BCC Minutes 02/08/1983 R ~aplel, Florida, February R, I~A3 LET IT BE REM£MBERP:D, that the Board or County Comml"lon'fI'Inl~ Ind for the County ot Collier, and also acting ft. the Board ot Zoning Appell. and a. the qoVernlnq hoard(s) ot such special dl.trlct. ft. have been created accordinq to law and having conducted buslne.s herein, ~et on this date at 9rOO A.M. in Regular Oo..ion in BUilding -,_ of the Courthouse Complex, East N~plo., Florida, with the fOllowlnq members pre.entl CHAInMANr Mary-France. ~ru.e VICP: CrtAIRMANr David C. Brown John A. rhtor Frederick J. VOl. C. C. · Red- Holl and AL~O PRESENTr William J. Reagan, Clerk, Jame. C. Gile., Fl.cal Officer, Maureen Kenyon, ~&puty Clerk, Burt L. r,aund~rs, County Attorney, C. William Norman, County Manager, F.dward Rmlth, A..lltant County Attorney, ~nute Hartman, Puhllc Work. Administrator, Nell Dorrlll, Public S~tety Administrator, L~e Layne, rl~n. Implementation Director, Torry Vlrt~, Co~munity Development Aðmlnlstr~tor, Wayne Scamehorn, Oulldln~ rtr.ctor, MikD ~lo.hn, Planning Olrector, Nancy I.r~e18on, ^dmlntstrattvo ~ecr.tary to the ~oard, and Wllllftm McNulty, Sheriff'. Dopartment. , ~~ ~.Ä> .,. ;( " , .., ,.' ·n: '."'"-r--- -. -. - - ._ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _.;.;.....:,.. " ,;; ", \,:.';;;<~~:!î" , "".'.,'j,) ,.."."" , J ¡, :; H~_.._._"",.,~.._, aO~K CJ73 rAGë&7 \ --...,..."",."""~<,,.,._.,,..- -.',' " ' .}, :~~..~ ",:ll i"'ff~ - - - - - - - - - - - '- - - - -- - - - .- - - - - - -'- . - '-. -- -- '-- - - - - - - - - -.-.,~ .¡'~" -1"»'; February ", J ~q3;,:,~ ,,;,.¡r;,,~·,r~ ..,.l¡t! TIp, 11 ..'~:: I tea t 1 ~;~í#¡ }~;if~r ~OINDA - APPROVED WITH CHANGES I r,";', , ' Coaei..ioner Pistor moved, .econded by Commls.loner Voss and carried unanimously, that the agenda be approved with the following change., a. Item 9A3 r@qardlng ~ing. Lake, Unit ~, flnðl plat approval, to be h.~rd prior to Item ~Cl. h. ~ppolntmont of memb@r to f~Usinq Financo ^uthority added as Item 1'-8, under the Board of County CommioSioners. c. Discussion roqardin? fences in (ront yards added ftS Item 12C, under tho .flol!rd of County CommiS.ioners. Itell '2 PETITION ZO-A2-18, COMMUNITY DEVELOP~ENT DIVISION _ CONTINUED TO MARCH 8, 1983 Commissioner Plstor moved, .econded by Commie.ioner Rolland Ind carried unanimouuly, that Petition %0-82-18, Community Development Division, be continued to March 8, 1983. Itelll '3 PETITION ZO-82-l5, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION _ CONTINUED TO MARCH 8, 198 J Commleeioner Pietor moved, .econded by Commi.sloner Voe. and carried unanimouSly, that Petition ZO-82-15, Community Developm.nt Dlvlllon, be ontinued to March 8, 1983. I hilt ... PETITION 'P-83-lC, ~INGS LA~E UNIT 4, REQUESTING FINAL PLAT ~PPROVAL AND REPLAT 0' PART 0' 8LOC~ M, ~INGS LAKE, UNIT ] _ APPROVED WITH STIPULATIONS Community Developmont ^dminløtrðtor Vlrta st~t.~ that thl. is the final plat for the ~ortlon of Kln~s r~k. that is al.o being consld.red tor a vacation. He noted that he ia r~commendlng that the plat b. approved but not recorrie~ until the (our 8tipulatlons 11stod In the executive summary have heen met. tt:=,\ ens FAr.c563 'ag_ 2'\1 ------------------------------------~-~,. -,~., ---------- ---- ----- ----..---------------------. bO~~ ~~ fAL~ February 8, 19R3 Comml.sioner Pl.tor ~oved, .econded by Comai..toner Brown and carried unanlmou.1y, that Petition PP-8J-IC, King. Like Unit 4, reque.ting final plat approval and replat of part of Block M, King. Lake, Unit 3, be approved with the stipulation that the final plat not be recorded until I 1. The required improvements have been constructed and accepted. 2. Until a .ecurlty Is received and approved. 3. Copy of DtR conltruotlon permit tor expansion of the sevage treatment plant servicing Unit. be .ubmltted to Utilities D1vhlon. Item .5 4. Copy of contract tor the treatment plant expansion, Indicating a time trame when the facility viII be complete and placed Into service be submitted to Utilities Department. RESOLUTION 83-13 VACATING A PORTION 0' KINGS LAKE UNIT 3 _ ADOPTED Legal notice havinq been published In the Naple. Daily Nev. on , . . . .. January 23, 19P3 and Jftnuary 30; )9A~,·a. evidenceð hy Affidavit of PUblication "led with the Clerk, public hearing vas opened to c~n.ld.r a petition to vacate a portion of king. Lake Unit 3, a subdivision In Section 7, Township 50 South, Range 2~ East, Collier County, Florida. Public Works Administrator Hartman stated that thh 18 for a v'c~tlon for a portion of Unit 3 of ~lngs Lake which will not be Jn~luded in Unit 4. Comml..loner Piator moved, seconded by Com.is.loner Holland and carried unanimously, that the public hear In; be c10.ed. Comml..loner Piltor moved, seconded by Co~I..lon.r Vo.s and carried unanimously, that Resolution 83-13 vacating a portion of King. Lake Unit 3 be adopted and the Chairman authorized to .1gn and the Clerk to record .am.. - -. - - .- - .-.... - .- '."- ...- Pag. .3 - -- .. .....- . r.z::!j ~ ~ bC~~ 073 rA~c'556 -----------------------------------------~ ", ~". ,~:,1 February Ð, 19R3 Itlll U ORDINANCE 83-3 AMENDING EXCAVATION ORDINANCE 80-2~ _ ADOPTF.D Legal notice having been published in tho Naples Dally New. on January '0, 1983, os evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to conaiðer an ordinance amending Excavation Ordinance No. ~O-2~. Public Works Mmlnistr~tor lIartml'ln staterf that this proposed ordinance is an update of an exl8tin~ ordinance that brin98 the exiøtin~ ordinance in line wtth the w~y oxcavation requests or permit. are currently beln9 performed. He noted that one principlo change i. that the developer he" the option of ðskln~ for an excavation permit prior to any approvnl of tho subdJvJsion plans or the excavation permit can be included as pDrt of the 8uhdlvlsJon approval. He reported that the other changes are simply admInistrative changes. Co~mlsslon.r Plstor moved, .econded by Com~lssloner Vo.. and carried unanimou.ly, that the public hearing be clo.ed. Coaclssloner Pl.tor moved, seconded by COIIIII.sloner Vo.. and carried unanimously, that the Ordinance as numbered and entitled below be adopted and entered Into Ordinance Book No. 171 ORDINANCE 83-3 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 80-26, AN ORDINANCE REGULATING EXCAVATIONS WITHIN COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE DEFINITION OF AN EXCAVATION, AMENDING EXEMPTIONS TO ORDINANCE NO. 80-2~, AMENDING WATIR MANAGEMENT PLANS REQUIREMENTS, AMENDING EVIDENCE REQUIRED FOR tERMIT APPROVAL, AMENDING BONDING REQUIREMENTS, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 80-26 TO ADD SECTION PROVIDING FOR STAT! AND FEDERAL PERMITS, PROVIDING FOR AN E'PECTIVE DATE. , - -- - - .- -- ~-... - . -. . -.. -.... - -- Pag8 ~ '- -- -~ - -- - - -. -....... - -- - .- - - - - - - - - - - - -~,." 5E1 fZm - .J . ~ . ~ ,- " February P, 1ge3 Ite.. 17 PROPOSED ORDINANCE FOR THE 1982 EDITION OF THE ST^NDARD CAS CODE _ CONTINUED TO MARCH 8, 1983 Community Oevelopment ^dmln1ltrðtor Vlrtð .tate~ that thore was a technical error in the legal ads for two of the codes and all the code. are Interre18ted hecause of the appeal procesl, addlnq that a continuance Is belnq asked for March 8, 19P3, for all co~e8 In order for the two corle. to bo r.