BCC Minutes 05/11/1983 S "ðplft!, Florlrl~, ~ðY 11, 1q"] LET IT ~~ R~Mt~AEREn, thøt In ~ccor~ftnce with action taken on ~ny ~, l~n', th~ ~o~ld o~ County Com~{sstoners tn onrl for the C~unty or rollt.r, nnrl ~lso ðcttn~ as the Aoord ot tonin1 App.als an~ as the ~ov~rn{n1 hnnrd(~) of such øp~clftl ~Istrtcts ~s have b~en crented ~c~nr~ln~ to law and h~vlnq conductcrl bURln.s. herein, met on this date ðt 7:0~ r.~. In SPECIAL ~£fiSION In Aulldtnq -r- ot the Courthouø. Complox, ':Mlt ! ^pl~u, F'lorll!lI, with the tollowlnq memhers proll.ntl Cn^tRMANI ~~ry-rrDnc~s Krus. VICr. Cr1.~tR"M~1 I"lIvtd C. ßro"," John A. I'lstor rr~rlerlck J. Voss C. C. -0.,,- lIolland ^L~n rnC~CNTI William J. Oeaqnn, Clerk, James C. Giles, rlscal Offlcer ~^urr~n Kenyon, ~puty Cler~, p.urt L. fillund~r., rounty ~,ttorn~y ~n~ C. ~llllnm Norm~n, County ~anftq.r. r~q. 1 BOO~ 075 PACE 257 . ,~':,;';l "'. '/'" . - - - - - - - - - - .- - - - - - - - - - - -.::\~~ . .:~··~r,! ',,><\14 ¡..\*" '7,~{i~:' ,')~T~' __ ,_ _ _ "__ v_ .__. '~4 _. _.. .". - .- - .'- ._-- -.--.---,...,.,"..-....-,. ,~...'>'..",_.,..,,_.",.".,,".~ !oIay 11, It)AJ Tape 11 ltell 11 ~£SOLUTI0N ~~S-~3-" ~UTHORIZINn ISSU^HCE OF ntFUNOINO 60NDS - ^DOP1!2 Coun~y Attorney fiaundera atftt_d that this rosolutlon authorizes the løsuancft of the rftfun~tnq ~ondø. Comml..loner Vo.. mov.d, .econd.d by Commissioner 9rovn and carri.d unanimously, that R.solutlon CW~-~3-~ authorlz1nq Issusnce of r.fundlng bonds be adopted. Comml90ioner rlstor questlon~d If thoro was nny problem with tnlurinq tnftn. bonrl9, to which G~ry Ak~rft of ~outheafttern Munlctral 00n11 stllt.d th^t thor- I~ a commitment trom ^mhac to lnßure the.. hon-1s. PlIqo 2 BO:~ 075 pm259 ---_....------~ --- -- ._.- -- .- - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .... .. ".............-.._",."...~.._._~ -""-,....~-""'._-'~.. - - - - -- - - - - - - - -.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --" MftY 11, l<lA' IUM 12 RE80\.1ITIOM CWS-~3-) SETTING rORTA Tfl! TERMS 1I1'fD Dr-TAILS or REFUNDING 10NDS AND APPROVING £XRIBTT A, DISCLOSURE LETTER 'ROM UNDERWRITtNn, EXHIBIT 8, BOND PU~CHARI AGREEMENT, EXHIBIT C, ESCR~ DEPOSIT AOREEMENT, AND EXHIBIT 0, FORM or OFFICIAL STAT!~twT - ADOPTED CQunty Attornøy fiaunrlors oxplalnod n.aolution CWß-Q)-3 Rnd it. n..d to b. adopted. co..i.sioner vo.. mov.d, .econd.d by Comml..loner Brown and carri.d unani~usly, that n.solution CWS-83-3 ..ttin9 forth the tlr.. and dIUU. or retundinq bonds and approvinq Exhibit A, Disclosurl Letl.r fro. Und.rwriting, Exhibit B, Bond Purcha.. A9r..m.nt, Exhibit C, Escrow Depo.it Aqr....nt' and Exhibit D, Porm of official Stat..ent, be adopt.d. paqe :\ , ';,:< ._ O. _____uo _ _ _ _ ___ IO'~ 07~:AŒ31i_. _.,:}~t - ----------.