BCC Minutes 03/29/1983 S iii1 iii:I t'iiI1 Plq. \ ,~ ( \,.,~,j. - - - - - ...- - - - - .- -- _. - --- -.. .-. - - - - - - --- - - ..- - - - - - - - - - - - - --... , ,~ Naple~, Fl~rl~a, March 29, 1~P3 LET IT RE REMEMBER!O, that In ðcc~rdan~. with act1~n tlk.n ~n ~arch ", 1~n3 the e~~rrl ~f Cvunty C~mmIß.lonor. In ~n~ tor the COunty of Cull I or mot in SPECIAL StSSION ~n this ~nte ~t ~Ino ^.M. In Aul1dlnq members present: -r- vf the Cvurthvu~e Cumrl~x, Fast ~ðples, Plurlda, with the f~110wlng --·----------~·::;ï \~. . i t . "'JI..,;~ . . ~ . C,,^IP/oCANI VICr.-r.H^IRMANI ~~ry-France~ ~rus. David C. Bruwn J~hn ^. Pi.tor Freder leI< .,. V~8S C. C. -neti- IIolllln" ^Lfin rRE~r.NTI J~mes Î.. r,llon, F18e~1 Offlc~r P.llnur M. Skinner, neputy Cl~rk c. Wllll~n Nvrm~n, Cuunty ~ðnaqor, Ertw~rd ~mith, ^sfllatant Cuunty ~ðnllqcr Henry "111, M...naqemont. Analyst, Terry Vlrta, Cvmmunlty ~V.lup~~nt ^rtmlnl~tr~tvr ~.Il ~rrfll, ruhllc Safoty ^(!n I n 1 !'It roll tvr, ~nð 1<1 r~vrtvn, Pllhll c f.e rv ices A"'II 1 n 1 atrator, Knute Hllft""lIn, Puh!lc \~vrk~ "'.r1""lrl!::trðtvrl ":rIlCf! 5PIlUlrUnfJ, ^dminlstratlvo ^I( (' tv th,· PV.1frl¡ I'In:1 r.,.puty r~lo' nl!YMvnd I?l'Irnott. ~0'n~ Of rOU~TV ~n~Mr9"InN~PS :.rrCI/I[. "'S:F:TING M~rNO^ II.H C h :", 1 C) Q ) "1(1(' ^."'. 1. Þvrk~hvo m~~tln, tv cun"IM~r 9t...ff recummend3tiuna '~r ðrl1ustm~nt~ tv tho fvunty hurlQ~t fur th~ year ~ndlng <:'/~~/QJ. M~< 074- PAc£351 - - ---.. -_. -....-- - ~ ~ - .- ,- ....--- !~ ~ -----...- ---~ - -- ---.- -_._. -- - --...-.. --- --- -----------------~ March 29, 191':1 &O~~ 0'J4 PACE 362 Tap. U It.m 11 INTRODUCTION TO P~OPOSED BUDGET CHANGES Cvunty ~'nnlH''''r ?-'urm~n lUll" th..t th~ prub.1f!m in terms I.If a<:hlevlnCJ a balðncerl hu~",..t "'IIC~ yp~r in nut ~ fth~rt term, un~ tlm. ~nly pr~blem beeðUS~ th~ cnp~ nrvou~cd by ð~tlun uf the St~te L~qiøl~tur~ ûn the Cvunty'~ ~hl!'~y t~ !rvy t~KI"~ will cvntlnul" rvr (vur y~ars after the currl"nt yp"r. I~c r..,I(', thcr('!vrc, !luch thln1~ liS dflff!rrlng mllinten- ð n C' (', c I I " 1 n.'It I r, r. v r ,.. ,. , .. r r In., c " r 1 t ,'I 1 I m n r v v,. 1'1 ,.. n t!; t h It tar t' to S son t 1 a 1 tv pruvldln1 ~I"rvlc"':¡, ~n~ u~ln., r~ß~rvc~ cnnnvt 8ulvc tho prublcm beC'lIu~", t~,.y ~r" ~~r tl~" vnly 5vllJtlunn th~t ~r~ rllrl~ly runnlnq ~ut. He sðlM It Is Incrl""fiJnnly lI'Ipvrtnnt tv cvncf'ntr...t,. un ll.ln~ r~ng. prv;"ctjvn~ ft'!I('rr r.t,,!' thlnl; th,'t li~ltlltJuns ur. r,.vt'nues nn~ the Cuunty'!\ .,hlllty tv r"I!>,· rcvcn\ pn will plncl" th~ r.vunty In terms uf the <'Ihlllty t~ ~rvvl(j,· !vr tn.! InC"rt'l'I!\t' In cuRt. f'o'.,nllql"r!'r.nt "n111Y5t Hill rl'("'rr..-! t" the prlntQd mllteri"l f'ntltl.d -~rupusc1 ~1~-Ycðr ~ud~('t Chnn~~9w ..n~ ø..ld t~ðt thtt situ~ti~n the Cuunty 1~ tn (~r thl:' current ycðr i~ hllsed un the decre"a. in ."10. tax revcnIJ.. ,'n~ it!! Inr'\ct un th,.. C...nerlll rund, the unlncvrp\-rllt.c1 are. euntrlhutlun tv the nvnrl ðn~ Prldqe Fund, ~nd the Debt Servlc. Fund f~r th~ Ju~t1~e Ccnt~r ~nr. th~ decline In vther rp.venues the County 1. r~clng, Includln~ lntPr~~t ellrnln~. and vth~r qrant earninq~, that have been perc~lv,,~1. lie eXPlldnc1 thllt the sales tax plcturto 18 followlnq the mvdrl In t('rl'ls vf hl~t.vrlcnl 8stlmates uf us. and receipts by ~nth IIn'" th.~t, In t!'lf' jð!H t...v mvnthG, the Cuunty has experienced an incr.lls" uf ~n. e~ch nvnth vvcr tho uriqinlll estl~at. ba.~ð ~n the -~ - _..- -- --- _. _. -- - _.. .._- St~tf"s t1vwnlo'lIr,.1 revised esttmllt... Ht said that this y.ar the County i. vn.1y 7~ ~vor whore it shuuld be If thft Stat4's .oti_ate is hOldinq true and stðCr fR lIsøumln~ that there wlil be the cvmplet. shortfall. He .alt1 If thpre lire ~ny exce.. ml.lnleø 9~lned they will be saving. to Pig. , ~ rrp t¡I'.;0'~ ~;:..~ '~. ~ . f~lIrch :!I\, l!)R~ ~ -. ..... - - .,.. ....,. -.. .~- ._- ..- - ....- ... -- - -- - - - - - - ---, .... --. - ....-.-.-- ... be used fur fundin~ next yo~r's budgct. ~r. Hill sai~ that the pruhlrms the ~~unty i. facing in tormø uf decr.ased revenues were un~prst~urt when tho burlqet was adopted last y.ar nnd thAt if the natfun~l ocon~~y turns ~r~und thpy will continu. to l~pruv~ with the exeontlun uf tho Interest earnings in which the Cvunty will lvSQ ~un~y in t~rn~ uf ~t~fr'!'I eBtimðtl~n In fundln~ uf the Ceneru Fund. lie 511ic1 thAt. h.,~ v~ctJrred tu r1ato with reduced cash cðrry fvrw~rrl ~nd r1~cllnin~ Intcr"st rat~s. H~ ~xrlðin~d thnt last year, when th~ hu~~et WIIR ~dupt~~, It Wð~ adupt-d with ð major ~no time lnclusiun uf r:npit/lll rrun~y fru"" tt'-/1 c"pltnl funds thc'lt were County wid. partlculHly FIIn" 3'11, which ·liflr. (ur cflplt"l oru1ectß to benefit the whullt Cvllnty. "t' '\ðl~ th.~t th" M·H"unt uf "''100,00n wClrth ~f revenue wlll ~~ received thl~ y~~r hut will nut h_ ~vlIll/lh1c fur ~ext yltnr. H. 4!' X P 1 ~ I n cd t h " t ~ t., r f h "r. <11" n ,. ~\ '" ~ ':' '~ß t i '" 1\ tin ~ t. r y In., t u t ð k 0 A 11 ~, the~o (ðctvr~ intv ~vn~lj"rl\tlvn ~n~ luvk furward 'ntu next y~c'lr ~~~unln1 that t~~ Ju~tl=c ront~r f~rl1lty will Cvmc vn line _Clme time In tho .,i1dl~ vt th~ Yf'l'Ir 3n:1 thllt the! a-1r11tiunlll peraunn~! required to Btllff It Will C"'"" vI' Iln(' 'Hullnd 1.,nul'lry which .,-1-1n nn a"r11th,nal une m ill I v r'I 'J v II " r ~, ! n ")(;) ~ n'~ I ~ I: r ~ !I r v r n t' x t Y c... r . ttt! s~ld that staff ,'SßUroIl.'!i thH th"rl! ·...111 hI! ,1 '\~ pl"'rr.vr'l<'ll '\cr'llcI"G Incrl'I)"., an~ th..t: it Is "st1"'at,.c1 that t:'(' prujt'r:torf t'ndln1 fun-1 h811'1nce fur next year 10cr('IH.CS ~1"r'l1(!~'ntIY frv"'1 ....h.)t "','~ IIc'()rt('r1 this Y(!lIr. u. ~..i-1 that tho sl,.,n1flc.,nr", vf th,H "..r.llnt! vf !Ivm': r:n, Is 8(.il'lethinq tu bt cunccrn~d ,1hvllt'n' t~ ':hco "'utl"lItln~ fvrc~ beh'nc1 the l!Iðtt'rlal the C~lIImis!'llv~l'r:l ~1.1V~ In frvnt uf th".... \Or. "il! ~ol· tt", hu-11et ¡:/IICkM e is the ~rk c..f vl'lrluus ~htp...rt- rnentft IIn~ Gl"ctiuns wvr~inq thruuqh th. dlvfsi~n h.ada ðnd røvl.v.d by the Cvunty ~·..n/la"r. 110 sat~ thl1t tht" ,''I('1uptcd bUr1lJet wa. brok.n Into aorvlc.. pruvl1t'~ tv cmphllsl7.o what W~. bein~ dune with the mun.y and ~o~~ 074 PACE 353 ra98 3 .,.-" ._. -- -- -- - - - - - -........ .' .~~'~ ¡I,)'< , , tr,', ~' ,A·· --- - .__._------------.~; &O~K 074 PACE au ~lIrch 2!1, 1~81 . . . nut l1n~ item ( r t.he "epartment ...·h.re the 1ft'c¡ñey was boinC] spent. He rohrrltd t( T:\t-1t' J In th~ huukl('t which sh~ws over 3"n lervlc.. which wort' lCJ\Jke1 lit l\nd w('ro 1 ist@d as IIrq~nt Units, which are legally mandlltod ur vf c'ln ollf;enti.,l public safflty nDturp., NeCeBSftry Units, which art' reqlJlrr.(1 (vr th~ sUPPvrt uf r.ounty CJporllti~n are hiqhly ~ppruprl^te (vr th~ Cvunty tv hr lnVu1v~d in ðn~ ~8ire~ Units, which wore pr( vJd,.~ O~ 0 m~ttor vf qonprlll publle cCJnvonipnc~ vr as ðepftrt- '1I~ntIl1 cunvr.n j "nr:('. .'t· foil r1 th,. fur-II£ Wll!'1 un !'onl rer1 Un I ts as being thv8r. 5r.rvice~ th~t Cuulr' hv ~v~t sMf~ly vlcwerl f~r elJMination with th., ,.,Inl",,¡ /'I,..uunt uf Ir-·r".-t un th,. puhJ Ie ð"" C'uunty up"rllti( n. He cxplnincd th.H th" r:[' s"'rvlc,..~ Inclu1e(~, In the bvvkll't in the appendix with t~r rl,.