BCC Minutes 05/11/1982 R \ ~"":""----- ! , I I ----.....--. -----.--- ---- -_.--- -'-- Naplea, Florida, May 11, 1982 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that tho Board of County Commissioners in arod for t.he County of Collier, and also acting a& the Board of zoning ~ppeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in Regul~r Session in Buildng -F- of the Courthouse Complex, East Naples, Florida with the following members present! C. R. -Russ· wimer Mary-Frances Kruse CI1AIRM^N: VICE CHAIRM^NI John ^. pistor Clifford \'Ienzel David C. Brown "'.50 PRESENT: William J. Reag21n, Clerk James C. GIles, Fiscal Officer¡ Elinor M. Skinner and Maureen Kenyon (10:20 ^.M.), ['cputy Clerks; Donald A. pickworth, County Attorney; C. William Norman, County Manager; Terry 'lirta, Community Development Director; Jeffor': Perry, Zoning Director; Clifford BarkGdale, Public Works Administrator Irving Borzon, Utilities Ml'lnager; MiChael Kloehn, planning Director; Nei~ Oorri11, Public Safety Administrðtor Lee Layne and Terry CIIH\(, Planners; Martha Sk.inner, social Sorvices Director¡ Donald Norton, Public Servi~er. Administrator; Reginald Brown, County Agricultural ~gent; Grace Spaulding, Administrative ^ide to the Board; and ~puty Chief Raymond Darnett, Sher1ff'~ Department. pag CI 1 t.O~~ r~ rA~i 693 :__--------- ------ - - -r--- -'"-<' ---- - - - --- - - - - - - - - -.. ., 'I" ,.' . ,," 1_ _ - - - -- - - - - - - - - ~~- .-:.'.:...~ - _:.~- --.--- - .._.~ - - - -_.:.- -- ~OQ ( G68 PACt 698 Ma y 11, 1982 ~GENDA - APPROVED "S "MENDED Commis5ioner pistor movod, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that the agenda be approved with the following changes! a. Discussion of several items re bond issue ðdded to County A~torney's report. b. Discussion re County Attorney's memo to BCC re retainer added. c. 9-A(2) Resolution to recover funds expended by the County to abate public nuisance on Lot 14, Unit 8, Block 281, Marco Island - Withdrawn by staff request. d. 9-B(3) Discussion re relocation site for North Naples Firo Control District station - Continued for two weeks. MINUTES OF BCe MEETINGS ~/13 AND 4/20/82 ^ND SPECI^L MEETING OF 4/29/82 - APPROVED ^S rnr.SENTf.D Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unani~ously, that the minutes of the Bce meetings of 4/13 and 4/20/82 be approved as presented. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor ðnd carried unanimour.ly, that the minutes of the BCC Special Meeting of ~/29/82 be approved as presented. PROCLAM^TION DESIGN^TING ~^Y, 1'JA2 ^5 M3W^ ;,CIIOL^RSHIP ~ONTH - ADOPTED Commissioner Kruse read the proclamation and Commissioncr Wenzel mo~ed, seconded by Commissiuner Kruse and carried unanimously, that the procl~mation designating ~ay, 1982 as American BUûincss Womcn's ^sso- ciation Scholarship Month, be adopted. Commissioner Krusc presented t::e proclamation to Mrs. Virginia Magri, I'resident, Gulfshore Chapter of the "BW~. Page 2 ,.- - - - .-. - - - - - - - -- - -- -- --- - -- - - ---..- - - -- - - --- , . I -I " ,,','"1 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- ~)- - ------ ~- --.------ ~o:) ( 068 PACf 700 May 11, 1982 PROCLAMATION DESIGNATING MAY, 1982 AS MENTAL HEALTH MONTH - ADOPTED Commissioner pistor read the proclamation and Commissioner Wenzol moved, 8econd~d by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that the proclamation designating MlIY, 1982 liS Mental Health Month, be adopted. Commissioner pistof presented the proclamation to Rev. Mapes of the Ment~l Health Association of Collier County. Page ) r-~------------------------------_·_----~- , . I ....:,1..:· , ._-----------~~--------------------------- aOQK C68 PACt 702. Mðy ll, 1982 PAYMENTS FOR SOC!^L SERVICES CASES W-~1~5 AND W-950 - APPROVED Commissioner Wenzel moved, Doconded" by Commissioner plstor ðnd carried unanimously, that the pðyments for Social Services Cases W-4145 And W-950, be approved. RESOLUTION 82-53 RE PETITION V-82-fiC, R , L DEVELOPMENT, INC. REQUEST- ING 1\ VARIANCE FROM TilE REQUIREMENTS OF SEC. B, PARAGRAPH 121\(1) OF THE COLLIER COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE WIIIC" RE5TrnCTS THE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES IN ESTABLISHMENTS LOCATED WITIIIN 500 FEET OF AN ESTADLISHED CHURCH - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the N~ples Daily News on Apr 11 25, 1982 ðnd in the Marco Island Eag 1 e on Apr 11 29, 1982 as evidcnced by Affidavits of publication f 11 ed with the Clerk, public hearing was opcned to consider Pc tit ion V-82-6C f il ed by R & [. Dcvelopment, Inc. requesting a variance from the requirements of Section 8, paragraph 12A(1) 'Jf the Collier County zoning Ordinance which restricts the sale of alcoholic beverages in establishments located within 500 feet of an established church. zoning Director Perry referred to the Executive Summary datod 4/29/82 and explained that the petitioner is requesting a variance from the 500 foot distance required between the proposed locati0n vf ð beer ðnd wine license in conjunction with ð proposed restaurðnt ðnd St. Mark.s Episcopal Church on Marco Is121Od. lie explðlned that the Rector of St. Marks Church hc'ls indicllted the Church's position of no objection in the matter. He explained that the Zoning Ordinance requircs that the distance be measured between property boundary lines and not front doors as was tho requirement several years ðgO. He said that the Char,1ber of Commerce Plaza, in which the proposed restaurant is located, pag e 4 -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- -- ----....- ---- - - -------- ----- . . I - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -..- - - - -- May ll, 1 9 8 2 ia approximately 100 feet from tho church property. He clarified that the distance from tho proposed restaurant and the church is approxi- mately 500 feet and that the type of lir.ense being requested is a beer and wine typo and that no -hard· liquor will be sold. He explained that staff has reviewed the request and, although staff finds there are certain competitive hardships, that staff recommends dcnial of the request. ^ttorney James McDonald, representing the petitioner, explained that the proposed restaurant is located to the rear of the condominium unit in the pI ð za lIcross Collier Bo u 1 e v lH d , which is II divided highway, end he requested favorDble consid~ration by the BCC. June SingfH was registered to speak in favor of the petition but declined to speak. Mr. Mike Zewalk spoke In opposition of the petition. Commissioner Kruse stated for the record that if the petition was for a 7-11 store or ð grocery store which sells beer nnd wine the request would not even come under the Zoning Ordinance. Commissioner pistor sðid he felt that the Zoning Ordinance should be reviewed for possible revision. Commisioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commis~ioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that Resolution 82-53 re Petition V-82-~C, be adopted. pag e 5 ¡ I ,:'~ aOQK C68 PACt 703 ~1 ~ -- -------- --- -- -- -- ------...- - - - -- - -: - - - --- "" I .- 1 . ~---~------------------------_._--------- May 11, 1 982 RtSOLUTION 82-54 RE PETITION V--82-7C, MICHAEL J. I'IICELI REOUESTIN(j ~ VARIANCE FROM I'IINIMUM LOT ARr.~ REQUIREMENTS OF ONE ACRE IN -RMF-16", LOCATED ON VANDERBILT DTHVE, SO THAT APPLICANT CAN SUBMIT A REZONE REQUEST - ~DOPTED WITH STIPULATlON Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on ~pril 25, 1982 as evidenced by Affidavit of publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider petition V-82-7C, filed by Michael J. Miceli requesting a variance from minimum lot area requirements of one acre in -RMF-16" located on Vanderbilt Drive so that applicant can submit a rezone request. zoning Director Perry referred to Executive Summary dated 4/29/82 and explained that the petitioner intends to try and rezone the property from -RMF-6" to "RMF-16", however the -RMF-l6" d~strict requires a minimum lot arcl) of one acre. lie said the petitioner has combined four lots with the intention of b u 11 ding upon them as one piece and tha t the property has ð lot area of "3,075 square fcet ðnd is, therefore, ~05 square feet short of the acre minimum. He cxpla ined that the petitIoner was recently succcssful in having the Comprehensive Master Plðn amended to allow ðn increase in the density range to 6.22 to 30 units per acre on his property, and that in January 1982, with the ðdoption of the new ordinðncc, the minimum lot ðreð in -RT-, -RMF..12" and -RMF-16" was ch<1nged to one acrc. He emphasized that this request, if granted, will only allow the petitioner to request a rezoning and that the applicability of the rezoning request to this property is not being considered. He said that staff recommends approval of the petition. Mr. Michael J. Miceli, petitioner, spoke requesting favorable pag e 6 bO~~ C68 rAtt: 707 \ ,--- -..-.- -.. -- -- ~_. .._~ -- - _..- _.- -- -- - - -~ - - ---- -- --- - --- --- - - --- - --. ~ . , . .' " ," ,.'.... -------------------- . , -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -~ --" ~O~ ( CSB rAct: 708 Mð y 1l, 1982 consideration of his request. The following persons spoke in opposition to Petition V-82-7CI Mr. ~nthony J. Maiale, of the Naples Pðck ^roa Association Mr. Charles ~. Miller, Presid~nt, Naples Park ^rea ^ssoc1atlon Mr. George F. Keller, President, Collier County Civic Federation, said he had spoken with members of the Vanderbilt Beach property ~ssociation and that he understands that Mr. Miceli plans to build a two story building that the Vanderbilt Deach Property ~s50ciation is more willing to accept. He said he did not understand why the fact that the pro pe r t y is under the one acre requirement was nQt brought up when the property was discussed previously and he expressed the opinion that the law should b~ <'!dhered to. Respond ing to Chairman Wimer, Mr. Miceli said he was willing to stipulate that the proposed building would be limited to two fitorics. Chairman Wimer clarified that If this petition is approved, Mr. Miceli would be allowed to appoar beforQ the BCC with a requeRt for rezoning. Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried, 4/1, with Commissioner Wenzel opposed, that Resolution 82-54 re petition V-82-7C, filed ~y Michael J. Miceli requesting a variðnce from minimum lot area requirement of one acre in -RMF-l6- District 50 that applicant can submit a rezone request, be adopted, with the stipulation that the building not exceed two stories. Page 7 . ---------------------------------------- , . I '-""'"""''''''- - -..:.... - - - - - -- - - - - - -- -- ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- ~ --' May 11,1982 PETITION V-82-8C, LA PLAYA ASSOCIATES, REQUESTINC ~ VARIANCE FROM THE SIGN REGULATIONS - CONTINUED APPROXIMATF.LY TWO WEEKS Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on April 25, 1982 as evidenced by Affidavit of publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition V-82-8C filed by La Playa Associates requesting a variance from the sign regulations. Zoning Director Perry referred to Executive Summary dated 4/26/82 And explained that the petitioner is requesting a variance from the sign regulations in order to erect two signs, each 15 feet by 8 feet, on the ncw La Playa tower building on Vanderbilt Beach. He said that the La Playð property is currently zoned -RT"¡ that the sign r eg u 1 a - tions pe r m i t a sin<Jle ground 5 i g n a s we 11 as ð wall sign not to exceed 250 square feet; and that the petitioner wishes to place one sign 120 square fcet on the North wall and an identical sign on the South wall of the new tower bulldng. He said that bosed upon the considcrations of the ordinance staff tecommends denial of Petition V-82-dC. Discussion followed regarding a ground sign during which Mr. Perry explained that if the wall signs were permitted any ground sign that is erected on the property would have to comply with the code require- ments. He said he understood that La Playa may be removing the ground sign. Mr. Lee Jones, representing La Plnya, distributcd copies of a picturc of the proposed building with the requested sign to the Commissioners. Hc stated that the petitioner Is aware o[ the sign regulations and fully supports the strict limits on the types "nd size of yround and wall signs. He said that the limitation to one wall sign pag e B P¡OD~ 068 rACt 111 ___ _ .._..___ ___ ___ __ ___.._ --.- -4-:--- ---- - -- -- -- - - -- -- -- -- . " ..' 'I ,. "..'. 0, - - - - - - -..- - - - _..~. -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - --- - - - ------- MQK 068 PACt ·712. Ma y 11, 1 9 8 2 is not appropriate nor justified in thin situation becauso in tho area under discussion the normal property is 100 feet and Lð Playa is three such properties adjacent to one another. Ho referred to the Naples Federal Building where throe wall signs wore allow¿ð, two of which are separately more sign area than the total of the propnsod Lð Playa sign. He described the proposed signs and said that the co~bined total square footage of the two signs would be within the 250 square feet that is allowed by the sign ordinance. He said that no application was made for a ground sign and that the two signs would bo In lIeu of a ground sign. Responding to Commissioner pistor, Mr. Jones said that there are plans to remove the two existing ground signs on the Lð Playa property. Mr. Carl Gilzow, representing Vanderbilt Beach Property Owners' Association, spoke in opposition to the petitIon. During thë ensuing discussion Commissioner Kruse pointed out that the rctltioner could request a sign twice the size of the one requested which would not require Bce approval. Chairman WImer requested that Mr. Jones withdraw the petition and that he go to the Vanderbilt eeach Property Owners' Association; show them the picture of the building and sign and discuss the situation with the ^ssociatlon. Mr. Joneß agrecd to do so. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carrIed 4/1, wIth Commissioner Drown opposed, that Petition V-B2-BC, La Playa Associates, be continued for approximately two weeks. Commissioner Kruse requested that the sign ordinance verbage be revIewed since in some instances two smaller aigns may bo more attractive than what t~.e ordinance now allows. Mr. Perry said staff would look into the matter. Pðq. 9 - - - - - - --- - - - --- - - ---- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- . . I \ I ' : \ L.. - _...:.. - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.. May 11, 19 A 2 PETITION V-82-9C, THOM^S ^. BENKERT, REQUESTING A VARIANCE FROM THE DENSITY LIMITS IN THE -RMF-16- DISTRICT ON ^ LOT ON B^LD E^GLE DRIVE IN OLD MARCO - DENIED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on ~pril 25, 1982 and in the Marco Island Eagle on ^pril 29, 1982 as evidenced by the Affi~avits of publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider potition V-82-9C filed by Thomas A. Benkert requesting a vari~nce from the density limits in the -RMF-16- District on a lot on Bald Eagle Drive in old Marco. Zoning Director Perry explained that the petitioner is requesting a density variance that will alow him to construct 1B units on a multi-lot parcel of land totalling .923 ðcres of -RMF-16- zoned land, o~ which the density limit will allow 14 units to be built. He said it ii the petitioner's contention that the 14 units are not in keeping with the surrounding area which has developed at a grater density level. He referred to the Executive Summary dated 4/2~/B2 which outlines examples of surrounding projects with higher density. He said that staff has reviewed the petition¡ haG not found sufficient hard- ship, and recommcnds denial. Mr. Thomas A. Benkert, the petitioner, stated his proper~y 1n the last multi-family lot in Old Marco and he said the other properties in the area have becn developed at an average of 29 units per acre. He said he was requesting ðpprox1mðtcly 19 unito per ~cre. He said nis proposed building could be built which would provide the required parking and setbacks a~çording to the current zoning and that consid- erably more green area than other area projects have could be provided. Mr. George Keller spoko in opposition to the petition. Commis- pag e 10 M:;~ CSB m,t 713 ~- -- -,---------. I ¡ ~-- ... - - - - .-.~ ...- _. .--.,.-- .- _.- .-? - - - - - - --- - - -- - - - - . - - - - , " I 11 \ . ,.:,', ': ' r . . . 1, . . ,.: I I__------------------~-~~--------------~--- Ma y 11, 198 2 &OQ~ 068 fACt 714 sionor Wenzel moved, seconded by CommIs3ioner pistor ðnd carrIed unanimously that the public hearing be clos~d. Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by CommIssioner Wen%el and carried 4/1, with CommIssioner Wimer opposed, that Petition V-82-9'-C, filed by Thomas ~. Benkert requestIng a variance from the density limits In the -RMF-16- District on a lot in Old Marco, be denIed. RESOLUTION 82-55 RE PETITION PU-82-2-C, RANDALL CRAWFORD, REQUESTING PROVISIONAL USE -b" OF "A-2" Fon EXCAVATION OF 45 ACRES LOCATED IMMEDIATELY EAST OF THE L"NfìFILL ON THE NO~TH SIDE OF ALLIGATOR ALLEY - ADCPTED WITH STlPULI\TIONS. PETITIONER'S AGREEMENT AND FINDING-OF-FACT ACCEPTED FOR TilE RECORD Plðnner Lee Layne expli'dned Petition PU-82-2-C, filed by Randall Crawford requcsting provisional usp. "b- of -1\-2- for excavation of 4S acres located iMmediately caat of the landfill on the north side of Alligator Alley and indicated the location on a map. She said the petition has been reviewed by all concerned County agencies and has been recommended for approval subject to the following stipulationsl ^. Subject to stipulationD of Excavatlon Permit 459.135. B. Final boundaries of excavation ðrea shall be approved by the County Environmcntallst and County Enqinccr prior to submit- tal to to the Board of County Commissioners. Ms. Layne said the petition has been revicwp.d by the County Environmentalist ðnd Mr. Barksdale's office and they have agreed to the outline of the excavation itself and the senGitive areas. She explained that the CAPC held their public hearing ~n April 15, 1981, and, based on their Findinq-of-Fact, recommend cd forwarding PetitIon PU-82-2-C to the BCC for apprQval. Sho said that the petition as submitted in the Executive Summary in the al) end II material of this date should be corrected. She sðid Mr. Craw[ord submItt~d onc 1 eq a 1 rag e 11 . -,- --- ---- --- -- - - - - --- -- -- -- --- - - - - - - - - -- ~ . I ¡ . i I j .' ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - ---' \ Ma y 11, 1 9 R 2 description to the Planning Department and that all the drawings included more property than was submitted in the legal description. She sa~~ Mr. Crawf~rd was acting under one premise and that staff and the ~visory Boards wcrc acting under another premi5e, therefore, for BCC action this date, the pr0perty to be considcrcd would be the southern portion of the propcrty minus Tract 57, which is on the immediate lower east portion of the drawing the Commissioncrs received. She said that the northern properties would be considered at a later date. Responding to Commissioner pistor, Ms. Layne indicated Section 31 development on the map located east of the landfill are~ and she explained that there arc existing 60 foot access oasements through that area that have been recorded. She said the land has been divided into 5 acrc and 2-1/4 acrc lots in the existing rural r~sidenti~l develop- ment and thðt thcrc would be an access rond along the northern bOJndary of I-75 which would give access to 1-75. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Comm' Jioner Kruse, that the hearing be closed. County Manager Norman pointed out that there is a compan ion item for an excavation pormit required. Mr. Flarksdllle stated that Ilt a meeting held on 5/10/B2 his department, the Planning Dopa r tment and the petitioner resolved a po r t ion of the entire excavation permit which can now be issued which will be called Phase I and will track the revised provisional usc petition currently under discussion. lie 52J1d whcn the excavation permit is considered his department will change the recommendation to only permit the southern portion of the petitioner's rcqueat. Upon call for the qucstion, the Page 12 ~o~~ 068 mt 715 ~ - - - -- -- ._- -- -- - - - .- --- -.- --- - - -- .~ ----.---- ------ --- - ------- . ..... " .,'f' ""f·"' ._ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t-.._ -- -- -- -- -- -- --- -'- ----------- MOK C68 PA~t 716 May 11, 1982 ~otion to close the public hearing carried unanimously. Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 4/l, with Commissioner Wenzel opposed, that Resolution 82-55 re Petition PU-82-2-C, Randall crawford, requesting provisional Use -b- of -A-2- for excavation of 45 acros located immediately east of the landfill on the north side of ^l~igator ^lley, be adopted with the aforementioned stipulations and that tho Petitioner's Agreement and the Findi".j-of-Fact be accepted for the record. Page 1) '.-- ------- -------------- ------ --- --.--- ---- , . I ~.....