~dvertl..d. " COmMilsloner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner Pl.tor and carried unanimouSly, that the propo.ed ordinance tor the 1982 edition ot the Standard Ga. Code be continued to March 8, 1983. Item t8 PROPOSED ORDINANCE rOR THE 1982 EDITION or THE STANDARD SWIMMINC POOL CODE - CONTINUED TO MARCH e, 1983 Co~mls.ion~r Plstor nt~ted that this ordinance should indicate that underwater llqhtln~ will only be of the 1'- volt nature. He noted that he could not find ~ny plnce in the code that lndtcat~d that the stated that swimming pools should he ~nclosed with qate. that lock tor reinforclnq rods, laddero, otc. tn pools have to be ?rounded. ne sa fety purposea. Com~issioner IIollanri statod thðt h" endors'tr1 Commissioner PIstor'. comments regardinq qates thðt lock surrounding pools. County ^ttornoy f.aundera stated that thta ro~ulation pre.umc~ly would be .upportable, adding that there would hav. to be Some ovldenc. Indicating thðt It would h. sater to roquire enclosuros. He noted that he would re.earch the item and report back to the board on Mftrch 8, 191'3. Co...laaloner Plstor moved, .econded by Comml..loner Holland and carried unanlmoualy, that the proposed ordinance for the of the St.ndard Svlmm1n9 Pool Cod. be continued to March R, 1983. , ;!J aoox. 073 rA~[557 lOOK 073 PACE 558 --------- ---- - - - -- - ---- --- - --- -- -------- ---- February D, 1983 Ite. t9 PROPOSED ORDINANCE rOR THE 1981 EDITION OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODI - CONTINUED TO MARCH 8, 1983 AND TO 81 READV!RTISED_ Attorney Donald ~lckworth, repre'entln~ Arthur Davis, Developer of Cricket Lake Rental Apartments on Kelly Road, statod that he 1. concernod with one provision of the proposeð Collier County supplement to the N~tlonal £lectrlcðl Code which i. the USe of non-metallic sheet cable often referred to as Romex. He stated that If the Nðtlonal Electrical Code was adopted without Collier County'. Supplement, the law would be that Type N~ an~ Type NM~ cable shall be permitted to be used In one and two-family ~welllng~ or multi-family dwellings or other structures not exceedinq threo floors above grad~. He stated that Collier County Is propontno to ellmlnftte the ability of builders of multi-family dwellings to USe n~n-m.talllc .heet cables, adding that his client Is In the buslnes~ of ~.veloplng low and moderftte income housing units. lie presente(1 !'octlon 331i-3 written in the language that he proposed to he lnclu~ed In the proposed ordinance. He noted that there Is absolutely no proof that non-metallic sheet cable Is unsafe and no proof that riQld met~l Is safer. He presented an article entitled -The Dubtous War- from ð 'ebruary 7, 1983, 'ortune Magazine regarding plastic pipe. He stated that ~r. Bryan Vaughan of the National Electrical Code Committee stated that testinq has been done on Romex and noted that grounding ia aaf.r on the romex and that 90-95\ of all the jurisdIctions in the United St~te6 have adopted the National Electrical Code, as Is. He roported th~t the National Electrical Code has rejected ordlnancen such 08 Collier County i. proposing_ He concluded by /Stating that he is asking that the Board direct Staff 'to give .erious consideration to this code. Commilsioner Voss stateð that he sUpported the idea of uSing the - - -- - - ~.- -- _. '" ~ '. . ~J., ;,ç;;\"1 :h?'Î ì,'-~-':' ....>~~ " , .- ,- --- -- -- -- -..---- ----- ---_._-------~; ,'j ."'.~ ..,},,~, ,,',,.,*J¿ '('~"'" '):'~.; t , ' I,'," ,', ~~~~~~ :':~ir: P.ge 6 r~ t:1 ~ ...... ,. '"T .': ---------- '{,~:' ";1" .- -- - -- - - - - -- - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.;~~ 'f},ií" February P, 19"3 ;4~ National Electrical Code to which Commissioners Ifolland and Brown :1' agr.ed. Tape 12 Mr. Mike Carr, Chairman of Five County ßulldors & Contractors Association, Inc., stated that he supported the proposal as .et forth by Mr. Pickworth and the u.e of romex. Mr. Jim Jone., Chief of North Nap1eø Fire Department stated that he 1ø opposed to the use of romex and would 11 ko to sel) tho code adopted as proposed hy the Auildinq Department. Mr. Jack Thompson, Assistant Chtof of North Naples Fire Department, read a letter from the Fire Marshal's ^8soclatlon which stated that they ur~e the requirement for ap~roved rlqld metal or approved non-metallic conduit be used for wlrlnq In multi-family dwellings malnt"lned In the code. flit st"tod that h. was requesting that the proposed code as written by the Buildlnq Oepartment be adopted. H~ presented" letter indlcðtin~ the same. Building Olrector Sc~mehorn stated that tho existing ordinance that Collier County Is now under ts the same ordinance that is being proposed at this time. ~r. r.dward MCCarthey, representing the Electrical Contractors or Naples, øtated that the cod. that ~olll.r r.ounty has been working under has worked real well, addlnq that h~ hopøs that 5taff recommendation will be accepted. L~tters were recelv~ð for the record from ~avid L. Reev.s, President, Collier County Fire Chl.,s Issociatlon, and Mark P. Strain, Gener~l Contractor, oPPosing the use or rom.x. Mr. Arthur Davis, owner of Cricket Lake Rental Apartments, statod that being allowed to use romex would make" big difference in the bond issue regarding tho low and modeute income housing. ne noted that BOOK 078 'ACE 559 r --- - - - -- - - - - - - - - _. - - -- - - - --- - - - --- --------- BOCK 078 PACE 560 February 8, 19~3 there was a augqe.tlon to the National Electrical Code Committee that romex be dropped from the code and they rejected It. He stated that the only dlffer.nco between romex and pipe is the cost not the safety. Co.mi..ioner PI.tor moved, .econded by Co.mislioner Yo.. and carried unanimously, that Statt be directed to follow the National Electrical Code a. It pertains to conduit and r.advertlse .aid propo.ed ordinance. Commissioner Pis tor moved, seconded by Co~lsslon.r Vo.. and carried unanimou.ly, that the proposed ordinance lor the 1981 edition of the National Electrical Code be continued to March 8, 1983. Ite", 110 PROPOSED ORDINANCE FOR THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS FOR THE COUNTY CODES RELATED TO CONSTRUCTION AND FIRE PROTECTION _ CONTINUED TO MARCH 8, 1983 There being no discussion, Commissioner Pistor moved, .econded by COftlnl..1oner Voss and carried unanlmou'ly, that the propo.ed ordinance lor the Board of Adjustments and Appeals for the County Code. related to con.tructlon and fire protection be continued to March 8, 1983. Ite. III PROPOSED ORDINANCE FOR THE 1982 EDITION OF THE STANDARD PLUMBINC CODE _ CONTINUED TO MARCH A, 1983 Commissioner ~ru.. stated that tho proposed ordinance .tates that a ceramic tile bathtub could not be Installed, ftddlng that this i. custom work and questionerl the rationale for !orbiddinq It in Collier County. Mr. Walter Wolfinger, Building Department, stated that the primary reason Is th~t grout is ft breeding ground for all type. of germ. and bacterh. Comml.sioner Krus. stated that the Amerlcðn Tile' Tub Co. would have lome interesting comments regarding this ~att.r, adding that a --. - - - - -- - -- - ._.- - ;'1,,0)1 ~. :-:' 1 ',:f , ,";1,1., ,,:':t~.; Page ':.~ ,'_',:"'''~l "~;"1'!f, . - -- -.--.. --- ---- -------------- --_._------~ ~ ~ l1li f!'I!!.II ;¡¡¡¡g ill .. . '!.:;~jj~ -------_._-------------------------------~~. .~,{.~ F.bruary 8, 1983 ceramic tub should be allowed It on. vants to have such. Com.l.sloner Holland mov.d, .,conded by Commlsslon.r Voss end carried unanlmoualy, that the propos.d ordlnanc. b. amended to per.it the u.. of ceramic tile bathtubs. Comalss10n.r Plstor mov.d, second.d by Commlsslon.r Brown and carried unanimously, that the propos.d ordinance for the 1982 edition of the Stlndard Plumbing Cod. be contlnu.d to March 8, 1983. Itell 112 PROPOSED ORDINANCE FOR THE 1982 STANDARD BUILDING COD! _ CONTINUED TO MARCH 8, 1983 ' Com.l..lon.r PIstor lIov.d, .,cond.d by Comml..lon.r Brown end carrlod unanimously, that the proposed ordinance tor the 1982 Standard BUilding Code, be continued to March 8, 1983. Item 113 PROPOSED ORDINANCE FOR THE 1982 EDITION OF THE NATIONAL FIRE PREVENTION COD! - CONTINUED TO MARCH 8, 1983 Mr. Don ß~rber st~ted that he ðnd the Collier County Contractor. ^ssoclatlon support the proposed ordinance. Commissioner Holland mov.d, .econd.d by Comml..loner PI.tor .nd carried unanimously, that the proposed ordinance for the 1982 'dltion of the National Firo Prevention Code be continued to March 8, 19B3. It'm 11<4 PROPOSED ORDINANCE FOR THE 1982 EDITION OF THI STANDARD MECHANICAL CODE - CONTINUED TO MARCH 8, 1983 CONaI..loner Vo.. .ov.d, second.d by Co.