BCC Minutes 03/08/1983 R
. , , "
Hapl..., Flor1t!a, ~areh 8, 1983'~,:¡¡;
LET IT B£ REMEMBERED, that the B~ard of County C~~ission.r. in
and ror the Cuunty ~r COllier, and also acting as the 9oar~ of Zoning
Appea!. and .. the 10verning board(s) of such special districts al hay.
been created according to l~w ant! having cunduct.d busine.. herein, met
In Re9ular S'..lon un thl. date at ~Ion A.M. In eUl1t!lng -,_ of the
Cuurthuus. Cumplex In East Naple., Florida with tho foll~wln1 momber.
CI~rnMAN, Mary-rranc@8 Kruse
VICr.-CHAIRMAN, Oavld C. Ar~wn
John ^. Pi IIt~r
Frerlerlck J. VOSft
r.. C. -Red- Hol1...nd
^L~O PRP-SENT, william J. n~aqan, Clnrk, JamOIl C. Ciles, 'Iscal
Offlc.rt r.llnur ~. r,kl~ncr, reputy r.l~rkt r. william Norman, County
/oIanaqor, nun L. ~aunrlt'r!l, County "ttClrney, r.dw...rd c;",lth, Assistant
Cl.lunty "'lIn~qert Irvlnq ntltrrun, Utllltlos ^c1mlnl!'ltrator, "nute "art",an,
Public Works ^rlmlnlstrntur, Torry Vlrta, Cummunlty Develupment Admlnl-
stratuf Neil Delrrl!!, P\Jb!1c ~.hty AdmlnhtratClr, Le. Layn., rlans
ImrhmentcHlun Dlrocttlet Chrh !luU.y, ^dmlnlltratlve Asshtant to the
Cl.lunty ~"n""(H, Cellc" ~PlJuldln'1, "d'dnl~teðtlvo ^lctlt ttl the Roard, line!
~puty Chlof naynund narnett, Shltrl!r's PepartMlnt.
'. .
aDOK 074 _ 91
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Mðrch P, 1~8'3
Co~ml.s10n.r Vos. moyeð, seconded by Comml.sloner Plstor and
carrleð unanimously, that the Aq.nd~ be approyed with tho fol10wln9
1. Chanq. ~^t~ r~ apnruvnl uf ~Inute. trum March ,~, 19n3
tv FebrulHY 217, PH':1 - C"unt Inu.d to March I ~, 19P 3.
~. Itrm 5^, rruc!~~~tlun rp r.ndan~~r.~ 5~~~I~n Awnrrnel&
We~~ - Tu h~ h~ld nt ~,3n ^.~. thl~ rtat~.
1. It"", ((]O), Pt-tlUun ~I"_~'-\C', Wurlti 'I'cnnlr. Ct!lnt:t'r-
Cl.lntlnu.~ t~ ~^rch ,~, lap,.
(. Item ~^ r~ ~ntrr Pun~ R~'lnancln~ CUM~ltt.~ r.port _ .rtdft~.
OJ. fte", (1(';11, - Jnt"rl,., runtrl'lct ~1th PI.IUZzl/Hf"t'ry rr watcH
r 1 II ~ t - ð,.4 , ..", .
~. Jto,., In~ - nrsulutlun r~ fluorl .!~v~tltln _ ^tirtc~.
Item .2
'o11o~lnq the read~ng of the Proclamation, co..S'.loner Brown
ItOved, I.conded by Co.mlasSoner Vo.sand carried unanll1Ou.ly, that the
procla.atlon de.lqnatlnq March 12, 19ft] ·Scout-ooodvl11 Coodturn Diy.,
b. adopted.
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aoOK 074 PACE 98
March 8, 1983
It.. .)
Oftlcer Riverla, Napll. ~lice Dtpartment, Isau.d -Iubpo.na.- to
yariuu. peClple r~ardlng contribution. to the East.r Se.l Socllty in
the form of a cake to be auctioned at eoa.tland ~all on March 21, 1983,
or a contribution of 825.00.
It.. 14
Legal notice having been published In the Napl.s Cally N.ws on
January 2n, 198J, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with
the Clerk, public hearing va. opened to con.lder Petition ZO-ß2-15C,
filed by the !oard of CClunty C~~ls.loner., reque.tlng an a.end~.nt to
the -A-2- DI.trlct by adding alphalt and c.ment proc.salng plant. In
conjunction vlth e.rth mì~lng actlviti.. al . Proy1.10nal U...
Plan. r.ple.ent~tl~n ~lrector Layne .xplalned Petition ZO-82-15C
h a request by the BCC for an amendment to Section 7.', the -A-2-
Diatrlot, addlft9 that Qt:rf va. direct.d by the Board to study th1.
type ot u.e .. a te.porary ba.l. and only in conjunction with an
IxlstlDq or propo.ed .arth .inln9 actiY1ty. Sh. .ald th.t the u.. 1.
non-proyl.10n.1 and Would r.qulre indu.trial Ilnd us. on thl
:~. CoIIprehen.ive Plan and thin a relon. to Indu.trhl. Sh. .aid thlt the
CAPC .nd IAPC held their public hearings on Octob.r 21, 1982 Ind
rebruary 23, 1983, re.pectlv.ly, and Mr. To. Pe.k reque.t.d thlt thl
language be changed to -.anufacturlng ot a.phalt and c.ment product.-
rather than asphalt and cement proc...ing pllnt.. Sh. slid that both
the CAPC and IAPC r.cCl~~end.d torwarding the petition to the Board for
approval al amlnded.
. .
PIIt· )
March It, 1983
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Co-.ls.1Qner Rolland a.ked If the proplrty II locatet! oyer on. of
the mo.t vital aqulter. In Collier County, to which Chairman Kru.e
explained that the Item that Mr. Peek la reprl.entln9 1. I~ located,
aðdfng this petltlCln II to allQw asphalt an~ cement proc...1n9 plant.
In part of the ~rlculture Dlltrlct as Provl.1onal U.e. Co~I..loner
tJuUand said he could not .ee allowing provhlonal U.e when a peU-
tluner 1. 901ng Into an Industrial operation without concern for the
water .upply that I. the Naple. service In the area In que.tlon. He
said that, In his ClplnlCln, there are enough oxcluslve home.lte. In the
area and that, with the two-Jane hlqhway which exllts there, to add.
cuuple ot ~ore ~anutacturin9 concern. he could not ... where the
reCClmmendatlon tor approval com.s trom. M.. Layne .ald that thl.
reque.t 18 nut tor a particular piece ot prClp.rty at thl. tl.e, adding
that the petition to which Commissioner Holland ret.rred has not been
reviewed. She explalnerl that petition I. to put Into the ordinance the
language tu allow any pl.ce ur property to do thl8, adding that later
the particular petition Wguld have tu 90 thruugh the WHA8, EAC and
Clther agencl.. tor the hearing.. Relpondlng to Comml.81oner Holland,
M.. Layne said thst the petitioner tor the property t~ which he refer.
cannut qu thruu?h the agency reviews unless there 1. something In the
I.Irdlnance that would alluw him to apply tor that clasaltlcatlon.
Ms. ~yne said th~t there was a petition submitted for a Oo.pre-
hen.lve Plan change tCl Industrial and rezoning tor Indultrtal and that
the BCC considered It and directed .tatt to look at It, and th~t rath.r
than have Industrial zoning vhlch would allow the 75 to 80 ule. which
Industrial .IIClv., to limit It t~ this one particular u.e, If thl. II
what they vllnt.
CI.I~mlssloner Brown .ald he wa. oppo.e~ to any conltruction of In
a.phalt plant ~ver the aquifer end Comml..loner VOl. agre.d, adðlnq, In
80~K Q14. fACE 99
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à~~K 074 PACE 100.
March 8, 1983
a~' ..
hi. opinion, water II the ~ost Important re.ource In Colll,r County and
h. would not want to do anything that -,y.n b.gin.- to make It easi.r
to put In a plant that ~Iqht c~ntamlnat. the wat.r.
"r. To. Peek, of Wll.on, Miller, B.rton, 1011 , P.ek, r.pr...nting
the petitioner, explained that In July 1982 hi. fir. wa. employ.d by
C...nt productl ~rporatlon, which ownl l~on acre. on the north aide of
the o.vld C. Brown Hlqhway, known al the Mu1. P.n OU.rry. H. said that
the cump.ny ha. a plant In Pin. Rldg. rn~uøtrlal Park which 1. on a
ll~lted pl.ce of prClp.rty and that they d..lr. to move that pllnt, at a
future date, to the ftforementlon.d l~OO .cre., .ddlnq that his fir.
pr.p.red · ·PUD- relClnlnq .ppllcatlon to provld. for thS. plant on CO
.cre. ~f the atore..ntIClned 1600 .cre. on the Int.rlor of the prop.rty,
SO that It would b. .urrounded by their property .nd buff.r.d froM all
other .djacent ar.... He 1.ld that In order to proce.. the -PUD-, It
wa. n.c.I..ry to h.v. a Co.preh.nlly. Lind U.. Ch.ng. .pproy.d to
Indu.trlal, b.c.u.. .n Indu.trlal ·PUD- c.nnot b. put on the property
und.r the curr.nt Co.preh.nllv. PI.n .nd thSa w.. .ubaltted through all
of the r.vlew bo.rdl and ca.e before the BCC for .ctlon. ne .ald that
the 8CC continued the petition and directed .t.tt th.t a .or. .ppro-
prl.t. way to d..l with the .Itu.tlon would not b. to change the
Co.pr.h.nlly. Plan and h.ve a CO .cr. pl.c. of Industrial property In
the .lddle of property ld.ntlfl.d on the Co.pr.hen.IY' Plan al r.s~.
d.ntlal, but r.ther to put a Provl.lonal U.. Into the ordinance under
the ·A-2- cat.gory .0 that, by following the Proyl.Sonal Va. applicl.
tlon, · per.on who h.d . pit that produced .at.rlal. that would b. uI.d
1n .anufactu~lng, could .pply for. Provl.lonel U.. and that the .eritl
of th.t ca.. could be con.ld.r.d. HI .ald th.r. would be A nu.ber of
lifeguard. b.caus., to get a Proylslonal U.., th.r. ar. Ippr~xi..t'lY
t.n It... which h.ve to apeclflcallY b. Id.ntlfl.d, a apeclflo
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March 8, 19"3
'lan .u.t be had, and all of the id.ntiflcation. of what will happen on
the sit. .Ult b. don. In ord.r to hay. the .ppllcation approY.d. H.
.aid u~n dlacontlnuance of any ProYl.1~nal Us., It would b. re.oY.d
and the" Compreh.nllv. Plan Would not hay. an Industr!al us. Id.nU fi-
cation put where It did not b.long_ He said that the action tak.n on
this petition Would not approye any particular provl.lonal U.e, edd1n9
that hl1 fir. 11 qQlnq to fl1. fur a Pr~vl.lonal u.. on the C.m.nt
Product. Corpgratlon'. prop.rty.
~r. Peek referred to the comment. regardlnq the aquifer and stated
that thl. .St. I. the loc~tlon wh.re a productive aquifer for fr.sh
water h.. been Id.ntlfl.d and the ..tter wa. r.f.rr.d to the Blq
Cypr... Ba.ln Board who s.nt a l.tt.r which h. paraphrased as .aylng
that the u.e of a concrete batch plant on that aquifer would nut b. on.
that they would con.lder to be a potentl.l .ource of contamination.
