BCC Minutes 02/24/1983 S ....--.--..-.. ~..' . - .".~ . ... ...- cnAIRMANt Mary-Francftl ~rule VIC!-~TI^InM^Nt Oavid r:. prown . . ,; . " "..' ~ , ','t f.\~~ - - - - - - - .-. -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -:- ~ -'"'7;!f:;~ ~.. .apl.., Florida, February 24, 1~~;'~ LET IT BE RF.MEM~r.Rr.D, that in accordance with Action taken on February 22, 1983 the Board or County Commie. Ion or. in and for the County of Collier Det in SPECIAL SESSION on this date at 9,nO A.M. In Bul1dinq .,. ot the CourthouA. Co~ple~, r.a.t ~apleø, Florida, with the tol1ow1n9 member. pr..entt John ^. rløtor C. C. ·Rð~· ~o11and ~ASENTs Fr.~erlck J. Vo.. AL~O PRESr.NTs J~~ð. r:. ell.., Fi.cII cttlcor, r.llnor M. Rkinner, o.puty Clork, C, Wll11~m Nor~an, County ~anaqer, Burt L. Raunder., County "tt<.rney, trv!n'} ('ertC/n, lItlllth. ^dmlntfltr"tor, Nell Corrll1, ruhl1c r,ar~ty ~dmtr.i'trðtor. ~n~ ~~ncy rsra41son, "d~lnl.tr"tlve Secretory to rhe ~o~rd. eO~K 074 PACE 01 , .-:- I:" ...-----_._''''''........,,~'''.~"''.~,..'''.''"_._'''.,. '.' ........_-~~,_..,~ Tape .1 Item. .1 and '2 BID 1627 - SECURITY FOR BUILDING -J- - AWARDED TO HARRY C. PARTRIDOI . SONS, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,284,500, BIDS '~2~ AND '631 - ELECTRICAL FOR BUILDINGS -J- AND -f- - AWARDED TO MADISON ELECTRIC IN THI AMOUNT or $1,944,300 Logal notice having been published in the Naple. Dally News on Oeoember 15 and 1.2, 1~82 and in the Fort Myer. News Pres. on December 15 and 22, 19R', as evldencod by Aff1dav1tø of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids wern received for aid .~27, for tho fabricati~n. and Installation of socurlty equipment, Rullding .J., until 1.,on P.M. on January lR, 1983, and bids w~ro received for Bldø .~'-~ and 1~31, for the construction of electrical systems, Bulldinqs -J- and -'., until 2100 P."". on January lP, 19A3. Public 5af~ty A~mlnistr~t~r Dorrtll sal~ th~t, as of this date, approximately AO' to n~' of tho Justice Center project has bAan bid and ho roferr~d to the Executive ~ummary re~~r~lng the cC/ntracts for security ~nd olectrlcal sY6t~ms and noted that ther. are comblne~ bid awar~s for Aulldln~s .J" ~nd "r- to realize additional savings. ne Btat~cl that thoro was also nn analy.is of the previous bids that have been oren~d ns well ~g an ~n~lysis of the oriqinal budgot prepared by tho Construction Mannq~r, the contrnct awar~ and the budget condition on tho r.xecutlve ~lJmm"y. fie slIl,., that, .H this time, the "r.neral budqot condition, nnticlp~tinq that the structure hid will be awarded within thA next week, Is approximately 2.4 million dollars undol budget. He said that on Fehrunry R, lq~3 staff "dvised the BCC that they had some concernø with ðWðrdln~ bids for securIty nnd electrical systems, lit that time, bocJuse the orlqlnal security was over the historical hudget that had been Allocated for that. lie ftxphined that the Construction M~naqer and he revlewod the .pecificðttons ftnd vere nble to achiov. approximately $195,000 In additional sav1n98, and that, :.. ' . &O~~ Q14. PACE OS p',te 2 '; :,:}?:~,~~,:~ _ _ ___ _..