BCC Minutes 04/12/1983 R pr..entl ------------~-~----~--------------~------~ Naple., rlorlda, April 12, 1983 LET IT BE REM~MBERED, that the Board of County Commlssionera in and for the County of Collier, and also acting aa the Board ot 7~ning Appeal. and ft8 the governing board(s) of such special districts .. have be.n created according to law and having conducted busin,sG herDin, met on thl. date In Regular Meeting at 9100 A.M. In Building WFW of the Courthouse Complex In P-ast Naples, Florida with the fOllowing momber. VICE-CHAIRMAN: David C. f)rown John A. Pistol' Frederick J. Voss C. C. wRodw Holland ABSENT: Chairman Krus. ALSO I'RESf:NTI wllliam.1. RealJðn, Cluk James C. (,;11.s, riscal Offic.r, Elinor ~. SkJnner, Oeputy Clerk C. William Norman, County ManI9'r, eurt L. ~ðunc1ers, County Attorn.y, f:dward Smith, ^ssistl'lnt County Manager, T.rry Vlrtð, Community Development Administrator Irvinq eerzon, utilities Mminlstrator, Lt!. Layne, Plans Implementation Director, Oonald Norton, puhlic Services Adminlstrðtor, II:nute U"rtman, Public Works Administrator, Grðce f,p...uldin~, Administrative Aide to the Ooard and ~eputy Chie! naymond Barnett, f,h.rlff's Department. aO~K 074 PACE 538 Pagl 1 - - - .- - - - -- - -_. .-. -0,--0 _,,~._ ._ __ _. __. _ __ _ __ .,_~ _ ___ , ,. .~ , . . ------- ---- - - -- -- -- ------- -- -- -- - - --- ------...... lOOK 074- PA~t543 Tape '1 Ite. .1 AGENDA - APPROVED AS AMENDED Item t2 April 12, 1~P3 Com.i..ioner Pistor moved, secondeð by Commissioner Vo.. and carried 4/0, (vote refl~ct. Chairman Krus.'s ab.ence) that the agenda be approved with th~ fo11owinq changesl 1. Item ~C1, Ordin~nce to reryulate private water an~ Rewer utilitio. ðn~ to cr~nt~ ð County Utility Rat~ P~qulðtlon noar~ - Contlnu~~ to ^prl1 19, lQA]. ~. Item 9rl - R"COmMenrt~rt r~v~nues and expense. Cor Colller County Utility Rl'lt" Rt''}ulatlon Poar~ staffinq and Support activltif's - Contlnll(,' to Jlprll 11'), lOp,. MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING MARCH 29, 1983 _ APPROVED Comml.sloner Pistol' moved, .econd.d by Commissioner Holland and carried 4/0, that the minute. of the Special meeting ot March 29, 1983 be approved. Item tJ PROCLAMATION DESIGNATING APRIL 15, 1983 AS wDRUG AWARENESS DAYw _ ADOPTED Atter reading the proclamation, COMmissioner Voss moved, .econded by Coami..loner Pi.tor and carried 4/0, that the ProclaMation de.ignaqtinq April 15, 1983 a. wDru9 Awarene.. DlyW be adopted. proclamation with thanks. Mr. Ron Meserve, Director, Mental Health Center, accepted the . - -- -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.......... --............ ..., ¡ ..:/~t-;'~, :." .;i Page , c:::::J c:::zJ l1B ----------------------------------~-~-~~ 1>.pdl 1', 19P3 -----------------------------------------. ao~ 014 PAt.t 545 It.. .. PROCLAMATION DESICNATING APRIL 1~, 1983, AS ·OLYMPIC DAY· - ADOPTED After Comml.sloner Brown read the proclamation, Commis.ioner PIstor moved, seconded by Comml.sioner Hoíland and carried 4/0, that the Proclamation desiqnatinq April 1~, 19A3 as ·Olymplc Day· b. Idopted. Mr. Rick Weymðn, TreftÐUr~r of Marco Jayc@es, nccepted the proclamation with thDn~5. pa;. ~ C!:J lIB '---"'~-""''''''''''''',","""_.''"~-'''.''-'-'' --- -- --- -- - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - -- -- - - - - - -- - - - - -_II aOOk 074 fAC,C 54:7 April 17, 19P3 Ite.. 15 PETITION Z0-82-18, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION, RE GUEST HOUSES _ WITHDRAWN. TO BE HEARD MAY 3, 19~3 Commis.ioner pistol' mov.d, ..cond.d by Commi.sion.r Voss and carried 4/0, that petition %0-82-18, Community D.v.lopm.nt Divi.ion, requ..tlng an am.nd~.nt to Section e.38 of Zoning Ordinance requiring that qu..t hou... have one acre of land whether attached or detach.d be withdrawn and be heard on May 3, 19A3. It.. . ~ ORDINANCE TO REGULATE PRIV^TE W^TER AND SrwER UTILITIES AND TO CREATE A COUNTY UTILITY R^TE REGULATION BOARD - CONTINUED TO APRIL 19, 19A3 Commissioner Pløtor moved, s.conded by Commissioner Holland and carri.d 3/1, Commissioner Vo.. oPpo..d, that the ordinance to r.gulate private water and .ow.r utllltl.. and to create a County Utility Rate R.qulation Board be continu.d to April 19, 19AJ. It... 17 RESOLUTION 83-~4 APPROVING FINAL SPECIAL ASSESSM~NT ROLL FOR AUTO RANCH ROAD IMPROVEMENTS - ADOPTED L.qal notice hðvlnQ heen publl.hed In the Naples Vftlly Newlon ~arch '7 and April 3, 19~1 as evidenced by ^ffldavit of PUblication fil.d with the Clerk, public hearlnq was o~en.d to consld.r a r..olu- tlon to ðd~pt th8 final s~eclðl a.....m~nt roll for Auto Panch Road Improvement.. Puhlic Works Mmlnlstrat~r 11artmlln explalned that on o.c~lI\b.r 1ti, 1980 the Board pllftfted a resolution I'IdoPting the preliminary a.......nt roll and lIuthorlzlnq tho advertising for the construction of the pftving improvements to Auto Ranch Rolld. H. .aid that the approximate front foot co.t in that resolution was t13.'O and that th~ final front foot coat is S12.~3. . , Fiscal Officer Cile. read a petition ob~ectlna to the a.....II.nt, ~ 819n.d by 19 per.ons, b.cau.. the road I. ;... - _. - - .- - -- --~ -.. ..-.- ,- .-- -- ...- - - -- - -.- - - - ~ c:::J BIiI1 the erosion will bo c~rrcct~~. -------- --- ----_. - ----..-------- -- --- -- --------:" April l2, 1983 are not large enough, and the black topping is thin in place.. Mr. "artman .ald th~t from th~ heqinninq of the pr01ect in 197~ ther~ has b..n an effort to k.ep thl!! cost of the job down. He s..lð that with a ~O toot rlght-ot-way, which the Co un t y was ahle to obtain from the border inq property owners, the County was ablo to bu 1111 It roact only .0 hiqh and tha t , to build a rOllct hiqh.r, II wider ri~ht-of-wðY would be n..d.d which would cost more money. II. explained that drainllqe improv.ml!!nts are currently un~erwllY with morn plllnned that w1l1 direct the wat.r away trom the road to keop the road from floodinq except In the most II.vere \.leather. r1ospond Ing to Co",mi"sioner \'059' question regllrdinq thin pavln1, Mr. Hartm~n said that the road was built accord1nq to 5p~clrlclltionn. nespondln1 to ~o~miÐSlonftr r1stor, Mr. Hartman s~ld that the ro~rt will he ~alntn1n~d by the County and that The followin'1 parson'l 11101(0 ohjl'tctln'1 to thr. con~1tlon of Auto Ranch Tloðd I Ta p, I 2 Irent' I1l'1berl"lehl Mørqar.t Ray Cuppy Y.thl.