BCC Minutes 12/28/1982 R ....______.___ ~_ _. __ 4_ __ _ _._ ___ __._ ._- -- -. ~.- -- ~- - - -.' _. ..~- -- - ..- -- - - - - ..- - - --- NaplcB, 'lnri~~, ~ec@mber 2ß, 19R2 LET IT BE RF.~EMBE"ED, that the Boðrd of ~ounty Commissioners In and fur the Cuunty of Collier, and also nctin~ ~s the 80~rd u~ Zoning ~pp.al. and aft the ~ov~rninq boardeR) of ~uch spacial districts as have be.n created acctlrrlfnq to law and hllvinq conrluctC!'r1 hu"inp'sß herein, met on this date at 9tO~ ~.M. in RtGUL~R SESSION in Rulldino ·F· of th. Courthuuse Ctlmplex with tho followinq m~bers pr..ent: CH^lPM~Nt VICE CH"IRM^Nt ~ary-Frðnc~s ~ruse Dav i d C. A rown John ^. Pistor Frederick J. VOSA C.C. -Red- Ho::~nrl ~L~O PRF.SENT: William J. n.aqlln, C¡~rk, £:Inor ~. ~kinner, Deputy Clerk, Jame. C. Gilas, Fiscal Officer, C. William NorMðn, ~ounty Manaqer, Burt L. Saunders, ~ounty "ttorney, Irvinq Berz(Jr'I, IItllJtiC!'JII Manaqer, Terry Vlrta, Community Develtlpment ^rlministrator, Lee Lllyn~, Plans lrnplcMent~t{on Director, Barbarll Cacchlone, Planner, Knuto Hartl'llln, Public '''urka ^r1mlnlstrlltor, RIt~!Jlo ßr(Jwn, ~qricll:ture Director, Nancy Israelfton, ^dmlnistrlltiv. Secretary to the Aoarrl, Edward Smith, ^sat.tant County Manaqer, Neil nurri~:, Puh¡l~ ~~fety ~dminl.trator, non^l~ Norton, Public Service. Ar1minlstrðtor, ðnrl Oeputy Chiof Raymund Barnett, ~hortff's DepartM~nt. Paqe 1 . ,o~~ 073 PAtE 176 /.ï... (~,:,":; ,V·::,;:~~1;"1~\~~l~' t~·; .:~,i¥,~.:{: ;J;'!'I':~r~~:., ' .-.. . ,:f~· "'~"""I'-~~\'~~'~~$'t\'t ...:~ ltIÒ., '.., ,,(of ~,~' it;-¡'·~¡:'\':'/~}:~r~,,:;':::I;:. . '.,1 <;~:.: ,~,;!:r'~>~ '~-;.: .:~~~:/~':::.~.:,~',~.,!" ~ ':~~ .,. '¡',:' ',',. _ r. ._ .' , '~ , . ' , . "c. . '. ,.' , {.t.~$~:~~, ~"" f r ~\ ;.',-~.:'~. ,.\ ~ . ..' ., ------------- .--..-. - --- -~-._- -.-- --------------_._- December 28, 19t12 ~. ~t' ~ /If', ~ ,y~ " T.p. '1 It.. t1 AOEMO~ - ~PPROVEn WITH ~DDtTION Co..lasloner Plator .uved, secondod by Commissioner Vu.a and carried unanimoualy, that the agenda b. approved with the addition of diacuaaton r. dam. on Hlqhway 2~ reque.ted by Comml.sioner Brown. ~ . 1 te. 12 ',!l" '~i ,.~ !~ ,. MINUTES 0' DECEMBER 14, 1982 - ~PP~OV!D ~S PRESENTED Com.issioner Pi.tor moved, seconded by Commi8ftion.r Brown and carried unanimously, that the minute. of the regular board meetinq of Oece.ber 14, 1982 be approved as pre.ented. Ite. . J EMPLOYEE SERVICE "WARDS - PRESENTED The followinq ~mp:uyoe ft~rvlce awðrds were pr~senter1: " '. ,. Gllberto Ortcq.1 - q(¡/H1 " "rldqt' Eltzðb~th ÎtðW - library Jos. ~ortlne% - Roarl ~ Rrldq~ P.dward ~altha - Ro^r1 , Artrlge Larry lIønry - Road, P.ridge 1('\ y"ar~ c; '5 c; '5 i: ,':/ ~/ \..1,. ';' i ~ ~ !J · Employ.. not pr~ftent It.. t4 PAOCLAM~TION URGING '''RM ~ND R~NCH OPER~TORS' SUPPORT 'OR THE -1982 CENSUS or AGRICULTURE- - ~DOPTED 'ollowinq reading the proclamation, Com.l.sioner Brown moved, ..conded by Comal..loner Holland and carried unanl.oualy, that the procla.atlon urging far. and ranch operators' support for the -1982 Cenau. of ~9rlaulture- be adopted. ~9rlcu¡ture Director Brown ~ccepted the proclamation with thank.. paq. 2 &O~~ 073 rACE 182 t . , ¡ ~ " " <, 'f~\ "~ ~ !t.I' .- It.. .5 &OOK 073 PACE 183 ORDINANCE 82-118 RE PETITION CP-82-26C, WILSON, MILLER, 8~R10N, SOLL , PEIK, INC., REPRESENTING ~REHLINa IND., REQUESTING ~ L~ND USE ~MINDMENT FROM RESIDENTIAL LOW MEDIUM DENSITY TO INDUSTRI~L FOR ~PPROX. 15 ACRES LOCATED APPROX. 1-1/4 MILES NORTH or D~VID C. BROWN HIGHWAY ~ND EAST or THE SE~80A~D CO~STLINE RR ROW - ~DOPTED SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS Legal notice having bean published in the NaploÐ Daily New. on Octuber 2~, 1982 as evidenced by ^ffidðvit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearinq was opened to consldor ~et{tl~n ~P-R2-2~C filed by Wilson, ~lller, B~rton, 5011 ~ Peek, Inc., for ~rehllnq Industries, requesting ft lanrl use am.ndm~nt from R~8Jdentinl Low MediuM Denolty t<J Industrial for approxlM~tcly 15 ðcre~ located approxJmfttely 1-1/4 miles north of the David C. Prown Hlqhwl'lY an~ east of the Seaboard Coar.tllnC!' n~ilroad niqht-o(-~^y In Section l~, T'Rf., n"~F.. Planner Cacchlonn expl~inerl th~t this petition haG been ~ontinuert froM 11/23 anrl l'/J4In~. ~hr ~ald thnt rotaff r~commenrls lIoprov~l with the stipu11'ltlons thðt en increllR~d buffer ~r tnstðlled on thp. northeast side of the prop~rty ^nd that a rlrivC!'wAY hr. rCMtlved and that the petitioner hð~ ^~rp.e~ to thp. ntipu¡ntitln~. Shp snld that th~ CCPA held their pub:ic hellrin'1 ^n~ f(Jur peur:''' spokro lI~^ln£t the oetlttt.ln ntlltinct incumpðtlbi:lty with 5urrollndlnq IHCI'! If the petitt on W~R al:'ower1. Sh. said that fivr lettors tJt ùhjectlonR hllve hcrn rcccivr~. ~r. wtll1~M Anrton, of Wilson, ~I:l~r, 8~rton, Sol:' , P@@k, Inc., r~pre.~nting the patltioner, exp:~ined th~ ev~ntR which h~ve occu;reð since the petition Initially was on the Commission hqenda, a~ðlnq that he has met severn: timr.s with property ownprs In thp ~re' nnd that agree~ent h~s heen re~ched on ~ev.rn: lte~s. He exp:'ðlne~ those areas of concern reoðrrllnq dpvclopment of n ~ufter Ztlne, Irrl~~tlon ~ystem paqe J - - - .-- .- _. - -.. -- _... - - - -- - ...---- .r '11: '''~'. " ':f 'I ~ . ~' " . ! , ,I', I .' " " - ---- -- - - _.-.. -~. .. --- -. --~. __ ___ _.~ _. u_ ___~ ..- --- - - - - -. - .- -- ~- - - - - ~cc~mber 28, 1982 fur said buffer, r1r~in~ge an~ storm wllter runoff, ~nd rc~uction of truck traffic. Reapondin1 to ~om~15~10ner Pi5tor, ~r. ß~rton exp:ain~d th~ developer Is re~dy to install the vftqetation huffor Immodl~to:y. Mr. Dan CCln~ey distributed ~ ~ctt~r J\ddresser1 tf.l ChJ\lrmlln KrU9" r1ðtcd Decomber ~, 19R, ß.ttin~ forth the 8.tt~ement r~^chod hy the ~evoloper. ðnd si'1ned by Imp~rlð: Go¡f f.otlltos "omt'!( wner~ ^ØSocicHlon President H. Dean Robinson and l~perlðl r.olf r.9tntC!'s ðnd ~hisperinq Pines, Inc. P r It 8i rl en t Ro b It r t .J. ! I ( U 5 "r . Co~Jssloner Plstor moved, seconded by Commi.sioner Brown and c.rrled unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner PI.tor moved, .econded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, th.t the ordinance as numbered and Antitled below bg adopted and entered Into Ordinance Book No. 161 ORDINANCr. NO. 82-118 "N ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDIN"NCE 79-32, THE COMPR~HENRIVE PLAN FOR COLLIER COUNTY, FLORID", BY ~MENDING THE WORK STUDY ~REA M~P'2 rROM RF.SIDENTI~L LOW-MEDIUM DENSITY (9-4 UNITS PER GROSS "CRE) TO INOUSTRIAL ON THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY 1 ~PPROXIM~TELY FIFTEEN (15) ACRES LOC~TED IN SECTION 15, TOWNSHI~ 48 SOUTH, R~NGE 25 E~ST, MOR~ P~ATICUL"RLY DESC'UBED HtK!1N, Aim pnOVIDING AN EFFECITVE DATE. f I I tell U ORDIN~NCE 82-119 RE PETITION CP-82-27C, WILLI~M R. VIN!S, REPRESENTING WIOOINS BAY ~SSOCI~TES, LTD., REQUESTING ~ COMPREHENSIVE PL~N LAND USE AMENDMENT FROM COMMERCI~L TO RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM-HIGH DENSITY FOR ~PPROX. 