BCC Minutes 12/14/1982 R - - - --- ..-- - - -- - - - _.- --.- - - - - - -- -- --- . . Nlple., Florida, December 1~, 19q2 ~' . LET IT ~E REMEMatRr.D, th.t thft Poftrd of County CommJftllon~r. Sn .nd for the County of CollSer, .nd .110 ðctlnq a. tho Boftrd of tonlnq ~ppe.ll and al the qovernlnq hoard(a) of luch special dl.trlct. a. have been creAted accordln~ to law and havIng conducted business heroin, ~et on this dato At 91ð~ ~.~. In Reqular Sos.lon In Bulldlnq -r- of the Courthouse Co~plex, East N.ples, FlorIda, with the tollowlnq ~.mbors pre.entl VIr.E CtI"lRKANI D.vl" C. Arown John ". pI.tor Frederick Vo.. C. C. -Ret1- lIollant1 CH...!n~"NI "/lry-rranc.. ICrus. C"b"ent) (Retlected by 4/8 vote) "~50 PRESENT. WI~ll.~ J. Re.gan, Clerk, JA~ftS C. Gill's, Fllcal ottle.r, C. WIIIIIIM ~or~IIn, Cuunty ~an.~or, M.ureen ICenyon ant1 Elinor Skinner, Deputy Clarks, Burt L. Slunders, County "ttorney, TOm Kuck, ' ~ £n']ln.er, Tarry VI rrA, COr'll!\unlty Develo "ftent Mlllnhtrator, Le. Layne, Plans Jlllplomentatlon Dlrectof Nftll Dorrlll, Public S.fety ,,".lnl.trð- tor, Dr. "'ark I'!enedlct, County r.nvlronr'lentllllst, Chrll lIollfly, "d~lnlltratlve ~8.I.tant to the County Manllqer, Rollle Rice, PArkl , Recraatlon Olrector, Anrhara Cllcchlone, Planner, Irving Aerzon, Utllltle. Manaqerr !(nutl' "ann"n, Public Workl Adllllnlstrfttorr Grace ßpauldlnq, "dlllJnlstratlve "Ide to the Do.rd, and William "'c~ulty, SherSff'. Depftrtment. P.g. 1 .O~K 073 fAct 01 ~ , t , . " ....... ] II. ::J ... - - - - - - - - - - - - -- --- - - ..- - - - - - ".- - - - - - - - - - ~- - -- f\!'c~nh('r ] '., 111'1:' 073 r"~t 08 W~~ Tape Ii lulI\ '1 ~aEND~ - ~PPROVF.O WITH TH& FOLLOWING CH^NGr.r.t COlllllhsloner lIolland moved, sltconded by ComMhllloner Voss IInd carried 4/~, that Item ~C) roq8rdlnq th~ ostablllhmltnt of water ftnd sow.r rate. for Glades fiubdlvlslon and sewer r~tes for L~k~wood Subdivision be heard lit 11)P P.M. COII\~lssloner PI.tor ~oved, .econded by Coml!\l.sioncr VOIS and c.rrSed 4/r, that the aqonda be approved with the ahove roferenced change and th8t Item 9CS, the F.M3 facility aqreel!\ent, hI' continued to December 2~, lQP,2. Ite,. .2 MINUTr.~ OF NOVEMHr.n 71, 19n2, nr.r.u~~n M~INr. - ^ppnovr.n ^f, ~OOJrIr.D County ...·oll"rr 'lorn.'" In'! ç'l'r,.r' th"o:: t~,. ",¡nut!":'! of '!"vt'nb('r ", 10n:" rJI' nut (~~ir,...t '''~!f'n th, 1/7- ..,,,q,-. JnC"'rf""t;,.. \olntl¡,f ...,r, ~nto f"'~f,.rt.. 11(' not~r' thr.~ It \0'.". nr,' '1Ir.~u!l!¡"'· ('urln.... tht: M('I'tln"" hut t"I' In('rI"IHI" WI\f. tr'\t~'n(if'" ~",'r fll" t·'"'¡tlrf' ~tt",(",. yr','r, ,,:t,'tr"tf th,'t It ""OUA{~, tÞO¡"rf"- tor~, '10 Into rU,./,,! t~,,· flrr" r"Y p"r O" ,,(,(Or ttw h".,lnnln'" of thl' (ISCll, VI','r II' "/",,,""r, In.-;, nn:: ,'\(' r-j"utl'~ !I"I')\ ,.I hI' ">or'I!I.." to r!"f ,('Cl SII,,,· COM_i.sloner PI~tor mov.d, lecondeð by Coml!\lslloner VOl. and carried 4/0, that the mlnutea or NovoMber 2J, 1982, reelect th~ chanq~ In the 1/2\ Wft~C Incre..a to lndlcat. th~ offectlve date as the rlrat pay period beqlnnlnq In the tl.cn1 yeðr In October, 1982. Co~ml18loner Plstor mov.d, .econt1~d by Commls.lonftr V~s. and carried 4/~, that the Mlnute~ of Novenber 23, 19R2, noqular ~eetlng, be .pproved .. modi tied. It.. 13 \',\ Pn'1 I" , iZ:: .':~¡ .~,~t 'r,'J '.~' -. -.-- _. --~ -- -- - - - - - - - -- -....... _.. ~- - -- . - --" _. - .- .-- ".,- . .. I!!!I f!!! ,.._.~.. . ,j . C.::::::J .. ~,J - - - - - -- - _.- - - .-- - .~,_. - - - -- -_. - -- .- -'- , ,II , , ,,,.,., ....,~r.'''''''ht'ar r.MPLOYE£ 5£RVICE ~W"nD9 rn£S£HT£n f"( "'M ,,~ on 'r i' .,t'Jr ~',r/'!!1I'f\t,~d ('o"Mlr,!1 r,nl'r ",'vIr' (', I rOI/!'\ ·.dr.\<¡ .'n cnPAoylt" .'1l!rV I CI' ,H.llrr for 1 r' '!"nr" of '~f1c1! 0::.,t."<I '1!'rv I~... to r.~1' ('oul'lty. ""M",Ir.~ of\"r 'ro'"., "r(,!lC'nt",1 '.'1(\ <~Jl.o·..!r,'1 ''''''~l>\''''''' .dth .,,,rvlcl! t,\III'nrr1:t ~or t~~"Jir ~'0nr!~ (J' '~'!'r'lic'" torJ r:~" \~'JI nt.'l "':t In...j1~·'t..f"f' '''<,:''(')',1: 11'''''' -r\Io,'''; - '":¡J.L·1~n -,t~ "")"r-'I. ,-...nt:r:-r ',' ."'(, r ~~ .~ lJ 1 ì. f ~ In., ",", i n t.,. n.... n co f' : 11,'" t i (7 . "" ,,,' , !T'" J. ·-,r n t ., r. I ~}n r' \''''''r~ ','."\."'\ r ""': \'''',' r ~ "e,t'" r.. -'1":'" f' r - . :' :1 . ,. ~ '¡, r h D ~ ~ foe'" !,."Jr1^ - '"'J,:.r,f 1 , Itt'", .4 :'~ , 'II ~f ·1~1 PROCLM'IATl::>N PRF.!3r.rlTP.O TO J\Mf.nIC^" Lr.GIOto, f'''!iT 20 - f\EStC!l^TI~1I1 TIIP. ...ONTII OF' OP.Cr:"'BP:R, 1.,A2 ^S ~r;(,)l.nF:~ IjATr. '1F.MORl^L POST ?47 - RLonn DONOR "IONTH- - ~nOPTr.D ConnllsRlonor Pllltor ,",OVItr1, !I"conOnc! h'/ r.()mmIDftlon~r lfollllnr1 IInr1 carrl,.rJ ~/~, thllt th.. procl.1ml'ltlon rl""II'1nntln'1 tho I'Ionth of Dl!c""'bor, 1~R2 ~!I ~~oldnn ~l'Ito ~nMorl~l ro~t 2~' - nlooe! ~onor ¥onth~, hI' .1"optod. ..~, '" ¡ ';1, ""f ,.' , "t 'Jr'. '....."r i"r¡ ..,) " ""~'!'''' r , . . ' .f ,'r ",.. nt, " . "II' r ! (. 'f1 r,' '1 I ., '\ '1'1" "~'7 '1";1 I''tnrf,...~,, t 'Ii:- ·\"nr~("t....t1un '~)r c~n flnt. ~ f ,I } t. I "t , I" r):,")" . G~ Fir, I.., ,''',__ Q9 ~."'''!' ~ ~¡;:~ - _.... .- ~.- .-- '. _. _. -. -_.. - - - -- -- -- -- - -- - - -- - - - t:. J- L , .,- îil~'t ~t~¡-;;'1~i·;;.., :;'¿I"j;:f~ ,;.;, ,",~ ",¡:~?,., :."':..~: r~~. ,~, ~:~(:!:~~;~~.':::"f':~;':.':"f:,r~~:" \{~~l!r~~~·~tj(.~~~~f.;; , ':1 Y'I:!.J: ",,,.....,,.,_.,,, ,.~.,...~~."-.....,..-..-- .. r:::1 r.;.;J -- ---- ----- -- --" -" - -- - -- - -- -- - --- ------ - ---------- {')(!ce>mhor 14, 1~'1~ 1: tell IS PETtTtON Cr-82-16C, WILSON, MILLER, R~nTON, SOLL , PEEK, HIC., RtPR!SEMTING KRt~Ll~O tMDUSTRIES - CONTtNUr.O TO DECEMBER 28, 1982 Mr. ~Illlnn ""r~on o! WI1~o", ~1¡l^r, ""rton, ~oll ~ P~~k, 1nc. rcprfoae"tln" II're>hUn1 InrllJl\trll.:'!I, rr<'1I1t"!ltcrl thllt t" f\ Itr~ hn r.ontl"lI~rl lI"tl. Drc£'nh"r 2~, 1'1'1?, ,...hrn thl)rC' ",Id he ,1 Fu¡¡ t-01\rrJ. Com_I..loner PIstor mov.t1, ft~conrl~d hy Commissioner Ho1lan~ and carried ~/A, that p~tltlon CP-A2-2~C, ~Iloon, ~Illnr, Rarton, 9011 , Peek, Inc. representlnq ~rehllng Inrlu.trle., be contlnupd to December 28, 1982. Ite. I ~ PETITIOM R-"2-12£J l;nr:II~ING INOU~TRlr.g - r.ONTINUr.n TO Dr.Cf.Mnr:R 2A, 1982 "r. ',,'11jl."H"\ fI.,rtun r)f '..'I~~tnn, "Iif1jj'?r, flllrt(Jn, "~oll t, øt'"". Tr'lc. r'Jpt'~ß"'1tlnl "r..hlln'l 1'1,I"::tr \":1 "·I1I1'"·f.t"ri r'1l1t ''11'1 II (.,.. k,., ç'()nr"lnllr' unli¿ r,t'("('nbpr 7°, lr,,,:,,, \/"',..'" t'~.,.... . \-dJ......."" fujl ""o"rr!. Com~i..lon.r Plntor moved, necon~~1 hy ro~mlft.'oner Holland ftnd cftrrled 4/A, that Petition R-"2-1~C, Krehlln~ Indu.trleø, ho contlnuod to Dece~ber ?~, 1~~2. It.~ t 7 PETITION CCr:t.-'12-1'jC, !;COnHO "'''RINr. CO!I!'Tf1Ur.TI(,)N - CONTl!1Ur.O TO J"NUARY 11, 1'1'1) ,\'D TO OF: Rr.1If>vr.nTI~F:!'\ (',nlnty ^tt(lrr'I.'Y ';.'''nl'c·r~ Inrll<':',ltl'd ch,'t. t!111'1 fJlHIr.lon ..../H1 "c\vI'rtl..('rI In('(Jrr¡>C7ti.y ~!1 t~f' wr0n1 lo~~ wI'rC' In,!lcatnð In the nl1w.pDr't'r. :!" r\'co,.,,,,..n¡i,.,d I:!'\"t thl!> Iton ho (':ontlnUNi In orrlcr to k.. rflllH1v"rt r.l'!d. Commls.lon.r Plstor noved, ø.co"ded by Commløsloner Hollant1 ~nd carrlod ~/n, that Petition CCCL-ß2-15C, ~corleld Marine Construction, be contlnu.d to January 11, 19B) ftnd be readvertl~ed. &O~K 073 rAÇE 11' 6 rl'l( e A -_. -- - - - -- -.- ._-_. -- -- ...- -. -- - -- ._- - -- - ---- -- --- ------....'. [. ".. ',..~" N·,;f!.~ '\\~\'~'-Jo~;>n,..~,~~~;"r"/~At!( .~ ~\. ¡\J~~~:~'\1..1.\; ,¡~~;t:~~\'~~ . " ~ w :;',' "', :':\ .,'- -'.. - ~~~,.,!" J ":'~~ ~~"..~' :,~: ~ - ] .. ) - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - ...- -- - -. .- - --.- -- - - -- - - - - .- - ~ - - - - - - - -- ~~ccmh~r l~, ,~~:' lUIII t8 ~OOK 073 ~ç£ 12 RESOLUTION CRt^TINC THE E^ST N^PLES rIPE HYD"^NT ~PF.CI^L "~SESSMENT DISTRICT - CONTINUED TO J^NU^RY 11, 1983. DECISION RECAnDINO ~SSESS"INT 0' PUBLIC PROPERTY REC^RDINC S~~E - CONTINUED TO DECEMßF.R 28, 19"2. t..t II~ no ticI' h,."ln"1 bl'Cf' puhl nhoi1 In thr ~:I\plor. olllly ,¡,.WI; on Novc~btr 23, 111~~, I\n~ Novo~bcr 3r, 10~:', I\~ I'vlrl"nccd hy ~f{ldllvlt of Puhllclltlun r j,f",~ \,,o t~, tht· rlC'rk, pUhj,\c hCl\rlnn ...,n!; Orl'nN' to consldl'r th.. CfclItlon of thl' rl\~t !-IIIO'f'R rl r,. lIydrllnr ~pcd III ^ss..cr.l'lcnt !Hctr ('t. "f. II.-rt.....", l'uh,lc ""Jr"!\ ""f"lnl~trlltclr, "tilt..,! th.,! tld., Itl'l" '1,.' ntt' rtc.! t"r"~ V",- r'\ ""'J, 1\~r1 n.., thllt t ht' conr.r rllc-t Ion rll\n!1 ...nr' nrl'clfICl\tlc,nl: ""vr """n f'r"r/lrr.' "y r.tI'Y ''I,.. 11'· n:Jrr" r~~t, thl' COMmt'nt" frof" t"" ('lll7.'·nr, In !I'rl' In "I h.,v.. I,,...n tllkl'" If'tO conr.l~or..r 10/1. I,,, c') n C . '1'\.. r I t, Y 1\ r .. r j n ~ t h " r !: n.., I n r" r I~" /71( ....0 III r' rre."nt thl' hl'("k"rolln~ hlnt.ory. r n '1 In.. (' r ... II ,. >, I; r " t ..;\ t·).. t n f ,. " r ".. r ~. , ] '17", r ,Hit "I"" ~ ~ I; f' r. Chic ( Jif" "I..,.",,~ ("ont,'ct,.rl till' (:"unty In of"..r tc.. hclp ~rl!nt,. t.h. F:/'Iflt "np¡'l!~ f Irn 1'yrir"'1t ~1'1tr C't. , I ., r .. PO r t "r' t h,., t t h ,. rl I r: t r ct' II north..r~y t-o\Jnr'~ry I· n( ~" ("r....I<, till' '·...t:t('r~y bounc!nry III ^!rport !\Ollrf. th(' nourhrr..,. 1">\ln<1/1r1' II' I",""r",,-n rr""" IIn,1 tl1l' ...,r.rlt.C'r~y bound4ry In ~..n"plprr nOðrl. It,. !: tilt (' r' t h 1\ tIn t h f' r r 0 1"'0 lilt c' ( I II t rI c t , lit th.'t tlmt', thrrt' worl' ;>r (.or :'1 tlxlr.tln" hy~r...ntr., lIr'c'ln'1 thllt Bomo of the hydrllntll hllr1 Innrl..cuatr 'Inr rr"f\lIur<,. 'I,. not." thllt tho !Mrrov.,.,,.ntll wOll1<1 rf'r1uc" tlrt: In"Ufllnc" rllter., nrovlc1.. Incrt'lIn./1 protection and 5.'[Cty le.r IIll rt'!'IJc1('ntll of th" flrr,. l'nr' Incf/!/lBt' thp ovt'f...l~ prop('fty V"lll"" ",lt~.ln thl' ,'I',trl('\. lit' rN·....l('r' thnt on "lIreh 1', 1°7(', thr nonrc! nuthorlzcr' thr. ",.,,,t N/lnl,.~ Fire nl~tr!ct IIn~ tht' County &n'1ln...ru tc.. rrnpllrr /I nrrllnlnllrv ¡lIyout line! co~t ontlMfttf' to . - - .-- -- .. -... ..- -- -', .-. :~~ rllt to ~ ,¡J,;1 ,~~;. . ::~~ ",;~' ,_. _ _ _ ~ _'~...... _ _ __ _ _""' -.._....~..i . \ \ , ,..'.. &:!! ~ ~ _ t:-J '-'"" I - - - - - þ- - - - - _. - -- - - ~-_. - - - - - - - - - -- - - - ~nce~br.r l~, I~R~ provl~Q th~ 9rrvlc~~. !I(" ~ot~rl t':>"t In ,]"nl1,1ry of 1':''''', r.hl'! n()IHr! o ff I C' I., ,..1 y ... r (' II t r. r1 t h ~ ¡ ¡ !I t rl c t ,1 n ,~ In" ,H r: h () ( 1 ') n " ~ I' 1 '! c: t "<1 ('II' '1 111 11 ðft the con!l\J¡'tln., I'n'1lncllr to orr)vl(\o th" "1'1:1'111"<1 n....nn ,1n" !'I "\('cl£J- C II t Ion" ! 0 r t ~ (' r r 0 1 <' r: t, '.." I 1: II \i I' r II r "V I C \.JC r1 ':> Y 'j t" '! ,~n cI ,",11 '! r 1\ 9 t. :I^pletl rl CI! ~I ~tr I ~t . , ; '! ~"I ,1 t II <'I tIt ... "" r "C' () !",M '! n ,~ ,. r1 ..., v " t. 1'1 f' '" hilt ,;~ 11'- ~:I· '/. 8 ~,f',I·"" r~""" '" ", .~ ,t, ~ " J.. 15. i 'i," å II f. ... ¡.¡.. ~ ?::' - 8~ .' 0 t J'" :,J !; "\' ... t ~\#:,:. ~ th I G proj "rt "" [J 11'"(''<''' .,y ,",11" M,,,,,,,'\f.,,,nt :-,,,t¡'f')<' ~'I'I~,.r\ on :".,,,d VI'I:"UI!!\. I' f' r c f)O r t c d t! I " r "., , ~ r I. 7 f', 1" q ), , i' U ':> ¡ I r h ,. " r "I" ',, ,II ~ con " IJ C t "rl t. n ~., ¡:" ,r, t'.anr th" t"""JnC,"fr'l 'I' ,~ t' :"'nr'..... \ 'I' , "..., ,~., t ... I r ,. r .. ";"" ~" " ," r , n'" ,~. '.' 11 ~ v contlnur<1 r') J"t'"r ':('t~ Ir'I (Irr'ror t'J r~Jrror't r:t"rr rn !fJI':Jk l'tt th~ bount1c'ry ii,·dr'; t'''}~'' ~ ,:\t ,,' ·,1r-')(t ;"''''Ir4, r() ....,"'rr. I,:ttt~ r.!,~ r.lt.'J of ~'l\n.C'1I concl'rr I nl (',""It r IIrt t or -,,-,t, MHI to ~ OQ'" t nto ,''\~''n"",,.nt r cc1 \lct I (,n!l . 'II" ",\(:(". t'\.1t r.,p "'nlr"l"·'f'.' ..I....it., ',"'~f'" 1·"(t,..,,~~P(' (or "'.no d I "t r I (' t, ,~rl r1 111" I. ~ 11 r ,'.:t n " ( r ~ r .,..,. tin., -.II t" t"" '" I '" V () ( .. " n ~ C!I, I t ....t1!'1" ('"on", ('n"oIl·" r'l:'\t ..~,,... ,.. ,.., .I( II,,~ '\tlr "f\n",~t.., 'rf)"'" "".il" ~I~\t.rt~r_ "nd t h,. r (' ( 0 r (', 10" J \ J '" ,. '"" . I , " wi...ir,¡" f(l "'('1",'" '"dt~' "."1''' (··H':.rr,~....tt(¡:1 -I')~t. ilotf't(! r-·...t ~~~f' .:,"'; ··:··.··'·,¡t:; Iw"r" r"l-···J.,,,'~'\rl·'·, .,III·~' .I,·,t ~:rrJ~''''rt'l nwn,..cJ ~,,' '~o""I"'r r,),I'..·.ty, I'~.,!·.t ';,'q;¿.,,,, Fir"" :.t."r { n, "'It\' ,)f 'Inol("~, "nr4 CO,LÀ.J\""'r {UlJl,t', ;~",.)O" :IO"'lt..-4 ~i~IOIJ. : ~ t. ,..'("'...1't. ',... " 11 r t ~'" r r¡ f J f ,...,! !' h ,"'I .. ~C(Jtty'" 1"'\cfJr¡~Or,...t(..~ ~'1~' r."ytl'¡' ¡"r"" "I..."" "r().4¡"'r:'f {;. ~·"t"., rl.'Co~r'" r.r,,1.'(! ~. u r ,.1 I' f ""lJct '(.In. 't" ,., t " t,..· t ~" .. ,....... '!,. () ..." ì t .. t'I., ~. ("I t ~ r ~) r J r.,.. ~, 1 r:,". 'H' , , r J ~.., '" "'" n r" r ~'" n ~, ! ~ .... :' r ' ~ .... r '" ". I, () 1 ,t I ..",.., '1 (, y:"'l " 1'1'\ r~: '1'.1. J. "!\, ." I ',.' ,", I. ., \. .,' 1 I. .. ," ~¡, ... n , I" ,""' r I' t I r r, , v ,.., ~ " r ¡'.' !'; '')" i 1'\ "1 r ,. C 0 f'"'I'" (" n r4.. (, ~ t: r ."1 f.. "" r" I I \1 '-' r I ( n . ! ~ " ., () t ,.., 1 t r. " t t '"1 (I (' r') I J " t V ~." ~ r'~ c,. J v "" ri '2'\(" pr.tittc,n:¡ 4r(J~ I'f01·...![ty r'\.H"(4'r~ nhir"("'t~.,,, fu t"'t' .jl~r.rl,;t ,..,:,,~, r.h", pro po !I ,,<j ,1nIlC~lr,m'!nt. Tllpe 12 r.(Jllt nuln,', '·'r. ':uck "(Jtt'd c""e t~(' ,1nCC!\!JI'1I'1',t "Ißtrl~t ',.JIll r'rov I rl.. .' n I n(" r IJ" n" "f !' VI! r'n t D, t',y'~ r ,1nt ~r "!lit ur" "",1 , ~ 0'" hO:J~ 073 ~ 13 _.- ...-- _.-, -- -... - I:. ...- (. ~,."", .,'.'1 ."....'" . , . '" ,.'. "".~, .~, II" Pl'\n.. .. - J --.1 - .It. . -- - - - - - - - - - - - -.- - -... - .- - - - &COK 073 neE 14 Onccmbrr 1~, lq~, chftracterl~tlcs, benr'lclnl to th~ Anf~ty ~n~ welfnrr o! nll rr~lrtrntA within thr cHttrlct t'm\ provlr!" futur" ~1'!ntc·n.'nC':~ nt hoth cJ(lfltln~ nnrl proposed hyrtrnntc hy tnI' ~n~t Nn~lr~ rlr~ nlr.tricr. IIr ctntc~ thnt thc toto¡ ¡.nrl vn¡uc within the nSS.r.r.Mrnt ~Intrl~r In ~onroJ(lnntclY ~3~ ~11¡ion, which Ir ^n nvrrnqr innrl vnlu~ orr n~rccl of ~'r,rr~. nr .tlltðd thllt the' ..tlr,..tr-" nn!'l('flIIM"nt (Jf ¡'.'