i t h.1 c1 bee n pro po 5 e rl, ~HJ t did t h ink t h (' (' n lJ n t y h i1 d ,1 V i a b 1 e pro j c c t for the m,lin considpr,ltion of hoati:-"J ~;,lf('ty. He st,lted that hp. WùS cont.1ctcd hy the Conccrnf'd Citi7.f"ns '1(OUP, .....ho statcrj th.1t they would b <' wi 1 1 I rv J to!, r () v i d l' t hI' (' 0 \I n t y WIt h vol un t (' (' r r n 'J i n <: (' r i n c¡ ,1 n d consulting assistnncc to modify the exlstin'] permit in Tall~hass(e, adJinc¡ thnt nt this time there 15 ~n accert~ncl' ~nrj authorization to PIH}C #; ~~ ~-~". -¡'" t,-' , . ~ ., ./. ,~µ?J.i: . ",,' .' . tt'1 >, 0.. . "'W'4 H_ .". U "\04,, =~... ,.... C ~. " ~§i r4.S ..... ~~~ .=' .. :''8 iø.~ "IQ" x...... .5 s .. r-4 "'8~ !~~ ...t () \.4 ..... o~s ~5... ......0 :II: ø.~ ",.,rch 10, 19R? proceed with the constrüction documents. III' ::;t,1t('d that CO~5t,,1 Engineering would bc willing to put to~cthcr the construction documents, adding that it is " vcry gracious offer. lie stated that it 15 l'' {' Sli1[[ ((;C.u,,,,,,(:IIJoLiulI Lt, cH,;CCIJL tile UC[l:t!IIY ur the conccrned Citizens group to expedite the permitting proces~. Mr!'. Charlotte v:e~trni1n, reprpsent.inr¡ the LCi'1gue of Women Voters, stlJted that she' Wi1S concerned if thcre ....·()1I1rl hp dred~lng and if thcrc would be mnrkcrs in the chnnncl for thc snfp pi1R5nqe of hoats. Mr. frc1f1klir ",rl,lf'.:;, repref,entinrJ IVIIII-, ''>'Alton LCðCJue, stðtcd th,'t he Wo1:. 31so con:.:prnr>rj with t.hr, dredr¡ln'J, i'lridln<J th.1t hI;' would r.e opposcd to lhis [ro:7\ ,In ec-ollomir: st.1nc1poin~ .'H) o1n cnvlr()nrncn~,'1 5 t i'I n d po I n t . Mr. Do r r i ]] ;. t .1 If' (~ ~ Ìi. I ~ tI . " !' r n j (' Co t h.':; n eve r i n vol v ¡> d sub 5 t .'H1 t ¡" 1 d:, c~:j i :-.:; .......... :..:..., ._1.1;., .., -. - ~. ... " 1. '- l' , , ,. , . , ~ ~~ ,_. t. ~ ~. r. ; :::" '.: ~ ~ 1 Î"",'C:" ~: l;¡ :- :'1.:) t C:" position t.o j,,:;lJC ,1 fwrnil for tt~e projN't propo~;"d t"Iy th(' "rr>y Corps off ng In e c r s . He St,1t,,¡J th,1t thprc r..1vp. tWl'n i'lltern.,tlves dir,cu5scd, namely, tLc inst.11],1tion 01 f"\ovp,1hl(' (lnrj r.1.;ily m.lÌnt.1In"d n.1viq"tlon,)1 ilids. Ill' st,1tcd \h,lt t~\!'rl' are n"qntl.ltí0n:~ with t~~0 [ìEfI to ,Jctcrminc whi'lt drl!ilS nc('d t.o he r!!f:d'!(·r!. COr.lmi~;siol1l't \';l['1('r ~;t..1ted lI:dl ),.. il":,U,,cr! lidl ~·r. rorrlll '.:,1~ scekinC1 <1uthoriz.1tion to continue the nrqutL'tIQn", to which I"r. Do r r ill r e p 1 i (' d ,., t ( I r r> ,1l I vel y, ,~ d r'i r~ '1 t II ,1' h" ,1 1 ~; ( w.~ n t e d .) 1I tho r I :7 L~ t ion to uti 1 I Z l' t t\!' V () 1 un \ (. (. r :; (' r v ¡ c I' :'. t [) r\ 0 ...·!,.1 t (' \' e r ,I r! d ¡ t Ion ,11 e nq In e (' r I nr¡ or technic.1l 1,,,)[1<. th,)t was nceded to expedite the CjI.1ntlng of the pcrr.llt. Ccrnmls:;ioner PI:'tor ~\ove:\, :;"(,,0n,!('d hy Comr'\Í~:;j( rH'r prown ðnrl ciJrrit:d unilnimou:;]y, th,1t the ncc offic¡'lily rccoqnizc the offering o( ~O~K 008 rÅ~E 279 P.HI (I 7 \ \, '. '.... tî ,0 .. ... :J.'!,,'U. . .,.. . ( .., -.. .. ...... ...... .....c: þ." .¡§i .....6 .,..... ~.., .~ .. :'8 a ø.t, .tI . .. :........ .5. r-4 ...c.... !0'ö ... !f::; '-t:..... 0". ~ oS ... .-4...0 :c ø.-.. aoOK œs PACE 280 Me,rch )0, 19(12 the scrvices of COi15tð1 Engineering, Inc., "nd thnt stùff he directed top roc l' e d wit h the ( eve 1 0 pm en t 0 f t hIs pro f e 1') 1; ion ù 1 as 1; i s t II n c c ð sit relates to ð Scope of services ^~rcement to outline the ðssist~nce to be ~fforded from permit ùcquisition - throu~h construction - ðnd thðt initi~1 efforts be undert~kcn to cxp~dite the project to include modificòtions in scope, contingent on PCC ðpproval. Rf.SOLUTION A7.-)7 nr. Df.SICN"TI:·C Cf:nT"fN f.~rLOYE~;S "S ZONING INVF.STIG^TOH:' Mm CClnp,'.(~TO¡¡;' LTCr.N~;IN\. TNVf.STIG^TOnS - "OOPTF:O. Mr. Terry Virta, Conmunlty Development ^dmlnistrator, stated thùt he i ~ .) " ki n g t he !! C C to .1'J 0 P t iI r ., so 1 uti on d e r. I CJ n ð ti n <J C e r t a i n cmp10ycc3 as zonln~ inv~sti<Ji'1tors ðnd contròctors licensing investi- galors. lie SLltCc! that the lndividLJ.1]~; ilre: Oliver L. C;i'll'!r, Contr.1ct.or~ Llccn"e Investlg,"tor r' y r 0 n ,J. ;. her m ,1 n, ~ II p" r vis 0 r - Z 0 n I n 11 f. n for c em c n t C~1c1rlcs T0;T1.1sino, ;'onln'1 Jnvestlq"'tor ...1 ill 1.1 m í u C 1<, f' r, ;' () :" i "'1 I n v (' 5 t i g ,1 tor nobert r.:t:ly, ZQninrI In'..I1:;tiq.ltor lie state:1 U~.1t thi~sr cnployel's h.1VP unrlprgone the tudning required, ðddln'J that th~ certi rlcat.,s arc nttnrhed to the res?lution. There br.·in'1 no disclJ~;slon, Conn:ssloner ....cnzI'l mO'lf"d, scconded by Commissioner Pistor ,Hid c,1rr.cd un,1n! )usly, thl)t Resolution A2-)7 designnting certain emr1nycps ns zoning inv~stigntors ilnd contractors llccnsinr¡ invc:;tir¡"tors, be "dnpted. P<tq e A ,....' " ...·1, t:J .--- f:: ;,¡¡,.~ ~.~ ~. " I. · :\0 , · ! ~ · ) · ) 04 I · ) ... /-Ill rch 10, 19R2 ~O~1i 068 PACE 288 PETITTON FP-r7-](~, Fan 7..117. ACnf.~ KNOWN A5 Lf\(j(') MAR PMIK LOCATEn ON THE Non'I'!I SIN: OF P¡\N !1M fI\1F:~'I-'f. NElIH r;ULF 1I.",Rf.1Cn ~UI1DIVTSTON - ^rPRCWED 5U£I.1F.CT TO STTPtILflTrONS. Lee Lnynu, Pli'1l1~cr, st~led that this item wns scheduled to be withdrawn due to prohlems with the Utilities Division which h~ve now beon resolved. She said thnt the Engineering repartment has completed their review of the con~;truction dr,1wings ëlnd have recommended ~pprovlll of the construction drawin')s nnd fina! plat with the following stipu1i'1tions: ). That the finéd pJ,1t not he recorded until r<!quircd improvements h,1ve hcen constructed and lIcceptcd or until approved ~ccurity is rcceived and approved. 