3.23 ACRES LOCATED ~T THE SE CORNER or WIGGINS P~SS RO~D ~ND VANDIRBILT DAIVI - ~DOPTED Legal notice having been publlsh~rl In the ~ap~es Dally New. on November 26, 1982 as evlrlencod by ~fflr1avit of puhllcation filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to cClnsider petition CP-92-27C fl~ed by Wl\liam R. Vin&s, repreaentinq Wiggins Rfty ^sBuclate., Ltd., reque.tlnq a C~mprehen.lve Plan Land Use ~endment from Commercial to Re.ldential Medlum-Hlqh Oonslty for approximately 3.23 ~cre. located ftt . &OO~ 073 PAt( 184 PaC). " L Decemb.r 28, 19A2 ~O!)K 073 PACE185 the BE corner of W19g1nl Pass Ruad and Vanderbilt Drlv@ in Sect1~n 15, T295, R2SE. Planner CacchlQne explained thllt the pctltioner ia reques~lng ð reduction from 7 acres to 3.2~ acres for a commercial development desi9ne~ to meet the needø uf the realdonts of tho WPUD". She reforred to the Executive Summary datod 12/9/A2 and said that staff recummends approval with the stipulations containe~ thorr.ln. Sh~ said that the CCP^ held their public heðrinq on this petition on Decp.mber 2, 19~? an~ that no one spoko for or a1nlnst tho land URO IIMp.ndment and no correspondenco has becn receivcd, addlnq that th~ CCPA forwarded thlt request wi th the recommend^t I (In 0' ^pprov,,:. Mr. William Vines, repreacntinq th~ petitioner, expl~lncð the petition. Responrlin~ to ~ommlssloncr Voss, ~r. Vines R~i~ thllt tho uti 11 t Y 11 n e s wo lJ 1 r1 b ~ 0 w n e ~ h Y t h,. CtJ lJ n t y . Commissioner Holland moved, seconded by Commlsslonor Pistor and carried unanimously, that the public hellrin!J be closed. CommllBloner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner Plator and carried unanimously, that the urdlnance as numbered and entitled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 16% ORDINANC~ 82-119 "N ORDIN"NCE AMENDING ORDIN~NC! 79-32, THE COMPREHENSIVr. PLAN FOR COLLIER COUNTY, FLORID^, BY "MENDING THE WOR~ RTUDY ~RE" M~P '2 FRO~ COMMERCI~L TO REGID!NTIAL MEDIUM-HIGH ~ENSITY (6.22-38 UNITS PER GROSS "CRE) ON THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTYI "PPROXIMATELY 3.23 ~CR!S LOC~TED IN SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, R"NG! 2S E"ST, MOR! P~RTICUL~RLY DESCRIBED HER!IN, ~ND PROVIDING "N EFFECTIVE D"TE. It.. 17 ORDIN~NCE 82-128 RE PETITION R-82-16C, ~REHLING INDU5TRIF.S, REOUESTING REZONING FROM ·~-2· TO ·PUD· FOR 15.26 ~CRES LOC"TED E~ST OF ~REHLIHG CONCRETE PL~NT ~ ADOPTED SUBJECT TO STIPUL"TIONS, PETITION~R'S AGREEMENT - ~CC!PT!D Loqa~ not c~ h~vln~ b~en puMllsherl in the Nðple~ ~^Ily News on Oct~ber 22, 198' a. ~vtd.nced hy ^ffldavlt of Publication flle~ with Pac e ~ __ ._. ...·.n . .. - -- --- ....--. .,.-..- --- .- - -- -_. -..- - - - - -- ....-,,'«--~..'- -------_.._~ _.. _. _.. ~-- .- DQc~mber 2R, l~R? the Clork, pUhllc he~rln!J was openerl to conAider petition n-~'-1~C filed by Krehllnl} Inrlulltrl('!\, roqucstlno r~zonin" from -f\-," t.o -f'tlf''' fur 15.2f1i aCrl'!B ~ocðtec:l oast of I<rnhllnq t:':oncrot('! Plðnt. Plans Implementation nlrector Lðyn~ eXf'lðln~d th~t thp. cerA recommendod unllnlmously th~t Pl'!tltlon R-P'--l~r. he forwllrdo~ to the P.C~ with the recOMm('nd~tlon of ~pprov~:. She ~l\ld th~t 9t~ff ~n~ ~ll County lIqencien havl'! r~commendc~ IIpproval ßub10ct to the followin~ stipulationul 1. Detntlod Wat"r ~~nð"rml'!nt pl~n3 h~ ~uhm ttorl t<J WatC!'r Manllqemftnt ^rlvi~ory Ro~rrl 2. ^menrlMOnt of th" ";>!JD" '10cunC!'nt "" f.() pl\rl)(H,'"ph 1'1 of t~., stll f f report. Co~i..ion.r Plstor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be clo.ed. Commissionor piator moved, cecondftd by Commissioner Voss and carried unanimously, that the ordinance ~s numbered and entitled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No. 16 lInd that tho petitioner'a ^qre.ment be acceptedt ORDIN"NCE 82-12" AN ORDIN~NCE "MENDINO ORDIN~NC~ 82-1, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGUL"TIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED "RE~ or COLLIER COUNTY, rLORID~, BY ~MENDING THE ZONINO ~TLAS ~~P NUMBER 41-25-5 BY CH"HGING THE ZONING CLASSIFIC~TION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED RE~L PROPERTY PROM ·~-2· TO ·PUD· P1.Þ.NNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR XREHLING INDUSTRIES LOC~TED "5 P~RT or Tnr. NORTHWEST 1/4 or THE SOUTHE~ST 1/4 OF SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE 2S E~ST, "ND PROVIDINO ~N EFFECTIVE OAT!. M~K 073 PAc£186 PIge ~ . ... ',,,~.~~\:~f'~~li\·)·,'l';\·_'-."'¡:"\~ .¡J~~lf~~',i~(\,.,I."'\~}.,¥'~·\\A,.~j~I.\~~:i,¡-¡f¡:l~'1 I·'~ 'I;;~ ~}~ì.,.''':~''I~'(~ \" ! :.. .; ¡ ..'\)', ·;\,:,. ):~,i::": ~f '''~ï~;¡ ,'fì:~";$:r¡'¡hÞ~;~"~~/III;I.'U-'$..~t tJ·t.':I~,.t/ ", ~ ';:; ~ ':,.''-<J¡ ¡t,'"" I',. ,:1'., , "I,.", ." ')',:<;:\,::':l:'\t}t'r.\r:~,;¡~:xr~',:.", ,'~:'::' \' " It.. .~O~~ 073 PACE189 D.cembør 29, 19A2 ORDINANCI 82-121 RI PETITION R-82-33C, JURREY WA~~~ CORP., REOU!STING REZONING FROM VAnIOUS ZONES TO ·PUD- FOR 658 UNIT MULTI-FAMILY ~ND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT KNOWN ~B WIGGINS B~Y FOR 148 ACRES AT THE SF. CORNER or WIGGINS PASS RO~D ~ND V~NDERBILT DRIVE - ~DOPTED SUBJECT TO BTIPUL~TIONB, PETITIONE~'S ~GREEM!NT - ~CCEPTED Legal notice having been publishod In the Naples Daily Nftwß on November 2~, 1901. as evl~enced hy ^f(ld~vit of publication tilo~ with the Clerk, public hearinq was upenerl t~ considor petition R-C2-33C filed by Surrey Wftyn~ Cor~., r~quoBttng rQzonlng ~rom variuus zun.. tu ·PUD- f~r a ~5n unit multi-family ~nd cummprclal d~v.lo~ent known IS Wiggins Dfty for 148 ~cres ~t thp £uutheast corner of ~ ~~ins P~8A no~~ and Vanderbilt Drive. P~ans Implementatl<Jn Dlrccttlr Lnync rafC!'rrc~ to tha F.xecutlve Summary dated 1'-/1(,/82 regarding Petition n-p~-33~ c<JntnJnlnq thp four stlpu:ationn w~ich ~t~ff r~cuml'l~nd~ ftlr ~p~ruv~: of th~ n~tltlon. Sh~ said that on D~cemhpr ~, 9r~ thp C^PC h~l~ their puhll~ hc~rin~ anrl f<Jrward~d the petltiun with th~ r~cummend~tltln tlf ~pnruvð: with thp f~:luwlnq ~mcnrlment~ to ntlru:~tlun! uf otaff: 1. Llln"lIðqf' cllneernln,:! !'Itr"p~ :1'Jhtlnrr 1St Int"rn"r.tl<Jn~ roh/lnrrt'd to -lit IIn Intpnnltv IIppr<Jverl hy thp County r.nqineer-. 2. Utl:ity :lIn~ullq(' cnlln",." tu ":lmJl IItilltJen rl('r'lc~tlon to permanent Imprtlvem~nt~·. Tape .2 Mr. Wll¡I~~ Vlnrs, rcpr.5entln~ th~ optltloncr, ~~p~Dln~~ th~ p~tltlon for a -rUD- nutinq thðt thC!' qroes d~n~lty wou~~ ~e 4.~7 unitl p.r acre it the mðxlnllM ^:l(Jw("r1 wrrf! hullt. Iff' !ltllterl thllt half <Jf th,. property Is mðnqr<Jv~~ which 10 tu be loft In Its natural con~lt on and explained the ba~lc p:lln ~rrðn~cmrnt of th,. r1r.vclopmcnt a::owln9 the re.id~nts of the o:ltvator IIpartm('nt structures to cn10y th~ view of th~ Coc~hlltche. River, ...·IQ'1lnr. I'/!!'IS Stllte Park ðnc1 thp. GII:'. Ife s~l<'I that there are ~93 proPos,.ð mllximum units but that somewhllt fewer wll: b. Pa~e 7 - - -. -- . -- "~ -. .-..- -- ..- - - ----. Da~ftmhar ?'R, 19Q" P"9. A ~ ~. ¡'í J'~ !/¡I. ! :t !:,' h~ 1<1 , -,\,), .¡, 1,'\ I~:~- '~;<f,'. . ';;/. ." ,...~: - - - - - - - -- - -.- . . - .-.. _._~ ..- --_. -.- -.- - _.- --- ---. -.- .- .-- ---.. - - - - - - - - - - - built. He said that ftl~ of the prevtouoly mentionp.rl ntlpul~tlons ðro t',' h- r aqr.ed to by thft dp.vt!:opr.r bllt he notC'n th_'It tho :c'5t ntllff rf'comm"nc4- etlon, d~allnq with ~ ~a~rl rn~le site, IR In ~rror linn t.hat th~re haR 'I ~ , been aqrf'emflnt to I'I~:OW .,n nrchnl'ol('c lc.,l rllq on th~ :1rOpefty. '>!s. -'. Layne nta ted thðt 1 -; 5ttJf I e" woul<1 bl' thl.! ~ðX iM'Jm "1 :'owC'd For the development ~nd thnt thrfq loins' Anlrl En~l~ ~ltPrl In thf' ~rl'n which the developers would have ttJ connirtor. ^ ~lscusRltJn followed rp1nr~ln~ TDR'S with Ms. L~ync ~ vln~ ,n ~xpl~nnt on of ~hp T~" proce~5 ~nd ~hf' stated that pr~"l'ntly th~rl' 15 A mtJrðtorlum fe~~fdln~ tho TDn Ordinance. Ho~rondln" tc. C!¡,'lr~"n '<ruR~, "4A. r..lync p.xul,lnerJ t~Mt, If the pntltiun Is ...pprovec1, thefl! CIJIJ:d ~,. 1>93 unit!; hullt on the property hut th..t thlt ':1'\"'S .....ou:( nlJr, he -1pp:.tclIbll'!. Commis.lonor Holland mov~d, seconded by Commtaftloner Rrown and carried unanimously, that the public hearlnq b. clos.ò. Commissioner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner Vosa and carrlod u~ðnlmously, that the ordinance I'IS numb~red and entitled below be adopted and entered into Ordinance Rook No. l~ IInd that the petitioner's ~qreeNent be accept.dz ORDl~ÀNCE 82-121 . ¡ ! ~ ~N ORDIN~NC! "MENDING ORDIN"NC! 82-2 THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING R£(iULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPOR"TED ~RE" OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORID" BY "MENDING THE ZONIN~ ~TLAS M~P NUMBER 48-25-5 BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLAS5IFIC~TION OF THE HEREIN DESCRIDED R!