BCC Minutes 12/28/1982 S t .. Î --------------------------------------~--~ ~~P~QA, ~:~rlrl~, noce~h~r ~~, 1~~2 LET IT or. RE~r.Mßr.RED, that in ~ccorrlancð with ~ctiun tðken on Docornbftf H, 1~'12 tho flCI"cd ut C~unty r,Clmmt!Hllonrtts In IIn1 fur the CClunty uf Colllor Mot In SPECIAL SERßtON on tht~ d~te ~t ~t~n '.M. in ~ul:'dlnl) -F- tit tho r.tlurthou!1e CUf'1plp.x, ::"'8t U~p:cs, rorlr1~, ·..,tt:h thtt following m~mbtr~ prcftftntt C"^ll1"'A"41 VICe: CII,'I"M"~I ~ðry-rr~nce5 Krusft n..,v f ri ~. Brown Juhn ^. ~lntClr F'rec1 r 1 cl( .,. VOlin r.. c. -Po~- H( l:'~nc1 ALSO PRr.Sr.NT, r.lln~r~. ~ktnn~r, ~~"uty Cl~rk, ~urt L. Raunder~, r.ounty ^tthrn"Yt C. \.;Illl"m 'JlJrrn,.,n, Cuunty ~"'n""(Ht Jrvln'J ~"r=on, Utilities ,.....nl'lqer rotltlon.H'" Con..ultllnt R. l(~nnf9th "..,t1ln, CClllnty r CClnnult...nt nlchard D~rhYt tntervonur r.un~u:t~nt LeG Cruuch, IntorY"n~r ,":"unllu:'tant f)on...lc1 'tln Kou1hnott Int('rvenor r.( n~lIlt"'Int f'rec1 IWead, ~rl'lc. ":plluldlnl'1, Ac1MlnIDtrlltlvt' "lJølntllnt .,nd r)OOllty Chlnt n...ymonci n"rntott, ~hori(t'. Dop"rtment. ~~p.. '1 thruuqh 16 Ium 11 PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED WATER AND ~EWF.n PAT~S rOR GLADES SUBDIVISIO~ AND SEWER RATES FOR LAKtwOOD SURDIVtStON - nATE OF RETURN ESTABLISHED ^T 13', RATI BASE ESTABLISHED AT Sl,n5G,'1'2, S30,nøø MANAGEMENT rEI _ ACCEPTED L.~~: notfcn hayln1 hoen ruh~lsh.rl In tho ~ap:tt~ Oatly News bn ~oYftlll~.r 29 ðnd Pøcomb.r 5, 19Q, ðS ~v oonc~d by Affidavit ot Puh~le~- tl~n prpvluus:'y ri:~rl with th~ ~lrrk anri ~n nðco~h~r 1~, l~q, as .vid_ncod by AffIdavit 0' Pub11cntltln tI:'Gd with tho '=lor~, puhllc heartn1 was rec~nvaned ttl cunsl~~r tho pr(,Jpo90~ watnr ~n~ ~ftw.r pacre 1 , , ~.':~j¡~~ . 1".;..'t\t\. "'Ì'i'#' .,.'Ì'c::J:_.. I' .'r.?p\7' <t,~· . ""~' .s' , :~ aO~K 078 rACE 16& ~~-~------------------------------------~~ 078 11:"'1 Oecomher "n, 1902 aOOK rACE i,, I .:. :.. : .~: (; fat.. for tho Glad.s Subdivision an~ Bower r~t.n Eot the Lðk.wood Subd lvJaI"n. County Attorney Saunders explðlno~ the 801810n was rocunvened f~r the pur~.. of ..tabllahlnq the atatus ~f F.xpert Wltne.. on two peraona who to.tllled at the December 14, 19B2 Ace ~n.tlnq and to crosÐ-.x.~Sne \ í i I I th~.o per.on. alrea~y having testified. Cheir~ðn ~ru.e remlnde~ the public th3t tho.. persons wlshinry to .peak on the Item under dl.cu..lon .hou~d placo their n8me on the table to the rl9ht of the County Att~rney. r.he clarifle~ th3t th~ Item under dl.cu..lon waø the rate hearln~ on~y ðnd not the houn~ðrloø ~r any franchise ~t this time. Hr. Van l(ou'1hn"t Intr()duC'od "Ir. f'rer1 MeM! IInd ""k,,,. that the record reflect that Mr. ~elld was alrellc1y under oath. Mr. ~o8d revSewed hi. educatlonll~ Qua~lficlltion~, n~tlng that h~ WilD II r.tirod C.P.A., repre.entSn/) Lakew~( r.!. lie revlowf'd hh "mp~~YMent record 88 manluJor In chaccJ. of autiltin') of Aoth~ehem Step.: Curporatfon IInd s31d that hf.'t WilD Trea.urer of C~mmunic...tlonn ~atøl:'it~ Corporation durtnq the lll~t ten year. of hh eftlp~( yment. He toatHhcJ thllt hh dut.toft Incluciedl!