BCC Minutes 01/11/1983 R ~. ..,. '~'''''''''"'''''''-'';'~'--~--'''-'''''-'",'''', ...... ~._",........., ~a?l.., rlorl~a, ~'nu~ry 11, l~P' LET IT BE RE~'E"'Br.REÐ, that the Board of County Com",18IIon.rs in ~n~ ~or th! County of Colll~r, and also actinq as the ßop.rd of ?oninq App~als an~ as tho ~overnin~ hoar~(a) of suc~ special districts DS have b.en creat.~ ~ccorrlin~ to Jaw an~ h~vinq con1uct~~ husinoft. h~raln, Met on this dato nt ~:~~ ~.~. 1n R~1ular St.810n In r,uil~lnq RP" of the Courthous~ C~mnl~x, Pnst ~aples, ~lor1da, with the (ollowIng Menhers present: ("I" TR"'^" I "',II ry-rr~nce!4 Kruse VICF' cl!"rn....^~': !').:wlc' c. "!rown .1o~n ^. Phtor rr~~~r1ck J. Voss ~. C. "Pad" Moll~n~ ,,!. ~ 0 r· P r. S !" ~ ~ T : ','1111 II m .1. "n II '1 'In, C 1 e r k 1 .1" m e!J C. C 11 ell , F is c a 1 Officor; !':Iurt'en .....nyon ".,ri nlnor <"kinnpr (11~('\ P....1, ~"uty Clerks, Purt ~~"unrlcrs, r"':>IIr1ty ~ttorney, ':. \o'jll1.~.., "or~"n, County V3nal'Jer; ~ð ~mlth, ~SS!Bt~nt roun~y ~~n~"~rl ~nute u,I rtmDn, ruhllc ~~rk~ ^~~lnl.- tr~torl Tt'rry Vjrt~, rO~Munlty n@velorm@nt ^dmlnl~tr...tor; Loe L~yn., PInns !mpll"m,.nt.,tlon !"jrC'ct()r; ~r. "1&rl< Benor!ict, r.ollnty r:nvirnn'l1en- tallstl ~ðncy Tsrðelson, ~rlmjnistrative ~.crøtary to the Board; an~ Chief re~ut'l ;'~y '-\I\rn@tt, 5h@riffts ~ej:)"rtmon':.. aoo~ 073 rACE Z79 , '-I' II~'" , ,'. , '''...nulIry 11, 1M' Tape 11 07'12 ðOA Item tl ~~~( .¡ rASt Wt AGENDA - APPROVED COlMlh.Jcn.r~ ~i..ocrl -mOHQ, ,ecorfd*d '-by "'Comm1a.ioner Brown and carrieð unanImou.ly, that the agenda be approved a. pre.ented. Item . 2 MINUTES OF DECEMBER 20, 1982, SPECIAL MEETING AND DECEMBER 28, 1982, REGULAR MEETING - APPROVED AS PRESENTED Commissioner Piator moved, seconded by commi,sloner Voss and carried unanimously, that the minutea of December 20, 1982, Special Meeting and December 28, 1982, Regular Meeting, be approved aa presented. Item . 3 ANDREW J. MARTIN, SUPERVISOR, IMMOKALEE LANDFILL, SOLID WASTE DEPART- MENT, HONORED AS COllIER COUNTY EMPLOYEE OF THE MONTH FOR JANUARY, 1983 ~: ,) ~ i r"',~ ~ 'r 1)';., r I'.~ "J " t t ... r .1 ~ -I :") r ,. ~ ~ f' t (' (1 " p} II C" lH' t ('> ... r. "",II r t ( n C0'11;.1Jr'~r:t!n~ ì:1"' I)n n¡, fIn,.. ;0" h... It' "'oln., ~5 " rOllnty a"'r.1oY~f!. <; h ~ .,,, I r " t :' - t h ~ t, ~ ~ ~., ~ 1 ::) y,. n I) f t ~.,. ,. t"1 n t r, t ~ n r ~ \</1"1 LJ J'" ...., ,. I'! , (',. . n (I '.> 0 r.LJ s j.., i; Inn ~ x t ~) ," Y c h (' c I: . Item .4 RESOLUTION 83-1 RE PETITION CccL-82-15c, SCOFIELD MARINE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY REOUESTING A VARIANCE FROM THE COASTAL CONSTRUCTION CONTROL LINE FOR LA PLAYA BEACH AND RACQUET INN LOCATED ON VANDERBILT BEACH _ ADOPTED, SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS L"Gë!l nC'1t"ICt, hH' r ~ '1~(',. ftr"" l~h~:-I In tht! ~1 lr"J:t "'')ily f,'ews on Dccenbcr 'C, lO~", ~n ~vl"'~n~r" hy ^ffi~~Y1t o. f\uG1icotlon fl1.A with th't C]t'rJ.., ru'" Ir. hCl'r¡n~ \.,,~, Otlt<,,~~1 to C'o:-,¡I"nr r'''~1t:lon l"'r.cL-"I:'-JSc, Sco!J~l~ ~pr1n~ ronstrur~lon ~omp~ny r'~u~~tln" p v~rJ~nc~ from the CODf!t"'~ :-on~~ru=t:C'Jr. ;(";¡tr(')' !.In!: (or r'rnr(lorty ]oC"Itccl on Lots '1: ðn~ f'ðqe 2 ~."....' ~ lIB - ~ . ~: ;. ~"¡' ~ I+~,",'",):~ ~. ~'..;." !:s .'.::, 'iI·.',' !' . . -.... I f I ~.. ,5a ¡ 8~ ,:~;i I !Ii 'v I~' ~:"'" tt ,..t.;~:'E,,' ,r:!.,..."'" -1, ~""". :." : !t..:.. 0 ¥i~', ~ £,i .....'_ø' .~}" It""'-'" }; .Ja:1uary U, J "~~ 2(" Block A, Unit .1, V'Jndorbilt f!each (La Phy.. Reach IIn~ nacquet Inn ^rt~itlon, ~~~l ~ulfshore Orlv8'. Cr. Benedict, County rnviro~~pnt!lIAt, st~ted that ~cof1.l~ ~arin. Constructio~ Is r~questin~ rock rovetm~nt P feet s~awðrð of the Coastal Construction Control Iln~ ðn1 ~ feet 8e~w'r~ of t~a ,xlstlnq seawall. Ho stat.d that he !ß conductlnr¡ " be~c!'1 procos8 stu1y of the entire County which ln1ic~te5 th~t ~~n~er~11t Pe~~h Is ~n 2roslonal hnt spot, which 11 1uc to ~~e hir¡h rlocu~antc~ rðt~ of erosion which avera~es to ðbout n Inches ~er ye~r, ~11In~ thðt ~noth~r factor contrlbutlnq to th. ~ot Spot 1~ th~ r~ct t~~t th~ ~n1orlty of the ~ulldln~s located at V~nrl~rl>11t p~~c~ ^rQ lnc~tn~ ~xtremoly ~,os~ to thQ current storm ;:Htnctr!ltion 1 fn~. !In not...d th.'It 'T10!1t "'ul1111n19 lire hl'twcen 10 anrl .,,, feat hf"h!nJ thn ntor~ rQn~trrt!on l!n~ which 1~ whQr~ tho highest waves 1urln~ II stor~ woul~ r~~ch. 'If' noto:!r1 thð" thl' ~lIl1cHnlS ðre ~ullt ax!;r"'",p.ly c'ö!:., to t~ro ·.nt~r 'n,1 ]rf' fH "("f'ntl~1(! to !It:orm 'ia.,.,,,..,e durln:r :':1~ior 5tor:':1 tl;j~f!, I', d!r.l U;.H r>rot('ctlv'!' 'Itructur'3 built se",w~r~ of t h I) oS 0 L lJ ! 1 '!i n ('I !'; H n ! nt' , '! 1 C t ! V" ',,, M:' I' 7. 0 n "!' 1':''' U ~ ! n, ,. r., r' Ion 0 f. the b,...ch !H~IH',H(' of '~l",S(" :.;~rl ctlJr~g. '~ r~;"\ortc" ''It t~1! ~ubllc "ftDch is :')~inl "r'J\Jt'ez'1è :)1Jt," 'lct\'~'!n ) rntre~tln'" ~~(" r"11n" ...n'" per",anontly fl (o!!-i :HrlJctlJr~s, !:e St't('rI thðt .,c:tion:J ""Hlt: hI} t,'Ik'3n to protect t~1I ~tructure8 rro.., th~ O,e~l':'t:s or "'~1or ßtorm W~Vftl, ~"'~in.., thftt on1y hare ~Inl~~l ðct1vlt!l)q 5houl~ h~ ~llowert to protect the structures anð thðt, ~hlr~v~r ~o~.!bl~, ~('nwl'l] Rtru~tur('~ Lh!t ðre I~pro~.rly P4ftced or "'1fHlll"1n(',,~, s~olJl~ ')(' rcloc.:ltor', lie r~t>ort.<" that '¡herevor poa_lhl. t~e ,ubllc ...cces,/$ to tl-¡I) t-~"ch s~oul(~ t:>~ 'nlllntð1"!lrl. "0 rrðsentet1 ~ short slide pred~ntðt1on ~n ~9~ch eros1~n on van~erbilt neach an~ the t»a-;re 3 &OOK 073 fA~ 285 . ...;J~j~J(~î1t;¡~i} 1.:;¡:: "::""':~.:-: ·\~~~$..",(~:r.:W£' ~~HI..:¡ ~'s l~~..·· ~b ~ )...~;,'. '. ~U~:: .~. , II ~,~'. IL~a :s ~ ,~" ,,!.~ ;; Jj! ..~ :, ~ ,~;~ ~.,¡ "',a. , .9 hb~+¡. '~.=,t;:..'~ L'Tanuary 11, 'O~." ßO~,( 073 FA~t' 286 lack of public beach. He stato~ th.t h. Is trying to reali9n structures that arA f~r Into the Ðctlv~ heach zono In or~er to have one unified front ð9~inst erosion. He .tðte~ that In some area. there 1. only '1 feet of bcnch ~~tween the corner and the me~n ~iqhwater, adðin~ that recently It has b~~n n~ted that th~r@ is only 5 'eot. H. stated that he woul~ ð~vise th~ rl~ce~ent of riprD~ with the condition that the wall ~~ rCðli~n@~ first and th~t a pedestrian hy-p~ss be assured Ðn~ that ~t 'uch tfm~ thnt the s~awall become A ~etrlmental to the beach that It woul~ hf' relocllte~. tie reported .!tt this tiMe, it is econo~lcn]ly unf~~~lh]~ to rrnulrf' thr r.loc~tlon of the w~l] ~nð, as It Is In pf'rfcctly 'Joo~~ Sl-¡ðr>C!, "e would reCO""OT1cnr! th<'lt the Wð}) he loft until SllC~ tlm~ ,II!': thl' \"'1]] (':'oul, !1e rfltlll1oner' IOn" then the rlpr~p could t-e ;'1]t1cerl. lie concluded hy statlnl'1 that his over..11 recommon~~tlon Is to ~cny thr perMit. "'r. frllncoeur, J7") ~. Culf S~or@ f'1vc'., repros.ntinq the petltlonrr, prr~~ntp.~ j)lcturc!\ trJ tht> RCC of tit rlaYI'I'ø sf!'awnll as weU <'Iß ðt'r{ð] r.hoto"rM)hs. Ill' lIlao presentet1 F:xl'liblt .". frol"l the Dr.n reQ~r~lnn ð 1t'n~r<'l] rpr~lt, ~xhlblt .p. fro~ thp City of Narl.1 regðr~in~ ~ðpl~s ke...ch ~tu~y Report, Exhibit ·c· fro~ Tackney , ^saocl~tp.s, Inc. r~qðrdino the u~. of rock rev.t~ent, Exhibit .0. from DNR regarding erosion and rock revetment, ðn~ F.xhJhit .r,. from Bruce Cre~n r. ^Sf1oclðtp.r., InC'. show[nl1 the rock rev Hm@nt for the act"JtJon to La PI a ya . T.pe .2 ~r. Francoeur state~ that the A.aw~ll was huilt on ðn ~rc for the purpose of l"Ie~tln~ with La Play~'. s.aw^ll which was voluntarily 91v1n9 Page .. , ø:"2J ~ .. .. :.~, , )',i,if,"^-','¡' .: <'{PI Jllnuuy t1, t~,,~ 11f\ th., option to 1n('] !Hie ':'\orl) ~"8ch ":-~hinA thlt 8uwn11. ~.. stilted th..t 'l:oIder storM concf it: 10ns, Deoplt' nor",l'Itly ~t'! not: choos, to """,lk th3 heach. lie stðt~r' th..,t th~ ONR Ðnd th" N:P havf' t"k.,n 1'1 ?osit10n th" t vl'lnr'erbilt ~I!"'c; 1 S 't'3~ 11 i ~~rI. I'" :H!lt'~~ thl!'t the r~R iDSU.d l' 1·nor~1 p~rMit on 1uly 0, 11'''', which 9tat~! th~t ð q~nernl ".r~1t in 1r~ntcrl to 'Iny !ll'rnon !n't,,11i~., rh'rllp ..... "hit to. of an Gy.htin'1 V" r tic :11 S '" HI !I 1 1 ~ r (1 OJ i .., I n 1 ~ (' r t r. I n eon ('! i t: lon!l ,H I? met, I~h i c h t h ~ ~~tltlon~r ~,~ ~~t. ~'" ~t~tC'<1 th"t Ii" 1!'1 r^1uestinq thllt the Br:C cHr.,ct t"lIt ~¡.3 ':~t¡t,hr~~r I,':! 1!3<1;uf'-1 t'H! proper n!H",it to protoct ~n1 rrf.l.."rvl) th,,'\~'d,,~!:,,~ '~( ~1 :-)O')"\/,,)J ·,..-It" roc:< r^vt'tl"1P,nt'. "r. "'Il,!!! '·-:::'I'· ·!, "coflclr1Y'Irlnl! C'"onøtructlo" C'"o",p.1ny, ntateri thl'lt tht' r-rr- ¡'1~'1'" '~"n~r,\l ;,"r..,lt r ltco..,,....nr\ln~ t~" ;))ðCCm.,nt of rock In frr1nt or '1: ·,,·rtl::,1 .'1c/I'.....ll!1 on t~('\ h'J"cl-¡, I'!:"!