BCC Minutes 07/05/1983 R -' ......., ttIti~t~,,, ",. ___ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _--- _._ ____ _ ____ ,--,-~-~1~:' :',.é ~~ ·:,·,·,"l'f, l/ftplo., florida, July" un:, L~T IT b~ RKMEMBER&D, that the Board of County Commis.ionee. in and (oe the County of Collier, and al.o acting a. thO BOArd of Zoning Appeal. and .. tne govarnin9 board of .uch .pecial di.tricts a. have D.un cr~atuö .ccoruln~ to l~w and having conducted busin..S h.roln, met on thi. ~ðto at 9aOU A.". in Regula' s...ion in Building -,- of the Collier County Courthous. Complex, Eaat Mapl~s, Florida, with the following ..mb.ra pruaenta CHAIRMANI "ary-france. ~ru,. VICt-CHAI~AHI David C. Brown John piator Fr.dorick J. VOMa c. C. -Rod- Holland ^LSO PRtS~NTI ~11liam J. keegun, Clerkl Jam.. C. Gile., ri.cal ù!!icwr, ~11ngr M. ~k1nnur, De~uty Clurk, C. ~illi.m ~orm.n, County ~n.9ur, aurt L. Saunderø, c~unty Attorney I Terry V1rta, Community Duvalo~wnt Admini.tratorl L~e Laynu, Pl~n~ lmpl.me~t.tion Director, Knute lIürtm4n, PUL)l1c "ork» Administrator, leving &tarzon, Utll1L1t116 ^dmi"i.tr~tor, Hl0SY ubwr ~nú Þ4rb~rø Cucclliono, Planners, Gr.c~ tòpaulcHnq, .\dJ\lniatc.1t1vd Alù" to tn. bo.ud, ðnd I)e~uty Chi..! kat_cnd öarnett. ~h"llt('~ ~e~ct~ont. aOOK 01B rAGE Of ii' ~"CJ. 1 " . ,. . I . .........--- -,- -- --_.._.._-~._-----_.._--_.-...- -- -------------........-- '\ -,''''- '~.'~ ..' :.. .', ,', . \ \:/, "~~f¡i; '~, ' íth~.~"- ¡ , " ij" l .- I ..ß"....-- "uJ.V 5, 19UJ :.,.~t·"" . ,:~;~u!',. . \f:'ap. 11 ,'~.i n.. u }~;~l¡""' 5~!.(~ AGENDA - "PPROVID WITH CHANGES :W::~,:' "~~r,.,o'i '\~' " ~t, ';',(~" . . """':" Co..i..ion.r Pl.tor .oved, .econded by Com.i.sloner VO.. anð carried unani.oualy, that the .~.nda be approved with the following chan~e.1 A. Item ~~ - reco9n1t1on for ftt. "arol~ "all - Added. 8. Item GA-l r. p.~itlon Cp-93-6C, George Varnadoe rop. Immokalue koad Partnership " Gre~ Cabin.... - Continued to 7/l2/8J at ~.titlon.r'. reque.t. C. Item. lOA , lO~ - Continued for Approximately 2 weeke. D. Itu. lOC ro re~ort on intur1m flnancln~ for dewer Diat. -A-, Hortn ~apl.s Soweroge ~xpa". Projoct - Deleted. t. Item lOD ce roque.t by 8ig Cypre.s pce..rve that Board adopt building moratorium in Big Cypre.. - Add~d. It.. 12 MINUTES or MAY l7, MAY 24, AND MAY 31, 1983 - APPROV£D Co.-i..ioner Pi.~o' moved, .econded by Commi.sioner vo.s and ca,ried unanlaou.ly, that the minute. of May 17, May 24, and May 31, 1983, be approvod .. ~ro..nt.d. 1 t.. 13 EMPLOYEE SERVICE AWARDS PRESENTED TO ROBERT COSTNER, C. WILLIAM MORMAN, DAVID SANCHEZ, MICHAEL GKHTILI, WILLl~M MACRID£S, ~VID KARHEBM, HOMBRO PARTIDA, AND OLIVER SIGLER Commissioner holldnd pruauntud ~~~loyue bdcvico ^w~rd. to tho followlnq ~ount~ ~~~loyu~SI 1. HoLh' r t, C"UI trhlC - ¡~o..~ " IH ic.J9" lO (.,Ar. 2. C. willi Olin ,.0 r 11\/1 n - County M~nu~"r ~ · ) ." "avid bønch\la. - (oad , uril.lí· 5 · 4. /'Iich..,l (,i"f\tih - ROo1U " ÞC 1.19" ~ - 5. .~illiam Macrlau~ - dl<.l'.J. Mal in t. ~ · Ú. Oav1ù Korndhrn - ~olld Waite ~ · 7. Homwro ~4C UtIli - Hood " brldl). 5 · 8. Oliv\!c :H~llJr - üulldin~ lnspecto' 5 - * ¡~ot ¡..ruMOf\t olt IIIcet,ln9. &00'- 076 PACE 09 wt....----- 0'- - --.- - - -' - -- --~. ,---- - -- -- -- - -- ---- :ii,: ~," ' . ,'I .' " ' ~y -<~~ ~\:~~.. i'~~ ."~~~ ,_,..",,' ___.'""~.....,,__""__~___~...."'''~..~...^_''~._ .,~~".~_~,.,v.,,~,,___..~__~.,'^~' ,.._.~,~H·"" ---------------------------------------- 10 July 5, 1903 It.. 14 -108" MARRON, SR., cuur CLERK, ROAD AND 8RIOO£, PRESENTED "£MPLOYEI.or THB MONTH- AWARD AfttH r."dlI\9 tno Award, commh.1oner VO.I) ..,ullltnted John ~"rron, Sr. the "&m~1~1~ø of thv Month" for July, 1Yß3. It.. U PROCLAMATION DESIGNATING THI WEEK or JULY 4, 1983, AS -YOTER RIQISTKATION WEEK- - ADOPTED .. After readln9 the Procla~atlon, Commi..ioner Brown moved, .econded byComai..loner Yo.. and carried unanimously, that the proclamation designating the week of July 4, 1903, a. -Voter Registration Week", be adopted. t:'.a ~4I:rv1aue of l;hct1olla /'Ie ry /'Iorgan accepted trill Proclølllation and at.ted thAt tnocu ~rv ~o loc"tlon» for vot.c r09i»tration. Re.pondin9 to ChA1rm.1n I\ruau, I'i». /'IocyAn ti/:l1u tlleru With) 4!.1,OOU r091.tered vot.ra ~efor. thu ~ur9v, th. deletion ut Lho»U Vuraons who hdve not votod for two y'ua r Ii. 'Ai·.3 , .. ._------------------------------------~~~~ .. - - '. " ______________-----------------------7-~~., tOOK 076 'AC£ 12 July 5, UÐ3 16' PROCLAMATIONS or APPRECIATION TO CAPTAINS AWD CREW or LeU - ·CYPRESS· - ADO PT ID After re.dlng the proclamation, Commi..ioner pistor .oved, .econd,ð by Com.i..ioner Holland and ca,ried unant.ou.ly, that the proola.ation. of appreciation to captains and crew of the LeU - .Cypr...., durlng tranapo't from Jackaonvl11e to Collie' County, be' adopted. He pre.ented them to the following person.. Cnarlwa IU QUC/lah·l~ Jac!\' Nrtic. koÞ"rt i'r'" burn 1,1_n C. .)ohnaun Hlch.Hd (,;oopor TnolllÐS G. Hul.il~ Lorun J. Þullard JOiH,ph ~. I<ocik t;ldon s. tilocum bUd t.or" .... Swaby Jonn b. Wicols., Jr. tterllart I.. <.;.orl&on ! ,~ . \' "., ,': .... ' - - - " ---....'''''''''.---''''-...... ,~""~---- ..... ~ ¡ , " -.( ., .... J .: ¡J,t :t'''¡'~ , ;.\~M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - --- --'1'!:..!~ -~~------------~ .~~~ , "il.-- . "'~ j. t·.,~' tOOK 076 'ACE 14 July 5, 1983 , . 1.~NI 11 !LAQUI PRESEHT~D TO MR. HAROLD HALL ChGi rmDn Krua" It (prQ..e~1 appruc.llltion to Mr. H.,rold Hall for hia .crvlcu tu Colli~r County fru~ 1974 to lYó3, 6nd pre..nted him with · ~laquo on b~half o[ the board of County Commissioners. Mr. Hall " tnanke~ the board. It._ ~- '&'tITION CP-83. . , . ''U'lOI<ALEE ROAD PARTNERSHIP - CONTINUED TO JULY 12, 1983, AT P£TITIOH~A'~ '~QUEST Commis.ioner dolland moved, .econded by Co.mls.1oner Brown and carried unanlmously, that Petltion CP-83-6C be continued to July 12, 1983, at petltloner'. request. It.. 19 ORDINANC~ 83-28 RI PETITION CP-02-l7C, WILSON, MILLER, BARTON, SOLL, · PIIK. INC., REPRESENTINO CEMENT PRODUCTS CORP., REQUESTINO A LAND USI AMENDMENT rROM ACRICULTURAL TO INDUSTRIAL NORTH or DAVID C. BROWN HIOHWAY AND EA~T or C.R. 9~1 - ADOPTED ..ôt9.... notlct& havin> bue.. pUbl1»n"d 11\ tnu Napl.s Dally News on June J, 19ü3, os avldenc~d by ^ff1d.vi~ of pUblication filad with tho ClerK, publ1.\: heoriny was hvld to conoicJer Petition CP-82-17C, wll.on, Miller, Uarton. ~oll and Puok, inc. r.~r.s.ntln9 Ce.ent product. Corporation, rvqueatin9 .. hno us-= oll\ondment trOll' Ac¡ricultural to Indusl.c1al for a!'(-roxh¡ately 40 acr~s 10Co"Ited 1/4 mile north of Davld C.b10wn hi9hw6Y and 1 mile eoSI. ol CH ~~l, in beet ion lJ, Township 48 South, h~nge 26 EðS t. pl"nner barbaca Cl1ccllion" reterred to thft LXtlcutive SUllUl\ary dated .1un«l ~, B¡¡J clnd Qltplðined that tllU propo..d use for this property 1. a Plaon"" UnIt OovLlupalunt. c:ont,ðinln-j int1uatrlð.l us... such a. an ..phalt plant, concreto plant, and redl-mix conc,ute batch plant. She ..1d t.hat ttlV ucollllllan~ation of tho Collier County PlanninC A9ltncy and Staff 1. for .p~rova1. ........-.- - - - -.- ~... --- ~ ... - - - ..."-,,.,----' JuJ.y 5, 1963 Co~mi..ion.r Vo.. roferrod to a atatomunt in the aforømentloned Ex.cutivd su~~ary wh1ch indicðt~. that tne ~FWMD ~taff hat d.t.r~in.d that th16 projuct could be d.signed 1n ordor not to affect the Coral Rlld Aquifer. Mr. Tom P..k, of ~il.on, Mlll~r, Þarton, 5011 , ~eek, Inc. repre- Buntlnq the p..titioner, ..aid th4t tll~ concern re\jlHdin9 tne Coral Reef ^'{uifur doalt with tnu intro( uctlon of lI»ph.lt Inatltri.sla to ..1d ..quitor. Ha explained that ln ttllol PUD ùocum.nt, that ia be1n<,l proc..- Dwd for ¿onln9 and would ðpply it thi8 Compr.nenaiv. plan 1. a~?roved, tnvre arc ~lacv8 for II r~quo.t for a ~rovl...10ndl use that would rely on th~ p"rmit upec1ticatlonü of the Sn.I'1D in th.:lt ¡.;articular aroa. froll tOIt onsot, ho Büid, those kinds of 8i9nltic4nt condltions dupend on the .~provQl of tnu U~" that rely on monitoring ~ell& to bo ~lllc.Ø around. I.hl: 161tu an'" sa.n..l..d on ,) r09u1..r bd6111. Commlsøioner Voss askod who 'HJU1.1 liam..lu tllu ",,11., ana 11r. ~"uk rUlipom,h:'Ú that would ue done by a l~~oratory .~prov.d ~y tnc D~k. kua~onuiny tu Comm1»uionwr VOIIII, Mr. ~wOK &dlJ th. bCe has tu cúcry oul. runu.dlal ~ct1on tllClt could .to ) wnateVUI mi'3nt COUll. contAllll- !hltlol1 d.,O Lh..t 1.11" ultlr.1otu (ume:\lia.l. <lctH)n ilt to u11Ocollt1nue tll. u... ...ltO'll"t.h"C. ¡IU ..xpl,lino..:d Lllût "lth I..ht d.1tu'JUclrus 1., tilll purr:'litll u...uuIJ b¡ ...a::H.. tluJ iJ~~ a...;J JUILJJ lct1vl1 t." ..ll.;¡dr",.. too;.,;. 1J\:rtllitlll if ... Lh..t probl~¡n Ol:cur G. }IC. 1'.:.k ux...lùlnl:u t ¡ùt tll" ¡Jdnlary ...uq..osII u~ tllll. ¡:.ct1tion is I.h..t "';vn,,,nt Peoùucta ~IJCr'or.1t1ul\ is ln thu pùrtlclntJ Cum..nt kJroducta ¡"YIo1I\ùIlS, I'r 1m.. l' 11'1', ,:IIIÚ l.\" jH locit'.11 UIIi':'aò J.n t ,~ rUD, tl\<1t woula bu fortllcQ(òl1n.) Lor dt-lVCQV.11, .H'" t."r Pur tlønd Cðmllnt cul¿¡tllld products such .Ii r..di-m1.< l.:<Jllcrut., .::uncc..lc Ul.JcK ;llðllt. ðnu tholll.. tYe-eø of ce~Gnt ~roductM. HUdpun~inq to Cummidlliloner Voss' ~u~lItion, hu lidld th~t &OOK 076 PACE 15 Pave G - - - - - .- ~-~ -- -~ - - - - " "",~~-----_.I.'" ~--' --- lOOK 076 '''CE 16 July 5, lY03 , ¡ ...'~ '; .~ 't ' .' , curE~ntly tne petitlonwr doa~ refuul on alt. using abovØ-9round tanka, that. . problem of ,1eU.Lng dlwø.l fu.,l could hollpiJUn, and tl10t tho area 14 ~l~wd 10 that it do.. no~ øpr..d norlzont"llY. D~rin9 ~~~ to!lo~in~ discu.G~on, Mr. peuk referred tu Staff raport and sald i( th. ucc would idontify tho coral Huof ^~ulfer and it. limits b~ln9 dev~loVua ~nd i( the land usu rocommenctðtLon dutermine. that ova rytilinl,l 3i t.tlng abovo t.hll øi to should hllve An lmpervlou. laye, unJør .n) tu~l .torðY~ l~nka, in hlu oplnion, the p.titioner woul~ have to com"l)'. A aiacuaal10n o( the trtlffic a1tul.ltion ensuod with Commilsloner tiolland oICproa..in< his concorn regarding traffic genoration on Davld C. Brown lti~hW^Y, AlrtJort-l'ul1ing and Goodlettf.: kOll<JÐ ðnù he .aked if ð Tape 12 trafL1C ~urv~y hAS b_en con<Juct~ù1 Mr. ~e~K ru»~ondvd that the trafflc numbera 01 trl~~ p~r duy gonurðt~d b)' the US03 ln~t will be requosted are not !olt to U~ a maynltude thAt would excoud the ca"ylng capaclty of tile ro¡:\,;. CO~~l»»lonor ~1.tor aakeu It thure woul~ b~ loa. wear and te.' on the roada if lighter truCkS dr.. us..d, and Mr. peuk Maid that the r-.di-miIC concrut.. truCK silt: ..,111 not change. He described the I\anne' 1n wh1ch (lni.ho~ concr~tu relðtuØ ~roductø can be o~llv.rcd to various .it.OM tnrou',¡hout till.: t,;uur.ty 1n .. 1I\0ru eUiclc:nt wa)' H the petitlon 1. Ip¡)rovQ\1. CII.1rman Kru.u aòaiCJ hut concurll w.s url..,¡inolly with UUI Coral ....f ~uifor And w.. directly r~lðtQd to tnc ..øpnalt production and th.t, with th.. r.movô11 u1. thu olipllult. proouction tronl tne petition, she do.. not n~vv the .arne ~roblum. Hearing that there were no regl.tered Ipoake,., Co..is.loner Irown Pa9- '7 . - .,- -- - -- - . - -.- - - - -- --'- - - - - - - - - - -------!;;, ('.¡'~ . .. - - ~,).: :';rr ;~'.; . ". ;:;¡{ - -- - -~...-----_....-..:.:~. _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - -..- - - - - - - - - - - -.- - - - . '~;~~~jr ,~~'-: , ,":""i\: ¡':/';.~; July 5, 1~a3 aov.d, ..condeð by Co..i..ioner pi.tor and carried un.nimouIly, that the public hearlng Þe clo.od. Co.-l..loner Brown moved, .econded by Comml..ioner Pl.tor and carried 3/2, (Colllmlaa1onen Vo.. and Holland oppoaed) that the ordinance a. numbered and entitled below be adopted and entered into Ordln.nce Book No. 17. ORDINANCI!: 83-28 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 79-32, THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POR COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY AM&NDING THE WORK STUDY AREA MAP '2 PROM AGRICULTURAL TO INDUSTRIAL ON THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY, APPROXIMATELY 40 ACRES IN SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH, RANGE'26 E^ST, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREI~, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DAT~. 1 te. 110 ORDINANCE 83-29 RE PETITION R-83-lI, COUNTY PLANNING DEPT., HEQUESTING REZONING FROM -RSF-]- TO -RMF-6- rOR 6 ACRES ON NORTH 18TH STREIT, SOUTH OF LAKE TRArFOHD RO^D IN IMMOKAL£~ - ADOPTED L~<J..l IIUC1C., 1,.."101q pa"n ¡Juol1:w.,rJ in tho rið~leÐ 1,)1111)' New. on Junll J, l~ÒJ. ~a l)Vl~,,"c':lJ Dy ^tflo.:l1l1t of publlcatlun 010(1 with the ClIff/(, ¡JIJÞlI.c hv~C1n'J "ulI u~liIned 1;0 conøiJo:tr ...,tltion H-ß3-11, County Pllllnn1."J ~¡;..rt.l\"nt ,,,yuo:ut,l"'J rl.!;tunll1\,j írol,\ "h~i'-J" to "Rt'".-6" foe six Llcr". lo~at,\Jù ùn the W"ltt dido) ol ¡Iorth Idt.h 5tClilet, :00 foet .0\,It'.h of Lake 'frðL'focd I\UoIO in .l1~r:1u~ùlltlJ. "'l.uIS .l1.lfJ.lunutllt,ðtl\)J) (;uocl;.Ol I..aynlt ¡¡.:lid tlHlt. fol.lowlnCj the 1APC public n~ðr1n~ on MJY =S, lYbJ, P~tltlun ri-üJ-1I WoI. (orwdrd~d to tho \:See.: wl ta thu ruc\):nr:lotn;J..t1IJIJ tur ¡J¡.fJrov4Jl .:.no ~t"lt rllCO/MIeneJli èIpprov.l. lIur1n9 that no onlt was U9illtered to speak, Couhe1one, plator .oved, .econdad by Commissioner Brown and carried unanImou.ly, that the public hearlng b. closed. Co~1..1oner PIsto, .oved, .econded by Comml..loner B,own and carrl.d unanimously, th.t the ordinance a. number and entitled below be adopted and entered Into Ordinance Book ~o. 17. eOOK 076 PACE 17 '. " ',~ ~;t~ <~ .1,:" /,~ pag_ a AI 4 -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _........, ------...-- .".-~.. -. ..-.- ..... - ,---_.... ---...........""--,~--_...... "I' :;::~ ,'.~ . '.,-~ "~ \ .".', ;"tfI ~' '1 !' , I __ _______________._________l:. _______________ _ ~-\l ":\, '~~.: ,toll- aoOK 076 PACE 18 July 5, l~8J ORDIMANCE 83-29 AM ORDINANCE AMKNDING ORDINANCE 82-2 THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS rOR THI UNINCORPORATED AREA or CO~~I&R COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY AMENDING THE orrICIA~ ZONIHG ATLAS MAP NUMBER 46-29-' BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION ON THE HEREIN. DESCRIBED PROPERT~ LOCATED 200 FEET SOUTH OF LAKE TRAFFORD ROAD AND NORTH 18TH STREET IN SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 29 lAST FROM RSF-3 TO RMF-6, AND BY PROVIDING rOR AM EFFECTIVE D.\TE. XUalll RESOLUTION 83-94 RI PETITION CCCL-83-BC, COASTAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC., REQUESTING A VARIANCE FROM THE CCCL rOR SANDCAST~K 1 AND 11 CONDOMINIUMS, MARCO ISLAND, FLORIDA - ADOPTED L1t9..l notice navinlj bUlln publ1./UICI in the Naples Daily New. on Junu l~, 19U;. .. ~vl0uncç~ by ^ft1~av1l of PublicDlion filed wilh the C.lork, publlc uGarlnc,¡ Wall h.d<.i \:0 COlIsider petition CCC;L-UJ-S<:, f11uO by <,;oD»t..l Ln~!II.tirln'~ <.;onsultDnt.., 101.:., r.queB~in~ d vdr1ancu trom tnw Coø»tal Conøtruct10n Control Linv for proIJ..:rty locatuQ in ::..tc~10n" Ib Allf,J l!:l, 'Aown"'hi~ ~;.: tJOUltl, Ran~o 26 ~..t, <:ollier County. Fl~ridð (~andcð.tle I and 11 Condo...inluIIl3. 7J.ú :'¡oulh <.:oll1l1'r uoulevQrd, I".arco Island, Flodna). (,;ounty t:nv1ronalttnt.s11st Dr. ihtnecl1ct r.,teTrltd to the tx_cut1vu ~u~~ry dyt"u Junw ~~, l~~j, and ~.11u, in hi. opinlon, th" ¡..ct.1tion 1» SW~HlIlIr 1 ".d ,,-ell. ~(t"i'ond1n'J to ConudssionGr p·.1l.1tur, Jr. liontlu1C't ...:.1ù ~I¡"l t; CJ dHlicðht hllw ð9rellu to the st1.-ulèatioruò .:.:. contû1nt."( An tHO:: r..olut1un. Itu&rJolI....1nl,J lO <':Ollollll..bAUI1tH Pl.t.oe, Mr. ~c'lnd)' ßUIIIII:Y, of C01ll8l..1 tn'Jln.hHlntJ Con;,;ultðnta, Inc. rcpru.un~in.) thQ petitioner, Solid tra" putlt10n~c 11.:16 ....jett!.:... to lhe CIlo'Ing"''' IIno thv drawin9_ hAve b.en ðllU!nucd ..nd t.m· dppl1catioll urawin9Ð to elimindte the outur plðtLorml.l ü~ Ur. Bco"ùict. näG r~comm.noud. ~;'~, __.__ _. _ _ ~4" _...~....- __ __ .w......_ _... .....- -. ..- -- _.- .-- --- Poc¡e 9 "'~,~ - - - "I -~_..., -" , ,¡'~;~~{i: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,- - - -_.....~ ------.-----.- ",,"¡\,'j¡,\f; . ".:t 'tJiJ ~ //'~1 i¡ :;;,':1. ,\.'\',-' " July !I, HHIJ Hearin9 that no one va. r.9i.tered to .peak, Co..i..ioner Pl.tor .oyed, .econded by Comal..loner Brovn and c.rrled unanlaou.ly, that the public hearing be closed. Co.-l..lone, Brown .oved, .econded by Co.