Re.pondlng to Commls.loner VCla., Mr. Pe.k laid that the applica-
tion that va. lent to the Bcee va. the orglnal -PUD- subml.llon which
had provl.lon. for a cuncrete block plant, a c~ncr.t. batch plant, I
pipe plant and a r.ady-mlx a.phalt plant and all ~f th~.e u..s were
r.vlewed and, In ....nc., the lett.r from the BCSB .ald that there WI'
not, In their opinion, cClnslderatlon that the.. u..s vould be a pot.n-
tlal .Clurce fur cont.mlnatlun. Chairman ~ru.. said that the BCC he.
, .
obtained an article In a new.paper r.lat.d to Alachua County and that
Caln.svlll. ha. r.celved contamlnatl~n In their drinking wat.r from the
wa.te pruduct. Clf an asphalt plant and .h. offered ~r. Peek a copy of
the It.m.
, ,
During the fClIIClvlng dl.cuIslun, MI. Layn. responded t~ a qu..tlon
fro. Cummllalon.r Holland by .tatlng that there are .lx ~r .even
exl.tlnq pit. ~n which Som.on. could apply for the Provl.ional va.,
IddlÐi that all the pit. Ir. located on -A-2- land. County Attorn.y
aOOK 014 1AC£101'
074 ~ACE 102
'~'"'' '.
"'arch R, 1983
Saunder. ..id th.t, und.r Chapter 7.26, the manuf.cturl"9 plants ot
a~ph.lt .nd c.m.nt are ProYlslonal U.e. .v.n In the Industrial DI.trlct
so they ~uld have to co.e back to the RCC. Chalrm.n ~ru.. .tat.d thlt
pres.ntly tho.. ite.. would not be permltt.d Provl.lonal UI' In In
^9riculture District.
Attorn.y Pickworth, r.pr...ntlng Krehling Induatrie., lpok.
regarding the fir.'. conc.rn in .ann.rs In which the lonlng on I plee.
ot land, In the I.nle of the per.ltt.d u.e. on that lind, I. go1n9 to
b. changed Clth.r than the normal .~nn'r pr.scrlbed by the County %onlng
Ordinance, b.c.uI. an Industrial Us. would b. allow.d on agricultural
l.nd. H. .aid hll fir. b.ll.ves that the BCC .hould b. concern.d Ibout
. ;
the prop.r way th.t Provisional Use. should b. u.ed.
Tap. . 2
Mr. PlckVCIrth said th.t th.r. I. an ....ntl.1 dltf.r.nce b.tween
loc.tlng . church Clr sChoCll, etc. In I resld.ntl.1 .r.a and trying, by
use of a Provl.lon.l UI', to locate an activity which I. the proper
subj.ct of a .eparat. llnd u.e cl...lflcltion In an Ir.1 wh.r. It would
oth.rwl.. not b. permltt.d. He .ald thlt it II hi. und.r.tandlng thl~
the l.vel of review to which a Pr~v1aiona1 U.. applicltion would be put.i;~,
.,' .:
Sa 1... th.n th.t level of UYiev 1f th.re wa. an .ppUeltton for 1, ..' ""AI
. ';, ·'f',"
Indu.trl.1 %onl"9 or IndUltrlal ·PUD·, adding thlt thl. would
be I rath.r crucial qu..tlon.
Mr. c.org. K.ll.r .ald that
orlglnat.d 10 th.t the P.opl. In
> '~ .,'
that wa. n..ded and he a.ked the
. ~ ''',it .
· parUcuhr aUI could c¡.t I ..rvlc....,~,
Board not to open up I ·Pandorl·' .... j>i..~~
. .' ~j'. ~i{ll,'... .
on Pr~vlslon.l Us., .ddl"9 If on. PU I. c¡ranted then .11 will hi.' to
be approved.
M.. Layne .ald that Provl.lonal Us. go.. through the ....
procedure. of .taff and advl.ory board review a. oth.r aPPlication.
, ,
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Mnch A, 1983
with the only dltforeneo b.ln9 that no public hearlnq bef~r. the BCe II
requ 1 red .
Co..ls.1oner Holland ~oved, ..conded by eON~I..loner Brown and
carried unanimouslY, to clo.. the publio hearing. Co..ls.loner Rolland
aoyed, .econded by Co.ml.s10ner Vo.. and carried unlniaou.ly that
Petition ZO-82-15C, requesting an a.end.ent to the -A-2- DI.triot by
Iddlng a.phalt and ce.ent proce..lnq plant. In conjunction with earth
alnlnq actlvltle. a. I Proyl.lonal U.., be denied.
····RECESS' 91]0 ^.~.
Rr.CONV!NEDI 9143 A.M.....
Ite. 15
~r. ~c~ull.n entored the Aoar~rClo'" with Trccker, ~ cClug.r.
Ch.lrm'n ~ruse read the Pr~clÞmatlon ~o.l~n~tln~ the w..k of ~~rch 12
thruuqh '0, la~, al -r.ndðnq~r.~ qp~cl@. ^W~rono8. Week-. Co~I..1oner
Brown .oved, seconded by Cum-ll.loner Vo.. and carried unanl~u.ly,
that the Procla.ltlon be adopted.
~r. ~c~utton th^nkørl tho r.ummlftaloners ~nd ~ol!lltr rClunty for the
Procl~matlun, ~ddlnq c'ovornClr Graham has .tlu proctal~.rl thl. we.k a.
-£ndan,ert'11 ~pocl." ^w.reno.. h'eek- fClr the ftatt.' of F1~rld.. ,Ie
referr&d tu varluus evnnts to bo h.l~ ror the h~n.tlt Clt the ~ndanqer.d
ot whit II rll.lrlda panther tCloks tike.
Species ~·ullndðtlon. He :'lair! thllt TrftckOltr, ,,, Month" utd, 18 an example
····REC£SSr 9r49 ^.~.
nr.CONVENED, 1010~ A.M.....
&O~K 07' ~ACE 103
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March e, 1983 :
It.. "
TO APRIL 12, 1983
CO..SlaSOnlr ,lator .oved, "cond.d by Co..la.toner Rolland and
oarrled unanlaoully, that Petition Z0-82-18C, Coaaunlty Deyalopalnt
Dlvl.lon, r.qua.tln9 an a..nd..nt to Section 8.38 of the Zonln9
Ordln.nc. r.quSrSn9 th.t 9uelt hou.el have on. aer. of land Whether
attaoh.d or detacbed, b. contlnu.d to April '2, 1983, at Itaff requ..t.
I tea "
22, un
Co..laaion.r Plltor aoved, ..conded by Co..I..loner YO.. and
carried un.nlaoully, th.t the public h.arln9. for A9.nda Ite.a 'C-l
throU9h 8 be withdrawn and r.advertt'.d for March 22, 19.3.
Ita. II
fO MARCH 22, 19.]
Co..I..10ner ,I.tor .ov.d, ..oonded by Co..llaloner 8rown anð
carried unan:aoully, that Petition lo-.2-1C, Norld T.nnl. Center
A..oelate., r.qu..tln9 an a.end.ent to the PUD S.etSon of the
Subdlv1110n Re9ulatlonl to allow the ad.Snt.trltor to wily. plattlnt
requlre..nt. for PUD'I lubjeet to c.rtaln Itlpulatlon., bl contln~~ to
....reh 22, 1983.
It.. '9
Co"SI.loner Plator .ov.d, .eeond.d by Co..I..loner Irown and
carrl.d unanlaou.ly, that the adoption of an ordinance to r19ulate
water and .ewer uU UU.. .nd the cr.aUon of .
oontlnued to ....rch 15, 19.3.
. IOOIC 074 _IDS
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aOOK 074 'ACE iDB
It.. 110
March t', 1983
Leqal notlc. h.vlnq b..n publl.hed In the Napl.. Dally N.wa on
r.bruary 15 and 22, 1983, a. .yld.nced by Affidavit of Publication
fll.d with thl Clerk, public h.arlng WI. contlnu.d from Dec.~b.r 2Ø,
1982 to c~n.ld.r the creation or Coconut Creek, Unit Thr.., P.vinq
AI......nt DI.trlct.
Public Wc..rk. Ad~lnl.tr.tor Hartman .xplalned th.t, wh.n the
r..ulutlon to ..tabll.h the Coconut Cr.ek, Unit Thre., PaYlnq A....._
Ment Dl.trlct caMe up prevlou.ly, there wa. con.ld.rabl. dl..9r....nt
by prop.rty own.r. a. to how the ......m.nt .hould be paid and the
.mount or the ......m.nt. ~ .ald that, by working with the own.r.,
hi. d.part..nt ha. reduced the propo.ed ICOpe of the work and yat
.tayed within C~unty guideline. tor the pavlnq and that the ........nt
a.ount ror .ach lClt wa. reduced approxl..t.ly ~O,. R..pondlnq to
, J'
Co..II.I~n.r PlltClr, Mr. Rart..n .ald that, a. tar al hi. d.p.rt..nt 11
awar., 'Yery~n. Is agu.abl. to the ch.n91 in the con.truction. ~ ~.,~...
Co-h.loner Phtor .0Yed, ..conded by Co_hlloner IIoUend end :"r;'fi:.
.' '·"~t....·
carrl.d un.nl~u.ly, that the publ10 h..rlnq b. 010..d. !h.r. bei", no ..,
"1 ~~' I
on. reqht.red to .peak, Co_I..loner 'htor !IOVld, "cond.d by.;' ,..,,'...\
, ; . Î:i~"':: ~~~':#
Co..I..I~n.r HolI.nd and c.rrl.d un.nll1Ou.ly, th.t Rllolutlon "-'7 to ,,~
e.tabll.h the Coconut Cr..k, unit !hre., 'avlnq AI......nt Dt.trlot ~
.dopted and the pr.ll.ln.ry ........nt roll .pprovld.
... .~',
~ "_~~~~J
.:. I
It.. U 1
Plan. I·Pl~entatlon Director Layne referrld to the fonlng Map
,49-2S-4 on an overhe.d board and Indicated the property In Petition
PU-83-IC a. belM9 on the 8E corner ot Colden Cate Parkway and
Livingston Road. She explained that the petition ha. been reviewed .nd
reco..ended for approval by all County .gencles with the .tlpulatlona
ll.ted In the Executive Summary dated 2/24/83. She .ald that ataff
reco..end. denial for the following rea'ons,
March 8, 1983
Etfect on neighboring properties due to nol.e and gllre.
2. Incompatibility with adjacent propertie..
Ms. tAyne laid th.t the CAPC held their public hearing on 'ebruary
l7, 1983 and that they felt that. lingle f.ml1y hQme .hQuld not be
built on the corner ~f a four-lane highway .nd two-I.ne arterl.l and
forwarded the petition to the acc with the recommendation of Ipproyal.
