BCC Minutes 03/22/1983 R ---- - - - - -- --- ---- -_ -L ___ _ _ _ __ _ _ __._ __. Naple., Plurid., ~arch 22, 1983 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Buard ot County Commiaaionera In and fur the COunty uf Collier, and allo acting aa the ~ard of Zoning Appeal. and a. the guvernlng board(l) ot auch Ipeclal di.trict. a. have been created accurdinq to law and having conduct.d bUllnel. h.r.tn, ..t on this date at 9.00 A.M. in R.gular S...ion in Building _P_ of the Courthuuse Cu~plex, taRt Napl.., 'lurida, with the fOllowing ~.mb.r. present. CHAIR"'AN, VICr: CHAIRMAN, MarY-FrancI' Kru.. Dav I d C. Brown Juhn A. Ptltor 'rederlck C. Vo.. C. C. -Red- Holland ALSO PRr.SENT, James C. Cilea, FI.cal Otflcer, Maureen Kenyon and El1nur Skinner (2100 P.M.), Deputy Clerk., Burt L. S.undera, COunty Atturney, William C. Nurman, Cuunty "'anaqer, Terry Vlrta, Community Devel~pm.nt Admlnl.trat~r, Dunald Nurton, Public Service. Ad.lnl.tra- tur, ~nute Hartman, Public Wurk. Admlnlltratur, Wayne Sea..horn, 8ul111ng Director, Lee ~yne, Plana Implementatiun Directur, Or ace Spaulding, Administrative Aide to the ßuard, and Chlet Deputy Ray Barnett, Sheriff's Department. bO~K 074 rAc£255 ---- --- - - -- - - ---.- - -- - - - ----------------- . . :... ----------------------------------------~. March 22, 1983 aoOK 0?4 PACE 2a) "a p, tl It'1II .1 ACENDA - APPROVED WITH TRI FOLLOWING ADDITIONS, Commi..ioner Brown moved, seconðed by Commll.loner VO.. and carried unanimously, that the agenda be approved vith the fOllovlng additlunsl Item 9r:2 re9~rdlnq Job Training Partnership Act Item lOA dllcuaalun ro Marco Illand Utility Item JOB R~a~lutivn regardinq Huu.lnq Finance Authority . . '. c. Itell .2 E~PLOYEE SERVICE AWARD PRESENTED TO ROBERT KEELY, PLANS COMPLIANCE DEPARTMENT, 'OR rIVE YEARS or SERVICE TO THE COUNTY Cumml.sluner rruøe cunqratulated and presented the employee .ervlce award tu Ruhert ~eely, Plftna Compliftnce Department, for five years uf service tv the Cvunty. Itell f3 PICTURE PRESENTED TO THE BCC BY MR. ORR 0' NAPLES 'EDERAL SAVIN08 AND LOAN ASSOCIATION R£CARDINC ENDANCERED SPECIES WEEK Mr. Orr uf Naples rederal Savingl and LoIn Aa.uciatlon pre.ented . picture to the BeC III recugnitiun and accommodatiun for proclailllinq endftnqered specie. .s ·r.nJanqered Specie. Week-. Ite", ... Cumml..foner ~ru.e thanked Mr. Orr tor the beautltul picture. VARIOUS ORDINANCES ADOPTED AS DESCRIBEDI Legal n~tice havinq been published in the Naplel Dlily Nev. on February lA and '5, 1983, and March.. and 11, 19ft), aa evidenced by Affidavits ut PUbllcatlun filed with the Clerk, public he.rl"9 v.. opened tu conllder the Standard Gal CUde, Standard SvI.mlnq Pool COd., National Electrical Cude, Standard Plumblnq Cude, Standard BUilding Cude, Natlunal Fire rrutectlun Code and the Standard Mechanical COde. 'ag. -- - - - - --. -- - - '.'- - . - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- ,........-.-, r7'-"'1 ~ ,._-----"~",..~,~ .' :.',1' -""--- - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- ------ March 22, 1983 ORDINANCI 83-9 ADOPTINC TH! STANDARD OAS COD! WITH REVISIONS. Coaml..loner VOl. lIIoved, .econded by Colllml..loner Brown and carried unanl.ou.ly, that the Ordinance a. numbered and entitled below be adopted vlth the revl.lon. and entered Into Ordinance Book 17. ORDINANCI 83-9 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TRE -COLLIER COUNTY BUILDING CODE- 8Y ADOPTING THE -STANDARD CAS CODE, 1982 EDITION,- INCLUDING APPENDIX 8, AS PUBLISHED BY THE SOUTHERN BUILDINO CODE INTERNATIONAL INC., AS 'URTHER AMENDED BY THIS ORDINANCE, AMENDING SECTION 109 TO ADD SUBSECTION (c) PROVIDINO rOR ADDITIONAL BArZTY REQUIREMENTS, AMENDING SECTION 110 TO ADD ~ SUBSECTION CC) RELATING TO EMERGENCY REPAIRS, AMENDING SUBSECTION 111 TO ADD SUBSECTION Ce) RELATINO TO PROO, or LEAK TEST, 'AMENDINO SICTION 113.2 (b) RELATING TO ArTER-COMMENCEMENT PENALTY 'EE, AMENDINO SICTION l13.4 PROVIDING rOR A SCHEDULE or 'EES AND CHARGES TO BE ESTABLISHED BY RESOLUTIONI AMENDING SECTION 114 RELATING TO VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES, AMENDINO SECTION 115 PROVIDINO rOR APPEALS TO THE BOARD or ADJUSTMr.NTS AND APPEALS, AMENDINO SECTION 201 RELATINC TO DE'INITIONS,. AMENDING SECTION 305.6 RELATING TO PIPE COATING, AMENDING SECTION 306.7 RELATINO TO USE OF OLD PIPE, AMENDINC SECTION 306 TO ADD SUBSECTION 11 PROVtDtNC rOR PIPE IDENTIFICATION, AMENDING SECTION 309 TO ADD SUBSECTION 15 RELATING TO PROTECTION AGAINST PHYSICAL DAMACE TO PIPINC, AMENDING SECTION 310.2 TO ADD SUBSECTION (C) AND Cd) RELATINC TO SHUT or, VALVES 'OR MULTIPLE ROUSI LINES, AMENDINC SECTION 507.8 TO ADD SUBSECTION (c) RELATINO TO DUCTED SYSTEM 'URNACE, REPEALING ORDINANCE 76-46, PROVIDINC FOR CON'LICT AND SEVERANCE, PROVIDING 'OR AN Irrr:CTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE 83-10 ADOPTINC THE STANDARD SWIMMING POOL CODE AI AMENDED. C~..I..ioner Holland moved, .econded by Co.-Illloner Vo.. and carried unanlmoully, that the Ordinlnce .. numbered and entitled below be Idopted .nd entered into Ordinance Book No. 17. eO~K 014 PACE_ ----_. .._----...._".~.. -".. .__.-..~-_.-.... PICJe 3 -.- - -_. -.- - -- - - - ~- - - - - - - - - - ---- --- --- -- - - - - -- - -- - - ------ - -- - - - -- - - ---------- &a~K 074 rAt£262 March 22, 1983 ORDINANCE 83-10 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ·COLLIER COUNTY BUILDING CODE- BT ADOPTINO THE ·STANDARD SWIMMING POOL CODE, 1982 EDITION,. AS PUBLISHED BY THE SOUTHERN BUILDING CODE CONORESS INTERNATIONAL, INC., AS 'URTHER AMENDED BY TRIS ORDINANCE, AMENDING SECTION 105.3 RELATING TO APPLICATION rOR PERMIT AND REQUIREMENT THEREFORE, AMENDING SECTION 105.4 PROVIDINO rOR A SCHEDULE OF FEES AND CRARGE8 TO BE ESTABLISHED BY RESOLUTION, AMENDING SECTION 107 RELATING TO VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES, AMENDING SECTION 109 PROVIDINC 'OR APPEALS TO THI BOARD or ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS, AMENDING SECTION 202 REL~TINO TO DEFINITIONS, AMENDING TITLE TO CHAPTER 111 TO REOULATE MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS 0' PRIVATE POOLS ONLY, AMENDING SECTION 310 BY ADDING SUBSECTIONS Co) AND Cd) RELATINO TO 8ACKrILL AND PRESSURE TESTS, RESPECTIVELY, AMENDING SECTION 312 BY ADDING SUBSECTION Ce) REQUIRING COMPLIANCE WITH rLonIDA ENERCY CODE, AMENDING SECTION 313 REQUIRINO COMPLIANCE WITH COLLIER COUNTY GAS CODE, AMENDING SECTION 314 REQUIRING COMPLIANC! WITH COLLIER COUNTY ELECTRICAL CODE, AM£NDINC CHAPTER V ·PUBLIC POOLS· TO Rr:OUIRE COMPLIANCE WITH DEPARTMENT OP' HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE Sr:RVIC! REQUIREMENTS, PROVIDINC FOR CONP'LICT AND SEVERANCE, PROVIDINO 'OR AN £P'r£CTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE ß)-ll ADOPTINC THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE AS AMEHDED WITR MODIrICATIONI Terry Vlrta, Community Development Administratur, stated that at the ~~ard's dlr.ctlun the requirement. fur rigid cDnduit In multl- tamlly units of leas than three .torie. have been deleted and the Natlvnal Electrical cude regar~in9 this .atter I. to be uled. He noted that the present cude which require. that III ho~el mUlt have a plug-In outlet for an electrical øtuve has been deleted, Iddln9 that the vlrlnt must still be sufficient to meet the requirement.. The fDllowing peuple lpoke In tavoã of uI1n9 Ro~e., clt!ng the econúmlc savingl and the lack of prout ot any potential .atety ha.ard., Tlpe t 2 Mr. Paul Jackson uf Jackson Electric Mr. Arthur Davia, Builder Attorney OQn Pickwurth The tulluwlng people lpoke again.t the ule of Rome. cltint the lack ut econumic .avlng. and the POtential .afety hazard. Involved, Mr. Riley Brack of Brack electric - - - ..-.. "- -. _M_. ...,_ __ __. h_. _...... pag. 4 ....- -....- ..- ..-...- '..- --- - ---- -------------...---........... "..--. ,', . I r--"', ~ ---.---- --- ------ - - ------ -------- ----------. March "2, 1983 Mr. Robert Utter Mr.. John Berger Mr. Jack Thomplon, Cullier County 'Ire ~arlhal. A..oolatlon Tape .3 Com.I..loner Vo.. moved, .econded by Comml.sloner Brovn and carried unanimou.ly, that the Ordinance as numbered and entitl.d belov be adopted and entered Into Ordinance Book No. 17 .. amended with the modification that Section 336-3 Non-metallic-Sheathed Cable Use. Permitted or Not Permitted should be added to read that approved rl91d .etal or Ipproved non-metallic conduit, aurfac. raceway. or electric .etallic tubing .hall be required tor light, he.t and paver In the virlng ot multi-family dwelling., churche., school., hotel., theaters, public building., commercial building., manutacturlng e.tabll.hment., private clubs or aimllar occupancle.. One or two-lamily dwelling unit. ~ .J . . .... .. and multiple family .tructure. 