-i..loner Holland and clrrleð unanlmou.ly, that Re.olutlon 83-94 re Petltlon CCCL-83-8C, be adopted. 'aoOK 018 PACE 19 'age 10 AI .. ..________--~....-...,-.>.,... _...,..,.,.."~......_".~_~......,,..."fl''''''"-~-''''''·'--- ----------------------------------------~~ 1,·1-, . _ 07B!'ACE 26 July 5, 1963 It.. 112 ORDtNAMCI 83-30 AMENDING SECTION TWO, l06.3, OF ORDINANCE 83-13, the COLLIER COUNTY STANDARD BUILDING CODE, TO PROVIDE AUTHORITY rOR EXTINSIONS or THI TIME LIMITS or BUILDING PERMITS rOR THOSS PERMITS ISSUED rRCK JANUARY 1, 19B1, TO DECEMBER 31, 19B2 - ,~£D L.eC¡Ql notic. n.vinCJ bllvn publ1shlfù in the Napleß Daily New. on Jun. J, 10, l7, And 2', 19tiJ, A~ evidenced by Affidavlt of ... publication f !led wi th the ClcrK, public hear ing waG hold to con.lú"r a propoøllt¡ orClincsnc:w allullld1n'f &oction Two, lOG.3, of urdinunc. 83-13, TIIO C~lll.r County Stan~brd 8uildin~ Code, to ~rovicJ. author it)' for oxtension 01 Lh<: th," limits of bulldinç¡ ~ermita for tnosu ~urmit. i..uuo from January 1, 1981 to December 31, l':itl~. ChÆ:irmön Krusu clarif1ed th.1t tllo propost:o ordinance ill to continuv time limits of builúln9 pormits du~ to the problema that havClo"un lnvo¡veú with thv Onoirll.:l l 81tuatlon in th. area durinç¡ the l.at 1-1/2 y".ra dnd, adued, hopv£u11y, th.t this will be tho l.st t1Ø1Q t.h"r" wl11 ~ ð nuud Lor tni. act.ion. Hearin~ that no one vas re9istered to .peak, Co__I..ioner Brown .oved,-.econded by Commis.ioner Vo.. and ca,ried unaniDous1y, that the public hearinc¡ be closed. CODai..ione, Pi.tor Doved, .econded by CODDi..ioner Vo.. and c.,ried unanimou.ly, that the ordinance a. numbered and entitled below be adopted and entered lnto Ordlnance Book ~o. 17. ORDIN^NCE 83-30 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SICTION TWO, 106.3, OF ORDINANCE 83-13, THE COLLIER COUNTY STANDARD BUILDING CODI, TO PROVIDE AUTHORITY FOR EXTENSIONS or THE TIME ~I"ITS or BUILDING 'ERMIT~ FOR THOSE PERMITS ISSUED FROM JANUARY l, 1981 TO DECEMBER 31, 1982, PROVIDINC rOR AN EFrECTIVE DATE. Pa9- 11 ... ,"., - . .- --, ..- - ~--- - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - -- --- ..__ _ ...__ _.n - - - ~"--...----- -'-~"'" .._-'"".~_. ' îl'f.!ìl\:'/.', :~~,,,, .~, ------------------------------------~--~~~ , . . ,;,'~ "i~V: , ,-" ",,:. ..; .. . :... ; I,~' ~'~:,:l' . July 5, 1983 '.. f, (' ,If""., . t t_'13 'II . ~~ÔLUTI~. 83-95 RI .ITITION PU-82-10C, -THI R~K· CHRISTIAM CI~Rè8~ . , ,RIQUISTING A OMI lIAR IXTENSION or PROVISIONAL USI rOR A CBURCI 1M , GOLDEN GATI ISTATES - ADOPTID . '~~~I' Planner Ober referred to the Executive Sumaary dated June l5, ~i"":-" , '.1913, and .ald that the petition 1. a reque.t for a one year extenaion ~f~O July l3, 198e, of the provi.lonal u.e for a churr.h. ,~..t;';IÌ" Mr_ Ralph Quinone., upr..entinc¡ the petlt1oner, .tated that -The )..~~" ì - I- , ','Rock- Christian Church is pupared to proceed on the project, ha. the r" ~ 1 plans and .e.ber. are in the proce.. of obtaining the .oney to begin " \., ~ ' construction of the church. Mr. Quinone. .ald the atore.entloñed ite.. ~ ,'. .. I t'.; ~.~~~. repre.ent Pha.e 1, and added ~hat, In hi. opinion, the chu,ch will be ~ co.pleted vlthln the next year. Community Develop.ent Ad.lnl.t,ator '<t ' Vlrta pointed out that hl. departaent 1. ln the proc..., at the f." direction of the acc, of bringing to the BCC an a.endment to the Zoning which would not allow exten.ion. beyond a year. Co..I.alone' Yo.. .oved, .econded by Co..l..loner Pl.tor and that Re.olutlon 83-95 re Petition PU-82-l0C, be '~'I' -, ~.~'~ '," t..¡,....~~ ;œ .,{í· ·,.r . :~ carried unanl.ou.ly .tt.. 'adopted. ,~" ',ë ~. . 1/': 1; ..... J,. ' ,."T , ' "".,.,~ ·~?"r ~~'.~'~'. ,,,").~ . ~,~..' t,> L.,I , ... .,' " ,í, . "'-----'_.","'~,."-'--'_., t dllll""''V~'--'''-- HI''''~ - ._- "" ..~...r~, ',I _, -"t',H .~,., ',J ,/ .. '-) , ~. ~:.,;t(f: ~ , ' "..' .It.l ~", !r'-' '~",. ----------------------------------------- .~, . , .' \;,(t~:;t: ':~; ~~;~,:7' July 5, 1983 J.~~; "ì~.~¡,¡;,1 ~~,.... 'j' -p'.1t .~. ~ f~ It. '14 , 40~' . ," RISOLUTIOM '3-9' al ,ITITIOM PU-12-16C, ~CBOR ENOtMEERIHO, IMC., ~ RIPRISIMTIMO MARCO WOODS, IMC., RIQUISTINO A ONI YIAR IXTENSIOM or ,ROVI8IONAL USI rOR EARTH MINING - ADOPTED . I.','; ." \ Planner Ober referred to the Executive SUlDlDary dated June 15, .''1'' 983, and explaineð that Petltion PU-82-16C l' a reque.t for an of the provl.1onal use for earth .1nlng. She sa14 Staff the acc grant a one year .xten.lon to July 27, 1984. to COIDIDla.loner ,l.tor, M'. Darrell MArch, of Anchor' n9 neerin9,Inc. repr..entlng the petitloner, exp1alned that the final ,;",~,~,:.~.,'~...."., ,. er.it' froID 'the Corp. of Engln.er. and DER were recelved wlthin 30 ' ·.."H,'!·... ' aY!,of ~he de.dllne for thl.-project. .( .. ., Co..laaione, 'l,tor .oved, .econðe4 by Co..la,loner Bolland and ."-r ". carried unanlaou.ly, that Re.olutlon 83-96 ,e Petltlon PU-82-16C, be , I" 'j f"~ . \k:.M.~ .. r."i... . "':}", , ,,,,.', , ~ , ~f '" "'_. ~r,:·r:~. ii ,.. r, . ;.,~~ ). &O')K 076 PG: 31 '1 ~- , \11 H~ un ~ .....''tl~ ~.. ~ '. ....-:. ------- - - - - - -- - - - - - -...... - -- -- - -------- - - ------:- . . ., July 5, 1983 aaaK 076 PACE 32. ....' .. :;A. ,', 1·4 ';¡~ :"8> DISCUSSION RE REQUEST BY MARCO ISLAND TAXPAYERS ASSN. FOR STATEMENT or . !J.. POLICY RS PROPOSED MARCO ISLAND INCORPORATION - NO FORMAL ACTION 1 u. 115 Chairman Krule ref_rred to a request by Marco Island Taxpayers Association for ~ statemwnt of policy regarding the proposed Marco Island Incorporation. Mr. 1. E. Evans, repre.entative of tlon, explained that the item is the request of the Board of of MITA and he ref~rrud to Ð March 7, 1983, letter contalned in the ,f' . ~:...." It -t ~·\~_.t During the general discussion that followed, Chairman ICruse said ,'.,.Ii' to' that she was personally uncomfortable with this agenda itea and added~""~ "": that, in her opinion. a. a Commlssioner elected County-wide, she should " . "\1"- not take a atance one way or another, on this subject, other than, to~: . assure Mr. Evans, or anyone who calls hor office, that she will d~ he~~ ,~ ,~t· _ responsibilities as a Commisslonur in whatever lIIanner the people of ~i~ , "." ~~~)'y '!I Marco I.land decide. She said she was not comfortable lIIaking ~.:!~~~ -" ,. 'j- ;"·~~I statement as a Board of County Commissioners. Coa.haio~~r"vo". agreed . .' ¡,~J'J4\" He described IIn examph"of a ai.ilar aituatfon, . ".J: ~&~,. J ( employ an independent consultant to study th ~ t~:~·. ..' .atter in order to glve the people of Marco I.land the facts. Mr: ,_:,: , have any .ubsuntiel' , " £xecutive Summary dated June 20, 1983. with ChairlD.n Kruse. -,'( :t-.,. , ,! , anð suggosteø that MITA Evans said the Association would be glad to ,'-iE'. . . ~ evidence that Commlssloner Voss might have to support hi. statements. j He ~eforred to the June 14, 1983 meeting held with MITA repres.nta- tlve., the County Manager and County Attorney, noted in the Executive SumIDa'y to identify possible problems pursuant to the subject of lncorporation of Marao I.land. Responding to Co..i.sionur Holland, County Atto,ney Saunders that there is nothing that gives terms or rules fo' thls matter, "., however, there are various court cas.O and Statute. that detail ---.-_.- - ~ ~.- -- -- -- -'- -..-.- -- - - - -- - - - --- -- - - - - - -~-:- ~ ~ -"'-".._..,......~""~,-_.....<~-_. .~:; . ,''''t',.': . ---- ----- - - ----- ------- -------------.----. ......-____r_ _ - - - -- - - - - - - - --- - -- - - - -- - ---- ---.:....-.--- '/ I , July 5, 1983 .. ~ aituaUon., that hi could at.udy regarding t.h. aituation. ø. ,.dd not n.ed to take any for~al action, if it .0 decide.. Holland .ald hi Igreed vlth Chal,man ~ru... ~'.'i After further dhcu..ion, it va. the conunau. of the Couh- ,..~, '. ~ ~I: ~:~;:r:1~:::'::: ::: ::::4 '::':':0.:::"':.:0:::"I::::r::::1:::.:::'::' ;I. .n,<~j'I, I ~ "th.lr off1ce 1n 11nl vlth the vill of the plopl. of "arco Island. . _I'I!\'~.\'.' It.. Uf ;,. ."."'. TAlr DIRECTID TO PROCEED WITH PLAN or ACTION ON CONTROLLING PUBLlCA- ~ION YlNDlNG MACHINI PLACEMENT WITHIN PUBLIC PLACES AND PUBLIC RIGHT- or~AY AND REPORT WITHIN 90 DAYS WITH A RECOMMENDATION TO RESOLVE T81 SSUIS RE SAME ,Publlc Wo'k. Ad.lni.trator Hart.an .ald Staff need. to obtain ";...J.~, ! ¡ . .pprova1 for·. plan of actlon on controlling the placement of publlca- , t tion v.nding aachlne. within public places, lncluding 'oad rlght-of- :·h'~I. ,way, 1n I legal aanner. He ,eferred to the Executlv. Suamary dated ~u ... \~~~~~~/83. He .aid that County Attorney Saunders 1. revi.wlng .' inforaatlon and opinion. received fro. the City of Lakeland'. Alsi.tant (~'At~orney. He sald Statf has begun tho revl.lon of the right-of-way "'1' · . .j~'. "nual .nd wanted to inform the BCC, becau.e th.re have been coaplalnt. .~.1' . ~r.c.lved by hi. department reqarding the .ituc1tion. During the en.ulng *"-)~ . ,~::. dl.cu..ion, COalmh.loner Voss SU9ge.ted that Staff check with th. Clty ·~c~ of Nap~., who has .ado a study r09ardinq th" .atter. I'\r. Hart.an , , .' Ig,e.d. Co..l.sione, Voss .oved, .econded by CO..i5.ioner Pi.to" that St.ff proce.d vlth a plan of actlon of cont,olllng the publlcat10n v.ndlng ..chine pllce.ent within public place. .nd public rlght-of-wlY and r.port vlthln 90 day. vlth a r.co..endatlon to re.olv. the ls.ue. re ..... R..pond1n9 to Comalia.loner Vo.., Mr. Saunde,. .xplalned that the aOOK 076 PACE 33 .' . Pig. U ,'(1 ~ ---<.- .. ~l. ·/t;.·~·.7'".:".:~ ..;. ','~~ 'tt'.( ,. ,I .. £..~~. ',: ;-r:·'1 .!' . ~. ' ",::' ~ ~ . , .¥ ~~~.':' - " t",_ I, 'I. ", . .. . .', . , ! . . . :(~~:'. .-...,,-.--- 'm 076 nee 34- July 5, l!l03 most favorable way to tJrocw4!cI 11 to met)t wi th tho peoph of tit. news Media to ... If ~h ~9(~emcnt C~'I be c~achwO. ^ short discus.ion follo"4Id dlolr in9 wllien C\)mll,i.aioner lIoU.nd requ~sted clarlfication r.9ardin~ th~ lv~al1tr ~o~c~chln~ lh. r1~ht-of-w~y, and Hr. tiaundera referred to &uprcm~ ~ourt c~ac. rugdrding th_ spocifics of news " circuhtion UVt,;1I thou~h it In t.or ..,(oUt. tlu ddcieeJ tilt. .ubject i. difficult., nowtJvt;r, ttli County c:anllo¡' pcev'-Int pri'/lIte enterprl.111 froll: Ulllizln~ Lhe ~ubll~ rl~ht-oL-WbY bVeðU~V the aforomentionea c.... cle.r ly hevll all hi th..t tho t"ceodom of U.o Pross lncludds, nol only the fCllledom to pcint, but. ..iLl" the tC"CdOI'1 to cicculate thtt new.paJ.lera. H. .aid thllt on.: of tilt! .Ir"... 1n which t,11(! Count.y ctln regulllt.C! the .ituation c"ldt~¡6 t.o ð ø¡;ecUic ,,It.Jut.lon, IHICh ... .. ..f.ct~ hazard, \Nhicn Cion be hl<tllti f ud w1 th to t i911t ordinanct! to addres!6 tnal "robletn. Hu (alotre" to Ll1u It:llcrli ol complAint. whl~n tll., <.;ounly h..s recaived and note~ thoau have cJeall wilh . ...!ely hllzard. upon c.ll for the que.tion, the .otlon carried unanl.ou.ly. tape 13 ...RICKSSI lOIOO A.M. RECONVENED. 10110 A.M.··· ltea 117 BLUEBILL AVENU~ P^RKING PROJECT RE 28 PROPOSED PARKING SPACES. 10 PROPOSED SPACES ELIMIN^TED. - 18 SPACES APPROVED SUBJECT TO STIPULATION THAT THIY BE CURBED. AUTHORIZATION TO UTILITZE CIP BEACH ACCESS rUNDS FOR THIS PUR POst: ~uÞlic ~QC~~ AdL1nlMtrAlur Hartman r~vluwed tnlD item for the BCC and ruhrred to ~no t;x~cutive SWllmary dútod 6/20/[13. tie .ale! Staff w.. direct_d LO ~o lu bid, ~ow.v.r, StAlf WAM ol~o dir~ct.d to apptoach the Ðut~ of rlor 1d.. rUCJ"r¡j 1ng an _asemunL ~lon':l thtt south dde of Delnor ~Grk. ho .xFl~ined tnc ator.m~nt1on~u ~x.eutiv. Summary contains corru.~nd.llee wl\ich 1ndicaloa t.hat. tnc :,jtete is 1..1uctant to do this, how.ver, thlll ...at_ hAS no probh:1h wi th t.hQ oda1t.1onAl parldn9 ..~.c.s. .......----...-- ..~-".".,,"..-- ..- . _ _ _ _~!! 2 !,.,_.., !,~",,:,~ ...~ .- -.. - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -.. .. 't .% '." , "(.I: ,"", . .:"~ .. .. - .,._.,._ .4.~_ " --,..--- '" --------.-- -- --- ,--------------------------~.. aOOK 076 PACE 35 .ACj . 17 ,)~ _._--_._--_._--------------~-~~~ July !I, 1983 uo.ever, ho aó11IJ, t.he !:Itato would profor only Ð control1od .ntunc-, to tn. buech at I)elnor WiCJ91na, t>t..:IU PA,k. Ii__ rl.lhrud to the concern. of area r..idontD, t~. conwtruction ~8tlmato end dourc. of fund. lndicateð 1n th. ~..cutlv~ Uum~ry. he ..~.u for ucç airectlon to be aure that tho titaU is procueding in tl1e non""r pcevloullly cHrttctod. c.:o.l'lli»»lonur Vo.a wxplalnea thöt h.. I\"'M I....t with thtt people who l1ve in the condo~iniumM juat North of blu..bill Av.nue, And that one of their hgitio1lolltv conCf"naa is tlhl t..ct tndt tlltlt lO propused pork1ng opec.. would b~ constructod $U th",t thd uøur vehicl." would b. bacKlng into thu eonuomlnium-ownwó provurty. Hv .sked il that i. correct? Mr. lIartÞðn concucc"d. COlnmll1l1iora"c VOila dtik..d if the parll.lng apeace. coulcJ bu curlJ.d to eliminate vvhichti from this pcoblom? Mr. Hortman a'.fruod end .dded thet tne dcivvway 1. within the County right-of-wat· Ho said tne l.ount)" cuu.l.d dtlUnu..l~ tIlt) :i¡Jo1Cflli with ....rklng 10':1'" A dtacuaa.ion followvd lJunn'j wllich var10us mvthoda of aChievln9 aulutlona to .:oncc:-n.. ut all ltUI dreð roJludentu anà tn., ,)..lnor ~tate Park user. WùC~ dluCJ8.~u. Mr. H. 'd'/Y aap0¡(d ill oPPolålt10n to thu ¡IJ proç.o"~ù ¡JArKing .p4IIc... ~r. a~rndcd lllu1,,1 3poke 1n opponition to tho St~ft's ~olution to thv p.r1t11\'j :sll;uoatlulI. CO¡.IIIIi..iVl1..:c lIu.l.l¡¡mJ :>.UU IIV h.:..u I"¡,,cn ..P¡Jcu.'Ct;\lU oy pl, u¡Jlu in thlt lIorth Ilbplus ...(oJ.. ",11.:> Lir" ....O....ll1~ ¡d..clJ::6 to ¡....CIt .Jt :.;undown. 110 sald lll~t, 111 n1.. al'11110n, LII" 1(,; ..L.,¡¡.O....u ¡Jurk1ny ..¡"~CIJ" OJoulu Ihlliafy thAt nUlld. Comllli...i".."c YO:lU cvllJrrt'u t¡) ~,c. l'lh'''''\ll':o comment r~~"'rdir.~ t.n. thr.... 1"9411 .)CCIJIòIlWIt. II..: ..611.1 tllcit tn"c__ 1. »uu~. .¡uuation c\'/":Jarûinc¡¡ this Sltuation õ.u"¡ /"c. :;úUIICVCU 1.. curcltllt.ly 1 v".tiCJIIL.ln." tll~ entlre arVA. --- --- _.- ~- --.- _.. - - ..~ _...~""'..^~..,"',.M_"'..-,.,.--- ,,,..."'........._~"-_.."'",...,,......,.... -~---------------------------------~~~..., '')~ 016 tACE æ July S, 1983 , .:~~~ continûd prob1U1, anti tlUat park1nc¡ 1a 4 ol.....io, caØllullc¡n 1..u\a. She .~~ I~ '/1' : ---- - -- - --- - - '-' - ---..- - -.. - - -- -----.- -- ._--~~~~~--~:~. ':\ ' I~: DeF-uty Ch1cf kO)'1llond U.rnott lIIaid thðt the ShuiU'o ~~.utmcnt is -.uppor\:,lv. 01 "10)' ~..rkiny ¡¡lGeun anywh"rv ne..r tn. b__ach 80 veople c..n I¡ o to thelll. He 8l1id 118 could ûndur.tand tllO concern of tn. aUA r..luenL.. .. KG9i&t.r.~ ø~e~k~r, Mr. Gor~on Pra~, 0 blu~~ill ^v~nu~ property own. r, dec: 1 i nud to 111'.41 ~ . Mr. GOCJrge fl. LancJ£urCJ, r.preMent.Lng Vünd(;rtJilt 'l'owerll l, 2, .. 3, thanked the County MðnaCJttC and thø ISCC for tIt. opportuni ty to pre..nt the r..ident~' (J~J.ctionä. He uðld hi. conc.rn 1s with th~ 10 propo..ó plardn'J apaco. "nJ tn.. .",curit)' problems which will re.ult in tr..p....in'J, 1&.. well as lhw axp",nuc to both Towor. build ing8 and to Colli.r County trying to ¡Jolic", tll08C problema. Itll .poka in oppo.ition to thu 10 ~ro~uu~ .pocu.. Ouring In.. U1~~uä81on thaL (ollowud, Commi»uioner ri.tor r.Le,rud to COllllllent.. rU'JdrI:l1n-; tluraona p¿¡rk1n'; uutaidll tlU' ~arK. Ho rai.ed the qu....ti->n ot f;au.ln\:J IIllItur. in tnv êtflra. hr. Norman .aid it would not b. approprlat., !ur th" 8m~1l numbvr of parKing mutera, for the County to bCco.,u involvud wit.1I tI mltt.vr (JrogclIm at t.llill tllnt!. thl noted that th. HCC hða not enaors~d tn,t pr~grð~, Ðnd h. bciufly noted .0111. of the r~ldlud eonÙll.ionll tlldt woulo h.v..: t.u bo "QClr~M»ud to rUMult in a solution re9ardin~ eolluCllon6, ute. A oiacu.aion followed durin9 whlch O.~uty Chief Þdrnctt ref~rr.o t.o thw ~ru~l.mø and solution. ,.latoo to ~arkin9 muter II, tno uconomic8 of Game and .aid tnðt i..uin9 p.rkin~ ~rmitu 1~ ·sort. 01 . Lr~ük in thu l~w·. hv .aia it is not A d1tflcu1t prol.J1Uli\, howevuc, it Mhoulil not bu CQ,,,iewed with tho prospect of &akin9 any lIIon.y. ChalrlllAn J(ru.e _aid tnlJ p4lrk1n~ . J4:lc" .ituo1Lion 116 onù lias bGen a - - - : . ~ ~ '. -, . "'-, . __''''''''_~_'_'M'''"'''''_"~>''''_''''''^' ----- - -- --- - - -- --- - - ---- - --- -------- ----- July 5, 19113 e~~ro.sod her op1nlon. re9ard1ng the µdoplu'S n~.d for p~rkln9 apAc.. during" !