-I..loner PI.tor and carried unanimously, that the propo.ed ordinance for the 19B2 Idltlon of the Standard M.chanlcal Code b. contlnu.d to March 8, 19B3. ",:,j .....~..........._"..."".. BOOK 073 PACE 561 ---- -------- ------------------.------------ F~bruftry fI, 1!\83 Ite. 115 RESOLUTION 83-14 RE PETITION V-S3-1C, JOHN BERIO, REQUESTING A VARIANCE rROM THE orrSTREBT PARKING REQUIREMENTS rOR BUILDINGS AT B , 8 BUILDERS SPECIALTY COMPANY AT 3ROO 9TH STREIT NORTH _ ADOPTED Legal notice h.ving been published In the Napl.. Dally Nev. on January 2~, 19f13, as evidence~ by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, pUhlic hearing w~~ opened to consider Petition V-83-IC, John Berio, requestlnq ð vnriance from the offstreet p~rklng require~.nt. for buildings at B , ~ nuilders Specialty Company at 3f100 9th Street North. Plans Implement~tion Director Layne stated that since the time this property was re1.oned to C-S, there hav~ boen adðltlona done to the bUilding, addinq thnt the additions would rftqulre 37 parking space.. She stated that ~r. aerio i~ requesting there be 25 parking Spaces and Stafl i. reque.tlnq th~t this he reduced to 1~ parking space.. She stated that there are no specific requirements in the ordinance at thl. time for lumber and butlding yards, adding that the retail standard. are used which are too exc.sslve. She stated that she i. recommending lS parking spacos, alonq with landsc~pln9' for the existing parking are. In front and further stated that she is a.klng that the Board direct Staff to look into parking requirements for thll specific use. Commisaloner Pl.tor qu.stioned if Mr. 8erio 1. willing to put in 25 plrklng Spice., why I. Staff recommending only l5 parking Sp.ce., to which Ms. Layne stated that part of the Wflllnqness to put In '5 parking spaces i. in an area that 1. nicely covered with beautitul o.k tree. which would have to be removed. Mr. B~rio, owner of ~ , B Auilder. Specialty Company, st.ted th.t he really did not need additional parking .paces, but would comply If' he w.. required to. H. stateð that he did not like the requirement concerning the landscaping. -------..-- ."._, P.g. 10 !':~J ~ """"""'" , ,~I ::~ ¡}..< ~ - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -rabru~r~ ~-.-I-:n: - -- - - - - -- -;1' '(' J~t¡~¡ . ; Comml.stoner ~ru'e .tated that ir the landsaaplng requirement wa. 'I re..o.ad. Mr. ..r 10 would ha.. to '0 co.phto I y back through tha ""01. /~,I proce.. aqaln. "Ipe .3 ;:1 Mr. ~erio stated that he 1oe. not neod ~dditlonal parking and pre.ented a letter to the Board Indicating the Rame. He noted that h. doe. not want to ,put In the addlt10nltl landscaping and he will go back through the procels again if h. has to. Co~issloner Pi.tor moved, seconded by Commi..loner VOl. and carried unanlmou.ly, that the public hearing be closed. Comml..1oner Pi.tor moved, seconded by Comml..loner Rolland and carried unanimously, that Re.o1utlon 83-l4 re Petition V-83-IC, John Serlo, requesting a varilnce from the ott.tr.et parking requlre.ent. for building. at B , B Builders Specialty Company at 3800 9th Street North be adopted with 15 parking .pace. required and landscaping IS reco_ended. Commls.ioner VO'S moved, ..conded by Commissioner Holland and carried unanimously, that Staff be directed to review parking require- ments tor thi. type of use. ,·;·.'··'··'1····.;1:'.··. .". ' ,:, . J" 1 "~., I...·' .:,i:it\ ' '~~I' aODK 073 rACE 583 ''''',--,.",~".,,,~~,"",,,"",.,"",,~",,.,->- -- - - - - - -- -- - - - - - -- - - - - --- - - - - - - -, - - -- - - ----. aDOK 073 PACE566 F.bruary n, 1993 ..... R.c....d. 10.05 A.M. - Reconv.n.dl 10115 A.M. ..... It... U6 DISCUSSION REGARDING CLOSING or JANES SCENIC DRIVE. RESOLUTION 83-15 OPPOSING EMINENT DOMAIN or LANDS OWNED PUBLICLY OR PRIVATELY rOR THE USE or PARK PURPOSES - ADOPTED Mr. Landrum, Director, Division of Recreation and Parke, Florida Department of Natural Resources, stated thðt ho would like to dløcu.s the proposed plan for th~ rakahatchee Stran~. He roferre1 to the overhead map Indicating thp general locatton of the Fakahatch.o Stran~, stating that this 1. one of the most exceptional natural areas within th~ Unit~rl 5tatea. He 8t~ted th~t this area d.s~rve8 the most careful and sensitive type plannln~ and treatmont and .ðid that he is request- in~ the cooperðtion nnd aSRI~tance of Collier County in helpln9 with the lon~ range futurp an~ success or the Fakohatchee Str~nd ~tate pre.erve. ~e reportød that the Fakahatcheo Strand State Preserve consists of about ~~,oon acres in State ownership, extending from Alligator Alley on the north to the Faka-Union Rayon the south. He noted that about 9,000 .cr.s i. south of the Tamiami Trail. Re ref.rred to the area In brown on the map, noting that It i. the area of the existing project. He referred to the areas in State own.r.hip, adding that the area between the State ownership i. check.rboard on the map which consists of le,OOO acre. of State owner.hlp and 15,000 acre. of private ownership. lie r.ported that it is the long ranq. objective to consolidate all of the ownorship within that area Int~ the pr.eerv.. R. noted that there are bill. In the Legislature at this time and, provldtnq that they pass, the 5tate will acquire the property throuqh eminent do~.in proceedings If purchase of the property through the owner. is unsucces.Cul. H. not.d that the green on the map r.ter. to d - - - - - - . .- - - .-., .- .. - -- ...- - '- --. -. '.~,.~I..i ,,' .'9 ~. '\ .1:.,;1 ,r;:' . :r~',4~ ""~ - ------___________!-!.._1!2~ "'~" 'Ii' I~I':~ .,.,. . ",Ii. \':.>:; , '/: :~~~ ß . :-, ..~:, , thr.e large ~reas that are at this time being pursu.d under the conservation and recreation lønds pro~ram for addition to the ~ ~ ~ IB! ~"..' . :.¡.. " :It, ----------------------------------------~~ "i~; :>~/<'~ February B, l~B3 .)~~! Fakahatchee Strand. H. .tated that wh.n overy thing hal be.n completed It will provide a substantially larger ftrea which will help pre.erve the highly Important and .ignificant natural feature. of the Strand and will enable him to deal more effectively with the hydrological probleml that ~r. critical to the Buccessful maintenanco of the Strand a. w~ll County owns and the other ts Janes Sc~nlc Drive. "~.aid that he ha. been noqotlatin~ with the County tor s.v~ral years toward SOMe method al providing a larger area for the endangered specie. that use the area. He stated that this will afford the poople of the State the best opportunity it hð8 to malntðin ~ lftrge wlldernoss area capable of supporting a vtable population of the Florida ranther along with other specie. that are presently threatened or endangered. ~e stated that two concerna Involvo property under the ownership of Collier County, one being the three sections within the heart of the strand which the by which the management responsibtllty for that property may be transCorred to the fitate in order for the State t~ manage this property in conjunction with and aa an internal part ot the total 'akahatchoe Strand. He reported that with the actions that the ~ard h~. taken In recent Months, the ob1~ctlve will be facilltatød. He 4tatod that Jan.1 Scenic Drive dlvl1e. tho strand almost into two equal p~rt., ðddln~ that hi. concern 1. that, In time, If this ~rlve should bocomo a major thoroughfare or arterial road, it will diminish groatly the capability of this property to a~rve the purposes that have been identified. He stated that a concern Is oventullly having a large volume of traffic passing back and forth on Janes Scenic Drive, adding that he i. reque.ting that the County transfer the road to the State so that It could be managed a. an Interr,al park road. He said that It would adversely ettect a number of private owner.hip. if the road wa. clo..d, adding that this i. not the Intention. He stated that there are eoox 073 'ACE Sf)! PICJe 13 . ~-------- --- ----- --- -,- -------- -,-- - -- --'-------------...