\a:ut")- ln9 the inveatftlent aurlltlnq of up to $18A,~po,ßnn ftnci that hn developed the .y.tem. of account. lllter approved by the FCC for ~ðt1llit. Corporation. Re .tated he was a ~emher of the ~erlc.n Institute "r C.P.A.'. and the Fin~ncla~ ExecutIve Institute, helng pr..lð~nt of the later while re.fðlng In Waahln9t~n. "r. B. Kennoth Catlin IIsk~~ Mr. ~.Ad if he had ever audited ~r done accounting work with w~terlsower utl~ltlea In the State ot rlortda to which "r. Mead r.apcþnded neqfttlvely. '19- 2 -.........------------------------------......-----.... ....... ,~ ", '.', ' ·-',/1 ",' ,'I" ~---~-----------------------------------~~ "'>,·"M.,¡ Decembor 2", 1~n2 Co.-I..loner PI.tor .oved, .econded by Comal..loner Vos. and carried 4/1, vlth Coa~i..loner Brown oppo.ed, that the te.tlmony of Mr. "ead be accepted. rollov1n9 clarification of are. of te.tlmony of Mr. Mead, Co..I..loner PI.tor moved, .econded by Coaml.sioner Vo.. that Mr. Mead b. qualified a. sn Expert Wltn.... Motion failed, 2/3 with Co..I..loner. Holland, Brown and ~rU8. oppo..d. Co.-i..lon.r Holland moved, ..conded by Comals.loner Vos. and carried 4/1, with Co.al.sion.r Brown opposed, that Mr. ~.ad·. te.tl.ony be acc.pted a. an accountant. Mr. M.ad .ald thAt h. øuppurt.d lnn, th. testimony of Judq. Tarr.l~, addln~ that he haft no dlfr.rencft8 ~nd wa. morely re.n(orcfnq said testi~uny. ~r. aat~in melntðin.rl that Mr. Mearl W^S, at that pulnt, ent.rln~ the area that dealt with rate base ^n1 thðt by action ut tho pr~vtuu. motion, thlft ~huu~rl not he Al~owed. Mr. Mead referrod tu administrative char~e. of $)n,AOO for m~n- Aqoment foe with $\O,nn~ tu c~ver Xeru~ .upp~lea, Lel-phon. ftnð o[flc. help statlnq that there had he en no evtdencft to support øuch . fee. He c^lled for such substnntJðtlnq ovld.nce hO!Ùfft thAt ^muunt W3S AcceptP~ In rull a. part ot operations uf the utility. H. referr~d to r.Xc~RØ Capacity and Roturn of c...raclty ~nd tho roaøonðhl~n~5s ut the rol~- tlunship or Exc.s. CApacity of cortein accounts tor matters or rate char90. . Mr. Catlin muved that ~r. I'i!.ad'fl tQstil!luny bo strfcken trun the dhcuulon about rate ca.. expenles. Mr. nllundere n( ted thftt th. point to ke.p In mind fa whether Mr. "1ftðd, who ~a~ qUllif.lnd as ft C.P."