PARAB Minutes 03/21/2018OMINUTES OF TI{E MEETING OF TFIE PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD Immokalee Community Park Naples, Florida March 2t,2018 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Parks and Recreation Advisory Board in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at Immokalee Community Park, Naples, FL, with the following members present: CFIAIRMAN: Mr. Edward "Ski" Olesky VICE-CHAIRMAN: Mr. Phil Brougham Ms. Mary Bills, Advisory Board Member Ms. Rebecca Gibson-Laemel, Advisory Board Member Mr. Murdo Smith, Advisory Board Member V ALSO PRESENT: Mr. Barry Williams, Division Director, Parks and Recreation Ms. Jeanine McPherson, Assistant Director, Parks and Recreation Miguel Rojas, Jr., Administrative Assistant, Parks and Recreation Mr. Dane Atkinson, Project Manager, Facilities Management Ms. Daphne Berkshire, Magnus Opus Ranch Ms. Christie Betancourt, Immokalee Community Redevelopment Agency Mt. Steve Tindale, Tindale Oliver, CEO Ms. Allie Ikanovic, Tindale Oliver Page 1 I. II. Call to Order Mr. Oleski called the meeting to order. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. III. Approval of the Agenda Mr. Williams requested the addition of a New Business agenda item pertaining to a request of permission to sell beer at an upcoming event at Sugden Park. Ms. Bills entered a motion to approve the March 21, 2018 meeting agenda with the noted addition to the agenda. Mr. Brougham seconded the motion. All members present were infavor. The motion was carried. IV. Approval of the Minutes Ms. Gibson-Laemel entered a motion to approve the February 21, 2018 meeting minutes. The motionwas seconded by Ms. Bills. All members present were infavor. The motion was carried. Capital Projects Update + A. Olesky Pier: Mr. Brougham requested clarification with regard to a handrail installation done at the A. Olesky pier, with the grand opening ceremony having been held the morning of March 21,2018. Chairmen Olesky stated that a lower handrail had been added to the pier for safety purposes. +Eagle Lakes Pool: Mr. Williams reported that all of the buildings are now in place, with finishing work left to do. The big pool is ready to be filled and water circulated. Staff is procuring all equipment; chairs, offrce equipment, lockers, etc. The grand opening remains targeted for summer 2018, the exact date yet to be determined. Mr. Williams commended PARAB for design input, citing recent aerial photographs which detail the maximized pool complex layout. *Fee schedule: Mr. Brougham requested an update regarding additional information previously requested pertaining to the proposed fee schedule. Mr. Williams replied that the budget is presently the main focus, however anticipates providing further information in May/June 2018 related to the fees charged by category within the athletics/softball programs. Further, a free entrance promotion is planned for the Eagle Lakes Pool for surrmer 2018, with a future presentation to PARAB by the partners working with the Parks Division, who provide swimming lessons. Ms. Gibson-Laemel suggested that donations to the swimming lessons program be solicited from local pool contractors and pool related companies. Mr. Brougham reiterated the importance of PARAB input pertaining to the fee policy prior to budget approval and final presentation to the Board of County Commissioners. v. Page2 *Mar-Good Cottage Restoration: Mr. Smith requested an update as to the status of this project. A previously considered donation by the Goodland Arts Alliance in partnership with the Parks Division for the renovation of one of the cottages was not deemed allowable. Mr. Victor Latavish, architect, was consulted to determine the parameters for renovation of the cottages and Staff is now considering the pursuit of State cultural grants for funding of the renovation. While the project is presently unfunded, a recommendation will be made for funding next year for the renovation of one cottage, while altenative funding sources continue to be considered. *Hurricane Irma: Ms. Bills requested clarification as to vendor selection for fencing repairs and whether this pertains to ball fields. Mr. Williams stated that in the interim, PM crews have visited each of the Parks ball fields and made temporary repairs to fencing in order to allow for Spring ball play. The pursuit of FEMA reimbursement for approximately $400K for permanent fencing repair remains ongoing. *Vineyards Tennis Facility: Ms. Gibson-Laemel inquired as to whether the Vineyards tennis facility has reopened. Mr. Williams reported that the facility remains closed due to damaged lighting. A purchase order has been originated for contractor removal of the existing lights. When the damaged lights have been removed, the courts will reopen for use during daylight hours only. Replacement of the lights will commence following FEMA reimbursement. Mr. Williams stated that the Vineyards Community Park in general is being given high priority for repairs and updating. * Manatee Community Park: Mr. Williams stated that