BCC Minutes 02/22/1983 W
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~apl.s, Florirlð, February 22, 19~3 .
LET IT Br. nE~r.MAF.RED, that the Ooard of County Commi.sioner. in
and tor tho County ot Colllnr ~ot in WOR~BHOP SESSION at th8 Courthous.
Com pi ox, East Naples, Floridll, at llsIn lI.m. on this date with the
fOllowing rnembors prftsentl
CI1AIRI\tANI MarY-F'rances Kruse
John A. Plator
rroderick J. Vosø
C. C. ""~d" Holland
ALAO PREDENTI ~linor~. Skinn~r, rcputy Clerk, C. William Norman,
County "fon,'c¡cr, rnute n"rt'l1l1n, Public .....ork!J ^dministrator, Robert
Dunivan, Trðf(ic rlðnnor, ~ich501 Kloehn, rJannin~ Oiroctor, J~ffory
Parry, MPO nlrector, l.r^CO ~p"ulrlJnq, ^dmJnistrfttfve ^frle to the ~ard,
and ~øputy Chlef Raymond Rarnott, f,h~rfff'R Department.
ProScntntfon by Florida repartmftnt of Tr~nsportation nnd
\A'ork3hon on St.,tc '!1lJh"''''y I'-ork Pro':!rllm for ~oll for County
f.LIDr. rnE:sr.}Tf'Trm~ RY F'LOnrTJ^ nr.rMTMr.NT C'P' TRANSPORTATrOrl Rr. ~T^TE
IIIGH"'^Y '''OR( rn()r.nA~ pon ('('ILLU;n COUNTY ANn OIRCUfHnm.¡
Tape .5
~r. \"11J1nm rowlt'r, CJf tho <;tate r'opart",ent ot Tr~n8por..tl'ltion,
proSnnted ð nlld~ pr~30ntl'ltJon raqnrdfnq the preS~nt conditions of the
Stðto n~twork of rOl'lrls, t'e manner In which th~ MOnfty f. allocl'lteð for
the hlQhw~y proqram, ~nd t.ho nOT's obj~ctlvoa wIth r~qard to how money
~111 ho ~pp.nt In th19 pr07rDm 1n the futur~.
~r. Fowler rQ[~rr.d to two ~apø on ~n overhol'ld board with rod
fndlcatln~ wh~t w1ll hDpp~n to the road proqr~~ ~urlng the next five
years if ~.hor" 1s no (,nrlitl(¡n.,l rftVftnuo <'Ind qre..n fndlc.1tinq wh.t would
Pðq. 1
&O~ U73 f,\t{ 159
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~o~~ 073 fA~f7ôI/J FebrulIry 2~, 19C3
happen wi th new money. II" d1øtr ibuted an abbrcvillted hllnfi-out which
showed what l~ in th~ work pro9r~m with new money, adding that the
sheet does not contllln th~ jobs being donp wlth eXisting r080urceø.
."~ ,
.~ j
Tape tG
····Commission~r Brown left tho roo~ at 11s3n 8.m. ðnd
r~turned ðt !ls5~ ^.~.....
Mr. F'owlf'r ref"rred to th~ ,.....pn 1.IncJ expln1nerl thllt thO! work on
s.n. 29 in II reconstruction jOh anrt ~ill bQ donn wh~thcr Monoy i$
recelv~c1 or not. Ill! FJ/\ ir1 thnt th~ rOM! wIll hc movrc1 ð"','JY froM the
Cðnl\l IInrJ till' lllno!õ wldoner! to stM1<1.)rd lltnf' ",irith. Hr! reforred t.o
bridq~ r"r~ir IIn~ r~PIDceMPntn, tr~rfl~ filnnnlr, ~nd intnrnnction
improve"'~nt~ on tht' milp!;. II,. 8nl(1 th",t IIlse !Shown IIrn Some pUblic
trðnnport~tion lIn1 ðviOllon imnrOvCMPntn, arlrling that tho~o will bo
d«-cfsionø thet lec"l qovt'rnm~nt n(tf'd", to m"k~. Iff.' said that s.n. <)51,
from U.~. ~l to Mnrcû IsI<'lnd, in £h~wn hy Ð qrpt'n 11no which reprQapnts
ð Sot CJf conr.tru~tion pl<'ln~ whIch the n~T proposes to prepare Cor that
stretch of hlgh",nv lr nrlrlltionnl r~v"nu" i~ forthcomln~, addln~ that Ie
no r~venuc ls recf.'lvod, that typo of capacity jOb around the Rtðto will
b. virtuIIIJy non-nxlnt~nt. He Ðairl thllt, other than Interstate, only
bri~~e ropðir/rePlace",ont, resurfðcing anrl reconfttructlon of roa~8
which h~ve detoriorated b~yond tho r~8urfðcin9 point "'f11 be done.
