BCC Minutes 03/15/1983 R -------------.,..-. ----.----------------.......-.---- Haplea, rl~r!dl, March 15, 1983 LET IT BI REMEMBERED, thlt the ~Ird of County Co..I..Ioner. In Ind for the County ot Collier, .nd .lao Ictlnq aa the Board ot lonln9 ~ppe.ll .nd .1 the 9~Y.rnln9 bo.rd(l) of .uch Ipecl.1 dl.trlcta I' hive baan cr.ated according tu lav and hiving conduct.d bu. In... herein, .et on th11 date .t '100 A.M. 1n Requl.r Se..lon In Bu11d1nq .,. ~f the Courthou.. ~Mpl.x In ta.t N.pl.s, Florida, vlth the tollovlnq .eMber. pr...ntl CAAIRMANI Mary-Prance. ~ru'e VICE-CHAIRMAN I David C. Brovn . . Juhn A. ,luor Fred.rlck 3. Vo.. C. C. -R.d- Rulland . /..,." 't( , ALSO PRESENTJ Wlllla~ 3. R.aqan, CI.rk, J.... C. 011.., ,1.c.l Ottlc.r, Elinor M. Sklnn.r and Maur..n ~.nYon (ll)n P.M.), Deputy CI.rk., C. Wll11'M Nur.an, County ".n'ger, Burt L. B.under., County Attorn.y, ~nute H.rtman, Public Work. Ad.lnlltr.tor, Lee Llyn., Plana IMpl.m.nt.tlon Dlr.ctor, Irv1n9 Beraon, Utl11tle. AdMlnl.trltor, Don'ld C. Hurton, Public Servlc.. Admlnl.trator, T.rry Vlrta, CoMMunity Dev.lo~.nt AdMlnl.tr.tor, Crac. Sp,uldlnq, Ad~lnl.tr.ttv. Aida to the Board, and Deputy Chl.t Raymond B.rn.tt, Shariff'. Dep.rt.ant. ,. . ' 80~K 074 rACE 173 '19' . , , ---------- - - - -----.-------- -- - -- ------.- March l5, 1983 -------------------~-------------------------- "ape '1 It.. 11 ~QEWDA - ~PPROVED WITH CHANOIS Co..I..loner Rolland .ov.d, .econd.d by Co~I..lon.r Yo.. and o.rrl.d unantaou.ly, that the ~end. b. approved vlth the tol1ovln9 oh.nge.. 1. It.M add.d by ChairMan Kru.e betwe.n 5B and ~A - DI,cus.lon re County bonding proqra.. 2. It.~ 12C, R.c~mm.ndatton. tor .ppolnt~.nt. to the Tourl.t Dev.lopment Council - Contlnu.d to March 22, 19AJ. Ite. 12 MINUTES or PEBRUARY 24, l'83, SPECIAL "IETINO AND MARCH 1, 19ft3, RIOULAR MEETIHQ - APPROVED AS PRESENTED Co..I..1oner Brown ~ved, .econded by Co~.I..toner Yo.. and carried unanl~u.ly, that the .Jnute. of 'ebruary 24, 1913, Specl.l Meet1n9 and M.rch 1, 1983, R'9ul.r Meettn9 b. approved a. pr..ent.d. ne. 13 PROCLAMATION DESIONATING MARCH 21, 1983 AS HATIONAL AGRICULTURE DAY _ ADOPTr.D Atter Co..I..loner Brown r.ad the procl.m.tlon, he ~ved, .econded by eo..I..toner Vo.. and carried un.nl~u.ly, that the Procl..atlon de.19n.ttn9 M.rch 21, 1983 .. Natlon.l Agriculture Diy be adopted. Agrlcultur. Dlp.rt~.nt Dlr.ctor Brown thanked the Board and .eMber. of a 9roup ot a9rlcultur. wlv.. pr.'.nted ba.kets ot veg.t.ble. t~ the Co..J..Joner. and varlou. oth.r p.r.on.. . \ 8001( 074 rACl1 T1 .' ....¡, ",~Ú '-9- 2,:" . r' '. ". .¡~ ' . '<'. ,'....~). , " ~ ", "." .\ ~ 'l " .. " . ~ . ' '-'---------- - - ---- - ----------",.-..-.-- -..........--....-.~.....;.;....\,'! .. \ ,.\ ;\~. " .../ Ite. 14 Pl\OCLMA'I'IOW DI8IQ11~'I'IØQ 'l'R1 WlIK or MARCR 13 - 19, 1983 AS ·P018011 'RrvIW!'ION WIll· - ~DOPTID . ~tter Co..I..loner Yo" re.d the 'rocla..tlon, he aoved, .econd.ð by Co.-i..Ioner Brovn .nd c.rrled un.nl~u.ly, that the ,rocla..tlon d..19natln9 the week of March 13 - 19, 1983 I. ·PoI.on 're~.ntlon Week· , 'be adopted. " . J .f,": " . ~.,"" '. 'O~K 074 PACE 179 ',: --.-----------------------------..-......... ....----------------------------------------- "'arch 15, 1983 It.. IS . DISCUSSION RI COUNTY BOHDIHO PROCRAM, REPRISEHT~TIV! 0' MERRILL LYMCft TO II ~LLOWED TO MAKI A PRESINTATION RE W~TIR BOHDS REFINANCING AT 3100 P.... THIS DATI Chatr.'n Kru.I rlqul.t.d Admlnl.tratiVI ~Ide to the Bo.rd Spauldinq tu place. cupy of a reclnt Nap1e. Dilly N.vs edltori.l on an oVlrh.ad proj.ctor and .,Id that It wa. -tlll.d vlth lnaccur.cl.... Chairman ~ru.e a.k.rl Financial Con.ultant ,1.cher to .xplain to the 9·n.ral public exactly what competitive n'9~tl.tl~n 1.. Mr. FI.ch.r, pr..ld.nt ot 'ischer, 30hnson, Allen, Burke, Inc., explaln.d that, tn a competlttve neqotl.tlon, the County 1. .sklnq varluu. tlrM' to Com. In with propo.al. tor r.-tlnanctnq and that tactor. Involv'd In ,u~h a propo.al are price, Market co.t, hov the bond. will be r.t.lled and the experience a tlrm hi. had In retundlnq I..u... Ae .ald that. firm can qlv. a rouqh quld.llne ot the dS.trl- butlon co.t.. HI .ald thøt In ..lectlnq a tlrm, the r~unty look. for. la~9' bond hou.e with many branch otftce.. R..pundlnq to Chairman ~ruae, "r. FI.ch.r .ald that, In hi. oplnlun, all of the pr.vluu. County bond 1..u.. have be.n very well done and that the .tructurlnq and Int.r..t rate. have been very qood vlth no probl.~., addlnq thftt, tv hi. knowledqe, the avard. are done by elect.d officials And not by the County Attorney or the County Manaqer. Chatr~.n J(ru.. uid that th.re 'vere two lIteeUnq. of the CoaJtte. for re-flnancln~ the bond. and that the meMber. vert CoftMt..toner Yo.., Uttlltl.. Ad.lnl.tratur Beraon, Mr. John.on, Mr. Aker, County ~ttorn.y Saund.r., Clerk n.aq.n, ~nd F!.cal Ottlcer CIII.. Re.pondln9 to Chalr.an J(ru.., "r. J~hn.on .ald that, to hi. knowledge, Mr. Aker did not have .n actuðl vut. on the vater bond re-finlncinq fir~. Mr. C11.. r..ponded t~ Ch.lrman ~ru.e by .tatin9 that he did not vote tor 'the I. eOOK 074 rACE 181 , "9' .. ----------~----------------------------~' ',:r " -- - - - - - - - -1- - - - _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _......-. ao~ 074 PACE 1& March 15, 1983 firm. Mr. Berzon .ald that he va. not pre.ent f~r the vote for the r.-tlnanctnq tlrM. . In re.pon.e to Chalr~an Kruse, Mr. Saunders .ftlð that, to hla recollectton, the ComMittee d.clded nut to 90 vlth . .hort ll.t recolllmendatlon. Chairman ~ru.e .ald that .he has heard .~m. rumor. thftt . cOlllpany vaa Involv.d In Nlklnq h.avy ca~pal9n contrtbutl~n., addlnq that, .. Ch.lr~.n, ahe did h.r b..t to find out If th.re va. any truth to th~'e rumor.. She IItat.d, for the record, the tol1ovlnq contr Ibutlon. r CUMmJ..lon.r Pll1t~r - Sl 00 fr~", ClvtC'! 'Sacher ~100 froM Robert Wa9ner Form.r Co.mla.loner Archer - S100 tr~ 1I Dlvld 'Sacher Cummlalvner 8r~wn - $100 fro.. Rub.rt Wa9ner Com~I..lvn.r Vo.. - $1000 troll ..pluyee of Pal n e W.bb.r Clerk R.a9an - $200 from 2 employee. of p.ln. Webber Cumlll1. II on.r Hul land - $200 fro~ elllploye. of Me r r U 1 Lynch COlUllsslon.r ~ru.. - . 50 tro. "errUl Lynch 'ur~'r COlllmll.lon.r Wb.r - $150 fr~1II .mployee ot Merrill Lynch Chllrman ~rua. r.f.rred to . telephone conyers.tton to h.r fro. a r'pr...nt.tlve of one ot the bondlnq fir.. who in.l.ted th.t .h. co.e to hi. offlc. .nd Ih. .ald that .he expl.lned that It v.. not con- v.nl.nt for her to do so. She ..td that the .... per'on c.ll.d and requ..t.d that Conml.sloner Brown have lunch vlth hi. .nd, when' Co..I.sloner Brovn replied that he dtd not think It va. a qood Idea .h. laid that the per.o~ used ottenslve lanquaqe to the ..cret.ry, and .he explatned that thu.e two In.tances lII.de her uncoMfort.ble with the tlrM. Chalr.an Kru.. read two ..ntenc.. fro. a Or.nd Jury Report In which the Cr.nd Jury reco..ended that ...ber. of the BCC avaSl the.- . ..lye. of all re.ource. vhen .rrlvln9 at d.cl.lon. .nd th.t "'ber. of . the BCC .hould n~t deleqat. the d.clslon ..klnq pr~c... to any ataff Page .~-----------------------------~~--~ ,....,..-, .---. ~ ;, t·, . ',', ---- -- ----- - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - ---_.- March 15, 1983 ~eeber, individual or qroup. She .atd that the ultimate decillÐn VII the Com~I..loner.. ChatrMan Kruse referred to .everal avard. made tn the past to rS.ch.r, John.on, Allen, , Burke, Polizzi/lteery, Roqer., SUyer .nd Muun, Hulch.r Tayl~r and a paving company, adding that the paYlnq contractor'. bid wa. r.ject.d and 1. now the .ubject of a cuurt cas.. She said that la.t v..k a bid va. avarded for the Justice Center .xpan.lon pr~qra. to a fire that Va. n~t the lov bidder. ßhe referred to the wat.r bond r.-flnanclng t..ue and .ald that that ,ubject would be .ddr....d at the me.tlng In the att.rnoon. After ..king If a reprelentattve of Merrill Lynch va. pre.ent, Co.-I..ton.r Holland Mov.d "conded by Co..I.,loner Yo.. and c.rrl.d unanl~u'ly, that a repr...ntatlye of Merrill Lynch be Invited, .lon9 vlth the oth.r fir. r.pr...ntatlv.., to .ake e pre.entatlon for the vater bond re-flnanclnq Illue. Mr. Norm~n n~ted that the oth.r tlrm. were Icherluleð to Make their pr..entatlon. trum 1130 P.M. through 2130 P.M. and ,uq9..te~ that M.rrlll Lynch c~uld b. .chedul.d tor ]100 P.M. It.. IS PETI~ION R-82-34C, ROBERT R. TISOALL REQU!8TINO R!ZONIHO rAOM"MHSD ~ PUO FOR 4.97 ACRES LOCATIO ALONC THE WEST PROPERTY LINE 0' RIYERIA COLONY - CONTINUED TO APRIL 5, 1983 Plan. Impl'ment.tl~n Dlr.ctor Layn. .xplaln.d that Florida Power and Light and the p.tltl~n.r ha. requelted a continuance of Petltlun R-A2-J4C for tVo we.ks tu revl.. languag. In the docu~.ntl Mrs. Luul.. ~ell.r Sch1att, repre..ntln9 Rlverl. Colony Golf E.tate., a.ked that a repr...ntatlye from her are. be tnyolved vlth Working on the language. Re.~ndSng to Chalr~an KruI" Mr. Robert Tlldall .ald he did nut ... why Rly.rSa Col~ny people Ihould b. inyolv.d. &O!)K 074. PACE 183 .' , I;: ' ~: '. , ,.,.,,~', ,)~~! !,)';~ ---------------------------------------~~, . .~. 'aq. .. ---------- - - - - - -- - -- - - - --- - - - -, - - - -- --- ---... 80~K 074 PACE1B4 March l5, 1983 Co..la,lon.r Yo.' .oyed, ..cond.d by Comml..loner PI.tòr and oarri.d un.nt.ou.ly, th.t the public h.arlng for Petition R-82-34C, Robert R. Tladall, reque.tlnq r'lonlnq fro. MHSD to pun for 4.'7 acr.. located alon9 the we.t property lln. of Rly.rla Colony, be contlnu.d until ^prll 5, 1983. Comalaaloner Rolland ~ov.d, .econded by Co.~lasloner pI.tor and carried unanl.ou.ly, th.t ~ttorn.y Jo.eph D. Crav.n be .llov.d to .peak on thl. petition. /IIr. Crav.n, repr...ntln9 ",.mb.r. ot Rlv.r 11 Colony explained that tho.e people oppu.. p.tltlon R-R2-34C. He .ald that rr'L'a Intere.t In the ~att.r II limited to the erection ot .hed. and that the other peopl. pr..ent thl. date ar. qreatly conc.rned with the whole l..ue. T'pe '2 /IIr. Craven ..ked why the people pre..nt could not be al10ved to pre.ent th.lr evid.nce and ar9ument. 19a1n.t the petition and then the BCC wlthh~ld their d.el.lon until April 5, 19Ð3, to which Chatr~an ~ru.. respond.d that 4lt.ratl~n. to the vordlnq ot the PUD docue.nt. could alt.r the entlr. .ubj.ct and th.t, until .uch time a. the .It.r- l' .tlon..u ",að., It would nut be appr~prtate tor the Soard to con.ld.r .'~ .l;' j Petition R-82-34C. .., " ' Ite. 17 ORDINANCE 83-8 R! PETITION R-S2-35C, ROYAL POIHCIANA GOL' CLUB,' RIQUISTINO RIZONlNO FROM -RMF-12- TO ·RC· 'OR 40 ACRIS LOC~T~D ~LONa ENTRAHCI DRIYI TO ROYAL POIHCIAN~ GOL' CLUB - ~DOPTED SUBJEct TO STArr STIPULATIONS Legal notlc. havlnq been publl.hed In the Naple. o.lly Neva on F.bruary 11, 1983, a. evidenced by Aff1daylt of Publication filed vlth the Clerk, public hearln9 val op.ned to conalder Petition R-82-35C, filed by Royal Poinciana Colf Club, requeatlng relon1n9 fro. -RM'-12- to -RO· for 40 .cre. located along Entrance Drive to Royal Polnclan. Colf Club. " ..¡:~!f..t\~. ·,:.t..:· \";"1;" ,:'f. ~"'Iì~ ,.,-.;:",;I"i~ f P'9' , -- ----.-.- - - - - - - - -_.- -- - - -- - - - - - - - -- - -- - ---.....-. "...__R! r-::"·~"" ~ . , ----- -- - --- - -.- - - - - - - -- --- - - -- -- ------- --.-..- . March 15, 1983 Planl Impl.mentatlon Director L.yne Indic.ted on Zoning M.p '49-25-5 the aite of Petition R-82-35C .1 being 40 acre. a10n9 the entrance to Royal Poinciana Golf Club. She reterred to the Executive Summary dat.d 3/2/83 and 1.ld that .tatt recommend. approv.1 of the petition with the follow1n9 Itlpulatlonsl 1. If any devel~PM.nt II undertaken beyond Improving the exlat- In9 1.ndlc.plnq fuund on the lite through the replaceeent or placement of .ddltluna1 decoratlv. land.caplnq, a detailed wat.r manaq.