'ot th~ee .torie. or Ie.. ~ay us. an approved non-metallic cable except under concrete tloor .laba vhlch .hall be in rigid or nun-metallic conduit, ORDINANCE 83-11 AN ORDINANCE AMENDINC THE ·COLLIER COUNTY 8UILDINO CODE. IY ADOPTINC THE ·NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, 1981 EDITION,. AS PUBLISHED 8Y THE NATIONAL 'IRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION, AS FURTHER AM~NDED BY THIS ORDINANCE, AMENDING THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, 1981 EDITION, TO ADD ARTICLE '0, ADMINISTRATION, CONSISTINC 0' ARTICLES 80-A THROUGH 80-J, MORE SPECIFICALLY DESCRIBED AS. 80-A, TITLE AND SCOPE, SECTION (HEREINAFTER NOTED AS S.) 80-1, TITLE, R. 10-2, CO~I REMr:DIAL, S. 80-3, SCOPE, S. 80-4 RELATING TO MAINTENÞ.'fCE or ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS, 80-B, ORGAHIZATION, S. 80-' ESTABLISHINO ELECTRICAL SECTION AND CRARCE THEREOr, S. 80-fi RELATINO TO INSPECTORS, 80-C, POWERS AND DUTIES 0' ELECTRICAL INSPECTORS, S. 80-7 RELATING TO RICHT or ENTRY, S. 80-8 RELATIMO TO 8TOP WORK ORDERS, S. 80-9, PROVIDINC FOR REVOCATION or PERMITS, 8. 80-10 RELATING TO UNSAFE INSTALLATIONS, 8. 10-11 RELATINQ TO REQUIREMENTS NOT COVERED BY CODE, S. 80-l2 RELATING TO INSTALLATIONS or ALTERNATE MATERIALS OR ALTERNATE METHODS or INSTALLATIONS or MATERIALS, s. 80-13 RELATING TO LIABILITY or or'ICERS, EMPLOYEES, OR ENFORCEMENT BOARD MEMBERS, eO-D, APPLICATION FOR PERMIT, S. 80-14 RELATING TO WHEN A PERMIT 18 REQUIRED, S. 80-15 RELATINC TO APPLICATION rORM, 8. 80-1S RELATINO TO DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS, S. 80-17 PROVIDINQ rOR EXAMINATION 0' DRAWINGS, 10-E, PERMITS, 8. IO-l8 RELATINO TO ELECTRICAL O'FICIAL'S ACTION ON PERMIT APPLICATIONS, 8. ao~ 074 rAC£2B3 P.9' 5 ------~ .- - -~ -- ..,-...- .---. .~- - - - - - - ----- --------------- ---- - - "-- --- -- - - -.- -- - - - -- -- - - - - - - -- - -- - -------- &OIJK 074 PAcE2.G4 ~0-19 RELATING TO CONDITIONS or THI PERMIT, 80-r, rlE8, 8. 80-20 PROVIDINO FOR A SCHEDULE or rEIS AND CHARCES TO BI ESTABLISHED BY RESOLUTION. 80-0, INSPECTION, S. 80-2l RELATING TO INSPECTIONS, S. 80-22 RELATING TO NOTIrICATION or INSPECTIONS, S. 80-23 RELATING TO MATERIAL AND LABOR, S. 80-24, RELATING TO INSPECTIONS 80-H, CERTIFICATE or APPROVAL, s. 80-25 RELATING TO FINAL INSPECTIONS, S. 80-2& RELATING TO TEMPORARY APPROVAL, s. 80-1 RELATINO TO VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES, S. 80-J PROVIDING FOR APPEALS TO THI BOARD or ADJUSTHENTS AND APPEALS, AMENDING ARTICLE 100 RELATING TO DE'INITIONS, Dr:LETING SECTION 210-8 IN ENTIRETY, AMENDING S. 210-19(b) RELATINC TO COO~ING APPLIANCES I AMENDING S. 2l0-52 TO ADD SUBSECTION (9) RELATING TO OUTLETS, AMENDING S. 230-2l TO ADD SUBSECTION (a) RELATINC TO OVERREAD SUPPLY, AMENDINO SECTION 230-23, 230-31, AND 230-4l(b), RELATINO TO RATING, AMENDING S. 230-43 RELATINC TO CONDUCTORS, AMENDING S. 230-47 TO ADD SUBSECTION (a) RELATING TO CONDUCTORS IN RACrwAY, AMENDINC S. 384-13 TO ADD SUBSECTION (a) RELATING TO PANELBOARDS, AMENDINQ 8. 550-23(a) TO ADD SUBSECTIONS Cl), (2), AND (3) RELATINC TO MOBILE HOMES, AMENDINO 8. 680-20(a) (1) AND (2) R!LATINO TO UNDERWATER LIGHTINO FIXTURES, REPEALING ORDINANCES 77-54 AND 79-85, PROVIDINO rOR CONFLICT AND SP.VERANC", PROVIDING 'OR AN EFFECTIVI DATI. March 2', 1983 ..... Rece.., 10'05 A.M. - Reconvened, 10115 A.M. ..... ORDINANCE 83-12 ADOPTINC THE STANDARD PLUMBING CODE WITH REVISIONS, Cumml..loner Bruvn ~oved, .econded by comml..loner PI.tor Ind carried unanimouSly, that the Ordinance a. numbered Ind entitl.d below be adopted with revi.ion. and entered into Ordinance Book Mo. 17. ORDIANCE 83-12 AN ORDINANCE AMENDINO THE -COLLIER COUNTY BUILDINO CODI- By ADOPTING THE- STANDARD PLUMBING CODI, 1982 EDITION,. INCLUDINQ APPENDIXES A, D, r, G, AND ILLUSTRATIONS AS PUBLISHED BY THE SOUTHERN BUILDINO CODE CONGRESS INTERNATIONAL, INC., AS FURTHER AMENDED BY THIS ORDINANCI, AMENDING SECTION 106.3(.) PROVIDING FOR A SCHEDULE 0' rl18 AND CHARCES TO er: ESTABLISHED BY RESOLUTION, AMENDING S~~TION 107.5(1) RELATINQ TO WATER TEST, AMENDINO SICTION 110 RELATING TO VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES, AMENDING CHAPTIR 1, ADMINISTRATION, TO ADD SECTION 112 PROVIDING rOR APPIAL, AMENDINO SECTION 302 RELATINO TO DE'INITIONS, AMIHDINO SECTION 602.14 RELATINO TO PLASTIC PIPE AND 'ITTINCI, AMENDING SECTION 704.2 RELATING TO LOCATION or CLIAHOUTS, AMENDINC SECTION 704.5 RELATINO TO CLEANOUT AT BAilor STACKS, AMENDINO SECTION 1205.2 RELATINO TO SIll or WATER SERVICE LINE AND REOUIRING SHUTO" VALVE, AMENDING SICTIOM 1209.3 TO ADD SUBSECTION (C) RELATINO TO LOCATION or SHUTOrr VALVE IN LIVING UNITS, REPEALING ORDINANCES 73-24, 76-3' AND 81-92, PROVIDING FOR CON'LICT AND SIVERANCI, PROVIDING PaR AN !PPECTIVE DATE. - - - - - - -- -- -- ..-- ..- .-..... '-'" P19- a ., -. .-........-- --... --- ------ ------------........... ~ ~ ~ ·..."'>,~,-,,~-"......""._~ ." ----------------------------------------~~ March 22, 1983 ORDINANCE 83-13 ADOPTINO THE STANDARD BUILDING CODE WITH R£VISIOMS. Cummls.lon.r PI.tor Itated that the building code .hould require that drainage be contaln.d on .ach Individual lot, .nd qu..tloned If thll ..tter I. .ddr....d In the building code, to Which Mr. Virta replied negativ.ly. Mr. Vlrta .tated that when lubdlvi.ion. are d..lgn.d the water il muve~ to ret.ntion or dilcharge ar.... Cummissi~ner Pistor nute~ that It proper provl.lunl were mad. vhen .ubdivisiuns were built, .ume complaint. that he has had reqardlng property belnq flooded by other property own.rs would not have occurr.d. He noted that this due. not usually Ipply tu lubdlvlllon., addinq that indivldu~l pruperty uwner. are the ones that have the complftintl. He .t~ted that there .hould h. lome type ut pruv181un stating th~t qruundw~t.r must be contained within an Individual lot or drain pruperly within an individual lot. Ha Indlcat.d that ~e telt . . ;.. that all Ilab. (ur qarð~'.' carpurts, Icre.n .nclo.ure., etc. Ihould b. at least 12 inches ahuve the crown of the stra.t. Com_i..ioner Brown muv.d, I,conded by COm~II.Soner Vo.. and carried 4/1, (Commi..ion.r PI.tor opp~led), that the Ordinance a. nu.b.red end entitled b.lov be adopted with revision. 'nd entered Into Ordlnanc. Bouk No. 171 ORDINANCE 83-13 AN ORDINANCE AMENDINC THE ·COLLIER COUNTY BUILDINO COOl- IY ADOPTING THE -STANDARD BUILDING CODE, 1982 EDITION- INCLUDING APPENDICES A, B, C, D, I, " I, L, N, AND P, AS PUBLISHID IY THE SOUTHERN BUILDING CODE CONGRESS INTERNATIONAL, INC., AS 'URTHr.R AMENDED BY TRIS ORDINANCE, AMINDINO SECTIOW 103.4 RELATING TO UNSAFE BUILDIWOS, AMENDINO SECTION 105.2 ~ ADD SUBSECTION (c) RELATING TO OWNER-BUILDERS, AMENDING 8ECTION 105 TO ADD SURSECTION 105.8 RELATINO TO MINIMUM rLOOR AWD SLAB ELEVATION REQUIREMENTS, AMENDINO SECTION 108.3 RILATI.a TO CONDITIONS 0' THE PERMIT, AMENDINO SECTION 107.2 (b) R!LATINO TO rAILURE TO OBTAIN A PERMIT, AMIHDINO 'ECTION 107.4 PROVIDING 'OR A SCHEDULE or rEES AND CHARGI. ~ II ESTABLISHED BY RESOLUTION, AMIHDIN~ SICTION 101.2 TO ADD SUBSECTION (a) RELATINO TO INSPECTIONS RIQUIRED, AMlWDtwQ SICTION 109.2 RILATINO TO ISSUANCI or THI CIRTI'ICATa 0' eO~t 074 rA~ 2&5 Pav. -- --- - -. - - -- - - .-- -- -- -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- ---..:.' '., ..~';¡. "- .1: '-f.,J ----------------------------------------....- &ODK 014 PACE 266 March 22, 19ß3 OCCUPANCY, DELETING SECTION 110.2 IN ITS ENTIRETY, AMENDINQ SECTION 110.3 RELATING TO FLOOR LOADS, AMENDING SECTION 112 PROVIDING FOR APPEAL TO TRE BOARD OF ADJUSTMr.NTS AND APPEALS, DELETINO SECTION 113 IN ITS ENTIRETY, AMENDING SECTION 114 RELATING TO VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES. AMENDING SECTION 20l.2 RELATInG TO DEFINITIONS, AMENDING SECTION 301.3 SUBSECTIONS (b) AND (f) RELATING TO REQUIREMENTS WITHIN THE FIRI DISTRICT, AMENDING SECTION 30l.4 (I) RELATING TO ESTABLISHMENT OF A FIR! DISTRICT, AMENDING SECTION 403.2 RELATING TO TENANT SEPARATION, AMZNDINO SECTION 706.6 RELATING TO WOOD SHINGLES, AMENDINO SECTION 902.3 (a) AND (b) RELATINO TO STANDPIPES, AMENDING SECTION 902.5 RELATINO TO STANDPIPES DURINQ CONSTRUCTION, AMENDINO SECTION 1104.4 R!LATINC TO EMERCENCY r:CRESS OPENINCS, AMENDING SECTION 1108.1 TO ADD SUBSECTION (t) RELATINO TO INTERIOR PUBLIC BALCONIES, AMENDING SECTION 1124 TO ADO SUBSECTION (c) RELATINC TO 'IRE ALARM, AMENDING SECTION 1302.2 (a) AND (a) RELATINC TO BEARINC CAPACITY or SOIL, AMENDING SECTION 1706.7 TO ADD SUBSECTION (a) RELATING TO CUTTING, NOTCRING AND BORED HOLES IN WOOD CONSTRUCTION, AMENDING SECTION 1707.3 TO ADD SUBSECTION (d) RELATING TO ROOF JOIST, AMENDINO SECTION 2101.9 (C) RELATINC TO STANDPIPE AND HOSE SYSTEM 'OR BUILDING UNDER CONSTRUCTION, AMENDING APPENDIX -D- RELATINO TO HURRICANE REOUIREMENTS FOR EXTERIOR WALLS ^ND TIE BEAMS, AMENDING APPENDIX -N- RELATING TO CONSTRUCTION OF ONE AND TWO FAMILY DWF.LLINCS, REPEALING ORDINANCr:S 81-21 AND 82-45, PROVIDINC FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERANCE, PROVIDING FOR AN Errr.CTIVE DATE. ORCINANCE 83-14 ADOPTINC THE NATIONAL 'IRE PROTr.CTION CODE WITH REVISIONSI cummunity o.velupment ^dminl.trator Vlrta Itated thlt the Idoptlon ~t this ~rdlnance wuuld a11uw (or the Inter1~cal agreement between the cuunty and the In~.penrtent Fire Districts to take etfect. Cum~I..ioner Vo.. moved, .econded by Co.