2. Thill the fln,1l pl,1t not kw recorderj until ð detailerl W<1tcr m~nagcment pl"n h.15 hpen rt'ccived ëlnd .1pproved. Shp ,1150 st,lted thdt ~·r. pprzc~, Utilities fo'an¿HJcr, h(1s tW(¡ stipul.'1tions: 1. Th,1t the P':t i t ioner '5 ,'.1sh ipr Check he df'posl t...d and cashed by the County .1nd ~ih"'n thr fin.1] security Is received hy the CuullLY ror thc ~'('c"rity ^qrcefôcnt WItt) Mr. ßel'zon'g l1rprova1, the chcck will he refunded to the Fnqlneer. ? Th.lt tht~ ,¡l"HCr 1 inps ¡"lIst he In the r Ight-of-w.1Y of the property ð:1rJ not the C·')unty rir¡ht-of-w"y. Chai;mÐn Wimer quesLiannc! i[ the stipul?t:ons were i'1cceptab1e to the petitioner to which ~r. Rerzon repl led ~f[irm~tivply. Chairmðn Wimcr st(1tr~d th.1t the rpcord:; were to reflr>ct tll.,t thl'! p,,·,:itioner ~grees to the st¡pul~tions. r.onmissloncr Pl:;tor l'1o'.'cd, secondpd hy C0mr1\;;s!r;ner Ivenzel "nd carried unanimously, that r~tit!on rp-P?-lr., for ?P? ~cres known ~~ [,"'10 /",lr P,1rk loc.1tt'd on thc t:orth sin" of Pan "·m JlVf'nue nl'.:'Ir Gulf I!.'rbor fl:t.d!\:i;;i0n, be ðpr.(Uvpt! 5Ut,jl'cl La Lhl' I1hov.: mCl\tionerl lour stipul,'tlons. I'M) C 9 -"I ~ ·r ii . \4.p. ~ :s....' ~ ;"'Ii' . ~.I~ ./..8 ::al~ ...,,'.8 (:'. '1'8 ~:j;~ ~.,~ :ì g~ ~~!f~ ~-.. ~.... ':oø. it~ k ,!Pi k 0 ;11: .Øo\04 ;.--'fi~ ~i'1rch 1('\, 1 C)f\? RESOLUTION nÎ-:\P REcOVF.n TNC FUN!"S F:XPf.Nt'ED IW Tnf. COUNTY TO AI1J\'íf. ^ PUBLIC I'oJU];,"NCr: ON LOT 7, PLOCK nl1, UNIT 3, MJ\RCO ISLJ\N[\ - (1t."!o1TLTON LJ\NO CO.) !\OOI'TED. commissioncr W~nzc1 moved, seconded by CommiGsioncr Kruse and carricd unanimously, that Resolution ?7.-3? to recover funds expend~d by the County to abùtc II puh1ic nuisancc on Lot 7, [\lock ~,1, unit 3, f'lðrco Island, (liamilton LiJnd Co.) he adoptE'd. b():!" 068 fA~E æ9 rnqo 10 "'''Hch 10, lCJR? PETITTON TR-rJ-1"'C, .1011N LOHf., RF0Uf.STTNr. " TlmEF: MONTI1 f.XTf.NSTON TO TilE Tf.MrORlInv r¡¡:::,rDENCF. Pr.RMTT ON N J/? OF 1TlICT (,0, !lNTT ')r., r.OLOF.N G"TF. f.;'T~Tr.;. - "PPROVF.D. 7.onin~ Director Perry statC'd that the nee i~ bC'inq (,sked to l"xtend n temporary residence pcrmit for an ðciditlonal six months. l1e Si'1 id thnt, prior to the Poarrl's i'1doption of specific sti'1ndards and time limits, the Ace 0p~roved a temporary permit for a mobile home on September ~, J~IP(). lie rpported lh¡JI. on ^uqu~;t Jl, JORl, the I\oard approved d ~ month pcrmit rur~u0nt to tho: r('~ulatlon that had hecn adopted setting forth U,,' ;.L-'nr],Hd~; ann tlrr,c 1 imits. III' 5 i'1 ¡ d t hat t hi:, perr~it expired on fchru,HY 11, ]Or') at which t!rH' Mr. Lo.....C' Wi'1S ordered by the Zoning st.1ff to r('~'(J''''~ tI:" nohi1e r, .r.é', ~;inco: construrtion h¡'0 not started. ~~ r. [' (' r r y n () t r: ò t! I .1 l /I r. Lo '....l' '~; a l tor n c y, /01 r. Spa r k m i1 n , has r c q u ,~ s t cd a ~ I C x l (' n ~; i 0 " "'.. ~.; i C II, ;¡ ceo r J I n'1 t () cur r (' n t s t " n r] " r d 5 , Ci1nnot c':c:ecd ., month:;. 1'" conrlwJcrJ hy st,1tinr¡ th,1t. St.1ff feels th.Jt sin eel h e p<' lit. i :. ~; é.' r ': r; C ~. i 1 (' t~ .:J r I l' !: .,!'; he c n () n , II (' ~~ i t r :; i II (" e ~~ cpt 12 ë, her 1980 willi no PO!;j:!'.'c ef[rJrl hcin<1 ['1,1rìp to const.ruct ¡, resldencf', that no furLl'{'r ,'xlC'I1:,i"n i:, ·....Jrr.~nlr·'J ¡Jr'! tt'.1t ~·t;.f: r(·cor.['1cn;is den!.-.]. ~\r. Sp.JrKr'.1f\ st'-Itl'd tt'.1t l),P pl.·t!tiof\('r ),,15 :10....· cle,1rcd the lAnd ,1nd has look~d f..-.,r" r.o~dl(' horr,c· ¡.¡,rk for tt,i~; ;'1ohilc' hone hut, r1up. to the ....'inter 5e,1son, th,'re "re no Sp.1C('!". .1V,lil¡lb]('. l1e st,1lf'd that, to his kno\oo'lpdgp, tIJl'!(~ 11.1\'1' I'-:-'..n no cor.p]"ir,t:; frofT', !;urrounrJin1 n e i g 11 b 0 r !; . II!' c.oncludf'd hy inr]\;.:,IIinq ll:.ll ,,or. 1.0....·1' 11.15 h.1d prohlcr.1S o b t ð ¡ n i n (J f! n 1 , 1 (' in' 1 " r; r! n u 10, t I .1:' ., : \ .1 1 t ,. r n '1 t i ", f' r p t. t, (' ,~ () f fin .~ n ~ j n C) ,1 n d rl'C]uest", th,1t the ~CC .1p¡;rO'Je thl' thrf'c r0nth (·y.t0ns!on. Commi,>sionl'r [\ro\o.n !".ov('d t.o qr,lnt the thrf"~ lTiont!; t'xtcn!;lon which Commissioner "istar ~;pcondC'<!. The 1".0 t ion c.H r : f'd un" n ¡ 1'10 U sly t h ð t retltion TH-f1l-jrl-C, .10!H1 Lo....,', rC<juf'!;tin" ,1 U'ree ['1(\:1th extC'nsion to ~o~~ œs PA~£ 291 rMJC J 1 M~~ 068 PACE 292 Mðrch 30, 1982 the tcmpor~ry residence permit on N 1/2 of Tròct hO, unit 2~, Golden Gate Estates, be approyed. POLICY "carTED nf.G^RDING ;,MOKE DETf.CTOnS REL"TING ONLY TO EXISTING ~\ULTJ-rM~Tr.Y lJNTT~ - I\Dnp'fFD. Community Development ~~ministr~tor Vlrtn stðtcd that this report is in response to i! numbcr of concerned priv,"te developments throughout the com~unity in regards to the enforccm~nt of firc codes that nrc now in cxL,tenct> for Collier County. ',e sù id th,n the County "ttorney's office ~ss.stcd in drßft¡n~ n policy whiGh would allow for the placement of h,1ttery powrred smokl'" dct~ctors i!!> oppo!>ed to hardwired smoke detectors ,)~; rC'quired hy the ·odf'. lie stated that the rl"'su1ting chðnge would he much less expen~ive as well as h~ving i'1 mi'1intcnance po 1 icy .1 lor. '1 wit hit i nor r1 e r t 11 a t the y [u f\ C l ¡un ð:; ¡ n t e õ1 t1 cd. Commi!;:;ioncr ''';('r.7.