BCC Minutes 01/25/1983 W
N~ples, 'lori~~, January 25, 1993
LET IT BE REMEMBEREO, th~t in accordance with action taken on
January lA, 19A3, the Board of County Commlssionera In and for the
County of Collier met In Work.hop S...ion on this date at 111n P.M. in
Building RFR of the Courthouse Complex, P.ðSt ~~pl.s, Flori~a, with the
following members presentl
CHAIR~^~r Mary-Fran~~s Kruse
VICP. CH^IRM^NI Oavld C. Rrown
John fl. Plstor
FrederIck .T. Voss
r:. r:. R Red R 11011 a nd (l 14 A P. M. )
ALSO PRP.SEN~I Ellnor~. ~kinner, Deputy Clerk, Edward ~mith,
AssiStant County ~anaqcrl Richard Ruth, P~r~onnel ~Irector, Ron Jamro,
Personnel Specialist, Irvln1 Rerzon, Utilities Manager Lee Layne,
Plans ¡mplempntðtlon Director, nonald Norton, Puhllc ~~rvlces
Administrator, Terry Virta, Community nevelopment ^c1minlstrator, anrl
Crace Spaulding, Administrative ^idn to the Aoard.
Discus.ion re Personnel Rules and R.~ulations
"ape IS
Chairman Kruse asked if any employees or group of employee. had
had any input into the Personnel Rules an~ Requlations to which ^øsls-
tant County Manager Smith replied that only division administrators,
not been involved.
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personn.l Department employee. and certain department heads had eon-
tributed to the rules and regulations and that the rank and til. had
Chalrmftn Kruse said that she would like to
..ploye. input.
Commi.sioner Voss .aid he did not think there
· con..nsus of everyhody who works for the County and Commisstoner
aOOK rn3 PACt.
&OOK ~ rACt~~
PI.tor said he felt it is the County's responsibility to set the
January 25, 19A3
condition. of employment.
Commis.loner PIstor referred to Page lA, Item 0-1 ~nd ~øked ~ow
the number of 87 days, that temporary appointments are not to Axceed,
wal reached, to which Mr. S~ith laid that after 9~ days an employe.
would have the right to apply tor unemployment and that unemployment
was eliminated for temporary appointments.
Commls.loner Pistor referr.d to Paqe 22, Item 7-2~ and said that
he f.lt there should he some notation indicat!n~ that the County's pay
.chedule i. comparable to sl~ilar johs in the community. Mr. ~mith
referred to Item 7-1, 82 which £tates RI·'l'Iqe rates for comparable types
of work found in public and private in~ustryR should be one of t~e
criteria in the County's pay plan. He s~irl that Rtaff surveys other
employers in the area, both private and public, to determine what their
wage scales are for rllfferr.nt joh cl~ss~s. C~mmfs9loner Voss aske~ if
the County'. frinqe benefits are considered when wages are discussed,
to which Mr. Smith responderl I'Ifflrm~tively. County ^ttorney Saun~ers
said that Section 7-1 is basically a philosophical type of condition
that r.quires that consideration be olven to what comparable salarie.
are outside of the County and th~t does not require that there be
equality between Co~nty pay and outside pl'ly, adding he felt this is the
best approach.
····Co.ml..ion.r Brown left the room at 1142 P.M.....
Commissioner Pistor referred to Page 25, A-7 reg~rdtng merit
increases not belnq retroactive addinq that, this past year, the merit
increase. did not go into p.ffect until Oecember, hut that the BCC made
them retroactive to Octoher 1, 19R1.. He said he felt the wording
.hould be -may not be retroactiveR Instead of ·shall not be retro-
active-. Chairman Kruse suqqested that the verhl'lqe he Rmerit Increa.es
Pa9. 2
,1ðnuary 25. 1Q~3
shall not be retroactive except in the case of ~n error or hy the
direction of the BCCR. Mr. Smith sðld th~t Item ~ could he deleted and
It was the consensus of the Board to do so. Commissioner Voss asked If
a performance review w~s held each year, an~ ¥r. Smith responded
affirmatively. Commissioner Voss sairl he felt a performance review
should proceed It p~y raise and ~r. ~mlth aqr~ed. Mr. ~mith said there
are 14 pay grade steps In the County's pay plan ðnd employees advance
annually, dopendinq on wh~t action tho Rr.C t~kP.s, and that each step is
2-1/2\, so that if ~n employee Is qlven a ~, increase, the advancement
is tor two steps In the pay gra~e. Commis~ioner Voss sairl that If
there are two employees for the same posItion and one is acceptable and
the other Is extra ~o~d, he felt that the extra qood employee shoul~ be
given a merit increase. r.halr~an Kruse agreed th~t there iA currently
nothinq th~t adequately rewðrrls employ~es (or nerlt. addinq that the
best that has been achieved is the r.l~A a m~nth award for the P.mploye~
of the ~onth. r~mmi8sioner VORS salrl th^t he 'elt, if the r.ounty wants
to qive someone ~n incentive to do a hetter joh, there should be some
compensation. ^ discussIon ensued reqar~ln1 the r.ommissioners' ree]~n1
that there should he some form of merit Increase for employees and
employee evaluations. Mr. ~mlth said that Personnel 01rector "uth has
designed a new performance evaluation system which is a true perform-
ance record and an improvement over the old system. He said that, In
the future, hopefully, staff will he able to reco~mend ð general wage
adjustment that meets basic needs with an opportunity for merit p~y.
