BCC Minutes 07/27/1982 R --- -. -----...... ---~ --...- --- " .--..-,..........--...r-... .. &Qœ. 010 rAtE Of. ,~;:; - __ ._._____ _, __ ___ ____ ._~ __ ..-:_____..:..--;----- --- --:0-- -----.::~~? . .', '. . ' 4Z ¡:....(¡. ''I ";r~;f: .:,~f ·,·t "l.Jp~'& T"2,crid.::· .n::,'.' 2; ..;12 . ..... '..r. , J.:. £IE :t~MEHBEREC, tha~ chI' ~"'r,r! "f C>U' ::r COlo1rnis81oncrll in _" Þ"'..W - - . .. bnd for tte County of Collier, and al&O a~tln9 aB tha Boord ot zonln9 "r,..")oals and liS the govQndn9 h~IHd (s> of such ~pechl d~.trict:8 as ha'/o beo~ crclIted ~ccordin9 to law and having conducted buslnesa here~n, met .:n this date lit 9tOO 1\.1-1. in Regular Session in Building "F")Oz' the Court; OU80 Complox, East Naples, Florida, with tho following mo~ber. present: CdAIRM^Nt C. R. "R~a~" wimer VICE ;I1AIR"'''N: t1ary-Fr~nces Kruse ~ John l\. pIstor Cl! Hord Wenzol "th ~J C. Brown ~1\LS~ ~nfSRNT: WilliDm J. Reagan, Clerk¡ JlImeo C. eilos, Fiscal OffIcerl Sh~{1ff Aubrey Rogers, C. William Normlln1 County ~lInðgnr1 Maurec"'l cr:r.yon and Ell~~r C:~~~:\:1C:!', Oo~uty Clerk~;', Burt L. SêJul,dors, county "~tor',. y; r,eorge 1IrchIbtdd, F.nqinp.p,,: Terry VIrtð, \~ommunity Dovelopr:H.,'t ^dlthløtratof1 Lee Layne, "ctIng ZonIn!') Dirl!ctor1 Terry ~lðrk, Plðn~fr, n~rb~ra Cacch1one, Planner, trving Borzon, Utilit1.. ~Ircctor¡ Grôce f.pauldlng, "dmin1stratl~e Aido to tho B~ard1 and Chief Deputy R<'IY Pa,-nett, Sherlff's DcplHtment. Pago 1 fir. ... - - - - - - -- - - - - --- - - - - - ------- -------------+ ~_.."',...__........... .... July ~7, 1982 i:~: ~ow 070 PACE 08 AGENC - APPROVED WITH THE FOLLOWING ADDITIONS. Co~~laslonor Piator moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that the agenda be approved with the following .dditlona. a. ProclamatIon presontation to nill Ryan. b. 9Fl ro Bid 'S7~, courthousø landscaping. c. 13C r~ satellIte dIsk. It_III 2 PROCL~MATION HONORING WILLIAM RYAN FOR RIS OUTST^NCING L!ACenSRIP AND CONTRIBUTIONS TO COLLIER COUNTY - ^DOPTED Commisaionor pistor read and presented a proclamation to William Ryan for appreciation and gratitude of his contributions of time and personal commitment to the safoty and betterment of Collier County In providIng radio and video communIcatIons. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanImously, that the proclamation honoring William Ryan b. adopted. P19. 2 ,. . - -tf'. 0", . , ~ ~ ~ .. " 11. 'I ;¡-> ., -.----------------- _. - ~ . -- -- - -..- July 27, 1982 &OÔX 070 PAct 10 It.. 3 EMPLOYEE SERVICE ~W~RCS PRESENTEe ., Chairman Wimer presonted the following employees with s~rvic. awarda for tholr years of servIce to the County as Indicn~-'\ bc10ws Ulplano Bonilla - Aquatic Weed PatrIcia Cookson - Parks & Rec. Bernard Crows - Ro~d , BrIdge Sidney Cody - Road & Bridge Lisa Cook - l\qrIculture R. CecIl Farrell - ProbatIon James rolor - Road & Bridge eeorge ~uqqInß - Road' Bridge Robert ~ðyberry - Ochopoe FIre Control Dlst. Thomas Mitchell - Ochopeo Flre Control Cist. Pablo SlIlinas - Parks & Roc Audio ~nydcr Road & Brldgo Paul Starnes purchasing James Thomas - Parks & Roc. 1 è ",. ~ r n C" r s ¡'., ¡c"rs " ';' I! ars c, '..~ars ': êlrs ;"~., ~ S ') '/ C <'Irs ,. ,¡'C'ars 5 yellrs S 'Ic" ra 5 yellrs ~'C ð r s C, '/ C<'Irs IUII 4 CP-82-l0C:, WILSON, MILLER, BARTON, SOLL . PEEle, INC. nF:i''1r:SENTING P:. W. QU~INTANCE, REQUESTINe ~ L~ND USE ~"'ENDMENT FROM ¡: ;:,;¡ DENTI~L LOW-MECIUM TO RECREATION OPEN SPACE FOR ~PPROXIM~TELY 1(,9 ACRES ON ']; WEST SIDE OF BAREFOOT WILLI~MS ROAD - CONTINUED TO SEPTEMBER 28, 19P,~ Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carrIed unanimously, thllt Petition CP-82-10C, wilson, ~\ll('r, B3rtc~ SolI' Peek, Inc. representIng K. W. OUðlntance¡ requc~':_:i'J a land i.: amendment from Residential low-medium to RecreatIon Open 5pðcO for approxlmateli 169 acre. on the west side of Barefoot Williams Road, continued lo Sep~ember 28, 198~. It.... 5 ORCINANCE 82-57 RE PETITION CP-A2-11C, VICTOR ftUeO ßOUS~; ^N'. ~ECIL .' REOUESTINe Þ. L~ND USE ~MENDMENT FROM AGRICULTUR~L TO RE5ID£74TIÞ.':' LOW-MEDIUM FOR TftE PORTION OF THE PROPERTY ON TnE WE5't...~IDE or I-75 " FROM 1\GRICULTUR~L TO RESICENTIAL LOW CENSITY FOR TH! PÒRTION or THE PROPERTY ON TH~ EAST SICE OF 1-75, FOR APPROXIH~TELY 599 ACRES + ~l THE 1-75 INT£RCHÞ.NG£ IN SECTION lA, TOWNSH~P ~8 SOUTH, R^NC£ 26-EAS. ~COPTr.D - Legal notice hàvl~g been published in the Naples Daily Nevs on ,1une 25, ',982, as evIdonced by Affidavit of Publication fUed vlth t' Clerk, put:.l1c h(!å'dr.Cj was "p~·n.,.J to con.lder Pet:lt1on CP-82-11C, VIe. ...' PD'- ~--- - - --- --- - - - - --- - --- - - ----------- - . iiiiiI c:::-.:) e::s _________________________________________1 July 27, 1~t'2 Hugo Bou.e and Cecil Hall, requesting a land use amendment from '-. I~- --. . - - - .. . Âgrlcultural to Residential low-medium for a portion of the property on the west .ide of X-75 and from Agricultural to Residential low density for a portion of the property on the east side of 1-75, for approximately 599 acre. Z ~o for the 1-75 Interchange in Section 1n, Township 48 South, Rango 2~ Eas~. planner Cacchione stated that this is a proposed comprehenøive plan land use chango from l\gricu1tural to Residential low-medium, 0-4 unit. por gross acre, adding that it is located approximately one mil. north of the Immokalee Road and 1-75 Interchango. She concluded by 8tating,that It is the r.commend~tion of Staff and the Collier County . Planning ~ency that the portIon on tho w~at of the 1-75 right-of-way be designated as ResIdential low-medIum, 0-4 unIts per gross acre, and that tho portIon on tho cast of 1-75 be desiqnðted as Residential low density, o-~ ur.Its per gross acre. Thore being no dløcuÐsion, Commiooloner piator moved, ø.conðeð by Co~18sioner Wenzel and carrIed unanimously, that the public hearing b. closed. Co~ls8ioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenz.l and carried 3/2, (Commi.sioners Wenzel and piator opposed), that the Ordinance as numbered and entitled below be adopted and entereð Into Ordinance Book 15. . ~ .. . &OOK 070 PAct 11 ,ag. .. ---------------------~---~-------~----~-l' . I ' . I ~l..· Jt , -----------------------------------------.. July 27, 1982 &Oœ 070 PAC£ 12 ORCIN1\NCE 82-57 .. ^N ORCIN~NCE 1\MENCING ORCINANCE 79-32, THE COMPREHr.NSIVE Pu\N FOR COLLIER COUNTY, FLORID]\', BY ^MF.NDING TilE won ( STUDY "RF.^ MAP .2 FROM ^GRICULTURAL TO RESIDENTI^L LOW-MEDIUM DENSITY (0-4 UNITS PER GROSS ACRr.) "ND RESICENTI^L LOW OF-NSITY (0-2 UNITR PER GROSS "CRt) ON TII~ FOLLOWING tlESCnIFlED pnOPERTY, ^PPROXIH"TELY 599 "CRES, + 40 ACRES FOR 1-75, IN SF.CTJON l~, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, -R^NCE 26 EAGT, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORICA, MOR! P^RTICULARLY CESCRIBED HEREIN, AND PROVICING AN EFFECTIVE MTE. Itoll 6 PETITION tP-82-12C, BROWARC snOOTINC LANe USE AMENCMENT FROM AGRICULTUR"L APPROXIMATELY 40 ACRES, LOC"TEC EAST ALLEY - CONTINUEC TO AueUST 10, 1982 ^NC HUNTINC CLUB, REOUESTtNG " TO RECREATION OPEN SPACE FOR OF HILE M^R~ER 35 ON ALLIGATOR - Mr. Torry VIrtð, Community Covelopment Administrator, stated that he roceived ð letter from the Florida Department of Transportation asking tllat the County look very closely at development prof)osals alone) the ~out~ Dido of Alligator Alley because of the desIgn and future right-of-way noods of 1-75, lidding that hn Is asking that this petition ~e cont{nued in order t~ be referre~ back to the Planning "qoncy and PlannIng Commlns:on to obtðln further Inform~tlon. Commissioner P1stor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that petition CP-82-12C, Brovard Shootlne) and Hunting Cluo~ requesting a land use amend~~nt (tom Agricultural to Recreat!on Open Space !~r approxlmate\y 40 acre., located e.st ~f .11. marker ~~ on ^lligðtor Alley, oe refereed back to the plannln9 Agency and the f'lann1ng Commission and be continued to the BCe lIe.tine) of "ugust JO; AJ~.. 4 ." . - - -. . - 4 -") '.9- oS . ' _._ ___ - - _. - - - __ - - - - - _1- _ --,,";'" __ - -- ---- ---------- IIIQII t:::=) e=- -;-----.--------------- ---.- --------- --- - - --. July 27, 1982 Ite. 7 PETITION CP-82-21C, (PARCEL A) COLLIER C~UNTY PLÂKMINC DEPARTMtMT REQUESTING rUTURE LÂNC USE ELEMENT FROM COMMERCIAL TO RESICENTIAL MEDIUM CENSITY FOR APPROXIMATELY 12.5 "CRES LOCAT!C 1\T THE NORTHEAST CORNER or 1-75 AND CR 951 - DENIEC ' Le9al notice having been published In the Naples caily News on June 25, 1982, as evidenced by AffIdavit of publication filed with the Clerk, public hear~n9 was opened to consider potition CP-R2-~1C, (Parcel A) CollIer County Planning Department, requesting futuro land use element from CommercIal to ResIdentIal medIum density for ~pproximatoly 12.5 acres located at the northwest corner of I-75'and CR 951. planner Terry Clark stated thnt this Is a requoRt for four . a~endments to the ComprehensIve Plan land use element in the vicinity of I-7~ and CR 951. Ho reported that Parcel ^ Is a request to amend the Comprehensive plan (rom Commerical to ResIdentIal medium density which is at the northeast corner of the intorchanq~ and is approxi- ~ately 1~.6'ðcreø, addIng that parcol B 1. ð request to amond the Comprehenßlve Plan from Commerlcal to Rosidential medium den.ity and 1. on the northwest corner of the Interchðnqe and Is approximately 3.4 aeros. He stated that Parcel C Is a request to amend tho Comprehonsive Plan from ResIdentIal medium densIty to Commercial, adding that tho property Is bound by tho future water trentment plant to tho east, CR 951 to the ~est, and an access road to the watcr treatment plant to the north. He reported that Parcol D Is a request to amend the Comprehen- .ivo Plan from Ro~ldential medium density to Commercial with ~he accoss road to the south, CR 951 to the ~e8t, the wllter treatment plant to the east and the Golden Cote canal to the north. He noted that the two parcel. that are being recommended for Commercial tctal 18 acres. He , concluded by statin9 that the Colllor County Plan~ing ~ency teco~- . &QOx 070 rACE 13 '.'JIt I) --------------------~-------------------- . ......-,,- --------------------.....------------------- July 27, 1982 ~~ 070 rACE 14· mended that Parcel 8 be changed to Rosidential medium density, that Parcel A remain Commercial, and that Parcel Cand C be changed to , Comme rc 1 a I . cha1rmðn WImer questioned why two parcels were being changed fro. Commercial ~o Residential, to which Planner Clark stated that there vaa ð recognized noed for interchange Commercial In the area but the ex.,t boundaries of 1-75 were not knownl however, it was Indicated that chere I could be a chango when the boundaries for 1-75 were de~ermlnod. Re stated that Staff folt that thore is a need lor Commercial but du& to tho 1-75 right-of-way IInd the water treatment plant, Staff feels that Parcels A and B ðre not adequato as Commnrcial. C~mmlss1oner piator stated that he could not Bp.e putting Residenl\al next to an interch~nge, to whIch Commissioner Bro~~ concurred. Cr. Neno Spagna, representing the property owners that hav. thl8 property In trust wIth the Barnett Rank, referred to Parcel A. "e reported that he dId not fecI that this property could be readll'l adapted or used as residential property, adding that it has th. treatment plðnt on one sIde and 1-75 on tho other. He noted that thu acceus road that would bo goIng to t.~e landfill area woulJ have approximately 97,000 vehicles travelIng :t ~~Llng ð course of d ¡..;. He stated that thIs parcells properly shown on the ~omprehen.lve plan as Commercial property and he would like it to remain as such. He reported that he does not represent Parcel B, and has no objectlunl with Par~el C and C. ~ere being no further dlscusslo~, Com.l.oloner Wenzel moved, "uconded by COlMlhsloner P1ator and carried unanlmo:J.J'./, t.hat -:h" pubUo be.u1n9 be clo.ed. '19- ., . \.. -----~ ---~~------:------~----=-----~I .------- ------------------ ----~-- ---- - - - -. July 27, 1982 Co~i..loner Wenzel moved, .econded by Comml.sloner Kru.., theL Petition CP-82-21C, Collier County Plann~r.~_Depar~àe~t requeatln9 future land use ele~ent from Commercial to Re.ldentlal med~u~ density, for .pproxl~ately 12,5 acres located at the northea.t corn.r ol 1-75 and CR 951, P~rcel ", be approved. Th. motion failed 2/3, Co.