BCC Minutes 05/03/1983 R -,---.."""...-".-"'....-...,.....,..-....."..... ..' ~ ~' ~ ,,~ " ~, ~j;fii ¡,,;jy''J¡ ~ds.,~tJ!~ ·f,þ.~¡fw 1----·- -....- ------ -- - -;--- ------- - ....--------~....... , YJ l' , ,\ '"J-ktt ~;~~ , Kapl.., 'lor Ida, 'May '3,',1913 I,' "... ~ "',<:~~ ;~ 'J';:¡~~1¡ ;'~\'" LET IT'll U"'ÞlB£I\!D that "., ," 1 ~" -. \. "'1[' :~I~~r for the County .~,~ Colll.r, and .ho acting as ':~~1f A,~e.l. and .. the qov.rnlnq board(.) of .uch iJ.~, bun cruUd according to law and having ftfi,.., on tnl. d.h at 9100 ^.M. In R~ular Sullon In Building -,- ~ Colll.r County Courthou.. Colnpl.x, t..t Napl.., rlorlda with the ; 'l'~¡""followlng Inlmblr. prl.lnt I ,,',. ,~,...þo .', 'r: ,~........~."., ;~~:~if . ~... ~......., .;, .~(.. "\ 9",,;1"/ ;,. ""'l ...__., Offlclr/ Elinor M. Sklnn.r, Deputy Clerk, C. Wlllh. Horman, County' ,\ !'" CKAIRMMfI VICE-CHAIRMANI ~..~ ... ....ry-rr.nc.. Kru.. David C. Brown '''}''<; John A. pl.tor rr.dlrlck J. Vo.. C. c. -Rid- Holland ;.¡:,," @ "ALSO PR!:S!:NTI Wllll.m J. Rlagan, Cllrk, Jam.. C. CI1.., ,I.cal . ',. " ....n.g.r, Burt 1.. Saund.rs, County Attorney, Irving Blrzon, Utl11tl.. -~ ^dmlnlatrator, Tlrry Vlrta, Community Dev.lopmlnt J.... "';'1 th: Aa.latant County Manlglr, Le. Leynl, Plana 1f I \..', DI,.ct." C,.c. 'p."",.. """.t,.t'v. A". .. . ChI., ..,.." ..".tt, 'h.,"". Dop.,...,.. ~1 , ~~ ;ìt': ~r" Mrainlatrator, I.-pllmlntatlon the Board, and .,." '~-''I.'' ..... i '.,. J~,~:~. .MJr"~.:.ø -;. . , ,'I,. ;o..~ . ~ ., . . ~'.."'" , ~OK 075 'ACE 152 ~u "'" .:....... ...... ,.,~"-..,.~..._'''.......__._...._--_...._....;_..__....-'"._._,_ __r 'M'.',.,....,,,.,,...."',..,\.""......""'__'...-___~._.··~·..,___,....,·...__ 1 ...-..-....-..---- . , .."...---... ,---....-..........,.--.-.,,-- ~i'l,~t'.7:''',- Jr,.~.r"j ,,,,,. \ ";1,: -' , ,~~,~'~A.).,..,.j ~~~~t":~~:·~,.,",:. f' '¡~',¡ þ, ~-----_._---~--------"~---------------- .~..,:",." 075 157"'~ ' , "ay 3 1913~,.1h::f~' .'" ,rp . ., .' lOiI 'ACE " , ',.',,_¡;'; ~~\i'íh. 14,;:':;:-,'," ¡\', ~;::j';jf):H , :':'ROCLAMATIOIf DUIaK~TINa MAY M MI:MT~L ?!I:"LTH MONTH .. ADOPTtD .,~,l;r:;r ,. 1 >,¡I.'h.-. :~~;~~:~ Upon readln~ the procl..atlon, Com.l.aloner Brown Moved,'..conde f'J.:"\j' , , !¡~1ij.:-- by Co_I..loner You .nd curled un.nl.oully, that the "..;.". , , de.19natlnq Maya. Mental Health Month, b. aJopted. ¡, , , ", f " , t .:þ'", ....,. ··I'~~:1'" }::'r,iJ(: ,;.' "" \ 04 ,"! ';\ " 41 '''''..~.''''''''''·'''''''-''''''''''''_·'''_c_'''-",__",_",,,",,''''__''''''.i'''· ""'."'._tilt".......·__","..a;.,...'¡;Ø...:;.."'_..·_:".,_,;¡,,·_~,,_'",-.. ~~"':. "', ¡,' .. -~------------._------------------- '/~' 075 ;Áct:159 1þ Ite.. IS.: " .. PROCr·AJ.!A'1'ION },W:~er, Upon rudln9 the pr"cl"lt1on, .;'...,..¡ . ."';~;,,...,. .econded by Co_la.loner Piator and clrried unanlaolol.ly, that ,Z,:..~,·:,~~"~.,.1: . .. ;':~J,¡ç:' Proclamation dulinltln9 the vuk of May 1 through 7, 15183 .. ·'i'!i.~' MuuII W..k, be adopted. II.. 'v .j '!f'¡~" "~~I' Mly 3, 1983 ""'''''. .·,_',....',.'_'ic·'''_"__~_'"'','',.,,,''ç.._.;''''.,;,,·~,,.