BCC Minutes 07/21/1982 W -, '--"""~-"'-> ...........-~..--.~~ .". . . I t t I -----~----'------- -- -_...:- - -- -- - - - - - - - - - ~ -.....----..... Naplos, Florida, July 21, 19~2 0' f .-. LET IT RE REMEMBERED, that the Board ot County Com~is.ion.r. in end for the County of Colli.r, ond also acting as the governing bøard(.) of ouch .peciol districts as have been created according to' law and having conductod business herein, met in Budget Work.hop S...ion this date at 9.04 ~.M. in Building ·Fw of the Courthouse Co~plox, tast Napl.., Florida, with tho following persons present.· CHAIRMAN. VICE CHAIRMAN. C. R. ·Russ- Wimer ~ary-Francea Kruse John A. pintor Cll Hord Wenzel Dðvld C. Brown (9r30 A.M.) ALSO PRESENT. Harold L. Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk,.Jamo8 C. Cl1.., Fiscal Officer Elinor M. Skinner, Deputy Clerk, Irving Borzon, Utilities Manager, C. William Norman, County Manager, and Henry Hill, Management Analyst. AGENDA 1. Utility Division Budgots Othe r Options For Increaøed Service Fees Other Options For Decreðlf\ed Expond i t ur e8 To Red uce Tlaxes 2. 3. 4. Report on Stðtus Of Tonti) t ive Due/get .a.nd Scheduling Of Additional Budget Workshops T. pe tl UTILITY DIVISION BUDGETS - TENTATIVELY APPROVED Utilities ~anager Berzon explðin~d that the 201 Budget for Everglades City the only budget in his diviaion thðt has bð~n changed and Is, at this point, virtually a moot point bocause the County'. share 1s approximately $9,000 and tho St~tC'8 share is not be1ng discussod as coming forth. 110 said to carry ttlðt 1tem in the budget In paqo 1 . I'. " MOK 069 fACE 699 .., . - - - - - - -- - - - - - -., - -- - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - -=----:-- ---*---:- ,. l.~ ~ / Jo" ì . . r' '. ~K~~t~-~-----------JwY~7nn------------ the evont that there 1. a chanqo ot the State'. funding poa1tion or '/ . -40 ~ .... polici.., would mean that at least the tor~.t and the vehicle through which to operate would be in the budget, adding that he would still have to return botor~ the Board to obtain approval. He said that while the Board may approve that budget, it would not commit the Board to any expendituro of tho.e funds until the Stðte comes forth with it. share of the matching funds, whIch ho 80id he dið not fool would take place in the current year. Mr. ßerzon soid that the other budget that has a chonge 1. the MSTD for tho south half of Sower Area wO-, otherwiso known as East Naples, whIch is the one on which the Board approved the design for the engineering plans for the sower system and that, currently, the County Is in the procesa of paying back tho third installment of that loan, adding that when that is done, lInleds thoro is some residual costs that carryover from the interest chargea, that ahould toke care of that item. He atated that is an MSTD and does not affect tho County budget but is an item that appears on tho tax bill. Chairman WImer said that item affects the County budget this year becauso it 18 goes into the calculated inter.~t of the County, to "hlch Mr. Berzon agreed. Responding to Chairman Wim~r, Mr. flerzon said that everything ia complete for Sewer Area w8- and ·that the only thing that would be required, if construction were to commence, is to make Bure the permitting is up-to-date and t~at there might be an expenditure of $10,000 to $12,000 for that. He said that approximately $530,000 has been spent and that is what 1. being paid back to the MSTD. Commissio~er Wenzel asked if the S9,000 itom i. all that h.. to 'age 2 ~~ 0 fl----------7~----.----- ~- ------ ------.---- '._A.....,.__~-....._","''''...., 'I I :I I - - - - - .-:'- - - .- -: - - - - - - - - - -- - - - ~1ül y 21-;- 19 if?