consideration is being given by the Board of County Commissioners to a mixed use of affordable housing with a passive park setting atthat location. Representatives of the affordable housing initiative are scheduled to present the details of this concept to PARAB at the April 2018 meeting. VI. New Business a. Parks Master Plan - Mr. Steve Tindale Mr. Tindale of Tindale Oliver began by providing an overview of the presentation objectives, which included the 2018 Master Plan goals and timeline, background information, summarization of outreach findings, identification of major themes, as well as planned next steps. +The 2018 Master Plan goals were identifed as reviewing and building upon the 2011 Master Plan, responding to facility/program needs, as well as stakeholder and community input, identifuing a plan for the future, with recommendations for implementation. +The Master Plan timeline was reviewed, which began in Summer 2017 and which presently is focusing upon public workshops planned for March 28,2018, report development, PARAB input, presentation to the Board of County Commissioners, and report finalization in Spring/Summer 2018. Page 3 tBackground: Demographic trends were reviewed, with Collier County identified as one of the more rapidly growing counties in the State, with continued growth in share of residents 65 years ofage or older and a continued decrease in share ofresidents rurder 5 years of age and between2} and 64 years of age. Question (Mr. Brougham): Are the growth rates in sync with Annual Update and Inventory Report (AUIR) growth projections? Answer: Historial state and county projections are considered when AUIR growth projections are calculated and therefore are anticipated to be in line. Question (Mr. Olesky): Is age considered when calculating demographic trends? Answer: Yes, The median age in Collier County is presently trending higher than the state average, which contributes to higher income averages, however results in a decrease in diversity of population. The higher concentration of family age households is presently found east of 951. Question (Mr. Brougham): Is age a driving factor in Parks planning in terms of content and is there consideration given to repurposing of programs by park related to local age demographics. Answer: Active utilization of parks tends to be among the more centrally located and outlying areas where a younger demographic resides, and such trends are considered when doing long range planning. +The median household income in Collier County continues to trend higher than the State, with the highest median household incomes located in the urbanized western areas of the county along the coast. +The highest population densities were identified to be in the urban coastal areas, with increased densities east of CR 951 over time, from 1990 through 2015, with specific age trends within densities studied as well. + The FYlS Parks and Recreation Division budget of $61.8M was broken out by FYl8 revenues (user fees versus Ad Valorem/General Fund/MSTU) and FY 18 expenses (capital outlay, operating/staff). *Current Parks inventory was highlighted, categorized by type of park, number of parks by type, and acreage, as well as by park facilities and programs. Question (Mr. Smith): What are water access points, as referred to under Parks inventory? Answer: Water access points include boat ramps and beach access. For example, three boat ramps at a park would be counted as 3 water access points. Page 4 Question (Ms. Gibson-Laemel): There is presently a Bill under consideration pertaining to public access along the beach as it intersects with private property. Will this be taken into consideration during the Master Planning process? Answer: Parks Staff is watching this legislation closely and how it might be enforced locally. It is unclear what the local impact will be, but will be taken into consideration during the Master Planning process. +Existing and new park inventory was shown on a map, categorized by park type, and also included Parks managed land, as well as the new sports tourism park. Question (Mr. Smith): Are City parks shown on the map as well? Answer: Only County parks are being shown and considered in this process. *Level of Service, adopted versus achieved, was shown for 2018 and projected numbers for 2023. -f 15 focus groups comprised of 124 participants from various groups were conducted, as well as a county wide online survey conducted. The results of the focus groups and online surveys showed a generally positive public perception of the Parks system relating to the quality of the various components, including community centers/buildings, sports fields/courts, playgrounds, paths/trails, beaches, boat facilities, overall staff, maintenance, staff, and programs, etc. Question (Mr. Smith): Did city residents participate in the online survey? Answer: Since the marketing initiative originated at the County Park community centers, including onsite polling kiosks, the assumption is that the participants were primarily county residents. Question (Ms. Gibson-Laemel): Was the public response at the focus groups generally favorable? Answer: The one-on-one feedback received from the public in attendance at the focus groups was generally very positive, although suggestions for change or improvement were actively solicited by Staff. Question (Mr. Smith): Did having Parks staff present at the focus groups potentially skew the results? Answer: Parks Staff was present primarily to facilitate the meetings, as well as to energize the staff and promote involvement in the process. It is felt that the meetings were conducted in such a way as to encourage fair and equal participation and responses from all participants ofeach ofthe various groups addressed. *Ten outreach themes were identified as a result of the focus groups, online survey, and agency outreach, as follows: Page 5 l" 1. Continue 2011 plan efforts: The current status of projects identified on the 2011 Master Plan were shared, including Big Corkscrew Island Regional Park, Eagle Lakes Community Park, Manatee Community Park, additional athletic fields in Immokalee, optimization of interlocal agreements with the School Board, Vanderbilt Extension Community Park, Remote Control Park, boat and beach access, and Barefoot Beach Preserve Dock and Pier construction. 2. Maintain existing assets: Park specific/geographic needs will be assessed, with a plan to recommend a detailed analysis of maintenance needs by park that the Master Plan can help prioritize, as well as evaluate potential dedicated funding sources for maintenance and operations. 3. Expand parks/facilities: Based on community feedback received, park specific/ geographic needs and park specific master plans will be documented, as well as field utilization analysis done. Opportunities to mitigate displaced amenities with other funding sources will be evaluated, while 2011 efforts for facilities projects and interlocal agreements with schools will be continued. 4. Develop blueways/expand passive boating opportunities: As per community feedback and recommendations, site specific /geographic needs will be assessed, with a plan to develop a Blueways Master Plan inclusive of connectivity, branding, signage, and eco-tourism/events. 5. Expand civic recreation programs: Community feedback and suggestions will be analysed and evaluated on a site specific basis, i.e., Imokalee Sports Complex, Eagle Lakes STEAlWeducational programs, Golden Gate/Golden Gate Community Park senior programs, North Naples VPI?ASA programs, Sugden paddleboard yoga, and Naples Teen Center. 6. Sports tourism partnership: Site specific project developments will be analysed and documented, defining the role of Collier County Parks Division within the new sports tourism complex, with evaluation as to what extent sports tourism facilities will be available for local recreation. Mr. Brougham stated that the availability for public use of the new sports tourism complex should be quantified and considered in this process, as this facility may be factored into the Parks Division AUIR level of service requirements. Mr. Smith reiterated his concern that the new facility be available for local community use and not just as a revenue stream for toumament play/travel team use. Mr. Tindale confirmed this will be taken into consideration and documented within the final proposal. 7. Enhance beach access: Beach utilization, funding and site specific/ geographic needs will be documented, with a plan to undertake a detailed beach access study to identifu new access points, amenities, parking opportunities, as well as potential environmental impacts. Question (Mr. Olesky): Are parks within private communities considered? Answer: If a private community association elects to open the park for public use, with management by the county, then participation in revenues may occur. Page 6 The Rural Lands West project was discussed as an example; a new corlmunity planned for Eastem Collier County, with a park proposed to be built using impact fees and ultimately managed by the County. 8. Enhance park accessibility/pathways: Drive time to parks, access by trail and public transit, as well as special needs accessibility will be studied in coordination with recommendations resulting from the ongoing Collier County Pathways plan. Question (Mr. Smith): With ongoing legislation with regard to school safety, are there expected impacts upon the Parks use of school facilities? Answer: Current agreements allow for public use during non-school hours and no issues have been raised as ofyet in this regard. 9. Enhance marketing/branding of Parks system: Marketing/branding case studies related to parks will be explored, with recommendations for enhancing Division's website, social media, marketing materials and branding. 