~rrlrtlvn ut th~tr vp"rl'ltlu" /'Inri \<"1111 t th" I mpac t Wf.Iuld be, rvunds uf review and lit thin pulnt in timo. He ~re the vncp thnt wcr" f1n~J11(11 ~ttcr twv r('prt'n~nt whnt nt~ff cvn~irl,.r~ cnn be ~vn(l c'lsked t.hllt th"nr It"mn b,. cvn~11~r.rl in Dlvisl~n urder ð~ they app.ar un Table'. "r. ~iurm,'n dlr.trJhutcrl ,. list ~( lteMß by p",e numher to bt' rrvlewe". COUNTY MANAGER AND ADMINJ5TRATIVE SERVICES A2-1 - County Mana~er Office Equipment and R.novationl ~r. Hurman expl~lned thðt thin item vr ~12~~ Wð~ un~ he h~~ placed In the budget but that mvvp~ble partltiun~ c~n h~ utillzltd .~ th~t this Ite~ will not be neCftBSl'lry. ^7-2 - Insurance Claims: ~r. SMith expllllnrd there ~r~ twu eMpluye..s In the I'crsvn"ed t'epartment pr~ce'ßinq health insurance cll1lnr. ftnd thðt rrc~ntly unr empl( yee W~ft tr~naf.rr.d tu anoth.r ðepl'lrtment. IIc slIi<1 the prvpvsðl Is t~ reduC'~ CIne uf the t\ofO full-tim. p~oitluns tu hlllC-timr tv result In ~ne and une-half .mpluy... In the insurnnce sectlun which will rOBult In ~ little re~uctiun In the rapirllty with whfch th. clllims arl' prCJcossed but, bocau.e it i. f.lt P19. 4 _0. . _.. .,. .·:{;O'xit' '" -.- - - - - -. - -. -... ~- - .-- - -- - - - --"'7',~i ¡¡;¡:a ~ .......... ~~~ - -- - - -- .- -..- '- . - --. - -. -. - - ,- - ...._ __ - _. '..-. ._ .__ - - __0. ..---.- ----------- March ?'9, ttHD the ~rk 15 beinq d~n~ hfttter ",lth the ~id vf the cvmputor, staft teel. the service ~ðn he prûvldp.c1 at ~n ~ccopt8blo level with one and on.- half emplvyecs. ChalrMnn Krus~ nutod thnt claims are b.ln? prgc....d f~r th~ Sheriff's ~epðrtment, r.lerk of tho Cuurt, rr~perty Appral..r, Electlun", Tltx Ctllloctor <'Inr! Cullnty "'..n"qer Departments and sho asked If the ^pprûprlntc cunstltutlûnDl uCflcer's hurlgets are b.ln~ charged tu which ~r. ~ûr~~n r~srvnrle~ neqntlvely. lie said ht' hils prupo.ed fur u( an internal øervice hOlllth Insurllnce prugram clln tho cumln1 year's hU~q~t th" vstllb!Ißhrnent vperatlvn fur h~alth Insur~nce 9u thnt th~ he ûn~rðtorl "8 ~n Tntprn...! ~ervl~p Fund. n~.Pvndln~ tv Cv~ml~slvner Plstvr, ~r. ~mith sair! that sum.~ne WVIHrl ...·vrk hili' "lIyq In thl!' J1uPlltlvn. Cvmml1H.luner I"lstur question.d If the service cuUlrl hp IIchlov~1 ~ulckly onuu~h? Cummlsøloner Holland 'Ilsnqreed th"t th~ ~~rvlcp. In wûrklnq lit this pvlnt, hecaudÐ ho has hoen tvld ~u~P ~uct~r~ will nut IIcc~pt Î.uunty ln~urllnce hecause of the tl~. lapse trun th~ t n~ th~ claim In fl1~rI until th~ cl~im is handled. He :\/11<1 he (qrj nvt :-.or ,...h.!rl' th~ r...unty lro '1~ttln., Its ~'Jneys wurth fur wh,'t I~ heir., p.,lrj .""'1 t~',,1t hi" "'/I~ n...t In r.'vur u( clIt:tln'1 anythin'1 out unless sorll! rp/'l5vn Cvl]¡'~ ~(.' !>h...wt'1 fur the r1eJ,è!lY In th" "epðrtl'llent at . thlft time ~ur \"llt nu I." 1,(. '1"ttl~rl. II" !1ðlrl thoffO wlla ~ pg.sibUlty th.:lt the depðrtmcnt!1 Î.h.,lr..,,,n '<ru:Je ",.ntlvnf!d ml'1ht gu t~ th.lr ~wn Insurr-rs tv ...hlch ·'r. ;"'it~l ,,,lrJ th...t If th" lnsurnnco cuveraqe I. !rðC' ment"d tho! rp.~IJIt ·...vlll' ')0 '"Iuch hl'1her Cvsts. C"u,"mlssi~ner l1úlland sftlrl ~~ felt ~t~rf ~huu!~ try ~nrl flnrl vut whðt thr pr~blom. 3re in the lnsllr"nc\l ~ru.,r.''''. I'o,sk"rl ....h~t \Jvu1d hllcpen If <lne empluyee i. out sick...r un .,nnll.,1 Icl.lv~ IIn1 ·'r. f,mlth .~ld there Wúuld be service roductlûn. Ch~lr"'~n ~ru.u ~uC' C' .sto~ that st~f( take another luuk at thf' "ntirt" ht'.,lth Inßur"nc~ rllln t<l whlc" Cvmmi.8ion.r PI.t~r agr.ed. Cumml..1uner PIstor moved, seconded by Commissioner Voss, to ~.O~~ Q1.4. FACE 355 Pig. 5 - -....- -., . ., _.. - - - H~lland and Br~wn oppuaed. ~- -- -- .-- .-_.. ..-- .... -- --~ -.. - - -_.- - - - -- -- - - ---- -----_...' O.,A "CD Mðrc:h 29, 1~ß3 &O~X ,.. PAct OU\l acc.pt .taff rec~mm.ndation for ono full-time Insurance clerk t~ be r.duced to on. part-time Insurance ,ol.rk 'for a laving of $f\,758.00. R..pundinry tv r~mmissl~n~r Hulland, Mr. Smith salrt th~t, if ~ne or h~th of the lnsurnnc(' clerks were ahsent f~r vac~tl~~ or illnft88, the d.partment WvUl~ hn ~vvnred by ~th~r porsvnnr1 in th. Personnel DopðrtMcnt. Cvm~ I !õ:'llvn.,r Vu'ir. BlIq'1ester1 thl't th~ h"'l f-t Imfl person cvuld wvrk full UI1'C whC"n thr fu!l-tlme per"IJn wa~ ~ff. Upun call f~r tho questlun, m~tlon carried 3/', with Com~ls.lon.r. Chili rmðn Yr U~H' ")(1'1 "I n'''' t h.' t 1 f I'Iny Me",ocrfl vf thf' pUhllc want.d tu sprlJk un IIn Itc:-1 th/"y utlvLJlr rp.'1later with ~~r. NurM...n IInd ra18e t hI' 1 r hI' n" I' n (I t h,. Y ',.-1 ¡ ¡ r. ,. ;1 J ¡ v WI" ~ tv ß p eo II II. . ^2-) - Cunference Trðvel: "r. f,"dtt, cxrlllln..~ thl!t ~r,7').no could be !Hwed by ell~I!'.~tln(' Pern....!'.n,.! ('....nforence Trllvol. Cvmmls.iuner rlatur muved, .ec~nd.d by commla.loner Brown and carried unanimousJy, that the item of Personnel Conf.r.nce Trav.l be .llminated at a .avlng of ~~7S.00. A2-4 - Flu Shuts: Commissioner Plator ~oved, .econd.d by Commissioner Voss ~nd carried 4/1, with Co~~lasion.r Holland oppos.d, that the provision uf Influenza ahota for Board of County Coaat.atoner. empl~y..s be eliminated for a saving of $250.00 Cvmmlss1lJnl"r Plf1tur suqqont~~ that stllf( involtiqllte aetting up a chDrqo f~r thuse emplvy~es whu want the flu shotø. A2-47 - Office Trash: "ir. ~:rdth explalnt'd that a position has been vðcant fvr sume time on thp cufttudlnl It~'f and aald that the cust~dl^! nta!f c~11('ctB vfflc~ trnlh which c~nsum.a, in tim., th. equlVð!ent uf one full-time eMplClyeo. He said that by ..k1n9 ulUee pers~nn~l tu eMrty their Clwn wðltebaskets and take that tra.h tu a rocortlcal at the end uf thr cvrrldlJr on .ach fl~ur In .ach bu11d1n9 paq. ".... . .-_.. ~-~ --. -- -- ~ ~ ¡:tti:Æt1 - ..-... -, -.- -. _ ~~- _... _. _ ._- .-.. -.. _ -- ....-... '1ltrch '9, 19A3 st~ff hnll~vos that ~11,~~2 cvul~ he s^vod. Tap. 12 nø.pun~inq to ~umml.51uner Piatur, ~r. ~~lth said that the trash io oMptied, cllrrt'nt.ly, hy the t:ustodlal Gt:sff Itn':! if. the uHlce p~rsunnel dlrl th13 tho ~ustu~ln.l st~ff ~~ul~ he nhlo tu rlu a hotter j~b ...f cleanln'1 the vfflce". lit! ::SoJld he ...nrl t.uwell Raines, rHrectur uf the ~lIlnt~n~ncc rrrllrt~ent, rll~ th~ rcsp"rch fur this ltoM. A dlscusslun rul1uw~d rC1~r11n1 the ~erlt~ vf this r~cum~p.nd~tivn. cummlssluner Vuss m~ved, secunded by Commissioner Pl.t~r and failed 2/3, with Commlsaloners Kruse, Brown and Holland oppo..d, that a custudial position be left vacant and uffice personnel empty th.lr own wastobasket.. A2-48 - F.qulp~ent/Fixtur. Maintenance: ~r. S~lth exp13ine<1 that the nul1dlnq ~lIlnt~n...nc~ r~r.'rt~~nt ~IIA thro~ pnrt" cunslBtlnq ~f ~untvdt.·q 'It..,tr, "".,lnlcn.,n,7'· 't.llft An'" lI~:"tlnl!ltrlltlvn ...nr! th,'t the ..,.,lnt{"n.,nca ~~..,f( !..'S "'l"\rlvY~'!!I In vl'lrl...\I~ -:rllftn and Gum. unllcons.ct j)usltlvnn th.H ·H(, tr"1f"!lWvrl(f!rA. Pt' :1ald ... trlll'1elWurl<or Posltl~n has h_..n V.H:'ilnt r....e ~....:T1r tl,.," .)n'~ hI" recu~,.,('nd"d thl:1 pvsitlun he left v,c.,nt \~Ith , ~,vlnl~...' "'lr",,:-n.rn ~nnuIl11y. Cummissluner rløtor mvvftd, secúnded hy Cummls.loner Vos., that the posltlun u! trad.swurker un the malntenanco stafr b. l.ft vacant at a navlnqa uf $15,520.00 annu.,ily. r.vr:lnl:1!\ivnf'r ''vll~n~1 .,!)kt'rf why staff recummended un 11/23/"2 that tho hlrin/} !re.'Zp. hI! 1.1..,1",,,,, .,n1 this pvsltlun he !111f'd and M.... Smith s...i<l th:lt. '1(' t~vll..,ht t.h.~t ...."''1 " diffcr.nt pvsitiun. ^ dlscu.sh,n (vl!vw.rl rC'tHdln,., tt'.~ o!l:-11nl'ltlvn v( th19 ?~sltlvn. Upon call f"r the quostlún, the motion carri.d unanimously. I'Iltsrunc11n., tv r.unmls:.1vner I-Iullanri, ""r. "Ill ref.rreð tv Table 4 which cunaSst9 ,,' ~h~t 9tðff cun"idorft are tho Majúr currftnt y.ar ~O~K 074 PACE S57 PltJ. 7 . -- ..