~L PROPERTY FROM C-3, R~F-12, RMF-~, RMF-12 ST, RMF-~ ST, RSr-J 5T, "-2 ST TO -pun- PL"NNF.D UNIT DEVELOPHENT FOR PROPERTY LOC~TF.D IN SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, R~NG! 25 !~ST, ON THE SE CORNER"T WIGGINS p~ss Ro"n, V~ND£~BILT DRIVE, ~ND PROVIDING ~N EFFECTIVE D"TEt ~O~K 073 PACE 19ù ')-!"~~;~"~V~~I¡',,;J" !j'i;¡:;:¡:'~~, '\I~i:%:~' ",,,,,.,..,~ -'I :~!~'~~':~'jti¡"~,¡t....:;",:¡,, ;;.f~ ' ~.,~:¡; t;~ _:~_~tl~:~~{!;} .;J:~q~',~~; t;~\:;p; ,Z" ~X~¡~\,~ '\ ,~'~;~~~G\,;~~::Y '~~;<r:':;'~j~~~, :.r¡- , I ------- -~ - _ ___._ __._ 4'_ ._~_ _ ~__. _.. ._ _~_ _._ _ __ ___ -- - - -- - - - - ..- - - - - - - ~ December 2A, l~ß? It.. 19 DISCUSSION RE COCONUT CREEK, UNIT THREE, P~VING ~SSESSMENT DISTRICT CONTINUED UNTIL Pr.8RU~RY 22, 1983 L.qal notlrn h~vlnq been puhll~herl in the ~apleR O~ily ~flWS on Dece.ber 7 ~nd 14, I~A2 as ovldenced by thp Afflrl~vlt of Publication filed with the C:erk, puh:lc hoarln~ WII5 op~n~rl to r.onsl~or the creation of a pavin~ rll8trict In C<Jconut Creek Unit 3. ChairMlln Kru5c Rtllt~d for th~ rflctlr~ th~t ~ll ~f th~ ~~mmJ8sloners have copi.s ~f 7 l~tt.rs of objertlons req~rdinQ th~ ~ßtllhllßhment of a p.vln~ district In ('octlnut Cr(O"I<, UnIt ;t,r"o. I"LJhllc: ";urks ^rlmlni- strator Hartn~n 8~lo th~t h(O h~8 r~c(Olv~rl ~ petltltln to establish the Coconut Crof'k Unit Thrc,. P<'Ivlnj -'."lInllr,MI?nt Dinr.rlC"t ,1nd thl\t the purpose thi. r'lornlnQ i~ to 1r~nt th~t petltl~n <'Ind ~pprovlt the (ell.l- blllty report prcpt1rpd and the prollmln/lry "SS"'''IM IInt roll. '1. fI~lri that h. I. also roqul!/ltlnq th~t thn r.lrrk r('lcor~ th ll resolution cr~.t- J n9 t hilt P II V I n'1 r1 II t r I C" tAn Ii q r II n t "II tho r I z ," t Ion top r ,." II r (0 r 1 II n san d specHlcatlons ~n~ to M1V,.rtlse for bids. lie rllstrlbutcrl ðn 1I~c1ltlonal ex,.cutive ~uMmary rrq<'lrrllnq the suhjrct ..nrl adrleli thl\t th(Orr are <Jther ways to ðpprollch Improvlnq the roads in the district but thl\t he fee~s the best WilY, ....Ith the ~C"'I!'t Cost to 1111, wou:d h~ the p",vln1 distrIct. Chairman Krusn notrd of th~ 59 ~ot owners, )1 have requostod tho pavtnq ane! st-,e ð5kt'c1 '~r. lI~rtmðn i! that mel\nft that ,': property ownors have not been he~rd from to which ~r. Hart~an respond~d IIftlrmatlvely. CO.MI.'lun.r Ho~~~nd notec1 th~t with that ~ðroe am~unt of property owner. who have not .xpr....d ðn opinion In the matter, h. was concerned abuut huw the ðsse...ment rtlstrlct roquest was begun, to which ~r. Hartman ..ld that a written petition contalnlnq 31 ftlgnature. was given to his <Jfflce. Mr. Juhn Iamurrl lpoke In opposition uf tho creation uf thl. paying ~I.trlct, addlnq that he w.s .war~ that two p.r.ons have . eo~ 073 fACE 102 P"q. 9 j~"~'" \{<I-1""'(' 1,1"""'11 ~{.t)'lí:'d§~~~I]~lln/.,..,,,~~I¡"~"'~"í';O'/i~,,, '~~I\i: I '~~:':~"'~'f,ì;·w:~''':J~l'þ~ 1.,,,,,,\..t'1~~i' ....:;,.~f" )"¡I/:~'''''tf'·~of'', "'¡'flltr 7i<,1f..:r,J.".../....q;,. ."~'~ ~.·.rl ,', ','I ..~,\.....I'¡,: ·~1.3''''''''rf. iI '-:",.:, ~.\~..\ ;~ . ',:"~1' : ,./,' ....IJ¡f'~·4.~~~:4 ,. ,.f~~:~:\;j\':, . 1 ,',' ' . ."_. :!~: S'l,""'~ BOOK 073 PACE 193 withdrawn th.lr .upp~rt for the district which would ~ake the petition D.c.mb.r 28, 1982 Invalid. Comml..iuner Pistur n~t.d th~t during Mr. lamurrf'ß prosentatlon h. quot.d a f19ure of $10.~A ð foot for coating mat.rial and that this altuatlon .hould he inve.tigat~d .Inco the County haa nut be~n able to find anyone who would ..11 it at that price to the County. Co.mla.ioner PI.tor ~ov.d, a.cond.d by Commiasioner Vo.. and carrl.d (/1, with Co~i..ioner Brown opposed, that the public hearing r.gardlng the cr.ation of the Coconut Cr.ek, Unit Three Paving DI.trict b. continued until February 22, 1983 and that staff contact tho.e property owners who have not r.glst.r.d an opinion on the subj.ct. It.a 11' ORDINANCE 82-122 ~M~NDING OnDIN~NCE NO. 78-67 TO ~MEND THE BOUNDARIES or THE PELIC"N BAY MSTU LIGHTING DISTRICT - "DOPTr.D Loga: notice h~vlno b~~n puh:l~h~~ In thp N~p~e~ O~ily News on Docember P, 1902 ~n ~videnccd by ^ffldavit of Puhllclltlon (Il~ð with the C~erk, puhlic h~arln1 was (Jpened tv c<JnBlrl~r am~nd1n~ Orrlinance Nu. 78-67 to amend th~ boundaries of the PolJcan Ray MSTU Lighting District. "tt<Jrnoy Tracy Av:e~~y, rrprcsentlnq th~ p~tltlonpr, explained tho request to increaBr the boundaries tv Inc:ud. new llhtft ta be Instal- led a1anq P~:lcan R~y ~u.evard. Co..is.ioner Pistor mov.d, ..cond.d by Commls.ioner Holland and carried unanimou.ly, that the public hearing be closed. Co.ml..loner Plator aoved, .econded by Co.ml.sloner Holland end carrl.d unanl~ou.ly, thet the ordinance a. numb.r.d and .ntitl.d b.low b. adopted and .nt.r.d into Ordinance Book No. 16. Page 11 ,. .~~: - -- -- -_.~ -- - .,.... "-- .-.- --~- -- --- - - - - -----~, l """ ," .,,::.; ;'I;¡'~ .~~~ . \\,,~ .. _ _ _ _ _"_ .._ _ ~._ ._, _4_.._ .__. __. ._ _..~ ..... __~ _.._ __. _. ~__ ~. 4_4_ ...~ December 2~, 19A2 ORDINANCE 82-122 AM ORDIN~NCE ~~ENDING SECTION TWO OP ORDIN~NCF. NO. 7~-~7 TO ~MEND THE BOUNDARIES OF THE PELICAN a~y LIGHTING MUNICIP~L S!RVICE T"XING DISTRICT, BY ~DDING T"~T CERT~IN RECORDED SUBDIVISION KNOWN ^S PELICAN BAY UNIT IV. ·····RECESS' IBtØ~ ".M. RECONVENEDr lAr1A ".M...... Ite. '11 RESOLUTION 82-294 Rt PETITION V-82-28C, NATHAN , H~RRIET BRODER, REQUESTING A FRONT Y~RD SETBACK VARIANCE OF FIVF. PEET POR PROPERTY LOC~TED ~T 1221 MULBERRY COURT, M~nCO ISLAND - ADOPTED Legal not.ice havln1 b"cn publinherl In the Ntlp\eft "nily 'Jew!I on December 12, 19n2 nnrl In thft ,'I,HcO r!ll.,nrl r.1I~:O CJn Dec"Mber It;, lC q, as evidenced by ^f'ic1.'lVits of Ptlhllcl\tlt.ln !illtc1 ,.,Ith the r.:"rk, puhlic hearlnq W~R (Jpcn~d tu cunRlrl~r P~tltlhn V-",-,"r fl:~rl hy ~"th"n ~n~ Harriet ~rud"r roqurstinq ~ frùnt ynrrl ftcthack varl~~cn uf flvft fe~t for ¡:-ropoorty ~('¡c"t.ert lit 12;>J "Iu:hftrry ('Ollft '.In ~nrco I'1l."nd. P:ans l::lp:oment"tion I"irectur Layne referret1 to th" f.:>(('cutlvt" SUlllmary dllted 1;>/1/;!' roqllrrlln'1 Potitl<Jn 1/-1'7-7.n,., ,,,,'rlln., rhllt th4! Broders rioalr" to nrld II room to their hom~ nece~~ltntln~ th~ encro~ch- ment Into the front y"r~ ~cthnck. Co~i..joner Pistor moved, .econded by Com.issloner Brown and carried unanimoully, that Resolution 82-204 re petition V-~2-28C reque.tn9 I tront yard .etback variance ot five teet tor proporty owned by Nllthan and Harriet Broder located at 1221 Mulberry t':ourt, Marco I.land be adopted. aOOK 073 PACE 104 P~qe 11 t I , ¡ I ¡ ! [ i ~ --....y..-.,.. "-~"'- It.. 112 aO~K 073 rAcE197 Decembar 2B, 198' RESOLUTION 82-285 TO AMEND RESOLUTION 81-193 FOR V~ND!RBILT UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH DELETING REQUIREMENT FOR PERVIOUS PARKING - ADOPTED Plane ImPlement~tlon Pirect~r ~yne oxplalned thp roquoftt by Vanderbilt United prJshyterlan Church to del~te the requlrem~nt for pervious parking in ordor t~ pave pftrt of the par~ln9 l~t on their property. She said that the E^C reviewed tho provlslunal U8Q and recommended pervi~us p~rklnq. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that Resolution 82-205 to amend Resolution 81-193 for Vanderbilt United Presbyterian Church deleting the requirement for perYIous parking, be adopted. PIIC'Je 12 -- ..- - -.- ..- .._,. . ... ..- _.. -- -~-----------..., .' Decembør 28, 1982 ".p. . 