~.nt plan Ihall bo lubmltted for revlev by the Water Manaq.m.nt Advl.ory ~arð. 2. Th. .nvlronm.ntallst be consulted If there II any .lteration In the cypr... ar.a. MI. Layne laid that the CAPC held their public he.rlnq on rebru.ry 17, 1983 and unanlmou'ly r,coMmended forwarding the petition to the loard tor .pproval. Mr. Br.nt Hull.ran, repr...ntlnq the Ruya1 PQlnclana r~Jf Club, val pr'.ent to answ.r que.tluns of the BCC. RelPun~lnq to Comml.lloner "ulland, Mr. HQI1.ran .aið that the petitioner I. .atllfled with the condltlun. ..t turth by the Itaft. County Manager Norman clarltled, tor the record, that the EXecu- tlv. Sum~ary cuntaln. revl.od Wording In the Itlpulatlon.. Com.I..loner PI.tor .0Yld, .econded by Co..la.loner Brown and carrl.d un.nl~ou.ly, that the public hearing be clo.ed. Co..I..ioner Rolland mov.d, I,conded by Commi..loner Yo.. .nd carried unaniaou.ly, that the ordinance .. numbered and entitled be10v be adopted, .~bject . to the afore..ntioned revl.ed Itlpulatlon., and entered Into Ordlnanc. I Book No. 171 ORDINANCE 83-8 AN ORDINANCE AMENDINO ORDINANCE 82-2 THE COMPREHENSIYI ZONINC R~r.ULATIONS POR THE UNINCORPORATED ARE~ 0' COLLIIR COUNTY, rLORIDA, BY AMENDINO THB O'PICIAL ZONINO ~TL~S MAP NUMBER .'-25-5 BY CRANOINO THB 10NINO CLASSr'ICATION 0' THI HIRIIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY LOCATED ~T ROYAL POINCIANA OOLP CLUI INTRANCI PROM RM'-l2 TO RO, AND BY PROVID:NO rOR AN IrpIC!'IVI DA TI. 800K 074 PAc£185 ,av! . ---- -- - - -- - - -- - -------.--- --------------'-~,~ flinch 15, 1983 ----- --- ---- -.....- - - - - -- - - .----- -- - - - - - - -,----- It.. .. RESOLUTION 83-41 RE PETITION PU-82-1I, S~M HEATH, RIOUISTINO PROVIS- IONAL USE (0) or -I- DISTRICT 'OR PROPANE C~S STORAO! rOR PROPERTY OM SR-29 1M IfIIMOKALEE - ~DOPTID SUBJECT TO ST~rr STIPULATIONS Plan. Impl.m.ntatlon Director Layne Indicated on a ~ap on an overhead board the location ot the property In Petition PU-82-1I .. being In Iamokal.e. She reterr.d to the Executive SU~Mary dated 2/2P/A) and explaln.d that .tatt and all county agencl.. hay. recom- ..nd.d approval ,ubj.ct to the fullovlng .tlpulatlun., 1. Detall.d .lte dralnaqo plane b. .ubmltted to County En91neer for review. 2. Truck and tank acce.. ar.a be fenced. M.. Layn. .ald that on February 23, 19~), ~.n the IAPC held their public h.arlnq, two of the plønnlnq com.ls.loner. t.lt that the tank. .hould b. burl.d b.caus. vt the .at.ty factur, how.v.r, the petltluner pr...nt.ð two r.pr...ntatlve. troM the State Dlyl.lon of Llqul!led Ca. , p.trul.u. whv .tat.d that, tor .atety r.a.un., It I. better for the tank. to be above qrgund So that leak. or corro.lon can be .een. R..pondlng to CglI\IIIl.alvner J!gUand, Attorney Michael Volpe, repr..entlnq the p.tltioner, said hi. client I. In .gr....nt vlth the .tlpulatlon. ..t forth hy .tart. Co..I..loner Brown Moved, .econded by Co..I'.lon.r Yo.. and carried unanIDOu.ly, that Re.ulutlon 13-4l re Petition 'U-.2-1I, Sa. Reath, reque.tlng provl.lonal U.e (c) of -I- District for propane va. atorage for property on SR-29 In I~okal.e, be adopted aubject to .taff aUpuhtlon.. eO~K 074 fACi187 ,a9, 9 --- - --- -- --- - - - - - -- -- - -- - - -- - - - - --- - - --------- IœK 074 PACE 192 ..-----------------------------------.....--- Much 15, 1983 It.. It RESOLUTION 83-42 AMENDIHQ RESOLUTION R-82-199 POR EXXON CORPOR~TION PRODUCTIOH SITE AT R~CCOON POINT LOCATID NORTH 0' JETPORT AREA _ ~DOPTID Plan. I~plementðtlon 0lrect~r Layne explained that the petition to amend R..olutlun R-R2-199 wIa appruved pr.vluusly by the 8CC, addlnq th.t, .Inc. that tlm., the Cov.rnor'. Cabinet reviewed the Ma.ter Plan tor ~ccoon Point and approv.d It with the fol10wlnq proYI.lons. J. u.. the 11 mil. road tro~ the Trail (BCC .ppr~Yed . 18 .11. road fro~ the ^lley). 2. ~fer c~nstructl~n of road. and drill p.d In Section 12 l~catlon (BCC appr~v.d the North end of S.ctlon 12 vlth further drllllnq subj.ct to revl.w hy E~C, r.nvlronm.nt.ll.t and Natl~n.l Park S.rvlc..). " M.. Layn. .ald th.t Cuunty r.nvlron~.ntall.t Benedict hal revl.ved the .hov. pruvl.l~n. .nd h.. no ~hj.ctlonl and .taft recommend. th.t the ~.rd ..end R~.olutlon R-82-199. '~r'~i ~ ~,'., Co..l.aloner Brown movld, .econded by Co__lllloner PI.tor and carried un.nl~u.ly, that R"olutlon .3-42 a..ndln9 Re.olutlon R-82-l99, tor Exxon Corpgratlon tor production .It. at Raccoon" ", located nurth of Jltpgrt area, be adopted. " .r~~,:i',:, ,\,."'':', ': ",).t ," ..... ...~,~: ,\ ,' Page 10 f(:, '.<;',t .. . 1::' \':~ ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---'----- ----------.....' , ~.~ ,~~::,i·~~t:l.·i . ,~'}i;h ) ~ ;~i ~;;( , ¡' L""i F·,;)·,i:;"t;·~1 ~ ,...."'-.."<~-_.~...",-~- - -- -- - --- - - - - - - - - -- -_._- - - - - - - - - - -- -_. - ----... March 15, 1983 Ite. 110 DISCUSSIOH R! HENDERSON CREEK WEIRS (S!E ITEM .3l) Re.pgndlng to Chairman ~ru.., County Att~rney Saun~er. explained that he had in~icated to repre..ntatives of the Pacific Ll91l Found.- ti~n th.t thl. Item would probably be dlscu.sed at approxlmfttely 9130 A.M. Since the reprasentative. w.re not pr...nt, Chairman ~ruøe .u9g·sted that the Board hear the two Item. ~n the agenda related to the Henderson Creek Weirs .nd withhold action until the Pacific Le~al Foundation r.presentativ.. can be pre.ent later In the meeting to give th.lr pre.entatlon. Mr. Saunders .tated, for the record, that in February he edvl.ed the Curp. of Engineers and the Dr-A that the County woul~ be taking up the Hlnd.r.on Cr.ek Weir SSRU' at this me.tln~ and with that lett.r he .aid that he attach.d a cupy of the per.lt .pplicatlon that the BCC VtJuld con'sld.r this date, and that the C~rp. ot P:nqlne.r. app.rently touk that unsigned ~ppl1catlon and acted upun It and I..ued an .tter- the-tact perMit. lie saId that, If the 8CC d.cld.. to apply for the a~ter-th.-fact p.rmlt, he will furward a n.w p.r.lt applicatl~n to the Curpa and Indicate that an error wal made in granting the permit. Public Work. AdmInlstratur Hartman r.f.rred tu the Executive Summary dated 1/7/AJ and expIaln~d the ten .ta" recummendatlon. " f ol1uwI I 1. ^pply tur -~tt.r-the-tact- p.rmlts (rUM the Corpr, DEn and SFWHD fur the HCC-3 Water Cuntrol Structure. 2. Obtalnln~ dralnag. ....m.nt. to provide culv.rta under U.S. 41 tu convey the water to the 'outh. 3. ^ malnt.nanc. prugram (or .tructurol the County provide. and fur outtalll. 4. An alternate r.commendatlun to modlty the ea.t weir of the HCC-J wat.r cuntrul structur. If staff 1. unable to ubtaln .a.em.nt. 'outh of U.~. 41 in a timely ..nner. .:~ ,', >~}~i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _._._ _. ~O~I_ 07~ ~~_~ _ _ _ __ ______:9~~~3}f; -, March 15, 1983 -----------------------------------------~ IO!) ( CJ74. fAtE 196' Chann.l Impruyem.nta betw.en ACC-3 and Saba1 Palm Road, when p.rmltted. . C~ntlnued m~nltorln9 of water .1.Yatl~n. vi thin the H'~d'ra~n Creek Dralnaq. Aaaln. C~ntlnu.d monlt~rlnq ot the F P , L ~cc..s Auld t~ aa.ure that øheet fluv crolllnq b.neath th, roadway 1. not Imp.ded. R.spons. to the RYWMD requesting an Inv..tI9atl~n of c~mplalnt. cuncernlnq the doalqn and ~p.ratlun of the w.lrs. 6. 7. 8. 9. c~op.r.tlun with ACBB update of the Master Plan tor Wat.r ~anft?m.nt DI.trlct Nu. ~. 10. Cunslder.tlon ur the UCß~ recommond~tlonø which may result from Its ~ell. Mead.-Puyal Palm Hammock Water M~naq'~~nt plan wh~n It I. r.celve~. Chairman 'ru.. .uq?.t.d that the member. of the public be a1loved t~ .poak un this t~ptc t~ll~wtn? the pr~.entatlon hy the Pacltlc Legal Foundation lat.r In the m..tln~. County Manag.r Norman .ald that two per.on. w.re reqi.t.red tu øp.ftk un this topic. Ite. .11 RIC~M!NDATION RI IMPLEMENTATION 0' JOB TRAININa P~RTHERSHIP ~CT _ APPROVED, CRAIRMAH AUTHORIZED TO SIaN COUNTY APPLIC~TION TO BI ~ SERYICE DELIVERY ARr.A Public S.rvlce. Administrator Norton .xpl.lned that Lie County decld.d l..t w.ek to apply (ur S.rvlc. r.llv.ry Area .tatu. a. a .ln91. cuunty which would leave Culller County to .ake a d.clslon reqardlnq h~w to proc..d. H. said that the St.te h.s d,clded that ftalanc. of Ðtate Structur., under which Collier Cuunty currently operat.., will b. , eUlllnateð In the comlnq ttacal year, .ddlng that h. UColIIJI,nd.' that the .ppllcatlun for Service Delivery Area tur Collier County be approved by the Board. ComIlS'.lon.r rl.tor .ald, in hi. opinion, that It I. I.portant that the application be approved, addSnq that he ha. att.nded "v'ral ..etln91 regarding the subject. He explaln'd that he a.k.d that the State .ake an exception and con.lder Culller C~unty I' I S.rvlc. 1': . " . . ,Page ---------- - -- - --~ -- ----- -----------......_-_.....~ G:¿· ~;) fØIJ .. , ----------------------------------------..... March 15, 1983 Delivery Ar.., wh.n he va. in T.ll.h...... Co..I..lon.r Brown ~y.d, ,.cond.d by Coaml.aSon.r Pi.tor and c.rrS.d un.nl~u.ly, th.t the r,coMm.nd.tlon r. I~pl.m.ntatlon of the I Job Tr.lnlng Partner.hlp Act b. 'pproy.d and the Ch.lr..n be authorl..d to .19n . County 'PPllcatlon to b. a S1rvlc. Deliy.ry ~r.a. See Pages ó2 ~¥ - ~.¢." It.. 112 RIPORT AND RECOMMrNDATION RI PRIOR YEARS' DEFICITS IH INTIRN~L SERVICE FUNDS - CONTINUED TO MARC" 22, 1983 Ch.lrlllan' Kru.e not.d that the report and r.commendatlon r. prior y.ar.' d.flclt. In Int.rnal ..rvlc. fund. wa. r.que.ted by .taff to b. contlnu.d to M.rch 2~, l~A3. It.. 113 CRANCI ORDIR NO. 1 FOR WESTRA CONSTRUCTION, COUNTY Rr.QIONAL WATER SYSTIM, ftAD:~ ROAD TRANS"ISSION MAIH - APPROVED IN THE ~MOUMT OF U,007.fi& Utllltl.. Admlnl.trator B.rzon .xplalned th.t Chang. Ord.r No. 1 tu w..tr. Con.tructlon retlect. the totftl and tlnal coat. of the pipeline con.tructlon that I. ~n. ut flv. contracts currently under con.tructlun tor the County Reqlon.l Wat.r By.t.1II and th.t the r.a.on for the Chang. Order I. d"crlb.d In the Executlv. SUftmary d.t.d 3/4/A3, vhlch h. outlined. ea..I..loner rl.tgr MOved, .econded by Co~S..Soner Brown and c.rrled un.n1aou.ly, that Chang. Order No. 1 for w..tr. Conatructlon, County Rtqion.l Wat.r Sy.te., R.dlo Ro.d tran..la.lon .aln, final .dju.t..nt of actual co.t of conltructlon, b. approved In the a~unt of .6,007.&&, Incr.a.ln9 the ori91nal contract froM '23l,41C.02 to '237,421.U. '.. ' , ,. 800K 074,Afi.1J17 , "9' ---- ----.....-------- ---------.-- - - - ---_-....:....-_.~'~~~., :¡. I "', ---------------------------------------- .;' " .; ~.: \':~ ~ ~ ~: 'o:\' 1, ~'" r "arch l5, 1983 -~-------------------~--~~~~-------~---~-~ It.. 114 '~ ,I .... .T,." DIRECTBD TO IHVlSTIO"TI FUR'l'RER COWT' OAS T~X ~ND REVIEW 8IN~'I"I BILL 8~ RE TRANSPORTATION fINANCE AHD ADMINISTR~TIOH, SUBJECT ALSO TO BI DISCUSSED IN THE "PO ~unty Attorn.y S.und.r. r.terr.d t~ his 3/l0/ØJ ~e~oran~um to the ICC regarding Senate 8111 8A r.latlng to tran'POrt.tl~n finance .nd að.lnl.tratlon. H. .ald th.t the pur~.e of bringing the tax act up for di.cus.lon w.. to d.t.r~ln. It the County should review that atatut. and make a d.termlnatlon ot vhether the additional local option í t.x a. provided tor In the .t.tut~ would be aom.thln9 the BCC Would 1 v.nt to conald.r tor Collier County. , Co~.I.alon.r Plator a.ld that, In hi. opinion, the .mour e or .on.y that C~lll.r Cuunty wuuld r.c.lve from the additional t~ur cent. in q.. ta. ~uld h.lp the Cuunty accomplish many ot the It.ma that .r. nece.