Chairman ~ruae said that the Commissioners hav~ strong fe.llngs
re9ardlng some type of merit lncreas. Rdown the roadR. CommissIoner
PIstor aaid that conditions mIght b. such that a qeneral waqe Increas.,
could not h. 91ven each y.ar, but h. r.ela that a merit Incr.... ts ",)":1;;
eOOK 013 rAct'4S3
Janu~ry 25, 19A3
something that must be given because that provi~es the incentive to do
a better job.
Chairman ~ruse expl~ined to Commis.ioner Hollan~ that a ~i.cu.8ion
was held, prior to his entering the room, regarding her opinion that
there should have been some employee input into the Personnel Rule. and
Regulations, and Cnmmissioner Holland said that he felt that the
employee. have been totally left out in compiling øll the facts and
figures regarding the rule. and re~ulations, adding that he felt there
should have been input from management, depart~ent heads and hlue
collar workers. ~r. ~mith said that the County Is b~rqainln1 with 2'-R
employee. In the Collective Bargaining situation, that a Collective
Bargøining Agreement W~9 developed with those employees and that the
provfsions of that 8,r~emp.nt are consistent wIth these rules and
regulations, adding that, in the event that the rules and regulations
are inconsistent with that aqre~ment, the P~r~ainln~ ^greement doe.
prevail. Mr. Smith Bugq~sted that, If the Co~mlssioners want input
from the rank and fIle, the Divis!on ^~ministrators should conduct
meetinqs in their departments and solicit ideas and sugqestion. from
their employees before the final m~et!n~ when the RCC con.iders the
rul.. and regulations. Chal rman Kruse said that she was no\. sl1C1~esting
that anybody else set th~ rules, she was suggesting that the remainder
of the employees, not part of the bargaininq unit, might have some
interest in formulatIng the ~uidel!nes and she d!d not want to close
off that line of communication to them. $he said that she would have
no problem with ~r. Smith's suggestion. Commissioner Voss asked if the
employees have access to the rules and requlations, and Mr. ~mfth said
that staff could see that the employees have greater aCC8S. than now
exists, adding that they could be put In the departments. Responding
to Commissioner Holland, Mr. Smith said that the Personnel Rule. and
Page 4
,Tanuary '1\, 1~U'3
Regulations were completed 1/11/R3 and th~t they were ~ll compile~
-in-houseR, except the cover.
"ap. 17
ChaSrm~n Kruse ~sked that the hooklet he put where it c~n ~e
easily reviewed by employees and that the DIvision Hea~s be told that
the BOðr~ is intereste~ In ~doptin1 the Personnel Ruleø ~n~ ~equl~tlons
and ask for employp.~ sU11estlon~. r:ommlssi~ner Pistor ~Bked th~t any
sU/JlJestions be put in writln".
Commissioner P!stor rp.fprrP.~ to P~~p. ,ø, Item 7-l'C req~rrlin~
non-productive time off not helnq counte~ ~s time worked in c.lcul~tlnq
overtime pay, ~nd he ~Bked ~I~t W~B MP~nt hy Rpro~u~tlve tIme off-, to
which Mr. SmIth explained th~t thIs Is the w~y overtime Is comrut.~.
He said th~t, if ~ pernon work~ 4n hour~ In ~ wpek, ~~ Is ell~ihle for
overtIme, addlnq that sick leave Is not Include~ In the computation.
H. said that Rprorlucttvr time offR 1ft ~ term that ~ns little me~nin~
and should be deleted. The Commissioners a~ree~.
Commissioner Pistor reforred to paqe Jl, Ite~ 7-17 r~.,~rdin1 call
back p~y and said that he felt two hours ~all back p~y is too Ihort.
Commissioner Holl~nrl ~qreerl wIth him. ~r. ~Mlth said th~t much con-
versation with employees has been held re1ardinq this Item and almost
all of thole employees arp In the haro~{nln~ unit and that two hours
va. the amount reache~ in the Aargaini~1J ^qreement. He said that tvo
hours is the minimum that would be paid. Utilities ~ana1er Aerlon laid
that hi. divi.lon probably has as much of this time as any d.p~rtm.nt
and that, when ~ ~'rson Is called hack, thoy are ~utomaticftlly 1uftran-
te.d the amount of time, adding that, at the end of the v..k, it
Invariably add. up to overtime 10 that, vhlt mlqht app.ar to b. A
..ount, do.. add up in dollarl.
ask.d who i. .11qlbl. for call
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Plan. Impltm.nution Dhector Llyne', 'q./~;:"
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back pay "nc1 Chat r",.n ''trus. aat'd' thl(~~~~:~I.:
paq. S,'!'¡:;'l1i,
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aOOK 0?3 rACê4S5
eO!)K 013 PAct4S6 Jl!lnuary 25, 19R3
DIvision and Department Heads do not claim it. Mr. Rmith .aid that a
p.rson in Ov.rtime Cate~ory p., Rup.rvisory ~anAgoment ofvlsion, ~dmin-
Istrator/D.partment Head P.rsonnel, is not .ligibl. for call back pay.