3 ~OOK 073 PACE 199 It.1ft 113 STArr DIRECTED TottING BACK ORDIN~NCE ESTABLISHING A TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL AND TO ~DVERTISE THE PUBLIC HE~RING Public Services Artministrator Nurton explained that tho Runrd had instructed that a Task Force be formed tu consldor the merits of a touriat tax In Collier County. He ref.rre~ to the F.xecutive 5ummary dated 12/2ß/S' which ftummari~ed th@ roport of thnt gruup anð qave their recumrnendatiClnc. Mr. Honry WatkinA, Chðlrman of the Task Force, stated th~t the decision to rccc,mmenri tlHlt ð TClur J st Developmcnt Council be formftd WIS not a unantmouc doclsion of tho members uf the Task Force. Responding to Commissioner 8rown, Mr. N~rton exp:ðinftd that the membership of the CCluncll wuuld be from tht! h(,tnl inrlllRtry, ~¡"cted offic1lJlf;'l of the city, and m~mbcrs tit rnl~ted InduRtrlps, such as rCRt~UrlJnt owners, nnd thl't the Cnlllpn,1n or the COr'lrnl!'l!:lor1 wtllJ~d ch",lr tile CouncIl. Be said that an ordinðnco wtluld have t.o bf' passerl In ( rder ttl e"tðblish n Council. Respondlna ttl CtlMMlp~loner Pro~n, County ~ttorney Saunrlern nlJlð that nn ordinance ctluld b~ advertiser! In orrter to establish the Council and that in J^nunry a rrc<JMmrndlltlon tlf Members (or the rouncll could be pre8~nted. IIC' referred t( ChIJrter 125, F.5. which spcc::1fies thto u..s which are allowrd for funds ~~norated hy II tourist tll~ anð h~ auqgeated It ~uld be useful for him to provide the Commissioners with copies of that chaptcr for thcir conslder~tlon. ~r. ~aundors .ald that Chapter 12S.nl~4, ~ub-ø~ction 3 setß out the legislative Intent in en~ctlnq the TtlurJst D~v~lopment Tax Leqt81ntton ðnd rlo.~ provide for the salas t~x to ~r ovrr ~nd IIhovr any oth~r t^X tor rentels of a term of six months or less. Mr. George MohUœ, ex-officitl mpmb"r of th~ Task Forco, stated Page 13 ..~ ...- --- ..--. ,- ~ -. - ..- - ~f, ;~ ·r} ~~~'I ,1;" "'i t1):J ì·!· 'i-,.' ~~':; fI'" J" " '~ ..r' , I·t,','" ,," ....;':: ,.~" J ~fì. ¡:" ,~" :,1 1 ./.~ i ~ t, " ". ( ~~ , ~~'~:I ------- - - _. --- _. -- - --- - .-- u ~_ ._ __. _ ...._ _ _ _. ..- _.~ ----------- ~ncftmhor 'ß, 19~' that h. performed bh~ functIon assenti~lly of rese8rchftr and devoloper of 110m. uf thct fiquros In the ro ")<)rt Inc~U-!Qd In th~ ""nnd", provldin/1 Information roqnrdlnq r~venU.8 which are likely to be qonerðt~d if. the tax w.ro inltillted. Ho r"f"rroc! to ~n ~ttorn,.y (;eneral rUllnq on July 19, 1982 in which there wag.., judgment mild. th~t all ran tal acco~m<J~a- " tlons <Jf l.ss thlln ~Ix Month~ ~ur~tlon, If they b~ con~ominlum ~D"'rt- .ents and are DO lißt~d IInct lo..,sod, would ~ft ~uhject to the S\ t..,x nnd that w~s confirMed by th~ ~tllt~ \ahln~t and th,l)t a grace oorlor1 W8S provided {tlr thofte por1lonn whtl rli~ not mak.. contribution to de tax beqlnnlnq In July "nl'1 th..,t th(J~e cont.rlhutl<Jn" could her'lln "s of November 3n, 19n,. "~ s..,id that tho r~vpnue assumptions In the raport du nut Inc~ud(' ctlntrlhlJtlvn~ 'roM th/..lso ~tln"'tlmlnlu~ Ilnits th/lt: ',,",oult! ~ft leased for those pLrpo8os. ~r. Juhn Dnvenrurt, rre81~ftnt. tlf th~ rol:ler Cuunty Htlt~:/~utpl ".soclation, pointed out thðt ~t th,. org"'nlzlltional meetlnl1 of the Tourist Develo~ent T~Bk Forc~ holrl ~n ^Ur'lUSt IJ, Inq" ~iqht M~mber1 of that !)rtlup wero selectod IInd four ft)(-tlUiclo ll..,inon repr"lJont"tfv.,~ were appointed IInd rh;n the rcopurt "'"nl: lun"rt waft prePArfOrl hy two .x-ufflcl<J li",l&on r"pr"1It.'ntlltlvo!1 JOnI'! do~. not, In !da opinIon, r.pr~sent the rlOCi91ons thllt werr. roðcherl ..,t the last meotlnq of the Task Forc.. He sðld he fltlt th..t It is pntMature to formullltft thfO Ctluncl':' at this time "Ince nlln" of the rf'gu;'lIr members <JC the Tn.1< Furce reviewed what has been 9ub~lttcd t<J the Commissioners ...nrl ho su~qested thAt the subject he removerl at this ti~o from con9lrlnrntion. He .ald that his ob1ectlon Is to tho opening fttatftment of thc report that the T~sk Force oncourft~.ft the Commission to ~Ive formal consf~er- atlon to creation uf a Tourist Develupment Council, notlnq there WAS nu encClurllqement And that half of the lII.,mbera of tho TASk 'oree are hotel people who have s.rlous doubts and want to pur.ue It further. M!)1( 073 tAt( ~.oO Paq. 14 . ...-.--- ~ 073 rAtES)l December 28, 19A2 Mr. Philip Francoeur, member of the Hotol Association, saið that the receptl~n ~f the idea of the C~unci: wan less than onthusiastlc hy members of the hotel business becauso, to tax the wJnter ~Up.otß tQ encuurage summer guests is not ~ functiun of aovernMent Dn~ thnt It I. dJacrJoinatory. Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner PJator and carri.d 4/1, with Commissioner Holland oppos.d, that staft advertise and bring back an ordinance to .et up the Tourist Development Coun~Jl a. pr.scrib.d by law. COr:'lMhRlonor IIO~:ðnd not~(' the opposltJon to thi~ tourIst t~ ( ..,nð the controversy ~urrounding it ðnl'! pointer! out t~nt th8 devclopment uf the Council w~s not th~ r~cumn~n~~tlon tI' th~ T~~k Furc~. It.. 114 RESOLUTION 82-2~~ ^UTHORJZING THE EXECUTION or " NEW CONTR^CTU"L AGREEMENT BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY "NO TifF: f'LORID~ DEPARTM~NT OF INVIRONMENT"L REGU~TION TO CONTINUE THE COUNTY'S COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGR"'" TO SEPTEMBER 30, 1984 - ADOPTED Community r)f>vf':opmf!nt' "drr ni~trlltor Vlrtl'l eX "Ill!tnllr! thC' re-ouest t<Jr the Chairman to ~xrcute n new contrl'lctull1 /'I~reeMent hetwren Collier County /'Inrl the f:()rlc11'1 [)('plIrt,.,,,nt ()f rnvlronm,.ntll: r."r¡u:tltltln t.o continue the current RCllch MII~tpr M~nl'l~rment Proj~ct which h/'l~ bpcn funded during thr p~~t yo~r thnt wuuld runtinue the ~4~,nAn prO"rI'lM, $J2,ß~A being federal funds and $A,~AO hclng in tho furm of In-~inð services pcrfurm~rl hy the County f.nvtronment~:iGt. Commission.r Plstor moved, seconded by Com~løsloner Vuss ftnd carried unanimously, that Resolution 82-2e6, authuri&inq the ex.cu~lon of a new contractual agr....nt. between Collier County and the Florida D.p.rtm.nt of Environmental Regulation, b. adopted. Responding to C.onnisftioner Holl~nd, Mr. Vlrtll said that the Sa,~~" Is in the hu~qot In th~ form or th~ rounty ~nviron~entft:J.t IIn~ his .ta!! servic.s would make up that figure. Page 1~ - - - __ ~ .~. .eo ~ _ _~ ·_'4 __ ._._ .___ ~__ ,_.. i \ i ~ U5 &O~~ 073 PACE 219 Decemb.r 28, 1982 RESOLUTION 82-217 AMENDING AN EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN MAURA E. CURR~N, COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT INTERN, ~ND COLLIER COUNTY - ~DOPTED Community Devolopment ^dmlnistrðt~r Vlrt~ explðlned the request to .mend an employment ðgreement betweon Maurn Fo. Curran, Coastal Zone Mana9ment Intern, who has been working on the prevluusly ~entl~n.d grant program, and Collier Cuunty. Comal.sloner Plstor mov.d, s.conded by Commissioner Vo.. and carrl.d unanimously, that Resolution 82-2ß7 amending an employ.ent , ., .gr....nt between Maura E. Curran, Coastal Zone Management Intern, and Collier County, be adopted. Page 11\ );. -. - - - - --- -- - - -- -. - -_. -- --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -;¡~ '.;~ ',,,:1, ",,~~ ..~~ I:~' : '".; -', ·,'\Nc)'~ .. - - - - - -, -- Decamber 2n, 19A' 1 tea . U rlVE-Y!~R EXTENSION or Fn"NCMISr. ~GR£EMENT WITH IMMO~"Lr.E DISPOS~L SERVICI BEYOND ITS PRESENT EXPIR"TI0N ON SEPTP.MBER 39, 1985 - ^PPROVED Puhllc Wurlo:s ^c1min 1st: rator Hartman presented thl" r('quo"t fClr ., five-year eKtenslon of thn franchise a~roement with I~Mokalee ~Isposl)l Service heyond fts rr~8~nt pxplr~tlon 0n 5~pt~mhftr lr, lnn~. Conaissioner Brown moved, seconded by Com.issioner Plstor, that a five-year extension of the franchis. ~qroement with Immokale. Olsposal Servic. beyond its present oxplratlon on September 39, IqA5 he approved. Tape 14 Dlscu3ßion fo::oworl r"'1,H(~ n'1 thl!' "'erlt~ cd .,uch IIn ext~n!Jt<Jn wi'C!'\ Chairman '(rune not.ln'1 ttd!l r.xtenKI{Jn wou:c1 hrln'1 thll'l compllny In line with the "xtcn!\ (,¡n~ ctrllnt,.1 rrf'v1úu:J:y ttl "thor " 'JD<J:1l1: ctlMn"nlf"s. Cunmlssloner Hullnnc1 r~)lstorerl his tlp~altion notln~ thllt ~uch ^n extension wuu:d nut nrtlvld!! 'tlr c""""etltlc)n. Upon call t<Jr the que~tlon tho motion carrleð ~/l, with Co..I.sioner Holland opposed. ao~ 073 'ACE224 Paqe 17 , ~. ' . .~ - - - - . -- -- -. . ~ . ... _.. -- --- .-. noceMber "", l~A' It.. 11 7 PROPOSED CONCEPT or PROVIDING REFUSE COLLr.CTION 'R~NCHISE FOR ~DDITION~L "RE~ - ^PPROVED. foT^'F AUTHORIZED TO ADVERTISE FOR CO~P!TITIV! BIDS FOR S~M! Puh:lc Work" ^dM1nlstrtltor !ltlrt!"