~i..loner Brown and carried unanlmuu.ly, that the Ordinance II numbered Ind entitled below be adopted with revl.ionl and entered Into Ordinance Book Mo. 17. ORDINANCE 83-14 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THI -COLLIER COUNTY FIRI PRrvENTION CODE- BY ADOPTING SPECI'IC SECTIONS or THI -NATIONAL rIRI CODES, 1982 EDITION,- AS PUBLISHED 8Y THE NATIONAL rIRI PROTECTION ASSOCIATION (N'PA), AS FURTHER AMENDED IY THIS ORDINANCE, AMENCING 'IRE PREVENTION CODE N'PA NO. l, lll-5 PROVIDI~O FOR APPEALS TO THE BOARD 0' ADJUSTMINTS AND APPEALS, AMENDING 111-6 RELATING TO VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES, AMENDING 1,1 TO ADD 111-10 PROVIDING FOR A SCHEDULI or rl18 AND CHARGES TO BI ESTABLISHED 8Y RESOLUTION, AMINDIMO 2-1 RELATINO TO DEFINITIONS, AM£NDINO NFPA 101, CHAPTIR 5 II DELETINO IN ENTIRETY 5-2 RELATING TO EXIT COMPONINTS, Pa9' 8 --_..._-..~-.........."---._-.......~..~ -.... -_. -... -.- - -.. - --.... .-- -- -..- .- - -- - -- - -.... - - - - ---.....-. r"--- ~ ~ ,....,._~-,-"-"-_._---"., - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -_._-------,---- March 22, 1983 AMENDI"O'NFP~ 501~ RELATINO TO MOBILE HOMES BY DELETINO PART 3 RELATINO TO DESION ~ND USE, P~RT 4 RELATING TO srTI F~CILITU::S, PART 5 REL~TINO TO ACCESSORY BUILDINOS, .PART , RELATINO TO PERM~NENT BUILDINGS, P~RT 7 RELATINO TO PLUMBING SYSTEMS, P~RT 8 RELATINO TO ELECTRIC SYSTEMS, PART 9 RELATING TO rUEL SUPPLY SYSTEMS, ~ND ~PPENDIX -~-, ~MENDINO Hrp~ 501D BY DELETINO IN ENTIRETY CH~PTER 4 REL~TINO TO ENVIRONMENTAL HE~LTH ~ND S~NITATION, CH~PTER 5 REL~TING TO O~S SYSTEMS AND FLAMMABLE ~ND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS, ~ND CH~PTER ~ RELATINO TO ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS, REPEALINC ORDINANCE 81-45, PROVIDINO FOR CONFLICT ~ND SEVERANCE' PROVIDINO FOR ~N ErFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE 83-15 ADOPTING THE STANDARD MECHANICAL CODE WITH REVISIONS. Cummi.ai~ner Pi.tor moved, .econded by Commilaioner Brown and .. - carried unanlmou.ly, that the ordinance a. numbered and entitled below be ad~pted with revisions and entered into Ordinance Book No. 17, OROINANCr: 83-15 AN ORDIN^NCE AMENDING THE -COLLIER COUNTY BUILDING CODE- BY ADOPTINC THE ·STANDARD MECHANICAL CODE, 1982 EDITION,. ~S PUBLISHED BY THE SOUTHERN BUILDING CODE CONORESS INTERNATIONAL, INC., AS rURTHER AMENDED BY THIS ORDINANCE, AMENDINC SECTION 104.1 RELATING TO PERMITS AND DISP!NSINQ WITH REOUIREMENT or APPROVAL 'OR MINOR REPAIRS, AMENDING SECTION 104.2 BY ADDINr. SUBSr:CTIONS 8 AND 9 RELATINO TO REPLACEMENT OF PARTS AND EMERCENCY Rr:PAIRS, RESPECTIVELY, AMENDING SECTION 10~ PROVIDINC rOR A SCHEDULE or rEES AND CIIARCES TO BE ESTABLISHED BY RESOLUTION, AMENDINC SECTION 109 RELATING TO VIOLATIONS AND PF.NALTIES, AMENDINO SECTION 110 PROVIDINC 'OR APPEALS TO THE BOARD 0' ADJUSTMENTS ~ND APPEALS, DELETING SECTION 111 IN ITS ENTIRETY, DELETINO SECTION 112 IN ITS ENTIRETY, AMENDINO SICTION 201 RELATING TO DEFINITIONS, AMENDINC SECTION 30J.3(b) REQUIRINO LIORT rIXTURE AT HEATING AND/OR AIR CONDITIONING UNIT, AMENDINO SECTION 308.9 TO ADD SUBSECTION (d) RELATINO TO VENTINO or CLOTHES DRYER EXHAUSTS, AMENDINC SECTION 404(1) RELATINO TO CONDENSINO UNITS, FOUNDATION SUPPORTS, AND TIE-DOWNS, AMENDINC SECTION 504 TO ADD SUBSECTION (k) RELATINO TO FIBERCLASS DUCT BOARD SYSTEMS, AMENDINC SECTION 505 Tt ADD SUBSECTION (e) RELATINC TO 'LEXIBLE DUCT, AMENDING SECTION 508 TO ADD SUBSECTION (c) RELATING TO CLEARANCE or PLINUM CHAMBERS, AMENDINC SECTION 603 TO ~DD SUBSECTION '03.5 RELATING TO INSULATION OF CONDENS~TE DRAIN PIPINO, RIPE~LrNO ORDINANCE 81-72, PROVIDING rOR CONFLICT ~ND 8~RANCI, PROVIDINC FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Comml..ioner pI.tor Moved, .econded by ComMI..loner Drown and carried unanimously, that the public hearing on the various ordinance. be c10..d. Commlaaioner Pi.tor moved, .econded by ComMi..loner vo.. and ~~ 014 fAtE 267 - - - - - - - -- .-- ....-. ,-_... page' , ,--~ ....-~... - ..-.. ...~.- - .-....- -..- - - - - - - - - - - - -- --.....--....- ;... __'_~"F;'~'~'~"'~"'_'""''';'''''';__~__ ----------------------------------------~ &O~K 074 fACEZ68 March 22, 19"3 carrieð unani~oully, that a blanket adoption regarding the above referenced building code. be approved. Itt~ '5 ORDINANCE 83-16 ESTABLISHINC ONE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS rOR THE COUNTY CODES RELATED TO CONSTRUCTION AND FIRE PREVENTION - ADOPTED WITH AMENDMENT Legal notice havlnq he en published In the Naples Dally Ne~1 on February 18 and 2~, 1~e3, and March ~ and 11, 19Q3, a. evidenced by Aftld~vit of Publlc~ti~n filed with the Clerk, public hearing WI. ~p.neð to conald~r e.tabllshlng one ~ard of Adjultment. and Appeal. f~r the Cvunty Cuðes reiated tu cunstruction and fire prevention. Cummunlty Dev.l~pmønt ^dminlstrator Virta stated that thil intent is tu have une hoard that would review adminl.trative determlnatiun. made un all the codas as uppua.d t~ havin? a buard for each of the cod... Mr. Jack Th~mpsun, President of the Collier Cuunty Fire Mar.hal. Ass~ciatlun statJ1 that he Is in a9reement with the propuled Ordinlnce, addinq that tho unly change he ~uld like to Make I. that the State Certified FlreCiqhter have the rank uf Lieutenant or higher I. .u~eone with such a rank ~uld be better able to .erve on the board. Com_i..loner Holland moved, .econded by Co..i..loner Vo.. and carried unanimoully, that the public hearing be clo.ed. Co..i..loner Holland moved, .econd.d by CO.mil.ioner Vo.. and carried unanimoully, that the Ordinance al numbered and entitled below be adopted with the a.end.ent thlt the State Certitied rlreflghter have a rank ot Lieutenant or higher and entered Into Ordinance look Mo. 1,. ~ ORDINANCI 83-U AN ORDINANCI AMENDINO THI ·COLLIER COUNTY BUILDING CODI,. a, ESTAILISRINO A BOARD or ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS rOR THI COLLIIR COUNTY STANDARD BUILDING COOl, COLLIIR COUNTY ILICTRICAL COOl, ,,"~ COLLIER COUNTY 'IRI PREVENTION CODI, COLLIIR COUNTY GAl CODI, ':~ COLLIER COUNTY MECHANICAL CODE, COLLIER COUNTY PLUMBING CODI, AIID'i';Tf Page 10' :·/':5i - - - - - - - - --- -- --- -~ -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - --------- \~~'. "'I~. ::~ ' ~ ~ ------------------------------------------ March 22, 1983 COLLIER COUNTY SWIHMINO POOL CODE, PROVIDING rOR DErINITIONS, PROVIDE rOR ST~NDARD APPEAL PROCEDURE, PROVIDINO AUTHORITY TO ACCEPT APPEALS PURSUANT TO INTERLOCAL AORE!MENTS BITWEIN COLLIIR COUNTY AND INDEPENDENT rIR! DISTRICTS, PROVIDING rOR DECISION 0' THE BOARD or ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS, PROVIDINO rOR CONFLICT AND SEVERANCI, PROVIDINO AN !rF!CTIVE D~TE. Item 16 ORDINANCE 83-17 RE SD-82-1C, WORLD TENNIS CENTER ASSOCIATES REOUESTINO AN AMENDMENT TO THE PUD SECTION 0' THE SUBDIVISION REOULATIONS TO ALLOW ADMINIRTRATOR TO W~IVE PLATTINC REQUIREMENTS FOR PUD'S _ ADOPT!D SUBJ!CT TO STIPULATIONS L@gal nutice having been published In the Naples Deily Nevs on February l~, 1Q83, as evidenced by Aftldavlt of PUblication tiled vlth the Clerk, public hearing was continued trom March R, 1983, re Petition SD-82-1C, tiled by Wurld Tennis Center ~s.ociates reque.ting an amend- ment tu the PUD sftctiun ur the Subrllvlaton r.~ul~tlon. to allov admln- 1stratur to waive plattin1 requirements for PUD's. Plans Impl~mentatlun Director Layne stated that thl. is a reque.t to allow lands Zunl'cI -PUD- to have the Cuunty plattinq requirement. waived If the utilities, streets and drainage easement. are maintained by a pruperty owner's aSsoclatiun. She noted that the prupo.ed chang. Wuuld nut preclude the d.vel~per frum meeting construction standard. tur Rtre~t., utllltle~ ur drainag~, addinry that, in addition, an .._ built drawing ur the Atreets, utilities, ~rainage easement., building. and parking areas must be Submitted. Sh~ noted that the develuper Would also have to meet the state requirement. fur condominium Platting. She stated that the Subdivlslun Committe. and the CAPC reCummended appruval. Ms. [~yne noted that there are .ume ~lnor changes trom the urdlnanco that was advertised, nutlng that in Section 1, the ~rd -may- was changed to -shall-, Sectlun . was ~oYed to become raragraph B uf Sectlun 1, a new paragraph C was added which would allow th8 administrative decision to be appealed to the Board of County Comml..iuners, and Section 3, the Ilnquage pertaining to the 'lorld. .- - - - - _. -- - -- -- .... .. -- - &D~ 074 f1Œ269 P89' 11 ;,N' ..