BCC Minutes 04/19/1983 R ')i~~':: ,~ :. <~4~., " \ ,. ¥~,;;.. 1...0 ..L~ ...--...1 4 ,'(' \ l~ t"~\~;Þ~~¿~" "~"'''~I:·' Naple., rlor!d~,'~pri1 " .:'~,. , 19, \983 '."¡",,, ,I . If' tI't ~ ,,,; ':' , .,;\.: i', ~. 1'11' ".~'. " ," ; '(;.f:/:L.', , '. . , i". LET IT BE REMEMBEREO, that the Board of County Commissioner. in f J',~ .'\' .. ~~,;~;)' I :::.::: ::: ::u::: ::v:::::;r~o:;:c::·:r·::~:9.;:o::: ;;::: ::.':: ::Y'I!~}1~~ been created according to lav and havin9 conducted budn... her.in, .et' ,;,~~~~'f, 4.1~ I on thh date at '.00 A.M. in Regular 8e..ion in Buildin9 .,- of th.':~'..:,.J' '~,i~~ ',; Courthouu Complex, East Naples, rlor ida, vi th the follovin9 membeu Wri\ ' ~r ',A;l, puunt. . '.,. .i~ ' V' 4..~>t láf~,f ,."" t",'i·.t.-:l " VICE CHAIRMAN. David C. Brown CHAIRMAN. Mary-Franc.. ~ru.. John A. Pistor Frederick J. Vo.. C. C. -Red- Holland ALSO PRESENTI William J. Reagan, Clerk, James C. Gile., 'i.cal "-lò.Aoo....~.otfic.r Haureen lCenyon, Deputy Clerk, Burt L. Saunders, County Attorney, C. william Norman, County ~anager, Terry Virta, Community Development Administrator, lCnute Hartman, Public Work. Administrator, Irving 8erzon, UtilitIes Administrator, Dr. Mark BenedIct, EnvironmentalIst, Grace SpauldIng, AdminIstrative ^lde to the Board and Chief Deputy Ray Barnett, SherIff'. Department. . b~~~ cru- fAC~ S5B Pa9- 1 -------- --- - .þ- --þ. -- Þ. .. -- -- - - _. - - - - - - - - - -.- - -- - --.-,---.. .. -- - - - - - - - - '- -- "- - - .-- - -- '.'- - - - -- '- .- - ~.- flprll ]/), ]9"1 074 fACf 661 T.pe .] &O~K Itelll f] AGENDA - APPROVtD ^R PRESENTED Comml.sioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that the agenda be ^pproved as presented. Ite", '2 ORDINANCE ßl-lfl RF:CUL^TINC FRANCIII!:ED ANn NON-P'R"NCHIStD WATtR AND S£WtR UTILITIES ^ND CRr.^TING " COUNTY UTILITY RATE REGULATION BOARD ADOPTED Lerr.U notlcp hllvlnl1 hrC'n puhlfohcr! In th,. i'.'"ples nc'lily Now" on ~arch ", 1op" ~~ "vlrl~n~n~ hy ^'flrlllvlt of rUhl1rMtfon ffled with tho Clt'rlo:, puh!Je h".,rln" WI1~ ("'ontln1J~rl froM I\prll 1', 1ðq~, to consIder an ordlnllnee r~"ul~tln1 frllnrhl~~~ IIn~ non-rrðnr.hl~~rl w~t~r and s.w~r utilitIes anrl ("'rC'''tIn,., ~ Îðunty UtIlIty ~ðtt' R~qulfttlon P.oard. "'r. Ceorq!' r. rc-Jlt'r, rC'!'1rt'!JcnUn" th,. ("ollfer COllnty rlvic F.dt'rMt!on, "'r. fr('~1 ~nlth of "'..,rc:o ISlllnd nnc1 Co.!. John fle.be, repres.ntlnq LMk.....oorl I/omeownorr., Spok.. In rllvor o( the proposed orrllnllncl'. Commi.sloner Plator lIIoved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the public h..rlnq be closed. Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Comml.sioner Piator and carried 4/1 (Commissioner Kru.e Opposed), that the Ordinance a. numbered and ontltl~ð b~low be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No . 17 t ORDINANCE 83-1f! AN ORDINANCE REGULATING FRANCHISED AND NON-FRANCflIS!D WATER AND SEWER UTILITIES IN COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, PROVIDING DEFINITIONS, ESTABLISHING THt COLLIER COUNTY UTILITY RATE AND REGULATION BOARD ANn PRESCRIBING ITS JURISDICTION ANn POWERS. PROVIDINQ MEMBERSHIP, PROVIDING FOR RULES AND REOULATIONS, PROVIDINC FOR FILING AND APPROVAL or UTILITY RATES AND REGULATIONS, PROVIDING 'OR PASS-THROUGH OF Cr.RTAIN INCREASES OR DECREASES TO CUSTOMERS, PROVIDINQ THAT UTILITIES SHALL PI"O , - - - .- - ..... - - - - - -- -- -- _.. .-- ,-~ - - -- - - -- <~, ,- ----------------jßj{ ...~ ~ ~ .~ -------- ---- - ----- -- --- -- ---.- - ------------- ,.:.1" rage ]),~, :~ ,:,~~ '- ----------:~' "~"'~ .'.: ',\ '-,", ' .~ ' .':")~ . ,....'