¡'in'" thllt the t'~p conr:l!r~ .:i,:I-, ~..."""\.\ , - t " t ,,-I t ~~H .' r " C' k r '!.. ~ t", ! n t ~ ~ .1 ! '!I t r u c t u r 1'111 y to :1 ~"~'.'.'! I; "r::>~:'ct '"1 1)'/ t,~" f/')f., of th(' ro~lts './hlch C!!USOS the W II V e !'o t 0 I i.' ~ j '" , t ' , -', t - -; t: ~ '1'1 r", .\ .' 1 In., ~_ " I' t r 0 ,.. k r '" v 0 t '" n n t ~ I! 1 ~ os b u 11 rl th~ 3~n~ In fr~nt ?~ .~~ J'~wal1. "r. ""~r~~ "~'1~r ~~n~~ In or~nßltlo" to t~~ rt'!~k rev~tment st'tlr1~ nr0tJ~t!~n Of ~·IIC'h~n ~nA ~ro~lon. -h:, r ('\ 1 : ')',' t ..' ;- " ('\ "), 'J ~ n 0 ~ .. In' II \I 0 r f)' t h '! r _ c: u .. ~ t c 1 tin" rrotaction o~ i r~~~rlv: r.:lrl I"('::or. Lloyd r.. '0'",. ir ~'1'<'! 'o~r!' ..,~c: '1oro~ """. ,~, rulfghor~ nr. !í'~ '··1110.....1/"'1( ror. rr. renp'AI~~ stðt,A th~t ho Is tryln~ to c~~~ uc wlt~ ~ unif1e~ phn (or t"'~ ".!"A¡>rhU" "e"ch I!r!!/\ ,n" h.,,, '-If'.,,, ';~r"1nl'J .dth the peoT"l. in tnfl! .'Ir-'ð, ,~-;,-!In" t",~t h" has n"I;: 'I\~ '1ny r"non'St or application. flltq. ao~~ 073 PACt' 'l87 ~"'~!~\·;~I/i,~~"""it.'i :'ìi ,!"'!~. ·..'^"''''''''''-- J!'nUDry lJ, ,t>r') M~~ 073 PACE 2.B8 reo~rrlin~ s~~e to this ~~te. H@ .t~te~ thMt h~ i~ not M~Dln~t ripr~p, ð~~in? th,t h! ~orks very closoly with ~~R ~n~ "rn, M~AJn, thDt rirr~p is not ~lway~ ju~ti!ie~. commlsaioner Brown moved, leconded by Commi.sioner Pi.tor and carried unanimoualy, that the pUblic hearinq be closed. COr.'·r1ss1on~r VruF.~ iit,1t'!c' thnt R~(' h~J 1~'/(,s in the oropt'rty OWTurs .,,' riqht to ~rotect t~elr rr~r('rty, eArltn~ th~t ~hp. ~oc~ not n~rep with rock r"vot","nt 11,lch "'OlJ),' ~xt(.'n" 1"'0 fp"t Into the COl!flt~l Con!ltruc- ;!I tlo"l Control Un". Co~r:-l!j!"loncr l:01',,,~'' <;toted thrt thl~ I" t-h,. flr~t ti",,. he h,s herr~ ~nyon(' re~o"'~~n~ln~ not ~uttlnn rlprrr In 'ront of t~,. se~~Ml1, ....\¡qn., th.!'It rrr ,,~' :"""~ rf.co-m'·n"·~ thl~ rlrr.'r,. I'" co~~Ju-1p.r''''V stc'ltln<" th~t hr. j.. in [,'vcr of th" of'tltlon'!r'!" r'!"u"!!'t. Co'" n i !j:- ¡ 0 n ,.. r \' '1 :.: .!" ;- t . t",1 t ~ ,1 t t h". :' r n P r r ~ v r) I '''I ,. r h..... t ~ ~ r i (1 h t to rrotcct r.1~ ::rnn<.rtv, "ut th" ~eDch II!! for al1 tö us!'. "(' C'luestioner' ""h"thr.r th'~ ~ ro["\ r·y :>...·n"r \<"0111" bt" \11 1) In!'! to rrr,nv" th" rl;'1r.." line' ret'1i~n th" ·...,,11 If i~ r~!'\lI1tf) In I! loss or t-ei'lC~i, to ,-'hleh "r. Frc'\ncof'ur !'!t"t...~ t"'-t rot' t:!\" no intrntior tc "r"",,,," ~~,.. hCc'\ch, ðd"ing he.'1ch ð:'C'H"!,. th~t If t~cr~ W~~ ~ot roö~ (or ~~or1e tn wð]k, hI' woul~ tAke ~ction and mov~ hc'\ck nn~ wouJ~ ~p ~I]1in~ to r~~QV~ thr r ~r"r ~n" re~lfnn the """11, acì~in'l th.H it Is v~ry I!rnort!nt, "Qwr.vcr, to ~-=clc!«: "'1'10 I. to rl@tcrmlnc such r ~-tter. ~f' ~t~te~ th~t ~~ ~~S ~o 1e~!r@ to c:lo.~ ~orn''¡!'~lo:1''r ¡:rll!H~ lnr1Ic=::'c~ th',t r:o:""-In~io:'~r "OS~I answnr to hi. quCFttlon I!' ,:,:)nt;l!n,-'1 In p..,rc('r/lrh : .'n~1 , or t~l~ ¡'ropo l e~ rl"olutlon. Tape '3 . - , ~ ~ .. .. ': t~ ,\" :~~Uðrv ]1, I'r) ~ lor. c'rl1ncc-ellr s~.,t!<~ tnllt I,.. woul1'1r<;p t, ',nt:e( Int." r:or,vl'r!'l:o'Itlono '."lth tr.'J ~r')unty ,=ont:~rnin'1 r:'r""rr.," I. \I~,I~h in:Hcllt'!s t.h.!1t th~ !ltructur~ vloul':: "" 'IA1u9t.c:'!, ,,1tor'J'I, or r:!!movoc4 if It should ~ ')C'o..,~ rl~t r I ~"n t.~ J ~f) r-h", ~'I..w;\ r-1 bf!l'Ic~ (' r "A ~ r.~cnt u;"ll1n(! "roportialS, '-¡ilnq th.'!t '1(.' :':1')111' ~ot: '1'HI!''' to It ln~l.,rlnltr'!lv. Commis.loner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Rolland, that Petition CCCL-B2-lS-C be granted as reque.ted by the petitioner without any conditions. Upon call for the qu..tion, the motion failed 2/3, (Commlssion.rs Voss, Plstor and Krus. opposed). Commissioner Plstor moved that P~tition CCCL-82-lS-C be adopted a. pre.ented. Motion died for a lack of s.cond. Commissioner Pistor moved, aeconded by Commissioner Voss and carried 4/1, (Commissioner Brown opposed), that Re.olutlon 83-1 re Petition CCCL-~2-15C, Scofl.ld Marine Con.tructlon Company reque.ting a variance from the CoaBtal Construction Control Line for property located on Lots 25 and 2~, Block ^, Unit 1, Vanderbilt Beach (La Playa B.ach and Racquet Inn "ddition, 9891 Culf.hor. Drive), be adopted with the following stipulations: 1. That the placement of rlprap and the 8' revetment be granted without moving the ..awall. 2. That La Playa B.ach and Racquet Inn, It. .uècel.or., heir., or assigns agree to provld. in perpetuity a pede.trian by-pa.. to insure contlnu.d public acce.. to the beach north and .outh of the structure only If the shoreline decreased to the point that ped.strians could not walk on the .and. Thl. .hall b. accomplish.d by the con.truction ~nd maintenance of rlrrap cross-over steps at the north and .outh end of the revetment and by granting the general public the right to walk landward of the seawall cap during period. when high water preventl passage aeaward of aaid atructure. 3. La Playa Beach and Racquet Inn, It. .ucce.sor., heir. or a.aIgns agree to adjust, alter, or remove the permitted .tructure .hould It become detrimental to the .eaward beach or adjacent upland propertie., and/or becom.. dangeroul, unde.irable, or unn.c....ry, a. conclu.ively documented by , ColI hr County. ßC~,( 073 fAct 2.B9 P"C1' ., ·'I.i..:·~f~"":" :'~ ,;.'" .... January )" l()r~ 073 PACt 290 Upon roll call the vote v.. .. follov.1 Commi..ioner Piltorl Ay. Comml..ion.r VOIOI Aye Commissioner Roll.ndl Aye Commls.ioner Brown. Nay Commis.loner Krusel Ay. ***** Recess. 10125 A.M. - R.convenedl 10135 A.M. ..... " r,o' '.^ " ',-' .}. ~ ~ .. - ¡.~~. )~~ ,,~,' , :, .', iii,'., '~,.., .~, '. ;" . JanulIry 11, 1(\~~ Il~¡: ,Q73 PACE 294 PROPOSED EAST NAPLES rIRE HYDRANT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT - CONTINUED 60 DAYS AND NOTICES TO BE RESENT TO ALL PROPERTY OWNERS Le9~1 notice h~vin1 heen pu~lisheð In the ~aples Dally ~ewl ðl evld@nc@d by ^ffln~vlt of Puhllcatlon, previously file~ with the Clerk, public hearln~ w~s ~ontlnue~ from Dece~ber '-P, InnÞ, to consider the creation of the r.ðRt NðpIcs Fire Hyrlrllnt Assessment nistrlct. ~r. IIart",lIn, r>uhlic \o'orlq¡ ~r1,..lni l tr...tor, stðte=" th"t. t~1;t lIssossnent roll wa~ ~odlflp~, ~1~ln~ th~t th~r' ar~ cert,in pooplc thøt never r.~eive~ ~ l~tter but It w,s o~v~rtls@~ in t~e np.w9p~r'r. ~r. Larry rn~rn,." ~ttorn~y-at-Law, statod that ~Ummit Properties di=! not recl"lv~ notlr;r> .,n" ~.~ ~"s hf'en ell'lploYftd to rÞ1:)rf"sent them. County ~ttorn~y r,ur~rrR st~t~~ th~t th~ rrocedure is set In 0r~ln"ncc "H_JI \:'d~~, rl:'t'IJir('R t\.'o ty!"e!! o! notie'l:', one he!n':,! the newspaper notlc~ nn~ one notlct' helna sent to Pilch affected property o...·nPr. re !':t,1t~:1 th.'It If cl?rt.-ln property owneorø C"1c! not receive notices the henrln" can utilI he henrC", a~dlnq that, howevor, If thore Is evi~ene'@ th~t c('rtaln notices wer@ not sent, thp notices should be sent ^nd the h~ðrlnq contlnue~. Commissioner Vo.. noved, seconded by Co~ilsloner PI.tor and carried 5/0, that the proposed East Napl.. rire Hydrant A.,e.,~ent Di.trict be continued for 60 days and notice. be lent a9aln to all property owners. Ta pe 14 Ite. .6 RESOLUTION 83-2 RE PETITION V-82-29C, DAVID CONNALLY, REQUESTING A VARIANCE rROM THE LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS rOR rRONT AND SIDE YARDS _ ADOPTED, SUBJECT TO THE PETITIONER WORKING WITH STArr'S LANDSCAPI INSPECTOR Legal notic,. hllvlnl) ~fH.':"I publhh.d In th. Nar1e!l "'.ally ~'elits on Pccemh.r "", 1~r2, n! evidenced by ^ffi~avlt of. PUb11catlon fl1.~ fill , . '~ Þ.g..J~:) ; '. ~,:~--,,;';'{," !::::f ;' .,.. ~!;'~~~/.: -":...~.~.!.;. .'1- :'ot!' " ' ,f....,¡;".' ~¡.'.,' ~.~ .. ,jlfo1 \~ ',':.rl "',.~'.....,.~ ,..~ "". ,,,,,,-."" .,- ..-.,",.".."""""" "3nu~ry 11, 11:'''' the Cleric, public ;u!lrinn 1':1\1 oponed to r.:orHI!-!'Jr p.,tition ~'_f.'~_"~r:, David ~nnnal1y, roqu~stln, Q vl\ri~nco fro. ~h. l~n~s~~~., r~qutr~~~nts for front ðn~ side yar~8 for pro~ftrty locato~ on ~hlrl.y ~trtet. Pl~ns T~ole~ent~tion rlr~ctor r~y~~ 3t~t.~ t~~t thl3 r~~u.8t is for ð v^rl"nc3 ~ro~ tho l!n~scðp, r"1ulr~~!ntl !or 'rant ~n~ .I~. y"'rc!s, ·.lhlch r~qulrC's (\ ~, ~Il~,> hn1!Jc~¡:::~ strip !lro'Jnr' v..hicular acce.. ðnd p~rkln1 ðre~s, with on~ troe for !v~ry 5~ lin.ar fe.t. ~he stat.1 that, In "'d·11t:\.on, II '1 h~04.,t' i!'l rf!('1ulr"-' 1'101'\-' th, front Yo'lrr1. ~~! noted th~t y.~r5 J10, tha ~.tltlon~rlg ~roperty WðS used ~s a cl.