~1r. fowler said that, ror .chedul1n~ ðnrt production purpo..s, aome
ph~.es of S.r.. ~Sl nrp. nho",n, ðdrlin~ thnt th~y ðre coded to h~ dono
with local funds, ðnd thllt thoce locnl fund~ ðre n bond/toll project.
He explained thllt, typicnlly, whe~ the Stðt~ selJs hond~, the roa~ I.
built ~nd ð toll 1$ chllrqorl to r~tirr. th~ honds, ðnd that those bonds
ðr~ s"cured hy lJ pled(11' of thf' CccCJn:1 (flit: tð,<. IIr sðið that with thn
pag_ 2
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rebruary '-~, 1~~~
proapcct of the ~OT only boing ~bl. to take c~ro of ~n, of the new
r::ðfMcity neods I)rClunc! the .O::tllto, thi~ wou11 h. th9 only "IIIY, Ovon with
~dditlonðl r~venue, th~t n.n. ~51 ~ould ho (our-lnneri.
RospOnrtinlJ to Con",inslonltr fll~r.CJr, ~'r. rowlC'r ~ltirf that th~
rlY-CJvor brlc111!' ,1t 1.I.!ì. 111 'nri ¡"'w1~ f;ouIQv.Hrt ~.) low '1rfority
~rojoct ðt this ti~~ on the wClrk 113t, 3ddin, th~~ ~n CJrrlor of nagni-
tude coot osti~~tc h~ft haon don~ on it. CClrnmi33ioner Pistor ~ðid that
, tr.,rt'lc !.hn.,l I!J """doc! .n 1"11ryln" l'c'u!S :)nrJ U.'1. "1 "nd lUlkoc1 what
tho ch~nc~ø ~rQ !Qr t~11~ li1ht to h~ ~rJ~~rl to thC' ~roqr~m ðnd Mr.
"owlor :iðlc! thH, until It I::; known ....hltt the l.er.J11JIDturo r'oen, he would
~~~lt~t& to ~~k~ ~ny ~h~n1o~ In tho work prOQfllm.
CO~~lS81on~r ~I~tor ~~irJ h~ ~oulrJ 11ko to ~~~ thp. 5tltte nove on
~.ecurlnt' th" $.n. °'il rir,ht-or-wJlY "'''(ore reopl" bet'fn to huUri on both
'~1rltHl of t~" ro..,,. "r. f'oHll'r ',,"II(! th"t ~.,~ rir~t thin" th'.lt '!lust bo
:ono Is to o~t.,Jn .., "~"i'1n to know ")(lIctly "low ~uch riQht-of-wðy is
.'~'J(r('c1 "n-l ttH'n ~hl'r(' '''''JIII:! ~)(t '1C1,.,,. (Ptlcln.. "Iv"I!.,hlo ror tho ~ounty
'nd tho :tðtr> In orr:lr.r to:.. ~rOtoct :)01110 of the ~rCl".rty rro", dltvf!lopnlont
!lthor ":~roll'h :':onlnq r~!HrlctionH or r>lJr~r3A" COMmfs!'Iionftr Pfstor
1,irt thnt, if th~ ~.n. ~~l ~ro1~~t I~ ~on~ with toll non~y, thon
(·.'der,'l "'onl'Y ~,'nnCJt ~~ tJ~C'rf, ':0 ....hlch "'r. ~owl('r "f1rond.
····r:'CJII1,..lot'llCJn<:'r :'rCJ"'n l~'ft th" r(J(I~ .'t. 1ì:(',; !'\.~'....
Corn~lnsiCJn~r "C¡:3!1 "~I("rJ ''''hnt c-flterl!\ 13 (11"" to (':(.'t4.'r~ln. ....hether
or not :I ro.,(~ Hl10uld b.. rcl,ul1t ..,nn ·'r. rowll!r :),'1:: tho o:'ondition of
th. ro~rl ~nd ~ð(oty.