~n Underhill, who nr~sentn~ picturen of the r01'l1, ~l'Irk~d Ex h I bits 1 -11 . Mr. Hartman rt?sPðndcr! t,., ~~s. !1nr!f!rhl11 hy sayinq thl'lt the dr",inaf'Je Improv"ments at th'.l :,:outh I'nr1 of the rOlld lire curr~ntly underway ðnct that on thl) wost side vf the road the work wi!! h"'1ln next month. Mr. Norman said that ~r. H~rtmðn would Make a report on this road to the Board on April 21;, I"~'. "'r. r.llos stated that there would be 1'1 payback period of 7 seven~ years at n\ Int~rest. Co~.is.loner PIstor moved, s.conded by Commi..lon.r vo.. and carried 4/0, that the public hearlnq be clo.ed. Com.lsalon.r Vo.. .oved, .econded by Com_laslonor pIstor and carried 4/0, that Re.olutlon 83-54 approvinq the tlnal special a.....m.nt roll tor Auto Ranch Road '. . bíJ~< 074- rA~ 548 Page 5 - - - ~- - - .- _. - ..- ._". '.'. ..-.- ..-- -- '.'. 'w _. _. ... . - .. - -- .- ...- ,..- -~ ..- '."- _... - . , '\ \ \ aoOK 07..f. PAr.t.AS \;. \" 'i""'" ~" "'H '"t<. ~~---------------------~------------------~ ,";'¡I!' ';:7~ ",f'J.~ , ;,~~~;., April l2, 19R3 Smprove.ent. be adopted, with the assurance that the drainage problem. vlll be taken car. of. Page ~E~i:.1 c::J .. -----.,~""".~....,,~----"' Golrl~n Gftt~ SU~11vlDlo~, AO p~t1tlon~r m~y hulld across ~xi8tin~ lot ~,-----------------------------------------".,'~,', ., '11('" ",' ~A ~1 April 1:', 1~1J3 <t.' j BO~K u ~ rA~~ ':1' ! ne. IS RESOLUTION 8]-55 RE PETITION AV-8]-I, WIL~INSON-MEPrERT CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, RCQUESTING VACATION or TilE SIX rOOT INTERIOR EASEMENTS ON LOTS I2-1~, BLOC~ 24, UNIT 2, GOLDEN GATE SUBDIVISION _ ADOPTED Le9ðl n~tice havin~ heen PUblished in th~ Naples Dðily News on Mftrch ~7 anrl ~pril " lqR~ as evidenced by Af.fidavit or l'ubllcatlon fil.d with the Clerk, publ1c h~arinq Wð. openerl to consider Petition ^V-A3-1, r11ed by Wilk1n~o"-Mef!ftrt Company, reqUPfttin~ vacation of tho six foot int~rior ~aae~ents on Lots }, throuqh }", Rlock ,~, Unit " linen. Rearinq that no one was reqIMt~r~d to .p.ak, Commis.ioner Voss moved, .econd.d by Commissioner Pistor and carrleð 4/0, that the public hearlnq be closed. Commissioner Vo.. moved, s.cond.d by Comml..loner Pi.tor and carrl.d 4/0, that R.solution 83-~5 r. Petition AV-e)-I, Wilklnson-M.ffert Construction Company, requ.stinq vacation of the .ix foot int.rior easements on Lota 12 through 1~, Block 24, Unit 2, Golden Oat. RUbdlvi.lon, be adopted. Pa9· , _.. - -- "'-. - -. .. - ..- _. - .,-~ ~.,. ,'_.. -'.. _ _4 ,'~" . -'" --- - - .-... - --..- -.. ...... - _..~~ -..... -- - - - ----......_..;....~~,".,. ~ E!:mJ .. -,...,.. ...--- -. -- --- ---- - -- - --.---- --- --- - ----------- --- ----~ ~.pril 12, ll'll'1 Item ð9 nESOLUTION ~3-5~ R~ PETITION AV-B3-2, DONALD S. , F,LIZABF.TH BABINSKI, REQUESTING VACATION OF THE INTERIOR SIX FOOT DRAINAGE ~ UTILITY EASE- MENTS ON LOTS 1-14, BLOCK 71, UNIT 2, PART 1, COLDEN GATE SUBDIVISION -I\DOPTED Leqll1 notic~ hllvino been published In the Naples t'ðlly '/eWI! on "'lIrch 1.7 Itnc1 April :! , l"InJ IU evic1encod hy MfidlJv1t of. l'ubl1catlon fllec1 with tho CIl'rk, pUhl1c hearing wn s "pen eei to con31r1or Po tit Ion ~V-O)-2 fll.r1 hy r.¢nolrl 5. , Elizabeth enbinski, r~quostinq vacation of. the Interi~r ~Ix f~ot ~r~ln~qe and utility p.~Sl'ment9 on ~t3 1-)4, Dlock 71, Unit ", ~ðrt 1, r.olrlen r.ate ~uhdlvislon ,nd recor1e~ in Plat 300k n, pa,o 11~, of the pUhlic r~cord5 of Cðll1~r County, Ploriða, so p.tit1oner may build ~cr~~9 ox1st1nq lot Iln~5. "oaring that no one was registered to speak, Commissioner Pistor Mov.d, aecond.d by Comminsioner Vosa and cðrr1ed 4/0, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Pistor moved, ..cond.d by Commi.sioner Voss and carried 4/0, that Resolut10n qJ-5~ re P.titlon AV-B)-2, Donald s. , Ellzab.th Rðblnski, request1ng vðcatlon of the interior six loot dra1na98 and utility easement on Lots 1-14, Rlock 71, Unit 2, Part 1, Go.\d.n Gate rubdivlslon be adopted. ba~~ (j~~ rACt~ Pitt) e " --- - - - -. - - -_. , ,....! . I,1 '/ '.~:«a 'lJ ,t~ ( \ .',;, . - - - 4 ....... . _~. . _. ___ _ 4 __ . _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. ... _ _ _ .._ -.. . . . . . '·I/,'.!,%, ~<.~".\;. .:l~~~';~ f. ':,':,t;.,~ '~'~_ ~., l . . -------------- -- -- -....- - ----- .--.- ---.-----..-------.--- ^prll 1'-, 19q3 It.. 110 RESOLUTION 83-57 Rt PETITION AV-B3-3, DAVID ~. JOHNSON, REQUESTING VACATION or THE SOUTHERLY EIGHT rEET or EXISTING TEN rOOT UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT or LOTS ~~ , 70, PIN~LAND ON THE TRAIL, _ ADOPT!D Legal notice havln'1 b..n published !n th. "'aples I"c'lily N.ws on li!l'Irch ').7 IInd April 1, lOq~ 38 r.v1r!enc"d by Mflc1l1vlt of Public...tion (!l.d with th~ ~lðrk, ~ubllc hoar!n~ w...s opened to consid.r petition AV-QJ-3, (11011 hy D...vld 1(. ,'T.:>hnl'lon, r~questlnq v.'!clltlon of the southerly clqht fe~t of the exlst1nq ton foot utility nnd dralnaq. ""'I~"'on t of Lots 1:1'1 " 70 of th,. Pl.H thoreof, Plnolan<1 on th. Tr ð 11 , recordl."d In Plat 1100 I( 1, Paqft "0, public recor.4s i) ( Colli or County, rloril1a, so pt! tit Ion 0 r ",/lY hullc1 up to flv" (eot fr.:>m ftxlstinCl lot Ilno. Respon11nq to r':>M~I~alon~r ristor, ~r. ~^vI1 Johnson, petltlon.r, expla1n~r! th/lt he h~. property hetween his two ewll'ltin~ huildlnqs ^nd h. wants t.:> hulld ð ~or~ltory f1c11lty f.:>r h1s omnlny~,.I'I. Commlsslon.r Plator mov.d, .,cond.d by Commlsslon.r Vo.. and carried 4/0, that the public hearing b. clos.d. Commls.loner Holland mov.d, ..conded by Com~iaslon.r PI.tor and carried 4/0, that Reaolution 83-S7 re P.tltlon AV-83-3, David ~. Johnson, r.qu.stlng vacation of the aoutherly eiqht teet of exl.tlng t.n foot utility and drainage ......nt of Lot. ~9 , 70 of the plat th.reof, Pln.land on the Trail, recorded In Plat Book 3, Page 60, public recorda of Coll1.r County, rlorlda, be adopted. bO~~ (,14- TA~t556 paq. 9 -..-..-- .'.............- ...- - - ."- - ..- ....-. ...- -,- ~-- .~-- ~-.- ~..- -- .-... ........ ...~. .- - - - -- - - _.. - -- -- ..--. _._. - - ..- _.- --- - ..- -- .--. - --. -- _.. .- - -...- ....