- .ary and will not b. accompll.hed b.c.us. the C~unty I. limited tn raialnq ta~ea and the current qas01ln. tax.. are committed. He 11.ted Vanderbilt Road, Wiggin. pa.. Road, David C. Brown HI?hw.y a. needing Work, and .dd.d tha~ It the tour c.nt. Vlre p....d the County could undoubt.dly tloat a bond la.u. and work out a way to put In the 11 y-over br Idq. at Oav Is FIoulevard and U. ß. 41 and d~ a larg. part of the con.tructl~n ~C Route 951 '0 that t~ll. woul~ be Minimal. n. .ald that h. spoke with "r. Pappa., DOT Clrector, In Tall.ha.... who .ald that, It the County had the mon.y avall.ble, the DOT would b. v1111n9 tu coop.r.t. with the Cuunty tu accomplish the project. vhfch vere ~ 'ppr~Y.d and that the DOT ha. already Inve.tlgated the fly-oyer brldve. .' H. .ald that th~ rlqhta-ut-way need to b. purchased tor the four-la~ln9 ~ of Route 951. . H. .aid that the legi.latlv. p.ople to vho. he tl1~ed. þ h.v. told hiM that In April a v.ri~tlon ot Senate Bill 8A vlll be, rat..d to po.albly .ak. It PO'.lble tor the County to locally decide . . I '1 0, 800K 074 PACE201 \' . \ P.ve 14 \ .--- -- -,- - - -- - - - - - -.- - - - - - - - - - - - - ------ ." ao~ 074 fACE2.02 ------------------------------------------ March 15, 1983 how the Money vill be u.ed for a ten year period Instead of a five y..r period, In which ca.e, there c~uld be a b~nd ilsue. ". , Respondinq to Comal.sloner Vos., Public Work. Adminl.trator Hartman .ald that the flr.t four c.nts ~! the tax currently II for the State. C~~nty Att~rn.y Saunders explaln.d that the Local Option Tax I. for .Ith.r . two c.nt or lour cent tax which Would qo t~ the County. County Manaqer Nur.an .ald that there Would have to be an .qr....nt betw..n the County and the City of Naple.. Co..I.lioner Voss .ovod, .econded by Co..I..loner Brown .nd ), I. c.rrled unanl.oully, th.t Ita!! be directed to Inve.tI9.te furth.r the J County qa. t.x and r.vl.v Senate 8111 ftA r. tran.portation tln.nc. anJ' ad.lnlstratlon and that the .ubject .1.0 be dllculled In the MPO. Mr. Nor.an .ald that atat! curr.ntly Is Involved in a car~ful Inv..tI9atlon ut thl. year'. bUdqet a. well .. next year'. budget ,: \ I " ......, .,. ." þ" 3- , ~.~ f',- ! .nd ataff 1. qulng b.yond prior year'. eff~rta In ter.. of projectinc¡r wh.t the County problem. wll! be n.xt ye.r. He .ald th.t, reco9nlz1n9 the .. -" ~ 1 , . . addltlona! co.t. with the up.nlng ot the new Ju.tlce Center, It ..y b. .j" . lI.c.....ry that the &ard c~,nllder that. portion uf the 9a. tax b. u.e~ J " t :~ enough fundI within the tax cap 11.lt.tlona to continue oper.tlon.. àt.~ / . .:~!.,. ' ..ld he did not w~nt anYClne to autoMatically a..u.. th.t aU the IIIOnet . /~ .,1 ',~ that such a tax would derive Would Im~edl.tely be .yallabl. tor new" ~ for the operation uf road and bridge purpo... .. . way o~ provldlft9 construction. . . It.. 115 r ·It f. . '., j, .... .. ,~' '" ,~.' - , ! ROUTINE JILLS - APPROVED rOR PAYMENT \ pursu.nt to R.solutlon 81-150 l' I .' the followlnq checks vera h.Ued "1 I ,,/ . throu9h March 11, 1983~ In payment ~f routine bill. I CHECK DESCRIPTION CRr.Cft NOS. 1.MOUN'I' Vouch.r Checks 93470 - 937S] $I, 170, 321. 21 Pa9. IS ,.......--.., I '-. ,-.---.-.., , ~ .- ..... March 15, 1983 --- - - - - - - - -- - - -........ -- - - -- -- - - - - - "-- -,--- - -- ---~- ~ Requhi: P.yroll 81020 - use5 . 223,398." It... '18 and '17 IUDOIT AMENDMINTS 83-321 AND 83-322 - ~DOPTED Co..I..lon.r Brown ~Yed, .econded by Comal..loner Plator and carrjed unanl.ou.ly that the tol1ovlnq Budget Aaendment. be adopted a. de.crlbed In 'the aMaunU .hownl BUdget A.end.ent 83-3211 re ov.rtlm. need.d to pay In.pector. r.que.ted to vork on a Saturday or Sunday (Unlncorp. Cuunty Are. - Coam. Dey.) In the .mount of ",255. r. fund. n..d.d to r.IMbur.. Utl1ltle. Dlvl.10n for .taff tl~e .pent on plan r.vlew .erylc.. and .ddltlonal prlntlnq tunda reque.ted to cover co.t of new form. n.ed.d tu .tr.aMlln. per.lt pruc... (Unlncorp. County Are. - Co... Dev.) In the '.ount of $5,090. Budg.t "-'."d..nt 83-3221 Ite.. '18 throuqh '21 BUDGET AMENDMENTS 83-323 TRROUCA 83-325 - ADOPTED Co..S.'lon.r Rull.nd .oved, ..condld by Co..I..loner Yu" and c.rrl.d un.nl~u.1y, that the follovln9 BUdqet Aaend..nt. b. .dopted .. d..crlþ4~ In the ..ount. .hownl Budg.t A..nd.ent 83-3231 tu cover Incr....d co.t of .alnt.n.nce contract with Nlp1.. Co.~unlcatlon. (C.ner.l) In the '~unt ut '300. fur travel n.c....ry to appeal the r.d.re! Ðfterq,ncy Maneq..ent Aqency" r.vl..d fluod elevatlun deter.lnatlone (C.neral) In the 'lIOunt of 81,000. to transfer fund. tor u.. In Puro1a- tur/c.rrler .ervlc.. for blulprlnt. and legal .ðvertl.lnq for bid packe for Justice C.nter requlre~ent. CJu.tlce Center Bond.) In the '.ount of $.,000. RECONVINEDI 10.12 ~."..e.. Budget ~.nd..nt 83-3241 BUdget A.end..nt 83-3251 ····REC!SSI 10100 A.M. 80~K 074,ACE203 . ! --------~----~-,~-----------------~~-~~~ \ ,:,\" .. "" " , ::-:", (':'t ;\, . .. '.,',"-;' ---------------------------T~------------~ aœK 074 PACE 210 , March 15, 1983 ' ,,):' ", ".':' .;.:t, ",'}"'. It.. 121 ,.'''~ RISOLUTION 83-43 RI REAPPOINTMENT or MR. Tnt~L DEVELOPMENT ~UTHORITY - ADOPTED ':1' .,. ~LAUD! HAYNES TO THI IHDUS- ~' ~m~nl.tratlve Aide to the Board Spauld1n9 explained the reco...nd.tl~n for reappointment ~f Mr. Claude Hayne. to the Indu.trl.1 Development ~uthorlty, addlnq that a l.tter ha. been received froD Mr. Herr.n, ChairMan ut the Authority, Indlc~tlnq that they vl.h Mr. H~yne. to be reappolnt.d. Co~laaloner Brown Moved, ..conded by Co..I..lon.r PI.tor and carried unanlMoualy, that R..olutfon 83-43, re.ppoSntln9 Mr. Claud. Hayne. to the Induatrlal Dev.loPMent Authority vlth In expiration date of 'ebruary 28, 1987, be adopted. . 1 " ..~' , >'r., :: >t, ~ ~. 't'~~~ i:I., ,r' [";;,;',1 ~ ~ - &oox 074 fACE212 ------------------------------------------ March 15, 1983 Ite. 122 "ICR1CIC~L T~SK 'ORCI AI AESOURCE ArCOVERY COHBrSTINQ OP OUT! RARTMAN, ROBERT '~HIY, DR. CHARLES A. -ANDY- STOKES, P. R. ARCHIBALD, P~UL 3. KRUS!, WILLIAM MC~NLY, ~ND TAD PRAS!R _ APPROVED Chalr.an ~ru'e referred to her memorandun ð,ted Harch ll, 1983 regarding her request that the ecc ftppolnt a technical ~.sk ~orce, con.l.tlng of Rob.rt 'ahey, Or. Charles A. -Andy- Stoke., F. R. Ar.:hJbald, P,ul J. /l:ruu and willl'lII MeAnly, under the direction of Mr. Knut. nartll.n. "ape t3 COMml..lon.r /l:ru.. r'a~ the par'graph. regarding the pur~.e of the Taak '~rc. being to outline (~r the BCC a tactlc.l an~ fe..lble 'ppru~ch f~r ..tabll.hJnq a Resource Rec~Yery pl.nt In Collier County, with · dupllcat. report to our Colll.r C~unty R.pre..nt.tlves to ØQuthwe.t 'l~rlda ReqlonaJ Plannlnq C~uncll" subc~mlttee on Resource Recoy.ry to be 'UbMltted within 120 day. and that It 1. not to reco.- ..nd a .p.clflc tlrll. C~M~I..lon'r PI.tor .ald h. ~uld like Hr. Fr..er of the 'P¡L to .lao b. un the COllmltt.., to vhlch Chalr.an ~ru.e .ald 'he Would be h.ppy to Include hi", and anyune trom other utllltle.. Co..I"lon.r Brown MOved, .econded by Co..I..loner Yo.. and carried unanl~u.ly, that, Technlc.l T..k Porce re r..ource r.co¥.r, : " "¡' t+ con.l.tln, of Knut. Rart.an, Robert ,.hey, Dr. Ch.rle. A. -Andy. Stoke., r. R. Archibald, Paul 3. Kru.., WilliaM MeAnly, and Mr. "'d rra.er, be .pproved. Chalrllan ~ru'e .ald, tor the record, that Mr. knute R.rt.an and Mr. Robert 'ahey Would be from the County. R.,pondlng to a qu..tlon fro. Mr. Ceorge ~eller, Ch.lrm.n kru.e .ald that If . for..l ev..ltte. S. .ppolnted other .e.ber. of the co~unlty could be Involved. It.. f2 3 Pig. " ---------------------------------------~, ." "~~'; c:J c:::J fI!I ---- -- -- ---. -- -- - ------ -- ----- - - -- -- -- ----- March 15, 1983 ~PPOINTMIWT8 TO THI TOURIST D~LOPMIHT COUNCIL _ CONTINUED TO MARCH 22, 1983 Chalr~an Kruse explained th.t the rea'on tor the reque.t to c~ntlnu. consideration ot Ipp~lntment. to the TUurJat Development Council to ~arch 22, 1983 I. to .11~v time f~r verlflcatl~n th.t e.ch ...ber wh~ ha. .ubmltt.d In apPlication I. . regl,tared elector of ~111.r C~unty which I. required by lav. It.. . 24 COUNTY MANACEA TO INVESTICATE SOURCES 'OR PAYMENT 0' JUDGE HAYES' SECRETARY County M.nager HQr~An .ald that h. ha. addr....d a ..mo to the BCC vlth · c~py to 3udge naye. Indlcatlnq that ha ~uld not pr~po.e that the &gard take any actlun thftt ~uld prev.nt Judge Haye. tr~. h.vln9 the ..rvlc.. of a ..cretary, how.v.r, that he I. concerned that thl. I. a ca.. wher. the Stat. Is Impo.lng a hiring tr..z. .nd causing the County to Incur addltl~nal Cust. b.cause the State do.s not 9rant valver. to thu hiring fro.ze. 'fe uld, In hi. opinion, It ~uld be approprlat. tor the ßoðrd t~ In.truct hi. to enaure that Judgo Haye. do.. have ..cr.tarlal s.rvlc.., wIthout creating a perMan.nt or t'Mporary County position, and th.t the Jud1e and the State ~fflce. that ad.lnlstor the funds h. Inform.d that the County has. serlou. financial probl.m and that the County te.l. that the State I. ju.t a. capable of m..tlng thl, .xp.ns. .~ tho County Vuuld be. Re.pondlng t~ Chairman krull, CI.rk RC:'9an .ald that vhen he pr'Ylou.ly advla.d tho Buard that the County had to pick up the expen.e tor the State h. wa. r.t.rrln9 tv a n.w PO.ltlon. He .ald that In thl. In.t.nc. the vacancy I. occurring b.c.us. .om.one 1. re.lgnln9 and the Stat. doe. have the fund. budgeted. He .ald that he th~u9ht the .Ituatlon shuuld b. Inve.tI9ðt.d to find out It the 8tate doe. ha~e funds tor thh particular position. Re.pondlng to Cu-".Ioner Brow", BOOK 074 ~ACE213 , ,pag. It·., ,... , ------------------------------------- ' , eOOK O1.j..PAcE2:U ---------------------------------------- March 15, 1983 ~t. N~rMan expl.lned that a temporary .ecretarlal ..rvlce could b. u..d until It la det.rMlned If the State h.. fundi Avallabl.. , Co..II.loner Yo.. .oyed, .econd.d by Com~I'llon.r Brovn and carried unanl~ou.ly, that the County Man.q.r Inve.tI9at. 'ourc.. for pay..nt of 3ud9' Ray..' .ecret.ry. ····Th. follov1n9 It.m. v.re approved and/or adopted under the Conaent AQ.nda by Motion of COMMI..lon.r Brown, .econd.d by Co~I..loner PI.tor and carried un.nllDQu.ly.... It.. . 25 1983 Weath.rlzatlon Contract for .16,474 vlth the Florida Depart..nt of Co..unlty Aftalra. S.. pag.. ~ J../. 7 - ØJ..S ..3 It.. . 28 Ite. . 27 R.qu..t a copy ot the National Acade.y of Bel.nce.' .tudy on FEMA'. coa.tal flooding ~d.l. Qult-C1al. Died for I..ok.lee EpllcoP.ll.n Ce..tery fro. Trult... of the Dloc..e of Southv..t rlorld. _ ~cc'Pted s.. Pðq.. ~LI- It.. ,2a It.. . 2' TI.. .xt.nalon to May lO, 1983 for 'Ppe.l of Richard 3. 'In_ rlght-of-vay per.lt denial. <, ..'¡;'t~ "' ~:~ . " '"I~..·.:.r~, "'( ','1''';'''' , ~~~.~ "A ~~,J lte. U 0 Equtp.ent Operator IV PO.ltlon for Tr.n.part.tlon Depart..nt _ Exe. t fro. fr.el. r.crult..nt and fill In a rov.d. . ' Chalr.an Roll. a. " .19n Certlflc.te. for Corr.ctlon to the fl. Pro rt A ral.er'. Office. 19112 TAX ROLL NUMBER 525, 529-538, 540-544 DATI - 2/1l/83 - 2/28/8' ¡ \ " ------------------------------------- --- '---) ~ ~ {~~ . """'W'·'·'· .....~__..._<.,,_.~""_ March l5, 1983 '- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - ---. It.. U 1 ~IPORT AHD RECOMMENDATION ON HENDERSON CREIK WlIRS _ CONTINUED !'O APRIL 26 1983 rOLLOWIHO STAPr Rr.VI~INO REPORT FROM PACI,rC LEO~L rOUNDATION . County Attorney Saundftr. Intr~duced Mr. Thoma. Hookano, of the Pacltlo Legal Foundation, Wa.hlnqton, D.C., a~dlng that .taft h.d conclud.d vlth th.lr report to the Board regardlnq the Henderlon Cr.ek W'lr. .arller In the .e.tlnq. Attorney Kuukano explained th~t the Pacific Legal 'oundation i. a natl~nal, IltlgatJng, n~n-prutlt pUblic Intere.t law loundatlon who.e . purpys. I. tu r~pr".nt cltlz.n. around the natJon In important II.ue. att.ctln? the public Int.r..t. H. .ald that approxImately one year ago the Land and Wat.r M.n.q.m~nt Counoll ~t Collier County, tnc. contacted the PLF and apprh.d the", ot a .erlou. proM... ot floodlnq In the area under dl.cu"Iun at(.ctlng human lite and .atety. He rePorted that on March 15, 19A2, the 'ounrtatlon undertook an Inv..tlgatlon ~f the probl.m. to d.t.rmlne whether ur not It. involv.m.nt In the .ub'ect .atter was warrant.d and r.pre..ntatlv.. w.r. .ent to exaMine H.nder.on Cr..k, the tluodlng cun~ltlon. Nhlch oCcurred l~.t May, Junft, tu Meet vlth engln.er. In the ar.