\ðn exp:ain'trl thlt r"qlJ~"t to provide franchi~erl r~ruso Ctl::~ctI0n ~~rvl~n In ~ nr~~pntly unfranchl,erl ar~a ~9 ~e8cri~erl In tho r.xocutJvo ~umm~ry dðtOrl 1"/1~/R2. Cbmml..ionllr VOI5!1 pointed out thllt If th,. francht !'Ier! ."r"" w,'s ,.nl"rq"d the Commlsalun wou:~ hllve control or th,. r"tes chðr~~rl in thðt "rea. Coømis.ioner Brown moved, .econd.d by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that the propuserl concept of providing a refuse collection franchise for an additional ..rea be approved and that staff be authorized to "dvertlße tor competitive bid. for sa~e. ·····REC!SSt lØt~5 A.M. - RECONVENEDI 1llnn A.~...... It.. 118 PRESENT~TI0N OY J. 5^NDY SC^TENA, Rt CITY/COUNTY/STATF. "TT~nNF.Y ~GR!EM!NT FOR PROSECUTION S~RVIC£S - NO ~CTION T^K£N ~r. J. ~"n~y Sc~tcnð rr"!'Irnt~d r.~hlblt~ , thrtlu~h F for th~ r~cörd plus ExhihltG '24 throu'1~ 2~. Ie roforr,..rl to the vllrioUS exhibits to .xp¡aln hi5 ctlntention th~t, tlccordin~ t( ~t.ðt~ ¡ðW, the ;,tates "ttornoy's ( tflc. Is supposed to solely pros~cuto violations of county and municip3: ordln"nces ~nd r.pflCllll l~w!l rellltln1 t~ rolll~r Ctlunty and the City <Jf 'lllples. fie n"ld that prl'!lent:y t.he "sslatllnt Stðt'!S "tturney is pro.ecutln~ II' , . . thl'! frllurltl:I'nt ,=heclt cauf'O whlr-h is ., vi<Jlation of the law. ~e s^id th~t tho County I. pllyinq f( r the ø.cret~rlal ~ervlcoa t<J tho 5tðt~n ^ttûrney'~ otflco ~hich Is ~ls~ contrary to ¡aw. Tap. t5 Chairmðn KrURe n<Jtc~ th~t currontly the Ataff Is a~dro.øin1 th~ v3rfbu8 issues raised with the State. ~ttorney's office and that th~ new Aqreement will he baaed upon tho~. rlfacua.iuna. 8~ 073 JlAtfZ21S Page lA . ,~ 800K 073 PACE 'ZZ7 County Attorney Saunders explaineð thnt every issue rai.ed by Mr. 19R'- Scat.n~ has been ðddr.sae~ and that he feels thnt the ~9reem~nt that Is currently being prepared is reflect.ive of existing clrcumntanceø and Is in c~mpllanc~ with 011 appllc~hl~ rloridll Rtatute~. Mr. Bill Tayl~r, registered spe~ker, deferred his commentA until more inform~tiun is hrou~ht forth. It.. 119 E~ST N~PLES FIRE STATION, CITY OF N"PLES, SCHOOL BO~RD AND COLLIER COUNTY PROPERTIES EXEMPT FROM BEING ~SSESS!D ON THE PROPOSED EAST NAPLES FIRE RYDR~NT IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT - ~PPROVED Public Works Adninlstratur Hort~en ref~rred to the D~cember 14, 1992 BCC me~tinq lit which tlMr otnff w~s requ~st~~ to return today with an explanation as to why th~ puh~ic pror~rty hap been ex.m~t.~ from the a..essment of the F....St :~ar':p.~ Flrf" Hydr~nt Imprc..vement f'\istrlct. He ref~rre~ to th~ r.xp.~utiv~ ~umn~ry d~tvd 1~/'1/~2 which ðttempts tu ~Ivn that exp:l!nllt Ion nn~ I\rlrl,.c~ rhllt thl' {tlunty .'\ttlJrncy Is prep...rrd to address Item 0, pl!~r 1 of S~M~. County AttlJrnrv ~...un~pr~ rxr:nln~~ th...t ~Qcrion 2'~.J~, F.5., prohibits countlen fro~ "'Rne5s n1 school hoard oropcrty unlesR it clln be .hown th~t the ~ChU0: hoe'lrrl ~"'h, In a~vance, ðpprove~ of the improvements for which thry ar~ h~ n~ ~Bftonsed. H~ 811irl It In his undcr.tðndinq thin hnG not occurr~~ ...nd It In hln onlnlc..n, th~r~~ore, that the Cc..un~y ennn0t ~S~~R~ the B~hoûl ~onrd pr<J~rrty for fire hydrants untl: an n1rr~~rnt hn~ b~~n o~tntn~~ fr~~ the B~hool ~oard for that purpose. Hf' ....Ir1 h~ hl'lR revlf'wod IIOU8. AI:l 2"1, Ch,.,pter 61-2(13", the Special Act cranting th~ [ð~t Naples Fire rontr0l OIAtrlct and that there ia nothing In that $pf'ci~l Act which Is contrary to what he just ment1ont'.1. Commi.sluner Vo.s ~oved, scconðerl hy Commis.loner Plstor and carrieð unani.ously, that the East Naples Fire Station, City of Maple., Page 19 - -- -_. - -- ..- .. - -- - _.- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- --- _ '4'__ -_.. - - -_. .~..__.__._------- D~c~~ber 'R, lQR, School Bo.rd and Collier County properties be exempt from being .......d In the proposed East Naples Fire Hydrant Improvement District. County M~nðqer Normftn c:~rfflod that thl5 Action is in rrepftratlon for the continuod ru~:lc hlt.Hln" to oC::tlr (,n J~nuAry \\, 19~), ~t '"hich time the othor Ad1u9t"ent~ repurt~~ on th~ ~for~montionød rx~cutlv~ Summ,!ry will bo of t.hf! prtJl'OflN1 rtJ1:. Ite. 121 MASTER CONSTRUCTION PL^N, BUILDING -F-, JUSTICE CrNTER EXP^N~IO~ _ ~PPROVED Public ~ðfoty ~rlmtnl~trnt0r "~rrt~: ~~p:~lnnrl th~ r~qu~st (or the ACC tu adopt th~ ~~~t~r ~un9tructlon r1ðn Fur th~ ~~conrl nlcMrnt, Buf:rlln1 -1"-, J~ the- .Ju!1tlt:"~ r"ntcr f:-:ol!nston, n(Jtln" thllt t",..r.. .~r.. three .:Iddltiun.:l1 f1(J()r~ prup.,s,,'! ftJr nul:r lnrr -F- ðnrl th~t, IJpon ~o"'- pllttfon, the rUlIrt n,.nurr."r trðf~"r ',",ou..d h~ fVAI:"h:,. (CJr 3tJrp~lJfI "":0 or whatovf!r uth~r usc ~c~me~ 5ult~h19. I!. 1181rJ th...t th" O!Jtir.\lItl!'rl bu d q It tis 2. 5; r1 I : : It.. n r' U ~ : II r!1 .' n r~ t ',., t t ., e roo n '" t r I J C t I ! n r. ~ h.,ò II: n I' IInticipðt.d to t,1kn .1:ntJ!H (Jneo y"lIr \i!t" .lllnuðry I"t, llill-1 to h~ crJr.\p~t"- t Ion d a tit. ~ (' C x r : ,1 I n'" ( t ~ , 1: t r1 n <; I -.: t h .1 n d <; ('> " "n t h ': 0 (J r !J f nt II I : r! t n rr -r- are sch.r1u:od tu b,. r.CJ'!1r:et,.~ ·'nri 0C':' p !.On .lnd th,H the el"hth r:'<Jor is tc.. h~ shf'::ed I~ In otr1cr ru "Ut en" !Int>: rOl.Jf on thlt building. COMMis:Ji(Jn~r '1<J::,nd CII/t!Hlon"d t!I,. ·-II~do.., uf rroc"oriin" with t~ft construction which wi:: ?r(J~ðb:y rl~~r"~5~ the par~ln1 ~vhi~ðble to which ~r. D<Jrrl:l ~~Irl th~t It I~ ~(Jr~ f~~31~lQ tu ~oMhino ~s much activity liS possible to t~ke IIdvantðne of hotter c(Jrnpetltion in scherl- ulinq the cuntr~ct ~nd that ~um~ a~~ftlonal r~rkino prohlema wi:'l uccur. '~wev.r, h~ sðid thðt the <Jv~rf:'ow :(Jt, ~uthorized by the acc Suuth of the c<Jmp:~x, ~ ~atisrðct<Jry ~n~ that the new parkln~ :<Jt for the jail i. .<Jm.what ~h.ðd uf Dchedule and possibly one of the bid I',-"ckeg.. tor the jail could t)p reachodulod to ~cttl~lly pave the l~n-"!H' . &O~(. 073 P'\~ë: 228 paqe '" I ... Decemb.r ~8, 1982 eoo~ 073 'ACE 229 parking spaces. Commissioner Hulland said he felt that it would be well fur the Buftr~ to considp.r pushing ahead on that schedulG. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carried unanimously, that the Master Construction Plan, Buildinq -r·, ~ustic. Center, be approved. 1 tern . 21 rlN~L ~GREEM£NT Rt CONSOLID~T!D EMS r~CILITY - CONTINUED. TO BI RESCHEDULED BY COUNTY ~TTORNEY ~t Public Safety ^dminlstrator Oorrill's request, Co~mfssloner Brown moved, secondeð by Commissioner Holland and carri.d 4/1, with Commissioner Pistur opposed, that the finlll a9ree~ent re the conaolidated EMS facility be continued and be rescheduled by the County ~ttorney. I UIII . 22 REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION ON ^GR£E~ENT WITH COLDF.N G~TF. FIRE CONTROL RESCUE DISTRICT FOR CONTR^CTU~L OPER^TI0N THROUGH ~EPTEMAER, 19A3 _ CONTINUED, NO D~Tr. ~r.T As reouf'5tPd by rllhllc !:lIff!ty !lr1mlr.l!ötrðtc..r Oc..rrl:: Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commisølonor Brown and carrl.d unanimously, that the report and reco~mendatlon on th. agreement with Golden Gate 'ire Control Rescuo DIstrict tor contractual operation through September, 1983 be contInued to a l~ter date. It em '23 REINSTATING FULL TIME SECRETARY TO VETER"NS ~DMINI5TR~TI0N - DENIED. EXEMPTION 'ROM tlIRlNG 'REP:Zr. paR tLEVEN V~RIOUS PO~ITIONS - ~PPROVt:D ^sslstant c.~unty ~ðnllqer ~mlth rof~rrod tu thp r.xocutiv~ ~ummary dateð 12/23/A2 roqðrdln~ staff recomMendation tor exemption t·om the hiring (re~z,. tit vllrlou9 pu~ltlonß. Ho nutP~ th~t currently there are 33 vacancies and nta!f recummends that 11 pusltionø b~ exeMpt from thp. hlrlnq ffe.~e ðn~ fl::,.rl. CommiS51unpr Pruwn l'I[;kerl If tiler.. if' I'\tln"y "vaillth¡e for these paq. 21 . - - ..-.- .-- ~ . 4 . ..~_ _.__ _._ .___ ..__ .__ ...~ _~._ ___ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ - - - - - --- - - .