!;r, r!ll\n ., c"ntn prr c1o¡¡,.r land vnlu. woul" rC!;Ult In..n IISlcr.!ln('nt (or th" t'v"rnor f\IHccl within t h. c! I rot r I c t l> f IH'r r (> y I .., r [I" ,y ,., 1 " . II" ("'H"c'lIr,,·,i "v r,t/'!tll'\" thnt hI:' In r.com.....nrlln"l th". t!',. "{'.'P' ~r""t.. th" ""'n "l\r,Cf, rJ rl' !lvdrnnt o 1 ti t r i ('" t II r) ~ I /' l ~ t " () r j .,., ,... r ," r' t (. ,,. d I,' r r t i ~" f.,:", t- ~ ,,~~. (f') r t h ro Ir:-,prov.nent ~. .7S'I Itt....,."..t1, rh..,.., (It ","1"'': ''':~r''!''~~ 'ir'" rt,ntr['J. ""t;.trtct, ntrt('r! t h" t h I ~ n" I n c ( n C''' r n t!' t h n t t 10 c' r " I' " ., r I' n t 1"0 t,. 1'\ t 11'1 1 for ., r r r Iou" fir. .. I t h n t to I:: (1 r. t r (" t, " ". I In, t h 'I tt, ~ r ,. I <; ~ C! !1 !' t h /'\ n I" (J r " hydrll"\.:.. In tt-.lfI nr..r" II,. n', tt,.' f ~\ 11 t " r" r () "" ' J r" ,.! t'" ., ,., r ('tif.tr~("'t C"~.J,:..." ("f¡I" 'r' "'Y'::'·'1~ (¡( rhl'" rn,:trr 1"",r'rn1JP'p""''''''~ f"\rr,i-:'":'~. 11(' rc,rort"rl th.'f I',pr" ,'r" v"rv '"w 1I~,....h¡I' w~t,.r "')llr("I''', ,,,"'In" thl\t It 1:1 very (:Iff 1"'I,t tl> ""1 t'lt' trllt'kr. Inro !:Or"" nr"I'r, to oht., n wllt~r. II" LLtntrrl IInnthrr ",t"rn..t.lvt' o( 'IIJPII,y!nn W1lf,.r to thin M H,rl~t I,. tllnkl'r truCk II whle!: Ir, " "rrnt rxpI'nPl,. wi th "¿ow,,r rC:SPl)nsI' tl,..r nnr' " n&ed f( r I n~r('''~~'' ..."nl)()",,.r. Chl.( Pll¡~IIn ~t"tcrl thttt hI' rhrckrr' wIth nUI'ICfUllfl II1!ollrl'nel' c:o"\>"nlrl; tt\.'t Inr1Ic:.'t,.,' thl" 'Ip' IrI!1urnnc" w( uld c' (' ere /I !I (' ! ~ (1 r' - ~ 7 "" (J v ,. r r r I v f! Y (' .- r p r r I .,. J . CuM'l1n!1lC1nl~[ 1/<¡.4""'· ft,'tC" thrt h" ((·,1 th,.t t'll' ('o\JntV "rol""rrr, th" CI ty of N..,r>¿"r, [,ro!)"rr\' IIn" th" ,.c~o( ¡ Ponr" nrCJrC"rty r.ho\Jlr' ~,. lit t1 a e. A 1.'(.1 the ~; r ~ (' r::"", 0 t' ., c r !". . Th" !CJ..oIJIr., pI'C.!,." 'U)(I~r 11'1 opro!1lrlon tt. th" c-r.....tlon of the- r1ll1trlct, eJtlnro f'xl \tln" hyr'r/lnt!l, Inc:orrrct l...nrl vl'lllo,., hl<'lh "'\ ~ . ~:.< :!J~' I ~',¿;"'" f)IIQI' 7 )~ .'~ _____ ______~1t: ~" -~ __ _ __ _ .hO ~. __ __. _._ _. .._ __. _, _.. 4_. !!!!! l'!!!!2 ~ ~ .' ,~'t:'.: ,W~·~··3' " ~ ' , ~~, . . ," ... :,.¡ j . i/ i:s! ': 14. i ,'îin ,J b. t' .. 3 t :.·','.'·M.. ø! " ~ ~-', 0 \ . to! {~~~¡ ìd~~ --------l to I \ ' L I· .. ;:;~ ~¡J.1i~ ~ .. - - - - - - - - - - _. _. - - -~ - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - ~~c~MhQr l~, Iq"~ ".aea8ftlont::l, /lvlII1.Jblllty of wlItl'r, l"r.k of rl}rlllctlon In ~Ir' In.urnncn, ~n~ lnr.k of rllrccc Þunftfltnl .'0 I'l!nne~~ ;!a...·np· é'\Jck~"" I1l'1iph !(onwl 'I!'r ??l~ ~onrlnlpl!'r ~t. 1',"11 :t.'r r"cf' ~1~ ~porn~~o~n ~lvrl. TIp. .3 \ ,~ ~,., ~!",do\~ i. ,1 wn 11 ¡I.H~kn"y t./lnl!' ~~~, ~~n~~Jner ~t. 1~7(' '''''/It'll'',,, "rlv" \'''11 'rr' ~t. ";. III r...r'''hl'I\n n<:L '1.'" ',..r¡hl:11tnn I'V". (1'.,;' :.,. :: "1 ...... r k!' .10hn Tnyiar .1., c Ie Tho'" ¡'tiC¡ n roi.~. ':'t1r..1k..~r1 !"h'lril!'!I L(>n1 r:l!cli. 1'. ';~,I..ln 'ìw..n LClltcr Tap. '4 r.,u. ",.,h"ro", ~. r. ·"·"'i.Mn.ov .,., " n " r~' u r t tJ f\ 1~4~ ~...n~rlnl!'r ~t. ~ '. ¡~ìl' !o..Ioul,.,dn', r'I'OP.I.,t ';;"()V"" In ',v"r 1,( r).'f' ("'r",'t:lcl"'I or t~" I J 1 n t r 1 r. t, r: J t. t!1"1 ," (~('! , t t () n,'.. ,.~ I " t...,. , ~ I ~ ~ r n f_ ... C t ¡ () ~ : ftot",rt \. r."nrA"~ n. l' r, .... t ('I r ., n:,,, "".'V t 'i t\ ~ V(' . I'r 111'1 '1 r,..~rr ....Conmlnslonftr .Ioll..n<l left the room "t IAI2S ^.M. and roturned to the roan at l~llO ^.M.····· ':"~,r:ro ..l!'rC' "l'''!~ll(Jnn IIn'1 "'ncu'!!' ',n" r"'\"~ rl'!'1/1rdln'I 1'''''' IIntl(",r,r,I"nt on '.',,, '!rport, t~,1!' ·;t.~tl:1tl<7" r""lIr~ln., .t'):'!!I o! ~I',,"'" <:- <1 u ð 1 i' ß ~\ t' r. HI 1 en t!"'. .1 n ,.. (. C fJ n u" j f"7 \; ,", r ,.. '1 h J "~:I . In .'n~w"r tn ('"c)"...,t....,trJ ""\{"f '/o~,., OAr. "IJck, ':n1if"lf\f'f, ...tttt....d thl't t~.~ t"ntl1\l,t(l41 C'~..~t 'If f''(tl'n"tn1 r'ln .1".·" I1nr! tile l"'Of)~ Is 1\ P P r '))( I .., a t I!' ¡ Y ~ 1 ~., _ '~ ~ r , " ~'" " n ., " T" P r 1)( I:" II t " . y ~, (' t' , .. r\ (' ....'" U i. " !." ' n r t h " hy~rantu. r.ollnty ....'nll'H'r ·jorM.'n ,1t,~t,.r' "'HIt' :111"''''CH ,,( I'!UII!'!'I h'lv" hCf'!n rn I(,d, 1I"r!ln'1 thllt I!ll' "0.1r.1 (',....... ·!Ir....tlr¡n IIn ·~.....th..r 1'11".1::- prO'P0rt~' =,t.O\1;.r' b(" '%'\nt·~n"'r4 ur ri'Jt. 110 no..,.,1 ..II.... thl:'l ,'uhll(' h,·"rln·, nhuu¿d ho conti :1u".1 (or " .,on~h In orrlrr t.o (~ctl!' r" In" >,ow r.'H' f I nil. 1\...:Jøll\en~ "IJui.( 1>" 1I,~nr .C''' .3nrl ',htllln fllrth"r !Jortl:1l!'flt Inforl"lllt!Ofl roqarllln( ÐQ"C of ttlf' I'DUO!! th"t hllvl!' huon r"lflori. ~o~~ 073 Pt.t( 15 - -- - -- _. --..- -- ..- -^~. ~- ..- .- .. ~ -.. - ..-. .- - - -- - -- - - .- _.. - -- ....- 1'111'10 ~ .J"'" j 1...... I ------.------ -- ------ r .~_ ___ MOK 073 rACE 16 OCOl'I'Ihnr 1~, ]0'1/ Commissioner Vosa moved, .econd.~ by Commlsnioner Piotor; thal public property not he a..es..d. Upon call tor the question \t waD 2/2, (Commissioners Brown ftn~ Holland opposod), whftreupon County ~ttorn.y S8unders at8ted thftt it Is hin opinion thnt a 2/2 vote Is no action at all, adding that It Is not denl81 or approv81. Conmlsøioner Pistor moved, øocond." by Commissioner Holland and carried 4/~, thllt the creation of th~ EASt Nnple. FJre Hydrant District be continuect to January 11, 19A3. Co~ml.alonar Plator I!\oved, seconded hy COl!\mlssloner Voss ftnt1 carried 4/n, ~h~t tho decision r.qardlnq n9ÐeDsmen~ of puhlic prop~rty Þ. continued to Oecembt'r 2(1,19"2. ..... ~.ce..1 Irl~~ ^.M. - neconvened lrl~~ ^.~. ..... Ite" t 9 ,tTITION ^-r'-~, ~^~~~ ANn RUTI' K["OL~R n~OU~~TIN~ ^ AUILOING p~n~IT FOR TENNl$ counT~ Fon tOT5 l'~ L I'~, 1"'r.A or c~pnI - ~PPRovtn WITH THr. STIPULATION Ttl"T THERE: R~ NO tlOI/Tn UN "~1 ') Tr:~~I!'1 COURTf, ~('''!,.. n"tlC'f' 1\1,,'10'1 h"..n nllbll~h('<'1 In thl' "In",j.." n,.ljv "1""'1< 00 "UVt..M~H·r ¡.., 1('):':', /'f", t"vl,-',..nrc,,·f hv "~!!d"vlt 0' t'u~Ij,I,.."ttnn r'jr" ...dth the.' rler~, pu~~ C' h-nrln, wn~ nnrn..~ to con~ rl"r ""tIt Ion h_~:'_~, fll~~ hy khud." ~ 7u"~"r, 'ttnro"y", for .1n"'''r, ...nd n..th ""!'ot'l.,.r, "P!>~"'~ In"! I'n admlnl~tr~tJv~ ~e.'cl~lon to rl~ny I' hull~lnq pcrnl~ to njlo~' ncC',.~~ory UO( wht'n no "'rln:=lp.... u%;r ."dnt!l for ~"tP: 12" "nd 1:11', Inlt'!\ of (''''Drl, loc/!tec ftcrosn thu Dtrot't froM J1, ~lphin Circle, Comr>unl ty ['\f!\' 'i"f-,"nt I'd,., In t IItrlltor VI rt/l ßtlltrr! thllt t~\(· pr.tltionl'r 111 "I"'pc"jln" thC' <1rnlr,j 0' II hullr'ln') f'f!rrdt for t,.nnlll ~ourtl1, which for" M' ...c:C',.r.~,(Jry UI1", w"cn t'1..r" Ir nn orln:::lpl'. øtru~tur~ on th" rru 1e.'rty. ~,. notf!rl thllt th,. nrtltlon~r np 11Ia~ for /I huljdJn" prrnlt to cnn~truc~ t~nnln courtn on lot. 12~ /In" I'~ lo~/!t.~ on Dolphin rlrcje. III' r.tntf'd thllt th,. prlnclf).,l r('nl~I'nc" 0' tht' PI'II'I" 11 ... -- -.. -. --.. - c:::s ~ c:::s ...;.~~. ...,""...'-....- ......-~!.>.<~"_. ~. ·..·L --------------- -------- ---- _.- -- ----------. ~rcpmh~r 1~, !~A'- petitlonor Is ¡OCII~Crl ~cro~~ thl' ~trc~t fro~ thn~~ lotA ~nrl tnnnl~ court. lire "" "cccssory une. 11/1 '1nvp tho dt'flnltlon uf "n "CCnS!lOry u." .11 outllnlld In th~ Zonln1 nr,~lnonc". lie conclllrlnc1 hy !\t,'\tln'1 thllt the Zoninq 0rrllnllncn 13 quit.. :1pl1cU!c hut thl' nctltloncr Ç<1l'l~ th>\t tho mntter In nnnn to Intcrrrotntlnn. )oIr. Cipn ':uckl1r, r('prl"!I"nt I "1 ,,,.. II"' III IIn.'r!!, '1t.'t..,i thl!t thl) conatructlon o( the ~0,,1"~ nr~I"~n~" In ~on n~rrow "n~ In fncDn~l~t"nt wit h t h" 0 V I" r " ~. I '" t "n t n ( t 'H' ~ n r', I "',' " r .' In,' I" Cr'. 'I" ~1t " r. ",! t".' r. ., tonnls court 1'1 ".iowpc! In thin 7"'11",,, ,'rf',' ~,'1 hot'ì 'In ,'c~"~!lory lJ'Il' IIr'd II rrovl!llunll. UR". "p '\ tilt,. II t"" t 1 J n "" r t I,,, P r" v I !'II 0"'.' I II '\,. I r. wou¡d not hllVfI to tll" conl l'luOOl~ "'I i',n', ~!I two or "'''ra I'rol'erty own.,r~ ~!lk to hllv" tho UOft lI.low.". II,. no,,,,1 t~l"" ".. "n. ~1'1n"rI "nnrovIIl fro!"' thfl ...d~D('''nt propl"rty own"r', .,nrl lhr flWnl!rl1 'If "'O'lt of th.. lotn In th.. nol'7hhorhou(! ,,,tttl no ohj""tl()n '0 wh,,', 1'1 1,"'1111 r"'lu":lt"d. 'll' '''po r t "rl th...t th.. ordlnftncr r('r:lJlrl'~ t~1 't rht-- 11~'" .,.. ':"'o'~t.i"uöu!1, ."In'~ tt--."If contl'1ur¡wl IInrl',r t'lIl :')nll\'1 "r,:I"..",." "0"'1 "'It ""V"" ""'(Inltl',n, I'IcJc1ln'7 t~.,: It ~1,",j1l'i ~,"/''I t:) :1"(' "h'lt~I~., "r'~:'''rt·l. "I! '1ot..d thl!t wh~n you .o')~ "t A'bllttln" nrnp.'rty· It j:¡ ""flncrl ,1(1 t," n'1 nrf1l1c"nt to wIth no Int~rv"nln1 ~trcl't!!. 110 :It IItl'd th.'t "1..<:'1<.' n LII'" !'II cot I onllry "tðtC:fI thllt r;ontl'1uolI'l 1.-; ,·,,'In,'" t.B ""In~ In "iO'l1l pr( "II~lt'l, .wllr thou"h not In "ont.'C't, "I'I"hhfJrln'l, ,11\1..1,,11\'1, n'1l1r In ~ucc,~"'!lI(,n, I,., IICtuð¡ ciol1" <:,ont,'ct, 'ollctli n1, "tr.. II" " U t "d , h.., tun d.. r t h.., , (".(Inltlon It Ir: not rl!qIJlrr'r! ~~,"t the' t'~O lot!'! h)lvIf to touçh .."<,:,, CJther, Midln, t,h.:lt th" .0tl1 of t',,, t'"tl,lon..r,.; IIr.. rflrl'C'tly I'\cro'1" rrom the 10t8 on whlr:h thtly wl!1h to >'OIlle! t~ltlr tl'nnlll court'!. lit not"d th~t thellO ¡ot!l IIrCl conttrtuOlJ:I "nr! ...huttln'1, !I.. !ltllt..c1 thllt ~1" I!I ð.kln~ the' ~o"'rd to look rnr ~ hro~d"r ~~flnltlon of thtt worrf -cant l'!uou:3-. t!( ~()nclu(~,tr! ....V Itt"tln'l t'.~l"t thn huilrlint"' !"I'rnJe will M~K 073 rAC( 17 !>1I<' 1'1" ------ -.... - -- -.- -- -.- _. - -.... -~ .- t:. -,,-,~~,.--_....'" "'^"..._"'="..........._,,,._~<»-,..,,~--"'~---_.""" --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- _.- - - - - - - -- - - - - -- &O~K 073 PACE 18 Ð~c~mbcr 11., ]qn? actually enh~nce the nrornhr.lf A.p~Dt hf thIn n~IQhborhoo~, n~rllnry th3t thorc Is no ohjectlon to It, ^n~ It Ir. In kr.r.p n~ wIth thn ovp.rnl~ Jntant of the ~tatut~. CommIssioner Pintar nu~ntlonnrl If thr. p!'tltlon~rn Int~nd to InRtftll 1lght8 on th~ trnnln court~, to which ~r. Tuckcr rrpilorl no~atlvoly, nddlnQ thot ¡11~t" w~rr not IIa~~~ for on tho hullrlln~ p<,rrdt elthor. Coml"ll.,:lonl'r rlstCJf r¡url'tlont!d If /In IInrOf!Meont cOlIl~ h~ /\Iqnod stlpu~atln'1 t~/'It j.Jl1htr. WOll:"~ 'W'If'r hI' In!1tn:'l~~, to whle-~ ~r. Tuckcr repllarl "frlrnntlvrly. Co~ml.llonef rll'ltor movC'rl, ~f!conrlnd hy Comml8810npf Holland I'Ind c"rrled 4/~, that thf! puhllc hearlnq bo cl08et1. Commllsloner Plntor Moved, eecondat1 hy Comml.810ner Voss and carried 4/0, that Petition ~-A"-5, Ja~eR ftnd Ruth Kelller requentlnq . bul1dlnq permit for tennlR courts for Lots 129 , 13n, Isles of Capri, be approved with thl! stlpul^tlon that no 1lQht/\ evrr be Installed on laid tennis court,.. I u. 111'1 PETITION A-82-8, ~HIRLEY HO~LAND Rr.OUESTl~G ~ RUILDINC PERMIT TO SUBDIVIDE ^ NONCONFORMING G"RACE STRUCTURE IN " Rr.SlDENTIA~ DIRTRICT TO ALLOW 'OR STORACE ON ~OT 11, "LOCK ß, WlllSPERINr: PIMES 5UBOIVl~ION - APPROVED r.UBJECT TO fiTIPUL"TION ~.'1":,, "otlc~ /lnvln" het:'n publlllher! In tho ~1I;>:"on O/llly "'''wn on Nov.~her 7n, lQn2, ..~ ~vldoncC'~ by Afflrl/lvlt of ruhllc^tl~n fll.rl with th('l C't'r~, pub.... 11"/'Irln1 w"" or<,nl'r1 to con!lIr1f'r I'~tltlon ~-11"-", fllr.r' hy Shlr¿t'y It(Jl~lIn(' rf'q(1~!1t1n" II hulldlnr¡ rormlt t.o n\lh""vl~~ ,. nonc'lnturrolnq "/)[/1<1(' ntrue-tllrl' In ,. rrslr!t'ntllll dlntrlct to /lllow for storaqp on Lot 11, Flock ~, Whlsporln~ r no~ Suhldlvlslon. Con~unlty n"vf"o~f'nt ~r1i'\lnlfltr...tor \'1 rt" rot...tl'C· t.htlt the p~tltlon.r I~ "pr('lIl~lno th~ doclnlon of tht' Ad~lnl"trlltlv('l ~fflc.r In Pn'1t) ]1 - - - - - - - _.- _._. -._- -- -- _. -'- _.. - -- .' .~, -----------------~, ~ . '. ~:. ~ ~ r.::::!:5 ·-,-....- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ncc~Mh~r I~, 111n, rl.nylnq ft hullt1ln~ permit to o~rl ~rldltlonnl ~oorD "nrl pnrtltlone to ~ nonc:ontormln'1 tltructuro. Ha fltntorl that on ,'lIqUDt 1", Ian?, tht] ~onln!J DepartMent rocl'lvntl II complnlnt thnt thor(' wnn work unrl~rwlIY on t!'lo IItruc:turc, ,1cdln'l th.:1t ÜI!' cOr:\r '".'Int ",~!> Invr:~rl'1nt'1r! ilnd t.he \Iorl.: ..../111 rod t/l']'loc1. II. '1tllt('" th.'t un "UI" IJtH. 17, 1""1:>, ~hlr'r:y !Iol,,'nrl "pplll!'t1 In rhr: r'1vlow prl)r.~~ft, for a hull'lln, ;"ornlt IoIhlr.h 1oI.,!I rl,.nl.)rl h"c:...u'l". It \/1111 rlotorrdn,.rI chllt It \4AII ftI\ ,."III,,,n",,,,,nt of nthC'r "1(I~tlnl" noncon- formln1 wllr"halln,. 'trw·tIJr"" In It,,. ,,,,,Irlt'ntl,,' ,!I~trlct. . Tape t5 "r. ,1"ffrl'Y ·',Jlnn, P'!Ht''''nrln'1 "r. !I"~~'n", ..r,...t"" r.h.'t chI' 20nln1 nlrl'ctar'!; "1'("'1110n 1:- t)II~"r1 on rt·o '"ct tll"r r,~" nruf'>o'1"" rl...nll c u u. c1 Ill.. (J W ( (J ( .. " t - " t " ( " 'It:' "'I". ' rj r\ In" ~ 11" t r, t1 I" ,,~... '1 n (J t, ! n t '1 n d.. rl hy :'Ar. lIa:' ¡ "n" nor ....,!< I t "VI" J nt..ndod. ",. 'H'" t ..,. t" 1\ t t h" r',. C 1 ~ 0 n In,l clltlt,I th.'t ... noncord"(nln,, 'I'll' w...n ""In, r"",""'H,('rI, II.. not'~" th,1t ho 10 I. no nOl: Intrrr!lt.rl In II nonr:onfar",ln" un" r.hlln"", 'Hidln" thlll: thtoro Int"nt tu etl.\n'1l." t!¡t· u!:(' lOr thlr. hul"'!n". ~~ nut"~ t~~t ~h~ bul.Jln'1a h"v" h....n UIIC'rl for wIH('hou'l. Jltorll".. nrlur to "r. 1 01:'.,nr1'!I Clwnc:rr;hlp Io'hlch 15,.['0 Intcnd..cI hy "r. 1I1)¡".'n'~. 1:0 n(}t",! enr r,ho r(!cor~ thllt t!,,, ",,¡¡(!I~vl ""I~' "'0 uned Cor "r. I'o¡'~n~'~ f")·...n 1'cr'1on.,l hul.dln., n"t"r ,'~n ,'nd nat 'or nlnJ-1t,(Jr...·,l·. 'rI-1ln., tll.'t he "1(I'''c:t'l to ba hollnc1 by thlPl Plt.'tI'..,"nt. ('ounty "'lIn.~'It·r Sor..."n '''III'''' 'tit tll/\ r"C'f")rr1 thllt I:h.. rllt1tlonlOr In propooJn? to construct I~ ..p.riltn In~ly rtuII1¡y rror..ctet1 fttora(' " units In the t'-'O bulll1ln1n, } "'~In(' thllt It 1'1 "I\r'\ r.o unrl"r!It...nc1 why IIn Inc1lv lc1u.:l. WQII.t1 n 'o,~ \" I nrllv 1r1\111 1 !H()r,~.,o un I tn wi th Clutlll"" ~oor~ for p~raon~¡ IIno. "Ir. ':'U Inn !It" t.c~ thll I: 1'1 ~or. 1"'orc n.Ht"r 11'1. n clln ho !Jtarorl I! you hive w.lla ...nd nh"lv... vrr'lUft IIn op.n ~torllqn IIre~, plu~ tn. fftr.t thftt r.o~~ 073 rACE 19 1'11'10 12 ------------------- -- -- --- - .---- ><.~.".'~"...,..>.'.."'" ."'