BCC Minutes 06/02/1982 S . :::::::J ~~ ¡..__..._- .<0 . .- -- '--' --.. - - _. ~ i .' _ _ ._ _:...~ _ __ _ _ __ ~ _ _;J_ .__ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - .- - - ...... -- Naples, Floridl'l, Jl1ne 2, 1982 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that ß mðjorlty of the ÐOl'lrd havlrg given approvAl an¿ the Cl~rk having given proper notice In ðccordance with Ordinnce No. 75-16, thQ Board of County Commissioners mot in SPECIAL SESSION on this dote at 9:10 ~.M. in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex, East Naples, Florida, with tho following members prosentl CHAIRMAN: C. R. "Russ" Wimer VICE CHAIRMAN: ~nry-Francog Kruse Clifford Wenzel .John A. pistor Dav id C. Brown ALSO PRESENT: Willin~ J. Re~qan, Clerkl Ml'lureen Kenyon, Deputy Clerk; C. William Norman, County ~~nðgcrl fd Smith, Administrntive Services Administrntorl and Grðce Spðulding, Administrative Aide to the Boa rd. AGENDA 1. ConsIderation of nppointmont of County ~~torney. 2. Report and recommendation on modular office for courtroom use. AGENDA - APPROVED I'IITH THf. FOLLOWING ADDITIONS: Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that the agenda be approved with the f~llowing additions: 1. Appointment of County Commissioner to Judicii'll Committee. 2. Appointment of Acting County Attorney until ne.... County Attorney arrIves. pago 1 60D~ 069 PACEm -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - --- - -. - - - - -. - -- - - - - - - - --- / o . , -..- - - -. - - - - - - - - - - --.- ..---.-.. --------------- --..--- WQ l. 069 PÀ~E234: Junt! 2, 19112 BURT L. S^UNDER5 TO BE OFFERED TilE POSITION OF COUNTY ^TT0RNEY Former County Attorney pickworth indicated that he, Clerk Reagan and County Manag.r NormAn had spoken with each of the three chosp.n applicants, their sUF~rvlaor8, administrative people, and numerous other poople connected with each applicant and have found nothIng negative on Mr. Vaughn, Mr. Saunders, or Mr. Drake. He concluded by stating that there is no reason to be cautious or not hire any of them. Chairman Wimer stated that cach Commis8ionpr could inñic~te their first, second and tnlrd choice to determine the position of the Board. Commissioner wenzel stated his first, second and third choice respectively was Mr. vaughn, Mr. Wolpin, I'Ind Mr. Saunders. Commiss~oner Kruse st~ted thòt she liked Mr. Saunders, Mr. Vaughn, and Mr. Drake respectively. Chalrmðn Wimer stðtcd thl1t he had only decided on two which would be Mr. Saunders and ~r. Drake respectively and a third choico would probably be Mr. Vaughn. Commissioner Pistor reported that his choice was Mr. Saunders, first and Mr. vaughn, second. Commissioner Brown stated that his first choice WðS Mr. Saunders. Commissioner p~stor moved, 6(>cond!'d hy Mr. Brown ond carried 4/1 (Coramissioner Wenzel opposed), th,.,t the position be offered to Mr. Burl L. Saunders of Dade County. Chairman WImer stated th't the salary would be discussed with Mr. Gaunders, adding that if there wa& nny problem he woulci come back to the voa rd. Commissioner Wcnzel moved, seconded by Commisoioncr ristor and Pðg 0 2 - ..-.. .- - -. - --... - _.- .... - -- - -- - -- -- - - -- -~ - - -- - ..-------------~ . ,'., " ,: o c.....,... \ C.:1 'I' - --- ._- .- _.- .