__ __ ____ __ ____ ._____~..;.FJ~), )~j~~i'" ."'\,,1. ",., ~~.'~ ...~ ":::8~{,, ---------- - -- - - _.- ...-....--,.,-"'_.....,,'""""...-.~"""~."~".~" -. ~,~,"'~." .,,<_..~~-~,~'. ·1 Fehruary 2A, IPB3 .; ;(~~ " l'. , - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - -.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~-~~ ," '~ " ~~'" ,..t~.I·ilh <"'~ --:,./ '~1 ,~,.1o:1 '. \/t~~ , '~~~ ~' ",. eO~K 074- PACE M- ataff is recommonding, In order to .avo time, that the bid. b. awarded .... . but, throuqh the ðeduct chango ordor process, that the actual contract price. be reduced approximatoly ~19~,OOO. ~r. ~rrill s..,id that when tho !un~lnq was created for tho proj.ct the 80Ard provided tor an Owner'. Contin~ency of S~ and that, with one exception ot appr~xlm"tely ~~o,nno in provlouA reported numbers, that OVner'. Continqpncy ha. not been u.ed an~ th~ .~veral million dollars are still availablft. He said that there is alRO a " tn-Pro~r.s8 C~ntlngcn~y !~r err~rs and omlftsi~nø which, for the most part, has not been used. H~ expre8AP~ his ~ppreclðtl~n t~ th~ C~n8tructl~n ~~na~er for his hrlp, addin~ that he felt the ðrchltect h~n shown ^ dili~ent e[f~rt t~ h~lp the pr~1~ct. Ho ftal~ thr project is ~n cchedule and that .tatt recommendation Ir. that as th~ lowest and r.sponsible bids [or security ...nr1 ei(!ctrl~"'l sy~te!r.s, th" bid be ðworr1el! t~ Henry C. rartric1Qe, Jr. and ~~nl, Tnc., ~ N"w Y~rk flrll\, In the amc..unt o! S2,,,q,~OO (~r thr 5"curlty ftyatomø an1 to "'1Ir 15~n rlf'ctr!c In the am~unt of Sl,9Al,JOO f~r the electrical syatomr.. R.spondln~ t~ Co~ml.sl~nør rist~r, ~r. Nor~ðn explainftð that thft major .avlnqs c<.m. (rom th~ structur~ hids which have be~n opened. Co~I..loner Pi.tor ~oved, seconde~ by Co~~I..loner Holland and carried 4/0, with Co~ml..loner VO.. Ib.ent, that Bid .627 for .ecurity for Building .J. be aWlrded to H. C. Plrtrldge and Son., Inc. in the a.ount of $2,284,500 and that Bid. '626 and '631 for electrical .y.t... for Building. -J- and .,. be aWlrded to Madiaon Electric In the ..ount of $1,944,300, a. reco~ended by the Purcha.ing Director to b. the lowe.t re.ponlible bid in the be.t intere.t of the County, and that the Chair.an be authorized to .Iqn and the Clerk to atte.t the re.ultln9 a9ree~ent.. CC/unty Manager Norman explained that ataf! ia In the final pha... '-90 3 , _....______"4·'~'__ _ ._w_.._. . - ...~- = .. - February 2A, 1983 - - - - - - - - - - - - - .- - - - - - - - -- - .....- -,-..- -- - -- - - - - - - ..- - - -.-. of preparing recommendati~ns to the acc on Ðdjultmente to the current year" budget to deal with the shortfall in the sales tax. He Bald that approximat.ly $400,000 will nood to be projected of the savln9.. from the Ju.tice Center Complex to be used to elimtn~te the shortfall, a. far a. the debt service requirements or the bond issue are con- corned, an~ possibly ~. much as ~4~o,noo next year, unlo.. there Is ~ dramatic turnaround In the lules t"x picture. 