~,.,·~""'''_. .., f", . a;-075nŒ16r------------------:~3~~a]------7~,~ , It.. IS , , ~·ú,;: ORDINA"CK '3-19 RI PETITION Zo-I2-18, COMMUNITY DEV!LOPMmT DIVISIOH,' . "':'¡- MENDING SECTION 1.31 or THE ZOIUNC ORDINANCE RI CU!:ST HOUSES- "COPTEO, ,::~¡!,;il STArr TO REVIEW 1/2 ACRE PROPOSAL RE SAME AN O~DtKAKCE M~NDINa ORDINANCE 12-2, THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REOULATIONS rOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA or COLLIER COUNTY 8Y AMENDIHO SECTION 1.31 CU!:ST HOUSE TO REQUIRI THAT DETACHED OR ATTACHED CUEST HOUSES COMPLY WITH THI MINIMUM 1 ACRE AND THE MINIMUM LOT WIDTH REQUIREMENTS, AND BY PROVIDING ::~:::~~::~ :::: ,ov". ...",., by c...t..,,,,, PI,." ,'" ~'i c."I., ".".~,.'y. th.t .t." b. 'I,.ct.. t. "....t.... th..'/:.::':.!\~1 ",\../" \ .1'/.~;,.~ <: ,>j~~): -""¡\~'~" ,'~.".- '<"~~'. . . ' (~ , !',d,~,,' ---- ---- - -- - - - - ------------- --------------." >:wf~' . ~::';,~ :":;;:.,,y ..... Le911 notlcl hlvlnq bIen publl.hed In the Kaplla Dally Klv. on April If, 1983 aa evidenced by AffldavJt of Publication filed vlth the Clerk, public hearIng WI' opened to consider rotItlon ZO-82-18 filed by the ComNunlty Development dlvl.!on regarding an amendmont to Slctlon '.38 of the Zoning Ordln.nce requiring th.t gueat houa.. hive one acre ,,' of land, whether attached or detached. Plana Implementaton Director Lee 1.ayne noted thlt, IS ~h. !:xecutlve Summary dlted 3/25/83 .tate., thl CAPe and IAPC recommlnded approval and thl tAPC reque.ts stlrf Inveatlqltl the pos.lblllty of gue.t house. being allowed on ]/2 acre of land with frontagl not lIs, than lSO rut. ,...,-..~ Co.ml"loner Brown movud, aeconded by Comml..lonlr Pi.tor .nd carried unanl~ou.ly, thlt the public hllring be clo.ed. Co..I.alon.r Brown movld, .econded by Comml'.loner Ptator and carried un.nlaou.ly, " that thl ordinanc. a. numbered and entitled b.low b. .doptld .~d, entered Int~ Ordlnanc. Book No. 171 1 ORDINANCE 13-11 I ~ ~~J~'"7:;' " ' ;.. ' c:;.::] . , ~J; " ¡,(/'!", . ~ ~-;" 'J.. "'~" .' ", 11'.'. ..,... ~\ , ~. . "., .'. ", , . '. . . . , ' ____.·,.",_·_,'.....-.,._,~.!M'....'~"~""'·""~'"",,·~ , .,<k';·: ~n -----------0;-- -..-.-----------_________,_________ I'IIY J, 1983 " , ~ropo..l .. .dvlnced by tho I_okah. l.u. '1atlnln~ Cnllllll..lon lng guest houa.. with. front.g. of 1~0 f..t. ¡. It.. '7 , ,r-t,..n ,ie.. BOARD .reTIO! or 4/12/11:) RESOLUTIOIf eJ-60 till pu-eO-lC, UTH!:L CHURCH (CRANTINO EXTENSION) - REArrIRMED. 8TArr DIRECTED TO INVESTICAT!: PROVISIONAL USK !:XTEHSIONS A.M.!:. .. ·,.ü~ Petitioner Roqer 81~~ona explained that the need lor a fourth .xtonalon of the provl_lonal use wa. In order tor the Bethel ~.M.r.. church to find another architect to revl.e the church building plan. " ~ -~. 