- -- -- - - - - - - - - -~ - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Juno 2, 1982 carriÐd un~nimously, that tho vote for Rurt L. Saunders be ml'lde un~m imou8 . BID 1544 AWARD TO FLORIDA MOBILE L~ASING CORPORATION FOR A 4R' X 20' MODULAR OFFICE ~OR COURTROOM USr. IN TilE AMOUNT OF $17.900 - APPROVED. ADDITIONAL SlO,OOO APPROPRIATED FOR NECESSARY FURNITUR~, UTILITIES CO~NECTIOSS, AND E~TR^NCE-W^Y CONSTRUCTION. County Man~gcr Norman statcd that in the past few weeks a raque~t by the Court Adminißtrator had been received requedting that the Board reconsider their ðction of Febru~ry 9/ 19n2 to provid~ additional courtroom spncc. He stated that there haG been some experience in tho use of the Boardroom which has created some disruptions because of the large number of people involvcd. He stated that the concern of the judg';.!s i8 that anothcr full tir.1C jlJ(lq0. will begin October 1st which will develop more problems, ~dding th~t the Boardroom would not bo satiøfactory. He concludcd by stÐting that a modular unit is being recommended to be placcd to the rIght of Building "A-. Commissioner Wcnzel qucstioned what return th~re would be on this unit, to which Mr. Smith, Administrative Services Adrni~istrator, stated that at the end of 2 years there would be ð ~5' purchase price return. Commissioner Wenzel moved, ~econded by Commissioncr pistor and c~rried unhnlmou&ly, that Bid 1544 for the purchase of a 48' x 20' modular office be awarded to Florida ~obile Lel'lsing Corporation, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, in the amount of $17,900 being the low bidder ~Hld in the best intp.rcst of the County and that an additional $IO,OOO be appropriated for nccessary furniture, utilities connections, and entrancc-way <.:onstructlon. Moriics for theso purposes are avallable 10 the 1977 Cupital Improvement Trust 302-519-1-05-0fi-64l, according to the Executive Summðry dated 6/1/82. Paq e ) BOD~ 069 rACE 2iIS ~ - - - - - - -- - - - -. - - - - -- -- - - - --~ - - - - .-- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- I . , ~ - - - - -- - - - - - -. - - - ~- -- - - - - - ..- - -~ - - - -- - - - - - - -- ._- - - - ~- &OOK 0 69 rA~f 236 .1unC! :>, }I)P'- COMMISSIONER PISTOR ^PPOINTED TO SIT ON JUDICIAL COMMITTEE. Clp.rk Reagan stated that Mr. Pickworth had rec~ived a letter from Mr. Midgley indicating that a certain amount of funds in the legislation h~d becn nppropriðtod thic ye~r to help to defer the coot for the County's indigont defcndant counsel. He reported that, in the past, the County has alw~YB paid the fee for a lawyer who was repre- senting the defendant whcn the Public Defcnder had Q conflict rnprescntin<J lIn indivldulIl. lIe RlIiò that there was i'lpproximately $117,000 allocated for the five counties of the circuit, adding that one Cc~missioner from each county along with the Public Defender will make up ð committee to approve the bills for the Public Defender to be paid for by the State. He concluded by stating that a Commissioner needed to be ðppointed to sit on the Committee to determine how much money each County gets, look at what has beel. done, approve it and send it to the State, adding that it has been budgeted in the St~te Budget. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unðnlmou~ly, that Commissioner Pistor be ðppointed to sit on tho Judicial Committee. KEN CUYLER APPOINTED AS ACTING COUNTY ^TTORNEY UNTIL TilE NEW FULL TIME COUNTY ATTORNEY IS ~MrLOYED. CC~~lS5ion~( pistor moved, necondcd by Commissioner Wenzel ðnd carried unanimously, that Ken Cuyler be ,'ppointcd as Acting County Attorney until such ti~e ðS the new full time County Attorney i8 et:1ployed. Page 4 ----- _. "--- ---. . .__ __ _40 _... - - _.. ___ __~~_',_~, __ _.'~.-:---'" __ - - - - - ___,_ - ______, . . "...., " ,; :-----, '-~ ~ . ,. ~ " .:" .........-,.. * ____________~________~L______________~__ * . * * * * Juno 2, 19R2 ~ * * * * * There boing no further business for the good of the County, the ~eeting was ~djourned by order of tho Choir - Time 9125 A.M. BO^RD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BO^RD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL ~)8.ld ~CII^l"MAN as prosentod x Those min~te5 approved by the BCC on or liS corrected .July I ~. 1982 ßOD~ 069 PACE 2Z7 pago 5 .-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - ----- -- -------