Rev. Cr.nt thigpen, P..tor ~t New Hope Mlnl.trle., corrected a
.tate.ent reported In the Napl.. Dilly New.paper 1..ue of March 7, 1983
which said th.t this church 1. a Callfornl. ba.ed church, adding that
hi. church h'l never been nor WOuld It ever be affiliated with any
ch.lrch In CaUtornh or any other state. ,Ie .aid th.t New Hope
Mlnl.trle. I. strictly an Independent, Interdeno~ln.tlonal eo..unlty
type church. He .ald that the church h.1 .ubmltt.d all the Infor.atlon
requested by the County. He ..I~ that the f'mI1Ie. llYlng In thl two
home. l~cat.d clo.e.t tQ the property have given their -bll..lng.- for
thl. church. He laid he Could not .ee hQW the church traffic would be
detrl.ent.l to the ar.., adding that there will be . turning line
prQvlded off Culden Cate Parkway to aYoid further congl.tlon 'fter the
road ha. been four-l.ned. He ret.rred to an artl.t'. renderln, of the
eœK 074 .109
'I,e 11
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&O~K 074 rACE 110
March 8, 1983
propo.ed church ~n an oy.rh.ad board and said that great .ffort wa.
mid. to have a bUilding that would b. compatlbl. with the wynd.mer.
addition, which i. north ~f the sit. across Colden Cat. Parkway. R.
said that the church paid over $l3,Ono an acre for the property and
that the current zoning i. -E- with a ProYislonal Use for a church. R.
d..crlbed the parking lot which was d.slgn.d .0 that the aut~mobI1.
headlights will alway. point HE and BE wh.re there ere no hom.s and h.
asked for favurable cClnsld.ratlon of the BCC for thl. petition.
Responding to CClmmlaslon.r Pl.tClr, Mr. Thigpen .ald that anyone cClmlng
out of the site Would take a right hand turn and that th.r. would bl a
prClpoaed turn around zoned on the lour-lane highway, adding thl. wa.
c~Clrdlnat.d with the Trana~rtatlon ntpartment. He .ald that the
n.areat church to this .it. 1. at ~6th Street.
Mr. Jamel ror.ater, who did the d.slgn work tor the church,
explained that the Transportation Department would d..lgn a turn In
front of the property so that people would not hay. to go all thl vay
to 70th Street to turn around. Howev.r, Public ~rk. Admlnlatrator
Hartman .,ld that the property h too clo.. to the Inteulction ot ",,~
. ~~~'\.f"',_
. , ""it.,'
.:\ ~ :i.:ft\'.
J ,; ...,....'..1.1\1:,:%
, . I·· ~ - ,~~.~
~ ".,l rr,~~\ ~'~-
.~ '.. ,~.
Mr. 'orester aaid that the original lnt.nt was for trafflC,to 90
.' . f¡
onto Livingston Road but, 8ince the County Transportation Dlpart.ent
L1Ylng8ton Road for a turn a. Mr. ror..ter d.scrlbed.
Tape '3
has decided to .xt.nd LIYlnglton Road, the access fro. the ohuråh to
Livingston Road has been cut off and the traffio will go out onto
Colden Cat. Parkway. He .ald that the stipulation WI' for the church
to work with the County Tran.portatlon Department to d.vl.. loa. kind
of turning lan. to g.t in and out of the property. "r. ~igpen .aid ,
. .1· .~\,"
that the church deslr.. to haye an acces. fro. the west.rn .ld. ot the
, ,...
property boundary onto the LIYlngston Road ext.nslon but, slncI that
, '"I"\~
\ ··~tr.
'a9' 12 ;':'.1t~
'-', ,<
---- - -- -- - - - - - -~-- -- - - - - - - - - - --- - -- - - '-. ...:~
Mlrch 8' 1983 ""/1.',,1,.
~I~:r:.' ~k
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t "",rt~' ;
Re,pondlng to Commhltoner Rolland, Rey. 'n\igpen .aid that there . ,.,\ ./
e.ten.lon doe. not e.l.t at thi. tlml, the church could not plan tor
are no further plan. tor additional building. on the property.
Mr. Fore.t.r .aid that the concentration of traffic on Golden aat.
Parkway at the pr..ent time 1. ~n Monday through Friday and tha~ the
church traffic wa. very light on a Sunday when he recently went to the
area. Chalr.an Xrule pointed out that ev.n if . church .cheduled
..rvlce. one or two days. week, potentially the church could bl uled
all day, any day for normal church activity and that thl. has been a
problem with provl.lonal u....
····Comml..1on.r Brown left the ro~m at 10.23 A.M. and
returned at 10.35 ~.M.....
Th. followlnq per.on. .poke in oPPOlltlon to the petition.
Mr. Kermit Bunn
Mr. Oeorge F. X.ller
Mr.. Dorothy L. Johnl~n
Mr. 8111 Lagan
M.. Helene HancClck, a member of New Rope Mlnhtrhs, spoke In
favor of the petltl~n.
TapI 14
,- ,
Chairman Kru.e .tated for the record that her stanc. Is the sam8
a. on previous p.tltlons, I.e. .he would not vote for anymore
ProYll1~nal Us.. lln.d up ~n Golden Cate Parkway.
Coamll110n.r PI.tor moved, seconded by Com.I..10nlr Brown and
carried unanlmou.ly, that Petition PU-S3-1C, requesting Prov!lional VI.
(a) of -E- E.tate. for a church on the BE cornlr of Golden aat. Partway
and LIYlng.ton Road, b. denied.
800K 074- 'ACE 1ft
, .ag.
. .."
. aOOK 074 ~AC£ 112 '
It.. 112
AT 1.30 P.M.
March 8, 1983
.:, I~'¡'
Mr. Cary Aker., Clf Sc..uthealt.rn Municipal Bonds, .~plaln.d that on Jtf .
February 25, 1983 . propou1 was received t'rClm Prudential-Bach., 'i
M'rrlll Lynch, · joInt propooo <rom .. C. Edw.rd. 'nd E. F. "utton, ·..)f·IJ::.··..
and a propo'al hClIII ralna Webber. na said that on March 4, 1983 ..ch '.'11{
. . ,- .1 i./' I
,.. . L';
ut those II flU ",ad. a preuntetlton to the COIIIMlttee, which consist.d ot"i,~~"
the Cc.unty Attorney, ",ellbers Clf the County Adllllnhtrator'. oft1ce, the ., ~¡f.
Utility Departm.nt and the Cl.rk'l otflc., ~nd that the conl.nsus of
. .,:..~
~', 4_'A.",
the cCl~ltt.. was tc. recommend Merrill Lynch .. the Inve.tlllent bank.r I\~~
tor retlnancln9 the water bc.nd8. PIe ..plaln.d thllt the realon. ....r. "j,,'.d~.'~·.~.;':;·
becau.. this firm 1. It leading und.rwrlt.r In the 8tate ot Fl~rlda .nd;~'.
they do plac. a lClt Clt emph.sll Cln r.tail JI.rk.tlng and th.t they haY.::.;i~.
'5 br.nch o«lc.. In tho St.t. 'nd o..r 700 r'pr...nt.t.... He .01. '~.'...~..~J..¡,...
thot, bo..d on put ..per!.nce of hi. fir. u ...11 u thot of tho flra .;~. :
of rl.cher, John.Cln, It ...as telt that. r.t.ll ",.rketlnq effort would ':~.
: ., I~tt~
. ,i.JI.,,\
result In the lo.....t Interest cOlt to the County, .ddlnq that the
.econd thlnq that ....1 ..phallled by M.rrll1 Lynch ..... the gro..
und.rwrltlng spr.ad of $16.75 as quoted In the March 4, 1983 ...t1n9.
CClm.1aaiun.r VOl' ..ld that he h.d two call. fro. bond hous..
prior to ~ubmlaslon of . pro~l.l ..klng It th.r. WI. any point 1~
.U~lttlnq · prupoul Clr It the matter would automatically 90 to B.ch. ~.
who had handled the oth.r luu., and that h. h.d ".ured tho.e people ,.:'
that thh wu, In ....nc., open bidding. He uld that, In his oPinlon/~~~
It the OCC 1. going to ",alntaln . co~petltlv. atMCllph.r. In Colll.r
County, the Board h.s to go a' the ComMltt.. has d.cld.d b.cau.. It
do.s not th'n the County will not get bid. In the futur..
March 8, 1983
Respond1n9 to Co-.II.10ner Pi.tor, Mr. Aker. laid that both
Merrill Lynch and Bache are the leldlng underVTlter. In the State of
Florida, and he said aolt of the bond. will be .ar~eted In the Stlt..
Co..I..10ner Holland a.ked why there 1. no Inf~rmatlon reglrd1n9
thl. II.ue, adding he t.lt there Ihould have b.en an obligation of the
Co.mltte. to h.ve br~u9ht the Int~rm.tlon back to the Comml..10n betor.
alklng the Co..IR.lon.r. to .ake . decl.lon on the r.commendatlon.
C~..I..lon.r Vo.. 1.ld that the decision on the recommendation wa. .ad.
March 7, 1983 .nd that the Inve.tment couns'l w.. a.ked to prelent the
reco...ndatlon tCl the acc and put down the tactl a. the COMmitt.. .aw
th.m. A. gav. the varl~u. .preads ot the companl.. who mad.
Chairman kru.e .ald that sh. h.d a.ked tor the 1..u. to go to open
bide, but that .he w.. uncClmtClrt.bl. without anything In writing,
adding, fur the rec~rd, that .h. do.. have .u.. perlonal fe.lin9. about
the Contact with ...ber. of lume tlrml that Ihe, trankly, doel not ear.
to Vc..rk vlth on thl. I..u..
C~Mmle.loner PI.tur .ald that (or approxlmat.!y I y.ar th.re WI.
no open bidding and the bid va. glv.n to one company tor on. reason or
another and that prevlClu.ly when there ha. be.n open bidding, h. ha.
.at on the cCI~ltte. and the commltt.e recummendatlC1n wal given to the
Board, al It was thl. date, and then the Bu.rð agreed to It.
Clark Reagan laid th.t the County I. neqotlatlnq a contract and
that the County 1. not In competltlv. bids, adding that flv. firm. wwr.
d.clded upon and they ar. quoting the County a price. R. .ald If the
Co..I..lonerl walt tou long that price could be totally -off-. He
.ald, with regard to the tact that the Comøl.sloner. hav. n~t received
the n.c....ry lnformatl~n, the Board 1. taklnq the ~dvlce of the
flnlncla! advllor., who are recomm.ndlng that the Board tlke the
aoOK 074 tACE 113
"'ge 15
------- -- --- -- ----------------------.:n
. '1![
,. '\
,~ ::~~r
toOK 074 fACE114
March 8, 1983
, ."
pre.entation In order to keep the price of tlS.'5 .nd the ,. to 9-1/4'
Inter..t rate.
Co..I..loner PI.tor aoved, .econd.d by Co~.I..10ner Vo., that the
Board accept the Co"ltte. reco..end.tion to appoint Merrill Lynch to
handle the rel..ue of the water bond., motion failed 2/3, with Co..I.-
.10ner. Rolland, Brown and ~ru.e oppo.ed.
NOTI. See It.. 22A
····RECISS 10.59 A."'.
nECONV!N!D, 11'10 A.M.....
Ite. 113
Pursuant to R.solutlon 81-150 the lClllowlnq checks were Is.u.d
thruu!}h "'arch 4, 1983, In pllYJllent Clt routine billa.
. .,.
, ,f~
cnrclt NOS.
Voucher Check.
932"" - 93.tfli9
$08S, 368.02
It... '14 throuqh 'IS
Co..I..1on.r Plstor ~ved, .econded by eo..I..loner VOl. and
carried unanlaou.ly, th.t the tollowlnq Budqet ~end.ent. be adopted .,
de.crlbed In the ..ount. .hown.