-Illionerl Pistor, Brown and Wimer opposed. ItelD 8 ~RDINANCE 82-58, RE PETITION CP-82-21C, (PARCEL B) COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT, REOUESTING FUTURE LANe USE ELEMENT FROM COMMERCIAL TO R£SICENTIAL MECIUM CENSITY FOR APPROXIMATELY 3.4 ACRES LOC"TED "T THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF 1-75 ANC CR 951 ADOPTEe Legal notice havIng been published In the Naples Caily NOVII on June 25, 1982, os evidenced by Affidavit of PublicatIon filed with the Clerk, public hearIng was opened to consider Petition CP-82-21C, (Parcol B) Collier County PlannIng ~pðrtmont, requestIng future land use element (rom CommercIal to ResIdential medl~m density for Dpproxlmately 3.4 acres located at the northwest corner of the intersectlo~ of 1-75 and CR 951.' Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pi.tor and carried unanimously, that the public hoaring be closed. CommissIoner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried 3/2, (Commissioner ~rown and Wimor opposed), that the Ordinance as numbered and entitled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 151 ORDIN^NC£ 82-58 , "N ORCINANCE MENDING ORCINANCE 79-32, THE COMPREHENSIVE PL"N FOR COLLIF:R COUNTY, FLORID"", BY "MENOING THE WORK STUDY ^RE^ M"P 13 FROM COMr~ERCI"L TO RESTDENTI"L MEOTUM CENSITY (0-1;.'2 UNITS rER C:R055 ^CRE) ON TIfE FOLLOWING CESCRIBEC PROPERTY: "PPROXIM^TF.LY 3.4 ACRES LOC"TEC IN SECTION 34, TOWN!iHIP 4tJ ~OUTfI, RANGE ,,, E"ST, MORE PARTICULl\RLY CESCRIFlEC IIEREINI "NC PROVICING AN EFFECTIVE CATE. &OOK 070 PAC! 15 Page 8 ~--------------------------------------- -- , ../ July 27, 1982 .. . -------------------------------------------- .. aoåt 070 PAC-: 16 Itea 9 ORDIN^NCE 82-59, RE PETITION CP-82-2lC, (PARCEL C) COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING DEP~RTM!NT, REQUESTING FUTURE LANe USE ELEMENT FROM RESIDENTIAL MECIUH CENSITY TO COMMERCIAL FOR APPROXIMATELY 4.4 "CRES LOCATED "LONG THE EAST SIC! OF CR 951 "PPROXIM"TELY 1/2 MILE'NORTH 0' 1-75, - ACOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Caily Newa on June 25, 19R2, as evIdenced by AffIdavit of publication filed with tho Clerk, publIc hearIng was opened to consider petition CP-82-2lC, (parcel C) CollIer County PlannIng Department, requesting future land use element from Residential medium density to Commercial for , ðpprQx!matel y 4.4 acres located along the eltst aIde of CR 951 ilpproximately 1/2 mile north of 1-75. Comm1.:s!oner Wenzel moved, soconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner ~enzel moved, seconded by Commissioner ~rus. and carried unanimously, that the Ordinance as numbered and entitleJ below be adopted and entored into Ordinance Book No. 151 ORCIN^NCE 82-59 "N ORDIN^NCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 79-3~, THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR COLLIF.R COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY ^MENDING THE WORK STUDY AREA MAP _3 FRO~ RE~IDENTIAL MEDIUM DENSITY (O-~.l2 UNITS PER eRO~S ACRE) TO COMMF.RCr"L ON THE FOLLOWING DE~CRIBF.D PROPERTY: APPROXIMATELY 4.4 ACRES LOCATED IN SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, R"NlìE 2'; EAST, MORE P"RTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN, "NC PROVrCrNG AN EFFECTI'tE DIIT£. Itt,. 10 ORCINANCE 82..,;0, Rt PETITION CP-82-2IC, (P"RCEL C) COLLIER COui''" PLANNING DEPARTMENT REOUE~TING FUTURE L"ND USE ELEMENT FROM RESIDENTI"L MECIUM CENSITY TO COMMERCY"L FOR APPROXIM"TELY 13.6 ACRES LOC"TED "LONG THE EAST SICE OF CR 951 "PPROXIMATELY 3/4 MILE NORTA OF 1-75 - ADOPTEe --- Legal notice having boen published in the Naploa Daily Newa on June 25, 1982, as evidenced by Affidavit of publication f\l~d with lh. 0, Clerk, public hear\nq was openeð .to consider Petition CP-8~ ·21.., · l _________ _ f -~~-------------------~--------ì I ( _ t \ .,---~ paq. 9 ~ ~ e!!!J ---------------..-..- ! I ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ I \ ' July 27, 1902 (parcel' Cl ,r:oll hr "ço,:!nty. plÐnn 1 nl] . Depa r tmnnt L r;equcst; S ~CJ ~uture )~nd . - . .... - .. .. ' .. .. u,~.~~.~ent-fromResid.ntiol.me~lum.density to Commercial for .. . . "._. _..., __ _ ... ... .",. ,._";", _. t·....O.. - ; ... ~..A ~~,. : .....,..... ...,.. ....'-: ~. ~ .. ~ epp(oximatelï,13.6"acres.located_alonCJ tb~ ea.t aide of CR 951 ,... -.. ... - ..... '. ~ ~.. - .. - ~ -: - : - ~ :- . ,... .: '!' ~: ~'. _tpprodllauly.3/" "tles, north of: ~-7S~. .., .. ~~~ 7Co~isslon.r.Wenz.l ~oved, seconded. by Commissioner pistor .nð --- - carried unanimously, that. the pub~lc he~rinCJ be closed. :~~ Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner ~rus. .nd carried unanimously,. that the Ordinance as numbered and entitled below be .doptod and ~ntered into Ordinance Book No. 1St ~ ~ ~ 0 -: .. bRDIN~NCf: R2-60 , -.. -... -.. .- ----. ..-....- ---.-- - ...-- -...- --- _._~._.- ".,---.-. ~_._-- --~- _.... -- ^N ORCINANCE AMENDING ORCINANCE 79-32, THE COMPREHENSIVE PL^N FOR COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY AMENCING THE WORX STUDY ARE^ M^P 13 FROM RESIDENTIAL MEOIUM DENSITY. (0-6.22 UNITS PER GROGS ACRE) TO COMMERCIAL ON THE FOLLOWING DESCRIAED PROPERTY: APPROXIM^TELY 13.~ ACRES LOCATED IN Sf.CTION 35, TOWNSHIP ~9 SOUTH, R"NGE 2~ EAST, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIAED HEREINI "NC PROVICING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. - . .. . .. - . .. , :; ..1 - . t.;;> ~.~.O:7.9 fACE 17 Page 10 . .... _Y' ~~:" J ....--...--......- - - - -- ---_-~__:__ -::- -:-----:0. ~--- - ------ ---------~- .-------- -~ - .- . - -.------ '- ---------- -......- -------- -- ----------- ------ July 27, 19A2 tðOIC 070 rAct: 18 Tape 2 Itell 11 ORCIN~NCE 82-61 RE PETITION CP-82-l3C, NINO J. SP~GN~ REPRESENTINO B~RNETT B~NK TRUST COMP~NY, REQUESTING ~ COMPREHENSIVE PL~N FUTURE L'-ND USE ELEMENT ~MENCMENT PROM REþIDtNTI~L MEDIUM C£NSITY TO COMMERCI"L FOR ~PPROXIMATELY 53 "CRtS LOC~T£C AT THE SOUTH!~ST CORNER or THI INTERSECTION OF 1-75 ANC CR 951 - ACOPTEC Legal notice having been published in tho Naples Caily Newlon June 25, 1982, as evidenced by ^ffidavit of publication fil.d with the Clerk, public hearIng was opened to consIder PetItion CP-82-13C, Neno J. Spagna ropresentlng Barnett Bank Trust Company, requesting a ComprehensIve Plan future land use eloment amendment from Residential medium densIty to Commercial tor approximately S3 acres located at the southeast corner of tho inters~ctlon of 1-75 and CR 951. Terry Clark, planner, said that Staff is recommending approval onl y for tho por t ion go 1 ng east to the f'lor ida Power and Light easement. Ho stated that In recogni¿lng the existing Commercial In the area, Stllff feel~ that thi~ Is more than adequate. He stated that the ColI hr County Plllnn Ing Aq..ncy recommended approval of the entl re parcel. Cr. Nono Spagna stated tha, the property Is completely surrounded by 1-75, CR 9:,.1, and bK 84, addIng that the greatest depth at anyone poInt is appro':lmatoly 1000 feet which narrows down to a triangular point of zeru feet. He concl~J,d by stating that the Comprehenlive Plan should be amended ~o show that it is d~signated for Commercial us., .s ResIdential use could not be ~tilized for this property. Commlu'oner ICruse questioned why ":,he eastern portlon-.ØLtb.e,__~ property could not be used for multi··famB:.' housing, to which Ct. Spagna stated that. ~he &J.(}.·r~ does not even llk. lI'Iotftls that close to 1-75, adding ~ha~ :h. proolem ~~uld bo noi.. and traffic. COllllis~:on.~ ~l.t): moved, ..conded by·Commi.sioner Wenzel and '1ge 1,. .. - -- -- -- --- - - ---<--- ---- - - --------.----........--- II1II c:::::t r=:J , ~ I! " . ¡1 ~ ¡ ¡¡ 1\ I '! !r ¡ II. í 't I. I; Ii I ~ "~i. , \ ,,' I ,;,: t \ \. /. ~ 1 '[ J. ) ---------------- ------------------------ July 27, 198'- " . c.rrl~d unanimously, that,the public hearing b. closed. Co~i.sionèr Brown moved, .econded by Co~mls.ioner pistor and carried 3/2, (Commissioners Wimer and Wenzel opposed), that the Ordinance a. numberød and entitled belov be adopted and entered Into Ordinance Book No. 151 ORCIN^NCE 8?-fH 1\N ORDIN"NCE AMENDING ORCINANCE 79-32, TRE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, ~Y AMENCINe THE WORK STUCY AREA M^P 13 FROM RERIDENTI"L MEDIUM DF.NSITY (0-~.22 UNITS PEP GR~SS ACRE) TO COMMERCIAL ON THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: APPROXI",ATELY 53 ^CRF.S LOCATEC IN SECTION 35, TOWNSHIP A9 SOUTH, RANCE 2~ EAST, MORE r"RTICUL^RLY DESCRIBED "EREINI 1\NC PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE C^TE. Ite. 12 ORCINANCE 82-62 Rt PETITION R-82-l8C, PROGRESS CORNER LTC., REQUESTING REZONING FROM -A-2- TO -PUC- FOR 35 + ACRES LOC^TEC ^T THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PINE RIDGE ~'AC "NC AIRPORT ROAC FOR -THE F^LLS OF NAPLES" - "COPTEC, SUBJECT TO ~TITIONER'S AGREEMENT ANC AMENCMENT OF THE PUD DOCUMENT Legal notIce hðving been published in the Naples Cðily News on June 25, 1982, as evIdenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, publIc hearing was opened to consider Petition R-82-18C, Progress Corner Ltd., roquesting rezoning from -A-2- to -PUC- for 3S ~ acres located at the southwest corner of PIne Ridge Road and "irport Road for -The Falls of Napleø-. ~tlng zonIng D1rp.ctor Lee Layne stated that the petltio~er is proposing a PUC with Commercl~l ond 225 multi-famIly units vith ð densIty of 9.3 on the rosldential portion with ~.35 units por acre on the ovorall project. She stated th~t Staff and all county advisory boards rocommended approval subject to the stipulations in the executive summary. Sho concluded by stating that the petitioner objected to the sewer and land plant dedication, ~ow8vor, the matter has been settled. &OQ~ 070 PACE 19 paCJe ,12 -----------------------------------~-~-~ . . í ! ,\ 1 -----------------------------------------....- July 27, 1902 &Oo~ 070 p~ ZO Mr. Bill Rosenberg, of Apell Ceaign Croup, stated that th.~ , Co...,clal a,ea will be very spectacular otharvlsa ths r.st of ths 'j property potential will be hutt. He stated that the water will have a lot of activity, indicating that thero will be water spouts and water fall. with a lot o~ movement and excitement. He concluded by stating that "The Falls of Napleø- will be a spo~ial place. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner ~rU8e 'and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be cloled. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner pi,tor and carried 4/1, (Commissioner Wenzel opposed), that the Ordinance .. numbered and entitled below be adoptod, subject to the petitioner'. agreement and amendment of tho PUC document, and entered into Ordinance '~ Book No. I S ~ ORCINM~C! 82-62 ~ ! AN ORDINANCE AMENCING ORDINANCE ~2-2, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGUL"TIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATEC AREA or COLLIER COUNTY, FLORICA, BY AMENDING TnE ZONING ATLAS MAP 4~-25-n BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFIC"TION OF THE IIEREIN DESCRI~ED REAL PROPERTY FROM A-2 TO PUD P t..'NN ED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR THE FALL~ OF NAPLES, LOCATEC AT THE SW CORNER OF AIRPORT RO"C "NC PINE RIDGE ROADI ANC BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE CAT!. , - - - - - . - -.' ~ . . "98 ,¡:' --------------------------------------~-' .. ~ c::!! ..-------------------------- - -------------- aoœ 070 FACE 2~ July 27, 1982 Ite. 13 ORDIN"NCE 8:-63, RE PETITION R-82-9C, DORSI! WHISMAN, REQUESTING REZONING r~ùM wA_2w TO wTTRVCw FOR 30 ACRES LOCATED NORTH or KOUNTREI K"MPINN CAMPGROUNDS ON C-95l - ACOPTEC, SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS "ND PETITIONER'S AGREEMENT Legal notice having been published in the Naplos Dally News on Juno 25, 1982, as evIdenced by Affidavit of publication filed with the Clerk, publIc hearIng was openod to consider Petition R-B2-9C, Dorsie Whisman, requestIng rezonIng from ·A-2- to "TTRVC· for 30 acres located north of Kountree Kamplnn Campqrounds on CR 951. Acting zoning Cirector Layne stated that the petitioner Is proposing to expand the oxistinq campground of 3f1i8 campsitos, adding th~t the petitIoner objected to the dedication of the sewer treatment plant and the lðnd as well as the Utilities Manager's memo concerning locatIon of sewer facl1iticß within tho Florida Power' Light easement. Sho stated that thIs facIlity cxlotod prior to the locatIon of tho casement and FlorIda Power' Light has granted permission for Its locatIon. She roported that the C^PC and Staff recommend approval subject to the followIng stlpulatlonBs I. DetaIled site drll\nnge plan be ßubmitted to the WMAB for revIew prior to the start of any construction. 2. Developer shall modify existing turn lanes to provide alSO foot left-turn lano and ð 75 foot right-turn lane, both exclusIve of requIred tapers. 3. Compliance with paragraph 1-10 of UtilIties Managor's m~ dated ~l'Iy 7, 1982. 