~nln9 and ~u~~lno ~r~(\ !or ~~~pnt tru~k~, ~1~ln~ th!t ~c ~ rOßult, thp. ~ðjorlty of the pr:>rrrty is cov~r~~ In c~~~nt. ~h. stðte~ th~t ~"'..~ on th~ 5trn1'r~H In ~~. tonl", ~r~ln·n=~ 'or rl~t~r~lnln" ~h~ rpason .or ^ v~rl'nce, ;,t~f! I, re~OM~pn~lnq t~~t t~~ retltl~~~rls ra~UQst n@ .... per 0 V (: d ~ ,,'-- ~ ,.. ~ ~ tot ~ 1 ... 1" I' .. fi C /I P') In., :? (I ~ ~ ~ r r ~ \' 1 ':! .d n" ... " "'I'" " " ~ ;, ~ v in,' tho P!tlt1..:>rl'r nrovl"" ~"njr,cl~pln~ 1'1 tht 'r..,.,t y,H-! "/h...re therft 1. "0 con C' r ~ t,~ . Commissioner Plstor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Voss moved, .econded by Comml.,loner Holland and carried 5/0, that Resolution 93-2 re Petition V-82-29C, David Connally, requesting a varlancQ from the landlcape requirementl for front and .Ide yards be ad~pted, subject to the petitioner working with Staff'. landscape inspector. &O~< 073 FA~t 295 rðn,. '¡....:t";:J,:~:j,~,..,~'N~H . ,'¡" , '....-..""....-.-. ~".,.~,.",_".""","--,-,..","....""",."---_.__._-~..",, ""'" ,'Y.!InUllry 11, 1 C'" ~ 80~~ 073 PACt: 298 Item 17 PETITION A-82-10, ARTHUR V. WOODWARD APPEALING ADMINISTRATIVE INTER- PRETATION or DEFINITION OF ANIMATED SIGN - (PIRST BANK OF MARCO ISLAND) - APPROVED r.C111) notlc'" h,'vln,' ~"f:n ;1u....ll!"!1e~ In th·~ "::11'1<:15 l"!'\llv ~~ H'S on t'ece",be r ,.., , 0:>":", M1" t¡"... ....1' rco I!J1.'n" 1"llC" L~ or, "'c~""''''(' r "", ] CO",, a. evid','l"ce(! by !\ffirillvltl> of rubl1C''Itior. fil~~ ':lth tlt(' :::'lcrk, :')uhllc herrin" ""'5 o::>..nt'~ teo ":'onrd~ar p...tltio"l ',_1'''-'''' lrthur \'. '.,1t)0,",\-~l'Ir1 ðcr~£1In1 ~~~In ntrntlvr Intar"r~tDtlon of ~ef¡nl~ion of ~nl~cte1 .lan. C':1)r'11"ur.lty "nV-:]:~,r""nt rlrl"ctor l'lrt" J';t,"'tl"-'I ~f¡l't t",,, ~('tltloncr h",: ,'r~llt"" [or" "'III](' ;),., rcr"lt to Instl'11 .- ,",,"I: ~I-:n ~.,,,~, in 1\,.... I t Ion t ~) t I r,~' ~ n :' '. ,........ ~ r " t lJ r c, 1..'0 U 1 r' ,., 1 1 ("¡ '..' f" r \I.- r I ~ '" ,!, P ß ~ !II ~ (" S . He not~~ that thr ~~[Inltlon In th~ zonln'" "r~ln"ncr nr ~n ðnl~.t.~ R1~n 1~ "I' r.1~n ....,It~, 11'C~¡n~ '"Ir ...,t')'~"'''nt w¡.,..t~.,r 1,'1 'l"""in- 1iCl'1tS, color ch'ln"~~, wln~ rntntlnr, ~nvn~cnt of ~ny ~~rt c' t~c nlan or sign 1: t r Ul'" ~ U r'" 0 r r "1': '"I t. h" r ..,,' i co ~ " . u~ ~t~t~~ ~h-', h,c"'-'I u~on cl~r1ty a~ ßeen ~i' :t.l:f~ In t~1" or(~fnl'nc~, the ;')'!rr-it lor; ,-1",1,.." l!r.(', ~t t~ls timç, th~ ~~tltIDnrr Is ~r~c~1in~ th~ ~nC"iCI"n. "'r. :-ttorh"'n l'lIr~ctt,.., ~"'''r¡c'll'1 'ï"n I'~'" rn~IC'..tor Company, s~ow.d II n lH tis t fI' n ~1 '" r I r.'" (' f t h '? pro 1"0 S r.' ~ ~ 'II ~ r for t).¡ t' S ¡ "n . Commlsslo"1cr Vrus~ qucstion"" if t'H' r'ln¡!.:lY I'ltero~ Its form, to I-fhich "'r. rur":-tt" f,t,~t,,·1 tt'!1t It "'t"'rs It'1 'or". In t"t' ml'nn!r 1n 't:hlch t1mf' IIn'" te~r'-'r...tllre "'I~r.l,'v~ "ltl~r thclr for::", ch'lnclinlJ fro:'1 one f-Ihce 0' lnform,-tlon ..., t~.!' ~ther. "... str terl t"1<'1 t' t'lI II IIl('1n 18 II InOSlIlIQI" unit for F'lr!\t ¡"'nk o~ 'l'rcro T!!lð!'l-1 ....~iC'~ Is ~illdll'r to th. MP.SSð-,r. unit no\.' In O"1~Pt!~r" ....:1 ~'3r~"s r,.l'!er,." l't Co1~Qn r.8tp rarkw.y. 'i(' stat..., th...t this ,"I~rl."y Is "'one Idt~ solar rr.flectivt' pent-II .n~ 1. ln~talled on c~ stln'" ~vlnrs. lIt C'oncluc'p,", hy "ttltln~ that it il r'eabne-1 to I"¡~ntify th" 1c(>"t'ior, of ttu" custoMt'r's htJsln~ss and to P.~. t?t;",'~n IIi1 .. ...':.~ " :¡,~;'.... :,~,: .' '. ".'.....A'\'o¡' '.."~\"~....~:;:.I, . ".¡' ..,i,.'~ J,. ~., Jl.nu~ry 1', J~~' provido Inforn~tion to th~ r.orl~ ~~ssin~ hy '9 to the activity on in th~ Cll~tomflrl~ I,lIslncss. Co~mI8Iio~~r v~,,~ quo.t1o~@d I' t~o ~~In~qt mov.ø ~~rns., to "'r. ?ur:1"tte !Jt~t~,,, it. <:10..,8 ~ot p:rl1v"l, 1 t ...~.,s not noat up nnd <:1own, ~nd I~ ~0~5 ~ðt rn!~~t~. Yr, .1:>"'1 "O:1l.'v, rC!nr"~!"ti,,- 1'.'1" T~l"t{t1o:'1~r, st...t't<'1 t.l,lIt .'Inl~'''t!.,n ¡!II -:)V~-"'1t t~1H.,.': uIA "'~·,,:.,c:t:'''1~ ':1y !lo:11lJboc1y ."ðtchinry th't .... 51'1'1. "" ~...,t~" .".~ ~,I"'I ~y , '~~'J!'" ~~.. '1!~r. r:",~n,"''''~ ~OOB not "''''en that it Is ,'nl,"\l'Itc', .:~ ~,,:...(. t::1t th, r!"~'" ~H4 ",.,t{'r"'ln~~ t~ðt this sil.Jn Is r,ot ,'n "'\~t"", ',, ·f...·, ':',~t. j:~ !!I r')""J",.!'.ln~ thl'~ t~'!' ~"t1tlon '.:-e a P r r 0 v C" . Commissioner Plator moved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and - carried unanimously, that the pUblic hearing be closed. Commissioner Plat.or moved, seconded by Commissioner Vas. and carried 4/1, (Commissioner Kruse opposed), that Petition A-82-10, Arthur V. Woodward appealing admini.trative Interpretation ot definition of animated sign, be approved. Item '8 PETITION PU-Q2-24C, KILIAN BAYER - WITHDRAWN Commissioner Pistor moved, .econded by Commi..loner Holland and carried unanimously, that Petition PU-82-24C, Kilian Bayer, be withdrawn as requested by the petitioner. Ite. 19 RECOMMENDATION THAT PERVIOUS PARKING REQUIREMENT BE DELETED ON ALL PREVIOUSLY APPROVED PROVISIONAL USES - APPROVED, SUBJECT TO MEETING THI COUNTY'S W~TER MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS aoo~ 073 fACf299 n'lns '~¡','-':nt~t!:>n I"irl}ctor r.~Yr'., stat'!1 th!'lt this reQuest is to :!~l,!to t!'." ").:!r','¡.,·,n ,-HI-In" st.1!,ul;.tJon fro., prt'vlo~Jaly ~ppro'I.1 provlslona! tI!lo1!'t, "'~ln1 t":'It It hlu hten rltC:OMM.n~Ðt1 In the P".t tt,Q rnvlro~M~nt'l1 ··'vi~ory ,="oul'\cil !In"" !as cr~...tG" pro~l(ll"" for M:~ 073 f.\~t 300 ,1anllðry ", ](\/", proje~tc èurin1 tM~ r~iny se~son an~ for ~U9 ~n~ h^n~icð~ p~rk1nq. r.h- ctl'tel" tt:/lt t!'1er'" h'lv(, hp.cn se\'t"ro' rl'!que~t!' ror thl/11 IIME!n~'!1.nt an-J thll r~c h~ß ~rO?~D~ t~~ ~~I~ul~tion, ~A~in~ th~t rrtM~r ~~t~ ~rln,ln~ eoch ~rovl~ior~J U3r ~~C~ tn th~ Ao~r~, r re~un~t Is ~1 ~7 ~~.~ to (tlÐt~ thlr ~t ;·)ul/ t!o~ !Jubi!'':t ::0 "1('~t. n,; t~/" ~ounty'~ I.'.~t'~r !'!'t'n~('!E'ment r~~ulr('::1cnt~. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the recommendation to delete pervious parking requirements on all previously approved provisional uses be approved. Item '10 CARNIVAL PERMIT 83-1 RE PETITIO~ C-R2-6C, COLLIER COUNTY AGRICULTURAL FAIR AND EXPOSITION, INC. REOUESTING A PERMIT TO CONDUCT THE ANNUAL COLLIER COuNTY FAIR - APPROVED WITH THE WAIVERS BEING CRANTED Commissioner Plator moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that Carnival Permit ~J-1 re Petition C-B2-6C, Collier County ^qricultural Fair and Exposition, Inc. requesting a permit to conduct th@ annual Collier County 'air on January 15 through January 23, 1983, be approved and the followinq waivers be granted excep~ for the waiver of the $50.00 feer 1. A Surety Bond In the penal SUm of $2,500.00, conditioned upon the operator complying with each provl110n of Ordinance 75-11. 2. A non-refundable fee of $50.00. 3. A current occupational license iSlued by the Collier County Tax Collector. 4. The name, identification and SOClll lecurlty number o! each person accountable for the operation of each activity. s. The duration of the permit shall not exceed five calendar days. PI'Ç.'. r:=J mIm .. \ '.'/.';':'" ~,t.I'~ ,Mnu:!ry 11, 11'1"3 It.. t 11 R!COMM~NDATION TO WAIV~ THE ON! (1) YEAR TIMI LIMIT rOR REAPPLICATION OF A REZONE PETITION BY WOODFIELD LA~ES LOCATID ON CR-95l NORTH or US-4l - APPROVED Plans t~p1ementatlo~ nlrpctor L~yn. stðte~ that th~ ~etltlo~er W1Dheø to rCMpply [ðr ~ razon~ r~tltion prior to thð on~ y.~r requlr...,ent ^ftpr ~cnl"l of th~ or!~lnð1 requ@!t. ~hc not9d that S~ctlon 1~. I'~ of t~ft 70nln~ 0r11n~nc~ q~ðte~ th1t wh9rQV~r thl eo~r~ of r.ounty ~oMml5cloncrs hDS d~nle~ ~n ^pp11c~tlon for the rezoning of ~ propprty, t~e rl~nnln1 ~ð~~i~nlon ~~~ll not th.r~'f~~r co~qt1~r 8ny further app1lc"tlon for ~,~ S~~~ r01.onlng of ~ny p...rt or ~ll of the SD~e oropnrty for ~ n~rlo~ or twolv~ ~onth3 frn~ the ~'te of su~h .'Ictlon. ~he n'jt~,1 t>¡~t t',,, po"r~ m",y ,r,~nt '"I '.....lv~r t:) t'l1~ ti",. parlo· ·...It') t"'r"" '~r r~,,)t I\'~ v(')t('~ or ':t'-.. no~r" ~Ih"n !'Inch '~tlon Is c1" f} I"! c'1 n N~ " ~ 3 ,H Y t J r' r I'V l" n tin 1 us t 1 ~., CI r to f D C I 11 t ,1 t ~ t h () pro r "o! r dAVp.1o!)"I"nt o~ rolll"r Count'!. "h, ~t."te-1 thl'lt the !'etltl~n W.... A~n1'?'" In ~...y, I'r~, whl~~ woul1 not ~~~" the p~tlttonnr el1~1~1, to raapply prior to Y~y, I~"'. "II~ ":o~,r:ll1ll'~ '1Y 3tH!n", tl''It th~ ~"tit:ton.r 1s r·J('lu~'tlno ''''.'Iv~r :)r!l)T to "i'lY 'nA ~t,,~, If¡ r3co"''''~n(!ln'1 a~prov"l. "0:1,,1'1 FIn"., r"; r"!';/":1tln'l r..,n".J ( ~orr,.,r.'t1on, ntllt.1 t"'at th4t ro.Hlon for rC·llJ'!5tlr., thl!' ',I,lvfH "r t~,'t ono y@"r tine l1:nlt 111 t""t "u. to t~~ ~n~ n~Arf¡, t~~ ccn~~r~1 0' th~ ~oM~I~~ionQrø h^v. heen resoly~A. Pl~ns J~ple~~nt~tl(')n rlroctor L~yn' statftd th8t tMe potltlon would hl'lve to b., r(,'.Iu')."I~t~, ..]o~., llith '" n~I" rllt, an~ th- 8ntlr~ :"ro~.ss woul~ h~v.. to h~ 10n~ ~hrou~"J~!n. "'r. Goor.;:!' "111~r, H"I: ""th ·v~. '"....., stlltt'~ th'lt h" "''IS A?"lnst th" wa1v.r of the one Yf'lIr tine petrlo!"