GMOC Minutes 12/07/2017December 7, 2017
Naples, Florida, December 7, 2017
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Development Growth Management
Oversight Committee in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein,
met on this date at 3:00 P.M. in REGULAR SESSION at the Collier County Growth
Management Department Building, Conference Room #609/610, 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive,
Naples, Florida, with the following members present:
Chairman: Ross W. McIntosh
Vice Chairman: Nicholas G. Penniman, IV
Jeffery Curl
Everett Loukonen (Excused)
John W. Vaughn, Jr.
Jacob Winge
Andrea Psaras
ALSO PRESENT: Kris Van Lengen, Community Planning Manager
Anita Jenkins, Principal Planner
December 7, 2017
Any persons in need of the verbatim record of the meeting may request a copy of the audio recording
from the Collier County Growth Management Department.
1. Roll Call
Chairman McIntosh called the meeting to order at 3:00pm
2. Approval of Agenda
Mr. Vaughn moved to approve the Agenda. Second by Mr. Curl. Carried unanimously 6 - 0.
3. Approval of Minutes from October 5, 2016 Meeting
Mr. Curl moved to approve the minutes of the October S, 2017 meeting as presented. Second by Ms.
Psaras. Carried unanimously 6 - 0.
4. Staff Announcements
Mr. Winge was welcomed as a new Member of the Committee.
Mr. Van Lengen reported Staff's new email addresses end in "" as a change as been
made from "" for security reasons.
The Committee discussed future presentations by Staff noting they should include in order of priority:
1. Public Transportation and Neighborhood Enhancement.
2. Representatives of Public Utilities.
3. Gary McAlpin - RESTORE program.
In addition, the Committee would like to meet Department Head Thaddeus Cohen at the next
m eeting.
5. Agenda Items
A. Election of Chair and Vice -Chair
Mr. McIntosh nominated Nick Penniman as Chairman of the Growth 111anagement Oversight
Committee. Nominations were closed and Mr. Penniman was appointed Chairman.
Mr. McIntosh nominated himself as Vice Chairman of the Committee.
Mr. Vaughn nominated Teff Curl as Vice Chairman of the Committee.
The Committee was polled with Mr. Curl receiving 4 votes and Mr. McIntosh receiving 2 votes.
Mr. Curl was appointed Vice Chairman of the Committee.
Mr. Penniman assumed the Chair.
B. Conservation Collier Presentation — Alex Sulecki
Ms. Sulecki provided a handout "Conservation Collier — Status and Evaluation " for information
purposes. She provided an overview of the program highlighting:
• There are 19 preserves in the program encompassing approximately 4,000 acres of land.
■ In addition to individual parcels, the program has small lot "multi parcel" projects" such as
Red Maple Swamp and Winchester Head.
■ The program's advisory committee (Conservation Collier Land Acquisition Committee)
assists the Board of County Commissioners in determining which parcels should be acquired.
There is a 2 step review process whereby the parcels are evaluated by the Committee
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utilizing certain environmental criteria, and if deemed qualified, are eventually ranked by
priority for the BCC's consideration.
• The County has reactivated the acquisition process as it was deferred for the past few years
and there is currently $17M available to spend on the purchase of lands.
During Committee discussion, the following was noted:
■ The BCC is considering adopting a one cent sales tax increase with a portion of proceeds
being dedicated to Conservation Collier.
• The sales tax increase needs to be approved via a voter referendum.
• If the sales tax is not approved, there would be a separate referendum, most likely in 2020 for
funding of Conservation Collier.
• Utilizing a process of eminent domain to acquire environmentally sensitive parcels is a
difficult process given it requires quantifying specific public benefits for the parcels to be
"taken" and the program is based on "willing sellers."
• The public ownership status of the lands in the program is based on County ordinance,
which status could be changed by the BCC if so desired.
C. Update on Golden Gate Area Master Plan Restudy - Kris Van Lengen, Community Planning
Manager Anita Jenkins, Principal Planner
Staff provided the "Golden Gate Area Master Plan Restudy Timeline, "Golden Gate City Potential
Redevelopment Focus Area and "Section 4: List oflnitial Recommendations" to the Committee for
review. They noted:
• A White Paper- has been developed to present to the BCC at their January 23, 2018 meeting
which includes the above referenced list of recommendations.
• The purpose of the presentation will be to obtain direction from the RCC for the upcoming
transmittal cycle.
• It is anticipated the Transmittal Cycle could begin with review by the Collier County
Planning Commission in March of 2018, followed by the BCC in the summer.
Golden Gate Estates
Staff reported the Civic Association of Golden Gate supports the recommendations developed by
Staff during their lengthy outreach process and requested 3 additional items be considered:
■ No future arterial or collector road expansion with Golden Gate Estates be greater than 4
The County update the Watershed Management Plan to include additional surface water
strategies for Golden. Gate Estates and consider the level of service standards for canals
(County and Big Cypress).