~ to dl.cu.. the d..lgn ot the weir, and to m.et with local r.pr".ntatlve. to deterMJne vbether or not there WI' . cau.. and .ttect r.latJIJn.hlp betw..n the ff.nd.r.on Creek Weir and the IJ,oodlng cIJndltlon. which have b.en experh"cet1. ne laid that,'\fter .ev.ral month. Inv..tlqatllJn, the Foundation concluded that there I. a cau.e and ettect r.latlonshlp b.tw..n the tloodlng Which ha. occurred In the aroa .nd the fI.ndersun Cr..k W.I r, IInd the FQundatJ~n .tatt .ad. a r'Comendatlon to Its Board ot TrU.te.. that it be permitted to repr'.ent the Land and Water Management Cuuncll of Collier County, Inc. and thJ. authorJlatlon wa. provJd.d r..ultlng tn the PLF'. pre.ence thi. dat.. eo~~ 074 'A~' 215 '.g. 21 ---------------------------------------- J'/","" "",f: ~ ~';;: ' "",: ----------------------------------------- ~ &O~K 074 PACE2.i6 r-<:arch 15, 1983 Mr. Rookano said that the 'oundatlun learned that the Hender.on Creek Weir val not built a. permltteð and th.t the rainfall which occurred In May and June of 1982 vas n~t extraordinary 10 that the velr, a. built, .huuld not have been able to handle It. He .ald that the pr~blem that exl.ts I. that the weir wa. designed I~properly and th.t the draln.g. ba.ln, which Vas calculated In order to design the c~ntrol .tructur.s, was under.stimated and va. about a 40 .quare ~II. are. Instead ot the 17 square Mile ar.a which vas e.tlmftted by the engln..rs vho deslgn.d the weir. He .ald, theretore, vlth norMal ralntall the control structure. In place are not able to handle the I dralnag. (rom the ar.a. He said that, In hi. opinion, the BCC should ..rlously cunslder the ten ~lnt program which the statt has presented (or corr.ctlon ot the cundltion b.cau.e It I. totally Inauttlclent to h.ndle the pruble. that h.. be.n created. Mr. Houk.no Intruduced Mr. Ron Brun. to .ddres. hi. report vlth re9ard to curr.ctiun. ut the condition. which the PLr believe ..I.t.. , , Mr. Bruns, of Rruns and Brun., .xplalned that hi. Clrm va. retained by the Land and Wat.r M.nag.m.nt Cuuncll ot Collier County, Ino. to Inv..tlg.te the tloodlng In the Henderson Creek dr.lnaqe b'.ln after , , Control Structure. HCC-J and HC vere built. HI ..ld tho.. two .truc- ture. are the la.t In a ..rle. of project. done In this are. that I' Incr.a.ed the vater level In the b.sln. Re Indicated on . ..p the are. wher. th.re was a railroad fro~ Naple. to Culller City vhlch .hlfted . vater Into the basin, addlnq that thl. va. approxlM.tely the .... tl.. th.t the Taml.~1 Trail wa. built which va. acro.. the bott~ of the drainage b..ln vlth 'ome dralnage-vays thr~ugh It. He .alð tho.e dr.lnage-w.y. vere Inadequate and c.u.ed vater to .tand h19her and longer on th. up.trea. face of the Ta.la.1 Tr.II which v.. .ubltantl. .ted by · fre.hwater trough that ha. developed directly north of the j , PIV. 22 --------------------------------------- r---ì r'!"'-1 ~'~~ -'-·-..."'___._.,^..,'~..,.,<o_.........'...".,,_, fr~m a nvrmal raint~ll event which normally wuuld nut have Dccurred. Mr. Bruns said that nv valid rea.vns tur the cunstructlon of the ------------------------------------------ March 15, 191'3 Trail. He explained that the cunltruction of Route 951 ii, In efroct, · dike because It haft no ~rAinage-way. through it except at the Trail and thl. .hltted water that nor~ally va. not In the bAsin down Into the ba.ln. He .ald that a canal va. dug adjac.nt to Route 951 and thl. h.lp.d remove S~me of the uuter ba.ln waters through the ba.ln, addln9 that the HCC-3 ftn~ HC structure. acted as .eml-Plug. and that the Inadequat. drainage-ways undern.ath the Trail caused flo~dlnq from normal rainfall which prevlvusly had not uccurred. Mr. Bruns .ald that, In urder to d.slgn a water control structure, the dralnag. area that contrihute. to the .tructure must be determined and that the d..lqner. chus. a l~.A .quare mile area, hDWeyer, h11 inv..tlgatlona shuwed that the drainage area wa. closer tu 4a square ~Il... H. .xplalned that tho ralnt.ll data that had ~ccurred .lnce the c~n.tructlon ~f the two weirs was revlew.d, three rainfall event., and the data cunn.ctert with thv.. were Inve.tlgated. He .aid that the Inv.stlgatlon. ~f thvsft rainfall .vonts prov.d that the dralnaqa b.sln Is approximately 40 'qu~r. mil.s, and, th.r.tor., tlvodln1 will Dccur weir. Wort fuund by his firm but IC It Is a..um.d thot th_re vere valid reosons, It muat ho assum.d what a tuler.hl. l.v.ling Df flooding there will h. .n~ a cuntrvl structure i. then de.lgned tv onøure that flood- Ing duos nut rlfte ahuve that tol.rabl. l.vel. H. 'Ald that at thl. l(¡catlun the folllJwlntJ fuur pvlnts should be conl'Slderod In the de.lgn of a cuntrul structurol 1. It wuuld act a. , salinity weir. 2. It Wvuld prvvlde fr.ahwater during the nur.ery ....on in the prup~r amount tu Aoukory Ray. 3. There WDul~ he Increa..d pot^bl. water .uPPly for "_rco Ut U I t I.. . 80~~ 074- PACE 211 Plq. 23 ---'-----~--- -- ----,--, --------------------- - ! . . I. - -- -- -- - - - - - -- -- - -- - - - .-- -- - - - - - -- - - -- ---- ......, - &~~K G7... PACt 218 March 15, 19A3 4. Sut!lclent water I. maIntained In the b"ln t~ .alntaln the cypr... 9r~wth there. . Mr. Brun. .ald that with tho.e IteM' In ~ind and that, in an atte~pt to bring the !l~odln9 to a t~lerab1e level, the tollovln9 r.comm'ndatl~n. have b.en ~adel 1. The high aectlona In "CC-3 be cut dovn to 3.5 toot elevation. Th. high ø'ctl~n. in HC b. cut dovn to 3.5 tout .1.vatS~n .nd the weir ext.nded. 2. 3. In the tWu main flow-ways underneath the canftl, ~x 1 and Dox " that outf~ll. b. dug auuth Into a spreader canal to push fresh w~ter Intu the salt water mar.h around the Old Belle M.ad. <]ral1e. Mr. Brun. aald thftt ec~n~mlca w.r. k.pt In mind regardinq the modification. and, In the ~plnl~n ot hi, tlrm, they can be done by County cr.wa. He r.ferr.d to the County'. ten poInt progra. and ..Id that pulnt. " 4, and ~ will pruvld. Immedlat. r.llef, adding that point' 1. Ilmllar to his third recomm.ndatlon. H. .ald that even If tho.. thr.. puint. recommend.d by the County are done the pr~bl.. I. atlll qolnq to be pr.s.nt. He .ald hi. tlrm e.tlmat.. that a tventy- flye-y.ar rainfall .yent viII be 2.4 tiMe. larger than the dellgnerl anticipated, th.refor~, .uch an ev.nt, tor which the .tructure .hould b. d.'lqn.d, will caule up.trea. level. at the control .tructure In exc"1 of 8 toot .'1, which II a 'Iqn that there viII be exten.lve floodlnq throughout the basin. ChairMan Kru.. a.k.d ~r. Brun. to addr... the reaaona 91~en for the conltructlon of the control structure.. Mr. Brun. ..Id that òne reaaon glv.n va. fur .allnlty control, addln9 that, hl.torlcal1y, Inve.tiqation. Into that r.a'on .huweð that the only tl.e there va. any probleM with 'alt water Intru.lon It va. not tro. vater cOMln, up the creek but rather due to over PUMp1nq of the borrov pit, which v.. In the ranqe of fifty .11110n qallon. a day vb.re'l Marco ,uPP1Ie. around fourteen .ll110n 9allonl a day. . \ '/ " He ..Id that, In hi. opinion, at· I t pa.... 2. - - - - - - - - - - - - ----.- - --- --.-- ----"'-"---------- r--.. c=:J ~ ,~. " ,.," COIUII I ..soner.. ------------------------------------------ March 15, 1983 .Ituati~n vhere 'ome .alt vater probleml .Sqht be experSenced Would nev.r be approached. R..pondlng to Chairman Kru.e, Mr. Brun. .ald th.t the Vllr would not alter the de-vaterinq of the qu.rry. He Illd h. found two time. Where .allnlty did get Into the Renderson Creek C.nal but It va. va.hed out ea.lly vlth no problem. Mr. Brun. .ald th~t the other rea.on qlven for the velr conltruc- tion was to prot.ct Ruuk.ry Bay. Mr. Hopkðno .ald that the n.ce'.lty of the vat.r control structur. i. tully dl.cu...d In Chapter 8 o( hi. report and that the conclusionl reach.d by the enqlne.r. and .ubscrlbed to by the Land and Water Mana9·ment Council 1. that the nece'.lty for the weir. I., In t.ct, doubttul. Mr. Rookano dl.trlbuted copl.. of the report to the Co~ml..lun.r Plstor a.k.d, I( the ohstructlun. In the dr.inag. canal along Rout. 951 qoln~ toward the velr v.re r.moved .0 that the dralnaq. Wuuld (luw freely, ~uld there be a P0811blllty that near Sabel Palm. Road and north the land could dry out and the vater might b. h.ld back .0 that arca., wh.re there are nur.ery products, would dry out? Mr. Bruns .ald that, durlnq hi. conver.atlon. vlth nur.ery people whu hlv, b'~n there (ur a number o( year., they have never cumplalned about the land b.lng too dry. ~r. Brun. .ald that Tamlaml Trail cau.ed addltlunal f100dln~ tv what oCcurred before 19,"0 and that the con- Itructlon of the tWu weir. has compounded the problem. Chairman ~ru.. laid that, baled upon the receipt ~f the report, In her opinion, the Board face. the fullowlng alternatlyell 1. A d~cl.lon made a. tu ~hftth.r or not the BCC believel that the evld.nce pr'''nted to th'M by Pacl flc Leqal 'oundaUon '. and the previous documentation br the Corp. ot En91neer. doe. or doe. not Indicate that the ve r. are the cau.e of the tloodlng of one deqree depth or duration or another vlthSn that dralnaqe ba.ln. 2. If the velr. are the cauae, do.. the BCC vl.h to le.ve th.. eO~K 074-fACE219 paCJ~ 25 --------------------------- -----------' --,,--.-..... """.'".._,-,~.,"'". ., ----------------------------------------- .,. -.,.- ~~ 014 rACf220 March 15, 1983 alone or to m~dlfy th.m a. pre.ented by Cuunty staff or a. pre.ented by Pacific Legal Foundation? 3. eoel the BCC vllh to addre.. the cOlt of either of th~.e ~~dlflcatlon. before ~akln9 . decllon? 4. Ooe. the BCC wSlh to remove the weir? Chairman ~ru.e ftsked If thore veri .ny other altern.tlye. to which Mr. Slunder. .ald that tho.e cov.r all the alternative. but, In hi. oplniun, the qu.stlon that n.od. to b. conlld.red by the ~ard II hov th.y arrive at ~n. u! thuse lolutlons? Relpondlnq to ChairMan ~ru.a, Mr. Saund.rs .ald that It Is hi, underatandlnq that the weir balonq. to Collier County and nut the SPWr04D and the BCBA. po4r. Saund.r. said th~t Ruard ha. to d.al with the follovlng sltuatlon., I. Th.r. I. an .xlstlnq structur. that Is technically not p.rmltt.d. Th. C~unty ne.d. to ~ake application to have permit. Isau.d (or the .tructure and the ~ard could direct statt to apply tu the varlou. Igencl., to permit the 'truc- tur. as It .xlst.. 2. It there I, I probl'm, what do.. the County do? Mr. Slunder. Suqq.ated that Mr. ~run, M..t vlth C~unty Englne.r., hl~'elf and Mr. ~okano to ,.. If there I. C~~~on ground Involved In the su9q..tlun. and that ~uld give .tatt an opportunity to r.vi.w the r'port submltt.d thl. date. Atter tho.e dl.cu.- aluna, a r.port could b. ~ade to the Board makln9 reco..en_ dation. on action the DQard c~uld take. CUmMlsslon.r Vu" a.ked Mr. Brun. vhat criteria va. u.ed for deter.lnlnq that there wa. a large dralnage area, to which Mr. Brun..' .ald th.t an exa~lnatlon wa. Mad. ~f the quad 'heet. publl.hed by the Ceol~glc.l Survey. ~ Tape . 4 Mr. Aruna said that the sa~e quad she.t. were u'.d that vere .vllabl. to the orl91nll deslqn.r. ot the velr. Re.pondlnc¡r to Co..I"Ioner VO.., Mr. Rrun. laid that the vater qoe. into the 9round but h. va. referrinc¡r to the runoff, addlnq that the percent.ge of the v.ter that 90e. Into the ground d.pendl u~n the lub.urtace qeologlc.l ,.--.