!. Co-.11.10ner Brown moved, .econded by CommS..Soner Holland and carried 4/1, (Commi..Ioner ~ru'e oPPO'.d), that the r.co...ndatSon &O~K 073 'ACE301 ·"·""'·_'·_-___._,__'~,'___",..._,...K',. " ,.fI,·J". . ,!'if, -" lit' ,Tanul'lry 11, 101:?~ MOK 073 PACt 30Z waive the one year time limit for reapplication of a rezone Woodfilld Lake. located on CR-951 north of US-41 be approved. , Uell 112 RESOLUTION 83-3 REOUESTING COUNTY REPRESENTATION ON THE PROPOSED 8rO CYPRESS AREA MANAGEMENT TASK rORCE _ ADOPTED Comml..loner Pi.tor ~oved, lecondld by Commi..ioner Vo.. and carried unanl~ou.ly, that Relolution 83-3 reque.ting county rlpreøentation on the propo.ed Big Cypre.. Area Management Ta.k rore. be adopted. '. '.; .. rag. ,. fII9 .. ,.,¡: ,~';:.. . , '. ~,"'I j, . ._'''''..,.,......~'''''.._~_.,,~.,-'''"~~".""- 't 14, 'I' ;£;' 1" ,Ii, ..~,'. :Ifl ,1ÞnUðry ]], 1/)1'3 Ite. '13 REPORT ON ASPHALT VERSUS CONCRETE BIKrwAY8 - EXHIBIT -A- ACCEPTED AND EXHIBIT -B- PAVEMENT APPROVED POR THE PISCAL YEAR 82/83 8IKrwAY PROGRAM WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE BIDS BI BROUGHT B~CK TO THE BOARD POR PINAL APPROVAL ~'r. lJ'Irt"ll"n, COU:'1ty F:nglnur, stlltt'd that this r"port wal 8lke(f for when the blkew^y rro,r'm w~~ npproved for o~/~1, ~dding thðt Some bikeways were nt!1}c>cto" in the repc't: which werft roquestft<! by thft School ~01H". f':, stðt~d th....t such ~lk(!wIIYs ~r" th'J "nes for ~olden G ð t C ... I ,J: 1 t' <:' ~ h 0 " 1 ',' hie h " r (' 0 n , n T err", c f:' S . ',.' ., :' -: t h r> 1 "c eo ~ . '''. , Troplcanð Plv1. ~n~ ~ol~cn G~t~ P~rkway. P9 st"'t~d th'lt Colden ~atø Parkway Is In=lut~r In th~ report, ....~~lnl thAt ~n ~"ul~ reco~mend that the h1k~WðY on V,'n.'~l'r~¡lt r:rlve fro"! '1'I:¡111ns 'laB!' POliti to Bonita Shores be us,,'" 'IS thO! 30urC1 of r1Jn:l~ t" ?ro\lI(1~ thf' ~ll(~....",y~ For tho ("',olden CHoP "'H11~ ~C't,,,o1. II" nott'1 th,H t'1.. ch~n'l!s lirA heln" recornrHtn1e1 bec...us~ 1)[ t'1'! "-,rl'ty or <:,"'n ~C'~~:)o) :!'111'~ren. :." noterl th,'t blc1s "'oul~ be t~~on for ~~ncr~tu 'n~ n~~h~lt. CO~~IF~I"~ftr nj~tor ~t^tl!1 th~t h~ woul1 11~~ th~ ~lkow~v on I.l~ of C~rrl to he c~ngldcr~~ for =o~~rrt@ 'B the people there have con-:rete Wð'~". ~r. 0tl~ P1~r1q~~, ~~nl ~ul'shorc Rtv~., st~tc~ th~t "'s,~~lt sh"ul~ not "! \J5~:J for th,,"!! 1:>1KI!WðYS ",'lIt 1eter1orlltes very ra~ldly 1 fit 1!1 not ., u ') -\ " :: t (0 ,t ·,0 t h, k n e""l1 n'" , C t:1 0 n :> f. '1 '1 " W, Y t r ð f f1 c . ne rioted thH. thl ~)!:\")w"Y!1 for chll~r.,n I!Ihoulrl be I'Iðfe and concr"te woulð he l!1uC'h better. Tape . 5 CommIaaioner Pistor moved, aecond.d by Comall.loner Brown and carried un.nlmoualy, that Exhibit -AR b. accepted and the type of pave..nt on Exhibit -81 be approv.d regarding the PY 82/83 8lkeway Program, with the underatandlng that the bid. be brought back to the. Board for final approval. &o~x 073 tACf 1>5 Page l~/t~; "~"F.~..~/t~ <::,.,;,~~¡~' , .1, ,'\ , I ;,~t1I~::":Vo¡~',~') ,!~~'i., ,¡:-~ I;~~'}:':;¡, '¡'c,',' '-; "{¡' ~ " " ':, ~..,~ '~..{ '(It ~\\;,l,.J :'..,.ÇI:\iÏ(I:·.~~,;tl ~IV ,; ,'anu.uy ] 1, l(l~" nem 114 LEASE/OPTION AGREEMENT FOR THE EMS FACILITY ON TERRACE AVENUE APPROVED AND CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE SAME }!eil Dorril1, puhl1c S"hty Mmintstutor, stat.." tho!lt on '1ovember 9, 19P./., the no~r1 unðnt~ously 4pprovo~ th~ c~ncept of providIng for ð consolir1...ter1 ;''''f '¡,cility. lie ,t:l'lud th.1t th"r.. Is "10" ,;'I teal%ption ðgreement th~t Is ?n3 of th~ Mo~t f~vornhle 1!nsð8 wlt~ an option to purch~se '1r~e~ent t~~t h~~ ~cen n~10tiMt.~~ For offic~ ty~e s?ac~. Co~m!s~lon~r VO~g 1uontion~~ If t~e 1~1se an~ purch~se option is ð.~lqnnhle, to ~h!ch rounty "ttorn~y S~un1.r9 r~plie1 ~f.flrm~tlvely. Commissioner Piator moved, seconded by Commissioner KruI. and carried 3/2, (Commissioner Rolland and Brown opposed), that the Lease/Option Agreement for the EMS facIlity on Terrace Avenu. be approved and the Chairman b. authorized to execute .ame. eo:.< 073 'ACED \~- ~. :. ",'- .\1 . \~!. '.t\t.. ';", :".,,~J'¡' ,'! ""'-t" .. --_....~ \ January 11, 19A3 aOOK 073 PACE 322 Ite. 115 ~IRST rOUR TUESDAYS or EACH MONTH TO BE SCHEDULED rOR BCC MEETINGS BEGINNING TUESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1983 - APPROVED Commissioner rlstor stated he would lIke weekly board meetin~. reconsidered as he feels that the public has to take time off from work and when th. meotln~ lasts until the afternoon, some of the pUblic can- not stay to att.nd. He noted that p~ople that have attorneys present are paying a large Sum for these attorneys to sit all day waIting. He noted that thcr~ is no additional cost to have the meetings on a weekly basis as It takes the S~me amount of tIme to prop~re the backup .' material whethor It Is weekly or bi-weekly. He conclurled by stating that It Is mor~ of ,II convpnlonce for the public and staff to have weekly me@t!ngs. CommIssioner Plstor moved that in thIrty day. weekly BCC meeting_ be .cheduled. Motion died for a lack of .econd. Commissioner Voss questioned if the a~enda was prepar.d every week would it be a considerable ~ddQd time requirement to Staff, to which County Manager Norman replied afflrmativ.ly, adding that preparing the agenda and following up ,lifter the meeting Is time consuming and by .,\.~\~.. ,' ~"'1i~t+ having meetings every week, it would be a duplicatIon. ... \eo,"~ '..' . )~ ~ 'f . Commissioner 8rown stated that by having me.tlngl ""ry two week." one person has been eliminated in the Cl.rk's offic.. Mr. Henry ~axant, representing Pin. Rld~e Civic A.sociation, st~t.d that it is opproprlate to consld~r Commissioner PI.tor'l suggestion at this time, ~ddin9 that th.re has b.en Some slippage in the .fficlency and conduct of the me.tings by having only two meeting_ a month. H. stated that too many me.tIng. have b..n too ru.hed and other meetings have 90ne Into afternoon ..,.ion. unn.c.,.arily. Coc.i..ioner Holland moved, seconded by Co.-l..loner PI.tor and .' ~. " '". 1: ' , ~ " P.g. ~ . "'. ,/", ~'" I,.,,>', :, ~'.............~ ~ ~ EBI ,.' ,,',". ~~ '.- l' T'. __~" ,....,..___...." ·,.~·~.,·",.."","""".."",,=u. __"'.""~"N_·' . ., f January 11, 19A3 Qarrled 3/2, (Commi..ioner. KruI. and Vo.. oPpo..d), that the flr.t tour Tuelday. ot each month be Icheduled for BCC .eetlng. b.glnnlng Tuelday, January 18, 1983. %tea 116 ADCITIOHAL FULL-TIME POSITION FOR THE ELECTIONS OFFICI AND TRANSFER or FUNDS TO THE APPROPRIATE ACCOUNTS FROM CONTINGENCIES _ APPROVED Mary Morgan, Supervisor of Elections, stated that in order to accompltsh a lot of the goals and put the office in better shape to withstand the five elections which are scheduled for 1~P.4, ad~itlonal help is needed. ~he noted that In 19~2 there were 4,744 new re9istr,- " '~., tlons processer! an1 9,fJOO new 'Ioters. She stated that for every 10,000 ,4~~·: 1 " ;, voters therit Is ð ncad for an additional full-time employee. She r e po r t e d thð t In 19:1;1 she put in 1;85 hours of overtime and the employ@es put ! n '34 hours of overtime an" there was ðn additional 800 hours of ~vert!~~ (rom volunteer workers. She stattd that paying overtiMe durin? the year Is more than one additional employee would coat. Commissioner Brown moved, leconded by Com.I..ioner VO" and carrIed 4/1, (Commissioner Kruse 0PPoled), that an additional full-tl.. position for the Elections Office and transter of fund. to the appropriate accounts from Contlngenci.s be approved. County ~anðger Nor~an indicated that h11 Statf Is heavily engaged at this time In pr.p~rin9 b'report and recommendation which will re.ult In the reduction of ftorvlces in order to balftnce the budget tor the current year. Item 117 MOTIOK NOT TO CONSTRUCT ROADWAY BETWEEN FRANK BOULEVARD AND 14T8 AV!NU!,-xT MIDBLOCK LOCATION NORTH 0' MICHIGAN AVINUI _ APPROVlD Mr. Hartman, Public Works Admlnl.trator, stated that he turnlsh,d the board a report on the history of thIs il.ue, adding that prevloualy 6Of.)r 01.3 ~323 Tape 16 Ite. 118 ALTERNATE 2 RE PROPOSED CONNECTION or GULrSRORE BOULEVARD TO DRIVE - APPROVED , . . ., ",-,~---"~"""""..",,,, ",.,,;,. '~'~",".,--,~-_...... , . ... ..,. ,~ .