~; ;' ^prll l~, l~n, FILE A REPORT WITHIN THIRTY DAYS, PROVIDINC STANDARDS FOR UTILITY RATE REVIEW, ESTAßLISHIN~ A FILING PROCr.OURI FOR RATE AND REGULATION REVIr.W, PROVIDING THAT UTILITIES SHALL Dr. RESPONSIBLE 'OR ALL REARONABLE COSTR OF RATE AND REGULATION REVIEW, ESTABLISHING ^ FILING FEE AND PROCESSING FE!, PROVIDING FOR r.MERGENCY RATE RELIEF, PROVIDING FOR REVIEW OF PINAL ORDERS AND ACTIONS OF THE BOARD, ESTABLISHING AN ANNUAL REGULATORY FEE AND REQUIRING ^N ANNU^L FINANCIAL REPORT, PROVIDING rOR ENFORCEMENT AND PENALTIES, REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 82-71, PROVIDING POR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY, PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE ~ATF.. Thor., WIlI'l oent'r'2l r11~clln[ lon (\!I to whðt T'lethor! woul,.., he> U9f'd to appoint "'(HnbltrR to the> Ittlllty Ilðtl! Rp'1l1llltlon pO!'lr". COI\'I",isoionl"r "ollnnc1 1'It'lItP.r1 t".1t ho (nIt th,H (,'Ich Co..,miBsIonðr shoulr1 rpco..,mend Oomeono for ~hts Aonrrl. ('01'lmf!l":~n..r \'O~UI In1Ic.1te" thnt th.. IIppolntM,.nt of tho people ohoulrl not he geo~r"ph c hut the beøt qunllfIpd for the posItion. He indl~ðt.r1 thllt ~r. Robort' TArrpl, who hn1'l been ð ~~nrin, officer In rlllnols for ~ðny yoarn, ~ðn volunte9r~r1 to trntn thn offIcers In rote he~rtn,s ~t no ~hðr10 to tho rounty. Commls.loner Pi.tor movod, seconded by Co~mI..loner Holland and carried unanimoUSly, thnt each Commissioner recommpnd a person tor the Utility Rftte R·9Ul~tory Roftrd accordtnq to the qUðliflc~tions of the Ordinance, with no restrictions on qeoqraphlcø. %tom ,] SUN BANlC APPOINTED FOR BANKING Sr.RVICES AND MIDWr.ST APPOINTED FOR BOND PRINTING P£RTAININC TO TnE SALt. or THE W^TEn ntvENUr. RI!:FUNDIHG BONDS, StRrts 19R3 - APpnovr.D Mr. r~v. rl~chnr ~f rl~ch~r, JOhnson, ^ll~n ~ Purko stat.d that he would r"~omm.nrl ~un "nnk for ·h~ hnnk1n~ ~arvlc9 ~nrl ~Idwnst for the bonrl prlnttn" ~or th(' :'''It,''r rC'v"nu~ nefunrlln'! "ontis, f:l)rios l~P:1. lie Indic~torl th~t Ovrrythln1 J~ on ~cho~ulQ ~n~ It "n~o~rn th~t the honds will go to m,Hkrt thr. f1r!\t lIe(lk of ~'IIY ,lnd the r:.loninq should t.ake place two wnek3 Int~r. bJ:J,( 074 fACt' 662. - - - - --- .-.. _. -- -.- ._. .- _..- .... ... - .--- -- . ~ , ., , - - - - - - - - '- - - - -.. - ., - - - .-- , - - - - ,.- - -- - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- &C~~ 074 rA~ê GS3 !I,pril In, }C'JP' CommissIoner pi stor moved, seconded hy Commissioner tlolland and carried unanimously, that the Run Bank be appointed for the bankinq ..rvIce. ðnd ~Idv.st be appointe1 for the bond printing pertaininq to the sale of the water revenue retundin? bond., Seri.. 1983. Item .4 RESOLUTION A'-~3 ~UPPORTING OCEAN r~p^CT A~Sr.SSMr.NT STUDIER _ ADOPTED. rr. ~enrrll~t, C~unty ~nvlron~rntð11~t, nt~t~d th~t thIft Item was conttnut'r! fror- tho:" ",Hch /7, Jt' n, ,.,e~t.1n'J, notln1 that h~ hllrl a "ocond part to th~ rC"olutton ....hlch St.I't05 thllt the- ROl!r/ wl1). SUf'f'ort the ~tntc nf rlðrlrtn In It~ ~'!ort~ to ~r~v.nt th~ Ip.asln~ of c~rtnIn envlron~entll!ly s~ns1t1vp. trðC~~ of offshore lnnds for oIl p.xploration until au'flclrnt rrnourc~ dntll h,,~ b~t'n cnmoll.~ to ðvðluate potential a~verllc eny 1 ronmcntn 1 IMno'lct:'\. Comm!8slon"r '<rust' "tlltfllr! that she recelv.rt a telnphon. c"ll from a ~r. ~erry of Col11t'r nt'velopmcnt "ft~1nn that thlo Item be Postponeð untIl he hllrt IIn o,.,oortunlty to revIew it, addIng thllt th.y had no objection to It. rr. Rt'nertlct 8tDte~ thnt he had been In contact with ~r. nerry r~ql!rd1n~ the Mllttfllr. Mrç. Ch~rlottr WcntM~n, rcpre"ent1n~ thp. L~ð~ue of Women Vot.rs stated that nhc RUpportR the re801utlon with the ðddltlon hy rr. Renortlct. Commi..ioner VOl. moved, seconded by Commi..ioner Pi.tor .nd carried unanimously, that Resolution 83-63 lupportinq ocean impact a·....ment studie. be adopted. Pag" . ....':'w..·4·,·",'-· ,'. ~.¡,\,,;.:.., , .', .~, < ' " . ,.,....... , .~ÇJ ,¡ , " . <,;¡- , ~: ':. ------ - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- ------ aOOK 074 fACE 665 Apr 11 1 9, 19 A 3 Ite. . 