<- - "- - - ..,~. ... -.- ,.-. -- -- necemt-C!r 21', l~q:l pusltl<Jns and C~unty ~anðqar NorM~n said thnt ~on(!y hn~ been nppropri- IIterl In thl~ yenr'~ hud~ct, huwpv~r, thft rrvrnuo rram th~ qðJn~ t~x Is fnllSng ah<Jrt ~nd thnt cðrofu: nunitorinQ of thnt money indicðtnS thllt thla ~Itu~tl~n wi:: ncpr1 to ~r ftrl~rpq"~rl wlt~ln th~ ~~xt fpw w~pks. Comf/lisslunar V~!'I!'I SII ,I th~t hI! thouC1ht the ðpprCJðch used for tho anlllysin h"""d on hu..... the "epnrt..,,,nra ~"'n cut ",.,ck In IIn pxcclltont ðpproðch but thnt this itr.m rlue~ not nece~8ðrily rr.tlnct thllt, to which ~r. ~ur~...n 5"ld h~ f~:t thl~ IR rp':o~t vP uf thnr ~ppro...ch In th.,t every j<Jh 1!1 t'lolnCJ look"d lit un tht' hl\sls tJt whether It will cut bðck In whllt 1tat~ f~e:~ ...re ~"spntl~l ~.rv ~p~. Co~i..loner Holland moved, oeconded by Com.issloner Arown, that the staff recommendation to exempt vðrious positions from the hlrlnQ fre.ze be npprov~d and that the Veterans ^rlmSniøtrati~n secretary b. r.lnstated to full timn. Upon the fu::owinq roll cðll voto the motion failed 2/31 Commissioner Holland Co~lssloner Brown Comalssioner Pistnr Co~ls.ionftr Voss Chairltan II:ruse Yes Yes No No No CONelssloner PSstor movod, seconded ~y Commi.sioner Vas. and carried 3/2, with Commissioners Brown and Holland opposed, that the 11 various positions outlined in the Executive ~ummary dated 12/23/82 and recommended by staff be exempt from the hiring fre.ze. Ite. 124 aID 15S9 rOR HVAC PH"S£ II - AWARDED TO B , I CONTR~CTORS, INC., UPON RECEIPT or PERrORM~NCE BONÐø IN THE ^MOUNT or ~151,~AA Le9a~ notice hðvlnC1 heon publlshnd In tho ~ap:e~ Dally News un Nov.mb.r 29, 1982 as evldencod by ^ffidavit of rubllcatl~n filed with tho <.:lerk, hids Wltrlt rocolv"c1 fClr rHd "¡'iI), fur I1V'C Phðse ]I Improv~ent. at Collier Cuunty Guvftrnment Center until 213" P,M. Oeo.",ber 1 5, 191'2. &f)~ 073 PAt( 230 Paq. '2 . . "'." &O~K December 28, 1992 ~..i.t.nt County Manager Smith explained that the low bidder was di-qunlifl@d a~ their request hecaus~ they rtid not Inc:u~e thp. electrical work an~ that staff recommends thøt Bi~ .569 be awardeð tu B , I Contr~cturs, inc. In thp amount of $151,n"~ upon receipt of a Performanco Bond. H~ said that monies have been budgetod in the amount of $lSl,S(,~ fur this exponditure. Co.-i..loner Plator ~oved, .econded by Commi..ioner Vo.. and carried unnnimously, that Bid 'S~9 for HVAC Phase II Improvement. at Collier County Government Center be awardod to R , I Contractors, Inc., upon receipt of Performance Bond, In th@ amount of $151,ßA0, as recommended by the Purchasing Director to be thft loweat responaible bid In the best intereat of the County, and that the Chairman be authorized to al9n and the Clerk attest the rasulttnq agre.~.nt. Item . 2S CONCEPT FOR OPER"TION or ^ CONCE~~ION ^T 8~YVIF.W p~nK - ~PPROV£D Co~lssioner Plntor m~ved, seconded hy Commissioner Voss and carried unanlmou~ly, that the concept for th~ operfttlon of a conce..lon at Bayviev Park be approv~d. Item 126 CONTR"CT FOR FY '03 OPER^TING GR"NT FROM ST^T~ LtRRARtr.s or FLORIDA _ ~PPROVtD Commi.sioner Brovn moved, seconded by Commissioner Piltor and carried unanlmoully, that the contract tor rY '83 Operatlnq Crant fro~ the State Libraries of Florida be approved. Paqe 2 ~ \,(~\ I" ii'~.I, .. ~. '.' .. i/ " 1 UII 127 &OOK 073 PACE 235 December 28, 198'- IMMOKAL!E EPISCOP~LI~N CEMtTtRY PROPERTY - ^CCEPT!D TO BE MADE AN HISTORIC"L SITE, FENCING TO B! !R!CTED ~ROUNn PROP!RTY C~unty Mðnaq@r N~rm~n recoMm@n~~d thllt th~ Roðrd not procepd wJth the item dealing with the Episcopðll~n Cemetery property t<J which C~mml.sluncr Rrown stated that tho property woulrl h~ completely de.ecrated if nothlnq Wl\ø rlone. Commi~nlonftr Voss sold that h~ felt tho !<.lard should tðke respunolbillty (or thp property, IIddin'J hI' felt strongly that th~ property should be pres~rved. Comml..loner Brown moved, seconded by CommJ..loner Voss and carried unanimously, that the Immoklllee Episcopalian Cemetery property be accepted to be marl. an historical aito and that fencing be erected around the property. Tape .6 Itell .28 REPORT R£ ~CTIONS RF.ING T~KEN AY COUNTY M~NAGF.R DIVISION IN RE~PONSE TO ANTICIP~TF.D COUNTYWIDE REVENUE ~HORTP~LLS - NO "CTION TAKEN Ch" rm...n t:ru~" fl'fcrrt'r! trJ th,. rxr.clltlvt' f\l~"'(\rv rlllt..r! 1:'/')3/"" nnè compllm.ntt'd Cuuntv lo!/tr1/1f'1C'f Normlln on hlf! r"purt rf'qllrdinq IIctionn h~lng tðk"!n I,y tl1,. CeJllnty ",'n"""f 'ì .'¡r, eJn In rent'On!'lf' to IIntlclollter' countywldt' rr.vt'nul' nhCJrtfn:~~. ~r. NOrMJln sðl~ that thp difficulty whIch hlÐ ~Ivl~lun lfi try n~ tu ^rlrlft'~~ I~ II pro~lpn thC' r0unty will have to ¡¡VI' with oC'yond tht' ctJrrQnt fjnCII: yP.,oIC. ltell '29 ~PPLIC"TION RE DtLTONA UTILITIES - ~CC!PTED, R"Tr. CONSULTANTS ~UTHORIZ!D rOR RCe CONSIDF.R"TION Utllltics "'"n.,qr.·r I!f'r:rcJn cxp~..l!nf'C thAt Ch,. ...pp:lcðtlon fr',m .d Dt':'tonð Utl:ltic!t hilI' bf'en received ...nc1 tH' requl!'Pltftct that at thl!' next " ace ml!'t'tinq ... pr~~rnt~clon hy two or thre~ rðtf' consultants b~ mAdo. Coml'ldssl<Jner Voss aakec1 wh.n t~,e tlmctAh:t' Is and "'r. Ben:on rep:led thnt 17r d"'y~ frtlm AcCeptl'lncr of thr ...opllc...tlon I~ ^:lowed. Page 24 __ __n_ .'__ _4.. ___ ____ ,- - - - - -- --- - --. - - - --,,~ ...-- - .- ... --- ..." .~"- - -- - "--- ~~cemhor ,~, 198'- Re.pund in'=} t<J C<Junty Att<Jrnoy ~ðunc1ors, 'Ar. 'lIH zun st"tcr1 ~" rl)cnlv'td the appllcatitln fro"1 f11'!:túnfl vn f1(.!C"omh"r 1", 10")? 1nc1 t~l'It -=on~tlt.'Jt(!!I the final infor~lItiún n"er1ed as r~r 11ft he ~ou¡d t~:: from ~ hrl"r examinatJún uf tho rl'lp~rs. Commil'I'lonor VCJA!'I !'Iðlrl thl'lr "In~~ t.ho t1~cl"ie n ""An "1.,-ic etl I"stnb- llsh II R~te C<J~~I~slun he wou:rl ~uqqest th~t this te~ he r~f"rrpd to that Cúmmlsnlún I'IS nUvn "" th~ MeMh~r~ /'Iro nrnolnte~. rollowinq a shurt rll~~ul''' on, Mr. 5ðun~ors exp:~lnp.rl thðt the ClrdJnance pruvlc10ß chllt rhll !:'~ ,llIyn hoeJÍns tine" rhl'! 1np:fr:..,tltln "'II!' boen c<Jmpllttoly f 11nd .,no thfll'; I c woul1 IIrr""...r thllt thl!' dnte WIIS Oece!llbor 17, Ion,. ~r. ~~rzu~ n~lrl that tho ron~~ltl'lnt~ roulrl undoubtedly dtl thp.lr wurk within 1'1 lP tú ~~ rlllY rerlorl 'nrl the ~dvisorv btl" r d wu u : rl t h r n : let c n t u tile I r fin 'II ., , r. ð n 1 I t ~/l/1I : ~ ~ he : to¡ ~ Flu II r d ' 3 action, ðt tho und u( the 12" rlðY~, tu I'Ictu^lly have ~ flndJnn-ot-fact3 an~ a rate c1oter~inðtlún. Co.missloner Drown moved, necunded by Cummissloner v~ss and carried unanimously, that the IIPpllcation re Deltona Utilltie. be accepted and that rate cCln.ult~nts be authorized for consideration. Cummissluner rlsttlr said he felt thiß Is tho ti~o for the "CC to e (eprcJlle its ri'1ht of f.nln'tnt ['tlr.'IlIln .,nrl try t(, tClI:C tlv"r ^~~ t~o activities tit the variulJs uti¡ltit"!I in th" \ounty. ~'-'sponrlinC to Cornmlsniuner H<J:l"no, \oMmlssiuner Plstor sal~ ~~yment for this cuu:d be realized throu1h a bon~ IRaue. ro¡lowln~ ~ fthort rtlftcussiun, staft wa. ~Irect.d t<J look into th-. County tllkl.tover of the.- vllrlolls .,rlvlltely owned utilIties In CollJer County. ~r. ~prz<Jn requestod a tIm~rrame nf approximatoly ~o rlay~ ttlf th~ t~lIøihlllty 3tudy to he mllde. aD)( 073 PACE 286 P~q. 25 .:;i.;¡ . ."'r'. ~\~~~ <:\' ":~:':~1 .J ~lŽ ··:~f ..'~'.I. . ". ~' . :,:...