\,~~ '"::1}: " .,it ,.,6t~ '~~~:~::. January 11, 1983 &oa~ 073 PACE m the board had accepted the donation of a piece of land from Mr. Peter Stone that would enable the County to conn6ct Frðn~ Blvd. with 14th ":"J~:~: " :i,·-'t,.~':,\ ^yenue. The following people spoke In opposition to the above referenced ccnnectlon b@tween Frank Boulevard and l4th Avenue citing Increased traffic, noise, safety hazard~, and decreased property valuer Mr. Rick W,.,gqonor 1336 ~Ichlgan ^venue Ms. Jeanette Van Be zey 1313 Michigan ^venue Mr. Tim Zel1p.rs 135j1\ Michigan ^venue Tape '6 Mr. La r n O'Hara 17.25 Michigan Avenue Mr. Mike Zewðlk 4P",0 ~ est Blvd. ~r. Waggoner presenterl a signed petition from people that are opposed to sðid connection. The (o11o~in1 people spoke In favor of the above reforenced connection c!t¡n~ le~ß commercl~l traffic through ð resirlent1a1 area, community improvement, ^nd shorter response time for emergency vehicles: ~r. Peter Stone Chief Jim Jones ISO Turtle Lake Ct. North Naples Fire District Commi8ø1oner Holland ~oved, leconded by Co~ml..ioner VOII and carried 4/1, (Co~~i..ioner Pi.tor oppo.ed), that the roadway betveen ~,\ -:~ ~': runk Boulevard and 14th Averlue, at mldblock location north of IUehI9In"'/.' . . ..I , '('I ~;,~ Avenue, not be constructed. 0, ': t';. ¡I' o ' 'iS~~ u.. .~~/ o.f\~ ~'ivll . " ~! .\/~:.. , .J J"" '.--".,:'":,, "," \.,." '. '.;t'i'· ~,".' -f"tJ/ " ,;:', ,'f~~> ¡,~,;, SIACATI'~\.\:,\., ····RECESS' 12'00 Noon RECONVENED. 1r30 P.M. It whIch Deputy Clerk Skinner repl.ced DePutr Clerk Kenyon. Commi.sioner Pi.tor va. .blent li9n fled by 4/0 vote.... Public Works "rtmlnistr~tor Hartman referred to an aerl.l ~.p on ~ page .:,. .. . . .. "., '... u':ÚEJ ~.' ~ .. . .," ,~, ,. -", '~"" .,' ,',', ¡ :Pr,,'r. i: January 11, 19A3 overhead board ~nd explained Alternate 2 regardIng the proposed connection of Culfshore Boulevard to aeagate Drive as ~elcrib.d in the <'" ~.'y-"" ',');,~~h' " :",:~\~Jt¡. ',t,. ..~, "::')~ ,.~~1" . Tt1;~;~< . . ~,:.:,<;:~~~:~:':: '~.;'.' ,~:.~.¡~J,. '. ""'~~,; :_,~(.~).¡):~ '(I:1ì",,~'i C"'f"'i ,,)1,:\ '·""N." :r-'!·:~r'·': Executive Summary In today's Ag.nda. CommillIoner Brown moved, aeconded by Commiaaioner Vo.., that Alternate 2 re proposed connection of Culfahore Boulevard to Seagate Drive be approved. Chief JIm JonGs, North Napleø Firo District, Spoke In favor of Alternðte 2 of the propos9d connection of Culfshore Boulevar1 to Seð1ate Drive, an~ pxpl~inod that such ð connection would decrease the response tIme or hi a fIre depart~ent thereby posslhly saving lives. At Commissioner "olL~nt:l's requ",st, ~r. Hartm~n Inrt1cated the route of,the Þfoponed conn~ct!on b~t~een CUlfshore Boulevard anrt the western terminus of S~'1~t~ Drive ðnd between the eastern end of the east-west portion or feðQ~lp ~rIve and Crðyton Road. He said this connection would be l@ss costly than "lternnte 1 bp.tween the proposed western terminus of the four-l~ned ~!ð~ate Orlve and the north terminus of Culfshore Boul~v'r~. Upon call for the que.tlon, the motion carried 4/0. Item 119 STArr AUTHORIZED TO ACOUIR" BUILDER'S RISK INSURANCE, JUSTICE CENTER EXPANSION, FROM THE APPARENT LOW BID IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED .9,300 ANNUALLY FOR THE LIFE OF THE PROJECT Public $ð(ety AdmInlstrðtor Dorr1l1 explain.d th~t as a r.sult of providing for in9urðnce requIrcments for contr~ctors working on the Justicrt Center, staff dlsco'/crcd" roquirttment that those contractor. have called -ßullt:1or'n Risk InRurðn~eR, which .ss~ntlally Insures the building and building matorials that are Involved with construction of the projoct, fron nðtural hazards ~n~/or construction accidtnts. H. sðld that, based on recomm@ndatlons of the conatructIon manager and E. W. ~iver~ and Associates, the Risk ~ana9.ment Conlultant, .taff &001( 073 PACE 32S ,:,,':' ,"':: . \: 'i',,~<;·..:, ~J~'5lt,;:; :' ~ ;".' .y. ;''''+..'''\ ." j\~, '.'; "p,', }'i~J ",;;,'~r , ,~,-~"':';.~ ·,~~ ,~~t~ ' ~¥:\. ,~..." .'.::f f" : 'I.:(I~ .:\:::~:.,/: "'. ~ " f . . c" J , !' January II, 1983 &OCK G 73 PACt 32B r~Commends that the County obtain this insurance as the owner so as not to involve numerous and duplicate coverages which might be held by a variety of contrðctors. lie referred to the Executive Summary, dated l/~/P3, which outlined the insurancu coverage. Chairman Yruse noted that the recommendation In the r.xecutlve Summary should read win an th@ street 0: that would he put on the street and or~neð sometiMe amount ~ to exceed $~,300 annually for the life of the projectR. Mr. rorrlll salð that tho insurance should give the County full coverage of l~-1/2 million rlollars with the County as the solp party insured for Builders nis~ with a tl,OOO deductible, which w~s the lowest available. Rt'spondin'J to Commlscioner IJolhnd, ro'r. Dorrill said that the Risk Management Consultonts Indicate that ð. a rOBult of things currently on within the next two months, the savings to th@ contractors could be approxim.Hcly ~C.fI,(1(1r. lie Ðald that he hoped, IJlvon competitive bidding and the desire o( the p~ople to ohtaln the work, that the contractors would p~~s ~ost of that ðMount on to the County but that he could not say the County will save ~~o,noo. He said th~t the majority of the contracts ~re "out on the street- at the present time Involving primarily the structure and shell, and the mechðnlcal and electrical þ. ,J: work for the new jail Is to b@ opened the third week of this month. He said that an ðd~endum went out So that the Contrðctors are aware of the situation. Commi.sioner Holl.nd moved, .econded by Commi..ioner Vo.., and carried 4/0, that staff be authorized to acquire Builder'. Ri.k Insurance for the Justice Center Expan.ion from the apparent low bid (contingent on the County's Conaultant certifying that the bid ..t the apeciflcation) in an amount not to exceed $9,300 annually for the I1f. o! the project. Ite. . 20 . ~ ' .' Pag. , ... ' , d. '~' """ ',1, ..~ ~ . , ~,.' , ; ~, \¡~ ..". ;"':1' ~""" ".",., ,";. ~~~, l1li - ., '~" \:" ~," ~ '. ., .....tIr""'-~ ,\ '.. ,~~,~.. January 11, 1903 ;·"~iJr "1;;~~1,.:tJ:) " ',:,.~~t~'~\!f!.I~' , <'~~~\j~: ".' ;..~,~..i~f.: . "I',~' ~,- "";,;.f',!'., ,,' " . , 'l;IC" , "'i.,y~iJ.~' PERMISSION FOR COUNTY MANAGER AND PUBLIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATOR '1'0 "nEND ',',\tì THE NATIONAL EMERGENCY TRAINING CENTER IN IMMITSBURO, MD, JAN. 23-28, ';;:Ú:r¡ 1983 - DENIED ,',,'1'f. \ ,~\t,~ 1,1 !;~. ", . ~ t"l '¡·...I:\ f,_,; Public Safety Administrator Dorr111 expla1ne1 that thG County ~ana90r and h~ have been selected by the Federal Emergency ~ana9.ment Agency to ~tten~ an ~~ergency mðnðgement training session in r.mmltaburg, ~n, January '-J-?~, 19Q3, arlðln9 that all expenses would be pðid except the food COSt5 of $11 per person/~ay. Commissionor Voss moved, leconded by Chairman ~rule, that the County Manager and the Public Satety Admlnlatrator be authorized to attend this program. The motion was denied by a vote ot 2/2, with Commissioners Holland and Brovn opposed. Itelll 121 CONCEALED WEAPONS PERMIT, HARVEY TUBBS _ DENIED rubl1c Safety ^rlmln!str~tor Dorrlll explained that Ita!! recom- mends denl~l ot 'ð conct'l'Ile'" weapons permit for II..rvey Tubbs based on I ' ,. " recummen1ation of th~ Shorirf's Department. Commissioner Rolland moved, seconded by Comml.,loner Vo.. and carried 4/0, that a conce.led we.pons per_it tor Harvey Tubba be denied. It.. 122 CONCEALED WEAPONS PERMIT 83-1, LARRY J. McALISTER _ APPROVED Public Safety ~~minlstrator Dorr111 explatned that statt reco~mend8 l'Ipprovl'll of ~ concel'lled w.apons permit for ~rry J. McAlister, adding that Mr. ~1c",11stcr's background has been thoroughly check~d an~ thðt he Is e~ployed by ~ bon~in9 3gency and has ~ 1egitimat@ request for conce~led weapons protection. Comml.sioner Holland moved, .econded by Co.-i..loner vo.. and carried 4/0, that Concealed Weapon. per_it 83-1 be approved for Larry &oo~ 073 tAc£3f:1 Pa9· ,..:.ç, ,...~.. "~".~.' ,:¡ 6', OJ,, , ,\',' , . ,I .'. " ,"(~~:":,\~ . .c¡..". i!&;.· . , .'-:~', ...{~;: ~"" ~~,...,'"....."''',.,.. ",'_"'__;""""-' "'0 ........ January 11, 1~~3 J. McAlister. Item . 