-. II " ,..',.", ._---------------------~-----------------~ &OQ~ 068 PA~t 122 Ma y 11, 1 982 ORDINANCE NO. ~2-35 RE PETITION CP-8l-31C, M^RCO ISL^ND ENGINEERING, REPRESENTING MARCO ISLAND WOODS, INC., REQUESTING A COI'\PREIIENSTVE PL^N LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT FROM AREAS OF ENVIRONMENTAL SENSITIVITY TO AGRICULTURAL FOR ^PPROXIMATELY 17 ACRES LOCATED NORTH OF S. R. 92, APPROX. TW0 MILES WEST OF ROYAL PALM HA~MOCK nOAD - ADOPTED Legal notice havirg been published in the N~ples Daily News 00 April 9, 1982 as evidenced by ^ffidavit of publlcation filed with tho Clerk, public hoaring was opened to consider Petition CP-8l-31C filed by Marco Island Engineering, representing Marco Island Woods, Inc., requesting a Comprehensive P1~n Land Use Element amendment from ^reas of Environmental Sensitivity to Agricultural for approximately 17 acres located north of s. R. 92, approximately two miles west of Royal Palm Hammock Road. planner Terry Clark explained that the petitioner's original request was for an amcndm~nt of 80 acres and th~t upon submission of that request the CPAC felt that on EIS ahou1d be prepared. He said that the petitioner withdrew that petition, worked with County Environmentalist Benedict and the State DNR and prepared an EIS which delineated a 17 acres parcel for the land use amendment request under discussion. He exp10ined that the CAPC considered Petition CP-81-3lC on April 1, 1982 and unanlmou~ly recommcnds approval. Ccmmissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be cloßed. Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 4/1, with Commissioner Wt:,lzcl opposed, that the ordinance as numbered and titled below be adopted and cntered into Ordinance Book No. 151 f'age 14 ,-- - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - -- -- - - -- -------- --- - --,...--- , . I -------- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- --- - - - - - ---- May 11, 1 9 8 2 ORDIN~CE NO. 82-35 ~N ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 79-32, THE COMPREHENSIVE ~L~N FOR COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY AMENDING THE LAND USE ELEMENT WORK STUDY AREA MAP '7 FROM AREAS OF ENVIRONMENTAL SENSITIVITY TO AGRICULTURAL ON THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY! APPROXIMATELY 20 ACRES IN SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 51 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN¡ AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. RES~LUTION 82-56 TO RECOVER FUNDS EXPENDED BY THE COUNTY TO ABATE A PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOT 4, BLOCK 92, UNIT 1, ~ARCO ISLAND, OWNED BY SIDNEY GUDEMAN - ADOPTED Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimously, that Resolution 82-56 to recover funds expended by the County to abate a public nuisance on Lot 4, Block 92, unit 1, Marco Island, owned by Sidney Gudeman, be adopted. Page 15 'O~K 068 P,\Ci 123 , I ¡ I I ~--------------------------------------_. I I l. " --- - - -- - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - ----, MlIY ll, 1982 RESOLUTION e2-57 TO RECOVER FUNDS EXPENDED BY THE COUNTY TO ^B~TE ^ PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOT e, BLOCK 421, UNIT 13, MARCO ISLI\ND, OWNED BY GORDON W. LEE - ADOPTED Commissioncr Wcnzel moved, ~econded by Commissioner Kru~e and carried unanimously, that Resolution 82-57 to recover funds expended by the County to abate a public nuisance on Lot 8, Block 421, Unit 13, Marco Island, owned by Gordon W. Lee, be adopt cd. page 16 &O:¡K OS8 fACt 72.5 - - - -- -- - - ---- --~ - - - - - - -- - --- -~.- --- -- - -- -- - -- '.",'" ... pag e } 7 "\ ' "t- -.- -- - --- -- -- ------ ----- ---- -- -- - - .-- - ----. "'¡ 'J ',,¡ J May 11, 1982 RESOLUTION 82-56 TO RECOVER FUNDS EXPENDED BY THE COUNTY TO ~B~TE ~ PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOT 2, ALOCK 413, UNIT 13, MARCO ISL"ND OWtJED BY MR. W^LTER LIN, \ENSENG INTERNATIONAL - ADOPTED Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimously, that Resolution 82-56 to recover funds oxponded by the County to abate a public nuisance on Lot 2 Block 413, unit 13, Marco Island, ownod by Mr. Walter Lin, \ Enseng International, be adopted. . . ~OCK G68 PALt: 72-7 ~--------------------~~----~~----------_. .' ,- I i I I. .,. 1 . 'r------- ------- - --------. -- -- - - - -- -- ----- - ..-, ;~ :J. Moy 11.1982 . ,: RESOLUTION 82-59 TO RECOVER FUNDS EXPENDED BY THE COUNTY TO ^B~TE ~ PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOT 29, BLOCK 25, UNIT 1, MARCO ISL^ND, OWNED BY NILES MACHINE " WF:LDING - ADOPTED Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimously, that Resolution 82-59 to recover funds expended by the County to abate a public nuisance on tot 29, Block 25, unit 1, Marco Island, owned by Niles Machine" Welding, ba adopted. " pag c 1 B ~o:~ CBS PA~t 71.9 I ]--------------..------ ...------ - .---~~ ---- ----------- ----- ~ ~ . .. # - - - - -- ---. - ---.-------- -------------- ------- Mð y 11, 1 9 8 2 PETITION MP-82-1C, MARVIN MErT, REQUESTING ^ SIDE SETBACK EXCEPTION ON LIVING UNIT 39, UNIT ^, N^PLf.S BATH ^ND TENNIS CLUB - APPROVED Zoning Director Perry e~plðined that petition MP-B2-1C, filed by Marvin Meit is a request for a maximum of 24 inch encroachment into a side yard of his lot in Naples Bath' Tennis Club. He said that the exception to the yard requirements in this development Is brought to the acc because the devclopment is a PUD Zoning District. He refcrred to Exccutive Summary dated 4/23/82 which outlines the minor changes which the BCC can approve under Section 7.27.j, entitled Changes & ^mendments of the PUD District. lie s¡;l1d that staff has revie....ed the considerations in reference to petition MP-~2-lC and finds that none of the provisions of the aforemention Section are violated and that staff recommends approval of the 24 im;l¡ encroachment. Commissioner Pi~tor moved, seconded hy Commissioner Drown and carried unani~ously, that petition MP-82-lC, filed by Marvin Meit for the aforementioned side setback exception, be approved. PETITION TR-82-12-C, CIIARLES J. WILDERSPIN, REQUESTING A TF:MPORARY Rf.SIDENCE PERMIT ON PROPfRTY LOC^TED ON 4TH STREET N.E., fAST OF GOLDEN GATE DOULEVARD AND 5-1/2 ~IL[S [AST or s. R. Q51 - APPROVED Zoning Director Perry explained th~t petition TR-02-12-C, filed by Charles J. Wl1derspin, is a request for ð Temporary Residenco Permit to utilize a travel trailer during construction of ð principal residence on property located on the north ISO' of Tract 64, Unit 14, Golden Gate Estates. Ho stated that staff is satisfied that the petitioner's propcrty, located on 4th Street N.E., east of Golden Gate Boulevard and 5-1/2 miles east of S. R. 951, is of a secluded nature and recommends approval. Page 19 ~o~~ eBB rÅ~ 131 t - - - - - - - - - - - - - -_..- _.... -- -- - - --; - - -- -- ....- - - - -.- .-- -: - - - .-.. - ..-- '",' ·_-~. ~ \ .' \. ...',.'. ------------~._-------~~-----------------~ ~OOK 068 PAGt 132 May 11, 1982 Commissioner Wenzel .m.oved '.. fJeconde.d. _by. _Commi~."!Joner ~~8tOJ (lnd·.,,- carried unanimously, that petition TR-B2-12-C, filed by Charles J. . - Wilderspin, be approved. PETITION TR-62-l3C, JOHN R. SEGROVES, SR., REQUESTING ^ TEMPORARY RESIDENCE PERMIT ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON 14TH AVENUE N.W., 1/2 MILE E~ST OF OAKS BOULEVARD "NO 1-1/2 MILES SOUTII OF NAPLES-IMMOKALEE ROAD - ^PPROVED Zoning Director Perry explëd\"led tnat Petition TR-B2-13C, filed by John R. Segroves, Sr., is a request for a Temporary Residence Permit to utilizc a mobilc homo during construction of a principal residence on property located on Tract 57, Unit 96 of Goldcn G~te Estates. He stated that staff is satisfied that the petitioner's property, located on 14th ^venue N.W., 1/2 mile east of Oak5 Boulevard and 1-1/2 miles south of the Naples-Immokalee Road, is in ð secludcd area and recom- mends approval. Commissioner Wenzel move1, ~cconded by Commissioner P~stor and carried unanimously, thðt petition TA-82-13C, filed by John R. Segroves, Sr., be approved. FP-Bl-23C, FINAL PLAT FOR IIIDE"WAY BEAC!! GOLF COURSE ^['1DITION WHICH REPLATS TRACT Mil- AND "0- AND DLOCI< 19 OF TilE PLAT OF HIDEAWAY BEACH - ^PPROVED Planner Lee ~ayne explained thðt petition FP-Bl-23C is a request for ~ replat of Tracts "AM and "B" and Block 19 of the plat of Hideaw~y Beach. Shc said that the request i5 in conformance with the County Subdivision Regulations ðnd with the PUD documents set forth in Ordinance No. 80-81; that the Engineering Department has reviewed the petition and recommends approval. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and pag. 20 .~ __ _ __ ___ ____ -----~ ___ - -- - ~-----------------:t- , . I I .. -------.------ J I I --.",.._""..-=,~~~ ----------------------. Ma y 11, 1 9 a 2 carried unanimously, that Petition FP-81-23C, Final Plat for Hideaway Beach Golf Course addition which replats Tract -,,- and -S- and Block 19 of the plat of Hideaway Beach, be approved. ~UTHORIZATION TO HIRE A PLANNER III, PLANNER I, AND SECRETARY III TO FULFILL THE STflFF OBLIGATIONS OF 'rUE STAFF SERVICES J\GREEMENT BETWEEN THE BCC AND THE MPO - GRJ\NTF:D Community Development Director Virta explained the request to hire a planner III, Planner I: and Secretary III to fulfill staff obliga- tions of the Staff Services Agreement between the BCC and the MPO was continued from the last DCC meeting to allow the MPO to organize, review and adopt the Staff Scrvices Agceement which has been donc and which provides that Collier County will serve as stoff to the MPO. He asked for authorization from the BCC to est^blish the aforementioned positions. Comml~~ioner Wcnzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that the requested authorization be granted. COLLIER COUNTY DE:ACfI ACCESS STl1DY - ACCf.PTED; \'IORKSHOr TO BE HELD IN TilE FUTURE. COPlr.S OF TI E BEACII ACCrSs STUDY TO BE DISTRIDUTED TO VARIOUS PROPERTY OWNERS' ASSOCIATIONS, NAPLES CHflMBER OF COMMERCE "ND INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS Planning Director Michael Kloehn presented the Be~ch Access Study prepared by the County Planning Department ðt the direction of the BCC and explained thùt the Study is dividcd into the following three parts: 1. ^" inventory of Collier County beach access sites. 2. ~ needs assessmcnt for current and futurc rcsidents and tourista. 3. Recommendations to satisfy bcach access needs. Chairman Wimer sa~1 the BCC could accept the report at thi~ time but that he thollCJht the matter was of sufficient import"nce to warrant PðqO 21 M~~ ~ rA~t 733 -- - - -- - - -.-- - - - -' - - -... - --- - -- - - -- ---- - - - - - -- -- , ,~ , " '..' --.-----, . ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.. _ --11~ _ _'t....