BCC Minutes 07/20/1982 W
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Naples, Florida, July 20, 1982
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Co,';¡miashners in
and fer-the County of Collier, and al.o acting as the governing
beard(a) of aùch apecial districts as have been created according to
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lav and hðving conducted 'business herein, met en this date at gzBB A.M.
in Øydget workah.p S..ai.n in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex,
Eaat Naple., Florida, with the following members presentz
CHAIRMAN: C. R. "Russ" wimer
(Arrived at 10:30 A.M.)
VICE CHAIRMAN: Mary-Frances Krune
John A. pistor
Clifhrd Wenzel
David C. Brown
ALSO PRESENT: william Reagan, Clerk; James C. GUes', Fiscal
Officer; Harold Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk; Sheriff Aubrey Rogers;
C. willi~m Norman; County Manager; Maureen Kenyen, Deputy Clerk; Brent
perk~~s, Budget Analyst; Bill McNulty, Don Hunter, Ray Barnett,
Sheriff's Department; and Grace Spaulding, Administrative Aide to the
1. Review of Capital projects regarding cancellation,
transfer, or deferral to reduce expenditures (to
aleet $2,700,000 deficit).
2. Sheriff's Budget
3. Capital Budget Review
4. Solid Waste Management Fees
***Commissioner Brown left the room at 9:20 A.H.***
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July 20, 19iJ2
- &OOK 069 PACE 6Ø8
Tape 11
Commissioner plster stated he would like te have en the agenda fer
Tuesday, July 27, 19B2, a redlscussi.n ef the parks b.nd issue
regarding hew it i8 te be voted, the millage and the dcslgnation en t~e
Commi..ioner pi.te, meved, secended by Commissioner Wenzel and
carried 3/8, (Chairman wimer and Commis.ioner Brown absent), that th.
parks bend issuo discus.ien be approved ter the July 27, 19B2, agenda.
Chief Deputy clerk Hall stated that Mr. Colding hð6 received
another 15 day extension, adding that this will make a total of b 30
day extensien fer the Property Appraiser which means th~t all legal
deadlines will be tl~e latter part ef oct.ber fer adopting the budget.
He stated that the Ceunty can legally ~pcrate under the current years-
budget until the new budget is adopted. He reported that the only way
to meet the $2.7 million deficit is by increasing fee& or decreasing
operating expenditùres, adding that any ether approach would add to
problema in the succeeding years. He stated that there is $1.4 million
in reserve and $800,Ø0Ø in a capital improvement which can be called
back into the General Fund te be used. He stated that there i. an
opportunity to increase fees in Solid Waste by $700,ØØØ. He reported
that an additional million dollars could also be berrowed to go inte
the operating fund te be paid back through the bond issue, adding that
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this i. net recemmended nor is it recommended LQ deplc\," '~;¡o.: cðGh
****Cemmi.sS.ener Brown returned to the r('om lit 9:JÇj 1,.:10'···
He neted that in '83-84 and 'B4-85, if all the c3sh cðrry~.ver was
u.eð new rather than to decrease expenses .r l~crea3C (2~~, staff w.uld
have te be cut in order te have pay increaseG [er thasc t;"lt are
already employed. He reported that the County ts lL.:'\.L~ t,) a 1S\ tax
increase plus growth. He neted that as the cash rcSC[V~G go dewn, the
interest income is l.st and when money is borrowed interc~t eXpense has
te be paid.
Commissioner pister questioned whether the new buildIng could be
ceunted as an increase in the tax base, t. IoIr.te1'. Mr. 11.111 replied
affirmativa1y, stating that he is expecting 0b~ut 10\ this yellr. He
.tated. that the figures that are being used fer operlltl~n Is a 20\
increase in assessed value .f which lØ\ is grewth. He stated that
rell-back tax dollars are being used In erder to levy tax dellars 15\
abeve the roll-back rate and whatever millage rate is ~ct~r~ined will
then ~pply to the new constructien, adding thill, h~wcver, this year it
cannot be done as there is a dollar cap on the tnx, which meðns no
increase other than lØ\ growth.
Sheriff Rogers reported that the jeb between the B$ard and the
Sheriff's department Is a little different, adding that the Board has
te set up the budgets and come up with taxes thllt ne~d to be p~id as
well as m~ny ether duties and the Sheriff·s Department has te provide
the protecti.n for life and preperty within the County and te carry eut
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069 fACE 688 July 20, 19R2
the duties that are legally assigned te the Sheriff's Department.