11o said that the fC/llowlnq ~hroo lto~s W4ro elimlnAtod from tho original bl~ packag' in the interest ~f .cC/no"y an1 that he 13 preparing recomm~ndation. for the C<.m~ls.1<.ner8 to consld.r: 1. Remod.llnq of the Second Floor of ~ulldlng -A-. 2. 'n'Ie ",lid.,.., pre"blrm, lack e"f C}0e,,(1 te~perature control and ventiJatlCJn, ~nd ll~htlnq In Rulldlnq -A- pluø the proble~ of InAd~quðto control e,,( outsl~~ Air. 3. Ronov~t10n of the ~aln n.rvlc~ "lectrlc~l ro~m In ~ulldlnq -^-. ~r. ~or~nn .~i~ thðt, since th~ run~~ Are avaliahle, he feels thoso thre. Items should havo prie"rlt'l 1n tf'rmll o( h<.w the I'IClney Is con~l~ðr~~ t~ ~e u~~d. ItOID t 3 WORLD TENNIS CENTER WATER AND StwER rACILITIES ^CCEPTED WIT" THE CONDITION TH"T, IF TilE UTILITY REVIEW COMMITTEE RECOMMENDS THAT BOLTED ~ANHOLE COVERS BE REQUIRr.O, TnE DEVELOPER wILL INSTALL TR~M rounty ^tt~rney r~und~r3 oxpl~ln~rt th!t he had reque.t~d the docl1'l1e"n c..n IIIccC!pt.'Incp of th" ":or!/'! Tennis r.~nter wator and .ewer fðcl1itlC!. be rr"c..v~d frc..~ th~ Fehruary ", laq~ ncc agenda becau.e of !'10m. ~1ftlcuitlos with Romo ~Inftnclðl ~t~tel'lonts that werft recorded ilqalnllt the water ond :tower r.,cll1tlcs. 'Ie s,dri that he hall received ~søur~ncos rrc..~ ~r. ~Ich.,r~ ~rnnt th~t thClsO I~C fll1nq. h~ve been removed And th~t, ~s far a. the do~ument~tlC1n In concerned, tho County Attorn~y'ø offlco 10 satisfied with the trJnafor. eo~~ cnt. PA~E 05 p8ge ~ - - - - - _. -- - _..... ,- ~ .. -- -- -- .,- --..- -. - ---- ...-- - -- -..- ------------ -----"---,""<>~."....,--,. ,. ..- _.~ -~.. - - ~ -- -,. ~ ... -- - .-. bO~~ 074 PACE œ Utilltlel ^dmlnlltfltor Rerzon explðfn~rl th~~ th~ World Tennis '"' februðry 21, 1~n3 '... . Center projoct wftspres4ntod tor ~o"r~ con~ld~rfttJon durin~ the p~.t two weoks nnd th~t, ðurin~ that time, fiel~ in8roctlon~ hnve been Made, tho plan!! hllv~ heen rC!vit'wcd Itn" (1c.cuMent.,tic.n h.:\G h'i!'cn s~cur(!r1. H~ ~ðlð th~t, with ~nr pxc~Pt1c.n, nt~fr h~5 nc. rr~ble~ with the project. lie explained t.hl't ttH' r/rinlnill r!eRlnn dro'l\'lInt1r. c.!111~·J ~or four ml!lnhol~ covers tc. bf' rrCl\'l~jf.r' \;i~h hc,Jtr tc. oeClJrf' H'c covrrl 1n their poøltlon lInd tc. rrClvIr11" ff.r .. ~r'...) ",,,...!n!1t ,~ny unrpl'or.clnr-hl,: lI!!IClun~ CI~ w~ter onlcrin.,. f ,' 9:d" t'¡'~, I! f,urfllcc' wrtt'r "Ic.,." l:Hrl suc·! oncnlnqr., t h ~ r ~ ð r C' !J .. v,.. r ' I, ( f " ": f , t.. r UII' t r "!' ." t: .., r. n t c., rH' c It·, rl f the " Y I!I t e... . 1/1) s"ic1 thl't p,.. Åf,~\'jri'1" ,'rrfC....,,-4 h"fc..fr tl1, fjn~] drll...·1n"!:- '1!rl sho'" that thl~ tY¡H' c.,' ,,"~'¡('¡' I"',.\·,"'r·' ,",'c,(I1" h·, Ir~~'l Jr·, "r!dln" t~ II~ thr~ recC/rcJ du'....lnq:::, rrp~.'~tI'-1 .'It':!n ~~H' !,'I'I~t twv ....eckr., did nClt cc,!"t.'ly Io,ith thl' flpf'clfl~r' typ.· (,~ ('"( ·...·r'. ·'r. Hc'r1.v') ~'.