- -- ..- -... --- -- . -~- -- þ..-, .- &a~K 014 fACE 358 March 29, 1983 _'-0 _ _ _ _ _ _._ _ _ __ ___________.. pruhlemB IInd Bu990~tod sulutluns an~ that ~àbl0 5 8h~wG tho r.c~mm.nd- ...tlons that "'ill h-lp tc:.. pruvl!1t' mon~y for future Yf/Jar hudget8. H. laid thðt th~ C~n~r"'l Fund, tho Pua~ , nrldqo Fund, an~ noht S~rvlce fur th~ Justlc~ C~nter I'Ire the three fundR thot the sales tax Mon~y quOØ Intu Itn-1 un ~lIC'h lt~"' thp.rl' 1 s II 8/11e8 tMC .Lust! 118 tt'!d on Table 4. 110 Sl'Ilc1 thl'lt th~ r.vlutiun n thr r.ht f'f'rvlce rund S " t(,¡ trnnlfor rr(,¡jcct ~lIvi~ar:1 thcH the' svlutlun In the r.(,¡ðd and !\rld<1o fund 18 horn f'!rulJr"'~ rf'duC'tlvn r~curnr'l(':,\'I,.tlunr; 1'1ur, In~rf'1I8e ('""h (',.rry rurw~rð and r~~uctlun ~untln~~n~I~~ nni t~nl, In thn r.en~rnl Funr, the Gulution 18 In InC'rC'''Iser4 rl'vf'nu..... r'rv'H....., rrAur'tlvn<;, C'~ntlnn"ncll!!'1 Itn" Cash Flow 1I,.!;r· rvr . rhl'l1rMIH1 "ru!,'" '1.11" ~~,H fvr t.hf' Itlst t\,,'u Y"l!r~ In I\n ('ffurt tu hvl~ t/1'1(~~ c'"wn t~,,~ C"unty h"" r!lrl'..rJ lnt" th" CftS" ('lIrry r~rwarc1 and nv\oo th,. T11'IVln'lf' "C'C"U~Jnt.. ~u nut ~I\V" It~ r:1uch in the\'!" an:'! thllt what 1. bto1n'l ~vn~ nv"-' Is t.v try t... ~II~ "'/lC'1( rv, ...hen ~udq('t rf'vif'wI beqln for next Y"/lr, c'rl'!";tlC' C'h"n'1I'f. will nut ".~"(! tv t'>1' r"cnd In the Cuunty vpcrlltiun. ,. dlt;CU5!>lvn ........r. hl!lr vn } ,.,enlHlll n4!'.c1 fur budqet cuts. ····REC£SSI 10100 ".M. RECONVENEDI 10110 ".M..... Ta p, .3 "'-49 - Mini Mutor r~.ol: P'r. r,,,dth ...,irt thllt, wh.,n .mploy... 90 tv Im~vkale~ and ~} rcu Tr.l~nd ~n~ lhp.n sp~nd the <1ay In an ufflc., ride,. cvulr' t-e ShIHCc!. Cvrn~i9t1lun"r Plstvr sbir1 th..l if hullc)~n9 Inspcctur:1 hllc1 tv I"Iv tv rllrf.r~nt 1vhs in th,,"'e places th.y would not b~ ðbl(' tu c.'Ir pvvl, tv which ~·r. ~lth aqr...r1. ~r. ~Iormln «JIve cx",mplt!f, \.If HI""lth f'cpllrtmC!nt and Vf'terans ~.rv!ces emplgy... whg could utl11t~ " c~r pvvl tu I~Mvka!.('. Commi.sloner Pl.tor moved, I.cond.d by Co~ml..10n.r Vb.. and carrl.d unanimously, that mini ~otor poul. b. ..tabll.h.d for ..ploy... trav.llnq to I~mokal.. and Marco I.land with an ..tl.at.d .avlnq. of paq. ~ ~ , .,~.......J ~.,.." u~ .- ._- -.- -- - ..-. ~ .. -- ..-. .-- - - -- -- --- - - - -- ~~...rch ~'" l~R:\ $3,9"5 t~r ~h. balance of the fiscal y.ar. -'2-50 - Word processing L-2t Mr. ~mith atðted th~t there 1s ð vltcl'lnt y>ûßltion in the "~urd pr(Jcell"inc, l'1eplHtment liS Itn e1l1pluye" hils been tr~nftfcrrnd tu ~nvth~r ~~pðrtm~nt oeclIu9o bud~øt pro.surell un ð!l uthor dop~rtmenta who utilize thn ~ervlco hðvo resulted in lnllll money tv spftnrl vn ....vrrl prucp.!\!11n"l ·'n~ 11~(, Is "'.own. lie s/tid thoro 10 Wtlrd pr~c"a"lnrr QoulF~ent In { nllmher (Jf vther c1op...rtmonts IIn" that Or. Ruth ThvTMft hils !:'Ieen ~n1~"t"1 tú invr.f:ltif]lJtl" the ':!orr1 "'rucesslnr:t "'epartment In t~rnR uf ~'1ulr~~nt "nd rrrAunnni It ~hvul~ hnve un ð lunrr terM basin. Commlssi(Jner ßrúwn m(Jverl, seconded by c~mmlsslon.r Voss, to decreaae the Word Prúcesolnq Department by on. position. RO"!><Jnrlln'J ':(1 rvl",.,IA~lvn'!'r Pl'Jtvr, ""r. ~'urMan I!xplaino1 that, In vr-1or tu adjust tht' hurl'1ct. ~pprupr l.1tfl r"'r1l1l:tl~nß "'rÐ mllde in o/lch (unrl hut t~lIt. r1V('~ .,vt. r1'l1l1" '!vllhlt' ('ntry. Fiscal nf(icer r.lles "/lid t h... t Tnt ern /I .I ,;" r 'J ¡ ~ " r II n (~~ "r ,. t r ,,/I t cd i i I( co t. h I" Y ... r ., ~ 9 e pit r, t e ^ n d c11utlnct hU5lnrA:> "'nd t~t"r" t!1 n" :'vu~}ll!' IIccc..lIntinrt. Tn r"spunso t~ Cv",,,,isslvnor lull.~I1"'. ,"r. "vr"",.,n :1c'11d thllt th. r.v."munity r@'vltluf)lllnnt I"t'r"'rtm~nt ~.,~ th,!lr v\ofn ·''',r·~ rvr:f'6.dnrl I"qulr:mnnt IInc1 th.,t Or. Thum.:.s' :study III nCCP!lr.,HY hor:,'us<! '.iIIY:¡ v( utll1z1n'1 thf! c«pntrnl Word prvcas!'Iln" vl'l'rl1tlvrl n..,,.r< tv ~f' ~v\1nd. Upun cðll fur the quostlun, th«p mutlun cðrrleð unanimously. ^2-5l - Xnrux Cunvenient r.qulpment: ~r. Smith ~xplalned tho rrûpv'''''l tv nll:"\ln.1tl' (vur YC'rvx r'll'Ichlne!l .,nd rutltte vthcr mllchinlts to ~ðkt' hcttar ~,~ uf th,,~. ,.~ ~"Ir1 thl'lt th(' Mvln!}s ((.Ir this ye"r wtluld b~ t.S,"2'i. Commlssluner Arúwn múved, sec~n~ed by Comml.s1oner Yu.., to eliminate fuur X«prox machinos and rutate other machine. for b.tt.r u.. at ~ savlnq. thl. yeðr of ~5,525. ~O~( 074- fACE 359 Pllq. , - ---- ..- -. ...~- -- _. ---.. - - ..- ~- ....- .-- --- -..- -- ..... .-- . _·4 ____ ~O~K 0'14 PAGEæÐ foIarch 2~, 19B3 Cummisllluner lIulland l!!'Il(oc! why tho cCJmputer printoutø which are sent tu Cur.\mi~81unero l]n~ f)~pIHtment lIoaðt1 lire cupiod and reduced which rOlulta In them nvt beln') le"ible "nd CCJlt murt'? lit' lIlkod H they cCJuld be qlven tu th~ rev~lc lIG thøy cume [rum tho computer and ~r. Gll~ø said th~t !~r c~rtaln types uf repurtR, such as bud9~t re~rt8, tu lIccul!\mvdlHC thl) rtVl' Cvl"'mls=,luncrn five 1f'('-pllgc ropurtn would havlt tv ho run beClluse ["I"tD rrvcl'rs!nn rlu('s nut 1\11uw cutting CJff a section. r.ul!lMisðlvnf'f IIuGn I\/lj,. hI' thullnht ...,.hllt in h"inl'1 rf'ceiver! nuw Is "'<1~C1Ullt(!. UpCJn call fur the questlCJn, the motion cðrri.~ unanimoualy. A'-S2 - ~wltchbu~rt1 Opf'rlltCJrl ~r. f:!'Ilth f'xplalned thllt the 'Ì'.¡ tch!)ullrd/fll'c"ntlvn ~~t rlJ~¡t¡vr. I~ currt"nUy fide"" with II Cr.T'. p~r~vn funrler1 hy thr rf'~rrnl ~vvcrnment nn~ IIsked thllt thin b~ cvnllnue-!. H~!':I'vn,qn' I.., (",',jrr'1,HI FrlJ!lf", ·'r. Nvrrnlln R"lð thðt the reque!1tp.~ "ctlun Wv'Jld '·dr"'in.'tl' thlr. pvr.itlúr linn th~t he thuuqht th. pv!l1tlun Cvul1 bo riJJI'''' 1:lt'1 n vvlunteer. ChairMlln r.rus. sai", f~r th~ recvrrl, th/lt thl' rl~y~ thllt this pusltiun was not fll1rd cauled cun!usiun lInc1 !\h,· W~I': nut In r.,vur ,.( ellmlnlltlnl'J this puaitiun. CvmmlS51lJn~r Vu'\!'I ",Irl he thu\H1ht the ,",uAltlvn Wðß lmPurtant. Mr. Hurman IIlI1d ht' thú\Jf'lht ttH'~ pvzltivn cvuld hr. filled throuqh the Senior EnPluyment rrUqrll~ tv ~hlch C~mnioslCJner Yuß8 a~ld he thouqht that va. an cxcel! ent 1Iif'." h~~.v('r 1 f 1 t "'ues nut wurk there øhuuld be a Pusitiun tu (~l! back tv. cumnlssioner Plstvr said he was under the impresslvn th~t the Puðr~ d~cl"'e~ nut tu use Cr.T~ pr.CJple becau.., after six munths, t.he Cuunty ~uuld hllv~ tv hire them and Chairman ~rul' MJreoc!. Cummi.sioner Hollan~ moved, s.conded by Com~i..ion.r Brown and carrl.d unanimuully that the polltion of Svltchboard/Receptlonl.t b. l.ft on the book. and, if pos.lble, fill It with Senior Cltl..n. and Sf Pig. 10 - --. _ __. ... __ ..._. h ~.....", ~ I'im rBi1 . - -.- - -- - -- --.. . ,... --- - - ,.- - -- - -- - - - .- - - . . ..~, .~ .- -- -- - - -------_.....~ ',-~:~ . ~~;:) .:,~ "~~ .j~..~ ,''t .;~ r-tarch ?"', 19'D that i8 not possible the position should be r.statted. ~r. ~rmðn ðsked for clnriflcation if thA CF.T~ POfø~n ~an he left :¡r in this position and the c~ns~nßus of the Board was that, if this 1. 10()1IJ., th~t W\Jul~ h" nll right. fluhl1c !.iervi~o MJI\lniøtrator U~rton said h~ had nu prublc~ with the ~~T^ pOfsun h~ing retained in this <~ i~", . J pusitlun, h~wev~r, if ther~ WA~ ð pu~itlun ~vnll~hle nt the enti u( six ~vnths, h. Wvul~ J.lkp tu retnln thin indivl~u~l ~8 a Cuunty ~mployee and h. ndded thp. the Cr.T~ rruqr~~ will ~nrt un ~ertc~her 30, 1n~3. ("ummlftslvnnr II...113n(1 .Hlkf'rf "r. ~Iurm"n tu inv"l'Itl'1ðte lI'anaq'l'Ient and Mld-~nn~~o~~nt nnrl In th~ ~lrt~lp uf ~prl1 ~~k~ n rp.purt as t~ h~w much cnn he Cllt (ruM thV!l1' flf'!l·~I!I. Mr. '!v:mlln 'Hdr1 that in the cont.xt v( cXðmlnln~ cnch nrv~r~m ~ll th~ manA'1p.