The Sheriff stated that the changes in hin bud~et have been'due te
the Steckade being transferred to the Sheriff, the 911 system, plus the
allecatien ef cests that e~ch department has to pay like mùlntenance,
etc. He stated that, ~ftar the werkshop ef last week, he reworked his
bu~get t. bring it down te $8,735,891.00 from $B,935,9BB.Ø~, which is a
reductien of $200,097.00, whlch brings the percent d~wn to l2.9\
instead ef the 15.4\. He stated that positions like a narcotic9
investigator for Naples, an investigater fer Immekalee, and the extra
funds for a relief crossing guard at schools were eliminated as well as
the equipment and operati.n expense assec1ated with the poslti~n5. He
noted that the research and development specialist weuld net be hired,
until January which would be $4500; the three correcti.nal officers
would be hired ðfte~ six months which would be 3 savin~3 of $22,679.
He stated that some of the equipment under capital outlay will be
deleted for the time being.
He stated that, due to the economy, ~ls budget has Increased. He
stated that he has tried to find pregrams that w~uld save meney, li~e
the autombile cestš, and that by initiating a program te replace
alternaters, engines, etc. saves meney versus the c09t ef a new car.
He neted that a satellite receiver system has been eliminated.
Mr. Don Hunter, Sheriff'. Department, stated that me.t of the
grewth has been experienced in the personnel category, which represents
7B\ ef the total budget. He stated that the operatien cost. are net
fully controllable by the Sheriff's Department, adding that the new
positions represent 2\. He reported that the 7\ ce.t ef livin9
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increase. that the State is recommending would be an 11\ increase In
persennel over 19B1-B2 without any new pooitions.
Tape 12
Mr. Hunter neted that due to the labor intensive nature of law
enforcement, a citizen has traditionally expected a law eníercement
efficer to arrive at the scene to resolve the preblem when they call
fer services. He stated that there is a positive relationship between
the number .f complaints and population, adding that as population
increase., the number of complaints Increase.
In terms of calls for services, Mr. Hunter reported that 245,000
calls are received per year, which resulted in 52,981 road calls which
was ð 14.5\ increase over 1981. He stated that alse impacted in the
budget is the civil sectiGn, warrants, and investigati~n. He noted
that in the civil section there waS an increðse of 25\ due to subpoenas
and civil services that were processed. The warrant sectien experi-
eneed an lB.3\ increase, and in the criminal investigatien there was a
25\ increase in the case loads. He stated that road patrol will nQt be
able to handle the projected calls for next year, adding that 3
complaint takers are being requested for personnel. He stated that
this would result in approximately 2Ø\ reduction of cla53 J complaints
that currently a certified deputy is required te ge to. He stated that
a full time and part time clerk typist has been requested due t. the
increase in case load, adding that the p~int has been reached where
overtime offsets the need for addittenal pers.nnel. He reported that
the department is requesting a research and development specialist, an
investigator íor the Naples area, an internal affairs inveøtigator, one
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July 20r 19B2
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scho.l crossing guard, a watch commander, a crime Beene technician fer
Immokalee, an investigater fer Immokalee, a baliff, and 4 correctional
Commissioner pistor questiened what the State mandated increase
fer salaries would be, te which Mr. Hunter replied the State requires
7\ which represents 10\ of the total increase.
Cemmissioner Brown stated that the Beard should net be the one to
judge the Sheriff's budget.
Com~issloner wenzel stated that one of the big expenses has been
setting up the various satellite effices.
Tape '3
Commissioner Kruse stated that the Board cannot tell the Sheriff
where to cut the budget as that is his responsibility and by reducing
the budget one-quarter of a million definitely help$. She stated that
she felt the SherIff's Department has dene ð tremend~~s job in trying,
to help the County and then questioned if this is the bottom line?
Sheriff Rogers stated that his CGncern is the protection for the
people, adding that the State gives him orders in a lot "f areas a.
well as the County. He stated that the department seeks ways te save
moneY1 however, the Board is required to tell the Sheriff's department
what areas will be cut, adding that the only area that can new be cut
is the additional personnel which he feels is critical.
Commi ssioner Kruse stated that a In..at one hal f the budget goes for
law enforcement.
*****Recess 10:15 A.M. - Reconvened 10:30 A.M.
" at which time Chairman wlmer was present. *****
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Mr. Hall stated that the mere the budgct can be reduced this year
the easier it will be to eperate in the second and third year due t~
the new building, adding that the only way to keep the County 1n a
..und fiscal cenditi.n for the next three years is to check the
expend1tureG closely this year.