---.,. - --- ----------------------..... r·\':t' ':;'t, :... eO~K 074 PACE270 -----------------------------------------~ March 22, 1983 Statute Condumlniu~ Plat ~w, wal added. She concluded by Itatlng that Mr. ~m Peek and Mr. Rich~rd Crant were present if there were any questions. Co..I..I~n.r Brown m~ved, .econded by Comml.lioner VOl. and carried unanimoully, that the public hearin9 be clol.d. Commll.luner Holland moved, .econded by Commi..loner Brown and carried unanlmoualy, thet the Ordinance al numbered and entitled below be adopted lubject tu the following Itlpulation. and entered Into Ordinance Buok No. 171 1. The proposed chanqe would not preclude the developer fro. meeting cunatructlon standard. tor stre.t., utllltie. or draSnage. 2. An aI-built drawing ot the Itreet, utilltle., drainage eas'~ent8, building. and parking area. mu.t be ,ubmitted. 3. The Developer would have to ~eet the Itlt. requlre.entl for c~nd~mlnSum platting. ORDINANCE 1')-17 ^N ORDINANCE AMENDINC O~DINANCE 76-6 SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS 0' COLLIER COUNTY, TO PROVIDE 'OR THE WAIVER or A PLAT AND THE rILING or CONDOMINIUM OR ROMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION DOCUMENTS WHERE AN ^PPROVlD PLANNED UNIT 0' DEVELOPMENT PROVIDES PRIVATI ROADS, STREETS, AND DRAINAOI SYSTEMS, ADEOUATE AND NECESSARY PHYSICAL IMPROVEMENTS AND A UNI'ORM HOMEOWNER'S OR CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, UNDER ARTICLI XIV, AND TO PROVIDE AN Er,eCTIVE DAT!. Item " PROPOSED ORDIN^NCe RECULATINC WATER AND SEWER UTILITIES RATE AND TO CREATE A UTILITY REGULATION 80ARD - CONTIWUED TO APRIL 12, 198J Cuunty Atturney Saunders Indicated that there vere .everal ch.nge. requested that were reasonable, adding that he il recommending .ald ch~ngel to the Ruard. C~mml.al~ner Holland questioned it this Item could be po.tponed until the next meeting, to which County Attorney Slunder. .tattd that he hi. readvertlsed thl. Item for April 12, 19ft3, and would llk. the matter continued to that date. He noted that the primary chang.. ar. Pa9' 12:!;~7. ---- ---- ---- -. - --.-----------'- --- -------------,---- /\~ , r.' r----1 ~ ~ ordinance. ---- -- - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- -- ---------- March 22, 1983 procedural, adding that the biggest change il that it an individual I. agqrleved by I ðeclslvn of the rate buard, h. may appeal to the Board of C~unty Commissioners. He Indicated that the definition of Utll1ti.. hu bun chr1flod In order to exclude .mall utUIt1e.. Tape .4 Mr. r. E. Evans, r.pr~s."tin9 the Marco Island Taxpayer. A..ociatiun, stated that the workshop that was held was very infurmative with regard to the propo.ed ordinance. Re Indicated that the tutal task of thlø utility requlation board Is far greater than antlclpat~d, adding that the unly thing that this buard will have to ~ guide them i. an vrdinance. He indicated that there I. no pruvllion for Püllclng a downwarrl trend of rates, adding that there I. a doubtful legalIty uf portIunft ur th~ urdinance. He cuncluded by .tatlng that he Wuuld like tu have the urdInan~e tabled until it can be re-evaluated and, In the meantlm~, recunslrler the ~erlta of transterrlng this authurIty tu the Public Sorvlce CummIasIun. Atturney B. C. Nichuls, representIng Ea.t Naple. Water Utilities, .tated that thiR urdlnance ·cuts In buth direction.-, adding that the only disagreement he h~. Is that the urdlnance hal a very broad criminal penalty. Cui. .Tuhn r. £\oehe, repr~.entinCJ ~keWuorl HcJmeownerø, stated that he felt this urdlnðnce Is ~ very fair une and he feel. tho penalty sectiun adequately identl(les thp. penalty and the vlulators. He roted that a complaint procedure shuu~J bo added lumeplace vlthln the Mr. Jim SP~de, Ruukery Aay Utility, stated that he hal a unique sltuatlun whereby he has a 99 year cvntract which Itlpulatel that hi. ratea are baaed ~n the crr, adding that he dues nut think that h. can break the cuntract at this time. He cuncluded by Itatinq thlt he h.. nu objection to the urdinance. -- - - -.- -- .'-- -.. oÞ_ _.. __ _.,. ~ ... _ ~ 0740_2:11 paq. ao!)X 074 rACE 212 -------.- -- - - --- -- --- ------ ------------------ Mðrch 2', 1993 County Atturney Saunder. stat.d thlt h. hi. a Cgpy ot Mr. Sp.ð.,. contract and I. l~uking intg the matter and will r..pond to Mr. Sp.d. prior tg ^pril 12, 1983. Com",! ssioner Vo.. m01fed, .econd.d by Coallnt..loner PI.tor .nd clrrl.d unanlmgusly, that the propo..d ordlnanc. regulating v.ter and sev.r utlllti.. rate and creating I Utility R.gulatlon Board, be continued to April 12, 1983. It.. 18 DISCUSSION R~CARDINC SAT~LLrTE DISHES - NO ACTION REQUIRED Cummunit¡, ~ev~lurment ^dminlstrator Virta stated that sinc. writing the memuranrlum In the ag~nda packet there has be.n a change a. the.. d~vlce. are treated .e structures and th.re is no n..d tu aMend the Ruilding Cude, add!n? that they are required to me.t th. requirements of the 5uuthern ~tandard Building Code. Cummis.luner "ulland questluned what the charge fur a building permit (or a dish wuuld be, tu which Mr. Vlrta replied $27.50. Mr. Rubert W~lfe, Satellite ~rld, stated that he do.. not ... any prublems with installln? these dl.he. to withstand 120 ~ph vlnd., adding that they also offer a tl.-duwn package for hurricane.. HI noted that he is cuncerned that satellite dl.he. are the only one. 81n91eð uut to get permits, adding that Installers of CB ant.nna syst.",. ur ham al\tenna SYRtems do not have to get I permit. Cummis.iuner Kruse nuted that there I. no action r.quir.d on thl. matt.r. Ite. 19 PROPOSED RESOLUTION SUPPORTING OCEAN IMPACT ASSESS"ENT STUDIE8 _ CONTINUED 'OR TWO WEEKS Mr. Cerard Barry, Manager of Pttruleu~ and Mineral. Dlvl.ion for Collier Cumpanle., steted that he would like to lee thl. .atter \ . :!i l~:'" " \\ ~".i' '19' U,{' ,..,.. - - - - -- - - - -- -. ..- -- - -- ....... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --,......;1, . , . r~·~·~-"1 ,......., ..... --~,._"'~'''..,....,..~.,._.,-"~.,,."''"'" March 22, 1983 ---. ------- - ---. - -- -- -- ------------------- d.t.rr.d tor a t.w w.ek. In order to .tudy it, adding that hi. tlrat knuwl.dge ot this ocean impact a.I...m.nt study wal in the previous day" n,wlpaper. He nuted th~t he II highly concerned .bout all the .nvlrunment.l regulatury agencies which are already looking etter the . . petroleum Industry, adding th~t he thought tiv. or six y.arl ago this Itudy was d~ne by the State. He nuted that he is concern.d about the County's lung-term pusitiun ~t oil expluratlon and ~uld Ilk. to be able t~ .tudy thll matter. Cuunty Envlrunmentðllst Benerllct stat.d that the conlenlu. in the revipw ot the recent Ift.se sales Indicated that there was In.ignltlcant data tu e!!ectlvely review the impact of th.se .tudies, adding that the SWFnpc b~I ~v~s thAt th~rn sh~uld be mure .tudie.. H. noted that thi. . . . ... is mure un a Rtate level versus a Cuunty lev.l, nutin1 that there ~uld be nu fundi .pent on the County l,v.l. Tape .5 Mrs. Charlutte Westman, repreaentinq the lea~ue of Women V~t.r., stated that she sUPPUrts the intent uf this reCummendatlun, adding thlt the ecunu~ical, suclulu~lcðl and eCuloqical values of the coastal resuurces aro well established. She Itated that there i. Inlutticl.nt data available on thes. re.~urC.Ð t~ effectiv.ly a..... the I~pact of propused uftshure activities such as oil expluratlun and dredge 1011 disPosals which have the putentlal u( .lgniticantly implctlng the.e resuurce., and the ocunumic base uf all 5u~thw..t Flurida count~ea are de!lnltelY tl~d tu this resuurce. C~mmls.lon.r Brown muved, .,cundod by ComMI..ioner Vo.. end carrl.d unanimou.ly, that the propo.ed reaolutlon aupportin9 oc.an iI'plct I...s.m.nt .tudl.. be contln"ld tor two veek.. ~O~ 074 _273 '19' \ --- -- - - -- -- _. '- -. .., -, .-. - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ------ '\ ",,~,~. , ;,..\ :tt~ ' ")~f .,)~;. ---- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - -----~~, ',t,V~. . eo~K O'H 'ACE 2'14 Item 110 RESOLUTION 83-44 ESTABLISHING A SCHEDULE or PERMIT AND INSPECTION rEES FOR THE COLLIER COUNTY STANDARD BUILDINO CODE, ELECTRICAL CODI, PLUMBING CODE, MECHANICAL CODE, rIRE PROTECTION CODE, OA8 CODI AND SWIMMING POOL COD! - ADOPTED. March 22, 1983 Cummunlty Dtvelupment Admlnlltrator Vlrta stated that the fee. will balically remain the .ame with the exc.ptlon of the 'ire rrotectiun Cude, addtn9 that this i. to limpll!y tee.. CO~NI..i~ner PI.tor moved, .econded by Co~I.lloner Brown and carried unanl~ou.ly, that Relolutiun 83-44 e.tabll.hing a achedule of permit Ind In.pectl~n tee. for the Collier County Standard Building Code, Electrical Code, Plumbing Code, Mechanical Code, 'Ire Protection Code, CI' Code and Swimming Pool Cod., be adopted. ~ ~ ...... ..,¡ March 2'-, 19R3 It.. t 11 MODIFICATION OF LEASE AGREEMENT WITH THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT or AGRICULTURE AND CONSUMER SERVICES TO INCREASE LEASE RATE rOR orrlCI SPACE ON THE 'OURTR FLOOR OF BUILDINO -,- _ APPROVED Comml..loner Brown ~oYed, .econded by ComMi..ton.r Pt.tor Ind oarrled unanlmoualy, that the agreement tor eodlflcatlon ot 1.... agree.ent with the Florida Department ot Agriculture and Con.u.er Service. to Increa.e le.se rate tor ottlce .pace on the fourth floor ot BUilding .'