~l}sponrlln'1 to ('O.,mJ:::~iCln<,r "011.,",." Mr. rowl"r1~id th.1t tho con-
3tructlon rl~ns ~rc nropo~.d to he rlono with 5t~te qas tn~ funds it
ao~~ 073 FACt' 761
F'ltq. 3
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&O~~ 073 PACE 762-
February 2', 19CJ
additional revenue Is provideð, hut that the ri~ht-of-WðY nnd con-
struction rOftllRticðlly w~ul~ b~ rionc by n bond/toll pr01ect. He .aid
that presently there is l\ toll I'Inr! revenue> f:tudy th"t woul~ be ~ood
enough to u.~ to mnk~ ^ decinlon t~ starl th~ proc~a~ of ð hond/toll
projoct "'hllc tho conBtructlon pl~nn nre b~in~ completcrl. RÐøpon~in9
to Commil'lcfoncr Ifcdlðnd, County Mnnaqer ~'or~l':"I ~(llr' th..,t thl! OCC woulð
pl.dq~ " portion CJ( tl1l' ~th nnr! r,th cC'nt a~!": tnx tC'! bnct; up thr. bon~s,
In Ctlse th~ tolln "'rrc not ð1~~UAt~, which would not rpquirr n
reforenduM. IIO"'~ver, h(' notl'ri thl!t hClnd!! hnvo ðlr(!A~Y h~~n f:~1(1
IIrHI J net t h c' !i t,/) /I n -! f' t. her. n t (' I" r: t 1I~: .
~r. Norm"n onl~ that ho hnA lnformðtion thnt the proposnl goin~ to
the l.ð'1isllltur,.. 1~ thl'lt till" n,,\oJ 11M'! t,llX funrltl C'CJu}r! not h~ rlcc!ge~ for
bondR, hut "'~uld he r.trlctly on ~ "pay-a~-you-go" hn~ls, to which ~r.
Fowler rosp~nr!o" th..,t th.. proposal "{'fClrf' th" L":('Ihl"tur(' Ie thllt I,
centa "'111 he tllken Away to he repJac~rl wft~ II salce tðx nnd th~
Countleo will be allowed tCJ impCll'lo, with CJr w¡thout n rc'or~nrium for
any transportðtlon purposo, two c"ntc and thlR would not he restricted
to ·P~y-IIr.-yoU-"o".
k.øponrlJng to CommJøsionr:r IICJJ1I1n"', Mr. P'owlor explaine" that once
D year it "'oulr! b~ determinod what tho avorag~ retaJl prico is or II
gllllon of gas In th~ StAte, which wou1~ be th~ basp numher used (or the
p~r qol1on pr1co, that the estimllteð consumptfon or Qaso1ine Cor thft
coming year "'oulr! he ~ultipli~" hy th.. price and thnt ~. 0' that amount
would be computed an~ ð per 90110n price would b. cðlculateð bas.d on
tho tot,,) lImount end that per qallon pr ico wou1rt he> iMpoeec1 on the
distributor for ellch Qðllon of qðO sold (or the co~ing YOllr. ComMiø-
PlIge I
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r~bruðry ~2, 19R1
sioner lIoll.:lnd stðtod, for tho rocord, that trom what he has bun told
by tho locnl r~t~il dealors ~8ftoc1ation, the majority ot tho members
teel that if tho tax i. ~oing to be raiøod, It should be raised 1, ",
or 3 centn ~s nOCos8ðry rother th~n to try to ~o into thft compJic~ted
!ormulð. Mr. Fowlor oaid th~t the reaRon for the percentage tax rathor
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than per 1allQn t~x 10 th~t future nflnti~n ~nrl futuro ~rowth connot
bo tokftn ClIflt of with .1 (lðt tax bflCnUB'it the tax would have to bo
lI,",justod ~"'~ry two or thre!o Yt"'H~ ..,n" the ~tl)t~ 13 trying t.o ,et .3way
from d~lnq that Ovory other y~ar.
nltspondlnq to ('omr~dn.ionor lIol1."nd, ~r. f'owlor flald thllt tht!
aecond brld,. over th@ r.ordon nlver is in tho .nme ~atoqory ns the
fly-over brl,",q~ ~nrl ift not In the !or.sft~"'bla (uturo. ~omm1.sioner
lIo1J3nd r..,id that he! unrlorfttood thðt orl'7inally t.here wns to be...n
Itntf,'nC,. t.O T-7t; lit 'i.R. ~", hut that no", th"r~ 1:1 not <7ofnq to ho one
th<trc. ~'r. Fowløf 5...1rl thðt thoro wor. cI'rtnin contrnctual arrantte-
..---......--... .-. - _..
/:Iont:) nbout ~ho .1c~ens thoro but th.,t, If T-75 is built to interstate
~tand~rdn Jne! int~rftt~tP. ~onny is used, tho~. 8t~ndard8 raquire that
th" /lCCtH'S .,(\ !1t"vllr'!'ly limitorl. III) 9tateti thctt tha r.nvlron!:lental
lmp~ct ~tðt~mont thðt hðS heen ~pprov~d røqulr.. that thorn be no
nccoss CJth~r rh~n to ~nd from the ~orth ðt tho rndi~n reøorvation
botlu'en tho toll ~1ooth9. "r. rowler :':.!id thðt thø connoctions by tho
oil cOMp"n1pn nrc hy r"ftrr.tlts which clttllrly :Jtftt~ th~t '''hnn tho State
noods to clos~ thð ðCc~S8 point, It will be Cl08~d.