Ceunty Manager Norman stated that there ðre four funds invelved in
the capital budget, adding that Fund 302 represents the proceeds in the
1977 entitlement bond issue which has not been spent, Fund 303 1s the
amount remaining from transfers frem surplus ef 3 years ago, Fund 304
was &6t up originally as part of the double taxation settlement which
i. earmarked for unincorporated area capital improvement, and Fund 305
is a new one that was set up to handle the justice expansion program
and the bond issue. He stated thðt Fund 303, the C~unty-wide capital
improvment fund, is the source used for capital projects other than
roads that are for a c.unty-wide benefit and ðrc not bond issue related
revenues. He reported that Fund 303 is where the greatest flexibility
Hr. Hall stated that Fund 303 are funds that can be moved back
into the General Fund if the project can be eliminated or can bp. funded
in another way, adding that Fund 302 1s anether way to fund projects.
,Mr. Norman stated that the fin~ncial management system is
impertant to the new software program which ca~ be paid for by sources
other than capital budget. He recommended that the financial
management system be left in the budget, but moved to another fund.
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069 PA~t 692.. July 20, 1982
Mr. Norman stated that other c~pital projects are simply a relerve
which can be deleted. He noted that parking expansion was fer the
exllting complex which CGuld be deleted.
Commissioner wimer stated that the handicap ramps ceuld be
r~r. Norman stated that the Bayview. Park Improvement weuld be
funded, adding that the artificial reef is fully state funded and would
be lQf~ in also.
Mr. Nerman stated that the Pelican Bay project is recommended for
Fund 302.
Tape t4
Chairman wimer stated that the lights for ballfields ce~ld be
deleted for this year, the service building fer the C~unty Cemplex and
the bikepaths could also be deleted. Ch~irman Wimer stated that the
County could defer the financial management system for a year, te which
the Board cencurred.
Chairman wimer questioned if the Naples Transfer statien ceuld be
deferred, te which County Manager Norman stated that the agreement has
been signed. Chairman Wimer stated that it is the censensus of the
Board to buy the property only, but ne censtruction.
Chairman wimer questioned if money is "freed up", can it be put
into the exi.ting courthouse expansien, te which Mr. Hall replied
affirmatively and Chairman wimer indicated to him te d. it. He stated
that the general cenaensus ef the Board is the more items that can be
deleted out of the Capital Improvement Trust Fund, the mere can be used
for the c.urthouse expansi.n.
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July 20, 19B2
Cemmissioner Kruse questioned if the m.ney freed from Capital
Improvement could be used for cash carry-over, to which Mr. Hall
roplied affirmatively.
Chairman Wimer stated that he recommended that bids not be let out
for the HV~C imprevements.
There was a general discussion regarding increasing the bond issue
in erder to receive a million dellars worth ef sales tax m.ney that
could be put in the General Fund. Chairman Wimer stated that the Board
is bothered by the proceeds of the bond issue being used to fillMin for
the County.
*****Chairman wimer left the room at )J :20 A.M. and.
returned with Mr. Dave Fischer at 11:30 A.M.**···
Mr. Hall stated that the $800,000 carry-ever ceuld be put in the
General Fund, substituting projects .r deleting them in Fund 302, which
would leave extra money in the reserve.
Chairman wimer stated that the Board's concern is that
approximately a million dollars of the ~ond i$sue is going to fund the
everall end of the County fer a year, questiening if it is appropriate
or if it can be deleted?
Mr. Dave Fischer, Censultant, stated that it 1s net unusual fer
new capital improvement projects, such as a water system, to capitalize
interest for the first two years until it reaches speed, adding that it
has rio revenue. He stated that theb.nd issue for the justice center
would be different as it has ne revenues, adding that in order to help
eut with the revenue shortfall that it w~uld be treated like a utility
revenue bond issue and have capitalized interest, which would allow at
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069 PÀ~t69&- July 20, 19B2
the end of a year a million dollars to be used for budgetary preblem...
He concluded by stating that it can be done but dees not have to be
Commissioner Kruse questionèd if the County could capit.allze the
shortfall that is expected for next year only, t. which Mr. Fischer
replied affirmatively, adding that this wa5 planned on because there
would be no revenues for the bond issue for the first few mGnths.
Chairman Wimer questIoned, if the Board wanted to delete the
millien dollars, would there be any problem in deleting it from the
bond issue, to which Mr. Fls=her replied negatively, adding that it
would cut down on the bo~d issue and would save m.ney in the end ~s it
cuts down on interest.
Chairman wimer questioned if the debt would go up ð million
dellar. if it was taken out of the úond issue, t. which Mr. Hall
replied that, in addition to th~ sales tax, the other general fund
revenues would have to be used t. meet the debt service.
Cha\rman wimer stated that there is a misunderstanding and ~hat
the County would want is the bend issue and the requirements for the
debt aervlce covered. He stated that the Board is under the impression
that besides all the requirements for the bond issue and the shortfall,
there i. extra money for general purpose funds for funding the Ceunty.