~p.nt nnr! suporvi3ury pusitluns wore Ivvked nt IIn~' that th~ rp.IIBun nvn~ Arp helnq rec~mmended fuf rec1uctlvn III thl'lt .,,. 13 nvt 1I·...'r" t ~ .,ny th.,t ¡)ro lIurplu~. ". 811ie! that with tl'1htl'r t-u~'1l"t~, In ~I~ vplnl...n, !Jtrunqer "'Ionll'1emcnt 18 net'd ('r!. Tape '4 PUBLIC WORKS DfP^nT~£NT I"uhllc- "vrl!.!1 .V mlnl'\tr.Hvr ".Htf""n "'I(pl"lnl'r1 t~.,t th~re "'.ro 4" flubl1~ '..·urk·¡ !ìlJ'rvlcc l'nlt~ Invl'~ll'1'1t"rJ In thlt rf'rurt, ¡; In the IIfl' ent c..,t~"'vry, ;'If' 1:"1 t~(' '!cCt'!I;'.H·,· c;lt~"'vry "'nil lit In H"t r.e!llrablo c"t.q~ry .]nrf tr..,t rt'C'uM!"cn·c.'r C'hH\"~!' IIr~ h~lnt1 ".3(!C!' In" vf thf!' f':'e.lr"hle c.,teC1vrlc5 r(O.'1u1!:1~., 111 ,lnpru'\(IT....toly "'!i"',r'f\(,, bu"q"t rertuctl~n. 'I. said n r;v!iltlvn!1 .1 r '" i' f r ~ C' t " '1 vf whl("1) ., lIrt! vccurlec! ðnd 1 1ft v,.cant ðnr! tht"rc ., r t} ., ('lIrr,.."t vl'cl'lncic!I rhllt C'l.Iuld he rt J. led by these p.opl., h~wt'vf'r , thoro h loin!" vM:.,ncy thllt Cvuld nut bo f'111 od by pooJ)l. who 1\2-5 - Survey Crftv r.O.1 "'r. H.'Htmnn ßlli~ tho Enqin..rln., m"y he: 1,'irl vU. P",srvnrilnq tu ch.llirl'11'n Itruse, ~r. nllrtmðn SAid there ar~ l~f\O ~ll0G uf Cuunty ruðds ðnd lIP Ruar! IIn~ Rrt~,. .mpl~ye.s . ~o~~ 074 PACE 361 Page 11 ' . -.. -- -- - ". ,.... .... -,_. -... -_. - ... - - - - - -- ---......... ~.. ..~ - - -- _.- ..- _. - -_.. ...- -.- ..- - - - - - - - - - _.....~, &O~K 074 PAct382 o.p8rtment 18 hD~lc^lly fee nupp~rt~~ 8n~ h~ q~ve oxample. a. ri9ht- Ml.'lrch 21), 19A3 vr-w~y p~rMlt~, pcr~lt foc~1 nnd hlðstln~ p~rMlt8 ðl wpll 8S ~thor8. lie aal~ thDt thp.rf" Iii an If'I1hlll~ncp that ~ccur8 in th~ am~unt ~l the fee and the Wurk belnn d~nc anrl th~t the r.nC)lneerin() Cepartment. has been .ub.idlu~ hy 11,.1 vlIlI...rem tIlXCR. lie !",lid thl'lt this IteM 1. II way which WðS fuunrl t~ chrrn~ vther fun~5 f~r pnrt uf th~ Enqlnecrlnq survey wvrk. neRo"n'!ln., tu rvm~IRr.lvnf'r rlr.tvr, "'r. Nurnlln ....i<'l that the.. II r c 1'1 t" r v I c (' !" ".. r fur tI\ f' (. to- Y N II r v l' Y ere w r. I n !II t (' r. ,I v f h I r 1 n C1 v u t Ð " <1 e cvntrðctvrr.. ~·r. II,HlMlln r."I~ th" ðnvunt vf m~n~y woulr1 he within the c~nt1nl'1f'ncy flln11>. P'r. 11111 "1111'1 thin 15 oil rMchltnisll' vf nt"ttinq money frvn th,. ClIplt"'l run" Intv the r,,.ncrlll F'ur.~. Commissioner Plstvr moved, s~cvn~ed by Commissioner Vo.. and carrlt"d unanlmuusly, thllt. tho Survey Crew Peea be charqeð to tho.. department. who use the 8ervlc~. ^2-~ - ~nQln.erlng ClerlclIl Assistance: Mr. H~rtman explained tho prvpused rec1uct1vn vf oJ Cl'Hk II puoltl~n In thfl r.nqlneerlnq Department ~/h 1 chi s v II C ð n t . C(¡mmls.ioner Br(,wn moved, seconded by Commls.lon.r Pl.tor, th.t the Clerk II position In the En91neerlnq Department be .1Imln.t.d. C~mml~~lun('r rlRtur ~uf'"tiuned ~~lIlYR uf up tu t~ w..ks In uhtalnjnq hul1dlnq permits, ~buut which he haR received complaint., .nd "'r. 1J1Irtl!\nn 81'1"" that th~ f"epllrtm~nt'l'I t' val vf turn ar~unt1 time i. t'W'll dDYS vr ieso lJnct It In his uplnlun that this is met RO\ or the tl~.. Upon call fur the queati(¡n, the ~otion carried un.ni~ou.ly. ^2-27 - Truckln~ t(¡r Road Constructlonr Mr. "Artman .aid that nvð~ ~n1 PrJdnc ~ectlun c~n81~ts vf sub-units, une uf which ha. l.rq. trucks which hAY. been used fur ruað constructiun mvBt1y In the Ould.n Gllte Estatos. .'0 sðid must uf this W'(¡rk f(¡r this year has b..n accump!lsh~~ ^n~ it is prvp~serl tv r.duce the number of truck. and ~ \,' ., .... ___ _ þ.... w_,.... 0.-". --,'......., GiiII r:::.1 [¡,~:ð.j I. ,', ~, - - --- - -- .- ~- -~.~ - - ~ "'arch '-/), l(U" - "-. __4 __ "_ __ .__. __ ._ _. .'~'. _.__ . _ _. _.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ upðrðt~rs nuw ~nd rus~lbly In tho f.utur~. 1!9 uld that, if thoro h m~rn mun~y tu ~u thlA typ" uf work In the futur~, tho d~pðrtm.nt ~u1d cuntrðct fur it r",ther thlln use tho ('uunty's I'"ul pmont. n. .aid some uC the Wurk cnn hfl riCin!) hy \Jain,., ßmllllfH truck. hl!lunqlnq to ~ther soctlun~ within th~ nuad ~nrt Rrlrt~" r~p~rtnont. RnsDon~ln~ to Chalrmftn '<'rUlle, "r. ".,rt",,,n 8.,11'1 thH t~4!! fuur r~sltlvn!'\ "rð curr~ntly flllod. nt'l'Ipunr11nl'} tv CV'T1'T113Slvn~r I'vl!3nd, ·fr. IIlIrt~lIn !'!:drl thllt. r'uwn tl!!1f'! ~v~n rntcr Intv the ~ecl~lun tv el1~tn~tc th~Sð tru~k~ ..,nrl that th" duwn tl,.,e Is vC'clHrln1 (rv~ 'nalntf'nnnc". I!,. ".'111 th.H It has been l~Drnerl thðt ~nulln, 11~t'rvc~ ~nn he ~un~ C'h~~p~r hy c~ntr~ct. "'r. ",)rtrn"'n :.11111, In hl!J vplnlun. tho r"rf~rn/)nco vf """ has shown .') "rll~ I lIl I~rrvvp.,.,!"nt. f',.. 1/1 Ii! t!: I~. V"!·'r the t:rllck~ W,.re used "'ure fur t h I ~ t y rev C r v ., d C v n r. t r u'" t1 v" t h.) '" I n ~ hI' rM i'I t . ^ 1IßC'u~slon follvw~d r"(' ,'rr11n'l the ¡..n^ :Jrv'1r.,-. "'v-~Ir.~lv"~r nruwn c~ld thrr~ Is ~ !lffcront ~ltllHlvn In ~t'-n r"unty tn,'n In thr. City vf ~!lIpl@s with rt~Î/lr: tv h·)¡uln1 ~.Ht'r 1.1!. Cvmmlsalun~r Arvwn mov~d, Docondod by Commf..lunor Holland ðnd carr It'd 4/1, with Cvmm1a~lun~r Voss upposed, that the four larq. road constructi~n trucks and vrer~turll nut be eliminated. ~Ur'1~1 MlllJn('r ItrlJ':n .;., 1,1 hI' j:¡ nv~ happy "'1 th the !"I a 1 ntonance 141 r ') Ie.. v f r IJ un t y .. ~,., I co ¡ ~ !\ . ~hr.lrn.," ':rl ~" "ðld, fur th" recur", that ..~(! C'lJncur rt>!1 "", .....vlll.! . j K') ~v !!"I' tt"." '!u\/n t.1JT1Q '~x"mln('!'! ,1nli an tUVj., t e ~ ( t h,.. 31 t U1 t 1 v n '1 ¡ V" n ~ v t h (' '\...... r " . A?-2Q - Traffic f,lgns and r~brlcation: ·'r. lfart:!:'Iðn explain.d the rQcv"'II"n'~"Hlun tv 1'11~1",'t(' vnl.:! f')v!'lltlvn In th!' Tr"nsO<.lrtatlun lÀ!iMrtm('nt ·....hiC'h f.,hrlc.1t<,s rlJ..1d sillns .)nri :,:",ld that It Is prc:.pos.d to ~urch~øo ~vrp rv~1 ~1~nn 'n~ lJ~r vthor depðrt~ent ~or8unnol f<.lr the remainln~ nlqn~ th~t ncpd tu be m...de. n.spvnc41 ng tu Cha I rman Krus.. "r. '1IIrtm,'n ft.:tid this I~ nut une uf the f'I.uple that Cullld he transrer- ~o~~ 074 PACE 363 ftaq8 13 ~..- . . -- . ..-. -..- _. --.._---,~~~ ~-~-- .-- - -- -- ----- - - ----------- &O~K 014 rAc£3B4 March ''', lq", . . reð t~ II vllcant )\Is 1 t ltJn. JI~ 1'11111 ttJ huy the- a 19ns wtJuld Cost eb<,ut the slime liS t~ m~~~ th~M. C~mrni~sitJn.r er~wn salð thnt .i~n. are destrvYo~ vft~n in r~Muknl~r ðnrl ho ~sk~rl h~w this Wvul~ bo coped with under this pruf)vs.11, tv which "'r. "IIrtmnn s,Jl~ the "ltuðti~n W(,uld be h.anrtled UtJw~r. Comm18sioner Arown muved, 8ocon"ed by Commission.r Holland end carried 3/2, with Commiftsloners Voss and Plstor opposed, n~t to .llmlnate the tr~fClc 81qna and fahrlcatlon p~sitlon In the Transportation Depllrtment. A2-29 - ~~wlng - Local RtJads: ~r. H~rt~ðn ~xrlnln~r1 th~ rectJm- M~ndntlvn tv rrrluc~ thp n~uunt vf ~u~Jn~ ~l~n~ r~II~Gldeft nnd reduc. the nUMMc.>r vf revPl" ~uln'1 th't ....',rk hy throt', 11""vino twv l"t'tJple. C~I"1Mlsslvnt"r rl~tvr 5."1\" th.,t h~ vh~;"rvl"~ flv"dlno recently In areas W~If're tt1<' ~"""1'!~. h,1'~ nvt hOfOr t'"{JWP.'