5 GENERAL CONFIGURATION AND PAn~ING COUNT 'OR THE PELICAN BAY SOUTH BEACH ACCESS PAR~ING LOT - APPROVED Community ~velopmftnt Admlnlstrðtor Vlrta stated that In the Pelican Bðy rUD one of the requIrements I. that 0 minImum of 2 acr.. be donated lor pnrkln~ purposos to serve the Clnm Pas. Park area at .uch tJme a. the County provlde~ accesa. He note~ that PelIcan Aay i. desIrous ol [orm^llzln~ the conliquratlon an~ the tontative parking lay-out to ..rve the Clam Pa.. Park site. He reported that after working with Pelican nay it h~. hft~n agreed upon that there will be 185 .paces wIth ,., ~cres of lðnrt. CommissIoner ~ruse IndIcated lor the record that the approval on this date will be for the conllquratIon and parking count only. Tape '2 County Manager Norman .tated that eventually the property viII be deeded to Collier C~unty, adding that the PUD does not require that the developer build the parking lot. He .tated that the propo.al that i. now betore them includea the construction ot the lot which .ean. that' , I ....., the County will he deedad a tully improved lot if everything works out. CommS...loner Brown moved, ..conded by Co..i..Soner Vo.. and carrSed unani.oualy, that the general conti9uratSon and parkln9 Count lor the Pelican Bay South Beach Acce.s Parking Lot, be approved. Ite. lIS STATUS REPORT ON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM _ NO ACTION TAKEN. Com_unity Develop.ent AdmlnS.trator VSrta stated that thS. t. to brin9 the Board up to date, addJnC) that the Block Grant progra. v.. not relunded durin9 the current tundin9 cycle. Re noted that it the County S. not .ucce.stuI in obtaininC) an additional grant, the activlti.. in Pa9. S ------... ..... - - - - -- - - - ---.......-...L_ _ _.____ _ _ _ _~_ ______ .oney. AprU 19, 1983 the Immokale. area will be phaaed out in term. or the improv'~.nt. that have been undertaken. County Manaqer Norman stated that there were substantial funds provided for the proqram which Congress stopped ft few months .go, addinC) that Mr. Virta's .tøft i_ now trying to capture some ot that neW Ite. t7 RESOLUTION eJ-~4 AMENDING THE SCHEDULE OF FEES IN TH! COUNTY ZONINQ ORDINANCE - ADOPTED Community ~evelopment Administrator Vlrta stated that In reviewing the fee schedule th~re Is a number of actIvities thÐt the Plans I~Plementatlon Dlpartment Is Involved In for whIch no revenue. aro being derived, adding that there ne.ds to be t..s charged accordingly. He noted that he i. also ..klnq tor a reduction in a ffte, which i. When · zoning change and a PUD Is filed at the same time. CO..I.'loner Pi_tor moved, .econded by Comml..loner Holland and carried unanimously, that Re,olution ~J-64 .mendlng the .chedule of tee. in the County ZonIng Ordinance be adopted. &~J~ 074 PACé 666 Page Ii ----------------- --- --~.,"'" '-~~'''',' . .¡. . ~ ~ . ..., :,"', '. .- , " " ' "'~IW'-" ,¡ ----------------------------------------- aO:)K 074 rACe 669 April 19, 19R;\ " It.. II RESOLUTION 83-~8 AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF THE INTr.RLOCAL AGREEMENTS WITH NORTH NAPLES, MARCO ISLAND, EAST NAPLES, AND GOLDEN GATE rIRI CONTROL AND RESCUE DISTRICT - AOOPTED Community Development Administrator Virta Indicated that the.. aeJr....nt. were previously approv~d ðnd have be.n executed by the Fir. Depart~ent. anrt he Is now asking (or authorIty to have the Chair~an ..ecut. same. Co~.i.sioner Pietor moved, .econded by Commissioner Vo.. and carried unanimou.ly, that R.solution ß3-~8 authorizing the execution ot the Interlocal Agreements wIth the North Napl.. 'ir. Control Diatrict, Marco ISland 'ir. Control Di.trict, Eaet Naples 'ir. Control Diatrict, and the Golden Cate 'Ire Control and R.scue District, b. adopt.d. '19- .,J ~. ,,'(\.' !....... ~rÍ1 ,~.' -)',. . .;; '-:',. ;, J "..... -------------------------------------- . .... III Ii! ' I!I] -"< .- -- .', &O~K Q14. fA~ë703 Item . 