¡Ilven year, ..nd .ai~ .ho has to louk ¡¡t uvery .1n~le, avaUable piece of ~4uin9 anywhore b,)CclU" theu II is ju.t nothln~ l.aft, anymoru-. CODal..ioner Holland moved, .econded by Commls.loner piator and carrled unanimou.ly, that the p,oposod Bluebill Avenue parklng project b. a.ended to con.truct the 10 propo.ed parklng .paco. and re.ove the above-.entloned 10 parking .pace.. Ite. 118 PROPOSED ROAD/BEACH ACCESS PARKING IMPROVEMENTS ON VANDERBILT BEACH ROAD AT NEW PARKING 'ACILITY ~ APPROVED PUblic: v.urlC.~ ^òmi/lhòtrdt<lr He,l( talan ¡¡ðid ttllø Hum '",111 ",iv. Colli., Coun~y .xtr~ turning lðnw4 4pprodehin~ tho now ~drlC.ln9 lot th~t nas boon ~rovicJuù by PulicCI/I ~ðY ðt tll.. end ot VanoertJilt ballch Drive. He rofurreo Lo t~u ~x~cut1v. ~u~mÐry cJat~d Juno ~U, 1983. H~ r~qu..t.d ~cc ðPPCOViJJ. tor tn" :,a..1tr ¡.¡lðn tlXl'lil111"c.: tn~r(.1n ilnd thu source of funds lnuicÐtQJ. IIU liI.dd ¡.Iurt ot tOtl lunds woulù ..:omlt lr~.a Tr.nsporta- tlon ",no tnu lillI)oc1L~ \Jot the L,,"dS ,",aula como trolll bUCH:h ....:c... tunas. !::velyno Lòwmalltllr, res1dewt o£ toe ..ruo dlld t>rQsldunt, V.nd.cbilt 3ei ch ..roponty U..n~n., 1.&6an., là Jokw 1n v¡..opOS1t4<JII Lo LI.IO ~ropoaed ¡.>liJn ond aðicJ. ln 1I.1r \Jj)1n!un, lr~t:Uc JOI."S I\ot \J..Irr.Jnt t:\.,¡t tn. County put in 4 tu!nlnJ l...n". ..111": ùbMH iL Lh",r~ cor.., only l.¿~ i',,¡rkiny øpaeol6 in the "ull~~n uoy P..Irk7 ~". ru(orrud to 44 ~~rKln~ 16~..Ic~. th~t would be ulllUlnl1ttla, ,,¡mJ ,lJJCcJ ~lIu ....:..1 un lllc ~~n.r~l LtO\! to uuliJ 'Jilt tnOIUI p<lrKln-] sp.JcuG ~n tll" ..ur¡;n äiau of V~l\ullrbl1t ti"..ch Ho.:ad. i(es¡;on<Jill-J to ~:'.:I1 rr.,.) II i\rua", Countl' I'LlInl'l.J.:r ~or,nðn e (~l.1inotJ t.h¡¡t Mrs. Lð.maatul w~s ~orruct, ttlut IJ ~..Irall"l ~~ckin'J apðcuø ~ould b. l.ft by the propol6\1u pl.:ln, ttlüt LIIO ....,qJ"nuieul.H pOlkin9 "".cu. would DO elimlncat.ù (,n\l tfl<lt tho». S('ùcO· "'liuato~oblQlDa, .UI u..crib..d in &OOK 10 ~ACE ., I Pag. 1!; - - - - - - - - - -.- -- - - ~- .- .- - - - - - - - - ...- - - ~- - - - --- - --....,..... . 1> " "'"__~~c".,_-,_'__"""",...._...- -~~"_....~,~''''''.~'''._~_..~-,. .....--.......-- "~ 016 PACE 38 JulV 5, 1983 . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.-,_ ..' i " "!:f. ,1,$ .' <~. ~,,.. the prevlous ltem. He sold th~t 80me of the Staff proposal i. In lmvrov.,lIIent to tllu turnln,) hlov"..,ont.. for tuff ie that. would be c;oing to .<iuHshore Driv"" ~. well ail thu ¡J",rl(ln'J lot. 11. .<lld the County 18 oOIJoÞinln'] implovvmllnt!l n"~""c.I ¿¡t tne .,ntunCc. of tile porklng lot to the lIIovoment of traff1c ~oln~ W~dt. He uxplaln*d that thu Vro..nt, uncontrolle~ aituðtlull luø~ti lQ cureunt ~..rkln~ on private proporty t.hat ,",oulu lie eontnHl..~ witn tn.SIl ilflprOVellnJnt., in Ðt..ll'a opinion. Mlku ZelOlt.lk, ru~r«¡.oIntifl(~ th... North NOVleG Civic ^aaochtion, .¡Joke in Ll.lvor of tllu (>ro~o..d rond/boacn acce.. iØ\ Jrovementa. Jam". b. ;\llen, rtiouldcnt. or <-lIdnnvl Drlve, quoted Ordintlncu 76-20 and read a rtll.olution ai';1ned Junt.: 22, LnG by the BCC u9ardinq various conditio,.. p4trtûinln.j \,0 th. acculia ¡'>Ollltti in tll&¡ proper ty under discussion. CUll 1 rman Kruse remlndud Mr. Allen that this .ubject doe. not port.ln to thll subJoct under diacussion. CODD1..lone' Vo.. moved, seconded by COIII.I..lon.r ,l.tor and carrl.d unanimou.ly, that the propo.ed road/beach acce.. parklng improve..nt.-on Vand.rbilt Beach Road at a new parklng facility be approv.d with an e.tlmated coat ol $39,307, $5,500 to be charg.d to Fund 311 and the relllaining approxiaately $34,000 to b. cha,g.d to beach ace.a. fund.. It.. 119 RIPORT AND RICQKMENDATION ON GOLDIN GATE PARK SITE ACQUISITION - CONTINUED TO JULY l2, 1983 Public ,",orl(lIi AdllllnlstrAt.or il.1rtman SlIld this item refera t.o the ."lectlon of . Golden Gote PorK lilt". H.. rcfIHr(:1 to t.ho txecutlv. &u...ry dated June 2~, 190), whlch uou.i.l.a thv merits of v~Hlou. .ite. and the ..lection proee..ø. He .oid th.;at collhr County ha. a w,ltten agr....nt. that. Hap1.. Aa.ocl~t.. would .ull thei, parcel, Slt~ 10. h. t '8;e 20 ,~- _ _ _ _ _ _ -.- -- .-- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -.- - - -. - - - - _.~... -."",'(., " ~ ":~ - - - Jul:,t ~, 1!103 ----------....... --_._----------------~------~ ': f f";" not.d thOI:O i. ð llUll ma.., in th-'t £lCecut1ve SUlftØ\UY· lie rehrred to 'å':; " '·,.ho,'; , t;7r'" doculllunt tho1t ho uce1v-:d thh date p.u:ulnlng to the c1etaU. 11\ the ':';~::~~: '-, -¿, Ðforellu.ntlonoQ &xocut1ve tlWllmary re9ardin9 b.l. te II, ownlltd þ~ Mr. Hi99.¡·':":,. A .,arcal oa.t of tho oxton. ion of 3l1ntA liubolrG ulvc.l. and so"th of the '/~i;:" , " ':¡;- ~' ctlnal. lie Maid thðt :)t.aff ruuJ been unðblo, unt.il thh (!lste, to obta1n ..ny wrlttllln a9uelll.nt ,"ith ..". 1iJ.9911. he IiAid Stiff recomlllends tnat tho aJCC .xttcute tn.. 41IIJuemunt with ¡.I a phs A...oclat.e. .ubject to a f~vordble .It. ruv.l.ew by Mr. ~lmond., b.cau.o Statt is not certain now . 'I...~ ·V~ ~.·;ri ~:\1 ..¡)~ ~ {¡ ,'" '~ i 10n9 that a9r..m~nt will be aVMilAbl. to tho County. County Manoq.r N~rman .aid that Mr. John ^9n.l11, r~p,,,..ntln~ ~lte !I, /lnd /'Ir. Merrlwllðthnr,' thl! awnur of Site la, wera pre.ent. -' ~h4Air Q.n Kruse ruqu..tCtd clariOcation royaroinq wOlin Mr. 6imond., the County con~ultðnt on thot l1.rks, could ¡¡ (. . the sites? /'Ir. Nc.rcun \,;x...l..lmuJ lIu lIIIi 11 <.10 110 July li, 19~J. IlII ....i... ::;tad recollllftc.nuat.ioll 18 , tlUllt, it ð c:onel\Jliion on tll" ¡¡C~uillltlon 1. r",acnou thi¡¡ .stlte, the c.locll1ion IInoulc.1 bot conlJit.ionuu UII 11 t~vorl\blo rUr-urt \,¡y "'r. ~illlonø. utter site IoIKomlnatlon. Mr. Ac, nulJ.l ruvl..",.o ~lt. ~ tllrou:,¡n tn. ",...nll of An ..or¡~l photograph ~nd uKplðln"ú tn" locati.on, »1:¿\I find l:1otrlt.s of. tho apptoxim6t~ly ~2 ~cIU ~&tu. Tap. 15 A '¡unq ailocu¡ulon to.i.lo..wo uur in';l '"tlil.:h ;',(. lI~rtnl,.,n illdic:.atuo on tho ouri41 phOto(Jrù~h tll" ~CI.:I:.II ro..d ..oh:n ¿u lIuing built by tho .:;t.atQ lJy .l-'1~ tor Ò':C\lU. 1.0 ",!au ..ulel ¡..rQI"\lrt¡. :"Ir. ^<jn\;lll Itxplain..ø th...t .l-7~ l".uJlIJ..:kS th..r ~ro...urty ~n~ a;: iauicLlt.:d \;,......, c.lnol on tho ,.110 tu':l c 10 ¡JII. ¡', ;: An uxtunaivu ~i~cullloion ~ollo~.d, ~urlng ~hlch Mr. Nor~.n lüid " ····d .' that the afor~~untionlld ~~cumQnt, roc.lvltù thlø dùta, cont~lns n~w &OOK 016 PAct 39 Pa'J. II · ,1,:(: 'i\i'~ o,'.'tif!', _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ - - - - -- -- -- - - - - - - - ---- -- ~----7:~" ;'rlJl1, July 5, 1963 aoox 076 'AtE 40 ,', P0ge 22"t , i'i -- - - -- - - - ~-- ,,-.- -.- - -- - -- - -......-.. - - ----- --- -------.....--.........'~ inforut.1on anu terlllA which "taU hllve not h~d an oPIJortuni ty to review. ChAirman Kruau ..~~~ 1L the oth~r ~el1or is wl111~9 to wait, to which Me. Hormcn aaid ho unduutooc1 ttlat July' 12, 19U) was th.. deadline. Co.-l..loner Vo.. moved, .8conded by Comml..loner Brown, that the .. It.. be contlnued to July 12, 1983. Comlr.1sälont1r ;¡,dllsnCJ cUtK.HJ if tlu" owru:r ùL ÞiLII/ lC is _1111ng to wdt? II~ ðSIl.",J £ue chrific.tlol1 of c.1lt.1 äit", th4t 111 otferinCJ 32 .crw6 and tn. situ t,wt lit v1furin(j 3G acrllllo. hili oltkwd if thcro i. a diffwrenctl 11\ tlU' (;uunty'ø need.? I'Ir. Norlllðn øðid thðt the County do.. not hAVu ø ""I.'ci.., ú.,nltJlI. Mr. 'rom Mo:rnwoCltllur, r"prU1fI:r.tllt1v~ tor Naples Assoclotllul on<l ono of thu ~encrol p~rtncrø of ~lLO 10, QðVU h1. pr.."ntation and BMid he "'0.. 11tLlu conLUIHI(J ..DUUL tllc rUdO 61lUollon. a~ il rczlðtelO to whot hr. A~nell1 propo..» hla client. would 91ve rV9ðrdin9 ace.... Contluut:d dhcu16uion UlOultuu in /'Ir. "ecrÁweðther .tatin9 Naples As.oci.te.. would bll I'Ii1.11n9 to ùehy the ueeiølon or. tl1h utur. Upon call fO' the questlon, the aotion c.,ri8d unanimou.ly. 1 te. 120 RICOMMENDATION fOR APPHOV^L TO K~CLASaIrY PRESENT EMS STArrING (4 IMT'S TO 4 PARAMEDICS) - COHTINUED TO JULY 12, 1983 COllllilia»iQn"r hol14l/au .u.k.t:<': \;'1I.::.t tloi.. ltltnl b. continuod. he ...id County /'\IIna~ur NOCllwn /Ida .U~I "stud tl..~C. th" Jul)' 12, 1983 8í¡end. has - com..lolt.. 'hall\. torct: r..vcrt. Metaldul"o 10 rcu'¡J.c.:t. to t;l'¡:" chan9olt. Co.-ie.loner Holland moved, .econded by Co_i..loner Brown and aarried unanl.ou.ly, that thl. lte. be continued to July 12, ltl3. - - - .r;~,;. ~Jo\'~t~ ---------------------------~~ -----~------ '~.~J\ ;,i'·;"~ii ",f>" . ,,' . It.. 121 July ~, 1983 , 1 RECOMMENDATION TO USI PARKS AND RECREATION (COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER) GROUND MAINTENANCE rUND SURPLUSES rOR ACQUISITION or MICRO-COMPUTER rOR P , R AND GROUND IMPROVEMENTS - CONTINUED TO JULY 19, 1983 County M.n~~.r Normän sftl~ Da a result of lusu thon budgeted COlt of the Co.l.l1..r County CourtlloUIIU maintwnanco groundS, for the past yea, that ended sv~t~~bor 19a2, tho County h~. a .urplulI 1n the fund that 1. ..t-u~ ..p.rðtu!y a~ainst wnlch ..ch u.o. of thw uopartmenta Are charged for th~t oporDt1on. He r.ferrod to the ~xecutiv. Summary dateð June 24, aSJ. lie notlJd St..!! hall rltcommendltd th~ surplus be ~i.poaed of in the following two waya¡ 1. Th.Jt 01& 1.¡\JclI ðli t>Qlu.lbltl 1.>8 toturllo\J t~ thtl cont1n.J.ncy accounts uf tne varlous .u~rortin9 fund.. 2. T,hat th,,¡ aC4u1..ition ot a computer that wi!! mðkw t.h.t o~er~tlon morlJ ~ff1ciltnt dnJ to procwvd witn vürt of the ~rovluulu 'I ~ro Jolu:u 1..nuø..:.1ý" \IIIorl\ for tnt/ Courtllou... ':JruunJaI, pr la.\ðc11y tnot IHCJvl.lun of l.Ii9no, IIthich are nut tlr...."lItly 111"1.~1l"u. t-011u<<ln.,¡ 01 l"l\<1tlll u¡ficUSlJiol1 durln'.! wrllell Itt/mll ulttaihld In thw atorvmontion"a I:: (,,~:utlv't '>Ulßlllðry w..ro dlscu8.elJ fo·. ..r\Jio9 costa and m"r i t;J 01 LíHJ ...UOVU ¡;rol'ulí~ lu. (.;oRlml.1111"lIur v\)sa UII (ud i ( it would not bv ,",ell to .....It, b..torQ tile ¡';ounty ùucidvII what klníJ oL lI~ui"'Qltnt to purCII...", unl,;l.L C..IV Atthur ~OUII':l lo.!jJott 1s prc.."ntcú? ....r. ¡~ormðn clllri f iud th\t 5i tu.H 1011 "'Ii 01<1 unIJIIClH..!Inds it, whlcn 1..1 tnilt t:\Q County n~. tn.._pro~rDm ~a a r~~ult ot ~ b!~ ~nu th~~ ro~uvdl.v~ A~...le II computer ...oulu lfujJl~~""t th...t ~ro~r..~. HQlípOnUln~ to (';hdir~Dn Kruse, litho notlld tClðt l\jJ..l<1 llliuito..u:nt (CIJ¡.o:' cll"'"'J~n'J. '1 :iuuJoct wh.h which .t... has ~oc.on.¡l U)(lhH1"ncc, rlr. ;~orHIMI ai"'lJ "" ..:ou.hl uno.rut~lId thO bCC'¡a considve.::.t10n of t.lu bUOJoct. l.:omr.11..uiom:rD. VOlia .111<:1 Pllitor ~xpr~au¡ea their Joøiru toe thlt ~uunt, to obt..in ~~uipmont thQt i. ~oop.1tibl.. Co.-l..loner VO.. moved, .econded by Co.-i..ione, Plator .nd c.,ried unanimoualy, th.t this ltem be continued to July 19, 1983. aOOK 076 PACE -41 PII~e 23 >; .---...-- - -. --.- ,.- .~_.- -- ----. -- - --- -----------------------.... _'""..,"_,..-.ft.-~~..-,·..~··-· . ....~ -...-".-,-""-.-"'. ,_. ....,....- ....._- ,. " aOOK 076 PACE 42 July 5, 1983 . It.. 122 t40,000 APPROPRIATION pnOM CONTINGENCY (GENERAL FUND) TO SOCIAL SIR- VICES DEPT. _ APPROV!~r 8CC TO DISCUSS POSSIBLE ADDITIONAL $l5,OOO AT .JULY 12, 1983, MEETING County ~nn~;ør Normun Moid that Staff he. .ncountorod a .ubstan- tial incr~~.e in th~ bucl.1 5ulvic~ D.pdrtm~nt, and ho referred to the ... lIooundum, dütud JUIIU 2:.1, l'JIJJ, trotA Mrs. Marthð Uldnn.r, Director of tiociÐl ~lHvh:( , cont...lnwû ill till' D~ellda th1G dðttl. hu ..dd thu BCC io ~ndAtea by btdte L~" to ~ic~-u~ tne incr~a.od cas. load of ~.dlc.id reclphntlll on th" ;)tutu luVt.1. Chl\1rmtln Kruse notllcJ the But. io .aying -if tho County doe» not ~"Y tn" bills tIlU money will bu taken froll th. c19Mrut.tu \.ú¡( ruculé"tw". A øiscus.iun Lollow"d, durin~ wrlich f1&c~l Officwr Gil.. anaw.red Ch~irllWlrl (CUltO'. que.tion, rU'iðrtiln':l ~'lIl!thur th., n04fdlld $55,UOO i. avaUMblu, by atatll1", that ll"l <.:ounty th:aS that a~ount, howllver, thu re.ervos are 9dttin~ .limm~r, ~. was prvViOu8ly po1nt.d out .evoral _ontha ..r;o. .'ollowln9 a continu.uJ u1»cu..ioll 11111 to ti,e pro. and con. re apllrovlll of '~5,OOO (or tlli ¡ ittlltl, thi.. ( oJlu, which Mr. Norllldn .ald would .^VU ~taft trow vc~~"ntin~ Ano\.n~r r~~uust, Com~i..lon.r Hollond roqueated cl.uif1c.ation. II.. ref.ucecJ to tn. (i\iur.s quoted in a June 2~, 19U3, me:.ftO trolrl Mrlll. l"...rtll" ::ikillnwl. ,·It. Norman .lIid tliolto f.l.C uc.s includo bill» that havu no\,; buon pøiù. 11\1 nottlù CoIn item IllArked -hol\Jin~-. Co..l..10ner Ø,own mov.d, .econded by Comml..lon.r Holland and carried unanlaou.ly, that $40,000 app,op,latlon from contingency (O.neral Fund) to Social S_rvlc.. Dept., duo to .xt,.o,dlnary lncr.... in M.dicaid .xp.n..., be approved, that the 8CC vll1 dlscu.. the po..ible additional $15,000 at the ~uly l2, liB3, m..tlng. i'age 24 - - - ..--........ July" l!.ItI) It.. 123 WORKSHOP SCHEUDLED fOR JULY l2, 1983, R£ BCC PARTICIPATION WITH STArr IN DEVELOPING PAY ADJUSTMENT POLICIES FOR BOARD EMPLOYEES, TO 8& EfflCTIVE OCT08ER 1, 1983 ~o~.i..1on.r ~i&tur re[.rr~d to tno tx.c~tiv. ~um~Qry dated Juno 21, 1~dJ, end ux~r~.a'Q his opln10n thut th~ ÞCC should b. able to . ,va1uato tho .t~tf t~lce ü y.ar, Jithout n difficult ~im.. He r,f.rred' to -III~tit pay- un<,; ./)1\.1, in hi& OplnH)lI, if theru or. to lJe merlt iner.....' they should 1,). .fLuctivd October 1, 1~8J, And should be part of thu hour!~ rAtv incroù.~ anu not .1 lump au~. rollovln9 a dl.cu.slon, 1t vas the con.ensu. of the BCC to .chodule . wo'k.hop for July 12, 198J, re BCC participation with Staff in developing pay adju.tla.nt polici.. for Board ..ploye.., to b. effective October 1, 1983. ..-Ruce.. llzJG A.M. to 1130 P.M.··· It.. . 24 CONTRACT AMENDMENT WITH FLORIDA DEPT. or h~ALTH AND REHABILITATIVE S~RVIC£S TO EXTEMD EFFECTIVE PERIOD FOR CUBAN/HAITIAN eNTRANT GRANT FUNDED PROGRAM - A~PROV~D ~ount)' !.".tn.hJ~r Norr.\..n OX Jlalnuu tlLlIi 1tctw i. " routlno matt.., that 1nvolvt!8 01 cOlltriH:t 1.,1.1 lIC!; prcvlou¡"l¡ i.o~...rollc(" , wnich "QuId lI.v" uXp1CCh,l .11, ol July 1, hdJ, ..lll\ou'; n tlhl ..orK 1. n~t compl"ted anù thlll tun\.lM ...1''' ..till úV61.l.IIJLa. '¿he: ,.roJ..:.::t, .1>1 ."HI, lu t.,lJ.rally (unae'" ianò t:IA't thu øCC noaS ~UI,)-C:OIlr.L',I.::ttJd Ii~m.. COO t.h\! County hu.l th ù..p.u tontlnt. H\!tlpon<ulI':i to t..o~) :\l»¡,¡lol\l,:r pi.c.or, ì¡,,/ ....icJ thur. .r. no County (unds ll1volv..~. HUä~onoln~ to C~Ai1m~n Krusu, ne .aid t~.tln~ 1. lJein1 ~on~ Lur dll ^1nds ot h..~lt~ ~robl~~.. Co~.l..ioner Pi.tor moved, seconded by Commi..loner B,own and car,lod un.nlMoualy, that the Chalrman be authorizod to execute an ...nd.ent to cuntuct vlth the Flo,lda Dept. of uoalth and &OOK cn6 PACE 43 ... .."" ..-. .. .. ": "')r -" .>".¡~:\<, ...-....--------------- - .--......- --_. Jul)' 5, 1983 Reh.bl1ltatlve sorvlce., to extond the effective period for thl ' Cuban/Haltlan Intrant Grant Funded program (Contract 08-A1355) fro. ~uly 1, 1983, to Dece.ber 3l, 1983. ... - - - .."......,.--..' ,,~- ---- -- ..- -- - .~' ~.. -- ~.-...- -... -- - - -------.......- --.... ----'-,....~...........-.... . ' -----------------------------------~--~~ "oox 076 PACE 46 July S, 1983 It.. 125 -WORKSHOP SCKEDULED FOR JULY l3, 1983, AT 10100 A.M. RE PROPOSAL BY HEERY PROGRAM MANAGEMENT, INC. FOR CPM SERVICES FOR DEVELOPING A MASTER PLAN FOR WASTEWATER SERVICES County Mana9tH Normdn .tXplð 1ned th.!t tn1a item 18 a follow-uP .to tn. bCC'. 9~nvral, concwptuol ð~~rov.l 9ivwn St~ft in Hay, 1903. Ho SM1d bt~ff nas identi{led ¿n oY~rall, work vro9ram end e.timatod cost. fOI tho tir.t pnaau IorlìiclI, in hi. opinion, i» ~ro)ectcù {or epl'roxilNtclly Lour IlIontllll. HII Gla1d Hr. [Hlfy1 8all... 1. pr".ent to ,.».,ona to "tUIII»t10/UI. iiI.! r..t:lirc-.:d to till: I::xecutivt: Summary doted June 28, 198~. Commi.luont:r l'istor dSIU!(; i! tll1d rlltLllrD to tit-WOI Service Area -8-, ~~.t Nd~1.d7 ~C. Nor~n rUlIl'onduù ðffirmutivvly. Cnairman Kruat: slIio .he Wi.lS not. ~rCpll(UU to do anything with Sew.r District "&-, becau.. this is l..