'the orlqlnal architect haa Included expenslv. mlterlal, auch ~a brick (~. -..,....,.,',., ", and .arble. ~ aald thlt the ell~lnatlon oC auch could ruult In a \I~' .. ,·.".avlnq_ of between t4~,OOO and t~o,OOO. ''I Ma. Dorothy Johnaon, Colden Cate resIdent, epoke In oppoaltlon of the reque.ted provlalonal u.e extenalon aa did Mr. Ceorqe 'eller who re.lðee In the arel. Chalr~ln 'ru.e explained thlt ahe could not, In qood con.clenc., yote to taka away aomathlnq already qranted to e petltlon.r end would, theretore, vote to extend the provlalon~l uae. ^ dlacu.alon eneued roqardlnq whether there la I valid building per.lt and Community Development DIrector Vlrt~ explained thlt a alt. plan haa been approved tor the dlvelopment of the piece of prop.rty. So~e attention w.. qlven to the que.tlon or vheth~r an Architectural Review Bolrd would be of us. with the qeneral conaensue b~lnq thlt the Com~lsslonera are not now nor do they want to be In a po.ltlon to ICt on plan review. Com.laaloner Brown ~oved, aeconded by Co.-l..loner Vo.. Ind clrri.d 3/2, with Coanlaaioner. piator and Holland oppoaed, that the @ 'Iq. (I.' ",',;,.:,,- í ,;'f MaK 075 ~Ac£l62 r:i.' '. './'( --------------------------------...---.....-.-. ~~,·,1i'~~~tt"~i' 4,,;I.ti'~'~,' , .' fJWl>t,""".:>t, "-.' :'I:'.¡.....~.' ?~'. .''''¡;'\.'.';~f-',jft'''.:','.''''''~'.'';';'''''-.' ",_ '..I.~. ,.~.~~~\. ,.~~~·:r~ti4}1r~,.;..,:,tI~I~J-¡< \.' :~~r 1~j.4.;...;_J\tM~ , . ", . , ... . . " , . . . , . , , It' .,V'"~\,.-.t__..,~·<IIö""liII,'"~ .,.;,.. ... \. .,,, ..,~,...._-;-,,,._-~"'"---...~-----"_..~'_._-- provl.1onal ue. b. re.ffIr.ld. ... ...... --- .":£I~j ~T'~:~ ':: r't~,¡j¡ '(. Co..I..lonlr ,lltor .ovld, ..conded by Commlllloner Rolllnd Ind 'r~,Jt' r·:~~··~r: . 'Ih \g . May 3, 19113 ------------------"'---------- "".i .:.~. ~ . "r I, ! ~OCX 075 'ACë 163 11"" Io.rd action of '~~F AprIl 12, 1983 9rln~ln9 the .xt.nelon of thl "",. "~ , ,','., carried 4/1, with Co..l..lonar Brown oPpoud, that Itaff look Into ;",. lI.ltlnq the number of tl~.. a provlalon.l ue. c.n b. ext.nd.d to'on. tl.e only for on. year. ·····II!Cl5S. 9150 A.M. ; , RtCONVEN!:DI 10100 A.M...... Ite. II (!5) ~IS01.UTIOM 83-70 RECOCNI%IHC TH! CONTRIBUTION TO TH! COUNTY 8Y PAT TILLIS, DECEASED After reading the reeolutlon, Comml..loner Holl,nd ~oved, .econded by Co..I..loner Pletor and carrl.d unlnimouely, that Re.olutlon 83-70 reC09nl&lng the contribution to the County by Pat Tllll., d.c.a..d, be adopted. ,- ,',. 'f ,'. .{ ¡.... "..:.",'~ .' . ~: ' - " ...~ ... , . ~. .~ 1 ~.#<, ~ 4~ nl. P'I ' 7 , , ...N....,_~_.__.A. ·"""".M,<"''''...''''..___.~.'~,____''''..."·.....<.....,·...,"....._.."...",,......·,,_·__~.,,^.," , ,.........,.·""'.""""".·.__.,_.""',....""""'''''..,'"...-.·.,"C·.~".''''''""....H.,."~..,_.__"....".,~".-",~.¡,,,,,,,,,~.,.., ".",;..·.,"*"'."'.-~'.~k__'";·~"'"''''·,''··,'' .~II';:_.,."""'~' ~L··~:"'-'_______..______':""-__~_________________'~ ~~~,~ 075 ·;~~.~65 ' ..ay 3, 1983 ' "r¡i';?~:: "': nell It' '", " ,,'Ó , . I . \'.... '11 ·.tìt}· RECOGHITIOW or P1.TRICIA DOIISOMÓ RECEIVING TJI! -SECRETARY or 'Mtl YEAR.' ·;'~"I.'. ".~,: .,.¡~:, AWARD I"RO" THE N1IP1.ES CRAMBtR , COMMtRCt , "")'.' 1... '., 't: :~{.',. J,'. \ COII.luloner PI.l:or drew the COl!\mllllonera attention to the tlct ..'~.-; - ,"'::;~~" that, rectntly, Patricia Doblon, ucutHY to the County f'1,n'eJlt, hu . "::~ bun awarded the ·SecretHY of the Year- award fro," the Naple. Cha,"ber. ':~ of COIIl/urce Ind noted that ahe IIhould be commend.d for thla well ,;:I!t' " .'