.....,~<_.."---",~',.'.,"""""'.,..,,.--..,....,,...,-_.--._-_.. .~... ~ · - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- &O:JK 073 rÂt£ 20 D~cemhcr l~, 19n2 the materials will hr move~ off th~ qrounè nurlng the rAiny s~aßon. Co.ml..10ner Voss moved, .econded by Comml..toner Holland And cltrled 4/0, th.t the puhlln h.lrln9 h. clos.d. Co.mS..loner Vo.. mov.d, .eaond.d by CommSsslonor Holland and carried 4/n, that the r.quest of the Petitioner r.gardlng Petition ~-82-8, to ov~rturn the ruling of the nuildlnq Daportment be approved, with the atlpulatlon that the storage units will be for personal URO only. I UIII III PtTITION A-82-9. DANIEL CONLEi - WtTHDRM,'N Commissioner Plator ~oved, socondad hy Commlsøloner VOIS and carrl.d 4/0, th.t Petition ^-P2-9, DAniel Conley, be wlthrlrAwn as reque.t.d by th~ petitioner. It.. 112 RtSO~UTION 82-197 Rr. PETITION V-02-25C, JANET CLINOR "^ROlt, REOUtSTING A VARIANCE FROM Tlif: REOU:RED FIVE fOOT LAND~CAP£ RTnlP FOR PROPERTY ~OCATED ON THt SOUTIIE"r;T CORNER Of' NORTH CO~LItR BLVD. AND AMAZON CT. ON MARCO ISLAND - ADOPTED, 5UBJECT TO STIPUL^TION LC'1Ai notlr-,· t1n\' n'1 h,."" 1"lh¡llIlit'cI In the 'I/lf'jC!I r>1I1'y 'Icw~ on November 'A, 1°'1', nnd It,,. ""'''0 '"I"'''' r.Ar"I. 01' O('(",.r-her '), lC1I1', aa evldenc('d by ^U!,'nvJtrt of l'ut,.I('IIlJon fl~,.rl ...'Ith thro C'~"rk, ouhdc h."rln'J wa5 op"n"~ to r-onlllrl,.r Petition v-o')-2~r, f!lrrl hy Jnn"t [llnor fI/lrC:lø reqUC/ltlnr; 11 \/1>rlnn(". from th.. r"q\Jlrerl 'Iv" foot lnnrlr.clI!'). strip /lhuttln' nn "dI1Y, for propcrty :'oclltrrl on th" IIOlltl1t'lIlIt cornt'r ot North Colllrr f'ou.c......rd /In" """'nr.on Court on ~"rco I~l/lnd. Plans Inri.nrnt.tlon rlrector Lnynr Indlclltrrl tho aenrr/ll locfttlon on an overheftrl M/lp ~tlltln" th~t the roqurout ~ to .llnlnnto th" requirert tlve foot wiele Inn1ncftpr 5trlp IId111crnt to IIn n:'ley In or~.r to provlrte 1'IIlrldn" /It tho r"lIf of the h\ljlrlln". f.h!' Inr!lcllterl thftt the Pftnt' 1:1 ... -- - - -- --- - - -- --... -." -- _.-. ~- - -., - -.- ~ - ..- ..- --- ....... ....... - '-- -- - - - -- - - --_....IÌ, ,¡ ',1".. ~ ~ ~ .~ .....,1.. \...,,~'r"I- f.I,r"""-& .'(';...,:" "I"~ . ~\'. ~, ,.................~':\.. .....;'...."'~." :,.. )""\'''''~I\\''''' '11,;";( '"~co>"~ ,':, ':~;":'''>:" ~~"',~f,k'"'''' '\ í., 'j",;'!,'" ',' ..,' '~t;~ ;';'.it~;'(,·¡:0;'"~;~;~~,,,~,l'-~:.:'::, r;,\.:,.'; :-'I,;:.,;·.'~\ti,~~h\~1I~v:Ub~(f"I.~~t~~'i"~If,¥ ,~~r!'\ !~;A'}. ~v'\;' .i~'~ 11', , . " ,'" .... ""~[;::;J";:;"" " "';' ~.' '... ,', .,::" ). , - - - - - - -- - - -~ -, -.- - -- -.- -- --~ -- -~- ~ - ---- --~ -- - -- "'-. - -- - -+. Oecembor 14, 1982 petJtloner owns a commarclll11y zonad lot on ~lIrco Inlanrl, ^c1dlnq that the lonlnq ordlnl1nce permits ^ rror~rty owner to I1rr^n1p. h ~ parkin~ so that tho vehlc,!!!! nllY hnck out into I1n 1I11r.y. :'11'! flta~ed thllt Bf!veral buildln<]1I In the :111m'! comm'!rcia! bloc!o' "(Hr. ~1Illt with ""rklnCl loclltl!d In thll rear yard and I1rrl1n'1ed no thnt t""y ¡-'"rk"rl Otlt Into the IIlley. She concludlld hy stntln~ thnt ~tnff If! r"c~m~"n~ln" I1pprovlll subject to tl10 hurter heln'J pl.,r"rl on th.. r"~lrl..ncl,~l 'trl'! of t.hn IIl¡"y. COl'1mi!J!llon"r I'I/ltor 'I1I..ncl",,"'1 1/ I'". "'II"'"nl I,,," lI'1r"..rl to pl.clnr¡ thll hufr"r on tilt' r,..,lrl,,,,, 1'1 ,I". I"~ H,.. 1I1¡..y, to which ~II. Laynn St.llt..,., t"i'lt .,'11' "1111 not ""lIrd fro" c.,,, r't)t.lt,toncr hut II rory of tht' recof'\l'1end,'tlún WII!! PI"nt In ~"r. COM~isllonl!r Pistor move"', ""cond..d by r.ommls810ner Voss and carried 4/9, that the puhllc hOllrln~ be closed. COMmission.r Plator moved, Dllcondnd by Commissioner VOIIS and carried 4/9, that R..øolutloo ~'-¡97 rll PetItion V-82-25C, Janet Elinor HardJe, requ..tlnq II varlanc. from the required rive foot landsc.pe Itrlp Abuttlnq an alley for prop.rty locnted on the SE corner ot North Collier n1vd. and ^~azon Ct. on Mllrco YIIlllnrl, b. adoptod subject to the Itlpulatlon that the PetItIoner niqn n Itllte.ent indicating that a bufCer will be placed on the rllaldantlal side ot tho alley. &O~ 073 ruE 21 Pa~e 101 _ ..... L_~ ... - - - . ~- ~. t:. L ... .. ~/I . - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - -- -- -- . -- -_. --- - - - - --- .--.- - .__. - - -.- - - --- _. - - -- ",- - - Oocember l~, lqA2 It.. t13 ~OOK 073 rACE 24 PETITION V-82-26C, VIRGO ENGINEERINC - WITHDRAWN Plans ImplemantlltllH' 01 r .1" II' I.AVn.. "Al"" t hilt ntn f f I II reauontln9 thAt thl. Iten ~" w"h~r.wn .t 1\ vnrl"n~. I. not n~~"'~d. Co~I..ioner HollAnd I!\oved, aeco"ded by Comml..loner Plstor and c.rrled 4/8, that Petition V-8~-26C, Virgo Enqlneer~nq, be withdrawn. Itelll .14 RESOLUTION 82-198 R~ PETITION V-R2-27C, MR. , MRS. LORENZO C^MARGO, REQUESTING A VARIANCE TO CONST~UCT ^ DUP~EX ON TilE SOUTHEA5T CORNER OF CR^NADA BOULEVARD ~ND WEST ~LH^MAR^ CIRCLE IN TWIN LAKF.S ~UBDIVISION ADOPTtD LI''J...l no tIc.. IMVln'l "..en ruhlJllh('r1 In t!,,, ~'l\pll!f'I f')"lly "'''10/''' on November 1r, 19~? nr. cvldnn~I!'" hy ^ffl~IIvlt of ~uhllcntlo" filed with the C~f'rk, pul'd(" h.....rln'l wn5 'Jpen..d to ~on! lner r"tltlon 1f-1Ií'-27C, filed by Mr. ~ ~r~. Lorrnzo Cllnnrno r..questln') II vnrlðnc!' to construct a dUP:'t'x on tht' r.OIIU,l!nr" corn"r of <'rnn,.."',' flolllcvllrd ..,nd \o!f'!lt Alhllmbrft Clrc~(' In Twin Lllk.... ~:ul'dlvlr.l(¡n. f'llln!l InpÀ(,,!\f'ntl'tl(¡n ¡'lr"C"tor I."yn~ IIt"t('n th/lt the p,.tltlol1or wl.he. to build II dur,øx on thr nhov.. rpf,.rf'ncrd property, addlnq th/lt tho property Is ron",' ·',...,,_r.· /11\" HI. .It' 1.12'" If 1'1' with a "quar. toot.C f' of o,J7!> "quArr f(',.t. ~h. .t...·t tI'lIt .In~e thin I. 1'1 non-confor~ln~ lot of r('cord, ~ varlllncl! I. IIlr.ady built Into thr zonlnq which only r~qulr'" ~.~~~ IIqunr. fr.t of lot IIrf'1'I for II rlupl..x rather thðn ',?~~ ~qUnr~ (~øt. ~he notrrl thAt ~1'I~ed on this requlromt'nt :.~~ lInltt; ('r 0'11' i'lfnqll:' fðm!ly homr coule! ho hul¡t on the lot. She cunclu.1,.d hy ntlltln~ th/lt ~tllff If¡ rpcoml'lonclll1q t1enll'll. Mra. "nil Camargo of ~77" Corlll Way, ~ll1nl, atllted thnt thtre are a lot of dup¡exes on tht Btront, nðdlnry thnt when the lot wn! purchaøod they were un~rr thr ImprrDnlon thl'lt I duplex coul~ h. built. Rh. Pl'lqe 15 . ..~.- - - _._. - - ._-- - - .-.... -- ~-~ - - - -- - - - ........ " ~ ,....., - ..--. ~ "L ~~cemhpr 14, 1~~2 rltportorl thl'tt -1\10 tl'J 11cr f,u!'Ihllnrl' ,'1 In111rv lnr' r.~,. (,,'r" ~"r ~.":h"r n n I! c1 II, t h ~ Y wo U !'1 ;. k.. r, a ., ,1 Y t' " ,I'I r> , I' ": ", I " 'n 'I r 1,. r r r') r ',~ r I" t h " r to llv" on on~ !'=irl~ \/h11C' ~~r. .,n-:! ~)':'r r."'IMi¡,'/ ~ivr "'1 r,!". úr.~or. ....,., IndlCl'tc¡1 th.:lt :;~\(' h,.,r1 no IntC'ntl'Jn nf r"'1tj..,.., ~~,. nt",cr "".' r,f tho ~uplox, 3rlrlln.., .hftt ~t t'l" 'I~r .hnt ~o~rth n.., ~nrnrn'1 .0 'lrr '~th"r, tho r. h ¡ . :1 r r n \'¡ I. '", r.., I ,.".. \, ,.. , , L'II fit I '" , f, ,\ n ." I\,t r n f ~! t! . ('"",,,,I fl. (,n"r 1'1 "~or ,,,..,, ",.. ,.... ,178 (1"""ft,1 '(If ,"' r'unlcx, t.o ·""hic·, ",..~. '.,'y"'" .,t,--t"" t~''''t I' -'1" \! I ,'\r" f':'~t. I·t ',,"',.,J"rl ")r ~ u ;"11 It'" ~ ot . rO\lnt'l 'A,.n.~"('r 'Iflr-I..n .~"rf· ..11,....( ~'Iro "(J~~r '!"...I I "'~!ll",: '~jr o:hr"! ~( lIr" 'lrllntln.., ,t'o ....tltI0n '.(JII. '.,.. ':~('I -'11,"",tH'f of /·t!f"'I.L~~"''' 1urrounrifn<"1 t~4!t :){"tltton"r~ ",lIt ,"'n,1 ..,11,..t~'~r 'If "'.It. ~I j.... 1:'ln.~'( ~.'(J'JJ.'¡ ~C' Ilnl'II" 1:""1 tho n(,¡,t-hort'l( ( (~ ,)t ~,()t. '''5. t..yr¡,... ~t"'t"1 r!1.'t r~.t' ")f1lr.lt.!o!"'t"r '!.1 ~,n t\~(\ 'J'" ,....orn.'r "f ~ r IInll 1'1... ,'nl "'f!ß t "-'",.,hr, ','~11:,'l I'; {,or . , , "'r1in., t'",.,t r") "'hI" r'\nrt~w,..,t i!ll " (4Up,(t:w', "cr....,~,:J '.r,'" ..tr'·t'~ :)n ..~"¡(, ·....·"rt !;. , "ll""",.o;o In" ' ~ r.',t'" I"':'nti r" h:"i..)("'\( ..¡r"',r-rr:- ,111:; ·\r"'.t,f'r rv ~", :"'.JC'::lt".1 "~'rr" ~r'" (.·..0 ,1\1:tÂf"X....,.. 'n'~ t ~.. r (",. t , r f' .~, r'¡" J, '" tt 1-" ... Y ~. (J" P:J . r't", "('It f"Io'! ':~)J"t (~o\ n ":'1{~ f1r r""t "'''''r" ¡H. tt.ro" 'jIJn'C''C''!J ....1 th <Ill! tP ,~ 'PW Y,H:llnt _(Jt~. ~"" r C"'O r t ~ r1 t ~.. t to the northp..~t ',~~r.' {r¡,~ .-'\1"_1')(, ,1<!,lIn,., ':h,'t r,"" ..."1,,rlry 1,( ..~~,.., In the ¡"'..,,,lil.no ~urrr 'I"rIln1 U '. Uti .1...,." '""lIIV "0".11, Co..l..lon.r V... Moy_d, ..~.~~.~ hy rn~~I..lðn.r Holl~nt1 "nd clrrieli ./0, thAt tho publlo h.~rl"~ h. cloned. CO.Jlli..lonor Vosa mov"d, 3C!conded by Commissioner Holland I'nd carried 4/n, that neaolutlon 82-198 ra Petition V-82-27C, Mr. & Mrs. C~m.rqo, requ..tIn1 A v.rlance to construct A duplex on the aouthealt corner of Oranðda Boulev~r~ And '~..t Alhambra CSrcle In the Twin LakeR 8ubd1yillon, he adopted. tla~ 073 rAtE 25 r-.."" 1~ . ..- --.- ....- >..._"~,---.....,,,,.,,,,,,--_.,_._-,,.,..,--_.,.¡,;;,--- -- -..- - --- · - f'a.·,....·........... ~....... _. _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _._ _ _ _._ _ _ _.. _ _ .... _ _ __ _.... _ _ _ _ _ __... ~~~. ,1t~.;,'t:';'.:" Ooccmbe r 1 ð, 1 C' n:' ' '"i,;:¡rjl,. ~Ä':;{:~~/'~'''i I:":" " - .. ~i!f~:,'(:i':~:'.:':O~; ,O?~ rACE 26 ~¡~~:¡ÓL~~I~NB2"1~g Rf: PETITION PU-S2-27C, EXXON CORPOn.a.TION R£OUESTINO.'" ,ROV1SIONAL USE (b) OF .a.-1ST FOR OIL £XTR~CTION AND PROC!SSU'O FOR ',:' 'LANDS LOCATED NORTH OF TH& JETPORT - ^DOPTED, SUBJECT TO STIPUL"'TIONR~ !: ITtONr:R'S ACR!!"'ENT "NO FINDING 01" FACT . ,'I ';'~ . i:'" ' .;K~}lIInl lmplol'lontHlon !') r_ctor LI\~'nc fndlc/'ltnrl thn "onnr^l of 'th.. proporty, atl\tfnr¡ thllt this i8 ð roquut for . ~"". ~~i"'I1 \. <,. î~:ol1','.:ctractl.on procltf n nIJ. She roport.cd ~hllt fotftff an!:' r.ll ¡ \,~~¡\~~;'?.'j~"f·;, . ,..~;:;'" A90nci.. hav~ rccoMnnndnrt IIpprov~l aubject tC'l the follo~!l.ng r;'·' ItlrUllltlnnll1 1. Un'~r.~eon ~rnlnð~o probleMn c~u8erl hy th~ or01o~t nholl be ren.dlerl by thO!' pèrrrlttlo ðt till' roC' uent of the 'of"1^Þ tln<1!or County ~n, nnur. ~. Th~ alz1" an~ ¡~cfttlo~ ~( cu¡vcrt~ In th~ n~COG~ ron~ hn r.t~rnrl to 1"¡I~lnnt~ trtl'lel~l nDn~ln" thnt thn roa~ nl"ht erect,. . "'. ':'I1l1t th'~ tj'r,¡lcM',t, t.IJ tht' oxtunt p(.>nGJhl", rcnt.rlct vehIcular n~tlvltl~a nn th~ roa~, ~t n ncho~uln to ~ult hln l1"l!, tl, thl" o"'rlc'" 'ro" (111"'11 te. ~UII \. ~. Thr pro~uction nit" ~n~ drilllnn Pð~ hn InItially r~~trlctoð t~ the northrrn C"rl of thn ~Itn In ~pctlon 1', an~ nuch tIn" th~t drll.ln~ '" ~Ptrr~lnod ncc.ss~ry further south, thllt th~ locrtlon h~ rt"-I"vr.u~to~ bv A ~.~hpr of thr rA~, th~ County r.n...lron"'anl~¡ flt ~nc!" M4u~hnr of thl' Ilðt!onlll P~ry. l'Ifrvlcct, ~Ith th, l'1tcnt <,r Mlllntl:lnln-: ~lo\1 'ro,., thl" north to th" IIOUt~' , Co~miaaion.r Plator moved, accondod by CommlaøIonor Holland and e.rrle~ 4/ð, thðt Resolution a2-199 re Petition PU-82-2?C, Exxon CorporatSon reque.tSng provSalonal u.. (b) ot ~-l.t tor oS1 extraetion .nd proce..Snq tor landc located north ot the Jetport, be adopted aubject to the Itlpulation. In the petl.tSoner'a ft9reement and the Flndin9 ot Fact. Paqo ....--- -., ·"·~'·'~'·_"'·"..~,..;,.""""~,..."L_"''''-,__,,,,__~_. ~"._"_,",_,_;___.."",..;o.;;;.....~..~_~.,.,._....,_ ~ - ~ ~;---:- -,=~,' ¡·~~·7:. ~¡~'l",i ~,,~<7--:,0¡j,;,j-;V,~7,..-"''' -- - - - -:- .-- - -'- . . J{t'~~~~);~ifri~-~~;~"':'~k'~.~J\i:¡~j;.;"",.,~,~,¡":,,,!<:~>1.1J;;~· /!':::" . .... t "'. ' ' "I.W)~!~,:*~¡j~:~ì!"'''t·,,,,,,,,,'';j,<, ", ,\'/:"òcembor 1" 190": '!.:073pÂcf', 32' ", .'. , ,~! ,\::;""',"'¡·:,:i..t-··;\:\¡¡),:·¡" :¡.1~" ,""."1,..,, I,,' I v.¡ ~,,;.'~ 'f"" ..~,.~-;~t.~,:~,.,:.~ (,:,,[,:;,~:. ", . ,:iinOR'1"AND RECOMMENt)1'\'1'ION ON WfIISPEnINC PINES, INC. PROPOShL 'O~ :AND CONSTRUCTION TO FOUR-LANE KELLY ROAD - APPROVED SUBJECT TO Tft! ,~ "STIPUL^TION T1i1'\T THERE Bt NO COMMITMENT REG^RDINO COUNTY P'UNDS BErOR';.', t"..,,: ANY rIN^L AGREEMENT ' ,)'~ ~1"',_," ,. .. -, '." . " .',>', ' r;":,':' ,'~t'. I(nutn Mn r tmlln, rul')~ I c "CI r k!l I\clm i n 1 s t r... to r, It,He" thl! t,; ",r'.:,J:'\t .l't,; ''''''''::''/,'',¡¡j!,',.::\ ,Sheeh.n h.. otforo~ to dOGI~n Y.e1ly Í1"/¡::<' ~1 at no oxp.nl~ to thf County. Ho ctrto~ thllt in '\~,:,}/(.,;::, ~try1n9 to expo~it. thc work th~t will bcncfJt hoth of hln propcrty In thH orell. Itn Gtlltcrl thllt "Ir. Shf'ohan rocontly /I.kod th.H hll bl! r¡IYl'n 801'11" L\OIIJT/lncC' thl't once: tho dtnl"n Ie flnSshnd, which wlli tllkn Q to 12 l'Iont~~, thct tht' rnunty will procrod wlt~ thp. to cummlt thal'lnolYt'1 tö thllt (lcr.1r:lun ...t thIn tint' !'I"CIIUB" t~l'r ll lø no ':;~7" '< .'f " ,iî~' , ,.....~¡~~ "~~j,~ ~.I·\~,t , \'l!(' , ij;l~ ,14' ~.'.:t~', '..,,',..\ ,J¡;, ":/.!,~~ \'¡?'~ conatructlon. II. ctllt"ð thllt .,,. In roluctnnt tCl rnCClmMon~ to thl' ~CI~rð knowled~e a~ to wh/lt the ~ðlulinc forp.cnot II nt this t ~c or In the futurc an1 thl~ I~ th~ WilY ~ny rOIlM ~rrovt'Mrnt or thl~ ~~urce would ho pnld. II'.' ;tl!tf~ that In ,'lInul'ry hr- w!lntr tc. nrM\,."t tr. tht:' ~oðrr! t~c rðvlDrc4 ur unt.I'l"" "rltJrlty ¡I tit !(,r revit:'w lin~'" nutl'",,' ()( fu:'\c!fnt1 thftt ~rlorlty ¡Ir:t. II,. cc.nclud('(' Io¡y nll:tlnq thl'lt It I" !!U'l"~tltfld that ('loud fnlth he r)(pr('asr(~ \,'lt~1 '·r. f.h~Qh/ln ...n:! hope th.:!t he will continuo with tho dr.lqn. Com~1.2Ioner rlfttQt aUOltlonod wh/lt tht' road Jmprovomont wClu1d co.t, to ./hlch "'r. IInrtl'l"n Itntod the> f!rltlmllte Wit. $293,(11'" Jn~ tho d'll~n I, ~11~,n"~. H~ nt~te~ that the run~D woulrt come> out of th~ lurplu. of th~ 5t"l, ',th, 7th, and PDSII!hly th" 9th cfnt ,:!II" tIne for locondðry rOlld run~f" Tape 'G COI!\lnSuionor "oUnnl'! quoltlonoc4 whllt type of prIority Kolly noar1 Imrrovernent would hllvl', to ",hic" "'t. IIlIrtmlln rorl Std that OM of the I'IIIJO ..."..-- -".......- .-..-. ---.-...-..-.---........ s= .' ·,""'·"^,··,"'·,_,¡...~.'"~~~w~,,·."'·,.·,. ".....,.,..""".1<',....".... ,,,,,,,,tit '.""'"'''''''''''''~.''''_''''''''''''~",4>'...~,"",_"... __;,_"_..~...""""~,.........