., can testlty. Com.ls.loner Vo.. moved, seconded by Cornal.sloner Pi.tor and Page 3 ao~K 073,ACE15B '...,:.:'/~~' , 'd::':\{~¡¡¿> " . :~, ';'\ ,:·:c:t :,' ~;):·,)t:,'¡{ . - - - - - -- - - --- - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- - -- - - - - -"7~\~f . \ 'C... .' . to, . \ '\ . M~~ 073 rACE 1æ carried unanlmoully, that Mr. Mead's't.ltimónY be accepted .s an Expert .. ". ~ .. . Witn... a. it pertains to accountin? and that all other testimony be D~c.~ber ,v., lqA~ .------- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - _. - - - - - - -- - -- --....-..... re9arded a. opinion but not .1 an Expert Wltn.... Mr. Ro.,.r F. Tllrnnr, roprftsentint') L...kewoo<1 Conc!oMlnJnuM ~l, reque.ted that n ¡ntt.r wrltt4n hy hl~ be jntro~uce~ 8t this tlmo. Chalr~ln KrußP e~p~~1n~ë thnt this w~o n~t t~~ orCJper tlM~ to tøko up hie letter ðn~ thnt hIs l~ttcr wou~ð b~ donlt with at the approprt~t~ tlm.. ~r. Cðt¡ln ntaterl (ur th~ r~c~r~ th~t hr ohj~~t~~ to r.~hjhjt 'I which was ent~red In Mr. Mp.nr.'R t~ßtlmCJny ~Iven on n~cnmher 14, lQn,. Mr. Le.. Crouch, rcrrencntln'1 th,· r.¡t\¡JO!l HC>Mt"Olo/n~rR ^sß( ~I"tSon, Inc. Introducec~ ~r. TlIrrf'l:, IIlr"lIc!Y "Io/CJrn "" II wltnaf'n, IInr1 rf'ouf!sterl that he Qlvo hl~ qun:' flc~tlc>n~ An nn Exr~rt Wltn"~~. ~r. nobprt Tarre~~ up;'nSner1 hir. cr!UC~tICJnð: ht.ck(1round IIn~ qllvc his enp':'oyment record lnv~:'y.ü with fin~n~le: M~tt~r~ ~3 th~y apply t~ rðt~s "n~ ratn desSqn r.nd a~Jc1 that h~ h"c! ;'ecturC'rl ,.r. th., lInlvr.rr.1 ty of lowð IInc1 Uniy.raity oe S( lIth r:Clrldll re"lIrc1lnr¡ ..,,IItor utl:lty I'enln...rr:. Co..lssloner pi.tor ~oved, second.d by CommS.sloner Drown and carried unanl~ou.ly, that Mr. Tarrell'. te.tlrnony be ðcceptec1 In .11 .att.r. a. Expert Testimony. Mr. Cllt:ln .aid th~r~ W~ft n~ fttJnu1fttlon ~" tö ~r. T"rr.:~'. exportS.e. Co~I..Soner Pl.tor moved, .econded by Comøl.ISoner VOl' and carried unanieouøly, that all or Mr. Tarrell'. te.tlmony be accepted .. Expert. Co.el..loner Platur eoY.d, .econded by CCI~rnl..loner Brown end carri.d unaniDOully, that the Bec acoept all exhibit. Introduced at pago 11 , I ....-. - - - - - - - - -- - - ..-. - -_ _. _ _ _ _ .._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...... _........ _..... î ., ~----------------------------------~--~-~-~ -:' ~i ':-". Oocember 2~, 19R" thS. ....Son and the ....Son of D.ce~b.r 14, 1982. . Mr. Crouch rorerred to paqo 9 uf r.xhlhit 11, of ~r. Tarrell'~ Te.tlmony and changed the 9 - 9 1/2\ In line 17 to 11 - 11-1/2'. Mr. Tarrell said that this wuuld alter tho percent r~t~ in IntervenorA1 Exhibit 15. ·····RECESSI 19109 A.M. RECONVENED a 18a1B ^.M...... Mr. Catlin cAll~d ~r. J. R. r.mlth, Prosldent of Marine ~ðvlnqø ~nrl \, Luan, who Willi øworn ð. A witness. In ro.pons~ t~ Mr. Clltlln'!t qu.,,- , ,\\ ",{' ""r :.:,:, ;'~ ~, ;).