ù1ng into pro~oaed ðcqui.it1on. It. 10n9 cJillcus.1un (ollowwd aur 1nt;¡ which "'r. Norlil.n CO!rllllentltd that, b..ic.,lly, thia 1. en iaentH icðtion 01 tIle r..ourc... and th. capability o( thoa" rvaourc"a to IJruvlùlI thw lonl¡, and short rang- part qf the neøda for thu ~rua. He »ðl~, buc~u.e of thu ur9_ncy o( the neod ,to atðrt lIaòrullblll9 1I..." IJrobltJm", ~tilU hA. AttwmJJtClCl to ClrAtt · pro)úct. He sal0 tll.1t hv wants tnc LoICC t.o kno\O/ ll1tot, lit ..nytlI11G, th. ..rvicu. can be t~rmin~~oo. ComÞisalonur Vo... ...id, in ni" olaniun, it 1a tn.. eouc1'o pol1cy thðt the IH;C wanlv\J to hQVtI Count)' olorllod wðt~r/Dew"r in this area. h~ rotorrua 1.0 tie" A¡J\.ìdront lJollutiun prut.l..ms ü" it rclllt... to Napl.. bey. hv ..1d, in niG oplnion, thl1t ill th. wlAY to ot..rt. COØU1l1..10ner pistor d9r.eo. I-It. No Ell... II rlotod that pollution i. only & p.,t 01: thll probleÞ. Co..l..1oner ttoJl~no ,eqU.Mt.Ú cl.rlfiC~~ion r.9.'d1n9 th. factora page 27 - - - .... .' -<"'--_....."'..<,~,.....,.,._---"~.,-'-'-~' ..._~-"'r, -- -.- -- ---- ---- --- ,,":;.¡ --- - - - -- -'- - .-. - - - - - -- .- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -:;1 </('; ,",.cI July 5, 19U3 eel. tad to pr1~a~a unturvridv, bond iØdU~., and cu.tomer u.a~.. Mr. Ifoemðn ea~ncJed that tner" n~..(jS to bv d th-.r 4Inuugh customers edlltln9 0' adequat.. a..ueanc" th_t the cu.tomurs aro In the üiua for tho futurv. Ch.1r~an ~ru'e exptuSdQa hdr concurn. togardin9 various pip.. and projects which Have bean done bec~us. tne County knuw som~thln9. bad to bo (June, not.inCJ that thu tj~C did n\)t ncllVu thø Mteucture to Impllrlmunt' It. Commi.øloner ~rown ~qreod. ,~ , ,,~"1 -. '. Comml..ionut Holl~nd u5k~cJ if it 1d noL poSØlblu, ðt thl. ti~e, tor tho County to .dt .n dvaludtion on the private systems within tho County? Mr. ';diund.rli a.dd tl,at was tho uxproJsroucJ intent ot the doard, to eveluatv tne ut111ti~s' pd~ka~u plants, ute., to lie. which one. .nould bu ~urcn..øed and how much tllo!Y would coat. H«r »~id that would be con.i.t6nt with .ome u( the pronounCo~Qnt8 of the ùCC concernln~ .ollltlthin'] Lnðt tllll' ùo¡)rcJ would un"ertllku. Cummi.slon",r VOdS :laid, in 111:0 upill1on. t.htt dCC 111 not to11k1n<j "couc: ...n en,:! lr....u t in.;! sLuJy, dlO liuch, tlOWttVlfr, an ovcrlOJ.l looK at tho subjectl ho.... i, i:ó put to':Jotnur to ':Jolt it don",. Iht r"itorlitltd hiø opiniun tnat Lnll dùbJllct. :;Jl1oul... I.>u :Hdrt.:~ '!I\d ú¡lôcu~sifd in a workshop to di4culla with ¡hUH)' to", vo)t loua t.,~t\)rlJ to undurtlSke c.hu t;ð.t Nap!ø. -thin':i" in one c(, naa1vd ...lun. ¡It,] dtdcJ IIC ,,UcJ nuL macln tIle on,:/in~Otlnq study, to _nicn r~foranco wa3 pruvlou~lt m~du. H~ s~l~ Ln~t SUÞjuct i8 (or IJn'}JII.,l.:rl.> ;,nu nut lvr dalHY, ill 111:.> o~inion. Ma. "JA" ~~utlo-Mitchull, r~~radøntin~ the L~a9UO of ~omen Voter~, ..ia ti)¿¡\,'" In n.:r o¡..lnion, litH ;:;on.;urnlf t.1t un<..." AYlrncJ.:I Itltmll 9 (t') (3) ønd l~ (c). ~lIu [".;ad':; ¡-rofpa[èJ IIt...~II ¡I..nt unti tl..d "~tlltelll.nt üllforu 'tn-= Colli,;¡r (;oUIILy \';o..,II,illlliunlllr. July ~, l~bJ, by JOycodnna d.utlu-~iLChd!!", intu Lnv cocurd. ~hQ ùluc:ributecJ copilla t~ the COllmi»~ion"r., LÎlQ ~lu[K .-nlJ int.vell»teu pursonlll. ~OOK rn a PACt 41 pO;Je ~8 - - - - - - - -. .~... . .. ______ _ ___..___. __ _...________. _ _------------4 ,..-.,'¡ ',:¡j~ 't~ ~j1. fr~ '";}~~1 ,~~ \, I' ~ . ,'~~:',:) Com.l..loner Voss moved, soconded by Commissioner Pistor and carriod 3/2, Comml.slonor. Brown and Kruse opps.d, that a work.hop be .cheduled for July 13, 1983, at 10100 A.M. to receive and reviow a p,oposal by lIe.ry Program Management, Inc. for CPM sorvlco. for develop1n9 a master plan for wastewato, sorvlce.. riO.pUIICHII,; tu COl1lm111uioncr uruwn, Mill. kautlo-Mitchull ClDr1fi..d thoÀt tlllt stal.Clm",nt wI.letl an\l r~lId, ln lIur otllnion, WoIat drdft.od by a ,'I, ..~;, .'·....;S ~~-'~;( -- ---- - -- -- -- --- - - - - - - -- --------- ----_......_---~..~." , l~:i'i' ""~:... . ';~;\ft:, 'OOK 076 rAGE .{8 July 5, 1903:-l- per.oll ",ho "'ðlJ cunc~rll':C1 "bout. the ttlrm "tluoturlc·. 5t": Bald tnat t.,m 1s in the a~vun-paq~, unal~nud, undÐtu~ proposal tndt thu ~CC pas.ed in concejjt. ;;htt aðlu tllðl tIlt¡ LO<Jqu~ 01. loIor.'lun Votvrs oru maintlllnin9 that thùre "'ü» no (JiØCUII~10!l on tlhll IOUIlJc,;;t ...110 tho UIC pub11c hud no way of knowinCj About t11" WUOJcc.:L. ;,,1.... ublH.u lOl clar1!lclollon (or what -4ua11!ios tor an CtJéJrOðC~1 un.Jur tno ~un8/11nc 1...101. ~lIu stated that the Bt.tltm~nt Wð~ prupdlué ~rlor lo ana during a conter~nctl call with tho momb.r~ uf th~ Loa~ue of homen Votera in four d1ffe~~nt statoB. ~om~i.lllonor VOb. buld tnuro ill vary littl.. quullt10n that the aubject did "jump out" at Mu. "autio-Mitch"ll ond that thvro was no µubl1c tlhìCU..lo,1o Co¿dtl\llln Muau ð'Jref.ld, howover, atl.. atl1ù the entire .UCjûcl nd~ bvvn ~ matt..r d1.cuas~d ,..~u~tuuly in the ~ðSl. ~s. kautlo-I',itCllvll 111I1u sho undt:rlil,a/loß LlhiL thl! County hllb £I $J~,OOO rnolncS<:IlImttnt stu\Jy ...ncl .h~ hop"a hur laICpuyur'& money will r.,suIt in lIollllttilin-J' till" lI.:do tll~t trill L~"'JutI of o\omc;n Vulur.. i» very concornllu about no,", County itvlllli got don" wltllout public input. A 9uneral dlsculu¡ion continu~c.l ðllU "111. kllutlo-Mltct."ll r\.le"rred to 4uclltionll whlch nav. l>elln raised in thll nllw.~apol·. ~h~ IIxplainvd that shv he» alro¡;¡dy borro-'etl som" lnformðtion fron. tho c.:ount)' Attorn..y, so that. thtr II\clllbur. of. thu l..dIAC UCII ar.., at l.a.t, caWLHu of aom.. of tho fine pointa of tnu ~un.hiIlCII ...."'. t>hu add t.h..t arl., WI.. not ..yln9, thh C:lACO, that ... -- -- ---- -- ,.~- ...- ...- --- ..- . . .._- jJ~ .~'.,.~ : "'''~ '. "'~ ,aq. 29 ".,r\¡~t ... _ .__ ... ._.. __ _ _. _ ._ _ ._ _ _ _ _ ,_ __ __ _ _ _ _ _._ ~ _.-.:......:....fl·.~'~ " ''I' , , . ;:1. '- ','~, " ~ - - - ;~~ __ ~ ..__....._"þ~_...,..."'_..._ -'f ~..--- -.- -- - - - - .-.--. _..~- --.. - - - -- ----. July ~, 1983 I' thwre h.v~ boon definItu violatIon.. The m~jor point of t~o L.09UO·. sut~lnent, IIh" lI..l~, tu.. bu.n roqacalnl¡! \;,1\41 UO.Hd'S tho ruah to r..tru~ture tno Utllltl~. ~u~ortm.nt with no publIC ~I.cus.ion wholt.oevoC. &hlll øoid sit. waitulJ .311 (Ja'/ on /'\1'11,/ 31, 19è13, for the op~rtunlty to .pll.,~, how.v..r, th(t 1II...ting 'WéJS c.djourn"d without any o~portunity to lI.vIII ..nytnln..,¡ ¡norw from tau public .aid. RellpondinlJ to Cilðl rman Kruse, Ms. RlIutiu-M1tchell &laid .he aoked Comllli..ionor Vo.. Lu h"ve thl.! i.su~ put 011 1:.11.. ul lInd4, noUn4 ) that the L".9UII thou9ht thll subject wo. ~oin9 to come up under the Utility Rate I!oud and uUddonly tho &úbjecr. dll1c'1i'pei.ll\ld. Commi.ølonllr Voss "aid that wau an error on nis Pdrt. Mo. Hðútio-MLtch.ll con9catulated the üCC for re-~ddru.a1n~ the .ubJuct tudü'l bnd tor conductLnq n workShop r..ry.HuLn..,¡ ..mu. lith1 rut.orrut to "nother ltum rø90rdLn';I rucruitm..nt f()r tll. ";jut-"r Chl..L" ¡,nu ~II'" ':"U"Cd lur Í'ub! 1c in!Jut Oil mlljor .:.ieci.ionll. Tape 16 Durln", tl14t 1111.I\.:u.iølon tll..t LoJ...~w"u, lI..t tau.. tal'icø ...oro di.cu....ö r'H)",rtlln'.J thu ~un n1n., ¡'.iW anu tlllol r<)crutt.n\liln~ ot h "bul·Hllr Chief-. Hùø¡Jonúln<j t... \.O,llIll1u810llur ~Hu...n, ~II. k<1ui..l,,·,-,itl.:ln,J.l "I.~t.uù, 'or thø r",cord tlUl1. IIII-J ..0\" ...n ¡J¡(Luna1vG ¡).1ck'Jrouna HI utllitlva and ".wlllr/bond projl!ctll "nl.l llli.lt ö.i..., tI.!6 Kn(, wl~oJqu 01. tllo:,¡u 1tIJl!lü ÚUII to h'H l,ru\llous, ro.~onlllblu ~o~1tlon In Lux1n~ton, K~ntuck,/. ~h~ saiJ that ahe 1. .)ttllnl~t1nl) to J.-:drn tlht '-\J!ll.:»r Count)' 1J)':ltum now ~o.:sl ahu live. in 14... ¡-l v III . ~1,.a1C1"all :<ruIH. "'U' ~llutuu ttl...t th:.; LIl'''JUII lIuùUH tIJ úu turthuc hOn..,wor" tJ1Ht..all1J.i\'J \:.0 1.11\.' Lalit ,'IOplolS t)",wer ~,/lItum Ih,t..rllndum, wnlln Ln. votvr. L~Juct.ú It. ~n<11rman ~ruH~ r~ci.ll!~~ th~t tOil lOAn w~. turllUU ;lown \011\111 tll.. VOL..C., thou~ut LilU)' wueu turninl¡) l.iown thu s.w\tr IJrojuct. ^i.\J, IJlle .....id thl.ll. thu)' .noulù ruviliw thl) CLty 0' N..~l~1I ..nc.t aOOK fnS PACE 49 P4ge 30 ,,- - ..'." -- - ...- . - - _.... .- .-. - -- - ..- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - ---~", &OOK 076 PACE 50 July S, 1963 " , 1 . - - - - - -- .,..- _..~ -- -. .. . - ..- - -- - - -- .- - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - -....... --- -...-. thelr .ewer ~lont. She expreSdQd h.r opinions on th~t .tructure AI it r.lat~. to NA~lu. ~4~. MS. KlIutlo-hitChull ur9'-u tI.II IJCC, thu Public works tlepartment, 'thg Utilities Dopartmønt, and ovoryou~y to -9~t t09~thor- .nd to .tart produc1n-J pol1c1os tnllt will bo firmly adh.red to. t:;hu sold ahe did make IIOlllol informr:.tion avdhbh to COIRmlss10nor VOliS on a policy thtt W"U 001111, 'ron\ Ia. [ e,l(p~ri.llc". 1'/1.: iI;,tl\nll, ahlJ ..,i~, wor. in r09ard to establlan1n~ whi.lt that county'B ap¡HOwCII wlla toward any n10re sew,,'., d"velo(JlII..nt Itnù ~aclC.a9w plant.. ::'1\. aulid that, althouÇJh tho lnformÐtion rlJlc~od to tn~ Luxinqton oroo, it ill a fairly decent polic" 111 lIur o¡.iniuII. Utilit.11J& AClmini¡¡tratur dwr~OIl [t D¡Jonullù t.o Cumllll&&ion., Holland'. comment re9.rain~ fund~, 1n ordur to m~lC.e ~ ~oint cl_ar. He said that tht! (;ounty 1111& clOG\! to 4 lI1ill1un oollorlO ln t.1)w Nor th Na..lw. bewo' ~.rvice .ra.. He ¡¡üid thlll monuy i8 v..ry ruatrlcteà to the capit.l improv.muntlil on tin: plant ond the pll.lnt facilities. He said that money 1. not availablo to the ~a.t Na~l.. ^r~u or any othur pllrt of the Count)'. hw said that. ..lI\ount would not bo enough to do the work that ne.ds to b. don" 1n ~a.t No...l.., which is a danitory øewer 11ne, and ~hdt tn. ~lðn\;. IIDa lIuvwr b""1I tll.. pr ublt:lI.. keøponding to Commisøloner ho llancJ, ,.,1 . ihHzon aAid ttlàt the tJliJnt. nits not. b(fcn the 1llalu" in E.st Naploa. Ue uxpl...in.ú tllat thu iødu(, 11011 beftn tllw rel.tivwly hiC)h coat that ~ould r.ault to the in01viàu~1 vrop~rty ownurli l' a contra1 collwctlon Buwur was ~ut ill. Hø ~uio hQ did not know of . developer, or a person wno WOlltli II frAnchl.., th<At ls prdpðred to put ln the ø.wera wherw thvy ~r.. r~quiruu. hu Ii...io thllt he wae sp.Akin~ of the linen And not tllu ~lant and, in hiK oplnioll, if the Commlssion knows of sucn " per.un, th. Colftm1øalonur.. 4/aould ..ncouCl.tC:JC t/1"t p.reon to do so. pav- 31 - - - ---"'-""""-"-"'~-*"''''--'''''';'''--'''-''- ---.- - -... .-. July 5, lC¡ JJ I'Ir. u..c~on naid that tne treðtm.,nt i. not tho critical i..ue. He tohrud to tf\4I IIQwltra in tn\l ~ llHht a , La ~.wood and ... number of other ISmAU"r '-'avctlopm.nt.. whlch noJvu cOUli/ot.ion uyatemll, how.v.,r, h. IIIdd thAt tholllO ~r. not th., crltlcül aruoä. u. ..id that the uo-called -trouble ...,0\..- 'He trio tHuoJ. whorl» th..ro ..ro curr..ntly a.ptic tankll ana there ~ru no col1.ctiun l1n.. lUdul"~ to .ny typo ot truat~unt hcll1ty. IItI øaid that thoro 111 a II'}. mlll10n ~ol1ar engln.oring of.fort lIitLin9 in hi. offico {(lady to bit implemented, it someone wants to poy the b11l, tnat waa ....timatad five or six yuara °90 at opproxi- ~dtQii lG to 17 Million JuSL ~o ~u\. thDt proJoct ~oin9' rie ,.1terated that tn. lIIonuy ln tho r.orth Ntlplos Sewer fund 1. rOMtricted fund. for tn., ",lant .,x.....nä1on, .Lor tnll oJUOitlol1 at tr.:JnDmJ.aslon ma1nu and pump atAtions. II. ønl¡J it in nut r.'.on.JY L.I<H. c...n btl U8lfd, to hlÐ knowl",dgll" tor inlòt..ll1n-,j .,¡c..VH,y .hIWt:C1>. II.: :jiJl~ tllll.! \,..111 bùC........ ~noÞ" lJrDvlty :toworn ..rll ,:/U111'1 LO oJ" tj,dd uy .HI 'J,h.\lUIJI,lllnt .Þro-,jr.un. ¡IIlUt-l0I1C.:ill'J tu \';u'llIlIi:..:.1Utlvr lIu.1J...nlJ, ',r.. óltr::on s..i..: thLot th" funaa .HIt Cur ...nldr'Jl:lm"'l\t ut tho¡ .-l.¡nt. L<Jillmlliilllon..r ilu.11.:l:\d ùIlIUH.I for Cl.Hlt1":utlL)" rt 'JðHdn'.j 1.11.. 1111t.1ò Lh<at holv" b(:ltl. tJon.1t.:d tu tht! (;ounty "'lid ,."c. üor:t;;¡n "..1.. t.jl.¡t t:·IO¡'~ ðL<! ,HllltltS at till! County in <1n ..tI~rO)(imc1t~ ilumu.:r loll ¡j t.... Iv 1.11.1 I LHI lool.101'5 worLn ut 1invä. Hu s¡dtl th...t tiluahl .11ou&, ...r< dVIi<:IIc1y :i"Lv111.; ll¡(liót1n.,¡ Ultv.J.l.o,.lnent wherv thdr.. ...r" (J...ck~q«f 1,1..111.11. ",......RllnI01ulIlIr lIolltJlld IIlIi.J th.:.t wow nil: point, th..t .; lIv.lupucs 11......11 ¡J.1CK....J1l ¡J.L.1nt8 all OVIH tn., I.:ounty. Ihlllponl.l1n9 to <':0r.'lal~U1Un"r IIO.dilll'" ,';r. ",,,,,,,un .lIto that tllt.:ro 1. no ~..ck.':Iu ¡;.l.:,¡nt in L)rooKuio.:. 1\ J~I.!-=Ù:'¡:HUII "nllu,,¡J t'vy.1rdln., th.at .Hot.., ...!lH~n<;¡ wllien 'unu.ll...J.olI~r liuJ.l..neJ ¡'¡,llu LI...t tlljlEU iU., otll,,' ..r"4Ia 111 ct." liurru~nain9 arLì.. WlIl.JCd Li....Cll 1~ dttv~lopl¡¡\lnt, t¡\u ù..v~lo¡Jur has ¡Jut 111 jJdcKa~ü plðllt.& 1n uruur c.o ' .:L I;h"U I"IoIrr.lit;o ¡lnu ¡\o1VU ù..<olcoltva t.." lin~ø to aOOK 076 rACE 51 P~9. Ja : 'è"" ........- -- -.. ....... --...- -. ...... - --..- ..- .--. -..-------.-.--- ...._---_..........................~.~~ ------------------------------------~-~-~ .~~,' ~ir'1''' ':~4t· July !I, 19U'!~;~ 1 016 PACE 52. ':';. the countt_ ~r. b_r~oh concurrud. Commissioner Rolland a&kod if Mr. Benon IIIQ..nt tll~t n\)nw of th. mono)' tru.t hL.ø lI..I) collectod 1n any of the ar... for cunnoction char~~s CAn bo u.*d to tie .,.au togQther? Kt. øo ra.oJn r US(X)II(' .~ that tnur" i. only on.. Counl.y Are. where the County ill co! hcdn's t"..s .nd that i. in the North Naple. aC4ta. He ... sAid flU c..n.. to trill L(;Ç ln /'lay l~ 2, .wd 4.kdd for the implementatIon of G ")'Mt.11¡ dllve.l.0pl.1411nt C:H.C'J. tor ar"., "C" jU6t lIaGt of the court- IIOUIÞ". h" ux..,lølnu": t ..1l irlstCllld of Iodl,H.as1ny tln.r i.DUII of .dopting .. Mastwr )'1 1:1 r. ,lilt.! ::J01n,¡ ð""'''\Î wlth a "YGtum developn.ent char¡Jc pr09r41D, 011 whlch \.1." "ntj1rlCu,r111\,J ..... don", tllu ClllCU8Uioll (hH1C1n\:r..t"ù Into a debato.l ...bout wl10 "'1111 901nq to out..in Ð t,ranch1so. /lu .aid th¿at the next t.oue 1,IontfUI w". .~wnt .1.J0nizin~ dUOU\; wnetllc:r curtllin IIltople ShQuld or .lIoula not Ou - iv..n cI t:rancllll1~. Hu .aid thöt tner.. was a pl.1I .put. tur ttl ana /I., ruLol r.", to Lilt' ~l1nutt:5 01 the May l~82 lÞeetln~. And a_iu that th~ information ib contAined in that meoting. He' ,.terrt!1.I t.o tltt! 2Ul dtuJ)' aon" by the IIUIU w"91n04lr& which was uP9raded to sOlÞvtnin~ cur relit. H411 said lnatoou of d~.ling with that plon as a fir.t .tep in ~ ~lre~tion towArò ðnoth~e Arw~ -~-, for a .y.to~ devalopcllClnt cllðrqw, the !.iCe àvchled to qo on the proCJtðm o[ franchi.... He MAla thoAt n. Cen ot uo wltat. ..;." Jj~C <.IOull nOL ",-thot l",u nim to do. It.. 12 SA Mr. ~"rzo \ ux¡.llllnutl tl}olt tile: aloni"to tlllot are .vailðcl" to, ..w..r expansion at,", onlt .vail.ble t.or tit" Aro.. "A" pl..nt, ör"ð. Hespondinl¡l to Comm¡alloiol14.ral Holl.nu 4I/)(,1 I;ru.", I".r. Þ~(ZOIl .,.iu th..l 110 'Ionvy i. buIng collectud in aru.. -IS" or "C". ".r. b~ri/.on puintud out thAt ln Janubry, l~bO, tile Cit)' ui N..plÐ& 11110 n contin9"nt ot tile foWIyor, thw City Nn...¡cr, thCl eil)' Attor;¡tlY alld a cou~l.. of. councilmen requ..tlng a cOlÞllli tlloont t.hat th.. Count) \ll1I&. ~Oll1'~ to ~ut in IUtW",¡¡ into th. "aat. "~A --- --..--- .. .ø_" ._ pag" )) , ..~i . _ ._ __ ._ _ _._ .._ _ _ _ ..._ _....._ __ ...- - - - - -... ,- - -- -... - - - ~'-:fi.. . . ~,~,1, :-"of, - - - _,¡.,;"'.*,..-"'~.;,.........""--.~ ...... 17 .",-'_ ^..,.,,"',.~~""-_......"~._"-"'~' <,." ,'.I"'. .July S, 1!Jd3 HOpl.» hrea. He ~olnt.d out thl. occurr~d follo~in9 thQ voter.' rojuction of tn~ culluctlon .y»t.~. Nr. berzon .610 thAt, ~t thlt t1me, thu UCC .ciJ tnu County would develop the plana ana ~o ahe.d wlth -the l'nHJr.m ol lnr.tcd 1111J colltlction 11n".. 1n tl\u ,r,r,,¡a to ",hlCII ,,~ì Comm1..ionur hollan(' ruhru:1, ¡.revlously. Mr. ~Qrzon nit] that a .~, ~t;~~,.C:1ðl ta1C wall lln~.~c,; 1n the tHátl for tho purpos" of pay1n9 the ... enqinuor1n..; tit..!" ðnd thoJt is till thot h43 b."n c:ollocted. ¡ ...' ~ R..ponJlnl:j 1.0 COI.1l!I1It/JionQI Itolløna'a ~uo£tion rU9ar(,\in~ any ~9rullm.nt Þulw\lun tIll. Clty of IMp14la and tho County re ..wer., Mr.' ''¡¡¡'~'~:on .d"i.."IJ tllUCQ 11:1 1m aret. lountified in tlul 201 Study known as ArCl41 -Lt", tlav tioutll tI.:Jlf 0' ArUd "u" 1s th. vcry aanle one fur whlch th. ~ì :'-! County ha. çOnl6\.1 uctiun .-unw comjJlttt..,u. tit! uid that tho City ha.- d.chloa, tor rolðllonu !.HUlt "no..n \.0 tnum, that tlley are not qoing to ,'I." "1ncl~¡,hl ðny part ot that 4ro.. il. tllclr uid16tlnó or iJro )o.ed expen»10n. ''/'''1 ,...'~. ~r. üorzon Qx~l.1inud h~ ho). writt..n to tho Chairmdn of the BCC, .!