Budget A.end..nt 83-304.
to afProprlate private contribution.
rece ved In 1'81-82 to be tran.terred
fro. C.neral Fund In the a.ount 0'
to provide fundi n.c....ry for unantlc~'
Ip.ted roof repair., 81,200 In ..ce.. of,"
bUdqet, and to rech..ify other .ecountl'
(Colden Cate COIII.unlty Center) In the '\~{,'
amount of $1,700. ":,fl')'
It I k¡i.~; "
"~~'ì.'r ~~ì~':;
't,~ ),>1.
Budget Aaend.ent 83-J05.
Budget AMend.ent 83-306.
re Colden O.te Involc. payaent for
Febru.ry, 1983, per .erylc. .9r....nt
(Golden Cate rlr. Control) In the eaount
~f '12, S99.
""'-"---...._,,¥...,....."-~..,--<~..,- .,
, ,
-' /:"..'" .:.
" ",kf~~"
, 'i;',;~
. I ';'1),;
" Ú;}IH{~~-
.,"",4" '
. /:<.,:"
It... .17 through .20
March 8, 1983
eo..I..10ner YO.' ~Yed, .econded by Co.-Iaaloner Plator and
carried unanl~u.ly, that the fol10v!n9 BUdget Aaend.ent. be adopted ..
de.orlbed In the amount. .hown,
8udget A.end.ent 83-307,
to appr~prlate tran.fer froM Ceneral
Fund of 1981-82 contribution. to
Rom..akers Program (County Aging
Program) In the amount of $1,371.
to pr~vlde fund. tor the pureh... of rBM
equipment and .uPPlle. (Utll1tl.,
Ad.ln.) In the a.ount ot .~,700.
to approprlat. fund balano. for puroha.e
of . pick-up truck that ta ,pproYld
puroha.. und.r the oapltal .eeount
(Coodland Water Dl.trlct) In the ..ount
or .6,400.
Budget A.end.ent 83-308.
Budget A..nd.ent 83-J09,
Budget A.end..nt '3-310.
re acoount that wa. not originally
recognlled and funded when the new
llnance object code syst.. wa.
originally introduced In October In the
amount of 833,760.
eO~K 074 ~ACE115
&O~K 074 fACE 123
----------- ------------7----~:Ch~: 19:------
Itl. 121
County Attorney Saund.r. Introduc.d Attorn.y William H.rald and
J.... CollI.r, Jr., Aøslstant Dlr.ctor of the W.ter/S.w.r Dtpartment of
the PSC, .nd said they were pre.ent to discuss the rat. ..ttlng pro-
c.dure of the Public Servlc. Commlllion. H. said h. Would like to
.ddre.. the fol1ov1n9 I.su.. that h. raiS.d In hi. March 2, 1983 .e~o
to the Commlsslonersl
1. Wh.t control ~uld the County have oyer I.rvlce ar.as, adding
that It I. hla under.t.ndlng that the PSC would h.v. total £
control over the ch.nglng or avsrdlnq of ..rvlc. area.? ,~
2. Wh.t can the County Snc1ude Sn the franchise .gr....nt., If
thClse are continued to b. I.sued In the event that the County
deleqate. authClrlty to the PSC?
3. What Input Would the County have In regulating ..rylce are..
In Clrder to have .om. input concerning the County'. r.glonal
vst.r .nd sewer Iystem .nd some input concerning growth
thruu?hClut the Cuunty?
4. Can the County cull.ct franchls. fe.. fur ..rvlc.. renderld
to public utilities after delegation to the PSC?
Attorn.y Her.1d .xpl.lned that the PSC r.gulate. utl11tl..
pursuant to Chapter J~7, r.s., and said that, within that statutory
provision, langua? Is Included that the Commle'lon hat exclu.lve
jurildlctlC1n with each utility with resp.ct to It. rate., l.rvlc., and
author I ty. ... sa Id thet, beceuse of thet broa..1, .tatutory proyl.I",¡\,
there II, ba.lcally, not ~uch a utility can do that the Com_l.slon
Would not re9ulate. He .eld that, with r.gard to rate else procedurl,
the PSC h.. IdClpt.d exten.lve rul.. re9ardlng minimum filing r.qulre-
..nt., a rule requlrlnq t.lt year approval, and that the Ita tutory
provl.lon. prClvldes lor the th1n9. th.t the PSC must c~nslder when
..ttlng rat... He laid for tho.. r.e.Cln. the filing. are .pr.tty cut
---t.. _ _________________ __ _ _ ____""--_
--- ---- - -- _. - - -- --- -- -- - - - - -- - --------
,I. t~ .
&O')K 014 PACE 124
March A, 1983
~nd dried- aa tu what 1. n~ces.ary and that what the Commls.lon
c~nsldftrs and hClw It cunsJderl It is -pretty well .etw.
~r. Herald said that ~pproximately CIne and CIne-half years ago, the
Pf,C Went tCl I' I'rupc..sed JI,').ncy ^ctlc.n I"rtlce"ur@ under Chapter 120 ~f the
^dm1nlstratlve rrucedureo ^ct. H~ explained In det~ll huw a cas. Is
. ....
filed under thlø pre"v1alun.
"'r. I'erald expìlllned anr..ther way that rat@Ð c"n chnnqe for
re~ulat.d ut111tleø, an Index rrucedure. He said that pursuant to the
prCJvlglunß In rlc.rlri~ ~t~tut~9, the r.c.~mtsølun by ~~rch 31 Clf each
calendar YCðr, Is r~qulred tu I'~upt ð prle. Index. Ho expllllned that,
oxpen~cø and th~t IIpprvprlllte nl.ltlces are filed with an
un"!'!r thðt ntntutc.ry I'rc.vlnlun, a utility wlshln1 tCl chlln,e Its rate.
merely gives nutlce tc.. the r~c thllt they want a Price Index Rat.
tnerellne IIn~ the Index 1s IIpplle~ tCl ~1I1C1r eate~c.rlcs ClC uporatlng
uya that with the Incrcau the utility will nClt. exece" their author-
Ized rllt. e,,( rpturn.
Mr. lI!'!rllld pxpllllned ant/ther pruvlal<1n fur rate c:hanqe al the Pal ,tþlJ
Supervlßlon and that under this prt/vlslun ad valc.rem taxe., purchase 0 :'i;~,.~t'
water tlr IIC!'Wf'r service and electric costs can be palsed through In .·~,i¡¡~
day time nutlce and that the same prClvisl~ns apply with regard to ~.,~..'~<\'..,~
exceeding an aUU'll.Ir1zed rltte ClC return. \/¡:1i.þ,. ~"
.~~1;t '
Mr. Herald said that with reqard tCl service areas, the C~lIIII'Ih.toft; j'
pursuant tu Flurlda 5tntutes, Issues three type. ClC ~ertlflcat.., a
Crnndfather Certificate, an Original Certlficat. and a Transfer of .
Certificate, ~hlch he explained In detail.
Tap. '5
Mr. H(IIrltld ....,Id that thtlse Itom. which the Commhsl<1n can consider
when granting t~rrltt/ry Clr settlnq rat.. ~r. ..tablllhed in the Stat-
utes nules ~nd Re~ulðtlc.nl and, to Some e~tent, In Ca.. Law, adding
Pa9 e 1 g
--- _.... _.. -.. ----
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.. .',
," ,..., .."
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------ -.. -.. - ___ .__ w~. __ __ ___ __" ~_ _ _........._ __
Mðrch 8, 19B3
.~' J,;
'If) :
that In a regulated county, that county does not have any control ov.r
what the cortlflcatod territury 1. but that It Wguld b. able to Yolce
opinions Clr stat. objections. Responding to ~r. N~rman, Mr. Herald
said that, with regard tCl the PSC following ðn adopted land u.e plan,
there Is nut any specific statute or rule that any. that the PSC will
fClllowa qruwth plan. Commission or ~rus@ salrl that, currently In
Cull lor County, If a ~tlllty wishes tu expand ur create ~ddltlonal
.ervlce, It h~s tCl appear before the ACe, however If the PSC I.
handling the sltu~tlon, she alked If the PSC would tell the ßCC of a
utility's application, tu which Mr. H@rald said that the first thing.
utility has tu dl.l Is give nutlco tu the cuunty, other utl11tl.., etc.
ComMI~3Ion.r PI~tur a.k~d If the general public can appear and
express tholr opinions during the hearings tCl which Mr. Herald
rehrr.c1, anc1 Mr. U.rald said thðt unr1er tho Proposed Agl'ncy Action
prl.lc.dur~, the Initial meeting Is not a -hearing- but It I. an oppor-
tunlty fur th~ ~tðff uf the PSC tu ~CI to th@ servlco ar~a and talk with
the cust~M~r3 c1urlnq an Informal rllscuaslun, which Is part of the
lnv.atlq~tivn procoss. He said that If th.r~ Is a formal hearlnq,
bas.d u~~ ~ pr~t~st tu Prupusod ^gency ~ctICln, the he.rlng 1.
cClnduct~d In tho service area uf thp utility and customers are alluwed
tl.l pðrtlclp~to In that ^dmlnlstratlvu Hearing.
Respundinq tl.l Chairman r<rus., "'r. lIerald ..xplalned that the terll
Pruposed Agoney Aetlun Is a term that cumes from Chapter 120 of the
Florida Statutes and It means th~t a governmontal boðy Issue. an order
based upun the InfClrmatlon It has before It and that, it there 1. no
prutest, th~t urdor become. final. Ho said that It there 1. a prote.t
the pruce.. Is started again and a fClrmal record 1. built upon which a
decision I. based. Chairman ~rU8e ..ked If .nyone can make a r..pon..
. '.
< ~. tt;
&O~K 074 'ACE 125
'a9. 20
-- _. .--- ---- .~ - -.... ..-,.. -_. .....
-.-.---- ---...---- -.--------- -------...------
""--eO""",,,..,,.,...., ....",..~.,~..,~"."",'."""'.
:,' 'i1~Þ;."
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~t . ""'., ",
, .
March 9, 1983
aO!)K 074: PACE 126
that would instigate the secClnd proce.., to which Mr. Herald responded
CQmmlss1C1nor VQS. asked If the function of the PSC la, basle.1ly,
tu determine the ~pprQprl~tenesl Clf the rate base and the percent.ge of
return on that rate base, tCl which Mr. Herald re.pClnded aftlrmatlyely.
~r. Saunders ask@d If an affected rato payer objects to . proposed
^gency ActlQn, the setting of a particular rate, and if that affected
rate payor wishes tCl Initiate a fClrmal hearing prClcedure under Chapter
l20, WQuld th~t pcr9un merely file a petition outlinIng what hi.
cQmplalnt. are ~nd fQlluwinq that tilIng would h. have an ClPPQrtunlty
tCl hire whatever c~nsultants he needed? Mr. Herald said that the
perSQn wuuld file a rrutest stating what he Clbjects to. He added that
anClther ~rea in which customers participate -quIte a bit- 1. rate
structure, adding that, once rate base Is .et, amung the different
classes uf eustumers, the questlC1n Qf whCl pay. those rate. Is a con-
truversial area. He said that, currently, the CClmmlss10n Is using a
Base Facility Charge cClncept fQr water and sewer utllitie. whereby In
ba.e charge there Is an attempt to recClver a tlxed cost, vari.ble
In a gallClnag. eh~rqe.