23 ~ 073 PAct 328 ACQUISITION or ADDITIONAL FIREFIGHTER, OCHOPEE FIRE DEPARTMENT _ APPROVED Public ~~fcty "dMinistrator Dorrill explained staff recommendðtion that an additional firefighter be hireð for the Ochopee Fire Dep.Htment. He said that ..dth the start of this fiscal ye1tr, the County entered into ð contr...ctual arrangement with the City of rver~l~rlps to provldo flro s~rvlce for the incorporðte~ city at their fire station wr.lch resulted in the County assuming responsibility for a second stntlon. !I(' s;lld th<'lt II contractual commltm~nt on the part of both parties w~s that ...n additional firefighter would be hired so that both stations would b~ ~blc to be oporated. He not@~ that one station would be m~nned only h~]f of e...ch week and that th~ rest ~f the time staffing lo'oulc1 rrovlde th~t two st<'ltions WQulc1 he open, however, al a result oC the vo]um~ or clllls, the rire Chief hils elected to perform, in addition to his regulllr duties, a standard fire service shift of twenty-fours on, forty-el~ht hours ofC which me1tns that he has to work every day. ~r. ~rrll1 said that, with the coming tourist season combined with th. perennial ~ry season, the recommendation is that the County acquire ~nother firefighter. Tape 17 Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commislioner Holland ~nd carried 4/0, that the acquisition of an additional firefighter for the Ochopee rire Department, be approved. Ite. '24 WILDERNESS ALTERNATIVE DIRECTOR POSITION EXEMPTED rROM CURRENT HIRING FREEZE, AUTHORIZATION TO FILL VACANT POSITION _ APPROVED Judge Trettls ~xpl~lned th~t the Wilderness ^lternative Program 1. still viable and b~dly needed since the practice has b.gun of .ending ," . ~'.. .' " Page 2' L.~:J ~.,.,., ~ .. l, H" f. 1, ~"'W'..,. f4-J,¡";.]:..~,..r.~:iif.\,>,,~, ,.lí'\"",~,,"\~,~.~l";:'}"';:kl,f."~'':, '"., ",~..-.: :ranunry II, 1"111 ..... '/f. , ,~~ ,:~~~~~ .'.;< "'t?' .+,~. ":'..'.~. .~,> . .'¡ :"~ .~~ "'~.' ,.i, j hard core delinquents to Felony Court, a1~Ing that the County Court is incraðsln~ly h~co~in1 a plðc. to stnd younq people ~ccuse~ of " misdeM'!.!Inor if therl.1 Is!J felony triol. lie 9-!11d that It person to h!n~le thet type of CðS~ lond i8 n~edo~. Commissioner Holland moved, leconded by Commislioner Brown and carried 3/1, with CommillIoner Kru.e oppo.ed, that the po.ltion of Wilderne.. Alternative Director be exempted from the current hiring fr.eze and that the vacant position be filled. Item '25 REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION ON PROPOSED AGREEMENT FOR PROSECUTOR SERVICES WITH STATE ATTORNEY - CONTINUED TO 1/25/83 Commissioner Holland moved, .econded by Chairman KrUS4 and carried 4/0, that a report and recommendation on a propoled agreement for prosecutor .ervice. with the State Attorney be contInued to 1/25/83. Item '26 $2,322.96 TO POST; qUCKLEY, SCHUH' JERNIGAN, CONSULTING ENGINEERS, 'OR ADDITIONAL SERVICES TO COUNTY REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM AS DESCRIBED IN THEIR INVOICES NUMBER 19 AND 20 - APPROVED :.,~ Commissioner Brown moved, .econded by Comml..loner Holland and carried 4/0, that $2,332.96 to Po.t, Buckley, Schuh, Jernigan, Consulting Engineers, for additional service. to the County Regional Water System as described in their Invoice. Numbers 19 and 20, be approved. Item '27 $20,118.80 TO CH2M HILL FOR TREIR INVOICES 9-818, 10-823 AND 11-806 'OR ADDITIONAL SERVICES TO THE COUNTY REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM _ A~PROVED . " .' ~r ~",\' ,., ",I(. . :r,\ .' .,1',,";' '.,~ :1,1 ~L J ,,,-, t!. ,~ Commissioner Brown moved, .econded by Commi"loner Rolland and carried 4/0, that $20,118.80 to CH2M Hill for their Involcel 9-818, 10-823 and 11-806 for additional .ervices to the County Regional Water System, be approved. Ite.. .28 M~ ( 073 PACt' 32S f)ilq& 25 , ~ì}:'" .' .:1 . ~!~"~~;~ 1.'~tJ~I,;J~..~,¡)-;, 1',\ "" ;'~,o" j ..'*~" ; , " tIi___,.._",._~,__ -' --'~~'·''''__'_'___'__'__'<"''._'''~''^TI,,,~, '. , ., Jl1nu.'ry 1], It't..~ " >', 'J~ j ,'f~~ ·41 , , CHANCE ORDERS NO.2' 3, IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,935.50, TO BOYCE COMPANY, <i CONTRACTORS FOR POTABLE WATER TRANSMISSION MAIN CONSTRUCTION FOR COUNTY RECIONAL WATER SYSTEM - APPROVED BO~~ 073 PACt 330 Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland, and carried 4/0, that Change Order No. 2 1n the amount of $3,935.50, to Boyce Company, contractorl for potable water transmislion matn construction for the County Regional Water System be approved, making the adjusted contract amount $1,546,279.80, and that Change Order .3 extending the contract time from 120 days from completion date of November 10, 1982 to March 10, 19P3, be approved. ..:: ,^ , '~ .' , , ,~ /Ir, 'J' "'~~ , .>'j .,,'.;-~ I:: " ,~~~ I ~1 , ~' ,y ¡ P llC;:O Œ.!:J III!J .. : ~:~; January 11, 19P.3 Ite.. 129 ao~K Q7j PACf336 PAYMENT FOR ADDITIONAL ENGINE~RINa S~RVIC~S TO CR2M RILL FOR COUNTY REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM FOR A TOTAL or $15,400 - APPROVED CommIssioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Rolland and carried 4/0, that payment for additional engineering service. to CR2M Hill for the County Regional Water Sy.tem for a total of $15,400, be approved. (Engineering Cees Cor additional 120 day. extension to contractor's contract - see item above). Ite. '30 SETTLEMENT RE DIANE THOMPSON VS. BOARD or COUNTY COMMISSIONERS _ APPROVED. CHECK ENDORSEMENT AUTHORIZED .." . '.... Commissioner Brown moved, .econded by Commi.sloner Holland and carrIed 4/0, that .ettlement to Diane Thompson as outlined in a letter fro. Renderson, Franklin, Starnes , Holt be approved and that endorsement be authorized for the check in the amount of $14,237.94. Ite. .31 RESOLUTION 83-4 ESTABLISHING PUBLIC PURPOSE AND NECESSITY OF ACQUIRINQ CERTAIN EASEMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION or A WATER TRANSMISSION MAIN AND AUTHORIZING ACQUISITION OF SAID EASEMENTS BY GIrT, PURCHASE OR CONDEMNATION - ADOPTED Co_luloner Brown .oved, seconded by Co_h.ioner Vo.. .nd 'f,r,· , /~, . ~ carried 4/0, that Ruolutlor. 83-4, IIt.bl hhing public purpo.. .nd }~. ~.<t.':; ,f';" , nece.slty of acquIring certain .a.e..nt. tor con.tructlon of . trans.i..ion main and authorizing acqui8ition of .aid ...e.e"t. gift, purcha.e or condemnation, be adopted. ., ... " ", ,'. P.ge c=J ~..'. ~ .. ., f/ 9' ....._ ]7 .. ." , t I. 1 ,~" , . I,' ~ '. ¡ .". -e.. ".,'...\..t"..::,1,,',.,.7:",'t~,"..i.",,':.',.',,'...,'.','.:.,',',,'.' ~.'"'' . :,·:(,':,';·,V~:?,':'·X:'c.,':/,;". f' c' ~ " .. '0, v.., M~K 073 PACt 342 January 11, 1983 Ite. . 32 ROUTINE BILLS - APPROV!D FOR PAYMENT Pursuant to Resolution ~1-150, the following ch~cks were issued through January 7, 19q3 in payment of routine billsz CHEC~ DESCRIPTION CHECK NOS. 91101i - 91368 AMOUNT \'oucher Ch(!cks ~1,129,227.05 $ :'~",211.ï:2 Re']ul ar P"'yrol) Checks SP3f13 - Sq90~ Itelll 133 ~ ~_"",t;A , "'~s~ "I' ... ..i" ' I. I :~.I t,~ . "', ,t"f ~.(r: -..-. .....,~. .'t., . ~'r~,,~l·1 ~P·~1;<: . ' .. ~¥'I>;~\ i'ÞW ',! .1111,'·. ':r.:~". ' .&~\/ ,'" ,'" BUDGET AMENDMENT 83-200 TO PROVIDE rOR EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES AS AUTHORIZtD BY THE BOARD (DISASTER PREPAREDNESS) - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT or $l8,667 Comlllissloner Holland moved, .econded by Commi..ioner Brown and carried 4/0, that Budget Amendment 83-200 to provide for equipment and .upplie. a. authorized by the Board (Di.aater Preparedne..), be adopted in the amount of $18,667. pag. CJ œm - ¡tIC:" ....._"..~-:,..... 0'. ~',' '~\i 'V,"'~" '-",' <.~" , , '. " J '~.~ . ~ :¡ ;''': :~~:~! ~t"",;t,\'~~ "" ," , ... January 11, 19R3 'MOK 073 PACt 344- %tea '34 BUDGET AMENDMENT 8)-201 RE TRANSFER TO PROVIDE FOR THE APPROPRIATION AND EXPENSE or CLIENT CONTRIBUTIONS AS STIPULATED IN HOMEMAKERS GRANT (HOM!MA~ERS) - ADOPTED IN THI AMOUNT OF $486 Co~i..loner Brown moved, .econded by Commll.loner Holland and carried 4/0, that Budget Amendment 83-201 r. trln.fer to provide for the appropriation and expense of client contribution. a. stipulated In Homemeker. Grant (Homemaker.), be adopted In the amount of $486. ~; .;' i~:'·"i:~;. ,: "9.',':t ';<;¡...f::j;Y~ "C, "1':t¡ ;¡ . . "~:;r}i ~ ~.~ GIll ..:"," . ',.,..," \¡';)\' - ¡1~'F'11 ',I ""~~'-:"'" f'í,'" .-... I "f-- ~ '.. t', .,; _.'_........'_M~__~._.' ".,_, .,,'''~,''''..... ~ 073 fA~346 J.nuary 11, 19P3 , ",'/>-1':. Ite. . 35 "'!.:.¡~> ;~, . . , ' ~ ,.., tf!,' BUDGET AMENDMENT 83-202 RI TRANsrER TO PROVIDI rOR ENVIRONMENTAL ". '" :~),~, REGULATION GRANT rOR COASTAL ZONE MANAOIMENT (COASTAL tONI MOMT. PROO.) ;.j, I ADOPTED IN THI AMOUNT or S32,OOO:~i 1 ' COJllllh:.loner Vo.. moved, .econded by COltlth.ioner Brown, .nd·;~~~:l carried 4/0, that Budget Amendment 83-202 re tran.fer to provide for Environmental Regulation Crant for Coa.tll Zone Management (Co..tal Zone Mgmt. prog.), be adopted in the amount of $32,000. '. '. ,','.:::%:" ":,<";r.t}f '.'