<'.: . ¡', thore hav" b.un rr.tJtJt1n«:i8 witn t~Ut Mayor, thCl City Kanft9cr and t.here w.. nothill'J ruaulvuli, bvc...uae triO Clt)' lIuli.... it would not move wlthout aOllle .bsolut. e""urane". thClt tllV (;c;¡unty would p1Ck uti thelr p.rt of the tab. Kt aC/JëriblJo I..IH: 1.:1\.)". duciuon to e (¡>"nrJ their own plant ancS toe lacl.. tn.:1\. \./lU)' alù not ~l.nl.. tu takll olnYllloru .Jro"" of thtl County. .rar. burzun uX\Jl..inc.;¡, th~l tlH: dC;':, q01nl:l bðCI( cUi télr ." four or flvo yvcra a;ao. ntlB ,,,;vl.1r .."un ti\. to òJaolJt , ulliforr., I,oli~)' ono to ilØ¡:.lellltlnt It on Is contilluuú;;, consl!1tul.t bðslø. He rgferrec1 to datos 1n 19:;0 allu r.:hrr(;~ tu tl.... 1.>';::': ¡JOllCY cJOc1UIJII of all tU'ðtllont plant. dodicQtø~ ~u thu County uufor~ ü¡J~rov~l of .u~oiviDion pl.ns. F\cr....ondin9 to COII\l:11a.aIololloJ!. Hc;¡.ll.:wto, !'It. b"rzon ...ld tnat wes not on h1. rucollllh:ndat.1on. hu a..icJ It ".1I1ò OUII.. on ttlll (ucommanu.Jt.10n of tho Chair_II. 110 lII~iu tnðt tn\.! ,.ullcj W.:1S t>urwullCl f.or .ix to olght. lIonth.. .,,~ - '-',' .' 1.";,. '\, -------~-- &OOK 076 PACE 53 pag_ 34 ....... .-. -...- -- - -- - ----- - ---- ---------~- L. L. L- "f ,...,____..IIIV'OEl -_.__."".....,..q'~..<._.~,.._.. ~.~-r- 'OOK 076 rACë Sf. July 5, lVO) ae .ald tn~t ~vur1 developm.nt th~t came botoru tno ~CC had with it A .tlpulu,ior. tllDt tu¿.tmont pl.ntll w~ulu bet d«ù1cl.Ud to th.. public. Ho .cid ttlat, just a. ttl&1t policy w". don", in an ðrbltury manno" bee.u.. · . of pre.aurll !rolll thu outllide, tnat policy \01.,\. abandonud by tho BCe. ø. .Dl~ tnat thur~ hð» been a plan that hUM not b*on prop",rly supported, · In his of-inion, an~ a. a result tho lack. of tnðt support has givon...... c:ertain puuplw in enis cOlnmun1t.y tho o~¡Jortunlty t.o S"~K tldnc;s othar than \oI1I¿:t thlt dCC policy ap~).llr.. to have buen o...ot' tll~ ll:.tit a1" or ."ven yo.arn. E*. '~:~" . ....~~. MARtHA PUMP-OUT FACILITY AGREEM&NT WITH WICCINS PASS CLUB - APPROVED WITH UNDERSTANDING TKAT THE COUNTY ATTORNEY WILL ADD A PARAGRAPH STATING THAT THE CHARGES WILL BE BASED OM EXISTING ORDINANCE ..... Utllit.1"a Adlllnhtrator I:Icr:ton r"furrea to tile t,;ICecutive Sum.ary . dated ~unw ~3, l~8J, anu ~~ld he wuul~ rus~ond to .ny questions froll -. . " .1....t~.·1!Ii,.rI.. ..~.,:,~¡.' ?"~' ......'1-- the Com.i.sioners. Commi..iuner Voa. SAid he nad no problem with pu.V-out, how*v.r, he aSked ho~ tho County c;ots paid? Mr. berzoñ"exphinod that the users. {¡\,:~....... " will pay" lhOP\thl)' bill b,.ud on oqulv..J.ency units. Mr. Benon said , that th.. user wl11 have to make AP.-l1catlon, and a. such that " . ~ ~ _. .~"rllcation illvulvca ü V.JYlul!nt ot c. a)-stum d"vwlopmont Ct.UC;6. he said -...~., . that thv egrucmunt cov~rs varloua items ~lth tnu atand¡Jolnt of quality and w l.l. Count)' I\ttOI not)' ~aunuer. wXf,J,,)irIOJtO tnAt tlHI cllllrgel6 are purauant to th. I1xl~tln\l uClHncancQ thot Wo1iM concernod with qucal1ty. ...sponc11nc¡ to Comllll..iolilu VO.i., r-1r. bCUJlc."r.. slllu tll£¡t, 1! Un: BCC dosir.., h. couló odd t.h" nuc.... r)' v~ rbltl:J. to till.! at] r"...Clnt .. witH .- tho amount of .vstoa ClOyol0tlftl"nl c.:tI6f'.!oJ». k..~on"'ln'J to Chal'lIIan Kru.~, Mr. b.raofl s..le: thlt u.or will pay.. ,~ (1/,',f' ".'....* "~:J.....; . Æ ·a ~. 16f "'1' t '. Pa"e 3!t '''~ · 7 . i ~_....- - - - - -- - -- - - - _. - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - ----·-.-........:·j·:i.1~ .... ...- -- _..""-,.,,.-.~........,,-".-....,,-' -"- .". ---------_._.__._--_._------~------------~----~ , P4g8 3G.',.".-~'i - - - - - - .-- - -- .- ..-. -- - - - - ._- ..- ...... - - - - - - - - - - ....- - - ---............_.....~:~ ..j.I·, ~ ",,¿:tj~f~ """~, July 5, 1983 mon~hly ..rvic. cnarge whethot thwy ace u~in9 it or not bGCau..:that plluon will u. t)'lng u~ ..pac". ,,,,. ;';aunduta ..:aid thltt tile County could, 90 ahv4d .n~ Ap~rovv tne 4~r~em.nt in tnd 8q_nd3 with the understand1n9 thAt no will add . ~ßr~grdph ~nd bring it b~ck July 12, 19bJ, to the ôcc. Comai..lon., Pi.tor moved, ..conded by Commis~lon.' vo.s and carrled unanimously, that the Maclna pump-out facl1ity agr....nt vlth Wlgg1n. Pa.. Club b. approv.d wlth the understandlng that the County Atto,n.y wl1l add a paragraph .tatlng that the chacg.. will b..ba..d on the .xi.ting ordinance. note: ~t not received in office of Clerk of the Pœrd 88 of 7/21/83. &O~~ 076 f'ACë 55 ": .; " ,> --.------- --- - - - ---- -.-'-- -- ----- ---------- _._---_.._-----------_...~.. ., > I-j',~~ I",-~ I ": ;,~ ~r¡ .,,;¡ t. -~'-:~! ,\ &O:lK 076 PACë 56 July 5, 1!HJ3 ---RECESSI 2132 P.M. RECONVENED I 2144 P.M.-·· It.. 127 'WATER FACILITIES FOR YOUTH HAVEN - ACCEPTED SUBJECT TO STIPULATION Utllal.Ji ',dmlnistrat.or bllrzon rcferrud to tho EIcecutlve Sumllury d6te~ Jun~ 24, !~'3. hu .di~ tn~t on July 12, 190J th~t Youth Havee wll1 b~ co~in~ oøc~ to tequ~st ~ speclol dBs~ø.m~nt district. H~ said c.hllt tho,¡ (,;ouuty àCcCl JtonCo.l of: th18 lint> 1» bvin9 don" so li,at 'touth haven c.n hullt" thu connection lor 'tuuth "av~n ltBolf. II. ..i.:1 that tne c r( atlon oJ.: tll'1 ...1 litr lct wi.l.l be a "ehlc lt: by wt.1cn tnoy con ~.Bibly rt.'coVIH "011\.. u~ Lnt.' cowt'" tnat tHCY 'lt1VC incurred whon lndtdllinl, th.. .nticCl 1~1I"" h~ ¡.ull1to,¡d uut ttlØt 1.I,05o,¡ two PlActs I,)t th~ ult"'lItion are IiCl..ac"t"... II.., »..lù tnøl. Youl.h tlOVUII B.:oa> fJel1u Lor the untlr" conatruc- tlon anO tUllY ,""oulu 110(.o,¡ tlH: o~¡JO[tunlt)' tu rt.'coller ¡ porl.lol1 ot that, And tilt.' only W^Y tn.1t I.,,: ""O""S lt is possiblu la to cr.Ate . .....cial aSllealalõllent olstc1ct LJutwllt:n 'touth HAven onú tile ~olnt of cO/ln.ction. DiscU8ølon (allowed durln~ which CommUsioner Holland a.k.d if thi8 would Dc 1n thQ arOA just from thùt point boJck to Youth Kllven? Mr. 80r:loo ..åld th..t tlU: dlstrlct will cover the Arllll that th. pipeUne cover.. C;013r"illsionorlil Hollðnu iHlluld tot clllrlticotlon ðbout tile per.on boyond tn..t FOlnt, to w111C11 "'r. btlrzon 84a1d thl.lt would Involve e^tCtn~J1nq tll" p1~..l1nl.l" lurLII"r. lic acJl.J on!)' 01\10 Furaon ha.. mado an in..uiry 1.0 tlll.l _41l1t of 'touth lIl>v"n pror'tlrt)' .nd th..rc 18 no othur 1nt.rullt. Com~1aBionvr ~o_u #Sk~y (or clori(ic~Llon rU9ðrdin9 6 rucov.ry ordlnanc. A8 lt ~Qrt~jn. ~a u..ra and Mr. Süunù~r8 84aid tnat, In hi. 0.,11\1on, till; .oI16hn.t """''1 woulg b\ tlltou'Jh <I .p-.:cJ....l .........IIIIII.nt which wuulcJ, in Itffect, b41 àn ðftur-thu-fact tYPII of 8¡'>ltcitil. ...tt..meot elnc:e th. proJCtCL hUB alrtlliQ)' b..en cOlllplet.d. !'Ir. UaUI\QOu. .ðid thllt th.. P.9. 37 ..~--.._-~. ---- - ,.- --.. _. ._- -- --..- --. - ._.- - - - ----""'"'""""_--..__1 'I, " ..i ,~ " _._.--_._",..~ ¡':'~.~ ~' ~ of ·'4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ -,2.i1.~; ._ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _. __ __ _ _ -- - - -"" >~\~\;':i~~,;~~¡ . < ".i!.II1f,. :, ,,:,..~,:3i1,.., ;' '.j >i~¡ 't July S, 1963 ~. !~l~' r¡~' ¥~~, .".,.;~ ··~''g 1:·· '~ " ~.. .t. ¡ øound~rl~. woulá havQ to b. dQfin~d for tho .~ec1aL dl.trlct. A .hor~. diacu...lon r...ult"d in County ~An4~er ~orman and Mr. tUHZon stating t.hat tho AIIIount. wouLd bo ~d id on front toot.go. Hr. Ue r~on said that tn.. ~.thod Co~~l..ioner VO.. 16U99utod la' aontaln.d in an ux1l5tln'~ urcJin.;¡nce. ho",.v )r, thure i. /I limitation that if th. propertios bdt.".n t.1I.. tCHJ1Iinal ¡)ointlil anu or191n ot t.ho Hne do. lIot connect wit.111n.¡ period of thrø" to fiv" yuur., t.h"re i. no roc:ovory poas1blu. lie .,,10 that policy ill typical of wh4t most mun1cipalities hllv",. He ~ald th~t wlth 4n a....amvnt everyone along th. lln. 1. benofitted r"9ardl"s8 ot wnon thuy connect. rurthur dlccu~sion ruaultad in Commissioner Holland vxpru..lng hi. ~\)nc.rn [ )IJ.rdill~ tlltol üt;C ¡JðlUinlj ... .~"Cidl a....M.m.nt. district reque. tod by rou th Helve n, lith i ch ins t"li ed the 11 IIQ on thai r own. lie SlIld tholt thu ul~tc1(;t WOlJ.l.u rIJ8ult ill ')s:l1:8uln\ puoplCl 'or W6tor wIIl/thur th"Y' want lt uc /lot. io r. u"r"on I..:du t:ldt oJti k-~ct. u1. tl\O "", u\Jtit ~ 01.1.. \.It 18 i'"rlllon. nave lIIi9n..d th" ..,Jtltll)n oJnu, O,,;:,)Uahl oL ~ IIII.un;.¡"r.t.uu.¡in~ un tn\) purt uL t ¡<.I t:X..CUL1Vv vI. ..ctIJC cl.!.,¡"r.J1i\'J tnu numb...r 01 ¡Juta,omJ 11.."0,,0 to b~ ..¡¡"..d. rlC. I.hHZ\.In 1O..l1u tll.at, 110:.<.. .....UK, tlld 0.11.:'1.1..1 "Who"r of p.".on. IoIho IIGVIJ ø1'J'h,..J oilll LN I\n\.l\ool\. ¡hi t.>..1u Lillo dCe 1...aI, un P\lIny oc:cII1I10n., !ol.i.owo¡'; t!ll.. ¡JrocIJouru. Du!,in<,¡ tn.. "IUIU1n,) OlIlI.:U:'U10II, CO~"..ili.lurhH uoll;;¡na a.1(,1 that no i. ~ .tron~ aU"roctor of Yuuth kovell. R..pond1n~ to Commi..ion.r 'illtor, Mr. d¡Jr;:un :,-.li", tlldt. tOIJ OjW.H:IllIá,tu,nt, it ðl.oOptl:Q, is ItlviucJ 1.III.dlat"ly, IIUoIUv....r, it ¡" 1J.t1~ out OVdr A ¡)lIrtod of c.imo. Chi1irr.UHI t;rU~tt i1S"",U tor cl..rltlc"t1.on Qm.! I'Ir. Ihrrzon ..ia that. touth :tbvoIn knotw Wnfln L:}Q ¡JQ[r.'tLul1on w.U I: ivon tfhJt thoy wero 1/0 IiQ iu tnðt tll"tO 1. rusponllliblu Lor Lite <;OGt (It thu unt1ru proJect. ~OOK 076 PACë 57 '.9- .18 - ~ - .~. -..- _.~ "=---"---~- ., · 80011 076 PACE 58 July ~, 1983 no r~a.gn to Q~ny Youth Haven, and he døSUmOa6 ~ho count~ is In the bu»ln".u t.u ..,,11 ",atCH linu in tllis, co." tho w"I:.Øl ill c1valloblll. Clllrk RO~9an, Vicu-proaldent of Youth HbVUII, Bald nu would act .. tll" Vltth.ion.r on this .ubjuct.. II.. eXlJlalnud thAt. an Ðfl9inl:erlng firm "... hIred. year &rlo And ð plICkAIJ" pldnt wa. ¡,¡oln9 to be built. How"vllr, h~ u..lc1, It Wl.t ) C:1I.ap"r for ~ou\"h 1I"".n to go diroctly wid' thli ii,",'. Ia~ .;tlu lll" orqðnlZ.1t.1on otJt~in~ù the propl!r ~crmittin':) tllroU~1I th" ut.UIU"16 Di..,lüllJlI. tau .¿dO tl\l.tt 'routh H""tln tllk.,. cartl of abUsud and n"'.Jluct..:ù clIllòrlln ¿¡no that t.ne wat",r i8 -terribltl- in that .roü frollo tIn: .....1.1, Lo " ¡.-oillt tla"t ttlo.: orgðlllzöllon i.. concerned about l1¡¡bllit)" UI Ulructoru <lnCl 'I'ruutvulò ..It 'to\.lth Hðvun. lie »aid that tho orCj41\1z..tlon 11..\.1 cun t.u d \.Iu,:)ol1f1w tu ubt"!1I .,ltlu.r á 1'01<:11.09" plÞnt or WAteH 11n.... or 'touth hùv\ln ,",ouid hij~\: 1)\.I"n ln ~ difUcult poøltlon. He ...h! tlai.. 1. .. non-¡.¡roiiL cuq./Olo1Lloll. ..1.1 84iù 1£ tn\:cw i» .1 tlrobltll:l "h.n the ~CC I\eø tluJ puohc n"arinlj and property own.rs do not wAnt the water, 'tout.h lIavwn will not ~ul. tll. LIce on t.1I" ....Ol. He 8aid tno t;xecutive Diroctor obtLtlned .1I¡ natucu.. (rom one aid., of tho .treet .nd tlH' t:xllcutlvu uiccctor i» now in tile ~roculi.ln9 ol obt.alnln9 the .1~n.ture. ot re»ident» (rom tnu othür alJe. County Attorney ~aunder» ad!O thd~ urdlnnnce 7~-14 will lIav., to be co~~lied ~ith uu(ore ~ ..p~cldl üatiU6bm~nt district can be s~t up for reill1bur.er~"II\.. 110,1 ..wiù Lh..t 1.11" bCe.; will høve the cl1.crct.lon to ..tabl ia¡I' tilc Ji¡6tr ict or no t, UdffUd on i~torAl¡, tlon that i. pre.ented to tn ) bec .at. tll", pUb.1H': "...tin..,. h\: ..Llhl tlnl orClin~nce: r"quire. !>U\ plus 1 landown~r to putl Lion tor ,) .~.ci..¡J, ...SQ..mont (Hat.r ict. Coma1..10ner Vo.. .oved, .econded by Comm1..1oner Brown and oar,led unanl.oualy, that the Water facl11tle. for Youth Haven be accepted. Page 3S 4..-_ __ _.. - - - , ."'--""-,.""~-----_...__..-.... -"".,~,.,.,~,,,....-~-"~-~..^ . aOOK (fiB PACE 62 July 5, 1983 'U.. 128 WATER rACILITIES rOR THB NAPLES RESEARCH AND COUNSELING CENTER ACCEPTED SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS COlllllolsa.lonUl i'lltor ..alu!CJ (ur clorlf.1cotlol1 re9ðrdlnIJ t.hla it.. \l1t.h r09ðrcl to ..ew,"r linG.. Mr. iSc:rzon soid thLlt those l1ne. have not b..n COlI\foletutl OIna, for that noson, he iø ouldn~ thllt " C.'tl!1cate of Occupancy no t bll issuud un t i 1 tho IIVW,H 11 nCls ð t. cOI\,~l c ted . He ..'ld thAt they "ill bw cOI.,plt:lulJ ...ltllln thll nCl)(t ""HIK to 10 tI.~'ø. Co.-ia.lon.r Pistor mov.d, seconded by COlllmlasloner Drown and c.rrled unanimously, thAt the Woter facl1itle. for the Naple. Research anð Coun..llng C.nter b. acc.pt.d .ubJect to the following st1pulat1on.1 l. That all l.gal documents ðro found to bo legally .ufflclent by tho County Attorney. 2. That a C.rtlfic.t. of Occupancy not b. l.sued for the Haple. R....rch and Counaellng Center cõiPleK unt.l1 the on-.lt. and off-.ito .onltary .ewer facl11tle. to .ervlce the project. hQve been dediCAted and accept.ed by the Board of County COlllli..loner.. . , tag! ~U . , " ;,f-r-- - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - ---..;.'...'~.:......;.;.' ';;'",: ~;(t' , '1:' - - July 5, 1983 \~. , ----------------------------------------~~ ... .%t.. 129 'f,iI",'," ¡ PUBLIC ø.aRIMO RI PROPOSED MEW WATER RATES, - AUTHORIZED TO BI B,ELD ~, : an ",¡~t"'AUOUST 2, 1983 ',.. ';io ~ l',. . ~! Coaai..ioner Brown aoved, .econde4 by Co..i..ion~~ VO.. and ~carrsed unan1aou.ly, that a Public Hearlng to consider the adoption of :r~.' the propo.ed new "ate' raU., be authorlzed for Augu.t 2, 1983. ~,.", " 1 u. 130 I CONTRACT AQREEMENT TRANS FERRI NO THE SEWER CONNECTION RIOHTS FROM VANDERBILT YACHT AND RACQUET CLUB PHASE 11 AND CASA ORANDE BAYS IDE TO VANDERBILT SURr COLONY PHASE 111 - APPROVED Utllltle. Ad~inl.trator aerzon referred to the Ex.cutive Sum~ary ðatld Junl 27, 1983, which state.'this item rife,. to a reque.t on the part the the Vanderbl1t Compa~y to t,an.fer only the right., not the financial payment they have already pald, to on. of their project., Vanderbilt Surf Colony Pha.e 111. He .aid this project .eema to b, 'Icelving aore favorable respon.. than the two projects which they hav.e-.·' " , currently per.itted. He sald that Vandorbl1t Company 1. willing to - forfelt their right to connect to the .ower sy.tem, until the plant expanaion is comploted for tho first two, In li.u of the on. they are reque.ting, which is surf Colony Phaso III. Co.-l..ioner Brown ~oved, .econd.d by Co.-ia.ion.r Pi.tor and carrled unanlaou.ly, that the Contract A9'....nt tran.flrrlng the .Iwer connection right. from Vandorbilt Yacht and Racquet Club Pha.e 11 and Casa Oranðe Bay.id. to Vand.rbilt Su,f Colony Pha.e 111, be approved. . '.~ BOOK ((76 ~AC£ 75 Page U - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- -- - - - - - -- - - -------_--.........- _. " , .' ; ~ ',' . ¡,.'~! . '1 . ~, -------------------------------~--------~~ July 5, 1983 : ....... It_ 131 ,,:" lID 1652 RI PURCUASI or TWO PICK-UP TRUCKS fOR THI UTILITIES DIVISION - .;; MlARDID TO TMIMl fORI) 1M THI MOUNT or $14 ,089.95 ,~~:" ,:, L.91l notice havinq bun publhhed in the NlpluDllly Newlon MaY :'~~;11. 191 j;. ... ovldoncod by MUdovl t of 'ubllcatlon fl1o' with tho . ~i~.'C1erk, bids wre received for 81d 1652, for two pick-up truck. for the " ~. : 'Utilitiu Division until 2130 P.H., June 1, 1983. ".' \' Co_la.ion.r 8rown .ov.d, ..cond.d by COlllJlha1oner .1.tor and ih, "carried unanl.ou.ly, that bld 1652 for the purchas. of two pick-UP for the Utl1itl.. Dlvi.lon b. award.d to Ta.I..1 ford In the of .14,119.95, a. r.co_end.d by the pu,cha.lng Dl,.ctor to b. low..t ,..pon.lbl. bid ln the be.t int.r..t of the County, and that the Chalr..n b. authorl..d to 819n and the Cl.rk to .tt.st the '.:l _ . ,~e.ultln9 .9r....nt. ,~it_ 132 ,....' .·.~CONTRACT rOR CONSTRUCTION or THE DEGASIrIER AT THE REGIONAL WATER ..TREATMENT PLANT TO THE SUNSET CONSTRUCTION CO. IN THE MOUNT or ~~'t'200,225 - AUTHORIZED "l~" ChairJllðn Kruse ref.rred to the Executive Summary dat.d June 27, ~, . ",'(I . .~ ~l983, which is . recoKlmendation for the award of a contract foe the R.qion.l Watee Teeatmant Plant d09asifiee. Utilities Administrator ø.rzon said that the consulting engineer. .re present to provide information it n.c....ey. H. said th.t · Deg..iC1er, in »1mp11fied terms, is . tower wh.ee the water 1. .pla.hed down from the top, the watoe casc.de. down trom tier to tier and air 1. forced back up throul¡Jh tho syat"m and, In .fhct, the ga.es dhsolved In the wat.r are .trlpped out of the water to remove the .ulflde. or the odor cau.ing substanc... Re.pondlng to Comml..10ner Brown, ~r. lerzon .ald that staff recn...nds approv.l. Coaai.alon.r 8rown .oved, .~ed b~mmi..loner Vo.. and &O~K lJ (t) rACE 'I"I ~,'h;-'."''' . ::·ot~E'jit.\: '. .~i~ . .' . "rI1, .. ::1 ... ,I{ " ~ . I .,ì~1., '.I. ' ·I:·¡'~ 1__ ", 'f" , ).: £' .,'I.'I:'~'~ .,' ;,j. ...;.