~ ~; ..5: , ~;, '1' ,,' '~,~ cion., Mr. Smith oxpll'linec1 thnt the prime rðt~ rttfors to the very be.t customer :'oan rllt. ~llowftd. He said that ~n March 31, l~q~ the prl"o Jntere.t rAte was 1~-1/2' and th~t the rnortqage lOll" rate varied hut wIG 16-3/". with J ~Jntft with 21) ynltr IImortl7ðtlon. lie uplaln.c1 that currently the prime r~te I. I1-J/2' and the rnort~qe rato vltrle. betw.en IH IInd 13-1/'-\. Mr. Glltlln ~istrlbutf"rI two "hl't/!ts both ~ntitled -~urtqaq. Modlflcatl~n ^qroement- which ho requested he onterod all P.tltlun.r'~ Exhibits '3 ",nd .~. Mr. Crouch askod ~r. Amlth It he had rnvl~worl those exhihlt. to whIch Mr. Smith responded Afflrmlltlvely and 81tld that they refer to n~te. tor the Clades with" blllloon m"turlty In l~ql. Mr. Crouch nsk~d if It Willi prudent to reneqotl"te those note" from tho 7-1/2\ intere.t r3t. tu 15' anrl Mr. !\mlth !lðl(! It would depend un whother II per:Stln WI''' the mortqaqor ur mOftqAqee. ~r. Crouch ftllk~~ It he were tho mort~a9.e would it be prudent and Mr. ~mith r.ftPon~.d, -Of coursp nut.- "4 .ald that It appøared that the note. roferrod to private Indtvidual entltl... ~r. Smith sAId thllt h~ WIIS ntlt tðml~IAr ~Ith ~r. Hubleh"an or the taRt Naplftft '''ator System., Inc. pa'Je ~ 1 , ¡ ì ¡ f ao~K 07a 'ACE 160 ¡ , .", . t·· , ", ~, I I, l OS 'f ':'1 ',0' l'''~ '" . .,. ·~~--------------------------------~-~~-_a I, .~~ -.' ì ,:t. ì ,':~~Æ~ ¡ -.... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.-.. - - - - .--.-..., , I", &O~K 073 PACE 161 Mr. Van KUU9hn.t questioneð .~~. .'.J pr..enco at this hoarin~ and ha øald n~cembcr ,,~, 1~~~ r.m~~ ftø tu tho termft fur hi. that. nu torMS w~r~ Involv~~ an~ that ho waa not bolno pel~ for his ftpreðr~ncQ hut thnt hn w~~ rn~r~ly pr...nt to .~plftln wh~t th~ primo Intore,t r~tor. wero. Mr. Cruuch aRkod 1f the Commlftnlon ha~ npprovert the conn~ctlon of tho Lftkft~ud tCl the r.ltlrlea enrl aftor n ah~rt rliscunølon r.h~lrMøn KrUR~ stlt.d that had been epprovøc1. ~r. Crou~h rof~rrert tu Or~ln~n~o 7r.-71 and aøked if thorp worn other rulon or rnl'1u~ntlon~ r~forrinq tCl ~~tfth- llah1n9 rat'R fur uti~ltleR ðnrt Mr. Groan r.~ld he rllrt nut know uf any. H. a~i~ thnt the uti:Jty hn~ been ntructure~ with thc JOr, ~p.ht. ¥r. Or.~q aalrl thftt the utl:1ty h,,~ h"~n In exlotonco ~lncp aporoxlm...to¡\' 1971, ~ccorrlln~ to r~~ordR. Mr. Crouch a.k~~ I( ~r. Cre~ry h~rt h~d ~n oppurtunlty t~ ~oo~ over r.xhJhlt~ ,~ and '4 ~n~ ~r. Grcryq snlrt h~ hftrl, addinq he hort neon cunsultln~ for th~ ~~ftr1P5 f.or ftppr~~I~lIt~:y on~ year. to4r. Cruuch "'Jk('~ ~r. (':re<:1'" I r th«' purrose o( r«,np.'JCJt 1/'It',lnf' thf' lonns frurn th,. 7-1/" tCJ IS. waø nCJt to build up th(' rl'ltt'! uf return and "'r. ~re9(' t")CP:IIln~rl thnt now tnunp.y W/'lR nftrete'''' t~ t'stllhl1nh II n4!w bualn.