9 ^prll In, ]91:1' RESOLUTION B)-Ii!; URGING TJlE COLLIER COUNTY Lr.GISLATIVF: DELEC^TION TO SUPPORT TJlf: RESTORATION OF' TflE PROPOSr.n COLLIER COUNTY DUNF PROTECTION PROJECT TO THr. 19A3-A~ ST^Tr. EROSION CONTROL 8UDGET _ ADOPTr." CommunIty P/,:,YClorment Adl"lnlRtrlltor "Irt." I'It..,t('f! that this ie It "rorlllC't of th,.. FnvironM('ntl'll r.octlon ,'n~ '''.,r, ff'Ylp\,IlI'r! h~' thf! r,tðtf' line! ~1v~n hl~h rrlorlty. Commission~r ~rown mov('~, Socondod hy CommissIoner Voss and cðrrI.rt unanImously, that Ro.olutlon rJ-r.S urqlng the Collier County L~Qi81ðtive Delegation to GU~rort the re~torðtlon of the propo8ed Collier County Dune Prot~ctIon Project to the }~~3-n5 State Erosion Control 8udqet b~ adopted. r...t' f' 0 --- .. - - - - - - - -- -- - .. - - -.- -~. -. - -- - - _. ~- .- -- -~ -- ^prll In, 1t\1"1 -- - -- - -- - - - - - -- &O~K 0'74 PACt 7D5 Item 110 PROPOSAL TO ACCErT A $32,RI~ CRANT FROM TnE F^RMWOR~En's HOUSING ASSISTANCE TRUST rUND TO COLLIER COU~TY, FOR FAMILY COUN~ELING SERVICES TO THE PHASE III ADDITION TO r^RMWOR~ER'S VILL^Cr _ ~PPROVED Aqrlcultur~ rtr~rlor Prow" stntnd t~nt, un~~r the currpnt County J'lersonnc.-l "Iode-y, tll!" in~ v1('UII1£ Curlouohf'ri hy the nOllr~' II few weeks at;o could h(" plr:I<,.r! ur hy thil'! "'rllnt, ",,'r1ino thllt thcrr- In no proviR1on th/lt CM1 b" "I'''''r,..,!n,.... !r- t~,(' orMH "hnt "'.:>lIl" prr-lurl" s/)mt'. CommiasIoner Rro~~ moved, seconded hy Commissioner Pistor and c~rrled unanimouSly, thllt th~ propos/ll to ðCcept a ~3"RI3 grant trom the Farmwork~r's IIouslnt1 -'1'Inlntanc" Trullt F'und to CollIer County, tor family counøøllng aervlcen to th~ Phase III a~ðltion to Farmworker'. VIllage b. approvp~. - - --~. .. ..- ""., rllo., Q '.; ,. "~1 '.t¡', ;;f.' ¡r[~, ..... - - - - ----·~i~ ,,~ } ".\' .::~~, .. . . ._- - - - .......... III i ':J § A ' l!fl· ~.".<"._-- "prI.J. 10, 19~3 eO~K 0'14 fACt' 11..1 Item .11 CLARIFICATION n~ acc MEETINCS TO p~ HELD THE FIRST FOUR TUESDAYS OF EVERY MONTA - APPROVED. DUE TO VACATION DURINC: Till!: MONTH OF' JUNP., THE BCC WILL MEET ON THE FIFTII TtJF.SD^Y IN M^Y _ APPROVF.:n. Commissioner Plstor moved, seconded hy Commissioner Holland and carried 4/1, (Commissioner Drown oPPosed), that tho BCC meetin9 bo held the firat tour Tuo.days of overy month and not the fifth Tuesday. COMMiARion0r ~ru&~ IndJc~t~~ thnt b~c~usp th~ Ronr~ In off tha month or .Tun..., thf'rr> I1rt' p('tltJ.')n~ tl'.1t WOUlr! n','cr! to bl') hnndlttc1 the fIr t h Tu " !; -1 ,,,! Y n " ;¡ 'r' . Commlsßlon~r Plstor moved, seconded by CommissIoner Holland and carried unnnlmoußly, th~t dup. to vacntlon durln~ the month or June, the ncc wJl1 mf'ct on the rUth TUCHJrtllY In MIlY. Item .12 RECOM"'EN[)£[) nr.vwlJr~ M/(' E:XPr.NSr.~ FOR COLLI F.n COUNTY UTI LITY R^T£ RE~UlA1'tON ~OAnn ~T^FrIN~ AND fiUrpOR1' ^CTTVt1'lrS _ APPROvrD. Com~JRsion~r PJstor move~, ..con~ed hy CommJasioner Drown and carried un^nlmously, that the r~commende~ revenueR and expenses for the Collier County UtIlity Rate Requ1ntlon Ronrd Rtatflnq and SUpport activities, be IIpprnved. Item 113 !;ETTLEMF:NT RECAHDI NC Þ-COUI S ITION COST or REC 1 ONAl ''lATER PLANT PROPERTY - APPROV£O. COUNTY ~1'TORNr.y DIR~CT£D 1'0 lJTIG~Tr. Cr.R1'AIN ITEMS. C" un t y ^ t tor n n y S., lJ n r (' r 'I "I tilt 4" :! t h... t t hi!'; 1!1 " r t; q U Po S t to. e t t.llt ('Oi 11 ('f ('"unty V!;. "lIrnct.t n^nk ðn1 Trurtt ro., ('IIRQ P!.:>. 01-0749, which Involv~~ t.ht:' t"nlnont (~on¡oin ::,rocr.rdlnl1r. {or t.hr RI!C)lonlll Wllt~r Plllnt. Ho Rtlltrrl thnt hI' h~~ recrlvf'~ froM ~r. Jor Plk01 II proposerl Ø.ttl~mont wI'! IC"~I J s rcC"om",pnrlorl hy ~!r. ri ke.l. nnrl h imst"l r hll8ed on thp facts that wore prt'st>nterl t.:> hi,... HI' noterl thnt. thf' tot...} cost of th~ land WitS ~~",10?, "'rl-iInr: th,'t In nr!r'It1.:>n to tt1n pr1c,.. of the llln~ Includf!d in Page 11' ..~.. .-- - ..- --- - - - - - - 111 ~ 'j §l-- Iff1 l.....