¡. aDDK 073 PACf 588 ------.---..- -- ~-- - .- - -_ _ __ w.... _ _ _.. _ _ _ ___.. __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _. FClbruary P, l!'103 practical meanl that Icce.. can bo provided to the.e owners. Ife note" thot a. 10n9 .a thore oro private holdings within the Strand, Icce.s would be made available by uso of th~t road. He reporte~ that tho cor-cern i. with throuqh trðfflc !ro~ the Tamlømi Trail to ^11i~lttor J-lley, Adding thlll: he \iould propose to block the property lit one one' in order to maintAin th~ road ~. en Interior park rOAd. COMmissioner Kruse atoted that there i£ .till private property ownerlhlp that ey.1Ats within thnt Ftrand which inclurle~ tho County, adding that ~ith thp pot~ntl~l tor th~ pending bills In tho SÐnðt~ th~t woul" allow thr U~f' cf cMinent c1omðl,., in thðt IIrell, which she Is adaMðntly oppos~r' lo, tIlts sam(' bill coulA br. U!H!'! to IIcqulre the CountY'5 two sectlonz. Shr noterl th~t therF. it no o~jectlon to the State managln~ th(' ~ropcrty, but th~ County wlsho9 to retain ownership. Sho 8U~~ostc1 th~t lnst~~d of closln~ the roa~ or blocking it off, mayb~ banninc Ofr-rod~ vchicloc woul~ be b~tt~r. Mr. l.Jtn-Jrur1 slJlr: thllt thl'rf' ir. not thnt mllny off-road vehiclon used In thr stran~, ðddinq thllt th~ prohlem II only a potential prohler at thlø time, but if the rOIl~ rp~alnc open, It coul~ hecome a major arterial road in tho area. Commi..ioner ristor rOpott.~ that th~re is nothln~ in the lon~ ranqo plans for Jðn~s Scenic ~rlv~ ever belnq four-Inned or an artcritl road, ð~din~ th~t thcre woulrt only b~ h~nlc mðlntenðnce rlone to that road. He stated that he i~ hi~hly concerne~ with the fact that ia around 2:'0C'1 inrHvldulIl owners, ml'lny o( \mOI"' UBI'! Jltne. Rcenlc to ~et to their property. Hp noted thDt if both end~ wor~ closed It woulð be a major rroble~ ðn~ if only one end were closed it woul~ be a probl.~ to ~ tew hunrlred people th~t llvo on the end that lø cloud. tIe Raie'! that it ahoulci nnt be cloRe" and keya qiven to '2nn people for ð lockin9 qat. because the qat. ~~uld never be locked. ..... --, .... ..- --- --_. ( -~..' ~ ~ ~ ~ 't.( "\.,' ~ 0 ¡ ,.,' J;, .~T,'. - -- - - -- - -- -- -. . - - - -- - --.. -- - -.. d:, '''t :t1~ - - -- -- . '" - .- - -- - - - --:1 ~, 19R 3"";~ '::f~ <~~,i:J~ ., ~ '. 'f 'I)J f,~ :,"'j I,.' ,:~'; ..... o...- ._ ~.._ ._.. - - _. February ~r. Landrum atated that the private ownftra would receiv. the same degree of acceaa th~t thoy now enjoy, ~ddlnq that if people came from the south end thoy could have nceess (rom th~ 30uth ~n~ and vice verl,. I!enoteð th.3t he 1i" not wltnt to ""It 3 pnttt.:'rn of' trl'lfftc: !!IovinQ back and forth throuqh tho Strand. " . Commisalonor riøtor ~t~t.rl that thp.r~ h~s to be n Methort that he i. not aware of in ord.r tn cl080 the ro~d and 3till ~llow '~on people , ", '0.1' to hllve ~cc.as to tht' ðren, I1nl089 Ð f'lnrks ,. I1ftcrr....tlon man will be put at th. gate to op~n Dn1 clost' It, whtch wouJ~ he ~ bi~ exponøe. ~r. L~ndrum noted that ~09t of th~ own~r3 Itr- I'Ibsente. ownors and ~ost of the l~nd9 ~r. not ~urYoy~d, whilo 30me of th~ lot owners aro not ~Yen ~ware of th" locðtton of their prop~rty, Jd~lno th...t there ia llttlo visitation ~y tho '~~n property owner~. r.'oMl!'ll:3sioncr \'O~11 Ctðt>H1 that no one! would U!'Ift thtn rOI'lr1 !'IS ,1 throu'1h ro.,d.39 It 1:3 not ':onYI'nlcnt ,1t ,'11. r.o"1mi:J!lionor ~'rU90 '1tðt'1d tnllt ~,h...t 1::1 rrot)os~r1 thin dllto ("ould Jlso r~~ult In prohl~m9 if thoro wer~ ~t~te ~ud~~t cuts 38 tho ~tate '^'olllri flnri itselE In.1 .situl'lt1on whltr"!' th" Mon~y 1!1 not rlvallable to '.,n ~he p.'Hka, M1r!ln1 that she would tUVIt I'rohlcMs ·.~ith thnt typo of . ,~, "', ;'otonthl rroblry." "'xistil'1'1. "r. L.:Jn1ru!!1 st.1torl that t.her(? 1'1 .-~l~o , 11~.,al r.>robll)n involv"d ','horet1y thl! ;'to1tO <:oulrl not le.,lJlly deny tho"o f):Jople nc:cesa to their ¡')rop"rty r",,"'rr!ll'ss of bUrlqet conslr!cr.-.r.ions. :!o St::H~r1 th..t II naturðl rl!.ourco Is ~oln" d9Jlt with th~t 1!1 ':0 !\lr¡nlflc.3nt 1!nd so excoptlonAl ~h3t. the Stnte will ~nkp. IJ co~~it~cnt to '1I1ntain the Rtr~nd properly .' :;~! i:'~ , \~, 1;:)2~' ",~,~, ,:t;,': ,~::~~ ~. ~. . .,-' !or Jll ~lr.1es. ¡'or.lm!:tsionpr I"'rC"wn stated t.h,;,t ~c Is oppos~d to t~kl:'\1 the t~xPðyer~ ~on.y for building ~ ro~~ ~nd thltn ~ðny y"ars later, cloain; that road. 'I. roportod thðt in 1"')2 the roltd \".,s named after W. J. aool( 073 PACFSS9 . . . ....., 'Iq. .. ~- -.- -. -. - .-- -... .- ~- ........- . ~ . . .._........_~..__....-_.- ~~o. ... .. -------- -- - -~^-- - ------ --- -'- -.. --_.- -..--------. .. BOOK 078 fACE 570 February P., 19P3 Jane., adding thftt If this man wa. her~ this dat~, he would oppose th~ c1011n~ of t~e roarl. Tape t4 Commissioner ~ruac stðte~ for the r.cor~ th~t she would, peraonally, adft~ðntly opposo the Introduction oC any Senftt~ Bill th~t would a)low thp UDP of ~mln.nt domain for park acquisition purposes. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried 3/2, (Commhs ionon Voss and phtor opposed) that R.solution 93-15 opposing e~incnt domain of lando owned publicly or privately for the use of park purposes, be adopted. ComMi.Rlon~r ri~tor ~tðte~ th~t ~r. Landru~ shoul~ have hin øtft'f prepare <'I po!}itlv(' M1-' ",'ritt,.n report indiclItint) what ia bein') propoø,.,1 regftrdin~ Jðn~r ~c~nlr rrlv~. ~r. L,n"rll- !::tntp-! thJ:t if thic ir. t/1'¡ df'nirp- of th,. Roart1,~,. would be hnp~y to ~rc~rr~ such / report an~ woul~ nlso liko A copy Or th~ report that W~~ writt"n 1n ~~h/ lr of Colllor County. Comm188ioncr VOSG auestioned if, the County enterf'~ into an aqreement with the St~t,. lndlcntln~ that the only thln~ that could ~~ done would be to block th~ ~orth ~nd of th~ road, it would hn hlndjn~, to ~~ich County Attorney SDunòors stated that It would be bin~ln9 if the Stftte accept.d It undor thoft~ conditions. He noted that thore woulr1 also be 1\ prcwinion thðt woul(! lndlCftte> that all acceslI roqulrec by law would be ~i11ntðlnert tly tho !ìtnte altð another provision .u!cel.lIry to th. County woulrt bo thftt tho Ooøðrtment woulrt save the County harmlesp from ðny liðbtllty or ~ny nnturr. wh~t.oever by vlrtuo of ~ny aCceaD bt'lnr¡ ellm~nntfl~, which wouJ rI ellr.l1nat,. tho County' I potent!,"l liability under any ~tðtP. lðws. Commlssiont'r Voss stðted that such an .~reel'lent would .ccompl1sh the etat.'. purpose as woll as th~ County'., ta which ~r. Landrum .....-- - - ~_. '. ....- I'!!m1 .. - February ~, lQP3 >~~:.< , ',H~ .._ .____00__ ___..._ .__ '_ ___ ______._ ___ ____ _ ___ ..________.-..~ faplled that, conceptually, th~t in what the ~tate wants to do, addlnq ~hat he would be ql~d to layout n spoclflc plan f.or the ~ountY'ø conllderatton. Commissioner ~rown stnted that in reqards to ouch an A?reement, ~h~ r.tat~ also m~do another aqroe~ent that thoro would he ~n intorch~nqe for I-~~ ~nd ~.n. ~Q, ~ddln, that the ~t~tp will not uphold ~heir end of tho 4qr~~ment now. ~r. r~vl~ "r~hn~, ,n7~ "nr1 pI~co ~.~. ~tðtOrl th~t this nrea Is ',"1que itnd be~ut1ful for rlshinq, walkinq, or en1.,ylnq nðturo. He 1tatod that ho Is ~~n1n9t ~ny clos1nq of Jane. ~c.nlc rrlve ~nd ~lso l~ðlnst the taklnq or ~ ~anl3 property. He noted that it ~ctually 1:!Dartmont. t.,koo lonl'Jer to 1r Iv" th I R r~nr1 thltn I t do~s to ~o uT' the TlIm!.1mi Trail to ~ll1qðtor ^Jlav, Jrldlnq thðt ~evcral times rlurlnq tho year in the -"Iny ~ell.on, on., r.:/tn not 10 lip "nttltrson Coul"\'''r~: to c;et out of the ·tr1nri. He notp.d th.H It ·...ould nnv"r h~ a throU1hw",y. "'r. Rill P.ert'T.'n, l~n f'oron /lvonuo, !~aplf11s, f"lorlda, "'tðted that he "oes not helle...e In r¡lvln('1 '.Jr.'Ilnf'nt r1or.'ltl1n tl) .::Iny 10vorn:nent body or ~·r. t.lInr.!rllM '1t,Ht" ';~Ht tho pow-.r of "l'Iinl1'nt"o",aln 13 oxerciaed '''I ::he St.Jt.. Lo"lnl.1t.ure, ,/ (1{nfJ tnllt t.ho bill thl'lt t:; now pentUnq t. 1.11 '/" r y 11m 1 t ð" r 0 r ~ .,. ! t I ,1 ~ n t I ! 