·_",..",.;,...",...._.;,,....,..........·,,..,+,..·.o," "",..",. ""...,...,,,",.._, ~., ~~.''''''''···''''_'.'"'''''''_'"_·'''''''H'''''''~'''''''.''~__.''''''''''''_''.'''''''' ',-,"x"."",·"" ,..."",.~,., ,",..,"~ ~,y_" ..."........" ~---- ..- ~-------~~_.~--------'----------_._----~------~ ";~"\'j"_I'¡'::·.;(,-,;·"·'-:,;.j','··->~r:~·;'·:;·'~;-'" I " . , ';.:':'.<". ,.'.¡,,'...., ~i~,:~:I;~"'" "'/~",,,,>""", ',' '.. ' 'neeomher 14, 1911" \:'\1\' áoòi~~:073 rACE ' 34 ',~( ~¡~,;<:;.'?4<'~'j"::·\';'''i.''··'- . ~ .j. ;-' {,Úhtlt 1': woulc1 bo 1n the IIrl" of 9-1/.1' intQrosr. tÞnh' "ItlYMflntll bash with tho !)rlncJple rMJltlvcc1 "dthln five YAðrc. :I;:~,~t' ru rl y ." concluded by øtðtSnq th~t this project øhould ho movo~ '~t~I': ,.-,. prJ or!ty,lht. fC~:':: :, tI'~1::':' Coftll'\illSoner rJltor ØtllUtt that Jt is very qonorClu" ,hs , ;She.han, but tho Money h~n to b. ~val1Ilbl~ or ðt lnest ~ ¡~~jl': ",,;1(:;;;:i"/'v.lhhlo in orcfer to p.'y it hl'c~ over (J pC!'rior' of Ovt' yo,ttrø '·~J/";:~l~' commitment c^n ovon h~ Mlldn. ..., County ^ttor"oy rnundor~ Stlltod thot thc ~ounty J" not in ^ posStSon to Incur dobt or trJ contrllct to bu I 1 tl II Ctructurn without .om. lourCI! oC Cuncil to 1"'1IY it oce, lIt!d I n'1 tho '; It r,¡f'Y t-t' holpful to c1JllcUIIII the ",ðttar wi th ~I . r.Clnlry In or<1cr tCl .".. If their I it. I' W(¡y of finAncing thDt wou.r: 11'1 !')"rr.',jll!llol". Comml IsI otlcr VORe ntllt!'r! thtt tnc cont r/lC't n."otll1tl'c! for .n., In"ftr In'l ,,'tJu.~ tll~.<! apl"rox I.,"t~:'y " I\"¡(tl'\t", "I'\r! !·'r. !!,'rtr.ll'n would havo his raco~enrlatlon tü tnI' Pu"r~ nc~t Mont~ /lrldln, th,ttt, nt that tl~o, II fint. rlo:lslor. Cuu¡rI "0 nrd", ho....t'vnr, in thl' r:\nnntlmn, not')oti/'ltlon!1 COUld bo~ln with ^n ~n~lnt'erln~ fIrM. ~r. COl'\loy Stat('~ th"t thin wuuld þr sfltløfDctory, ~ddin" thðt ~r. Sheehan wauld 11kl> fto~~ IndlcÞtlon that thi' eo~rd 1~ Jntftrcltnd In tha propolAl ~nd thlnkß that It nhould he movoc! hlqh on tho priority lilt it tho Publ I c ,",'or;'", <.:ounty "'lInt!qc:r /lnd County ^ttorMY go alon!:l ,,'1 th 1 t . Commi~slClnor Drown attlti'd that ~r. nhnrhnn hnl his !!upport for thil NO~c:ct. Yr. Conloy at3tc:~ thl1t ho would llkp t~ rnturn to th~ Aonrd ~omr time In Janul'Iry if 611 report!! ,ttnr rocomf!\ltndatlonl IIr. II, by then in ordor to obtein ~omo typr of nctlon. " ,....- -. , ~ , .. ~~~------~-_._-----------_._----~~. !\I)<,~1;'~1 ~oa(lmbl)r l~, lC,I!" '({,.Ii:,;;! "'·1,.,·1"·.'> Com.l.sioner Pl.tor moved, secondod by Commissioner VORS on~ the .tlpulation that thero bo no comm1tmont ot Funds prior to the final agreoment ~nd that, 1. County Staff provldo Mr. ~heohan with the ,uida11nos nocoanary to proceed with the selection of an enqlnoer1nq consultant reqarding the proposal to four lane Kolly Rond. ~pon s.lection of n consu1tnnt, ~r. Sheehan cnn procoø~ with th~ rond d..iqn concurrontly wSth naqotlotlons on tho propolals which ðre to he ft pftrt of the aqro~mont hotwaftn whisperinq PSne., Inc. nnd the County. 2. Drðft and neqotlnte /In ft~rftomont, ncccptabln to tho ~ountY ^nd Whl.per1nq Pinos, Inc., which addrosses tho construction of ~elly Road, tinllnclnq of the projoct, ~nrl rolnted ~onmitD.nts. 3. Ruhmlt the final aqr.emont ftxecutod hy Mr. ~ho.h^n to th~ Board of County Com.le.lonera for rovlew 8nd noprovnl slmultanooualy with ~r. Hllrtman's report on lon~-rnngo con.tructlon ðnd flnnnclnq program. ....·R£CESSI 121nA Noon - RECONVENED' 1:3~ P.M. ~t which tl~e D.puty Clork Rklnner replncod Doputy Clork Kenyon····· Tape .Ii Item H 7 REVISED OPERATION ~T M~RCO TRANSFER 5T^TION - ~PPROVEn -- ¡..uh¡!c '~or'l'l Ar1r.l1nl:1tr"tor '~"'!rtMlln ~"rlt,lnf!¡! r.~"t !:!1., Fr.,r.chllln" \,¡n,I"rco 1:¡lnntJ h/lrl Incrt'(\""rl \~y r)~.. '.hn r'\lJno"t (If ~u1t/,)r1"r'l':'\", conao~u.ntly, tho TrnnDf~r ~tntlon 1. not ro~~1vfn~ t~~~- r.~l¡cct onø. :IQ rrJcOl'lml!'ndl!t1 thllt cht' r'HCO 101/1nt1 Trlln'lfC'r ~t.1t on "e \'~O¡ N'i '~ftdnOD~"'YS ~nd ~un~"'YA. ~onMln~lon~r ~18tor r~~un"r~ thnt thl~ øchcriulo, If _'!,proved, b" "Ucctlv" ,'lInlll'lry " 1~". CommSs.!oner VOle moved, neconded hy Co~~lnAloner Plstor ,nd carrSod 4/n, that the ~ftrco Iølønd Trøn.fer ~t~tlon ~. clolod W.dnolday. ~nd Sundaya effective JAnuary 3, 19~3. .oo~ 073 PACE 35 ~>-' , , " ...--..-..... , ··-'-'~·.._~·_''''.....___.._____·_'t1f_'"., J ~__.,_".__..,_~.;,_.,"""',....,..""'_~""'.""",.,,",.,,... ~:i~;;,cC::;:';ê' .' ", .i... 1··..;'~;.. ........ - ... ........ ..... __ ~,'........ --~ .... - - .... - _. - - - - - - - - ~ :~:,,~~ ~ "},"r:;;rt.':'i;~'\"'" "I" \'. 'DQc~mbor lA, It)A~:;,tY~;;I:(:~;f:. N......:'{" i~ " . i' ,\~, ¡'0ì,' ',;. ,"(; I' ~ t ;" ;~;t~.'~.': ~oo~ 073 'ACE 36:' d";;; ;1;ilhm 118 JUSTICE CENTER ST~CE II-C FEr. PROPOS~L, CONSTRUCTION M^N~C~~ENT APPROVED , . .,' ,.':>·t'<N:I~,; PublJ~ Sðf~ty ~ðrnin!ntr~tor Oörrill ~~pl~ln~~ th~ r~comm~ndðtSon~ propOAIIl froM thp Contru~tion (,):~. . ,:,,,'i;""~an"l)or relDtol'1 ttl .jlllStic~ CClntnr !'!tZHH1 11-C , to oncO:1"lI"~ thll nOICt yur end OM hlllf or thIn þlHtlcul/lf rrojC'cr. that C'fOO!! trrou"h the .U!:\Mn or l(¡Pl.. lie fCl'tlr1 thllt tho final 1"'111\90 c:önt'lIIH" cd th6 con'tructlon o[ th~ rtnou~tlon at ~uildln~ ft~., which will he thft courtrooM, lie !;lIlr! ch¡oc ,. llctle c'\V/'r !:l("',(1ro~ hila hl)~n hllri~"tl!r' för th~ conntruc:tl( ~ ~rCJorll~ ~nnn~emont this ypnr IInd thÐt thn lIetulIl ^!:\ount n.onc~ on 1\ rOllult uC th"lr flnol "ropoøcl i~ ~bout ~'~~,~nr.. :¡oßfOnd M trl C'nn!'\ls.lorflr \ltll\r., "'r. f)orrlll s..lrI thl'lt the project 10 (In !!chtc.1u..r. lJnc' nhIJut ~5("1,11C11' IInt1"r "\I~~ct, COllllllilnionar Pløtor mov(!~, .t'condrH1 by Comml.sloner Holland anti c.rried ~/O, thftt the Ju~tlcc Centt'r Gtagc ll-C fee propolal tor conatructJon management lervlce wIth tho firm of Poll%~1/11..ry In an amount not to excood $521,O~O b. .pprov.d. Itelll 119 NECESSARY EOUIPMENT PURCH^SES ron EMERGENCY pn£P~REDNESr. ~CTIVITIES- ¡SUPPLIES - APpnOVr.n PIII'lIe ~.,f~ty I'lrt'ctor [)orrJll cxp¡lIlnru1 thl'r hI' hlld .. "Ineus.lon with furmer Com~I£Dlonr.r ~JMor r..~ordln1 the ncc1 to rI~trrnlno how the Counq"f' Civil r9tonne [)cp.utnt'nt MI']llt h.: hcttcr prt'f)lIrcHI. H. refer- red to work ~r. W~lk~r nnti Mr. Wa~nor h~vp t1on(' with r('qarrl to modicel øup"llos, ent~ An~ blAnkrtn noodoc! tor omornnncy p"'tonno1 ^nð rnnova- tlonø o~ tho mo~il~ fiol~ honpltal. COlllmS..lonor Piator movod, .econdod by Comml..lonftr Vo.. and carried ~¡n, that the nlc...ery aqulp..nt purchase. for emergency ......--------.. -. ........- .--....-- ....... ..-.- --. -.--.--..-..... -.-- ----- I, j c· ~ , I' ,"" ,<' i , ~J';.;, 'r!;;h~'f ~, Ii,ì:t~' :: 14fí\ ,,~ I!!!I ...,.. ~ · ~~0~~:\':';!¡;~;;" ....., ~pcnMhnr 14, l~A, preparedne.. ~ctlYStle8/.upp1lQ' be approved Sn tho ~mount not to exceed $lR,(jfi7 .,nd that a BtldlJot 1\mondmont from GenorAl Fund Contlngencl.. ba ~uthorl7.ed. Tape. '7, '8, )9, 110, ~nd ~ll Itom 12" DIGCUSSION/TESTI~ONY Rt CL^DES n^Tr. ME^RING, nECE3Sr.~ TO nECONVr.~IE ON DECEMBER 20, 19~2 AT ~tnn ^.~. I.ar ll! notlcl) "1I...1r.,., ~,ol'n :,\llhlt:¡hNI In thl! r:IIPiln ~.,II'I "~w" on Novfti':'bar :!~, 1""2, "nrl r'I/lcPMhnr Ii, 1911', ,,,, nvlr'nnco" ,",v ,'Ifflr1l!vlt "t PubllcllI:lcJn tJ:'\I<1 ·....Ith t~., (,lnr~, T"lIhì.!r.:' honrln'1 \.II\~ orf'norl r,Q ~')nDIr '!r eaclIhllt.hln'1 r.1tl"f1 (or t',n ·,1.1t(H ,~n1 :;.w( r.~,,1' IIp.rvl<:,,,!) "!'In~ ~ro''¡d~c1 to tho Gir.rtc!1 :,llb. ~\'19Iun ',... t~\" 1"."lt ",'0,,1)1\ ·,·ntar :1Yl1tl!mS, inc. "n" for ontl!blJ!)hln'1 r/]t,," (or "OWI\~" pI'rv1cp bl!lna :,\rClvl~or1 to t"O Lako....ooc! ~ubdJ'II!\jon ~or .~,,, ¡,:,,¡t ",~CH~!J ··'...r.l'r ';vnr.I"!:\I\, tn~. ('ounty ^ttornoy ".,tmrj/H" 'HI'1"""tcd ,;""t t.h,o r,tc r:onl'llu,:nntn 1'1/\ ðilo'/Qr! to orcftont r!h'¡ r tl'!Itl:'1t;nv r.J\C! r.hllt -nnthor !"'t'!'tl:"l'1 "IrJor to eacl'mbctr ~l, 1')":' 1J0 ·!~t ~CJ C:t;npl~t., r.t~o r: I ncu']:\1 on rronrrll nn t~'o t;i.,rlnll n.H," I'''...rlntt. :·'r. !\. ':onn,·th ~:lt¡ln, r"')ro:1C'ntln<1 ::~o ,'r.I'I~lc,'nt, Intro'¡ucI)\ "'r. Jcrry rore"}., '~ho 'illS r''''lJr~ (n. ;~r. ':rC'n~ l~trnc!uc:"d ('II !,.,tftfCJn~r'" lxhl hi t 11 thft r!ocur1cnt 'I'nr. t tlocl · '::I1::t ......p1"!! ·,IIIt.or ~ynt""Ir:, Ync. Rat" C~IO, 'rUt ':QÐr r:I'I¡1fM ""rc~ 11, 1')11:1, ~t'V f1Qt1 lr1/f1;'!". It II ,,150 prn- nontad ". P"tltlonr'lr' n ::1Chlt:.lt ':! ".h., "'Clcu:!1('nt "nr.lti.I!t1 "':'I1!'1tlf1onv of Jerry (1. (jrðr¡r¡ nc.,lI;dlnn ....pp¡lc.'r.lc'n <Jt f\1l1t "111'1011 '~l\tor "yntl.\ln" lnc., ~oce",bor l~, 1~"'~·. \lr. Cr,,"I1'I :1ul':1:'\,Hl;::¡c1 r....o '1I)cuml'''t~ rafarrln"t to i'MJfln. :1" explÞlnod thl! UIIO u( tho tent ~'nnr .,naln., '~nrch H, 19~'. lie to &xhlbJt ~l ~nd ~)(pl...lnoc1 the ch~rt dopictlnl'l orl"lnnl cont ~nrl c1oprðcJatlon, \i..tor on '11"1.1 )1, or!,,! 11'101 ClH1t "nel cIol'rftcflltlnl'l, , ; aoo~ 073 rACE 37 .",..t~'...<'.,,· ......."'~;..¡.;'''~~~ .~, ."",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~_.,,~_,,,,.,;. _"'_..,.'....'"_....""...,,___~ _,._,.._,,.....',,;.....~......~,.,...~"'~,,.......".," ..,.,.,... " .",.~.,,, ,., "'~..."."".~"',..; ,."" ,.,._~,,'~ ¡]~2L~~ _... _ _ ~ -' _ _ _ _ _ _":,:.:,:~,~ ~-9n-'- _ _ _ _ J _.;~~~~ 073 rm S8;';":'f'; on ~"qo 32, thr r"te bðoa pr~ f~rm~ to five ~onthD, tho ðlloc~tlon ~r non uuc\ c'lnc\ uoorl ðII of March 31,' glr\2, pl'l'Jo ')ñ tho UBO~ c'ln~ UGcful, pð~n 371 tho nt~t~m4nt o~ Incomn " pro formc'l ~4rch nstln~tcd, !nclu~!n, 4(, th" c~n~truct~~ nt^temont oC incoM" ye~r 31, l~P~ pro for~c'I Mnrch e~t Ml'lt.c1, In~lun n~ ~ð~~w~OA twelve monthft, Pllq, IS?, t"lf' prallC!nt IIn~ proposcd ratp.ß, p,''')!' ':,1, IInc' tho I'/l'\nteWlItnr treat!'\tnt p¿/lnt C:OCt, 1"111(111 ll.r. lit CCJn~!l1dar' I'>y At/ltJ'1': I'll" rocon"cndrtlo'1 or ~0.~1 Cur w~ttr, with :l.rl µ~r l,r~r ~ellonl\ ~n~ tlt..17 for rr.nld!'ntlr.¿ ~/løt(,Wl'\t('r c'ln'! ~1!'.17 pcr r.r.C for ~encr^l .tevlct' tor tn. (':AlJrlnr """ 1.llkI!WOOr' \,'lth t! (· r,.,tl' of :tlltllr'1 to h" 15\. "c. S"'lIndecr Int,ror'uce,I \·r. '~Ichnrcl nr.rby w\'o(l !ntror1llcor' 1nt~ thf' r.C'~r<' t'\( C(.Jllnty'r; C'or"N.r.lt', r.,:I-.lt)lt '1 entltlcr' "Thl' Cl"lCh"~ IItlllty" Dlvls e"f1 u~ tlH' ('.l.d.'!" 1nC'. r.,t" !";tIJA'~'-. ~r. T'>/'Irhy ....nn ""lorn In to u "e ~ (!.'^r:. t,,-:tlrlo"l\'. ,!. r~fr.rr"'cl tit rMII 1 (I' t.he ('r,unty'/\ r.xhlhlt U IInl. rc/'l'~ tll" .1Ir.t. tlr:ntC!'nC'1' of thl' lllnt pIHII"rllr>'" ''In/!!lMI1ch /'I!C thltl ,tu't\, was nelt ,,~ t'll' r.cOpC' rCQulrln"l the- /lppllC:lItlon or n,nncfl111y "cc:e"t..~ lIur1ltlnr¡ Dt/'lndllrdl1 we arc procluc1QrI from oxoro8t1lnq IIn ind~~ondC!'nt ^l1rlltQr'~ ~~Inlu" r~ to thIn rl'lto ~turly-. Wr. rllr~Y re(orr~~ tu P/'l9C' , ontltl,.d "Th~ Clllrloft Utility ~ PI...lllo~ o! T'''' r.ltH1,..r., 10::'. oc!prnc!lItlon fic:hoclule '.Jntcr Un/luðltr.~- nnr1 explftlnt~ the' ( quroft. IIC' ,,)(pl~ ncrl p/'lor.:I t'I",tltlcr' -The Chc1ftl UtilIty ~ nlvinJun of t~~ ~l/'ldco, Inc. n"rrr.clatlon RchcdulC' Rowrr, Unr.uc!1tot.". lie retorrcr.1 to t1'1f" Noto c'lt thr. hottor:\ ut pnan 3 -The opplSc.nt ItAtOft th/lt the ~lac1~n ~ftwer linen h/'lvr hð~n ch"r"~~ off .0 devolopl'lrnt cOltl'. "11 1!!Ioo'tJr f/lcll1tl~ \ In thl! L/'I~~\wod afC'lt, oxct'pt the packðao plllnt, th~t h~v~ hnon nccentl'1 hy t~f" nl/lrle. UtIlIty, ar. P"~fI ¡ i >,......-.... ...- - - _. - -.. ....~~ .-".. ...~ .~ ,.;,'..... ,'.';/ ~ .. "...~¡'.,I'''.''.''",''.'''''''''''''~''''''''''_'.'-<''''''._''''''''~__.._,...,_.""...._,_,.0;0."".,_"",0-,"'.__.."','......,_".........,,,,.'....,,.._.._"_."""""..,,,...>o,,,,~., . :'.,."'.," , ~~>:V' n~co~hcr 14, 1nQ~ to ba contributions In nld nf conGtruct!on. hllY" hoon oMlttorl ~rrlm tho IUHletS nho\in "'hovn." 11, ~r. nnrby ~~plninorl thn "~ncluctlon Duo to rK~nB~ C"4pllch:y Sower I'lllnt \Jnllw'lttlt!" ,'" '<'11'111 {10 f1~I'!r. 'i, "r.cmtrlhutinnn In aid ot Conltruction ',In:,udlt<'!rI" .~n~ c'1,. "r'll\tO n.,nn ,'n~ !"'Iturn on ì~,'tn "no., i~lrch :11, l~A:! t :\l\urlltnrj" (In ,)""(1 7. "n PII.," 1 1':) rl'l'lI'\lI}c1 t:h" eCXpl!nlll!1I For 7ho '!oftr :n~~:1 '·'/lrch 31, t':l~;J ! nnu~itoc1-. ~r. ~Drhy eonclIM n~ hy ,,1'11"" hili !'~co~~~n~od r.tIld~nt nl rntl'! at S7.7~ nnd ~l.73 ~ðllon~nn ch^!'nl'l (or I/l'ttor nnrl ~l~.n~ for 7~1'I r.l~t!~., I'Ind Sl::.~~ for ,."I:flWflO(' \.lIt" tl'1."" h..lnl'! r"-:'J.,¡-,"r,, ~rl for ~~"cr,'" ~"rvlc" for !;lIwC'r rlltfto. 'I" ,,,If' c'1,. r"'co"'rn "n ,'('( n...t,f' of t'\,·t;lIrn I~ IH. CClMr.litl:Jlonf'r r"lfttur r,I!;'}r1 r!'1o '>Qlnt ",t'lIt rJI.I110 r!'nt~l}nt:3 (:1) :'1ot lIv'1 In tho 1 f"1I t',.¡"l...,. I"ICJnt:'!I Clf thl' ~'''/lr line.! nUI'IRtlnn("! r.h!'1 r "'..In., ~hðrC' (I(1 ~I)I th:\t ,'~()lInt IIf ~I,~c tc.. '¡hl~h Ir. ".,rhy rl}!J!)(lnrlnrl ~~3t tl>¡o '3cilltios h~v~ to ~e ~JI~trln~(1 to tunctlnn ~n"n ~~os. r~flnl~ ~r~ prCl""nt. 'A r. -:,HI n " (' r!\ ~ tat,.,. f ö r ~ '1" r "r. n I' n r." II t '\" ~ I (I" ~ ~ n ,,:., n ,d r h '\ t' . ':;.'t,dn .in/1 th.it ~r. D:lr~'1 J:1 1\ rll..Y oll.,lI!j·,d r,'tt' "IC':l')tr .~.,d "'r. r.<'Ic:' In ".~lrl t:1.it 'II'. .~r '1'~ In .HUO ,'n ::cnnrr ',;I tr.<::'~!I. "1'. [..'0 Crouc:1, rl'pr,,"ctrtln:, 'i'ho r.l,'~". "1J"I"l)wnl"ro innocl/'lcion, inc.. .,tlc! ho '''1'111 rnt..,incd to rp.\'lew ch" 1'I.'t('rllll co l"n!l',ro rhorco lIould b. tall' l'Inri rl'a.onnblo rlltos "nc.,¡'Uøhoc! for eh. IIt:SlJtioø. 110 ~onp1!~.ntDð tho pr"vlou~ ~~r~rt ~ltn"'l\ft~" un tholr roø~^r~~ ~n~ rUI'ort. 110 1I~1(i hI n r,rorr. I1MI ..,lIdo no ðttC'mflt t(\ lorllt Into H:o hooltkeopino 'or chit C'tJl'I!""ny. Po rltll cwol'i r.OM('I o( "I:. rllltl'rllll t1n~ Jntrorlucort 1tIr:. ~o~ørr. t.. ':';\rroll, r:nprl'l..ntln~ 1"1"(' honno·,.¡nlJrn of N4pltø W<'Itor 9~nt.m. '1)'" ~o~~ 073 ~Act 39 " ,~... ' ,'........... ___ ~_* .. .... "'...... .. ..... _. w,. ,;,1, ,....h': ,} .', .:,~~;¿ \;~:tÍi; "'~'i~' . ¡ "~'(~' :,~'~' /'r- :¡ .:< f.-',' ~';l),~' ?:y~ -,.