Re.pondin9 to Commissioner Holland, ~r. Rmith sai~ th~t .ecret~ries /!Ire
.li9ibl. for overtime at straight time rates. Commissioner Holland
said h. felt that Departm.nt H.ads shoul~ be .liglbl. tor cl!Ill back
Commi..ioner ristor referr.d to P~ge 1Q, Item ~-13R and said that
he did not agree with tuition payments heinq made in the order they are
r.~eived and limited to the fun~. aVðllahle. A discus.ion ensu.~
regarding tuition payment~ with tho general consensus of the Commis-
sioner. b.ing that i~n, of the tuition shoul~ he pal~ for work-relateð
educational courses. Mr. ~mith sai~ thAt, in the past two y.~r.,
twenty-two people h~v~ taken ~dv~nta~p ~f the tuition refun~ oroqram at
a ~or.: ~r'prO)(lmðtely $l.!i('\'~. Responr!in'1 to Comr'¡ssioner Voss,
Chair~an Kruse said that the Mon~y for tuition come9 from the C':ontin-
gency Fund. She said that If the money allotter! to the tuition proqram
is used, staff could come hack to the Ao~rd ~nd a.~ for mor.. Mr. Ruth
explain.d that out of el~hteen courses which were approved, ~uring the
past six months, one-half of those wpre not joh relatod. Chairman
~ru~e summarized the Board's feeling that the Commissioners do wish to
have tuition payments made as far as possihle, that if the money i.
depleted, staff will return to the ~oard tor more, that the courses
must be job related, and that the Commf..ioners prefer lAft' tuition
payment. Mr. Smith .aid that staff would revise paragraph Dl and the
.ection that deals with percentage of tuition paid.
Responding to Commissioner Ho.lland., Mr. Ruth said that Itbout ~ix
paramedic. have been promoted in the palt six month. ~I a result of
taking cour.... Fiscal Officer ~il.. r.ferred to IRA educational
Plq. ~
January 2~, 19R3
guideline., a copy of which he gave to ~r. S~ith.
Tape 18
A discussion was held regar~fn1 County reimbursement for courses
which are taken to fmprove th~ performance of ~n employee or prepares
him for the next step In his posItion. However, it WI'IB the consensus
of the Board thðt courses taken that maintain minimum qualffications
would not be rt'imhurserl. "Ir. ~n~t~ r(',~" th~ r~ra'1l1ph p.rtainlnr¡ to
this subject from thn IRA quldellneR ~nrl ~ectlon q of thø Rarqafnin~
·····Co.mi.aioner Holland left the room at 2r45 P.M......
Commissioner Pistor referrerl to Pðqe 4?- re~lIrrlint' County holidays
and said that he preferre~ to have the sYSt~~ lI~ it currently is with
two floatinq holld/'lYs Instead of eleven ffxerl holi~ays. Chairman Kruse
agreed. Commissioner Plstor said thl'lt th~ Roard shoulrl rleclde when the
floating holIdays would be. ~r. Ruth rlistrl~uterl 1'1 proposal regarding
. ,
. "
. ~j
this subject and Ch/'llrmlln ~rusP. "nli Coml~sloners Voss /'Ind Pistor agreed
with the nine fixen /'Ind two floatlnt'l holidays liS listed. A ahort
discussion ensued reg~rdin9 havin'1 Veteran's O~y /'Inn President'. D~y a. '
the floating holidays.
Commissioner rlstor reforred to P/'Iqe 47, Q-~~ reql'lrrtinq accru~l ot
sick leave and said that wherever he had workerl, he lost sick leave it
it was not used. Commissioner Voss sl'lid that he felt some considera-
tion .hould be qivQn to payin~ for sick lel'lve that i. not u.ed. Mr.
Smith said that currently there are thirteen employee. with over Q~A
hours ot sick leave. Commissioner Pi.tor .aid that he telt there
should be a limit on the amount of sick leàvø which can he accrued.
COmMissioner Vo.. said he felt that 9~~ hours maximum -is ridiculous-.
Chat~an Kru.e requested staff
Co-.lssioner Vos. said he felt that two weeks vacation
'aoOK 0'1S rACè4/1l
:;;~ :~:<, ",; !., ,j, .
\;,':; yur Is a lot of
Januftry 25, 1983
vacation and Commis.ioner Pl~tor .aid that amount i.
the 9rovin9 trend. Ch~irman Krus. a.ked statt to circulato the Per-
sonnel Rules and Regulations to the employ.es and to request sugge.-
tions regardin9 them.
There being no further busin.s. to come betore the Board, the
Workshop Se.sion va. adjourned at "I~~ P.~.
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