Agenda 11/13/2012 Item #14B811/13/2012 Item 14.6.8.
Recommendation that the Collier Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Board designates
the Immokalee Community Redevelopment Agency Executive Director as the Special District
Registered Agent for the Collier County CRA.
OBJECTIVE: To receive authorization for the Immokalee Community Redevelopment Agency
Executive Director to serve as the Special District Registered Agent for the Collier County CRA.
CONSIDERATIONS: When the Collier County CPA was created in 2000, all the functions of the
CRA were housed in the Collier Comprehensive Planning Department. In 2004, the Bayshore
Gateway Triangle CRA component created a separate staff and established offices and services
independent of Comprehensive Planning. In December 2007, the Immokalee CRA component
replicated those actions. After the responsibilities and duties of CRA operations and management
were removed from the Comprehensive Planning Department, it was determined that the Collier
County CRA Registered Agent should be a CRA Executive Director, the CRA Attorney, or the chair of
the CRA Board. The CRA Board approves any changes in Registered Agent and all correspondence
received concerning the Special District will be forwarded to the County Attorney's Office for review
and appropriate action, if required.
The name of the Special District Registered Agent is confirmed in October of each fiscal year as part
of the attached Florida Department of Economic Opportunity Special District Fee Invoice and Update
Form. Since this designation was previously held by David Jackson, it is proposed that the Immokalee
Community Redevelopment Agency Executive Director now serve as the Special District Registered
Agent for the Collier County CRA.
FISCAL IMPACT: The Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA (Fund 187) and Immokalee CRA (Fund
l 86) will budget for this $175 annual expense.
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: The County Attorney has reviewed this item which is legally
sufficient and requires a majority vote for approval. - JAK
RECOMMENDATION: That the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency Board
authorizes the Immokalee Community Redevelopment Agency CRA Executive Director to serve as the
Special District Registered Agent for the Collier County CRA.
PREPARED BY: Penny S. Phillippi, Executive Director
Immokalee Community Redevelopment Agency
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11/13/2012 Item 14.13.8.
Board of County Commissioners
Item Number: 14.B.8.
Item Summary: Recommendation that the Collier Community Redevelopment Agency
(CRA) Board designates the Immokalee Community Redevelopment Agency Executive Director
as the Special District Registered Agent for the Collier County CRA..
Meeting Date: 11/13/2012
Prepared By
Name: PhillippiPenny
Title: Executive Director, Immokalee CRA,
10/29/2012 3:18:01 PM
Submitted by
Title: Executive Director, Immokalee CRA,
Name: PhillippiPenny
10/29/2012 3:18:03 PM
Approved By
Name: KlatzkowJeff
Title: County Attorney
Date: 10/30/2012 8:27:13 AM
Name: KlatzkowJeff
Title: County Attorney
Date: 10/30/2012 11:43:40 AM
Name: FinnEd
Title: Senior Budget Analyst, OMB
Date: 11/1/2012 5:02:36 PM
Name: OchsLeo
Title: County Manager
Date: 1 ] /4/2012 12:00:07 PM
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11/13/2012 Item 14.6.8.
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