.,.~.,.f:¡.',..,;.'.' ,;."i~.,r'i;' ',', -",.",'" ';'~Il . ,1.;;, \ - :-; > .~ <~ ~;~r:,: ""';, ,.... , ~\~.' ~-"...:': '"'(:" . '" l' .~\' '-I:: , ."~:~;'<~';: 'i ·...I~ .~ 'II'~, . . . . 1r~·~·;"J - U'I,·,.-I]) ~'.<, 1, '): ";,:, ,...:'1,' ",-".,'..., . I 'e', J. '___..;._,._ '"~'''''''''"'-'''''''''''M'' __._~,_.""., January 11, 1993 '.I BO~K 073 PACE348 %tell '36 GENERAL DISCUSSION RE COMPETENCY CARDS, STArr TO REVIEW SAME _ NO ACTION TAUN CommisslonlH I:olland IIlJid that he felt there Is " serious problem In the way the County is handling the I.suance of competency cardl in conjunction with occupational license., aððing th~t he was not in favor of doing away with th@ Contractor Llcenllng Boar~, but he felt that, without changes, the sltu~tion fs now a burden on the people tryIng to do ~uslness In the County. Ho said th~t he would be In favor of ðbolishlnq the co~prtency card ~lto~ethor and leaving it in the hands of the F.ur.'¡nIn'J T10ðrrl to qualify p.of'1e. fie uld that the original inte-nt and purpose of the ordln.'lnce was for policing of the area and, to his knowle~rye, th^t h~s never heen done. ^lso, he has been told that thcr@ 1s on~ rnrsö~ rh@cklnl hut he did not soe how one person could check roll of CollI~r rounty. I!e s"ld If the competency cards are only heln~ usc~ .'IS , ~ourcc of rev@nue and not for protection, that he is oppose~ to It. pn $.'Ild Ie there is a possibility thlJt the list nee-ds to he rcvlr~~d to cllmlnate so~. of the people that would be on. thing to consl~er. Chðlr~~n VrU5a 5nl~ that she ask~d to have this item on the 8g.nde because, currently, If ð person wishes to go Int~ buslne.s maintaining swimming pools, It Is nocesRðry for that person to b. licensed to build, pools which she thInks Is going too far, adding that In the eal. of putting ð surface on Chatahootch.e rock patios, a pftreon has to b. licensed to instoll the Chðtahootchee rock. Commissioner Voss said that he agreed thllt Malnt..'Iinln') IJ pool has nothing to do with a person being able to hulle! one. /Ie uld he would not lik. to Ie. competency cards eliminated entirely. Chairman Krus. stated, for the record, she would not lJke to abolish competency cards. P.g~ æ:':~\~ ''J}'~, ...~',., . .. '-:"', .,~11~ ft,/:,..,~: 7.,'""""".......... ~, January 11, 1geJ nespondinq to Commissioner Holland, Community Cevelopment Admini- strator Virta explained that there is the ability to have a State Competency Card but that a General Contractor can take a County exam and not take a St~te ex~m, ~nd that, at the present time, there are no requirements for an exam for plumbing, heating or aIr conditioning bUlin.sses. 110:: 8I'Ild, at one time, the State had requirements for those businelses and th~t the Stat~ Is considering "getting back Into the business·. H~ ....lñ If the Stat. does go back into the busines., he thinks that it would be ,ood for the County to "get out of the buslnefts·, hut until thp. f,tnte does that, an examination of the County ordinance in In ~r1~r ~nrl th~t staff Is In the process of conducting such ,o)n ·~)("''T'ln''tlon. II~ !laid thðt the County '10es not requlr" a compet~ncy cor1 [or lawn malnlonance business.., adding that pool Ilconaln1 ia one bU9ln~gs provlderl for un~er State l1censin1 and that the County or1inance parrots the State l1c~nse. He said that a person c~n got ,0) r.tAtØ air condlllonlnq license, hut thðt It per.on can, al.o, get a County license ðnñ not <'I 5tðte license. Com'T'l!!siont!r "oll~n'i slllc1 thðt h. Is not In fltvor of doing away with rro~er eXð~lnntlon of contractors as far as anythinq that Is necess~ry for the h~...lth and w@lfare of the p.ople, but he laid he thinks It is tlmo [or II review of th. ordinance an~ look at the possibility of the County hav1n1 one perlon de.lgnated to han~le occupational llconses ðnd comp cards. He laid h. had talked w!th Tax Collector Cðrlton who ~<'Ild he woul~ gla~ly relinquish occupational licenses. County ~anager Norman said thnt the contrftctor licenslnq or competency car~ pro~rQm of the County 11 not a money maker, but father · money loser. He sðld that the feel have twice be.n adju.ted, sine. he has been with th~ County, to try to bring the program clo.er to &OOK 073 PACi:US .' -"'-''''-''''~''>''''"",."~,_..-...~,..""...,......." -'.",~~....,...",,,--,,-,......., January 11, 1983 ~q91 y ~ ltfi:MItð y. "~ laid that, tor the past three or lour year., there have betn two p~ople employed, a Clerk III and a supervisor, but that two yeðrs ðgo thQ contractors asked for the County to Increase the enforcement pnrt of the progra~ ~n1 a person W~8 employed to do enfor- cement in addition to the person who was the head of the operation. He explainert that as pnrt of th~ bud~et balancing problems of the past year, ~nd becauso the costs of adminlsterln9 the program had grown so far beyond th~ rev~nu~, rnlslnry t~e fees (urthor could not be justlfie~. Cnc of th~ three positions was eliminaterl, he sold, so that currently th~r" /lrf' only two (ull ti"'e positions. nesponding to Commissioner Holland, fo'r. Vlrta sllld thllt ð"'out six weeks ago the States ~ttorn~y'~ 0fflce lnRtructerl the County'S Investigators of the .. 0( Bulletlng Code In tho IS!luanco of Noticos to lppear, which are ticket. indicðtlng a r~rfion hð~ to aprpðr at a court date. He øði~ that the only woy the County c~n utilize that device 1s to first warn whoever 1. engaged In IIn ðctlvlty, such as ^ non-license~ contractor engaged in construction, and if he continues th. op.ration, then the County hal the ability to Issue ð citation. He said that the County has the ability to stop work and then has to catch /I person a901n. J\sslstl!nt County l.ttorney Cuyler sairl that It is a policy deciaion that the County w~nts to make the best cas. possible and try to establish /I pðttern of ð c@rtðin indjYld'lal when he is brou9~': into court. Commlsslon@r Holland sðid that Lee County standards are different than Colllu County's, because if a person Is WOrking in Lee County without ü license, he must stop when he il Rcaught- and he .aid he could not understan~ the Inability to stop somebody from WOrking without a license or a comp c~rd In Collier County. Mr. Virta .lld that the County Cftn stop ~ person, but it II tftking the .itu~tion one step further to have a criminal charge fil.ð. ~r. Cuyler laid that, .....-.-'..--.... r-~'1 ,', )"';". I t;..~.._ ~ ,..'",- .,~ &!m .. ,_·~ ..~.............T --- ~'>ç'-----,-...~ "~"'<-'-'"''"''' Janul!lry J1, 1993 usually, the person who Is stopped will go off the jOb and then has to be traced, and he added that it Is usually a subcontractor and not tht main contractor. ~f. Cuyler pointed out that the State hð8 doregulated the area, to a large extent, "nd that the Stat~ still has ex!ms for IS state-wide Certificate of Co~petancy, adding thðt a person can come Into Collier County without ð local Certi flcate of COfTIpetency and contract a job. He s...ld th~t If ~ person ~o@s not have a State Certificðte of Competency th~n he has to regIst@r with th. Stl!lte and that, under thole circum5t~nceR, r~1iRtrðtlo~ Is primarily a formality and a person Itil1 has to go to th~ 10c~J jurl9~Ictlon and ohtaln ~ CertIficate of Competency fro~ thðt offIce. Comml5slon~r ffoJ 1..,no1 rpcom:nen1~d th/lt a !!I~etin'1 be set up between the staff and the Contrðctors Llc~n.ln1 Boar~ to try and Iron out lome of the ~jffer~n~es. Ch~!rm~n ~rus~ saId that rather than loosen the law or rQmovln~ It sh~ thoulht It would b~ wiRer to tighten down the lllw. ~r. Nor'T1.:!n s"lrl ho! thoulht that credit shoulcl be given to the Contractor~ Licensing nOðr~, which 1. a hard working group, who triel hard to correct çro~Jcms when they learn of them. r.halrm~n Yrus~ said s~o underst1nds that If a person II a Ifcenltd Coneral Contractor ~n~ Is buildin~ a new home, h. does not have to hire a licensed roofing contractor for that hous., ~ut if he Is goIng to repair or re'T1odel ð hou~e, ~hlch lnclu~.s roof work, that he h., to hire a 11~en~:~ roofer for tho r~palr job. Commissioner Holland .aid th!t he thou1ht ~ review of th. whole ordinance I. In order. Chairman Kruse .ai~ th~t staff Is In th~ proco.s of doin1 that and .hould 91vt Iptclflc attention to th! three instanc" mentioned, pool maintenance, Chat~hoochee rock and roofln~. aoDX ú73 ~35f . ;;....'