øa. ~r. Grogg ohjectvd to ~r. Crouch's r.pentt'!r1 qu.stlon with re?arrl t~ tho rO.8~n {CJr th~ :CJan rt'ne~otll'ltICJn ~nd r~it.rl'lt.d th~t no\' capital was nf'od.rl and, th~rf"CJro, tht'! :u~n w~ø r~nt'!qotl~t.rl. ReørundJn1 t~ ~r. Van Xou1hnet, ~r. ~rt'!gn Aftld thnt tho r.ast' Nap¡.ø ~nter Systems, Inc. was spun oPt ~nd øal~ thftt he had not ...n th~ bi:: uf .~l(' (or It. Ou~stiuninq follow~~ r~9ørc11n(' the ~,n,~"r .anaqer'ø t.e and Mr. ~reqg sðid hr did not conøJdor that I'In ~X~.8~'V~ amuunt ^nd nott'!~ th~t the Puhllc S~rvlcn Gulrl~:lnf'9 w~r~ whl'lt h(' hl'l'('~ paq po 'i - .........., .-.-------- _._- ---" - ---... - - ,..------ .--. - --------------.... -----------------------------------------~ " .' Døcornber ~~, lqq~ ht. judqment on. In response to Mr. Vðn Koughn.t's qu~.tlon ~C whoth.r the r.ne9~tatlon was to build up tho rate base, ~r. ~roqg øaid that inter'lt rate. do nut change the rate base and th3t the purpoøe was the .pln ofr ut the now c~mpany and t~ provide c~plt~l. Mr. Saunders ðøked how much of the total debt Wð8 attrlbut.d to v.ltew.t.r ~nd ~r. r.r~9 ro'nrrod t~ p~qo 35 of PetltlC1ner'~ Exhibit .1 which II entltlod -En.t Naplol Water Systems, tnc. Rate Base ðnnuftl!?~d Pro rurmð a. of 3/31/P," - Includfnq Lakøwuoc1 Twr.lvo (12) Months-. He Illd that 55' I. for water and 45' for sew.r. ·····RECESSED' 1113Ø A.M. - RECONVENED. 1,15 A.M. with Co~I'llon.rl Brown and Holland ab.ent until 1125 P.M...... Chair~an Kruse reque.ted th~t, In the Int~root uf npep.rllnq the hearlnq alunq, the consultantø only mðke ~ point ~nce and saJd that th.r. wa. n~ need to "sk ð questIon "everal tim.s. Cro.. examination uf Mr. Darby by Jo4r. Van !(ou'1hnet beqlln the aftornuon ...ølon. tn reapunse t~ Mr. Vlln !(uu~hnot, ~r. Darhy eatah- li.h.d that his repurt waft not -a clean copy· mø.nlnq that IIn audIt had not be.n acc~pll.hoc1, hut bocause ho w.. II C.P.~., thl~ was re(erred to ð. a qualified roport. ~r. Darby said thDt he had be.n aware that the lntorost rate wa~ 15\ but that prior to the Oocember 1~, l~n2 ACC meot1nq he was unawðro that there h.~ b~en a ren.qotlatlun of the lo~n for the c~mpany At n higher Inter..t rate. 01.cusftlun center~d on the '30,Ø'8 ~anagement fe. and Mr. Oarby explaln.d that amount wa. for the ~ana9.r and that $ln,~On was ror the Xerux suppllftB, telophone and varlou. .xp.n.... A discus.lon r8qar~lnq u.ed and u.eful Item. and the- rðtlunal behind renequtlatiun uf the l~8n foll~wed with Mr. ~ftrby refarrlnq the Co..i..loner. to paq. 3 of hi. txhlhit ~l whlr.h 1. pa". 1 eO~K 073 ,,,cdB2. " '-;; -o,a PAGEß3- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - :e~ft:b~r-2~,-1c)R~ - - -- - - --:-, .nti Ued "oepreci fit Son Schodulo lOwor~'t ~\J~ S tori- . ....... ., ~ R.IIP<lncUntJ to /oCr. Vlln J(uul']hn')t, /oCr. Ollrhy relterntel1 thllt he was no~ aware thoro had beon any re[Snnncin~ until the D~c.mbor 11, 1902 COII\mSaaion l'1e.tinq. ~\r. Dl'lrhy soid thl'lt hI' ~rft Ollt the utility :'Snol In hh uport. Mr. Gatlin rofp.rrerl ~~ ^ ~n~ter froM ~r. C~,.rk ~icholn And A.kQ~ that it be entered Into the record. ^fter a short discu..ion Commil- .ion.r Piltor ~oy.d, .