-._ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- bOO~ 068 PACt 734- Ma y ll, 1 9 8 2 ð workshop to be scheduled. Commissioner pistor referred to how financos might be obtained to support the recommendations contained in the Beach Access Study and explained he had received telephones calla asking if -bargain sale financing" had been investigated. He said he had been informed that the Trust for Public Lands office to contact regarding such financing was headquartered in San Francisco, and he requestod that information be obtained for use at the workshop. Mr. Kloehn said he had spoken with a stðff person from TPL at the Tallahassee office regarding how that office helps in the purchase of recreational lands. He said the person indicated TPL would be glad to come to Naples and give a presentation and that he would arrange this for tho workshop session. Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse ðnd carried unanimously, that a workshop be scheduled to fully discuss the Beach Access Study. Chairman Wimer requested that copies of the Beach "ccess Study be distributed to various property owners' associations, the Naples Chamber of Commerce and other interested individuals for their information prior to the workshop. Mr. John Dutton said that since the beachcs are "boxed in- he offered his suggestion of an alternative to -get on the outside of Vanderbilt Beach, push up sand, build a smali road down to the ~each and install a parking area" so that all the people of Collier County can have a right to the beach. He requested some action on the beaches. Evelyne Lawmast~r, Vice-President of tho Vanderbilt Beach Property Owner's Association, said the Association has an attorney and she Page 22 -- - - - - - _. - -- -- - - - -- - - -- - - .-- - - - -- - -,.- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- ~ . I ....'<....--...~..._....O<Q..,,-- " " ---------.------------------------------- May 11, 1 982 stated for tho record that she had letters dated Dccembor 4, 1980 statIng the ~ssociationts position. She said she had purchased a copy of the Beach Access Study and sho feels the main point in tho study is the -takIng over of Vanderbilt Deach for tho residents of Collier County·. She sAid that the property is private property and deed restricted land and she stated for the record that the property consIsts of easements and deed restricted lAnd and was never, as stated in the report, -obtained by the County or granted to the County-, but rather aro easements which provide ð right to trenpaS8 for the res i- dents in that area. She mado an official request for the VAnderbilt Property Owners' Association to be represcnted in the discussiol'1 of the Beach Acccss Study. Mr. Mike Zewalk sAid he was glad a workshop was scheduled for the Be^ch Access Study And he requested a sorios of workshops so that all the problems can be addrcssed ~nd a final Golution made. Responding to Mr. Zewalk, Chairman Wimer said the workshop date would be ade~uately publicized. ~TTENDANCE BY THE COUNTY FIRE PREVENTION SPECIALIST AT THE NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION LIfE SAfETY CODE SEMINAR, 5/7.1-5/28/82, IN BATON ROUGE, Ll\., PLUS TRAVEL EXPF.NsES IN THE AMOUNT OF $1219 - "PPROVED Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commi5sioner Kruse And carriod unanimously, that the attend^nce by the County fire Prevention Specialist at the National Fire Protection Association Life Safety Code Seminar, May 23 through May 28, 1982, in DlIton Rouge, La., plus travel expenses In tho amount of $1219, be APproved. Page 23 .' I ~OQ~ 068 PA~t 735 f~' - - -- -- - - - ----- -- --r- - -~---- -- - - -- - - -- -- - --. b . . . . . ,'" . . I. 'p' .-..-....""....--".., ,,',. ,11·"' . - - - - - - - - - - - - -'- - -- - - - --.- - - --- - - - - - -- - - - --- BO~K C68 rAGe 736 May ll, 1982 RESOLUTION 82-60 DESIGNATING ^ PORTION OF MAIN STREET IN IMMO~~LEE ~S A CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT, "5 PER EXHIBIT, IN ACCORDANCF. WITH SECTION 8.l2.b.3) OF THE COLLIER COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCP. - ADOPTED Commissioner Wonzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that Resolution 82-60 designating ð portion of Main Street in Immokalee as a Central Business District, as per ~xhib1t in the Executive Summary dated 4/29/82, in accordance with Section 8.12.b.3) of the Collier County Zoning Ordinance, be adopted. Page 24 . .-.. - - - - - - -- ----...- - --- - -- --- -- ------- --- ----- , . I 1 .. · ¡1-- _:- -- ---- -- - - --~- --- - -- -~.Y ~:. ~ 9"; - - -- -- --- ~ M !j ....... Rocess 10111 A.M. Reconvened 10120 ~.M. at which time, Deputy Clerk Konyon replaced Deputy Clork SkInner.····· EXC^V~TION PERMIT No. 59.141 - WORLD TENNIS CENTER - SECTION 13, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGF: 25 EAST - APPROVED SUF\JF.CT TO STTPtJL^TIONS. Mr. Cliff Barksdale, Public Works Administrator, stated that this is a recommendation to Issue Excavation Permit No. 59.141, World Tennis Center, Section 13, Township 49 South, Range 25 East. He reported that this request is for the construction of an 8.6 acre lake system which will provide stormwater retention for the development. He concluded by notIng that Staff recommendation is for approval subject to the following stipulations: 1. All applicablc provisions of Excðvation Ordinance No. 8ú-26 shall be adhered to. 2. No off-site discharge of groundwater unless permitted by South Florida Watcr Management District. 3. All ~xcavated material is to remain on-site. 4. The depth of the lake excavation is limited to elevation -1.0 NGVD. There be.ng no discussion, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor ðnd carried unanimously, thl'lt Excavation Pcrmit No. 59.141 - World Tennis Ccnter - Section 13, Township 49 South, Rangc 25 East, be approved subject to the aforementioned stipulations. QUIT CLAIM DEED FOR DRAINAGE EASf.MENT FROM LELY f.STATEs, INC. ACCEPTED FOR RECORDATION. COUNTY TO ASSUME THE MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY FOR SAID WATERWAY. APPROVED. -- Cliff Barksdale, Public Works Administrator, stated that Lely Estates constructed a perimeter waterway along the northerly boundary of their property which nerves as the outfall canal for a large area north of Ratt1esnako Hammock Road and east and west of County ~arn Page 25 ~o:~ C6B PAr.t 739 ,------------------~---~~----------------_. ". __'~"""'n II' . ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~.L.- _ _ :- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ - - - _-.i ~OQ~ 068 f,\Lt ~ May 11, 1982 Road. He noted that Loly Estates h~s be on m~intaining the canal, but wish to deed tho parcel of land on which part of the cðnal is situated together with an additional drainage easement to the County. He concluded by stating that this waterway serves a large area outside the Lely tracts and that routine maintenanco is roquired to provide proper drainage and, thereforo, he recommends the acceptance ot the Quit Claim deed and the easement from Lely Est~tes, Inc. There b~ing no discussion, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner ristor and carried unanimously, that the County accept and rccord the Quit Claim deed and drainage casement from Lely Estates, Inc. and assumo the maintenance responsibility for said waterway. Page 26 ._------------~---------------------------- , . I ., ,t' " . ,.'.0", ... f _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _Iltr..-_ _____ - --- - ---------- --- -- --... ¡ ~~ 068 fAr.é 742 MlIY 11, 1982 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ACREEMENT WITH HOLE, MONTES AND ~SSOCI^TES, INC., ~ND WILSON, MILLER, BARTON, SOLL , PEEK, INC., ^ JOINT VENTURE; IN THE AMOUNT OF $92,822 - PINE RIDCE INDUSTRIAL PARK MUNICIP"L SERVICr. T~XINC UNIT - APPROVED. FISCAL OFFICER AUTHORIZED TO OBTAIN THE LOAN. Public Works "dministrator Barksdale statcd that he needed to obtain ðpproval for the professionðl serviccs agreement for the pine: Ridge Industrial Pack Municipal Service Taxing Unit. He reported that the Bce selected the firm of Hole, Montes, and "ssociates, Inc. and Wilson, Miller, Bðrton, Soll & Peek, Inc., ð Joint Venture, as the conslIltðnts for the subject project. He said thðt the agreement provides for the services to be in four phases and provides for ð lunop sum fee of $92,822 for the Preliminary Engineering Report Phase. He reiterated that authorization is needed for the Fiscal Officer to obtain ð loan for the consultðnt's fees for the preliminðry Report. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commi53ioner ristor and carried unanimously, that the Boðrd ðpprovc the protesstonal Services Agreement with Hole, Montes and Associates, Inc. and Wilf:ol".. "1J}l~r, Barton, Soll and Peek, Inc., ð Joint Venture, and thbt the Fiscal Officer be authorized to obtain tho loan. pag e 27 .- - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - --- , . I - - - - - - ---- - - - --- --- -- --- ---- - -- - - - - - - - ---- Mð y 11, 198 2 ~DDITIONAL $50,000.00 FOR THE CONT~~CT WITH H. W. BE~UDOIN , SONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF MEDl~N CURBS "NO TRAFFIC SEPAR~TORS FOR THE MARCO ISL^ND BE^UTIFIC^TION PROJECT. ^PPROVED. Cliff Barksdaler Public works ~mInIstrator, stated that this request is to extend the limits of the contract with H. W. Beaudoin' Sons for the construction of median curbs and traffIc separators for the Marco Island Beautification project. Commissioner Wenzel moved, scconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that the Board approve an addendum to the Contract for the expenditure of an additional $50,000.00 (based on a unit price of $4.80 per lInear foot) for the construction of median curbs for tho Mðrco Island Deautification Project. Pago 28 ~o~~ GS8 PAGt 7G3 l - -~ - - - - -- - -- -- -- _._- - - - ------------------ .. I, - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - ------. "'ay 11, 1982 EXC~VATION PERMIT NO. 59.135 - CRAWFORD ASSOCI"TF.S - SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, MNG£ 27 f.AST - APPROVED FOR PHASE I ONLY SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS. ----. Public Works Administlator 86rksdalc, atated that this is a 'e~uest for ExcavaLj~n Permit No. 59.135 - ~raw(ord "ssociates - Section 31, Townshtp 49 South, Range 27 East, adding that the questions :egalding the boundary line~ have been .es~~~ed. He concl uded by ~~ating ,hat should the Bee authorize the issuance of Excavation Permit No. 59.135, the staff recommends ~hat it be issued subject to the following stipulations: 1. The dept~ of the excavation shall be limited to 22 feet (elevation -13.8) and a water quulity monitoring system shall be installed. .... ~ll applicable provisions of Excavation Ordinance No. 80-2~ shall be adhcred to, including submittal of the excavation perm\t fce in the amOU,tt n! $1,295 and submittal of a performance bond in the amount of 550,000. 