~ ..... ; :, ::,:,~,(~. ,;~,. , r'"t :'1', ':"~';\ >, ~,'~'i:¡:j~I' ···',:;;¡~ï r0J r.:'\~ 800K 07.4 rAc£221 ----------------------------------------- March 15, 1983 He .ald that the de.19ner. of the control .truotur. and hi. fir. ac¡rr.. a. to the a~ount of runoff per Iquar. all., to Whloh Mr. Hartm.n agr.ed. A"pondlng to Comml..loner Vo.., Mr. Saunder. .ald that the Corp. va. avar. that the drainage ar.a va. larqer thin the 17 .quar. .lle. flgur.d by the dellgn.r.. Com.I..lon.r VO.I a.kod Why the .taff recommended the ten point program, to vhlch Mr. Hartman said that the Pacific Loqal Foundation contond. that, In building the velr, the County entered Into a probl.. ~hlch may not have b.en a Cuunty problftm. ß. .ald the fact that U.S. .1 v.. built vlth perhapa not enough culvert. 1. not nece.sarlly the County'. probleM .nd the tact that th.r. hay. be.n d.y.lo~ent. eouth ot U.s. 41 th.t ··y be ub.tructlnq the operation or tho.e culvert. t. not the County'. probl.m, a. It could be a probl~ b.tween the p.ople on the north and 'outh 'Idea or U.G. 41. fte uld that, by butldlnq the weir, tho Cuunty h.. .nt.red Into the problem and the t.n point proqra~ I. m.ant to all.vlate any tluodlnq that may uccur. Mr. '~rtm.n ..Id that th.r. I. · Po..lblllty that It the culvert. were opened the probl'm .Ight not 'xlst. A dlscu.'lun lolluweð durln9 which Mr. HartMan .ald h. would like an oPPOrtunity to study Mr. Brun.' data and the report dl.trlbuted by Mr. Hookano, adding that h. thuught" Initially, the C<,unty va. going to a.k that the landuwners on the louth 'Ide to re-e.tabll.h the draln- 8g.-way., pruvld. the land, and cut the ditch... Chalr.an Krua. Itat.d that h.r .tance I. that the County has .pent one-half "Slllon dollar. on a .tructure which Is cr.atlng .Iaery and tluudlng .nd thftt nob~y ..... to be aure It the rationale given tor building the .tructure v.. accurate and that she wuuld not voto t~ allov the atructure to .t~y In exl.tence b.cau.. It I. too oxpen.lve. Cumml.alon.r PI.tor .ald that h. hlt Mr. "artman's .ugg'.Uon that part of the proble.. In lIO.e of . , ,ag. 2' ------'--------- ----------------------- . ' -"~';''',-'~-'~,-*,-,- '-""''''''''~'''' - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - __ - - - - - - - - - --..;0- _ ___ ________ ~ C74.PACf22Z the are. come. froD the cUlvert. under U.S. '1 Is correct and, In hi. March 15, 1993 opinion, the weir could lerve a useful purpo.e It the rock II rem~Yed froM the c~nal and the water flows out rapidly. He .ald h. felt that . the County Ihou1d apply for the after-the-fact permit. Re.pondln9 to Chairman Kru.e, Mr. Saunders referred to a December 20, 1982 letter from the Corp. of F.nqlne.rl and re.d the .tatement Which .aid -It appear. the a'-built .tructure doe. nut cau.e .Ignlflcantly more flooðlnq than th. p.r~ltt.d structure would have cau.ed-. COM.I..lon.r Vo.. mov.d, s.conded by Comml..loner Brown, that .tafl be given 30 daya to revlev Mr. Rookano'. report and report to the aoard. Mr. Nur~an r.c~mmend.d that th. apPlication tor the, after-the- tact, ahould b. compl.t.d. Th. toJIQwlnq r.r.~n. .poke In oPpo.ltlon to the weir. Mr. H.nry Steinman, whu .u~ltted plctur.. ot the area to the Cum~I..lon.r.. rr.xhlblt A) ····R!CESSI 11105 R!COMVINED. ll.1] P.M. Mr. Winton Hamill, who .ubmltted picture. ot the Itructure. to the Co..la.lon.r.. (Exhibit A) Mr. Fred Vldze., r.presentln9 the 81q Cypre.. Ba.ln ~ard, .ald th.t th.re Is In .ff.ct . County/e..ln AqreeMent that wal executed ',v.rftl y.ar. aqo that ~uld ultl.ately transter the operation ,.nd .alnt.nanc. ot the vat.r control .tructure to the !19 Cypre.. B..ln. " He urg.d the Co~I..lon not to take any perclpltou. action, at thl.; tiDe, becauae the BCBB I. 901nq to fund a .tudy of the DI.trlct No. S vater.hed area In Which the Itructure I. Included, adding that the BClB con.ultant enqln.er vlll be In.tructed to take a clo.e look at the IMpact that thl. .tructure ha. ~n the .urroundln9 area. He .ald that vlth that Infor.atlon, In hi. opinion, a lot of the BCC'. que.tlon. ..Y be an.wered and the Board viII h.ye the benefit of a ..cond, prof..- )., ---------------------~---------------~ ~ ,..--, , I ~ ~ ,t') 'Î '1'1- , ,""": \, ---,,,, .ak their coup.ratlon tur the 10 day. for Cuunty ataft to ~rk --- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - '-- - - '-- -- - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -- -'.. Much 15, 19~3 .ional opinion. Re aaked for a copy of the report given the Co~I.- lion. He .ald that the SFWMD Regulatory Department ha. reque.ted th.t the County .taft prepare a report on the .ituatlon anð that the update of the Diatrlct No. 6 report viII a..lat .taff In r..ponding to the reque.t. Re .ald with thl. Intormatlun, in hi. opinion, the BCC viII be able to take action that viII b. a b.n.tlt to the entire publl0. Chalr~an ~ru.. said, for the record, that .he vas partially In aqree..nt with Mr. Vidze. anð that her recommendatlun to tho Board would be to walt 30 day. to allov .taft to work vlth the Pacific Leqll 'oundation and to begin to ~rk vlth SrwMD in We.t PalM, who h.. reque.t.d an Inve.tlqatlon, and will be going further Into the lubject in public h.arlnq. She r.qu..t.d that .taft write tu th. 4genci.. involved and .xpl.ln what h.. occurr.d In the Boardroo. thl. date and together. Tape .5 Ite. tJ2 Upon call for the question, the aotlon carried unanIMou.lY. MOTION TO APPLY FOR A'TIR-TRE-rACT MODIPICATION TO TAl U.I. ARMY CORPS PERMIT NO. 78K-0914 - DENIED Co..I..loner Plator aoved, .econded by Co..I..loner VO.a, that atatt be directed to apply for the aodlfied after-the-fact per.lt for the vater control .tructure. R.øpondlnq to Co~ml..lun.r Vu.a, Mr. Slundera ..id that the DER and Corp. ot Engln..r. are anxiou. tor the .0dltlcatlon appllc.tlon to be .ade, hOVlver, th.re I. nu ab'olute time li.it reqardln9 th.t permit. He .ald that, If tho County elect. to make chang.. In the weir .tructure, new per~its WQuld have to ba applied tur. Upon call for the .. que.tlon, the aotlon failed 2/3, vlth Co..ls.Soner. Kru.., Rolland and Brown opposed. aOOK 074 PACE223 "qe 29 --------------------------------------~ ---"'-'-'-- --~--------------------------------------- beaK 074 PACEm Much 15, 1983 Mr. Slunder. .ald that he would notify the agencle. that the County v1l1 recon.lder the modification after 3n day~. Ite. t3 3 ., MISCELLAH!OUS CORRESPONDENCE - rILED AND/OR REFERRED There b.lng no obj.ctlon, the Chair directed that the following corre.pond.nce be filed and/or ret.rred to the yarlau. depart~ents II Indlctlhd I I. Memurandum dat.d '/2R/B3 trom Tbm ~uck to County Man.qer Nur~an .tatlng th.t additional Intormatlon requested tra. the T.x Collector'. tlnd Appr.la.r'. Ottlce. had not be.n received a. at February 2P, theretore, the public h.arlnq re Ea.t Napl.. rire Hydrant DI.trlct will not b. held within the ~O-day time frame do.lgnated by the Board. Filed. 2. Cupy of l~tter ~ated 2/28/83 tro~ Debbl. !rvln, ~itectot Offic. of tV'luatlun .nd ~anag.ment Review, HRS, tran.mlttln9 survey rel~tln9 tu Chapter 147, r.s. Tranaportatlon DI.ad- vanta?ed and reque.tln? cumpl.tlon ot .ame. xc ~r. Norman. 1'1 led . 3. ~tt.r dated '/2"/83 from Sqt. C.B. Aradl.y, Collier County Sh.rltt'. Dept. In Immokal.. concern1n9 n.ed (or a fence around ptrlm.tør ot Im~okal.e Airport. xc "r. Nor~an and Mr. Hartman. Filed. 4. Lotter dat.d 3/1/83 frum Joe P. Brown concerning probl... at Imftukal.. Alrpurt and r.que.tlng a tenc. aruund airport. xc Mr. Nurm.n and Mr. Hartman. Filed. 5. L.tt.r dated 2/22/83 (roM Th.odure J. Wirth, pre.ldent, Am.rican Sucl.ty of Llndac.pe Architect., reque.tln9 that land.cape architect. be con.ldered to help plan, de.lgn and aup.rvl.e the work (or th. nev coftmunlty parka, and tran.- .lttlng .ever'l pamphlet. re .aMe. xc Mr. Harllan.' 'Ued. 6. Copy ot ne.ulutlon R-8J-287 ot the BCC ~f Pal. ~.ch Oounty, .xpr...ln9 dl.approyal of RRS Intent to Clo.e A.a. Rolley State Hoapltal. xc ~r. Nur"'.n. ,ned. ' 7. Lltt.r dated 2/28/83 frum Marvin Collin., III, O~R, acknovl- edging receipt ot application tor .alnten.nc. dredging of Wlqgln. pa.., and requ..tlng additional Information. xo Mr. "ullly. rUed. 1 ' " . , 8. Copy of propQ..d revision. to the Florida Admlnl.tratlve Ood. Chapter 17-17, Part r to IMple.ent provl.lon. of the P1orld. Electrical Power Plant Siting Act, a. 'Mended, recelVeð 2/23/83. xc Mr. Norman. 'fl.d. : . 9. .....¡it,,'..' ",\¥"t' ' ,t~~~ 30 ,',q';:;K , ",I ,)~ "~H;~~: I" .~ Copy of letter dated 2/23/83 troll Elton 3. ct..endanner, Executlv. Director, DNR 9rantlnc¡r approv.l for exten.Son of Pa,e -----------------------------------. ~, r- r:::::J ~ '1 ~ . , \.,~ __~">¥"'~,_,o<,,^~. '( ~ ---------- ------------ ----,-- -- -- - -- ---- --, March 15, 1983 p.r~lt 'CO-P13-ØO, South S... N~rthVl.t Cond~mlnlWl ~parta.nt of M.rco I.I.nd to M.rch 2, 1984. 'iled. 10. Copy of lett.r d.ted 2/23/83 froM Deborah E. Atho., Dlreetor, Dlvl.lun of Beache. and Shor~., nMR, 9rantln9 approv.l for .xt.n.l~n of per~lt ,CO-P20-Rl, the Delton. Corporatl~n, untll Þ'ay 2f1i, 1983. rUed. 11. Cupy of Memo dat.d 2/23/83 (rom J. Baxt.r Svlnq, Director, Diy. of WOrk.r.' Compen.atlon, re Worker.' Compen.ation In.ur.rs' Prftctlcea. xc Mr. Norman. 'lIed. 12. Cupy ot memorandum fro. Rob.rt Rtubb., Inc. Financial Adyi.or., o(t.rlnq ...I.tance in tuture t.x-exempt I..ue.. F I hd . 1 J. Cc.py of F.bruary 28, 1983 Culller County Mu.eum R. po r t . FI hd. 14. Cuplu ot (ollowlng ~lnute'l Filed. A. C I t Y 0 f Na p I.. , 'ebruary 16, 1983. B. EMSAC, F.bruary 10, 1983 C. !MSAC, Ta.k Ftlrce C~mmltt.., February 14 , 21, 1983. ····REC!SSI 11.30 A.". RECONVENED. 1.30 P.M. at which tl.e Deputy Cl.rk ~enyon r.pl.ced Deputy CI.rk Sklnn.r···. Ite. .34 MERRILL LYNCH APPOINTED AS SENIOR MAHAOEA AND PRUDENTIAL BACHE APPOINTED AS JUNIOR MANAOIR TO PROVIDE UNDERWRITINC SERVICES FOR THE REFUNDINC OF THE COLLIER COUNTY WATIRISrHER DISTRICT REVENUE BONDS, Mr. Dav. ,llcher of 'I.cher, John.on, Allen, Burke, Inc. Itated that 20 alnute pre'.ntatlons will b. qlv.n by f~ur firM' .nd 10 .Inut.. will th.n be allotted tur . qu..tlon and answ.r period. He noted th.t th.re art thr.. thlnqa to k..p In mind, une being co.t, an~ther b.ln9 what h.. be.n accompllsh.d In the Stat. of Florid. In retundlnq, and .noth.r b.lng dl.trlbutlon II tu huw many offlc.. they have In the Stat. ot rlvrlda, huv Many ..l..m.n will .ell the bond. and hov th.y viII syndlcato. To Cum.is.lon.r Hul1and's qu.stlvn If It 1. po..lble tor "ch firm to qlv. · firm n.t Cvst tlgur., Mr. Fischer replied n'9atlv.ly .t~tlnv that the biggest factor il the comml"lon co.t or What It tak.. to get the ..l....n to .el1 the bond. vhlch could range fr~ft .12.00 . bond to 800K 074 'ACE 225 "V' 31 ---,- - ---- -- - -- - - - -- - --- - -- --- -----------_: ----- -- - --- - - -- - - - - - - - -- - -- -- - - - -- --------- J.. " &O~K 074 'ACE 2.26 March 15, 1983 '. ',.;:;,~~~.~ ------ "''<':;~'~ - - - - - - - - - - ------------ - --------'-~l . ~":~~ ','X>~ ",\',: $17.00 a bond, adding that when the Market condltl~n. .re 900d the comMII.lon tendl to be les., but when the market tend. to qet touc¡rh .nd the ·inter..t rate. Itart to fluctuate and the Interolt rat. II ~ore of a conc.rn than the actual Cust ot 80l11ng, the comml..ion il Incre~.ed. n. not.d that this Is not qenerally known until they are actually ready to gu to marke~. He noted that the man~9.ment fe'l which Is what Is e.rned n.t aft.r all expenl.1 will usually range trClIQ $2.0n to $3.50 per tx, nd and .hould b. a tlxed coat available It thll tll11e. He repur t.d that anuth.r (h.d coat that 8hould be ava llabll 11 vhat the und.rwrlt.rs wIll gøt wh 1 e h ran!).. (rom '.50 to SI.5n a bClnd. He allo stat.d that the ,xpona.. are a tlxed Cost which should be ayaSlable, ad~ln9 that th... ~w~n... Includ. the und.rwrlter'. attorney, the travel ,xp.ns., clo.lng cost In Now Yurk, and the exp.n.e of the county P·opl. trav.Un!) to New YClrk. ne noted that this could range fro. $1.00 to $~.OO a bund. H. stat.d that there .hould be $4.00 to $5.00 ot flx.d Costs ..ttl.d, but the commlsslun co.t would he . yarSable. Mr. 