~~ ~t; }Ji,' '~l:". deaerved honor. It.. e 10 CONSIDERATION or COH~U1.TANT S!:1.!:CTION rOR ENCIN!:ERINC R!:VIlW 01" 'LOOD CONTROL RtOUIR!:~tNTS I"OR HtHD!:RSON CRttK AND Rt1.AT!:D "AT!:RSHtD - Dtl"!:kR!D TO MAY 10, 1983 this Iteln WI' deferred until May IO, 1983. It.. t) I "~:"'.'~' i . '. ~ ,." ,..... '. 1:'.·/.'" WORKSHOP SCHt:>ULED rOA "'AY 17, ]983 R! INSURANCE CONSULTING SERVICn ',. {,' ..I:. t ,. AIII.tant Count.y Mana')u Gmlth rehrred to the !uc:utlve 8U_ItY.,,~,~ 'at.' '/U/U .,., uh4 t., ...,. eeft.t'.uttofl ef tft. 'flIIIUM.".... conaultln9 aervlcea deøcrlbed therein. A dlaculalon followed COllllldllloner Holland'. contention that a workahop "aa In order for ."f!rrt;¡.., -.t,..:," mltter "Ia thoroughly Inveatlgated. Ite. and that he "ould not move on adoptlneJ any ,"ellure until the ,.J, Co..II.loner Rolland .oved, aeconded by Co..I..loner carried unlnl.oualy, that, workahop be acheduled for "ay 17, 19S] re9ardln9 IneurancI conaultlnq ..rvlce. and thet tant be pr.aent at at that tl... ....¡ ---- -- - -- - - - --- - - - -- ------- ---------- t=:J C!::J , " , , . . . , . , "- _....._-"-'--_.."""--~...._...'"'_.""'.....,.,,-_..""",..;..,.."".,:""""-""-- """''''·=,·'''__'.i''''_'__. __....,·;·...."'..,,,··,,,,.'''~,,·.."'·''''·..··''.,..,....",..,.,'.,.......,;..,.;".,,,.--,.-,,.-"'~""'".,"'''~,.-,,..,.~...".-_"..'.., "".,,-,""'.._, ~....,.~~y...,~"- ;; ,';: ~ ,"¡". -------------------------------_._-------~~ . , '. HIY 3, 19153 Ite. 112 :':'~'" PWLIC IIIARINC 5/31/113 U AM ORDINMfCE THAT WOULD PROVIDE 'OR COLLIn 01: ,:;i'~,,, COUWTY PÞ.RTICIP"TION IK TRI KÞ.TIONAL. ASSOCIATIOK or COUWTIU DEFERRED ..:¡. ~:.:t';;!,;¡COM'nlS1.TION 'ROOM'" - .a.UTRORIZ!:D ";( ~~~" "..I.tlnt County Hanager kith explained thlt .neral .ut1n98 "'f,:~ .¡ .: h3Y1 bun held with the Con.tltutlonal Oftlcer. of the County re9ardln9"~~f, NHlonll Auo~I~.tlon of Countlu Deferred"~i" .:::~~ ~;,,:~%ìj~ ,..,....;.'I~ . ".~~:~~' hlve"f:;!: '.,,~~, ~,P~:~lclpatlon In tht ..t...;"';,:Co.pen..tlon proqrarn and he explaineð the ben.flU which .uch participation could .ean to e.ploye.. with reqard to being Ible to '')1;',:; .,.,.&,.... ';.....'. Money takan froll thalr ..lary on which Intere.t can b. deferred. ,...-.. :. .........-,,~.,... ~ . , ~i,:1,;' '.', Co_I..lontr VO" .oved, .econd.d by COlllllhlloner ,htor and ~~·,~.,'~~r'i:d...·~.~I'.OUIlY, that the .dv.rtl....nt of an ordln.nce th.t: would ,'. . "Jt . . . ;.;.' , ,,' ~., , )!:.~~ provide for Colll.r County participation In the Watlonal ^..oclatlon of ~·countl.. Det.rr.d Co.pennatlon proqra. b. authorlz.d for public h'lrlng ,.íl·! " 1 ";'¡',,tj, ..ay 31, 9113. '''t'''... ' ',Ite. fl 3 .