1 (' ø t h Ð í'r 0 r I) r t 1l' oS t h /I t the pO we r we u 1 d pertain to. ~~I Pe801uti~ not ~ived in Cl~rk's offi~ as of 2/1S/RJ. &OOK (J7S rAtE57.1 .- '- ..-... ~~ ..- .. _... .... ..- .- - -.. - - - - -- -- - . -- -.. '-,' _.__...,...,..",.._..."..~"'-".,...~".._,...."""""""....~,,,,.,,",'~.,-. "-'.""^" - - - ...- - - - - -.. _.~ - . - -- -- - -~.. _. - - - - -.- - - -- .-. --. -- -- - .- - - - - - - - -- &O~K 07B rACr 5741. 'ebrultry P, 19"1 ...-. R.c....dl ll,10 A.M. - R.convenodl 11,20 A.M. ..... Itelll n 7 CONTRACT FOR CONSULTING SERVICES WITH MR ROBERT GODMAN FOR COLLIER COUNTY'S APPEAL OF THE FEDERAL FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY - APPROVED WITH A S5,OOO CAP. COUNTY TO REOUEST CITY OF NAPLES TO APPOINT A PERSON TO SERVE ON THE FLOOD ELEVATION COMMITTEE Community [)eve I opmen t ^ð!':'l1nistrl"tor Virt/'l st~ted thl!!t the recommendation is thllt th"" POllrt1 ltpprovf' 8 contrðct in the ðmount of $1(1,("(10 with ~r . r.or1ml'n for (:0 ] ] i e r County's apuctl] of the Fecle rl5l F'looc1 TnslJrlJncr' :'tu~1~. HI' f1t,)t~(! thlll the 1I-1-hnc committee whJch was est~blishe~ to work with thr County on th~ study h~c ðpprove~ thin contrllCl. lie nntec1 thnt :line/" thic time, thore has been some discussion r"",ardin, tha ð~ount, addin~ th"t It ha~ be~n rliBcuBBcð with ~r. Oodmðn to oxccut~ the c~ntract in thr ftmount 0' t~,nnn lit this time line! lit ouch tlr.1C' tntJt the full ro'l..,HlcI1tlonß of tht" IIppelll procelt. with FEM^ is known, the contrðct could ~~ IImcn~ed. Commlnsioner Pi~tor stllt~~ th/'lt ht" is willinq to ~o alonq with the t5,oCn beclluse the County ir. focin~ II major problem If , change can not be made In the rloo~ rJlIn, nddlnq that possibly huild.r~ will don.te ' . Some money to hclp th~ County's ~ppoal. Ta pe . 5 Comm1scioncr l:rU!lC! statoc1 thllt she woul~ lik<> ~tðff to communicate with th~ 5t~ff of th~ City to cJoÞrly dellnonte Cor th.~ thftt this chan~e does IIff~ct ex18tin~ ~wolllngG. Commissioner ristor stato~ that the City has lI.sured him that they are qoing to notify F'rM~ that th~y Inten~ t~ join thr County'. appell. Coami.sioner Pistor moved, .econded by Commissioner Vo.. and carried unanimously, that the contract for consu1tJng .ervice. with Mr. Robert Oodman for Collier County's appeal of the reder.l Plood ... - - - - - - "- ~. . Page .- ..... ...., ~ .'-" _.... .'.- - ..- ~- ,--- . -- - - ----- ----.....-----..... IE] IiIlD - aOOK rns 'ACE 673 P19' l:~"ili:' -----------------------------------~~~~~ po sa 1 b 10 . "iif~ --------- - - -- - ---- - -.-- ---- - --------------~~ '~i~ February 8, 1983 .:~t; ',.,1;,1- In.urance Study be approved with a $5,000 cap. Comml..loner PI.tor moved, .econded by Commll.loner vo.. and carried unanlmou.ly, that the City be reque.ted to appoint a repre.entatlve to .erve on the Flood Elevation Committee. County Manager Norman, County Attorney Saunders, and Community Development Aðmlnlltrator Vlrtl directed to clarify with the City perlonnel the matter reqardlng joining the County appeal. Mr. Rohert c~rlman of Cape Coral state~ that he wanted it understood that ho is not sure what FF.M^ will do rAqardinq an appeal date. Ae said th~t he would be glad to work on the ~pp~al an1 do the beat job he can, adding that he believe. there are wrong flood levels and the County will p~y very hoavlly. ~e notod that the chan~e In the contract amount bothers him as it will take time to qather all the necessary data, addinq thAt he does not w3nt to start this job ~nd find out that the County Is not 90ln1 to fl~ht it all the way. Commissioner Kruse stated that the purpose of the docroased amount is to koep an account of what is being spent, adding th~t if more Is needed, It can b. add~rl to the agenda as an emerqency tto~. Sh~ stated that they are propDrorl to qo ah.ad with the appeal And do what I. Ite. 118 RECOMMEND~TION or SPICI~L ~CT BY ST~TE LEGISLATUR! TO !XP~ND AUTHORITY TO ISSUE CIT~TIONS TO INVESTIGATORS IN PLAN IMPLEMENT~TION AND BUILDING CODE COMPLI~NCE DEPARTMENTS TO INCLUDE CONSTRUCTION CODE VIOLATIONS AND OTHIR-TRAN-ZONING L~ND USE VIOLATIONS - ~PPROV!D. Community Oevelopment ^dmlniatr8tor Virt~ stated that this Board roque.ted tho deloqðtion to consider opecial leqiÐl~tlon to ~llow the building code compltðnce investigators and the zoning Investigators to have the ability to luue ð -Notico to ^PP.ltr". He notod that this has been in force tor two years ltnd l~ notlcos to ~ppoðr h8ve been Issued. He statod that tho zoning lnv.stig~tors are li~itc~ In that they ftre char1ert with on(orclnq 8 number of ordin8nc~s hut the stlttute provides for only the enforccm"nt of the zonln1 ordln~nce. fit) noted that the bUl1dlnq Inspectors havo no enforc~ment authority, ndðin~ that he would like the ~uthorlty exp~nd.d to the building lnsp.ctors ~lGo. Co.ml.sioner PIstor lIIoved, .econded by Commi.sloner Vo.. and carried unanimously, that the recommendation of Special Act by State Legislature to expand authority to issue citations to Inve.tigators in Plans Implementation and Building Code Compliance Departments to include construction code violation. and other-then-zoning land us. violations be approved. aoo ( 073 PACEm P~g. 20 "- -- ._- -- --- - --~.. -- - - - _.- _... - -.. ,- -..- _..- --, ..tf~~ ·/1i:'7' "·!'i!/fO[":;-.' ----------- --- - -------- ------------- --------, ... ~ '. F.bruary n, 1903 Ite. 119 RESOLUTION 83-15 SUPPORTING LEGISLATIVE ACTION TO INCRIASI STATI RIVENUES FOR COLLIER COUNTY TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENTS AND SPECIFI- CALLY CONSIDER '1'111 REMOVAL or THI BALIS TAX EXEMPTION FRQIII THE BALlor MOTOR rUELS - ADOPTED . Comml..lon.r Pl.tor mOV'd, ..conded by Commis.loner Brown and carried unanimou.ly, that Re.olution 83-16 supporting leqi.lative action to incr.... st.te revenue. tor Collier County tr.nlportation Improv.ment. .nd sP.cltic.lly consld.r the removal of the sal.. tax .xemptlon fro. the s.l. of motor fuel. b. adopt.d. aOOK f113 PACE SIt ---., "'...- aOOK 073 mrS1J4. ----------------------------------------~~ 'ï~ ~'J;, 't ~:e:tr; ";;~,r; 'i,~J , .~l'/ , ; ',->, ,'}J,) "ebruðry 9, I~R3 Ite.. '20 RESOLUTION 83-17 REQUESTING CONSIDERATION OF LEGISLATIVE ACTION TO ALLOCATE THE FOURTH CENT OF THE FIRST GASOLINE TAX TO THI COUNTIES OF THE STATE FOR CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF COUNTY ROADS _ ADOPTED Co~lls1oner Pl.tor moved, .econded by Commlllioner Brown and carried unanimoully, that R'lolution 83-17 requeltlnq consld.ration of leqialatlve action to allocate the fourth cent ot the tlrat q'loline tax to the counti.1 of the .tate for conltructlon and .aintenance of county roads b. adoPt~d. ----- ----- -"'- -- - -- ._-------'------------------..;,., ~ lIE .. . . .-- - .- -.- -- _... -. ..-.... - .- - - - .- - ...... ....- ....... .-- ..- - - ..- ---- ,- _.- - ...- .- - robruary ~, l~q, Item .21 RESOLUTION AJ-18 REQUESTING THAT TI1E FLORIDA DEPARTMENT or TRANSPORTA- TION PROVIDE AN INTERCHANGE AT THE JUNCTION or 1-75 AND STAT! ROAD 29 . ADOPTED. STArF ^ND CHAIR DIRECTED TO GATHER HISTORICAL DATA AND PROCEED WITH CONTACTS TO REOPEN NEGOTIATIONS FOR THE TnAFFrc INTBRSTATE EXCHANGE TO 1-75 AT S.A. 29 Commissioner PI.tor movod, seconded by Commisøioner Brown ðnd carried unanimously, that Resolution 93-18 requestinq that the Florida Department of Transportation provide an interchanqe ðt the junction ot 1-75 and State Road 29 be ~doPted. Mr. 1'nul Lito!'! of ~JaploG ~tnt(!r1 t.hat when tho ri'Jht-/')f-wlty I"",s lc~uir~d {or ^lliqntor ^lloy, It w~s r~pr~Rr.nted to thø ~buttln~ owners thðt if the ri~ht-n'-wðY wnn Jonðtorl, t~or~ would ~o nCCOS8 overy two "lle9 In " pltr"Uol :1r.rvlcl} rt'Jl'ld ·...h«'n nl!odf'rf. "" ßtl'lt~( thðt this roa" ~ no~rlorl for flr~ ~~rvice, ~nhulðnce ~orvic~, f~r~er9, Ctvl1 Defonso, (! t C . "~r (' !",o r t ,. d t h ~ t ~ ~ f! ~. t .1 tor 0 n e" f'r1 0 nth ld r r) r (') '!'II ß" . i'uhUe ',':orl<s 1\rlmlni£tr,1t:or !