Re.pondlng to Cum.,iaaloner Vo.., Utilities Admlnhtrator aenon ..q.
uid that the tutal bUl1n9 for Deltona Cor~ut1on h somewhere In t~. ...~~i
vicinity Qf Qne and Qne-half million dClllars. Commi..loner Voss ..IJf~'~~
~ ~I~~ '
, J~- "
that the Cl.lmm1sulun charge. 2-1/2\ Clt the gro.1 billing per ye.r .nd,.
, . . 1 ~ ,""
In hi. opinion, thuse charges equate to the charges that the Co~nty
undertakes in Investigating a rate ca.e, however, In the PSC, the
2-1/2' charge ~uld gQ back to the cu.tomer, to which Mr. Herald s.ld
that the gross receipt tax 1. an operating expen.e of the utility .nd
0\ ~l,f,~~
that, when a utility applies tOf a rate ca.e proceeding, th.t '.ount il
, ~i<:'(.\~~;,
Included. Commls.1C1ner VQs. .ald that the customers would have to pey~ .~:~~'
i '. .'. ;...
"ge 21~{ì
-------_._-- -- --- ...~- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -. - - --- - - _....&.._---
^__~"""~,."...." ,,' '~'"""""",-,"'b"'.r.",a,..."" ",_,..,...~, ,%_,,,,,_,,~_,____",, _
March 8, 1983
that amount and h. asked If the County undertake. the rate ea.., if the
cu.t~m.r. would not pay the costs that the CClunty Incurs directly, to
whIch Hr. Saunders sðld that the County Woult! auth~rlze the utility to
paso that C~.t onte.. their rate pay.rs allo. He said that the CQunty
would be reimbursed thruuqh franchløe f....
C~mmI8slun.r VU8S asked, If the P5C VCluld take over Collier COunty
utilities ^n~, If the ~uunty wore to tako over a utility, would the PSC
ntlll r~.,ul~te the r3te. that the Cuunty would charge during the tours
ye3rs which w~ul~ have to elap.. bet~r. the County could reconsider it
It wanted te.. c~ntlnue with the PSC? Mr. Herald said that there Is a
specific .tatutury ox.mptie..n for Iy.tems that are owned, managed, and
c~nlre..ll~d by quv~rnmental aqencles.
Reøpundln1 t~ CUMmlssloner rl.tur, Mr. Herald laid thðt, If a
utility wllnts to expanrt, tho statutClry pr~vl.l~n Indicate. that the PSC
3hðll cun~ldor tho aml.lunt ~( pruperty used and u.eful In provldinq
8ervlcr, ðrldlnq thllt In many C3ses there will be a u.ed and us.ful
adjustment, nnd he @xplalned that term. Chairman Kruse ref.rr.d t~
IXIVðl CUlJnty which Is Itttemptlng tCl tnko back cClntrol from the PRe and
she r~ltd ~n oxcerpt rrqardlnq 8ðme to which Mr. Herald said, In his
uplnlon, ~~mo uf tho In(urmatlun Is nl.lt IIccurate and that he 1. not
~W^re uf any curront lawsuit. Ho aðlrl that, after fuur years of
cuntlnuuUS requlatlun hy the PSC, II cl.lunty can pass an ordinance .nd
th~ cuntrCll will revert to the County.
~r. Culller said that under Chapter 3~7 If a cuunty goes under pse
jurlsdlctl~n IInd nfter (uur years ~pts to go out ~f that jurisdiction,
ð cClunty ~ulr1 be huund hy Chapter 3~7 quldellnes for addltlon.1 four
years. He .aId thðt sevor"l years ðgu the r~c creat.d the Public
Coun.el Office tu rðpr.nent the pUhllc In all matters before the Public
Service C~nm1ssl~n and that ~ffice Is notlce~ .nd reeelyes
- _.. -- - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - _ __ _ _ __ M_ _ _ _ _ _.- _ _ ___~
&O~~ 074 PACE 127
'{iM~""~ >,~.. ,
,'A'~ ....t, :
--------------------------------------, .
'O~K 074 PACE128 March 8, 1983
.very filing that the PSC receives cClnc@rnin9 wat.r and sewer. H. 111d
that, In the event that any uf Collier Cuunty'. cClnstltuent. i. dis.nw
chðnteð with S~Mothlnq dOlling with. utility anð has a cas. fll.d,
tha~ perøu" is 'r~e tu cClntftct tho Public CClunsel and ask t~r lnter-
v.ntlCln and that service custs n~thinq.
,> ~tl.
. J;¡' I
uver tu the r~c, it wuuld bocgm~ qu~stIClnabl@ whether the Cuunty couldl~~;
c~llect re08 rur ~ny purposos invulvlng the regulation uf utilities. ~~~~t~
H. referred tu ( current situatlun in Lef' County whereby LeI! C~unty ha. ,(~~}
Tap. 16 >,¡.¡¡~'
. .'ý(
Mr. 5. unO." .., d thH I t I. hI. un,.,.tond In. thot tho ""unty "'::~.!'. '~:.'
CCluld atlll require utilities to execute franchise agreement. with th..~~
County but w\luld nut b. Invulve" in thf' servlc. areas or rat.s, to ;',....1:
"'r. Saunders ~aid thnt If th~ roqulatlon of utilities Is turned
beon un~bl~ tu cl.Illrct ~uch f~e8.
which Mr. Cullier agr.ed, Ad~ln~ that many ce"untlea that the rsc
regulftteA du hnve frðnchist' aqrf'ements with the utlltles.
Mr. Ceorqo ~ellor asked It the regulðtiCln or utilities wuuld apply
tCl all public utilities re~nrdless ut size, tCl which Mr. Herald
respClnded that there are oxemptlC1ns.
',. ~ 'II
. .:<¡
, ',.,f{
, 'J?
, ;6,
.~.: .~
, .\:~~\
Commissioner Vuss said that th.r. are dev.lopm.nts In COllier
County where there lire planned cummunlths around a golf cours. and i~:,~ "i'~:
those areas sewer /In" watcH servlcltS ..r. prClvld.d tCl th. residents and',"',::'i:;:"ï
h. asked if the PSC wuuld regulate that, tu which ~r. Horald said that
If It Is ðn investor owned utility pruvidlng service to the public
generally It wuuld be regulat.d.
Mr. Fred !;mlth, repr.s@ntlnq NClrth Marco JI1and Utility, as1ted,
regarding a water Clr sewor cumpany .ervlng with ~ne line and on. bill.
eond~mlnlum e"t 101 p.uple, If that cClmpany Would be controlled, to
which "'r. Herald said that the ex.mptlon to which he r.t.rred I. for
.."....--- - - -- - - -- ..... -... -- .~- _.- ,..- .- --.. .-.- .-.- - - - - - - - - - - ~ - _........_----::,~'
' ','.' í,":i
----- -- -- - -- - - - -----------------------------
March 8, 1983
cumpany with the capacity to .erye or Is .erYlng 100 per.on., not
cu.tomers, or 10sI and that If the system ha. the capacity to .erye 100
p.rs~ns or mClre then It would be requlated, unle.s It falls within
anuther ftxemptlun. RelpCln11nq to C~mmil.1C1ner VUI', Mr. Herald ..Id
that the cap~clty to serve Is In terms of plant. and line. capacity.
····RECESS, 11'55 A.M.
RECONVENED. 1'37 P.M.....
Mr. 8. C. NIChl.lls, repres.ntln~ the Cla~ea, spoke In suppc..rt of
the transfer Clf jurlSdlctlun over utllltl~s In Collier CClunty to the
Public Service ~ummls.lun b.cauI~, In his uplnlC1n, the C~unty has no
staff, expertls~, rules Clr re,uIatluns to handle the utJlitles.
r-tr. Ir.. Evens, representing the Marcu Island Taxpayera ASlocia-
tlun, ~~Id thftt th~ ^"nClel~tlun would like to have an authority on
which It CuuId rely ftn1 thnt would regulate ratel In whJch the people
cU1I1~ hevt' C'l.Inflrlence. He llpuk@ In suppurt Clt BCC turnlnlJ thft regula-
tur~' ftuthl.lrlty I.Iv~r tu the r~r.
~h..lr~~n ~run~ r,..J~, (ur the reeClrrl, that CuI. Juhn E. Reebe, Jr.
SPl.lk~ tu hnr hefl.lr~ the meetln7 and aøked her tCl Indicate that he leans
tuwarrt the Buðrri uf Cl.lunty Cummlsl~un~r. taking C'untrol ot the utili-
ties r~thcr than th~ rsc ur S~me uther apPCllnt@d boarrl.
~r. rrcri Fnlth, rerresentlnlJ NClrth ~arC'u Utility, state~ that he
Is pr~sl~cnt I.If Le~ Cl.lunty Eloctrlc Cuuperatlve and a member of the
~oðr~ I.Ir r.1r~~turn uf 50mlnCllt' r.lectrle Cooperative, which has ~ad a
lon9 hlstury of dealings with the Puhllc Sorvlce Conmlsslon, adding
thðt nelthor uf the cuuperatlves ~ro directly contrCllled In ita rate.
by the PSC hut arp. sPoclflcally CuntrCllled In rate ~akJng by the PSC.
He referred tu the prl.lpoud ordinance reqardln9 utili ties and 11ld that
It .huws a willingness hy the BCC tu develup a rate making com.I..lon
. iff:
, .;,;ViP
'. ',111..,
In Cull1er Cuunty that lot'tIuld be capable uf handl1n~ the utility .Itua-:y~';
.,' ,,;\'~ . ~.
tlon. II. .puke In (ðvor ot having the Rce kup cuntrol of ut111U....,,:>~/.
· ..,"\'.·x'..;':,:~'~,.
&O~K 074 PACE129 'a9_ 24,,"'"
... _...... -. -'... --_____. ________________~~At
- - - -- - - ~~,
, ~I
ao~ 014 PAc£130 March A, 1983
adding that if the I'SC 18 CJlven jurhdlctie..n, there would be tour )'earl
beCore c~nsld.ratiun CClulð h. 91ven tu having the Cuunty reqaln that
c~ntrul and another fuur yoars durlnq which tlmo thn CClunty must carry
out all ~f the rRC's re9ulatiuns, theref~re, there ~ulð be eight Ylar.
bef~re there c~uld ~9ðln h@ lClcal jurisdiction over th~ utilities. He
oaið, In his uplnlCln, l~eal prubl~ms can only be sAti.fle~ by peopl.,
whu kn~w th3t l~cnl nltuatlun, sitting duwn t~ discuss th@m.
Tape 17
----- - - - --- - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - -- -- - - -- -- -----...
, ,
Rosnundin~ t~ cv~~lsBlvner PrClwn, ~r. S~lth said thnt, because of
the cumplcxlty vf n r~t~ Incre~se ßltuatiun, In his urinlun, the County
Cu~mlnsi~n w~ul~ n~t h~vo th~ tl~~ tCl InvP8tl~nte th~t, hut that h~
thuuqht n hunrd I.If citizens, with the hackgrClund of rat@ making, shuuld
InvoltlqAte '¡rAt ðn~ that th~ BCC wuulð have the final authority and
Wuuld he...r ~pp~nlB.