(, I r'1ovpd, s('conded by eo"mlssionl"'r pistor and carried unanimously, th.lt the nce .vJopt the policy rl'ClcHding smoke detectors rc1.1tin'l only to ('xistin., ml.ltj-fMnlly units. LE:^SF. ".Gf~[U"f.NT~~ [IF.TWEEN r.OU,IF.R COtJN'fY EI'S, THF. FLnR^ ;,!IN r-<OTEL (AL DONOVM<) M,[\ Tl1f CI~Y GF t,'"rLF.S nF.:;PfCTIVf.LY FOR fl'S SUr.ST"TION5 - ·UTHOn17F.f' FOP ~Yf("IITTnN There bcir.l no (Jiscus!¡\on, COr:1r1Íssioncr Pro.....n ~oved, seconded hy Com~issioner Wcn7cl and c~rr¡('d lIn~n!~ou51y, th~t th~ pce cx~cute the Lease !>.greenent!. bp.t'.lcen ColI ier Fr,o~; ,1nd Uw Flor,1 Sun I"otel (Al COnOy,1n) .1nd thl~ City of tJ.)ple~; respectively for U"S ~lJhst"tions. p"qe 12 -.- ----- t::J , . .t''Z 0 .. . .., ... u. ...u . 'Þ4 .' ..... .... 'o6JC ). . f§i 4.8 ,.... :..., of. ~ .. :~ aø.t, .,a., 1;'" ... ~5,!! ...C'" 1°'0 ..~... r1 U lot ... Oo6J8 ~.s... ......0 IC Q, 'Þ4 I'1l1rch 10, 19P.2 bOOK 068 rA~f 308 Pf.PORT ON 51'''TUS ('If' I\~IT"'''L SIIF.L1'f.P. M:0IJI~ITTOp,J I\~II" Rf.COMMf.Nt'I\TT()N TO rrWCEED y; 11'11 Tr:^NS I l' !G¡, f:FfOfnfi I\S;,OC 1/",¡¡';D h IT!. '¡'liE NF.\o,' FAC I LITY ^NO "UTIIOn!Z"TION TO F.NTI:n INTO TfMPOnfd1Y "Grn:~:MF:NTS FOR CONTINUED SERV1CE5 WITII THE F:XT5TING n:N^NT M!D TII~~ HUM^NE SOCIETY ¡"lUnING TIIF. MONTI! OF APRIL - /lPP¡¡OVF:D. Mr. ~cil Dorrill, Public So1fcty "dministrator, 5tated th,llt the County intends to close on t~e acquiaition of the animal shelter property on or <1bout "pril 1, l~r?, adding that the initial survey of the property has heen done to determine whrlt equipment i'lnd nce')s w111 have to he obt~ined. lie reported th~t he was ahle to ncg()tiðt'1 with the owncr of the property for ~cvera1 thousJnd dollars of existing on-sit~ pcr~ona1 property which ranges from lèlrgc freezers to hoses, fences, and vèlriou~ cqulpn0nc. lie stiJtl'd th,1t the County anticipates moving in iHound t.he fir:a of ~'<1Y, clrlding that there is an existing tenðnt there now th.1t h.1S in:lir."ted.:1 drsirr to stilY for one month hased on c1 rent.:11 o1qrccm<:<nt for th,1t time. fie concludpcJ hy st.1tinq that he is il1:;0 .1~kinC\ for .ltJthorlz.1tion to entl'r into a revised i1grN'ment with the f'lJn,lne :~(H'ipty ~or one fin,-,l nonth of ~crvice until the County c~n move to the nc~ f~cility. Comnissio:1cr \'ipnzel nO'Jed, 5cconrjerl hy Comni;'5ior.er nrown, that the staff proceed with tri1nsition efforts o1ssoci·1tl'rj with the new f "c i 1 i t y ð n d ,1 U t h" r i z c 1 t i ,1 n to f'! n t c r i n tot em po r 01 r Y ,VI r (' e men t s for continued ~;erviel's with th(' (·xistin'J tcn,1nt "nò th~ lIum.:1nc> Society during the month o( ^pril. ~rs. P,1tricio1 Pilcher, r¡osident of N.1plc>s, qucstioncd what typ~ of cuth~n,15¡'1 would be uspd, to ....hlch I"r. ['or rill replied th.1t it is ,1nticip.1tcd th.1t ,1r1 intcrc.lrrlio mUf,<.:ll' r('laxer woulcJ he uscrl which 11'1 an injection thnt 51~rly puts the animal to sleep. I"rs. Pi lcher questioned if the vf'!tcrin,Hi.'I\~; in N,q>le5 rirt' qo(n'1 to do ilnythinq for PlIge 11 t:;:J ¡,tr',·;"-. ~~ t''Z' ;~ 0... r,O+t .... . .' ¡(~', '0": JIlt. 0" I"+t~ . r" :: h .:S +t C 'Ç/ tì ·¡i¡ r4 . C ·.0 ..... ,;-.... - . H .. :'8 i g,~ '.tp . II ~..... ,!I5~ "St: !!~ ..-4 u ~ ... 0"". ¡hS.. ..0 "'~ ~ðrch 10, l~P? the fûcl1Hy, to which Mr. Dorrill stc"lted that tho COI.mty hopes t.o entcr into an a~recmcnt with the local vetcrinarian society to provide ~he County with on-site examinations and medical procedures for the ðn1mð1s. Chairman Wimer stated that the entire Board would be v('ry happy to have Mrs. Pilcher's vo1u~tðry participation in running the shelter and the county would he happy to work with hcr. Upnn call for the c!ucstion, the motion was unanimously carried. ao~,; 068 rA~f ~ PlIqc 14 MDrch :10, 19112 ~o~~ 068 PA~E 3:12 [lID '!iS7 Rf. pf\TNTTt-J{'; nF' TnF: î.O!.f)F:N î.^"F: CO~Ml1NTTY CENTER ^Wf\nDE[J TO Gf.ORGE l-iOOD£lurw r,\T:JTt::~, HIC., TN Tnr. M~('Im~':' t:- t.;'I')~r..(1() Legal notice having been published in the N,1ples Dé\ily NewS on Febru~ry 23 and 7.5, 1987.: ~9 evidenced by f\ffidavit of Publicðtion filed with the Clerk, bids were received for [lid '557 for the painting of the Golden Gntc Community Cp~tcr, until ?:30 P.M., March 17, 19A7.. ~r. Ed Smith, f\õministr"tlvc ServiCl?5 f\dministrator, stated that this item is to ~wðrd nld aSS7 for the: pillnting of the Golden Cate Community Center. CommU;sioner ['i~.tor moved, seconded by COMmissioner f':ruse lInd ci\rried un"nlmously, thcH nid "5<;7 (or the põlntlnq of the Golden Gðte Community CentPr h(' i1\oJ~rdf'd to George \\'oodbury p,1inting, Tnc., in the amount of S?9As.nn, ns rccu~mcndcd by the purch~slng Directc: to be the low bid d c r ð n din the b e ~; tin t ere 5 t 0 f the Co un t y, ê'I n d t h ,) t the Chairm.ln he ,1ut~.ori7.f'd to ~;1';n 'nd the Cler'-: to attest the resulting ð')recm0nt. "'')nlf's ,or this expC'n(!lture hi'lve heen budgeted in the i1mount of SlIooo.on in flJnd IPO-S72-J-H-i1R-nln-II~1, ðccordinq to the executive ~uMmi'lry. REPORT ON ST^TUS (ìf !'lIIìr.f~T nFr./I!Wd!