¡: U'.,' tl't' rllff"r('ncl" ~"·t"",,,.r, thl' tYJ'It- c.! cover thllt i ~ t h (' r r. 1I n (1 t h', t y, of (, feCI V f' r c t r. r ( h lJ ~~ r f' <" U C r. t (' r' I!'\, lJ C C <. r d 1 no to the M~nufnctur~r'B ~t~t~m,.nt, ~rrrClxi~ntr)y ~r~.r~ p~r cover, Ad~ln~ thðt the tc.tnJ ðMClun: wClulrl hr npprc.x1~~teJy ~:5C.On. H~ sal~ that, In his jUdqmcnt, thc' lc,cnt ~n!': nec'" tho hc¡}t~c1 ~anhcdl:' cc..v.rs nnc', for the recc.rd, he nc1v1Bt·r thr. eOllrcl thtlt thfty ~rc nc..t thf're, ð!\ c.( this date. Mr. r1lJ Cllrtc.n, o( ~ilson, ~il1er, e~rtc.n, Soli ~n~ Poak, repre- ønntln~ the p~t1tiClncr, flftld thnl, in h1n oniniCln, thC' holted m,nhole COVfro lire nc,t thl' ls~uc, but rÐthrr th.. iøsut' if; whethC'f the Aonrd or Cc..unty Co~m1ø&lc..ncrR ha~ extendo~ the ~uthority tc. ~r. ~erzon to .et County pedlcy. It,. slIid that hI!: flro:'! h~r' not "ftllr~ c.f hoJter' I!\"nho\. cc.vrra as II typic..l in IIny prc.joct until those plans were submitted t~ tht' Utility nopart~ftnt. flo ulc1 thl't, when his tlrl!\ uk.~ if thh t~ öf covcr wa~ ~olng to bo County policy, the response WIIS ðfflrmative. "0 ø~l!1 thllt c,:'1 thl& prc.ject thcorf'l io II dðstqr. h19hwQter twenty-Uve, pag. S ,.- - .....- _. - - ....., .... ~~- .~- ~ ...........- ._~ ,..-. -.- -.. - .-. I!.!I ~ """" _......_."..~-~,~-"~..'"~"...'...,....., M________ -------------- ......' . ,\.,..,; . '!'¥' "':~l .,¡~ ---_._-_._-~--------~~ ; i<;1,J "~';;J:, "",~~t.: :t':.~~·.t' ,", J.., . ':' ~'''', it; J Jr!fIt: .:4\ .. ,'~' '·"ì :.tC , "'~ , ,.; Pebruary ,,~, 1983 year, throe-day complex storm elovatlon ot 11.~ teet and that the minimum rim olevatIon ot any manhole In the projoct IG 12.~ teet or 4/10th. ot I toot hlqher thin the twenty-five year storm, which will approach a fifty yoftr frequency, Iddlnq that, approximately once In fifty y.ars, the low.st manhole In the project mlqht be .ubjected to inundation and some infiltration. He suhmitted that bolted manhole covers will be an -absolute ~Irqe· to r.ollier County becau.e of the malntenanco IInd utety probhm. involvef!. Ite explained that a manholo cover weiqh. approximately l~~ pound. and descrlb~d how one I. instal- le~. He said th~t ~nother probl~m with theso coYer~ Is thAt, In order to make the ~y.tem w~t~r-tiqht, It Is nlso ma~e air-tight which means that the sewer ~ð8'8 aro s~~l~d In the entire 8Y8tO~ which presents sa hty hazards. ~r. Aarton r~fnrrprl to 3 pr.c M~.ting verhatlm re~lIrdinq Hldeway ~.ach wh~n Commi8Blon~r Voss IIftked If there I~ a stðndard In the County (or all thinQs th~t ~ny pro1cct thllt ts undert~k~n ~ust meet, tc/ which Mr. ßerzon ~~ke~ if he meant with regard to water ðn~ sewer and Coo- missioner Vtl~S rospond4HI aCtlrmðtlvt'ly. "'r. ~arton said that fIIr. ~erzon rnpliod that -the otðndar~ may not be ~odlrie~ In a single central location hut thoy lire eøtabllcheð in VftriOUÐ loc~tlC/n~ and probably ono or the thln~o Wft h~v. to 3rldrr.s. very quickly is puttinq It tC/qethnr In the (or~ of 8 manual t~ h~ "~opt.