.... . . .'1.,.<"_,,, "'"'.'"....""......."'."", .,~.._~...'"........"" .,." ,~'( January 11, 1983 ....~,...:'.,~.. , ·..~i"..1 ':I:~~ .~¡J .~ ;tJ~ >.t,~ :..~ .~ ::." '} 'aoOK 013 PACt 352.. *****The fOllowIng item. were approved and/or adopted under the Consent Agenda by a motion made by Commissioner Voss, seconded by Chairman Kru.e and carried 4/0.**.* Item . 37 R.solutlon 83-5 re Petition SNR-S2-S-C, Stanley D. Cochran, requesting street name of Maria De La LUI Boulevard for .treet In Section 31, one mile south of David C. Brown Highway ".ppendcd. See Pðqe 357 Item .38 Temporary Residence Permit re Petition TR-82-28C, Bernard R. MCK.nna, during constructIon of a home on the E 150' of Tract 107, , Unit 97, Colden Cate Estate. Item .39 Temporary R.sldence Permit re Petition TR-82-29C, Terrenle A. Mills, during construction of a principal residence located 6 mile. east of SR-95l, fronting on Colden Cate Boulevard, I 150' of Tract 56, Unit 48, Colden Gate Estates ';I: Item .40 Reimburaable Aqreement with Florida Power and Light Company for utility relocation on Pine Ridge Road "ppended. See P..I(J~I HR-362 Item '41 Relocation of office trailer, for Sheriff'. Department, fro. lake area to aite next to Courtroom -D- It.. '42 -Minor- modification to CETA Title. 11-8, VII and adminl.tratlve contract. .', "ppended. See P.:'Igu 363-369 ., Pftge ~ ~. ~'';'''I.:.....:J IIiJ - _l ,II. ~. Ite. 143 Item '44 Item 145 ~~ ' J:: '1:1 ~r ~. ~;' ~~ \~ .)f, it., Item '46 '\,1, " t Item 147 ,'. ~, :'~.." Ite.. 148 Item '49 "\,, .'.;" ~~,' ,. .....Wn»~...~ ..,.., ~"""""-"""-- January 11, 1983 Social Service. C..e. W-9382, W-8813, W-8796 Bill ot Sale transterring ownerlhip of 8ailey Lane water.aln extension to the City of Naple. Appen1l!d. Soe Page 370··']73 Lea~e Agreement on temporary ICCI.. to excavate Airport Road Canal, Chairman authorized to execute same in dup1icatl Appended. See r.3qes 374-376 Aquatic Plant Control Agreement for allocation of Itlte .Itchlng funds \ , Ap,pondchJ.· $o@ Pages 377-193 NU~ßER Chairman authorized to .ign Certiticate. for Correction to the ~ax Rolls as presented by the Property Apprai.er'. office 19P? TANGIBLE Pr.~AL PROPF.RTY DATE - 19P'·213 - 229 12/2P./A2 - 1/7/~3 ~ ,,~('.. 1::!/1'i/R2 .!.2!U. ~C)r, 12/1S/"2 .illl 3"5 - 373 J'?c:., 177 - 30'; 12/1S/~2 12/15/R2 - 12/22/82 Lako Trafford Cemetery Deed No. 327 Appendor1. See rðge 394 1001( 071 PAdS ,'þ .1 January II, 19P3 ~O~K 01J PACt 3!. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED There being no objection, the Chair dIrected that the following correspondence be filed anð/or ret.rred to the various d.prtmentl II .' ;~!.'·1'· :-~~~I'~ , ~,,':ttI' .",:J Z,ifj ,,;:(~: '.,) ·;,t~\; "'.:."(~~'~':'.'..'.'. '(C" ":;~~: l ~lf:~, :.... ~~'\¡' ¡-.It, ., . "'," ,~,.;\ ....,: .\~"J, it!;il' , ·~H~¡~,.., . . '¡;.t;....! ,':,'~~:r/ indicated below: 1. Dcpz:rtmentlll ne¡::orts. Filed. ,.. Pl"n Implcmentðtion I'epðrtm@nt, Novemher, 19"2 r. Collier County ~ufleum, I"ecember 31, 190' '. , "~ 2. Colllrr County Public F~hools Annuðl Report of the ~upcrlntrn~ent, IOQI-P2. Filed. 3. Lettt'r ~"tcrJ f'~ccnh~r l~, 19P2 from Fitcph.n 0. foIoon, C.P.A., Comptrol1cr, Florl~~ COT, transmitting the report advising of the [!n,llndlll po!;!tlon of Collier County'. Po\ portion of ;'econr ðry ';ru~t fund (!iccond CIIS TlIx - ~th I'Ind "'th cent) at NovcmtHH )(', Inp/. xc ~1r. Norml'ln, "'r. Hartmlln and Mr. GUes. FIlc'!. ". LI~ttcr -j,'tc" rnccm'1"r 1(, I~P' from Stophen 1:1. />1oon, C.r.A., Conptroller, florlda f'0T, transMitting the report advising of the [lnlln=lðl position of Collier County's Trust and ^gency Funds (Pond run"!S) "t ~ove"l:>er 30, IC?P.?. xc "'r. Norman, Mr. H!Htmlln Dnr' "'r. r.!les. Filed. 5. Co¡:,y of I! letter d...ted .1Dnullry ~, 1ge3 from Bruce Chapman, u.s. rcpt. of ro~nerce, furf'au of the Consus. Copy of County's tr~n$~lttðl of tho Eoun1~ry and ^nnexðtlon Survey. ~c ~r. Norn...n ~n~ ~r. VIrtð. Filed. (i. ~Iemorðndum d"ted necember 17, 19R:' from V. Carl fluff, Jr., Stð{( rlrector CoordinAting Council on the TranRportation DIsðdvðntðged, re a notice nnd agenrla of monthly meeting for. .1ðnu...ry 1:', 19f13 ",nd trnnsmlt.tlng a copy of the [\@cember A, 1~P2 minutes. xc ~r. ~orman, ~r. Kloehn and ~r. Perry. n led . . ' ,,.- , 7. ropy of... l!'tter from E. cn.nn Tucker, nttorner' dated December 14, It'1P/, to ~r. Wayne Scamehorn, Bui o:Hn9 Director, contlllnlng slgn~tures of Potltloners agreeing to stipulation. as set by the Boðrd of County Commissioners on December 14, 19P? (R~ Petition ^-f.l2-S) Filed. R. Letter dated December 17, 19R2 trom Fredorlck H. Fllher, District Fiscal Officer, Dept. ot Health, Rehabilitative Services, District F.lght, transmitting a revised financial report of the Collier County Health Department received fro. tho Departm.nt of Health and Rehabl1itative Servicel. xc Mr. Norman. filed. 9. Copy of letter dated December " 199' from Wallace E. err, Secrct"ry, ~tðto t'opartment of t.abor and F.mployment Security, f£;~,.J ~ - .,:"y.~" ' - , " ~ I: "', ""r' . ~ ,, ¡" January 11, 1983 ( ~'" '. '~~~' '.~~.' 'I .\ ' .~ : ~ I ...:.~. ..~ '-I ~;~ notifying of changes in CETA and elIgibility criteria. xc Mr. Norman and Mr. Norton. Filed. 10. Copy of Memorandum No. 82-82 dated December 13, 1982 from Tom F. Wooten, Chle!, Bureau of Enrollment and Contribution., Dept. of Administration, Divilion of Retlrtmont, r, chang,. in Social Security Contributions for 1993. xc Payroll Department. Filed. 11. Copy of l"tter rlated December '-0, )CIS, from Robert J. Krzemin3kl, Administrator, MPO Liaison, to Mr. Jeffory Perry givln~ estimate of funds avnilable for FY 83-84 Unl!ied Planning Work Program. Filed. 12. Copy oC Mamorðndum dated December Hi, 19q2 from Howard C. Forman, Chairman, Broward County Metropolitan Planning Organization, transmitting a copy of the Unfunded Short-Rang, Transportation Needs for Broward County, Broward MPO and Rosolution No. 82-7. xc Mr. Norman and Mr. Virta. Filed. 13. Memo received Dece~ber 28, 19R' from James R. Vereen, Chief, to all Fire F.C' ulpment Dealers re DOT Bulletin DOT-EA8e.;, Rcgul.alon 49CRF' 173.34(e) (<). xc Mr. Norman. Fl1td. It.. Copy of December 15, 1~82 letter from Mr. Chris Anderson, · Collier County Forester, to Mr. Virta reporting on activities during ~ovember, 1ge2. Fl1erl. 15. Lettor dated Dec~mber 20, 19P,2 from Mr. Al Bl3hop, Chief, ßurc...u of Water ~anagement, DER, regarding Fiscal Year 1985 ruhl1c Works Program and Annual Water Resources Development Conference and transmitting Public Works Program Flow Chart, ^ppllcatlon and Puhl1c Works Rule. xc Mr. Norman and Mr. Hartman. Filed. 16. Copy of ONR Permit Number CO-56, Permittee, Charter Club of Marco Beach, Assoc. - copy of Final Orrler received for construction of walkway structure .eaward of Coastal Con5trucl10n Control tine. xc Mr. Vlrta and Dr. Benedict. Filed. 17. Cop~' of memorandum dateð Dectr.'lber 20, 19Q, from Edwin J. Conklin, Environmental Administrator, Bureau of Land ^cqulsiton, DNR, re notlco of C.^.R.t. Selection Committee Metltlngs on January 12 and 13, 1ge3. JCC Mr. Norman and Mr. Vlrta. filed. IR. Copy of "Iemorandum c1ated December 27, lqA2 from Elton J. Gissendanner, Executive Director, DNR, re Aquatic Preserve.. xc ~r. Norman, ~r. Vlrta and Dr. Benedict. File1. , ' " j '~', '~" , '.,1)0.11 ~~:>~ , ;1~ ' '~~',;f. r;......\1~ , :~':;:~~~ t:~~,M'¡, ~·r~ ",:\' 19. Copy of Memorftndu~ dated Decomber 1~, 1982 from Con I. Dunden, Assistant Executive ~ir.~tor, DNR, transmitting a copy of the Final Peport of the dIue Ribbon Marina Committee. KC ~r. Norman and Mr. Vlrta. Filed. II 20. The following minutes were receIved and filed, BOOK em PACt_ Page 38 ~.-r ~, I"", ".4. 1, _I. J.nuary 11, 1983 &O~K 013 PACt 356 A. CAPC December 2, 1982 and Aqenda for January ~, 1983. B. EMSAC, December 14, 19B2. C. Naples City Council, Oecember 15, 1992. " t;; ,1j¡'S , .J ':~f ,':,. ¡ ., ~). , ; II . . There being no furthor businesl to come before the Poard of County Commissioners, the meeting was ~djourned at 2%10 P.M. by order of the Chair. BOAnD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) or SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL ~~~L'~A" ed by the BCC on ~~~71.(; /'/'J .. corrected J'. .,.. \}-i~ ;J;", ' '1·,j ,:' ,,"";." : , .' ¡, ....;, , ,/ ...:, .,' , ' .' '. ... .. " . . ~ ..' ...' - ----. 1.......__..1 , £m'.m ..' ,.: , ~ .'. --:'" ~~. ~, "'.....,. ~, ~~;~·(1.;x~~1P~J.JIj~..~~:'\~t'l~-!.à;;~':"'ir",../.~,...~,~tl~~tf, ~.~~ .