-, be approved. . . :.. ao~ 07' 1UEZ1S -------- .-- _.... -""~-~~... " , _,,,,,,,~,,,~~_p,,~._~,_,·.,,,,",_,,,__c,,_._".,~._ ", IO!)« 01... PAcf2!2 ------------------------------------------ S~lid WaRte wore initiated, the best predlctl~n was mðde .a to how much w~uld he delivered to the landfill, addinq that with the conditl~n of the ocun~my and the prujectiun, there was lell received at the landfill th~n prujected. He nuted that the budget nuw needs t~ be adjulted accvr1ingly, addinq th~t thrre nre two ways tu du it, une, by raising March 22, 1983 Ite. 112 BUDGET ~MENDMENTS TO ALIGN REVENUES WITR EXPENDITURES IN THE SOLID WASTE ENTERPRISE ACCOUNT - APPROVED Puh1ic Wurks ^dministrat~r Hartman stated that when user fe.. for U8~r fC~8 and th. s~cund, hy roducing the budget. He cuncluded by statinq that he I. r~c~mmend1n9 that the budget be reduced. Cummissioner Pistur muved, seconded by Commlslloner Brovn and carried unanimously, that the Budget Aaendment to align revenue. with expenditures in the Su11d Waste Enterprl.e Account, be approved. Item tJ) EXPENDITURE or TRUST FUNDS rOR TilE PROVI~ION 0' SPECIALIZED LAW ENrORC~M£NT EQUIPMENT FOR THE S"~RIrr'S OrFIC! _ APPROVED Cumml.sioner Pi.tor moved, seconded by Cocml.lloner Rolland and carried unanimuusly, that the expenditure of tru.t tunds for the provision of Ipeclallzed law enforcement equipment for the Sheriff'. Oftice be approved. . Item '14 'OLLOW-UP STUDY OF THE WORD PROCESSINC CENTER BY DR. RUTH THOMAS _ ArPROVED Commlllioner Brown moved, leconded by Co..ls.ioner Pl.tor and clrried unanlmoully, that the !ollow-up .tudy of the Word Prooe..ln9 Center by Dr. Ruth Thoml. for $800 be approved. ",or. '.9. 1.,01 '..''l'''Jh.,. .:.. '··),·,~'~!:~'jl~- .~ --- - - - - --- -.. - - -- - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- -----...... - '_.._·'_"~M...~.".......__."., ",., March 22, 1983 ----- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- --- - -- - - ---------- lte.. 115 PARAB TO REVIEW THE RIPORT ON THE SELECTION or THI OOLDEN OATI COMMUNITY PARK SITE AND THE BCC TO TAKE ACTION AS SOON AS POSSIBLI THEREAFTER - APPROVED Public Service. Adminiltrator Norton .tated that this i. the :. .ec~nd report on the Community park site which deal. vlth the Golden Cate District only. Re noted that th11 will be pre.ented to the Parkl In~ Recreation Advisory Board a. Soon as the BCC approve. It, adding that the Parkl and ~ecreatiun Advi.ory Board could hold a special .eetlng to have the report presented to them. 'Å 4 Commilsioner ~ru.e Itated that the recommendation 1ft that the BCC tl · ' nut take any actlun thl. date, but limply to hand the report to the . .. .... Parka and Recreation Advisory Aoard tur their Input. Commlllioner Voss .oved, leconded by Co..I.lloner Brown and carried unanl~ou.ly, that the PARAS review the report on the .electlon of the Colden Cate Community Park site and the BCC take action a. .oon a. possible thereafter. Ite. '16 PUBLIC SERVICES ADMINISTRATOR AUTHORIZED TO DO WHAT IS BEST rOR COLLIER COUNTY RECARDINC THE JOB TRAININC PARTNERSHIP ACT TRANSITION Public Rervlcas Admlni.trator NQrtun stated that there has been unofficial word obtained that the Stftte Job Training Cuordlnatlnq Council has authurlzed Lee County to be a single county lervice delivery area. He indicated that Wuuld leave Collier, Hendry and Clade. Countie., adding that the State has strong feeling. to InclUde Charlotte County Into that area. He stlted that there are .o~e problems tu that, the largest belnq the pruxlmlty of Charlotte County. He noted that on Friday, there will be a meeting In Miami regard1n9 this matter and he would like to know vhat the Board'l teellngs ar. regarding the Incl~sion vf Charlotte Cou~ty Into Collier'. area. 'a~' 074 -233 Pig. 1t ----.-- - - - --- - - -- - -- - - - - - --- ----------------- ---------------------------------------- eO~K 014 PACE 2J)4 March 22, 1983 Commil.ioner Pistor stated that Collier shoUld go with the lour c~unty arel and have Cullier Cuunty b. the admini.trator of the .ervlce delivery area. Commissioner Voss Itat.d that h. thinks Mr. NOrton II capabl. of handling the situation and sh~uld b. authurlzed to do what h. think. i. beat. Co~mll.loner P1stor moved, .econded by Commi.lloner VOl' and carried unanimously, that Don Norton, Public S.rvlce. Ad.tnlltrator, be authorized to do what Is belt for Colll.r County regarding the Job Training Partnership Act transition. Item t 17 BUDGET AMENDMENTS TRAN5r~RRINC TH! RrS~ MANAGEMENT SURPLUD INTO THI VARIOUS USER AND INTERNAL SERVICr: 'UNDS' FUND BALANCES IN ORDER TO OrrSET PRIOR YEAR OPERATING DE'ICITS _ APPROVED Henry H111, Budget Ma1yst, stated that this itelll Is to gain appruval fur budget amendment. to r.ali?n the internal lervlc. tund. by using lurplul In the Risk Management Fund. H. ret.rr.d to the executive summary which has an attachment to It and llat. the d.tlclt. as ot September 30, 19ß2, fur the Internal service tund. and the ~ .1" ':I""'~' \: >.1. prorated amuunt ut each ot those fund. ba.ed on userl hiltory of u.e. I " He noted that he i. asking that the BCC authorlz. budget ..end..nt. ; t":J that will be presented at the next meetln9 to muv. the .on.y tJ .ake up fur the de!1c1t. Filcal Officer Clle. stat.d that after a .izeable appropriation fur Cult un the workmen' I cumpensation program and the mandated re.erve un the Workmen's cumpensation plan., there 1. Itlll a lurplu.. Co-.il.lon.r Plltor moved, leconded by Coemi..ion.r Vo.. and carrl.d unanl~ou.ly, that the Budget ~end..nt. tran.ferrlng the RI.k Manage.ent .urplua into the varlou. u.er and Internal .ervlce fund.' . . . . . , .". ,a9' 20 --------------------------------------- -... h_, - I.., ~:.,'. " '" .~'~ .,' .,.+ )-':-;' . . I fl'.., ',}'. j . 'r-; ,; "", " .~ ----------------------------------------- March 22, 1983 fund balancel In order to ott..t prior year op.ratlng d.tlclt. be approv.d. Ite. 118 REVENUES AND EXPENSE rOR COLLIER COUNTY UTILITY RATI REGULATION BOARD STA'PING AND SUPPORT ACTIVITIES - CONTINUED TO APRIL 12, 1983 C~mmissl~ner ~ruse stated that the BCC Is not prepar.d thl. date tu discuss statfinq and aupport activities. Co~mlssloner VOIS moved, seconded by Comml..loner Brown .nd carried unanimously, that the revenµe. Ind expense tor Colli.r County " ' Utility Rate Requlatlon Board Itattlng and ,upport activlti.. b. continued to April 12, 1983. It.. 119 REPORT RECEIVED R! BUCCET SHORT'ALL ESTIMATES rOR PY 82-83 BY rUND _ SPECIAL BCC "'EETINC SCHEDULED FOR MARCH 29, 1983 9100 A.M. TO WORKSHOP RECOMMENDED CUTAAC~S TO RESTORE BALANCE BY SEPTEMBER 30, 1983 _ APPROVED - Budget Analyst Hill stated that this item is simply t~ transmit a report re budget shurttalla anrt tu ask tur a ~rkshup as soon a. pussible tu revJew the Clnrtlnqa and r~cumm.ndatiuns. Com.lssl~ner V~ss ~oved, seconded by Co..II.loner PI.tor .nd carrl.d unanimously, that the report received re budq.t .hortt.l1 e.tillates for 'Y 82-83 by fund be accepted and that a Ipeclal BCC m..tlnq scheduled for March 29, 1983 at 9100 A.M. to worklhop reco..ended cutbacks to restore balance by Sept.mb.r 30, 1983, be approved. Ite. '20 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT AND CH2M RILL POR IXECUTING THE SERVICES UNDER TASK ORDER NO. 4 'OR SERVICES DURING BIDDING AND CONSTRUCTION or THE WELL rIELD 'OR THE COUNTY RICIONAL WATER PLANT - APPROVED AND ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED Commll.lon.r Pi.tor mov.d, s,conded by Comml..loner Brown and clrrled unanl.ouIly, that the .qr....nt b.tve.n the County Wlter-Sever aœt 074 ~ US 'Ig. 21 -- - - ....- -- - - -- '- - -- -.. ... -... -- -..- "- - .- - - - - - - - - - - - - --- --- . .. ~ .. . :( -:;M,,-/.ItE ~ - - ---- - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - --- --tf* I vn ~ March 22. 1983 ~: . ~'1'í~¡) ,~ Dlatrlct and CH2M Hill for executing the .ervlce. under Tille Order No.,:jr- ,,' . 4 tor .ervlce. during bidding and con.tructlon of the well field for the County Regional Wlter Plant be approved and the Utllitle. Dlvlalon be authoriled to advertl.e for taking ot the bid. for the well field . conatructlon .. described in the Englneer.- letter dated March 8, 1983., :.~. \~'l ~'~ 'Ai~",·· ',I. ' ;i f '. ~,¡. .~, ~ .~... ':.1 ~tf :..., 'i Þ ":L :I~fl " ·Î,...· ',I"ì "! .~. ,of ~ ',--, '~.ÌIt ,. ~t., "f' . ~""~:,,,.\ i: .oj 'i; ''', ~\ ~ . .., i, 'a,e ~------------------------------------~~ "" .../1, ~ r---, ~ --- - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - --.. - -- - -- - -- ------------ eo OK 0'14 PACE 290 March 22, 1983 ",' ~l "~,;l , , . . .... ~ , .'}' ') '" 'r< '~"" . ,,' ~ ' ..... . '< '" .~ . , .