-4 ';TI!' ,\,¡;' ',:1;" ,~~'t; ,t{i: " ,'ei,¡¡¡ < ~ \"" ~!.,t;_", ,~':! i' ,. ''''"'~..","~-,""",-,-------_-.._",~.",...".,.",..,-....~""_-.."",."""...._..~-,,,--.."'.,.,,"""'........<..,'.-. ~¡~i,~~~~';~"/ ':':.1.'.' - " -.- .- - - -- '".. - - - -.... - - -- - .-. .- -- ....... - - - .~ ~'\ ,·t.;',.," ~ocomb~r 1~, ln~? water ðnd rlO.~~ for ~owftr, ~h ch In ~ c~ntn ~or~ th~n pay, nnd approxlnnt~ly 3~\ norc ~h~n tho County "',Y.),;;,cUltor.lOrn. Jle calc! hin r.com"'cnrl~d nat. (Jf. ¡;..turn 1s 1::... 1.115 \~~t;'"", ,', Io/lth c.ho UtSllty' t\ 1~' tlnd tho County's 1<1'\. 01scIIBalon f.ollo,,,,,·d r~'1l'1rdln., ~~r. ':"lIrroll':'I qu"llflcntlonn...ft IIn export ...,Itn.sn with ~tt~rnfY ~~unMor" Atntln1 ~h~t Yr. T~rrnll'~ qUlll1f1clltlonG IHC ~ont(dn.,rl In tho rlocum<>ntrl °n(' t:!':.,t 1,1' hll!l ,~?p~,'rl!d boforo thlo "ollrd µrp.·/io\J;J:&,/ In thin ~;I!,,'cl~y. Mr. Donlllrt VDn ~(JlIIlhnnt, "ttornoy for t..Ü"...,oor1, I-I/HI Intrl')c!ut:Ac!. lie lnc.roc!u-:od "r. rr"d \',,"d, retlrod C.P.,\., rt' ')r("fI!'ntlnl' t."I<f'\~O()t'. !II' ønid he supported :~r. 7,'rrI'11'rt t"lIt mr n~'. 'Jr. 1":,'t11n r.t.Hod !-n ,~... nClt I\warc> thllt :'r. """r, ''''1111 'n '!1Ipðrr, ',1 tno!\~. ,h" ,,~C r:lnn '/III!I ~"rl., to prollont ~r. ~~,,~I:'I ~rnrlont ~¡:'I lit t~n """rin" c"il"rl ~or ~ncn~hnr ~', 1~9~. Comm18slonor Brown novltd, socondod by CommJaoloner Hollnnd nnð carrSed 410, that tho Mlotinq roqardlnq Clðrll. R~to \loarin1 be recossed to roconvene on December 2~, 19A2 at 91na ~.M. ..... R!CESSs 3130 P.II. - R!CONVr.HEDI 3145 P.M. .1t which tlm. D~puty Clerk Xenyon ropl~cQd Doputy Clerk 5~innor ....~ Item 121 CONSTRUCTION CHANCE ORDERS TO nORAH, CR~IG, ~C"RECK CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR BP-l ~2,3 AND 8P-2 11 FOR THE JU~TICE CENTER EXPANSION 1M TH~ TOTAL ADDED ^MOUNT or S14,5~e - ^PPROVED County ~lInllc or ~10rMlIn !Stated that tt1oro ,H~ three t'lnll In....ol'l8'' Which ~re oxplained in tho r)/ocutl...... 5um~I'IfY, .,t\¡J nl'1 ':hAt t'" nat ~(fect wSll .^V~ tho C?unty ~o"cy. Co~~ls.ioner Piator movod, soconded by CommSøsloner Vo.s carried 4/0, that construction Chanqo Orders to 30ran, Craig, Construction Company for BP-t 12,3 IInd DP-~ -.1 for tho Justlco thl total ndded amount of $14,Sn~, he npprovod. :. ", aOOK 073 rACE 4f ,;'. , ~:_~~~{~¿~,·t~,~:~'~ ,;. ':~:':~~" ~': ' . ,',' ..: ~~/. '1,';': :~""\'~:' ::_~ ,~.;:, '~_J;_~L;i :'·;';!rÛ~,:1·:tf .,::- ..:.~ ,.. ~ ',~ ,:.,_, ~¡;: '::~~"~'~~~~~:;.~"-';;:,:~~ ì .;':, ..~.....:-- ~ ...:~ .- -- .......:~,.. ~ .~~'~,,~,~....--L__\....... ..~...,~.~, .:., :,~t;:}¡f;;',;~F ',,( ,;¡ "\:"::;L'>~ :,·'·:~ii¡~~t\',;t;(~t},;;;i':,:~ ,:"; T~::":,::ift~J'\t~t\ ,', ~~:.~J ~ ......, ~. 1 i~~ ..,~¡t· ~' "~",, , ,.;..11 '~¡;¡' ," \" , '.'~ ", , ~ "~ 'X;ù, ",!.'/If "J:S,1!i ""¡~J"~ I' ,L~\:~ : ~ <'Iii ' . ,:~1 ;t~;,:; ¡b~ ""~"!" .~.. .. (·_1.,'·' J ·",,__·~_~_'.""'__<;,i·_·_'_'__"'''"'_·'___''''''_''''''-'''''''.''.'~'''';''''''~.,...."., r,ftcn~hor lA, l~n~ " teíì' ,¡ 2 3 ~~,.."". :l··'·" ·:lI:~.';::1:\"'~N"L LEASE/OI'TION AGREE~ENT FOft EMS r^CIr.IT'i ()~ TERMCr: I\vr.HU& - , CONTINUED TO DtCEM8ßft 28, 19ß2 , ",14 ComminslDn~r Plntor ~UI1~t!onn~ ~r. ~orrlll If ~clnvln1 t~~ ,-t.. , ,:"i~;~~¡,,! ":::/::':'~l~ .. !',' ~/;.'~~~j aqr.vment on tho rM~ '~clllty ~Ill hnvn /lny ~ffoct on tha ront~l, to' which ~Ir. ')orrlll ~tntl'tl thllt tho (' t'Jntl<:''"Inn In ~uf'!~t. on I',~II !'I'N' ""f'! eooporlltlv. Anc1 thorl' .Q"~" to hI' no r-ron¡I'!1'IJI with contJntJln"l r.'1I n mattor until r~comhOf ~~, l~~?, t::olJnty '~IInn('or '!?r/'llln 'Itntl' rj thnt County ~,r.tor""v """n~l'!rn ~'.. not hnrl chaneI:' t' 1001< ',Vf f t.ht' HHI10..,tnt \~hlc/1 !n \'~\' It 1'1 "~ n' "Iontponnrt. ITEM 124 REOU&ST rOfl W^IVr.ft FOft 111RINn rRE~ZE FOft V^RIOU~ pn51710~n - CC~Tl~U~C TO OF.CCM8ER 28, 1~n2 r.ounty "M'IA'1C'r '!( r~IIn '1':.,'t"(1 ~.",/n: thl" l:s ~ rl' (HII!:lt '''>r '/I\I'J"r ()~ t.htt hlrlnl) 'r(ll)ze rrJr flvo ~ol\lt.¡on. In r rr!or t'1.H ~,~o ollnontllll '/flr\( ::nn contlnu.,. "I' 'It~tcd ..ll,1t ·,hon.. \)o,\it /Jnll h~c""f'! '!'c~nr "'/ ~""Ha ~,!'\ of rODI~nðtl~n or rro~otlon. Cot,mlonlonor Prown !'It:P:t1ti rh.,t ho I:: "HH.tl~" 1:"1'\:-'1.~Ir'\t ,t"JII-. hlrln~ rooplo when th~r~ 15 ~ (r~~z&. Commh.lonu :Ioll.,nn at..Hen thllt hI) \~ou;'d ll:~" I:c, ''''alt 'or COl1!l'llllaloner VOID'S Itt'ln r"qllrrtlna... I'1l1nMlmono:. ,~t!r.Jt !'Ilttor... I~., IIqro"" to hlrll anyono. County Mann~or ~orn"'n ßt~tu~ th~t ho c~r~~ully "cr~"n~ ~vory requoat to 'Ill ... pOlitlon thll~ ~tcomllo v~c~nt, ~~rtinn thn~ ~n !unlo t tho onoo th/lt como t-efore tho noarc! ":IVC ",'JO¡OIJ,o,t" 1l1.tl fi~,H iCl:\ flllod to contlnlJ. tho ~'joj"tr·:L~"f:~hY,·¡':¡j,~;'··), ·I·;,'\;;r',:::·'", , ''',' "; '.' ' ., , , ',~~ß'·;.:..,:...:.~~·.:;:,.<~'~''';''';' .....~- - -... ~- -- - - - -- -...- -.. - - - - - - - -- -- -- )1¡N~~~:'~_·';.\o""': . " .", ': ·:'\"~'·;';;:aó;~'''.'073'~CE 52 ' tF:""'," ' '"rtlent !oval. Dacenber 1~, 19~' ~î~ Ha Qtnto~ thftt j' thQ poaftlnnn ^r~ nnt '!11ft~, 'report n.~rlt. to bo mD~C on th~ Impnct :and how tho sorvice lev~l of tho county'" ornrntlon woulrl chan~o' ~I~)',: < .:, - '~f'lult ot tllllt. lie fltatll~ thnt thUG pC\!lftlonr. lira 1111' -'¡;:",' (1:'1.,"'-":,"; \'\¡~t~\:¡{, bud90tod. ,.t:~'.i:~~·':I~> ' ;>~j~.~~r, "Comlld..1 Ctnu HClllrtnc1 DtÐt~1'j thl! t. the! po Bit Ion 0 f Cl,. r It fo r ~tiI',~.,r " ::;.:i¡" Purcha.ln() DrpDrtmont h/lll hran Vllcllnt c1nct' Novemh('r 5, 19117.. Comnfsalonpr ~rClwn quoøtlone~ If thJ" Jte~ could b~ contlnu.rl tn Doconber 2~, 1~r.2 I!n~ be FrQ50nt~d again lit th~t tlm~, to whfch County ~.na~er Nor~an r~plf~rl ftrfJrmlltly~ly. It WilD tho ~an.rlll consensus that tho r.qu'Ðt for wllivor of thll hlrin9 freozo for vllrlouß poøitlono Þ. continuod to Dccembor 2C, 1902. 1 UIII I 2 S BID '617 FOR ^ 19A] MOD~L D-lsn 1/2 TON PICXUr TRUC~ ro~ TIIC UTILITIE~ DIVISION - "W^RDF.J"I T,) N^f'Lr.r. DODGI:, INC. IN Tt'r. .a."'OIlNT or $'\30Cl Lt''JlIl f!otlc" hllv!n" h!'t'n pub¡lr.hc" In thr: NAp¡Of. !:lolly Nt'wII on November 1, lQn;, ^~ ~v rl"nrt'rl hy ^frldAvlt or ruhllclltJon fl1e~ with the CA4HI:, l> J «, !' WI ff' rt'crlvuè tr-r P f'\ · r; 1 7 tnr ,. 1l1P "\ ~0r11'1 "-l!\r In ton plcltup t ruel. un t J ¡ 213'1 P.M., lIovcnhcr 17, 19C1Z. Utl¡itlnll "'nnaq,.r "t'r~on ntl'tc('! thllt th I ft truck. wOlllt1 be IIlnll1necl to the C~~d~ant Watl'r District an('! wou1rl ~~ utilfze~ pðrt time In "Iar~o tv rl'ðuc~ the n~ ntenanc~ coat tn neltonll. Comml.alonor Pistor movod, .econded by Comml..lon.r Holland IInd carrieð 4/0, that bid 1617 for a 1903 ~odel ~-lsn 1/2 ton pickup truck for th. Utili tie. Divlalon be award~d to Naple. Dodge, Inc. in the amount of $~JD9, bein, a COlllp.tStSvo bid with the stato contract price 'c. '., . ,;.. ."'.,...".,',.... "".._,>.",,,,.,,.,.,,,; "·.~__""",H.'_''';''''';'·" ",,".... .Jw,· "".' "_"'*",.,,,....t,"'''·~l;''''''...,·._".. J.,,,.___....,''' ·<";,"",_~I·~"".""'·,",'H_''''H'; .~.;"., ,..",.. ~"""",,,.,,.,,,,,,,.,,,;~, """",., ;.";''''~' .~,. ~ _.. ~_... .- -- " ...... :..;:d.*i , , . "" ':~itl' >/ ,,:;;f~I" . . \ f\" 01 , .. j" "~ '¡~/:iI.' 't , " '.¡ ""r' , . . ~ it .. !',¡1" ' , ,',.'!1f' , -.. - .... -- - ,-.;... . ,;. -ii, . , .',::',~~~;t\ ·ti'~~; .~ .Û}t w:~~r'í -- --. --- . ~ .- .' - ..'~ ~.- "~ .. r.'~cC)mhp.r ['\'" 1 ", ðnd bðsed on tho Utilities Oiroctor'n recommend~tlon, th~t the rlscðl Offlcor ho diroctod to prpnnro thø nocesøðry hud~ot ~mnndmant, nnd thðt th. ChðirD~n bo nuthoriz~d to nS~n nnd the Cl~rk to ðttont the rOlultinq n~raðmont. IUm .25 CREATION or T!lP. POSITI0:1 or SUPERVl¡:on OF "D'~l'llnn,\TIVC ~r.IWlr.:::; \HTHIN TilE UTIt.ITlf.!J OIVl¡:I(\H IHT!I i'. roW r.R,\DF. '1r 11 - .\PPROVr.D 'Jtf:'ll :HI ",H¡r."('r ~?r~~n n"Ir.!\t~·1 ~\\,'r f:'¡ ~ "oclrion 1:1 "Jr 1 !I U par v I r. (,¡ r ( ( " d m n !H. r 1'I f: t 'J" :::" r'J con, .) ~ r! In" t ",/I t r. r\(~ (' r. h ~ ~ t .''It t ( " thl' Utl¿jtl"'\ "lv!r.ICJn '''''''1 ',¡"r? tl,'O ....."'~.O ,"n,1 It ""0 '1()\/ "ro'Ir":.1O that p(ton~o i,r,.. C,Hr'¡tnf'/ ~u,'l rU4"I!I. 1'0 ::al!t"lrl thllt -_~" "\ rnt¡[''' ( ~ t h I n TJ<.¡ nit u ~ !., r. . ¡ ~ n n r. (J d I' t ') r 'H' "'~ T" I n :1 t ~ ,~ t 'J'" '1 " r v I ~ ,,", :1 '!I ':. to, P1l1pp.rvl:Jor'l ¡'J-,hurl,,'/', "¡foil,,., r~',H rhC! in" "{"',t'l 'fJr f:11I~ ':t¡f'ltlon i1l\n !.)~"n ,,t t, t\H' '\.J\lnCV '(Ir "-1 /... ',",'r~ ..(\~ , "'~..'.I "':"'r~' ir." "'!1 bonkkc""ctr. 'I" nO"lrl thnt ¡'hn 'oI " t:ontl:-:uI! '0 '~"r'!" ," , \~oo~\~('..por liB 'II ¿:' ,," tblt; I">()n t.lon, .,eJr! nl'1 I'.h.'lt "¡ '1 \,1.. -,nr, i''If'/lC'', ~t·"'I·J,I.,nt. I" " n y 1/ II V f t¡ r t I: c t IJ t .,:. C' 'J 0 t, ' 0 r t" ,. V" II r . ' (' :1 ' J t (II rl ~ r: .11: ~ tH! 1'/0 \I :.. t~ ~ n II t., r t 1111'1 n t 0: !; 0 I' n ::. n' ,] v " ¡ 0 C t :¡ 0 .. U C" r v I ~ 0 r 'J :'1) r. I t .~ ~, ,,(i rJ n., ": ., " .. tho r.ot,~¡ nu:'''or {,t "),:,u;11.. In rhll' .¡¡t!!r:-" '''''1'''' nf,', ,·h,n,.,o, ,AtJ-"I:r,t'Jr'i"r o>I;'tc)t' .'t,...tC(~ t!).,r ~~'f" ~".ti:r1"":, :·tvtr.lr,n ~ ~(J....I n'" roo ~,,~t th,'t there I,,, ., nl:'p.d 'or flUC" " ~'QsI 0:. (Jr¡. Commløslonur Plntor r.lovðd, :seconded by Commissioner VOSII .,nd carrSod 4/0, that thn croation of tho pODltlon of f,uparvinor o~ ^dmlniatratlva aervicoa within the Utilities Oivi~ion with ~ pny ?ra~o oe 13, bo approved. ~O~~ 073 r!.~= 53 .- ....... ,..... -.- - - - - -- - -....- - .....,. ..,..... .....,.,..\"..,...', .~;;,;. ~'......."*... ...~.,~~, ~'.'."~"~"__'~'"_''''''''_'''''_'~'__._"''''_.'__ __'''.....,_~·___....'.......,'''......"·...·''''''"''.;.._·'w,.''''',· .."~.~,_. ,..·,,',"',..·.a'·' ""...,."n...·',.'''''·,,;,þ,·~ ",,,,,.,,,.. .."-,,,·,....~"·~,.,...___·"'.j·.!n".........__..__·,.....,,_.,,_.,"'··,,'...""__........._"""'_.~__'" ",_."...'".......,~ .. ~\~ ~:'1t'C' r , . ".,... ., )1I) ~11) ¡:-on PUDLIC '''OJ'U,!¡ '/:':fl1CL!:S - :\',I'MOT.D TO "'. ;1. '..I1LL1.\1~9 r::~~~PI\~IY, '1'. IYEn!; ron ^ 'I1Dn,\Tr.:1V rOLL::n 1:1 '¡"'E \~Ot ~ T M' ':''':J,''~r" :10U'!':1 '"~~:'Il::~ '~^C:, '¡'flue:,g, :--T, 'Iy"ng, ,on .\ ':or.I\C70a 'I':UJC:~ 1" T:tE ,V\()UN'I' ':',. '\1,113, i',V"1/\MI :anD, "APL::;, f'on ':"'10 nC::-lJp 7:1fJc:{a 1:1 "'!11': ,\"'OU~IT !it' .l",'117.~, ("'1711 'i'!u,or:-r!1I ..~n,.,¡ ~~ti('"" ·...'/i...' "".~n ··uh...}·~~I"\r: !~ <"I" '"..,¿.~'1 ''''''1~1' '''''''n '~n J'.' :."", ni~ r " t ""... .~ ··'!··"r"'~'1 ."J "'~~,"'vi" .,1Ii: ""I"'l:~,"rt,..)~ II~~, ·'i':.~~ '.:or", '1,4",\ ',.·ri"" ~"'''''''i''''''' "')~ "1.' \.~l~ "'Jf ""u~..I,,:, Inr~~~ .,,,h.~~<,,, ..1C'.i. ":.,,.. :'."1. ·'J'!,....,ht"r I.,...., . ',. ~o~ml~' onnr PIJtor ~ov~d, ~oc~nt1rd ~y ~o~m ~nlon~r ~O~A ~n~ '":'rJo'1 ,\/'1, ~h,H '\Irl ¡Ii}'; (or :'uhlJc ",'(,rK3 'l"hl~l.HI :'I!"'''''r,!,r1 ';.~ 0'1. '~lll!/ r'\!J CO::lPllnV, ~t. "'('r~, ':I( 1 'IInrlttCJ('/ r'),¡,j,· ( In tho ':'1ount 1.1 J ,7:' r" ~ ') " 0 U t h ;.' 1 'Jt I ,! " '/I c:< '~r IJ ~ I( It, :-- t . ! " I' r ~ , -.( ,I ~r'c:tor ~lJc:1( In the ..",nunt o( ':',I/i.: 'J: lnr! ~CJ ...,'n1M'1 "1'1(-1, '"n,,'n, '')r t',~o ) : ~:: -'I TJ t rue PI 'I \ n r r, a 'n 0 fll\ t ~J t ,- 1 7 , ,: ') 7 . , '1 , 'II r." t r " .. ., - I 1\ 1, , OJ - 1col~,non(1ld by tho Purch.,!Sln'1 "Irr.rctor ':0 '1:) .~., .()W ',j'101or'' ,nn In ,:h. ~'''''t IntoroSlt ot ,:hn ':ount'!, 'nr1 r.h.'t "ho (~:'III r:'\/ln ")1' 'IIt"or ~.,ri ~I') ~1n ,nd t~e ~lJrk :0 ~tt~~t ~ho rOGu~tln, '~r~.~ont. ~ ..., ~., ~I') r,::!1 ro~ 7:!:-:)'ll~'!'<; /I'\~ :'\rH::; 1r.Cnr.,\T:':'~1 '.:.·"·1~!1:¡, 'I^P~::J, ¡'I "'I~ ,\'.InU'J1' "':r ~ )~A7. ''¡ "'\'1,)~D"'" "~":-"HDT f..~l1 "i r'\·:>t t,...... " ,'!I V j:"l1 \'~"'n '1U~j, J ~h"'i ! r. ... ~ '" ".,\M ¿ ~:1 .. "\ 11',' -'__\I" 'In h¡Yt''''h'lr ", ~"t\~, ,'!\ ,'vi('(\nr:.'r! "y \(~I'!,wlt!,, f ~I!"l ~'t "n '·'1....01 '<11,:', ':'1<1 ("l"r~, ~1r1:s 'I"ro r~-::~I",.rt ('H nld ~~:'''' "Jr ""-""rt~ 'or "flr,<n '. "'~cr"'o'tJon IJntJl :',1¡' I',".. '/)Y"',.,bIH ::J, t'''''':. "II\:'¡, ¡: '~j\r'"~':''I ,"!"' nl'lt(,'\t.or ','ùrte,n n:,'t,p: . ~'r. 1'!1I- r~ol1"'1t In ~·r "'''-''~' rt:J I~f ..~... :"!1'!kt~"'~ ,'ntl .H)fth",~ -rO"f·...... ~h"t ",'fl'., ., ,"t'.~ ..,,, &O:K 073 pm 55 - ','. " ( , r, " I .J......_,._at__..IòI_"'._...._,·__,__...,"'.-..·".,.. ...w.__..;...""......._.....-.......,....,.".;..., ~- ;1'; '''''.A ._~ ~O~K 073 rACE 56 ro~~nhp.r l~, l~~' ¡ Pccrletlon up~r~t~, ^~rlin~ thot this in ptl~ throu1h Ht' notecl thllt thit YO/H' thc.y Me pr01'1CtJM r,~ tN'I~" SIi,"OCt worth or r..venuo nenerntac! thrCJlIr1h the prOC1rl'r.'I, M1t1Jnç¡ thl'lt tpr-ohirtß Ie m~rn thl'ln o(fRet by reCelVft1. Commlaaioner Pi.tor movl1~, socondod by Commissioner Hollanð and carrIed ~/O, thl'lt Bid '620 tor Teo-5hlrta for Pl'lrkc & n~crratIon be .warded to TOP-Ðhirt Exprelo, Naplea, In tho l!mount of S3SAi.1,5, aa rlcom~ended by the PurchaDin~ Diroctor to be tho 10weet responsible hid and In the best Snterel'lt of thr County, I'Ind thr.t the Chl'lJrml'ln be authorSzed to .I~n ftnð the Clerk to atteat thp. r(!oultln~ l!qreemont. aem or ^GnEtMCNT nTII co~t.lr.n COU~ TY IIE^t.TIt DF.Pþ,}(TMENj/DF.P^"T"'F:~T nr nr.^L'I'1t ^Nt' REI!^ßILlf',TIVr. SERVICE!": TO pnOVIDr: "r.^~TI! CM!: S!':RVIC!:r: TO CUBAN/I!^tTl^N F."TR^NTR - ^ppnOvcn County "'lIn..nrr ~:orn"n r.t,1tN: thl't ~n ;,!:r>trnhrr :-", 19;::', th" nOl!rr' II!'HHhV('r. IIn lI"r('rl"rnt Io' tl-¡ t.t't" 111'" for II orr.nt In thl' ...~ount I)' :lr:1,'r.", t( r tl'<, Count\, te¡ flrovid. Cut\1ln/llr.ltl/ln "rntrrrt lr,lpl'II·t" /lId", afic'lnt'! thllt lit. thl'lt tlt'111 hI' Indlcl'ltt'ð t\o¡.1t th'2 r.ollnty ....Julrt have:' to let IIYI~cIl^tr¡y /'Ir, It h/l(1 to hI' d( n~ hcoforr thr r(!~~r"l fI fI~lIl ytllt t'nf'1eC;. Ii~ IItllt~d thllt thrrr. \oo'('rr. lIeMltlon/l~ tt:' rn" ,on:! h( ukl:rl'pln1 thllt h.c1 to hI: worked out. Ht' r 0 po r t at! th^t !'Ir. Cor. ðn:1 hlt'1 1Qlf worket'l out the A'1r.c~"nt ~hl('"h c/llir ((¡r thr. lio/'llrh I'1l2pl'rtru'nr ,or: I\n I'Iqcncy ot trr\!1 to p.rfor~ tht' servlcr whIch ~n~" up 1'10 n -roun~ robIn", ^d~ln~ th~t thet non.y 11' rt'C'(' I'/N~ t r(¡.... "n;. .,nc' tht.'n II COI'\t rllct I I: fJnt~r(!