~i; }l~ If . :~i. ,~,'::..;.' i)'.,V"~"H Item .3. ßOOK 073 PACE 237 December 28, 1902 RtCOMMEND~TION TO pnOVIDE ~ LETTER or NO OBJECTION rOR W~TER SERVICE FROM EVERGL~DES CITY TO PL~NT^TION ISL~ND - REFERRED TO COUNTY ~TTORNEY Commissioner Brown moved, .econded by Commirsloner Pistor, that the Chair.an be authorized to provide a letter of no objection to the creation of a .pecial .ervice district by the City of !verqlados. Mr. Luther R. ^twell, Plant~tl~n Island resident, spoko In opposJtion to this acti<Jrl, nrtding that Plant~tlon Islðn~ w~s Include~, without th~ residents' knowledgc, In P.vcrgl~~es Clty's appl!c~tion for the Fod(HlIl Lorn Grnnt from thf' f'T:11t!l ttl crel!te the Wl'ter plllnt. Hf) said the qrllnt WIIS obtnlned nnrl they wtluld ~uPP:Y th~ resirlcnts of Plantl'ltlon I8l~nc1 wIth Wlltor lit l'Ibout ~n,('''(1 pt'r uncr. Hf" ftDie' that, upon invost1ql'ltl<Jn hy Sr.n~tor Pllulð lIo'twk1nR, she c<Jnflrmeci that Plantðtlon CIty WIIS inc:udcrl In th~ orllnt l'Ind thllt ~vernll'lde~ City WIIØ qoin'J to dOLJb:(' clli1rn!!' f(jr th(' c('rvicc. lie ~",J1 thllt he fe(\ls the suhjcct or r"'l'r'l:"'!ff'~. CIty cr£'Atln'1 " spC'cllIl w"tcr ~i!:trJct ne..ds more investl!Jðtltln. Followlnq Mr. ^tw~11'8 objection, Commissioner Brown withdrew his ~otion and Commissioner Pistor withdrew his second. Corncissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and cerried unanimously, thnt the mlltter ot a letter ot ohjection tor water service trom Everqlades City to Plantation Island be referred to the County ~ttorn.v. 1 te~ 131 PRELIHIN~RY ·~CEPT"NC£ OF HIDF.AW^Y BEACH SEwER '''CILITIE5 - CONTINUED !O J~NU~RY 25, 1983 Utilities Manan!!'r ~f'rzon r~ferrert to the £~ocutlv~ Sunm~ry dðteð 12/17/82 :Istinq ten t~mo (or th~ Commlønlon~rø' ctlnsJdcrl'ltlon reqardlnq AcCeptAnce of thr newer t~ci:ftle~ At Hld~",wny ~~n~h und~r ^ one year qUðrllnt~ft. ~c s~id th~t ~lJ,~Ø~ Is to h~ p~i~ by the doveluperø tI( tlidcllwl'lY F"...("~ ttl provlrlc for m,.lntenðnc~ co~t,. which may Page 211i ..~- ".- ------ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~_ _ ._. _ __ n_ ___ ~ -- - - ._- - .-. - -- ,-- -.- npcp.mhpr ,~, l~R' re~ult due to tho collection lJ~~s which h~vo he en c~n5trllcted to qrnd.,s loss than th~ ",Inlnllm ~st1lbllr.~t'rl :'Itlln~^rrlc:. Respondlnq to rumml~nluncr ~i~t~r, ~r. R~rztln ~xplainerl whllt woulrl 01' Involvp.c1 If tht' "cvf'l()por~ wrrl' n.'~1} ':0 re-du th~ 'Iork (In t.I'I" ~~ctlons of lInes In quc9tltln, ~~~ln1 th~t It wou~d he extrp.~oly costly to the ~ovoluper ~n~ th~t 'lusnln1 the : n~~ unr~ ~ y~~r with th~ upfront money should nuffic~. Rp.srondinq t:tI C<J~mis~lonltr vOßs, ~r. Aerztln explained thp. procl'r'url' of (.-,kln'1 th~ "'~-huI1t: dr,'wlnl1~ lInd rolylnq on the cunAII:rln'1 "n'1 ~p.l'r~ t()r fn!'lo(!("tl(Jn'1 "" the \Jorl{ pro q r It II !'I e 8 . "It" n I d t ¡ n c (>! r '1 (' 'J 1'1 Y'¡ () ( :; (J : v f "'" t h" n r u') 1 "'" t h." t hils (Jccurr.d woulrl he t~ set liP IIn tnsprc(l(Jn !lyr.tI'M hy r'jf> C~unty. rape t7 Th~ f<Jll()winq pertlon:1 '~ XJk~ In uf1l'op;ltltln t:() <'olJntv ,'c~'}nt"nc~ tlf th~s. facilities: ~r. Arthur Wo()rlwnr~ ~r. J~rD~e P. ~eyp.r ~Ir. JII~OIl O. CI\rr.or "'5. Jlline C'Htl'r MS. ~etty J. w. Ctltt0n~ln ~r. D1Irr~11 ~arch ~r. C.or~e ~ol:pr Co.mi..ioner Pistor moved, seconded by r.ommi.sioner Voss and carried unani~ou.ly, that tho preliminary acceptance of tho .ewer t.cilities of Hideaway Beach be continued until January 25, 1983. !'Ir. Aerzon Inqlll roci a!' to whln other Infor,.,ðtlun Will!! n~ed..d to Make a decision by the ComMisslunnrs, to which ~h~lr~~n ~ruse r~.pon~.rl thðt she would like an opportunity to re~d the various ftn,ln~erlnq roporta r~ðrdinq tho situ~tion. ~r. Rerzon sai~ thøro Is only une en9ine.rinq cunsultant and four surv8yora Inriep.ndont of the consul- tint. OJ.cu..ion f.ollowed rlurinq whir.h ~r. ~erzQn oxplainerl the e..ct ..ction. thlt were in question and the d.~r.e with which thoy ~r. deficient. aOOK 073 'ACE æa Paq. 27 . MQ~ 073 rACE~ Following Co~is810ner Brown's request that the motion be repeated, Commissioner pi_tor moved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carried 3/2, Commissioners Holland and Brown opposed, that the preliminary acceptance of the sewer facilities of Hideaway Beach be continued until January 25, 1983. Item .32 ROUTINE aILLS - ~PPROVED FOR P~YMENT Pursuant to Resolution n1-1sr, the following checks were IBBu~d thruu~h Friday, December '4, 1902: CHr.C': OE!ìCRl P'1'ION CHeCK Nor;. Vend~r Ch~c~s ~rPlr, - ~11P~ RCC P~yr~ll ~1P~r - S"JA? Itelll I)) SPECI~L BILL RE ONE TIME ONLY MEHRER 5E~VI~r. FEE - N~TION^L ~SSOCIATION OF COUNTIES - ~PPROVED Finc...~ Cfflcer r.1:,.~ f"xpllllnec' thf" requeDt t~ c'I~rrovc pnyment of II specl^~ bll: for on.. tlmf" only mc~h~r ~~rvlc~ fr~ for Nllt!onal ^ssoci^tl~n of Cuuntlc~. COlllmissioner Brown moved, 8~conded hy Commiftsion~r Pistor and carried unanimously, that the on~ tjme only member servlcf" fee tor the National ^ssociatiun or Counties, be approved. Ite.. 134 BUDGET ~MENDMENT NO. ~J-188 TO APPROPRI"TE GRANT FUNDS TO COVER EXPENDITURE or RO~D PROJECT UNEXPENDED AT 9/)0/82 (BLOCK GR~NT PROGR^" II DEPT.) - ~DOPTEO IN THE ~"OUNT OF S4ß,543 Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by CommlS8ion~r Holland and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendment No. 83-1R8 to appropriate 9rant funds to cover expenditure of road project unexpended at 9/3Ø/A2 (Block Grant Program II Dept.) ~e adorted In the amount of $4&,543. Page 21' ~ ... . .. ._ 4 .__ ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - -- _.- - -,- - _ _ __4 _._ ._ .___ Oocomber 2R, 19A2 ._..~ -- -- ,-- ~- - _.._. - - - - - - - - It... .35 throuqh '41 IUDOIT ~HENDHINTS NO. A3-1B9 THROUGH NO. A3-19S - ~DOPTED IN THE ~MOUNTS SHOWN ~S DESCRIBED Commis.ioner Brown moved, secondo~ by Commls.ioner Voss and carried unanimously, that the followinq Budget ~~endments be adopted in the amounts shown as de.cribeds Budget A~endment 83-189: Budget Amendment 83-19AI Budget Amendment AJ-1911 Budqet Amendment A3-192s Budget ~mendment 83-193% Budget Amendment A3-1941 Bud~et ~.endment 83-195% for tc~rornry c~~rlc^~ hc~n I~ Main- tnlnlnn ~U^: purch~s~ tlr¿~r sy~tem untl~ cnmputOf In cðp~ble 0f prlntJn~ Durchðse nrcJlHs (Purchllslnq "rlmln. nept.) in the ^~ount ot ~l,)nn. tu In~:ude pruvlslon ftlr recor~lnq of r.~motery rleed~ not previously dccountpd for in orl,ln^l hudget (ImmokAlce ~~ml'tory) In the \mount of S35A. In ~rrlor ttl r.ov~r C08t~ of dnta pr<Jcos- ~ln1 equi~ent convpr"ion of rlqht-ot- ~~y h^n~Mook onto n~c~~~^ry ~i9~otte (f'n.,in"erln'l -'dmln. OfJpt.) in the nmount of ~27'i. to propor:y Appropri^te funrln tor th~ recorrllnq of ~oeds And "^Spm.nt~ (r.nl'1 npcrlnq ^dmin. Dent.) In tIle ""mount of ~5" : . to provlrl~ 'unrls for t~mpor~ry swltch- hOllrd operAtion (CommunicAtlonft I.S. Dopt.) in the amount çf ~1,2"A. to provirlo bud~~t for c~tlmllt~rl revenue. from Christmas neut~rin~ proqram (Animal Cont fCJl I:'opt. In th~ am(Junt of $3, "nlll. to establish accounts for lew "nforcement trainlnq unrler Section Q43.'-S, F.S. for Itfttlmatod available funrls for 19~2-n3 of S33,551 fn t.he ðmount <Jf $3",~~n. eO~K 073 PAc£240 Paqe 29 December 28, 1992 It... '42 and '43 6O~K 073 PAGE 241 BUDOI~ ADMENDMENTS 83-196 AND 83-197 - ADOPTED IN THE ~MOUNTS SHOWN ~S DESCRIBED Commission.r Vo.. mov.d, øecond.d by Commisøloner Brown and c.rrled unanimou.ly, that the f~llowing Budget Amendments b. adopted In the .mount. .hown as d.scrlb.dl Budget Amendmont 83-19~1 eppr<Jpriate funds for le~ðl ~dvertfsin~, and minor uffice furnitur@ (Justice Center !:'lCpanl'llun )~pt.) in t"le aMount uf Sl,O~". Budg~t Amendment 83-1971 to cUmpOn8ftte for r~venue shortf~ll at Marco Transfer Station as expl~ln.d bV t=:xecutivc ~ummary item q (8) (,), 12/14/82 (Solid Wasu AdMin. l'>P.pt.) I" the amount of $Jl5,24f1i. Pag. 18 -..,.. -- - - - - - - - -- I I ! ! I ¡ r I I ¡ I r ! Î ¡ -----_._--- - ~eccmbor 29, 19A2 It.1II IU DEPUTY TOM D"VIS, COLLIER COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPT. - ~PPOINTED TO SOUTHWEST FLORID" REGION~L PL~NNING COUNCIL CITIZENS ~DVISORY COMMITTE! "dministrlltiva Sccrat"ry lrsrlle:son "xp::'tllnfOd that re,.umt"~ "'avo been received from ~cputy Tom navlrs of the Co:li~r ~ounty gherlff's Department, Mr. E. G::'~nn Tuc~er, and y~. ~"th:A~n ~. nf"lntP of the Department of ^grlcu::'turp for th~ vacðncy on the Southw@Bt rlori~" Regional P::'annin~ C(Jun~ll Citizens ~rlvfsory r.omMltt~~ r~ßultfnq from the resiqnation of ~r. Juhn Robinson. Commissioner Brown moved, oeconded by ~ommi.sloner Vosa and carried 4/1, with Commlosloner Plstor opposed, that Deputy Tom Davis, Collier County ShlHitf's Dept., be appointed to the Southwest Florl!1a Regional Planning Council Citizens Advløory Committee. Item 145 LETTER SUPPORTING LEE COUNTY'S REQUEST FOR "CQUISITtON OF THE LOVERS KEY/BL"CK ISL~ND/JOHNSON P~R~ COMPLEX UNDER THE ·S~VE OUR CO~ST· PROGRAM - "UTHORIZ!D Commis~loner Brown movnd, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carried unanimously, that" lettor he written oupportlnq Lee County's request for acquisition of the Lovers Key/Black Island/Johnson Park COllplex under the ·Save Our Coast- Program. Ite. 146 REPL~C!M!NT OF FL~SH80"RDS RE lIIGHW~Y 29 - ^PPROVED Co..iaaioner Brown m~ve~, seconded by Commia.ioner VO.. and carried unanimously, that tne flashboðrds along Highway 2q be replac.d. ····Th. following itelll. were adopted/approved under the Con..nt Aqenda by motion of Comml.sioner Arown, .econded by Co.