~. ., .' '",,, .. p' 10 .,~" , \. , ;'?4' , l' ,I :. ~~ L; r. \'~ \:.\:.r! '.' 'I\"N "'Ò,ì ' \~, '~I -- ---- - - --- -- - --. - -- --- - ------------------,-- ."'~. .., It,. . 21 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY WATER-StwER DISTRICT AND CR2M RILL UNDER TASK ORDER NO. 3 REGARDING ENCIN!ERING SERVICE FOR THE DESION or THI . DEGASrFIER AT THE COUNTY REGIONAL WATER TREATMENT PLANT _ APPROVED Cummissitlner IIvl1and questiuned if thh degas1fier was anticIpated or planned In the beginning, ttl which Utilitl.. Director Berzon replied aftirmatlvely, addln~ that wh.n the County decided in 1981 to develop Its uwn well field ~nð raw water transmissltln line, it was known that the distance qulnq eastward was limited by the tund. that were available. lie ntlted that it was anticipated at that time, that there might be Sume type tlf means ot remuvlng the 8u1phur in the water. Re stated that this WðS n~l certain until tests were cumpleted last sprin?, adding that the muney was included in the bond ufferlng and VI. budgeted fur and anticipated. Ctlmmillluner Y.ruse questluned why there were nut competitive bidding un UII. Item, to which Mr. Berzon stated that thh particular degalifier was an uncertainty, adding that If cumpetitive let, there ~uld be a time laq which cuuld be critical to the .tart ~ ot the plant It.elf. Commi.sloner Bruwn muved, .econded by Co~I..lon.r Vo.. and carried unanimously, that the Chalr.ln be authorIzed to execute the . . . Aqreement between the Cuunty Water-S."er DI.atrlct and CR2M Rill 1Jndtr Task Order No. 3 regarding engineering .ervlc.. tor the de.ivn of the Dlg,slfier at the County Regional Water Plant. ~"'--1 r:::J """. i!.1~ --- - - - - - - _. - - -- - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - ----------- March 22, 1993 Ite. '22 UPDATED INOINIIRING 'EASIBILITY STUDY BY CH2M RILL 0' COUNTY REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM REGARDING RE'UNDINO or COUNTY WATER StwER DISTRICT REVENUE BONDS SERIES 1982- APPROVED Utllitle. Administrator Serzon .tated that due to the bond retinlncin9 that the 80ftrd has entered Into, the financial con.ultants end the underwriters are 90in9 to require an up-date ot the eng1neerin9 carried unenimou.ly, that the updated engineering teaa1bil1ty .tudy by CR2M Hill on the County Reqlona1 Water SYltem Capital Improye.ent progre. reqerdinq re!undln9 ot Count Wlter/Sewer Di.trict Reyenue repc"r t. Commls.loner Piator moved, .econded by Commi..loner Yo.. and Bond., Serle. 1982, b. approved. 1D!1K 0741AtE293 . ;.,. 'age 24 - --- - - - - -- - - -- -- - - -- - - -- ---- - - -- --- ------------ aD 014 fAœ296 March 22, 1983 Tlpe IS Ite. . 23 RESOLUTION 83-45 AUTHORIZING TH! CHAIRMAN 0' THE BCC TO APPROVE CERTAIN BONDS AND PROJECTS FOR THE HOUSING 'INANCE AUTHORITY _ ADOPTED Att~rney Ounald rickwurth stated that the letter and the propo.ed re.olutlun given tu the acc .ets furth vhat I. being asked. He .tated that the Boerd needs tu deleqate to the Chairman the authurlty to .lgn orf appruval If the Huuslnq FinAnce Auth~rity appr~ves the bond. and the pr~ject. at the puhllc hearln~. Cumml.sloner Holland m~ved, ..conded by Com~llslon.r Vo.. and c4rrled unanimously, that Resolution AJ-45 luthorlzlng the Chalr.an ot the BCC to approve certain bunds and project. tor the Rou.ing 'inane. Authurity be ad~pted. '> --: .~~ . ,.. '(I , ~I"~""'('~;: !. .;¡,¿.~.. "ii ,.- i" ~;, S~,~~::~ ~ .' ~I"""~ I . , - . . Pag. l::':'""l ~ ,...... -I·~r, . 'J.;' ì," , , I" , ~. ':\{ --- - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - --- ---- -------- 'tD!V( 074 tatE 298 Mðrch 22, 1983 Ite. . 24 WORKSHOP SCREDULED FOR APRIL 12, 1983, 1.30 P.M. REGARDING MARCO ISLAND UTILITIES RATE REQUEST - APPROVED Cuunty Atturney Saunders stated that he Wuuld like a date let tor the Marco Island UtIlIties Rate request. Commissioner PIstor moved, seconded by Commll.loner Roll.nd and carried unanimously, that the workshop be Ichedu1eð for April 12, 1983, at 1130 P.M. regarding Marco II1and Utlltl.1 Rate reque.t. Ittll '25 ROUTINE BILLS - APPROVr:D rOR PAVMENT Pursuant tu Resulutl~n AI-I50 the tulluwIng checks were issued thruuqh rrld~y, "'lIrch IR, l~B], in payment Clt ruutlne blllsr CHEC~ DE~CRIPTION CHECK NO~. AMOUNT Vuucher Checks 9)7 1j4 - 94023 $ 551,510.25 Ite.. '26 throu~h '31 BUDGET AMENDMENTS 83-346 TIJROUCR 83-351 ADOPTED IN THE 'OLLOWINQ AMOUNTS AS DESCRIBED, COlUllasioner Brown moved, seconded by Co_l.lloner Voss and ...~'.";l\:,... "10.;' ,.. . ,)'. I carried unanimously, that Budqet A.lendllent. 83-346 throu9h 83-.,35l b.~..i ,r...... ,'..... ':"~~b, , adopted In the tollowln9 amounU II described, \ . ~:.'>~ )., . '~~ BUDGET AMENDMENT 83-346 Transhrr Ing funð. to 1110.1 tor' .~ ,. <¡~':,< "": expenditure. In the remaining fl.ca..ll··'.·' Yt'ar tor copy charge., Engineering ,!., Admin. Section, In the alftOunt of,~. $350. ~:," ~, BUDGET AMENDMENT 83-347 Tranlterrlng tundl trom :ÿ^ Contlngencle. to .end nev pro- .";,.;, bationarr tlretighters to 'ire ~'~' Cullege n cella, Florid., Ochopee ",;~,'ii; 'I re Dht. Section, in the a.-ount ~"f¥i.i~:,\, $2,000. , ,.;.;' 'R" ,'.'.~. " 8UDGIT AMENDMENT 83-341 Fund. being carried over to " 82-13 ~. to cover b.lance of the Colden Cate Est.te. Weir Modification Project which WI' not completed in accord- Ince with anticipated Ichedule, Page 21 ___'__4. r-., ~ · . -----------------------------------------~ March 22, 1983 BUDGET AMENDMENT 83=1!! Capital projects Section, in the .mount ot $95,000. Tranlferring between organization.l unltl, Solid Waite Admin. Section, In the amount of 8499,254. To appropriate Carry Forward from transter tor Capri Water Work. acquisition and to Re.erve Balance for con.truction, Capital Project. Section, in the amount of $14,424,673. Recognlzln~ transfer ut bond fund. fgr Capri Water Workl ~qulsitlon and to reclassify the amount originally intended for contractual .ervices to be included with acquisition cOlt, Capital Project. Section, In the amuunt ot $1,179,500. BUDGET ~MENDMENT 83-350 BUDGET AMENDMENT 83-351 Ite~s '32 and 133 BUDGET AMENDMENTS 83-352 AND 83-353 ADOPTED IN THE rOLLOWINO AMOUNTS AS DESCRIBED Commlssiuner ßul1and ~oved, .econded by Co~mls.ioner Brown and carried unanimuusly, that Budget Amend.ent. 83-352 and 83-353 be að~pted In the following amounts as descrlbedl BUDGET AMENDMENT 83-352 Transfer to pay ðata proce..lng .ervice charqe. Incurred trom the Tax Cullectur and Property Appraiser'. Office., Engineering Admin. Section, In the .muunt of $100. BUDGET AMENDMENT 83-351 Fur adjustments to Judge Hayel' budqlt due to takeúver of furmer budget ot Judge Ntlsun'., Judge Haye. Sectiun, In the lmoun~ of $700. Item '34 See PðgeS 310-317 MOTION TO RtHORK, READVERTISE AND HOLD PUBLIC RIARINO REOARDINO A TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL - APPROVED Cummissloner Kruse stated that under this item there II required by law three peup!e t~ be appulnted In the uwntr/uperator catl9ory, thre. in the túurist categury, adding thlt her .U9gestions are tho.e .~ 074_2S9 :... --______ _.. 40__.. ~. - . -- .. ~ ... - .aq. 2' ,~" l" t _.. .-- - _.- - -- --------------------7r ------------------------------------------ ~O~K 014 PACE 300 March 22, 1983 lilted in the proposed re.ulution. Cummi..luner PIstor stated that there shuuld be someone on thil cuuncil to represent Marco Island, adding that he would like to recom- mend that Shirley Van be appointed. C~mmlssiuner ~ruse stated that Ihe attempted to get the large.t hotel on ~arc~ tu serve but was unable to do so. She questioned If there c~u1d be an addltlunal member added, to which C~unty Attorney Saunders stated that the Cuuncll shall c~nsilt of the number that ha. been pruvided. Cummis.l~nor ristur !ndlcat~d that the tirst he knew ot thl. mltter was the previous day. Cu~mlss!~ner Vvss queRtloned it there cuuld be an ex-officio member, tv which County Attorney Saunders replied that there could be an ex-orriclu member but that person WQu1d nut be a voting member. Commissiuner Kruse stated that .he wuuld take lu9ge.tlonl a. to altering ~ne ut the three members that she suggested. C~mmissiuner PIstor .tated that une of tho.e three could be an alternate as long a. there was a voting member flU. "'arco Illand. Cu.missivner ~ruse questioned It there WII anything In the o that state. there must be representations by dlltrict, to which ... Statute .. )...,~.':,;\, ..( " ,.... County .ç. '. ~" )'C,'f': She stat.ed that, by la", .h. h ':~~ required to chair this council, adding thlt she ha. atte.pted to re.ove ~. :",¡. , ,-: .