~ nto wi th IIRr. In orclrr for thC'n to Or,n!! It. "" nClted tt¡nt IIn~ 1-"11 rrovl"C' tht lIccuuntlnC). tt~ Otl\t( el thAt tI-.J, IH)rearlent r, r nct:ORr.,on' DtCH) In orc1er r MI " :U ES:!:I r!!II ,. .,.,-" _"""...,~,. ..."..........". .~c,"'.,.,....',.....",·,.,....."..~ . ,·"''"...."',·....._.-,cloll___....,,......_.....~·.....'''' ,¡",,",'''... ..~"_,,. ~. < ,_··...·".'·...·..",....",··.._,,-'UI'~,,·,·....·,·,'"_"_·'·I ,. ,.." .",.""~"...,,,,,,., '¡j""'" . , ;4~!,~'~:'¡' , ' ~m':t:;".';~ \~lt),~\..\~,~, .~h"/'" ~~h.i 'i,:' . ,,:1 i' ;·"Y:'.," ~,:,:.:" ì:rç::--~--- -- - -- ---- - -::::~:~~:~ ---- _,,,..Î\ " ~ :f.~; \oJ . I ! ;~y¡;~> </I:':; to lr.1pler~ent rhn prO'1rarn. ...... ~ ~ 4ft conclu~~rl hy nt~tin'1 th~t thi~ wIll co.t Colli or C'uunty I1nyc!dnry, ",'rJinC1 th¡;T; ,~hon t;~lI' ::.r,n"y 1"1 r"!col"()cl will h. k~f1t in n trust fund find hnco!'\o ,w^ll'~"l" to t"l'" ul'lIlt" Dopllrtr.'/lnt Ilndl?r chI! condft;fono or. c!'l... "on~.rll~t r'H ~h~ ~)rr).,r,'t'I. COr:lmiosionor PI:¡tor moved, tlftcondød by Commi3~10n'!r f!()llr,nd :Inn carrlod 4/0, th~t the aqreemont with the ~olli~r County ~eðlth Oepartment/Dopðrtment of lIonlth ~nrl ~.habillt~tfvø Sorvicllft ~o provlc1ø hulth care .ørvlcnB to Cublln/llaltflln oncrnncs ho "pprov('d ,'nd tha Chairman bø authorizod to ~X('CUtll ~nme. M~~ 073 rACE 57 ........-,..... - .... -.... ..,. ~.. -- -.- ....; '.;..' Do; ~ :7" .....' ~ - ~ -- .. --~_._.__.... --_. .~, ,..,......,'".~"........,--"',.."......,.~,,,..-',.,"',_""',....""'__..__""_""___.;·_"'_i·""'",...."...._·......,'~"'..,....."'._,_,..., - - - - _. -- - -- -- -- - - -- -~. ... ...- - .~_. .-... - ..- -'.. - ...- - ....- -... ..- .----- ~.¡'~'::r~;;':, .\' r~'(f~~ (~/1,\:. ;X~}:: ,~.~.r'~.:, <. '1!l;,t~~m ',I~~ :;' STAFF REPORT ON COMMUNITY P^tU: SITE CONÐIDERI\TIOIHI - ^CCEPTEn .f¿~J,?t . ·:,~t4i.,~¡,f~._ . ~li~;:;¡¡" , :~,jY":,, fOllo,,'-u\"1 report to tht' Novl:!I'1bor ?~rd I'CC mp.ctlno:,:. III:' &tr.tP.~ ,;~tí:: "~ ' "If}),,: report rocoqnlZl'I the t1oftr~ directIon In havln<; tni' flt~(f hi' ,>¡-' ;y;r.i' responsIble for the M<,1otllltion of 8J tu an,! thl' (!v(!ntIJlIl ßel<,¡;tlon Docember 1/, 1~~2 ,n~K '073 PACE 68 Public Servlcol! ^dml~lRtrator Nort~n 8tllte~ thDt thin Ito~ ftStoa for the comnunJty pðrka. "n notorl thnt tht' rerort also rftCo9nl%l'~ tho work thnt tho rllr~s ~ ntrrc~tJon I\~vl~ory nonró hilI! done ovt'r th~ DftBt s.voral y"nr~, but renllqnfl ßO~t' 0' the crltorir In fluch II mftnnClr ttHlt ',.'11:' h(" f'.!'!;lcr line! hcttt'r ttl ~Iork \lIth II~ the process. H!" stðte~ thllt onp of h ~ r('~urfltfl In tht' rtnort I~ th~t tho Ponr~ IIpprovc- tho I'ubdr: ~( rkf, tll'/ n on to "!"tUl\l:'~' cont\uct. tIll' t:1tC1 I'nIJ1YIII/l .1nco th~y ~rr qurllfi~~ In thip prorQ~uro In thr rlnht-of-way n"QCltintlonr.. tic c:onc:'urlN1 thrr It Ir. hiD rl'r:onnt'nd...tlc,n thl't. th" 1\011rc1 lIuthnrl If! 5tnff to prClC'~t',.c! "11 outli norl I n the: rnrort. C(J1Jnty "lIn".,<:r /':,rm,," r.t/!t~r~ th.H. ~1!1tdct. hy rllr.tr1t't c/!-:,h r; t't I,d I! hI' lc.rok~r\ rt rn" then cV1dll,'tc" hlll'rr1 on th" r:rltcrl/l thl\t 1/1 ~.t furt~ In th" r('~ort. Com~lnnlon"r n1r.tc.rr qll,.~tloncd I( ~V"tnr h~~ hn~n ðpnrollchrrl [or lllnd, tn which C~unty ~nnnqrr ~orn~n It/lt~d ~rtlrnntlvo1y, ðddln~ thnt loclltlon, usnt'lll1ty IHI" r:ot:t h/lvc ttl hI) ðVIIlul'tort flrr.t. Comr.dccloner Hollllnr1 !:tllt,., thnt this hilt! ðlrenrly b"en f10ne o"~r Inri no~ ~h~ r"co~nondl!tlon 1= tor rllhllc ~(Jrkø nlvløIon to hllnt11e It, 1I~r11nQ tlHlt It Q~amc tel hI' r. Nntn~lN. 110 rnportrr! thðt it In IInotht'r J.aYt'r o( bl'rt,'"crnc\' !'>r(c,rr. 11 nice" rjf nroot'rty Ir. <1olno to ¡.,,, hroll"ht b,.(ort' thlr r.Of'ln!t:RJon (or l'¡1r1rcwl':' or purr:h/!!lc. Ho rl'porte, thllt on l'aC' Q ]I; ..~. - ,._, ...- .._" -.,. .. ~_. -.- --.-.- - - - - - ---- C!I3 £!II ,·~_._u ...'"';"_""""'.""""~..._'''''"..,..~.,..,,,,,,,..,,,,,,.,,,,~..,,,,,,.""''';;''''''''''.'~.'''.'~;.'.'.''~.'''_"''''''~.''''''''.'''''-'_'__,",,,~'''''-''_·_'~'''IH.".~_>",",.,,'_oI\_"''_''''_.',''~,"'''''J'''...~,~..,w,..'....'"~,,.< ..,.,....., \"'N~»-t'~~~,:~l~'í; ~::. "e!~I~~II, ... ~~;~_::"~':'~f':;"." ~::O',"" ,,/""."'" ~'¡¥f''J:~\-: f~#i~"""" ',:. Y':'~-';'I "*~~,:;!, '~~;;~'::~' - - -... - ..-... -.- ... .-. _... - ..... --.. .-- -~-- . 0·-.- _~.. _ __ __._ _ ..._. _..._ ..... l'~combC!r 1.1, t')~~ t!'1o CO!T\minllon ,'otad to follo',~ r.hrCJII'1h ',~Ith thio pôl1 ,Ho nntl)d thllt :!!'.t\U \'IIIK In~tfU~tl"d to On!! r.ht! \-rnport'l ,~vl\l l.'\blt' brin~ It h~ck to thp rO^r~ for nporovl\l. Tape U 2 I":'ounty " "f\"1(~r "(Jr~'" ·.~t'...,t"(J ~.·\t1': ~~t ~~)I'~ '1'Jt. n("l~(1 t'o~r,-t nuthorlzntlun 'or nuhllc ':or!u ~t'oI'10 ~.O ~,'nr!l'l t~IO "'11t.t:~r ,"n it: !n In his jurlcdlctlon linn h~ -:.~n "'Int'l.. It, "r¡dlnrr t.~tIt t!'" ¡.,"orr..r>1: U:a., th:lt 14 I-,(I(ur" L"" Conr1 1:1 tI :",nl'l 'Ino.... t:~/ t "t,: ft '~¡ch(!fI 1:0 ;1ror:",.,t1 In thIn Mllnnor. 'I ~ '1t"t~t1 th~t t:Þ,Ir. 'J"tC ~:Ht~ ' '1v'.:t~",~r. ~, Î.<,/1Ic,,1 IIpprollch to b~ c~"'rl"t"d 0n ~n" 'r"~ lit ~ tj-". , . Conr1 :\:I CJfwr '>i~t(Jr 1t,Jtl!,t ·')111: >',. '1""rr:1t,'Jf)'! the> ....,'C'~\I" ,.,~I:nrj,," II I II 1:11 r i. y " r" ~"r r. " n . ~1 I) !'..~ r '~ ~ :11 t" , t I r. ro . rount'/ '."'",,,rr ':'Jr~.,~n '111:",,\ t r:'1 ".:".,t ..~~ :!' .... r<1,,,r. ::t "~J .0:')"'" :~.,...~ ho(or~ t~r "onrl'! with Ln~ ~ro~o~"~ ~ t~ ~'r~ ~~nt~ '\r1Inrln~ In ., .Hlullry. COr.\milllonor lIoll.1nd nov"d, 1Ocondad hy l":ornm1:Hllonor 'laos ðnd c:!rrl.(!d 4/11. that the I'It.,(f rl)port on '~ommunlty Pllrk ~lt'> conslclt'ru- tlonø bo ðCCdPtad ~nd no ~ctlon r.~k~n. ttem )32 COUNTY IIANMF.R rnnF.CT!:D 1'0 ~ECUnE: II r.101' Of!' r;U,\Lli11l;O CONRl L'1',\:/'1'S TO CONDUCT ^ :4.'\NlIGEMErl'1' ,\UDI':' FOrt :J'1';\[,'P "'11\'1' IS !'~ )r.R ~Ht~ :\r.~ COMmIH:1I(,¡nl'r '."Inll ~'I:"t"rl th,'t h~ 'Iouirl : I\(I\ t:':) h"vl:! ~onnlli.t:l'nto como Into the ~ol1nty to ..,,-,t ., 'jp.n( rlll ovornli. 'IIcw (Jf tl'n "nnt'f.:ll eunc:tlonø (,If thn "ttlff unrJnr 0:110 r1/)lIrt1 o( "Ollnt.V "o:'1ml~!llon(lr~ to 'ht.rnil'lo If tht'lrn J ] 11 '11\\1 t~..,t l",orov"mont r'"n hI! :11\1',. to ..,,,1«(1 ..hQ u ')'lr,1tiun !"H~ ,.·ft d~nt. 'II) 'H.H'ld thnt h, ¿'''It It ·,IOUi.J h:l r'ol'ny Þ""n j:~~<~....,;;, ,~,. ,.~,'~r.",',' /~~~f ''''::\',;)',~.''';':' .' ; ,I~!~'" ~ -- - -.- ,.fJ: ~., . ~ ,.;;:'! ~>; '''.' :'*;i'.:~;,,!:,:::¡.;, W)~ 073 rACE 69 '.. ... .... -..- . ~.. ._ '.-. ...... ___ ..~.. _... - 0-·. . ' ., ".,.....~;~'.^',.."...,,~.,..,.~; ..."",,,... ....'._.~.",..~., ;" ;.".,,,,,...,,,~,,,,.,,,~,,,,,,,-,,,,,,--~,,,,~,,)-~.,-,,,,,,~.,,,,>-,,,-, '''~'''' ........"._,,, ,,~, .."..;..,,,~. ...._.,.~., ,~""~.,, ,"'"'.,'"-...... · _~__~""~.....""...".,~~..,.~"._,. .'..'k.~.·.·'''''' .."_"'.".,,~,.~ ", ·,···"~·,,,,,,,",,\,,,,,, ""'·"·~·"·"þ~..,·,'"â'.'''·,·..,.,~~.,,, "",";H"" ;,;,,,,,..,.,,,;, .'''_.W_'''.4I·;1~"'''1''oII~-'''II' ;___'''''''''''''''#'_'''''d''''''_''''''''''''''"'''''·,......~. d_",__"'_'..,..,._,~. - ..- ~- -- ~- - -..... --. - -- - -~ ..- -.. ~nc.mbor l~, lnn" the ahðrohol~erø o( corpora~ionB It 1~ in ~ rOOUp.Bt F.Qr n rn=ono. notod thl't It 1L1 nrJt "n uncommon thIn'! for CClunt'/ '1ovp.rnf'l"nt to ('0. Commissioner Hollðn~ ~oved, seconded by Commissionor Pløtor and carriod 4/0, th~~ crltorla for øettlnq up 3lind Trust In connection ~lth rezone roquesta, h, ftpprovod. a.1ft I H REQUEST FOR CII"IRMM4 TO ^PPOINT TWO MEMAr.RS TO t"'OR ( WITH CITY COUNCIL "HD RCHOOL BOARD TO SETTLE COM~OH PROBLEMS AND pnO~OT~ BETTER COOPJl:R...TI0N DETWJl:P;N TIiE TflRJl:E DOMDS - F^ILr:D Conmlunlc.nl'r v()SS '1tntcd thnt 1urlnc¡ hIs 1':/11'\o"ll/'Jn h~ t,'ll<:(!d In groat ¡tnqth~ nhout hnv!n1 two ~"mh!'r!l nf tho ~n"rrl nf ~uunty Comnl~slontrn IIrpolnrcrl to work with tV() ~~nb!'rn of th" rl~y rouncll and th~ ~c~ooi AO"lr~ to ~ SCu~" comnDn ~rob¡on" / nrl nro~oto httt~r coop~rntlon hotwnen tho thron ho^rdn. CommissIoner Voss ~ov.d. Otcont1od by Commlssionor Pintor tho~ the Ch.lr~.n be dirocted to ^ppolnt t~o m.mbers of the Board of County COIIMia.loners to work with t~o momber, of tho CIty CouncIl nnd tho School Bo"rd to cettlo common problams an~ pro~oto bettor cooporation between the throo boards. <':omr"l!ulon"r ßro\,n :It.''tl'C~ t""t ~)/It¡t 'Ixpor onr:p. hM\ tnu'1ht II lm tl':lt It woulrl not work I\n~ t~t!r() h"ø .,lwllyø b~on blltt:r !1l1cc(!nn \~Ith thlt County tlt"ff "'OrkJnq \l1t.h tht' rity lit..,!!. 'Ie nt~tarJ tl,..lt \~hp.n Cornmhsloncltl' hllvt' 11'11:>1': II th nt'nbnrs of tht'! CJ ty councilor t:choClI BOllrcJ, It has ,Ü\lIIYS ...\dr.n"d t:l'lo r11¡;t.,nc& ~et"' 'l'n ,'11 ("onccrn..r\. Upon call for tho quostlon, the motion fðllod, 2/2 (Commlø.ionor. Brown and lIollðnd oppos"d). C:¡nnlcnloncr f1011llnd :nl!tct! ~hl\t :'1' '~oulct Uke to !I~ft thl. J':o:n brllll"lht tHick u¡1, but In ð rllfferont Mnnner. ~o~~ 073 rACE 71' . -- '... _... '-" ~.- .-- ..w~.. -.... ..- ..- -- - ....-- - - - ._,,. - --:" ...... ."~i·~"; ". ,- d .... <.~..' 4- ..",."",_.Q,..'."." "'.""~ -';H hi'· ."...;"."~,,,,,,,,,._,, '..."".."'''-;.'..''_''"'''.'''''''''.~'.'''''''.'.'''~'''''' iii."........·.,. H_. ",..,,,.,>.; ;;,.",. ... ,....., " . - ,,-:~ít~~:fr.~'/,', ~ ;~ ~ L·· '. r~;~~L _____ _ _ _.... _ _.. _ -.__ - - - -_.__ _ _______~.i:;', " ,', . * , '. :". ~ ;~ ,-; '~~Œt Ðo onm.or 1'. '90' . j~" :):;'} um . 3 5 ~O~~ 073 pm 72 ':,;:;' :. :,,:,',.)"'~_";: COUNTY "TTORNEY DIRECTED TO COMPl.I:Tf.: HI/3 "rORI: ON 1I1-J ORDINlIUCE wmcn "¡,Ü~~:~ WILL pnOVIDr. fOR 1\ UTILITY COMII:ISSION IN TilE COUNTY WHICH WOULD 8E Tltr:,··,)::l'k "EMINa BODY 1\ND DE:CISIOH M^r.E:RS ON M'I'f: INCREM!': Rr.nUE:RTfI - APpnOVED "\':\;. , CommlarsloMr Vou BtPt~c1 thllt ho ....ol'lc! 11kt' to un 1'1 utllStv Rat~:'~¿~:~~' ';;,,~~ ~'}·L.~~ ~ .'. 'Comnlls1an IIppolntvc' tllllt woulc' c:oncucn: th(' publl c he/lrin<:'D on f/lto ',' J,;;" Sncrcn~.~ fro~ tho utility co"pnnlCÐ, 9ðrbl'l~' call~ctlon cnmpanl,", 0(.0 ftirt~ thl'':. ~1c.ui'l l>rn...'· te, t:hl!l F<o"rr~. Pr· stnt'?" thllt h~ felt that there trÐ ~xp~rtr In th~ f nl~ thl'lt IIro rctlro~ th~~ wDul~ ~a wlllln" tCl ""rv,, ~(Jr t'l" r(Jlrr.t\' I~ t'l! r, c,'\p,~c t',', 1'1'11'1 In" thr.r t~f'rl! woul~ he n mU~!1 hl)tt(r, rr."dJcl(" ~n~' H'''.!' polltlcn¡ (tv/llu,~tIMI or t~p r/!tc ncrOð~r r~Quc:t. C(Jn:'l $~I(Jn"r ' :lr('~ OII,,!:Þ,lonot' I' thc flö/lr'~ uf COllnt'! COI'\~I"nl()n"r:" ....r.. ~,. r'''~'' tt\" ~In~¡ 1u( (, I'."t'n~, to which County "ttornflY r.l>unc1l1rr. !:t,~tc, v,; f -t !'1 k(,.or' ('1111;" hI" "cot u'" In two I/!\YU' ()n(' hninc, thr: r ut¡¡lrv CD~~¡~~10" wUI l~ ""~t" ~ rccomn"nrlntlon to th. nODr~ of <:öunr',' C:,n.-'j.,·I',r!'r: I'd tr.· I'( ,'r"'!' f n.·~ r"v "~', / d~ln~ th"t till' p!'(.l'¡«f", c.! ro I r!f' It ¡ ro ',lIch .' W.,v I:: thl't thr t'nt I ro trnnOC'f I rt cd thn hlll'lrln" ~'oul,' ho'/.· tr. .)~ rC/I-! "('for~ th/lt rO<:lul"tory bociy. lit' nntr(1 ~h~t th" ft('c()n~ WilY ~oUlci be! to hl'vP tho Indcpnndont hoftr~ ~f'lt th. !lnl'. rl'lto.ll I!n" htv" ""11'0,'11:1 frl')l'I ~nclnlons of thl't ßollrd dlroct1y to the: court ) \o'lthout conln'1 hr.r"k tC> th" r.uunty ConnJ.ftlonorn. 11ft nttltec1 thin either \I"~' It ~')U;( hr· 11"= \11', ,,'¡f1ln" thl!t It. In ßlnp~y " TIInttt'r of chol cr. COr.\nlr.clon('r VOf.! rt^tC!" th~t therl' \"I!r~' " ¿ot o~ Q\Cpt'rtf\ hOllrr! thJa dAtl' but nCJn" e>! thfl:" lH·r"o~. I't' Ctlltc~ thnt " utJ 1 ty r.vl"'" eonnløtllon coulc' nl' l' nl ~t "\tttl'r 10t, thðn the r'Cll'r" 0' r.ollnty CtlMr.1J an a nil rr. . ..~" -. -- -.. - - ~~- ..-. -... -- ..- ....~ e::::J IDI '''.'''<'. ",.",.,c..,<...,'..,...<.L4."-...,',...=,,.,..._,__;,."',....,._;,_,~......,...._,·~.,"__"....,,'I_,_..,"_'IWI.¡¡!.__~...."~'_a____'....I_..........._~*',"_...__'....,...__.,...."~....".. " , -, PooQ~bor l~, 1~n~ CommJnaJonor Holland qllt'lItioMc1 if tho rounty ¡\ttornl')Y coul~ up /I propoDlIl tl1;,t I/lJU¡'rI It!T: +:hJ n ',,'ork f.unctlon '18 " r.O:'1\",l"t"!ly 2utonorlloUIJ body ðnrl hrlnn it "l1ck to the !1o...rd, to '..¡hlch t"()unt¡' Attc.rnoy !1111Jnrinrll !::tlltort thIn: h'3 It' In r.hn ¡,roc"sa r)f dr,1ftin(' thl!l ordinance no''', .".IntJcl1'MtJn1 thllT: thl" \~o\llr tnl<" rl,'c". CO~r1in1l10nor Pro'/n r.t,1tCc! thllt ho ·..."llj,rl 'lot Vr)tl'! (rlr !',hin ntottl:?r /It this tJne. Comml..ioner VOSI moved, seconded by Commløaloner Pistor linn carried 3/1, Commisßlonrr Orown opposaò, thllt tho ~ountY ~ttornoy 00 directed to compl~ta the work r)n nn ort1lnnnco which will provJòo for ~ Utility nato Commission which would bo tho hearing body ~nd the decløJon makarD on rate Jncrease r~quDst.. Cc.r.lMif\uJc.n"r !!ol"1nc! "u'I'lItlon"" J f tho r':)\Jnty "T:"nrn"y '.Inlll:! !1t10'.~ how uthor countioft "'~ve ch(I \~n ,:h~IS" ~n()pla, rCI \~I'¡ch :'"ounry 'ttorno'l f'iftunrJorn InriJ cllted th.'t t.he fJrrll nl'nco \01111 "I!t Ul") 11 r,1I1ch,1nJ I'll' ~f"or rlCldn<') qUl111t1cd "1<100J."" MH' \JI.l \'t! 1\ co"prl')hon!l 'J'! nrf!ln,'n~c ".,Ith " det:tllor1 <,xp¡'"natJon of how It '..1.1 I/ork. 110 t'lt"t!'H1 tr,lIt hln offlco Irould cJrllft t!"lC! orriJnllnct! .1n<t prollt'nt It to t.~C! ·'o.'rrl ,'n" :'It1mhorn oC thl! l1ubllr7 to rocl!ivII ,HI much Inpllt ,'£1 pOllllihlc nnd th~n "ol'.cr~lne Jf 1\ wor kahop ''''Ould ho nudoe'. Ite.. 136 CO~MISSIONEn JOItN PISTOn MID MR. IIl'.:mw W~TKINR nr.~PPOIrlT!D ~g ntCUL.a.R ~EM8ERS AND MR. ALVIN KEMP APPOINTED AS A~TERN^Tr. ~EMDEn TO TUB SOUTII.....EST FLORIDA MENT^L HEALTH RO.a.nD FOn -r,'IO-'l!:lIR TEnMS CO:-1MENCING ON JANUARY 1, l~D). - APPROVED ~lIncy lsr.1t'1:son, 50crctnry to tho !!oðrr!, Ct,,,,:,,,: thnr. c¡n "c,v"",b"r 24, 11>82, the prnalt10nt cd th<t l1outl,wl'nt rl/')rlt'A '~^nt;'ll 'to/'llth f\o/Jrr4 ""1.,10 H "·'·~"'·_"'·'·'·~·"""""_"-·_~"_"""_""".'i"''''_._'__'''"""'''",",_;I'__1N_''_'_'''''.