~~r. "or~"n ;'ISk~d, it' rlurin'1 the ~i3c"l Yl)lIr b~~lnn1ng July 1,
]a03, ~hf' <;t.lte ~(pects tCJ .1c:'}ulro 'H~,ono,ono Worth of ril'ht-oC-way
for t-7~, In the [01lowln1 Y~IIr ~~~,~oo,ooo Worth ot riqht-o(-wðy and
paq e 5
8(J~( 073 'Acc,763
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eo~~ 073 PACt 764 Fohruary 22, 19P.3
in tho thr~~ years following that $80,000,000 Worth of ri~ht-o(-way, to
which Mr. fowlr.r reRpon~ed ~(fIrmðt1vely. ~r. Norm~n aðicl that thore
is no mention of any construction during that period of time and that
h~ hðs been ~dvi.od that the convcrø1on of ^lliqðtor ~ll~y is one of
the lant interstnt~ projects. H~ ~Bked how importnnt it Ie that the
fitatc hegins acqula1ti~n of th~ ri~ht-of-wny to construct fntorøtate
stnndard" within the next ycar, tû which rr. Fowler snld thnt th~ ~tðte
conøldern it Is l~portllnt becllu9~ It ie n ~ûod faith effort wfth the
Fodernl Government tln:1 f'N!erlll 11fc,h",.,y ^dr:1!nl~trðtlon to convln~r thcl':1
th~t thr ~t~te ~ ~~rl~u~ nbout d~inn rOM~~hln~ thrr~ nn1 not h~v~ them
·unil~terðlly tðk~ it or( th~ .yst~~".
Chnlrmnn rru~~ n~1rl, for th~ r~corrl, that th~ PC~ "'oul~ continue
on "'hntever level nr.~~ßuary to ohtnin an int~rchnn~e at S. n. '0. Mr.
Fowler n~l~ thnt th~ Sl~tr ~f Florid~ hns n contrnct wIth th~ Federal
Covcrnment which snyø thnt there "'ill hr no lnterchnnoe ~t ro. R. 29 and
that, in urrt~r to chnn~~ that, It would almoot hr necessary to start
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Commissioner VORr. onid that, if therp "'ill bp. no acceOß b.twe~n
the toll boothr., in the ~vont Or an accIdent emerqency vehicles might
hnv~ to 90 as much ð8 ~~ Mil~8 to ~~t to the ftcene, to which Mr. Fowler
said thðt the ~tat~ recoQnlz.s thllt probl~M anð th~re may be emergency
vehicl~s stntion~d lit interIm points, ~~din~ that th~ St~t& ia look1n~
ðt t.h is probl ~rn.
Tape 17
~ðp1eG Cft~, Council!:!l'In Rothchild ßðlc1 that the City Council 18
inl:or~stt'r1 in hoth the.- fly-over hrfdoe 'In" th,. hridgt' over th.. Cordon
rag.. fi
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February 22, 19~3
River and h. aSked, in ord.r tor it to be clearly underltood, if what
Hr. Folwor il s~yin9 is that, the only way to achi~v. thol' projects
would b. by . bond ilsue?
H. sU99.lt.ð, it this i. 10, that the
Commission and the Council realize this and that the hond issue should
be startød aa qUickly as possible. ~r. Fowler said that the bond issue
in what he recommend.. Responding to Mr. Rothchilrl, ~r. Fowler said
that it the City and County would go to a bon~ issue, this would not
adversely affect any other money that would Come to this ar~a from the
Nllpleø City Councilman Schroedor laid that he (eels the Legisla-
ture should take into account when it aets up the additional tax that
It it turns out to b~ ð ~a.ollno tø~, it will not be deductiblo by
ta~payers but ",ill he called an excise tax. Mr. rowler said that
Reprosentative Gustafson, Chðirm~n of the t~une Transportation Commit-
too, has indicated to him th~t, If the salo. tax il impOI.d, it will b.
donu in such a way that, if it Is pO..ible to get. toderal income tax
dOductlon, thorn wIll be ð way for the citizens to deduct that from
their Income taxos.
Thoro being no further busineas to Come betore the Workshop, the
meeting wan adjourned at l'-I)r. P.~. by order of the Chair.
Pa9. "I
&O~~ 073 ,PA11£ 765