DASAB Minutes 01/16/2018January I 6, 20 I E MINUTES OF THE MEETTNG OF COLLIER COUNTY DOMESTIC ANIMAL SERVICES ADVISORY COMMITTEE Naples, Florida January 16,2018 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Collier County Domestic Animal Services Advisory Committee in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 6:00 PM in REGULAR SESSION at Domestic Animal Services Training Room, Davis Blvd., Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Jnmes Spartz VICE CHAIRMAN: Marjorie Bloom @xcused) SECRETARY: Patrice Worcester James Rich James Seabasty Mary Baker ALSO PRESENT: Darcy Andrade, Director, DAS Kyra Lynch, Shelter Operations Manager, DAS Karla Carlisle, Training Coordinator, DAS Kellie Carroll, Administrative Assistant, DAS I. Crll to Order Cheirnen Jrmes SperE called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. II. Attenducc A quonrm was established. Kellie Cerroll presided over the projector displaying the Agenda packet. III. Approvrl of Agenda lin Seabosty made a motion to approve the agenda, lhere was a second and the motion passed 5-0. January 16,20ltIV. Appnoval of Minutes of the November 21, 2017 Meeting Jia Scabasty made a motion to opprove the minutes of the November 2 I , 201 7 meeting, there was a second and the motion passed 5-0. V. Director's Report Drrry Andnde provided an update on the r€novation project. The desip work has been narrowed down to thr€e (3) firms. Each fimr will make a presentation to t}le selection committee, one (1) company will be selected and the selection will go before the Board of County Commissioners for approval. Ms. Andnde advised the Board that she, Kyn Lynch and Kcllie Crrroll prepared a Disaster Mitigation Grant request to upgrade the generator for Domestic Animal Services. Ms. Andrede will meet with Steve Cernell and Facilities Managernent. AMEC Foster Wheeler investigated the electrical and design deficiencies to help determine if the buildings should be rcbuilt, upgraded or replac€d. All kennels will rec€ive temporary air conditioning this summer. Ms. Andrede advised that she will provide additional information at the next DASAB meeting in March. Derty Andnde advised the Board ttrat the annual holiday donation letter resulted in over $6fi)0 in donations, which is up from the previous year. Ms. Andrede stated the DAS has instituted new hours of operation that will increase adoptions hours by one hour per day. Ms. Andrade also advised that the Animal Services Advisory Board vacancy was approved and is now officially vacant. Kyre Lynch informed the Board t}at there are cun€ntly two (2) pigs and one (l) sheep avai lable for adoption. Kellie Crrroll thanked Bridget Bannon for taking the photograph that was used for the holiday donation letter. VI. New Business Dercy Andndc advised the Board that Dr. Micheel Gordon has applied for the open Veterinarian/Vet Tech position on the Board. Dr. Gordon provided a briefbiography. Jamcs Seabasty made a motion to recommend to the BCC thot Dt Gordon be appointed to the vacant position on the Board, there was a second and the motion passed 5-0. VII. Public Comment There were no public comments. VIII. Advisory Boerd Member Comments Janury 16,201E Petrice Worcester asked if there were any updates on the Immokalee shelter and was advised by Ms. Andrrde that therr werc none. Jim Rich, Jim Sparlz end Jim Seebesty each welcomed Dr. Gordon. Jama Scabssfl made a motion lo adjour4 there was a second and the motion possed 5-0. The next rcgulerty scheduled Advisory Boerd Meeting will be on Tuesdry, March 20th, et 6:fi) in the Domestic Arimel Treining Room, Devis Blvd., Neples, Florida. Therc being no frrrthcr business for the good of the County, the mecting wrs conctuded at 6:13 p.m. These minutes approved by Board/Co nwrittre on 2 -2O- 6 asprcsentd l /oru amended