AHAC Minutes 04/02/2018MINUTES OF THE COLLIER COUNW AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE Ap.|!2,2078 8:00 A.M. Naples, Florida tET lT BE REMEMBERED that the Collier County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee met on this date at 8:00 A.M. in a W1RKING SESS/ON at 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Building F, 3'd, Board Room, Naples, Florida, with the following Members present: Sheryl Soukup John Cowan Mary Waller Litha Berger Taylor McLaughlin, Vice-Chair carlos Portu (arrived late) Steve Hruby, Chair Absent:Christina Apostolidis Joseph Schmitt Scott Kish Denise Murphy ALSO PRESENT:Kim Grant - Director, Community and Human Services Cormac Giblin - Housing & Grants Development Manager Jason Rummer - Operations Analyst - Public Services Susan Golden - Sr. Grants Coordinator - CHS Hilary Halford, Sr. Grants Coordinator - CHS OTHERS PRESENT: George Danz; Barbara Melvin, FFIB; Gabriela Molina, Clerk of Courts; Lenore Meurer; Bernadine Harris, Pat Young, Suzanne Orschell CATLTo ORDER Chairman, Steve Hruby, called the meetin8 to order at 8:04 A.M. and read the procedures to be observed during the meeting. He led in the Pledge of Allegia nce. 2. Rorr CAlr- CoMMTTEE MEMBERS AND STAFF Seven members were in attendance; therefore, a quorum was established. 3. APPRoVAL oF AGENDAAND MTNUTES a. Chairman, Steve Hruby, reversed the order of agenda items 6 a. and 6 b. b. A motion was made to approve the agenda by Mary Waller and was seconded by Litha Berger. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0. Litha Berger made a motion to approve the minutes from the meeting of March 5, 2018, and Mary Waller seconded. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0. 1 c Present: 1.A.5 Packet Pg. 28 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes - April 2, 2018 (6548 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - August 6, 2018) 4. INFORMATIONAT ITEMS a. SUNSHINE LAw BRIEFING Chairman Hruby reminded committee members to abide by Florida Sunshine Laws and for those new to the committee to read the Sunshine Laws and become familiar with their responsibilities. Mary Waller asked for clarification as to appropriate means to communicate among members outside of official meetings. Chairman Hruby stated members could communicate but could not discuss any AHAC business outside of publicly noticed meetings. 5. PUBTIC COMMENT THERE WERE No 6ENERAL coMMENIS AND CoMMENTS wTRE ACCEPTED BY THE PUSTIC DURING OISCUSSION OF EACH ITEM. 6. DIscUssIoN ITEMSAND PRESENTATIoNS Housing Plan lmplementation . cormac Giblin gave an overview of the upcoming April 10, 2018, BCC agenda item and its five components. . chairman Hruby recommended AHAC members consider attending the 4/10 Bcc meeting. . Kim Grant explained that the BCC will consider the fiscal impact in the Board budgeting process. . Public Speaker, Pat Young, spoke regarding: o Avalon School; stated it was commendable to talk affordable housing but need to address schools and housing and the potential economic tsunami. o 67% of students in the school district are economically needing. Read from "Place Not Race". o Affordable Housing should be located throughout the County o Magnet schools and busing should be considered. b. Update on the RFI for Housing that is Affordable on County Owned Lands . Requested by Dr. Carlos Portu . cormac Giblin gave an overview of the status of the RFI process: o Briefly reviewed the BCC 3/13 agenda item 11.C regarding the two county owned properties of Bembridge and Manatee Park. o lnformed the committee the BCC voted to table until after all affordable housing items from the Community Housing Plan had been reviewed (i.e. after June 26, 2018 BCC meeting). o The Demand Model and the definition of GAP Housing income at 74O% AMI was approved by the BCC February 201.8. . Dr. Carlos Portu distributed prepared material and provided it to the committee and public present. This material was not made available prior to the meeting. . Dr. Portu's presentation included a review of that material which included data for the East Naples area, ln general, the point of the presentation was to display a perceived saturation of lower cost homes already existing in the area, and that there are already some developments in the area serving GAP households. He stated that Reflection Lakes, Artesia, Eagle Lakes and others price points service GAP households. Dr. Portu used data from the American Community Survey {ACS - Census) and the property aPPraiser. . Dr. Portu requests the grey Oaks site be revisited. a 2 1.A.5 Packet Pg. 29 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes - April 2, 2018 (6548 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - August 6, 2018) Kim Grant pointed out: o No parameters have been established for future development on either the Bembridge or Manatee site. o The opportunity to develop senior, gap or other type of housinB would be thoroughly discussed between the County and property neighbors. Chairman Hruby stressed the importance of a public - private partnership; and o The nature of market conditions in East Naples has always been an affordable place to build. Public Speakers o Suzanne Orschell commented:. On the large number of rental units coming into the area.. The six elementary schools were allTitle lexcept for Calusar New Habitat project going in near Greenway across from Fiddlers with 1,000 units.. Bembridge would be a great site for seniors o Bernie Harris commented the area was saturated with affordable housing. Cormac Giblin informed the committee additional meetings to discussing the Manatee Bembridge sites were being scheduled by Commissioners Taylor and Fiala. Sheryl Soukup requested that emails be sent announcing the meeting dates and times once they had been scheduled. Dr. Portu requested this topic be placed on the May agenda once the additional meetings had been completed so the meeting outcomes could be discussed further. 7. AD.'OURN NExr MEEnNG: MAY 7, 2018 Ar 8:00 A.M. Location:5thFloorTrainingRoom,Administration(BuildingF) located at3299 Tamiami Trail East. FoRDABI-E HoUSING ADvISoRY a There being no further business for the good of the County, the meetin8 was adjourned at approximately 10:30 a.m. after being motioned by Litha Berger, seconded by Taylor McLaughlin and having a final vote of 7-0. n (.2018, "os submitted" lfiThe foregoing Minutes were approved by Committee Chair on OR "os omended" I I. R Cou ITTEE 1.A.5 Packet Pg. 30 Attachment: AHAC Meeting Minutes - April 2, 2018 (6548 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - August 6, 2018)