4. Submission of a slto plan in accordance wIth Section 10.5 prl~: to the issuance ~f any building permits. Commissioner Kruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimopsly, that the pUblic hearing be closed. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissiohsr Pistor andl carried ~nanimously, that the O~dlnance as numbered and entitled below be adopted and en~.réd intn 'ôrd1nanco Boot No. 15, aubject to the Pa9. 14 t .- - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - --- -----------,-:---- I I ! I ! # , i, ... ,......, ~ , ,1\ l' ~ " ----------------------------------------- July 27, 1982 petitioner's .9r....nt ð~d the above ref.r.nced .tlpulatlon.. I ORDIN~NCE 82-f)3 "N ORCIN~NCE "MENDING ORDIN~NCE NO. 82-2, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGUL^TIONS FOR THE UNINCORPOn^TEC "Rt'- OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORID~, BY AMENDING THE ZONING "TL1\S ~1\P SO-2f) BY CH^NGING THE ZONYNG CL1\SSIFIC^TION OF TilE IIEREIN CESCRIBEC REIIL PROPERTY FROM -~-2- TO -TTRVC", LOC^TEC 1/4 MIL! SOUTH OF R^TTLESNM<E H^f"lMOCIC RO~C ON CR 951 (ISLE OF C^PRI RO^C - 30 "CRES) .. " aOOK 070 rACE 25 'aqo 15 ------------------------------~--------- ¡.;~ ., --------------------------------.....-------- July 27, 19f\2 It.. 14 ... I. -. . - - . . ' PETITION R-82-14C, "VI"TION UNCERWRITERS, REQUESTING REZONING FROM ."-1~' TO .C-4. FOR 4.5 "CRES LOCATED 3/4 MILES WEST or SR-29 ON THE SOUTH'SICE OF "LLIGATOR ALLEY - CONTINUEC TO AUGUST 10, 1982 chairman Wimer stated that he had a request from Staff for continuatIon. Mr. Jorry Pollock, representing ^viation Underwritors, stated that rather than to accept a postponement, he is propared to accept any typo of condition that the Commission might impose. no stated that If the . D.O.T. requires a 125 foot setback, he is prepared to comply with that request. CommIssIoner Brown stated th~t he is in favor of the pro1bct, adding that the request for contInuation is simply h courtesy that tht Board upholds. County Manager Norman stated that the C.O.T states that there will not be an Interchange at State Road 29, adding that If there is not an interchange this project would be Isolated, which is something that needs to be consIdered. Chairman Wimer stated that the question before the Board I. whether to continue the hearing this date or to postpone It, to which Com~issioner ~ruse moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 4/1, (Commissioner Brown opposed), that Petition R-82-14C, "vlation Undorwriters, requesting rezoning from ·"-1· to ·C-4· for 4.5'acr.. located 3/4 miles west of SR-29 on the south side of "lllgator Alley, be continued until August 10, 1982. &OOK 070 PACE 27 Page 16 ~------------------------~-------~-----~~ . ;\ '-/ .. . '; '(.. .;:. J .\ ~~ t .:~ ~ " " ~r I > ~ '1. J ---~--------------------------~---------- July 27, 1982 &OOK 070 PACE 28 It.. 15 PETITION TO V~C~TE CERT~IN STREETS, !~SEMENTS ~NC LOT LINES IN GOLDEN C~TE CITY (~V~T"R PROPERTIES,. INC.) CONTINUED TO ~UCUCT 10, 1982 Legal notice having been previously published in the Napl.. caily New. on June 27, 1982, and July 4, 1982, and the Colden Cate Eagle on July 1, 1982, as evIdenced by ~ffldavits of publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was reopened from July 13, 1982, to consider a petition to vacate certain streets, easements and lot lines in Golden Cate City, as requested by Avðtar propertios, Inc. Mr. Archibald stated that this is a continued vacation In Colden , -" L ,') r ! eate for Unit 2, Part 1 anó Unit 4, Part 1. Mr. Barker, President of the Colden Gate Civic Association, s~ated that the consensus of the peoplo In Colden Gate is ð lot of concern I' I I ! regardIng thIs projoct. Ite stated that this started out with a '. vacatIon of e~scments, streets, etc. ,adding that the newspaper lndlcated that there Is to be an apartment complex located on this property. He stated that there Is ð possIbIlity of ROO-ÇOO living unIts that can be built In tho area, adding that the people are concerned about the amount of sewllqe r.hanges that wIll be necessary and I I- I ., the enlargement of the plant. He stated that he is requesting that the petitIon be denied until such time as Avatar presents a building plan to the County showlnq Acwage, wntor, drainage, traffic, etc., to ~ake it one package deal. He concluded by stating that the C1~lC Association may support It, but they would like to know what Is being done and, until such time, he Is asking that the platting stay as It .' ì ., ,- ,l II , ., -'~ . .... ~ Is. -. CommIssIoner Wenzel stated that if the density Is to be lncreas.d, he would not vote for the potltlon. Chairman WImer stated that the purpose of vacating all the streets ., -i: .i J' rlge 17 . -------------------~---~------------~----~ ,. -, . , -&:::) L,~~, :;) t,;..·..·.,;o.;-' -, ' <::!O ----------------"------------------------- ! I ! I, I' Lt , .' .. July 27, 1982 '.. ~.- .. . - - - -. .. and easements is to allow the entire rroporty to be available for more units. "r. ~rchibald stated that all easements are being obtained that will be necessary for County utilities and roads, adding that this petition is not necessarily addressing the zoning or the growth, it is to vacate many of the lot lino8 in order for the proporty to be developed In a more orderly fashlon. County Manager Norman stated that he has been concerned that street and lot vacatIons arc handled by the EngIneering Department which does not appear to be adequ~te communication or coordination with land use aspects of the changes, adding that he has initiated a reconsIderation of the way these matters are handled. He concluded by stating that he is st~dylnq the 188ue of what tho best procedure would be and wIll como bock to the Board wIth a recommendation when tho issue has been resolved. Cr. Nono f,pagna, representing ^vatar proporties, Inc., stated that this property will allow 750 unIts now or after the vacation is grantod. Ho stated that Avatar would lIke to see thIs land developed into cluster typo housIng Inßtead of duploxes and triplexes, adding thoy are lookIng for pormnnp.nt residency where people will buy the condominIums, maintaIn them and keep them up rather than just,renting a unit. He reported that thIs petition Is simply askIng that tho public , . rights to tho us. of tho streets bo vacated and, in exchange, an ' easement 18 being deeded back to the County for drainag~ purposes for all of the streets. He reported that there is also an agreement that tho water a~d sevor lln~8 will not be dIsturbed until such time as a plan has been approved by ~vðtar Utiliti~s. He noted that thoro is no acc.sS baing denied to anyone and an agreement has been mado to put in cul-de-sacs at tho end of the streots that are being ter~inated. He ~OOK 070 PACE 2S Page 11 -- - ---- -- - - ------------ -- -- ------.- -----.-.............. . :/ ~ - - - - - ----- -------- - --- - ------- - ----- --- ---- , July 27, 191'2 ~o~ 070 rACE 30 stnt.d that the whole purpose 1. to devolop A community that will '~ 1'/ ~::', 'J:.' ~, ., ',' .~ >I, " ,', *. :~. , upqrade and be an asset to the area. He concluded by statin9 that after workin9 on this for over A year and cortaln requirements havln9 been made that have been r~qu.8ted, he is asking that the Board act favorably on the vacation of thIs petition. Commissioner Kruse stated that she would have no problema with this project if a PUD document was availablo first. Cr. Spagna stated that Avatar Properties would have to spend a lot of money for a PUD document and have no Assurance that It would b, approved. Commissioner Wenzel stilted that he understood from a conversation with Cr. Spagna that the present density of this project would be the maximum density at the tIme th~t all easements ware vacated. H. questlonAd Dr. Spagna r~garding this and further asked, if this I. true, could ho put it in a form of a letter? Dr. Spagna stated that tho zoning is -RMF-12- and it makes no ditterence who develops it, the densIty wIll end up the same. CommissIoner Wenzel st~ted that the density ia too high presently, adding that the whole area should have been zoned alngle-fa~ily. ChaIrman Wimer stated that the point is not beIng addressed, questioning what the number of unit. would be with the requiremontø of the setbacks if the lots remain as they are now, to which Cr. Spaqna stated he thought it was 750 units. Chairman WImer stated that Gomeon. neods to fIgure out how many units can be buIlt as it is now pr.sontly constltut.~ and how many units can be built if the requlre~ents are t~ken away, which i. the basts of the whole situation. Mr. Spagna questioned if ^vatar were to agree that they would not build anymore unIts than can be built at the present time, would it b. agreeable, to which ChaIrman Wimer stated that it would holp clarify , I ! I , i I . ,~ ,a9' 19 - - - - - - - - - - - - -..., - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----- -- --.....-..--,---. . . . ==" c:::::J ... ' ~ ~ . :"IIIß&~ 1 W~ r:::J c::::J l___.1 . ' ----------------------------------------- ¡ I L July 27, 1982 the whol. .ituation. ~. r"-'" .... ... Co..i.sioner Wenzel mov.d, .~conded by Com~18sioner Kruso and c.rried unanimously, that the petition to vacate certain streets, ..s.m.nt. and lot lin.. in Golden Gat. City, filed by "vatar properti.., Inc., be continued to ~ugust 10, 1982. ....RF.CESSI 10~OO ~.~. RECONVENECI 10,]2 ~.M. at which tt~e eeputy Clerk Konyon was replaced by eeputy Clerk Skinner···· Tape '3 Item 16 RESOLUTION 82-96 (FPL) RE V^C~TION or 60 FOOT BISECTING E~SEMENT LOC"TEC IN THE E. 180 FEET or TR~CT 102, 30 FOOT EASEMENT LOC~TEC ON THE E"STERLY SICE OF TR~CT 102, ~ND 30 rOOT F.~SEMENT LOC~Tr.D ok TnE WESTERLY SICE OF TRACTS 121 ~NC 122, GOLDEN GATE EST~TES - "COPTEC Legal notIce h~ving been published In tho Naples Caily News on July 11 anü l~, 1982 as evidenced by Affidavit of publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider a request filed by FlorIda power and Light CorporatIon regðrding the vacDtion of a 60 foot bIsecting easement located in the east 180 feet of Tract 102, the 30 foot casement located on the easterly side of Tract 102, and the 30 foot easement located on the westerly side of Tracts 121 and 122 in Golden eate Estate s. ActIng County EngIneer Archibald saId that FlorIda Power and Light Corporation Is requesting this vðcation In order to develop a site In the above area. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Com~lssloner Kruse and carried unanImously, that the public hearing be closcd. Commi..ioner W.nz.l moved, seconded by Commissioner Kruse and carried unanimously, that Re.olutlon 82-96 r.garding the aforem.ntionod vacation, be adopted. aoo ( 070 fACE 31 '8ge 20 - ---* yI --------------------~: , ~J , ¡ c::J c=J ,r-:1~ .. , . .. " . . " ------ -- -,.----- ~ ~ , JulY '7, 11)82 It.. 17 .... ¡1JÞ--.' . - - -.. l' .¿, 'I.'" . . ,~ .,,, ^:r' .' ~. ':~.~~ "~'t :.Ii o'~'~ --..... -- - ----- .....-.--- - - -- --- -- ----------.....-----....--- --'.~......-.. . . . "-" - , ' .:e· . . . ' -; "~~~' , " ·k~1:, RESOLUTION 82-97 (~UGUST P. LONGO, JR.) RE V~C"TION OF THE 25 ro~ ~LLEY. WEST OF TRE E~ST LOT LINE OF LOTS 22 ~NC 29 ~NC EAST or THE WIST LOT LINE OF LOTS 24 ANC 27 OF THE PL~T THEREOF, ROCK CREEK PINES NO. ~o _ ADOPTED, PETITIONER'S ACREEMENT ACCr.PTEC Le9al notice havin9 been publiahed in the Naple. CailY New. on July 11 and 18, 1982 a. evidenced by ~ffldavlt of publication filed with the Clerk, public hoaring wa. opened to consider ð vacation of the 25 foot alley, west of the east lot line of Loti 22 and 29 and e..t of the w.st lot line of tQt. 24 and 27 of the plat thereof, Rock ~reek Pine. No. Two, as requestod by August P. Longo, Jr. "cting County Engineer ArchIbald ~xplalned that letter. of no objection have been recelvr.~ reqarding this requested vacation, adding that the vacation Is subjoct to a utility agreement regarding future installatIon of ßanitary ~cwers. Co~mi.sioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Co~ml..10ner Kruse and carried unanlmou81y, that the public hearing b. closed. Commls.loner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commlsaloner Krus. and carried unanl~ously, that Resolution 82-97 re9ardlng the afor.~.ntloned vacation, be approved and the Petitioner'. Agreement accepted. ~OOK ,070 rACE 39 '.9. 21 c:::;¡ t:::J rI ""_"..'i;0'. .' , . , . :þ. . . -------------------------------------.....------ \ ~~ .~ ~¡~ ,. ft; '~~... 'fi', 'f; :.;. . ~, ~'~ ~, July'}', 191\2 Ito. 18 ORDIN~C! 82-~4 1\MtNCING 6UBCIVIsrON REGUL~TION ORÐIN"NCE NO. 7~-n~, TO INCR!