- ~_. ^prll 1?, ll}~J Itell .11 RESOLUTION 83-58 R! PRTITION AV-ft2-99, CORAL RIDGt-COLLI!R PROPtRTI!S, INC. AND POWER CORPORATION, REQUESTING VACATION or WATER MANAGEMENT EASEMENT ON PARCELS ·M· AND .p., PELICAN BAY UNIT 2 - ADOPT!D Legal not1ce hðvinq been publi~hed in the N~ple8 ~aily News on ·~.rch 27 ðnri April 1, 19'11 liS evirlenced !,V Mfidllv1t of F'Ub.l1cat10n £11.1 with the Clerk, public h.arin~ waD op.ned to c~nsl~er petition ^V-P"-9~, filed by ~orðl Ri~ge-Colllor ~ropert1.a, Inc. and Power Corporation, requestinq vðc~tion of ð wlIter manaqem~nt e~som.nt on rarccls RM- an~ erR, rRllcnn p.~y Unit ?, ~o pAtitloncr May improve sitin~ of builctln1s. H.aring no one was registered to speak, Comm1saionor Holland moved, .econded by Commissioner Voss and carried 4/0, that the pUblic he.ring be cloo.d. Com~ia.ion'r Holland moved, ..cond.d by Comml.- sioner Piator and carried 4/0, that ".solutlon 83-58 ro Petition AV-82-99, Coral Rlrlq.-Coll ~r Properti.s, Inc. and Power Corporation, requesting vacation of a water managem.nt eas.ment on Parcels -M- and Rr-, Pelican Bay Unit 2, be ar!opted. b\J~< 074 r"~t'S5B - - "'-.- ...- ." ....4__ - -..- -.....~ _... '- -.... -,_. -- - ..-.. '-- - - .- .. . , " t- :.'. " --------.- _.-..-~ ----..--- ---.------- ------- --- -------- April 1', 19A3 Ite. 112 RESOLUTION 83-59 R! PETITION V-~3-3C, EMIH!R n!VELOPMENT, REQUESTING A VARIANCE PROM THE R~OUIRED PIVE POOT LANDSCAPE STRIP ABUTING AN ALLEY POR PROPERTY LOCATED AT ~gl S. COLLIER BOULEVARD ON MARCO ISLAND _ ADOPTED SUBJECT TO STIPULATION or WRITTEN ~CR!!MENT THAT D!VELOPER MAINTAIN THE BurrER Leg~l notice having heen published in the Naples Dally News on M..rch 27, 1C)1 ~ an" in the r~lIrco Jllland P.alJJ.e on March 31, 1~~1 as ovidenced by Aff1dðvlt~ of Public5tion filed with the Clerk, public h.orinq was opf'n"d to connldf'r rotit1on '!-Q3-1C, filpri hy P.mihor Developm.nt, r"~ue8t1n~ ~ varlllnce from the required five foot landscape ~trip ðbutin~ ~n ðll~y for property located ðt ~~1 s. ~olll.r ~ulevðrd on ~ðrco !slllnd. Cornmun1ty n.v.lopm~nt ~~m1niBtrator Vtrtll eKpllllned that the pet1tioner 18 r~~u~8tin~ thllt the llln"ncllpc ro~ulromontÐ between his parkinq lot IInd the ðl1~y h~ wðiv~d IInri thot h~ b~ nllowerl to place the landscape huftrr across th~ ~llfty ~d1l1cent to th~ rORiriential arellS. fie ti~ld thlR C'onslr'~r;Hlon h..,s hoen "'1I~e In th.. pilAt hy th,. Aoar~ and added that th~ o!ley i~ wirl~r than ø nornal alloy S~ thnr.. 1ft tho ability to put the lanr15Cðrln~ on the oth~r sirl~ of th~ all~y. Respon"lnq to Conrnl~~loner VORS, ~r. Vlrta SDlri t~ðt the huff"r woulrl h~ on th~ pUh¡lc r!'ht-o'-w~y 'n~ th~t, If t~~ rntltlon~r W~A ~~~n~bl~, · :J ti t' u l.n 1 0 n c ~ u 1 r! b t' M It d e t hat t h n pot I t 1 0 nor \"0 u I d :"'I" [ n t l! i nth e buH &r. Mr. H~rbQrt ~~v~qc, r'rresentin~ the not1tloner, on1rl that the p.titioner has no ohj~ction to maintalninq the buff.r. H. noted that the £Xecut1ve SumMary cat"" 3/"S/fI~, hc'ls lIn "'r1dr&:Jt'I of "~1 S. C:>.i.lhr Poulovard and that th& correct ~drlress Is r.~l s. Collier ~oulev"rd. RQspondinq to County ^ttorncy ~aunrlers, ~r. V!rtð t'la1d thðt the l.gal ~dv.rtis.m.nt was for lot anrt block and ~r. ~aundQrs said that the incorrect street numher would ~ðve no ~rf"ct sinc~ the lot ðnd block bO~~ G74 r.t:.t 560 rage 11 .. - ...- - .* .. . . - - ~ -. - -. '-. -- ... 074 FA:.iæ.t -... - - - - -- -- - - - ..-.. - -- - #_- -.- -'. ._~ ..... -- .-- -- - - - _. - ... ._. "'- - -- --- - ..- .-- - - ^pril D, ll)~~ were advertise-d. Commissioner Voss moveð, seconded by Commissioner Rollanð and carried 4/0, that the public hearing bo clo.ed. Commissioner Voss moved, .econdeð by Commiøsloner PIstor and carried 4/0, that Re.olutlon 83-59 re Petition V-S3-3C, Emlh~r Devølopmont, requesting a variance from the required rive root landøcape strip abuting ftn ftll.y for property located at ~61 s. Collier ~oulftvard on Marco ISland, be adopted subject to stipulation of written agreement between developer and County, approved by th" C~unty Attorney, th~t the developer woul~ maintain the butter. "MI~ .- _. .... ~._ 0.. ._.~ ..__ fæ) I!B3 &!II ------------ -.- _. -'- ^prll 12, 19'" .~- --......----..-..-------- - .---- -- ------- IU.. n 3 RESOLUTION 83-60 EXTENDING ONI YEAR PROVISIONAL USE PU-80-1C, Br.THEL A.M.!. CHURCH LOCATED ON TH! NORTH SIDE OF GOLDEN GAT! PARKWAY AND 1/2 BLOCK WEST OF 64TH STREET, s.w. - ADOPTED Community Development Administrator Virta explaine~ staff recom- m.ndfttion for 3pproval hy th~ ROðr~ of Zoning Appeals for ft one year ext.nalon of provisional use PU-~O-lC (or th~ Rethel ^.M.~. Church located on the north ~Id~ ~f \'oldcn (';~tQ Pðrkwny ftn~ 1/' hlock west of f;"th Street, f..I-:. lie :1a1d that the ordinance provl1es th<'.lt a provis- ional use has th~ life of one y~ar, if not ~xercl~nd, however, the Board of 7.onin~ ^µ~eðln can 1rant one ye~r extensions. nesponðlnq to Commiso1oner r1~t~r, who n~ta~ that one axtension hAn heen grantod for this p.tition, ~r. Vlrtn salrl thnt the Poar1 o( Zonlnq ^ppeals can grant ~ore than ~ne ~xtan~lon. Mr. Roger ~Im~ons. rp.pr~Rantl~~ th~ pctltloner, sðl~ that the reason for this r.qu.I'tt Is thllt the I'Irch1t~ct clrew plllns I'Ind specifications (or the ~hurch which Inclu1erl hrlck ðnd tho contractors recom~endorl chðn~e9 which woulrl save the church from ~1~,OOn to ~50,OOO and the extension woulrl Allow tl~a 'or th~ chðn~en to he ~ð1~ to the plans. Com~lssloner ristor mov.d, s.conded by Commissioner Voss and carried 4/0, that Resolution 93-~O extending one year provi.ional use, PU-80-lC, B.thel ^.M.E. Church located on the north side or Golden Gate Parkway and 1/2 block west or ~4th Stre.t, S.W., be aðopted. biJ~< cru· fACt' 5S4- paq. 13 .-----~-_...?_..._ 4 \:~, I .., '~:...t -- --- ---- -- ---- -- . - . --- -- ---- -- - - ---- -- --- -- - - - - - --....,¡ i, .- ". ~ _.._ ·.4 _ ---- ------ -- --- -.- --- ...---- -- - -- .------------ ---- ^prll 12, 1~~3 Ite. . 14 DEVELOPMENT or REGIONAL IMPACT PUBLIC HEARING ON JULY 12, 1983 0' PETITION DRI-A2-1C, (BER~SRIRE LA~!S) - APPROVED Plans Implement~tion Olrector Lnyne asked the Ao~rd to set ~ public hearinq for petition DRI-81-1C, ~erkshire Lakes ~nd arlded that øt.~e law roqulreø that the Po~rd set a pUhllc he~rln~ to bft advertised at lea.