Haldeman Creek MSTU Minutes 04/05/2018 HALDEMAN CREEK DREDGING MSTU ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES OF THE APRIL 5, 2018 MEETING The meeting of the Haldeman Creek Dredge MSTU Advisory Committee was called to order by Chairman Roy Wilson at 4:00 p.m. at the CRA/MSTU Office at 3570 Bayshore Drive Unit 102. I. Roll Call Present: Advisory Committee Members: Roy Wilson, Kate Riley, Jack Bonzelaar, Jim King and Joe Adams present. Call to Order: At 4:00 per quorum by Committee Chairman Roy Wilson. MSTU Staff Present: Shirley Garcia, Operations Coordinator; Tami Scott, Senior Project Mgr.; Debrah Forester, CRA Director; and Naomi Hutcheson Administrative Assistant. II. Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Chairman Roy Wilson III. Adoption of Agenda: Motion to Adopt Agenda as is By Joe Adams. Second by Jim King. Passed Unanimously IV. Approval of Minutes:. Motion to Minutes as is by Jim King. Second by Jack Bonzelaar. Passed Unanimously. V. Community/Business--Presentations: There were no Community/Business Presentations. VI. Old Business: A. Depth Analysis: Costal Zone is extremely busy, but has given a tentative date of August 2018 for a Depth Analysis. Roy Wilson would like to make sure that once a depth analysis, dredge or reading has been done that the depth is recorded. It does not need to be an official record, just a line drawn so that the Committee can know the difference between the years. Shirley Garcia will work on before and after measurements for the entire creek. B. Channel Marker #15/Signage: Coastal Zone has a one-month deadline to replace the marker, ergo a new one should be installed by mid May 2018. It has also been noticed that there are no “Manatee Speed” signs in a designated manatee area. They were taken out several years ago for a project and never replaced. This falls under state regulations. Shirley Garcia will contact the appropriate individuals about having them replaced. C. Redevelopment Plan-Staff Update: Tami Scott mentioned Tindal Oliver—a consulting company—has been contracted by the CRA to assist in preparing to redraft the Redevelopment Plan. The two most important meetings for the Haldeman Creek MSTU (HCMSTU) are the Kick-Off Meeting on Wednesday, April 25th, 2018 at 12:30 pm in the Naples Botanical Garden Conference Room, and the Community Outreach Forum on Thursday, April 26th, 2018 at 6:00pm in the Naples Botanical Garden Buehler Auditorium. Committee members have been advised to RSVP for the Kick-Off meeting as it is a catered affair with a limited invitee list. Debrah Forester emphasized that any tax increments or future plans that the Committee may want to see MUST be included in the plan. It is possible that not all projected things in a plan will be addressed or completed, but they cannot decided after the plan is established to alter it without going through the process to update the plan. This plan will set the direction for the community for the next 10 to 20 years. It is important to get the feedback from this Advisory Board in the event any future partnerships are needed between the MSTU and the CRA. The goal is to be as inclusive and flexible as possible to help the community grow in the desired direction. The following are just some of the things being looked at: land use patterns, parking, street design, density bonus allocations and parameters. The redevelopment plan update process will also provide recommendations on changes to the Comp Plan and land development code. All Board members have been asked to save the date for Wednesday, April 25th, 2018 from 12:30-2:30 for the working lunch. Roy Wilson, or another member of HCMSTU, may be available for the Friday, April 27th, 2018 Boat Trip down Haldeman Creek to provide history and information. Shirley Garcia will add them to the list. A boat and a skiff will be going out to take assessments that day. VII. New Business: No new business. VIII. Staff Report: Tami mentioned she is wrapping things up with Karen Dr., Fire Suppression, and coordination for Thomasson Dr. There were a few other projects worth mentioning. A. Warrior B&B: Tami will be meeting at noon on April 6th, 2018 with a gentleman named Gary who is proposing to purchase a lot on Collie Ct and opening an Bed and Breakfast for veterans entitled Warrior B&B. He is also proposing a filtration system on the creek. Tami Scott is not sure how feasible his proposal is but will meet with him and keep the Committee updated. B. Fire Suppression: The phase on Collie Ct has been completed and the CRA is hoping to move to the opposite side of Bayshore Dr. and work on Becca and Pine next. City of Napl es engineers have determined that improvements on these streets would best serve the entire system. Construction will be scheduled dependent on finances. The CRA has applied for a CDBG grant. Both the grant and the funds from the City of Naples are pertinent to the completion of the project. The County identified multiple sites that need to be addressed and has did apply for a State Appropriation. However, due to the Parkland shooting in February, the state legislatures have significantly increased the amount spent on school safety, which leaves a number of other projects unable to be funded. Commissioner Penny Taylor is a big advocate of the fire suppression project and has declared it one of her top priorities. C. Mini Triangle: Debrah Forester gave a brief update on the Mini Triangle. The rezone passed on April 5th, 2018 with the Planning Commission and goes to the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) in