~SE THE FE! SCHEÐULE rOR CONSTRUCTION PLAN REVItw ~NO INSPECTION - "COPTEC Legal notic. having been published in the Naples Daily New, on July 8, 1982 as .videnc~ð by Affidavit of Public~tlon fil~d with the Clerk, publlc hearing was opened to consider an ordinance amending ,SubdivisIon Regulation Ordinanco No. 7~-0~ to increllRo the feo schodul~ for construction plan review ~nd inspection. ~cting County F.nqineer Archibðld explained that the ~m.nd~ent is dooignod for collectIon of fees for services provldod based uP9n a 15 ~onth ov~luatlon of costs. He added that the requested foea are simIlar to what aro charged by other counties and that thp. foes would be $100 per $10,000 of construction inste~d of the currontly chargod $50.00 per $10,000. Co~missioner Wenzel moved, .econded by Commissioner Brown end carried unanimously, that tho public hearing be closed. Commie.loner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown end carried unanimously, that the ordinanco as numbered and entitled below, be adopted and entered Into Ordinanco Book No. 15. Ordinance 1\2-1;4 ~N ORDINl\NCr. "MP.NDTNC, ORDTN^NCr. NO. 7~-~ SURDIVISYON I1EeUL>.TTONfi FOR 'I'HF. UNTNCORT'<'f1"'I'rO ~Rr.l\ OF TilE COl\r.T~L ·~nr.~ PL^NNINe Dt~TR JCT BY PROVICING 'J'''AT THE FEF:!; ^~ I'tf'TNF.D TN ~RTrCLE IX, Sr.CTION ~ SIIALL At l\Ff'r.r.TF.C RY RE~OLUT10" ,.OOPTED BY 'I'IIE: ~OAPO OF COmITY COMMJ5!HONEJ1!', PROVTDING f'C'R CONFLICT ANC SEVEnABILITY, AND BY PROVIDINC "" F.FFF.CTIVE Dl\TE " ' &OO~ .070 PACE ~7 PðCJe 22 ---------------------------------- . ....' . . , '.' ..... .------ ~-~ ---- -,-"".~~. .~ . . ... ------~----..-----~--------------------- July 27, 19"2 aool 070 PACE 38 Ite. 19 DISCUSSION OF A RESOLUTION TO INCR!ASr. RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT PEES AND RESCINCING RESOLUTION 78-77 - CONTINUED FOR TWO W!E~S County Manager Norman requosted that this item he continued two we.ks in order to allow discussions with the Florida power and Light Corporation ønd the tolephone company. ,Commissioner Wensel .oved, .econded by CommlssSoner pSstor and carried unanimously, that this It.. be continued for two weeks. ItOIl 20 ORDINANCE A2-~5 ANC RESOLUTION CWS 82-7 REVISING WATE~ MONTHLY USER RATES, AMENDING ORCIN^NCE NO. Rl-~l - ACOPTED Logal notice hnvlng been publiøhed in the Naples Daily News on July 8, 19R2, 88 evidenced by Affidavit of publication filed with the Clerk, public hearIng was oponed to consider a joint ordinance/resolu- tion rev181nq tho water monthly user rates, amonding Ordinance No. 81-51. UtIlities Manager ~or2on explained that thia request is for an ! . i increase of 15\ in the rates tor water users ror the major water system. Commissioner W~nzel moved, .econded by Commissioner Plator and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Co..iesioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pIstor and carried unanimou.ly, that the ordlnanco/resolutlon as numbered and entitled below, b. adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 151 ORDINANCE 82-65 ~r.SOLUTrON CWS ~'-7 AN ORDINANCE OF COLLrr.R COUNTY ANC ~ESOLUTrON OF COUNTY WATER SEWER DI~TR rCT ACOrTING RATES, C"l\RGr.S ^NO FEES FOR CONNECT- ING TO AND USE or COUNTY ~ND DTfiTRICT W^TER ~ERVTC[S, PRO- VIDING DEFT~'TIONg, PROVTDTNG FOR CONNFCTION C~~RGr.fi, PRO- VIDING F0R T^PPING CHARGEr. PRIOR TO CONNECTION, PROVTCYNG FOR CU5TOMER'5 LTABILITY, ^OOPTTNG A UfiER R^TF. fiCHEDULF., REfiUMP- TION OF DISCONTINUED SERVTCE, PROVICING FOR CF.P05YTS PRIO~ TO IN5T^LLATIO~ or_ME~~~5 ~NC NEW CONNECTIONS ANC RECONNECTIONS - . Pltqe " - - - - - ------- - ---- ----- --- ~ c;:;:J ~ "_ ......ì , .. ;þ. , . ----------------------------------------.. . July 27, 1982 TO PRIOR DISCONNECTS, DEACRTBING PROrr.RTY ~~NERS Rr.RPON~I- BILITY FOR W^TER SERVTr.E, Rr.OUTRTNO COLLECTION OF W^TER UTILITY BILLS, DISCO~TJNUANr.E or AF.RVICE, SETTING rORTH PROCEDURES TO REGISTER COMPL'-INTS CONCERNINC W~TF.R ~ILLG ~ND DEFECTIVE ~ETERS, REOUIRINO PAYMENTS WHEN METERR RECO~! DEFr.CTIVE, AUTIIORI'ZINO RtOnT or ENTRY BY AUTHORUr.C ~CENTS TO . PREMISES SERVED, AOOPTINO PROCEDlIRF.S FOR CLOSING tN~CTtV" "CCOUNTS, PROVICINO FOR SF.PA"ATE RILLINO FOR WATER ~NO SEWER SERVICES PROVIDED BY TAr. COUNTY, PROVIDING CflAR~ES FOR "YDRANT SERVICE, PROVIOING FOR REPF.l\L OF ORCINANCE NO. A1-51, PROVICTNe FOR CONFLTCT AND SEVERABILITY, PROVIDING AN !FFECTIVr. OATE. \to '} ÎÎ If $. :,~ ,> I'" " " " ,~: l' J. f· . or.. .,-, . ...;. ~:': \, aOOK 070 fACE 39 PII90 2.4 ,./ -¡ ~ 't,}/ ~ :..tt~ '. .,<;,.;: ;, "';';;;" ----------------------'-------- ______.. t t''i,; t~ .;i~I'~\.·~.,.'¡ -, .... , ~ . f. . , " . ·1 'I J; .' ~ ::::2 . ) I ! ... IfI!I!I , ~ . . . c- -~~-------------------------------------- July 27, 19"2 Ite.. 21 ,RESOLUTION 82-98 (IVY J!~N , J~MES P. NEBU9 - HUCCLESTON'S BUBDIV.) RE V~C~TrON or ~ PORTION OF CREEK ~VlNUE AND E^RL STREET - ~DOPTEC Legal notice having been published In tho Naplcs ~al1y News on July 11 and 18, 19"2 aa evIdenced by ~ffldavlt of publication fSlad with the Clerk, public hearing was oponed to considor the vð~ation of a portion of Creok ^venuo and Earl Streot, Huddleston'. Subdivision, as requested by Ivy Jean and J~me. P. Nebus. ~ctinq County Englneor ~rchlbald explained that the v~cation is in tho area of Rock Creek IInd that the petitioner has donllted land that wIll provldo for an alternate routo and has submitted a Letter of Credit In the amount ot 5'0,000 to ensure construction of a new road. Pespondlng to Commissioner pis tor, ~r. ^rchlbald saId the owner of lot 13 Is In the procoss of obtalnln9 an agreement with the petltlon~r regardIng access to that property. Attorney Donald ^. Pickworth, representing Mr. ðnd ~rs. Rchðntzen, ownors of lot 12, explained that the proposed requost would doprlve tho ovners of lotÐ 12 a~d I) of acce~s to that ðrpa. ~r. Cðdenhead, reprosonting the petitioner, placed a diagram of the proposed vacation on an ovcrhoad board and ~r. pIckworth stated that, In order not to delay the petitionor from working on his project, he proposos that, if the BCC approves the resolution tor the vacatIon, the resolutIon will not be recordod until such tlmo as written aqre~ment has been ftxecuted between the petitIoner and ~is client that an ð~equate li~erock base has been put down on the proposed road ana that the road will be co~plotÐd and pav~d In accordanc. with tho performance bond that tho petitioner has glvon In a time framo govftrned by and agreed to by the County. Mr. Cadenhoad said that proposal was agroeable to him and that he would s lqn the ð forement 10ned ðg roement. Mr. Ron Hogue, MOIC 0'70 rACE 51 Paqft '5 . . ' ---------------------------------.....------.. . r , . ; , .- - - - - - - - - -.- - -- ----- - ---- ----- - - - - -- - -- ---~ , . &Oo~ 010 fACE 5t July, ').7, 19"2 ropresenting the petitioner, atated that he agreeð with Mr. Pickworth'. proposal. county ^ttorney Saunders said he had no problom with the reso- lution, and suggestod that it might be helpful for the resolution to also include that the resolution will b~ subjcct to the oxecution of documents that are acceptable to Mr. pickworth and tho petitioner. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commilsioner Kruse, thot the public hearing be closed. ^ discussIon followed regarding a cul-d~-sac on the property of the petitioner and the two drawIngs which indicate different locations of thllt cuI-dc-sac. Mr. rickworth roquested, for tho record, that ,the legal ðoscriptlon of tho property that is u80d will show that the cul-de-sac will be on dedlcllted County rIght-of-way and will bo maintained by, the County, to whi~h Mr. Cadenhead stated that ho would koep tho cul-de-sac In the County easement. Upon cdll for the question, the motion carried unanimously. CommissIoner Brown moved, seconded by Co~ls.loner Wenzel and carried unani~ously th"t Resolution 82-98 providing for the aforementioned vacation, be adopted with the understanding that the re.olutlon wiJl not be recordod until a written agreement between the petitioner and Mr. Pickworth has been executed. ./ute: t\~·:'''':::I<.'::t 1"";"I','"j In Clel'io:';¡ OrrIce the 18th day of Î'd.;;¡;.,t, ¡',j". I'el:uI'd,:d 1n OR C¡ö3 F'ag\.:s lO·rC-IO'{l. IW;'(;l¡ll,)I, J"'~'OI'¡ ,>d lIle löttl aa;.' or Au~ust. 19ö2 it! ~d '_1,-:',. : ;.It:e~) ~ l. 'f ... ~; .. page 21$ -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - ----_._-------~--_.--.--.- .. _v- --,.~._.-... ... .. . · :::::J ~. ' . . c... ------ - - - -.- -- ----- - --'- - -- -- -- -- --- - - - - -- - . July 27, 1~82 Ite. 22 ORÐIN~NCE 82-66 CR!~TING CRESCENT LA~! r.ST~TES STREET LIGHTING MUNICIP~L SERVICE T~XINO UNIT - "COPTEC, FUNDING NOT TO OCCUR UNTIL rISC~L YE~R '83-84 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on JulY~, 1982, as evIdenced by ~ffidavlt of publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to considor an ordInance to create the Crescent Lake Estates Street LightIng ~uniclpðl nervice TAxing Unit. "cting County EngIneer ~rchibald said that the developers have requested, if the ordinance regarding this ~5TU is ðdopted, that no funding occur untIl FIscal Year 'R3-54. CommSs.Soner Wenzel ~oveð, seconded by Co~mSs.ion.r ~ruse and carried unanimously, that the public hearIng be closed. Commisoloner Wenzel moved, seconded by Co~mlsøioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the ordinanco as numbered and entitled below, be adopted and entered into OrdinAnce Book No. 151 OrdInance 82-';(' ""I OROIN"NCE l:P[ATINC TilE CRrSCENT I..!\f(E E5T~TE5 STn££T LICIITINe MUNICIrAL s£nVICE TAXINC UNIT, PPOVICTNG TtlP: BOUND- ~RIE5 OF THE UNIT, DF.SICNl\TINC THE r.OVEPNING 80~Y OF THr. UNIT 1 AUTIIORIZTNe ^ TAX Lf:VY AS PROVTCED BY Ll\W, PROVTDING FOR CONSTnUCTION AND ~N EFFECTIVE CATE. It... 23 RESOLUTION 82-99 RE PETITION V-82-1SC, EUGENE "~Mr.S, REOUESTING " RE~R Y~RD SETBAC~ VARIANCE OF FIVE FEET FOR ~ SWI~HING POOL ~T THE SOUTHEl\ST CORNER OF VENETIAN Wl\Y IN GULF HARAOR RESICENCE SUBCIVTSTON - ^DOPTED Legal notice havIng been published in the Naples Daily News on July 11, 1982 as evidenced by ~ffidavit of publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was oponed to consider Petition V-8'-15C, fil.d by Eugone Hames, rOQuestlng a r~ar yard setback varinnco of five feet tor a swi~mlng pool at tho loutheast corner of Venetian Way in Gulf Uarbor Relldonce Subdlv1ølon. ~OK 070 rACE '.55 "'9- 21 ,. . ~.~ -------------------------------~~~~-~~~~~ . . r j 1 I ! , ! I I ¡ I I I I . rII"_ .~IH ,.... """,."..".,..,..-..,~....._. . I· .... - - - - - - .... - - -- - - -.- - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - ~ -- - ~ . .' July 27, 19A2 ~ 070 fACf 56 "ctinq zoning clrector' Layne exploined that the petitioner propo..s to construct a 12' by 30' .wlmming pool and th.t, bo.ed on Itema -0- through -f- contained In the Executive Su~mðry dated July'12, 1982, st.ff recommonds d.nidl of the petition. Mr. Ham.. explained that he could ~ut the pool In the front of hi. hOUIO, howover, he would like total security and privacy which could b. achieved if the pool ia built in the aide yard. Responding to Chairman Wi~.r, Mr. Ha~~s said that his property ia on a ~ead-end street. Ms. Layne stated that the petitioner's neIghbor on the north has requested that the potitioner not be ~llowed to construct an enclosure around the pool in ordør to oliminate any obstruction of hia view. Commissioner pietor moved, seconded by CommSssSoner ~ruse and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commle.toner Brown moved, .econdod by Chairman wimer ond carried (3/2, with Coaml.- sioners Pistor anð Wenzel opposed, that Resolution 82-99 re petitSon V-82-l5C, Eugene Ra~es, requesting a rear yard .etback vartanco of flv. toet for a swimming pool at the southeost corner of Venetian Way In I Gul f Rðrbor Pesidonce subd 1visSon, be adopted. ',ge 28 - -.- - ---- - --- -------- ------------........ .. .. II1II ~ ~ ~ ~, .. . . c- ----------------------------------------- July 27, 19R2 It.. 24 r.tltion PU-82-l~C, ^VI^TION UNDERWRITERS' Rr.OUESTINC PROVIsrON"L USE (1) or .C-4. rOR " HOTEL rOR 4.