3. No off-site discharge of groundwater unless permitted by S~ut~ Florida Water Management District. .. . Installation of a ~erm and intcrcept~r ditch around the perimeter of the property. 5. Prior to commencement of easterly exc~vation acrosS private easement shown on certified survey, petitioner shall resolve legal rights to excavate in that area. 6. BCC approval o( provisional Uso Petition 82-2C. 7. Upon ðppro~al of Excavation Permit No. 59.135, Excavation Pprmit No. 59.100 will be cancelled. 8. prior to submittal to the BCC for its approval, final boundaries of excav~tion shall be approved by the County Environmentalist and the Cou~ty Engineer; the County Environmentalist sh~ll cons{der study data of hydro-period for cyprcss wetlandn as provided by Jerry Cutlip, Vice Chairman of the WMAB, in evaluating delineation of excavation boundaries. 9. ~ll matters of leg~l access shall be resolved by submitting paq. 29 &OOf. œ8 PACE 165 ______________--------7------------------ " 'I' . ".', . 0, - - - - - -- -- --- -'- - --- - - - --- - - - - - - -- - - - - - ---- &001< 068 PACE 166 May 11, 1982 recørded documents and certified surveys indicatinq th~t existing legal access will not be impaired. 10, Boundary limits of excavation shall be approved by the Coun~y Environmentalist. Commisslo~er pistor moved, seconded by Comm188ione~ ~rus. and ~~rfied unanimously, that Excavation Permit No. S9 13S - Crawf~~~ "~soc~a~es _ section 31, Township 49 South, Range ¿7 last b~ approve~ ~~uject to the aforementloned stip~lations for phase I onlv. EMERCENCY MEDIC"L SERVICES PERMIT 82-1 FOR COLLIER COUNTY, AP~ROVE~· CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN THE EMERCENCY MEDICAL SERVICES CERTIFIC~T! OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY. -----... .-.-.. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissione~ p¡~to: ~n~ .,ai.'i."icd unanimously, that the Chairman be authorized to slqn Emor<;jenc.~· Medi~ðl Services Permit No. 82-1 nnd the Emergency Medical Serv\~es Certlf~cate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the period ~. 19B~-l987, and that the County Manager direct the Publl= Safe~i ~dœ\~¡~,r'tor to sftnd the certificate to the proper auth~r~ll&3. " ,. , \ ';'.C;. JV ~-------------------------------------_._- , . I -'- ---- - -- - - ---~------ --- ---- ------------- .' loa . þo .... '. :~ '... I 'c I. ,,c ¡:II 18 ... IP U 1::1 ~'8 !to'" ø. I. .... ¡. .... .... I~ o P'" ,U 100-4 :. I... .0 ..~ ." May 11, 1992 CONTR~CT BETWEEN ST~TE OF FLORID"· DEP~RTMENT OF LAW ENFORCEMENT, MEDICAL EX^MINERS' COMMISSION, AND COLLIE~ COUNTY FOR MEDIC~L EX~MINER FUNDS. ApPROVED, ~ . Commi8sion~r ~row~ movod, 8e~onded by Commissioner wenzel ~nd " ,. carde~' unan1mou~lYI that the Board approve the contrðct between t.he State of Florida, Department of Law Enforcemltnt, Med1cðl E"'ðmine.~,8' , .' :omln..isSion; ar\d Collier·' County to :'a\..quire State Medical examiner . , . .., .f:und inq. " ~ .. " , " pag e 31 , . ~oo~ 068 PACt 7sg ------------------~-~~-----~-----~------ .'" . I, .- , . , ~~_'~,M.."_..,_... ~'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- May 11, 1982 POLICY CONCEPT APPROVED RE CIVIL D~FEN5E ^M~TEUR RADIO, TO PROVIDE FOR OPERATIONÞ.L PERIMETERS BY WHICH TilE ~^TTEn COULD BE RESOLVED, CONTINGENT ON SUCCESSFUL SOLICITATION OF FORMf.R VOLUNTf.ERS. Commissioner Wenzøl moved, seconded by commissioner Brown a~~ carried unanimously, that the Board approve tho policy concept to provide for operational perimeters by which tho matter could be resolved ro civil defense Amðtc~r radio, contingcnt on successful solicitation of former volunteers. BID C~63 FOR ~CC DOARDROOM PARTITION AWARDED TO DURKEE COMPANY, CLEARW^TE:R, non IDA, IN THE AMOUNT Of $41140. FISCAL OFFICER AUTI10R IZ ED TO PREPARE THE NECESSARY BUDGET "I'E:NDMENT. Legal notice hðving becn published in the Naples Daily News on March 23 and 25, 1982, as evidenced by Affidavit of Public~tion tiled with the Clerk, bids were received for 1563, for moveable pðrtition for the BCC Boardroom, until 2:30 r.M., April 7, 1982. Co~missioner Wenzel moved, secondcd by Commissioner pistor a~d cllrried 4/1, (Commissioner Brown opposed), thnt Bid '563 for a 'BCC Boardroom partition be awarded in thc amount of S~fi~O to Durkce Company, P. o. Dox 4755, Cle.Hwater, Florid^, 3351A, being the low biddor and in the best interest of the County, and lhnt the Fiscal Officer be directed to prepare ðny nccessary budgct amendment. f)!J 1567 _ REJECTED. DISPOSAL OF A SURPLUS AMBULANCE C!!flSSIS, COUNTY '6003, AT PUBLIC AUCTION fiND MONIES RECEIVED BE PLACED INTO EMS HEVENUES. AUTlIonIZF: ), Legnl notice havin<¡ been pub11!;hed in the Nl'Jple~ Daily News on ~ p ril 6 and 8, 1 9 B 2, ð s e v 1 den c e d by A ff 1 d a v i t 0 f Pub 11 cat i on f i1 e d with the Clerk, ðcceptðnc~ of offers for the surplus ambulance chassis were received until 2:30 P.M., April 21, 1982. PlIgo ] 1 ~O:1~ G 68 rALt Tl5 ;- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - -- - -- - - - -r. - - - - - -- -- - - - - -- - -- - - - - - .- . ......ø , " .' :' . ----------------------~------------------ MO~ 068 PAct 716 Ma y 11, 1902 As indicated in the executive summary only one bid was received for $2000, which was rejected due to the fact that the bid proposal form stipulated that the bid could not be for less than $4000. Therefore, it was recommended that the chassis be sold at public a uc t ion. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried un~nimously, that the surplus ambulance chassis, 16003, bo authorized for disposal at Public Auction and monios received be placed into EMS revenues. CONTRACT IN THE AMOUNT OF $71,820.ß8 AWARDED TO BRISSON ENTERPRISES FOR ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS AT FLORIDA AVENUE, LAKE AVENUE, AND SUNSET AVENUE. (SUNS~T HOMES) (BID .5(,0) Legal notice having been publ1r.hed in the N~ples Daily News on March 11 and 16, 1982, ðS evidenced by Affidavit of publication filed with the Clerk, bids .....ere received for Bid '560 for Sunsct !lomes roadway improvemcnts until 2:30 P.M., April 7, 1982. Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carricd unanimously, that Bid 1560, the contract for the Roadway Improvements at Florid" Avenue, LlIkc Avenue, anr1 Sun get Avenue, (Sunset Homes), be awarded to Brisson Enterprises in the anount of 571,820.88. BID .568 FOR 3 EMS EXTRICATOR SETS AWARDED TO EMERGENCY MEDICAL' SAFETY SUPPLY, INC., P^LM BEACH GARDENS, FlCRIDA, IN THE AMOUNT OF 53510. Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily NewS on ~pril 6 and 8, 1982, as evidenced by Affidavit of publication filed with the Clerk, bids wore received for Bid '568, Extricators until 2130 P.M., April 21, 1982. pag e 32 ~ - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - ---- ------ - -- ----- , . I - -.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -.- - - - - - - --_. May 11, 1982 Mr. Ed Smith, "dministfativo Services Director, stated that the recommendation is to award Bid 1568, Extricator Rescue Sets for EMS, to Emergency Medical & Safety Supply, Inc. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that Bid t5~8 for 3 EMS Extricator Sets be awarded in the amount of $3510 to Emergency Mcdical & Safety Supply, Inc., 3896 ~urns Road, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, being the low bidder and in tho best interest of the County. Monies for this expenditure have been budgeted in the amount of $4200 in Fund 450-526-1-13-40-020-649, according to the Executive Summary. EMERGENCY PURCHASE FOR l\IR CONDI'I'IONING REPAIRS TO TilE COURTHOUSE JAIL IN THE AMOUNT OF $8,499 FROM THE CONDITIONED AIR CORPORATION, NAPLES. "PPROVED. Ed Smith, Administrative Serviccs Director, stated that this is a notification of an emergency purchase for air conditioning repðir to the jail. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that the Official Board Minutes document acknowlcdgcmcnt of an cmcrgency purchaGc for air conditioning repairs to the Courthouse Jail in the amount of $0,499 (rom the Conditioned ^ir Corporation, 4451 Merchantile ^vcnue, Florida, and that it bc approved by the BOll rd. RECL^SSIFICATION Of' THE POSITION Of' EXECUTIVE SECRETARY TO PAY GRADE 15 - ^PPHOVF.D. ~dministrativc Services Director Smith 5tated that this is a recomme~dation to rec1absify the position of executive secretary. Commissioner Brown moved, ncconded by Commissionp.r Kruse and Pa<;Je 33 ßO~~ U6B rA~ 717 - -- --- -------- - - -- - - - -- - - - -- -- - -..- - -- - - --. . . . .','" " ---- ;1' '.. . --------------~~---------------------- BOOK 068 P).~t' 778 Ma y 11, 1 9 8 2 carried unðnimously, that tho pooition and pay plan bo revised so that the position of Executive Secretary is placed in Pay Grado 15, overtimo category C, with an entry pay of $1~,054. PROPOSED TRANSFER, REDEFINITIONS OF JOB DESCRIP'¡IONS ^ND NECESSARY BUDGE'l' ^MENDMEN'l'S IN THE AGRICULTURE DEP"RTMENT. - APPROVF.D. Roginald Brown, County "gent, Agriculture Department, stated that this is a report and recommendation for reorganization of pocitions in the Agriculture Department and required budget amendment. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that the following proposed transfer, redcfinitions of job descriptions be approved and the necessary budget amcndment be prep~redl 1. One Home Economist position to be transferred to the Agriculture Budget ðnd redefined as a 4-H Agent-Home Economist with ð p..1y grade ðS the current Home Economist position, as w¿ll as the necessary budgctary chango. 2. 'l'he 4-H Assistant position which is 50% clerical be redefined as a Sccretary II position to serve all segments of the Agriculture Department in Naple5, giving ð professional to secretary r~tio of 5:2 and greatly improving the overall morale ðnd pfficiency of the Department. CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CERTIFIC^'l'E OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY FOn OPERATION Of NON-EME~GENCY TRANSPORTATION SERVICE BY MEALS-ON-WHEELS, ST. vrNCf.NT Of. PflUL SOCIETY. Don Norton, Public Services Admlnistrator, requested a "Certificate of Public Convenience ðnd Necessity- for operation of non-er.wrgency transport;ttion service by Meals-On-Wheels, St. vincent Do paul Soc ety. Mr. Egon lIi~l, Emergency Medical Services Chairman, prosented a letter for the record from the David Lawrence Mental Health Center, . pag 0 34 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -- -- -~ --- - ---'41- - - ---- - - -- - --- -- -- ----- , . I ..J ----------------------------------------- Ma y 11, 1982 Inc., indicating their support for Meals-On-Wheels. Hr. Paul White, Director of Meals-On-Wheels, stated that there 1. no charge for this service, adding that donations will be accepted. Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unðnimously, that the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for operation of Non-Emergency Transportation Service by Meals-On-Wheols, St. vinccnt De Paul Society, be approved, and the Chairman authorized to sign the document. Page 35 MQK 068 r,\~t. 719 ~--~-__--------_--~--7~-----~----------- I . . '. l. \ .. I L ! " . - ------------------------~ -------------- - \ ~.::.. ,\ "1·. 1'- May 11, 1 9 A 2 RECOMMEND^TION NOT TO RENEW CONTR~CTUR^L SERVICES FOR GRANTS ~SSIST^NCE WITH INTERN~TION^L SYSTEM~, INC. - APPROVED. County Manager Norman indicated that grant proposals have been provided that can bo applied for at Stato level. He reported that policy regulations, changes ond acc~ss to a staff of professionals will be able to work with the County throughout the year. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimously, not to renew contractual services for grants assistanco with Intcr~ational Systems, Inc. Lis a Ma r tin o! I n t ern ð t ion II 1 S Y 9 t em ß, I n c .,  t 1 ant a, 1 n d i cat e d various ways Internationðl Systems, Inc. could help the County, to which Chairman Wimer stated that the issue had been voted upon, adding that the decision was not to rencw the contractual services for grants aSÞistance with Intcrnatlonal systems, Inc. UTILITY EASEMENT fOR SHELTEH ISLAND CLUA - 1,CCF.PTED POR RECORDATION. Utilties Manager Irving Ber20n, stnted that he is asking the Board to accept the utility easement within the Shelter Islðnd project for the lift station, force main, and water meter vault. Commissioner Wcnzel moved, scconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimously, that the utility easement within the Shelter Island project for the lift station, force main, and water meter vault, be accepted ond the ClcrK lIuthorized to record same. Page 3#; ~OOK 068 rA~t 7B1 .. ----,--- ...-.-.----.. ... -....- - - - -. -- -.. - - -- - -- -- - - --- - - -- - --- . ," . '. - - _.:..- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ...- - - -...- - - - - - - - - - - - -- May ll, 19 B 2 ACTIONS OF THE BOARD ~T ITS SPECIAL MEETING OF APRIL 29, 1982, REG~RDING THE AW^RDING Of THE 1982 WATER-REVENUE BONDS TO B"CHE, H~LSEY, STUART, SHIELDS, INC., AND THE EXECUTION OF A PURCHASE CONTRACT. R"TIFIED. County Attorney pickworth refcrred to a memo he had given the board ~embers regarding motions he nceded ndopted, adding that he nceded a motion to ratify the actions of the Board on the "pril 29, 1982, Specilll Meeting. lie stnted at that meeting the bonds wore awarded to Bache, Halsey, Stuart, Shields, Inc., and the execution of the purchase contract wns authorized. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimously, that the actions of the Poard at its Special Meeting of April 29, 1982, regarding the awarding of the bonds to Bache, Halsey, Stuart, Shields, Inc., and the execution of a purchase contract, be ratified. RESOLUTION CWS 82-5 CORRECTItJG TI!E MATURITY sCI!f.DULE fOR THE SERIAL BONDS AND THE SCIIEDULE OF AMORTIZATION INSTALLMENTS FOR THE 2012 TERM BONDS. - ADOPTED. County Attorney pickworth requested a motion to adopt Resolution CWS 82-5 which corrects the maturity schedule for the Serial Bonds and the schedule of amortization installments for t~c 2012 Term Bonds. He reported that the person from Bache, 11ðlscy, StlllHt, Shields, Inc., that inked in the change in the maturity schedulc was incorrect, but the maturity schedule was corrected anò on the basis for which the bonds were sold which is why a motion is needed. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by CommIssioner Kruse nnd carried unanimously, that Resolution CWS r.2-5 correctinq the maturity schedule for the Serial Bonds and the schedule of amortization installments for the 2012 Term Oonds, be adopted. M~" 068 rA~ 785 Pac:¡ 0 37 - - - - - - -- - - - - - - --.... .- - - ~ -- ~- - ....,..- - - - - - - - - - - -- - . ._. - - .. - - -- ~ . " 'i' ,.'..'1 . ----------------------~------------------ DOOK û68 PAGt:79D /01 a y 11, 19 e 2 NEW SE^L WITH THE -TURKEY- WILL BE THE OFFICiAL SEAL or THE COUNTY SEWER WATEn DISTRICT A5 OF ~AY 12, 1982. ADOPTED. County Attornoy Pickworth requested a motion adopting the new seal as the official seal of the District. lie stated that for many years tho seal of tho Board of County Commissioners has been used as the seal of the District. lie noted that the seal he now needs adopted is the seal of t~e -turkey- which Is tho same as tho Board's seal only it will read County Water Sewer District. Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that tho new seal with the "turkey-, be adopted as the official seal of the County Water £ewcr District as of May 12, 1982. CHAInMAN AUTHORIZED TO ,)IGN TilE M1ENCMENT TO TilE PURCHASE CONTRACT FOR TII E 1982 \~AT ER- R EV F.NU F. ßONDS County Attorney pick~orth requcsted a motion authorizing the Chairman to sign tho ðmendmcnt to the purchðsc contract for the 1982 Water-Revenue Bond~. Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that the Chairmðn be ðuthorized to sign the amendment to the purchase Contract for the 1982 Water-Revenue Bonds. Page 38 . .--- - - - - -- --- --- - - -- - ..--- - - - --- - -- - -- ---- - - - - ---- " , . I - . \ -----------------------_....&.- . May 11, 1 9 8 2 PAYMENT OF $3500 TO TilE FIRM OF LIVERMORE, KLEIN [, LOTT FOR THEIR SERVICES TO THE DISTRICT IN STRUCTURING TIlE BOND ISSUE. - AUTHOnIZED. County "ttornoy pickworth requested a motion to authorize a payment of $3500 to tho firm of Livermore, Klein' Lott for their services to the District in structuring the bond issuo. He stated that there was groat assistance received from this firm who is not acting as the Bond Counsel but is acting on behalf of the County to assist them, adding that he will be conversing with the County Bond Counsel on an appropriate reduction in fee for the lack of service received from them. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimously, thðt the payment of $3500 to the firm of Livermore, Klein & Lott for their services to the District in structuring the bond issue, be authorized. COUNTY ATTORNEY PICKHORTH TO BE RETAINED FOR THOSE CASES IN WHICH HE IS INVOLVED. Noting that County Attorney p1ckworth 15 le^v1ng the employ of the County the end of May, Ct.^irman Wimer stated that he would like Mr. pickworth to handle the items that he is familiar with, adding that it is the gcneral conscnsus of the Board that Mr. pickworth be retaincd for those cases in which he is involved. County ~ttorney pickworth stated that if this is the feeling of the Board that ^ motion is not necessary, adding that he simply wants plan accordingly. ROUTINE BILLS - APPROVED FOR PAY~ENT Pursuant to r.csolution 81-150 the following checks were issued tù~~ GßB rþ.'"t 793 Pðg e 39 . ¡ I' I ,.~ ~ L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - .- - ~ - - - - - - - - -- -- -- -- - - - - - - . .~ j . '. 'I',· ,.'.... . . . , .. ',-" 1_ _ _ _ _ - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- ~o~~ û6B P'\~ 194- fo1a y 11, 1982 through Friday, May 7,1982, in payment of routine blllsr FUND CHECK NOS. AMOUNT $ 1,467,896.38 292,663.l0 7,277.11 314 . 33 1,229,583.60 5,977.51 525,406.79 293,083.50 County Checks BCC Immoka1ee MVI Gene r a 1 Fund County Checks CET^ County Checks BCC 6107-6473 35785-363l8 2 11 6474-6724 8649-R686 6725-6991 36319-36858 BUDGET "MENDMENT 82-165, TRANSFERRING FUNDS TO PROVIDE FOR RELOCATION OF AGRICULTUnE DEPT. - ADOPTED IN THE ^~OUNT OF $13,221. Commissioner Wcnzel moved, secondcd by Commissioner Kruse an~ carried unanimously, that Budget "mcndment 82-165, transfcrring funds to provide for relocation of Agriculture Department, be a~opted in the amount of 513,221. Page 40 - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - -- ------ -- ---- I . I ,,.,.., 'I" ,.'..0. . . , __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ __ _ -J..'-- - - --- - - - - - - -- ---- , ao~~ 068 PACt 798 May 11, 1982 BUDGET "MENDMENT 82-166, TR^NSFER OF FUNDS FOR COUNTY COURT COMPUTER T£RMIN^L, PROCESSOR 1\ND PRINTER UNDER GRANT FROM STATE ßURE^U OF HIGHWAY SAFETY. CLERK OF COURTS/CO. - 1\DOPTf.D IN TilE M~OUNT OF $14,609. Commis~ioner Wenzel woved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimously, that Budget 1\mendment 82-166, transfer of fund. for County Court computer terminal, processor and printer under grant from State Bureau of Highway Safety, Clerk of Courts/Co., be adopted in the amount of $14,609. Page 41 ...----------------------------------------- , . I 'I " ,-1,.', - - - - - - - - - - - - ~:..- - -- - -~' - _:..!..;.... - - - - - - - - - - - -'- - --- M~ ( 068 PALi 798, Ma y 11, 1 9 8 2 BUDGET "MENDMENT 82-l67, TRANSFER OF FUNDS TO PROVIDE FOR ADDITION^L JAIL MEDICAL EQUIPMENT FROM PROCEEDS OF STATE CRIME CONTROL GRANT, SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT. - ADOPTED IN TH~ AMOUNT OF $8,751. Commissioner Wcnzel moved, seconded by Commissioncr Kruse and carried unanimously, that Budgct Amendment 82-167, transfer of funds to provide for additional jail medical equipmcnt from proceeds of State Crime Control Grant, Sheriff's Department, be adopted in the amount of $8,751. pag e 42 .... - --- - - - ---- --- - ------- ----------------- , . I 'I " ~'.. " _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ --' _ _ --" _ _ -:"1...- _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -.... MO,; û68 fACt 810 Mð y 11, 1982 BUDGET ~MENDMENT 82-168, TRANSFER TO PROVIDE FOR REDISTRIBUTION OF FUNDS "MONG VARIOUS LINE ITEMS, CETA. - ADOPTED IN THE "MOUNT OF $9,810. CommisAioner Wenzel ~ovÐd, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unðnlmously, that Budget Amendment 82-168, transfer to provide for redistribution of funds among various line items, CETA, be adopted in the amount of $9,810. Page .0 , - - - - - - --- -- - - - ---- - - ------ - ----- --- -- --- , . I I ,L---~- ----------- - --- - - - - - --- -- - - --------- - . l' ·1 "'a y 11, 1 9 A 2 BUDG~? AMENDMENT 82-169, TR"NSFER TO PROVIDE FUNDS FOR CONTRACTUAL SERVICES OF INTERN FOR DER COASTAL M"NAGEMF.NT STUDY, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. - ADOPTED IN TilE AMOUNT OF $10,000. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendmcnt 82-169, transfcr to providc funds for contractual services of intern for DF.R C~ast Management S~udy, Community Development, be adopted in the amount of $10,000. Page 44 tlO'J~ G68 r.