~ r,0 days in ndVDnce. Followl.... II discussion regarding the Board taking the month of June aa vacation, ~o~.JIsslon.r Pistor mov.d, seconded by Commissioner Rolland and curled 4/", that the Development of Regional Impact Public Rearinq tor Petition DRI-82-1C, (Berkahire Lakes) be set tor July 12, 1983. Itelll 115 ATTENDANCE OF PLANS IMPLEMENTATION DIRECTOR TO 7.0NIN~ CONFERP.NCE IN MADISON, WISCONSIN, M~Y l~ ^ND 13, 19A3 - APPROVEO Plans Imp!ementIlUQ/1 rlrlOc:tor 1,l)yn~ requnst'!r:! pl'r..,1ss1"n to attl)nd II %onin~ Conference in Mðdi~on, Wlaconsin "n ~~y l' an~ ]~, 1~P3 and ftald th~t thi~ c:on(.r~nc'! will hanrlle vllrious probl'!m8 helnq encounterod ln Collier County. ~he aal~ the c:ont will be ~~ol. Commiasloner Voss moved, s.conr:!.d by Commisslon.r Holland and carried 4/0, that the attendanco of the Plana Impl.mentation Director to the Zoninq Conterenc. In ~adison, Wisconsin, May 12 and 13, 1983, be approved in the .'1mount of $593. It.. 116 HOLI~Y OBSERVANCE SCHEDULE FOR THE NAPLES TRANSFER STATION or Ntw YEAR'S DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY, EASTER SUND~Y AND THANKSGIVING DAY _ APPROVED Public ~'ork8 Arlmlnl:!trðtor ",.,rtmlln oxplain('(1 thllt, h.for.. user teos were Ret, closin~ t~o transfer ntatlons on holid~ys AaYe~ money but, with user te.s, clo5inq on .'111 County holldnys costs more ~oney than stayinq op~n In terms of cloønlnq up the trash thøt accumulate. at &O~~ Cf74 fACi5B8 paq. 1<4 .- _. - ..... p... ..¥~ __ _ 4 _ ..._ .._ _.... ... ... _ --.-- - - - - - - -- -- - --- -- -- - -~ - - --- - - - --- - - - - - -- - - - -- -.. 'O~K 074 fACt5õ1 April 12, 1ge~ the transf.r station gates. He requested that the hOliday observance schedule for the Nnples Transf~r Station he N~w Year's D~y, Christmas, Easter ~unday and Thanksgiving Day. Rcspondlng to Commissioner Vos., Mr. Hartman .ðl~ that the Naples TranDf~r ~tatlon Is open s.ven days a week and the Marco Island ðnd the Immokalee Transfer Stations are open six day. a week. Commissioner Voss moved, second.d by Commissioner Pistor and carried 4/0, that the holiday observance schedule for the Naples Transfer Station of Now Year'. Dðy, Christmas Day, taster Sunday ðnd Thanksgivinq Day, b. approv'd. aem 117 RESOLUTION 83-~1 CLEARING TITL!!: TO LANDS POOR Tnr. EST^TE OP' WILLIAM F. LOCKWOOD - ADOPTED Puhllc Works ^rl~1n1~trator Hðrt~~n ~xplftinerl ð request from ~ local attorney that th~ County asnist hft anrl hlø client to clear title on a parcel of land off Rout~ ,~ by adoptlnq ð re~olutlon which has b.en approv.d by Assistant County ^ttorney Ken Cuyler. Commissioner Voss mov'd, second.d by Commissioner PIstor and carried 4/0, that R.aolution A3-~1 clearlnq title to lands in Section 7, Township 52 South, Ranqe 30 East, Collier County, Florida for the estate of William F. Lockwood, be adopted. rag. 15 - _. -.-...- - - --. ....- - - ~- -- .~_.. .- . " :~"~\~ - -- ....- -- _.. -...... -'- _..- -- -- -- - - - - ------........... I~~: '.'~ c:!:I Œ!) iIII --_'_,-_.._"..,_.",_.~",...,."" -------------~ - _... - -- -- --- ----- -'-- -- --- --------- f174. rAf.t'.$9 ^pr 11 1:', lClR ~ Item 118 REOUISTED BUDGET AMENDMENT RE COCOHATCREE CANAL WATER CONTROL STRUCTURE - APPROVED, WMAB TO REVIEW THE COCORATCHE! CANAL WATER CONTROL STRUC- TURE AND REPORT TO BCC, THE BIG CYPRESS BASIN BOARD TO BE AS~ED TO CONSIDER FUNDING THE ENTIRE PROJECT rublic ~~rkn ~~mlnistrDtor H~rtmðn refcrre~ to hls r.Y~cutive ~umm~ry r~vl.~~ 4/R/P1 req~rdinq the Cocohatch~e Canal Water Control Structure which, ln view o( th~ County'. budq~t situation, recommends to d.ter construction o! thl~ project for the current y.ar and to inv~atl~at~ wh~thr.r thø ~lq r.ypres~ Oðsln Ponrd woul~ he able to fund th~ entire rroj~ct. H~ n~i~ that the Corps per~lt ls currently undor conolderðtlon nncl, if th~ Poard hn~ ~eclded to wlthdr~w that permit, the tiMe for com~r.nt w~ulrl hnv~ ~nded thlo d~to. H~ aald he does not r.ComM~nd that the per~lt he withdrawn. Tape 'J Commia.loner Plstor moved, s.conded by Commissioner Holland and carried 4/0, that the r.quested budget a~.ndment re the Cocohatche. Canal Water Control Structure be approved, that the WMAB review the Cocohatch.. Conal Wot.r Control Structur. and report to the BCC, and, contingent upon the acc's di.po.it~on of the W~AB advice, the Big Cypr.ss Basin Board b. asked to consider funding the entire project and to advise the fiscal y.ar when such funding will be feasible and to conaider accepting transf.r of the D£R, COE and SFWMD per_ita to the Basin Board. ····RECESS: 10100 A.M. RECONVENED I lOllO A.M..... It.m U 9 SECRETARY II AND SECRETARY III POSITIONS IN AGRICULTURE OFFICI _ EXE"PT FROM HIRING 'REEZE Assistant County ~ana90r Smith explained the requeet to .xe~pt the hiring fr.eze for the V.'1Cftnt Secretary II and secretary III PO.itions in the ~riculture Ofticr. County ~ðnager Norman .ald the.. positions P.9. 1~ ~....,... ~ c::=:J ZBt .. ....,. .......- - ..-..... ~ - L!___ ___ _ ___ - . _. . +-. ~.- - - "-. ~- -- --- '-.- ...- -- - .- -_. ._.. - -- _. - - - - - ,-... April 12, ll)( ) are important to the continue~ operation of the ^~ricultur. Department and that they sorvo dlfførrnt portions of the ~~p~rt~ent. He s~ld they are budlJeted positions. Commissioner Voss moved, s.conded by Commissioner PI.tor and carried ~/o, that the S.cr.tary II and Secr.tary III position. in the Aqrlcultur. Ollice be ex.mpt from the hiring fr.eze. Item .20 p~nT-TIMr. CLr.RK II, INSUnANC~ SECTION - EXEMPT FROM HIRING rR~!Z! Assl~t~nt County ~an~q~r ~mlth expl~ln~d the request to ~xempt the hlrin'J !r"I!'7.11 for 1\ f1l\rt-tlro'ln Clnrk IT In t"~ Tn:JlIrr.nc:e <'"etton, whl~h prevlously wan ~ full-tl~e nonltl~n. Comml1110ner Voss movnd, second.d by Commløllonør Plstor and carrl.d 4/0, that the poftltlon of pðrt-tiN. Clerk II ln the Insurance ~ection be ,xe~pt from the hirinq freeze. Item .21 STAFF'S RtPonT ^ND PARKS AND RECREATION AOVISORY BOARD'S RF.COMM£NDA_ TIONS RE COLDEN GATE COMMUNITY PARK SITE - ACCEPTED ~TArr TO BEGIN PRIORITY NECOTI^TIONS ON SITES '9, '10, AND ,~ Puhllc :~"r'/irf!1I ,IId:"1ini 5trlltor r¡.,rton P.xnl<'Jlno<1 thllt thø rcnort r"q,Hr11n., t~H~ r.oldl'n \.l'Itl" (""~munity r,rk nlto ~f!'lIrr by the F'Oltr-1 I)n ]/~~/~3 wa~ referrerl to the Parkø ~n~ Pecro4tlon ~dvl~ory Ronrd and tho ~olðen ~atf!' r~rk~ ~uhro~m tto. for rnvl,...., IInrl hoth 1roupn ~qr"ed th~t ;,!tes IQ, '10 ·'rld ~(, should he c:onslc1ert'd 31~ultðn~o' !lly for neqotia- tions f;>r pUfch !H!. lilt rf'qu~sted tl'14t the "Iorth ~ðnl"~ r"rk site b. c;>nsJder.d n~xt (or rr~nentðtlon. Co~ls.ion.r Piator moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and clrried ~/O, that staff's report and the Parks and Recreation Adviaory Board'. recommendations re Colden Gate Community Park site be accepted and staff be directed to begin priority negotiations on Site. .9, .10, and '6. aü~< 074 rA~c' 570 PaQe 17 "--. .... -- ._~ . - -- ~.