î. M~/I VF.IITr.LF ~"INTP'¡/lIoTf CONTRACT R E TRf\N~~F Ern1 ¡ NG f UN [)~: rr¡('~ vr 11 TC U: ~'/I. ¡ I!TE NM':C F. 0 P FR^ T ¡ Nr. f\CCOtJNT TO C(1NTT:lr.r:~('Y (I('(,()lJI!T~, - l,PI'f10VFO. County "'an~ger Norman st~ted thi'lt he is r~portinq to the BCC the results of hlJ<i'Jf~t i\f")er,c\f")cnU; proposed for tr<'1nsferring funds from vchicle m.:dntcnancc or-eratln') i1CC0unt" to contingency ,1CC'ounts. He stc1tcd that the hurJ(:<:t i'1mendmcnt5 h.1vc been provided to the Fiscal Officer covering trÐ~sfer5 of projected sAvIngs In accordance with the BOi'lrd's policy for the b~lAncc of the current fiscal yeðr. He concluded by st~ting that he 15 ask1n') for ðuthoriz~tlon to trnn~fer these fundr;. Pllqe 15 L"'J ::=J .........-.......... .. . ~i o. ~;¡ . U" ..... .... ... :e §'i .8 .,.... II+J .,8 tIII"8 !O... Do ... ...... 5. ,.. c.... 0"- o Š~ ~. S... ...0 Do~ M/Hch J0, 19R? Commi~5ioncr Wenzel moved, seconded by Commi5~ioncr nrown ðnd carried ~/1, Commissioner Kruse opposed, th~t ~uthorizðtion he granted to transfer fund!' from vehicle maintcn,1ncc opl'r"tinr¡ account!'> to contingency ùccounts rc ^Rf\ Vehicle M"intenance Contract. REVISED Rf\TF:~ FOn DUPLICATING f\ND ~TSTRTRUTTNG f\GfNQf\S FOR ace MF:fTINGS, \':ITI1 Pf\CI~!IC~í-: "^" Cl1f>t\r.fD Tn ~l()o.nn - "rrROVfJ1. County Milnnger Nor~~n stùted th"t he was seeking approvi11 for revising the r,ltes previously ,v\optcc\ i!, [\ücemhC'r of lC)PO for dup1icõting and distributing ngcndas for RCe meetings. He stilted that there is ~ ]~~ incrrnsc in xcroyin~ which is reflected in the new revised rate: ch,1nrJe, .1d(~ing th,lt the eXl'':lJ ivc 3Urm"(Y St.1tCS ~17.('1 for PlICk,1ge """, but thlt he feels thùt this should be ch"n'lE'd to tlOO. There being no dlscu~slan, Com~i5sioner Wenzel moved, se~o~ded by Co~rd5Si, ner f1ro\,n ,1r.d c.lrri,...d \In,'niJ"1ously, th.1t the pee ,1pprclve the revis('rJ ,lnn.;,11 r.lt0~; (or r,1u¡¡jic.1tln') r1nd distrihutirq 'lr~:".:~.l:-; for PCC meetings a~¡ indic,ltC'd t)clo....·: Packi\qe II ¡, II ( J no! (, x ten 1 y) ~1(\(I Pack,1ge " Rt' (f'.x cc . :'ur"n. on 1 y) $175 Pð c ¡·.(1Q C n C" ( I' u] 1 P.1C~:"}(J[') ~;:>P(1 POLICY F.XTrtmrD ¡H~ Pl11 Lrn:r \orf~ r.0:·'putd:rr r[~I'/I!1n\UJT '1'(1 NOT J:'(;UF. "NY I~UIL[)JNG PFn'1T:- ¡:r'F c1:.;r¡.r {,f'~"ILY n".1rn'C[·;. l":r:'p 10('(' ;'(1. fT. OF F!.('\nn !~!'''('1' IWT11. .\1'[,:1. 11, ,nO;! r-'1'IT'~:r - ,.r'r¡¡nVFJ1. ----..---- ., r. pic k \0010 r tI~, C () un t y ,. tt () r n ( y, ~ t;d .' nth .1 t t to.... r P. w I 1 1 b C' an ordin.1nc~ beforc the pce on ~'.lY 1], lCJP.7, rcq.1rdin'l the f,qu,~re footi1~p requirements for sin')!" L1Mily rC'sidc'ncc!;. lie :;,dd thùt, in thp mcanlime, the policy rc ttH' l'uilcJinq Code Cnm['11,1ncf' Dep.1rtmrnt to not issue any buildin') pcrnit5 for ;.in<]]r f(1ml1y residences undcr l(1(ìO sq. [t. of lloor SP,lCC could 1:.<" cxtcnrlf'd \lntll "prill', lr¡P7. bO~~ 068 PACE 313 rl\qe ) r, . t-1 O~ ,~ or4 U'., ~~ i: I. ... I.... I.., c: I. " ~ § Aj '.8 I . or4 : - .., I. ~ ,::'8 'Po'" I Po I. " . or4 ... ~. .... 8= o 5~ +J. 5... ...0 Po\.4 P¡O~~ 068 PACE 31.4 MiHCh 30, 19~7. Commissioner ristor moved, 5ccondcd by CommiZ5ior.~r Brown and carried unanimously, th~t thc policy bc extended rc puildinq Codo Complionce Depnrtmcnt to not 1sGUe any hui1rling permits for single family residenccs under lOOD sq. ft. of floor sp~ce until the April 13, 19f\2, mectin<J. RQUTIN~ RILLS - Pf\ID Pursuant to Resolution 91-150 the following checl.s were issued through FriÒ.JY, ~1,)rcr. 7(" 19P7, In p,lymcnt of routine bills: FUND C!lrCK NOS. -- MoIQUNT County Checks ßCC Payroll ~ ~n5-r)5¡;7 1010-E)249 5fiOO,097.1D '.:291,2FHL51 ßlJDGf." f\MF.rJ[:~\f.NTS P-Î-l77 THP0UGll PI-14<; Fon MJNUI\L MID-YE,\f1 HOtJ~;F.r:f-TPIW~/E\ltJr.I~1' PPl'r)r·p"TTn~ rp~CF~nunFS - f\[~OPTfD --- - commissioner \':cnzel moved, súconded by Commlssioner plstor ðnd c,1rricd un,1nimoué,ly, th.lt th" fol10winq hunqct ¡ m~ndmcnts which arc D p,"\rt ",f t:r". ""'::'~'~l ~'i('-Y"~r "0' ',,.....,,,,:'l;o'J/P1<I'Jr:'': prt>r';-,r.-.tir"ln Proc('r1llr"~1 be i'1rlopted: ",,'OUNT I~U~\['\ F:n rFPM¡n'FN'r IrW~~rp I 1'1' I ON í.fNFI<^[. FtINfJ P2-l n C ire u i t (' 0 u r t .1 u d ') r. c.H 1 ton ( I,: ,1 q C r. ~;.1 1 i) r y) 5 1,lSO ~2-120 Sol id h.,,,te ("'MJl' And Un! forms) 7, :In] pr;M) ,,~!r' [1P ¡ OCf FI)~~D 82-129 Transport'ltion (v:,vJI' 1. Si.lary) P,12f- í. FN F.íUI, I. FUN D P2-11() Circuit Court Jlldll(' r.rous~e,lu (i'lcc:ur,ltely reflect. C'.Hrent p)(penditurp5) 1,A()() ElÎ-l]l County Court ,Tudc¡e IL'ye5 (,1ccurðtel'y' reflect current expenditures) 1, 1 A 4 82-112 County Court Judge Trcttir. (i'lccurlltc1y reflect currcnt L')(p('nr!iturp~) 1, 11 ('I I"lll}O 17 t:1 - ""]1:' _.~---- . oÕ ~,;t:tI ...\.t 0 .. . 0 .., .-4 " CoItI ... U ..,a\.4t1 ....... "'.-4 ......,C '1:' . tI ¡§i ....6 ...-4 t;.~ IIg .. :''8 iØo~ ~" . II z....... s: .~II - r-4 ...C.-4 !o'¿) .... !!P t "'~... O~11 t5... .......0 JC Øo \-0 82-133 82-134 87.-135 82-131; R2-1l7 Ai!-13P A2-119 e7.-1110 82-141 R2-10 £12-] <1"\ \ I'IIHch "10, 19A7. Circuit Court ,Judge ClIrlton (Courtroom mllintenanc:c) (t1ccur¡¡tcly rcflect current expenditures nnd office supplies for cour troom5) 50n Circuit Court ~u~gc C~r1ton (~ccuratc1y reflect currcnt cxpl!nditurcs) 1,45£1 ROf\1î CONf".TIlIJCTTON - ST/lTf rOND:' l07R Tri'1nsporthtion (road riqht-of-wHY [or ~onstruction projects within ~rcond~ry R0t1~5 Section) 550,nO~ nOf\1î r.nNSTPIICTlnt r, (. r; G,/\S Tf\X fllND T r " n " po r t i'1 t ion (r u r c h.1 :; C 0 f c ( mer a ,1 n dun ant i c i - pvtf'cI cxppnditllrcs òurinC'1 1st h month" Pl-P?) TSU:S nF C:IIPJlT rrnr. Cnt-'1'IH,)L [-,UNO ---- Isles o[ c"prl firc (pUrChil51' of tri1nsceiver) tI tJ I r ¡( n II r") Jì 1\ T r n (' IW ~ ~ T Y /I P p, - r. 0 1<' I'. IW V . ---- p]l1nninC) (equi¡Jr:\f'nt pl1rchi\srod fY 19Pn-Pl hlJt not r.1id lInt \ 1 FY l0(')l-é'/, ,'nd 1ner(','s(' CO!;t of ~.1ter i.1l:;). COLL'1"¡1 r(.l1~:TY n'rr:(~r~;('Y r-'!T!C'·.L ~:H~\'TrF.S -- -----.