- - - - - - - - - -- come out of the General Fund, to which ~r. O~rzon r~8pondcd ðffirm^- tively. Commissioner Wenzel asked where that item is in the budget, and Mr. Berzon oxplaln.d that the item is undor 201 Everglados City. Mr. Berzon etated that the other items ore all within the Utility Enterprise Account Fund. Mr. Hall said that a diroct impact on the Con.rel or Oporating Fund would occur if th~ County were not lovying ~-~ ...,- '.. the 1/2 million dollar tax in Sewer ServIce Aroa -ß·. He stated that la6t year the County levied $219,000 ^nd ~r. Oerzon said that, in this year's budget, the item shows up as double that amount because the County is only paying off one-half of the entire loan. ~r. Hall said th~t thore i8 nothing that can be done about that because the County was alreody Into that matter. RespondIng to Commissioner plator's question regarding General Revenuos of $14,645.00 for Everglades City, Mr. Bcrzon saId that h. was in error and that $14,000 is the correct figure and that ~ncludes administrative charge. as wolle Ho rccommen~~d that tho Board retain that item in tho budget, and that if tho COMmiGsioners wðnt to reduce it to some nominal amount so that It is available a~ a budgot item, that revision could be modo ðnd that if the State comes through wIth any funding, if the Board 60 desIres to make an ~ppropriðte contribution it would be in the budqet. Comminsioner PIstor asked if that figure is for moro than Evorglndes City, and Mr. Borzon responded that it covcro ðn area of about tw~nty-fiv~ square mIlos. Responding to Chairman WImer, Mr. ßerzon said that he recommends that the $14,~45.00 rem~ln in the budgot. Commissioner Kruse refered to It~m 4923, which stðte8 on the PaCJe 3 &O:J~ 069 PAGê 7Ð! ~......_----~----- - ...__.~_..- ...-.- - ----.-... .- - -" .-- -- -' - - ---- - - - --:"" - - - - - '--t If -:¡ ~, ~\ ~ ! --."'--....,..,......;,,-..... I! '~ I' t , i . -40 .. ~\ f. \ ,~ .' ",.; , .. ____ __ _-I.. ----'\L--------------J-üryTi;T91f2---:.--------- ßOO'u~ PM,b~an8 and spec1! iCl1 tions are complete and construction ,;.; ')' , " ,I " . . ! will be started next year, but that two pages farther there is an indication that 201 Deep Well Injection is 313, and she aaked if that is tho line itom name, to which Mr. Berzon explained that is just for identification purposes, adding that tho County's dosign i. for perco- lation ponds. Chairman Wililcr askod why the buðget is not changod to reflect that? Mr. Borzon explained said th~t the item iB carried under the 201 identification in the event that, at 6~me futuro time, tho County applies for Fedoral funds, there would be a need to identify the itom that wðy. He explainod that when the area was atudied, the recommended effluent ðisposal, at that time, wae doep well injection and that the County is not pursuing that now. Mr. Borzon stated thnt he expectB to receive ð finalized estimate this week and, if it appalH5 thllt the County has all the funds, howill return with the recommendation that the County go with th& plant expan3ion and that the expansion, as well as the percolation ponds, will take care of all the effluent other than spr~y irrigation latèr, if the decision is made to utilize that procedure. Commissioner' pistor said that, in his opinion, if the Everglades area needs a ~cwer system, the persons in that area sr.ould pay tor it, and that should happen without ð Btudy, to which ~r. Berzon said that is the Board's discretion and that tho BCC was not obligated in the very beginning to even commit itself to fund that. However, the Board chose that direction and has taken that course during the past tour years. no sðid that it the Board chooses to drop it and tell Everglades City that -they are on their own- it they want a 201 study Page .. . -. -------- --.------- ------ - -- - - ---- ,---------' .......~.,~_..,._-..