~~~.. any cuntr~ver.hl nature ~t the higher tax by balancinq the co..ltt.. ,:'~ii' , II.' ':'jI-'" a. much a. pc.,ulbh between th~se thlt have been publicly pro and con ".," ~\ ''f and quall ty under the terms ut the law. She noted that .he did not at ';:j., . ..1 X ' any time pay attentlun tu cumm1s.I~n di.trlctl or boundaries other than:·~:i;':" ;~t' ~tt~rney Saunders replied negatively. what II required by the law. She reported that thi. co..lttee .Ult luuner or later be e.tabli.hed. She Itated that if It i. the plea.ure ut the Board to 9u back and alter the t.rm. of the .tatute and lnltlt . r~'ì --------- - _... ._- -- ----- - --- -------------------- ~ DII!D ------------------------------------------~~ March 22, 19R 3 that there be representatiun by district, thon County Atturney Blunder. will have to be involved. Co.-i..loner Brown moved, ..conded by Comml.sioner Pi.tor and carried 3/2, (Cummi.lioner. Kruse .nd Vo.. oPpoled), that the whole Item be reworked, hold a public hearing, obtain nev applicltlon., .nd that Com.i.sioner pistor be there regarding the Tourist Development Council. Com~I..loner ~ru.e ðlrected Ma. Spaulding to readverti.e tor Ippllcations tor the Touri.t Develop.ent Council. ..... Rece.s. 11150 A.M. - Reconvened. 2,00 P.M. at which tl.e Deputy Clerk Skinner replaced Deputy Clerk Kenyon ..... Ite.. 135 CONTRACT WITH POLIZZI/HE£RY UP TO $9,900 TO UNDERTA~E THE S~! WORK rOR THE NOP.TH NAPLES SEWACE TREATMENT PLANT CONSTRUCTION PROJECT AS HAS BEF.N AUTHORIZED rOR THE PERCOLATION PONDS - AUTHORIZED Mr. Daryl Balles, representing "e.ry Program Management, Inc., furmerly Pvltzzl/Heery, dl1'tributed copi.s ot a report on the North Naples Sewer Area eA- Sewage Tr.atment Plant to the Commls.ionerl, and said that his company was authurized un March 8, 19A3 tu proc..d vlth Bid Package '1, which is an estimate uf the cunstructiun co.t of the percvlatlQn punds, tu cunduct a market survey and determine a viable schedule for the pruject and tu dovelup cuntractual language that would supplement what the enqln.erlng firm has develuped. He said that hi. tirm .stimat.. that the Cost or Bid PAckage '1 i. $425,000 ba..d on lucal Interest in the pruject and the current availability ot material. and hbof. He explained that the .chedule is e.timated to be .pproxl- .ately fifteen days lun~er th8n uriginally anticipated. He reco..ended that the C~unty pr~ceed with the advertl.ement of the project .. .oon a. pusBible tu take advantage ot the market. He .aid that the language 1. to be develuped with the engineering tlrm at a meeting to be held aD!1« 0'14 adO! PIC) e 2' - - ---..-- ..+.. ..-- ...~- ,.. .. -.- -.. .. .-- -.." -_. _.- -.- -- _... - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - ---. ;." --- --- - - - - - -- - - - -.- - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - -- -----....- 1:'9 I>~>tf,~ _. __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ _ _-'~t¡~!.O_..::~ ""'.I"¡'~ , > -":.'ì.\~t'·".i.~' :"'lr';\~ .. ~.¡,,{ ;,'1'/lY~ 'f"" . I,'" ao~ 0'14. fAŒ302. March 22, 1983 March 23, 1983. Mr. Balles .ald that hi. firm ha. been requosted to pertor~ the .ame functiun, as previuusly described f~r the perculatlon pond., for' the wa.tewater plant which I. referred to as Bid package 1'- and not to exceed $9,900. He said that his firm Is prepareð to proceed immedl- ate1y with that wurk. C~unty Manager Norman explained that the reason that staff vas not able tu present a final prop~8al fur the projects la that Post, Ruckley, 5chuh , Jernl1^n advised statf that they felt the Cuunty was cuntractually ubllqaterl t~ utilize their services f~r resident Inspec- tiun purpuse~. Chalrm~n ~ruse asked statt to Investigate whether thi. firm was the engineering firm fur the sewer plant In Lte County. Mr. Hurman said that the services ~f the ~riglnal cuntract with pgat, Buckley, Schuh. Jornlqan are standard tor the industry today In thlt the firm would munitur the pruject for quality ot con.tructlun and, therefure, it I. the uwner's responsibility to ~ak. Bure that the pruject stays on schedule and i. within budget. n. sa id thlt In order . " to 9aln full advantage uf cunstructlun management .ervice., if the ;\ enC)ineer has to have a full time resident, the County VQuld ~y tvlce for basically the same work and that .Uff 11 1t.lll dul1nq vlth thh II " ~. Is.ue. He said, In his opinion, there i. an opportunity still available to the Cuunty to be able to employ construction .Inager .ervlce. tor this pruject wlthuut also having to employ a tulltl.e re.ident by the engin.er. I~wev.r, there are some legal que.tlon. which have to be re.olved and that Mr. Berzon I. 9iv1ng Mr. Slunder. the contract. to eXlmine. . Mr. Norman slid that Pust, Buckley, Schuh, Jernigan h.. Indicated that they Would interpret the cunstructlon I~.pection thlt the con- Itruction manlqer would pertor~ a. being engineering lervlce. within - - -... - - - - .-,. - - - - -.- ,.--, ~ - ~'", ,~ ! .. ¡,..., ,: ------~----------------------------------~ March 22, 1983 the Competitive Negotiation ~ct Ind that If the County wa. going to empluy anuther engineer to do that work the County vuuld have to go through the Cumpetitive Negotiation proce.. which could be time cunluming. He laid, in hi. opinion, there Is anuther way of solving the .ituatlon and he would rlther not have Board action on record that could be cunstrued .. being !n viu1atiun of that ~ct. Mr. Balles said that quality contrul ~ecisions belong to the engineer and that hi. firm'. empluyee would look fur those kind. of pr~bleml. Mr. Nurman explaineð that the County had a relationship estab!! shed wi th Pcd i ui/"eery be fure the award for arch! tectural . services was made for the Justice Center pruject and that the specltl- cations under which that cuntract was written clearly set turth the responsibilities cd tho cunstructlun manager and the architect Ind I cumpatlble ~rklng r~l~tl~nshir was develuped with no problem. Re ..id that in the case of the N~rth Naple. lewage treatment plant the con- Itructiun mAnager ia being bruu~ht In later which has created proble~l. Coamissiuner Vo.. moved, .econded by Co..i..loner Brovn and carried unanimously, that a contract with Polllli/Reery up to .9,900 to undertake the .ame work fur the North Naple. Sewage Treat.ent plant construction project, as has been authorized for the percolation pond., be luthorlzed. Mr. Bailes explained that, fullowing the death of Mr. PolilZi, Heory Prugram Mana~ement, Inc., at Mrs. Polilzl'. reque.t, purch..ed all rights ot the Pu11n!/Jleery Julnt Venture and that none ot the firm's c~mmitments have changed. He s.id that Heery Program Manage- ment, Inc. has taken uver all the technical Itaft uf Polizzi and that, technically, there Is no longer a tirm by the name of Pollsal/Heery. tr)!)C 0'J4 Pa~ 3œ Pa9' 31 ----------.. ... ..,-- -~. - - - - -- - --- - --- -..---- ------ ",,' , ~ --- - - -- - - -- - - - -_.- -- -- - -- - - -- -- - - ----------.---,- t,:J.;~ , :',t.:·:','~~~ \\1,~.i~ .~)~ Pag. 32.'.~~~: .~ "'- "- _. - - --'- -- - ,,- '- - - -- - - - - - -..- - - -- - - - - - - ----~.. '.;'~~R .Xj~ &O~~ 07' rACE 304 March 22, 1983 lUll 136 REQUEST TO DESICNATE -NO PAR~ING- AREA IN FRONT or RAMADA INN AT ~DER8ILT BEACH - REFERRED BAC~ TO STArr Ms. ~ay Williams, representing Ramada Inn, explained the tlrm'. request fur IS permit to erect no parking signs In their front ..I.m.nt .t 11000 Culfshure Drive N~rth. She said that the area is being used by the public to gain access to the adjacent beach area and that .uch parking I. hazarduus f~r the traffic f1uw going north on Culflh~r. ßuulevftrd unt~ Bluebill Avenue and west ~n ~lueblll ^venue and turning 8~uth unto Culf8hur~ Drive. She said there 18 heavy construction traffic as well ~8 re91dentlal and tourl.t traffic alunq Culfshor. Drive. f;he !l1I11 th/lt C"ùntlnuulls lI"" of the lire. tor parking 11 ruining the siding and landscaping in the easement area and creating an unsightly appearance In frunt uf Ramada Inn. She said that it II difticult to maintain ~ecurity for the guests of the Inn with people walking thruugh the parking lots. She explained that the public I. ..., also parking un the edge uf Bluebill ^venue ~n Ramada'. north property line and using its nurth pruperty for an acce.. to the be.ch. Ms. Williams asked for permlsslun to erect no parking lign. In the frunt twenty fuut easement along Culfshore Drive north and to Inltal17 \ metal reflect~r post. within .ight f.et ot the .tre.t .dg. to further deter public parking in the area. Tape U Ms. Willi.. said that no parking .igns alone would n~t k.ep the public from using the area fur parking. She .ald Ramada Inn i. not insensitive to thuse whu wish to visit the b.ache. and that there 1. close acce.. for the beach for the public through Dtlnor Park and f.rther .outh along Culfshor. Drive. She dilplay.d photograph. taken recently showing the parking In the eas.ment and a drawing d.plcting .... . . \ . \. t .... -- _.