'Ischer not.d that over the lite or the bond II.ue, the co.t ot the I..uane. could b. recuv.red through 1.9al arbitration, but the Int.r..t cannot be r.cuvered. In answer to '1Ical otflcer CIles, Fischer Indicated that all fee. are n.gotSable, adding that the cuunty Is In a competitive negotl.tln9 .tag. wh.reby the tlrm could be sel.ct.d today and negotiation. could b. settled later. H. noted that It II, hovever, be.t to negotiate very early. The flr.t fir. to make their pre.entatlon wa. Blyth lIat.an Pain. Webber, Inc. Hr. J.... SIMcoke, vice Pre.ldent, Introduced Hr. Fred Cart. ot the Naple. otrice and Mr. John MUUI, an a.soclate vlth the Mev York offlc. specializing In water, .ever and refun~ln9 S..ue.. P.,. 32 ;-"'1 ,..,--, - ------------------------------------------ March l5, 1983 Mr. SI.c~ke Indicated that h. had b.en vlth Paine Webber for the la.t tv.lye ye.r., adding that he work. out of Nev York but llv.. In We.t 'al. Beach. Re .tated that In .el.ctlft9 . banker th.r. are thr.. thing. to con'ld.r which are dl.trlbutlon, experience and exp.rtl.e, end .ervlce. R. report~ that Paine W.bber he. 2~4 otflce. acro.. the country with approximately 3700 .tockbroker. or regl.tered repr'lenta- tlv.s, addlnq that the rlrm I. viewed as a retail operation. He noted, however, that there are 11~ Inatltutlonal municipal .ale.men which rank. Paine W.bber .ither tlr.t or "cond In that categury In the Indu.try, adding that on any qlv.n I..ue, they have a capability of aelllng both retail and In.tltutlonal. Re r.ported that rain. Webber ha. a national municipal d.part~ent In N.v York City, addlnq that there .re 16 oth'r municipal reqlunal co~~lttln9 cent.r. throuqhout the cuuntry, vlth t~ In 'lurida, on. helng In "la~1 and on. In Pal. Beach. He not.d that this alJúw, un. tú monitor th. Market not ju.t In Hev Yúrk and Florida, but thruuqhuut the country and It allov. bond. to be .ov.d troM ar.a. ot high 'UPply to are.. or high demand and 'lor Ida 1. on. ot the hlqh..t d'~.nd .r.a. ur tax-ex'MPt bond.. "' noted that the public tlnanc. d'pðrtmønt ha. In .xc... ot 20 client. In the .t.t. ranqln9 trcÞl!I the Stilt, Ik.ualn? Finane. Agency to .peclal taxing dhtrlcts. II. Indlcatðd that In the pan tour y.ar., ralne Webber ha. .ucce..tully .tructured and ~.rkftted In exce.. or 5~ I..u.. tot.llnq ov.r '2 billion. He .tatod that Paine Webber knuv. the 'lorlð. .ark.t extr.m.ly veIl and has tho exp.rlenc., plus the expertS.e In refund- Inqa. Re r'ported that alnce 1971, ralne Webber ha. done oyer 200 r.tundlng., adding that h. .erveð as a ManaQer on the larg..t on. that ha. b..n done which wa. the Texa. "unlclpal Pow.r Agency u.lnq the n.w coat r,cov.ry concept. H. noted th.t thl. 1..ue va. done a~ut 10 ðaya ago and va. 'JS7 Million. He repurted th.t Paine Webber participated , . 800K 074,AtE2Z'1 ,.v- 33 --- --- - --- --,-- - -- --- - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- -- - ---...;..;;. --~,....".,-"'''-''.__.,....,~.>'^"--_.-., . . \'" ----------------------------------------"~, . -4~~' . ::\ .~.;,;~ ,·F,";({¡ -.--- - - -- - --- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- -- -'- - ------- ~; C'J4 pJ.CE228 M.rch 15, 19ft3 a. the ..nager In the Ren~ County Airport refundlnq, .enlor m.n.ger to the Honolulu Airport In exc..s of $100 .Illton, .nð for the to. Angele. Cou~ty Redey.lopm.nt Auth~rlty, n~tlng th.t thll has all occurred vlthln the lut tin days. ne c~ncluded by stating that In CoUSer County, they have rec.ntly don. two I.aue., ~ne tor the Mo~rln9' and the other tur Napl.. r.ommunlty f~.pltal, n~tln9 that Mr. Cartl vould expl.ln both of th.~. Mr. Freð C~rtl, Kanager of tho NApl.. ~f!lce, .tated that Pllne W.bb.r hat ~utp.rt~r~.d all other firms In Collier County I.su... Re .t.t.d that In the Napl.. Hospital Pond I.auo last month, Paine Webber '~ld 63' ot all bond., whll. M.rrlll Lynch, A. C. Edward., E. r. Huttun, and 22 other tlr.. all Co~blned lold 17,. He noted thlt the .bllity t~ dlstrlbuto bunds la v.ry i~portant becau.e, vlth an 1..u. thl. .lze, It the firm had tu ral.. thw coupon rite 1/4 of . point abuv. the ~ark.tplaco In urder to ..11, It ~uld be like havln9 an additlunal $20.00 per bund ftddeð to their .pr'.d. HI atated that there are many ben.tlt. that the County C.n obtain by u.ln9 a local fir. and a fir. th.t has pruven expertl.. In dl.trlbutlng bond.. Tape .. . Mr. 30hn Muu., A'.oclate with the New York office, referred to I . .. page. 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 uf the pr...ntatlon bookl.t .tatlnc¡r that,there . .re tour l.au.. that art directly relat.d to thl. flnancln9, which Include. a retail otferlng ver.u. a prlv.te Place.ent, capabl:lty In .tructurlng an I..ue, the AMBAC tr.n.ferr.l pre.lu., 'nd detal1.4 Intereat co.t compari.on which rel.t.. to the true Intereat co.t and .pread. He reported that AMBAC ha. Infor.ed hi. th.t the County Would r,c.lve .t le..t the .a.e rate on the relundlft9 1..ue a. the or191nal I..ue and Could po..ibly be I.... He noted that 'line W.bber I. the only lnye.t.ent bank1n9 llrm that c.n truly enter Into either the Pat. 34 ,..""........-.... ~ ~ -"'.,._,._-..,-,--""'~,~,.............,.~._-"~.. . ------------ -.- - ----- ------- -- --'- ---------' 80~K 074 rACE 229 -----------------_.1-_---------------------- Mnch 15, 1983 ' ' In.tltutlona1 or retail market, notlnq that an Interest rate 1. running around 9 to 9-l/C'. Mr. Jim Slmcoke Itated that to .u~Marlze tlr.t and toremolt I. Pain. Webber'. exp.rlence and expertl.e. Re nuted that Paine Webber I. the largest tax-ex.mpt dl.trlbutl~n system In the Industry and thrQughout the Unlt.d State. In .ell1nq b~nd., addlnq that the book. and manag.m.nt Issue can b. run trom the Palm B'ach ofllc. to keep m~re of the Issu. In rlortda. H. noted that normally a retail market would g.t · b.tt.r r~t. on t.rm bond., adding that It the I.sue vere Sn the .ark.t today, Pain. Webber Would augge.t to have .erlal and terM Maturttl.., noting that the '.rlal bond. would be retallod and the ter. bond. Would b. pJaced in the institutional Market vhlch vould ..ve 1/8 ot a point by doing It In thJ. ~ann.r. A. r.ported that timing I. .v.rythlnq In an I..ue and the c~U~n rate I. tar ~ore Important than .pr..d. Re Cuncludeð by .tatlnq that Pain. Webber i. prepared to gu to Work I~M.dlately with .tatf, flnAnciaJ advl'~r., and the bond coun.el, addlnq that ev.ry Cu~t .avlnq m.thod available ~uld be u.ed Includlnq the tax-exe_pt capJtal accumul~tur bon~. to .ave at le..t In ba.S. point.. C~m~I.'lun.r Vue. qu.stluned how many office. there are In rl~rlda, tv which Mr. SJmcok. replied 21 ufflc.. and 319 .tuckbr~kerl. Comml..loner Vo.. a180 qu..tloned how much ut the I..ue cuuld be 80ld In Culller C~unty, to which Mr. C.rtl replied the bulk ot It, addln, that It they had It fûr awhll., It could all b. 'ol~. Re .tated that the qu..tlon I. not th.lr ability to .ell It, but that other people vant It and thoy are 91ven .ome, adðlnq that It it va. .r~und fur a veek it VQuld all be .old In Collier County. Com.I'.loner VO.a qu..tluned What TIC .eant, tu which Mr. II_cot. replied that It 1. True Intere.t Co.t vhlch II the dl.counted pr..ent . ,.,. 3S · , ~., -----------------------------~------------ &oOK 074 fM.E 230 March 15, 1993 value of the lasu.. Comml..I~ner ~ru.. qu..tl~n.d what the flx.d manag.m.nt fe. would be~:to vhlch ~r. Slmcuke replied $).00, $1.25 tor the flx.d und.r- vr 1 tar'. .pread and an exp.ns. he of $1.75, which Include. the two ~r ~..lbly three n.c....ry county official. and th.lr .xpen.... Comml,slun.r Vu.. que.tloned what the prfv.te placement would be, to which "r. Slmcok. r'Pll.d '12.00. County Atturn.y Saunders qu.atlon.d It th.r. ~uld be .om. type ~f a.suranco that It the couPon rat. was lower in the retail .al., that the r.tall .al. wuuld be u..~ a. orpoft.d to the Institutional .ale, to which Mr. Slmcoke repll.d attlrmatlvely, ad~lnq that If the Market 1. the .am. when the County I. ready to '.Jl a. It I. this date, and Plrt ot It I. plac.d and part I. rota II, thore wuuld be a r.ductl~n In the $20.38 spread, but the prlvat. plac.m.nt ~ulrt he qre.t.r than $12.00 dep.ndlng on what portion I. placed and what portion I. retail. Th. ',cond pr'..ntatlon was a joint v.nture ~ad. by A. O. Idvard. , Son., Inc./I. '. Hutton, Co_pany, Inc. Mr. CharI.. Dever., Vie. rre.ldent of A. O. Edward. , Bon., Inc. Introduced JI. BI.hup, Vlc. Pr'.ld.nt ot E. p. Huttun , Coepany, Inc. Mr. Dev.r. atated that this t.a. I. d.algn.d for thl. advance r.fundlng, noting that It I. In the b..t Inter..t of the County to have a r.tall bond ofterlng to provld. the lowe.t PO..lble Int.r..t rat.. RI not.d that the t.ae that ha. b..n put t09.th.r Involve. th. Mo.t .ub.tantlal retail br~k.r.qe n.twork In rl~rlda and the united Stat... n. .tat.d that the t.am Includ.. ~9 offlc.. In the State of rlor.d. with thr.. of.,thelft b.lng In Collier County, un. Ie E. p. Hutton In Napl.a and two ar. A. C. Edwards vlth on. offlc. In Maple. and on. In Marco Island. H. r,port.d that on a colftbln.d national ba.l. there ar. S87 ~fflc.. vhlch I. the larq..t r.tall brok.rag. n.twork of any .y.te. Pa9' 3. ""-,"',-, r:::J ~ ---- -- ----- - - -- - - ---- - - - -.- -- -- .--- -- - - --- - - - -- , March 15, 1983 that vlll be pre.ant.d by any of the flrMI that are being con.tdered. Re Indicated that by putting the.e two flrma of A. O. !dv~rd. and I. r. Hutton toq.ther I. the co.t .avlnq. of the I.sue, addlnq thlt the factor In Moat cu.t lavlngl for the County t. the ayerlge coupon r.t. on the bond.. He not.d that the COlt of the undervrtterl dt.count vii! ~e r.cov.red, hut not the Int.re.t CUlt f~ctor. Re re~rted that to br I nq In a low.r dllcuunt rate, thh hlue would have to be done on an Initltutlonal l,v.l which wuul<1 COlt the c<'unty It'. lavlnql In the forM of a hlgh.r Cuu~n, adding that It h very IMportant to obUln the low..t po..lbl. coupon rat. a. they are not recov.rable but the und.rwrlter. dl,count I. recov.r.d. Re .tated that his flqure. tor an Inter'lt ractor In ..1linq the band. rang. from 8.58 to 8.7~ baled upon Mark.tlng condltlonl. He nuted that A. C. r.dward. 'old 45' ot the $36 ~illlon bond i.au. tur Napl.. ~~~unlty Ho.pltal. He conclu~.~ by .tatin9 that thi. Intor~atJon d.munatrat.. what A. C. tdw.rds/r.. ,. Rutton could do fur the Colll'r County bondl. Mr. Jim 8lahup, VJce pr'.ldent ot E. F. Hutton, Cumpany, Inc. Itat.d that the primary lalu, uf retundlnq JI the dlltributJon and lale ot the bonda In the marketplace, adding that the ballc .tructure of the l.au. II d.cld.~ by tho financial advlaors. '~not.d that the .ale of bond. without validation will be appropriate with the appropriate opinion ot the hund cuuns'l. He nut.d that the rebate un the AM8AC Inluranc. policy that ngW exllta vlll be lufflclent to pay for che In.urance on the upcomlnq laaue. He .tated that E. F. Hutton by th.m.elv.1 underwrut. a numb.r of new Illues lalt year totellnq 815.8 billion, .ddlnq that this team uff.red to the marketplace the flr.t a.ro coupon tax-.xempt bond, the flrlt long-term optlun bond, the flr.t a9r1cultural Inprovem.nt rey.nue bondi, the flr.t 11nqIe-famlly .artgage revenue bond, the flrlt atend.rd. for health c.r. tlnancift9 80~K 074. 'ACf231 'aq. ~~\ . . , '",i,l.IíI -'----'--------------------- --------------......' .