~~..;I AaREEMENT RE COLLIER COUNTY Þ.ND COLLIER DEV!:1.0PM!:NT CORPORATION ON RIGHT-Or-W~Y, PINE RIDeE 'OUR-LANING - APPROV!:D , ......... ' \., ;. Public Work. Adrnlnl.trator ~nute Hartman explained, vi. the u.e of a .ap, the rlqht-of-way n.ed.d tor tour-lanln~ Fin. Rldq. Road. H. .tlt.d that there I. a reverter clau.. conc.rnlnq tho Pin. Rldg. rlre St~' Ion and, th.r.fore, the County would not be r.qulr.d to pay (or that parcel 0 f land. lie upla I ned the land exchange wi th th. Co Iller Development Corporation which would facllltlte the needed rlqht-ot-way bftlng available to the County. Co..I..loner Vo.. ~ov.d, ..cond.d by COllat..loner Brown and '·ge : '·';·"tt :,;};: ,.'{d~i( "i~" ~-r¡'1l., ,:;:Ifc . ~';~ .: ,¡;!i~ ., -.. "~ l" .... ·.r .", '1 ~'."" . ': ! carried unanlmou.ly, that the ^9r.~~.nt r. Colll.r County and Collier Developaent Corporation pertalnlnq to the rlqht-of-way n.ed.d for four-Ianlnq Pin. Rldqe Road, b. approved. , - ... eOOK 075 fACé'168 . ~ ~¿ . , " ,. . ' _______........__'''''..''''''''...,........".,.....".''''_..._,_'..b_.._ ~>,.<.".,...",..."'..,..,.;",..."'._''',.,,'_...¡,....'"~....,-~''''''_......_."'._~~_._,-,_...'...~"_.'''''''''''',,¡''~,.,,.~.,-."..._''''''''.'''"''.....,y,.~~~...,~'"..",'~"'.-...'........-.,;,'" ULCCTIOIf - DENUD, rOR S!:WER ("."'1 .J, ... ~o... '..'.m...... ,,·.4~1' , .... ,"''''): ;".'.'~ - :':'~- or CR2" RILL AS CONSTRUCTIOK PROOIIA" "ANAO!:RL StwER AREA -A- REE~Y MANAGEMENT - ßE1.ECTED AS CONSTRUCTION pROCRAM MANAOER AREA -A- ili ~oo~ U"~ PACE l-n IU. 114 Cha(rman ~rule referred to the Executive Summary In thl. aqendl packaqe and aaked for any questlona regarding the Conatructlon Proqrlm ~.nlger for Sewer Are. -,1,-. Co.-I..loner plator ~oveð, I,conded by Com~l.aloner VOl', CH2M Rill be .elect,ð al Con.tructlon motion failed 2/3. with Co~ml"lonerl Co..i.lioner carried ./1, with Commlaaloner pl.tor oppoaed, aelected Ita. IlS HIRING FRE!:ZE Rt EQUIPMENT OPER^TOR III rOR TRANSPORTATION W"IVED _________ __________ ._______.Jil.____________::,L "',y 3, 1983 ';:.Ii(;;,\ ,. ""'<.{!f>Jo ~r:';~~r .. """.Q' ,·"t',....;, ~~ff::> ":-l'.~l, . County ^ttorney Burt L. Saunders explained that the deadline for : "1":;J{;; Po', fllln<J the flood appeal hu bun extended to September 1, 1983 .nd th't:,¢~~: ","'"r¡ " '. , 10~RD TO RELY ON 8rwMD TO CONDUCT '1.00D ELEV~TION lEMA'S PROPOSAL It.. U 7 <JIve. the County until December I, I?B 3 to pe r feet their applll. lie .aleS that rtxA h.. .laked Collier County to rely on the SFWMD for the '.' flood elevation .tudy. Coululoner Rolllnd !loved, .e<:onded by CO.lll..loner pl.tor IInd carrl.d unanlaou.ly, th,t the Bo.rd r.ly on SFWMD to conduct the flood .' I,: , f'~'elevetlon .tudy .neS to accept rEM...'. propo'.l. : I '.' ;' .pte.. t 11 '. , JllARCO ISLAND UTILITIES RATE ORDER - CONTINUED TO MAY 10, 1983, ~CC!PT- MICE or RATE 8CREDUU; PR!:PAR!D BY STAr, AND MARCO ISLAND UTILITIES CONDULT,I,!lTS - APPROv,m County Attorney Slunder. referred to an Ite.. not on the a<Jenda; .. publllhed, end requeated furthor tl~e In formul.tlng the Mlrco Ial,nd Utllltlea Rate Order. He noted that M.rco I.llnd Utllltle. per.onnet ....·.._·t·, were pre.ent Ind .<Jree to the Icceptlnce of the r.te .chedule thl. d.te. COli. I.. loner PI.tor moved, .econded by CO.MI..loner Brown and c.rrIed unlnlsoully, th.t the Mlrco I,l.neS Utllltle. Rate Order be continued to M.y 10, 1983 and thlt the accftpt.nce of the r.t. .chedu1. prep.red by .t.ff and Marco Iallnd Utllitle. con.ultant. b. .pprov.d_ " ",; 1'1':1' ·'(;::f.I 11 .