--1 ,._~ --'ì ---------- - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - -- - - --- - - - - ------- ---== April 19, l~A" the settlement would also be the attorney's fees to the landowners . ~ttorne~~' ~r. william ~ooro, in the amount of S40,~OO, a bill of Mr. Neno Spagna issued to the landowners in the amount of Sl,nl7, and court costa in the amount of SI,944.9~. He reported that excludod trom the ..ttlement would be the following hIlls which would be subject to some additional lltlgntlonl ð bill from Mr. Clou~a, an appralner, in the amount of SI3,750, another apprals.r'~ bill In the amount of $11,100, a bill trom Mr. Wiles, a lan~ pl~nner, In th~ amount of. SIA,250, and a bill !rom a traffic enqlneer in thf! amount of $9,724. lie otatod that Mr. rikel suggested that these tour bills be litigated, adding that the procedures establisheð tor eminent domain Is that the landowners are .ntItled to the attorney'. reo. and the reaøonable expenses ot any ...,...........,.. expert. that are noed_d. He stated that ~r. rIkel reols that thes. tees are excessive an~ he will he Bucces.tul In r.~uclnq those fee., addlnq that it Is suggested that the County settle the case with the purchase price of S43~,10', the $40,000 attornoy'. fees and the two other bills that have been outlined and the remainder will be l1tlqated. Com.i..Ioner Voss moved, .econded by Commi.sioner Pi.tor and carried unanimously, that the settlement reqardInq the acquisition cost of the Regional Water Plant property he approved and the County Attorney directed to lItigate certain items. Ite. 114 ROUTINE BILLS - APPROVED POR PAY~ENT Pursuant to R~601utlon ~1-150 the following checks were i.sued through P'rlday, April IS, II)RJ, In paynltnt of routine billsl CHr.CK OF-SCRIPTION CIIECI( NOS. AMOUNT Voucher Checks 94"lQ - QSl05 SI,520,293.9" ~J~~ 074 r:.:.1JI paq. 11 ------.- -- -- -- - --. ._- '''''-,~""...-",,-,'~,- -. -- --- ...- ~-- - -- - - - --. _.. - ~--~ - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~----------------------------------------- ''''..'.1. \1:. ~j:: r;t(: ,:~ , .¡,; ~, '~'Þ',':'. /'~, ';1 o:i: \W.' ~ ~" /',if': WI {,~':. :~~' , i~" h~ '. I; , ·f;'o'-:~·t .'. J' ....:"~' "t,' ..,'~ ..:,,..~. .. '..1 ~:......., . . ~OOK CrJf fACt 111 ^prll 19, 1983 It.. U 5 BUDCtT AMENDMENTS 83-459 THROUGH 83-484 _ ADOPTED Commis.loner Pistor moved, .econded by Commissioner Hollond and carried unanImously, that Budget Amendment. 83-459 through 83-462 be adopt.ed. Co~~issloner Rolland moved, seconded by Commissioner PI.tor and carried unanimously, th~t ~ud?et Amendment. 83-463 through 83-484 be adopted. . i··..., . ......-.. .... ~,.,..~~" , . t· '."." . Pag8 12 -- - - - - -"- - -- A , - --- - - ---------------------.--. - - - -~ - ..- - -- , , ", '''', .' ~f' t" , ,,' "'.,,, ,I 4, -... , J ----------- - - ----- -- --.----------------- ----.-------- ^prll 11'1, If)ID Item 116 RESOLUTION 83-67 APPOINTINQ MEMBERS TO TOURIST DEVELOPM!NT COUNCIL _ ADOPTED. ChairmAn Kruse in~lcated who tho interested applicants for the Tourist Development Council Were an~ ^dmlnlstratlve ^ide Spaulding in~lcated that she receIved three additional resumes, a~ding that one i. not a registered voter, one Is not a resident, and the other applic~nt I. Mrn. ~ue Flickinger trom MArriott's MArco ReAch resort. ..... Rece.sl 9150 A.M. - Reconvenedl 10100 ^.M. ..... Ch~Ir~an ~rUD~ stated that .he would a~k for indIvidual motions tor three non-owner op~rators firat, three owner operators next, and two electort municipAl officials, ^ddln~ th~t aft Chairman ~he Is required to be appointed to the Council. . .-- --, .. Co~issloner PI.tor ~ovød, .econded by Co~mi..ioner Holland and carried unanimously, that Mr. Ceorge C. ·Chuch- Moklke, Jr. be appointed to the Touri.t Develo~ent Council a. a non-owner operator. Commi.sIoner PIstor moved, .econded by Commissioner Vo.. and carried unanimously, that ~r. Ceorge Rowlett be appointed to the Tourist Development Council a. a non-owner operator. Commi.sloner "oll~nd moved, .econded by Com~l.sioner Brown and carried unanI~ou.ly, that Mr. JulIus Fi.ke b. appointed to the Touri.t Development Council a. a non-owner operator. Co.