-.. ""'''''-'" "'1.1 iJ ~ ~ ' -, H'.J_ 1IJ~"I, J . ' --.- ¡I 'I It -- - - - - - - .-.- --------- ·--~Jüly :n;-ï?lA2----- ------ ¡i, (or thoir aroa. th~t io tho ~o~rd'o pr~roqntivo. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried 3/l, with Commissioner Wimor opposed, to dolete the Everglad.. are. funding in General Fund 14645. Commissioner Wonzel .aid that If that area wants to be a municipality, they should aupport thoms.lve.. Commissioner Kruse asked Mr. Berzon what the total budget figure is for tho Utility Division, and he responded that It depends upon whother the total capItal and operating are combIned, adding that tho capital i. over SO million dollars and that tho operating is in the range of 3-1/2 to 4 million dollars. Commlssionor Pi8tor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 4/0, that the Utility Division Budgftt be tentatively approved. Mr. Borzon ðskod for clarification and Chairman Wimcr said that tho final budget decision~ would bo mðdo during the budget hcarings. DISCUSSION RECARDINC OTHER FEES THAT CAN BE INCREASED AND LICRTINC DISTRICTS Chief Deputy Clerk Hall stlltcd thl'lt if tho BOllrd dId comQ up with a million dollars from one of the two sources discussød yeaterday, adding a millIon to tho bond issue for the jailor taking a millIon out of Fund 302, moving that million into dobt 8prvice for the jDil, and' not put sales tax of one mIllion into debt service, that would fund the County's budget this year. He added that ð wl'ly to do that, which Is logal, in his opinion, is to put that one million dollars Into debt service not for the jail but for the Cepitl'll I~provement Program 302 ¡ debt service. Ho explained thl'tt would Jr.£'nn thl'tt the paymont from', Guarantood F.ntitlemont portion into the old bond issue dobt service pag e 5 ao~~ 069 PAC~ 703 --"'"'r..-----___. _____ __ _____--:-..,________ ìí- -r- - ~ -- - --..., ---'.__..'''''~-_.." . tj J). . . . .. . , Bo;~-õ6g ~ct: 7ò4 --- -J_ -- -- - -'- - - - - - -JUly ~r;- 1982 would not need to be mad., thereforo, tho monoy could be .-- - -_._.~-------- put into the Conoral rund. He said that would give les8 than $~OO,OOO.OO a year, however, if that action could be taken this year and next year, ~here would be almost $400,000.00 more cash carryover this year and the sa~. amount next year. Responding to CommisGioner Wenzel, Mr. Hall aaid that tho County would not be borrowing one million dollars because it already would have boen borrowed as a part of the 5 million dollar8 receiv~d in 1978. A discussion followed regarding this subject during , which County ~~n~gcr Norman snld that the 1977 Bond Is~ue money interest rate i8 7' versus 12'. A!ter Chairman Wimer requestcd clarification, Mr. Hall said that there are approximately one million dollars worth of capital projects currently planned by the County tor the 1977 Bond Issue and that his . suggestion was not to spend that money and tako that amount of money and put it into that Bond Issue's debt service and then it would not be necessary to use the State Revonuo Sharing for the debt aervice and that money would atay in the Ceneral Fund to be used to fund the operations, with Commissioner Wonzel adding that is thG item with the 7' interest rate. Responding to Commissioner ristor, ~r. Hall said that the money is ~ne million dollars of the unspent portion of tho five million dollars, and that Account 302 represents tho five million dollara. Mr. Hall continued to explðin that this approach would leave tho 1.4 million dollars reserve in tact to the place that the reserve would then be available, at thi8 point in time, next year. He pointed out that in each approach where o~e-tlme money tor a capital project S. takon and used to fund operating expenses, it 18 ð on. year fix and the Page tS . r"~iJ ~ '.. , 't r. 1 ~ ï .: --- -------- - ---- -- ----- -;¡úlÿ- 21-;- ï9if},- _________2 -_.."