Mr. Fischer stated that the bond issue will stand on its ewn with
the 60\ portion of the sales tax allocation, adding that what shortfall
there i. on that would be capitalIzed. He stated that no general fund
money ef the County was ever censIdered to be used to support the bend
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Tap. IS
Chairman wimer stated that the problem is that the million dollars
that would be used te operate fer the next year would have to be paid
back for the next 3Ø year., questioning what effect it would have on
the budget if that milli.n d.llars was deleted, te which Mr. Hall
stated that the million dollars is net in the budget and would
therefere, still leave a deficit ef $2.7 millien.
Mr. Fischer stated that the bend issue would then be reduced by a
million dollars.
Clerk ne~gan asked that the Board not vete en the matter this date
only because there is still a $2 milli.n deficit, adding' that this is a
millien dellar eption tr.at the County has and may have to use.
Chairman wimer stated that it is the desire ef the Beard to delete
the million dollars if at all possible but tr.ey would wait until such
time as it is determined that the County can balance the budget witheut
the additional million dellars.
****** Chairman Wimer left the ro.m at ll:40
and rcturned at ll:S0 A.M.······
Hr. Bob Fahey stated that his proposal is designeò te provide an
alternative to the present methed of financing all solid waste
activities. He reported that residential supp.rt through ad valerem
taxes provides twe-thirds ef the financing. He noted that the propesal
through user fees would obtain tr.e necessary funding fer beth capital
and operating needs en the basis ef waste generation, adding that the
.cale records and the clðøsification ef waste indicates that
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residential produ~e8 roughly 25\ of the waste that Is received at the
Nnplea Landfill. He stated that commercial activities generate 15\ and
conatruction industry 60\. He stated that if the propesal is adepted,
this i. the way the revenues would be generated in dlrect proportion to
generation, which would reduce or provide use in ether areas for the
préaent meney that is currently used to finance the Selid Waste
Commissioner wenzel questioned if the transfer station fees for
automobiles of $l.25 would be irregardles6 of whether there was a car
full or just one bag, to which Mr, Fahey stated that it WQuld be $1.25
per vehicle irregardless of ho~ ~uch trash they have.
Mr. Fahey stated that the current cÐmmercial user (ee is $1.00 a '
cubic yard and $3.ØØ minimum, ~dding that at the time it was presented
and adopted, the fee for the dispGsal of the landfill was not
contemplated. He stated that the proposed chargc is $1.25 a cubic yard
and $4.00 minimum which would cGVcr the cost ef dispQsal.
County Hanager Norman stated that the $1.00 is fer the transfer
station and $.25 fer the landfill, adding that it cðuld be changed to
$1.00 and would n-t have a drastic effect.
Commissioner pister stated that by charging an autemobile $1.25 or
even $1.00 is forcing the p~ople te go to mandatory rubbish pickup. He
stated that people will not pay every day te drop off a bag of trash
and the highways will end up with mere litter, adding that there will
also be an extra expense of having a man t. collect fees.
Commissioner Kruse stated that if ð person has to pay at the
transfer station and they make one trip a week, they would be better
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off having someone like Yahl Brothers pick up their trash instead of
vasting their time and gas g~ing to a transfer station.
County Manager Norm~n stated that this proposal would offset the
need to go to mandatory rubbish pickup, adding that by operating the
transfer station as recommended, basically, mandatory collection would
be implemented.
County Manager Norman stated that it is much more cost efficient
and energy efficient for people to subscribe to a service than it is to
go to a transfer station.
Commissiener pistor questioned if indirectly, the transfer
stations are trying to close, to which County Manager Noeman stated
that the sole motive is to reduce the cost to taxpayers and previde the
mest efficient operation pessible.
Commissioner Wenzel stated that the amount for autemobiles should
be $1.00 instead of $1.25.
******Commissioner Brown left the meeting at 11:SØA.M.******
Tape '6
Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commi.sioner pistor and
carried 3/0, (Chairman wimer and Commi..ioner Br.wn o~t of the room),
that the Selid Waste Management fees be tentatively approved and the
indivld~al rate. be reduced to $1.00.
County Manager Norman stated that there would be an erdinance
needed to implement this which would require a public hearing and the
need to negatiate with the franchise haulers, adding that he would like
to proceed in order to have it ready for Octeber 1, 1982, to which the
Board consented.
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&OOK oø PACt698 July 2111, 1982
Mr. Hall stated that on Wednesday, July 21, 19B2, at 9:09 A.M. he
vould like to add res. existing special tax districts and new special
tax districts. He stated he would alse like t. review the Utility
Divislen budget, to which Chairman Wimer concurred.
Cemmissioner Piater questi.ned how much money was deducted from
the deficit this date, to which Mr. Hall stated $1.5 million.
There being n. further business for the goed of the County, the
meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time 12:05 P.H.
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