-------.-- - Lr"'crC)C[l'-Y ~'('djc.11 ~~('rv¡('(':~ (rrdlpct pXI'~nditure5 (, n' J :'.1 OJ i n'1 :; r (' :; u 1 t i nrJ (r 0 n '" ~ ". c 0 n t r ,)C" ) G F.!! r P /I t. F I II' r, I'ilrlv; ¡. p,.('[I;ltlon (rrfJect ('Yf!('nditIHC:, ,'no s,'1vi .C):; rc"ldtin') fro:1 ,.!,,/\. c"ntr,v·t) So] i(~ \,·, :;t(' (ref1cct e:,:p,·r.diturl.,s ùnd s'vin'15 r('su] t inq ror. '·P^ ('or.\ r.1ct \ ~'()¡('P p0r,!. r\!~'[ì -~ --.----.- P"otO! 1'001 (r('f1('ct ('x 1ewJiturI'S ,'nd ~;.1vin<)s ! C ::; L; 1 t j n q fro n ,/\ H ^ con t r ,1 r t) POM) !'y!' P P I !'<. r FtJtH' Tr.1n:~.)Ort1tlon fr(,f)f·rt pXIH'r.rliturcs o'In" gi'lvinrJf; rcsuJtinq from f\pl' contrùct) ~D~~ 068 rA~ 315 1,5°0 lion 1,90(! 7,('()O l?, ç::~, 7. 17,P7f. ~o , ~ 1 P 197,721 rlHJO in ~ ~ .~ ''''J'~ , §'.~."II..'~...¡; . . (...,.~~ :s;" ,~ ., 1W;,;': r~l'~ I ...... . , 0 ..z)o ,. t,I'" ,'''. 1:S" ' I.. a ~ii . '. & I·... .., '.8 .:'8 Ig,~ I~ = .~ .! 48t: !!~ ~ 0 .. ... )~ . ;S ~ 2 ~~ 67.-144 62-145 Mðrch 30, 1982 ðO~K 068 rA~E 316 r.r.!H:n^L FUNO Civil úcfcn~c (tr~nsfcr for equipment purchðscd at c!I lowcr than ilntlcip,')tcr! amount) 1,000 Circuit Court Judge Cðrlton (Courtroom ~aintcnancc) (accurately rcf1rct currcnt expenditures for courtroom maintenance and oper~tion) 1,000 P~q c 1 ~ -- r=:3 · t:~ ""'0» 0+-1...-1 , U II '~e U ....,...11 ...-IIA... .-4...-1 ...-I+-IC þe" ....ce.c: :§:I .-4e8 ¡¡IO...-I ~:a~ ,,::I .. :'8 iø.~ "." :1:...-1"- .c: m+'S .. .... ...c..... ~o~ ~ t( ... ...-ICU "".......... 0+'6 ... C U...-I).o -4...0 ::a: 0..... ,.."'''".,o'.........~'_....-_, M,'Hch 3('\, 19117. MR. nONf\l,D L. ,.,F::'f,RVE 1\PPOTNTED HF:GULM1 Mr.fo'£\f.R FOR TWn-yr.f\n Tf.RM EXPIRING 12/Jl/nl TO GOLDE~ G"TE FTRF. CONTROL DISTRICT "DVI~ORY CO~"'ITTEE - "prRnVED 1\s recommended by "dministrAtive "ide SpAu1din'), Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded hy Commissioner ristor i'1nd ccHricd unanimously, that Mr. Ronald L. ~c5erve he i'1ppointcd i'1 rcquli'1r member for A two-ypar term, expiring on December 31, 19P.:', to the Golden Gate Fire control District ^dvisory Committee. MRS. 1'ERRY ANNF~ ~l\RTTN RE',PPOTNTED TO ^ 1ì·'('-YE¡\f1 TFRM f.XPTRtNG 12/:'1/1":' !lND Mr<. WtLLIM\ KF:ITII l\PPOTNTf:D M; REí.ULl\R ~\F:r-'·rH:R fOR" TWO-YE"R Tf.R'" EXPIRING 17/l1/111 TU G()LD[N Gl\TF CCWMUt!ITY n:NTEI1 MW[:-ORY COr~"'ITTF.F:- "PPI10VLD. ---... ^~ rccom~rnrlprl hy "cl~ln\~tr~tlvp "ide spauldinq, Commissioner Plstor moved, spconded by Com~i~~ioner Kruse and cnrried unanim0usly, that Mrs. Terry "nne ~Artin h0 rr~ppolnted to ~ two-year term, expiring 12/31/"3, to thv Golden Gate COMmunity Center "dvi~ory Committee an~ tt1i\t ~\r. Willi.~fT1 Feith he ;Ippolnte>r] ,1!; a rc')u)..,r mcrher for ,1 twO-YPiH term expiring 17/11/P1 to the GC',Jden G,1te> Commu:dty Center l\(\\,isor/ Committee. MRS. F:VF:LYN S1IF:I'LY !'.I~r> roll1. Rl>.Y ,','·Rn0LL I1F"l'r011ITrC ,..s nrGlJu.n 1"r"'PrIH; Fan TWO-Y!::!'H Trp~1~; EXPIH1tJG 17/11/r3 TO TIIF CCllorfr f11n: COWfHOL DI~;TPTC:T MWT~;('rY C('n'¡TTf~l: - "'.pf'pnVFT. "5 reco~mender! hy fldrnini:-;tri,t.ive> ^id!' Sr,1uldinq, Commir.r.ioner Brown fT1ovcd, ~;f'conr (?d hy COr1mi:;~;i()n('r Plr,tor .1nd c,1rri,'(\ \In,1nlr1o\l~ly, that M~5. f:velyn Shealy .1,,<1 r-'r. n'1Y C/1rro11 hC' rCJppoj;)ted for two-YCIH terms, expiring 1Î/1l/£'3, to the> nchor'ce rlr(' Control District fldvlfiory Committee. ,....n. FfìM1K PICII "rroHITFr "S RfGUr.,..H "'f:~')rI1 ,.,'TTII ^ Tf:l1~ fXPTR"TION OF 7./?f'./pt¡, TO FULFILL ¡m: Trrw. rF ~·.H. \·iTLt.TN' ~rí.n"TII, 1'0 Tile CO¡'l:'T"L MH:^ PI.^NNP,:(; (,(""·~'I~~;·TnN - ¡\prIH)vr·p. !l5 rccommenrlC'rl hy l>(\mlnlstrntlvn "irlr SrJu1rlln~, Commissioner aOOK 068 PA~t 33 7 rll<] 0 ~o f.·J···.I..,;., . ,~~'>', ; ,[:.,-~ ,.fj,.. " . '.~ . ~'2 li~ .~ \0411 ... ~ ...... ..~s: .a.1I ii1i ....8 è.... t:-t II=' .. :'8 i Øo~ ...,.., ;1;...... s:: .Ø& . r-I kC'" !O~ ...~~ \o4~..c oø s ù5... ""...0 ;I; 0...... !'larch 30, 1901. &OO~ 068 P~Ct 33B ~rown moved, secondcd by Chairman Wimer, that ~r. R. H. 1immermðn, first alternate, bc moved into a regular member status and he appointed to fill the t~rm of Mr. willi~m ~cGrðth, which expires on February 7.B, 19B 1\. ChDlrman Wimef qu~~tioncd if this W8S the noard's policy to which ^dministf.Jtive ^ide Spaulding replierl th"t ðltl~rnùtc5 IIfC to move into fegl\liH membl'( stðtu~-; positions .:IS soon .15 therc is a resign,1tion. Commissioner Wcnzel stilted that he (elt th~t ~r. FranK pich should be the ono to move up ,15 he is the oldest Mcmber <1S h:.l5 a1rcêldy served on the BOil rò . Commissioner ~Istar agreed with Com~issioner Wenzel rcqùrding Mr. nich. Commissioner rrawn .....ithdrrw his 1'10tion Ðnd Ch<'l.'rmðr. \.¡imer withdrew his second. Commissioner Y:('n7.('\ moved, ~('r.ondcd hy Commissioner pistor and carried r1/l, Commissioner ¡<rusc oPpos.:d, I:h"t "'·r. Frank Rich be appointed to fulfill ~he term of Mr. '.'1!llio1!11 r-<cGr"th, which expires on. Fehruary 28, 19f1~, .1nù that ~r. n. 1\. Zimmrrm/ln r('main the alternate. MR. ROßfRT Df.VILLF: "N~ ~\R. DF:L :,TF:ICfR\':/\LD Hf^PN)!NTE!" FOH TWO-YEAR TfRMS EXPInlNG ON Il/Jf1/PJ TO Tllf. FOO{) fSTf\r.LISII~'ENT r¡¡::VI¡:;"; BO!