~ .....;f~. 'ag_ 42 '''; . ~ ..----- -- - - - ---- -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- --------~.~;~ . -:'1~~;~t ;1", ~'" . ' . H' , '., - ~. ~~----------------------------------~~~~~ " C,;;;",.. . . ~"hr , ,'~ T t'.!f"J: i .r· ,..l,,' , ~ ·~:~t 1~, ' '1'.':- "J,<:', ¡'.',-:~~.'~~J. ,,·fI' " . :- . i'l~~\; . r ,....,{ .,~ } ': i....., '., \ ,i::,~ ".".',01 W,. . ,1"':~ . .,~ -:,;.;' f ,"'" 'O~K 076 rACë 18 July 5, 1983 carri.d unanl.ou81y, that the Chalr.an be authorlaed to 81gn the n.c....ry contract docu.ent. awarding the contract for con.truction of .th. dega.ifler at the R.glonal Water Treat.ent Plant to the Sun..t Con.tructlon Co. of Mla.l, plorida, In the a.ount of $200,225. Note: Ccx\tract not received in office of Clerk of the Board 81 of 7/21/83. " '. 'j ,'. . ,- , , 10> :,.f;~:~ J I' f~~Ji' ,- 1~.:,- ¡!~" . . 't " ' . '" t t( " . ,,,,,,,. .jr ~':t< I ',,-,. ',', ~ .' . -, ,.~" 211, (, :1/ , ~ ,..... 43 ";,'.¡\ 1~;", , , '10 \.It "r ... .,,' ..:. 'ii .....------------------------------------- "\ ..'~) , . ., "' '~:...'''. ~>I'¡' \" ' . :,·j"t'.:\ ?,,'~r '~'..~;~ :i::,;',[:.§j', ,,~.ji~"" ,,-,to" . ",,:. .. - .. ..---,,--..........,., . .,"-'"...,.~,.,~"'~."".~' ..__,.,,_,.__---...J!,.. ~ ,-,,,_.....- 'I '" ---- --------------- -------- --- ---- ---- --~, "I!'I...'.:.' .."..., '" " '^~, ,¡,.~""!." ~ :,~,\¡ ,~"" .. . -",f' ' '~,\ . July $, 1983 " ';~~'J.i .' .).~"'·i~;.', " It- 133 ~~~.. ' "';'CBAlMAII AUTHORIZED TO SIGN THI AGRIEME1IT WITH CH2M HILL TO PROVIDI CONSULTING INGINEIRING SERVICES rOR REGIONAL WATER TREATMENT PLANT , DURING CONSTRUCTION AS DESCRIBED IN TASK ORDER '5 ., ,,1..;- Utilltie. Admini.trator Be,zon refer,ed to the Executlve Suamary dateð June 27, 1983, .aið that this lte. refer. to awardin9 of a . contract to the con.ulting engineers who are doing the plant in.pection ~'.J.1 '1 ',t~ and .uperY~.lon of con.truction. He .ald thl. will include the ~ dega.lfier which i. at the plant, al.o, the fir. will tako care of the . .. I.¡, .hop drawings, review the various contract documents and other related '~.ito.. that are a..oclated with the construction of the doqa.lfler. , ," " Chal'm~~ Kruse a.ked it it Is COMmon procedure to hire .omeone to ~\ de.ign the project and than pay that person .omothing extra to find out oi"":' , \ , ,; ::'~, I" .':~::~~.\~!; .f~,~ i, p: 1,· " . .",;' . ,.r " I ~ ~ . I, , ... , . .' , ~ .'" ,J ~, .~ lf it works? Mr. Borzon .aid, In his opinion, thl. ls common, unlo.. -" thero i. an agreement. He .aid the county'. agreoment with tho con.ultant. did not go all tho way through and that it could have been arrangod In tho beginning th.t the con.ultant. had to do all of the work. However, hu aald at tho time when the contracta werw fir.t approved, the 8CC opted to go juøt to the de.lgn pha.. and ..lectlvely pick up, frQ~ that polnt on, each tlmu there wa. another award, the In.pect!on or on-aito .u~ervislon. Comal..loner Vo.. .oved, .econdeð by Co.-l..loner Pi.tor and carried unanlmou.ly, that the Chairnan be autho,laed to olgn tho AgreeRent with CH2M Hill to provlde con.ulting englnee,lng .ervice. durlng con.truction a. de.crlbed in Ta.k O,der 15. &Q!>K 076 PACë 79 .: I . P!t.9~ u~;)~ -----------------------------------...................... . )'" . ~"'-_...-- _.""...~"......-.,'"..,,,......,,.."".;..,,...........~......"'.-...,"-",'. --- -- -'- --_...~ --.- - .-- July ~, 19¡jJ IU. 134 PUBLIC "~ARINQ TO COI'ISlDtR TUE ADOPTION 01' THE PROPOSED NEW SEWER RATES fOR TUE MARCO nWER S'taTEM - APPROVED FOR AUGUST 2, 1983 Co=ml..1un., piator moved, ..conded by Comml..ioner Brown and c.,rled unanimou.ly, that a publ1c h.aring to conslder the adoption ~t the propo.ed new .ew., rate. for th. Marco S.Vft' syst.. b. approv.d tor August Z, 1983. a.. 135 MARCO SEW~R PUASE II PRELIMINAR't ENGINEERING REPORT AND rEASIBILITY STUDY or TKE TREATED WASTEWATER SPR^'t IRRIGATION SYSTEM - ACCEPTED. PREPARATION OF RESOLUTION~ AUTHORIZED. FISCHER, JOHNSON, ALLEN' BURKE/SOUTH~ASTERN MUNICIPAL BONDS APPOINTED FINANCIAL ADVISORS, OTHER RELATED ACTIONS - APPROVED. Utilitlud Admlnløtrdtor u~rzon roLorr~d to tho ~x4cutivo Summary dolt"CI Jun~ 27. l~ID, ,1n.J ")(1'1.:1 i,l,," th4.1 t the 11 cr~ 01: WilDon, ~,i11C!r, U"rton, :joll 60 P","k, In(~. .Jl(j '-1\" ,In'JlneurintJ toe this projoct. Hfi u.dd tluHU ",.-r" C"I'C""'''lIt"t,Vu:; l[UI~ t.1,'" l!(,r, I)rt.l~h:f t to;¡ lJivo tthl UCC any dot...l1 j th.1t RIi1}' nQr. ChI C..HH"llhl-.l 1n tlhdc f.:rJdj,l)ll1ty .tudy ~nd ¡Jr"li¡;\1I\,HY cU Juct. .I\; ,,¡..1.J \...v ~\J.:'I\ll"lolon"r:. l....;.uvuu ù cuPY t)l LnoaHi eu~ortlJ .tiJ¡Jro>(1I.\<Jtu.l)' on.. "ÙU \, ".JO. Commi..ioner ~rown moved. deconùuù by Com~i..ionor pi.tor and carriod unanimously, that thu Marco Sewer Pha*d II proliminary unglne.rin~ ro~rt onu foa~1billty .tudy of th~ treatud wa.tewoter .pray irri~ðtion aystom bo 4ccept.d, that the County Attorney prepare the neco..ary Re.olution. authorizin9 tho con.tructlon of tho project, cunsl.tent with the ru~uiroments of Chapter 153 of the Florlda Stotu~e., that th~ Con.ultin9 Engineors p,oceed wlth the proporation of fInal plan., .pacifications and the a....sment roll, after the adoption by tho Board of th~ uppropriate ru.olution., and that a Public Uearlng to conaidur tho do.iqn ünd const,uction of thq W~stewater S~ray lrri9ation Sy.to. bo set for a daff1~ be ~orlalned. &O~K g rACë O., ": ... - ..- -......- ~~. .- .'_' .~_.- ..- ...- .'.. -- ....- ._- -- .-. . _.~ .- ..,- - . .- ~"'*. .-- l'tlg e 4 5", ,.-.-- -------.-------....... '17-""__8_" II' ..."""'--.----- "'..""..,~.,...",.,;.".<.-."..."..,." ..--._,--,'~"._--".,. ,~~~ . -~~-------------------------------------~~ I"'," "':'\;~:'~I" : " . County Attorney Saundeu .aid there a,. varioua leg.l h.ue. th.t ",¡" " , ...., .... He ..id beyond th.t ther" t",,~~;,,;~ ,oOt 016 PAct 86 July 5, 1983 Reg.'dlng the date for the public hearlng, Utllitle. Admlniltr.tor B.rzon a.ked the acc for their preference for a date, and the con.en.u. v.. that Mr. Øerzon conlult County'Manage, Norman for that date. .Chair..n Kru.e poInted out that the affected landownors should be notified 'egarding the payment of thl1 project. Commis.ione, pl.tor .ald he did not anticIp.te any problem. .. Mr. Norm.n remlnded the ncc of the need to appoint a flnancial advl.or .. one of the Staff'. recommendations. Commi..ioner Vo.. . ! ',.: .U9ge.ud Ua1n9 the current financial .dvisor. .~. Co..i..ioner Vo.. moved, .econded by Co.-l.sioner Holland and ca,rled 4/1, with Co.-i..ioner Pl.tor oppo.ed, that Fi.cher, John.on, , Allen' Burke/Southe..tern MunIcipal Bond. Þe .ppolnted the financ1.1 adYl.or. for thl. project. \,., . ,;_ PUBLIC H&ARIHG TO CONSIDER THE ADOPTION OF THE PROPOSED NIN RATES RI GOODLAND WATER DISTRICT - APPROVED FOR AUGUST 2. 1983 .. ":.¡. ,; Co~l..ione' phtor moved, ..conded by Co..i..lone~ vo.~' .~d·~ß~.~",·,: propo.ed '. carried, th.t . public hearing to con.ide' tht .doptlon of ~h. ~~nev rate. re.GOOdland W.ter Di.trict be approved for AUgu~t 2: It.. 137"~- "0, MORATORIUM RI BUILDING IN BIG CYPRESS - DENIED. COUMTY ATTORJ(EY ~ INSTRUCTED TO INVESTIGATI REQUESTED MORATORIUM - APPROVED . : ... \ ' '~ £,: . lt83~ County Manag.r Norman .aid, in his oplnion, the ICC .hould be c.utlou. re9a'ding this i..u. becau.. of the le9al concern.. Chai rlUn K,u.e ..1d that tho NatIonal Pork belong. to the people and .he, , pe,.onally, was not 90in9 to vote to place a buildlng mor.toriu. in thla ar.~. She expre~.ed her opinion that moratorium. a,e dangerouI. " au inyolved .uch a. adverti.ln9 p,ocedu".. Pag' ... IBJ - - ---------.---. ""' " .,'::'~~'1 ·t. '.' 'ii' ~. 'pi:"';\ \ ,··t·..···· .~~ .\, , , , .:..~...i. 'Wi '!I..'I.~;:j _....~" ,-r'., . -'.'," . ~~ ,~.I . ....... ..' ~'."'- ...,~.~.,_.J>J... ;. 'J ~:~.:~ ~:;,: .,~I;,\::' . f.jt,\:'f ~..' ·;:'\1~~~. I>,.¿~~~,:;.. , . July 5, 1983 ,~; . ' . 'iare 80111. po..lble la"suita by virtu. of the hct that the ......-. . ~b. pr.v.~tlng people from ~slng the .re.. I .. ~ . ' ' \, ,', .~ ' ',Kruse .nd t.rllled . .outodua .spotenti.lly dangerous. :~~ A lengthy discus.ion .n.u.d, during whlch National Pa,k S.rvic. ':sup.rlntend.nt ',ed J. 'agergr.n spoke ln d.tense of the r.quest for · - ~ ~~?rato~~UIII. H. gave backg,ound hi.tory of the area acqul,ed by the ',' tedlnl Covernlll.nt .nd . ducdption of the area that ls yet to bl t; f". . .~r..c<iuiud by the rederal Covernlllent. :~,~;:\..un..'. ..k.. fo, tho oppo'tunlty to ,....'ch vh.th.' 0' not ,the BCC can place a 1D0rat.oduJII in the a,.a under di.cussion. I ~~ .... ::!';.~~~~~~_ha10ner phtor .ov.d, ..cond.d by Coul..lon.r Vo.. and . hUed, 2/),' that the loud authorize the County Attorn.y to proc..d " County would "".~ , ,. "'õ He agreed with Chairman '".,. " . Ind prepar. the .dv.rtl....nt fo' call1ng 1 .or.toriua or pl.cing " . building. In the 819 Cypre.. Ind to r.tu,n to the 8CC to glve a legll ,." ,.d 'opinion r.garding ..... . . " '. II; _,' " ,." Co_l..loner V().. .ov.d, .econd.d by COlDllh.ioner pi.tor and .'~.. , cI,r:r'hd 4/1, "lth Co_l..ioner 8'0"" oppo..d, that the County Attorn.y " b. in.truct.d to inv..tigate the reque.t.d .oratorium. It.. 138 ROUTINE BILLS - APPROVED 'OR PAYMENT putsuant to Resolution No. 8l-150 the followln9 check. ~r. 1..ued throu~h friday, July 1, 1983 in the paymont of routlne bill.1 CHECK D~SCRIPTION CHECK NOS. AMOUN': Voucher Checks 96709 - 96969 $ 977,929.55 Vouch. r Check. 96970 - 97172 l,353,434.84 Voucher Check. 97173 - 973112 468,021.07 Voucher Chocks 97383 - 97655 70l,37G.9l Vouch.r Check. 97656 - 97926 615,799.69 aoOK 013 fACE 87 ,'f''':. PIg. 47 - '",,":', ",' ____-------'------ __ ___ ________________~':í"i!'~î -.' '.. ..... ¡<' ~ "'~' . ~~..,. ,~...,~' . .~~--------------------------------------- B8 July 5, 1983 &OOK 076 PACE To to 1 4,116,562.06 Reg ula r payroll 64206 - 64750 220,005.69 ReCj ul at payroll 64751 - 65295 220,383.39 Rec¡¡uln payroll 6~296 - 65934 248 ,206.12 Tot.al 688,595.20 13' '\ , I , ",.j . ,,'-" ,,~ I ....,~/i·· -. . 't .f . SHERI"'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL $33,000 'UNDING 'OR CURRENT YEAR BASED ON I MONTHS' ACUTUAL BILLS - APPROVED, COUNTY MANAGER TO REVIEW AND RETURN TO BCC WITH EXPLANATION or SAME Fi.cal Officer Jame. C. Oile~ eKplained that the fir.t item of the Clerk'. Report i. on page 6, the Sheriff'. requo.t for additional fundlnCj for t.ho current year. He said t.his reque.t W4. submltted to hi. June 29, 1983. He said that Sheriff ROCj er. i. requesting $33,000 .or. for law enforcement, $23,000 more for the jall with a total of \·,'1 '? J '56,000 and his explanation 1. ba.ed on 8 month. act.ual bill., project.d for 12 mont.h.. Mr. Oile. referred to Sherlff ROCj .r.' r.que.t " ¡ , for funding to cover charCj e. for work performed by the Building .Maln-, "~~" .~·tonanca ;"part.ant and LP 0.. 'or tho jaU and ...r.an~y ..na..to..,"~"'/1,,'.ij.;.': ~{\ . " ,~:;:;'.f :.~:..'addlng that the Sh.riff indicated that in pr!or year. the.e it.lI. w.re,', .'~ "..,.,. ...~ \"'. included in allocat.d .xp.n....· Commi.sioner Holland ..ked M'. OUe. <, ....: fo' the aource of fundine¡¡ and he explalned that thl. i. the County'. continCj ency. A .hort diacu.sion enau.d durine¡¡ whlch .o.e of the County'. .it~ation was discus.ed. Re.pondlnCj to Com.i..ion.r Holland, Mr. .aid that page 6 in the Clurk'. Report was all that he Sherlff ROCj er.. He a.ked for 8CC dlrection? H. asked if the BCC vanted hl. to reque.t a lett..r from Sh.riff ROCj er. explainlnCj all of ,: the work orders? Chai rman Kru.e pointed out a $56,000 requuted budget: ..~, ,. , I. ~¡.. ", .r~!~~~ I. ...nd..nt need. more than one .ent.nce. . .~~ .,;..... Deputy Chlef Barnett clarified that then h.. been allotted co.t ~. .' Page 41 ,:,.;.¡;,¡..~:" ,.....ft.....: .,f; -:1 --------------------------------------- œm 1m EBB ~...,...."'-_.,,..,,'-._-~..~.,-"'"» ~-,....~... -- ---- "- - - - --- - ----- -- - --- --- - ---- --------- July 5, 1983 " , . ,pro..4.n I. .h. pu. b..k ..4 forth b....... .h. It..' lhU4 o. tho 'P"9. 6. u.llltl.. _ o,oP'.. C.. ..4 ..1141.9 ".I.t.....·. H. ,.f.".4 .1' to the Ø.licopt.r .xp.n.... "'~.li ,~ County Manag.r Norman ..ld that he was not awalO of the sp.cific. .' '!~.nð h. has not .xalllned thl. requ..t. H. .ald that prlor to last y.ar ", "th.re had be.n a .p.clal budget .at up for each of the con.tltutlonal offlc.rs which was out'llde of th.lr direct control, where the allotted co.ts th.t were charg.d again.t their facllltl.. w.r. handled. He sald ,~;~. .that p.rhap. that did not occur this year. Mr. all.s said, in bls ~\~;.o~., opinion, the Sheriff i. conte~d1ng ln oth.' y.ar. the amount. waft '. .' contaln.d 1n that budget and that this y.a, the amount wa. bl11.d a. a . .'iÀ.r.r....\ ~p.cial Servlce. H. .ald that untll the Malntenance Department 1. reached thl. will not bo clear. Chairman Kru.. referred to tho Utllltle. - Propane aa. whlch 1. an incr.a.e of $4,296.00 .0 that the ravised budget for propane i. 8l8,996. Mr. Norman .~9geeted that he have Honry Hill clarify the sltuatlon. '" .~ 1" v , , Later 1n the meetlng Mr. Norman .aid that it 1. hie understandlng that the Bu11dln9 M~intenance Department haS been bll11ng the Sherlff'. D.par~ent for s~.clal .ervIce.. H. .ald tho.e .ervice. are d.fined ~lnt.~nce and por.onnvl dctions ovor and above routlne ..lntenanc. .uch a. repa1ring roofe ln the buildin9. and fixing routine ite.s. He sU9~e.ted that thd Bee approve a portion of the request and allow hlm to com. bdCk July 12, 1983, wlth an explanation of ~xactly how th18 procedure r.sulted In tho .ituation, fo~ purpose. of current budg.t pupautlon. cocal..1oner Holland .ov.d, ..cond.d by Co.-ls.loner Brown and oa,rl.d unanlllously, that the Sh.riff'. budg.t a..nd..nt r.qu.st for an &OOK 076 PACE B9 pag8 -------------.-- -----.....------ ---------- ..,-"'.- þ~',. ,~~-~ , ,,¡ ., -~~--------------------------------------- ~a~òlt 076 PAGë 90 July 5, 1983 additional $33,000 fundinc¡ for our,ent y.ar ba.ed on 8 month.' actual bill. be approved, County Kanac¡er to revlev and return to Bee witb the .xplanation of the bll1inc¡ procedurft.. Co~mls.ioner Kru.e .ald, in her opinion, the BCe .hould .e,iou8ly addr... allocation cost. when the BCC get. into budget this year. She felt thero wa. a problem la.t year, and County Hanager Norman .ald, ln " his opinion, the .1tuation i. getting better thl. year. BUDOET AMENDMENTS 83-600 THROUGH 83-606 - ADOPTED AS PRESENTED Co.-l..10ner Brown moved, .econded by Commi..ioner Pl.tor and oar,led unanlmou.ly, that Budc¡et Amendment. 83-600 through 83-606 be adopted, a. pre.ented. Commis~ion.r Pistor aSKed for clarlficatlon regarding Budc¡et ..' , Aaendlllent 03-603, Tunsfer of funds to hc1l1tate payment for upo,t " ._ prep~'ation, appral..l f..., land acquisition costs and clo.ing co.t. \./ ,.' ~ .~,' for the Golden Gate Community Park. Mr. cale. .ald that this ite. had " J. ' .\, to do wlth the BCC actlon thls morning. He .ald that at ". t¡J;,.', . . t.'11.pupaud the request they did not know which way the BCC , ' on thl. h.ue. Mr. Gile. .ald, in hl. , ". 'iI, ;. ,'..:, .1tuatlon ln check by not . t.r. '. ~ .ald the money will not be spent until the BCe determine. ~\, . (' t ... t ... f . t~ I .' ~ .. ,.,.'" to I -r I ,. ¡ è I \ ,,~,( the tl.. suff .) 'j,."'. .", , ,. ,. ' ~ . would decide ,',;- ~ ¡ ; . '..¡," . \ ,', opinion, the BCC h holdlng they·" ......,.... . author1zin9 the purcha.e of the land. He ,}'~'I' .: .', ..~: ..~~: ,- that the \ I '~'.' ~. money 1. authorized. BUDOET AMENDMENTS 83-607 THROUGH 83-609 - ADOPTED AS PRESENTEe '.. Co.-l..10ner Pl.tor .oved, .econded by Co.-l..10ner Voss and " carried unanlaoualy, 'that Budc¡et Aaend.enU 83-607 throuc¡b 83-609 be " '. ~, adopted a. pr..ented. ~" ~.'" t' ... :~:r:' ''', Re.ponding to COlllllha1onor Kru.., Mr. GUe. .ald that the , " . j' , (.: " :c ~I ~ . ';~j'. . :.1:"'.·j'í~l~l ,.' ~ ........ ..'.' " '"t :'.', .. ,. -', ,.' . ~;'~':r~ ~. .~~. , '."..',., " > page'O ...'_ ----------------------------------------~~- ....~~':. . ~~, :::_?/~ "I ^'~ . ....,:?"" ", jf1. . ''II'Ü, CI!IJ .. .. .\ ~ -_.--.-.<."~_."~.,_.,_.,.,..~'~ ,,-' , July 5, 1983 . ;. . , .,,;1:; 1~iJ, _Qf'~ !~ ,., "f' :,\{, , ;~~\ ",'-~':' ,~~-------------------------------------~\. ~",-\I,""" ....