- -.. - "- ......... j¡.' " ~ " t::::I E..J r~,\,~ """"';'.: . ---- - - - - - - _. - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- -- ----- March 22, 1983 Bluebill Avenue going Into Delnur Park, and Gulflhore Drive vlth a gr.en .rea øhowing the twenty fuot ea.ement area in front of the Inn, and green line. indicating the foot traffic pattern thruugh the parking .r.... Public Wurk. ~minl.trator Hartman re.ponded affirmatively to Ch.lrman ~ruse'a questiun ~f whether tho County own. an ea.ement along Bluebill Avenue and he ..id that the road Into the condu~lnlmum r develupment i. in tho County right-uf-~ay. Chairman Kru.e .ugge.ted that parklnq be put un either side uf Bluebill Avenue, with or without parking .eters. ~r. Hartman said that was. possibility. ße I.id that currently Delnor State Park perlonne1 are Inve.tigating developing ~ore of Delnor Park Intu parking area. Responding tu Cummianiuner flúlland'. que.tion, Mr. Júhn Narab, Ramada Inn representative, said that Ramadð Inn has been .t the locatiun apprc.xlmately rullr ye/Hs. Commissiuner Holland said that, at ono time, on tho suuth sldo of the Ramada Inn area, the Cuunty maln- tained . park fur a number uf years. Ceputy Chl.r Barnett laid that the park was there befure the area was developed .nd added that the parkln~ problem uccurs wh~n Delnor 5tate Park becumes full and people are alluwed tu walk intu the pðrk but they cannot drive into It. rurth~r dlscußslun was held req^rdinq the fea.ibility of plrktng being placed CoIn the .nurth and auuth sides of Bluebill Avenue. Co..18- .iuner Vuss .aid that, in hi. upiniun, parking .huuld not be restricted in the area unless parking i. pruvided .umewhere el.e and he agr.ed with Chair~an Kruse'. sU9gestion regarding Bluebill Avenue. Mr. Hartman said that Delnur State Park owns the property next to the Ramada Inn. Deputy Chief Aarnett reminded the BCC, It a no parking lono il permitted in the area, there will be 8 co.t tor enforce.ent. ße .aid It other parking could be provided it would be le.. co.tly. W« 0'14-905 -~ Pag. 33 ' " ----------------------~~ ------ -- _. -... --- -- ....~ ..- - p-'- -.... ~ --- - - -- - - - -.- - - - - -- - - -- - - - -- -------------...... ~ 074 fUE3œ ~arch 22, 1983 ';\/ " . ..~''$..- ~.\ Co~is.ioner Holland moved, leconded by Co.missioner Vo.. and c.rri.d unanlmoully, that .tatf inv..tigate what happened to . pr.viou.ly County ~aintained park in the ar.a and to report on the po..ibility of .stabll.hing parking on the north and .outh .lde. of Bluebill Avenu.. ..··Th. fo110v1ng It.~. ver. Ipproved and/or adopted under the Con..nt ~.ndl by ~otlon of Co~.I..10ner VOl., .econded by Comml..ioner pi.tor and carrl.d unanlmou.ly..... Ite. 137 Contrlct to purcha.. the IBM ·Sy.te. 5530· equl~ent currently b.lng rent.d plus a Maint.nance Agreement for a.me. S.. paq.. 318-)2'> xu. 138 Di.a.t.r Pr.paredne.. contract., Em.rgency Mln.ge~ent .nd Radiological runding. Se. Page. 12(,-3)'; It.~ '39 Social S.rvlc.. Ca.. W-2354. 'J Ite. 140 , . .\ .~ Minor .odlflcatlon. to CETA T1tle. II-B, VII and adminl.tratlve contr..ct.. ,. ,.." Se. Page. 336-)44 ': Ite. 141 . pay..nt ot appropriate Immokalee W.ter/Sever DI.trict .pecial (..w.r) ......~.nt., .nd n.c....ry appropriation fro. general fund contingency. Ite. '42 Ch.lrman .uthorized to .Ign C.rtific.te. for Correction to the ". Roll. .1 pr...nt.d by the Prop.rty Apprailer'. office. 1982 TAX ROLL NUMBER DATI - 1982-256 , 257 3/7 . 3/9/13 '.~ . . ,ege 34 - -- -- - -- -- --. - - -- - -- -- -.. -- - - - .- .- - - - - - - --- -- - - - - ---- ,~. t::::::J t:::J o:J ------------------------------------------ March 22, 1983 ltell 143 Extra gain tl~e for Inmate Number 40774 Ite", ... Re.olutlon 83-46 a",ending Precinct boundarle. for Marco I.land. See Pages 345-)50 It.. 145 MISCELLANEOUS CORREfiPONDENC~ - FILED AND/OR REFERRED There belnq no ubjectlvn, the Chair directed the following c~rre.~ndftnce be filed and/or referred to the variuus departments al -~ Indicated I 1. Letter dated 3/e/~3 from Mr. Jame. A. Mcr.lhattun of Riviera Colony expressing reasuns for op~sition to R~zone Petition R-A2-)4C, xc Mr. Hurman anrl Mr. Virta. riled. 2. Letter dated 2/24/AJ from "'r. Juseph Dunald Craven expre..lng reasons fur oppusltion to Rezone Petition R-A2-34C on behalt of himself .n~ other pruperty owners of Riviera Coluny and Rlviftra Gulf r.states. xc "'r. Hurman and Mr. Virta. Filed. 3. Copy of letter dated 3/4/B3 (rom Juhn M. Bethea, Director, Flurida r.pt. of ~rlculture , Consumer Service., stating that application for financial Isalstanco, Cooperative Assistance Act uf JQ78, Is unable to be funded thiø year. xc "'r. Nurman. Filed. 4. Public Nutlce dated 3/4/q3 frvm Corps of Engineers regarding Per~lt Apllcatlon No. B)X-0223 seekinq after-the-fact authorization fur pl~cem.nt of fill material fur fire .ta- tlun. xc Mr. Norman, ~r. Virta and Dr. Benedict. 'lIed. 5. Letter date~ 3/4/q) fru~ Col. Devereaux, District £ngineer, Curps vf Engineers, re Henderson Creek velr after-the-fact per~it mudlticatiun request ot February 18, 19~3, stating that completed modification i. not cuntrary to public Intereat and permit i. hereby ",udfZleð In accordlnce with. request. xc Mr. Nurman and Mr. Hartman. Filed. 6. Letter dated 3/2/~3 from Elton J. Gi..endanner, Executive Directur, DNR, notifying that Governor Ind Cabinet approved request for Cvlller County Environmentall.t to participate a. a member of Big Cypress Accesa Management Ta.k Force. xc Mr. Nurman, "'r. Virta and Dr. 8enedict. Filed. -- - - --.. .........-~- _. -- .-...- --' -, 7. Contirmatlon copy ot telegram frum venetian eay Con.tructor. regarding rejection of their proposal for bid package. IS and !m) ( 014 u3D7 .ag. 35 ---- --. - - - - - -- _ _ _ __ ø_ ___ _ ___ _________________ ~ 0'l4 PAœ ~ March 22, 19A3 '1, presented to BCC, etc. on 3/8/83 during regular se..ion. xc Mr. N~rman, Mr. ~rrill and ~r. Baile.. Filed. 8. Letter dated 3/7/83 from Carl B. Richardson, Regional Admin- iatratur, Urban Mas. Tran.portatlon Administration, tranl- mlttln~ infurmation for FY 1983 Unified Planning work Pr~gram. xc ~r. N~rman, Mr. Perry and Mr. Kluehn. Filed. 9. Cupy uf mom~randum dated ~/2/83 from Cuvernur Graham regard- ing S.rvic~ Delivery Area Pruposeð Designation tor Job Trainin~ Partnership Act (furmorly CETA) and tranlmlttlng application re same. xc Mr. Norman and Mr. Nurtun. Filed. 10. Letter dated 3/?'/ß3 (rum Thumas R. Brown to Vincent Murphy, Chairman, Parks and Recreatiun Advlsury Board, transmitting cupies uf a p~tlti~n requesting establishment ot soccer (lo1da in one o( the new cummunity parks. xc Mr. Norman and Mr. Pice. filed. 11. Cupy ur R~ftvlutiun (rum Cadsðon Cuunty BCC re propus.d amendment to rlurlda Statutes Sectiun 200.001 a.klng that the amendmer,t be pres~ntec1 in the lÇ1A3 Legislative Ses.ion. xc Mr. Nurman and Mr. ~ðunder.. filed. 12. Letter I1l1teð V2/A3 frum C. Phlllp McCuire, Assist. Cuunty ^dministratur, tv Cuunty Manager Nurman, transmitting a copy. uf Hesulutlun frum Saras~ta C~unty BCC re proposed amendment to rlorlda Statute. Sectl~n 200.001 asking that the amendment be presented in the 19P3 Leqislative Ses.iun plus a copy of a memu dated '/22/83 frum Mr. ~cGuire t~ Sðra.~ta BCC re .a.e suhject. xc Mr. ~rman and Mr. Saunder.. riled. 13. Letter dated 3/7/83 fr~m Mr. Charles J. DI'ranco requeltlng assistance with drainage prublem on hi. property ~n Marco Islanð. xc Mr. Hurman. riled. " ., 14. Letter dated 2/12/83 frum Mr. Harry W. Ru..ell requesting cunstruction o( an access ruad suuth ot and paralleling ^lliqatur Alley betwee~ Route 951 and Everglade. Blvd. fo4r. Nurmðn. Filed. '¡",. ,;, ..~ .,?>...,. II"".. sec ,'.. ·.'.~,·.:t ", ~~'.: .1,.~ ~;., LAtter dated 3/8/83 from Mr. Juhn M. Eder concerning the -:":,~$1 fencing uft ot all accesl ways into areal north and .outh of :'.'~. Alllgatur Alley when 1-75 18 built. xc Mr. Norllan. rUed." '~, , ;'}:~ J,_,. 15. H. Cupy uf 19H2 Annual Report to the "'ayor of Naple. and City Cvuncl1 frum City Manager Franklin C. Jone.. Filed. 'I'''' . , 17. C~pies ~t fullowlng minute., Filed. A. EMS Taak Force Cummlttee, 2/28/83. B. Library Advisory Board, 2/24/83. C. Gulden Gate Community Center Advilory Committee, 2/22/83. D. Cuntractor'. Licensing Board, 2/15/83. E. Ochupee Fire Control Advi.ory Committee, 3/2/83. -,.. - -. -- . - - -- . -- -- - . . P.g. 3. .. I ...1_---_-...------------.-_____________...;.;); ~ :¡::J ~ ~ ----- --- - -- -~. - - --- -- - ------- -- -----------~~~ March 22, 1983 18. Copies of follo~lng Departmental Report. I rtled. A. Plan Implementation Investi9atlonl, January, 1983. B. Public Works, StatuI Report on Major Capital I~provementl, February, 19R3. C. Veterans Affairs, 'ebruary, 1983. * * . There beln9 no further buslne.. to come botore the Øoard, the m.etin9 was adjourned by urder ot the Chair at 2,38 P.M. ',; , BOARD or COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD or ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) or SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL . . .' ~_c~ ~ " ATTESTI WILL!A~·J. R!^CAN, .' Bee un ~..'b \oS"":" /?,J or as cClrrected .' The. pres.nted 1m) ( 074 fIrE 309 -----~._--_..._- Pa9' 31 \.t" ----.. .-...-----------------.....------.....--...- ' . '. ... ~-, a. . '.. ,-