...;,.~,,;,,_.~.- "'''-'; ~..,. ., following year the sa..,o .1mount of ono-t i..,o money mUGt hI! found. ITB oald that n~xt ye~r toxes CAn be incrcðs~d 15. ~nd th~t this yoar thera can be no increaso. Mr. Norman s~id that ho felt ovoryone sharos th~ concorn that if the County buys its way out of a problem this coming year, what would the County do tho following year. He suggested that one poaslbility would be to use tho annual debt sorvico for next yoar's budgot and preserve the debt service the following ycnr, which would ensuro that there would be enough money loft to pay tho debt sorvice as that monoy would accumulate interest and be aval1~h16 for all future dobt service until it waR used. Commisøioner Kruse said that would free only 1/2 11\ 11 110n dollðrs ond not one million dollars, and Mr. Norman pointed out that if $400,000 is spent this year and $400,000 the ycar after, a highor rate of interest would bc earned. Co..,misRioner Xruse added this would mean tho County would be onn million short for this budget year. *****Commissionor Brown entered the meeting at 9130 A.M.***** Chairman Wimer asked the CommiGsioners if they wanted to ask Mr. Hall and Mr. Norman to begin exploring the ðforcmention~d process and Mr. Hall explained thðt tho procoss in in the same roalm of borrowing for long torm payment to meot current operating needs. ~r. Hall said that thero is no other way to proceed oxcept to reduce operating expons~s or Incrnaso revenuos. Chðlrml!ln Wimer ðsk('d if it \o/olllc1 be possible to tnko tho $1.2 million and not do thoso projects ðnd ~pply thoso funds dirr.ctly to some of the Improv~montB needed in th~ exp~nßion project, to which Mr. PAqO 7 eo~¡( 069 fAtt' 705 --------- -. -- - -- -- -- - -~ -- -- -. ','-' _. -.- - _.. -- _.. ,- -:\- -:'\.;-- - ~ - - - - --. . , ~ ~..' ': . -,-.".., " . ~: . , . .'; , . .. - - -.- - - - - ~ --....- --- - - - - - - - --jÜ),ÿ ""17 T9lfr-- -------' M)O~ 069 PAtE 706 Hall oxplalned that approach would only give approximately $100,000.00 of cash for operatlnq purpose. this year and that one million dollars Is needed. He said that would just reduce the dobt service by about $IOO,OOO, adding that if the Sl.2 million 18 appliod to debt service that vould wfree-up· the State Revenue Sharing to be uaed for operating purposes. Tape '2 \ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ A discussion continued during which Chairman Wimer clarified that S400,000 would be picked up throe times, once thia year, once during next budget year and onc~ after that, and that SROO,OOO would be wpicked up· for this next year. ~r. Hall said that two payments are made a year and that this yaar the payment is $263,276 and an Inter.at payment in the middle of the year of just over $100,000 and, therefore, the total figure Is approxlmatoly $370,000, but only $263,276 can be , 1 obtained this yaar. Rosponding to Commissioner Pi.tor, Mr. Hall said' that the payments have been coming from State Revenue Sharing. Chairman Wimer explained __I,at the Board would still be using long-tnrll borrowing to payoff one year's operating expense. DISCUSSION RE TAXINC DIñTRICTS Mr. Hall Ba~d that there is $147,890.00 in new lighting districts scheduled for October 1, 1982, and Mr. Norman responded to Mr. RaIl by ~aying that thore ha. boon no action by the Board to levy taxes that can create a lighting district. Ch~lrman Wimer said that Individual developers can deal directly with Florida rower and Light. Commissioner Kru.e movod, seconded by Commiesioner Wensel and carried unanimously, that the Board deter for one year the new lighting . . I " '.ge e ..~ - - ~ --- -- --- ..-. - .