~conded by Comrni..ioner Brown anð c~rri.d unanl- ~oully, th~t the letter not be .ð~itted In the record. /oCr. Saundrro reforred t~ ~n~th~r ~rt~or rrcolvrt Jun~ 7, 1Qr, fron ~r. Nlrhols which .,.id th~t th~ P~t tlonrr'5 ~xhlhlt '1 W~A nut Inc:udc~ ~Ith the earlier :'ttttor "nd thl'lt thp e)f~lh t wða r('crlv~(1 (In ,Jlln,. 1,~, ]l)r7. ~r. Ontlin r.queßte~ ~hnt thr e~r:l~r ~~ttcr hI' ~..morl ProffQrr~ In th~ rec~r~ which Wilts ðqreod. ~r. Î.r(Juch fpqu('r.teñ thet I\~: rr~lIton ~orrc"punr1nncf' r09arriin1 thr. utl~lty b~ Proff~r~d In the r~cur~ hut this Wð~ ñonl.~. Mr. ~l'It~ n I'Ink('~ ~r. ~rf'11 If chI' ~mount or ~'~,n~" wn~ rloe~erl r.a8onab~r fur ml'ln"qftmpnt fpp enrl ho BlItd It w...s. Mr. r.rf'q~ rpfnrr.~ tu paQt" Ii" of f'otltlonrr'fI ~~1Chlbit It ~~tlt:flc' -C~\1~tructeci !itlltt'rlcnt of Incu~p Ye~r r.ndod ~ðrch 31, 19Ø, Pro Furma F.BtlMated, Inc:u~lnn Lak.~orl Two~vo Cl~) ~onthr.·. Rnft~,"rl n1 to ~r. ~~tlln, Mr. ~re~n explained th~t cAlcu1.tlunn can bft rlonf' ft.vorð~ w~yø - the l/~th rule, a haltlnce shoot ~n~ ~.ft~ I'In~ ~~~ ~n~ thn~ hp choftp the l/~th rule ~R it v.. ~ore appropriate. Mr. SJlunrlC'rs IIsko~ "'r. r.reql'l I r h~ hð~ th(' "nO',lnt of ~Cln..y Itllowftd for attClrn.y fee" I'In~ hc res~Clndt'r1 th"t h~ coul~ provide it but ðlrl not have the a~ount with hln. Pa9C " " /~, :-~.,', ~"i':r ------- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - --- - - -- -. --- ------~-;;,?; ~ ...." ~' ~ ~ I!I!I -----------------------------------------~ Docernber 2n, 19A2 Mr. S.under. .aked ~r. nRrby to explain the tire fluw ~d1u.tM.nt and h. explalnod when he 3nd the onqlneer discussed the amount n.eded for fire rlow of 18W,OAA 9.110ns and th~t some coul~ be eliminated ~n~ the ad va¡uro. taxes .. w~ll, nmountlnq tCl ~pproxfm~tely 11~,3ßß. ' Mr. S.un~ers explained th~t Pro!forfn~ a document Into tho r.cor~ m.ans that the Comml~sion~rs ~o nut tftko that into cClnBld~rðtlon hut that, In the event uf 4n appeÐl, thllt tel!l "fUuld be considered. Mr. ~atlln requestod that ~r. D~rhy rpconsld.r his r~dlJction In the fire flow amount and Mr. Darby rpque~tod a rOCORft ror consultation with hiD enqfneer. ·····RECESS. 2,4' P.M. - RECONVENED, 2,5' P.M...... ~r. Darby explained thllt he could not reco~m.nð cutt.ln~ the amount or water for tlro flow, IItt~r further connl~~r^tJ~n, ~Inr~ the ðl!lo~nt of the tank w.... IIlr.