\~' ,11:1 , . ~~' '11 'OOK 014 rAœ231 ------------------------------------------ March 15, 1983 adopted by the Insurance aqencle., the first u.e and the creatlgn of MBI In.urance, the flr.t alnql.-famlly houalnq b~nd. for .tate aqeijcl.., the first pullutlon control bond. and the flrøt advance r.fundin9 techniquø Includlnq the technique of the le9al arbitration factor. "e reported that la.t year a $420 million refundlnq va. COlnphted f~r the City of Naahvllle>, T.nne..e.. fie Indicat.d that 75' ot all new I.su.. 'uld In the opon ~arket vill b. sold to Individual., addlnq that only 25' will b. sold to institution.. H. stated that wh.n a "'anaqer I. hired fr"r an I.au., the County r.ceiv.. three thlnq. fro.. the mana?or which ftro tho technical .bllltl.. to put the Is.u. toq.th.r with the financial P'opl., the commitment ot the m.naq.r'a to do the la.u. req.rdl.a. of mark.t conditions ur the .cono~lc., and the dlstrlbutlr"n cftpablllti.., addlnq that thl. tea. stand. .ecgnd t~ none In the United Stftt.s in distribution and particularly uf Florid. bond.. ~ Cr,,~i..lun.r Pi.tuft. que.tlon ot hr"w lunq It Would take to '.11 the bund., ~r. Ai.hop r.plied that It would t.ke about ~ne week aft.r the tlnal cu~pl.t.d document. hay. been received. Co.mls.lon.r Voss qu..tlun.d what p.rc.ntaqe ~f the I..ue could be sold In Culller County, tu which Mr. Dev.r. replied betv..n 25-50\. COII\~la.lon.r Krus. qu.stlon'd what the fixed .anaqe..nt tee, the tlx.d und.rwrlter. fe., and the .xp.n.. tee Would be, to vhlch Mr. BI.hup r.plled not to .xc.ed $).00 for the ..naqe.ent r.e, not to exce.d $2.00 for the underwriter', fo., and nut to exceed 12.50 £~r .xp.n.... Comml.aloner ~ru.. qu.stlon'd vhat the private plac'~.nt would be, to vhlch Mr. BI.hop r.pll.d b.tw.en $7.50 to SIO.OO per $1,000. Tape t7 ..... R,c..'1 21)0 r.M. - R.conv.n.d 2.37 P.M. ..... Th. third fir. tu .ak. th.ir pr..entatlun va. PrUdentlal-lach. ..1_________ ~:¡:, " ~ . ;.P,. \r·'ì.I'~ , "',:'I.ì.\.,\\ "V' 3. ·c'.,f" .~' "j" . >,,/~ ~~";:~1 ... - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----- --......:-~, ,....-, ~ " ----------......------------------------------ March l5, 1983 SecurIUe.. Mr. Richard Poirier, Jr., Ylce Pre.ld.nt of Prudential-Bache Seourltle., Intr~duced Mr. Henry Chanin, 'Ir.t Vice pre.ident and Manager ~f the South.ast Uhited State. Reqlonal Public 'Inance Banking Dlvl.l~n, To~~y Slccone, Vice Pre.ldent and ~anager of the Southealt Unlt.d Stat.. Reqlonal Municipal Imd.rwrltlnq and Trading Op.ratlon, and Mr. ßub Cannon, Vlc. Pre.ldent of rnv..tm.nt Banking In the 'outh.a.t dlvl.lun, and Indicated that Mr. Bart LIYol.i Wuuld allo be a ..mber of the t.a. but I. n~l pre'.nt thl. date. Mr. ~Irler Indlcatod that h. hat participated In f1nancJn9 '11 the I..u.. tha~ Prud.ntlal-B.che ha. flnanc.d for Collier County over the l.at y.ar. He nQt~d that In the la.t y.ar Prud.ntlal-~ache ha. partlclpat.d In thl. orqlnlal bond I..ue f~r tne water-s.v.r dl.trlct a. well a. the S23,A45,OOO Justice Center and the $A,OOO,noo public park. Issu... H. .tat.d that all the'e I.au.. vere triPle A i..ue. and done at favorable Inter.at rat... H. not.d that on the '1~ .lll1on 1..u., Prud.ntlal-Bache w.. hlr.d In April and told that th8re wa. a v.ry ahClft tlm.table to tlnanc. the I..ue. ne nuted that th.y r"~nded In r.cord time and In thr.. or tour we.ks the revenue. that W.r. n.c...ary w.r. provld.d. AI r.port.d that In ~y the flnanclnq w.. cloa.d at which Prudential-Bach. lugg..ted that the PO..lblllty of r.fundlnq b. taken Into con.ld.rltlun aa loon a. Inter.lt rate. beca~e aore (,vorabl., addlnq that Ilnce November, rrudentl.l-Bache ha. .pgken with Statt and Comml.sloner. .bout b.lnq prepared to do a r.tundlnq a. luon a. .arket condition. changed. He Indlcat.d that Prudentlal-B.che has dune nu..ruua amounta ot Work anð qlv.n recoMmendationl on hov to proc.ed vJth the refundl09 without belnq a.ked or paid for ,uch I.rvlc... n. conclud.d by Itatlng that Prudentlal-neche ha. been. d.dlcated, co~ltted, and a good eMploy.e to the County. aO~K 074- rACE233 Pe,. 3t ----- ---- -- - -- - - - - ----- - -- --,- - -- - - - - - --- -"'.'. "~n"...",,,..____..., -----~------------------------------------ 800K 014 PACE 2J4. March 15, 1983 Mr. T~mmy Slccune stated that he run. the trading .nd .yndlcat. operation for Prud.ntlal-Bache in the Dllray Beach office. He referred to the 1982 original water-sever I..ue Indicating th.t all the r.qulr.ment. that wore ..k.d w.re met plus additl~nal unes. He indicated that ~n. y.ar later the mark.t h.. qotten better by 300 b..I. pulnta, adding that C~lli«r County Is nuw In an .xcellent position to r.fund th... bond. due to the ettorts ~t the financial advl.or., the Utilltl.. Dlr.ctor and prudontlal-Bache. n. noted that ~ore th.n 50' uf the Collier Cuunty cr.dit. have b..n .old to Prudentlal-Aache custoMer.. H~ .tateð that Prudential-Bach. ha. 3000 salesm.n In the natl~nal system, plus )50 In rlorlda, adding that with that kind of dl.tribution and the r.~~urc.. of Prud.ntlal-Rache, an Is.ue ot thl. .Iz. Could be handl.d with no pr~bl.ms. He conclud.d by statln9 that It I. not number. that ..11 b~nd., It I. p.uple. Mr. H.nry Chanin stated that In ord.r t~ enhance the Inve.tMent banklnq ..rvlc. that Prud.ntlal-Bache I. .ble to provide to 'lorlda cll.nt., the flr~ .atabll.h.d a tull ..rvlce Inv..tm.nt banklnc¡r office la.t y.ar In Florida. '" .tat.d that thore are one dozen bond prof'..lonals In the State, adding that Prudential I. al.o the Vorld'. l.rg..t non-bank tlnanclal In.tltutlon and ha. '&2 billion In ....t.. ~ He not.d that,prudentlal-Blche Is . vholly-owned subsidiary of Prudential and are capitalized vlth ov.r 1/2 billion dollar.. He not.d that If the offlcea ~f prud.ntial and the office. ot Prudentl.l-Bache .re added togeth.r on a nationwiðe b..ls, It would bo the large.t Inv..t~.nt brokerag. ..cu.itle. llr. ~n earth. He .tated th.t ~re ....t. have b.en committed In . municipal are. to Florida than to Iny uther region, adding that, .. a re.ult, more bond. .re .old In FÌorlda '¡ th.n In any uther r.glon. He re~rted that ~ver the l..t flv. year., there hi. b..n over $2 billion In bond. In Florida undervrltten, addlnt ~, t' r ·1 "9' CO --------------------------------------~ r--, ~ -'--._-~.,,---,,".. ---------------------------------------....-- March 15, 1983 that on a national ba.l. Sn 1982, they vera involved in undervrltlnq. of $32 billion. He nuted that there va. a refunding for the City of ~ey We.t El.ctrlc Board done tor .30 million. He stated that Prudontlal-Bache hae the capital, the market penetration and the Inv..t~.nt blnkln? exp.rtl.. to do an outstandlnq job for Collier County. He r.ported that Prudential-Bache I. very conc.rned vlth wh.t app.ar.d In the n.w.pap.r r.gardln? un~erwrltlnq dl.count., adding th.t the r.a.on this type of transaction I. called a negotiat.d tran.actlon I. that the prot..aIonall that art hlr.d are requIred to do a balancing act. He laid that the bulk uf the underwriting dl,count qu.. to .ale. forc. P.upl. who have to b. motivated to take an Int.ro.t In the bond. and to 1.11 th.. tu their client.. He r-port.d that to the ext.nt that th.r. II a cutback on the und.rwrltlng dllcount that go.. to the "le. torce, the Inter'lt rat. goes up, adding that the Inve.tm.nt banker th.n ha. t~ do I balftncln~ ~ct to make ev.rythinq lair to produce tho luw.lt Int.re.t ~ft.lhl.. He noted that thl. ha. h.en accomplished three dlller.nt tlm.. for Culller County, addlnq that If the Board would Ilk. to ..~ an un~.rvrltln9 dllcount, Prud.ntlal-Bache I. prepar.d tu .Iqn off ~n an und.rwrltlng dl,count thl. date. "e cuncluded by .tltlnq that Pru~.ntlal-nach. hll b.en hon..t, lair, and d.cent, addIng that they ftre extr.mely prou~ of the relatlon.hlp that they hive had with the BQard of ~unty CommII.lon.r. of Culller County because It ha. been a tutally prof.lslunal one with everything aboy. bUlrd. Cumml..I~ner Kru.. qu.stlunod what the fixed management f.., the tlx.d und.rwrlter'. fe., and the llxed expen.e foe Vuuld be, to vhlch Mr. Chanin replied ~2.00 l~r the managem.nt fe., $.50-$1.00 for the und.rwrlter'. tee, and appruxlmat.ly $l.~o for the expense fee. Cum.II'luner Kru.. qu..tlon.d vhat the prlvat. placeMent vuùld be, eÐ:JK 074 PAGE 2a5 'ag. U ------- ---- - -- -- --. --------- --- -- - - - --'-- ---------', . ", ------------------------------------------ tOOK crl4 fACE 236 March 15, 19R3 to vhlch Mr. Chanin repll.d $.50-$.75 lor private placement. Cummls.loner Brown stated that Prudential-Bache I. very .lert and a ltne f~rM. The f~urth firM to glv. a pre..ntatlon vas Merrill Lynch White Wold Caplt.l Markets Oroup. ~r. ~M Ashman, Vice Preølðent and ~ana9.r of the Naple. Morrill Lynch ~f!lce, stat.d that ~'rrlll Lynch la the largest br~kerage fir. In the C~unty with approximately 30 .~ployee. and a payroll of over $1 mll11~n laat year. H. Intr~duced rhl1 P'loquln, head of the rl~rlda Croup, Aida Chlnl~y, ~ater ðnd Sewer ~xpert, ønd Bill Jahn.., head ~t St. r.t.r.burg ottlce, the t.am that ~uld Þe Worklnq on the refundln9 I..ue It It I. awarded to M.rrlll Lynch. Tape IS Mr. Peloquin .tated that the refunding la.ue la dune In two part., on. b.lng puttlnq the I.aue t~9.ther which Includos Working the l.9al I..ue. and the mathematical la.u.a. He .t~t.d ð..lgnlng the laaue vlth the ~anag'~.nt fl.xlbIllty that 1. ne.d.d to operate the .yat.. in the b.at Int.r.st ot the cltl&.na of Collier County and the attract1ven..a ~f the la.ue to the mark.tplace with a vl.w toward qettlnc¡r the love.t po..Ibl. Inter.at rat. I. all part ot puttIn9 the la.ue t~gether. He not.d that the .,cond part uf the job I. taking the I..ue Into the .ark.t and s.lllng It by trying to find "0 .lll10n worth of iny..tor. and P.opl. that are willing to put their money behind C~ll1er County. Ms. Aida Chlnloy atated that alnce 1982 when Collier County I'.ued Ita Sl~,980,OOO of b~nd., Interest rate. have co.. down conalderably, adding that the original lasue wae aold at an average Intere.t rate of ll.S'. Sho noted that tVQ we.k. ago Merrill Lynch ne90ti.te~ and purchased the ineured Orange County Capital I.proye.ent Bond. for an aver~e Intereat rate of 8-3/4'. She stated that adyenced refundlft9 of , ::'::;i~ "",,¡...,¡l '~::?~; -----------------------------------:~~:~c~ .-..... 'd: ~,: paq~ 43 ,dì \~ --- --------. - --...- -- --.-- --------- -- - -- --------....:.-------..1! , ': <:i~;¡ il'., /:;!:~: , ""-_._...,"~,-_. ~t. ~ ~" ----------------------------------------- March 15, 19ft3 Collier ~untY'a ta.ue ~uld pruduce aubstantlal ..vlnqs, addlft9 that the .avlng. Include a recovered 1..uance co.t which are currently allowed by the IRS. She Indicated th.t Merrill Lynch hI. the expertS.e ðnd under.tandlng of retundlnQ.. She .tated that In refunding the la.u., It could b. .tructured In varlou. v'Y' to elth.r Naxlml.e .avlng., obtain .arly .avJng., or pruduce n.w muney. She stated that In .tructurJnq the advanc.d refunding the County can have two optlona, on. I. to us. bund. al~llar to 2003 ter.a bonds and to u.e th~se ......~.nts to r.deem the bonde and the .ec~nd option 1. tu u.e the'e ···...