/,Ht,,"'n "ttntl'-1 t!':i1t tho reSDon3e that 'Ir. I'¡usn "i!"'"r o~t" nl]r1 rro~ the r-I'!r"lrt,,"nt of "'r,"n~rorf:"t on ~..Ith r!!,p rrJ:J to thl!1 ro<,\r IJ.., II thl)t ':hny r!i1 not in t':!nr to, " open tho iasuO} of .1n Intor~h,'n'Je with <::.:1. .,,, heCilus«, It l~oulrl C.'1I91" ,1 ' r'!l flY in th.. '1cherlul~r1 eumpl o!:i on " , t f' () f ! -"". Ifp no t ,.,. th.H thorn woul..¡ h:svo to h~ r-omp"lInq tr,1ngnortllt'lon 'n~ "n'lÍr"nro>ant'l ',1t, 1cqtJlrari If" orr!er ~or U:o ":QP"'rt'~ent of ir.. ~Rport:H on to ":'ons ~er r.'vi~w1n~ It. ~()Mni5:1 onp.r l'olL'nd ~t.:1t"ò t:h~t ther" ,1r~ r'i',nty o~ .,rt1ul'\ctnts to r~opon thts Is,u., ~orl n" th~t onø woul~ be th~ ~tðt~lp' mor~l ohli~~tion to fulfIll th~lr ~o~m t~C!nt, ~d~tn~ that t~e proMise to the people was evidently IJn~or fl'll:'l" !"retensos. r:e note~ that .19 far as trl'lnsport.:1tlon Is ~onc"rn~rl, th~rC! Is tho mntter of police protoction, Jmbul:snce 30rvlce, ~nd firo protoctlon, which l.aves the health and welf.He of the peoplt' In jl"oparrty. I:. said that ~vøryon. wants to protect the ~nvlronment ~Ut, ðt tho Ø~Me timo, the live. ~nd property eO~K 013 rACE SI1 '.. ........ _..-.... - __ 0·.4 ..+ ._. - .-..... '19- 23 .- ....-- ._--_._---~. ...,. -- -.. 0_.,. .....__ . ..- ..- ._.... -., .._......_~."_..__.,,",,.....,_.-.~,.....« --- - ~ - - - - -- - -,- - - - - -- - -- -- - - - - - - -. - - -------'~;,:,{" aOOK 013 rACE 58B ,.bruery P, 1ge3 of the peoplo have to be protected. Commissioner Brown qu.stloned ir a lawsuit would be In ord.r, to which County Manlger Norman stated that, h.lor. a lawsuit, he would like to t.st the nftgotiatlon sta~e. Co~~lss10ner Holland moved, second.d by Commissioner Brown and carri.d unanl~oUlly, that Staff and Chair b. directed to gather historical data and proceed with contacts to reop.n ne90tlatlons for the tratlic lnter.tat. exchan9' to 1-75 at B.R. 29. . ~,." ~ G.ii!3 .. .........."'-"'""'.,..".-......-. . "'~__-.,,_·.""'_.,~"_W,~"~.."~., ...-"-..."......... ;11111 , ":~~ ,~,/ .. -. ".,.. - - -- ....... - - - '.... 0- _ _ _ __ ._ __ rebrultry n, ln~~ ...- - -~"- - - - -..-.. - -- - --------,-.,--~.' Item '22 DID '~30 RI CONTRACT .CDP-2/BP-2 MECHANICAL FOR BUILDING -F- AND BID '~"5 Rt CONTRACT .CDP-l/BP_7 MECHANICAL FOR BUILDING ftJR AWARDED TO ~ & I CONTRACTORS OF FT. MYERS IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,~90,800. BID .627 RI CONTRACT ICDP-l/BP-9, SECURITY EQUIPMENT, FOR THE JUSTICE CENTER PROJECT, DEFERRED L"'1al notice h-!'lvlnn boen published In tho ~!II!'les rJaUy News and ~¡ ,..'~ "'¡' 1. /~\':~ 'hI,> '.. ,J~. . ;..··'1 , ',~ -1 .~; '" tho Port ,"1yors ~rews rross on r-acemher 1':, J,)I\:', I.Ind f':Iecember 22, 19R2, IA ~vi~onc~d by ~ffldðvlt ðf ruhlication ffl~d with tho Clork, hlris . or/} r",ceivIH for '\lrJ 1/;10 r" Contr"ct ~Cr'iP-'/BP_:' '-1cchaniclll for ·'111.11nq lOr·, Pfrl 11;75 ro Contract 'CDf'-1/RP_7 "'ftchllnlcal for f.'uUrUnq ",. ~nd Pid '<27 r~ rontract 'Cf':lp-l/np_~, ~Qcurity !qu{pment for the J IJ ~ tic It C ~ n t ~ r Pro j ... c t., un t i 1 , r I) 0 T". ,~, ., .1 a n II II r y 1 e, l!) ~ ~ . Commisolonftr Rrown moved, soconded by Commiosloner Pistor and c~rrlød unanimoualy, that Blr! 1~30 re Contract ICDP-'/BP_2 Mechanical ~or ßuildinq "F" 1nd Bid 1625 re Contrnct JCOP-l/RP_7 Mechanic~l for ~uildlnq .J- for the Justice Conter Projoct he awardod to B , I Contr~ctor3 of Ft. Myoro in the ðmount of $2,~90,800 aa recommended by the Purchasing Director to b. in the best lnterost of the County, and ~hðt the Chairman bo nuthorized to sign and the Clork to attest the ~~9ultinq agreement and Old '627 ro Contract ICDP-l/8P_9, Security ::r'Julpment, for the .1ustico Conter Project he deferrod for 't l..at two aOOK ens PACE 59S ~l~eks to await the opening of othor bid packs to insure compliance with the budget. Hom t2J nEQUEST TO FILL VACANT CUSTODIAN POSITION IN THE BUILDING MAINTENANCE ,ePARTMENT - APPROVED ComølJssioner Holland moved, seconde'" by Commissioner Vo.a and carried unanimously, that tho requeat to fill the vacant custodian Position in the Building Maintenance Department be approved. Paql .. .--- ..~ -0- ._ ._~. . -_.,-,.........,"<.".~ aOOK 073 ~AC£ ð98 ------ - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- .'--- - -------------, February It, 19P3 Ite. . 24 UPDATED REPORT, RECOMMENDATION, AND PROPOSED LETTER or RESPONSE TO STATI OFPICIALS RE IMPLEMENTATION OF JOB TRAINING PARTNERSHIP ACT _ REPORT ACCEPTED AND CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN PROPOSED RESPONSE LATER Comal.s10ner Pl.tor mov.d, .econd.d by Commi..ioner Brown and carried unlnlmoully, that the updated report and recommendation b. accepted and that the propos.d l.tter ot re.pon.. to Stlte officill. re impl.mentation of Job Trainlnq Partner.hlp Act b. approved and the Chair.an authorized to slqn. "9.:;'1 :~ '" \ ~ "':,:·:'-;1·"i!' -------------------------------------~ ~ IE ~-,--",,·"'"'~·'........._-.',N,...._,...~_..,,_._~.~___L~..,.. _,._. _.. Tape IS Ite. 125 '. ,II" ··..,h , ."-;:~"". 'i.,"~¡ 'M~ '~\f~,t ----------------------------------------~ '",;>~ " ':,';otf . ,.I~: '1 '·i'!:..~11l ' . , ,_ _, ,ro'. ..~; , ',,'~'!I "Ií~ !NJ.~ ,~ .:~",, :;1' <fop, . " . ;1~ February P, 1983 RISOLUTION 83-19 PETITIONING THE LOCAL STATE LEGISLATIVE DELEGATION TO PRESENT AN AMENDMENT TO AOGREOATE MILLAOE PROVISIONS OF SUBSECTION 200.001, FLORIDA STATUTES TO EXCLUDE -SPECIAL PURPOSE DEPENDENT TAXINQ DISTRICTS- FOR CONSIDERATION IN THE 1983 LEGISLATIVE SESSION _ ADOPTED Commi.sioner Pl.tor stated that he has presented this proposed amendment to the r,t~te Association of County Commissioners In hope that he could qet their nuppnrt, adding that he would brlnq It up before the Board of Clr~ctors on Fobruary 9, 1983. Ife sðid thllt Henry Rill has don. an excellent jOb on preparing the backup material and the proposals to the le~lnlatlve committe.. Commissioner Pistor moved, .econded by Commis.ioner Vo.. and carried unanimously, that Resoltuion 83-19 petitioning the local .tate 1.gi.1ative d.legatlon to pr..ent an amendment to aggregate mlllag. provisions of subsection 200.001, Florida Statutes to exclude -Special Purpo.. Dependent Taxing Districts- for con.id.ration In the 1983 legislative ....ion, b. adopted. ~r. lIenry Pill, MlJnaqe",ent Analyst, 8taterl that he has been in contact with several counties around the state that are In favor and waltinq (or tho Ro~rd's action this d~te, addlnq th~t numerous depen- dont IInd npeclal dlstrlct~ of thr. M~T's around tho county indicated interost. County MlInaqor ~orman stnttd thllt there ha. been a Cenate 8111 introduced that would ~ccomplish this, but It would requlr. a County-wide roforendum. He noted th"t It would cost $4n-50,OOO to hold a special roferen~um, adding that this is needed in n.xt year'. budget. Clerk Reagan atðted thnt he has r~contly received tro~ the Departm.nt of Revonue IIn emorqency ruling r.latinq to the notlc., proc.dure., and collections of .p.cial a.....m.nt. that il effective thl. date, which will drastically chang. how the a....am.nt. -----.------. --- aOOK 071 PACES .._"'''_...._...,-...''''~,-,.,."'''.,...,".... ---- - - - -- - - - - - - - '- - ------ -- -- - - - - --------.;.1~' ·'t~a" lOOK rrra 'AtE 600 '.bruOfY ~. 1983 ,}I , , ·~1"· coUeoted, advuthed, etc. He stated that when " l1ghUn9 dhtrlct 1." :. oreated, for example, It would go through the normal process of being mailed to ðl1 people in accordance with the tax roll and the billing and collection process will be done by the Tax Collector and then turned over to the County. ~,'.' ~ I!III ....... ._'"-"'_._......_...-".".~-~-'''''''.-''"... ~:~;"~<t~ ' ," ,>.,\/"!. ';------ - --- --- ---- -- ------- - -- - - - - - --- ---~..:;., '~·_<I'·'....'