~dy cut in hill' ~nc1 thnt, ther.for~, hl~ recu~m.ndðtJ~n tu -knock off- ~lo,)no waft not corrrct. Th. .u~arle. of the pnrtlclpllntA tollowed. ~r. ~atlln e.pr...ed the applicant's ~sltiún or h~Jn~ nearly th. ø~me ~n the Cuunty'~ consultant and that ho was r.que.tln~ the rate or r~turn of 1S~. "Ir. ~.und.rs rll'quested that th. r.ommh"lonltrs luule "'t the "!1,r.n~ man"'qoment fee and pulnted out thc'lt tho rnnoqotlntJon, which occupied a conslderðble A~ount of t~RtlmClny, ~~rl n~Vftr hoen terMed In ~ny way ~. -shady d.allnq- on tho petltion.r'B part. ~r. Crouch aqaln r~f.rr.d to the r~neqoti~tJon and requ..t~d that Mr. Terrell'. lower fl7ur. ot rate of r~turn b4 cgn8Ici.ro~. Mr. Van ~uuqhn.t øald that tho renequtl"tod Intorest to twlr.. the 'Daunt was a tactur In an attempt to huild up tho r~to bas. and Pllq. 9 M~X 073 'ACE 1M ~ " -. --'" .", --~-------------------------------~--~-- '.:.¡ " ., J --------------___________________________ :, ,'. ~; . { , '-'1 .~~ ;~ t q~ ~ ~~¡' ! j~: ! \.";' ··'id ;~ 1·: &C~K 073 fACE 165 Iner.a.e the rat. of return. nocember '-~, 19"'- 'MI,' I ..".. t. '. -. It .', 1.'- I ~', ") . .~'\\ """'\-~r ...-------- --- - - - - - - -- -- - ------ - --- ----------.--.'.'*..~l'. i" rWi .,¡)'~'Y:"; '\"~.f1', 1It-' ,.~ , ,':',1!;~" , :'t;~ ('~1¡Ä , .~~. ",I, .' Mr. Darby requeste~ that the .vld~nco b~ consl~~rerl carefully In the Co~I..lon'. evaluation. rollovln9 .om. dl.cus.lon by Mr. Saund.rs, Commls.lon.r Holland aovod, ..cond.d by Comal..loner PI.tor and carrleð unanlrnou.ly, that the rule. and r.gulatlon. bo d.alt vlth at a later date. Th. f~llowlnq porIons were re,18terod to speak: Cul. Juhn Boehe appearftrl un bohalf ot more than lCA~ homoownerø In Lakewoud who ,upp~rt Judg~ Terrell an~ Fred Me4d's tectlmony anrl h~ Intruduced his Exhibit ,) entitlod -P~r8onðl Þrorerty T~x neturn-. Mr. R~bert C~~llnq, rusldent ~t Lakewoorl nn~ rros1rlent of the Homeovner. Aasocl^t1on ^nd ChalrM~n of c~mMltt('r fun~tiunn on ,.rvlcaR In the Lak~wu~d ~uhdlv Gl~n, lncludln~ commercinl property, ~pQk. In .upport o( ~r. Tðrr.~:'s testiMony. Comml.øluner ICru"" ent~rec1 Into the rocord II letter dðtoci Oec'-I!\hnr 2n, 19~~ frum ~r. P.~1~r F. jurn~r, L~ke~o~d C~nrl~Mfnfu~ ~~~~clatJon Unit One, reqarc11ng objoctlon to IIny incrells. to the currtont rate of S1e.sn per unit per mClnth r~r L~k~wooc1 Cu~tO !\~rR. Co.-I..loner Brown ~oved, .econded by Co~I..loner Vo.. and carrl.d unanl~ou.ly, that the public hearing b. clos.d. ~r. Saunders reviewed procedure. Co.-I..loner Brown ~oved, .econd.d by Co~~I..loner Vo.. and carried 4/1, with Coa~I..lon'r pfetor oppo..d, that the '3ft,ØAO b. accepted for the ~anð9...nt fe.. Paqt' 1" """""'"'" ~ ~ -------.-- -- - ------- - --_.~,-- ---.------- ------- Oecembor 'P, 1~n2 Dlscussiun ~.s held on recomputlnq the ol~ ~nd nnw monny an" percental)o. used fClr oach f~r tho ~aftt N~pl~~ W~t~r ~YRt~~s, Inc. with 7-1/2\ beinq ftttributed to ~ld and 15\ h~ln1 ðs~ign~d to the npw lnve.