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " ---.",~.,".,~" ~ ,. ~~ , ;;"'l~ .. ~ . . " ,I ---- - ------ -- -. - - - --Jüly- 2l;-199-~- -- ---- ----¡ districts in tho a~ount of SI47,090.00. ^ dhcusslon followed dur1ng wh1ch "~r. IInll explained that of the $147,890.00, Sll0,000 ia the Pino Ridge Industrinl Park MSTD and Chairman Wi~er asked ~r~ Nor~an to investigate how far along that process is, as he undorstando the contract has been awarded to the engineers to do preliminary work on that item. Mr. Hall recommended that the Board give administrative direct~on on those kinds of items that normally would be done bocausc funds aro ðvnilablo through tho Ceneral Fund, adding that, in tho future, he roels it would be best if no contracts are nwarded until th~ ~oney in in hand. Chairman Wimer ~aid that he thought that direction was given last week. ~r. Norman said hè ~uld find out how much ~oney ia involved in tho PIne Ridgo Industrial Park MSTD. Mr. Hall said that other nrc~s that should be considercd by the Board are operating expenses in the MST's for tho unincorporated area. A discussion followed during which he ðskod the Co~missionors to consider if they want to cut back on the ~ðintenðnco of residential streets in the unincorporatod arra which are funded though nd valorem taxes. He explained that in Fund 175, the unincorporated arca goneral, the County 18 levying $272,000.00 in taxos becausc the County has used all o~ the carry forward and rescrve from that fund and Is depending upon the Ccneral Fund to handle that until Octobor 1, which reduced the taxes by 85' from last year's 1.8 million dollars. no said that, regarding the Unincorporated MST for roads, the taxes last year Wftrft $2.4 million and that this year, since sales tax monoy was put into that itom, $65A,OOO.OO ia propocd to be levied, ð reduction of $].7 Page 9 aOOK 069 PAC~ 707 ---:-------;--- -,----:-,------_._,-", --- ---- .- --.~ -.- -- --.-;--- - -:-- -- ---- --- -. " . ....._-_...,-, ,j Î ! ! ;~, .~, ) " 1 , I ; i, :....'...,.; , ~ II ,. I , ' " i ,~,:.:. ': '" ~ " ,')ì' ' -:1- ðOO~ -069 PAtf 708 - -s-_ - -'- -- -" -- - --- -Jüly21-;- Tgã2---------- million. Chairman Wimer said that he te.ls that road. are the last thing that should bft cut, adding they are a necesaity. Commissioner Pistor agreed, noting that if the money is cut and the roads deteriorate, the final coat would be twice as much. Chairman Wimer said he would defer building new roads, but that maintaining and paving oxisting roadwðYs should be not be cut. Mr. Hall doscribed other areas where, it expenditures were reduced taxes could be reduced, thereby adding to the base on which the Canersl Fund toxes could bo raised such as the Colden Gata and Ochopee Fire Departments. He ßð1d that thoee items would not constitute a large sum of money. following a brief discuasion, the general conaensus of the Board was not to cut those tire department budgets. Mr. Hall said that the way the State formula is designed, if taxes are lowered In any .pe~ta~ taxing district, that adds to the base of the formula over the Ceneral Fund where taxos can be raised in that fund, adding that the money is kept scparate. Following discusston, ~r., Hall stllted that 1.4 mllllon dollars 18 the minimum amount needed in reserve and that ~verything above that amount can be used in the operating budget, if the ~oard desires. Responding to Commissioner pistor, Mr. Hall stated that $750,000.00 is in Contingency this year. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimously, that 1.9 million dollar. be left In the Contingency Fund and that the cash carryover amount of $835,000.00 be moved to the Cenoral Fund, with half that amount added to Contingency and halt available for operations. Mr. Norman said that the previously dlscusaod contract for Pine Paqe 10 .' . '.,: . ~ ... il . . ---------------------~~~n~nn---------- ¡ r¡¡;¡¡¡ Ridge Industrid Park MST hðs been approvod by the BCC, and one invoice has alroady boon roceivC!