-i..ioner nrown ~oved, .econded by Co~ml..Ioner Holland and carried unanimously, that Mr. Bert C. Hawkins be appointed to the Tourist Development Council as an owner operator. Com~l.sloner Holland moved, seconded by Commis.ioner Pi.tor and carried unanimously, that Mr. Henry 8. Watkin. be appointed to the Tourist Development Council a. an owner operator. 60~~ 074 fACt: 748 Page 1 J - - - - - - -- -- -_. -., - -- - -- - - - - - --. --- -. -. ....-- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- , ". . fit ,,"''o....,,·t~·,., ..'~.'..-. . ,.....~~.-;;~, . . ':' '10 "oJ,~ , ","" .', ~ , ., At .', .. ',t \. ·">'u. Apr!l 19, 1983 .. - -- - - -- - - - .-- .- .-.. - - - - - - -- -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----- aO~K 074- fACt 749 Commi.sloner Brown moved, .econded by Commis.loner PIstor and ~~. \~ k;, ~., c.rried unani~ou.ly, that Hr. Robert C. Moate. be appoInted to the Tourist C.velopment Council as an owner operator. Commis.loner Vo.. moved, .econded by Commi..ioner Brown and c.rried unanlmou.ly, that Hr. Lyle Richardson be appointed to the Touri.t Development CouncIl as an elected municipal ofticial from the .\~ City of Naple. and Mr. Wade 5chroe~.r be appointed a. an elected ~uniclpftl official from tho City of Naple. In the event the City ot Everql.de. doe. not choo.e to appoint an elected municipal otflcial from the City of Everql.des by the end of the v.ek. ~: l\'>ool\1tion not rr'<."PII/t'(l in ('],'rJ.: '1'1 offiƓ ðR of 4/77/IIJ. ,..'''''....io'.,~~, P.9. 14 ---- --...--..- ~- _. - .- --. - -- '-.- - ,._-. -.- .-. -- ...~ ~ . :::::;;;;..- " I ,. ~ ---- ----- - - - - - - - - - - - ----- - _. - - -- ----------- ì'pril 19, l~A3 Itell 117 REQUEST TO RECONSIDER APPROVAL or ON! YEAR EXTENSION rOR PU-80-1C, BETHEL A.M.!. CHURCH - APPROVED. TO BE REHEARD ON MAY 3, 1983. Chairman KrUDP stAte~ that this Item was Added At the request of Com_i.sIoner Brown. County ~anaqer NormAn stated that two agenda. were released, one a week ahead of the m.eting anð the second one, whl~h was a final one, was releasad the Friday before the meeting. no statrd that the final aqenda Is not the one that Is published In the Naples Daily News, therefore, this Item W~8 not ll8t~d on the publlsheð aqp.nða. He stateð that people that were Interested In the Item hAd not b~en warned and ( ,~. complained that they were not 91ven an ample opportunity to pre.ent their point of vIow. County ...ttornt'y F;aunders statod that the pr,:)cel1ure ,'or this date would be to decide whether the Bce wants to reconsider the Item at a future date, notin1 that It the motion Is approved for reconsi~eration, it shall be scheduled for A public hearing At the second regularly scheduled m.etlnq aftor this meetIng. Tape '3 Commi.sioner Holland moved, seconded by Comml.sioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the requeat to reconaider the recomllendatlon for approval of a one year extension of the time for PU-80-1C, Bethel A.M.t. Church, located on the north side of Golden Gate parkway and 1/2 block west of 64th Street S. W. be approved and be reheard on May 3, 1983. County Attorney Saunders stAtrd thAt it would be proper to hear testimony as to wh~ther the petitIon should be reconsidered, adding that aft far as whether the work hAB begun on the project If the &OOK 014- fAct' 750 PaC) e 15 - - -- _.... - - - __ - - - 0_- _. _ -- ~- _. - -- _.- - ----------------'--.-..-........tIIi¡.,; ..... .,1. "" -, , :.-",'\~t', . .:,.... .; '., ,. ~" . I t. ',': " ' '- ..a.