~ment. C':ummlaalon..r "~l:,'nd ~ (pres:ad th., (¡plnlun th.'t cxpt"ctint) tt,e Comml.sloners to lò~e thr~e c1i(fnront rpports ~nd t.hroe dif'erent sets of fiCJures .,nci c~mt' up with 1\ r~l\n~nðhl.. "n""'t'r, Slne. thn COr.\llllosiuner!1 had nClt t>fO..n "w...re Clf ,.,lIch (Jf toh" Inf(¡rl'l..tlon, Wðl.'l " -shame And dl~~rnc~·. Co.mis.loner PIstor moved, .ec~nde~ by Commi..loner Voss and carrrled 3/2, ~ith Comølssiunor. Brown and Holland, oppo.ed that the .teff flqure out the orlqinal equipment at 7-1/2\ and the n~w equipment at 13'. F(¡¡:owlnry computatlon~ by ~r. Ol\rhy ðn~ tho ~ounty Attorney, It WII" dlvoJ:r¡"rl th...t t~dn I.!tJtJ:-i rf'GIJ:t Ir. ., rJllt" or r"turn ltJw"r t"lIn Any of the wltnnðllell !'lad roctJ,..",enrl('d I'II'H1 ~('¡ow I"'. Co-.lssloner P18tor movec1, seconded by Commlsøioner VCI.. and carried unanimou.ly, to ~Ithdr"w the previous motion. Co..l..ioner Pletor moved that a flat rate ot 11' he the rate of return. ~tlon died tor lðC~ of a .econd. Com.l..I~ner 8town .oved that the rate of return be 14'. Motion ~Ind tor l/tck of ~ second. Co~lssloner Holland moved, seconded by Commls.ioner Vo~. and carried 4/1, with Commls.loner Srown oppos.d, thðt the rat. of r.turn be .stabllshed at a flat 13'. $0"''' discussion fo::owf'r1 r1urln'1 which "'r. ~""Jn""rs fO"p:"tnl"d thltt the ~nly ptorcf'nt~qe nut ~"ntlonnr1 In the testlMuny "'.'IS 13\. Th.. cClncensus ~"'s that 11' was the r~tc or r~turn "h~ CtJ~~Iß~ton~rß ~~"Irft~ P"ae 11 bC~J( 073 PACE 166 - - - - - -~ ..- - ..._.~ .- -.. - --."- _.- ._. -- - --- - --. -- - - - .- - - - - - - ..- - - - - - - -..... \ - - - - - - -- - - - - ...... -- - -- -.... ..-- ----- -~.. ~- - - - - ~_.. -- ~.... -.... - - - ...-- ..- ..,- ...-. -"- - eC~K 073 PACE 167 O~coMhnr '-~, lO"~ and, therefore, th~t rllte shuul~ ~tnpñ ~£ .th~ motl~n m~c1p. ... Commi.sioner Plstor moved, secQnded by ¿ummSssloner Voss and carried unanimously, that the rat~ ba.e would be Sl,ß56,872. !'I!r. Saund..rs BII IrI th.:'lt thf' nct i tJn hll!1 cOMpl I crl Iii th thp. JU~(1@" r. tlrder and thllt hI' \I~u:~ prt>plIrfl the! Orde!r.* * 5ae PðCTeA 168 t'hr~n 175 Ther(' br.lnc; n() fllrr.h('r nunln,.,;!'; t() corne hpfor-::- thE.' rCll'lrrl o! Count\' Commlaøloners, th,. rn('Ptln~ W~~ n~1ourn~~ hy order tJf thp rhllir lit 011('5 r.~. f11'\1\1;D "r. r:ï'J""'Y ~(\0.4"I~Sl()Nr.n~1 fH'\ 1\ P. ~ C" r 7. ()'.! p:r: 1\ r ') r"U ~I r. X OfT 1 r. 1 ("\ ï. () V r: m' p.¡r: q n" R n (r.) (I f' r. PEr.1" L I'n !:'!'r. JC"rr IJ'J!"r.P I Tr. rOIJTnC'1 ATT£!>T: "'lL1.1^'" .'. 'U:"Ç"'I, t"J/r.I~L: .~ pre.ented ,"vnrl "n ~. /{ /l'l'j ðt. I::'orrt'c t'rl ,:It. P"'''f' 1" - - ._-*. . ... _.. .- ~. , , \ ."'"."'-'! ~ _"~~, .~",'1 ~ t:::~: ".-J t:!:lm