- -~-..-. ,/ " 'ï. -.-- ...,- -..-_____~!:Î '.;l;fi '~"v' :.;:~; . --~.... '.- - -. - - - - - - - -.- - -.. -." --- '-" -_. - ..- -- --. ..- --- -- -- -- ~.- --- --. -~ .... --- - - - -... - - - - ....- ~ 'aO~K 074 rA!.i 571 County M~naqer Norm~n sald that staff ~nd thn Parks and Recreation 1\prll 12, 19113 Advisory Board have taken the position that the County would prefer not to procoed with the sitos unless th. owners were willing to sell. It... 122 RECOMMENDED REVENUES AND EXPENSES FOR COLLIER COUNTY UTILITY RAT! REGULATION BOARD STAFFING AND SUPPORT 1\CTIVITIES - CONTINUED TO APRIL 19, 1983 Co~..lssioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland anð carried 3/1, with Commissioner Voss oPpos'd, that the discussion re recommended r.venues and expense. tor Colli.r County Uitllity Rate R.gulatlon Board staffing and support activlties be continued to April 19, 1983. ITEM .23 INTERIM ASSIGNMtNT or £NGIN~ERJNG DIRr.CTOR TO SPECIAL ARSI5TANT TO COUNTY MANAGER FOR UTILITY PROJr.CTS _ APPROVED County fo'lInIlQt'r ':or,.,.,n ~lIld thttt, hr.t:aust' of II larq. number of aiqnlflclInt activitios taking placo In the Utility Dlvislon and, becaus~ the Botlrrl has asslqne~ tht' County MlInðry~r the responsibility to Wor~ on thos~, there lø ð need for aðditlonlll staf( for Interim IIsslatance. H8 ~lIirl thllt h~ would hrlnq the hU~qPt amendment back to the Board for IIprroval. He ask~ð that the Enqln.oring Olrector be Assigned as Special ^~ølstðnt to him for ~ix Months to work on utl1ity issu... Com~18sloner f'istor sIIid ht' tholJC'lht thin recommondatlon Is poor orlJðnization. Ms. Chllrolott~ ¡"estmðn, representing the Leaqu. of Women Voter., øpokr. ah~ut thn structure of ~overnmp.nt ðn~ said th18 proposal, under the circumctance, is the best th~t can be rlon~ at this tl~e. MI. Mary Li~htburn, of tho League of Women Voters, said she thou9ht the Utility Division should be strengthened. IF Commissioner Voss 8nid he thouqht It would be ~ost d.slrebl. to have the Utility D!vision as ð lepnrate division hut that the Board - - - - -_. . - .-. - -- ..-. PIC¡. 1ft -'. - - -". - -- ...- -.-- . , .---... ...- -... ...- --.. - - -- - - - - - - - - ..... -. ~ r=J ~ --- '--_.,_.'_,,-,..,.,,~,;,,~,;,....,_. . -'. ---. ... ..- - -. - ..- - - -'.....- - - -- -... -- '"- - - --.- -- - .- - - -- - - - - -. ^r>rll ) 7., l~A:J should wait until tho mønngement audit Is complete beforG ~aking any changos. Commissioner Vo.. moved, .econded by Commia.ioner Rolland and carried 3/1, with Commio8ion.r PIstor opposed, that the interim a.signment of the Englneerlnq Director to Special Assistant to the County Manager for utility projects b. approved and that hudget amend- monts be prepared to provide for 8ame and the position de.criptions to be t.mporarily modifi.d to permit same. Item .24 APPROPRIATION 01' TilE UNANTICIPATED CARRY FORWARD IN I'UND 111 AS A TRANSFtR TO FUND 112 - APPROV~D, WORII:SHOP RE REVIFW OF AUDIT SET FOR APRIL U., I9R3 Ru1'let CoorrlIn"tor IInnry ifill cxpl.,Inerl tho follow-up r"port for thC' work donc "1/Hch '1'}, lr Q~ hy the r.cðr1 In that ".14(1,11(10 of the rt'C01!''IIendf'd cuts In tht' hU~"f't Wcrt! IIOprover1. Hl' sl'IlrI th;n tho BOl)rr1 dlr1 not ~CC~Pt thC' roco~mpnr1~t on In th~ "01'11 ~n~ ~rldq~ funrl of ð ':' 1 nr.. cnn hLJ¡ 'lt~t rl,duct Ivn. III' (1" 1<1 ~t., r f prOp""4!!R to ~,'ptllre !lOlI'e ðntlcl~~tPd ~xrQ~~ c~Dh c~rry-forwl'lr1 In ~noth~r Un ncorpor~terl ^r~a fund to trnnsfC'r In to provIde tne hud'lot blllllncing In thin current ye,H. fIe 5ðill thl'lt this d..>os not nl'rp8:'tarl~y nolv~ the problem ølncf' ther4f Is stJll " neC'd, Jf 'Hhcr rovr.nueø do n..>t IMprove, in providinn for tn. ~xppn~~ r~ductlon~ in the fOllowln~ YQ~r. Mr. I/ill roferrl'1 to' th.. F.')(~("utivft f,umm..,ry rlated 4/1/./1"1 which Inc¡u1es ~ lInt af nine tc~s w~i("h exprcss stðff's concern about the C.neral rund ~nd It~ capðbIllty noinry into tho next burl~øt year ðnrl ð~ded that th~r~ ~r. Son- rlecro~ses In potl'ntl~l rovenuos the most lmport.'1nt of which I~ ð ~ownw~r~ trond in th~ cl'Ish ~ðlðncft from 5.~ millIon dollðrs ~5 ~f 1~3t ycnr to ~.) Millloo rlollðra ~s ~h~ audited fJqure 10In1 into this yoar. µe ref~rrQd to the Fisc~l nfficer's report which rleðln with tho ~ubject in IJr~AtP.r ~etðil. II. rof.erred to ao~< 074 rA~t·S72. Page 19 ." ,-- . .. .'.. -". -.. .. - .-. . ,- .-- . .--...--- -----..... ---- -----_ _ _h_ _ _ __ __ _ ____ _ .._ _ _ __._ _ _ _ _ __ .._________ ffU. fACtS"/3 ^pr il 1'-, ] 9PJ the Items which include th~ n.ed for addition~l expendituros for the ~ultice Center n~xt year of ov~r 1 million rlollørs and the fact that there will bft $Ron,Ooo lean ln potontinl transfers bec~uso of the use of 80me one tim~ c~nitðl mon~y lnøt yp.ar and somo ~ðditionøl items dealing with tho ~illðqo cap. He said staff recomm@nds to use the increas@ in cash carry forw~rd in the Unincorrorøted ^r~ø ~eneral Fund to provið. the budqet bðlnnce in the Unincorporate~ Area Road and Ðr idCJe f'unri. Co~ml£sion~~ Voss ~~ld that nearly ~ ml1l1on ~ollðrn have heen tðken out of the County'~ r~s~rve leðvinn only' mlll10n dollars ðn~ thðt qlvrn no fund for cðnltðl IMprovement" nnri no baals for an 4!'morlJl"nc-y fund whrn ð hurr ICAne MollY occur. He :'Iu'10estcd th~t the ðuditor be ð8~ed to COM~ h~f~rp t~. ~o^r~ t~ dlGcus~ the audit h~ has prepllred In it workRhop. Comml~r.lon(!r 8rown Bllid the Poðrd hltct trimmed bAC~ the budqet "nd he thoU'1ht hlld don.. ðn ~xcell~nt jOb of handling the fiscal a(falrß of the County. County Manaoer ~orMðn snld that tho operatino budgets have b.en balanced by trðnsferrlnC' MOnp.y froM reserv.. lnto the operating activity of th.. County. np.spondln? to COlllmissloner Ilolland, Fiscal Offlc.r GII.s said there were no depllrtlll.nts currently running over bud9~t. Mr. ~ormnn sair1 It Is necossary to transfer IIIon@y because the r.v~nues are down. ~r. Clles reterr@d to his r~port and .aid that in 19A1 ðn~ lQR7 eX~nditur..s exce~de~ revenu.~ and thr. bud~~t was balðnced but th@ plann@d ,xpenditures for the hu~q.t was balanced to revenues plus c~Bh nval1able whøn the YOðr b@~inR. Mr. H1.