-~j ··.Œtj~ ,#;~ "...,.;..",....-'"'~........._~".~..._...,--- .,-~,_..,._.._j--------"'-""'.~.. "IY 11, 19t13 :, It.. n 'tl . , ItlVtllD Mf""Dt1lO or 10"0 'JltMTtNO TO ~IJltC"1I IA"'UIOTI - ,,''''OVID .~~: t' ,;,' . county "ttorn.y Saundlrs Indlclted that thlre la a proble- with .,t· l:":" ,,"h' bond prtntln~" which IIr. rllcher would dllcuu. I, ~ ~r. DavI rlachlr of pl.chlr, 30~nlon, "11.1' , Burkl at~ted that h. , bid 'J0nl out for thl prlntln., of the bondl and "Idv'lt vaS thl lov ~.. ';. bidder. .... HI noted that "Idwelt caU.d on I"onday aut In., that th.y could. 'I . ".i ~ 'f not do thl prlntlnq of thl bond I dUI to the JulY 1, I'.', dladllnl ',. rll)lrdlnq rl?IIterln9 bondl. Re noted that thlY vlnt to thl nlxt low bidder who wa. ~erlc:an e~nknotl, addlnq that they have a9reld to do thl prlntlnq for 'S,2S0 plul the extrl coupon. and the dellvlry which vIll co~e to approxl.at.ly 'S,910. "' not.d that therl via .8,000 alloWld In thl bond II.UI for the prlntlnq of the bond.. Re report.d that hi II rlco~~endlnq that ~.rICln elnknotl be aVlrded the bond prlntln'J . Co..lllIon.r ,Iltor .oved, Ilconded by co..lllIon.r .rown and carrlld unanl.oully, thlt ~lrlCln Banknote bl avardld thl prlntinq of thl bonda. "r. Pilcher Itlted thlt I lult could be brouqht 1l)lln.t "Idw"t but thlre la onlY .15no dlrfer.ncl and It would COlt ~re In l~al f.a. to pur.uI It, addln1 thlt h. would not ule or rlco~~.nd "Id~lt to anyonl. H. not.d that the realon for 11! thl hondl bell''' printed at thll tl.. II thlt ror the flrat tl~. In hlltory, bondl vIl1 havI to be re.,lltlrld, Iff.ctlvl July 1, 19ft). "eplyln1 to Co~mlllloner VOl., Mr. rllcher Itatad that there ar. approxl.at.ly flvl or alx thou.anda at I cOlt of al.oat '1.00 a bond, '&OOK 075 rAC£ '595 UCOaDD'I KDIOt ~ III onItIIIt. TJpIIIa - PdadIoc _dol......, .. tWo .......- ...... """".... ______,.-..-.--------¡ø---- -------- .~, " ~':¡"¡~ -., --,..--,---,-- --.-------'..'.-.. ..~ ... ·~7\, ~ '; J"O, " ~, ~. ;8:: .~~ ,~ . . ", ' '1" . '~~""#l .;~(:::\[ ;.;,,',{;:' .~)'¡ ,:"',.' ~,$' ... -.......---.._-........",.-- - --...---- --------.-- -- ._.- - -- ----_. ,. 075 ~aa -! ''''I~TI ' ,00( 'AC(~ MIY 11, 19113 ., -:rt't . _"'-,1\,, "'/ , (~' ,;..~.,. ,.~:.. I""i", thlt tha bond. en inlUred. ',/l~t:<.; '"r Collllllla.lonet V~" qua.tlonad If other brok.ug' Hr"'.' partlciPlt.d "èW . " "':~,..., " ' 'f~ In thl sll" to vhlch "r, Phil ,.lquln of M.rrlll Lynch It_ted :hl#ß' ~~e bond. Vet. dl.trlbuted .v.nly Ind v.re .old ye.urdlY at I ute ot' ,: -. 