~ as an ordinance, but the question has np.ver bean ~ne of n~t knowln~ what the Ten Stlte. Stand~rc1!\ lire, 'oihich 1s what the C~unty tollC/ws not knc:.winq what certain criteria are for even wator ns woll as sewer de.l,n. It'. been a cas. C/f s~metimos hðvlnq uncert~inty ~bC/ut where it actually i. spelled out, but it Is spnl!ed out.- ~r. Pftrton submitted that nowhere II it spelled ~ut that holted Manhole covers are a standard ite. In the .anltlry Sewer construction system. eO~K 07~ PACE rn paCJe I --- -- - - "- -_.- -- ._. " , __~___ - - - - -- -- ------ --- -- --- - --- ------ ----~..,J' 'eo~~ 074- PAtE 08 February '4, 19B3 Mr. Barton read the !~llovin~ from the Ten St~te. Standard. which refer. to the .uhjectt -W.tertlqht manhole coverr. aro to be u.ed wherev.r the manhole tops m~y h~ floC/ded by stroet runoff or high water. Locked manhole covers mftY be desirable In isolnted easement locltlon. or where vandaliø~ may be a prohlem-. He said that there are ~any ways to solve infiltration problemø in manholps other than bolted manhole covers and th~t requiring the~ II .Imply anothpr policy that i. heln'} perpf'tr"t.d without any pUblic Input. flf' Bðl~ thllt iC the Ati floc Committee, authorized to cre~tÐ n sot of rfqulntlonl tor .ewer deslqn, recommonds thAt th~ ~tandard will b~ bolted m~nhol~ covers, his client will ch~nq. the present cov.rR to hC/lted manhole covern. H~ .aid that If the ordlnancv dopn not requIre them In projects of this type, they will be lett as they are. Mr. ~erzon r.ferred to the dlscu~~ion rp,~r~ln~ IIIðewfty Peach and said that he had prefernnceð his ren~r~. by .aylnq that the County is wC/rkinq to the ftame ctan~ard. to which thr. State of rlorlda Dr.n works which la the Ten 5tate. Standards, adding th"t he has deliberately tr led to stay ""WilY from telling consultinq pnqlnoers how to literally desIqn their prC/jectli, so that they hecome draftsman rather than the type of consultantI'! thllt he Is accustomed to working vi th. He said that if there was pro pe r maintenance, the County employee. will exalline the locationft and If there Is øomethlng wrong they will put the~ in the proper fashion, Adding that the gasketl, to which Mr. Barton referred, are qluo~ In so that only the c~vftr comes up upon removal and not the qasket. Respond1n9 to Chairman Kru.e, ~r. eerzon .aid tha~ the DE~ requires that, in th~ judgment of the Jocal authority ir any of the provisions ot their cC/de are appropriate, that I. what i. u.ed. ø. .ald that the requirement tor bolto~ mðnhol~ cover. occurred well over one and a half y.ar. ago when the Utility Department advl.ed the ,age , - ____ _ _ ~._ __ _.. __ __ .. _ 4_ .. -- ....-...-.- ------------------~.....-:--Št'~~~~: " ~:,'(.' ";.,,,',j ~ ~ ~ ~ -----"";....","".,.,,...',. ".- '-''''''--'---'' -^., -- - - - - -.. _.. . - -.... -. -_.. --.. - .. ... . ~------------_._------- ------...- -~- ------ -------.