10. Evaluation funding opportunities: Current funding sources and funding diversity will be analysed, with a focus on budget diversification via increasing revenues from sports tourism funds and sales tax, while evaluating opporlunities for smaller amounts of additional funding through users fees and events. Question (Mr. Smith): Has consideration been given to a county millage rate for maintenance of parks? Answer: The option of use of proceeds for Parks maintenance via a county millage rate will be documented as a possible financing option in the final report. Next steps in the Master Planning process include public workshops scheduled for March 28,2018, follow up presentation to PARAB, report finalization based on both community and PARAB input, with presentation and adoption of final plan by the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC). Question (Mr. Brougham): May a draft of the final document be shared with PARAB prior to presentation to the BOCC? Answer: Yes, a draft will be shared with PARAB up to two weeks prior to presentation to the BOCC. Question (Ms. Gibson-Laemel): What will the public workshops address on March 28, 20t8? Answer: The meetings will reflect information back to the community based on feedback received at initial meetings. Two public meetings are planned on that day, the first in Immokalee at 12:00 p.m. and the second at North Collier Regional Park Exhibit Hall at 6:00 p.m., with public notification of the meetings being done via multiple platforms. Page 7 Mr. Brougham expressed concern at the interplay between multiple significant ongoing issues, including the sports tourism complex, AUIR requirements, possible county sales tax, and affordable housing, and recommended consideration of these issues and their potential impacts on the Parks Division when drafting the 5-year Master Plan. b. Hunt Program: Ms. Melissa Hoenig, Sr. Environmental Specialist with Conservation Collier addressed PARAB regarding the Pepper Ranch Preserve Hunt Program. Pepper Ranch is located adjacent to Lake Trafford and was acquired by Collier County in February 2009 for the Conservation Collier Program. On January 12,2010, the Collier County Board of Commissioners directed the Conservation Collier Staff to develop an independent hunt program for Collier County residents. Using public and agency input, Staff designed the Pepper Ranch Preserve Quality Wildlife Management Hunt Program, allowing public access for trails, horseback riding, camping, and hunting during the dry season; December through June, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Two types of hunts are presently held; a public hunt open to Collier County residents via a lottery system or random draw, dependant upon the type of game sought, as well as youth hunts, which are supervised by volunteers. Ms. Hoenig further reported that efforts are presently also being made to designate the property a panther habitat mitigation bank site. Specific parameters must be met, such as property location, habitat type, use type, and available acreage, as well as various documents completed for submission to Florida Fish & Wildlife, with final approval by the Board of County Commissioners. A total of 8600 PHU credits are targeted for "sale" at a reduced rate to county entities for panther mitigation in the upcoming year. A slide presentation was shared which showed the various wildlife found on the property, captured by trail cams placed along the various trails. Question (Mr. Smith): Are the youth hunt volunteer workers background checked? Answer: Yes, the volunteers are fully vetted, as well as a guardian is required to accompany each child at all times. Mr. Williams commended Conservation Collier Staff on the excellent management of the 19 preserve properties consisting of 4K acres, for which they are responsible. Mr. Williams fuither stated that the BOCC has expressed an interest in exploring ways of restarting the Conservation Collier program and purchasing additional preserve properties. Several options for doing so have been considered, but have ultimately met with opposition, i.e., sales tax or referendum. A list of potential preserve properties is being compiled and will be submitted to the Conservation Collier Land Acquisition Committee in April, with a final list of recommended properties presented to the BOCC in May. Ultimately, the topic of reinitiation of Conservation Collier may not be heard by the BOCC until2020. Page 8 Mr. Williams inquired as to the status of the wildlife population at Pepper Ranch\-7' following the initiation of the hunt program. Ms. Hoenig stated that the deer and turkey population appears to have remained stable. The wild hog population may be down slightly, however it is unclear if this is due to increased interaction with hunters or due to the wild cats on the property. c. Celebrate Sugden Park - Ms. Daphne Berkshire Ms. Berkshire summarrzedan event held the previous year at Sugden Park, which was a fundraiser to benefit the families of local hrefighters who had battled the fires that devastated homes and property in2017. This year's event will be a fundraiser to benefit the Magnum Opus Ranch, a non-profit orgarization which provides equine-assisted healing and growth for children and teens. The "Celebrate Sugden" event is scheduled for May 6,2018, from 1 1:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., and