¡ rl'CrntlY nnr1 hI;' thuuqht reducing the mvwln'l ""vuL' ~,'kf' ~Jv"'! n', wvr l;('. "'r. H"rtm"n "...Ic1 het ha" crellt." ., 1'1' u win <J pu 1 icy f) II l t (' r n " d ¡>t t (' r t h fO C I t Y "f "a I" 1 t' f1 1 n wh i c h pe tJ pl. ...Ivuld ~vW th~j r {,""n 5....,1l,.r. tv tht> rdg" vf tho street I'Inc1 thllt Wurk duO' vn V<1Cltnt lvts by UTf' ('"unty Wuul<1 hI' chðrned tv th. uwer8. cummi..itJner Hulland m~v.d, ..ctJnded by Commi.sloner Brown end carried unanimtJunly, nut tu eliminate the three po.itlon. r.garding muwlng local roads and ntJt reduce the amount of mowing. "'r. 11111 rulntt·~ vut thH the> r11fflculty prf'senter! hy the pr.vl~u. rt~nlnlß ~re thnt they orc 5crv1ce~ tu the unincurpvrated ðrea which 1. the fund th~t is beln~ rllrrctly impncted by the !u88 ~f thn ..1.. tax. lie HDlrl If t.hose services are nvt r.ducec1 s~,.,(' vther servlc.. In that .am~ fund will hav(' tv br re~uced. Commlsølvnor v~.s said that a!thvugh it Is rllfflcUlt tv lðy ucr petJple, in his ~p1nlon, It hi. to ho dvnp. h~r.ðU~~ thl' Cvunty cannvt bvrr~w mtJney liko the Fodore1 C' vvcrnm..nt rvr funrl i nC' . Chð 1 rmnn rru..· Itð ld tho 8Qard hes the <øption 'ICJ. -- _.>. -- -~. ..-... - -'. .~-...- - - - _. - - - ...... ...... -- ... . "",_",~"é.·,.·'·d..~.,,,",,,,<,.,,,,>," "............<~_..."><;-.~."~.,.".-.,'- r:;¡¡ cz:::1 ~'~1 ~.... - - - -- -- -- - -- ,,-~ - ._~... -- - --. - --.- - - .--- -.- -... - ..----- _. - ----- - '- --~ March '9, 19"3 tu handl. th~ pvsltluns un. 3t ~ tl~. ~nd nho Wðß Burø that øt~ff will lnf~rm tho Au~r<1 when puftiti~n3 becume v~cant. DISCUSSION RE BCC HOLDINC BI-MONTHLY ME!TINCS TO BE ON 4/5/83 AGENDA Com1ll1asloner Holland m~v.~, seconded by Cummlsaloner Voss and c~rried unðnlmuusly, that a discussion regarding havl~g Board m..ting_ ev.ry two we.ks be plac.~ on the April 5, lQS3 BCC agenda. Ta pe I 5 ^'-30 - Transfer tCl c~pltlll Projects: "'r. "...rtm.,n explðlnet'l the r~cvm~~nrlðtiun tv 1af~r trnn~f~rr1n~ nvnoy frum RUlld ~nd Aridqo into a Cllp1tal rllnri. "Ir. "urnnn 'laid this pruqrDrn ......IS "''''(Jpt,,'' several yeltrl 'IJv IInd the ""vnl'Y ....uu!d hI' IISltd fvr up"'rðt Inq ~UrpvSf!8 rather than for capital pur~vs~s. Cum~ls.1C1ner VU8~ moved, socClnded by CClmmissioner Pl~tor that the Tran.~rtatlun Department ".fer transferring muney from the Road and Brldqe Department 1nt~ the Capltlll Fund. P,,~pvn~ln1 tv ~vmn¡~3 vnnr "vllnnrl, rh~1rnðn Yru9~ ~lIld that ~.1.1c;,nr'(' .....uU1~ '>c If'ft In th~ ':.1pltI)1 Tun-1. "'r. rl\11 !iltlð the muney under dlscussivr. ·...uuld r('n,ln in the> 'l..ner"l vpcr.::ltinl'J p~rt.lvn uf rtuad nn" ~rl"'~e> rf!~lIrt~('nt. Upun call fur tho questlun, the motlQn carried unanimously. ^2-1l - rmmClk..lee remetery L-21 ~·r. !llIrtmðn I'xplain,," the ?rvrv~"l I:v r"duç't' t~:!! nLJ~bl'r vf t lr-I'!> t.he c(OlT'ctrry In rnm",kltle. 1. ~VWQrt frvn ~lx tl~nn ~ yo~r tv threl' tl~~s d Y~ðr fQr unuccupi~~ ar.a. ~n<1 Cvntlnll. ~uwln~ six tIM~S ~ Yf''''r vn ~rl'lI. wh.re there ere burials. cummiasloner BrClwn muved, second.d by Commissionor VO.. and carried unanimClusly, that the number of times the lmmokal.. c.a.tery i_ mow.d be reduced tv throe times a Yftftr for unuccupled ar.a. and continued at six times a year on the uccupied areas. A2-32 - Everqlades Airpurt L-21 nospvn1in1 tv Cvmml..1ontr eO:JK rn4 PACi 385 Page 15 .. ..-. --. ..,-. - -..,....' .. ----""",",..".,.....,.-. - - - - - - .- - - - _.... -. -- --.. eO~K C1'I4 PACt 368 . -..- -- -.. -- -- - - - - - "- - - - - - - - - - - - -." March 29, 1983 Plst~r, ~r. Hnrtm~n a~lrl th~t, currently, thero Is ~ proposltlvn f~r . the F.Vf'r~lðdeft ^irpvrt 'rúm n mnn whu has oporðterl It tlylnq service 'there f~r It nurnhr.r vf YOllr~ an!'! thðt pr~púftÐl will he present.~ tú the I3vltrr! in the n"<'Ir future. "'r. ~tvrr"lan Elntd that the C~unty has a cúntroct with tho ~~p~rtmcnt úf Interl~r whl~h means the County hð& t~ mðlntnin thl~ ~lrrvrt. ~r. H~rtm"'n nDI~ this prvpußðl Wvulð reduce the amuunt ú! Mv~ln~ ~t thÞ rVp.roln~PF ^Irpvrt t~ ~uwln~ th@ flfte.n fe~t ndiDCt'nt tv th,. runways I1n:! tltxl....nyJII, IUJ neCe0811ry, In úr!i"r tv keep thr runw.,y 1I<Jhtln1 funr-tlvn"j nn'" m"lnt'lln 5"f,. új1orntlnc; c~ndltivns. Cúmmiaslunpr Brúwn múved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanir"l~ualy, thllt tho múwinq at the Everglade. Airport be reduced tu muwlng fl(teen (pet Itdjncent t~ the runways and taxiway., as neCe8&~ry, tv kepp th~ runway liqhtlng functional and maintain safe up~rntlnq cún!'!ltlúnß. A,-]] - Immukn1et' ^Irpúrt L-21 ~r. ""rt""ðn said this recúmmenda- tlvn I~ tv rerlu~~ tho Mv~lno v, the Inmukaleo ^Irpvrt tv the vicinity u( th.. runwayr. t" ..",lnt(,ln BiI!" úpl'rlltlng cún-iltiunll "nd tv koep runway lJohtln, tunr.tlvn^l. ^ rll5cuRslun fv11uwnd r.~ar1In~ the nece.sity t~ "'t·f'~ tt'Iß IIlrp"rt <-opr,. cúmmlaal~ner nr~vn mvved, .econded by C~mmls.10ner Pi.tor and cðrrled unðnlm~usly, that the mowing at the Immokal.e Airport b. reduced to the vicinity o( the runvay. to maintain .afe op.ratin9 cunditlons and tú koep the runway 11qhting functional and maintain .afe operatlnq c~ndlt1úns. PUBLIC SAFETY DEPARTMENT A2-7 - Communlclðtlon Equipment Upgrad" ruhl1c Saf.ty Adminls. tratvr Durr1l1 oXPlalne~ t~~ r~cúmmnnd~tion tv !vregú adding crystal. tu... m~hJlc rll~l~ IInlt. Commls.iuner Arown muved, .,conded hy Cnmmi.sloner Pi.tor and paq. 18 - -- ., ...... - -" - - -.-- ."_ _ op.. "'- _...__.H"~,..".___",. r;;;¡) r\~ ~ .... ." .- - ...- -.. - -.-.- ... -- - - ---- ~'arch :'t'I, 19~1 carried unanimously, that the purchas. of crystal. tor a UAF radio not b. made for a savings of S100. A2-44 - Contingency rund L-2r ~r. nvrr!ll Rai~ th~t the noxt three ito~s rolat~ t~ the r.~S repðrtment and ðre uno-time ~ea.ur.. prupvsed tv cu~pl~t. thiø year. 1If' explainf'r1 tho rftductivn In tho ~~úunt o( ~vney c~rrt~r1 In the Cvnttn~ency rund. Cummlss1uner Voss muved, seconded by commls.10ner Pistor and carried unanimously, that ð reductlun In the the amount of mon.y carried in the Cúntinqency Fund fur !MS be approved. A2-45 - EMS Operatlnq Capital I ¥r. ~rrill e~~lainod the recum- menrl~t1un tv "11.,lr"t,. th,. r>lJrct-"'~t! vf , t"lc~,.try r'ld!u which was ~che~uJ.rl (vr tr~rl"-uut thl~ Y~lIr. Commtsstuner Plstur muver1, s.cunded hy Commtssloner Vo.s and carried unantmvusly, thðt the telemetry rðdio scheduled fúr trade-out this year nut he purchased. A'-4~ - r.Mf> Word rrocosslno , Trip Sheet~r Mr. nurrl11 eXPl31n.d th,. r~cun~~n~~tlun t~Jt tyrln1 ~~ ~unt! In ~I~ ~~~ðrtnÐnt lnstoad uf IIstn') :··...r:1 rr"'CC'ISln1 .~nrl tv ' "fl'r '1ull( ",urch:,sfI vt th(' r."'S trlJ"1 :1ll1H't:> . Cummlruluner Plstur movltrt, .ecllncle" by C~mml.siuner Vo.. and carried unanlmuusly, that typin~ be dune In the EMS Departm.nt and that bulk purchase v( the rMf, trip sheets be rloterr'd at a .avln9. of $1,500. PUBLIC S!RVICES ~P.P^RTMENT A2-A - Public Service Word pr~ce..ln~: Public f.crvlces Admini~tr~tvr ~vrt...n ,.~pl~lnerl t~~ ~~"n prvr"tor1 s"vln~s hy .1imin.tlnq :o,'vrr1 rrvc~f1slnl" frvr'l J'p'p"r in'! th. rv 'q/q, }\.nnual Re~rt. f:., .ald the ~vney hila ~lr~ftrly hee~ ß~vc~. Cumml8s1~ner Pl.tor moved, .econded by Comml..10n.r Brown and eo~~ rn 4- PAct 3fr1 Plq. 1., _. - - - .--,--- - --- -.-.-----------.. &O~K 074 fACt3S8 Mllrch. '0, l!1R3 carried unanimously, that the elimination of Word Proc..slng preparing the FY 81/82 ^nnual Report be approved at a savings of $200. A2-9 - Veterans Rervlce Travel and Mlscellaneouss ~r. ~úrton ~xplftlne~ th~t , cvnf~r~n~p. wn~ budoete~ [~r t-55n in ~aßhlnqton, D.C. which hllß bf'on hl'ld o'Ind thl\t nú pt'rsúnn«.