~ "CRES LOC"TED ON "LLIG^TOR "LLEY WEST or SR-29 - CONTINUED TO "ueUST 10, 1982 Commi..lonor Wenzel moved, .econded by Comml..loner ~ru.e end csrrled unanimoualy, that Petition PU-82-l4C, ^vl.tlon Underwriter., reque.tlnq provisional U.e (i) of ·C-4· for a motel tor 4.5 acre. lccated on ^lllqator "lloy west of SR-29, be ccntlnued until "U9ust 10, 1982. Item 25 RESOLUTION 82-100 RE PETITION PU-A2-l5-C, Pl\UL OREN, REOUESTINb PROVISION^L USE (b) or "^-2- FOR ^N EXCl\V^TION FOR 20 l\CRES LOC~TEC ON THE WEST SIDE OF WnIPPORWILL W^\', 1/2 MILE SOUTn Of' PINE RIDGE RO^D - ^COPTED, FINDING OF Fl\CT ^ND PETITIONr.R'S ^GREEMENT ^CCEPTED ^cting zonIng Dlr~ctor ~yne exp1111ned the recommendation of approvlIl, subject to stipulations -^. through -Po- in the ExecutSve Summary dated 7-15-82, for Petition PU-A2-lS-C, riled by Paul Oren, requesting provisional Uso (b) of "^-2- for an excavation for 20 acre. located on the west side of Whlpporwill Way, addlnq thAt the p.t~t\oner proposes to clean up an exIsting lake. She stated there are four Bingle !lImily homoslto8 on the proporty and that the petitioner will have to remove somo of the excavatod matorial from the site and that Ss the reason for the ProvIsional use requoat. Commissioner ~ru8e moved, eeconded by CommlsaSoner Brown and carried 4/1, with Commlealoner Wenzel oPpol.d, that Resolution 82-100 re petition PU-82-15C, flIed by Paul Oren, be adopted. t&O~': 0"10 rIa 59 paCJe 29 ~~-----------------------------~~------~~ , . ,. . ;¡; ."I'f. P19. 30 . ,:>;Jf, \.'\; . . I :~ I I #' -ðt4:....~ : ~ \/~; ~r,,- . ~ , . cz:::;J - .. , .. \.. . . , . 00 ,-"'-"'- -------- ---~-------------------_....------- July 27, 19..2 It.. 25 RESOLUTION 82-101 RE PETITION PU-82-1~C, M"RCO WOOCS, tNC., REQUESTING PROVISION~L USE (b) or ·"-2- rOR 17 ~CRr.S LOC"TED ON SR-92, 2 MILES WEST or ROY~L P^LM R~MMOC~, FOR ~N EXC"V"TION - ~DOPTED, PINDING or '''CT "NC PETITIONER'S ~OREEMY.NT ~CCF.PTF.D ~ctin9 zonin9 Director ~yne explained that this petition waa beforo the Bee approximately two month. a90 and that the petitioner has reduced hla requeat to 17 acre., adðinq that staff and tho C"pe recom- mend approval aubject to stipulations -~- through -,- on the Executive Summary doted 7-15-82. Co~issioner piator moved, seconded by Commlasioner Wenzel and carried unanlmouøly, that Resolution 82-101 re Petition PU-A2-i6C, filed by ~arco Woods, Inc., bo adopted and that the petltl~n.r·. '-quellent and rlndlnq of 'act bo accepted'. .- ~ :--. I , ' I 4 ',~ , aDOX, 070 rACE 65 o. -------------.-...------------........- I I t I ~ ¡ I ì ~. ¡ II .. c::J .. ~... . . c... --- - --- - - --.-,....-- - - -------- ---- ---- - -- ---- ;. [ t ! t ¡ i ~ ,. ." . , July 27, 19A2 It.. 27 ~!SOLUTION 82-102 R! PETITION PU-82-l9C, ~~TY PROUT, REOUESTINC PROVISIONAL uar. (q) OF -RSF-4- rOR CLUSTER HOUSING ON FOUR LOTS BETWE!M GILCHRIST ~NC BROWARD STREETS IN NAPLES MANOR - "OOPTED, rINDING or FACT ACCEPTED Acting Zoning Ciroctor Layno explained this petition is ^ request to construct tour attftched homos, adding that ataff and all advisory boards have recommended approval and that the CAPe recommended denial based on theIr Finding of Fact. Ms. ~aty Prout, reprosentlng the petitioncr, described her client's proposal for cluster housing on (our ~O· by 120' lots. She Itated that two duplexos are planned to be constructod back to·back with a swimmIng pool In the middle, adding that the petitioner will live in one nnd rent th" other three. ~espondlnq to Commissioner JCruse, o15. Layne explained that Naplos ~ðnor was rezoned to a1 nq 1 e f am 11 y housIng and that clu:Jtcr housing is ð!lowed. " Commissioner Brown moved, seconoed by Colllftlha1oner willler and carried 4/1, with Commissioner pistor opposed, that Resolution 82-102 regarding Petition PU-82-19C, filed by JCaty Prout, b. adopted and that the Finding of Fact be accepted. 'OOK 070 rACE 71 _________L______________________~____~_~· I pag. 11 '" ":~)I-' . , " ';~'~~ --------~-- -- -- - - -- ---- - - - -.- - - - -- - - --- - :' C>-' . I r [ f. I , I I .. ~ 'C_.<" 1 < ~. , : July 27, 1982 ,..pëT{'---_....:-- . It.. 28 RESOLUTION e2~10~ RE PETITION PU-82-20C, U. R. POST OFFICE, REOU!S~tMC PROVISION~L USE IN ~CCORC~NCE WITH SECTION 8.10 FOR ~ SELF-SERVICE POST~L UNIT ON ONE LOT LOC~TEC WEST or 9"RNr.TT B"N~ IN OOLCEH O"T£ - ~DOPTED, 'INDING OF F~CT ~NC PETITIONER'S ~GRE£MENT ~CCEPTED "ctln9 :oninC) Director Layno atatad that staff ~nd all County _C)aneie. have rlviewld this p~t~tl~n and rocommended It for ~pproval .ubject to the two stipulation. on the Exocutlve ~ummary dated 7-15-82, ". Detailed dr~inðqe plan to be submitted to the County EnqSneer prior to start of constructIon. B. L.nðscap~d buffer on north and south proporty lines In accordance with Section A.37. Com.laaloner ~ru.e ~oYed, ..conded by Co~lss10ner Wensel and carried unanl~ously, that Resolution 82-103 re Petition PU-82-20C, . flied by the U. S. po.t Offlco, be adopted and that the rSnðln9 of Fact í and potltioner's ~r....nt be accepted. ~, l :'~ r ~ . . t ¡... '" " i' , aOOK 070 rACE T1 P'CJ. 32 i ' ~.....-~_._--- . ,:.,;- , '.. ~4 . .';) :...,~ .- , ' - - - - - -------.-.----------- ------------- July 27, 1982 ~O~ ( 070 PACE B4 tUII 29 HE"LTH CEP"RTMENT ~UTHORIZEC TO RET~IN THE PEES CH~RCED POR SERVICES ' EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1982, BUOCET ~M!NDMENTS PRESENTED TO THI rISC~L OFFICER BY THE CEP~RTMENT - ~PPROVED Commi..ioner Brown moved, seconded ~y Commi..loner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that the Health Dopart~ent be authorized to retain the f... charged for service. effoctlve July 1, 1982 and that the proposed Dudgot ~endments pre.enteð to the Fleeal Officer by the Department, bo approved. , . lUll 30 RESOLUTION 82-104 BRINGING THE PRECINCT BOUNC"RIES INTO COMPLI"NCI WITH CONGRESSION1\L DISTRICT LINES - ~COPTED Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by CO~lIlssloner pIstor and carried unanimously, that Resolution 82-104 bringing the precl~ct boundaries into compliance with congressional ðl.trlct line., aa requested by the Supervisor of Elections, be adopted. , . ~ .., f:~ ,~ . ...______ '>9> n .~ ----~~---------------------------,1 ::ï ......~. :} , f!!!!! ~ ~. ~ __....__________r--_________ --.-- . July 27, 1982 It.. 31 . SP!CI"L BCC MEETING SCfJEDULED MKiUST 2, í9å2"~T 10'00' ".M. REC~RDINa REVISIONS TO TH! JUSTICE CENTER BOND ISSUE RESOLUTION ^ttornoy Donald A. Pickworth explained that when the original ßond Resolution was adopted, authorizing issuance of bonds to pay for the Justice Center, language waS written to cover what was believed to bo the problems enum.rated by tho Supreme Court In the VOluBle County cas.. Ho laid that, following valldlltion of tho bond. on July 12, 19ß2, a difference of opinion arose botween the County Bond counsel and the underwrIter's counsel as to whether or not tho Aond Resolution hftð ~ot the quostlons ral..d In the Volu.la County case, adding that the undcrwrltern' counaol felt that tho County had not completely ~ot s^me. Ho stated an agre~ment has bnen reached to amend the Bond resolution In accordanco with the und~rwrlter's concerns and this is a significant change which wIll requiro re-validation of the Bonds. He said he gave tho CommissIoners ð ~opy of the rðvised r~lolution in order that th~y could see the aforementioned ch~nqes and that this resolution Must be adopted, adding that, upon adoption, ho would fIle a now complianco for validation. Ho said that there will be a dolay of approximately ~O days becauso of re-validation. Mr. Vðvld FIncher, of Fischer, Johnson, Allen and Burko, said that the amendment to the Bond ResolutIon does not affect tho Bond issue and that It in sImply legal vorbaqe. FollowIng ~r. pickworth's state~ent th~t he would feol more co~fortable if the subject was delayed until proper advertisement of tho amendmont could be dona, the docS.ion was ~ade to hold a Specl~l ncc ~~ating on ^ugust 2, 19R2 at which t1~. discussIon of the adoptIon of the previously described amendments to the Bond ReGolution will occur. Mr. pickworth said ho would place the .dvorti..~ant of the meeting In the newspaper. !OOK 070 PACE 87 page 34 --- - - - - - ---- - - - - - -----.- -- ------ ----- - -- -. . # ~ .-...~.,-"" yo ,.'" - _. - -- --- -- ---------- ----------------------' ~Tuly 27, 1982 ~OOK 010 PAct: 88 It.. 32 MOTION TO REMOVE M~RCO I6LAND DISTRICTS 3 ~ND 4 FROM THE COMMUNITY P~R~S RErERENCUM SF.PTEMBER 7, 1982 - CENIEC Commissioner plator said that h. felt that the votlnq on the Community Parka Roferondu~ scheduled for Septomber 7, 19~2 should be done by distrIct Instead of thft entire unincorporated area because ~any people lIvIng on Marco Island are opposed to paying for parkl when they wIll not recoive bonftfit from th~m. Co~mlssloner pl.tor eoved, seconded by Commissioner Won1el, that voting be by district for the Community Parks Referendu~. Public Sorvices ^~mlnlstrator Norton distributed a pre.. rele... 'datod July 26, 1982 from the rarka an~ Recreation ~dvisory Board .nd the fInancial ~visory CommIttee and, at Chalrm~n Wimer's request, he read the last paragraph whIch stated that in the beat Interest of serving the Board of County , Commissioners and In order to meet the responsibilities delegated to the Parks and Recreation Committee, the Committee has reco~mendQd a positive course of action for the development of an effIcIent County P~rks and Recreation 6ystem. Chair~Dn Wimer slllð he hlld no problem with the people votlnq on this issue. Com~Ißsioner Kruse said she had voted for the referendum but that she waB concorned about the cost of maintaining tho parks if the Community Parka Referendum passes. She Bald that presently there is a possibility that eold~n eate will acquire ft conøldnrable amount ot land for park use, adding that ahe Is concerned about place. like Immokalee and tast Napleø. I Mr. I. E. r.vans spoke In opposition to Marco Island b.lng Included in/the proposed referendum. Hr..Leigh pluemer, a Parks and Recreation I Financial Advisory Committe. member, said he wa. originally against Marco IBland being included in this referendum but that 5upervl.or of ..q. 3 ~ .._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _"...-........... r-"\----fI/IIII-Ioo-. --- ......--- -- _.......- - - - - - - --- -.--- - ~ - ~ ~ c:=J ~........ ~ .' t 1.·..·- ---------------------------------------~_. July 27, 19~2 Elections Morgan had stAted her position, at a Committee meetln9, that It would be impossible to conduct the referendum by district. She later revised her recommendation and said it would be possible, he explaln.d, and thorefore, he would like to see ~arco Island .xclud~d from the referendum. Followin9 continued discussion, Commissioner PIstor withdrew hi. ~otlon and Commissioner Wenzel withdrew his second, and Commissioner pl.tor moved that Marco Island Districts 3 and 4 be removed from the .COlllJlluntty Park ReferendulII to be conducted September 7, 1982.' Upon call for the question, the motion failed 2/3, with Commissioners ~ruse, Ðrown, and Wimer opposed. I tolD 3 3 CRIEr DEPUTY CLERK n~LL REPORTS ON CURRENT BUDGET WORKSHOPS - NO ACTION T~J(EN ChIef Deputy Clerk Harold L. Hall qave the ACC a brio! update on I tho current budget workshops, statlnq th~t the Sheriff was present for his budget review, addIng that the reøponse from the constitutional officers and departmont heads has been posItive regarding cutting their rospectivo bu~gets. &OOK 070 PACE 89 paq. :'U~ --- - - - - - - ---- -- - --- ------------------------- . .~..-.......'._.......... i _ _ _ ___--- ------ -------------------------~ July 27, 1982 &OOK 070 rACE 90 I te. 34 SHERIFF CEr~RTMENT BUDGET - "PPROVED "8 REVISED IN THE SHEETS CISTRIBUTED BY SHERIFF ROGERS Shoriff ~ubr.y noger. distributed ~eYIsed sheets of his budget to the Comml8s1onors which reflected a reduction of S19l,352. "discu.- I·······.··· ..\ ~\ /' I . ~ " ¡ 1"[ ì '¡;! t f1¡ 810n followed rcqnrdtng the ~oltcopter service. ~herlff Rogers .ald that he dId not think the publIc understands the chanqes In the County accounting system, addIng that he Is attempting to work with the fiscal polley. Tape 5 Com~I.51oner pI.tor ~oved, .econded by Comml..loner Kru.e and carried unanimously, that the Board approve the Sheriff Depart.ent'. budget as revised on the .heets Sheriff Rogers distributed this date. Itell 35 CONTR~CTU~L ~GREEMENTS WITH M~UR~ E. CURR"N ~NC JUCSON W. H~RVEY, COl\ST~L ZONE INTERNS WITH Tnt ENVIRONMENT^L SECTION OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION - ~UTIIORIZEC County Manager Norman explained this Item requests authorization to enter into contractual agreement tor ,two envlronmonta1 Interns for thelr as.lst~nce In be~ch management. He said that previouslY the Board dId AuthorIze the monoy and th^t state qrant funds to hire tho Interns is cxpocted, addIng thllt specific approval Is being requested this date for the porsona named on the Executive Summary dated 7-1~-82. CommissIoner pistor stated he had received a call from Mr. Mike Steven. who was unable to attend this meeting, and that he said he has done considerablo work in the coastal area and that he is Intere8ted In purauing the artificial .eaweed project reported to be beneficial to the coastal area. Co.munity Developmftnt Director virtl explained that __.1 ...., the grant application was based on the fact that the Board had ðSroctod "ge,31 _ __ _ ___ _ _ __ __ ___------""-------........