Êii""¡'" I';' ".....~.. ..'1,' , ~;" ¡¿:J:~:.·".;i ,- t , ':":{~~f '.' 'ao!)~ (175 'ACE178 .... :.~4o ,,;,..;,,.. .,._,~,.:'~,.:' * ~. 'hi-~'" , ~, .'J'~0f2" ."..'...,.~..~,...,' . ,.«.""'" "'·'·:"""'{''-.~'''''1ÓI:4J.1¡..'''.~'''~,J;¡-l~.:f')v>-t ~~. ., -.\llJiI;"I'I. i"M"....; '... , <L,,;;.H;¡.1'JII, j, ~~.'~"J L ;1":i',"~.""" '". ". ~~~ .' .,' .', .~' ...'''T'~~~ ",~'t(~.,.~.....\. "",, ~',IIII""""" , ~3t:>~~.! ~ . - , . , . ., ' , , ' ~;~~,~,~ _ __ _ _ __ __--.:..___~'__ -:-- -----,-- -l----....-::~"'~:;¡'f' ,~,¡, ~oœ 075 rAct181' MIY 3, 1983 '._,:;:~... ':' ',.:: %t.. 'U, : :"-4':: ): '!. 't~~{; ROU1'IMI BILf.S - ~PPROV!D 'OR ,AYMENT ·l~~~~~:~; ". ,;!~i""'~ pur.uent to Re.olutlon 11-150 the followln9 check. were throuqh April 29, 1983 In payment of routine bill. I CRECK DESC~IPTIOK CRr:CK NOS. ~ Voucher Check. 95248 - 951;00 Ite. . 20 "UPCET AMENDM!:NTS 83-504 THRoven 83-512 - ADOPTED AS PRESENTED Co~i..lo~.r Rolland moved, eeconðed by Co~mle.l~ner pletor and carried unlnlNouely, thlt the fo11owin9 Budget Amend.ente 13-504 throu9h 13-512 be Idopted a. pre.ented. , '~.i'¡'.' '.;::'¡,"I "~'^If"<" c,: /(~~~ ..,~,:: ~ :~~:~T; ;,,"}'."~d!,f' :,j)~;¡~ . ',.-.1J.>- ,':,~', ..'~'~ :', ';'0' .:," (.../.. .',' : . ' ,H/'... , .,. ,. @ ", ,} } , - )\'.. :¡'¡,íif¡"~;, ,) '~. rlft'~~i ." ~''! 1-, ;,¡ ~,!~~ '. ;r'#~·;",:.:·.:~.·'m>"···:' . .~. ,~~\'"t"'"."'." ~.~~~"" . ..' '¡ ~."'..þ\, .'NSi\1èI! ;. ....,'...........';;,...............' " '. ." ·t .~of " <\ .,{ , '. ,.:~:t.' ,~t .,.~)~.~'/ '.~.:.'...:.4~ , "~~1f1',~'1M,:~ii " / ':;~r,1!1tf~\t ........".i/"I ,"", '''''>,.,...".,,,..'''."'''........,_''''"'...,__''''''''',,.,..-....,'~,._'""''''''",''-<;"~'''''...,,..,." ....'",~.,.!<...' ,,,,,.,,,,"O'd "'i·.~'""·'"".,~...,,·;;, .~,..;,·;.,·4"""'·' , ~""" ~'....... ~~ " , .. ,;'~',~~{ '/: ' . ·;r~).ï';,;,frit¿ ~:..;.~-'.:.-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - -.~'~~' BOOK 075 fACé'191 Mny :3, 141' 3;' Ì~;"r:.f· ,¡j .21" ,;,,;. . /),':~; It.. ,~\~\,~":, . 'é..,' COMMISSIONER PISTOR'S COMMENTS R!: REASONS FOR LEAVING :~h;..':;· 951 WITH BT^T! or F1.0RIUA 'Î~.",<, .' -c~>ý."'" . ~'''':'.' . ,¡'.!.1~ '." Commis.lon~r rlltor .xpl~ln.d that he h~ð rccently recolved phon. calla a.kln~ that the County reAssume rosponalbillty for four-1anln? s.n. 951. H~ .nld that the r.t~tc hns ðgre~~ to repave cert~ln slctlons of this highway and that to place the County In the pOliti on of beln? responsible for this road would dnlny ~h~ project from P months to ð year. For those rcn90n~, com~lsslon~r rlstor ntßte~ he coul~ not make a motion that would qlve C~lller County r?nronslblllty for four-Ianlng s.n. 9~1 að he hOD he~n reounstnrl to ~o. aell 122 FUNDING AGREEMENT FOR INTr.RI~ MODIFICATIONS, G01.D!:tI GAT!: ESTATES CAtIAL SYSTEM - APPROVED This It.em w~s rcmovr.rl (rom thr. Consent Agenda at the rcquest of Chairman Krusn. Commissioner PI.tor moved, .econded by Comml..loner VO" anð carried (II, with Chairman ~ruse oppoaed, that the Fundlnq ~9ree~.nt for Interim Modifications of the Colden Cste r..tltea Canal Syatem b. approved. @J ,-- - -- -- ---...