>l attend.:1 end th~t ~1~0 was budn~tr~ Cvr ~Mf'rqcncy ~~~tinry~ ~nrl thoRO ...rp. rrúpusod tú be ollml- nðte~. RI'~f1vn>1 n" tv rvl!'~lr.niun()r IIc.dlnnrj, to'r. t\vrtvn said that p"rRunn<,! nll\'1" .'ttl"nrl,...d Ulf' \',1If;~¡ n(1tvn C'ún!crl!!nct' In the rltst and that thl' DircC'tur vf ~h" V,...t(·r.~n5 ~c.·rvlC',.' re¡'II\rtmcnt felt. It was not nOCf'n»lIry thlfl ye.H hn".)1J:Jc..> vf H,,. hu1'1et orvbleMR. cúmmløslúner Arown moved, seconded hy Commlss10n.r PI.tor and carried unðnimuusly, thl\t the proposed elimination of trav.l for the Veterans Services Dopartment personnel be appr~ved with It .avlng_ of S700. ^2-10 Yúuth Gul!'!~nce Special ^ctlvltlesl ~r. Nvrtún exp!alned th" rrvputlld tu cl1,.,ln,n,. /I h^l (-Um!" Yuuth î-uil1l1nce púsltlun which 1_ currl'ntly v~c~nt. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commls.loner Voss and carried un~nlmously, that a halt-time Youth Guidance position be ellmlnatod. ^'-11 - Library Material Clrc. L-21 Mr. Núrtun explained that an IMmvkðlOf' Librarian II hð~ heen trðnaforred tv the ~úrth Naples Library Pr~nch ðn~ hr reCumm~nde!'! thlR Pv~ltiun be replaced with a ha1!-tlm. library raq~ which wuul~ result in adoquðte staff. C~mmlss1on.r Brown mov.d, aecond.d by Co.mla.lon.r Voa. Ind carried unðnimuusly, th~t the Immokal.. Branch Librarian II po.ltlon be r~plac.d with a half-time library pa9'. A2-12 - Library Publications anð BOO~2 L-31 ~r. Nurt~n explaln.d th!" r.c~mmendation uf ~ reductlun ~f ~lr,~~o In the purchase of publ!- PIgo - --- -- ._~,- ~_.. 'M . _.. _'" ...._ ~.__ ___ __~~"'.'M...·..",.....,..."..~,,~...~ ".".. :~t' ^ ;,,,, tr ~, , i tI~ '1:- ·f,r "':, .iJ.:; ~ r:::rJ t=J - - - - - ~~. - .~-. - -.. ~- - - ~ - - -- .- _. -- .-. -- _.. ..- - - .- ._- - .- -- - - - - - - - -....... to'arch 29, Inp'3 cati~ns ~nd bu~ks. He said thoro hns ho~n 3 rortuntlon In the ~tat. Aid t~ Libr~rlos Crnnt ^nd this rocoM~endatlun ~n~ Ito~ ^'-15 _ Level 4 are "lade hllud un thðt rltductlun. "_ ollld the Lev.,l 3 Item 18 n hlqher prl~rlty Itom than Level ~ ðnd th^t the p~r b~~k c~st hðS Incroasad. ResPundlng tu Cummisslvner Plst~r, Llbrnry nirect~r nomerøst said the C~unty rocolvos oil ~n~ dlsc~unt fur m~.t b~uko. II. said he was nut in fav~r ~f the L.V~l 1 rprluctlun and he r~mindod the BOðr~ that the intent uf the L011slðture i~ that ~tnte ^Id aunplpmont ~n a~oquðt. library pruqr"m. p..., rp.cur.\Mf'nr!ud thllt tho Levol 11 funrUnq ~~ ellMinatoc1 "nr! th" Lovel 1 fundlnC1 O~ k~pt. "et !:l'Ilr thtlt the C':ullnty hl'ls qu~11f1od fur t....u f,,1t'rn! 1r1ntr. 'vr ~I'\,()(''' ~lnC''' nil,. hurl'}ot WlIft prepllroc1 nnd this cvulr1 h!t IJSflr1 fl"r tht.' "'vney rlimln...terl In the [.I!! Vlt 1 " Ite!'l'l. Commlsaloner Bru....n muved, Soc~nd.d by Commisslon.r ~ruse and carrle~ unllnlm~u.ly, that the re~uctlon of ~lO,500 in Level 3 Library purchas.a nut he mild.. ^2-l) - Librðry ^V f:glllpmont (VCn): ·~r. "vrtIJn I!xpll'llnlJ1 th" rccv~m"n.- .,tlun nvt tv !)Ur"'h,1~f' ~I'\"" ....vrt~ vf ,Hu11v VISUðl oqulpment f,r till" lIhr;HY ·~nrj '1.' I'! it If. ~rlt ,tvl'!.'tlvn·¡ can bo une(i t~ ~ur~h~:'Io this "quip"1~nt. Cummissluner Plator muved, soc~nded by Commissioner Br~vn and carried unanlmuuslY, th3t ~~on ....orth or ðudlu visual equipment for the library not be purch~Rorl. -'2-}" - Llhrary Rop/llr and Maintenance L-11 ~r. "urtún I!!)fnlllinftd tho ~rupuftorl 8~v1n1R vf ~7,~7~ [vr ~ pvrtiun vf ropalr, Maintenance and C1rIJunrls ~~f'~ln~ r~r th~ l¡hr~rv ~An"'rt~~nt hy nvt ~uttlnq and fertl1Jzln1 thr 1r~a9 ~$ uf~on n~ pr~vl~ualY ~~n~. Commlss1uner Brovn muved, aecunded Commissioner Pi.tor and carried unanimously, that the 11hrary ~rass not he fertilized and cut a. oft.n .a proviously dvne ror a .lIvlngs uf $2,275. ao~~ 074 PACë 3G9 raq. - -.. ..... .... ~ .... .. . - -. --- - - -- _. - - - - - -- ..... . ~"W --,~~._._^ - - - - .-. ~- .. .. .- _. ~ - - .- .~~. -- ~ðrch ?~, 19RJ "" -- -- - ._. -. - - -- - .- ~- - - - - - - - - - --- &O~K 074 PAGE 370 ~'-- 15 - Library PUblications and Books L-4: Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Plstor and carried 4/1, with Commissioner Hollan~ oppose~, not to purchase S15,000 worth of l1brlry book.. ~2-lfi - LibnHY Utilities L-::!: "'r. ~Iurtvn stlirl that durinq the pnftt f.w Y@ðr~ thf'r~ h~n ~uen ~ vðrl~ty ur pr~~l~m. @xperienced with th~ utili tI,.r thlll ,'r.. he In"! 1J~,.1 In thl! 1 ibr"ry nyste!!l l!n~ th...t the Lihrllry rir~rtvr t:...~ rrvr)\J'1~;~ ~ prv"!fllr" tv rJhdnlltc thl! lIm(Junt uf tIt 11 it I"!; t~.1t WvIJI" I,,.. C'!-¡,'rn(,'" fvr "f"'"I~,~ 0f t'''I,r''''?C'. "'''lIirm...n Urusr r~f~rrc~ tv her ~x~,.ripn~~ In th~ ~~~!~~ Llhrnry whcr,. th@ bo~k. wer'" Dtlcldn"! tv'1^thrr .,,'1,0 r,h" <'!!'II(_,! I' tt,("r" \""$ II putentl/'11 fur dl'lm.:Jl'7f!' tv th,. t'xp~nf,lv.. hv"k~;? ~·r. f"ell',.r..!:t "Hlllcr! thllt. the fiúar" withhv11 IIl"tl"rl vrl tt:!" 111'- U"1tll "'r. '""J¡,.y CI1~ WlJr~ with him un Some I> u1 n ,. ~ t I v n !\ r '''1 ., r~ 1 n" t t,,· , : " , (" ~. y .~ t ,,- iI t t h (' he" '1 () u,., r t. II r!ll b r " n c h 1 n r n r v . '¡"!; " I'" (".. n ~ f.., n r. "r'" h ~ I n'1 In:; t 111 1 "r! t h i!ll rI... t,. . He sa I d thl!t th.. h~lI<1qu"rt~r!; hrlln::h h..,r. nv InrolJllltlv"1 I'nd tha utllty Cost ~vul~ hr. l~~~ if th~r~ Wllr.. Commissioner ~ruwn muved, seConded by Commissioner Vo.. end carrie!'! unanlmuusly, not tv cunslder elfmlnatlnq S~me utility ..rvlc. tu the library system lit this time. A2-17 Library Poataqø L-2: ~r. Nvrtvn ~~nl...lne~ that Conqr~ss ~uthurlzed ~ rvllhnc~ vf n~r~nsed lihrllry Pvstðl rate alter the bud9.t \.Ins "pprvv'H1 ..nd, therp!vre, ~7r,~ hud'1etod fur that purPu.' will not b. ul'led. comml..1on.r Brown moved, seconded by Com~lss10ner Pistor and carrl.d unanimuusly, that $7~S budgeted for ~st.l us. b. .11~ln.t.d. A2-18 - Library Increa.ed ~e.SI ~r. Nurt(Jn said that tho Buard aprrovod ð revenue Jncraaso uf ~lO,oOO, thr~u~h th~ adjustm.nt of fin.. an~ feel'l fúr th- 11hrllry nyaten, ~n 1?/2R/R'. P19. 20 ~., ... ~ ~_.. '... _. _... -~- ~,~ t::::J , ¡ ,_ I : , . ' 1~~~' 'i' . ..- . - ... -- ._.~ _. -.--"-.- - - --..- - -- "'arch :'~, 11)83 Comm1.si~n~r Brown moved, s.cond.d by C~mmls.loner Plstor and carrl.d unanimouslY, that ~ SlO,OOO revenue lncr.ase, through the adjustment of fines and feos for the library system, be approvød. A2-l9 - Beach and Wator Parkss ~r. NVrt~n oxpl3inod tho prvp~aal tv ~llmlnðto II curr~ntly vccuple~ puøltlun fvr thn Po"ch ond Water Park ~alnt~nnnc~ ~rvor~~ which wvul!'! reau!t In ~ ro!'!u~p.rl ~~vunt uf m~1nton- anc~ vn th~ h~lIch ~cccs~ puintn. "~Bpunding tv ChAir~ðn Kruøe, ~r. Nurn~n nAI~ ~~~ ~vwln" rvr ~hr bPACh parks ðr~~B Is ~n ~ dlffcr~nt nchl'!rlu!t] th<H1 the r-vlo/lnrl 'h,nQ In t~1'! ruhIlc ·..·uri<s rCpIHt'l'ont. Tap. ." ("v"'I'1I~!1lvn('r "vil"n" "611ft ho (pit thlfi 'jt'p.,rtncnt <'In!'! the n~/ld and I'rlr!'1ct f)or<'lrt~'''tnt "".,Ii '"'"rtJ p~vpil!' t.h,n they h.1v~ nnd he wa ll n~t in (~vvr v( l'!ilMln~tlr1 ~hl~ pvsltlvn. Cummisaloner Bulland muved, lI.c~nt1ed by Commissioner Brown and carried 3/2, with Cvmm1981unftrs rll'ltor and VQSS oppose", that one poaitlun In th. ß@<'Ich ...nrl Wðtt'r r...rk Maintenance rroqr...m not h. ollmlnðted. "~!"lr"'An "ru:',t' I.l1'! <.1'" -HI" 'I~H! W,'~ 1vln'l tu h.,v@ tv Ivu\( at C IIf C t lJ! 1 Y I 'i t r. ,. v 'J .. r ,. r¡ p ~ I ! i t v n . v 1 1 J r ~)!J d '1 ,. t r v r t h to P II r I( II An r4 l1ec:r"...t vn r t!rllf t->,'r.t 1n'j t ~"t ~h" thvu"ht th.. r:uunty w\lulr1 havo tv <'pp~"'l tv t~1" C"vr"rlunlt'l fvr ':"111. , ,1 !1t:"u!'l'Ilvn fvl.1vwltd rltqarðln'} f.ea C v 1 1l' ('" t . 