\~t S03 ___ __... ___ _.._ _ _.._ _ - ~- -- - --:--....-- -,"T7 - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- .,' t -~- - - -- --- - - - - - - - ----- - --~~y~~, ~ 9B~-----_·--- '\ '~ ;\ \ BUDGET "MENDMENT 82-170, TR^NSFER TO PROVIDE FUNDS FOR CLERX'S PERSONNEL EXPENSES FOR INVOICING ^ND COLLECTION SERVICES FOR COUNTY EMS, CLERK OF COURTS/EMS. - ADOPTED IN THE ^MOUNT OF $23,290. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioncr Kruse and carried unanimously, that Budget "mcndment 82-170, transfer to provide funds for Clerk's personnel expenscs for invoicing Þnd collection services for County EMS, Clerk of Courts/EMS, be adopted in the amount of $:23,290. Page <45 ~O~( G 68 r'\~t 805 .._ __ _ __ ------ - - - - - - r:- -- - - - - -- -:-"..- - - -- - --- - --- , ',", . " ~. . , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --:-- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - ,- I-Ia y 11, 1 9 B 2 BUDCET AMENDMENT 82-171, TRANSFER TO PROVIDE DELETION OF APPROVED EQUIPMENT AS A RESULT OF SURPLUS EOUIPMENT TRANSFERS FROM THE MOTOR VEHICLE INSPECTION PROGRAM, PUBLIC WORKS DIV. TR^NSPORT^TION DEPT. - ~DOPTED IN TltE AMOUNT OF $720. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and cðrried unanimou&ly, that Budget Amendment 82-17l, transfer to provide deletion of approved equipment as a result of surplus equipment transfers from the Motor Vehicle Inspection program, Public Works Div., Transportation Department, be adopted in tho amount of $720. Page 46 &O~~ 068 f.\tl807 ..,. : :'¡' ~.- - -,- -- - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - -- ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , ;. ¡ . , ~. . t . . '.~ . . I- i I \ " . , ' 11 , . ' ----------------------------------------- . May 11, 1982 BUDGET ~ENDMENT 82-172, TR1\NSFER OF FUNDS TO PURCflME TWO CHAIN SAWS, REPLACE STOLEN ^ND UNREP1\IRABL& S^WS ^ND REDUCE EXPENDITURES CURRENTL~ BEING INCURRED FOR RENTAL OF CH^IN SAWS, PUBLIC WORKS DIV. TR^NSPORT^TION DEPT. - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $7?0. -, ~~ì/~ . .. .' " . ",~~, !.' . .f> .~ ~ ,,. , , t, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendment 82-172, tr~nsfer of funds to purchase two chain saws, replaco stolen and unrepairable saws and reduce expendituros currently beng incurred for rontal of chain saws, Public Works Div., Transportation Department, be adopted in the amount , .'~" " ~'J.",'~~\' \ <'. "'.-: ; 'i/ f': 1 . ¡' . 't' f t· J ;. ) Ï of $720. I. i ; Page 47 &OO ( û68 p.\Ct809 --------------------~~-----------------~ . ... \ .:, t:-" ' " , i .. . f ;, , ..10 - - - - - - - - - - -..- - - - - - - r;- - - - - - - - - - -- --- ------ -- -,.,,~ . . _U-__ -- ---- - -- ------ - --- - ----- --- - - - -- - -- - -... May 11, 1982 BUDGET AMENDMENT 82-173, TRANSFER TO PROVIDE FOR PROVISIONAL USE PERMIT FOR NEW FIRE ST^TION, GOLDEN G^TE FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT - ADOPTED IN THE ~MOUNT OF $350. Commissioner Wenzel moved, .econded by Commissioner ~rus. and carried unanimously, that Budgot Amendment 82-173, transfer to provide for provisional use permit for new fire station, Golden Gate Fire Control District, be adopted in the amount of $350. pag_ ..a &OOK C68 PACt 811 .. . \ '.- .;~ 01,1. . , l " 1 __--------------------------------------l \ ::\ ¡ ~ j Me y 11, 1 9 8 2 BUDGET ~MENDMENT 82-174, TRANSFER TO INCREASE ESTIMATED DONATIONS FOR BOOKS AND TO TRANSFER APPROPRIATIONS FOR BINDING TO BE USED FOR THE PURCHASE OF BOOKS, LIDRARY. - AnOPTED IN THE ^~OUNT OF $5 000. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendmcnt 82-174, transfer to increase estimated donations for book~ =~d to transfer appropriations for binding to be used for the pur=hase of books, Library, be adopted in the amount of $5,080. Page 49 &O~~ ~ rA~t 81.3 !- - - - - - ~ - - -.- - - - - -- -- - - -- -- -:-',-:- - - - - -,-;- - - - - - - - - - - -- '. /#' \ ., . r-- ___ - - - _~__ __ - ---.------ -- ----- - ---------- .1 i J ~1 ,'¡ 'r~;S \., ~ P .j " 1 \ I May 11, 1982 PROP05ED SP^CE PLAN ALLOCATION ^PPROVED FOR THE COMPUTER SECTION OF THE FIFTH FLOOR TOWER BUILDING. RESOLUTION 82-61 AMENDING RESOLUTION 82-24 - ADOPTED. Mr. Harold Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk, stated thllt he is asking for acceptance of the splice allocation plan on the fifth floor and the revision to the resolutio~ which takes effect in Juno when the Data Processing comes under the Clerk. He reported that two offices would be devoted to Property Appraiser/Tax Collector personnel. He indicated the equipment area for the Property Appraiser/Tax Collector, adding that it has been reviewed by the Property ^ppraiser/Tax Collector and is acceptable to them. He noted that there is no change in the intent of the resolution only the wording to clðrify the budget preparation which would indicate that a certain area would b~ allocated for the cost to the Property Appraiser/Tax Collector. He concluded by stating that the Clerk recommends that the changes in the resolution and the space plan be approved. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner kruse ðnd carried unanimously, thðt the proposed plan ðllocation for the computer section of the fifth floor tower building, be approved and that Resolution 82-61 amending resolution 82-24, be adopted. Page 50 ~o~~ 068 rA\'t 8t5 ~-- - - - ---..-- -- --- -.--..- -- - -- ---...~::-.- --- ---.--- - -- - ---- -. , " ".' ~ ' " , . '". ---------..-------------------- ._------------ ¡ , ,\ .! \ ! Ma y 11, 1 9 8 2 MR. JOHN CARDILLO APPOINTED TO SERVE THE Rf.MAINDER OF MR. EUGENE LOJEWSKI'S TERM ON TilE EAC WITH AN EXPIRATION DATE OF 12 31/AII - Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse Ðnd carried unanimously, that Mr. John Cardillo be ðppointed to serve the remainder of Mr. Eugene Lojewski's term on the EAC, which expires on December 31, 1984. MR. RICHl\RD SKIDMORE REAPPOWTED TO SERVE ON TilE ISLES OF Cl\PRI FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT ADVISORY COMHITTEE WITH AN EXPIRATION DATE OF 12/31/83. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimously, that Mr. Richard Skidmore be reappointed to scrve on the Isles of Capri fire Control District Advisory Committee with an expiration date of December 31, 1983. BCC ACTIONS RE CONTRl\CTORS LICENSING BOARD: MR. GARLAND AND MR. lITTER'S RESIGNATION ACCEPTED; ~~R. WOLfORD, MR. TOWLE, ~R. GOLDEN, MR. JONES, MR. KUIILMAN, AND MR. MORRIS REAPPOINTED FOR ONE-YEAR TERMS WITH ~N EXPIRATION Of 1\/30/113; MH. Y,IRK~\AN AND MR. SWARTWOUT APPOINTI::D FOR ONE-YEAR TERMS WITH AN EXPIf1ATION OF 1I/30/A); PUBLICATION FOR ','HE VACANCY FOR THE POSITION OF SInGLE-FAMILY CONTRACTOR FOR SAID BOARD APPROVED. Commissioner pistor moved, sccondcd by Commi55ioncr Kru~e and carried unanimously, that Mr. Garland and Mr. Utter's resignation be accepted from the Contractors Licensing Board; t~at Mr. Wolford, Mr. Towle, Mr. Golden, Mr. Jones, Mr. Kuhlman and Mr. Morris be reappointed for one-year terms with an expiration date of April 30, 1983; t~ðt Mr. Kirkman ðnd Mr. Swartwout be appointed for one-year terms with an expiration date of April 30, 1983 and that publ1ciHion be lIuthorized for the vacancy to fill the position of -Single-family Contractor- for the Contractors Licensing Doard. Page 51 ~o~~ G68 rA~t!17 ¡------ -----------.- --.-:------~-----_.--~- ---~ _.-- --.-- --..- -.. -..--- , " I. ;1.' "" I . , . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.....a..- _ - -- - - - - - - - - -- - --- ao~~ 068 PACt 818 May 11, 1982 MESSRS. THOMAS BAFNER, MARVIN CECIL, AND W. H. -BIrr- COMTE APPO!HTED TO FULFILL TERMS ON THE EMERGENCY MEDIC~L SERVICES ADVISORY COUNCIL WITH AN EXPIRATION DATE OF AIJ1/83. Commissioner plstor moved, second cd by Commissioncr Brown and carried unanimously, that Messrs. Thomas Hafner, Marvin Cecil, and w. H. -Biff- Comte be appointed to fulfill terms on tho Emergency Medical Servicos ^dvisory Council with ðn expiration date of A/3l/83. CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CERTIFICATES FOR CORRECTION TO THE TAX ROLL AS PRESENTED BY THE PROPEnTY APPRAISER'S OFFICE. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse 8nd carried unanimously, that the following Certificates of Correction to the Tax Rolls ðS submitted by the Property Appraiser's Office be authorized Cor execution by the Chairman: NUMDERS DATES 1981 TANGIRLE PERSONAL PROPERTY 1981-134 1981-135 1981-1J6 1981-137 1981-138 1981-139 4/21/82 4/21/82 4/21/82 4/26/02 4/28/02 5/5/82 19r1 TAX ROLL 486-488 489 490-500 501-503 5C4 506-508 509 510-511 512-528 4/1/82 4/5/82 4/7/82 4/8/82 4/12/82 4/16/82 4/19/82 4/lh/82 4/19/82 LETTER OF 4/22/82 FROM DOUGLAS M. MIDGLEY, PUBLIC DEFENDER, REQUESTING THE BCC TO SELECT A REPRESENTATIVE TO SERVE ON THE CIRCUIT CONFLICT COMMITTEE REFERRED TO COUNTY ATTORNEY PICt:\OiORTII TO BE BROUGHT ~ACK TO TilE BCC ON MAY 25, 1982. Administrative ^ide Spaulding stated that a letter has been Page 52 .. - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ..-- -- --- - - - - - - --- . . I - ·, -- _.:...- - -- - - -- -- ---,- - -- ---------.-.----------..- May 11, 1982 received from Douglas M. Midgley, Public Defender, requesting the BCC to select ~ representative to serve on the C1rcuit Conflict Committee, adding thJt she is not sure what the Circuit Conflict Committee Is. It was tho general consensus of the Board to refer said letter to , County þ.ttorney pickworth, to be brought back to the BCC on May 25, 1982. LE~VE OF ABSENCE FOR THOMAS A. MAGRI, EMS DEPARTMENT, FROM MAY 24, 1982 TO JUNE 15, 1982 TO ATTEND COURSES Þ.T SANTA FE COMMUNITY COLLEGE. APPROVED. Administrative Aide Spaulding stated that a motion is needed for a leave of absence for Thomas ^. Magri of the EMS Department to attend courses at the Santa Fe Community College, which will enable him to continuo and receive courses to receive his ^A degree. Commissioner Wonzel moved, seconded by Commissioner ~ruso and carried unanimously that the leave of absence for Thomas ^. Magri, EMS Department, from Mðy 24, 1982 to June 15, 1982 to attend courses at Santa Fe Community College, be approved. L^~E TR^FFORD M~ORIAL GARDENS DEED NOS. 301, 302, ^ND 303 - ACCEPTED FOR RECORD^TION. Pursuant to action of the Board, J~nuary 10, 1978, whorein the Chairman was authorizcd to sign various deeds to Lðke Trafford Momorial Gardens Cemetery lots as tho need arises, tho following Deed Nos. 30l, 302, and 303 wore recorded and filed for the record. Page S3 ~ û68 PACtS19 ----------------~~--~~------------~---~_. , . . . ,_..."".".~_.,.,,,._>~.A L " . :·l - ---"--- -- - - -- - -- ---- -- - -- -- - - - - - -- - --- --- .