~_''H''''_''''______''''''''·I'''''''_'"'.''''"'''''''''';.0<'4"" " ~ . ,,1' . <PJIl_"'·"','¡"f ' , I~'t-ft ,)(~\~;,"¡:'~"'.: ;.' . '.. ;/'j~l;~ \ilf<M~~t'Y; ( 1.0; . ... ';1.,1 ¡';.I ~I "/¡JIft ";,~~'" ,', , ;""':,d~, "~-~: -073 IA;; ~4 - - - - - - - - ---D:':.:': ~,~ ~D"-- - -- -- -- ;,~,&{_ '~¡,"\':"" IOnt &I lattu raquul:Sn~ tho POllrc1 or. County CommSulonrrø to r:onti ;~:I'';~''; , i¡\~;;','," Cc.llSor Cl)untY' I raorcDt'ntc"lt VQII tn thct Mt'nttll flonlt:h RCll"rr' L\t· ',:,.' ~¡¡~)';:I yur, UrI:lD. She 1nd1cct'" thÐt COl11misslonor r r.tor an" "'r. Hcnq' , ~~~\t~",· ,'/i,;, ,(.j , ;, " 'Watkins are prut'ntly scrvlnc:r on tht' ho:.r" Dne! MO !'loth , ,r..ppolntmt'nt nn~ h~vo axpr~n~nd I" w 11 nnnc9ß to cont nuft ta norv~. She Dteterl thnt Mr. ^lv n Kt'~r hn~ Indlcnted thnt he wClulrl llkn to ler~(' ~R Þn ~lttrnnto, ~d~ln~ th~t the term! would COMmpnc~ on Jc"Inuc"Iry 1, ]I:I!1:\. CommSlllon.r lIollend moved, seconded by Coml:lleøloncr VOII and carried 41P, thet Commløcloncr John Pløtor .ne! Mr. Henry W~tklnl be reappolnteð an r.~ulnr mcmhera ftnc! ~r. ^lvln Kenr h. nppolnt.d a~ .ltern"te ",embor to the Southw.st Florida Mont"l Hoalth Boare! for two-year ter~~ coml:loncin~ on J"nuary I, 19A3. ..... Commlnnioner Vonn loft thn meeting at 4135 p.r~. which now reflectn )/~ votOD throuqh tho conclusion of this meeting. ..... Item .37 POLICY or M^RCH 2, 1902, RCG^RDINO OUASI-JUDICIAL HC^RINGR RESCINDED. BOARD or ZONING APPEALS ^NO SIMIL^R OU^RI-JUDICI^L HCARINCR TO BE H~LD AT THE EARLIr.nT ^PPROpnl^Tr. TIME - APPRoveD County ~nn~~~r Normðn ctrto~ thtt thlr. 1ft II r('con~cn"ntlon to rocclnrl the tctl~n tnkrn In ~rrch, Inn~, whlc~ wrn to n~hcrlult' QUasl-Ju~lcl~l, prln~rlly ronrn of %onln~ nppolIl h~c"Irln~~ for once ~ month. III' not~rl th~t pro~.io~a hllv.. Arisen rllqllrc1lnr¡ thl", linn thnrn lit nu juntlflcðtlon thnt Any tnn11hlc r~"ult. hllvn bren prorlucod, oddln, thnt he I~ nU1"eRtln~ thllt th~ rroc~rlur~~ hn ~chne!ull't1 for rach I'1petln/]. Coml!\laaJonrr P1Jtor movarl, socondftrl by Commle.loner Hollllnd and pnge 42 -0-. .. _ _.. . .. .... ..._ _ __ _ _... _.. __ _ ...... .~_ .. - ~ i " '·.C,.,,,,,~..,,,,,,,,,,.~·.,,,,_.,,,,,,,~,..,,...;.""~.J¥""'..,.,..~,,,,."0.;."" ",·,_...,.""~.~._,..__t__._..__,..."..*,,,...,",,,,.~,,~,....,,.,,,,,,,-,,_,.,.;,,..,,,., -- ~ .- ..~- .-- .- -- - _.- ..-. ......,,- .~~ -." ..- -.....,. - -, - - .- .- ~oc'3mbl!r 1~, InQ" 310, that the policy of March 2, 1~R2, reqnrt1in9 hoarings be rosclnded ~nd the Aonrd of Zonin~ ^ppeala nnd similar Qua.i-Judicial hoðrinqu be hold ~t tho oftrliost ~ppropriðtQ time. Item na REPORT ^NC RECCMMEND^7ION nE ^PPLIC~TICN rOR ~~"TF.R ^ND GEWER R^T~ INCR!:MES OV DELTONA UTI LI TIES, HIC. - r.O:-lSE!¡SU5 TIt"T m:POnT DE .-.CCZPT!D ,'ND nr.COMMf:Nn"TION nr. r.O~TI!IUE!) TO ^ L,\Tr.!'\ n"TE Commissioner Plltor novod, that th~ Ronrd nccopt tho application fro~ CIltonð \Jtilitian for rðto rovialon ~nd ~uthori~o tho County" utility rato con3ultantø to ^nnlyula the financial dnto. tltllltltl:\ ~"Inl\"II'r :'-~r7.rJn ,,:t.,tr¡r! thl1t ~"'j,,: ir.'., !~ 'In o:h,. "r1!",rln r.o IIclvJr.o tho 1'0.:lrl'1 t~1,H. ~"" "í'r4Jc,H,lrJn 'J.,t: ~1 '·..,lttr-'1 I1nd r",H. fr. :3 NIl: COMP~Ot~, ,"d.'in:'1 th.1t. t~'l' ("d\Jnrv I"ri ""Jr. :""f'tr:ni·..·(H ~~n '141:;'1 tj'"l"". ~.., Plt"tl!r! th,'t t.hl'rl! "'I!r" .'(,no ~ '''1,' 1 'Hll!l1t 01'H'1 r." !:I'!d f'v ~\,,¡ tC/n..\ "nr! th~ '=uUl1t'/'!1 i,Q,)I'I.. "fOr,'rtMcnt '1 In "c rrO!1f)On"lIn~f' ',i t~~ ~"..tl'J~'" '{., ~r,' tt!tI r.hat Ilpon r'!r:I1I~t. of ",'1~ ,H1"1:.1c.'tlon r.~1'I n~ln" '(;'1' ··..WII;.:1 ...') ,tut"::Ilttor! unc!I!r ¡'rCJt"nt "nt1 I~ t.~"'r'" ~ 'Iny r"'vl~lc n ",0 t,!:'1 'IOn'!r ll"Ir. cd t~o .'1' P ¡ I en t Ion, " n ,1(' 11J B t:'l c n tIn t ~ I' J r c., \' 0 r 'JCI II .. ': 'H' .. " r:" , "n ~~t.,,('! t"l/lt t~\~~ ""':1 1)',.Jt. :"'JC'r. lon('\,,~~tlnq !"~':t~, (or ".:- (~ r~~(lr' 'R tÞ 1'","',i~ '~I'.r.~, cUrlol,'r,/) ..('1("'1.'. '~i'rlll"'tlon hJ\~ nr¡t ';"~n r"'r:..t·J"''', ':,.. ~rl1r('l(; r.'1..t I ~ r.h1.1 ltOM ¡~ :,~cur')t,..d :hlr. '.,tc, ::ho r'J.'rt!'\I!\r. r'\~r::.on' ',dr."I" \~n ,'.'yl'l ·...hlC'h "111Y riot rn <1nOIl'" tJ~o. Coml!\isaionor Plator wJthdrew hi. motion nt chIs tJmo. ~r. Por:on Indlc~t,,~ th~t ~D I n hlv "y the na,t ~~~tln~ ~o ~J¡l ~^V~ tho fllinry r~" " n d 'J I ¡ 1 ",¡ no !\I\ v C' L, ~ u r:'l " t J un r c·,' .' r ~ i n 1 t ~ 0 M~ C 11 (" " t. I "n " n " ! n ( 0 r:':\..- t.ion r"rt/llnln, t.o t~1) nro("o~lJr'" ~hnt I~ t~kcn ~ rQ'~r"'" to onQ~~ n~ ~ con:¡uì.t:~nt. ea~;( 073 'ACE i5 .." --."- _... - ...... .. ,-.....- -.-. ~_.... _.._.-................'i"f'~,; . ~".;\ " ~ (1, , <'.'~\.? , I "" ~lt""','iI'''··..".· ';,'_''''_'', .. "",_""".M".~·"'.'~'_~._"'<O~N_" -II - ......, 073 J:lc:ccmbcr 111, 11)1)' ðO~K rACE 76 It wall the genorðl consenlus thðt the roport fO Deltona accopttd IInd thAt tho rocommenc1ntlon ro the! \~lIter and sewer rþtt' ~lncr.ale be continued to a lat~r date. :1)1~~::' UtSlitlerl "'lInllr:¡or fler7.on inr! clltfld thr.t. tho pcrr:"ntll')e in tho, (~(\,<,,,£ (tcut YO f,ummllrY worc Inllr'vOftOntly chown Jnc:orrect, add n<J th~t. fea " . r : i~ . ~ ~.,'; , thft wator It ~hou¡~ ~o ]~~~ Incto~~ ~! ~5'Q lIn~ th~ now!'r "houl~ road 55' Inøton~ or 155~. w~lcM 1~ Irr~l~vnnt n~ ~o'l~r~ nr~ h~lno ~eÐlt with end nut p~fcrntnor~. aem 1381\ ROUTINC BILL~ - APpnnVr~ FOn PAYMENT Purluant to Resolution el-l~" the followlnq checkn wnrn Slnuod through rr1d/lY, Dftcember lr, 19A~, In paYMent of fout1n!! bill!; c,~r.":·. nr~':'n 1'':'1~'' ~"r:,,=t~ ""'~. "'·~,,)II" - V"u,=,!lrr r.hrcl,!~ ttn"~,;_o:,,~'t.Þ1. ('~,r;l""tl.r,~.r, T\r<1 \I ~ I' r ~ I' Y r ~ . . ~·-;1'11'\-~"~3(. :!lr,r.tr.:1r, aelllll f39-f ~o BUOOr.T AMr.NT>Mr.IIT~ e3- ~,) TI1ROUGH "'\-17"1 - "nOPTJ':D 11" T>C5CnITlf;DI. Com.llsloner rløtor moved, seconded by Comm1.ll~n.f Holland and c.rrSed 3/C, thlt th~ following hudget amendmonts b. adopted Sn th. .mounts ahovn belowl Rudnet ^~.n~ment P.J-l~91 '\'c, rrovl(t" funr1ø te. ontllbllnh lI!tful' ~t! \1C'1I1th Crllnt nuhcontrnctrt1 to tl'c ro¡lInr ('our.ty l\o/lltl) OCpllftl'\Cnt, np'(U<"C'" lIoll1th ~crvlce~ Funda In tho ~nount of ~10r,~~4. 8udoet "mendment e3-1S~: 10 cntllhllr.M hungct 'Of ~r.,nr.~,~n'" ~r.rkl ~ Rccr./ltlon "cht ~orvlc. Funo liB pro- vl~c~ hy nO"r~ Resolution, Ocbt Scrvlc~ rðr~R 19~' run~ In the ~mount or :-7J~,,~r. "l\I1~ _.-._,- -,- -- - -....... .- _.. .."'..-. ,,- -- - _... ..-- --- i:~~,~~:.::, ' ~1'~'~;';t ~,~X:;i'?>¡' " :--...... ',,".,! . ~ EiIII ,.""~ .·-·'·'·_"'''''''"·~>'''''''>·''''·'~-_··''r.'·',''''·'',··,··.··.,, , ".., ".,'.....,. ""j.,."..~_ ".._.,...'0;r1'''1''.a<.:...._._..."._~''''._..~'."._ ,"'-·"',_"',__w._~...___·,-",_....~",""·.""...,u.",,._ .:..,..,.., ,.,.. ...... ...J , -,.. ii'<..: "'",.,,, .... ".." ,..,-,., ,., .O'.......,.,"'x.".,.,. "-,,,. _,,,,.""1> '"""~~,·M~, i~·',,"~.", ....,. Jh''''''·'''';~'''.'''' .';"'~""".., !OJ' .. ,,~;&.., .,,,~",.,..,,, ,~....' ;"""_""''''~'i_.'''·'''' ",'J', ~,r", ¡, ,p,,·c -', """""~..,,,_. ^> '___",,,,,".,...,,,,.._~~."._.",.,.... ~"."~.,.""~,._,.,".o;",",;·,_,n,,,,,U'.'_''''' ";~'.".·,"'H_'~'''''''''__''·'''H.k'''·_'''''''"*'._''';''''i.'''' ,,-_--.._~__I__._,_'_tI!_..........__fl___........·,,¡.·...._,".......<.,"..., ~ ; Budqet Amendment ~3-\r,91 Budqet ^m~n~mðnt ~3-17nl Budqet AmendMent ~3-\711 Budget ^m~ndment ~1-172: Bu~q.t ^m.n~m.nt 63-1711 nudnet ~M~ndMPnt q3-1~~1 Oudget ^m.nd~ent A)-175~ BUdget ~mendment 93-17r, ....... ..._, ._--.. , \' r...r~: -~ ~ ~: ~- - - - - - :';';;,jff tlon roroundn "alnt. tntl1rnl'l ~"rvir:" II'lInri" 1n thn tot~l ^nount nf ~~~,!17, 7r~ns- ~ortðt on Dapt. In t~o ~mounr. of. ~"25. To pny 'or ty~~wrltcr ~le~n n~ ~~t nntlcJp,1tCH1 n tho hll~C' ct, r>lônn!n<T \~r'¡n. ['\<tPt. In tho ^~OLJnt nf ..."".,.,,. '~o r')~uc., 1I:":"oClltcd ,rollnnu "I"lnt. ~"proprl~tlonG 1~u~1 to rcdu:tlnn In rDqulr~d rtv~nu~~ of th, ~nrk~ ~ P~crpn- t Ion ':': rOil n d!J "1\ I n t. t n t 'H n ^:.. ~ ~ r... I ,. (' ru n rl In th" l:ot"l ,'~ount ~,( ~",':A'7, '/"r!ðUG ~GPts. In tho ~mount of "",117. ':'0 rt'llIC':o "lloc,,",orj "rr,Imn :"I~ nt. ,',..,crfJ- prlatlonn c~ul\l to r~rluctlon In roaulrQrl r"V"nlll"' (¡f th" I""rl-~ " ".,cr?lItlon ~roun1~ ~ð nr.. !nt,.rn~l ~"rvlc., ~un~ In t""" tl')t1tl '~,ÚIJnt ()f ~'1~,~"'7, "(;~n. ~".,. ~lo~k ~rnnt r~nt, in thl" ~mounl: Dr ~'75. 7(¡ C:'Jrr",.t 'I\Jr',,"t '''''I''n,<,:\('nl: ~~_7('O. 'Jr, ~"nt ""p"cy rp~~rv" ~...~I~~hl~ wlt~ n q7:'~ (r.o~n. ~~v. 'lo~~ ~r~nt\, ~cono~ ~ ~nv. "rO'1r.,m "'I1Pt. In tho ,'~ount of ..~(']. -0 -ovc ~ect on . ;"nt'~ ~~nlatrn~n 'un~o f fa" rort'fv(' to "rflnt nro"rM1 ~CCOII"tC ~?r r"nt~l 'nsl~~~nc", 'pon~~ c ~~.... ~~c. ~ l01Il'1"., r'fonr.'M ""nt. In "he ""'nllnt fJ! ·'~'),~Ø". ~':J r~,'c I'~" .,~~( :,"'rf) 1 r"~r('}11n"1 ;""fI.!Inr:. .'opro"rl.:nltlnll 1)r.II,'~ ~C> r1)rluctlon in r " '1 u I r" d r .. v ... n IJ.' !I v ( t. ., ,. " 1\ r " '1 " " " c r ~ ,,- ~Ion ~roun~B ~njnt. Int~rn":" ~erY c' run~ In thn r:Otll.i. "nOIJnt of ~~2,ë,~7, ~Iom"- ~~~"r~ r.r,nt "~Pt. In tho ~~ount of ~tll. ~u "npr(,¡rr ~tn r~'rlnln, IJnn~onnrlnt1 ~"l/lncc of ';1Iyv nw f>MI( f';fl)nt, ~!lY\lI()w :'lIr)o: 1"0. '-'onto In t.'\C' ,'mCIUnt of ~"",'i'!I1. :'0 r,.r!ucn nllocat('r! "rounds .,,,Int. .:of'l"ro,.,rl.'\tlonB ,~qll"l r~ r~t1Uf:tlon In !''!!I')ul roc' rcv\!'ntJ~n flf thp \'IlIr)o:!I ~ ¡¡ecr"/I- tlnn Groundn ~"Int. Intor,,"l ~~r~lcn Fund in t~e tot~l ,'\:1'OIJnt uf ~1',~1'7, ,'u:ltlc~ "::'ntnr ~:<r,"n!llon ~r!~t. In r:~c lI~ount I)E : 11'0. I"Me ~O~K 073 fAct 79 ...-- "''' -.-.- -----*,-- .... ,M""....·,.,.-,."...,..~M,~'..~,,~·,""'·"'.......·..,",..."",._,_,~.".,_"',."_"'__""'.'"""_"~_·lh;'.f,'III""<'ItU""_'''I·''''''''''"''''~ ''''''''~'.......";¡;....,..',",_;.....'"".;,'.~".',.,',...'"....',..,~."'".,, ""~,,., "'.. ~ >... .~'~~~~~~~':'. : ':'::1; ~'.~"........:.... - - - -'- - -- - - - - - - - ... - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -. -....... .;;,... ". '" 'I":~~::"':';::'::;,¡,~~;V",,, " Oecembor 101, l!IrJ' ' , ,;~'~'Ö72i:p¡~{"80' , Amendment 83-1771 To rcduC'ft ðlloc:ntcll grounðn mlllnt. npnropr ^tlonn equal to rc~uctlon in requirori rnvonuen of tht Perk" ~ Recron- t on GrounrJr. ~:1\lnt. Inttrn.'ll r,C'rv co Fund' in thQ totnl emount of $J~,5/7, Surplus 1; (;113 TðX ROIl~ ConGt. Dort. In the IImount~!;"; of ~1!\l.'~;.'" Amendment 83-1781 To roduco nlloC:lIt~d aroun~ø M~lnt. 1'It'1T'rorrintions oquðl to rer1uctlon In:;>:'~, requlroð revonUIHI o! the P.'Irl-1I & Roorell- tlon Oroundft Mnlnt. 1ntornel ßorvicr Fun~ In tho tOt~l ðMount or r3~,5~~, F~ll~ W~nt~ OJGponlll PunrJ In th~ p~ount or ~l~. Budget ^mond~ent P3- 7~1 70 rndur.o nlloc~t~rJ ~rounrJ~ M~lnt. aprroprl~t onu oClual th r~rJuct on In rnl"ul r",-1 rOVf'nllt:r. (If tho PIHkA ç, n"r.roll- tlon <'rounrlr M~lnt. Int~rn~l ~crvlc~ rund in thC' tot~' amount of ~3~,~"~, Rullc:!Jnç: M~lnt. Dpnt. in thn ~Mollnt of ~~n3. Pit,,' 4,. ,.--- -~ -- _.. - - -.... .'."'- '-- _.~ -.- I:!!!:I D!i!!I . ...;,........~,..",.._.'^'._.__,,,.;,,",,.,,"';,,,,.. ...~'..,,;...>-."'." ."",.,.,,,.,, , '....b"..,.."M..~·...."'_Jl ."_""",,...._,..__---..,....,...._"'.*·, _"''''';'~'''''.;''''...L''."'' ,.,.,.",..,,*,'» '-·<j~'''\''''''''·I,j,~,:,,· -- =-i,:t::~'·1.~(r;;I,,' ':' /i;'¡§~,Ì'r"·'i",:;, " "~l~.:· ~;';'~~¡,.\:: ' . ", , ... ---.I ..... -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - -- Dccembcr 1~, 19A2 a.. t7ø RESOLUTION 82-210 ^UTIIORIZINO TilE nORI!)^ DEP"nTMENT OF REVENUE TO TRANSFER THE LOC^L GOVr.RNMENT II.~LP'-CENT SALES TAX W^RR^N'r BY P'EDI!:RI\L EXPRESS C.O.D.- I\DOPTED Fiscal OffIcer GIlp.D stated that thIn Is n roport r~~~rd nq the tJm.ly doposlt ~! the r,tntc f>nlo" TA~ dlstrlbutJon nnrl n requ"st for luthorlzfttJon for the ChAirman tn nlqn a tonolutlon to hnve the distribution trAn.f~rrod to tho r.ounty hy Fodoral E~rroBn, c.o.n. Comnlsslonor PIstor moved, s.conded by Commlsslonor Hol1~nd and carried 3/0, that R~solutlon R2-2nß authorJzJn~ the Florida Departl!\ont of R.venue to transfer the locol gov~rnment half-cent sal.s tax warrant by F.d.ral Express C.O.D. ba Adoptod. PIlI) e ~o~ 073 'A~113 "~·,......,...__"",,.,..",,,,,,....<,;·"·....,,·......._.....··~'1_"·'*··'·""_~"~,_~'_"""~"',,,,,,,...,,"",",,",.:._.~.;:.~*.,.....~,¡...,,,,,.,_,,...,.-:,,."_,, ,,,,:,,,,,,,.,.,,...,,. "~;,,,,'~}44I,, J~:W·,'"..1·' ~,:~t,:,~,:,:· ;':~ ?~~\,.:,\' ~ ~,''','f,';,i.','' ~,f,:,.,\, ..'4~7,' j/, ';~'\" )!:¡~;'.' . ' ,¡<~1·¡YÆ ~.~- ---- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -. - - - - - ......,~ .j ~~.¡.,;,:,.;:,', "';: I;,', ;~~'þ;i":¡'-~~; i~r~' Decomh<H 14, 191\2"~!¡" ; r:.r,1 ~;. :~~i\: ' ~.~~M. iJ;I; ,I1'¡ i;'. It.. .71 RESOLUTION 82-211 .a.UTflORIZING ACCEPTANCE or ^~ OFFER or ~8,Onn,lJ(' n HI FULL SETTLEMENT Of I~~UR^NC! CLAIM FILED BY T^X COLLECTOR ON SEPTEMBER 22, 1989 - ^DOPTr.D ComMi..loner PI.tor ~oved, soconded by Commiøsioner Holland and carried 3/8, that ne.olution ~2-2nl authorizlnq ncceptance of ~n offer of $8,ØØØ,ØØØ In full sattl.ment of inlurance claim filed by the Tð~ Collector on September 22, 1980. . 'O~~ 073 r"t£115 í,,;"j Þ:..", I' " ,..--"""--.....,.-,.....-.,......-. ~,. ·_·.~.">".;·.~""',,.,"_"'c..,.,".·.,.,. """,.~.,_" ·_....·,'""..,"',..,'~~',...,L'_,..:"''''"·'.~'''"_L'.~;, ·.¡,·,1iIIu..._·..M.""'q~~'".If_"."..',..u~,_#."...U~"_'..dl_~_.___"-...'__....,.....". -- ___,_.____ .__ ___ __ _ _ 4_ _. _ __ _ __ _.__ _._. - -- ._---... ._- .--...- _.. _.. - -_. -- Docember 14, 19~? &O~ 073 J'lc£118 113 .72 PRESENT~TION BY J. S^NDY SC^TEN^, Rt CITY/COUNTY/ST^TE ^TTORNEY ~aREEMENT FOR PROSECUTION SERVICES - CONTINUED TO DECEMBER 28, 1982 ^T }lIØO ".M. Mr. SAndy Scatona stAtod thAt on November 23, 1902, he Aokod County MlInDger NormtH'I to place this itom unclor puh1ic petlt1on!l, eddin/1 that on December 3, 19ß2, he WlIS notifle~ thAt thIs !tom would ho on tho Aq~nda for thlD date. He indic"t~" that he had quite II prasontDtlon to mAk~ anð would lIppreclDte thiD iten being scheduled for the Decemher 2R, 19D2, ncetlnq. Commissioner Ilollnnc! c¡ueøt one~ if tho Jllnullty 11, 1?83, mutin" might be hotter a~ the Decomber 20, 19"', meetlnq might be ~ full ft9cndA to which ~r. 5c~len~ ßtllte~ thllt thp contrnct is on ^ nonth to month bllsln and I~ cOGtln0 th~ County quitI'II lot of noney, He statorl thl't hI) w.