~ ...bruory A, 1993 Ite. I2S RESOLUTION 83-20 PROVIDING POR PULL DISCLOSURE or PROPERTY OWNERSHIP CONJUNCTION WITH APPLICATIONS POR LAND USI CHANGES _ ADOPTED Commlllioner Krule stat.d that lor the record sh. could not vote lor this Item, ad~inq that .h. was more comfortabl. without knowledqe of the ownership of the land. Commi.sloner PIstor moved, .econded by Commi'lloner VOl. and carried 4/1, (Co~I'lioner Krus. opposed) that Re'01ution 83-20 provldlnq tor tull dilololur. of property ownership In conjunction with application for land U.. change. be adopt.d. BOOK 073 PACE 803 -_.,....._.__..,"'~,--,., ------- ---...-- aOOK 073 PACE SOl .- - -- .- ..- -... - -- - - -- - þ-- -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -.. Fobruary 8, 1983 Ite. . 27 REPORT ON rEMA ICMA SPONSORED EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SEMINAR _ RECEIVED , . received for the record. The report on FEMA/rCM^ Spon.ored r.mer~~ncy Mancgement Seminar was Item . 28 ROUTINE BILLS - APPROVED FOR PAYMENT Pursuant to Resolution 81-150, the fOllowing checks were issued through rridny, Fobrunry 4, 19~), In pnymenl of routin~ bills. CHECK DESCRIPTION Voucher Checks ItelDs '29 - '41 CHECK NOS. AMOUNT 92230 - 92464 $1,198,535.5~ BUDGET AMENDMENTS ~3-2~" THROUGH 83-276 _ ADOPTED AR FOLLOWS I ComlDlssloner Pistor moved, seconded by Co~missloner Holland and carried unanimouSly, that the fOllowing bUdget amend~enta be adopted .. Indicated In the amounts belowl Budget ~endlDent 8)-2~41 Budget Amendment 83-265r Budget Amendment 83-2661 Budget ~.ndlDent 83-2~71 Budget A.endment 83-2681 To reflect expondlture. carried over from 1981-82 fiscal year for Naples Cay, Parko Bond referendum., Parks , Recreation Admin. Section, In the amount of '527. To provide fund a for interelt paYMent of approximately ~5.00 more than anticipated, Rodemptlon of Long-Ter. Dobt Section, in the amount of $5.00. To appropriate Carry Forward per audit, Workers Compensation Section (nl.k Management) in the amou:.t of t713,48R. In accordance with Board's D.cemb~r 12, 19~2, direction to establish Immokalee cemetory as historical site and erect tenc., Immokal.e Historical Cemetery Section, in the .mount ot $',400. To provide funds tor temporary S.cretarial holp until State provide. funding July I, 19AJ, ~udg. Turner Soctlon, in the amount of $~,ono. .... -- - .- - ........ - - -'. .-- . " "i /.'<-,. '.9- 30 "',t: ;::,';:~;~~ u ___ _"______ ______________________ ~,' ~ r:æ!:J .. --....._,^,-""_..........,_.....,....,,.. ¡.~i:~ : ~ . ~-_._-- --~- ---.....--- ----- ----- -_._--.;,;,~ "'\~~ ";1:' ~ " ,.."..1'"., ¡,. ,';¡~ "'!'~ ',:·,··I~·f~", ~~> , ' '.' ';~~ :'J4 .. ~-... -,.. _. _._ _w· .._ __. ... ._ Budgot Amendment ~3-2691 Budget ~mendment 83-2701 Budget Amendment ~3-2711 ßudget ^menðment Q3-272, BUdget Amendment R3-271' ~u~qot ^mendmont ~3-"7~, Budget Amendment 33-2751 nurlget \mendmftnt 13-27~r February ~, 19ft3 To ðppropriðte balance of Crime :~ntrol qr~nt and rolated revenue., Crime Control r.rðnt 3ectlon, in tho ~mount of ~~,a'~. ~o tr~nsfor fundß ~roM Contlngencle. to rrovirlo for the Initial contractual P~yment, ~oldpn ~ato ~lro rl.trlct ~.ction, In thø ~mount of tl~,Ol~. '''' To ~pr.ropri3tA fUnd bal~nce for ~XP~nBe. orlqln~lly nntlclp~t.d 'or ~rlor years, but to hø paid in current YP~r, ~utldlnq T~prov~~entn Qectlon, 1~ tho ðmount of ~l?,nor. " ¡;~ 1'0 pro'/idQ funds from Carry Forward for purch~sos Qf equipmønt of ~72,OP~ ðnd r~serv~ ~~,~2Z remnlning balance, taw r:n'orC'nm~nt ~ectlon, In tho ðmount of !",r;,I\07. ~r~nsfor of !unrln fro~ W~t~r Mðna~ft_ ~ent ~pnrntlnq to ^quatic ~~od rontrol to prov ~o for oxpennes ~or office ~UPpli~~, ^1UJtic ~~~rt Control ~ec- tion, ~ the d~ount of ~~~~. To :-10rr> :\ccllr,Hf'ly pr01~ct cost of r~ntln1 T~M lnforM~tion processlnry cquip~.nt for Pl~CÐl ~~ar IOR~-P3, r.on~unlt.y ~v~lopment r.lvlslon ~ftice rectlon, in the amount of ~1"57. rot l~ftuinn ot 8levator licenR.., etc. ~hlch wan 1nðdvprtently loft out of IIrtontn(1 hU111ot, Pul111n1 ~alntenancC! '~~lnlßtr~tlon ~.ctlon, in the amount ,,( "1~(\. ~o rrovlde ~ud~et for centralized purchDsina or tir.. ðnd lubricants ðnd the r~lato~ rovenue ðCCOU~~ for ~1111nrys to us~r ~epðrtments, Floet ~ðn~~~mont Admin. ~ectlon, In the ~mount of ~lr,O,noo. " '" aoor 078 rACE ttn ......------- -.._-~..,. -.-......~_.._--_...- ._.~-_...'--.... .......- ......._-_.....__..~..,,-""""..........,........,.""",' ,"'Ii< '. '..~.. . , :.: .;;~':~J: ,,/:" .<¡..,~' - --- - - - - - - - - - - - .-- --- -- - - - -'- - - - - - - - ---- --..;.0.;, ii· Commissioner Kruse Indicated that the new comprehensive plan was to Initially be completod In a quick ma~ner, ~dding that this did not occur however. She stnted that roquostø for amendments to the existing comprehensive plan were suspended ðnd since the comprehensiv~ plan has not gone through in the quick manner tntonc1ed, It has re"ulted in puttinq Some people In an unfair position. She stated that she recommended that the Board allow anyone who has pr9vlously indicated In writing to the Planntn~ staff, ð wish to have a comp plan change prior February 8, 19f:!3 Ite. 142 REQUEST TO ALLOW THOSE PARTIES WHO INDICATED IN WRITING, PRIOR TO DECEMBER 31, 1982 TO THE COUNTY, A DESIRE TO INITIATE A PETITION POR A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT TO SUBMIT THEIR PETITIONS _ APPROVED to December 31, 198', bo allowed to do so. Community Dcv8lopment ^dmlni8tr~tor Vlrta stated that this was discussed by the Planning Boarri and they concurred unanimously. Commissioner Pi.tor moved, .econded by Commissioner Holland and carried unanimously, that the request to allow those partie. who Indicated in writing, prior to December 31, 1982 to the County, a desiro to initiate a petition for a comprehensive plan amendment to IUbmlt their petitions, be approved. Item '43 RESOLUTION 83-21 REAPPOINTING CHARL!S TURNER TOTA! HOUSING PINANC£ AUTHORITY - ADOPTED Commissioner Kruse stateð that she has a resolution which was preSented by Mr. Pickworth, reapPolntinq Mr. Charles Turnor to the Rousing finance Authority with an expiration date of August 3, 198~. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Comml.s1oner Holland. and carried unanimously, that Resolution 83-21 reappointing Charle. TUrner to the Hou.lng Plnance Authority and having an expiration date of August 3, 1985, be adopted. aD OK CJ7a PAct 8Z1 Pa'8 ,,-------- --- - - - '" ,-- -- - - -- - -- - - - - ----- --- ---,:-~., .. '...~",,-.~...,.,~" ,',..""'.,"'.....,,"..~ tence.. rebruary 8, 1983 It.. 144 STAr, DIRICTED TO BRING BACK TO '11IE BCC A TOTAL REVIEW 0' '1111 'ENCING ORDINANCE - APPROVED Commissioner VOl. Indicated that he had heon sent a picture of a ~t cyclone fence in front of a house, addlnq that It decrease. the value of people's property. He etaterl that he did not think fenc.. should be allowed in front yard. except for possibly decorative type Community Dovelopmont Administrator Virta stated that the pre.ent ordInance allowed tor a ~, fcnce until January 2, 1982, at which time the 1lmlt~tion was Chnnqed to 4' In the front yard. Commissioner Ptstor stfttad that he quest toned the Idea or a f,' fence qotnq h~ck to seawnlls on areas that have canals because the peo~le that live on the canal. have their view di.rupted, adding that the wholo f.ncinq ordin~nce n~~rl. to he looked into. Commissioner P18tor moved, .econded by Comml.sloner Voss and carried unanimou.ly, that Staff be directed to brinq back to the BCC a total review of the fencing ordinance. ..... The following ltema vere approved and/or adopted under the Consent agenda by motion of Com.issloner Brown, seconded by Commlsaioner Vo.. and carried unanlmou.ly. ..... Item t4 5 ßECOMMENDATION TO REORGANIZE DIVISION BY RELOCATING INFORMATION PRO- CESSING SUPERVISOR FROM THE BUILDING COD I COMPLIANCE DEPARTMENT .0 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION SECTION Item f4fi DEED OF RIGHT-Or-WAY AND EXHIBITS A , B FROM ATLANTIC LAND AND IM- PROVEMENT COMPANY CSID~ALK CONST./GOODLETTE ROAD) See Page. 628 thru 631 Ite. 14' SIDEWALK/BIKE PATH EASEMENT ALONG SOUTH COLLIER BOULEVARD PROM CrT! NATIONAL BANK OF MIAMI AS TRUSTEE aOOK 073 rACE 82S 'lqe3ï, ,"I; .