May. The rezone and the relocation of the cell tower negotiations are the two big steps for this project, and hopefully everything will be closing in 2018. D. Thomasson Drive Project: There were multiple question brought up in regard to the Thomasson Drive Project. Tami Scott provided an update. The Roundabout is still being installed on the corner of Bayshore and Thomasson. Any opposition present by Dell have been cleared and he is now for the roundabout. The entirety of construction should be 12 months from start to finish. In consideration of construction, the CRA is sensitive to traffic, seasons, schools, and other developments. It will start at the end of Hamilton Ave and move west to east on Thomasson Dr. The Bayshore Beautification MSTU (BMSTU) boundary currently ends at Dominion, but staff is working to expand the boundaries to include only the Right of Way (ROW) from Dominion to Orchid to move the entire project forward. The school was not receptive to changing their pick-up/drop-off location so it will stay as is. E. Financials: Financials were skipped over in old business. Debrah Forester presented a spreadsheet with the Haldeman Creek Financials to date. From the end of the year audit there are no liabilities and the fund is in good shape. Roy Wilson mentioned that while it looked like a lot of money, they are still a long way off from what is needed to complete a dredge. IX. Communication and Correspondence A. Keep Collier Beautiful-April 14, 2018: Shirley Garcia reminded everyone to sign up. There are several extra kayaks. Bob Messmer has also agreed to take his boat out to collect trash for people on kayaks and bring to shore where dumpsters are located. Maps and groups will be set up to keep everyone safe and working efficiently. Donuts and Coffee will be provided in the CRA Office. The Windstar Boat Club will also be sending individuals out as a separate group. They will have breakfast at 360. Their numbers are as of yet undefined. Roy Wilson asked Jim to give a list of streets that walkers can go down without incurring private property issues. A more definitive location will be provided with maps the day of. The weekend Warriors will also be out Sunday, April 15, 2018. B. Property Assessment: Roy Wilson requested that a Property Assessment be done, especially in relation to the HCMSTU taxing. He asked how often it was updated and who determines the values and rates on properties. There is a lot by the 360 Market with a loading dock that is appraised at only $225, making its yearly tax less than $3. However, the land and the dock themselves are worth far more than just $225 considering other properties in the area fall in the $300k-$700k range. Debrah Forester will contact the property appraiser office for more information. C. Nuisance Ordinace: Discussion took place regarding the properties at 2914 Orange St and 2918 Orange St and concerns of illegal drug activity taking place. Corp Mike Nelson asked why no one had done a nuisance ordinance. John Johnson, the new Code Enforcement Commissioner, inquired as to whether the code had been pulled for clarification. Mike Nelson and Shirley Garcia both stated they had utilized the code in the past to clear out 42 mobile home properties, however County Attorney’s office is now stating it only covers commercial buildings. Mike Nelson agreed to email Debrah Forester a copy of the code and John Johnson agreed to look into the situation. X. Public Comments: None XI. Staff Comments: A. Crane Lighting: New Code Commissioner John Johnson brought knowledge from his Mosquito Commission days and suggested that prior to any work starting at the mini triangle, the cranes should be light for safety reasons. He mentioned it is easier to put the lights on before the cranes are erected. This is a continual problem with Mosquito Control as they fly different flight patterns than the Naples Municipal Airport at only 300ft, and ordinances only require lights on permanent fixtures and cranes are temporary. B. Office Space: A recap on the meeting space comments from previous meetings. Meetings will continue to be held on Bayshore regardless of office location. Several assessments and negotiations underway in regard to a permanent office location. C. Woodspring Suites: Mike Nelson mentioned that he had a 2:00pm meeting on April 5th, 2018 with Woodsprings Suites in regard to their upcoming development. They requested crime statistics for the area. This would be their second location Naples, and they are concerned based on rumors that the Mini Triangle was not coming to fruition. Mike Nelson directed them to the Crime Map on the County Website, as well as gave them both his and the CRA’s contact information so they could work in tandem for the best finalized product. XII. Advisory Committee General Communications: A. There was discussion regarding the multiple shrimping and crabbing boats working off the 360 Market boating dock as if it were a marina. It is also suspected they are trading some of their catch with the restaurant towards their usage. The property is not a marine. They start at approximately 3:00am and can go as late as 10:00pm. They utilize very old, very loud boats that disrupt the surrounding residential area. John Johnson said there should be an accepted land and water use established for the 360 Market that can be looked into. It is believed the problem stems from a dock on the other side of the canal that is no longer available due to construction and that the 360 Market owner may have allotted them the use of her dock in the