&1 sald that the tH'IIi,Ono 18 in the IInlncorporateð Road and Bridge Fund whlch Is ø~t up to provide unlncorpor~te~ ar.a tax support to the County's road an~ bridge activlti.s for the servic.. that the unincorporated ,r.ft receives. He sðid that the r'rort the Board was paqe 20 .-- .~.. -- .. .- ..-. -- -.-.. -~'. "- '- ..- - -- -- - .--- .......... -.- ....- - - - - - - -- -...-....... ~,.!{~v. ~~ r:r:::J EmIl ~ l_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _"_ ___ __ _ April 12, 19R 3 _... 0-. .~_"_ __ ___ _ __ _ __ ._ _ _ ..._ __ _ __ _. __ _ _ _ _ _ ..._ _ _ _ _ " tho sale. tðx docreaso in the current yoar. ".sPon~lnq to Commissioner Holland, Mr. ell.s sal~ h~ concurr~d with tho tronrlB thl'lt hðve been provided for th~ March ?'9, 19A3 moetinq showed that the loss In revenue. In that fund woro ostlmateð ~t npproxlmntoly S?OO,OOO due to forocast for the slIle. tax this y.ar. fl. sairl thtJt lnntructlons were rec.ivød from the nepartncnt of P.venuo last Novemher to r~vlne dOlo'nwarri thn CountY'!1 saIl's tax osttmatf' lInr! It appearD thllt the rovlø~d ~Itlm~te is on ¿ine. Tape t4 C~nml~ftioner PI~tor tJRked if the carryover Is ll1r~ely used by th~ County for ~peratl~n from Octobor 1 to ~c~mber l~ whon new taxes start comin1 In IInd ~r. r.il~~ s1Iic1 that th~ c~rrY-ov~r hils provided 80me liquidity at the h~Qlnn1nry of the y,.lIr betore the taxe~ Com~ in IIn~ ~lno provld~d cxtr~ fun~lnn for ~P~"~ln~. nenpon~ln~ to Commlasionor Pistor, r>'r. C1l",!! ~11d If thr. trenrJ C'ontinul."s like in 19QJ-111, whorf' oxp~ndltur~ß l'XCl'pd,.rl r~v"nu"5 by ~1~5~ to '.~ million ~ollllrR, the resorve cou~d be wi rod out I)nr! the reserve rJhoulrl not be the baro nlnlmum h"C'"use " !HlUlclcnt ð'nount 1s neorl..,,1 t.o rllY hill!'! anrl provicie tho n"Cellsllry ¡ l'luidl ty In th~ month" ho(ore thl' t1lxes Cono In. CIl.'r~ r.1?,'':1''" '\111·' h~ thouC'Jht H,. puhllc nhould ~H' rlfP"1 ndC'C' that one of th~ rC~~Qn~ COlli~r County 1~ In ~ tJryht c~sh situntlon 1. bt'cauøe the millð<J"s h"vc h..,.n kept '.own find the ref'ierVCft have boen USftd hy choicf'. lie s.,iri othcr Countic,. hav~ qonl! to the m"ximum and then placerl a cnp ~nrl then ware ~iv,.n the ¡cq~l cnp ~n~ th~y were ðt ~ level wtu~re thoy couH stlU char'1Q th., M<'Ixlmum hut Colllor County was not at th,n l.,v,.l. '!e nðld he thou1ht !t 1.Ias IS <Jool1 Hoa for the ðul11tor to ~"et with the Ooard ~nd d13cu~s (In~nclal mana1Ðmt'nt. He laid th~t ho thou~ht ~J 1 1I~encl~s, whethcr they ~onÐ und.r th. ACC by juriSdiction or hy fundin,?, Bhoul~ b~ involved In th~ bUdget probl.m. BJ:~ [/"14- rA~f 574- Pðq e 21 - ... - --* --, - - - ..-- - - -. -- - ,-- -- . .... _.. _.. - _. - ~-- -- -- - .-- .-.,. -,,-.-. -- "- - --------- --- - _. -- -~ ao~K 074 rAr.t 57S April D, 1983 Commlsslon.r Voøs mov.d, seconded by Commi.sloner Pistor and carried 4/0, that the appropriation of the unanticipated carry forward In Fund 111 a. a transf.r to Fund l12 be approved. By consensus, ð workshop r~ review o( thp. au~it W!s set for April 2~, 1903 at }130 r.~. Item 125 COMPETITIV! SELECTION rnocr.SS - AUTHORIZED rOR tNGAGING A CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM MANAGER fOR NORTH NAPLES ~rWER ARE^ -A- EXPANSION PROJECT, SELECTION COMMITTr.E APPOINTED. County ~ðnan~r N~rman 8~id thðt, ð9 th~ ~oðrd pr~viou8ly directe~, staff hna h~pn wor~ln~ with th~ pro1ect mnnð~nrn on the North N~pies l'Ie"'"ør project!:, however, the Wor ( s~oulrJ Inclur !' rc~lr1ent en'71necrin'J on th~ proit'ct /In"', /lccorr1ln/1 t~ the County "ttorney, thr County will have to follow th~ Comp~tltlve N~qotlatlonR Act In l'Ielectlng the firm who 10'111 do the work. fie reoferreci to th,. F'xecutlve ~tJmm...ry l1ated ~/7/8J which includes a rvcOM~cnr1'tlon to appoint II Selectlon Commit- tee, that thrr" !lrM~ he rccomm~nde~ tor fln"l seiectlon and that the individuals serving on the committ@e provide th~ Bo"rd with Information as to Vhy the (Irm8 nhoull1 be cho8on. Commi.sioner Vo.. moved, .econd.d by Commis.ioner Pistol' and carried 4/0, that the comp.tltlve ..l.ction process be authorized tor engaging a Construction Program Manag.r for the North Naple. Sewer Are. ·A· expansion proj.ct and a Selection Committe. b. appointed of one Co~I.Dioner, the County Manager and the County Attorney, with the Purchasing Dlr.ctor and the Utilities Administrator s.rvlng in an advisory capacity to dev~lop a short list of thr.e firms for BCC reco..endation. It.. .26 AGREEMENT WITH DELTONA UTILITIES TO PROVIDE SEWAGE TREAtMENT SERVICES TO HIDEAWAY BEACH - APPROVED Utlllti.s ^d~lnIßtrator Serzon explained that the aqre.ment with - - - - - -- -- - "'.- -_. - paq. 22 >-.....,".....~- ~~t -.. c::::J eme . -. .. --- 1'" .......~..._, - '- ~-... -"~ .- - - - - - - - - - '- - - - - '- --- - - - ,- '- - -- - - -- - -- --- - - - - -- - - - - - - --~ -"--"""~"~_.,,,,,~.,-,.,-,,, April 12, lnlD Deltona Utilities to provide .ew~g. treatment service. to Hidoaway Beach has h~en conclu~~d and tho prohlems have b~cn resolved. ComMilsioner Holland moved, .econded hy Commissioner PIstor and carried 4/0, that the .qr..m.nt with Deltona Utilitiel to provide sewag. treatm.nt service. to Hld.away B.ach be approved. NOTEr Documont not rec.ived in Clork'ø offic. as of 4/20/83. Itlll . 27 HEARINC ON HENDERSON CR!!~ WEIR - SCH!DUL~D FOR APRIL 2~, 1983 County Attorn~y Saundcr5 ~ðid the ~o~rd continued thls item for ~c rlaya wh~n thin It~m ~ð~ l~~t con~ldero~ I'Ind thðt, hpc~uso of 1'1 ~chedul1n~ prohle~, he ~gkorl that thp. h"^r1n~ ~n the ~r.nderson Creek ·.4elr he schcrlule~ (.n ^nrll ;",1;, ]I'\n1. lip 9,)1(\ t~..t the I"l'Ic1fic LCt'Jal P'ounc1ati~n has c~nclJrred In th..,t rl..,t~. Commissioner Voss moved, ß.conded by Commissioner Holland and carried 4/0, that the h.arlnq on the II.nderson Cr.ek w.ir be scheduled for April 2';, lq~3. Item '2~ ROUTINE BILLS - APPROVf:D rOR PAYMP.NT rur~u"'nt to n~501utl~n PI-]SO the fOllawln~ chock5 were i3suec1 thrðU<1h ".prl1 ø 11'1'), 1n I"lIy"'rnt of routine "lllsl rH£C~ ~r.~CprrTInN Cllf.CR ~,)!ì. ^'I!r'\tJ"'T Vouchor Checks !)..,')~] - o"P.l? '"l,:'lin,lIJ.(\l ~equlðr P~yroll Ch~ck9 r- '07<', - r.::!r. 041 ~ '21\,J21.77 Items '29 throuqh .33 BUDCET AMENDMENTS 83-4lA THROUCH e3-4'-~ - ADOPTF.D AS DESCRIBED IN THE AMOUNTS SHOWN Commisslon.r Pi.tor moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried 4/0, that the fOllowing Budget 'mendment. be adopted a. described in the ~mounts shown I &0'< 0'74 rA~t'578 1'''90 23 ~ .