-",,,, ,.- -- ..--.. - ~-~- -- ..------,--..--- -~ .-------- r=::3 r.::::.I "'''''__.,,,'''''''..''''''''''._",,.',''''....1...°'......, ","".",,..____'I...W......'--_t ... .-,h" ,~',.-:~~~~t";i' ," ' .., :,"l~"'." "]'~.J~~~'.,¡J,{' ,. ' . {p.p; , ,,1':"'¡(",,~ ' ,,4,;~' <6It;j' ~~ "". . -,.' tl "" ~~:' '. . .:'PO:· ,:!~~t~ ,,,>¡.,,, "J."'-"" .ç .-.r:}~t;",~ _~~_ _~~:""::";;~"'r-_-r--..:._______,:-_---------___~__h"'".f--~', -,'á~~ 075,AC£193 t ~ /. ~ ".", ,/4!t May 3, 1983 ....Th. followlnq It... w.r. adopted .nd/or .pproved und.r the Con..nt h).nd. by Clotlon of COIII.Ia.loner ,lator,_ ..c::ond.d by COIII.I.afon.r Vo.. .nd c::arrhd un.nt.ou.ly···· '" ,2) CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CERTIrICATES rOR CORRECTION TO THE T^X RCL1.S AS PRESENT!:D BY THE PROPERTY APRAISER'S OFrICE T^NGtBLE PERSONAL PROPF.RTY l2.!! ~ 1982-326/328 01'. TIt 4/18 - 4/71/113 lW. -, ~ " 581 , 582 58~ - 591 593 - 604 3/30/83 4/5/83 4/7 - 4/14/83 J~j¡¡~,t'1';". " .... , "";' ~,' i" ',.. ",: 't" ' mCUT'" ...~~} .~....~ ".J. ~.." '''C' ..' ': l;' "Wt;~'~ ··,f:'· IU. '24 LAKE TR^rrORD MEMORIAL CA~DEN CEMETERY DtEC NUMBER 345 rOR THE CHAIRMAN AND THE CLERK Se. PIg, /q? It.. '25 ONE PART-TIME AND ONE FULL-TIME CUSTODIAN POSITION IN BUILDING MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT IU. . 25 BID 1544, RE TRUCXINC or ROAD MATERIALS - AWARDED TO B.J. EXCAVATING ' ;'11 ENTERPRISES t ": :;:~,\."i Legal notice havln') bun publlah.d In the Nlpl.. Dolly ¿'w on·;;t~t{. . , ..if.:.Q' ,- March 17, 1983 II .vldenc.d by Affidavit ('If rubllc.tlon flhd wlth·th....... . ,~,., """Il~*"",';"~ Clerk bid. wert r.c.lv." until 2130 P.M. on April 6, 1983 lor Bid UU ',,' ~ '..; .-:~; .', 'I for trucking road illIte rial a Ind .v.rded to ß.J. txcavatln9 !:nt.rpr1....~:~: "''f,t'' a. belnq the 10w'lt and mOlt re.pon.lble bldd.r In County and the Chalrm~n va. authorized to .Iqn and CI.rk to relultlng agreem.nt. ~ ~ ~ ,~,-""._,...,_...."'~---"'"- ..--..,;""",,"-.,,- ~..._"..-.-.~ ,--,..'........,..""",.",'"....,,....,..,. ,.,.. "-' ___. _ _ _.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __._ _ _ _ _ Þ-- - - - - - -. -.. - - - - - --- May 3, 19113 IU. '27 ~ESOLUTIOM 13-71 OPPOSINO rLORIDA DEPAR~ENT 0' REALTH AND REHABILITA- TIVE SF.RVIC~S INTENT TO CLOSE A.a. HOLLEY STAT!: HOSPITAL See PA9.. IUM '28 II\ISC!I.1.AN!:OUS CORRESPONDENCE - rILED AND/OR REr!:r.RED There being no objection, the Chair dlrlcted that the followll\g .I.celllnøous correspondence be filed and/or referred I' Indlc4tedl 'f -'.. 1 1. Copy of letter received 4/21/83 fro~ rred J. Fagergren, Superintendent, Blq Cypr... Ba.ln, notifying landowner. of . preplratlon of Land protection plan for Blq Cypress National pre..rv.. xc Mr. Norman and Mr. Vlrtl. riled. ..~ . , .... JO""" 2. Departmental R.port.1 Received and riled. <~~,i~",t.;; .. A. Veter~n. Service., March, 1983. B. Solid Wa.te Dlvl.lon, Hlrch, 1983. 