-- _________ .L . . ~ ~ ~+~¿/.,i CD , - -- ---- - - ---- ----- - -- - - - - --- - - - - - - - -.- -- --... July 27, 19..2 Itaff to do a atuðy of the entire coastal aroft. Mr. Nor~an .ald that the propo.ed contract. would o~plr.·in ~anu~ry, adding that ho A..~ed the people proposed for the contract. vlll look at artificial .e.wood a. they have done exttn.lve work Already in the area. Coemi..ioner ~ru.e moved, .econded by Comml..ione~ Brown and carried unanimously, that authorization bt granted to enter into contractual agree~ent. with Maura E. Curran and Judson W. Harvey, Coastal Zone Intern. with the Environmental Section of the Community Development Clvl.lon. aoox 07D PACE 91 --------------------~-~----------- ~ " , _ _ . .v._~. ~,..~ ._".--"" Paq t 38 . ., ._-------------------~------------------~ .- - - - - -- - --- - .....---------- -------------..-.....-- ""..,,,".....-.-,,..,,,." July 27, 19A2 &Oœ 010 PAtE 98 It.. 3S DISCUSSION RE FLORID" COT REOUEST TR^T DEVELOPMENT "LONG TH! PROPOSED RICHT-OF-W^Y OF 1-75 BE C^REFULLY CONTROLLED - CONTINUEC TWO WEEKS County ~anagor Norman said that thla Item reqardlnq the Florida COT request that development along the proposed right-of-way of 1-75 be carefully controlled has been continued two weeks since the three ' potitlons listed In tho r.xccutlvo Summary d~ted 7-19-82 were continued earlIer In this ~cctinq. IUe 37 RESOLUTION 82-105 EST^BLISHINC ^ POLICY FOR THE OP!R^TION OF LA~I TR^FFORC M£~ORI^L C^RCENS - ^COPTr.D Co=mlaaloner Brown moved, seconded by Com_l.atonor Plator and carried unanimously, that Resolution 82-105 establishing a policy for the operation of Lðke Trafford Memorial Cardena, be adopted. ,aq. ~. ~~.J (}~"g .;'~~:'.. GDI ..' ....,.......~ -------------...------------,.------------------ July 27, 1982 It.. 38 RESOLUTION 82-106 RE A REFERENOUM ELECTION TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 2, 1902 IN TAE E~ST N~PLES 'IRE CONTROL DISTRICT TO DETERMINE tF TnE QUALIFIEC ELECTORS OF S~IC DISTRICT F~VOR THE "MENDMENT OF THE SPEcr"t "CT CRE~TING THE CISTRICT TO ALLOW THE DISTRICT BO"RC TO ~UTRORIZE A MILLAGE LEVY NOT TO EXCEEC ONE AND ONE-HALF MILLS - ~DOPTED ~t~" ,I , I ;: ·~Ii. '1~ .,'~ ! ~._-,....'...'......,~,- ~ttornoy Donald ~. PIckworth oxplaSned he was present to answer the quenticns of the Co~mls~loners r8gðrdlnq the request by the !a~t Naples Flro Control Ciøtrlct for D referendum election to be held Novembor 2, 1982 regarding a millage lovy not to exceed ono and one-half ~1l18. Com.Sø.Soner ~ruse .oved, .econdeð by Commissioner Brown and carried unanSmou.1y, that Resolution 82-106 regarding the aforemen- tSoned refe''':'endU1l'l election by East Naples rSre Control Dhtrict, be adopted. - ÞOOK 070 rACE 1.JJ7 ..~ .."", ... _._,u.........__.....~"'.. .., ),11\,;._'* , Paqe 40 . '.. ,< - - - - - - - - - - -- - --- - - ------_.~ --------....----....... . t , . ·i'~'-'· -""'....__.~"'...'- WOK 070 rAc£110 July 27, 1982 ---------------------------------------- Ite. 39 ORGMfI2^TIONAL CflANGES RE TITLE or CIVIL DEFENSE DEPARTMENT TO BECOMI CISASTER PREPAREDNESS DEPARTMENT - APPROVED Public Safety AdminIstrator Corrll1 requested permission to chanq. the tltlo of the Civil Cefense Cepartme~t to the Dis~ster Preparedn... Department in keeping with Florida Statutell, and also requesting that, as Public Safety Administrator, he retain reßponsibility for that depðrtment. Commisoloner Kruse moved, s.cond~d by Commissioner pI.tor and carried unanimously, that Mr. Corrl11's requellt to rename the Civil Defense Department to the Cisastor Preparedness Depart~ont, b. approved. . Item 40 REPORT "He R£COMMENC^TJON ON NEECEC BUDGET AMENDMENT CUE TO PREVIOUSLY REPORTED REVENUE SHORTFALLS IN EMERGENCY MECICAL SERVICES CEPARTMENT - ACCEP'J'!D Publi~ S~foty Administrator Corrill gave the BCC hðckground Infor~Dtlon relðteð to the nctual expondltures for the Emergency Medical Sorvices ~~partment as being $55,000 les. than anticipated, adding that until the past month tho department had not reached its goal of 70\ collection of bills. Responding to ft quostion by Chairman Wimer, ~r. Corrill said th~t the amount he is requesting for the rovenue shortfall in tho r~orgency ~edlcal Servlcos Department 1. $157,000 ðnd not the $212,000 IndIcated on tho [xecutive ~um~ary dated 7-23-82. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pI.tor and carried unanimously, that the report reqardlng a recommended budget a.end~ent of $157,000 be accepted. Fiscftl Officer Gllos reque.ted clarificatIon regarding transferring SI57,OOO from the General Fund, Page 41 --------------------------------------~~ " -oJ . . t:::=:) ., , c::::2 L:J .. ...-- - - - --- -- - - - -- - -- -- - -- - -- - - - _.- - - - - - - - - - _..' -----------------------------------------.~····I·.'. f . . .., ~..., '. ,,'.. " '.'," Lf ',~ ,.......""-~..........,;..,...,-,."',,....., July 27, 1982 end, County Manager Norman explained that..,t,!¡e.ro w.IP .IJe additional ..ounta transferred to accounting line itema. Ite. 41 ~GREEMrNT FOR RACIOLOGICAL PLANNING ASSISTANCE TO BE UNCERT"~EN IN " JOINT VENTURE WITH TA! CEPARTMENT OF VETER"N ANC COMMUNITY AFF"IRS "ND FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT CORPORATION - DECLINEC PublIc Safety Ad~lnistrator Dorrlll explained the contract between the County and Florld~ Power and Light Corporation, adding that $l,onO will be provIded by thllt Corporation for tho inltinl development of an Emorgoncy Prepltrednesa Plan. 110 sa id thðt theorotlcall y CoIl hr County Is in the perIpheral arca of Turkey Point Nucloar Power Plant In Cade County. RespondIng to Co~mls9ioner ~ru8ols questIon, Mr. Ðorril1 stated that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has plac~d Collier County In thIs 80 called area. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unani~ouBly, that the BCC decline participation In the aforementioned contract between the County and Florida Power and Light CorporatIon. , IU. 42 CIIAIRMAN AUTnORIU:D TO SIeN A CONTRACT FOR AN INCEPENDP:NT CONTR"CTOR CUSTOCIAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR THE NORT" NAPLES LIBRARY AssIstant County M~nðqer ~mith explained ft request for appoval of a contract for custodial Dorvlces for the North Naples Library, addlnq that the cost would be $400 per month. Coftmis.ioner Brown ~oved, seconded by Co.~la.lon.r Wenl.l and carried unanimously, that the Chairman be authorlz.d to .ign a contract for an Independent contractor CUltodlal Service. Agr....nt. for the North N.pl.. LIbrary. aDOK 070 PAŒ w.: Pa9. "2 -..-.- -,,,_....,,,.,,-,--,..,,.,, ..-.. 1 ----------------------------------------- aoox C170 fACEtte July 27, 1982 Ite. 43 BUILCING MAINTENANC~ CEPARTMENT "UTHORI2EC TO PREPARE BUDCET "MEHCM!M!S tlECESSARY TO PROVICE Fon CURRENTLY ANTICIP"TEC LEVEL OF EXPENDITURES, FI6CAL OFFICER CIRECTED TO PUR6UE ANC RECOMMENC APPROPRI"TE ALLOC"TJOW CHARCES ANC BUCCET "MENDMENTS FOR THE U~ER DEPARTMENTS - ,J Aaslstant County ~anagor Smith oxplalned that vh!10 preparing their 1992-Ø3 budget, the Building Maintenance Copartment realized that como adjustmont neods to bft made In current budgot item.. Commlsaloner pIstor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carrleð unanimously, that the Building Maintenance Depart~ent be authorized to preparo budqet amondments necessary to provide for currently anticipated level of expenditure. and that the ,i.eal Offlc.r be directed to pursue and recommend appropriate allocation chargee and budget amendments for the user department.. Ite~ 44 RESOLUTION 82-107 ADOPTING A POLICY TO COVERN THE DISPOSITION or INDIeENT CECE"SED - 1\DOPTEC Commissioner pistor moved, .econded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that Resolution 82-107 adopting a policy to govern tho disposition ot indigent deceased, be adopted. . '. : . Page '3., " ~' -- - - - - - -- ----- ----.- --- -- - -- - ---- ------..-,~";....- -~ '~: ,~, .'.'':'' ,;;. :.->~~ ~' t'\'; . , ~ ,~ ' .. ; .' " '.¥: ~ .... . "....,.-. to ----- ---- -- -- - --- -------- ---- - - - ---------- July 27, 19A2 ~ '.-. .-. -.. Ite. 45 DISCUSSION RE BID '57~ ~!O^RCINO COURTROUSE L^NCSC^PINO - WITRCR^WN Comml.sloner Wensel ~oved, .econded by Comml.sloner PIstor and carried unani~ously, that the dlscu..ion re Bid .57G regarding Courthouse landscaping be withdrawn from the agenda at the County Manager's request. Ite. U RESOLUTION 82-108 C^NCELLINO T^Xf.S FOR PROPERTY OWNED BY COLLIER COUNTY LOC"TEC IN SECTIONS 32 ~ND 33 (M~RYD~LE KENNEL PROPERTY' - "DOPTr.D Commissioner Wenzol moved, seconded by Comml..lonor PIstor and carried unanlmou~ly, that R..olutlon 82-108 cancelling taxes for proporty owned by Collier County located In Sections 32 and 33 (Marydale ~ennel property), be adopted. aD() ( 070 tAtE 117 Paq8 44 --- - -- - - - ------ ---------------'--:---'---~~¡;~~" . ,,(. ' " ' . ~' '.'r.,:, "" -~"...._-_.~-,...." i \_ ______________.__1_________ --------~ July 27, 19A2 eD:>1C 070 tACE120 Ite. 4' RESOLUTION 82-109 C"NCELLING T"XES rOR TflE PROPERTY OWNED BY COLLIER COUNTY LOC"TED IN SECTIONS 32 "ND 33 (PELIC"N BAY - CONSERV"TION "RE'-) ADOPTED " Commis.Joner Wenzel .oved, .econded by Commi..ioner ,I.tor and carried unanl~ou.ly, that Re.olution 82~l09 cancellinq taxe. for the proporty owned by Collier County located In Sections 32 and 33 (Pelican Bay - Con.ervatlon "rea), be adopted. ''\ . . 'aCJe 45 ¡ I ( I :; I ,., I ,.",.'~ 1~1I",.· I. .ht . :.v. '\ ·"··á:' >.'i'i,i, , ',' .,::~,,~, -------------------------.--.-.......- ----------~..... . , [.-:...) ~ t-.;èo:.:k.. j ŒII . .. ;:1., r... , . ",~r-~ : ,~¥:. r ··..~~.-,{n:.i· > ._, ~:_ ~ '::.}..¿ I, ~;, ~.' ., ------------ -- -- --.:nn.y Tr;- ~r- - -- - - -- - - - --' Ite. 48 RESOLUTION 82-110 CANCELLING TAXES FOR PROPERTY OWNED BY COttIER COUNTY tOC"TEC IN SECTION 32 (PELICAN BAY - PARK RITE) - 1\DOPTED Commi..ion.r ~enl.l moved, .econded by Comml..loner PI.tor and carried unanl~ou.ly, that Re.olution 82-110 c.ncellln9 taxe. for property owned by CollIer County located In Section 32 (Pelican Bay - Park Site), be adopted. . ¡ , , ----- - - - -----------____-.-...__ 11"""''''- , aDOK (1) I'ACE1Si ,a9- 4f' . ______~__~--------~~-~~4~~~----~~~-~---.. BOOK 070 PACE 186 , " . Ite. 49"'-' ROUTINE BILLS - P~ID Purauant to ne.olution 8'-150 the following chocks were ¡slued through July 23, 1982 in payment of routine bills. CHECK O~fiCRrPTrON CHECK NOS. 90~9 - '9721 38979 - 39500 8940 - 9039 12 ~ MOUNT $3,01'4,2(;1.37 $ 283,3~7.44 $ 21,088.15 $ 140.P5. Vouche r Chec ka Rogular payroll Checks CETA payroll Checks General Fund Ite. 50 ,. . . , BucceT AMENDMENT 82-219 (HEALTH C!PT.) RE ITEM 29 - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF Sl09,79~ Commis.ioner Wenzel ~oved, seconded by Com.is.ioner ~ruse and carried unanimously, that Budget ~~endment 8~-219 <Health Dept.) regarding Item 29, be adopted in the aMount of 8109,796. Ite.. 51 BUCC!T ~MtNDMENT A2-220 TRANSFERRING WE~TH!RIZ~TION CRANT ESTIMATED REVENUES ANC APPROPRIATIONS TO SEPARATE SECTION FOR BETTER "CCOUNT S£eRr.e~TION - ~DOPTr.D IN THE AMOUNT OF $32,948 - Commls.ioner Wenzel moyed, .econded by Com.i.sloner Kruse and carried unanimously, that Budgot Amendmont 82-220 tranlferrin9 weatherization grant estimated rovenue. and appropriations to ..parata .ectlon for better account .egregation, be adopted in the a.ount of 532,948. paCJe 47 --..." ... ..- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- --- ------- ----------~- , , .. ~ ~ - _ _ _ _ - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -J'tflV 7". "T'J'K""r - - - - - - - -,- - -.- [.·~..I;fli .], f···,;', ¡ '~,:..~. " [ .',; ~ <,,'. r :.t >, , f;'I' 1.' t,\ ~' -'. , t¡ \ It.. 52 BUDGET "MENCMENT 82-221 (W~TER M"N~GEMENT) C"NC!LLING "DCITION~L GR~NT REVENUES ~ND EXPENCITURES ESTIMATEC, IN ERROR, BY BUDGET "MENDMr.NT NO. 82-52, "ND TO TR~N5FER TH! AMOUNT NEECED FOR "ERI~L PHOTOCR~PHS or $1,500 FOR TOT1\L ~PPROPRI~TION OF 93,500 IN OTHER PROFESSION~L FEES - "DOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $7,500 Co~I..loner Wenzel moved, seconded by Comml..loner Kruse and carried unanImously, that Budget ~mendm.nt 82-221 cancelling additional 9rant rovenue. end expenditures e.timated, In error, by Budget ''-mendment No. 82-52, approved on 2/16/82, and to transfer the amount needed for aorial photographs of $1,500 from legal tee. to other profes.lonal fees for total appropriation of $3,SnO in other profe..lonal fee., be adopted In the .mount of $7,500. Itell 53 BUDGET ~M£NDMENT A2-222 INCREASING CONTINGENCIES BY AMOUNTS or ESTIMATEC TR"NSFERS FROM IMMOKALEE W~TER SEWER CISTRICT (FUND 41~) OF $15,943 ANC LETHAL YELLOWING (FUNC 440) or $12,384 - 1\COPTEC IN TH! AMOUNT OF $28,327 Commlseloner Wenzel moved, seconded by ComNlssioner pi.tor and carried unanImously, that Budget Amendment 82-222 Increasing Contln- gencle. by amounts of e.tlmated transfors from Immokale. Water Sewer Ciatrict (Fund 414) of $15,943 and Lethal Yellowing (Fund 440) of' $12,384, be adopted in the amount of 928,327. Ite. 54 BUDGET AMENDMENT 82-223 TO PROVIDE PUNDING TO COLLIER COUNTY £.".8. rNTERPRISE FUND AS EXPLAINED IN THE ENTERPRfSE FUND'S RELATEC BUDGET AMF.:NDMENT SUAMITTEC TillS CATE - ACOPTEC IN TilE AMOUNT OP $157,000, "9 MODI FlEe Comml.sioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Comml..ioner pI.tor and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendment 82-223 to provide fundln9 to ~DDI( 070 tJr.E JS1 Page 4ft --------------------------------- ---------..