·1' """.>. , ~~n.~ement Audit will not be paid for untl1 it i. received, the ite. 1n plac..- .~ "UDOET AMeNDMENTS 13-&10 THROUOH 83-&12 - ADOPTED AS PRESENTED ~ Pi.cal Officer ail.. explained that thl. group of budget :.Jl·l ..end..nt. are item. related to transfer w1th1n depart.ent. not .' '~~'pu",ntlY blJdgeUd fo'. . Co..i..ioner vo.. .oved, ..conded by Co.-i..ioner Brown and \ ,\.\~...'.. ..:;\lcarried unanl.ou.ly, that Budget Mend.ents 83-610 throulJlh 83-612 b. "t', ~~:~dOPUd a. pre..nUd. ~ '''to ':r't' ;', ~, ,'1", :.t:' " .' 'J." ,,' , . <It... " \.)t aOOK 078 PACE 91. Pag. 51 . .'. . ---..----- - -- ---------------------------........... , .,:;~~~;:r~. ., ~, .,' -- ~- ---- - - - -- - - - - - - - -_:... - - - -- -- - - -- ---------., &OO1C 076 rACë 106 July 5, 1983 It.. '43 MR. LOU HOUGSTED APPOINTED TO REPRESENT COMMISSION DISTRICT FOUR ON THB COLLIER COUNTY UTILITY RATE ~ND REGULATION BO~RD Comai..ion.r Holland moveð, secondeð by Commission.r Brown and carri.d unanimoualy, that Mr. Lou Hougat.d be appolnteð to repr.sent Co.-lsslon District Four on the Colller County Utlllty Rate and .. Regulatlon Board. Ite. 144 INITIAL TERMS fOR MEMBERS or CCURRB - TO BE DETERMINED UNDER THE SUPERVISION or THE COUNTY ATTORNEY A discussion was held regarding the need for the initial terms for the members of the Collier County Utility Rate' Regulation Board. County Attornuy Saunders .dviaed the ~CC that thl. Board h.ld thelr fir.t orgðn1zatlonal meeting on June 23, l~83, and wlll hold the second ..et~ng on Auyust 4, l~83. He slIid that he i. going through the , ~.;;4."':'~ "~~'~:j)i " ~I':~(""'!' : . ;ì" t:,~';., which this Board will undertako. proce.. Qf advi.em.nt regarding the ordinance. and typ.. of prð~l.m. r 1,; , ~,-.~\..-' "-'Y' . . "~"r .' ~, ..'.... Co..l..ion.r Vo.. .oved, ..cond.d by Co..l..ion.r Brown and carried unan!mou.ly, that the initial term. fo' ...ber. deter.in.d by -drawing .traw.- und.r the .upervl.1on of the Attorney. ne. 145 DISCUSSION or SELECTION PROCESS FOR NtH -CHIEf, UTILITIES FACILITIES OPERATIONS- Chairman Kru.. inform.d th. audlenc. that, appar.ntly, Collie, .... " County do.s not ...m to b. quit. a. favored a. L.e County with regard to adv.rtl....nta for a n.w -Chivf- of Utilitie. Facllltle. Op.,atlon.. She .aid that Le. County rec.iv.d 70 + applications, Collier County has "recelved 2. Co.-ls.ion., Vo.. .aid that he haa somo ..cond thought. regardlng _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ _ _ __t.!i.!~1. IIZI EEl .. .. '. ..¡;" . ,.,""~: . , ;·~~Ò~:: "}-',. ""'-,...'-,""'--_._-_.-"" ----"'.-'" ~ ....11"1.~~- " J ~... " ------------------------------------------ ." July S, 1983 , :",'r:'~' ....-.,;... ;.:.14'-: :~:tb'~ aubject, that the Ice nuds to ruuucture the -..t-up- of the ~:::r:::::::e:::.y::.e:~dW:: ::: :::::y:ee::::e::r::rh:e:::::dh:ne ~ would llke to .ee more re.umes. He .ald that, In hl. opinion, the ~ee '~ha. a p,oblem In fulfilling thls po.itlon. He said that he would lIke "~i to walt until the Arthur Young managoment audit report is due to the ~.. ',' ~,; Ice. s . ,~, ..'~. Dlœcus.lon ensued regarding the problem. which putaln to the :~ _,;~~ , _';':·~'i ' ; ~":;~..~ln" toaw. co.mi..loner Vo.. noud when anyone .end. ln an appllca- ':" don for a poaltion, that per~on·. na.e get. published. Chairman ICru.e :'~. aaid, that. there is no pcotection whatsoever to the penon who applie. '.,.~" . ~':for a job, b.cause tho application is public record. Commissloner VO.. ~'concurr.d. He said th.t whoover thu üCC ..lecta to be tho head of the ." ...,' .~;: ~'~~f:\ " "~~;: '\;t~f, . ',Ü' ~/~¡~./~'~ .....~~':-t.; ",I' ; , "\' , r " " .1, , '{., . ,i: ~t,' . . ....1''"'" . "1"./;. 'r" . ", :'~~;~~ -,tt' .>..,1,> . ~ , ., 1I'rJ.' . .~". '- .' ........, " .....1 ..,....~~:\'. Utillty operatlC111 IIhould have a pact in tho orqanlzøtion of the ,~ , depatlJ\ent. Therefore, ho sug~o.t.d that tho ace wait until tho Arthu, Young "anago.ent Audit ha. been received and, following selection of the -Chlof-, that person .hould be allowed to participate in e.tablll1hing the organization of the depart.eRt.l. The BCC should wait untll the Arthur Young M4n~g.mant ^udlt h~s been reported, that roport should be caretully .tudl"ð. Comm1asioner ~rown agreed with COllmis.Loner Vo.. regardin~ the new ·Chie!- buing a part of tho reorganization of the Utillty Department. CO.lllisslonor Vo.. .aid, whwn the Mana~ement Audit i. received, the Bce should conaidlJr thlt VOs~ibil1ty of going to a pro!ella1onal p,ocuce.ent .ervice. ^ discu.sion resulted in Commiasloner lIolland'S .tatement that he h.s had the 900d fortun- of working witn some of the people .elected out of pro!ossional -headhunte,.- and the record .p.ak. fo, it.elf ce9ardin'.l the .ucce.. of such" ..lection proceduro. &ODIC 076 rAÇ£ 1111 ,age '3 . --------- - - -- - - -..- -- ---- - ------- -----....-..-- ...1__--....."'-..-'~"""·...··,O'" -_,¡rt_"...--",¡. u. i 1 .__~_-~---------------------------------7~ ..~~. ... r.,,,". " July 5, 1983 aDOK 076 nee 108 A di.cu..ion followed during whlch Commi..lon.r Holland .xplained that the prof...lonl procure.ent servic. would come to the BCC wlth .thr.. or fou, quallfl.d, lnt.ra.t.d p.rsons, who ar. r.ady for n.gotiatlon with the BCC. 110 Co.-l..lon.r Holland .oved, ..conded by Com.l..lon.r. Vo.s, that the appllcation. for a new -Chl.f of Utllitl.. raclllti.. Operation.- contlnu. to b. r.c.iv.d un~il the BCC ,.ceiv.. the draft of the Man.g...nt Audit. M.. Rautlo-Mitch.ll, repre.enting th. Leagu. of Women Vot.r., .xpr....d h.r vlew. r.garding adv.rtising a. quickly as the BCC did :: following the May 31, 1963 lI.dUng. Sh. nhrred to the Sun.hin. Law . and lald that .h. wa. intrlgu.d by the communt. of the Co..i..lon.r. r.garding ..... ~he .aid Co.ml..ion.r Holland'. .ugg..ted regardlng a ~~ profe..lonal procure.ent ..rvlce .ight, be a way to go. How.v.r, .h. ~'o: . .ald, a. a .e.b.r of the L.agu. of homen voter. .h. would not want to , .. " :..:" .nd up .upporting .om.thing that i. don. behlnd the .c.n... and th.n 11 . , ~ thrown out lnto the public without public Input. A dl.cu..ion regarding the Sun.hin. Law follow.d end Chair.an .~ru.. _U99..ted that the L.agu. of ~o..n Voter. a.k County Atto,ney Saunder. .nd Mr. Donald Pell.cchla, A..i.tant Stat.. Attorney, to .xpl.in,th. Sun.hine Law to the group. She rel.t.d h.r p~·.onal experl.nc. and .xpr....d h., opinion th.t the law If a very tout.d law which 1. ....nti.lly a -paper law-. She .ald .h. wa. .hock.d to ~ di.cov.r thl1 in light of lo.e Supre.e Court ruling.. Mr. Saunder. , !'t .:.' agu.d t~ explain the law to M. Rautlo-Ml tch.ll and laid that ah. had r.qu..t.d a copy of . publlcatlon publilhod by the Attorney General'. offlce and that h. ..de thl. lnfor.atlon aval1abl. to her. ~ . __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___ _ _._ _ _ __________....----.d '/ mill aID .. ".,""J/~~'\iÞ-;:~ '.', ..:_~,',I.¡"t\t'1t:,¡¡,~~n~'!i ._----_.._---~._- --"*;I'''''--;''''~ ... ,ag. sot .;¡!,~I. .' f. ":,.'v ~....:¿¡,:." P.lf '1~~;, ;i~, :~¡' i.r ',"''"' ~.~~ \Ò'1~ ' .. ... ," \ ¡ -~ .t' , . , . :1" . .' ;. ." , .. ------------------------------~---------~ . ," , "l" July 5, 1983 , ,4 , " ,. , " ..t'}... .' ' I'~~'; \:;, Upon call for the qu..t1on, the aotion carri.ð 3/2, Co_ia.lon.n "" arown and Kru.. oppo..d. ~'I-·.; '.:{' ....Th. following ite.. w.re approv.d anð/or adopted under the ,~ Consent Ag.nda as aov.d by co.al..lon.r Holland, ..cond.d ï, by Co.-l..lon.r Vo.. and carr1.d unan1.ou.ly.···· :~~ . :'tt.. 146 ,1~ ,.~.;¡" STRUCTURA1. SPECIA1.IST TO ATTEND PLAN EXAMINATION COURSE FOR PLAMS "~IIXAMINIR - APPROVED ~l:. . ite. '47 ~~~:~~R;a~~~:~r..~~T:I:~~II:~:~R~~TC.PRI 'IRI CONTROL DI.TRICT AMD t~fr~'.'~ ; S.. Pag.. LrJ.ð'-'/_:J7 It.. 148 arJ.t;~~()! " ,;'J' PETITION TR-83-2C, STEPHEN' JEANET'tE BELLMAN, RE TEMPORARY RESIDENCB ¿~:.PI~IT DURING CONSTRUCITON OF A PRINCIPLE RESIDENCE - APPROVED ~~. 149 ~~THERIZATION CONTRACT MODIfICATION WITH THE FLORIDA DEPT. Of :.';, COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - APPROVED .'~ s.. Pag.. /3J'-/~/ It.. '50 '~~I¿OLUTION 83-97 RE AMENDED &MPOYMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY ~~AND JUDSON W. HARVIY, COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT INTIRN - ADOPTED .~:: S.. Pag.. /'¡~-/~S It.. '51 rll rO~SAL& or ·PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS HANDBOOK- - APPROV!D IN THE AMOUNT or $l5.00 Ite. U2 EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. 59.l69, WILDWOOD ESTATES - APPROVED SUBJICT TO STIPULATIONS It.. 153 ¡ "f RESOLUTION 83-98 AUTHORIZING LEASE orFICI SUB-STATION - ADOPTED . s.. Pag.. ,¥-c, -147 OPTION/THE NORTH NAPLES SHIRIFr'S \OOK 016 PAc£109 ' ~------------------~--------------~ ,." . ¡, "1:'/' ;.' ; '+ \ ·....fl :.... " ¡. . -J:;:' .. , ',ff, . {'þ.. - .', ,', ---~--~~--------------------------------~~ "',",, ,,'~:.:. ' ;.«r·~ ". t.Ail" J"" ~:"¡.' ...~,i .J~.~..~,.} , ,..':0£.' .',' "of';··· " .~\:< &O~ 076 PACE 110 July 5, 1983 CLERK III _ CETA/JTPA OPFICE - EXEMPT PROM HIRING FREEZE xu. 15' 'CUSTODIAN _ BUILDING DEPT. - EXEMPT FROM HIRING FREEZE XU. 156 PROBATION OFFICER - PROBATION DEPT. - EXEMPT rROM HIRING FREEZI \ .' . ;:'~~ ... "', ~I.,I/I~:': ";,,, . "/,'I~'\ ,. ~ ~~; '!I . YOUTH GUIDANCE DIRECTOR - EXEMPT rROM HIRING rREEZE It_ 151 IQUIPMENT OPERATOR IV - TRANSPORTATION DEPT. - EXEMPT FROM HIRING FRun It.. 159· '~ LURARY PAGI - HEADQUARTERS BRANCH - EXEMPT FROM HIRING rREEU It.. 160 ,J, " . INSURANCE CONTRACT AMENDED TO PROVID~ A SUBROGATION i.'., . "'II:/.' COUNTY'S H£ALTH ~ CLAUSE J¡, ;.Ì'¡'':f " "'''\,; l ,¡ , s.. Pag.. .}..¡..f-I¢P Ul I .~t BID 1653 RI MOWER PURCUASE, PARKS AMD RECR£ATION DIPT.- AWARDED TO J 1. WISCO tAUN, !NC.. rT. MYERS, FLORIDA, nr THE AMOUNT or $6196 . . L.~al notice hav1n9 been publiahed in the Napl.. Dally New. on ,.~ ; :f~~une 6. 1983, a. evidonced by Affidavit of publlcatlon filed wlth the '~";"~' ~ 'Clerk, bld. were recoivtld for aid t6~3 for a mower for Park. until 2a3~ ,rt - . :-. ',. P.M_ on June 22, 1983. · Coa.l..loner Holland aov.d, ..conded by Co..l..1oner VO.. .nd carried unanl.ou.ly, th.t lid 1653 fo, . P.,k. and Recreation Dept. .ower be aw..,ded to We.co ¡.un, Inc., rt. Mye,., rlorlda, In, the aaount of $6,196, a. reco..ended by the puech..lng Dlrector to be the lo...t '~ ; , ~'. ~ '.,; , <.r. ., . , re.ponalbl. bld In the be.t lntere.t of the County, and that the ~ . - . ..)' Chalraanbe .uthorl.ed to .lgn .nd the Clerk to .tt..t the resultlnv , " ......" ~'~I'·· \!i: . . "" ~. - !< .~.;t,'~ ..:...,..... ·vr....nt. _-----------.--------~----------'aa. !II -.,.'~' :;'," ,,~~~- ,I ~~'~; ,'\"\ì;~'>' I'~' ., .. '11/<; 11&1 tD!.E] .. r"~--- ..1, '-,." -----------------------------------------' .:July !t, 1983 ,"J'rH-..... I. - ... ~,,1 It.. 162 ''f/t'I,n 810 .&54 RS BLEACHERS AMD ~LAYGROUHD EQUIPMENT, PARKS AMD RECREATION In. _ AWARDED AS. BLEACHIRS TO DAHT CORP., IN Tal MOUNT or t5,503.IO, PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT TO HUHTIR - KHIPSBIILD COMPAMY, IN THI :~OUNT or t.,079.0. .'~' '. ~~ ; prlor to the vot~ for tho Consent Agenda, Comml..ioner Pl.tor ':'~;¡~.skeð . quutlon ug",ding ald 1654. lie sald he dld not want that it.. '...0\ ' ~_ _ removed from the Consent Agenda. He asked for clarificatlon regardlng ..'~"".' . 1\ _,'\ ;"where the bleacher. and playground equlpm.nt will be used and .tored? . ,..:.: .~ . ~, ',,\ 'ark. Dl rector Rollle Rlce explained that the bleachers wl11 probably r}, t' '\':1,' ~ ~ " ~"b. ~.ed throughout the County and are of the flve-tler type wh1ch hls "ftÎ~\'" \ , ðepart.ent t,anafer. from .ite to .ite. He explalned that th..e are ..\~ ~'\' ',7 'ál~~lnua bleachers to get longevity and that they will b. used for all î~~~~~ll~l.ld activitle.. Re.ponding to Co~mi.sioner Holland, Mr.·Rice to,.., -1,1" ' ..Œ:.~xPlalned thoy c,ln bo ~oved and, that hie departlDent does not buy the' t~'~~'~ler or lS tier ble.cnera. becAuSO th..r. are .peclal event. in ':dlfferent .re.. of the County, where tho neod for bleacher. occur. He ~" j .clted the ne.d for tr.n.~rtation e.se to accommodat. the activity that , .. .'".1\ . L ~~~.belng ,un at the particular _ite. '.~ ' Legal notice having been publ1.hOd In the Napha Daily "ew. on June 6, 1983, as evidenced by ^ffidavlt of Publicotion filed with the Clerk, blds were ucoived for tUù '6S4, for Pork blu.chorl1 , Pltlyground Equlp1110!!t, until 2130 P.M., on June 22, l!:1B3. Co.-l..loner Holland moved, .econded by Comml..loner Vo.. and carrled unanimously, that ald '654 for Park Bleacher. . Playground Iqul~ent be awarded to Dant corpo,ation, Loul.vll1e, Kentucky 1n the ..ount of $5,503.80, Playground Iqulp.ent to Hunte,-Knepshleld Co.pany, Loui.vl1le, Kentucky In the amount of $8,079.08, a. recomlDended by the Purcha.lng Director to be tho lowest re.ponalble b14 1n the be.t intere.t of the County, and that the Chalrman be authorlzed to slgn and aDO ( 076 PACE 111 _________________----~------------~tt~U- . ' "t··· ,)~: ",·f:;" . .;.~,tf"(~; : ';';~~ '~'0;, ,f.~,~1 ; "~"..',". "'.~;~\ ,~~.. .:',; .' "'Wj , ;.~Jt .' '.. ~ . ~ .;.~¡.. "~''>'''' . , ' .. '..ti'~ .~W! ,<', ... / . ;.:~'(, ':T~~L !:... \ '. . ) \',.;'.': '. ._~.. '-',§:..~ f·.··....·.';~·~·;·"·: ."".... ··H.~. . I"_~. ,. ,:~.', .' ;'~ w' .,- ----'""--"-'" ,._,...""......"",.~"'..,""',...."~".,_.,.._"._,,. ",._--" u _ .,~., "t·T " " ----::- --- -- - - ---- --- - -- ----------.-------- ,cox 076 PAtE'112. July 5, 1983 .' . the Clerk to .tt..t the re.ultlng .gr....nt. I U. . 63 BID '655 _ HOM£MA~ERS SERVICES, SOCIAL SERVICE DEPT. - AWARDED TO ,PIRSONNEL POOL 1" THI AMOUNT or $33,798. L.gal notlc. having beon published In the Naples Caily News on Jun. 7, 1983 a. evldencod by Affidavlt of pubilcatlon flied with the .... Ci.,k, bid. were rec.lved for Bid '6~~ for "o~omakor S.rvlco., untll 2130 P.M. Juno 22, 1983. Co..ls.lon., Holland .ov.d, .econd.d by Co~~I..lon.r Yo.. .nd' ,," ';'-:-" " " ( c.rried unani~oualy, that Bid 1655 for Ho...akera Servlc.. b. .wa,ded ,~~ .. ,f"" .. to the Personnel Pool of rt. My.r., Ft. Myeu, Florida, In the ..ount. ",!. '1 . ,~'. '.: of $33,798, U.lted to .ervlcu act.ually render.d and cont.inu.d fundin9~ .~..~~,,' í¡ ,....,~ 1 avaUability, b.ing the low..t rupons1ble bid ln th. be.t inten.t. of ,,':.'; ~f":' " ", ",,¡,I. ' the County, .nd that the Ch.i,.an b. authorized to .Ign and the Clerk ,c J. ~.. '~:. to .tt..t t.h. re.ultlng .gr....nt. Itea . U ~¡' ~...~" "': ~.. STArr DIRECTED TO CONTINUE TO REQUEST PROPOSALS ~ SYSTEM. WORKSHOP SIT rOR AUaUST t OR AUaUST lG, ;~ PROPOSALS PRESENTATION 'f\" ',,\., '1 . RE A TELECOMMUNICATION 1983 rOR THI PURPOSE or .' ti,· .., " ,Attorn.y r.que.ted the opportunity to c.i.. on. polnt on thl. It... . ",.. ~ .: ~ prlor to the vote being taken on the Cons.nt Agend., the County .ald that he want.d to al.rt the BCC to .o~. potential probl.ma -down , .... . '¡ \.,.,4 the road-, in t.hat the TohcollUDunicatlon. Contract currently h.ld by :~'~ Collier ,County with United Telephone Syat_, dou not sP.clficany· , \4'\~ ;.":i;,\" contain a c.nc.llation provi.lon. II. .aid that the County h.. uken ,/<' " the po.ltlon that the contract can b. cancell.d if UTS i. not able to ., ~.., "~"4f'" œ&I Ii.III .. 1 , !l~~:' ~' ~..~ .'I~.~-,..~ ~' ..t' .~.."" ~..~~ ,. ~;.,.¡.;~ ,!f.:~< :"'~r.:.:...: rt-)~' , ';"'" '. '.'. ¡~~'4'~ ,(,"I.;. ,'1,1 .. '. '.: provide the ..rvice to me_t the County'. n.eds." H. ..id that a. the , BCC, 90e. through the consideration of the new .yst... there uy b. a probl.. wlth thl. .1tu.tlon. " R.spondln9 to ch.ir..n ~ruse, County Man_ger Nor..n explain.d that V , . _----f!u.J1 -"".-~.'-"''''' -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- -- --: - -- - - - -----:;- July 5, 1983 the acc ls not commltting th.m.elv.1 to any action and that Itlff i. In the procesl of tlkln9 propoaall for r.plac...nt .qui~.nt. R'lponging '." to Commislton.r Holland, he expllln.d that the County n.ed. to cover :,1,;" the .ntlr. Collier County Oovernment Complex, 10 there will be In ~ "~-up-to-date system. H. .old suff 18 dl uctlng thelr .Horta toward : "At l...diate ne.dl which cannot be ~et by thu type of cu,rent equipm.nt. lte. 165 ~ 80CIAL 81RVICES CASES W-394 AND W-8369 - APPROVED ...; .,. '. ... '\0 ~ 1 tea U' .':~ . . CONTRACT WITH MATTHEW SMITh rOR CUSTODIAL SERVICES AT COLLIER MORTS .. BRANCH LIBRARY - APPROVED ,400/MONTH s.. Pag.. ISO - /5/ '. ~~y ...!,~,¡L , 1 tea 1S7 AGREEMENT WITH COLLIER COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD rOR THE USI or SCHOOL BUSIS , IN SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAM - APPROVED Se. ...g88 !