'i r r ...' ";.H k " ~ r " 1 ,.. CHI. r·~sr;!.nrl n., t!, r.v"'II\I,,~lvn.r Pl!'ttvr, Mr. 'Jurtu;'1 1.)1' ~~~t. )lltt!r,'1 1.lr'HH JU"1¡>:'It!"rs I., the h."ch ,'re~. wuu!d ~ncvur~1e nevni~ tv U~~ thn~ 'vr ~ tr~n~fer ~t~tlvn ~nd the c~st fur th~~ ¡~ IncrD'~ln1. "!I. ~"HY LIJ.J¡n"~vn, ~rr'!1I'!t'nl ~r ("vlll"r (\Junty \"'-men's Tennis ^Ssvr.I.1tlvn, rJf"rre,1 tu " letteor :Jont tv tho cv~~ls!llùners which raJvi~e~ ~ ~r~~k~vwn v( ~h~ rees r"cclvet1 fvr th~ tonnis proqra~ and shn eX~1~ino1 thu "rv~r'~ ~n·1 huw tho tr~~hloft nro purchased. ~h~ , . .,... . -., ..... ao~( 074 PACE 371 Pllq. '-1 ~'--""-- - - --- -- ~.- _ w .'''. __ _w ,~_ .__ __ -.. ~---------_. &O':)~ 074 PACE 372 ro'arch ?~, 19R3 r~questo~ that p~rt úf the múnoy br~uqht 1ntu the Co~nty throuqh this prv~ra~ h~ uscct Cur mllinton~nc~ t~ kfter tho c~urts available. A2-20 - Passive Park Maintenance: ~r. Núrtvn ~xplðlne~ ð requ.st fur ~ rn~u~tivn vf vn~ ov~ltlun in P~rk M~lntononce ~nd Ral~ th~t the ~fjitlvn I!; curr~nt1y Vl'C/lnt. Cummløsloner rlstor moved, seconded by Cummlssloner Brown and c:arri.d <1/1, with Ctommlssltlner Btollllnd opposed, that ~ne position In Park Maintenance be ellninated. "'r. PvJ 1M\" r..." ~;t"r...rl ~1., vN'~ r.1 Uvn tv fP.fI\uvlnc:r pCuolc (rum the I' n r ~ f' r v'1 r ., T" " n " r, u t t",' ~ h:. . the r.' " r " f v u r /I c' ~ I t i v n ð 1 p ~ r 10: " cur r en t 1 Y bf'inn r>J IIr.~H·r~. "r. 't,r'"'l'n ..'" ... th(' r"''''lJr.t lun ""~ul-1 melln 1'1 rel1uction of n/lrk ~~In'~n~ncr 'rv~ t~rr" t '"'C~ ~ ~~I"~ tv tulce 1'1 w~~k. ^2-' - Ballflelrl and T~nniß Ctourt Impr~vement: ~r. ~vrt~n ~)(¡:!l1ln~:! UJ.H, th~ ".v"f" (\lJthvrlz"'''' sr,rnr tv he Dpent fur uMradinq J I"htr. !It t"'" /''J,'Jvr, n1J J f ¡')Jd "n-! lhllt trlt' Rl'lvln"" {ur this Item Wuuld ht· In 'jl"J"'ylnll UJC fv','ln'1 vf lht' fVlllvn !Hlllfleld IInd by uslnq the stld remvV('(! vut~I-1C' till' Cvllrthvu~f' fvr the f:hðrl~,wlllwn tout!lnld. ResP\lndlnq tv Cvm~ S5Ivne'r P!stvr, "r. tlvftvn sill!'! thllt the.- liqht meters WuuJ.d ., 11 ~ w t h to (" ~ \I n t,' tv d1o'H (1 f' { v r lJ S (' u f J.J ., h t II I nth e ( a c lli t 1. IS . CtI,.,,.,lsslvnt'r I'vl!"nct encvur""f!'r! the Cummisalúnt'rs t~ visit the pArk. ðnJ K~" pa~pl~ InVvlVf'rl In cunntructlv(' activities. Pcsrvn¿lnr¡ tv Cv"'MI!':r.I~n('r 'Iv!'!'!, ~r. t-'tIrman 1111111 tho meters ~uld ---.---- n~t h,vr tv hf' rl'ð~ hut wúuJ~ hI" vpf'rðtt'A vn ðn h~nur system. Mr. t-:vrtvn re!>r:.vn1f'rJ tu Cvm"'iß :ivnt'r ti~llanr by s^ylnq that the \.ounty du.. nvt h/lv," It Cllntv-1l.-n In IIny vf t.he' pðrkll lit nit1ht and that the ~h~ol ~Y3tf'''' gives the Cuunty pri~r1ty vn use uf their ind~ur baskotball (lIcl11tles 1n return fvr th,. ~chv~l f.yst~ml" us~ ur the parks. c~mmlsaloner PIsttlr moved, seconded by Commisslon.r Vo.. and carried 4/1, with Cummløaloner Hulland op~aed, that the aoddln9 of paq. 22 r:¡;;J r:::J G:l','. , '," ,/ ;. ' ",'j - ... - ,.-... ...- '.- fo1nrch '9, In~3 Avalon ballfield be delayed, that sod removod from the Courthous. be used for Shaduwlawn and $787 b. spent for light meters at ballfield. which do not hive them t~r a savings of $5,880. A2-22 - pas.lve Park Improvementsz Mr. Nurtvn expiain~d the pre"pu8111 nvt tu pinc~ new Pl<1Y'1rvlJn!'! '!!qulpr.lent lit se"mo Ce"unty f~cl11tles ~n~1 nvt ~v lanrl~cap~ th~ frvnt u( !~~~kaleQ r~rk !~r II ftðvlnqB vf ~l~,n~n. Î.vnmj~slunor Pl3t~r ~uq1eAt~rl th~t Dum~ type e"r !lhruh h. ua,.r1 fur thf! frunt vt T'T1!"1uknlero P!lrk h"clIuso v! ltl'l unsl~ht.1Y ð ppe':H .\nc" . c~mmisalvn.r flollllnr! mtlvftd, a.conded by Commi..ion.r Brown and carrl.d 3/2, Commissioners Kru~. ðnd Vtl5S tlp~R.d, that .taff recummendatlun to nut plac" now playqround equipment at 80m. Cuunty facllltl.~ ~nr1 not tv lðn~5cape the (ront vt Immukal.. Park b. rejecterj. "1-:>3 - Recrelltlun ProtH.'Jms L-73 (Pee., CETA, I ~r. 'Ivrtun ..,lð thin It('m r"!..r·¡ tv t'!., !,U-T"1o:-r r'!!"r".H!v'11'11 Dru"r~:"I and th/lt thfOre hils ~)('~n :~lf~IC"Ulty r::-I.oI ,'·r·tln', ..,.. """!~ t~"t '",\'(' t-,(,f'n !"h'lr'Htd nnd this nrvpv!l"1 I!J tv !:lIlI~., ïf!·-r"'l!:¡tr.n!un ,1n-- )tt~r.1nt tu !"uliect the fee. h,.(vrc the.> rru'1r,)'" 'lu"!'! Intv ..rc"ct Idtr. ., rrv1"-cte.j 5l1vlnl" 8 uf C:t1,OOO. I!e "/lId t'1.Jt, IC thl.1r" .1f" "')I'upl~ whú Cllnnut .'tftur'J th" fees, .tðCC WulJlr1 !...vk.H th. ~'v~!¡lhjllt.y vC !vrdnlvns I'In~ I"Irllntl fur thl. us~. "'r. '~vrtvn 'õ.11r! ,1nuthcr í)<1rt vf the I=rvpvsc'll Is th.1t rather than use cvrltr.'C'to,1 o;(Orv!c"n (vr r3cr(,)ðtivt1/11 ..., ,,~ th"'t rr:T^ ('~p1uvee. Wuuld he u~cc1 fur t~~ si)( wl'!ek:¡ the pru1fllm Is vperlttar1 at a s""vin<ja ot ~r.,(\r.r. II.. 5<'1ld t".H tht' flnll1 pllrt uf th" f'f~puSðl in tu rai.. the indivldui)l I="'rtlcl~~t un fue hy !'.~n fur ~ I.)vln~s uf Sl.OOn. Cul'lmifl9iuner l'ul!lInd IIsknrl If peoplp. W\JuJ.~ ~ft turnftd ",way fru'" the prugrðm If thoy CvuJ.1 nvt atfvrc1 it? Cull'''' I ".luner Vus. said, In hi. vplniun, if r~V~lC clc~rJ.y 1~mvnßtrlltn they ClInnut ~ffurd the to.., tho BO~,< G74 PACE 'S/3 paq. '3 - ...~. - --. ,,-- 0-.... _ ,._ '.." ..._ _ ...",.".",__~"'_,,"~c"._"'_~__ , .- - - - ,..- -- &o')~ 014- PACE 374 ._---- --*. - .------------ ~'tlrch 2Q, 19P3 cvunty shúuld ~lv~ thc~ the service. C~mmis8i~nor Vuss mQved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carri.d 4/1, with Commlsßluner Holland opposed, that the proposal to pre-reqlster ~nd cúllect fees before the aummer recreational program b.glns, us. CETA employe.s ror recrentlonal aide. and to Increase the fe.. by $2.50 per peraun he appr~ved with a saving_ of $11,000. ^2-7~ Rftrr~^tl~n^l ProqramB L-~ (Trvphy CostS) I ""r. NCirton OXrIðln~" tn~ rrC'Ur.","".'nd,'tlvn tv r!llT'ln:\t-:- trvp~ier, fur !].v~rltl Cúunty r'rvnrl'l::'l!l ,"Ittl II ....'lJlnnf v! ~1,1"7. r:'vf\'1""¡f1!\lun"'r I'ullon-1 IUlked if 1.111 vf tltE' I"1ru"'rll"'~ ,'T.· !;('!f-~LJr~vTtln<1 tu w~lc~ "'r. "'vrtun s/'Ilr' that n~ne v! the!" ,~r(" ~""d-:;Urf'vTt n" ITv'" th(' ~tðnr1nvlnt vf 'lr.-nl'rlltln'J 4!'nough r~v""\I" tv .J!f.....·t .'11 r,.'>t~; Jlf'vr.l.,tf"! with th,. pru'1rðn. C'úmmls!livner flvll..,nr! 115ltC1 I~ ~~H' tTvf'''Y C'v!:t!l W('TO nvt lnclu~ erl In thf' reqlstr~tiun I,'t,f, tv whirl, '·r. '\,r'...n Tn."·..,n",..." I'rflr""'tlvt'ly. ('vm~i3Sll.ln.H Hc.,lland St~tl',1 ~,1~; vr;'v:,ltlv~ tv T>lJ' '1\'ln1 ~rvphl"'r. wh"n tht'y have hl'on ['rvr1II1f>" ''''C'.HJ!;t' t~\...~,. r......p!p h^v~ plllrl f"r thnl'1. Ch..,lrml1n ICruse said, fvr t~1t' r.,r.vrct, r.~(' ""uuI:' vutr tv vvrrrl!1e> ~taff rf'cCimmendlltlQn tor ttd!! Yt'IH t'ut t~¡.H npxt )'e'IH "he wvult1 nut vvte tv 1nC.lud. trúphi./I or tet' shirts unlt'!HI ~vrl' Incu"'''' I!I cU'nerl'lt..". Cummisaluner Bruwn muved, aecunded by CCimmlsalon.r Vo.s, to eliminate trophies fur several County pruqrama with a savinq8 of Sl,342. Arter Cúmmlss1uner "ulland stated that people were promls.d trophies, Commissioner Br~wn wlthdr.w h18 mutlun and commis81on.r Vo.. withdrew hi. ..cund. Commhsi~n.H flolland mCJved, s.c~nded by Commi..loner Pl.tor and carried unanimuualy, that the prQpusal tu eliminate trophies In ..v.ral CCJunty pruqrams be r.ject.