>;"'~è. ------- --- --- --- '0_- - - - ------_ ___________ ---';';':"';.0;;;;.:" "'''''',·_···._,·,"'''...''·n'~'''''._,·..·,.....,,;- ~...., ".,.,__, áo~ ( {f13 fACE6Z4 February A, 1ge3 ------- ....- ..-- -- ~-- -- - -- ._~. --- - - --- -_._- -- - - - ------------ S.e '1ge. 632 thru 634 It.. ... 8 RIGHT-OF-WAY FROM ROYAL POINCIANA GOLF CLUB, INC. FOR INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT TO SOLANA ROAD AT FRANK ROAD Se. Plqe. 635 thru 636 Itell .49 BID '637 FOR ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS FOR TRINITY PLACE AWARDED TO BRISSON ENTERPRISES, INC. NAPLES, FLORIDA, IN THE AMOUNT OF $131,241.17 IN- CLUDING ALTERNATE '1 Legal notlco having been published in th~ Napl~o Daily News on JanuDry 7, 19"?, ns evidencod hy ^ffidavit or Publication filed with the Clerk, bidn were recelvori for Rid '''37 Cor Trinity Place Road Improvements until :'t 3n P."., J"InuIHY ''', 1!'''3. Itom 1 SO RECRUITING AND HIRING OF AN AQUATIC WEED CONTROL SPRAYMAN Item .51 BID 1632 FOR ROADWAY CLEARING AND GRUBBING FROM RADIO ROAD NORTH TO 310' SOUTH OF TH! CENTERLINE or GOLDEN GATE CANAL FOR PROPOSED SANTA BARBARA BOULEVARD EXTENSION AWARDED TO I , J ENTERPRISES, NAPLES, FLORIDA IN THE AMOUNT OF $7,285.91 AND BID 1633 , 634 FOR CLEARING AND GRUBBING FROM AIRPORT ROAD EAST TO THI WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF 1-75 IMPROVEMENTS FOR PROPOSED COLDEN GATE BOULEVARD AND FROM %-75 EAST TO S.R. 951 FOR PROPOSED PINE RIDGE ROAD EXTENSION AWARDED TO GOLDEN CATE EXCAVATING, NAPLP:S, FLORIDA, IN THE AMOUNTS or $22,552.80 AND Sl7,781.00, RESPECTIVELY. Legal notice having been publl.hed in the Naple. Daily New. on December 10, 198', as evidenced by Affidavit of PUblication filed with the Clerk, bids were rec~ived for Bid f~3? for roadway clearing and grubbing from Radio ROðd North to 3l0' south of the centerline ot r.olden Cate Canal for proposeð Santa Barbara Boulevard Exten.ion, Bid '¡;.3~ lor clearing and gr'ubbinq' from Airport Road East to the westerly right-of-way of 1-75 Improvemonts lor proposed Golden Cat. Boul.vard, and Bid '~34 for clearing and grubblnq from 1-75 east to S.R. 951 for proposed Pine Ald~e Road Extension, until '13n P.M., Januftry 6, 1983. ....-- -- - ..- -- ~~ ..... --- '-9' 34 ~, ., . ë"""'l, .'""01'1: " , ~ ......... 1113 :""-- -'-------- --- -..- ---------------------....:.---, : I~~/ ~. """"'''-'''-''- February R, 1"83 L _ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ ____ _ ____ __ _ __..:.~ It... '52 STATUS REPORT CONCERNING FISCAL YEARS 1979 AND 1980 CETA AUDIT Ih. '53 MRS. BIRNEY MILLER REAPPOINTED FOR AN APPROXIMATE TWO YEAR TERM WITH ^N EXPIRATION DATE OF DECEMBER 31, 1984, AND MRS. KATHY GRAHAM APPOINTED FOR AN APPROXIMATE TWO YEAR TERM WITH AN EXPIRATION DATE OF DECEMBER 31, 1984, TO SERVE ON THE COLDEN GATE COMMUNITY CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTU. Ite. . 54 MR. VINCENT MURPHY REAPPOINTED AS A DISTRICT 4 REPRESENTATIVE WITH AN EXPIRATION DATE OF DECEMBER 31, 19841 MR. nENRY L. CABALLERO REAP- POINTED AS A DISTRICT 2 REPRESENTATIVE WITH AN EXPIRATION DATE OF DECEMBER 31, 1983, MRS. PATRICIA ANN GOODNIGHT, REAPPOINTED AS A DISTRICT 5 REPRESENTATIVE WITH AN EXPIRATION DATE OF OEC&MBER 31, 1984, AND MR. E. GLENN TUCKER APPOINTED AS A DISTRICT 1 REPRESENTATIVE WITH AN EXPIRATION DATE or DECEMBER 31, 1984 TO SERVE ON THE PARKS, RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD. Item '55 MR. LEWIS COLLINS REAPPOINTED WITH AN EXPIRATION DATE OF NOVEMBER 30, 19A41 MR. BOB LUMBRA APPOINTED WITH AN EXPIRATION DATE OF NOVEMBER 30, 1984, AND MR. THOMAS SHEA APPOINTED WITH AN EXPIRATION DATE or NOVEMBER 30 1984 TO SERVE ON TnE FOOD ESTABLISflMENT REVIEW BOARD. Item .56 MR. CHRIS HANCOCK AND MISS JACKIE HARGROVE REAPPOINTED TO TWO YEAR TERMS WITH AN EXPIRATION DATE or DECEMBr.R 31, 1984, TO SERVE ON THE OcnOPE! rIRE CONTROL DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Item '57 CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CERTIFICATES OF CORRECTION TO THE TAX ROLLS AS PRESENTED BY THE PROPERTY APPRAISER'S OFFICE 1 ')70 TAX nOLt r:.F.') l/lYA3 19f!f' T^X "OLL ~OA - r,07 F.Of.l lIlV~, l/lA/AJ )9Pl TAX ROLL (,07 - 'i09 I/IJ/~3 19R2 TAX ROLL PP.RSONAL PROPERTY TAX ROLL eO~K 073 rACE_ ---..........~.""-,-,._'^. February a, l~a3 -- ----- - - -- -_. - - - - - - ---- --- -- --- - - - - --------- .OOx 073 fACE SZ8 1982 - 2010 19~2 - 241-'42 1/'1/!!3 1/?'4/83 19R2 TAX ROLL "54 - or, 47~ - 4P,0 l/l3/P3 - 1/']/83 l/nle3 ttelll 158 RESIGNATION OF MR. WILLIAM D. ~EITH ACCEPTED rROM THE GOLDEN GAT! COMMUNITY CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE, APPROPRIATE LETTER or APPRECIATION TO BE SENT, AUTHORIZATION GRANTED TO ADVERTISE FOR N~ MEMBER Itelll '59 LA~E TRAFFORD MEMonIAL GARDENS CEMETERY DEED NO. 333 ACCEPTED rOR RECORDATION Su Page 637 Item '';0 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED Thore bcinq no objection, th~ Ch~lr ~lr.cted that th~ following corre8pondenc~ be !11erl ~nrl/or referro~ to the various departments a. Indicated belowr 1. Memo from Department of ComMunity Affftlrs dated January 2n, 1983 re notice of fund availability through the Community Services Block Grant for local projects to a.slst low-incom. individuals. XCI Mr. Norman, 'iled. 2. Letter dated J~nu~ry 17, 1983, from Department of Transporta- tion regarding the flnanci.l po.ition of Collier County's 80' portton of Secondary Trust Fund (Second r.al Tax - 5th and ~th cent) at Decemh.r ~1, 1982. XCI Mr. Norman, Mr. Hartmftn, Mr. CUes, Filed. 3. Letter dated January In, J983, '(rom Department of Transportation req~rdin9 the fl~anc101 position of Colll~r County's Trust anð Agency Funds (Bond Funds) at ~cember 31, 198'. xc Mr. Norman, Mr. Hartman, Mr. Gile.,· Filed. Copy of Public Rervice Commission matter regardln~ amendment of Rule 25-9.51, Definitions and Amendment of Ru1. 25-9.52, Cenerðl Suhmittal Instructions. '!led. . 4. 5. Copy of letter dated January 21, l~83, from Departm.nt of Natural Resources re~ðrdin9 draft agenda for Collier County Board of County Commis.ioners requestln~ iSDuance ot as-year leas. of parcel, C~xamba. pa.s, Marco Island, to be utl11..d as commercial docking facility. xcr Mr. Norman, Filed. 'Iq. -- -... - - - -- ~.- "- -.- - "'......,~':', ~ "-:, -.' " C!!:I l1li , . ~::~~j~ ") ':~\ ,,. r -.- - - - - ----- - _ _____ _______-:\:" " February 0, 1983 I ~. Permit No. CO-67, Perm1tt.el Union Properties ot Southw.st Florida, Inc. c/o Bruce D. areen, Permit to conatruct Ivlmminq pool, wooden deck and pool storage !ðcl1ity. (Caa. Orand., Vanderbilt Beach) XCI Dr. Benedict, Filed. 7. Permit No. CO-59, Pum1tteet Sunset House North Apartm.nts of M3rco Islan~, c/o Anchor r~9ineerlnq. Permit for construction of concrote bulkhead, toe-scour revetment an~ placement ot SI!Ind fill. XCI Dr. Benedict, Filed. 8. Perr-lit ~!o. ^ CO-fil, permitteer Deltona _ M~rco Properties II, Inc., c/o The Deltona Corpor~tion. Pinal or1er for tho filling of oXistlnq depres.lon, removal of sinqle ca.aurlne and veqetation, roveqetatlon and construction of olev3ted beach/dune walkover. (The Surf Club, ~arco l~land) XCr Dr. Benedict, P'Ued. 9. Departmental Reportl rftceived troml A. Collier County Public Library, Dec.~ber, ]902 B. Plðn Implementation Department, December, 19IJ2 c. Coll1or County Socl~l ~ervico., October ~nd November, 19~2 . . .. . .. .. * * There belnq no furth~r business for the qood of. the County, tho me,ting ~as ðdjourn~d hy 0rder of the Chair at l2ln~ ~.M. .' .... ROARD OP COUNTY r.O~Mr~SIO~eRS/EX OFFICIO GOVr.RNINO AO^RD(~) OF SPECIAL OIST"ICTS UNDP,R ITS CONTnOL [/?t~l1:{;7 R~.1r..n ecc on *~''''J' ~~~~~; J dl or as corrected. presentod 80~ ( 07S fACE 127 "'_M"<·",··.""""",_,,,,,_,,,;,