LAB Minutes 04/16/2018Naples, Florida, April 16, 2018 LET lT BE KNOWN that the LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD met on this date in regular session at 10:00 a.m. in the Headquarters Library with the following members present: CHAIR: VICE-CHAIR: SECRETARY: Loretta Murray - District 1 Connie Bettinger - District 3 Joy White - District 4 (absent) Marjorie H. Gagnon - District 5 (absent) Lynne Nordhoff - District 2 ALSO PRESENT:Tanya Williams, Library Director Karen Tibbetts, Administrative Assistant Louise Franck, Vice-President, Friends of the Library PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mrs. Murray asked for additions or corrections to the minutes of March 21,2018. Two minor conections were noted. Ms. Bettinger moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Mrs. Nordhoff seconded and the motion was carried unanimously. REPORT OF THE FRIENDS. Louise Franck reported that the Friends ofthe Library received the branch enhancement list, which includes a wide variety of items.o The FOL has allocated $'l5K towards purchasing these items.r Authors for the Nick Linn Lecture Series have been determined: January - Brad Meltzer; February - A.J.Finn; March - Lisa Scottoline & Lesley Stahl. Mrs. Franck reported that the FOL provide lodging and transportation for the speakers, and some authors do not charge for their participation.. Ms. Bettinger reported that she was impressed with the Library's recent Anniversary Celebration Events. She saw many FOL members in attendance and noticed that their tables drew attention from other attendees.. Ms. Williams added that the FOL acquired 3 new members from this event.. The Non-Fiction Author Series has secured Moorings Country Club as their new venue. REPORT OF OFFICERS. Ms. Bettinger reported that Donna Fiala recently celebrated her 80th birthday, and was present at the recent Golden Gate Civic Association. COMMUNICATIONS a-Written-None b - Personal - None PUBLIC COMMENTS - None UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1) Employee of the Month - April (On Hold Due to Ethics poticy) 2) Ethics Policy Updateo Ms. Williams reported that the County's ethics policy is currently under review, and Steve carnell, Public services Department Head, will be meeting with the Deputy county Manager to discuss the Library's Employee of the Month program. 1 . The EOM program may need to be revised to be in compliance, and will be put on hold until a determination has been made.o This program is funded by the FOL at approximately 9145 each month.r ln the meantime, the Library will promote the other two County Employee Recognition Programs: Employee of the Month and VlP. She will keep members updated.o Janet Pereira is on the County's EOM committee. Winners receive 9150, balloons and cookies and are presented with a plaque at a BCC meeting. The plaque is hung in the County's Administrative Building. Winner also receives a designated parking space for a year, beginning the month that they receive their award.o Silvia Puente at the lmmokalee Library was the EOM recipient for July 2017.r EOM winners are then eligible for the County's Employee of the Year program.. Ms. Williams will send a packet of the County's EOM information to Cathi Johnson, FOL President.o Mrs. Johnson will be discussing the Nick Linn Lecture Series and Nonfiction Author Series with the County Manager, as the FOL awards tickets to these events to Library staff for their Employee and Nominator of the Year program.o Ms. Williams added that these programs promote professional development and provide staff with reader's advisory experience.o The County's VIP program is based on the County's Guiding Principles and Core Values.o There is no committee, and it is on-the-spot recognition where employees complete an online nomination for another County employee.. Every two months, the employee and the nominator are invited to attend a lunch held at the North Regional Park. 3) Library Systems & Services, lnc. - Any Questionso Ms. Williams asked if there were any questions regarding the LSSI discussed at the March meeting. She added that she was approached via email, and she will reply that the Library does not need their services. 41 60 Y, Anniversary Event Wrap-up. Ms. Williams reported that the three regional libraries held events for the Library's 60.5 Anniversary for a minimum of two hours at each location with approximately 1300 participants.. She added that the programs held at South Regional Library were full.r There was not much participation in the bingo challenge, although each location did have one winner. There were twenty unclaimed golden tickets.o At the monthly Director's team meeting, the take-aways from the Anniversary Events were that Saturday and evening programs at the Library do work. The Library will need to determine the right types of programs and appropriate staffing levels. NEW BUSINESS 1) FY 20{9 Budgeto Ms. Williams reported that the FY 2019 budget is in the midst of being finalized.o The proposed budget is $8.4 million, up 2.5o/o from 201 8.. The Library has been approved to add two FTE's. A Library Assistant will be added to the lmmokalee Library, bringing their total to 5.5 FTE's. A Library Technician will be added to the East Naples Library.. Library Technicians are responsible for the location's supervision in the absence of the manager.. Ms. Williams, Catherine Cowser and Administrative staff will be looking at staffing system- wide, as well as operational hours, programs, door counts, etc. for the coming fiscal year.o The Library will receive $160K for expanded services. Five libraries will be connected to fiber This will allow for faster internet speed as well as being connected to the County's phone system. Marco and Everglades locations cannot be connected at this time.. The Library will be switching to the County's 252 phone exchange. This will eliminate the $1 00K CenturyLink phone bill from the Library's expenses. 2 The 252 exchange allows for staff to call within the County using the last four digits of the phone number. The Library will inform the public of the new phone numbers via email signatures, press release and website. The Library will be looking into additional upgrades to include safety and security features by the year 2020. The new fiber optics connection would allow for cameras and monitors to be accessed by Facilities 2417 The 2019 Facilities projects include new roofs at Naples Regional, lmmokalee and East Naples; new air conditioner units at Naples Regional and l,ilarco lsland. Estates and lmmokalee branches need to be repaved. $120K has been budgeted to cover what Facilities cannot. Estates and East Naples branches have the original carpeting from when the buildings were constructed. Recently a private donor provided $10K towards new carpet at the East Naples branch. They would like to be updated as to the progress oftheir request as they may consider donating more funds towards this project. The Library will be using FY2018 funding to create a Library app with Exploritech, its website vendor, as well as to purchase additional eBooks. The County Manager will be reviewing the FY 20'19 budget [/]ay 1 1 and public hearings regarding budgets will begin in June and approved in September. 