~ until the n.xt budget he.rinq. ^2-25 - Public Hou81nq Home Economics L-31 ~r. Nvrton said there ...re thr.. par~-prurøftalúnðl huno rc~numic aid.s whv qlve training In Pag. 24 ~.. ~ . .- --. ""'''''_-''''0.''''""_'''''''' r:;:;¡ CJ ~ L.......:.:..¡ ~-- .~- ~.~ .--. --- "1l1rch /", l~H\J h~me mat.nt.n~ncn t~ th~ r~Kl1ents vf F~r~ '4~rk~r~ vlllnað ðnd t'llmoknl.e ^pllrtm~nts ðn~ th~ r~cun~enrl~ttun is tv cll~ln~t~ un~ ovaitlún. Respunc1ln'1 tv Ch,'lr~lIn "ru;.f', rVMI"\untty 1')ev'!lvpmont nt.roct~r Vt.rta aald th~t the 1.Hent 1H 11tlvn tu thp. F'IHln "'vrkf'rF VI1!II11n c~nt A m111iun du.11ars. Cummlss1uner Hulland m~ved, seconded by Cummissloner Pl.tor, that the rec~mmendatlun to eliminate une hume eCúnomlc aide púsltlon at the Farm Wurkers VIllðqe ho !'!onled. Tape 17 "'1r Icu! turn "'I rt'rt"r1r"....n ~., Ir~ th,'t In :"Il'Il(ln11 th(' ~RSp9s"'ent tv ~uV~ the rv~t v! this Itpm tv th~ f~u~ln'1 ~uthurlty thf' uh1cct waS t~ 1vvl( (vr ~lt~rn~tlvp ~uurrn~ vI fun~~ (vr thl~ prV~r~M. ,,~ r"s~nded tv Cv"'m1~slvner rtrvwT', by '\tilt In'1 >.tl/lt ~~'HC I~ ., ·lIstlnct pvftslhlllty th/lt thlJ "ull.'11-n·.uthvrtt'l r", !' ';u!)r"ly th,.lr v·...n /1lrll!' IIn'" rp.!'IUVð It f run t hI' ('"un t 'I '''1'''10' t . II" ~t.'t,.. ~~",t r"r'\t'l ,'re c-vl1"ctrr1 In the F'lIrm \~v r It, ,.. r rI 'J I 1 1 , '1 '1 1 n ' t h ., t "r" n I ~ ' > I v" I rI f '1 r I 1 J Y ~I u 1 "t' n t . Upun c~ll tvr the quo~tlvn, the mutlun wlla denied 2/', wl~h Cummls"luners ~ru5e, ßrvwn and Vuss uppuaerl. ^ dl::C'u~~lun 'u!JvlO,..r1 ·tllrln" wl~ ('h "r. "rv....n 'I^lrl thAt currently t h (' r ~ I ~¡ , '1 r .1 n . ! f1 ., r v r " ~,~.,¡ t" t', .. f II n 1 I n'1 "" f' n t:: y !.I U t v f 1'1111,., h ~ sse ð fvr M r!ltlv~.'! ,l\ln~;·u ',to'r'dc:! the n,'\oI unlt:1 "Inri tho'lt.1n Pr1ucott.unal 'Hv'1rð~ 1s ¡win, '~unt nu'.·'j ',,,'1Ir"~ 'v!:!! 'wyv~' .,pn11.1nC9 "',11ntenancC" with the .,1des. nO!\rvn: lnr¡ tv r.umMj:¡:.11vnur '.'v!!!!!, "'r. ~r~wn ßði~ that with t....v !'lId!':,: t"'~rl' P"','y n,,~,' tv "'f' l'~fS (r('qupnt. hvuse vin1t" I\nr1 that porh^cn r¡rvur ~cf'tln"A uf th~ rc~11~nt3 cvul~ he h~l~. Mr. Plur~an o 1< P J " In.. d \.I ÞO¡ Y t r- 1!1 t t,~., t '¡ un 1 t.' r t h ,. ^f) r leu 1 t u r .. r'<: {HI r t ~ e n t . C~mml.slvn~r Brown m~ved, s('conde~ by cummlssioner Voss and hO~~ 074 ~ACè 375 '~ 1..1' ;~~:;,'~ ," ,\-...... ~..' ':.-:~~ ~¡\\/'~: _. ...... -- -- - j{{~ r"q. 25 ~ -- _.- -- .- -... _. --- ~o~~ 074 PACE 3~ . -- -- -... .-- - - - -~ -- - _. - -- - - - - - - - - -.. ~Mch 29, 19€J carried 3/2, with Commisslon.rs Holland .nð Plat~r opposed, that one para-profes.lonal hom~ economic aide at the Farm Workers Vll1a9. b. ell..1nated. ^2-2~ - Museum ¡nf~rm~ti~n and Newsletter: Commlssluner Plstor moved, secunded hy C~mmls1soner Voss and carried unanimously, that the ~u.eum newsletter be eliminated. ^'-'01 - 'TI')ertal1 fee collectlun: "'r. Hill expilllncd this fa a revt"nu,. ..,nr! \!xf1cndlttlfO:- ItN: ".hl'rf'l~ t"lr PCI.lf!lc ~rf' n~t I,lrcc! unless the rf'v("r,u·! Ir. rf'c"lv.· "'~I::-'ì Ir r>r..r'ICllt,..-4 I.In hrlir11nn th~ pðrkfnq lot I.In 1'111·ftl'11. II,. 0;,,1' th.'t UH' r>"n; n'1 JlJt h"'R nl.lt hel'n built r1urfnq tr.I!'·. VC",lf f.v, t~, vf'!I'f tv ....,...1'., "'vfrl'C~ "IJ"'l:'t "'r!jur.t...r,nt, ~'I",O()('I I.-V r t h V f r,. v ~ n",' M U ., t ! '.. r" r \, v.. ' , ~ r lJ'" t h (" h u '! '1 f' t /I n " .. 1 n , 1 3 1 ~ r t h "r l· (r".'n'~lturc': ""I"t t", rl',"'vv('1 ~'\o ,..., h"C'vmp" /J n,...",tlv,. ~",.r7. Cummlssl"ner Vuas m"ved, Recunded hy Commlssi"ner Plst~r and cnrrieð un~ninvusly, that the abuv. staff recummondatlon he approv.d. COM~UNtTY DEV£lOPMr.NT Dr.P^RTMr.NT ^2-35 - Suhscrlptl"ns/OueRI Cv~mf.81onor Plst~r ..~ved, s.conded by cummlssluner RrUWTI ðnd carried unanlmoualy, that the reco..endatlon of a 58' reduction 1n Community Devel~pment Department aUbscrlptlon. and due. be approved. ····comml..1uner "ulland left the room at 12 Noon.... ^2-3G - Travell C~mmisaloner pisto~ mov~d, .econded by Commissioner VO~B and carried 4/0, with Commissioner Rolland abs.nt, that the recommendation t" reduce out-oC-County travel funds for the Community Oovel~pment Department by 50' be approv.d. ^2-37 - Word Procvsslnq: Commissioner Plstor mov.d, s.cond.d by CQmmlasloner Brovo and carrlod 4/0, with Co..ml..1~n.r Rolland ab..nt, ;';'~.\ ':fl. Page 211) .<'~ì ";'{ .~ ~.[' <..' ;,.{ -. . .~ , -- --- -_. ~.._. - ..- . _. ..._. --- ~ . - -- - - ~ -.. L-_J r:::J March ,~, 1~R3 that the Word Proce.slng use by the Community Deve10pm.nt Depart.ent be reduced by $2,300. A2-18 - Environmental Lonq-ranqe Resource ManageMent, Cummunlty r~vrlupment ~Ircctur Vlrt~ ~xrl~ln~d the ~nvlrúnm~ntal Technician is a n CI '" pv Q 1 t I v n r1 ~ r (' r r "rl t ~ JI, I) r I I 1, 1 "0' ~ I' C ... lJ 8 " ú' ~ II!'! r¡ "t C ú n a t r It i n t s ...nd Is VlIc,'nt. comml.s1úner Pl.túr muved, seconded by Commlaaiuner Voss and carried 4/0, with Commlf1s1uner "ulland absent, that the poaitiun of Envlrunmental Technician tu assIst the County rnvlronmentaJis. be eliminated. A2-39 - Planning Functlvns L-l: ~r. Vlrt~ ~~Id thlR rlr~rtln~ technl~llIn rusltlvn I~ v~çJnt. CClmmissiuner Plstur mvvf'<i, aecunc1ed by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0, with Cumllllss1uner IIvllan!'! absent, that the ~sit1on of on. drafting tochniclan he .11~lnaterl. ^2-40 - PL,nnlnQ Cumpllter Tprmlnal: Cummlssloner VClSS mClved, secunrted by CvmmlsslClner rlstur ~nd co'lrrled ~/O, with CúmmJsaioner ltull.1nd absent, thAt the cumputer terminal tv link the Planning Department to the Pruperty Appraiser's base computer not b. purcha..d. ^2-41 - Pl~nnln9 out-vr-Cvunty Tr...vel: ~~mmissioner Brown mov.d, .ecúnded by Cummls1suner VuBa ...nrt carried 4/0, with Cúmmisslun.r I~llnnd 3hsenl, that the Pl~nnlnq nepartment travel mon.y b. reduced by tl,aOO. A2-4' - Pl...nnlng Ruoka 'Etc.: ~r. VlrtM 30'111'1 that the lðrQest pvrtlv' u( t"18 It~m I!; u~e v( ','ur' rrúcessln'1. Cummlssiúner Brown moved, aeconded by Commi.slon.r Pistor and carried 4/0, with Cvmmlssiuner "ulland absent, that the Plannln9 ~,,:. 814 FA~ m r'Q, 27 -.....-..,----, ------ -- - ~- -., &O~~ 074- fAG( 378 . - -- _.- -~ ._.- -- -- - _. .-.- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - .. foIarch '9, 19P.3 Departm.nt exp.ndlture. for bQoks, subscriptions, n,wsl.tt.rs, due. and word proce.slng b. reducerl by $2,100. A2-43 - Rul!dln~ C~de Compliance - Travel L-2r C~mmlsÐlon'r rlltvr R~I~ th~t th~ ru51tlvn vI ~ C!~r~ IT is needed In the Immgk~l.o ßrðnch uf thr Pull.1In, ("vrlr CUl"pll...nC'I' Of'I'l!rtment t~ pruvldo lIt'rvice wh~n Inf;pectvr~ fir.' In thr !I~H~. C~mm1s.iuner Brown ~oveð, sec~nde~ by Commission.r Plat~r and carried 4/0, with Cummiøsiuner Hvllðnd absent, thftt the r,commendatlon to eliminate a Clerk II pun1tlvn In thQ Immokalee Branch of the Bul1dlnq Curle cu~pllftnce Department he rlenie~. . . "h"r~ hr.1r', nIl r~rP,"r hlJ': nl"r.!1 t~ r:'v"'" h~fure thp Bu..rrl the rneetinl"l W.15 1'I'1'\vurnl" lit. 17:7C I'.'~. hy vrder vI the Chðlr. p~^n~ ~f COUNTY ~nM~TSSJnNEn~/rX rrCTO COV~~~TN~ nn^RO (~) or srECIAL r. CT~; u~rr.r IT~; CONTROL --- . ¿.r: '-./l/.<.J"-l,,~~ ~"\Ry-rn^~ICF:S I<Rusr, CII^ I RMAN ATTf'ST: ~ILLT^~ J. Rr^G^~, ~Lrn~ ......... ~..~., 'J)~~ Deþ1t:~ Thoee minutes ðppr~v~rl by th~ pee un ~)ril 12, 19F13 .s preu'nt~r' ·x ~.' vr all cvrrt'cterl . Page 2ft - - - .-- ,_. ,- _.~ ~-'-~ ... ,-. -- - - - -