¡~! ' --------------------------------------------- April 19, 19P3 ,o~ 074 roW: 751 petitioner can establish thðt he has expended a signiticant amount ot money or m~do an obliqatlon to expend the money from the date the petition was approved until this datn, there would he a situation where the County would he pot~ntl~lly llnhle if. the ~pprov~l of the extension is revoked. He noted thðt the petitioner Is on notIce from this moment I ~ I j on that thore m~y be a revocAtion of the prior approval and any expenditures occurred from this moment on, the County would not be liðble for nor would It b~ conÐld~red in th~ reconAlder~tion of the petition. ..... Commissioner Brown moved, .econded by Commissioner pistor And carried unanimously, that the following items be approved and/or adopted under the Consent ~gend.. ..... Itell 118 ST~T! or rLORIDA DEPARTMENT or NATURAL RESOURCES pnOJ~CT AGREEMENT (CONTRACT C-0621) ON REIMBURSEMENT OF FUNDS EXPENDED BY COLLIER COUNTY TO INSTALL -NO WA~r.-IDLE SPEED- SIGNS AND PILINGS 6ee pagu 15.5"- 7(, " Itu 119 rIN~L ~CCEPTANCE or ~INGS LA~E UNIT TRRr.! APPROVED ~ND PUBLIC WORlCS ~DMINISTR~TOR TO RELEASE Tn! ONE-YEAR 10' ~AINT!NANC! SECURITY Itu . 20 'INAL ACCEPTANCE or VICTORIA PARle TWO ADDITION ACCEPTED AND PUBLIC WOR~S ~~INISTRATOR TO RELEASE TnE ONE-YEAR 10' MAINTENANCE SECURITY . . .~ '... Ite. '21 RESOLUTION 83-~6 AUTHORIZING THE USE or THE FLORIDA BOATINQ IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM rUNDS AS MATCHING FUNDS FOR TH! CONSTRUCTION or LA~! TRAFFORD P~R~ Su P49" l' 7 Ite. . 22 GRANT APPLICATION TO CONTINUE FUNDING FOR THE COMMUNITY CAR! rOR THI ELDERLY PROGRAM See Pa9" 7"1- 11.3 Page 16 - - - - - - .._.. --- - -__ -_ _ _ _ _ .·~,w .__ _ _ . __ __ _ __ .._ ._ _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____... -:- ....... ...........\....-.... ------------------------------------------ April 19, 1983 Itelll ':zJ PALM ROYAL EST^T!S UTI~ITY tASr.MENT ACCEPTED AND THE AGREEMENT ENTERED INTO WITH THE DEVELOPER OF PA~M ROYAL ESTATES AND SAID DOCUMENTS TO BE RECORDED S.. Pagu '77Y- '77 '1 Ite. '24 CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZtD TO SIGN CERTIFICATES FOR CORRECTION TO THE TAX RO~LS AS PRESENTEO BY THE PROPERTY APPRAISER'S OFFICE 19A2 TAX ROLL T^NGIALf. Pr.RSONAL PROPERTY 1982-303 - 1982-318 3/23/83-4/7/83 1982 TAX ROLL 560 - 5f\6 573 - 580 583 - 585 592 3/22/83 3/25/83 - 3/30/83 3/3l/83 - 4/04/83 4/06/83 Itell '25 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED There belnq no objectIon, the Chair dlrftcted that the followln~ correspondence he Cllerl .nrl/or referred to the vðrlous departments .. lndlcatcrl belo..... 1. Letter ('\atod P-IlIrch 2R, lQt13, Crom Mrs. Cary L. Elslnl}er ....lth attached photo reqðrdlnq the fJnlll aøSeAnment for Auto Ranch Road Improvenent~. XCI ~r. Norman, Mr. ~lIrtman, FlIed. 2. Lett~r dat.-d March ?Q, 10R3, from Fred Vldzea, BII) Cypre.. Basin ~oard, r~qðr~lnlJ policy r~commendðtlons relatIve to water resourco management In the Relle Með~e-Royal Palm flammock Watorshed area. xes Mr. Normlln, ""r. Saunder., "'r. Vlrta, Mr. "artman, rUed. 3. Public Notices of ApplIcation for PermIts roceived from South Florida Wat~r Manaqement DistrIct, by Its Governln!) Aoard tor the followlnql Collier County ~ollr~ of CommIssioners to dratn 44AOO acros lI~rIcultural land Into the Gulf of ~exlco, Permit No. n32~3-^, rermlt No. 11-~0147-SW for Mile. ~cofleld to Irrigate and ~rðln l07?O acres of ðqricultural land, and Permit No. n~O~1-~, for Roye. D. St~llinqs, Jr. to irriqate and drain 25 Itcres of ^fJrlcultural land. xes ~r. Norm~n, Mr. Virt., Mr. Hartman, riled. &O~K 074 'ACt 75Z P8ge 1 7 - - - - - - --- - - - - -- -- ._- -- -, -,.- - - - -... - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - ----- ,....tIfI:., ~~w{: "¡l', "- .,..~-f~. '.;. '\ -;, ,:- " ' - - - - -- - "- -- - --. -- - -- -- .~ - .- -- --_.- -'- --._- ~ -- - ----- ---.-.------..