-,;,'~ February 24, 1~8~ consultants who submitted plans that the Derftrtment would be requ1r1n9 water tiqht ~anhole covers hecaus. l~rger ~mounts of rainwater Vft. qettinq into the system which was almost a direct correlation between vh.n the system was first huilt and the ~~dltlon of new developments to the sy~tem. He said that, in three out of four ca.ft., th. manhole. are sitting out in unqradod ðre~s, ^ð1in~ that thore is nothin~ on the drawings th~t tells what the flnlshod ~rðde elevation is ~olnq to be. He said th~t, when tho tino c~~~s when the devftlopers have to do qradlnq to hrln~ the ~r~un~ levels up to the final deøign condition, someone m~y h~ rðC~~ with the possihlllty of havinq to In.ert I rln~ which would cost almost twlcp as mu~h as the a~ount ot money per manhole. Ch~irMan ~ruso ^sknrl ~r. r.arton If he atöod by hi. stat.~ent that, If the Committe. rlev~lvr~ hvltcrl m4nhol~ cov~rs ~s a røquirement, his client will ·hðC~ up ~n~ ~ut them In-, to which ~r. AartC/n r..pondod afflrM4tlvply. Shn ^Hk.~ ~r. ~ðund~ra If ~r. ~arton c~ul~ be held to that, to which Mr. ~ðun~eru r~Arúnd~rl Artlr~~tiv~ly. Com.i.sioner floll,,'\d ~I'ov&d, .econded by Commissioner Brown and carrle~ 4/0, with Commissioner Voss absent, that the World Tennl. Center Water and Sewer ~acilities be accepted with the condition that, It the Utility Revlow Committee so recommendl that bolted manhole covers be required, the World Tennis Center will Install them. Mr. Rerzon ^skerl, rrqar11nq f~cilltle. thðt the County will he takinq ov~r, if thð consult~nt'8 doslgn Is not adequate is .taft supposed to wðit until ~he ~ommitt~d finishes their r~commondation., to ".pe . 2 whIch Mr. Norman s"id th~t Is nn i9su~ which will h~ve to be ðddr....d as part of the ~t3ndðrrls that ~r. hoin~ devoloptd. Chairman ~ru.. .ald that she felt thts is A ~atter of interpretation, th. 8amO a. it 1. on &O!)« 07+ PACE 09 pa9. 8 .,.- -...... --",---~""---~"..,"-"_....."~...",,,,",,.., ~~.~.--.._..-_.. '):,~~ ,,;,(r~~: ~~-------------------------------------~~~ , '~ ¡,.~~. . a~K 07.4- 'ACE 10 February' 2', 1983/;' the Building Cod... She aaid sha felt that the Bce Val waiting to .ee what th. Committee says shall be required. Mr. ßerzon asked If ther. .re difference. of opiniona, until the Code is adopted, if the Bo.rd doe. want to be made aware or th.m, to vhich Chairman ~ruae ro.pondeð .ffir.atively. Mr. G~under. 'Iked Mr. Grant if he would provide the orlgin.ls of the UCC ðocu~ents, to which he ~~ree~. Ru palJea ~t!l not recei'Jt'l(1 as of 3/1I/R3. , . . . . Th~re belnq n~ furthrr bucineas to come bofore the Board, the ~.etln9 was adjourned ~t nl!~ ^.M. hy ord~r of the Chair. "TTEr.TI WILLI"M J. Rr.AC^N, C.rr.R~ I BOARO OF ~OtP'TY COM"'I~f;ION!RS/r.X OFFICIO e~VER~INC BO~nD(S) or !>PECI^!. DISTRrCTS UNOF:n ITr. CONTROl. presented x ð by tho "CC on Ml\rch IS, lQq3 or all cc.rrected .. . . 'I. paq. 4' _ _ _ _ _.M. _ _... ... _ _ _._ _ ... __ _ .__.~-------------~------~--~ I!!!J ,.... .....