C~mmlsBI~ncr Vvss asked huw ~ðny utilltl.. wCluld he Invulved,
usinq tho PSC rules ~f not louklnq at utl11tloa that .erve leal than
lOO peupl., tv which ~r. Oorzon r~spund.ð 51. Mr. Perzun said, for the
recvrd, that, at the public m.etinq held reqardlng the subject und.r
dløcussion, h@ vulunt@@reð that ~l~,OnO would be the coat to ad_lnlatar
the proposed urdlnance which would only b. to receive the appllc.tl~na,
keep them un !Iln Dn~ mako sure they are r.ady to be turned over to .
cClnsultant. He said that tho actual cost. to conduct the ex.~Snatlon
and h.arlngs that wuuld fe..lluw vuuld be attributed t~ the utility.
County Manager NClrMan aal~ that, In hi. ~pinlon, 90' of the Iteml
raised at the afurementluned m~otln9 are being addre...d In the pro-
posed urdlnance, huwover ho thClught that dlscus.Son of the ordinance'
shuuld not take place until ev@rYClne ha. an opportunity to ... It.
Atturney 8. Kenneth Gatlin, ropre.entln9 Eaat Napl.. Utility,
spoke frClm his experience of repre.entlng utllltle. and said that h.
- - - -- -- -- -..... -
- .-... -.. ~._.
_'~'_>."."·~'·~e....",",~,~... .'__.'
as an add-~n tCl the bill.
----- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - -- - - - -- -----
Much 8, 1983
has alway. admired a BCC tor retaining the re.ponslblllty for regulat-
Ing the utilities when it II a cost and resp~n.lbllity that It doel not
have t~ hive beclule the Legi.lature has provided a mech.nls. for the
BCC to transfer ~hat resP<.o"slbl11ty to a rec~9n1zed requlatory body to
perform thuse runctions. He said that the PSC hns just adopted a rule
that applies to electric, gas, telephone, water and .ewer utllltie.
which provides that If a local qClvernmental entity comP<.o.e. a franchi..
tee of any kind that, al a mðtter Clf rule, the utility may c~llect that
. '}'
Mr. Robert Tarrel r.c~mmen~ed that the BCC consider transrerrlnq
the authurlty or utility regulations to the Public Service Comml..lon.
Chairman Kruse laid, tor the record, that she would not vote to
91ve the rate maklnq capabilities to the Public Service C~mmllsl~n,
addlnq that sh~ has somethln9 th~t the PRC does nClt ~n~ that 1. that
the Cumml.sl~ners care abuut the individual bill because a neighbor Is
getting that bill and the starr Is thero to provide expertise.
Com.lssloner Plstor moved, seconded by Coamll.10ner Vo.., that the
BCC not turn the rate making procedure over to the PSC and that .taff
be directed to continue with the program to develop the County Utility
Review Board.
Cl.lmrnlssloner Hollðnd aSked huw the members ur tho Utility Reylew
Board will be chl.lsen, adding that I( there was I way to devise I
committe. that Is nut mad" up of friends ~r the CClmmlaslC1nor. or the
utility uwners, he might be able to soe whore I fair and Impartial
committe. cCluld be develuped. Comml.sl~ner Kruse .ald that the
questions Comm Is.loner 11011 and fa hed would have to be an.vered by the
CClmmlssloners in hearln~ø. Commissioner Holland noted that Mr.
S.un~drs had tuld the ACC that there was no nece.sity for action at
this me.t!~g and that, un~'\ such time .. th~ Board .tart. ady.rtl11n9
BOOK 07 4 ~AÇf 131
Pag. 211
------ - - - --.- -- --. - --.--- - - - - ------------------~
to, ~
--- - - - - -..- -....- -- - - .-- - .- - - - - -- - -.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.....~
ao~ 074 PACE132
March 8, 1~83
what i8 on the agenda, If a vote on the motion i8 going to be taken, he
we..u1d vote against It.
Chalrm~n Kruse said that the need for ft Motion uf the Board 1. not
necessarily what caus.s a motion to be maðe, adding that the C~mmi.-
sloner. may chuose to m~ke a me..tlon. Comm18sloner rlstor laid that the
option to gCl te.. the rsc 11 always open but he reMinded the
Commissioners th~t the Board ~uld be ·tled up· for elqht years If the
authurlty was given tCl the PSC.
Upon call for the question, the motion carried 4/1 with Commls-
slC1ner Holland opposed.
, .,J",
Tape 18
Item .22
~ '\
. ;.,..~.
shuwn CJn this l'I<Jenda fCJr March 15, lO!!3 c1nd he did nClt know If another "~..
: , .I""
. ,.
After - ~'t:··l.
short discussion, Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by COII.h"onor~#·
Brown and CHr hd unanhlousl y, that the hearing on the propos.d UtlHtý,':,t'
ordinance be cClntlnued until March 22, 1983. ,,:~~!.,
....RECESS' 2'32 P.M. RECONVENED, 2,45 P.M..... "'\M
1130 P.M. ,~
Co..loolonor Brown ~oYod, oocondod by Co..l.olonor Holl.nd .nd ~~
carried 4/1, '11th Comml..ioner Phtor opposed, that the three re..lnin~r~~", \"
Nurmðn nuted that the henrlnq on the prCJposed ~rdlnance is
meeting cuuld be held with the cClnsultants prior to that d~t..
flr~. be allowed to come back March 15, 1983 at 1.30 P.M. to .ake their
pre..ntations regarding water bond refinancing to the Board. Mr. ;ì:.t.
Norman clarified, for the recClrd, that the three firms are Bache,
venture of E. F. Hutton and ~. G. Edward. and Paine Webber.
tCl Cc"mmhs~l.ner Vues, Hr. Norman .aid that the !lrms ""u.ld "ake their '".
-.-.---- --- ------ '__A _....._._ ...._._ ,_ __ __. - __ - - __ - - __ __-......--___.....___
/: ,I 'It
, .,~'
~.~._"..",.."",.<"..,.~._"."",,,,,,, '0' """'__"""""'."""_'.___
----- -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.- - -- - -- - - -- ---
March It, 1983
presentatians one at a time. Clerk Reagan requested that the fl.cal
advisors be contacted regarding the presentations.
Ite. . 2 3
CRAIG . SCHREC~ IN THE AMOUNT or $2,~59,832, BID '629, BUILDING -r- _
Legðl notice having been published in the Naples Caily Nev. on
December 15 and 22, 1982, as evidenced by Affidavits at Publication
filed with the Clerk, bids were roceived fClr Bids '~24 and '~'-9, for
the building structure and shell fClr Buildings -J- and -,- relpec-
tlvely, until 2,00 P.M. January 31, 1983.
Chairman ~ruse st.ted, for the record, that a telegram was
recelv.d by the ~ard trom Venetlðn Bay Constructors Cln this subject.
Public Safety Admlnlstratur Durrl1l explained that staff 1. .lklng
that the Board awðrd Bids '~'4 and .629 for Justice Center Bid pack 6
and 1, structure, shell and associated finishes lor the new jail and
the three additlunal flClurft of Building -,-. He referred to the
!xocutlve Summary dat@d 3/4/8) which cClntalns infurmatiCln as It relat..
to logal advertisements, a mandatury pre-bid cun!orence an~ said that
the subsequent addenda, that had tu be attested, had been rocelved by
all bidders prlur tu their bids being cunsldered. He said that a
spread shoet Is Ineluderl In the Executive Summ~rï and explained that
the job was bid In throe segments, with Individual bids on BulldSn9.
-,- and -J- and alsCl ð cumblned bid. He said that the apparent low
bidders shown fur tho optluns are lClwer than any Clt the mCllt re.ponslv.
combined bids. lie ro!err.d tCl tV\¡ add/deduct item. explained In the
Executive Summay and said that the Caunty has nuw purchaled It. own
Ri.k Insurance and that, regarding the addltlunal thr.. floor. to
Bul1dlnq -f-, the current two elevators would be inadequate and .taff
h.. a~~ed lor an add Item to doubl~ the capabilltie. of tho.. tvo
eO~K 07 4 ~CE 133
Pa,. 2.
-----_.....~ -..- ~.-
·_a·_... ~_'W w.._ .... _______.. _ ____________....____.-..-. .
. ,
. :;;: ~~-'
. . ..- -
------ ----- -- - ..- - --- ------- - -------- ----.----
i&~~; 074 'AC£ 131
March R, 1983
elevatora. He said that, as a result of the analysl. of the blð.
received, the IClwe.t apparent Individual bid. for both Bu11d1nq -J- and
Building -,- were Venetian Bay CClnstructClra and ~raft Construction
CClmpany respectively. Poe explained that, as a result Clf background
checks Clf the !irml and after reviewing the t~tal bid document.
received with the construction manager, staff Indicated problem. with
the apparont l~w bidder fClr the jail which was Venetian Bay CClnatruc-
turs, whCl ent.red int~ a julnt venture with ~urname-Kose..ff, Inc. Re
said that staff rec~mmends that there are two particular prClblems with
th~t hid in that It was r~lt te.. h@ a n~n-ce..nfurmin~ bið In that item.
wer. Inc~Mpl.te ur nut filled In proporly on the covering bid for.s and
th~t, in reviewing tho references, staff is Clf the oplnie..n that thla
particular firm would have difficulties meeting both sch@dul. .nd
quality c~ntrol requirements related tCl this particular je..b in the faat
track process being used. He 8~ld that staff went to the next lowest
Individual bidder, who submitted a res~nsible bid for Bulldlnq -J-,
and rec~mm.nds that Bid '~24 be awarded to ~r.n, Craig' Schreck in
the amount uf t2,~~9,AJ2.00 for the structure and shell for Bu11dinq
-J- and that Bid 1629 be awarded to ~raft ~onstruction In the amount of
$1,407,545.00 (Clr the addltlClnal floor. on Building _,_.
ResJ><.¡ndlng to Ce..mm1asloner Voss, Mr. Dorrl11 aald that the.
elevator is contracted directly with an elevator company for 8ulld1nq
-J- and that 8tMff analyzed adding an addltlC1nal elevator to 8u1ld1nq
-'-, which could alsCl he used al a freight elevator, and f~und that to
be colt prClhlbltlve In order to meet code requirements related to fire
. .ti
, :'. : ,~~ ~
; jl~~""
safety on this building.
He said that staff i. of the opinion that
í '
having the ce..mpany deal with the elevator contractor will b. about the
Ume price a. if the County dealt directly with the elevator co.p.ny....
81nce It 11 more of a modification job a. opposed to a job
....-----.-----..-- -- --".
._, .- -.---
---------------..--. ..... --------------------------
March 8, 1983
that would warrant a whole contract for that type of work.
Responding to Commiasloner Plator, County Attorney Saunders .ald
that, as a g.neral rule, the Board cannot consider the origin of the
work.rs as a condltlCln In awarding a bid and that, becaule of certain
equal protection provislC1ns Clt the U.S. Conatltutlon, It Is not
p.rmissible to dlscrlmlnat. against peClple from oth.r localltle. trom
dCllnq the wurk (Clr the CClunty.
Mr. Saunder., f~r tho r.curd, referred to a memCl dated 3/4/~3 fro~
Pollzzl/Hoery to Mr. Dc..rrill which waø given to the Commissioner.. Mr.