\I~D - "prnOVF.D. As recomm~ndcd hy Grace Sp~uldin~, ~mini~tr~tive Aide to the Board, Comn1Ìssioner ","enzel £:1o\lcd, seconded hy Conr'¡!;sloner pistor .1nd c"rr1ed un.\nlmously, tn.:lt Mr. noh l'1evill" o1r;o I-'r. reI Steiqerwa1d he reappointed as re~ulfi: mC£:1hers for two-yp~r terms, ('xpirin~ on 11/JO/f1:1, to t~;c f::Jc:~ F:~'~.lt~li5~'m"nt p"v\.-.w ¡~o"rd. rc'''] c n - ==.1 ~. ""',c.·...·".· f'.. .. I ~ {i;:;,,', í~';-< ..~:...,...-ò ~., ...- CI ..'~ O~ ...,+,0r4 ;"; U .. .;". u ...,..... ... W ... rt'" ,'-.4., C A." ~..c ~§:11 !w5 e0r4 .."~ ..:s .. :,f'E i ø.~ .tl . " X0r4... .5 S .. r-4 ...C0r4 !O~ ... !!9 ~ ,...::.... o~. t~... ......0 :II: ø. '"' ~'(lrch :10, 19A7. CEnTIFIC^TfS OF CORRF:CTION TO THf. T^X ROLLS f\S SUP-/-ITTTF:D IW THf. PROPf.RTY ^PPR^ISf.R'S OFFICE - f\UTIWR!7.FT) 1'0(1 cllf\YRr-'f\N'S rXf.ctJTTON Commissioncr Wenzel moved, sccondeci by Commissioner pistor and cDrricd unanimously, that th~ followinq ccrtific~tcs of Correction to the Ti'1X Rolls as submitted by the Property ^pprðiser's Office be authorized for execution by the Chairman: 19A1 Tf\X ROLL TIING Tf\r.F: pF.(1~ONf\L rf10Pf:RTY D^TES NUMBER:' -- "124/82 19~1-l2S, 1:?~ h 17.7 EXTRf\ Gf\IN TIMf APPRO ~n F(,\11 fN~^Tr. I,O\R] Commissioner pistor moved, secon¿cd by Commissioner Kruse ðnd carried unÐni~ou~ly, th~t extrn qain ti~c of three days be approved for r~ollicr County ';,111 111111..tl: ;:;::111"', <.:~L~':J¡¡[¡},ir,rJ d IIUW [CJc"sc ddlt;> o[ ^pril 8, 1911:;>, as rC'c¡u0stcò by Sheriff por¡C'rs. Lf\KF: TP¡"FF0P'C ~~fYC'I1I^L G^I1r.nJS Crt-lETfl1Y I'r:U ft29P "ND a:?99 - "CCEPTEr. Fon RfCORD^TfGN. PlHsu,1nt to action of thp r.oard, ,Jilnu,1ry jn, j07R, whcrcin the Chairm,)n ......J:~ aut!~orizcd to sirJn v,lr;,.IJ~; deed:; to Lakc Tr,1fford ~'cl"lor1.11 Gardens Cemetery lots as the need arises, the f01Jowing Deeds Nos. 2~8 ðnd 299 were recorded and filcd for the rpcorrl. ßO~~ 068 r ,\~¿ 339 r^q~ 2' l \ , ¡ '1 \ " , _.~ . . t:1 \040 0 JJo ...... CJ" "'.u "fM" ...... ....... ......e .ø." -=-,.r:: ,,9~ ....6 "..... ~~~ ,,::s .. :'8 a Øo~ .fop . " ;1:....... s: .!' +I ~ "'5~ !tIØ~ ..r::u "'........ 0+1. ~5... .......0 x 0.'-"' MQK 068 PÂCt 342. Ml\rch )0, 19R;> ~TSCr.!.!.f\N¡':()IJ;' cORRF:SPONTW.Nr.r. - FT LF.D "NO/OR nF.F~ Thcre being no obj~ctlon, th~ Ch~ir directed that the to1lowin~ correspondence be filed and/or referred to the various depDrtment5 ðS Indicðted hclow: 1. Lcttèr dat<:d 3/7.r,/P'7. from John L. "d.:'lm!';, Community Development of 1'1.'ml, Inc. reiteriltinq their desire to help Collier r.ounty take I\dvant.:'lge of several new hlock grl\nt proqr,1mS being tran~(erred from \',',')shington to 1'illlahðssce. xc ~cssrs. ~orm.:'ln .:'Ind Virta. Filed. 7. Letter doted ,,/77/P7 fror.' ~rs. F.. \.¡i11iHd (~1i)ri1yn) L¿H<jer opposinq the proposed ordin1nce rcgArdinq the ~ll\dcs Street Lighting, citing the Instl\lll\tlon of too many lights. xc Messrs. Norml\n and Pl\rksdl\lc. Filed. 3. Letter dated 3/77/87 from R0bcrt Grenfell anò Mary W. G r t: n f (' 1 1 f, t ,1 tin') t'1'" i r r .. 01 f, nr1 5 for 0 p po ~ I t I () n toe XCi! V c1 t i 0 [\ permit no. 59.110. xc /,,(!s'¡rs. Norm,1n. p"Hk!:",dalc ilnd Virtil. f i 1 ed . 1\ . Lc t t f' r r1.1 t (' (] . / ') '/ I p. 7 fro m J I rn () n d C a t hip. Cr1 r 5 <lIe 5 t ð tin q the i r 0 p po :;1 t i () n to ,1 pro vis ion ,1 1 \I S f'! for (1 s c h 0 0 ion the site !ndic,1ted hy <1 ~;['Jn on l(1th I'v£>nue f;W. xc r~cssrs. Norman ~nd V!rt~. filed. S. Lc t t c r (J ate d ., / ,) I: / f' i. t rom I S ëI a cD. [. r ,1 n d t, I I r, 0 ire c tor 0 f ¡~usincs:; rcvelopC1cnt of ::mith and Cil]espic ¡:nr¡incers, Tnc., .1.1ck~;onvlllc, r!orid.1, enclo:;ing i1 copy of their GSf\ St(1nr:!~rd form 7S", ~;tatinq th'~y ...·ould llkp t,lds lnforl1101(lon pl,1ccd in " p u h 1 i r. not i c (' n." i I i n r¡ f i 1 (' " sot h.1 t t h (' Y C " n be not i fie d 0 f future engineering project~. xc ~r. Normðn. Filed. (;. Letter rI.Jted 1/1"1/87 [rom lIerm<1n ":;\o:r('n, ~,lyor of fvp.rq1M1cs City, rcqdrcllnq problems f"ncnunterp¡J in pro<)ress of 70J Plan. xc I'1cs:¡(s. NOr~.ln ann P,lrlo,:¡d<11e. Filed. 7. Copy of I"!nut('[¡ of I",Hch 1, 10R2 Environment"l I'dvisory Council ~eetinr¡. Filed. A. Copy of I"inutes of Febru,1ry 7(;, 19f17 p,Hks ,1nrl Recreation f\d v Iso r y I' 0 (! r rJ .1 TvJ r.1 r k s ,., n' r." c r 1'.1 t ion fin ,1 n c it'd :".,1 11 0 c Com T'1 I t tee ¡:-, e c tin '1, "n d cop y 0 f .1 <) en r ,1 for " p r i 1 7., 1 9 ß 2 m C l' t ! n'). F i 1 (' (\ . ') . Le t t e r:; d i'1 t e rl ì / 1 71 A ì 1I n d 1/1 ') / A7 t r 01 n s m i t tin '1 r c po rt 5 fro !\ SL.:phL' \ Î). ¡.'VVII, c.P.;·.., ("ümptrüllcr, rl,jrid.l ~~p::rtmer.t of Tr,"n~port.1ti()n, rC'qarclinq ;,econd,lry 1'rW¡t Fund ,1òvlsinq ("If fin.Jncii11 po~ition on Collier County's rn% portion (Second GilS 1'(1)( _ c,th .1nd (,th ("('nt) through l/ìl/R7 /lnd ?/7P/P7. xc Mr. Giles. Filed. Pðqc 73 c:::J '" y\:yt>' r '!it" t,'-¡': '.W . ;.ft~· h'tl ,'..... !~'O~ ~,ii ... or4 ~ ,g'" I.... U '.... '" " ...... po40r4 .....c A." ~'i ~! , .8 ..0r4 I: I+» ..~ .. :'8 Ii ø.~ _t! . 101 :K0r4'" s: ..... . .... "'8~ !!~ .. 0 '"' or4 0+». ~.s ... .....0 :II: ~'" > '-1:. ':","1 f-' , I \ . fo"Mch 30, 19P7. 10. Latter datcd 1/1B/P2 transmitting report from Stephcn D. Moon, C.P.^., Comptroller, F10riòn Ocpartment of Tr~nspor- tatlon, regarding flnanci~l position at 1/31/P7. of Collier County'!; Trust i'1nd "<Jcney Funds (Pond Fund~). xc /'Ir. Gilcs. Filcd. ll. f\nnuð1 !1eport for FY pO-f\1 for the Southwest "'~ntal Hcðlth l1oiHd. Filed. 