~ent. directly to tlnanc. other c.pJtal Improv.m.nt pruject. or the .....em.nt. c~uld be u.ed to fund the .urplu. tund. currently beSnq funded tru~ op.rating r.venu... Sh. nut.d that the .anlqlnq und.rwrlt.r can have . con.lderable Ilnpact on the ..vl nq. that can h. .chl.ved by the County, adding that "'.rrlll Lynch hfts the experth. to handle ,uch an Il1sue. Sh. .tated th.t ov.r the past: two years, Merr 111 Lynch ha. .anag.d over $'-.2 ~1111on of .dvanced retundfnq, Is the l.adlnq und.rwrlt.r ot ~unlclpal bond. In the tndustry, and 1. allO the leadlnq underwrlt.r fur water-sewer tlnanclnq. ~he Indicated that they did the underwrltfnq tQr the wat.r-sewer tur the City ~t Calla., the City of CharlestQn, an~ the City or Phlladelphl.. She nuted th.t they cu~pl.t.d the r.tundlnq I..u. un the School District of Phlladelphl. .nd the City of Kla.lmm.e, Oranqe Cuunty, 'lorlda, and the Reno Airport, .ddlng that In tho School Òl.trlct ot rhlladelphi., Merrill Lynch saved the iSlu.r an additional S37~,OnO. Sh. concluded by .tatlnq that a. the Cuunty'. banker, they will delllgn the I..ue and Meet the County's prlurltles .nd maximize the .avln?, .ddln9 that the n.xt step I. to m.rk.t the bonds It the lowest ~sslble tnt.re.t co.t tu ..xl.Sze the aavlnq.. '. Mr. Bill 3ahne. stat.d that the .ark.tlnq .nvlronment h.. changed aO~K 074 fACE 2.S7 ~ ~ ------------------------------------------ , -_..··~·""~'"~,.N_...., L.., G74 rACf23B March 15, 19ßJ dr.~atlcally and Inter.st rates have come down a sub.tantlal aMOunt In the la.t year. He stated that the arlvanced Majority of bond. bou9ht In the.pa.t year have been bou9ht by the retail InYe.t~r, addln9 that thla I. the type of Inve.tor thftt will ho m~.t Intere.ted In Collier County bond.. H. stat.d that with the chanq. In the marketplace there h.. be.n a r..merqenc. ot institutlonftl Interelt. He repurted that Merrill Lynch vould Itart with an Inltltutlonal canva.. that Would enc~mpa.. contacting all J5,000 Instltutl~nal aCcount. nationwide, addlnq that there wuuld al.o be a retail marketing proce.. that wuuld be nationwide .. well but W\luld h. conc.ntrated In the ~tate ~t 'loriða. He noted that 30t ut the iSlue would b. lold on the luuthweat coa.t of 'lorSda and a tutal of 75_ ~f the i.au. would b. marketed In the State ~f Flurlda a. a wht.h. '~.tltt.d that .very on. ot the 250,000 accuunt. In the Stat~ uf rlt.rlda alon. voul~ h. cont.ctod throuqh the A50 account executlv.. and 4~ offic.. otterinq tht..e Inve.tor. the ~lller Cuunty bonds which Would create the blq90.t ~aalble pool of deMand t~r the C~unty" a.curlty. He noted that the greater the demand the l~ver the Colt of the fund.. H. atat.d that the b~nda would be priced In the St. p.t.rlburg offlc. a. a W.lt Co..t Florida I.aue which I. Where the lowelt cOlt of bond. are. If. r'ported that the bond aal. would be done : . ,',( within une day and at the .nd of the day It there are any bo'nd. that are lett un'uld, Merrill Lynch'. capital would be coaaltted to the .ucc...tu1 completion ~t the .ale by buy1n9 the reMaSnSn9 hondl at M.rrll1 Lynch'a rlak. f~ conclud.d by atatSng th.t by aelectSnq Merrill Lynch, C~III.r County Would g.t the qulck.at execution and the l~wlt cOlt ot capital. Mr. Phil P.loquln Itated that ~n. of the job. they would have I. to dey.lop a tocul, to br1n9 the re.ourcel to bear on Collier County" ia.u., to focu. ell of the relource. In Florida and acro.. the country '19.4.. - - --------------------------------------- March 15, 1983 on Collier County" refundln9 bond I.sue. He indicated that the booklet pre.ented t~ the Commission S. Merrill Lynch'. plan Which Indicate. that video tape pre'.ntatlgn. which .re u.ed to generate Int.r..t amung .al.. torc.. Al.o, computerized retail order .y.te~s are u.ed vhlch alluw. retail account .x.cutlv.. to enter .ale order. tor the County" bund. and to receive Immediate confirmation, a. well a. the St. Peter.burg ot!lce and the Nev York oftlce belnq able tQ knov Instantly which otrlc.. ~r. .ellln9 the bond. and which are not '0 that '.les can be push.d Im~ediat'ly In an .rea that ~ay be .lov. R. , concluded by .tatSnq that M.rrill Lynch haa ~~r. capital, more office., ~r. aCCount executlv.., and a ~ore Intan.e concentration on 'lorld. than any oth.r tlr~ In the busln..s, and Most I.portantly tho commltm.nt to the County to put the r"ourc.. ut ~errl11 Lync~ to work to get the job dona and don. the way the County want. It done. C~m.I..I~n.r ~ru.. stat.d that the pre.entatlon was v.ry l~pre..lv. and que.tloned what the fixed .anaqement tee, the fixed underwrlt.r'. fee, and the ~Ix.d .xp.ns. t.. Would b., to which Mr. Peloquin r'Plled that the manaqement te. ~ul~ b. S,.5n, the underwriter'. t.e would b. $.25 and the ,xpen.. tee Would be .l.50. Comml'.lon.r Krus. qu..tluned what the private place.ent would be, to which Mr. P.loquln repll'd that In private placement there WOuld not b. a ~an~9'~'nt roe, there would be an a?ncy t.e and a lower .ellln9 commls.lon with a higher d.bt Inter.at cult, adding that a private placem.nt I. kind or an -appl.a and orange cumparl'on-. Com~l.aton.r Plator Itated that It the 'pre.d qet. luver, the County May have to pay a higher Int.r..t rate which .eans more p.ld In the long-run, qu.stlunlng huw M.rrlll Lynch work. thl.. Mr. Peloquin stated that with an advanc.d refunding the coat ~f Issuing the bund. will b. largely recovered through arbitration beoau.. , , 800K 074- PACt'239 .av. 45 --------------------------------------- ' aOOK 074 PACEZ40 March 15, 1983 of the chanqe In the IRS requlatl~ns, adding that the Issuance expen'e. In thl. type ~f transaction I. 1..s Im~rtant than It would be nor~ally.,' Re stated that what II very Important h vhat Ie being paid In Intere.t co.t which I. why thero Is such an emph~sls made on Florida because It ha. the 9reateat P~ol of r.tall Investor. In the world. County Manaqer Norman que.tloned what l.suance co.t. m19ht not b. recov.re~, tu which Mr. Peloquin stated that various firms Interpr.t the IRS ruling. dlffer.ntly, adding that this Is a matter tor the bond counsel to anawor aa 'om. ot the Cu.t. like tho e.crQW agent f.e., bund couns'l'. h. cannot be recoveret!. fie noted that the allount. that po..lbly Could not be recoy.red are very mlnlm~l and would be paid ~ut ut the proc.ed. ut the hund Issue. rl.cal ottlcer CII.. questioned what the ..tl~at.d true Interest cost ~uld b. It M.rrlll Lynch w.r. to I.sue the bonds thl. date, to which Mr. ~Ill Jðhne. .tated that the averaqe c~u~n would b. between 8.75 and 8.190. Commlasloner ~ru.. qu.stloned what the ~ch.dule would be, to which . I Mr. P.loquln replied that the la.ue could b. done In about three or tour week.. . . . . Tape "" Commlsaloner ~ruse atated that the Board ha. h..rd fro. the .' . co~lttee and the financial adYI.ora .. veIl.. lrON e,ch fir., adding th.t It 11 her .u9ge.tlon that each lIe.ber of the board writ. their name at the top of a pi.ce of paper and then the fir. they vleh to sel.ct to do the r~tun~ln9 1..ue. Sh. noted that PI.cal Officer aile. would read the .electlon. aloud, noting that If there I. a clear , ..jorlty that firM viII be .elected. If not, the board will vote ·9·ln. 'av. 4. March 15, 1983 CQ~al..ioner Rolland qU'ltlon.d Sf It val po..lbl. to make a recom..ndatl~n that the refunding i..u. b. split betv.en two fir.., to vhlch Mr. '1Icher Itated that It II posllble .nd a 1arge amount of 1.lue. In the Itate do hay. t~ or three flrml Involved. Re Itated that It t~ firms were ch~sen then both firms would be brought In and and a t.e qUoted to them and they could either accept It or reject It. 'Iacal ottlcer Cll.. .tated that he would open the ballot. accurdlnq to tho .Ittlnq of the Commllllonerl tro~ left to right, read the Cu~llaloner. n.me and the tlr. he .elected, then turn the vote uyer to the Chairman for h.r cuntlrmatlon, at which point, the ballot - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -,..-.-- -- -'- - - --- would be turn.d ov.r to the Clerk to b. .nt.r.d Into the recordl. Comml'.lon.r P1øtur COlnml..loner Holland Comml'.lun.r ~ru.. Comml.eloner Drown ComMls"1vner VO.. Merrill Lynch Prud.ntl~l-nache/Merrlll Lynch Prudential-Riche ~rudentlal-8ache M.rrlll Lynch a. manaqer vlth a lyndlcate of the bond hou.e. In Collier County to market the bond. Comm1..lon.r ~ru.. .tated that the vote wa. 2-1/2 to 2-1/2 and theretore, failed. She Indicated that a vote would be taken aglln until a tl. 1. bruken. Clerk ~.aqan .tateð th.t h. thou9ht there .hould be .o.e type of r,commendatlon mad. r.qardln9 apllttlng I bond 1..ue betv.en two flrml and aaked that Mr. Fl.,cher 91ve ,uch a recumm.ndatlun. Mr. 'f.cher .tated that If th.re Is a .pllt, one .u.t b. apPOinted a. the ..nlor man.ger and then. declllon Ihould b. mlde .. to hov It wll! b. IPllt, wheth.r It I. ~O-50 or ~O-40, addlnq that th.,..nlor .anaqer ~uld have more work to do. He Itated that h. felt that any of the firM' would .yndlcate the 1"ue. , . Commll.10ner Krule Itated that motlonl would be .ade on &ODK 074 PACE 241 . i:'. ' Pave 4',\. ---- -- - --- -- - - -- - ,- -- - ----- - - ----------~'¡¡,. , . :,,;;¡~ '; ;~~; "I,., 80~K 074 PACE2AZ --- - - - -- - - - --.- - -- - - -- -- - - - - - - -,-- - --------- March 15, 19A3 to which ComMissioner PI.tor moved, aeconded by Comml..ioner Yo.., to appoint Merrill Lynch to handle the refundln9 I..ue for the WaterlSever Di'~rlct R.yenue Bonds, Serie. 1982. Upon call for the question, the ~otlon failed 2/3, (Cumml.sloners Brown, Kruse, and Rolland oppo.ed). Comml.slon.r Brown mov.d, s.conded by Comml..10ner Kruse, to appoint Prud.ntlal-Bache to handle the refunding i.sue for the Water/Sewer DI.trlct R.venue Bond., Serle. 19A2. Upon call for the qu..tlon, the Motion failed 2/3, (Comml..loner. Pi.tor, Vo.., .nd Holland oPpos.d). Comml~.loner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner PIstor and carrl.d J/2, (Cumml.sloner. Kru.e and Brown opposed), that Merrill Lynch b. appointed .s Senior Manag.r and Prudential-Bache be apPOinted .s Junior Man~ger to provide underwriting service. tor the refunding of the Colll.r County Water/Sewer District Revenue Bonda, Serle. 1982, on a 50-50 ba.h. Ther. wa. dlscus.ion r.garding the Cee. vlth Mr. 'I.cher indicating that th.re was only a $.25 dlfterentlal. Re .tated that It would b. hi. sugg.stlon to bring Merrill Lynch and Prudential-Bache back Into the room and InCorm th.m that Merrill Lynch v.. appointed a..~¡ the S.nlor Manager, Prud.ntl.l-Bache .. the Junior "an~.r to proyiðe f. ~,. J. underwrltln9 ..rvlc.. tor the retundln, of the Collier Count, Wat.r/B.wer District R'venue Bond., S.rle. 1982, on a 50-50 ba.t. and ~~ " ., .",1.1 ' at a manag.m.nt t.. ot $2.00, an underwrlt.r. te. of $.50, and an exp.ns. C.. ot $1.50 per $1,000 of bond. I..ued, to which the Board concurred. Upon Merrill Lynch and Prud,ntlal-B,che returnln9 to the roo., Co..i'.loner Kru.e Indicated that Merrill Lynch and Prudential-Bach. had been appointed a. a joint venture vlth Merrill Lynch beln9 the S.nlor Manager and Prudential-Bache, the Junior Manager, on a 50-50 ) ~ '. .. - - - - - - -- -- "- -- . - -- - - - -- - - - .- - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - ------- Pag. 4',,' f'" .,.-... -- - ---~-------------------------------..----~-~ . . .. } March 15, 1983 ba.l. at . $2.00 .an.q..ent f.., I $.50 und.rvrlt.r'. f.., Ind. .1.50 e.pen.e fe.. She qu..tloned If that v.. acc.ptabl. to Merrill Lynoh, to which Mr. "loquln r.pll.d afflr..tIYlly. Sh. qu..tlon.d if that wa. .cc.ptabl. to Prud.ntlal-Bach., to which Mr. Poirier repll.d afUr.aUy.ly. Th.r. beinq n~ furth.r bUDln.s. f~r the qood of the ~unty, the ..etlnq va. adjourned by Order of the Chair - TI~. 4100 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/~O~RD or ZONING APPEALS/EX O"ICIO OOVERNINO BOARDS(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL ~:'~;~:U~R:-;RM~N ·"pr..ent.d Y t h. Bee on ~__....¿, <:; /?,J ur a. currected . a. ao~1( 014 PACE 243 ..,. . . . .1', .-.............--- ----- - - -- - ---...- --- - - -- --- -----~ ""'- ·"·_'""·'~"'''''~''''"'''·''_'''''_'··_·''''''.·e,_",." ..~