Daryl Balle., Cunstructl~n Manager, explained that the Executive
Summary to which Mr. Dc..rrl1l referred differs slightly from hll
recomm.ndatlon In that he Is s~ying It la a technicality and recommend.
that the BClard take a deduct, In this case Boran, Craig' Schreck'.
alternate price that deals with the owner provldln1 ~ullders Risk
Insurance. Re~ftrdinq the elevatur situation, Mr. Balles said that he
felt better ^ble tu prutect the CClunty and tho operatiuns of Aulldlng
-r- It 8S few contractors were Involved as polslble, and he referrld to
the n.ed t~ work Clver the comput.r room which will be a difficult ta.k.
^ dl.cus.i~n fullowed during which Mr. Norman explained that I
Chonqe Orcl.r wOlllcJ noed to be awarded in tho ^mount of $7900 In r.gard
to tho revised bid of Boran, Craig , ~ehreck to cClrrect In errur.
Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner 8rown and
carried unanimously, that Bid 1624, tor the structurl and .hell for
8ldg. -J- be awarded to Boran, Crllg , Schreck In the a.ount of
.2,669,832.00 and that Bid 1629, tor three additional floors on
Building -'-, be awarded to ~raft In the amount of $1,407,554.00 and
that the Construction Manager be directed to negotiate a crldlt re
'624, Ind that the Chairman be authorized to elgn and the Clerk to
att..t the r,sultlng agre.ment..
-..... - -.. -- ~'- -- ..,- ..- ~
&O~K 074 ~ACE 135
'.---'--..-- - - --------- -------------.,.
&O~K 074 PACE 142
Item '24
Harch 8, 1983
CClmmlss10ner Rrown moved, .econded by Commis.loner Voss and
carried unonlmously, that the .ewage treatment plant at Letewood b.
approved for remClval and that the County retain the option of proYldlng
aevage treatment at .uch time that the County treatment tacl11tle.
become available.
Item '25
Utllltl.. Admlnistratur Rerz~n explained that an Inventory has
beon cClnducted r~r the Capri W~tor Wurks, Inc. and, with two
.xceptl~n., everything waa acCuuntod for. He said that there 1. . Ford
van which is inuporable and It would cost more to rebuild than it I.
'.' 'tJ':t¡1
wurth and a power lawnmuvor, w~rth $144.00, which wa. atolen. ne
recommended that the BCC recognizo that thole two Items are ~1.lln9.
He .xplalned that a pump and two mCltors were mll.lng, and .ald that the
J, ",
Capri Water Wurks, Inc. attorney acknowledge. that that tir. does owe .,
" . ·..~'J¡:.1 ',""_
'1"!~.", .,.
the.. items to the CClunty. He recCll\mended that .pprod",ately $5,000 b.I',~~.,¡,.J
. 't\/ '¡'''';',~: .,1
set aside a. an E.cr~w Accuunt and that the value of tho.. Ite.. b.
determined by mutual agreement and that, If a credit II to be glyen,
that amount will be deductod froM the purchase price.
Mr. Btrzon rererred to two Items In the Executive Summary dlted
2/28/~3, and stated that the purchase price of the Capri Water WOrk.,
Inc. Is $1,110,000.
Tape t9
He explained that there 18 an adjustment to be made .t the end of the"
~onth and that, In addition to that .mount, there i. allo I
---..- - - ..- ..- -- ..-.. _.'- -- -- -.. - .-., -- -- .-.- - - -....--- --- __...ß..___..-...........
March 8, 1983
" .
..--- - - -- - - - - ---.- --- .---- - - - - - - - -----------....
be given fur whatever expendable items such as chemical., etc., that
viii be there at A.OO A.M., on March 14, 1983 when the County plana to
take Clver the plant. He explained that at that time all the utillti."
f~r example electric power meters, will be read and the payroll activ-
Itle. will be transferred tCl the C~unty and thAt, at the end ot the
month, the County will allow the various bills and the total revenue
earned by the Capri Wftter Works, Inc. during the mClnth of March and the
utility will be credited with 14/Jlths or the entire revenue, thereby
giving the utility their share Clf the revenUel they have earned and
attributing to them their ahare of the coati thoy Incurred to earn
th~.. revenues and that th. County will carry the rest ot the amount.
Mr. Berzon rererre~ tCl a .heet ho gave the Cummill810nors this date
and explained t.hat, In lieu of a warranty guarantee lClr the plant
equipment, which was Included In the Purchase Aqreement, the utility
Clffered and the County accepted a cash amuunt of $37,500 to be 91ven
back to the District to be retained for any ~alntenance that may be
ne.dod Cln the plant botw.en the pre.ent time and the tlmo that the
plant Is phðS.d uut when the Cuunty's new plant Is ready to serve that
area with putðble w~ter. Responding to Commissioner Vu.s, Mr. Berzon
aald tht the m~noy Wuuld be an F.scrClw AccClunt fClr maintenance but that
once tho neod fClr the maintenance is uver the money will go Into the
County Water/Sewer District for auch Clther purpose. as required.
Responding to CommisslClner rlstClr, Mr. ~erzon .ald that th.
$l,llO,OOO will come frum the bund 188ue. Co~mla.ioner PI.tor ~oYed,
.econded by Commlasloner Voss and carried unanimously, that the
Chairman be authorized to .lgn all appropriate document. which vlll
permit the tran.fer of owner.hlp of the Capri Water Worka, Inc. to the
County Water/Sewer District, .ffectlye March 14, 1983, that the County
agree. to not .ake an Islu. over a 1975 Van and lawn.ower, that .5,000
&o:JK 074 PACE 143
'a9- 32
---- - - - - -- ..--~ - -- -~- -- -_. --- - - - .--~
tOOK 074- PACE 1#
------------ ---- - --- ------- --- --------------..--
March 8, 1983
will be withheld for a pump and two motor. ml..lng, and that the County
will accept the a9reement for liquidation of warranty with the undlr-
standing that $37,500 Is to be placed In an Escrow ~ccount to be used
tor maintenance and that money will revert to the County.
Itell 126
TIME or TO $5,500
CClunty M~nagor NClrman explained that, f~1lowln9 BCC direction,
staff ~et ~n March 1, lq83 with ~r. Daryl Ball.. of Pollzzl/Heery and
with the cunaultlng engineer ~n the Nurth Naples Plant and that ~n
March J, 19A1 staff Mot with ~r. Anthuny Ficu, the principal of the
firm with whum an Itc¡reement would be nequtlated. lie said that Mr. Fico
has submitted a prupunal fClr the same type uf cClnstructlon management
contract (or the Hurth Naples Sewer program as the County r.urrently haa
un the Justice Center, adding that the prClject Is basically ready lor
bids and that the bid ducument. wCluld need tCl be revi.ed because there
may not b. a sinqle cuntractClr. Be recommended that PollzzI/Reery come
back with a full propusal Cln the total project.
Mr. Anthuny Ylcu, Vice pre.ldent of Heery Company, said that, In
his Clplnlon, the County needs to ~ove ahead with the cunstructlon ol
the percolation pond. for the North Naples Sewer project, adding that.
market lurvey needs tCl be conducted to determine what the are. eon-
. ,
tractClrs are willing and able tCl do, that ~ cClnatructlon estll1.~e of
the ~nd. needs tCl be porfurmed, a determination ot the duration of the
project should be made and that the document. prepared by Poat,
Buckley, Schuh and Jernigan mU.t be tailored to accept. definite tl.e
Reapundlng tu Ch.lr~an ~ruae, Mr. Fico said that the coat of
¡;, .
.' ,~Ìl(
such a contract would be $5,500 to bring the project up to the blð
·_...._"_'..c~" "~,,o·,," ,,""~~,..,"" ..."......,
March 8, 1983
----------- - - - -..- --- - -- -- - - - - - - -------_.---.....-~
Comal..lonlr Holland .oy.d, '.aond.d by Com.I..ion.r Plator and
carried unanimou.ly, that the Interim Contract proposal with PoIIs.it-
,D.ery r. the North Naple. Sew.r Plant p.rcolatlon pond. b. approy.d
with a maximum .xpendlture up to bid time of 85,500.
R.spondin9 to Mr. BerzCln, Mr. Fico said that, In the .v.nt that
the Bee d.clde. not to proc.ed b.yond PQllzzl/Re.ry tailorlnq the
dClcum.nts, ~h. revised d~~ume~t' would b. able to b. us.d by the County
fur the entire project.
~Itelll 127
Ce..mmlslioner Plstur salð that It ia his undorstandlng that the
cClntract r'9ardlnq a (loCld .l.vatlon Itudy has not been .igned.
Chairman ~ruse said that the 8CC had v.rbally passed a resolution
r.questlng SFWMD tCl cunduct a tlClod .levatlun study and this action
Would just relnfurc. that request. County Manaer Norman said that a
meeting was held with Mr. CCldman regardln9 havin? the SFWMD cunduct the
study and that his r.cummondatiCln was that, if the SrwMO would du so,
that would be the best appruach, adding that he Indicated his servic..
might not be neceftsary In that cas.. Mr. Norman said that ataff'a
pusltlun Is that Mr. CCldman wuuld still b. h.lpful.
Followin9 Chairman ~rus. readln9 the proposed re.olutlon, Co..la-
sioner Pistor mov.d, a.conded by Commissioner VOl. and carrl.d unani-
mously, that R.solutlon 83-38 reque.ting SFWMD to conduct 1 flood
elevation study for Collier County, be Idoptod.
&O~K 014 'ACE145
'19' 34
--- --..-.- -- -- -.""- ....-. -------- - -_.~ - - - --- -----------..-.--....
March B, 1983
Ite.. '28
Attorney B. C. Nichol., representing the Collier County Industrial
Development Authority, explained that there haa been a chang. In the
Internal Revenue Code that requires that bClnd lasues Isaued by Indus-
trial DevelClpment Authorltle. be approved by the governing body In the
political jurladlctlCln wh~re the Authority Is located. Reapondin9 to
Comml.sloner P18tClr, Mr. Nichol. laid that the bund. is.ued to proYlde
the fln.nclnq are tax exempt, adding there 1. no tax exemption of the
proj oct.
CClunty Atturney Saunders laid that he ro-drafted the resolution
vhlch Chairman Kruse read and the only changes indicate that It i.
appr~val (ur the purp~.e. or satisfying the requirements of the
Internal Revenue cude Clnly and that notice. or public hearing that were
publllhed vere puhllc hearings before the Industrial Development
Authurlty .nd nClt beCure th~ acc. He said that the acc would be glYlnq
a Curmal approval Cor tax exempt purpusel, un~er the Internal Revenue
Code, and wCluld nClt be apprClvlnq the project ItseIr.
Commissioner PIstor moved, seconded by Comml..ioner Brown and
carried unanlmouDly, that Resolution 83-40 re Indu.trial Develop.ent
Bond. for Beverly Retlre~.nt - Naple., Ltd., be adopted.
", ,,~
"t~;;( ,
&O~K 074 rACE147
Pig. 3S
.. - ....- - -.- -
>" ._"..~....'-'._.~".,""'"".-,-,_.... ........,-."
"._* ...-- ".. -- ~..- -- - - - - - - -- - - -- - - -- - - - --- --.......'
" "
March 8, 1983
lte. .29
Commlllloner VOIS said that there ha. been dlscus.ion re9ard1n9
the tact that CCllller Cuunty should own and oporate the .ewag. treat-
ment plants and tho water systems In the County. He said that a ba.lc
tunctlon ot any governemnt Is tCl prClvlde for the satety and health of
the people In Its jurlsdlctiCln and he suggested that the County
undertake an Investigation to find out what .hould b. dClne In the way
of issuing revenue honds to ·plck up the Isolated plants. and to begin
to plan fClr a cUClrdlnfttlon of the whole .ystem. Chairman Kruse
.u~ge.ted that the Cuunty get the ones currently Clwned operating and on
line first.