17.. Copy of lettcr datcd ~/2?/P7 from Mayor St~n1cY R. RillieK to Govcrnor Grðh.1m enclor-.ing tht:" City of Narle¡:;' resolution (No. 3970) ðppolnting members to the MPO. xc Messrs. Norman é'lnd virta. Filed. 13. petition from re,;ldcnt5 of Tsles of C"prl requesting rcsurfacin~ of cprté'lin public roadwnys on Isles of Capri. xc Messrs. Nor~é'ln and Parksdnle. Filed. Jt1. publ ic ~.crvic(' r.on~is~;ion notice of e.1nccllation of Public IIcùrin'l scheduled for 1/79/£'2 rcqiHdinr¡ ,¡epeal of P¡¡rt IX of Ch~ptcr 7S-l0, Rulps 75-]0.1;n through 75-10.144. Filed. 15. Dcp,"rtnent,11 report from '/C'nt,11 S u mm a r y, 1/:1] I r;> .1 n d 7 I 7 A I r 7 . Health Center, nudget Fi 1 pd. 1/). Dcp.lrtrlCr.t.1l Ileport from Youth ruidilncc, Octotwr 19111 through February )Or? filed. 17. r'.!r,lrtI"'0~t.11 Prport from Lihr,1r'l, lonsolid,1ted, f')eceMhcr 111Pl <lr.d Jðt1IItHY ]Op7. rilerJ. 1 B. Il('p.lrtment'11 p"porL from 1"ur,('urn, r(,CCf'1~)('r 1'JP.1 .1nd .101nu<1ry 19P;;. Fi ed. 19. Pep:,rlMcnt.;,j ppporl fro~ r,lrk~ (-. Prcr('.,tlon, .J....nuary 1(¡R7 ¿)nò Fcbru~ry lOP:? filed, 7.n. I>cp,lrtmC'nt;,l I)epûrt from t h r 0 uq h F d) r u ,1 r y 1 0 f' 7 . ;'oc I" 1 Fi 1 ('rJ . : e r vie (~ S, (1c to her 1 C) R 1 :71. r>cp.1rtrH'nt,.,1 f'f'port froT" V(·tcr,1n~; ¡\ff.1Ir!õ, .1,1nu.1ry l<:ln? nnd Febru,uy j'1P:? Fil!,d. ST"rr DTfn:CTf.[' T0 FJ!:r ~;lIITtll'I.I' ÞNn f'P("!,~'n !'1·r.ILJTY ¡\~:f" Lr~("'T'H N rnp ",GRICULTlIT;f. rJFr¡\\¡H'Ftn r..~, :,['/.('1' NLLr~; Fe'! '!'II·· ~-T¡\TI: "'iTcPt,'EïS' OFFIn". "'r. Don rellecr:lii,1, ^5~i5l,1nt St,1leS fottorl1cy, !>tat<~d thl\t hi!; purpose before t.he [\CC: Ir; the proposi\l of the expansion of thC! St.:1l£" Attorney's office, notinq th.lt ,15 of .1uly, 1'1f'7, they will h.,ve expc'icnced i'ln fin,. fJrowlh. f\150, he s.,ld th.,t .1n JR~ ~;yst('m Six word proccs::or h,1~ br-cn .1ddl,¡ which lJtlll7.C5.1 lot of space. tie stlllC!1 thðt fMD~ 068 rA~l343 PðC]~ 2" \ \ · ÞOa oÖ , ... II '"'0" 0.....-4 uti þ~~ ...... .....-4 .......~ .a." ",-'= .,s- rot.s ..,~ ~-t II::! .. :'8 aø.~ .,.., :1:.-4... .5. .. r-4 ...~.-4 iO~ .= 1:10... .-leu \.t....-4 0.... S ...~ u.-4... ......0 :I: ø.~ Mðrch 30, 1907. P¡O~~ 008 PÂCE 344- on July 1, thcr~ will be one investigDtor and three clerical per~onncl Dddcd. 1I~ r~iter~t('(1 th¡lt in October of 19f\2 the Gtaff will be incre<1sed élgain. lie reported that in 1979, space became an issue which beCJDn the involvement of the County's expansion progròm. lie stêlted that in ð letter to County Managel Norman on March 12, 19R1, the issue ('If remodcling tr~ St¡¡te f\ttorney's office WðS i1r1dressed, adding that in thilt l(~ttcr /'Ir. [)'^lessi1ncJro, St,1tc f\ttorn('y, st/ltcd that when the present complex W.15 constructed the v,1rious con!,titLltlon,1l officers w,,)rc (1sked to give their rresent necds and projected rcquirements. lie statcd th"t hl~ off!ce ~òvc eX/lct flqurc5 for the yei1r 1979 and 19BO wlt.h reg,Hd to util1z,1tion ot sp,lce. Pc rcportcr> thðt thl5 letter wcnt on to reJd th,1t the flCe, ,1t th,lt tl!':1c, mentioned th.1t. 5hould .1nd would the future nee'J~; of the :;t.Jtf' f\ttorncY'5 office increase beyond their projected needs, the ^'lriculturc section of the fourth floor .....ould be taken over .15 well iJS the puh1ic f)cfCI,dcrs officI.' if such need w"g warranl.cd. II c ~; tat e d t h,) t, a t t h.1 t. t i me, the 1 55 U e w,'! 5 (i r s t. addrc5Scd, ¿¡ddin'l th.Jt It ultlr:-.,ltely led to the r-o,H:"h 21\, 19R1, meeting whereby t.he [Ice ,1ppro'/cd thf' rcmodelinq of the StJtc l<ttorncy's offil.:e to better util ize the ~;F,lC~ ,1nd <lrJd pcr!;onn,~1 which cost approximl'ltely ~7,()n(1. lIe :;tatcd that ,1t t.he t-',1rch 7/, lC)f11 m.:,ctln'l he reported that the rc~ode1in'J .....ould suffice for t1nother ye..,r, a'1~ln'1 that it Is Idmost ,1 Yf'iH to the day th,1t he is rcq\J(>~,tinr¡ another pxpan"ion. He rcported th.1t on f'ecl'mber 7, 19R1, they rf'modeled iFI"in hy simply removing ð we,ll to double up personnel. 1\e sidd thi'lt, on Fehru,HY 10, 19f17., ð letter W,1S ùddrL'sscd to Chairman 'o"imcr ,1nd th~ mem!>~rs of t.he C0mmls!'.i0n from l"r. DII\1e~;5andro st.'\tln'l the rroif'cted st,ltf increase throll'lh ,luly 1, ]9('17, wl1er!.'ln he speclfiC,"11y ;f'<]ucstf'd t.h,1t. p,'<)O 25 --. ~ :.}; \1"" :;,. r:i ~'O ~ 0........ fþ'~ ~ ........" .....~ ........ ...~s:: ¡:J." ......c f§~ ro4.§ II.,..... ts~~ II:S .. ::» '8 iø.~ "." :1:....,.. .c .~8 . .... ~S::"'" i°"¿; ~ bØ~ ...s::u ............. ° ~ I! ::¡~,.. ...~O :I: ø. '"' MDrch "\(1, lCJR2 considecðtion be given to the pcevious ngceement of 197^ for the expansion into the f\griculture spoJCc. 11(' stated that, ''JS result of this, a lctter was rCGeived on Mi'lrch ^, 19?7. fcom County !l.ðnngcC NormDn indicating thût they were ðskinq (oc a ~(,~ incrci'lse in hvailðhlc spac~ which was tight and asKing that variO'1S pI (Ins be explored ¡,nd submitted to him. .!C indicðtcd th"t, on ,....1rch 15, loq?, .:I letter with proposed plans Wð5 sent hack to Mr. Normnn, adding that !l.r. Norm~n replied to thðt letter on f'.HCh 17, l'JR?, stòtlng th.)l rcrerc~ncc W.:\5 marle to an executive summi'1ry going into cost fcasihility of the proposal would be prep,Heò by I","y 1, 19Pí'. lie stòted thùt f-Ir. Normi'ln's letter concludp.d by snylng that the ~tðte Attorney is in an ,miable position of being ahle to expand t,\s star rand opcr"tlon at a time whcn most of us arc far.cù with employce freezes. lie [;,1id tr.1t. In a letter of "'¡Hch 2'., 19£12 thE> incorl~,\sl.cncy ....