will coincide with the 20th anniversay of the park's dedication in 1998. The event will feature a farmer's market, car and motorcycle show, comhole tournament, dunk tank, and food and beverages available. Ms. Berkshire requested permission from PARAB to sell beer at the event. Mr. Brougham entered a motion to approve the sale of beer at the Celebrate Sagden event on May 6,20l8from 11:00 a.m- to 2:00 p.nt at Sugden Regional Park. Ms, Bills seconded the motion. All members were infavor. The motion was caruied. VII. Old Business a. Review of Park Priorities for FM SWOT team\-./ Mr. Williams highlighted the list of parks identified as priorities to be updated/renovated by the Facilities Management PM Crew over the next 6 to 12 months. The PM crews started at Golden Gate Community Park and are presently working at the Golden Gate Community Center. The next parks to be visited are Vineyards Community Park, Veterans Community Park and Beach Park Facilities. Discussions are presently underway with regard to the formation of a Parks Division dedicated PM team. It has yet to be determined whether this group would fall under the Parks or Facilities Management umbrella, however would be dedicated to Parks only projects. V[I. Adopt A Park Adopt A Park reporting will be held until the April 2018 meeting. IX. Directors Highlights + A town hall meeting is scheduled for the evening of March 21,2018, with Commissioner Fiala discussing Eagle Lakes Community Pool, East Naples Community Park, pickle ball, etc. +Various Easter activities are planned at each park during the upcoming Easter weekend. Question (Mr. Smith): Are there any updates on the master planning processes for Eagle Lakes Community Park and East Naples Community Park? Are accommodations planned for the local community who are losing some amenities at East Naples due to the expansion of pickleball at that park? Page 9 Answer: East Naples Community Park: A meeting has been scheduled to begin discussion v regarding the master planning process for this park. Ten pickleball courts are presently being installed and willbe completed in time for use during the upcoming U.S. Open Pickleball Championship. A consultant will be hired and tasked with creation of the master plan and redesign of the park. As well, conversations are being had with the School Board regarding a potential purchase of property adjacent to the park in order to accommodate park expansion. The question remains as to whether to focus park redesign as a pickleball dedicated facility or to incorporate more of a community park focus, in particular to accommodate local soccer and tennis play. As a balance, an artificial turf field is being installed at Eagle Lakes Community Park for soccer use. The planned Sports Complex may also present an opportunity for local play. Mr. Smith recommended that both fields at Eagle Lakes be converted to artificial turf at the same time. Mr. Williams stated that cash flow following Hurricane Irma remains a challenge. Eagle Lakes Community Park: The pool complex is nearing completion. A transportation study is presently being undertaken to determine traffic volume, which will continue through the summer months, with finalization of the study in fall 2018. The results of the study will assist in determining park design, i.e., what may possibly be placed behind the community center and where additional parking may be accommodated. The master planning process will therefore not commence until late 2018 to 2019. X. Public/Board Comments +Ms. Christie Betancourt, Immokalee Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) thanked PARAB and Parks Staff for the highly successful ribbon cutting ceremony for the new A. Olesky \J Pier. Ms. Betancourt further stated that the Imokalee CRA is presently undergoing the Immokalee area and Airport master planning process, and expressed a desire to incorporate the Parks Division Master Plan. Ms. Betancourt expressed a desire for a partnership between the Immokalee CRA and the Parks Division to benefit the Imokalee community, i.e., via MSTU, grant funding, etc. A request was made for presentation of the Parks Master Plan to the Immokalee CRA. Mr. Williams will coordinate a potential presentation of the Parks Master Plan to the Immokalee CRA on the morning of April 18,2018, with presentation to PARAB the same afternoon at North Collier Regional Park. *Mr. Brougham reminded Advisory Board members that the April2018 meeting will be held in the Exhibit Hall at North Collier Regional Park. Ms. Bills stated she will not be in attendance at the April meeting due to a work commitment. +Mr. Williams requested that the May Advisory Board meeting be held a week earlier, on May 9,2018 in order to accommodate the re-presentation of the revised master plan by Tindale Oliver. +Swim bike and water yoga classes are planned new program additions. Page 10 XI. Adjournment There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board These minutes approved by the Board/Committee on presented, or as amended as Page 1i\,/