2) Collier County lnteractive Growth Model - Future Library Needs. Ms. Williams distributed copies of a preliminary groMh model chart for the Library.. She explained that LOS means level of service and that the Library should provide .33 square feet for every County resident.. Based on the projected population groMh, the chart shows that the Library would have a deficit of square footage beginning in 2020.. i,Is Williams explained that the Ave Maria/Rural Lands West area would be a future Library site.. She added that the County is considering for the Pa.ks and Recreation division to share the future site.. Ms. Bettinger commented that she thinks it would be a good idea, since the Golden Gate Library shares an area with the Community Center and Wheels.. Ivls. Williams reported that 3 acres of Eagle Lakes property originally earmarked for the Library was given over to Parks and Recreation.. The Library is expected to provide 1.87 books/capita; however, cunently it is providing 1.25 books/capita. GENERAL CONSIDERATION. Mrs. Nordhoff stated that the Library Advisory Board by-laws state that board members will review the by-laws at their April meeting.. She questioned if the following updates should be madelo Article V: Meetings, Section 7 the order of business for regular meetings - Add the pledge of allegiance? Add public comments?o Article Vl: Affiliations - Should LAB members also be members of the Florida Library Association (FLA)?. Discussion ensued, and members agreed that the pledge of allegiance would be considered as a part of the meeting being called to order and public comments could be addressed under general considerations.. l\rs. Williams stated that select Library staff are members of the FLA and any materials are available to LAB members. Generally, any items of concern are included in the monthly agenda. She added that the Library already has a corporate membership with the American Library Association, and the American Library Trustees Association is a subgroup of this association. 3 Any amendments to the by-laws would need to be reviewed and approved by the County attorney. Ms. Bettinger appreciates that the Library is posting more pre-event information on its social media sites and is excited to participate in the new lnstagram account. DIRECTOR'S REPORT 1) Staffing Update. Ms. Williams reported that Sharon Lakho has been selected for the Library Program Specialist position at Headquarters. This position was a reclassification of an Administrative Supervisor position and will primarily handle Youth/Teen Services with system-wide initiatives. Sharon was previously the Administrative Supervisor at South Regional.o Chloe Snider has been selected for the Naples Regional Youth Services Librarian position that had been reclassified from Headquarters.. Some Library Assistants were promoted in the system, and as a result, there will be several positions posting.. Several Library Page (LEAP Students) are graduating, and those vacant positions will be posted. o The Branch Manager position for lmmokalee is pending to post on Friday. Once this position is filled, there will be a Librarian at all locations, with the exception of Everglades City. o Barbara Englund from the East Naples Branch Library will be retiring on August 26. She has been with the Library for nine years and began as a job bank employee. 2) 2nd Quarter Statistics. Ms. Williams stated that she was unable to provide the second quarter statistics, but will have them ready for the May LAB meeting.. She handed out a draft copy ofthe Library Strategic Plan Scorecard which is under evaluation.. Ms. Williams stated that this information will be reviewed on a regular basis and shared with LAB members. Ms. Williams is pleased to announce that the newly redesigned Collier County Public Library website has been awarded the 2018 Florida Library Association Web Presence Award. Criteria for this award include excellence in the following: o Creativity and/or innovation in overall design and appearance of the website . Arrangement of information and ease of use. Accessibility for all users, including users with disabilities. Quality of content. Access to virtual library services. Linked websiteso Services and databases available to the campus or community servedo Social media A Press Release will be sent out with this announcement. Ms. Williams thanked those on the Web Design Team-Carey Hunt, David Chalick, Catherine Cowser, Anna Karras, Rose LaBarge, Sharon Lakho, Kim Spina, and Janet Pereira-who did a phenomenal job working with Exploritech to design a website that is exciting, colorful, easily navigated, and a show piece for the Library's virtual presence. A shout-out to Rose LaBarge and Karen Tibbetts who have also come on board to update the site. While specific staff worked directly on the redesign, this was a team effort. Library staff covering the team members'time away from the desk, ensuring continued excellence in library service, are to be equally commended. And with Exploritech, we have produced a product to be proud of! Library staff from the web design team will attend the conference next month to receive this award. 4 Four Library staff members will attend the American Library Association's conference that will be hetd in New Orleans in June. Since Wednesday, August 15 is the first day of school, the Library Advisory Board wi reschedule its meeting to August 8. This date will be confirmed once Joy White and Maggie Gagnon reply to see if they will be able to attend. Early voting will begin August 18 ADJOURNMENT l\rrs. [Iurray asked if there was any more business to discuss. There being no further business to come before the Library Advisory Board, the meeting was adjourned at 11:15 a.m. The next LAB meeting will include its annual meeting to be held on Wednesday, lray 16, 20'18 at the Headquarters Library, 2385 Orange Blossom Drive, Naples, FL 34'109. /r'd" Loretta Murray, Chair Library Advisory Board 5 Approved by