3. Latter deted 4/15/83 from Jame. M. Stilwell, tnvlronmentll . Spechll.t, DER, re notice to lIooftrd of Comml..loner. of DOT eppllcatlon for work on Pllntatlon Parkway Brldql. xc Mr. Norman and Dr. Benedict. 4. Memo dated 4/~/83 from Dlvl.lon of Stete Land., Bureau of State Lands Management, re notice of public hearing. on Submer'Jed Lend Laaslnq policies and ree. -'nIendment.. xc Mr. Norm"n Ind Mr. vlrtl. Filed. 5. Copy o( f'lnal Order rrom DER re Permit P<lo. ,.. CO-79, Gulfvlew Beach Club. xc Dr. Benedict. riled. 6. Letter dated 4/18/P3 from Stephen O. Moon, Comptroller, OOT, re flnlnclll position of Collier County'. Tru.t and Agency Funds (I!ond FundI) ". of March 31, 19113. xc Mr. Normln, Mr. Hartman Ind Mr. Glltl. riled. 7. Notice to Owner dated 4/19/113 fom Flredoor Corporation of Florida that they Ire provfdlng material. to ~rlft Conatructlon tor Building Or". xc Mr. Norman and Mr. Do r r III . riled. 8. Minutes rocelved and flledl A. P"rk. Ind Rec. Advisory ao4~d, March III and 25, 1983 B. MPO, ~endl for 4/26, mlnutls Cor 3/'-/83. C. CAPC Ind CCPA aqende for 4/21/113, CAPC minute. 3/17/83 and CCPA minute. tor 4/7/83/ Pag. 15 &OO~ 075 rACE 194 ~ .0.1- ~~,_....... .........-........-.-,.-' -¥--.....-...- "~-'~-'~:VH" -."' " ~,',__:";"':'~!J'" ".' " ' ~'f.:;,;~"''''~'''~¡\' , .' <~ ~ Jt~ "'ftf'.A, "I.IZn~ , 1"'; .......'''::...,,,~.:^ .'< -J':"H,. :, ,::kJ~~~ " I-' ·'¡"'<:'jt·:,::'·:;~·~r .:,.,,:,~~..', ,!".,",'::d~' ..'¡J.. . ' .'------------------.----- - -- - --------- May 3, 1983 .,~}.\~' . '~:!',: .,,&.i~';·O D. City of N.plu March 16 Inð April 6, 19113 ",..tlnql. 1~~~ " 75 rACr).~tter received 4/15/83 fro", Stephen P. Clark, OHlc. of the Mayor, ''liallll, rlorida, oUering 10lnt eHort ,IJpport on th.;, IlIue or propoud amendment to P.R. S.ctlon 200.001. xo Mr.,Jf:. Hill. rlhd. ., ':'<'. !'- ~ .~. }' . " "., i ",'. '.. ~;, 10. LItter received .e/IS/83 from n.1.. 'Hck. nprelllln9 oppo.IUon. :~:~.~.\" to zoning change re petition R-!!3-2C. xc Mr. Norman and ..r..,":~~~?: vi rU. riled .d,"ji«:J?,,,, ..., '."'~" Ind P<lr. ~obert OUlnn lnðlc.tlng" i:~~,; re Petition CP-83-I5C. xc Hr. ""~"~ ~v' '.¡r~1 ,'~~¡,'~ Th~re being no ;urther buRln...·to come before :he Board of County .~i :'i -':ì' '-' " ." . '-" ~....!""'.~ .., ., 11. lAtter dated 4/15/83 rrom P<lr. favor of petitioner's reque.t Hormln Ind Mr. V1rt.. Filed. Comml..lonerl, the meeting wa. adjourned at 1013~ A.M. by order of the Ch lr. 'i,_ ROARD or COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD or ZOHINO APPF.ALS/EX OrrICIO COVERNINO BOARD(S) or SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL , '.~ ,i~'. 'i~lt ~TTts'T';'~"'··,·.. ;':" ~,t(~1.qAM'~"l\t~CAN, CLF:RK 1'1; ,.:,l.' ...' . '! "I.foe) '':... 'rU: ",' . (, . ,:~~~~~~ '.>:~~~\ '¿:¿c.. ,·~rtfi. .. '¿Í 'j,' ':"'f)~ ,I -,.,;,,,,,, I, ,ft} J :."'..~: , ',T~'''; ,n\tnu,i'...:.. àpproved by the BCC on ~ 1'1. '" /"..:] pr~..nt~ð~, ' ____or lIB corrected ~"7-~ ;If ~ -:-''1 .... ,. '."~,:;~;.. a. . . . '. , ---- - - - ----------------,---------'------...;. It ~ ~ ..,,~ ..,'''"..,-''''~""...--~-_._._- .,""..,,___--111;--