ð with III loan of S(,s,oóo.ao hðvinq boen Ini tiat&d to pay for tho f1 rat pha so. Chairman Wimer said that, .. long as the ~~rk i8 in progress, ho would rathor that contract be finished. Commi..lon~r pistor ~ovod, .econded by Commissioner ~ru.., and carried unani~ou.ly, that tho Pine Ridge Industrial Park work be continued. Mr. H11l d1stributed a 11st of all Special ~ST'B, for whièh the County Manager i. responsible, showing the change. in the budget betveon last year and this y~ar. Chairman Wimer noted that the ðis- trlcts have a very small effect on the Ccneral Fund when they are re~oved, to which Mr. Norman aaid that those easily removed are the new ones. lie referred to the referendum in November regarding independence of the Golden Gate Fire District, adding that would have an effect of improving next year's budget. CommIssioner W~nzol asked if the ltemregarding MSTD Road Con- struction 1 through 5 r~ferred to new roads or maintenance, and Mr. ~rman said that was for resurfacing, adding it is heavy reconstruction which is basically capital improvements. Commissioner pist~r said if all the new districts, except Pine Ridge, are removed, the other lighting districts only amount to a little over $30,000, to which Mr. Hall .aid that romoving that amount would mean that there would be $37,000 which would not have to bo roduced in the county-wide funds. Commissionor pistor said that people have talked with him about the lighting districts and that they have wanted them for a long time, to which Chairman Wimer agreed. Page 11 ~OOK 069 P"~t 709 " f , ! eo -40 .. I~ t' I ¡1' .i )' ì' t (, . - - - - - --<- - - - -~ - - - - - - - - --- - -J'"ü1:y-'Y;- T91r.Z &OOK 069 PACt 710 ,;';' --- DISCUSSION RE ^M8ULANCE BUDOET A discussion followed regarding the Ambulance budget, which ~r. Norman explained i. within the 5' guidelines. Chairman Wimor asked how much deficit there WAS this y~ar? Hr. Norman 8aid that tho adopted budget for the current year Is $1,443,000 and that the recommended budget is Sl,378,000.00, a decrease of 5'. He explained that $879,000 would come out of the General Fund Ðn~ that S493,000 is projected in feos. Chðirman Wimer said that a partial increase in rates was requested and he asked if any increase has been considered for the, deficit, and Mr. Norman stated that an incroð8e could be requested. . Tape '3 Commissioner Wonzel asked if any thought has been given to incroasing the rates on a district basis, and Mr. Norman said that he did not see how that could be done, although he had considered It. Mr. Norman said that staff could give the Commissioners a report on th~ situation. Ch~lrman Wimer said that Mr. Jack Wampler, working under Mr. Greenfiold, han done a magnificent job collecting the ambulance I bills. ANIMAL LICENSES DISCUSSED Hr. Norman said that animal licenses could be increased. BE~LTH DEP~RTMENT DISCUSSION Referring to the Health Department charges, Hr. Norman laid that Dr. Thomas told him that departmont has been asaured by HRS that they will not receive any cuts in the current year's funda, however, the ~ j ~ l ~ Page 12 :~ ';~ <. r j,' .,,:, ."0:" ~' ", ~~ [: ..'