-....-.. .--.... -. '-- -.-..-..----------- ------- --- ------ - - - - --- --- - -- - - -- ---------- ,o~~ G14- fAr,¡ 571 Budget Amendm~nt 83-418. Budget Am~ndm.nt A3-419. Budget Amendment 83-4'-0, Budget ~m.ndmont A3-4'1: Budget Amendment PJ-~": It.~. '34 and 'J~ ^rr II 1'-, 1 Q P , to pr~vldo fundø necessary to ø.n~ flr~rl~hter tr~lnee to fire colloQ. In Ocaið for cortlflcatlon r~qulred hy the f.tllt" (rchoro~ Fir,. Oint. Sec.) In the aMôunt of t.l,r-70. tô l~plempnt hurl~r.t r~~uctlon en~cte~ by the p.r.c- on :1/'t)/AJ (r,cnerlll) in the ðmount of t3,5n~. tô lmpl~m.nt hU~oet rcrlu~tlon enacted by the ~C(" on 3/'Q/R3 (t~lncorp. County Þ.rt':lJ - Mr,T r.enf'rðl) in the amount of ~ln,OOn. to Inpl~~"nt hU~ort rn~uctlon enacted by the I'CC' on 1/,f1/P1 (I'nlncorp. County Art!'ð - "'~T Î.~n~rlll \ In thr ðm()Unt of ~',""'In. to rrovlrlu tun~" In the rln~nclnl Connultant ~r.count lor invoices thllt ~~r~ lJpprovrrl ~y tho ~ollrrl for Regional Wlltf'r Aysto~ hon~ tJnnn~ln~ (r.ounty Wntt!'r funply J'I ~ r In th.. amount of ":J:',"f'I('. BUDC~T AM!NDMEHTS ~1-4'J ANO Rl-~'4 - ^DOPT~O A~ D£SCRIBEn IN THE AMOUNTS SHO~'N Comml..lon.r PI.tor moved, .,conded by Co~mi..ion.r Voss and carried 4/0, that the following Budg.t ~endments be adopted .s described In the amounts shownl BUdget Am.ndment 83-4'3: Budget Am~ndment 81-4,ß, .. - -- -- _.. - - -- ~ ~ .. . _.J-- .. ----.-.-. tö provi~. ð~rlltlonlJl fundø In the Legal FeeD account for leqal servic.. in connection with the Watnr Tr~at~.nt Plant Lanrl Acqulsltlon court case (County Wat.r RuPply p , r. Fund) In the amount of ~50,OOO. to pr~virle fun~" In Transcrlpt r.Oft account tnr dopo.ltlon nxpense. r.ftultln9 from ~~ter Treatmont Plant Land Acquisition court ca.o (County "'att"r !=iUPply r , r. rUn"') In the amount of tl,,,no. page 24 ~ ........, 1!8 ~"""- ,--...~.". ",.,,,~. -'-~"'.'~""~.""~" -----------------~----------------------~~ ^r>r1l 12, 19R~ . I \,.. :.~','? It... 136 through t~3 8UDO!T AH~NDMtNT8 83-425 THROUGH 83-~SO - ADOPTED AS DESCRIBED IN TH! AMOUNTS SHOWN ') ! , Co~ml..loner Pi.tor moveð, .econded by Commis.loner Vo.. and carried 4/0, that the following Budget Amendments b. adopted to transfer funds to r.fl.ct usages of internal s.rvlces by fund through 9/30/82, per analysi., ln the a~ounta shown: I).,... 'If}. f'I''f'I f')-"':.'5 1I.'1-II'r. '1'-11:'7 Q.'1-",,, ~ ~- i!?Q Ill-II'" Ø,1-1.)1 n1-0117 /1 )-i! 11 R~-"'14 "1-4)'i 8'-""r, "1-417 R 3-" "" Ø:!_1I1~ ~1-If.O ")--141 Q 1-.11'1:' <)1_11"1 ":1-"'~1I ql-I!I c. "'-I!/I( (1)-4117 qJ-I!IIP ""-"111'1 ")-I <:~ C"n.ral noarl ,'nc1 (\r 1,.,'1" ~ðt.r ~CT - Operating 1~lncorp. Cnty Arft~ - ~AT Cftn. IJnJncorp. Cnty "relt - C"mll"t. ~ev. CrT^ ("oMm. Oev. Aloc\( r.rllnt ("olJnty ^'lln" r>roqr.,'!'I r.old~n r.~te ("omm. Cent~r ~olrl.n r.nt~ Fir" Control Tsle "f Cð~rl Pirn Control 0chop~~ PJ r,. Justlc~ ("~nter Ponrls "o~r! ('"on~t. c. , ~ C~nt r.33 T~x L't lilt Ie" Adm In. ("ounty '......tltr r."rvlcf!' ~f!'w.r :'orvico ^r~ð .~. ~~orll~nr! ~~t"r ~Jntrlct ("~prl ~...t~r :'orvl~o ~ul1r!ln, v~lnt~n"'nr.n rl~p.t ~~n~~em~nt "1::0 r~ rr o<:'C' " !I I n., COMMunlc~tlon~ :'nrvlc"s 11.. 1 1 c.') J1 t. (H r.p., r n t 10n!\ C~ntr~l 5tor~s ~nrl X~rox "'1 ~JIo: :""lIn.:l'1"","nt &O~K C74- rA~t'57B - - - -- - -- - - "- . -- . - --. -- ..~- .- _.... - "'- - .- -- -- - - -. . , """nll~T ':2"R,",n ~ 7t:,,~~n ~ ',!'I7') ~ :194 ~ 31,1 H ~ Q,J~7 ~ 7r.1 ~ 1(1"n,; {> 1, 14 C; ~ 3,nl)lI ~ Jq~ <; 1 ,C'\n~ ~ 1,07r, ~ 1,°17 ~ 3,01t; ~ 7,-;14 ,.. ",o;~n ": ,", ~ 1,"27 ~1"1I,477 ~ ',"IJ7 <; ,)/'I,n..r. ~ '7f),ø,., ,.. C;~,71O; {> :':',"IQ7 "~ql,7nn paq. ?5 _."-,,.,...,-~.._~-~~."~'"-""'- ----- --- ...-- ---- -- - - - - - --- - - - - _. - - - -- ---. - - - - --- Apr 11 1:', 11)~' Itelft 'ti4 R~YMOND R. LINK AND CHARLES COURnJEY nr.APPOINTF.D TO E^C rOR rOUR-YEAR TERMS HAVING AN EXPIRATION DATE or DECEMBER 31, 19861 DCRIE KARL APPOINTED TO lAC TO rULFILL UNEXPIRED TERM OF PRANK P.DWARDS WITH EXPIRATION DATE or DECEMBER 31, 1984 As recoMm.ndo~ by A~mlnlltrðtivo Aldo to th~ Roard r.p~uldlnq, Comlfti..Soner Plator mov.d, seconded by Commisioner Voss and carried j 4/0, that Raymond R. Link and Charles Courtney b. reappointed to the EAC for four-year termo having an expiration date of December 31, 1986 and that Dorie Karl b. appointed to fulfill the unexpired term of Frank r.dwards with the expiration date ot Dec.mber 31, 1984. Item .tiS DISCUSSION RF. W£r.KLY MEETING or CAPC COUNTY MANAGER TO REOUERT lAC AND WMA8 TO MEET AS nUSIN!SR nF.OUIRr.S Community revelon~~nt ~lr~ctor Vlrt~ snlrl th~t th~ CAPC has a rtt~ular meetln1 sch('dule of tho first I'Ind thlrc1 Thurs111Ys of the month It thertt la ~usln~s to ~on~uct ~nrl, l' ther~ 11 no bustne"s to ~iscu~s, the C.ArC :1 )ca not ~"f!t. I'~ "aid th~t the CAP(, 'IIO~b.r5 ~lllo lIerVf! an members of the c~r^ ~n~ ovpn whnn the ('ArC does not M~pt the CCP^ mefOtn. Iro ~)(pl,'Jn~r1 wh'tn there I" work of It n~jor nllture, !1uch aft the comprf!honslvc rcvJ9~n or th~ ~onln1 nrrilnl'lnce that took plðC., over a yoar, thp rlonnln1 ^~~ncy net on ~ w&okly hðS1s In work~hop until they hðd procP~ùed t~r~u,h the ontlre ordinance. n~np~nrltn~ to Commls.10n~r "rown, ~r. ':lrt" r...,id thcr., would no,)t he.> olJninftss enouIlh to r.quire th~ c^rc to I"If'P.t "vOJry 7hru~dðY. Tape '5 ~ r1lscuA~1on f~l¡ð~~rl r~~~r~ln, th~ ron~lhlllty of th~ W~^n m.eting .vury ·"'~ck. Y,r. ll'Irt..",n Introduce" "'r. John "ol~t, the "".ter "'.1nl'l~e",ent nirector who hl'l~ 11')1n"rl 3':~ft. Mr. "artmltn ~"'id he was not .- -- ..,-~ ~- ..... -~ - - ... - aware of I'Iny prohle~s with p~tltlona resultln" (rom the W~A~ m.otlnq once... "Ionth. ·.fr. '!ormlln Wi'll' .'91(,.<1 tn rt'~uolSt the r^c tn(! the WM"B to 8íJ'.< 074 rA~c'B18 paq. 21i ......"--,..,~""...,,-- aOOK 074 rACc' 617 ----------...- ------ --. --- -------- -------,-- --. April D, lq~-:t ~eet .. buslnoø. requiro.. ····Th. tollowinq Items were approved and/or adopted under the Consent Agenda by motion ot Comml.sioner Pistor, seconded by Commissioner VORS ðnð carried 4/0.... Item I ~fi Resolution A~-~' re Petition SNR-83-'--C, Community Development Divl.lon reque.tin9 street name approval for Markley Avenue located In ßec. 31, T49S, R27£ and Sec. 30, T49S, R'7~ r.u I'ðq,. 