- Collier County E.".8. Enterpri.. rund a. .xplained in the Ent.rprl.. rund'. r.l.ted Budget ~.ndm'nt .ubmitted this dat., be adopted In a~ount of $1~7,000, as ~odifl.d. , Ue. 55 BUDGET ^MENCHENT 82-224 TR~NSrERRING $400 IN COURTS BUDGET TO COVER S"ORTr~LL IN BUILDING M~INTEN~NC! OBJECT COC! - "COPTED IN TAE AMOUNT' or $400 Commi.sioner Wenzel moved, ..conded by Commi88ioner PI_tor and carr!ed unanimously, that Budget Amend~ent 82-224 traneferlnq $400 fro Obj.ct Code 642 to Object Cod. 340 in Courts budget to cover shortfall in Building Maintenance Object Code, b. adopted In the amount of $400. " ·r . Ite~ 56 BUDGET AMENCMF.NT 82-225 (SOCt"L SERVICES) NECESSARY IN ORDER TO SERVICES PROVICED BY UPJOHN HEALTH CARE SERVICES UNCER CONTRACT COUNTY - AOOPTEO IN THE AMOUNT or $799 Commissioner Wonzel moved, aeconded by Commissioner piator and carried unani~ou.ly, that Budget '-mendment 82-225 (Social Service.) necessary In order to pay for service. provided by Upjohn Aealth Care Service. under contract to tho County, b. adopted In the a~ount of $798. Ite. 57 BUDCET ~ENOMENT 82-22~ (LIBR~RY) TR~NSrERRING MONEY 'ROM RE8ERVI - WAC! , SAL~nY 1\CJ. FUNeS TO UTILITY SERVICES - ADOPTEe IN THE "MOUNT or $S,800 · Commi8sloner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pIstor and carried unanimously, that Budg.t Amondment 82-226 tran.ferrlng .onoy fro~ Reserve Wage' Salary Adj. ru~da to Utility Services, be adopted In the amount of $5,800. -J ---------------------~---~~-------- . , :::::> c:J " ' c:::;3 ------- - -- --- ----- ----.nnT 7fT"I'SW"r- - - -- - - - - --t (.1:)' '6.t i~'·':~ ! ''\,. i', '. 1·'·,1 . .,;:J{' l"í:J~ t ,c,.) I~ ~, 1 ",'. ¡ Ite. 58 aUDGET ~~tNCMrNT R2-227 (LrBR~RY - COLLIER NORTH) TR1\NSFERRINO rUNDS TO "LLOW EXP~NSION or LIeR~RY C~RD C~T~LOG ~NC THE PURCH~SE or ROOM-D~R~ENINO CR~Pr.S rOR THE CHILDREN'S/PUBLIC USE ROOM - "DOPTED IN THE "MOUNT OF $750 Comml..loner Wenzel aoved, leconded by Commissioner Plltor and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendment 82-227 tranlferrlng fundi to allov expansion of Library Card Catalog and the purchale of roo. darkening drape- for the chlldren'./publlc ule room, b. adopted in the AlDOunt of $750. Ite. 59 8UCOET ~MENCMENT 82-228 (LIBR~nY/COLLIER NORTA) TR~NSrERRING rUNDS RE S"ORT~GE IN OBJECT COCES 370, 410 ANC 470 - ACOPTED IN THE "MOUNT OF $195 Commissioner Wenzel movod, .econded by Commi..loner pI.tor and carried unanImously, that Budget Amendmont 82-22R tran.ferrlng fundi re .hortage in Object Code. 370, 410 and 470, be adopted In the .~ount 0' $195. Ite. 60 BUCOET ~MENDMENT 82-'29 (LIBRARY/EAST N^PLES) TR~NsrERRING rUNes RI SHORT~GES IN OBJECT COCER 340, SIO and 372 - "COrTED IN Tn! "MOUNT or $284 Co~i..loner Wenzel moved, .econded by Commi..loner pI.tor and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendment 82-229 transferring funda re .hortages In Object Cod.. 340, 510 and 372, be ~Jopted In the amount of $284 . ðOðIr cno 'AŒ1S9 Page 50 ----.- - ------ -- ------------ - -_.....- ~ . . '~'-'-----".._¡"".,",,,,, ... -- ------- ------------------ _,...-...- ___ ,..... ~ --4 f Ju I y 27, 1982 ao~ 07Ø fACE 140 , Ite. 61 BUDGET AMENCMENT 82-230 (LIBR'-RY/GOLCEN GATE) TRANSFERRING rUNDS TO HELP UNDERWRITE REHABILIT"TION or THE LIBR"RY GROUNDS - "COPTED 1M TRI "-MOUNT or $ 27 5 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendment 82-230 transferring fund. to help underwrite rehabilitatIon of the lIbrary grounds, be aðopted in the amount of $27~. Ite. 62 BUDGET AMENCMENT 82-231 (LIBRARY/IMMOKALEE) TRANSFERRING rUNeS DU! TO SHORTAGE IN OBJECT CODE5 340 ANC 410 - ADOPTED IN TAE AMOUNT OF $305. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commisøioner pistor and carriod unanl~ous1y, that Budget Amendment 82-231 transf.~ring fund. due to shortage in Object Codes 340 and 410, be adopted In the a.oun~ of $305. ItelD 63 BUDGET AMENCMENT 82-232 (LIBRARY/MARCO ISLANC) TRl\NSFERRING FUNCS TO COVER A S~,ORTAGE IN TAl!: PERIOCICAL OBJECT COCI!: - ADOPTEe IN THE "MOUNT OF $60. Comft'lssioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendment 82-2J2 transferring fund. tc cover a shortage in the Periodical 0bject Codo, be adopted in the alllount of $60. ItelD 64 BUDGET AMENCMENT 82-233 (WATER ~ANAGEMENT/AOUATIC WEEC) TO COVER CItARCES FOR ^RA SERVICES ANC MhJOR SERVICES FOR AIRDOAT - "COPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,000 Commissionor Wenzol moved, .econded by Commi.sioner pi.tor and carried una~tmou.'1~ t~aë~U"dget Amendlllont 82-233 to cover charge. for PðqO 51 ...-...---------- .......---. _._'---~'- ---......------- . ~ ; ~ t:) c::=I . ,: ' .~. ~ ~ - ........~. J -......---------,....----------JtJ1y7."'" 1()r.¡2 ------------' .:,.., . . "RA .ervice. and ~ajor .ervice. for airboat, be adopted In the ..ount of $3,000. Ite. '5 BUDGET ~Mr.NCMENT 82-234 (PELICl\N B~Y LIGHTING I , II) TO ~DJUST FOR IXPENCITURES CHARGED TO CURRENT FISC"L YE~R ~PPLIC~BLE TO PRIOR FISCAL YE~R - ~DOPTEC IN THE ~MOUNT OF $8,49A Co.miasioner Wenzel .oved, .econded by Commissioner PSstor and carried unanimously, that Budget Amend~ent 82-234 to adjust for expenditures charged to current fiscal year applicable to prior fiscal year, be adopted In the a~ount of S8,498. Ite. 66 BUCCET ~MENDMENT A2-235 (COMMUNITY ÐEV.) TO PROVICE POR RECEIpt OF TRANSFER FROM UNINCORPOR~Tr.C COUNTY ~RE~ MST GENER~L SP£CI~L REVENUE FUNC - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $75,403 CommIssioner Wenzel ~oved, seconded by Com~issloner Plator and carried unanimously, that Budget Amend~ent 82-235 to provide for receipt of trðnofer from Unincorporated County ~roa MST General Special Revenue Fund of that portion of actual fund balance associated with the Co~unity Devolopment Civiaion In excess of appropriated amount, be adopted In the a~ount of $75,403. IU. 67 BUDGET l\MENOMENT 82-23~ (TR~NSPORT~TION~ECONC~RY RO~DS) TO PROVICE rUNeS FOR PURCHASES RtLJ..TED TO Nt;W EMPLOYF.ES ANO OUTFITTING CON- STRUCTION TRAILER FOR IN-HOUSE CONS'MWCTION INSPECTION BY R01\I*"Y CONSTRUCTION INSPtCTION STAFr - ADOPTEe IN THE ~MOUNT OF $1,700 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Plator and carried unanlmoualy, that Budget Amendment 82-236 to provide fund. for purchase. related to new employee. and outfitting construction trailer for In-house construction Inspactlon by roadway construction In.pectlon staff, b. adopted In the amount of $1,700. MOK 07D fACE 1_ 'aq. 52 , ' _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _._ _ _ ___ _ _ ___....:.._____ .............__ ____ _ _..--.- ______l~, ,. :,~ ,"'~' , ' _____________________~q'~'nr----------- &oDK 070 rACE 1"~ IUIft f\8 ~ BUCCET "MENDH!NT 82-237 (IMMO~~LF.! W/S CISTRICT) TR~NSr!RRINa 'UND B~L~NCE TO TAE GEN!R~L rUND - ~DOPTED IN THE ~HOUNT or $15,943 CO~i8sioner Wenzel IDoved, aeconded by Co~ml8aloner plator and carried unanimously, that BUdget '-mendment 82-237 tranarerrin9 fund balance to the General Fund, which was aource of initial fund., Water/Sewor Service, be adopted In the amount of $15,943. Ite. 69 BUDGET ~HENDH~NT 82-238 (~GRYCULTURE/LETA~L YELLOWING) TR1\NSrERRING FUND B"U.NC~ TO THE GENER.a.L FUHCS - ~COPTEC IN THE ~HOUNT or $12,384 CommissIoner Wenzel ~oveð, aeconded by Commls8ioner PlstOf and carried unanlmou8ly, that Budget ~endment 82-238 transferring fund balance to the General Funds, which was source of Initial financin9, b. adopted in the amount of $12,384. Ite" 70 BUDGET ~HENDMENT 82-239 (£.M.S.) REVISION TO USER CH"RGES - "DOPTED tV THE ~MOUNT OF S178,OOO, ~S MOCIFIEC Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commiasioner plator and carried unanl~ou81y, that Budget ~mendment 82-239, reviaton to us.r charge., be adopted in the a~ount of $178,000, as modified. .~ . - - -" , --.. -\ -----------......----------- - --~- "9. 53 ~ [. _.I ---, ...·.,....."..t... .' . . c.... .' I ----------------------~~7~~~r------------. Ite. 71 BCC rORM~LLY REQUESTS CR~MBER or COMMERCE TO STUDY POSSIBLE COUNTY "DOPTION OF "TOURIST CEVELOPMENT T"X" OR "ONE YE~R LOC"L OPTION S~LE8 T~X" Public Services ~ðmlnlstrator Norton reported that the Executive Su~mary for thIs Item was a result of Interest expressed by Chairman Wimer and Commissioner pistor, adding that the Naples Chamber of Commerce has expressod into rest in tho two possibilities for the t~xes a. outlIned In that Executive Summary. He related the major differ- " ence. botween the two taxes as beIng that the "Tourist Developmont Tax· Is an ongoing tax which could be continued In future years and Is for a one or two percent amount whIch would yiald approximately 1/2 million dollars annually ~nd that the "One Percent Local Option Sales Tax· would yield ~pproxlmlltely eight ml1l1on dollars in revenuos and that the burden of that tax would he carried by anyone residing in the County as w~ll as tourists. ~ dlscusøion followed rcqarding the possIbility of the acc ' appoInting a study cOMmIttee to research the taxo. in more detail and make a formal proposal or to request the Ch~mber of Commerce to contInue the study th~t thoy have be.n doing for some timo and have them ropott to the ACC regarding a spociflc proposal for use of those texe.. Commisslonor Wenzel asked If the touriot tax could be used anywhere In the County to ovorcome the problems created by runaway growth and tourism, to which ~r. Norton responded that tho tourist tax is more flexIble than the other tax and can be used specifically for sports arena. and recreational facilities a8 woll a8 promotion of the tourist industry. , Tape '5. Commlsslonor Wenzel said that would defeat the purpose because he ðOOK 070 tACEJff1 Pag. 54 -------------------------~-----~-~-------r ¡ , ' ·f . ...""." - ' ,. v ' .. .. ' , . ' .. '¡ ,. .-- ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - ----- -JUry ''T';'J91'r --- &001( 070 rACE 168 thought the revenuo could be used to ovorcome some of the additional cost. because of runaway growth. Chalr~an wimer said he understood that was spoclfically prohibited by law because growth Is one subject and tourism Is a separate subject. ~r. Norton 5ald that the one percent sale. tax Is even more restrictive In that tho ~oney can only be used for the ðevolopm.nt and purchase of rocreationnl faclltiea, civic centers, sports arenaS, etc. and has no direct I~pnct on the tourist situatIon. County Manag~r Norman oxplalned thðt neither of the taxes can be used for the construction of parks. Chair~an WImer said that these are taxes levIed on touristD and to be e~pended tor tourIst facilities which could also be used by the residents of the County. Mr. RIchard ^aron, membcr of the Board of Directors of tho Napl.. Area Chamber of COMm.rce and ~r. Bill McGowan, F.xocutlve Vice-president of thllt or~ðnlz~tion, were preDent. ~r. "aron oxplalnod that thoy want to accept the opportunIty to study both of the proviously described taxes and roturn to the Board with a full study on the manner In which the tnxes can apply to CollIer County. CommIssioner Brown moved, seconded by Commls81onor pistor and carried unanImously, that the BCC formally request the Chamber of Co~morc. to study possIble County adoption of -Tourist Covelopment Tax· and the .One Vear Local Option Sale. Tax· and to work with staff regarding salll.. It." 72 MR. REC 1t0LLANC RECOfolMtNCED FOR APPOINTMENT TO NEW REI-LTR COUNCIL Cr. Ed Houck, Executive Clrector of the South Central Florida Health Syat~m8 Aq~ncy, saId that his organIzation Is responsible for health planning and health regulatory activities. Re explained that the Department of He.lt~ and Rehabilitation of the State of Florid. h.. 'aq. ~5 --------------------------~. -.... -------------- c=J c=J ---- ........_"",4 - ~, . . r- -----------"""-.