~nt"d the I!D~lIrÞnr:~ from the "oflrd t'1/n thl' contrAct re the CltylCounty/State Attorney 01ropment would not come before the Board before he hod ^ chllnce to ry vc hID prescntatlon. County ManA1.r Norman stoted thAt ho haD had meetlnqs with the City, the ~tlltt Attorney ont1 Aeveral neetlngs with ~r. ScatenA, ^rld n~ th^t he Is hopeful thot on aqronnent c^n be worked out .A Aoon as pOSDlbl(!. 11" noted thnt If till" lIr¡r'l(lment Is rearly on f)ucomher 21\, 1982, Mr. ßcatonn could øpoak a" In inter.atorl c tl~Qn In conjunction with that Item on the aryenda, addlnq that If the aqreftment I. not ready thø January 11, 14:183, m.et 'n( would be hetter. ~r. ~catPnA "tilted that he would lIke to ~rosent the fActs to tho CummSsalonera ahead of tiMe no that they would know what la reasonable paqe 51 . - - - - - - - - - - - -- -.. .- ŒJ mil . -_..'""'''.'''''..-''''''..,-'"......,......~',.->~...~_____,''''_......._.,,__..._,..,_...,';~.._.,_,"',w...·......~;<l_," ;;'..."'·~_.'..'....""""""'...~"'·'...i.._."".'.;'>'."'-""".'.~" '-'·'"·"'-~-''"-'''-______I''_'''''''__'~'''''''''_''''''<'''_''_·."_''I__'_,¡.,."ill><i,·,......·..','.··,..".,·'_'~.,"-.".... "- --- ':~'--------- ---- -------------..------ ,;:;.'!f~~:;~:i,,:.¡.:;:' . "~""¡.' " ~:;j:'i;,', ':.D~K 01.3 '?ACE12D ",cf',.,/, /,', . Docomhor ]~, 19P' ,..... Co~laaloner Piator moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried 3/0, that the following itemø under the con..nt aqenda b. adopted and/or approved I 1;"' ~)".,:. "Wlít.. .174 '~~.' RESOLUTION 82-202 Rt PETITION SNR-82-~-C, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT t:~;C,CON"IIunNa STREET NAME APPROVAL FOR CORPORATION BOULEVARD WHICH RUNS !{tj.::,::,(, I,.IT AND WEST, SOUTH or J .'.ND C nOULEVARD .'.1'10 EMT or PINr. RIDeE 1'ì~",,, INDUSTRIAL PARK ¡~J!r"...··/·\' . ~' >'!:':j" " Soe paq.. 13 .2.. It.. 175 P£T1TION rp-82-7C, FINAL PLAT .'.PPROV.'.L FOR HIDDEN PINES SUBDIVISION IRRZVOC^BLE LETTER OF CREDIT '207 IN THE ~MOUNT OF 52,080.0" FROM THE BARNETT B.'.NK rOR ONE YEAR lA\ MAINTEN^NCE SECURITY FOR ROADWAY AND DR.'.INAGE IMPROVEMENTS AND IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF' CREDIT,CREDIT '2A8 IN THE .'.MOUNT or S14,øøn.ßn FROM THE B^RNETT BANK FOR 11"\ SECURITY TO aUARA"TEE CONSTRUCTION or WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM, ACCP.PTP.D. See P.qlll /n-/:.ry Item I7G PETITION MP-82-3C, BURT POHLM^N REQUESTING ^ SETBACK V^RIANCE FOR A SCREEN ENCLOSURE FOR A SINGLr. FAMILY LOT IN NAPLER MTII ANn TENNIS CLU£\ It... 177 12 MONTII EXTENSION GR^NTED TO COR^L RIDGE-COLLIER PROPERTIES, INC. FOR THE COMPLETION OF TilE REQUIRED SUDDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS IN PELICAN ~AY UNIT ONE, MAKINO THE EXPRIRATI0N OATr. Dr.CEMAER 31, 19A3 a.... 178 13 MONTII EXTENSION CRANTED TO CORAL RlDOE-COLLIER PROPr.RTIES, INC. FOR THE COMPLETION or THE REQUIRED SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS IN PELIC^N BAY, UNIT TWO, "'-'KING TilE EXPIRATION O^TE DECEMBER 31, 1983, M; CO~Rr.CTED BY COUNTY MANAGER NORMAN INSTEAD OF THE EXPIRATION DATE AS INDIC"TED IN THE EXECUTIVI SUMMARY 1 t.. 179 QUIT CLAIM DEED ACCEPTED rOR TItE RIGHT-Or-WAY TO EXTEND PIPER BOULr.v~RD S.. PlIgoa /':{~ pac;e 53 ....- _... ... ._. -. --- ~..~..~M'''.M'_'...~~_.....'''''___...,. _ .,.., ".."~,~_~,.~,_,,__."w.,_...,.""'"'.,_,,,..,'_...........,."'_.__~_.___.~.._.........__...,._"._ t"llr'llÞ ,...."__ l.~..._~.__....."..~,""."....~"'''" - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -..- -...... - --- .- ~- - - 4<.-. _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .... _ _ . Oocc~bor lA, 19P.'- Item 188 UTILITY RELOC~TtON AGnr.eMENT WITH fLORIDA POWER' LIr.HT COMPANY See paqu 13' ~/¢() Item 181 rINAL ACCEPTANCE or MARCO BEACH, UNIT 11 RF.PLAT It.. 182 APPROVAL OF A LETTER TO THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT or TRANRPORTATION REQUESTING THE ADDITION Of MARCO ISLAND AND GOLDEN GATE TO THE EXIT DIRECTION SIGNS ON 1-75 AT Tn! CR-951 IN'rr.RSECTION It.. t8 3 AUTHORIZATION FOR CHAIRMAN TO SIGN CERTIFICATER FOR CORRECTION TO THE TAX ROLLS ...5 PRESENTED BY TIf!': PROPF:RTY APPRAIfiER 191!2 TAX neLL TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY 1982-167 - 1992-197 11/23/R2- 12/A~/A2 1982 TAX ROLL 149 190-191 198 293-214 216-293 295-303 306 11/23/'12 l]/1~/92 11/10/1'2 11/1 "711\2 11/17/e2-1~/ol/82 11/~5/82-12/A2/"" 12/n2/92 Item 184 ACCEPTANCE or RESIGNATION FROM rooo ESTABLISHMy.Nr nEVIr.w BOARD BY JIM STAC~POOLE AND AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR NEW MEMBER It.. 185 ACCEPTANCE or RESIGNATION FROM ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL BY FRANK EDWARDS AND AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR ~F.W MP;MAER It.. US ACCEPTANCE or RESIGNATION FOR LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD BY ERNEST H. DAVIS ~ND AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR NEW MEMBER P"ta 5t , , ~ ",.' .' ;;/:'~'K~~· )- J,..... ')......,If¡.\ ,./;'¡:' '!.!¿,Jt¡ ~ -'11"·'.;-1'*11: - -- - - - - - -- - - --- - - - --- - - - ~ -;i~f . : ~..;I~.~. &~ 073 1#,[1.2[ " ,-. .................__.<,-."'_.._.._-.....-..<-,....~ -.., .- t.O~K 079 rAcE122 -----::mb:~;:~:;----------~· j --~---_.- -------- It.1\ 187 EXTRA OAIN TIME rOR INMATF. NUMBERR 31458, 39øn2, 18474, 2øøe9, 39491, , "HO 38545 1u.fee J RIQUEST TO ISSUE DUPLICATE TAX SALE CERTIFICATE NUMBER 40~2 TO TH! ESTATE or JANE MCBRIDE, EDWARD J. MCBRIDE, PERSON^L REPRtSENTATIVE DUE TO LOSS See P"gu / '-/ / IUD '89 APPROVAL or BONDS FOR COMMISSIONERS 0' COLLIER COUNTY MOSOUITO CONTROL DISTRICTc THOMAS V. PORTER, ROBERT E. LINDABURY, AND EDWARD J. OATES Seo Pages /4;l. -'/.C: 0 It.", 190 RESOLUTION 82-203 APPROVINC THr. LE1\SE MREEMEfIIT BETWEEN THE B~RRON COLLIER COMPANY AND THE BCC FOR THE COLLIER COUNTY SHERIF"S DEPARTMENT COMMUNICATION~ TOWER GJTE AND ^UTHORJZlfIIC THE CHAIRMAN TO EXECUTE SAME - ADOPTED County ^ttgrn~Y S~unM~rs Gt~te~ thnt the l^~t It~~ on the ~qen~ð Is the rp.commcndðtion to IIp''foyr " If'lU!e ogree"lont botwften tho allrron C(¡llhtr Comp/'lny ...nr! the! bCe for the C'o.ì.llt"r COlJnty ~h(!rlf('f; Oep...rtm.nt Communications Tower Slt~, ^rldin~ th~t @vcn thou~h It WðS advertised .1 part of th~ conse!nt nQp.nn~ nnd npprovrd, he wouln like ror th~ record a resolution /lpprovln~ thl~ l~~~~ agreeM~nt ~nd ~uthor zlng tho Chairman to .19n tho lea.. Þgrft.~ent. CO.D!ssloner Pistor moved, .econd.d by Commlssion.r Holland and carried 3/8, that Re.olution 82-283 approvSnq the 1.... aqr....nt b.tw..n the Barron Colli.r Company and the BCC for the Colli.r County Sh.rlff'. Departaent Communications Tower Site be .dopted and the Ch.lr..n be .uthorlzed to execute 8ðmc. Pa!}. 55 - - - - - ...- ~-.- - --- ..... .. ..-.-. -- .._,. .... .~. -.... -- -- .._. i' ..~. .-<¡ ('..; ,:.i~'~tt~ , ,!"~.,1,~' , II""~"I:!,~ _. -~ - -- -- ---- -- -- -------.......~~ ,.'\,~>t~...r" ~~,~,.~:I~}, . J; "J'\)i~ J"~";) " . .,";,' . ':.' .'.'. ..'.' \ . ....' ,: .'....,-; .. .......' . ~'"~".... ~ ~ ~ ......- - - - - - - - - - -- ,- "- - ..-.. ...- - ...- -- _. ...- ._- ~_. --- -- -- - - -- - -- - ....- - - - - - - - --- Decemhor l~, l~q,- It.. 191 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRr.ns Thøre befn~ no ohi~ctlon the Ch~lr ~Jr~ct~rl th~t. thp. 'ollowJn, corresponclence :;'0 r I ~"r. IInr1ll1f ref pr r~rl to thl) vlIr I ow.. ri"r"'rt,.,~ntn aø JndSc.Hed Me low I 1. L.,.tt"r (L'ltt'c1 "ov(''''~!'r 17, 19F12, from HUf) Inr!lc,'tln"1 thllt Cùl¡ ~r rounty'~ r~nr. ~mllll r.ltlr~ pro~rnn ~pr¡ ~ntJon wns ro~elvorl ~nrl notl'I~^tllln will h" ~~nt ~ft~r rf'vlpw proC'erluro~ nr,. co~pl('tp.d. XCI ~r. ~ormf n, ~r. Vlrt~, Filed. 2. ~epnrt~nnt~¡ nfOports r-.c"lvccl ~nd !ll!'G: .,. Cr.T" ~onthly ;'t~tU'l R!'port, ":-tohor And 'Jov,.",bpr, 10A2. b. Collier County 1'11~lJC L.lbr~ry 1'I!1 (~f "'ctohf'r 11, 1()f1í'. e. 7(Jnln~ Dp.part~ent, nctohor, 1?~2. d. r,ocf~l SrrVICl'R, r,optr,.,brr, 1~a2. e. P~r_n ~ n~~rr~tl(Jn, ~('rtp.mh"r ~nrl "ctoh,.r, 19~'. J. Lottor c1ðt~d Nove"'h!'r 2', l~n~, froM WlIrl,. ~nkp.r ob1o~tln~ t.o thn El'st 'J~p18s PI re "yrir.,nt: "S!1"~!\"'ent: f)J!\t:rl ~t. PII,"". 01. t.,ttlH c!.Ht'd IJovf'rnber 1<', ]9Q;>, 'ro:"' ('(,ll.ll)r ~Ollnt'l Clvte r.ð"ratlon ohje~tln~ to Flon~ ~l~v~tl~n~. X~ ~r. ~ornan, Fllod. 5. Lnttt'r d~t~~ ~rCP"'hpr i, 10Q', 'rom ~~P¡"R ~r~^ rh~~bftr 0' Co~ercr ~rlvln n~ th~t II let tor 'ro~ th~ N~Dl"~ ~r~ð ßo~rrl of nec'lltors h~~ benn rllrt'ctPrl to t~"M r"~~rrlln~ Tptrn T.ch's P;turly of 11. ;,. COIIstðl .H""~ for t~(' rr~". Thp "o/lrr1 of OlrectlJr' ~¡ or t~.p ('~,'Mbpr h~vf' rlqref'rl to .'PP,HI¡ thlt IncrfO",,,rrt Flood oì.~vIHlon!J. ...~: )o(r. 'Iorr.'ll\n, "r. ~"unc1ers, rllltd. ". r:'opy of ¡"ttIH ~1\t,·t1 ~¡ov(,"'ber 1:', 101\:", ~rol'\ Cllpt. ~fbt'\ø to the Florld3 Dept. o! Corrcctlonø r~1ðrrlln" r.orrectfvlt ftctlon In the kitch~n ðre~. rllp~. 7. Copy ot ~cmo [ron r.NR rrqllrdlnq notifiCAtion of C.^.n.L. ~elnctlon C(Jmmltto~ ~"otln~ achp~u¡od ror J~nuAry 11, lQA3. XCI ~r. ~orm^n, Fllecl. Pacte ~~ I). Cory rocplvacl tr~:"I ~'IR of ~lIm"'lIry oC 1:'!/1~-'I1/!12 "'''''tfna Itnrt nq.ndA for 12/2/A~ ~...tlno oC tho ~lu~ Rlhhon ~ðrln~ Commftte~. XCI ~r. ~ormnnl Filed. 9. Lottor dAtod Novo"'~Ðr 19, 19~2, frÖM tho ~fffcQ of the PublJo Defenrlnr to romml8D1on~r PI~tor rt'ql\r~Jn~ further rortuctfon >' . '.s- · ,,' "] ..IL '-:1 --~--------~---------------,-------------~- nec~~ber lA, 1ge2 'O~K 073 PACE 1~ Sn ~pproprlðtlon of Public Pefender Offlc~ Imp~ft.~ hy the Governor ðnd cabinet, elonq with ~ copy of COM~isRlon~r Plstor'ß reply. XCI ~r. Reagftn Pllod. 10. Notice of monthly meetln~ for DcceMhor n, 19n2, of tha Tr~nsportAtlon nls~ðvnnt~qerl. X~ ~r. "orM~n, Mr. PerrYI rile-d. I 11. ~ømo dntcrl November 1~, 19n2 froM napt. of Vet~r~n ðn~ Community ^ffðlr~ re tho OCR RUMMnry report, DEl~ for Lease 5alo 7P Public H~nrlng, nocomh~r 7, loq2 in ~~yton~ Pe~ch, R~'O ~ootlnq on November lr,-17, Coctty nil R.celvcs r.r~lt. XCI ~r. Normnnl rlle~. 12. Report froM the rlorJdð Dnpt. of Trðn~portatlon rc tho flnnncinl po~ltion ot Collier County's ""' portion 0' Re-cCJnðllry Tru!:t F'und CSecond r,lIO "I!X - ~t.h IInci r;th cent) for ~ePto"'b'H '1', 1<"f'2, /lnci Octoher ~l, ]9r,1. xc, /o'r. -"'orml'n, ~r. Hðrtm~n, ~r. Giles, F'llerl. 11. R~port fron the F~orSdn Dent. or "r~n~portlltlon re the flnancinl no~ltlon of Collier r.ounty's Trust nnrl ^oency Funrls ("o~rl Flln':!!) tor !õeptt!r.1ber Jf', ]9~:', ",nr! ~ctobp.r 31, Inri'. xc: ~r. ~or~~n, ~r. HnrtM~n, ~r. ~11c~, ~lle1. 14. I.ntt~r (j.1trrl ~lcJvnmber 10, 190', fron liP.;' re~"'rr n( .. GUr.'IMl'ry of County I:t'.'¡th Unit. fund roflt'ctln('1 hurllJl!'terl rect'fptll IIncf rllsh~r~~~~nt~ for FY r]-Q1. X~I Mr. ~orm"'n, FIl('~. 15. Ll'tt'!f rl"t,!~1 Novl"nb@'r 11', 19~', from I'f,lIrco Inlanc1 C"hðr.lber of Conmrrcr. rc,rrc4 nr¡ till' ¿"cO< of cl~na(' ~ /It tenrorllry end of 1-'7'; for ~'/lrc( In1I!nc1. XC'I Io'!r. P¡(Jr,.,an, ~r. Hl\rtl'\an 'tlncf. 1~. n~su~utlun ~~-n-174 trom ~nrlon County reouo~tfnlJ other r¡örld" Countlrn tCJ senci sl~llðr rl'solutlon ~uprortSn~ the ret"nt1on of r:¿(lric1,., fotlltlltc ""1.:?5 requiring that Cortlflc~tr~ of Convenience /lnci Neceøalty from thl' r.ounty be ohtlllned 1n orner to oper~tt' /In emcr~l'n~y I'mbull\nct' ftervfc~. XCI "'r. o./(Ir"'"n, f'lleð. 17. Coplt'~ of ~inutt'~ rccl'lverl ðn~ fl¡l'rll a. ~ol~.n Gilt.. FIr" Contro¡ nistrlct ^dvlBory Co,.,~ tte~, 11/9 /A 2 h. CCPA, AqOnrlð )1/IP/7, ðn~ ~lnut"8 11/~/q, c. CAPe, 11/lR/~2 IInd 11/'/~' d. Nnp¡~n City ~~uncf¡, 11/1"/R', ~orkshop meeting 11/1~/R2 ðnc1 11/3/R2 o. Ochopet' f'lr~ ('ontrol r ~trfct ^rlvtøory Co~nlttne, 12/3/q2 t . £M~M', 111'" /~ 2 ~. ~PO, ~rycndll 11/'J/Q:? Pltqe 57 .- - - - -- - - ~.. -... ~ .. ,~- ,.- ..~- _..... .~.- -'- - -.- - - - - - - .---..... -.....----- .... - - --'- - ,- .... : .~ "~{r~ ,(':\~~:'. -_.._------------_._--------~~~ !;,~}~~'. ':rr nocombor 14, l~~'- 18. Copy of lottor d~t~d Novomb~r 12, 19A2, from Commlsaloner I(oohlor of "'ost rlllm ~'H\ch rIH1ut'Atln'1 c-ounty IIrlmlnlntr"tor or st"ff pernonn to cO!'1pll'!tl} q'JcGtlonn"irf1 rO~lIrr!lnq Plllnnln., ~n~ Zoning. xcs ~r. ~orn~nf FJll'!rl. 19. nesolution 'ro~ ~ðrnBota Cou~ty r~'1u~~tin~ '~p~rtnent nf lntor ior to "u'3 Jnnd /Ill C'Cf; cd 1 "nd ..,,,. 10llftl n"l "tl1~ø 1 n r.hlt ~altorn nulf of ~~xlco until conclullv~ ~ylrlcnce fø submltt~~ th"t t.,hn If!lIslnq rrOC1rl'm hl\s hocn dnvnlnocH" In I'ccordnnco wIth Feder~l 1~11~1Iltjon, ote. X~I ~r. ~ornnnf Pflo~. 1 tell! 192 LA~! TRA"ORD MEMORIAL GARDENS DttO NOS. 319, 320, 321, 122, ^ND 323, - ACCr,PT£D FOR Rr.CORDATtON Pursuant to action of the Board January 19, 197A, wh.roln tho Chalraan was authorlz.d to sign various deed. to Lake Trafford M.morlal Card.n. Cftm.tory lots .. tho ne.d arle.., tho tollowinq Dood No.. ]19, 328, 321, 322, and 323 wøre rocorderl and (Sled for th~ record. S~e paqe. /~-I-/~~- . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ther,,' hit 1 n'1 no further ~1I:J'n"!1!I for thr ""'0-1 nf rhf' '"Clunty, t~,. m.etlnq Wð" adjourn~rl by Orrlor of the ~ha r - T m~ AI~~ p.~. . ~.-__ _ "4"'_'___ .._ '_'''_ __......... _.._~___ ._..._.._.____ nn^R!':I OF' ("O'I'~T'Y ~.,:~... t "'r.l :)~r.rt!1/no^rn ~ONt~n ,prr^L~/~X OFrlrlO ~Ov~q~t~n RO~~~) ~r ~rr~t~t ~l~TnlrTr. ~~~rR ~c~.~ ;r~ ~ ~ >:~ D"VI!) C. ~no'."''''~1I OF 1'1'~ ATTts-r,..: " ,', Wl·t.tttM ';~"fi'!I~~N, r:L£'11( ." . ...' ~. '. ...,. ". . f'#k¡ ,I i·... " :6.' , ..:~:. . .-~. ,~., rC- .. ~,;2~ /?.P'L-- . 1\" ·'~·"11",':' .: n'~te:" IIpþroved by thn nee on ",...."' pr'...ne.d" V' or ~8 corractC!d bD:) ( 073 PAtE 131' ---"'--