-i.sioner Vo.. and carried unanlmou.ly.... Ite.. 14' T..porary Re.ldence per.lt rft r~tition TR-A'_~~C, Dennl. I. Ward. durinq construction of a principal r..S!1ence on Tract 2, Unit 11, Oolden ~ete Elt.tel. ~ 073 .f'ACE252 Peq. 31 r I r ¡ Item '48 Ite.. .49 It~.. .58 I tell . 51 I t em IS 2 Item .53 Item .54 Ite. .55 &OOK 073 'ACE 253 December 28, 19B' Temporary Reøldence Permit rp Petition TR-R'-'-7C, Ronald J. Davi., Sr. durinq construction uf a principnl resido~ce on TrDct 79, Unit 32, Golden Gate ~state8 Deed from F~oridð Dept. of Transportation for two pðrcels containing 2Ø.3~ acres more or le.s along County Barn Road ~O~ PII~~S 2~7-250 Preliminary ~cceptance of Pine Woods Unit Two Sub~SYlslon Revlßion tit Col~ler County Public Library policies re~~tinq tu fines and lees Gr.o P.,q(· 261-261 Janitorial services contract for CETA office - ~wðrrle~ to Clean Sweep of Nðples In the amount of $A55.~" for 9 months. Sf'C' P~'l(" 2(lr} Corps 0f Enqlnfterinq permit ~ur "d~ tI0ns ttl CaxamÞas Pass boat ramp t'ðcil!ths ~e~ P~q~~ 2~A-~74 Bid .628 Buslne.s typewriter maintenance - Aw~rd~~ to Naple. and S stems Inc. ..timated cost ot $10 780 Ch"'!rmlln ..uthúriz~d to 1'I!C" n Certificate. for Correction ð!l submitted by Property ~PPraiser's Ottlce T~NClnLr. PER~aN^L PROrp.PTY Numhor r'll'Iteo - 19ß2-19q-19~?-'17 1'- //;-1 2!29 /~, PI']e 32 ·.0_. ._ __ _. .________ ¡ ~ - - - ~- - - ----- - - ..--.. -. ~. .."-- ~ December ,-q, 1~8? 1971,) T"X ROLL (jIiO , r.';1 1 ?/') I~ 2 19M T~X nnLL 591 " 51)2 17.1"/Q, ll' ql T"X POLt 593 6. 'jq.., 17.11i/Q., 1l\q2 T1\X ~OLL 2r.~-7.~J ~ 2~S, ,Q4 11/17 Iq '- " 12/1/~ 2 3n4, ~~S, 1~7, 1rQ~ ~ 10QR 1 ? I? - 1 , I"), Iq ') 30<\-11;-1 11/2r;/12/11/!1 '- Ite. . Sf) Extra Gain Time for Inmat" Numbers 32991, 49fi93, 29598, 35S~Ø, }~889, 125f)A nnd J479~ Itell .57 ~mend.d Certificate of County Canvassing Roard ~oe PlIqe 27', Ite", .58 Lake Trafford Memorial Cometery Deeds Nos. J24, 325 ~nd )2~ So.. Paqoft 276-27q ltea .59 MISC!LL~NEOUS CORRESPO~DENCE - ~ILED ^Nn/OR REFERRED 1. Departm~nt~: R~port~t F1lod ~. Youth Cu 1d"nc" vo: unteer Pru!)rl!lm f)ctCJh'H .,nd 'Iovnmber, 1982. R. Collier County Museum, (')ctCJher 31, "ne! N( v~",h.r ~~, 19"2. C. Veterans ~fflllrs, Novemher, 1982. 2. R..ulutl~n trom r.scnmbla County ncc in uhjoctf~n to M~rlon Cuunty's support for the repeal of Fl~rlda Statute. Chapter )1'1, reqarding II.a1th P:'nnnlnq C"unci:!I. xc ~r. 'I"rmlln. 'Iled. J. Nt..t1f 1cðtl<,n thl'lt Cln 1/1/"1 EDS Foderal ~"rroratton ",u:- b~cbm. fiscal aqent for the florida ~ftdlcaid Proqr.~. xc ¥'r. Nurmlln. F'U.ed. 4. Memo dated Docember 1~, 19q2 from Victoria J. Tøchlnk.l, . 800.: 073 PAtt251 Pft9. .n ~tary of DER, re 8~re disposal of pesticide cuntainer~ &D~ 073 '''C£~udin!J bifgS I'Ind liners. xc "'r. Nurmðn /line' Mr. Fl'lhey. Filed. 5. Mem<J dðtcd December 17, l~~~ fr~m De~t. or Flori~l'I, Oent. of Veterlln IInd Community ^ffðlrs, Oivislon of Local R~suurco Mnnaqement, Rtl'lte/Ltlcðl Out~r Contin~ntðl Shpl~ ProqrftM re OCS Summary Rep~rt % xC"'r. Norman. Pi led. (,. New Relol'lsP', fith Notice from Dept. of Community ^tfl'lirø, rÐ Land Development Loans available. xc ~r. Norman. Filed. 7. Memtl dated December 7, 19~2 fr~m Mlchðel C. Garretsun, Director, Dept. of Veterl'ln and Community ^ffl'lirs rp notlc@ of funds I'Ivnlll'lhle to local ~ov~rnments throuq~ the Ptnanclal ^ssiGtllnc~ for Cummunlty ~ervlces ~ct of 197~. xc Mr. Norml'ln. FI1~~. o. Letter dllted Decemher 3, 19R7 from "onalrl ^. pickworth ro ^ title opJni<Jn for the land on which the ~ustico Center will he ~<JnRtructerl n:us 1'\ lett~r rll'lterl June 3r, lQq~ from Tim~thy Co. Hðins which I~ n title opinion of Bame pluR ð copy of an eðsempnt fro~ rlori~a Puwor ^n~ Li"Mt Cumr~ny. xc ~r. ~urman ðnd Mr. r./'Iunncrt:. F'I lcd. 9. Minutes: rll~~ " . H. rrr~ ""rnrl~ J?/1~/07 ~"~ mlnutr~ fur 1~/'/R2 ~~~tlnq ¡'""utlfir,1tICJn CCJfI'\nltlC'c for MllrCIJ lr.l~nd, 1:'/2/P., GCJ1':!cn G,~ t(· I':umnlln I ty r"ntror, ] '" I?~ I"? Lihrnrv !\rlvlsury Pu~rrl, 12/0/P~ 'J"rll"r, CIty Cuuncll, 11/1:/,,' IInrl 1~/I/R? ,.. ~ . r'. r: . 11'. Lctter nl.ltc" D"cemhf'r f" lQII:> fr()m Rich.,rd 1). ~tnCJer re CumfTIunlty !"rov(·lCJomf'nt. n:ocl( r:rllnt Proqrllm P-~I-!)t.J-l'-~~21 IInd n CJ t if I c lit I CJ nth ð l ,.. r R. F:li Z II he t h ,'tI n. R, F. q u,,: 0 p po r tun I t Y Spt'cll.l:lp;t mrt ~'ltM "'5. Slle("lf'Y C. "'illlal!1son tCJ ctln-!uct a faJr HCJu51nr¡ /lnd Equll1 0PPCJrtunlty monltorJnC1 rE'vi~w of the CD'\r. rrO'1rnf"1 0f Cu:: "r ('<.JlInty. xc '~r. "lorl"...n nnr1 "'r. Vlrttl. F' I 1 e (~ . 11. [."uer dlltt>(! r'''cenh,'r ", lQA, ~r<.Jm Dtlu(" :lIs.... ~ldCJley, Puh:ic Dcteno("r, Chðlr~/ln, 2~th Circuit Con'lic. C~m~ltt,.~ re t ~w r>o::.H ^~:lÞcl\tl(Jn hy rounty fúr thf' Confllc-t ~ol:'lndttf'f'" appr<.Jprilltlon. xc ~r. Reagan. Com~i8~ioncr PI~tor's r~ply ðttllchcd. F'i:orl. D. PSC OCJck~t Nu. 7Ql'72'-TP, f)rrif'r No. 114"1, IR!'Iued 12-Q-'" re UT5 r.xt~nded Aren Srrvice hetween Runltð 5prinqs, Nðpl~s, Ectf'rCJ IInd F'0rt ~y("rß. F'i:,.~. 13. P5C NCJtlcl" tCJ II:: InvestCJr-Ownerl Eln~trlc ~ roilS Utilities Otlcl(",t N<.JS. P?I'(I('II-Cl 1. q?(1~~-r", iesuf'~ 12/"/02. F'lleoc4. 1.,. Lf'ttt'r rI.1tt'rl Drcember R, 10',:> (rom Paul .J. Sl1rf'wich an" r.u~eno r. TomI\Rj..~ CJhjectino to th.. pcvino ^nso~ßMCnt District (or Aurttln ROl'lrl, t<Jrrl\lne ^venue, ~lIthy Avenue, Paqeo 3., ".. - -- -- -----. - _. . - - . .~.....-- ~r~~mh~r ~', In~? 1'01'nl ~ ::tr'!('t IInrj I:~ther ";trE'(!I: (("(.conut Cr""k) 'l()rM(I~ ' '(~ ·"r. Hc'rt~:~"'n. r¡:f)'f. .~r: '·'r. 1'5. f.Ðttf'r d.'t(·r "'1!cemhpr r., 'H1? (r(.,~ Ivy 1""n 'J,.bul1, nClC~ C':rt'"k C :' n f)' r (J IJ r, r ; ~ "'1 " r. (:> Y I ,,, r I' (' ill ~ ": u .~ " y ~:: ~ y !; t, (\"' ,.I ... v ~ 1 0 !' ~ t' n c ~h~r~a9 "n~ ~qrpeln~ tu ~lIkp ~Clnnp~t un to th~ County ~~wer SYllt'"'' ~t, r") "YP'!r'~" tr. t')I' "'''t~r/<::''wr>r ~Intrl~t '....Þ)Qn qIJ':~ '1y~t('I" '1('("c.,""f'!!1 ,'vl'!I:,~r-:~~. :~~ '~r. ·'(,r~.'n In-i ""r. ~~rzon. rl:"d. a~! , .8 ill :oj! !8~ ~!i äil ~: . . Tht'r,' '''In'1 ,.,u ~urt'''!r "II~fnf'!".~ t'J "'r,..,,. b,.f(Jr,' r:~(! '1'j-,rr. 'Jf r.<Juntl' ~(J"~ 1!;t.'; i ( ~(. r ., ~.I.'~J~'"1 \.'~ " ~ '.J ~ : r ,., I' . t " ",'./ 'Jrr~'r '/~ r"''' ~h" r. ·J('~";ìn ,...... ·')'J·'T'l "'~YM1-rll"\"J~fl:~/ "" ..¡¡r- 'IF ~: 'J I'ri. ,\i'f"",'\L';/-v .. F r. '" I" ~ '1 V r: II' : Y .' r, , ~ n !, n '" (" I ," .. 'If>"r 'r. "'Y'''7'!1 C'T': 'I'¡r<,q 1""~ I~"",,,,'I-"'n' ., . 9: ~ C '?~ .-, // /'?Ú1¿ . ~., 4It-T::'".-Y I 4,. L' ~ ~,..ny_: :if:'f"~:; ~~!", , 1 ~,.,..., a f"~"" ~ \' , ,,;'f;j'" I' / t.... ThfÌ i . ,., ut~:J' Ztnnrvv.....1 ~'Y I"'hl~ , /~/~'..J ~ ú ., r" lJ ( ,..", un r, '( 'M r.rp.spnt~'! ~v~~ .,~t()n'H' :..n ",......-- (lr I'I!' cor r(~ .o~ WI( 073 t~255 "'Iett' ,~ " ";r ")1'~~j~~"~"\~~f:~~~ _,,,,,,".~._~n,,,,,,_,,,,,~_..,,,,,.._.,,,,;,~~ ."~._",.....,«..,,,,.~....._ "