---------- - r. PoIIgo 5/\ ',;.r, ----------------------~--~--------------å '. '<~ ,. "í '~~ .,"""t July 27, 1982 .aked hi. agency to assist them In Implementing a law that was passed by the Legislature, Florida Statute. Chapter 82-182. He exp~alnod the specific points of the law and noted that Commissioner pistor is a ~ember of tho Health Systems l\gency and is familiar with the structure and functIons of the agency. Cr. Bouck explaineð that tho appointments process sets up three categories, providers, consumers and purchasers of health care sorvices and that tho Southwest Florida local Health Council will be comprised of lS members and thðt Collier County has a purchaser of health Care serviccs slot to be appoInted by the County to the Health Council. He said t~.t hlø agency wIll run until October. l\fter a short discussIon, Commissioner ~ruse moved, seconded by Commissloner Brown, cðrried 3/2, with Commissioners Pi.tor and Wenzel opposed, that Councilman Red qolland be appointed by the County to serve on the new Health Council. ...... Recess 11: ~5 A.M. - Reconvened 1:30 P.~. at which time Deputy Clerk Kenyon replðccd Deputy Clerk Skinner······ Item 73 COMMUNITY CEVELOPMENT ACMINISTRATOR VIRTl\ CIRECTEC TO ASSESS THE PROBLEM REGARDING INITIATING SATELLITE CIS~ CONTROLS ANC REGULATIONS FOR COLLIER COUNTY CommIssioner Wenzc1 stðtcd that tho County may want some type of rulÐs or an ordinance regulating tho location and controls of satellite dlska wIthIn the County. He reported that the reason this matter is being brought up is d~e to the conditIons in the north whp.re sato11lte disks are boing put on front lawns and roofs without any type of control. He saId that if the County had some type of control it would protect peoplo wIthin the\r respective neighborhoods. He reported that, withIn Collier County, the most efficient satellite disks would be the 12' dIsk. Me« U10 tACE 169 ------------------.----------------------- aOOK C110 PA&¿1!lO July 27, 1982 ~~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.- - - ---- - ----- -------- . . Chairman Wimer .tated that the con.ensus of the 80ard is that "r. Vlrta, Community Cevelopment ~dmlnlstr.tor, thoroughly a.ftes. the proble. regarding satellite disk. to s.. if thore 1. . n.ed for regulating this type of activity and to report back to the Board if it 1. de.med appropriate. It.. 74 eRANT ~PPLIC~TION FOR COMMUNITY SERVICES TRUST FUNDS FOR OPERATIOH or RECLANCS CHRISTIAN MIGRANT CAY CARE CENTER "PPROVEC - C"~IRM"H AUTHORIZEC TO SIGN enANT APPLICATION CommissIoner Brown moved, .econded by Commissioner Wenzel anð carried unanimously, that the grant application for Community Service. Trust Funds for operation of the Redlands Christian Migrant Day Care Center, be approved and the Chairman b. authorized to sign said appllcation. P19. 5' l________________~______________________~_ , &OOK O~ rAcE1,æ July 27, 1982 Ite. 75 UTILITY RELOCATION "GREEMENT WITH FLORIDA POWER , LIGHT COMP"MY "PPROVEC - CH"IRMAN AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE COCUMENT , ' , Co.ml.sloner Brown moved, .econded by Co..ls.ioner Kensel and carried unanimously, that the utility relocation agreement with rlorlda Power , Light Company be approved and the Chairman be authorized to execute same. ~ , ~ ~iJ:i ,;~ ,~ ,:j ,__ ' , ,page S";'i;J ------------------------------------~ ,..¡¡;, .. .:.!t.'t~. ' ...,.:;(~ J.x. d .. f J .J ' i'f' ~ . Il I ,."........,."_._-'..,.".,,..,......,.<., . ~......'- .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - ------- - -- - - - - -.... " aOOK 010 'ACE W6 July 27, 1982 Ite.. 16 EXC"V"TION PERMIT NO. 59.146, "LFRED J. ""CKNEY, SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 49 SO UTA , RANO! 27 EAST - APPROVEC, SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS Commissioner Brown ~oved, seconded by Co~mi..ioner Wensel and carried unanl~ously, that Excavation Permit No. 59.146, "lfred J. Hackney, Section 15, Town8hlp 49 South, Range 27 East, be approved subject to the following 8tipulatlons. 1. 1\11 appliéøble provisions of Excavation Ordinance No. 80-26 shall be adhered to. 2. No blasting 18 approved unless ð separate permit is Issuod by CollIer County. 3. No off-site dischargo of groundwater unless permitted by South Florida Water Management Clstrlct. 4. Depth of ExcavatIon shall be limited to +2.0 ngvd. 5. All excavated material shall remain on the project site. Item 77 JOINT POLE USE AOR!~MENT FOR THE ATTACHMENT OF 'LOR Ie" POWER , LICHT FACILITIES TO COUNTY MAINTAINED TRAPPIC'SICNAL POLES - "PPROVED - CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZEC TO EXECUTE SAME CommIssioner Brown ~oved, seconded by Commissioner Wen~el and carried unani~ously, that the joint pole use agreement for the attachment of Florida Power' Light Facilities to County maintained traffic signal poles, be approved and the t~airman be authorized to execute 88me. . . - - - - - -.' ~ Paqe 59 ----------------------------------------~ I -a ~ ~ CI 5' ) till ~ - ...-- ' .. , ¡ . ~ ' ------------------------------------------ July 27, 1982 It.. 78 EXC"V"TION PERMIT NO. 59.144, P~UL E. OÅtN~-~GENT;·SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, R~NCE 26 E~ST - ^PPROVED, SUBJECT TO STIPUL~TIONS. Co~issioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that Excavation Permit No. 59.144, Paul E. Oren, ~ent, section 18, Township 49 South, Range 26 East, be approved subject to the following stipulations. 1. The depth of the excðvation shall be limIted to -9 ngvd. 2. No blastlng is allowed without obtaining a separate blasting permIt. 3. No off-site discharge of groundwater. 4. ~ll applicable provIsions of Excavation Ordinance No. 80-26 shall be adhcrcd to. It.. 79 EXC~V"TION PERMIT NO. 59.145, M~RCO WOOCS, INC., SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 51 SOUTH, R~NeE 27 E~ST - ~PPROV!C, SUBJECT TO STIPULÂTIONS Commissioner Drown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that Excavation Permit No. 59.145, Marco Woods, 'Inc., SectIon 29, Township 51 South, Range 27 East, be approved subject to the following stipulatIons. I. ^ll appllc~ble Frovlsions of ExcavatIon Ordinanco No. 80-26 shall be adhered to. 2. No blasting Is ~pprovod unless a separate permit is issued by Co 11 It: r County. 3. tJo off-site dischargc of groundwater unloss permitted by South Florida Water Manag~ment District. 4. Depth of excavation shall be limIted to -20 ngvd. 5. Turn lanes shall be constructed at C.R. 92 under Ð 8ep~rat. CollIer County RIght-of-Way pormlt prior to commencement of excavation. 6. Water quality monitoring system shall be installed. '898 60 MOK 070 PACE181 ------------------------------------~-~--, t :4 ~I' '.J " i ,; 21· , .- - - - - - -- - -- - - -,- -- --- - - -- -.-- -.- --- -- - - - - --- aOOK 070 PACE.t92 .. July 27, 1982 1 It.m 80 BID 1593 FOR RO~DW~Y ST~IPING ~W~RCEC TO ASPH~LT MAINTENANCE ENTERPRISES IN THE AMOUNT OF $.06999 PER LINEAR FOOT Legal notlcQ havIng been published in the Naples Caily News on' Juno 22, 1982, as evidenced by Affidavit of publicatIon filed with the Clerk, bIds wero received for Bid 1593 for roadway striping until 2.30 P.M., July 7, 1982. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unan¡~ously, that Bid '593 for roadway striping be awarded to Asphalt Malntenance Enterprises in tho amount of $.06999 per linear foot, as recomme~ded by tho purchasing Cirector to be the low bidder and in the best interest of the County, and that the Chairman be authorized to sign and the Clerk to attest tha resulting agreemant. Item 81 MR. BERNIE YOKEL REAPPOINTED TO THE W~TER MAN~GEMENT ~DVIRORY BO"RC CommissIoner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel ~nd carried 4/1, (CommIssioner Kruse opposed), that Mr. Bernie Yokel b. reappolntod to the Water Management "dvisory Board for a tour-year tera with an expiration date of February 28, 1986. Item 82 MR. ROBERT TOWLE RE"PPOINTED ~ND MR. PAUL CEAN JACKSON "PPOINTED TO THE BOARC OF BUILDING ADJUSTMENTS AND ~PPEALS CommIssioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanImously, that Mr. Robert Towle be reappointed to the Board of Building Adjustments and Appeals for a four-year term with an expiration da~e of December 31, 1985 ,and that Mr. Paul Dean Jackson b. , appointed to the Board of Building Adjustments and Appeals to fulfill the unexpired term of Mr. Garland until December 31, 1982. pag. 61 . . ~ . - ... .. .._-~, .,A, ------------------------------------~---~- . . . f I I' ,. ¡ I , ".'...<-...........,."...--....--....... c:I t=) L... J , .. c~· . ' -,-- --- - -- - ____ -- - -- -- - - -- - -- ----- - -- --~ - - .... _~I July 27, 1992 Itell 83 CH'-IRMAN "UTHORIZED TO SIGN CERTIFICATES OF CORRECTION TO THE T"X ROLLS "8 "UTnORIZEC BY THE PROPERTY APPRAISER'S OFFICE Co~mlaaloner Brown ~oved, .econded by Co~ml.sloner Wenzel and carried unani~ou.ly, that the following Certificates of Correction to the Tax Rolla a. .ub~ltt.d by the property "ppral..r'. Office, be authorized tor execution by the Chalr~an. .1981 TAX ROLL TANGIBLE PF.RSON"L PROPERTY 1981-154 1981-156 1981-157 7/14/1' 2 7/22/1'2 7/22/82 1981 TAX ROLL 1981-155 7/22/82 It.. 84 BONe "PPROVEC RELATING TO THE COMMISSION OF JACK OUEEN "S ^ MEMBER or THE IMMOKALEE WATER/SEWER DISTRICT ANC COMMISSIONERS "UTHORIZED TO EXECUTE SAME Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that the Bond relating to tho co~~laslon of Jack Oueen as a member of the Immoka1ee Water/Sewer Clatrlct, be approvod and the Commissioners be authorized to execute .a~e. paCJe 62 ~OI( 010 fACE19S " -------------------~------~--~----------~i' t . ',\,,," , :Iii: ¡ i I I I ," .... r=:J .----, -.. . c.., . . ----------------~------------~---------~ . . July 27, 1982 Ite. 85 RESIGN"TION or "HR. CELBERT STEIGERWALD FROM THE FOOC EST"BLISftMENT REVIEW BOARC ACCEPTEC, LETTER OF "PPRECIATION "UTHORIZED TO BE SENT ~ND "CVERTISEMENT FOR VACANCY ON SAID BOARD "UTHORIZEC Commis.ioner Brown moveð, secondeð by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that Mr. Delbert Stelgerwald'a reslqnation from the Food Establishment Review Board, be accepted, that a letter of appreciation be sent to Mr. Steigerwald, and that advertisement for the vacancy on said board, be authorized. ItelD 86 RESIGNATION or MR. EDW^RC R. CAY PROM THE MARCO ISLAND BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE ACCEPTEC ANC AUTHORIZATION GRANTEe FOR MARCO ISLANC TAXP"YERS "SSOCIATION TO MAKE A RECOMMENDATION FOR A NEW MEMBER Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that the resignation of Hr. Eðward R. Cay fro. the Marco Island Beautification Committeo be accepted and that authorization be granted for Marco Island Taxpayers Association to recommend a new member. Itell 87 TAX COLLECTOR AUTRORIZEC TO ISSUE CUPLICATE TAX SALE CERTIFIC"TE NUMBERS 2323, 2330 ANC 2527 TO WAYNE HILLER CUE TO LOSS Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by CQmmissloner Wenzel and carried unanimously, that the Tax Collector be authorized to I.sue duplicate Tax Sale Certificate numbers 2323, 2330 and 2527 to Wayne Miller, due to loss. Page 63 ...----- ~OIC 070 fACé 1117 -----------~--------------7-------------~.J . .' .. ..~, , 'j ;.:"f '~.1t ... r=1 C":j c.. ' . . ---------------------------------------- July 27, 1982 Ite. 88 MíSCELL"NEOUS CORRESPONCENC! - FILED ANC/OR REFERREC There being no objection, the Chair directed that the following correspondence be filed and/or roferred to the varioua ðepartments .s IndiCðted below. 1. Departmental R~ports received lInd filed from the f.ollowings a. Solid Waste Division, June, 19A2. b. Hellcoptor operations Report, June, 1982. c. Veterl\ns A!fairs, June, 19A2. d. Collier County ~useum, March, April, May anð June, 1982. 2. Public NotIce 32-R2 from the United States Coast r.uard for the Celtona CorporatIon regarding Rluc HIll Creek (ml1o 2.0) connectIng Barflold Bay with Blue Hill Bay near ~arco Island, Collier County, FlorIda. xc ~r.' Normanl fIled. 3. Summary report from OCS Program regarding Loase Sales "9, RS-2, 78 and DEIS workshop. xc Mr. Normanl Mr. virta Filed. 4. MInutes of the July 14, ,1982, mooting of the Ochopoe Fire Control District Advisory Committee. Filed. 5. Momorandum date July 6, 1982, (rom the Cepartment of AdministratIon, Civision of RetIrement, regardIng the 1982 legislatIon affecting the SpecIal RIsk Class of Membership. xc Mr. Normllnl fIled. . . * * * * * . . * . Thore beIng no further business for the qood of the County, the mooting was adjourneð by Order of the Chair - Time 1145 P.M. BO~RD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONF.RS!RO~RD OF ZONING "PPEALS!EX OFFICIO COVERNING nO"RD(5) OF SPECI^L CISTRICTS UNCER ITS CONTRG¿R~~"'N d' the BCC on ~ ,¿ ~ /9/,...2- corrected . aa , ... ,', &OOK C1lO tACE8>L. .-