~.j ;1 j \ \ 1 1 Mð y 11, 1 9 B 2 CONSENSUS OF BO^RD TO SET ^ DATE IN THE FUTURE FOR ~N EMS SLIDE PRESENTATION. Administrðtivo Aide Spaulding stated that a request has been received to set a dato for tho EMS to prosent a Public Awareness slide presentation to the Board for their review and approval. It was the general consensus that the Do~rd would check the calendar for a date and contact the EMS. BOARD ^CCEPTS REPORT l\tJD ^UTlIORIZF.S CHAIRMAN TO SIGN NECESSARY CONTRACTS ^FTER ^PPROVAL BY TIlE COUNTY !,TTORNEY RF.GARDING TilE INTEGR^TED FIN^NCIAL M^N^c'EMENT SYSTF.M. William Reðqnn, Clerk of Courts, stated that he submitted the evaluation on the selection of an Integrated Financial Hanðgement System to the Board, addlng that the audit reports for the past two years have highly recommended that a software p~ckage or in-house system be developed that would allow for all the integration of financial systems. He stated that there was an in-house evaluation prepared, adding that th~ Staff that worked on it did ^n excellent job. Ho requested the Board to approve the contract for the selection of American Management SY5t~ms, noting that there were 43 different packðges reviewed. He stated that American Management will cost approximately $75,000 a year, which is presently being spont on tho fifth floor computer. Mr. Harold Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk, stated that there were three import.)nt highlights of the system, as fo110w3: (1) it c10es meot all the Florida Stðte requirements for flnancin1 rcportinq/ (2) it produces the kind of information that the County Manager and Utilities Directcr look for on a monthly banis, i.e, complete balance sheets, profit and Page 54 MQ~ C68 rA~t 823 '-.- - .--..- --- -~- --.- - ---- ... - ~-_... .,-. -"-'.--. -....---.. ,--- ------------------ ~ " ,. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ --J-"';' - - -'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- ~OOJ( c68 PACt 6.?A- f'lð y 11, 1901 1088 statements, and (3) it has the mnnaqement components tor personnel, variable budgoting, position control and productivity analysis. He concluded by stating that thoro are a large number of usors. Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner erown and carried unðnimously, thðt the Roðrd accept the report for the record and that the Chairman be authorized to sign the necessary contracts, after approval by the County ^ttorney, regarðing the selection of Amcrican Management systomn [or tho Integrat~d Financial Management systom. Pago 56 - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - -------- r- -- -------------- , . I '- ------- "i ' " ------------------~---~------------------ ~oo~ 068 PACt B44 ~a y 11, 19 A 2 MI5Cf.~~^NEnU~ cnRnESPONOf.NCr. - Fr~r.D AND/OR nr.FF.RRED There baing no objection, tho Chair directed that tho following corrcspondcnce be filed ond/or reterred to the various departmonts ð8 indicated below I 1. ~etter dated April 19, 19R2, from Dr. Wll11l1rn Cox, County Hei'llth Officer, Dopðrtment of Health" Rchðbil1tðtive ServiceD, attnching thQ Annual ~onitorinq Report, Nðplos Bay and ~ssociatcd WlIterways, February, 19~1 through January, 1902, Dubmitted by the Collier County Conservðncy. Dr. Cox's letter outlines some of the relevant data contDlned in the report. Referred to Mr. Normðn. Filed. 2. Letter datcd April '7, 1982, from Frederick H. Fisher, D i s t r 1 c t F1 S c III 0 ff 1 c c r, De p 1'1 r t n1(~ n t 0 f Ii C I'll t h & Rehllbilitatlve Services, submitting ð summary of County HClIlth Unit fund which reflects burlgctcd receipts nnd diGhurscmcnts tor th~ fisc~l ycðr 7/l/A1 to 12/31/nl nnd com P,H i H 0 n (I q u res 0 ( lJ C t u /I 1 r e c e i p t. san d d i s bur 5 C men t f\ for 7/1/81 to 12/Jl/81. Referred t.o Mr. Normðn. filed. 3. Let.ter d<'ltcd April 20, 19B2, from Mr. Roland H. Eastwood, Executive DIrector, Southwest Florida Reqionðl planning Council ra A-95 project ~Ol-lJ5 (amcndment) Community Development Block Grant Progrðm. xc Mr. Norman and ~s. Williamson; Filed. 4. Letter dated April 2], 1902, from Stoph~n D. Moon, C.P....., Comptroller, Florid" D~p<'lrt.ment of Trl'ln~portation, with attðched report of Collier County's financial pooition at ~/J1/n2 of the 80\ portion of the Secondl'lry Trust Fund (Second G,15 T,')x - 5th and (,th Cent). xc Mr. Giles, Flled. 5. Letter dðt.f.'d April ", l'JP.2, from Steph-:!n D. Moon, C.P."., Comptrollcr, Florida ~epðrtment of Trðnsportðtlon, ðttðchin9 report of Collier county'~ fin~nciðl position ðt ~/Jl/a2 of the Truot £lnd Agcncy Funds (Bond funds). xc"'r. Giles; Filed. I). Copy of letter d.Hed ^prll 5, 19£12, from fdwlSrd W. Houck, Ph.n., Exccutivo Dircctor, South Centrlll floridl'l \!clIlth Systef'ls Council, tnc., to Dr. Cox, ,..'. 0.. notify1n<J him t.hðt th~ Sllltinq Co~mittce of this orql'lnizlltlon hð5 IIppolnted him to scrvo on the [!oðrd of Dlrectoro of the Council, which will commence 4/1/A7. filed. 7. Copy of ~r. Norml'ln'ø lottf1c of April 19, 1ge2, to "'r. John ß. Porter of ^Ccc850ries, Etc., replying to /I letter written to Paqe !>7 :.1 I ! I ! _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _a _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- # . I - - - ---- - -- - -- - - --- - - -- - - - ..- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - . MlIY ll, 1982 CommIssioner pistor with a complaint about Solid Waste Colloction $ervices. ^lso attðchcd is ð memo from Roborty Fahoy, Solid Waste Director regarding the situðtion. Filed. 8. Letter dated ^pril l(\, l<:lß?, from Stephen C. c'urlacz, /'lIES, Exec. Vice President, ^rmðda Lightinq, Inc., regðrdinq quality of lighting in county Jails. xc Mr. Normðn, Filed. 9. Hernllndo County Resolution 82-47 stating their objection to the awarding of an Army contract to ð foreign firm for the production of tactical radio setS. xc Mr. Norman, Filed. 10. Copy of minutc9 of April ?3, 1982, Meeting of the Mðrco Island Be~utification plstrlct Committ~e. Filed. 11. Copy of minutes of Specinl meetinq of tho 0chopco firo Control DiGtrict Advisory Committeo of April 28, 19R2. F 11 ed . 12. Copy of minutes of ^pri1 2, 19"7., ~nrl April 30, 19R2, meetings of Par\(!'ö <'Inci necrel1tion ^cJviS'HY poard I1nd PlIrks ðnd Recreation Fin~ncia1 ^dvisory Committee. Filed. 13. Copy of minutes of ^rril ?O, 19P2, meeting of Contractors Licensing Board. rllod. 14. Copy of minutes of I\prl1 IS, 1987., rnef'ting of CO.'ll\tal ^roll Planning Commission nnd Collier County plðnning ^gcncy. Filed. IS. Copy of rr.inlJtes of ^pdl 7.2, 19B2, meeting of Librcuy ^dvisory BO.1rd. riled. 1(,. Copy of minutc5 of /'Il'Irch )0, 19P7., meeting of Golden C"te Conmunlty Center I\dvl50ry Committe~. FilQd. 17. CopielJ of mlnuter. of Mnrch 17, 19112, ^prll 7, 21, 1902, moetlng of the Naples City Council. 19£17., lInrl ^",ri1 Filed. 18. Rl'port dl1ted I\prl1 21, 1<:1!J?, rC'gðrdinq II report on juvcnilt's 1ncllrcerllted for the Month of M~rch, 1982. Filed. 19. Lottl'r dnted Scpt('r:1bcr 25, 1981 frorr. [llzðbeth /'\uncra, SecrctlHY for r.nvlronm('ntðl S('rvlccn, Deltona Corpor.,tion, rcqueGtlng th~t ~ll 1n!ormJtio~ tor the fnvlronent~~ Services Director, be addrosßed to ~r. Timothy Nugent. xc Mr. ~or~Jn r 11 ed . 20. Lettcr dllted ~IIY c1, 19f\2, from Guy L. ClIrlton, Ti\X Collector, a(¡vi~ing thðt the tllX certificates thi\t the County holds for l"JRl h~ve beon dccncd, with J copy of ð check attllchcd for S17,r-~~.18 as th~ ncc's shnre. xc Mr. Gi1c&¡ filed. Pl'lqe S8 BO~~ 068 P'\~~ 845 - - -- -- -- - - --- ----- - ._-.-~ --- - --- -------------- . ~ ., ' ,.'. ' _____________________~L__---------------- !'IllY 11, 19R~ aO:J~ 068 rÂ~t 846 21. M~mor21ndum dnted ~ny <;, IQO:?, from T:lX Collector Guy Carlton, enclosing a Wllrrnnt ['latributlon chock In the ðmount of $30~.7~< xC Finnnce with check; Filed. 22. ßrochurc dðted April 1, 19A2, on population of Florida Countics by ^gc ðnd Sex. Filed. 23. Seconrl C'111\rter1y Roport from the Sheriff'S Dep.Htment ro S~eriff's Confißc~tlon Trust Fund, Fi6Cðl Year 1981-82. F 11 ed . 24. Letter dated "pdl 27, 1902, from Oouql"o "'. Thomp~on, Chief, nurel'lu of f,urvey nnd ~app\n~, Oepnrtment of Nðtura1 RDGOUrCeR, requ~~tinq a questionnaire concerning pnst ônd present Involv~ment in zurveying activities be completed. xc ~r. NormDn, Mr. Vlrt~; Filed. 25. r.cmor"ndum rlllted April 2", 1982, from I:'ep"rtment of and Urbðn Developnent, to all entitlement ond smnll recipients rcgðrrllnq FY 198?, Section 312 fun~~ng. Normnn; Filen. Housing cities xc !'Ir. 2(,. Letter diltod I\pril 2A, 11)112, from ,'J/!mcs F. P'1ðthewD, Chief, nureðu of Indepr'ndr.nt "'onitorlng, DepiHtment of Lllhor nnd Employment SecurIty, to ~nðld W. Norton, r~~ðrning on-site monitoring visit scheduled for Mðy 17-19, 19P2 to review County contr/!cts. Filed. 27. Letter dated April l~, lQf)2, fron F.ò"',Hd Wojciecho....!3ki r c q u ~ H tin gIn [ 0 r n,~ t Ion 1\ bOll t t h (' r C Z 0 n e 0 f Lo t :> 2 7 .1 n d 2 8 0 n flamingo Court liS ....ell 116 "'r. vlrta's respon5c of ^pril JO, 1982. xc Mr. Normðnl flIed. 2A. Letter dðted "'pril 16, 19A?, from Charlos II. n/!ina, ExecutJve Vice President, r,cncrðl "'ðn~ger, St. ^uoustlne Trðwlers, Inc., St. ^ugu5tlne Shlphuilders, introducing themsel'/e5 and offering scrvices for ßny fitecl work th~t mðy be nceded in connection ....Ith the construction of the Jllil. xc Mr. Normðn ~nd Purchðsing Filed. 29. Letter dated ^pril 1(" 19!'J2, from Jðmes W. Gilhert rCC iHdinq the front foot^go ch~rge5 for inGt~11~tion of sewor5 for M~rco Sewer Ph^5C I Improvements. xc Mr. Ber2on; Filed. JO. "',cmor.,ndum d/lted "pril 12, lQA2, to ",11 util1ti~s r~qulðted by the Florida Puhlic Service Commi5~lon req/lrdinq stðff advißory bulletin. xc ~r. ~cr20n; Filed. :\1. Annul'll report from the Training /lnd f.ducation Center for the Hðndicapped, Inc. tor 1981-02. Filed. Page 59 ¡ 1 I --------------------------------------~- I . I -- --..J - - -- ------.. --- ---- ------ -- ---- - _. -- - --- - - -- ..-- May 11,1982 32. Lett,f[ dnted "pdl 21, 19P2, from Mllc1 "ec1 R. ~horrod, resigning from tho ImmokAleo Beautification and Lighting ristrict. Filed. . . . . . . . There being no further busines8 for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourno! by Order of the Chðir - Time 11100 ^.M. BO~RD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/EX OFFICIO COVr.RNING DO^RD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL ccÆ.k2[~ ~TTEST II í W IJ-~ 11\~ l. / f'r../lGl\)I, .~, 'h //¿/;>t:~¡(: . ; - t.,. CL£~1( ¡,' If I '- ~/., ~ / ) ~~so mlnitcs )pproved hy the DCC on 1<)87 ..,~ .~ ) , r·av as prescnted x or ðS corrected Page "0 ßO~~ 068 FA~t 847 ---~---------------~~---~------------------ I. . . . "