!! II 1 tf'~ "1 ! ¡. . ,1 l lAL4 ~ ;;~ - - - -- - ------ JUly 2l~ 1982- ------------ 'following yelH: they can look for a 25\ cut in their funds. CENERAL DISCUSSION ~r. Hall 5u~~pgted that he and the Fisc~l Officer could look at the debt service between the two funds which håve been discussed and seo what cnn and cðnnot be done legally and have that information av~ilable for the Commissioners. Ho said if S200,000 is taken from the Sh~riff, $400,000 from Fund 303 and, if the S700,000 comes through from Solid Wagte, there would he 1.4 million doll~r5 to be cut from op~ra- tin'] hu¿g~ts. lie g.Jid thðt th" opcrllting bu~q('t$ under the County Mnndg~r ranq~ fro~ 20~ to 3n~ cuts to r" to In\ increases, ~dding that t!',., bl'.J l~cr<:)l~h~S H~ in r"¡:- rOlJrt ðr.d Cri~in(11 ';lI~;',ic(' ~y!';te..,. He $.11: i\,.1 aur~::tion L; \.,~,,'tr·~r 1.1\ Million <101L]£5 Ci,n bo cut from those . ' t~n ~rr~s ~ithcul ~~rlo~~ly Jf~ccting the ovp.rall orcr~tlon of the Justice Systpm. C~¿ irmon ~i~er said that h~ did not think the Commis- sion0rs w~rc looking for the entire amount to come from the Criminal Justic>3 SY5t·~~. 1'<:) ::)i)\(! th.'1t the 5\ directivo which the COMMissioners g,we a.HIler in t~~" Y~,H WI'S too high. Mr. 1',111 s,)id that a 2\ to 3' ¿ecre~sc fro~ the current year's bu¿qet 1~ what i5 necossary. Chairman Wimor told Mr. H~ll to con5iè~r the 1.4 million dollars on the other bond issue as a l~st resort aft~r the ACC is finished with operational expenditures. ~r. Hðll said that he would bring informðtion back to the Board, by c~tcgory, of wnðt the oper~tlnq bu~get is for the current yedr, what the request is, what the percentage increase is and what th~t amount Is of the total incre~se request, to which Ch~irman Wimer snid thðt ~r. H~ll could give that Information to everyone when he Page 13 ßO:)K 069 fA~t 711 -. -.-- .. -.. - - - - . ~ BooK o#l3PAGF71-Z mee~8 with th~m, ~1~in~ thbt he wanted ~r. ~ ': ~ Í' - -- ," t.. ,¡ ;1 " 'i , }1 ij í j '~ 'n, :i~ 1. ~ ~ J ,~ 1 ~.~ 1 I -- -"- - -- - -- - - -- - - - - - - -- -- --- - -- -- -- --- -- - - --- .1ul'" ~, f1¿ 11 to I""~ct wl~h Sheriff ~ogers, the Courts, Clerk, Health Department, ~uperv1sor of Fl~ctlons, Tax Collector and the County ~anðger and expl~ln that 1.4 million dollars is needed. ron~is8ioner ~enzel ð£~cd ~here the sh~rts are that show ~hot the ov~rpll budget for 19P1 was for every depart~cnt Sn the g~v~rn~ent ond whðt i5 nroposed for 19~', to ~hlch ~r. Hall said h~ had th~t information an~ wo~ld give it to the Co~m!ssioners. Mr. Hall said that as soon as the Property lppraiser issues the assessed values there will be thirty days during which the Poard must adopt a tentative budget and he agreed to follow Chairman Wi~er'5 directive. CommiSfi!oner PIstor rðIse~ a point regarding the ~tate law which !:t'lys that the TðX Collector' CI'H\not collect a porcentage from the incorporated areðs for collecting theIr taxes an~ that the County is, thprefore, pðyIng for the collection of the CIty of Naples' and the School Board's t~xcs. He said that the 1-1/7' or 3' of the ~chool Po¿rd taxes plus the City tðXoS amount to a fnIrly large sum of ~oney thðt the County has to pay for that servIce. He said that he felt this :".oc;lè be ð 5eparl!te iter:1 so thl!lt it definitp.ly 5h:;,ws up. ~~r. HIIIl ::-:. t~"H the.> Bce pl'ys a little over 2t to thl' 'j¡¡y Collector wnich 16 ~'" '"':;-~nse of tne FOðrd. Commi!:sloner Pi!:tor !õ/!id, in his opinion, if thJt money is shown in the right place then more could be put in the GC~0r~1 Fund and not In the ~STU'S and that would let the public know :~..,~ ~~~(:~nc is ~0Pttlng ð tree rlde~. ~r. Nor~an referred to the agenda for the July 27, 19R2 ECC meeting ðnd requested that the Comm~ssloners look at the fee schedule Page 14 .'. ",¡ -----------------------~~~n~nß------------ aoOK 069 FAGf ~ a , It~m clIr.lu#J.ly, adding that the Englnøerln'1 Department is requesting a subatantial Increðse. The decision was madp. to hold thp. next ~udget Workshop on Tuesday, July 27, 1982 following the BCC meeting. . . . . * * There being no furth~r businc3s to como before the Commißslon, the Workshop Session was adjourned by ordQr of the Chair at lC:20 A.~. Pago 15 . " " I' . . ------_.- -~.< -'""""".~_....., '."-+"-~---"