621 Item '1;7 Status re ort on the Collier Count rlooð r.levation Stud Item .';A Elimination of vacant transfer station supervisor position, nev position of Solid Waste Coordinator .stablished at a lower pay qrade and exempt from hirlno lroeze Item ,6Q Final Acc'Ptance of noc~ Ciega Village Subdivision It.m PO Acceptance of wat~r facilities, W.stvl.w Plaza SUbdivi8ion, Bill of Sale and Quit Claim o.eð - Authorized ~,.~ Pages 622 - 631 The following ~ocuments W~r" recelveð and/or recor~.ð with th~ Clerl('ft o(flc:el A. Ooed (or th,· wl'tl"r fnC 11Ues B. Results of pressure testing the water lines C. Hacterlolo~lcl'Il cle~rnncl" (rom the ~ER ~. Lab r.sult~ on bnctorioloqical tests r.. Pill of Rðh F. Two A((idavits of No Llenø C. Aftldftvit concr.rnino contributions In-aid of construction H. Up to date list of r.ustomers and/or owners of individual lots I. Letter (rom the Pnryineer certifying that I'Ill water facl1Itl.. have been con.tructe~ within the public right-of-way or ðedlcatp.d raSftmonts J. Contrftctual r.uftrantøe for material and workmanshlp for ft perloc' of one (1) y~ar "Ct.r acc.ptanc~ by the Roarc1 of County ~OmmlRsloners ,~. Letter from th~ fire r,lstrict regðrding ownership and malnt~nanc. of the firo hydrants L. Copy ot th~ rocorrled plat Pa9. 2"1 - - - - - - - -- -.. - -- .. - -- ...- .- -~ _.- - -- -... - -- - - -- - - - _. - - - - - - - - -- "'-. emD·· , .i"~"Y"'·' i' . .." C!II ~\""j' ~ .... ........ ..-., ~.. .- '. '_".,--""",~_.""..,.....,,,- (' I . 1_________________________________________ ^pr 11 l' , )1) R J ~. 00& (1) a.t of ~8-huilt rlrðwlnIJ8 signe~ ~nd Ð~al~d by tho F.ngin~er or P@cord Item 171 R.port on action. by U.S. E.r.A. to deny .ewage etfluent discharge ermlt for North Na le. Sewer Area W^W treatment lInt Ite", 172 Chairman authorized to .ign Certificates tor Correction to the Tax Roll. aa presented by Prop.rty Appraiser T^~I~!rLr PEP~O~^t pnOørnTY "UMfH:n V~AR ) C)~,,-,q4-'O" '1'" - '/:11/0' Item "3 Duplicate tax aal. c.rtftfcðtea Numbers 3344, ~270, 1~3 and 4~12 to V. R. Palmer ia.u.d due to lofts S~O r~~~s 632 - 615 Itcm 174 Lake Tr.tford Cemetery Doerls Numbers 107 and 341 for .x~cutlon by the Chairman ~nd Clerk Item '75 :'U". ~~~~~ 636 - 637 .WN!'.: ) n¡q D~Ct.APED AR RCC VACATION "'OHTfI Commiøaloner Voss moved, s.conded by Commi..ion.r PIstor and carrl.d 4/0, that th~ Month or June, lqRJ b. d&clarerl a. BCC v~catlon month. Item '7¡; MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCr. - FILr.O AND/OR REFERRED There h~ln~ no obj~ct10n, the Îh~lr rlirectcd the fo¡lowln~ corr·~r~n~~nc~ he filed ðn~/or r",fcrr~d to the v~rlous departMent. ~s Indlcateef: I. Pu~l1c ·~ot1C'., r"c~lv('d '1'-1/"1 from f:leJ'ðrtment ot Army on Col¡for r.~unty Pcr. r4r~it ~~~licl'ltjon No. "3F-04Q1 tor the Cocohl1tchee \",.ir. xc Mr. Norm,," anrl Mr. Itartm"n. 'iled. ,. Letter date~ )/)~/P) from Shell" ~. P.la.nm~n, ~arketin9 bvJ~ 074 r"~t 618 rage ,It .. - - -.- -- - .." - -- -. -.- ~.-.- .-+.- -- -~. ..-. -- .- - - - -- - - ...-. - - - - - - -- - -- - -- ....... .,,,..,".,,",-,.,..,~.,,.,,",,,,-- --------._--_.~- - ~OOK 074- rA~t'f9 ^prI1 12, Jq it'? "- - -- --.- ----------------------- Coordinator, DOn Inteornationðl, ro th.fr Project Manð~.ment ConSultAnt S~rvIcos. xc Mr. Norm~n. Fllod. 3. Copy of tho Health L~~l'IrtM.nt rlnanci~l Rcport hy Pro~r~m, F~hruory, J~"~. xc ~r. Plll. riled. ~. Copy of letter dðtc~ 1/?4/R1 from Y~vin Stonehurner to ~ary ~r~ry~, Tru~t Officer, FJrst N~tlonðl ~~nk , Trust ~o. ln~f- cntin~ it 18 not in thelr h~st lntorests to grant the raniels noa" r~orth f'IISOmcnt to Collicr County pluß lJ copy of A/JØ/P" lott~r fro~ c.oorqo ^rchlbal", Transportation 0lrector, to I'IiHy Rra-11, re th(~ 4!'"semcnt And II copy of II Ouft-~laim Deec4 for rðrecl 1, ~tonehurner Trust ~5J4~. xc ~r. Wormnn an~ ~r. Hl'lrtmðn. FII~(I. 5. ~emorlln"u", d1lt,," '/'~/Q1 from ,'ohn 1'. 'T'homð8, Executive nlr~ctor, ~t"tn ^ß~n. of County romml~slon4!'rR of Florldð, OxOllllnln1 ~~~ t~x rcfun~ rro~raM and proc~"'ur~8 to r~ceIvr r~fund for rlolll'lrR Rnent on motor ~uel usr~ In ~ounty v~hlcl~r. xr ~r. Norm~n. Flier!. ~. Copy of R1IncOhlo Natlonlll R...nk ftmendmrnt to Letter of Crr~lt No. C"-<;],,- for nt/lit Cnrc.::>rðUon r1l1tf'~ 1/r/~1. nrlqinlll to kilter M"nð'1ement Ofo ")t. Filed. 7. [,<!t.terr. of protf'!!t rf' "'''reo hlnn~ IYtllltlr.!I proposer4 w/ltpr /lnd sew~r rðt~s from the followlnql Ro~~r Pornh3r~t ~r. /lnd ~rß. r.. Poles 1'4r. and "r9. r.. Culn~u,.,h "'rfl. C. /'IcLnod. "'r. IInrl "'r~. A. \Ion ~t('lnnor "'rs. 1". 11'.,.10 "'r. ðnd "'rfl. I./)rry Col.1!' Hd. of rlrcctor~ of VIII,. rl,. "''''reo Conc1o ~ssoc. Copy of :1/:'>3/"1 h·tter to ~"'rco Il1ðnc1 UtIlitIes fro," "'r. IJInc1 Mrs. ft. yon ~t"lnn~r. X~'8 ,,"osftrs. Norm/ln, Perzon nn~ !::ðundeorl'l. P. ~ttp.r rllltP.rl 1/,n/P1 fro~ Prueeo ... F/lllert, r~~~utlve Director, Southwest Florlda /'Ieontlll He~lth ~ollr~, Inc., trftnsmlttInq a copy of the ~ðrd'ß Annual Report for ry 19"J-r? Fliorl. ~. ropy of Î.ontr...ctor'ø Llcennln,., eoar~ ~lnuteft of "'ftrch 15, 19P1 ,".etlnq. rilf'rl. Jr. Lotter dðt~rl 1/~4/P:l frnm r. r. RlOodworth protestina paymrnt o( Inter~st chðrqe on sewor IIss.s.~ent bill, anrl requesting "'8~lst~ncc in resolvlnq thr ~lItter. xc /'Ir. Le~erq.rb.r. riled. 11. CAPY of ~/~</8~ lett.r from M~rvin Collins, ~r.", encloøin~ Intent to Issu. II pt'rmit (File "-'0. l103~qlOq) to Collier County nee to ~redge Wiqgins Pas.. xc "'r. Norman. Filed. 12. Copy of DIxIe County ACC resolutlon rftceived 3/3~/P.~ opposing any ðction to clos~ ^. ~. Holley ~tate ~~.pftal. Filed. paq. 29 - - - - - - -... -. ._-- .. ... - ..- -- . - -- - - - -- .- -- - - -- .- - - -.- - - -- - - - - - - - - - -...... ~... ~ ~ ~ em _"_"'_"-Vµ",,,,.~"_.,.... .. ~~~j':~iJ fI-·',' " Ei3 ---------------------------- ------------- "pr1l 1', 1"~' . . . Th.ro b.ing no furthor hllsln~ss to c.:lm~ heforn tho ~o"'rrt of ("..ounty Commissioners, thn m~otln~ was ^"1ournort hy .:Irdor of the r.h~ir at lla3n A.M. ~nM!"I t')F' Ci.ltr.'ITY ~n~MT55IO~1F.RSI ßOARO or 7.0NING AN'r.M.~/r.x OrF't~In r.OVFRNING RO^RO(;,) OF ;:prCtM. 1'I~TRICT!t 'J"!!"IER IT;' CONTnnL -----.- ¿~ 1: ~~~î~~~~I(i~h:N~ ATT£!:T, ~ILLI^M J. Rr.ACAN, ~Lr.RV, .. ..... :~: ~Àf''' Je.:;. ¿?'c Tho.. Mlnutes ~pprov~d by thp n~c ~n ~.../¿; /", J .]s pro.ent.d v or .1" corrected &íJ~.~ 074- rAte' 620 P"q. 30 - - - - -~ - - -- -- - ...- .- _~ ~h" _ '.. ~ , -... --- - - -- _. - ._- - --------...........