$tÍÅ.- /.5'3 ;. ~. 1 tea 161 CONDITIONAL SALES CONTRACT AND A SURVKILLANCE SERVICE AGRE~ENT (AT $19.00 PER "ONTH) WITH DICTOGRAPII/ALLGUARDS ALARMS, INC., rOR SECURITY SYSTEM AT THE PARKS MAINTENANCE BARN - APPROVED Se. P'9" /54 - /55 It.. 169 REPORT ON APPLICATIONS rILED TO DATE UNDER rEDERAL EMEROENCY JOBS BILL 'ER BOA~D AUTHORIZATION or 5/31/83 1te. 170 ADVANCI APPROVAL or '2,000 ASSISTANCE WITH 1983 COUNTY EMPLOYEE CHRISTMAS DINNER-DANCE, RI 1983-84 BUDGIT Ite. '71 UTILITY EASEMENT RI IRONWOOD CONDOMINIU" - ACCEPTED See 'Ig.. ,~C;' It.. 172 'O!)X 076 PACE 113 t 'ag. 59 ~ ~------------------~------------------ __"_"""-""M"."""~·-"·C"" -....,------,---.---.. '.. .1 .;.."' .:. , .. , .' . " ,.".~"'-"'" . '"" 'I ,. I. "~~Ï"\' ~ ,,,," " r·· .. . .__ _.__ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ -...- - -- --- -------------:-*;' òO~~ 076 PAc£1i¡ ,<.\( ~.;~¡:;, ' , ')r"¡);" "'~'.: ':1'li. ,~ ' July 5, 1983 rOLLOWING PERBONI APPOINTED Fon ONE-YEAR TERMS TO REPRESENT THI ARIA8 DESIGNATIO TO TMI COM TRACTORS LICENSING BOARD, PAUL DEAN JACKSON, ILICTRICAL CONTRACTOR, MARIO LaMENDOLA, ARCHITECT, I.K. WOLfORD, PLUMBING CONTRACTOR, ALLIN rLETKE, RESIDENTIAL CONTRACTOR, ROBIRT O. TOWLI, MECHANICAL eONTRACTOR, WILLIAM J. JONES, GENERAL CONTRACTOR, ALIX KIRKM^», SPECIALITY CONTRACTOR AND JAMES KUHLMAN, ENGINEER, WITH TERMS TO IXPIRI JUNE 30, 1984 It.. 17 3 ~ CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CERTIFICATES or CORRECTION TO THE TAX ROLLS AS PRESENTED BY THE PROPERTY APPRAISER'S orrICI ... TANGIBLt PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX lID ,. 1982-342 throu9h 1982-344 !ill ~ 6/28/83 NUMBER 627 tnrou<;1h 630 6/6 - 6/2l/83 ,··t~". -. . ..' ·1 .. I ',;~ " '1¡. EXTRA GAIN TIM! rOR INMATE NUMBER 39754 ._ LETTER or RESI~N~TIOM rROM MR. HENRY KARINO, IMMOKALEE AREA PLAMNING COMMISSIONER AND AUTHORIZATION rOR ADVERTISING or VACANCY '~I~:J "~f' . 'III .J , ~ .:~, ~,. rROM ROBERT P. LUMBRA, rOOD ESTABLISMENT REVIEW · ' ' , DeVILLI, AND AUTHORUATtON TO ADVERTISE rOR S.....I '\ " ' \. LI~IR or RESIGNATION i^ BOARD, ~IPLACI ROBERT ~iu. '77-- ~'t' .\., t' ' . .:' TAX COLLECTOR AUTHORIZED TO ISSUI DUPLICATE TAX SALE CERTIrICATES, ~r~ :., MOS. 172, 327, 3340, 334l, 4342, 4368, 4348, 4369, 3300,4372,4997, TO '.~' V.R. PALMERI NOS. 3001 AND 2991 TO WAYNI MILLER, DUE TO LOSS See Pa~.. JS7.../~? ... . ",J ' ~'., .' IU.'" ,~., LAKI TRArrORD CEMETERY DEED NUMBIRS 344, 351, 336, 352, 353, 354 and 355 rOR EXECUTION BY THE CHAIRMAN AND THE CLERK See Pa~" /70'- /7~ ,.,.~·i'."'..."." I;!· . .' . , - .",'t ': . , \Ì' It.. ,n MISCELLANIOUS CORRESPONDENCE - RErERRED AND/OR rILED Thero beln~ no objection, tho Chair directed the f0110wl~ \..~'; .'ì,,,: ' ----~-----------------------~~~~~~' . .:'\ . l,~t·~. ,·~~:.;/r:.< '~¡L' . '\i..... ~'. I··'to '. &II - - " ...--_____'''"-"..þ..''''-......,~.~.---,.,.,..-~.Ä-.'''.,.- ~--~-~.*'. .--------- ----- ------- -- ------------------- ~ July 5, 1983 , . ':I ¡ corre.pondence to b. fl1ed and/or referred to the varioua depar~~ent. a. indicated I .' ',., ~I.\~ " R~~'! ::> . ,~~", .:i'., , :¡, , .. 4. .,' 7" " ",. "'1 iii , , . . to .... ./1 .ft' 'f '.':\ .; ~ l. Letter dated 6/1~/83 from Attorney John J. Schl1ler, repre.enting Wl11l~ Harri. in actlon for damage. against Collier County, notifying of client's claim. xc Hr. Saunder.. riled. 2. LGt~r dated ~/16/83 f,om 6onator Mann notifyin9 that Senate Committee on Appropriation. approved budget for program that includes State fund. for Colller County Dune Restoratlon program. xc Mr. Norman. riled. , ' t,',. . . .,;.-,. -: -t' '".. 3. . . ,'..~,- ' .' ;,~. Copy of a letter dated May 23, 1983, fro. S. r. Stover, with ; ~~. attach.ent of report on 32nd Annual Training Conf.,held at "~i:i" Daytona Beach, rla., May 2-4, 1983, attended by Jane Butt., . ~:. '~,;., .....t. County Veteun Service Officer. xc Mr. No,men and Mr. 'if. ii,d.&". 0 Norton. rUed. - ,'if1 'A~)J¡; ,:1 '. 'i Copy of a letter from Richard W. Cantrell, Dredge' rill Supervisor, DER, Punta Corda, rlorida office, inclo.ing ~he .ppllcation by Carl Knizelmann, rile ~o. ll0706B55 for riprap and .eawe11 repalr. xc Dr. Uunedict. riled. 5. Letter dated 5/23/83 froln Sec. of State George riu.tone announcing the resignation of Phil Werndli and the .election of Chris Doolin a. new Division Director. 6. Department Report. recelved and filed, A. Hel1coptor operations, May, 19B3. B. Library System Statistics, April and May, 1983. C. Collior County Museum, M~y, 1983. D. Parks and Rae. Dept. Oct., Nov., Dec., 1982, and Jan., Feb. and March, 1983. E. 6/15/03 Momo from Richard B. Ruth, per.onnel Dir. to County ~ðnðger Horman tranamittln~ personnol Actlvity Re¡JOrt. for May 1983. F. Purchaslng Dept., I'Iat, 1983. C. Social Service. ~pt. March, 1983, report and TITLE III -8. XX ð nd II I -C, to I'Ia r c h 31, 1983 re po r t . H. Social Service. ~pt. April, 1983, report and ~ITLE 111-8, XX end lII-C, to April 30, 1983. I . So li d wa. t. De pt., Moi y, 1 9 0 3 . J. V.teran. 6ervlcvs, May. 1983. K. Zonin9 Invo.tlgatlons, May, 19d3. 7. Dept. of Natural Re.ourc.. r~1~ted itum., A. Copy of memo from ~dwin J. Conklln, Envlron. Ad. In., ~uruau of Land Acqui8ition, DNRI ,e notification of C.A.R.L. Seler.tion Comm. Public Moeting. on May 31.t and June 2, 198J. xc Mr. Norman and Mr. Virta. Filed. 8. Copy of lette, dated May 18, 1983, fro~ ~lton J. aœK 076 rACE 115 Pege U _._-------- -.- ----- -.-..- -- - ------ ----------..... "'____.~~.~"..~'"u".·"'.'''".'''''''"_ , .;,.¡"., . .., "'\¡.,. -~,." ~!1 ·'t i. '~)~. .t::. '.... ;;t /~ ~II; ~~ ,1 __~-------------------------------------- {Ii . P.g. 62 ---_..~ - -- - - - - -- - - -- ------------------- 076 PAct 118 July 5, 1983 8. Giaendanner, Executive Dir., that C.^.R.L. Board lIay decline C.A.R.L. acquiaitlon. in counti.. whe,. local government. have been uncooperative in State pri.on .itin9 efforts. xc to Mr. Nor~.n and Mr. Virta. rilod. C. Copy of latter to Deputy Clark Loul.e Che.onl. froll Deborah t. Atho., Dlrector, Div. of øeache. And Shore. re BCC reque.t for review of Coa.tal Con.tructlon Control Line. Letter copied to Dr. Benedict. riled. Copy of A momo datQd Hay 27, 1983, from Richard F. Barrett, ^.øt. Dlr., Dept. of Community Affair. to Local Government., and Community Actlon Aqencle., ,. Federal Emergency , Management ^qency'. £mcr~ency rood and Shelter Program. xc Hr. Norman, Hr. Dorrl11 and Hr. ~ð9ner. Filed. 9. Copy of ø mamo dated Hay 26, 1983, from Jame. R. Vereen, Chlef, EhHellU of t:xplo.lve. and Fire E.:¡uipment, tran'lIitting a new. relo..e datod Mar 16, 1983 re ..rvicing of -.oda-acid- extln9ui.her. which wll bd illegal after July 1, 1983. xc Hr. Norman and Hr. Dorrill. riled. 10. Lettor dated May 19, 1983, from Tom G. Sche..ler, Pre.., Naple. Area board of Realtor., Inc. eupportlng variance petition (or fire statlon on Pine Ridge Roød. 11. Letter d.ted June 17, 1~b3, from St.phen D. Moon, C.P.A., Co.ptroller, FDOT, tran.mitLing Colli.r County'. fln.ncl.1 po.ition at ~/3l/83 on 60\ portlon of ~econdary Trust Fund (2nd Cae Tax - 5th' 6th Cent). xc to Hr. Norman, Hr. Hartman and Mr. Gil.e. Filed. Copy of M.morand~ No. 83-86, dated May 18, 1983, froll Ä.J. HcMull1an, Ill, State Retlrement Dir., çoncorninq eligibll1ty requirement. for Special Rlek ^dminlatr.tive Support Cl.... xc payroll. Filed. ~ l2. 13. Le~ter dated 5/19/83 !roll ~lnnle Lehman, Sec., Golden Gate t.tate. ^rea Civic, A..n., oppo.lng propo.ed gae t.x. Copied to all BCC members. P llud. \. 14. Copy of latter dated June 1, 1983, froll J. N. Conge" Executive Dir., State Hospital Co.t Cont.ln~ent Board, tranemittlng Annu.l Ruport for 1982-83 and -1981 Financial Dat~·. Filed. 1 S. Copy of letter from Dr. Robert J. Con.tantine, Dl.t. Ad.in. HRS, Di.trict Eight, giving notlfic.tion of public he.ring. on HRS budget durlng June, 1983. Di.trlct 8 .ch.duled for June 21, 1983, in Sara.ot.. xc Mr. No,..n. Filed. Letter d.ted Jun. 15, 191:13, from Jerry Berry, Aa.t.. Sut. Atty., tr.n.mitting a copy of . 5 p.g. l.tter fro. M'. B.rry to Mr. ~d Clark, pr... MITA, r. finding. concerning Ha'CO I.1.nd Land Swap 1..ue. riled. 17. Letter doted June 1, 1983, from Cong'....an Tom Lewi., 12th DI.t. rl.., enclo.ing . copy of a l_tte, he .ent to David l6. c:::::J c:::3 ~ ,. 'I . ',~ . ... '-::, , ,\:'~'::",~.:":'" ,.' ';:.,; -~ .'!., "C-:-~'_··· ---_._..._.,..__._~_....""-"'."-"-'-_.,,_._-- .. ,.:;,',,~:;:~~'.) ,,"'-,:¡~t:.~~,t:,/ " .'-. ,- ";, :',' .\~';:' ... " , "",'It" ~ \ ' ~ ~ ;a'f:~$;. ""'" r.'~_ ,. ", .~;}, .- u ' .: ,.'!r.\ ~': , '~;i.f· j,~, ~: "/ -,..~;''':- " .' .~~' "'.'1' , ;/"'!io: ,. ~. ''¡. ' .~ " \~ ! . 't ,; ,,.' , '~' .;.j ., -~.. : .,' t. ~~ .. .to . ~ "'~.' i~.,.·~,_I:. 'it" .~ --------------------------- ----------------- '," .~ -¡.. July 5, 1983 Stock.." concerning Collie' County ~1.hlng to be de.lgh.ted a. a Metropolltan Statistical Area (MSA). xc Mr. Horman, Mr. lUoehn. Letter dated June 8, 1983, from congr....an Tom Lewls, ~lth two attachment. re (MSA) has been denied, but to inqulre agaln at the end of the .u~mer. xc Mr. Ho,.an and Mr. !<loehn. rUed. .,.,..... ··t:",fI.. ~. . '-,-; ":a."~-~~,_):,,,) -.: . '::'Z~~(:' . ,·,';l...;'''¡,:" ,':;:;~~~t .. M.:~~,:::. , '...íJ, . " l8. 19. Letter datad June 9, 1983, f,om Senator Paula Hawkln. notlfying that .he ha. writt_n to Davld Stock~n, Dir. of OM8 and ~ureau of Cen.u. re MS^. xc Mr. Horaon and Mr. Kloehn. rUed. 20. Letter dated June 20, 1983, fro. Senator Lawton Chl1e. onclo.ln9 a copy of cor,e.pondence fro. aHa and 11.t of MSA red. Co.... Member.. xc Mr. Nor.an and Mr. Kloehn. tl1ed. 21; Cople. of following minute./filedl , , ."[ A. 8. Contractor.' Licenain!) 8oard, June lS, 1983. CCPC and CApC, agenda. for June 2, 1983 and minute. of Ma y 19 , 1 9 8 3 . Contractors' Licensing 80ard, May 18, 1983. City of Haple., May 18 and June 1, 1983, Library Advisory üoard, May 5, 1983. Copy of Me~O. datod ~/Jl , 6/2 , 6/1~/83,fro~ W. Neil Dorrill, transm1tting !M~^C minute. for ~oeting. held on Hay 18, Hay 2S Speci.l Meetlng and June 8, 1983. Golden Cate Communlty Cent..r Advi.ory Committ-o, Aprl1 26 and May 31, 1983. Isles ot Capri rire Control. Hay 2, 1983. PørkM and Nee. Advisory Committee, June 10, 1983. C'. D. E. r. c. H. 1. 22. Lettdr dated Junv l4, 1983, from Warren D. Merrell, Jr., ^s~t. Dir. of Plann1ng rG MPO independent audit require.ent of furnishln<) cvrtlLicatlon to the Ft\W^ by July 15, 1983. xc Mr. Pdrry. filed. 23. Letter datod May 10, 1983 fro& Norman ~. Anderaon, prote.tlng location of konnul and disturbance by noi.e of pine Ri~~e Kennel. xC Mr. Hormon and Mr. Vlrta. riled. 24. Public ~ervice Commi..ionl petition of Florida power and Li~ht COllpany for an illcrva.e in it.. rat.. ..nd chargos - Order on (acon8i~.ration. Docket No. 820Cl97-EU, Order No. 11980, lasued 5-26-U3. rll..d. 25. Memo datad June 21, 19ij3, from weldon B. Lewi., P.!., County ^d~ini8tratOr, St. Luci. ~CC, tranamitting copy of Res. 83-8l, and requ.sting .u~port of Sonate Bill 1034 - Communlty "ontal Health aervico Delivery system. xc Mr. Norman. Filed. ~ , .... ~ ! " .'" ..:. 4>.fz¡ . ..' , " '. . 1':,~ ,", .1 n 26. Letter dated May 26, 1983 from Stan Talt, Exec. Dl,. Fla. Shore' øeach pre.ervatlon ASsn., Inc., transmlttinq lnformatlon that the Hou.e and Senate have re.tored funding fo, boach pr..ervatlon prograa in the proposed 1983-84 II" aOOK 076 PAC£1i7 ~'''. ~ r .age U, ,.~.~'A;~~ ~ ..___________________----------------" I WI': .~r:' .~ ,., ,,~ <.~.; . . . ., '(.~, .... " ,;. ' " >f/#' .. ------------------------------------------ I'I~ .~ ;. ....,..' July 5, 1983 076 rAc£'ii~udt et. FUed. 27. Lettvrs ro 50110 WAstel 1\. Letter dated A.prl1 26, 1983, from Max Has.e, Pre.. Golden Gato Civic A..oc. re litterlng ln Golden Gate .. a reault of user lees. xc Mr. Norman and Mr. Hart~n. FUed. ,< B. Lette, deted Mey 20, 1983, from Kathl.e~ K. Ennl. 1n support of ~andato'y ~arbage collectlon. xc Mr. Norman and Mr. Fahey. Flled. .. 28. Letters re Swamp Bug9Y Crounds, 1\. Lett.r received June 7, 1983 from James and Barbara Graha~ prot.st~ng propo..d new location of Swamp BuggY Grounds. xc to "r. Norman and Mr. virta. FlIed. B. Lotter dated May 25, 1983 from Mr.. Wll1ia. Coop.r prot..tlng proposed new location of Swamp Bug9Y Ground.. xc to Mr. Norman and Mr. virta. 111.d. C. Letter from J.... w. wlng. prote.ting rezoning of this prop.rty heard on May 24, 1983. xc Mr. Nor..n and Mr. Virta. Filed. 29. Trllns~ort.tlon Disadvantaged corr.spond.ncel Agenda for June 8, 1963 mtg. of Coord. council on the Transportatlon Dlsadvantaged. xc Mr. p.rry. Fl~ed. B. Copy of June 15, 1983, letter to Northe..t rIa. Area Agency on Aging r. use of equipment and title to equipment. xo Hr. p.rry. rl1..d. ^. : ' ,~.;f., ·1';' ..~'1, . \1 :'..:~ .",..' .~,. 30. Letter dated May 20, 1983, from Carole OIRellly, re need for an_intorchange At State Road 29 and 1-75. Piled. Lett.r d.t.d June 8, 1983[ frc~ Broni.loua Pauluch r. ...em.nt across property n Golden Gate E.t.te. which h. would like vacated. xc Mr. Horman. 111.d. 31. 32. v.ter.ns Services I Lett.r dated May 26, 1983, from S. r. Stover1 Dlrector, Dept. of Admin., Div. of Vet. Aff.lra, advl. ng that Don Norton meet. the ml11tory .nd edueatlono! ,equlrem.nt. of rIa. Statute 292.11 for appolntment a. Collle, County V.t. Service Officer. xc Mr. Norman and Mr. Norton. rl1ed. Letter dated June lO, 1983, fro. Senator Lawton Chile. tran.mittlng letter adv181n9 that he ha. been contracted by Veteran. concerning the replace.ent of the Veteran. Service Offlcer. Letter copies to Mr. Norman. rlled. 33. Copy of letter dated May 26, 1983 fro. Dept. of In.urance and 1\. ti. .. . ' Pa9. U .-....--~.-.....--- --- - -- -'- - - ---- - -- - ------------- GIll IBID .. -.--""- :;,;:.~; .=.".,._~..- ------------------------------------~---_. ,. ì . July 5, 1983 Tr...ur.' .nclosinq claim dated May 23, 1983, fro. Atty. 1.arry R. IAlby, re Ven.ti.n B.y Con.tructors, Inc. v... Colll.r County, r.ceiv.d pursuant to r.s. 768.28(6). xc No,..n and M'. Sa~nder.. riled. " 3~. Letter dat.d Jun. 19, 1983, from George r. K.ller, pr..., Colli" County Clyie r,de,ation prot.sting the propo..d ataff , chang.. in the UtUity Dlv. xc Mr. NorlDAn. rU.d. 1" ?.. I"~ , .'0 3!». Letter dat.d June 8, 1983, fro. H.n,y Tron p,ote.tlng the' .mount of wat.r lln. ........nt.. xc Mr. Nocman. ril.d. . '-... . .. '#"/" . ,~"ì\." :::(..~.t:{~>._ "';':1~';~~t,f~ ,. '....., r;' -{j' , ~¡,';·'jKf~~;~: lAtter dat.d Jun. 7, 1983, frolft John A. Slo.n, S.c'y., ':-:ti.~· Poinciana Civic A.an., Inc. expressing appreciatlon to the '·~~~I!Ì:.' ; .onlne.¡ dept. for correcting violations ln poinclana villag..· ..:~' ::::: dated Jun. 5, 1983, f,ona Hobart Lepand n CP-J3-2C ·'¡,.:.",:,,~,'.;i '.: prot..ting l.nd u.. ch.nC)' to Indu.trial. xc Mr. Nor..n and ",.',' '" Mr. Virta. rll.d. ,1, . .. <~.t..It;"" . ._~ lAtter dat.d June 6, 1983, from Ern.st G. Kanelos, V.P., "I,. , Quail Creek Deve1opll.nt., reque.tine.¡ that t'lÐ BCC li.lt " d.n.ity to two (2) units p., acr.. (r. CP-83-6C) xc Mr. ¥irta. ril.d. ,. JI, r,' ',~ '. "., fit . ' 36. ,ì, '..' " " r~..¡I': ..~:~. . ¡,I',. ~ "37. . ' I . " , ," ;r".\..i,.""~,,,'J , "r"".. 38. ",., " . )" I 'I.... Ii ' r~ M 39. ':Y ~ Letter dated May 29, 1983, from Paul S.,.wlch and Eug.n. Toma.%'~ expr.ssing oppo.ition to propo.ed Westvl.w plaza ln Ea.t Naple.. xc Mr. Norman and Mr. Virta. riled. . . . Th.r. b.lng no further busine.. to come b.fore the board, the ,~e.ting was adjourn.d at 3s~5 P.M. by ord.r of the Chair. ~~; BOARD or COUNTY COMMISSIONERSI ~; BO^RD OF ZONING APPE^L~/IX OrFICIO GOVERNING 80ARD(~) or SPECIA~ DISTRICTS UNDER Its CONTROL r ~~~~¿.. MAK'i-F MIC S KI\U~t:, C IRMAN ~ " .. .. J Ìi t ATTìsT. (... ~rLLl^" J. R~Aa~N, CL~HK - ' .. .- 4: 'lk;j"~'~::"'¥~~' ~c . ¿I . ' th... .\n\a"t08 approy.,d by the BCC on &/,,-...r..{ /~.p J pr...nt.d . &--" or a. · as '* 076 rACë 119 Pag' as - ----------.-..-.-.-.--------