Com~IB.lonor Plstur agro.d with Cummlslloner Voss that thl. would
take time befure the 11tuatlC1n cuuld come betClro the BCC tClr approyal
or dlsappruval, adding he thought the County should begin sCIon.
Commissioner Pistor ~ov.d, .,conded by Commlllloner Vo.., that the acc
authorize the County Manager to begin Investigations regarding the
po.slbl1ity ot purchasing the various water and sewer systems that
exist In the County.
Cummlssic.nctr' flulllln1 said that It was his Impro.sl<ln that the
Management currently (oels that it 18 n.c....ry for a possible
reductlun In stllff in dlff.rent .reas In urdor tor the County to
survive, tc. which Mr. Norman said that reCl.lmmend.tlons are being
prepared (ur burlqet cut-backs which may include .tat! reduction. but
nc.t In the Utility Division. CClmmlsslClner Holl.nd said that -to put
this tClq.th.r· th~ Cuunty Manager's time, the County Attorney'. tiN.
and a gClod portion or the equipment Cln the 5th floor would be tl.d up
to come up with a rea.onabl. figure. Mr. No~man .ald that to consider
an undertaking or what I. prClpCl.ed is ~Yerwhelmln9 without atrong
&O~K 074 'Ac£159
Pa9. 38
- - - - - _.. .- ~- -... --. - -- - - -- . -- -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- ---
--- - - -- -- - -- - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - ---- .--,..
eO~K 074 rACE 160
March A, 1983
out. Ide .up~rt Clf .~me .ort. Comml.sloner V08S .aid h. thought there
Would be a n.ed l~r out. ide help and th~t could be paid lor out of the
Utility Olvlsion'. lund., adding it will take a long tim.. Chairman
1I:rll.e nClt.d that there are 51 plant. listed In the Executfye Summary
dated 3/4/83.
Upon call for the qu.stion, the motion carried 3/2, with
Commi..lon.r. Holland and ~ru.e OPpo..d.
Mr. Hurman sU9gelt.d that .ume ground rule. will have to be set
regarding this project. CClmmls.ltln@r fle..Uand a.ked the County Attorney
If thl. ðetl~n I. leqal, tCl which ~r. Saundor. said that the actlun
that the nee just tuok rlOftS nut havo to b~ advertlaed aa a special
Item, Ru ~Ir~etll.ln by the Ruar~ fur Ita!f ttl tnvestl?ate the subj.ct
Wuuld be a lawful act.
Item .30
Cumml..loner Pi.tor moved, .,conded by Comml..loner Vo.., that
R.solutlon 83-39, providing local approval pursuant to Chapter 253,
r.s. for Wiggins pa.. Dr.dglng, '11e No. ll0399l09, Collier County,
approYlng blologlc.l ......m.nt lor .ubject proj.ct, be adoptld.
Tape 110
, ~f.~
Mr.. Charlutte Weltman .ald that It thl. proj.ct la approYld
r~ular malnt.nance Wuuld b. r.qulred .nd .h. a.k.d who would pay for
It, to which Chairman Kru.e .ald that It would b. handled by the
citizen. organlzatluna InvCllved, adding that I. a different aubject. '''~.
Re.pc..ndlng to ChairMan Krus., Mr. Nc..rman ..id that two year. ago a
financing repurt was d.v.1Clp.d which Indicated that 5' or 10' .alnte.
nlnce CCI.t cuuld be c~nsld.red county-wide hftcaule of the general
b.nellt and that the balance VCluld h.ve to cClm. from the local atl..
R..pc..ndlnq to Mrl. Westman, Chairman Kru., .ald that, up to
---- - .-..... -~ _.. - - ~--~ . - -....
..... -- -- ---.- --- - - - - - -- - - - -- .....--------------.....
, ,
&O~K 074 PACE 161'
-.....- - - -- - - - - - - - - - _ a-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___ _ ________'
March 8, 1983
the projects hay. b.en flnanceð through privat. funds.
Upon call for the qu..tlon, the .otion carrl.ð unani.ou81y.
- - - - -. '" -- -. -- - .'-, - .- -- ,.. - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - --.;...-
It.. '31
March 8, 1983
It.. ,30A
CClmmls.10ner Voss r.ferr.d to the pr.sentatlons reqlrdlnq the
reissue of the water bonds refinancing and r.que.ted, for the recQrd,
that the firms do not talk abClut the markup because the Board ha. taken
tho position that a lClw markup ts not qermane.
····Th. following Ite.s w.re approved and/or adopt.d undlr
the Consent Aq.nda by motion of Co~ml.sloner PI.tor,
.,condeð by Com.l..loner VO.I, and carried unantaou.ly....
P.tltlon MP-23-lC, Howard Curtin, Jr., requesting reduction of PUD
setback for scr.en enclosure for a single ra.lly lot located at
651 Jacana Circle, Nsple. Bath, Tennis Club
It.. 132
Utility ~aaem.nt to United Telephone Companx
Su paq. /~7
Item '33
Bid .640 for a traffic signal to be In.talled at S.R. 951 and
Barfl.ld Drlv., Marco Island - Awarded to Mld-Contln.nt Electric,
Napl.., Florida, In the amount of $11,490, contingent upon receipt
of a Florida DOT perMit
Leq~l notice having been published In the Napl.. nllly New.
un J.nuary 31, 1983, I. evidenced by Affidavit of Publication
filed with the Clerk, bids were received for Bid '640, fQr a
traffic al?nal fur S.R. 951 Ind Barfl.ld Orlv., Marco Island,
until 2z30 P.M., February 1~, 1983.
It.. .34
Morri., Insurance Clerk,
roxl.atel four week.
aO~K 074 rACE163
.. -...- _.- -- - -- -- - "-...- - --- _._.- .~.. .-... -
aoOK 074 PACE 164
Ite. 135
March 8, 1983
, .
Bid 1636 for one Ranger Pick-Up Truck, '6,933.12 Ind two 4-door
rairmont., $7,485.82 each - Awarded to T.~lami rord, Inc., Nlpl..,
Legal nutice having been published in the Hapl.. Daily NewI
~n December 21, 1ge2 as evldencftd by Affidavit ~t rublleatlon
filed with the Clerk, bids were received tor Bid 16"~, for one
Ran~er rick-Up Truck and tw~ 4-d~Clr ralrm~nts, until 2130 P.M. on
Jðnuary D, 1983.
Itea I Jt5
Bid '635 for I~mokalee Airport Fence - Awarded to Ouald renc.
Builder., Naple., Florida, In the amount of .7,617.50
~eqal notice having been publl.hed In the Naples Cally New.
Cln December 2l, 198~ as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication
filed with tho Clerk, bid. were received for Aid Iß35, for a chain
link fence with barbed wire along Immokalee Airport, until 2,30
P.M. January 12, 1983.
~ Ite. 137
.... CETA contract .0dHlcatlon
See Page. I~p- 170
; "
Ite. '38
, "',
County Manager'. accrual of annulI l.av. beyond 240 hour.
Ite. '39
Chalr.an authorized to .19n Certificate tor Correction to the fa.
Roll as presented by the Property Appral..r's Oftlce
Ite. '40
~-._------- -. - -~_. -.- ----.. -------------------.....-.
March A, 1983
Ixtra Oaln TI.. for In.at. Nu.ber. 38101, 15848, 22108, 12471,
24702, 26312, and 40774
ltea . 41
Lak. Trafford Ce..tery Deed. '314 and '335
See 'a9" /7/../7~
lte. t4 2
There belnq no objecti~n, the Chair directed that the following
eorrelpondence be ftled and/or rererred tCl the varloue d.partment. a.
1. Letter ðated 2/17/ft3 from Ron.ld H. Avula, President,
Coug.r-county Club, re a dangerCluI traffic .ltuatlC1n that
exilts at the Interftectlonø ~t Cuugar Drive and Airport Road
and the absence of echoCll lone Ipeed .lgn.. xc Mr. ~rman,
Mr. Hartm.n and She rift Rogers. riled.
2. Copy of a .emorandum dated 2/15/R3 from tdwln J. Conklin,
Envlronment.1 Admlni.tr.t~r DHR, re notice of . Con..ry~tlon
and Recreation Lands Seleetton C~mmlttee .e.tlng on rebruary
28, 1983 plus a cupy Clt the agenda. xc Mr. Nor.an. Filed.
3. Copy of a letter dated 2/18/A) frum Richard Whit., Enqlneer,
Bureau ot Co.stal tn9ine.ring and Regulation, DNR, to Mr.
Wlllla~ s. D. Pattison Indlc.tlng that PerMit No. CO-PI0-eO
Pevely Delry Cu. will expire on 4/4/A). xc Mr. Nor.an and
Building Dep.rtment. riled.
4. CClpy Clf Mem~randum dllted '-/ll/A) trClm V. Carl Ruft, Jr.,
Staff Clrect~r Florid. DOT re agenda of monthly .eettng of
tho Cuordlnatlnq Council un Transpurtatlon Dla.dvantaqad. xc
Mr. Nurm.n. FHed.
5. ~py Clf a letter d.ted 2/1~/83 from Mr. Stephen D. Moon,
Cumptroller, FIClrlda DOT, trans.lttlng a eopy of a rlport of
the Financial Poaltlon of Collier County'. eOt portlun of
SecClndary Trust Fund (Second Cal Tax - 5th and 6th Cent) at
January 31, 19ft3. xc Mr. Norman, Mr. Hart.an and Mr. Gll...
6. Cupy of a Jetter dated 2/1~/RJ fro~ Staphan D. Moon,
Cumptruller, FJorlda DOT, tran..lttlng . copy of a report of
the Financial Po.itlon of Collier County'. Trust and Ag.ncy
Fund. (Bond runds) at January 31, 1983. xc Mr. Nor.an, Mr.
Hartman and Mr. Gl1... Filed.
7. Minute. of the r.la. of Capri rlre Control Di.trict, 2/7/83.
xc. Mr. NClr.an and Mr. Dorrlll. ril.d.
eO~K 07 4 ~ACE 165
Pag. 41
------- - - - - - - - - -- - -------- ------ -------
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....---------------- --------'----------
074 PAc£16B
Maroh 8, 1983
:""'I"';~ '
'i~f ~:.¡
~t'..- ~'::./
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'f(;' '
C.rtlfl.d copy of Sara.ota County'. R"olutlon Supporting
Oc.an Impact Aa....m.nt Studl... xc Mr. Norean. rll.d.
~py of H.rnando County" R'.olutlon 83-3 oPpoling certain
prop~..ll of the ~Y.rnor·1 Study Committe. tor r.Ylllon. In
the Stat. of 'lorlda law. pertaining to building conltruatlon
and the conltructlon tndultry. xc Mr. Norman. riled.
Th.re being no furth.r buelne.. to come b.fore the Board the
.eetlng w.. adjourn.d by order uf the Chair at 3.50 P.M.
. .:' ':':\f~'
J., R£A~~N, CLtA~.
the BCC on ~~,.š;ðß
or a. correet.d
I'.:~. ~-."
. ,,',.JI"
. ;,~ I
, "',.
1 ì. ' ,\