1" 1-7/8' on the 10ng-t.r. bond.. HI pr...ntad the good felth check to..~ ....Ji, ,~t.', Þ'lr. ,I.ch.r .tlt.d thlt the Inv'ltm.nt blnker. did a good 'Ob'J4~:, Iddlng thftt he took I lurvey of III bond. 101d It thl. c1..s and no ~~ ' j 1~~,'" other -1eller hi. 90ne belov 'I', therefore, tt'l .Ivlnq. Ir. greater thl" J. , . Clerk Ael91n In the I",ount of '2~n,Oon. "',"1 ~ , IntlelplUd. IU. ... ,< f~ ,L ,)(, . ;0,; . "~: ' COM~~CT WITft "IEAY CONS~UCTI0N 'ROCA~M M~N~aEMEMT, INC. rOR CONSTAUCTI0N PnoQA....~1 ..^"~aEMENT ~ND ENOINUlltMG SERVICES roft T"I I EIoIt !' I!IIVICI ~R!~ -Ao EXPANSION '"OO"~M - APP"OYID County "In'q" Norll.n .UUd that I. a ruul t of n.gotlatlons vi n ".ery Con.tructlon r.qlrdln9 t~. contract, th.r. Ie an IddlLlon to the contract to cllrlfy the rol. that thay playa. I r.eldent engln.er, adding that the othllr I..ue. hlya bllan raaolved vlthout naadln, Iny .., i " chln,e to the contrlct docu",.nt. H. noted thlt the .ddltlonll ..rvlcl' 'I I~¡ wlrranted viII requlr. In additional ellpendltur. of 'lS,CCOoJ "' statl~ ¡, i"~".." thlt by approvln, thl. contract and having th, Hilary con.tr~~~;~~~.~ .an.q,,,,.nt tllft. worklnq vlth the County, I raco..lndatlon could b. .Ido on th, pondl at nut vllllk'l ....tin'. ' ..f",";~:Jì· Co..I..lon.r Va.. .ov.d, ..cond.d by Co..I..lon.r pl.tor Ind.:,,~~, . f' -,1',1 ,". clrri.d unlnlllOu.ly, that the contrlct with ftl.ry Con.truction 'rOfrlR 0, . "Inag...nt, Ino. for con.cructlon progra.. .In.g...n' an4 .n,lneerlng .\' ...... .... ..rvJa.. for the ..w.r ..rvlc. .r.. -~- .lIpan.lon prOfra. be .pproy.d, ,¡;1 "~~,t' ~,:~_.. ,e,.. 5 :-~---- - -- ._- - - -- -- - -- - - - - - --- ------:----_. .. , ",~t..td \"\;,\>N ::'. , . ~':if1.. ..~ . ~.~...~ ~ -;k). . "\ r--; &::;J ~ -.-...--'-.. #,-. .""... .....~~.._- L 1'-- ,'._.",..._...______ ""Y 1" 1 "., In tho e.ount of 1130,000 .nd the Ch.lr~.n b. .uthorl..ð to sl~n .nd the Cl.rk to stt.st the ðocu..nt. Seo P'SII :l9f'~ ¥-;, 0 '!'her. belnq no furthClr hudn... for thfl 'food, or the County, th.. ~..tln'J wan ~d1ournCl~ by Orrlor of th.. Chnlr . TIM. ?I,n r.~. AT;tISTI""..... .tL~~:/~...,;."N. CL"nrr {~~:"~:.:,.:>..:..~~ '.. '4;~~ . T1\~~~ .1r1U~.~..:.p·nr"y"-1 hy tho '1~~ M /?1.a/ /t /'.I'~ "t...nt.":.· ~ or ~I: corr..ct.d . A' "1"11 " 'eOO( 075 fACE m .- -- - --. -- - - -- -- -- --'- ---, ----------------_:_;;}: >, ,:,~~.,..,. , '" !e¡ , .~.)Jn $1 '.t {¡~þt. : ::itl~ }, ! ~~I , , ~ ,'<:; . or ITII