---------- April 19, IClS3 &~ 074- I£t'753 4. Letter from John r.. Burke, Assi.tant Secret~ry, Dept. of Veterans ~nd ~ommunlty Affðlr~, dated Mðrch 31, 19RJ, indicating that Collier County's application tor the April 1 - Septcmhcr 30 Community Servl~~s ~lock r.ront funrllnq cycle has been ðccepted. XCI ~r. Nor~nn, ~r. Vlrta, Filed. ~. Letter from ^bram ß. P~rn~toln, N~tlonal Research ~ouncll, dated ~ðrr.h 10, 1~P.3, re~arðlnq the report on the committee on Coastal rloorllnq from \!urrlc~ne8 ,.,entlontld In the '/1~/8) BCC letter. xc: ~r. Kloehn, Fllerl. ~. I"ePl'.:)rllnrluM rlot~d ~lIrch 71:, l" I~, frðm ThOl'\ð!! G. ~chelller, Preftlrlent, N^nOR, with IIttacherl que~tlon. reqðrdlnq the Co~prehen~lv~ Plðn. FIled. 7. Letter from ~r. , Mrs. noqer Aernharrlt a~k1nq for support in the flqht IIq~ln8t the exorhltant wllter meter and sewage rate. proposed by Deltonll/Marc.:) Island UtilitIes. XCI ~r. Norman, Mr. Rrrzon, ~r. SlIunrler., Fllerl. 8. Petltl.:)n expresslnq objf!ctlon. to unreasonable ch~rqe tor ua. of water metrrs proposed by Deltona Corp. XCI Mr. Norman, I"r. Rer%on, ~r. Sounders, Filed. 9. ~part~cntlll rerorts re~.lved from Collier County Mu..um, ~arch 31, lClA3, lIellcopter Oporatlon. Report, March I throuqh ~arch 31, 19R3, and Cr.TA, ~lIrch 31, ~QR3. Filed. 10. ropy of report trom r.overnor'. r.nerqy OffIce on Cycle V Fund. for Schools, "osr1tðls, Local Govt'rnment. ...nd Public Care Institutions. XCI Mr. Nor~~n, FlIed. 11. Letter ciftted ^prll ", 19113, from ~r. SlInders, Chief Steward of the Federation ot Public F.mployees expre,slnq gratitude to the '.' Co~mls8Ion.r. for preventing layoffs of county employe.s as . solutIon of reducing the hudget. XCI ~r. Norman, Filed. 12. Letter dated March 21, 19A3, from HRS regardlnq ,&,qlnq and ^dult $ervlcrs proqram receiving a ~rant that will enhance cooporðtion and coordination hetween pUbltc/prlvate/volunteer sectors. XCI ~r. Nor~an, Filed. 11. Notice of Intention to look to contractor'. bond under 'lorlda ~tatuto Section 713.23 or 755.05 trom Johnson Control. Systems and f,ervtces DivisIon reqardlnq the Justice Center. XCI Mr. Norman, Filed. 1.. ~Inute. ot ~arch 17, 19~J, CCPA meeting and agenda for April 7, 19B3. Filed. 15. SummAry re~rt datftd ~c1rch 30, 19A1, from the Ottice of Federal Coaatal Programs. XCI Mr. Norm...n, "r. vlrta, FU.d. 1". Letter dated March 11, lQA1, froll'l John t'eCrove, F'AU/'IU Page 18 - - .- ,_.... . - - - - -- ~.- ...~ -_. -- - .-- -- .-_.. --- - _.- - - - --- -- - - -- - ----- r=J -~ -'-'-' ------------------------------------------ ^prl1 1«), 1«)1'3 apprisinq the Commission of 8 new servIce that may bo of us. to public officials confronted by fthrinklnry r~sources ftn~ demands for improved services vi~ the public policy opinion research. XCI Mr. Norml'ln, Filed. l7. Resolution R3R-11 from the ROÐrd of County Commissioners of Columbia County req~rdlnq ð~qregatft mlllaqe. XCI Mr. Hill, r lled . 1~. ~nthly meeting agenda for April 13, 1983 from the State of Florida, Transportation Disadvantaged. XCI Filed. 1Q. Letter datad ^prll 5, 1C1P3, from D. C. Thompson, Rear Mmiral, U. S. Coast Guar~, commentIng on various aspects of the dr."'ginq project. XCI Mr. Norman, f'.r. nolley, riled. ItOIl . 26 REQUEST TO rILL VACANT CUSTODIAL POSITION IN THF. BUILDING MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT "'IU. '27 REQUEST TO rILL TRE ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR I POSITION rOR THE BUILDING COD! COMPLIANCE DEPARTMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . There holng no furth~r busln.s. (or the qoor! o( the County, the lIeet!nq WDS a"'journ.~ by Orrl~r or the ChaIr - Time 1011~ P.~. ^TTESTI WILLIA~ J. RE~ï.AN, CLr.RK ':" , BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONER~/BO^RD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVP.RNING BOARD(S) or SPECIAL DISTRICTS L~D!R ITS CONTnOl ~ ~ ~~¡~~ ~:'~~J/~~~ ~e.e mInutes approved by .d? C. , pr...ntod ....------ tht' pce on ) //d or ae corrt'cted ).tI ð'.,/ j as ðC:W: 074- rAZe 15+ Pa9- 19 --------- - -- -r---- -_. -~- -.....- -__. __ _ ___________________..... . "