Acquisition ofparcels under the Conservation Collier program be consistent with the
Watershed Management Plan objectives and prioritize hydrologic benefits above other
review criteria.
The following was noted during Committee discussions with Staff:
• Review should be undertaken to determine the feasibility of limiting collector and arterial
roads in the area to 4 lanes including limitations for handling future traffic flows, and if
evacuation routes have minimum standards — Staff'noted the County's Long Range
Transportation Plan currently limits roadways to no more than 6 lanes.
• Conservation Collier did develop a plan to focus on lands meeting certain criteria in the fall
of 2017 which could be altered on an annual basis given County priorities at that time (i.e.
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watershed management). The BCC was not in favor of the concept finding the current
criteria are adequate to address County needs.
The White Paper recommendations for the various areas under study are guiding documents
with the recommendations resulting from the studies being firmed up during the "transmittal"
phase, and finalized in the "adoption" phase.
Golden Gate City
Staff reported there are three major areas to be addressed under the plan:
• The establishment of "Innovation Zones" for the area.
* Walkability of the area be improved and a focal point for improvements.
• Simplifying the zoning requirements to aid in achieving the goals established for the areas.
Mr. Ross moved: After 24 months of input and analysis, the Committee finds the GGAMP White
Paper recommendations consistent with public participation direction, consistent with other
restudies so far as known, and supportive of sustainability and economic vitality. Second by Mr.
Winge. Carried unanimously 6 — 0.
Mr. Curl left the meeting at 4: ISpm
D. Public Outreach Process and Direction: RLSA - Kris Van Lengen, Community Planning
Manager Anita Jenkins, Principal Planner
Staff provided the documents "Rural Lands Stewardship Area Restudy" and "Rural Lands
Stewardship Area Restudy — Draft Public Outreach "for information purposes. They noted:
■ The program, generally referred to as the "RLSA" was adopted by the County in 2002.
* The program is based on a Transfer of Development Rights system with environmentally
sensitive lands designated as Stewardship Sending Areas (52,000 acres) and Receiving lands
slated for development (9,000 acres, inclusive of the Rural Lands West application).
• The purpose is to promote large scale conservation areas without the necessity of public
acquisition or maintenance, and to support the direction of the Final Order.
• The long term goals of the program are continued agricultural viability, environmental
resource protection and long term economic prosperity and diversification.
The restudy will include review of the update conducted by the County in 2009 and other
historic data, input from the general public, environmental stakeholders, landowners directly
affected by the program, etc.
Discussion occurred on the workshop format outlined in the Draft Public Outreach handout noting:
■ Stakeholders will provide presentations at the first event scheduled for 6:30pm on January
28, 2018. The goal is to provide a controlled environment for an overview of the program.
General comments from the public might not be taken at this point due to time constraints,
but there will be a follow up series of 6 workshops where public input will be solicited, and
electronic communications should be encouraged as well.
■ The remaining workshops will begin at 4:00pm rather than 3:00 as the Committee expressed
concern the working public may not have an opportunity to participate in the events. They
recommended the sessions run to 6:00pm, with flexibility to stay longer as needed for public
■ An avenue to obtain feedback from any interested party outside of meetings should be
established to allow those who cannot attend meetings to participate in the endeavor.
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Allison Westcott, Conservancy of Southwest Florida supports the restudy and noted there are
many documents previously developed for the Program which should aid in facilitating the activity.
She expressed concern on not allowing public comment at the first workshop and queried how those
chosen to speak will be selected.
Staff reported they intend to develop the list of speakers.
The Committee requested Staff provide the preliminary list of speakers to them for review and
comment in an effort to make sure all "areas of interest" are adequately represented at the first
Bonnie Michaels expressed concern on limiting public input at any event as there may be some
persons who may only be able to attend specific meetings. She supports later start times so those
who work have an opportunity to attend.
The Committee noted anyone should be able to participate and provide input given there will be
many public meetings held on the restudy with an avenue outside the meetings for an interested
party to provide feedback.
E. Public Outreach Process and Direction: IAMP - Kris Van Lengen, Community Planning
Manager Anita Jenkins, Principal Planner
Staff provided the "Immokalee Area Master Plan Restudy — Public Outreach " for information
purposes. There are 4 days of events scheduled for the restudy, with some days including 2
sessions, morning and evening to ensure adequate participation occurs in the endeavor.
6. Member and Citizen Comments (topics not covered)
Neville Williams, Collier Citizens Council queried if the RLSA restudy includes any aspects of Rural
Lands West given the magnitude of the proposed development - The Committee reported the project is
outside the scope of their direction provided by the BCC.
7. Next meeting date (March 1, 2018)
There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by the order
of the Chair at 5:03PM.
Chairman, Nicholas Penniman, IV
These Minutes were approved by the Board/Committee on k• 1 ' 40tI , as presented r--,-Q"s