<1~; cxpl<lin('rJ ,1nd th(' b,1Cy,(' rounrJ for the near. of expandinCj the offir:c W,l:; (1ddrP'S[;('d, o1(Jdl~'~ th.1t ~·r. \'.'Ir.'\er scnt i'1 r,1Cr.'\O regucstln'l U,¡.,:" \.l,e ~~,¡t~ /lttorr1cy'S off\~(' meet \,¡Ith I"r. Norm.ln to discuss th~ rroblcn .1rlr! to try to ...:ork thp. :;ltU.ltio;"' out. Mr. rellcccr,l,1 rt'I'ul'-"'¡ ~~;~~ r01J;'" cO\Jnty 15 not thf' only Cour,ty that they have h,)(j to M:;k lor arJdit!0n.1l ~'·r;'c(', Mldin') th,1t It Is nrL the only County ....,ith <Jro....·th '.n tt'r~ 70th Ju,!ici.11 CIrcuit. lie rC'portf'<Ì thilt In l<)PO the lIer,dry County Conrëis~;jon providp<Ì twttcr th,1n i) Ion'! inc((~asC' In :'P,)cC' ð:lrJ t.h,1t Ch.1rlottr:- County provIded 7.i'r,p !';f1u.1rl' teet in 1 9 f\ 1 . i I c s" I d t t~ ,1 t ,1 t" s k for' I' h.1:; top C' n !" (' t up ¡ n C1 a r lot t I: Co un t y ð n d, wit h t h l' " d d (' d ~; P " ': e i n Co I 1 i pre 0 \I r. t y, !" U C h " t a s y, lor c e c () u 1 d (llso ~e ~ct up appt0priately. III' ~;t.1ted th.lt LeI' County provlderl .1n "d d I t ion."J 1 1 r, t, () ;, <1 Ul ref l' a tin ro'" r c h, J n r i' . I~(' f('porlpd th.lt there have been t""<) pl,1ns di~V!scd rC''l.lrdlnCJ t.he 1r,'t, incrl'lI[;" In Sp,1CC, ·...~th reference to tr.c ut111i..1tlon ilnd rC'!'1od('I\!\'1 of the rqrlcu1ture o~p"r tmcnt. Be s tat cd t h ð t the p' " r I' t ...·0 !'; c t 5 0 I pro po s ¡I 1 5, 0 n (! t h I1l ~OOK œa fACt 345 rnlJe! '1" ¡ \ \ \ \ ...... · t1 10 ~ ..,.... .0'. ~. 0 I'" " .. k ..... I.., c: .. " pD'i '.8 r ..... ..... 4 U ~=' ..'8 1C30t, t . " Ii.... ... s:: ~.., .!! ..C.... !O~ 04!!P~ .. ~.... ~.... ~5 ... -4...0 II: Øo-.. ~oc~ 068 PACE 34" foIlIrch 30, 19A2 is bcin') rccommf'n(\NI o'Inrl the other which could suit the necdg. lie ~t~tcd th~t o~e propo~~l c~11~ for the entire remodeling of the f\qricu1ture Department which would housc six i~ttorncys, si:< sccrct~ries, A mag c"r(\ mi'1chine and a small reception area. lie reported that the sccond proposal takes over 75\ of the f\griculture Department dnd hat> lcft .) shlJred-3p,'CC pL,n for the County. u<' st.1tcd that the sccon~ plan would sufficc on July l, ~ut with the addition of onc morc attorney within ~ ~onthS aftcr the move would mean comin~ back beforc the ecc for additional space. He stated :hat the essential needs relate to clerical pcr~;onncl, adding that currently two attorney~ share ~n office, two invcstigators share an office, and two interns, who have been with the f,tate ^ttorncy's office for a ypðr, do not have a desk. He stated that he realizcs that he Is i'1sking the I3CC to evict D very important agency, hut the Stðtc Attorney's office docs have to funrtlnn ~nrl th0 sracc Is n{'c~crl. Chairn,1n Wimer ~¡t,1ted thilt, in summary, tne space is needed and the State ^ttor'lcy'" office wants to move into the ¡.griculturc DepartmclIt .,nd it Is nl2'ce"S,HY to find r1 new home for the "qriculture DL'pa r tr.-.cn t . Comnissioner Prown inquired if this is the fastest growinCJ arm of the government, to which ~r. Pellecchia replied affirmatively, addinCJ th.'t last YCiH they w'~nt from (,() po~itlons to <)<' ,1nd anticipate £In additional 70 positions tnis ye,H. Com~i5sioncr Prown stated th~t he did not llkc to see the /lqriculture r(!r.Htmcnt !-;qucc7.cd out and questioned why come of the work could not be contri'1ctcd out, to which "'r. r'ellcccÌli..J rLïJliL'ci tÌlrit (he Stille ;\ttorneyt~, officc i~ rc~triclt:ù by law (rom hiring outside attorncy5. County ~~n~qcr ~orman stated that ~r. Prawn, the hend of the ^griculture Depðrtmcnt, has bean very cooperntlve in trying to find ð I'ðq co 27 --'" :::J -"' ....., - J,.,"'''....'I,.,'"..,.. ~;~~,t,> .' ¡t.i'/ I~\'", .~ " ,'" .¡',");".' . ~ ~,,/ t'1 ~, o~ r,,¡~ ~... ' ","_U :~~ ., !,;". k [I,:::: ~ A." f§i i.....8 ...... t;~~ .,::s .. :'8 ¡ g,~ I·" ....... .5. .. r-4 k8.... I ... 'õ rot _... "S::U ""........ o~ . ~~ ... .......0 :w: Øo~ M¡Hch :\0, 19f\2 ncw location. He reported th"t the neW plans for the cxpðnslon calls for the Statc ^ttorncy's office to occupy onc comp1cte floor ~nd p~rt of ðnother, adding th,)t the f\griculture Department would still occupy ðbout the same amount of space. lie said thê\t, it the new building proC)r.)m <Joes forward, thprc would be II ncod to locate the ^gricu1ture ~pðrtmp.nt for two ycòr5 unles~ they are pcrm"nently relocated which is not in the present plans. Commissioner Wimer stð~~d th~t a motion wa~ needed to instruct Stðff to il~mcèiDlely find ð suitable ðnò prorer 10cðt!on lInd f,1cil1ties for the !'.griculturc ['(:partm"nt ñnd to work IIT,mcdii'1tcly with the Stðte Attcrncy's ofCicc for the transition into the vacated space, to whirh Commissioner Brown mo\¡,'d, ~;ccoI1'1('cJ hy Conr:dssioncr ¡<ruse an·j carried un(\nimvusly. ~ ~ . !'- .. There hein'] no flJrt~1f'! hu::;lnecs for the ')00-1 of the County, thp mcctinC] ·,;.~S ,"\dj(¡lJ~r.;.d hy or'!,-r cf the Ch:dr - TIr:1r 10:~r !'..r-'. nOMUJ (\F C0\)~,'I"{ C01'11'1 I so; TnNFn~;/f:X OFF]CIO GOVF.PtiTtJr. R(')!,pr(~;) OF ;PF:CIf\L DI~;TRlr.TS I "JlìEr, IT:' C(JrJTPOL c£~~ c~-- H\ ~.;, \~ I-'¡:,n, C:¡;',II\/.',"',~ J . " ^pril 11, 1< '12 /IS Thet;'~ m{nutc~ hy thC" rr.c on presented x or a:.; cU[!l'cL...d .--- .- --- Boa~ 068 FASt 347 ?MJ~ 'A