BCC Minutes 07/13/1983 W CIIAlItJIIAHI VICJ::-CH^lJotMANI Mary-franc08 ~ru.o Uðvld c. Brown (10130 A.M.) John A. Phtor Frederick J. Vosa c. C. -Red- Holland ------- -;.- ~.... - ...-------...---- -_._---_..._-------------...._.....~ . ,,,,' \ì' '.;; " '::'~ Naplu, ¡.'lor ida, July 1J, 1983 " :',~4' '" ',i~ LIT IT ø~ REMEHdCREC, th.t the Board of Cuunty And for tn. County of Colli.r, and also actin9 aa the App..la and .. the 90v.rnlng board(s) of .uch special be.n creðteð according to l~w and hðvin9 conducted buslnes. on this dAtu at 9100 A.h. in Workshop s...ion in Building ·r· of 'the Courthou8U Compl.x, ~ðst Naples, tlorida, with the following ~e.b.r. pus.ntl ALSO 1:'fIt:5EN1'1 wl11iltm J. h.taqun, Cl..rk Jam.. c. .(ales. Fiscal Officer £llnor M. Sklnn&r, Deputy Clurk C. William ~orman, County Mana9~rl Burt L. ~ðund.rd, County Attornoy Tom KUCk, Utilitie. A.si.tant, ,Jolin Madaj"w.il.1, Utll1ti-'. O"pdrt¡uent Nancy Israolson, Adminlstratlv" Secretary and Oeputy Chief ~ûymond ~arnutt, Sheriff'. De p. r tAllJ n t.. ~~ 1. I'IUHKSIIOP Mt:~rlNG TO kt:Ct:1VE .ND REVU;W ^ i'ROPOl:iAL BY H~t:KY PHOGRAI'I M^,lAGt;I'It;N't', lriC. ~'Ott CPI-1 SI;;HVICt;:;¡ fOR Ct;Vt.:LIJPING ^ M^~'t'tlt ¡.oL.i\H FOK WAS't't,rlATEK l:it;HVICt;S 2. CLt.:ttK Of CuUttT::i/CLI::IIK TO bUARD ßUl.xa:'1' 3. S¡¡~Ra'r'~ bUIX.it:T 4. CûUhT:) MH) UI::L..\'rl:.L> ^GC:;NCU;:; UU1X¡t;T '-01". IIO~~ 016 PACE 328 Peg. 1 . ., ---- -..........--.--.- . .~.. .. - . - -- .. ,.- --.,. ,.-.- . -...- - - ...- -.-.-' ...' ,;"....~.' ."..;~~ ",' ., ....'I·A.Jy~.,.r;'·.··, . I', :(:,..,' ~ -~,..:~ - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - -.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----..- July 13, 19D3 &O~K 078 PACE 329 Tape 11 It.. U PRESENTATION BY HEIRY PROGRAM MANAGEMENT, INC. R£ PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION 'ROGRAK MAHAGEHENT (CPM) SERVICES PRIOR TO FINAL DRAFTING or CONt-MC'I',' AQRIE"'INT County t'.lIn'HJ"r Norman cxplalnl'd thnt ruprUsffntðtivos from lieery Pr09ram ~~n~9u~~nt, Inc. wur~ prcs~nt to preøent a som.whðt dlfferent .pproAch to Wð:.tttWotur mðnûgomunt ¡JJ.llnnlng thðn Col11or County half hsd i nth. pIa II L . Mr. ^ntl1ony J. l'il:U, Vlct!- Jrt:øldC:llt, lIoury !'ro'Jrallt Man. II~em.nt, lnc., ex~lalnoJ tn~ prQ.~ntotlon an follows: J.. IHlcK/¡rUUno ot thu '''''ry Mðnll<juIIH,nL, Inc. ðncJ its associAtion wlt.1I l'oJ.lzzi/H""ry; olnu ðS it re.lates to the mann~r In which he onvl.lon~ tile buwur ~ervlct: Aroa .~. to be constructed. 2. Hr. Joøh urun~r will ~lvu ols "xperlonce in munlclpalltl.. in :>411 ^nt<.ll\lo ..nd tluuuLon. J. 1J111pldY Ch.Hts wlth r"t.,ronco to th. IMnner In whlch Ueory ~uno1C)ltmCrIL, lnc. lntenda to lIccomplbll the: fIrst phas. In 120 ol'ly:;#. A 511de pr.,w~ntatlon followod, ourln~ which Mr. fico explolned hi. Urat's obl11ty to build ü wastewater treatment system. 11. described the ..nA9ument ~a~ucts of thQ firm, expla1ned the n.ed to flnd the conJltr41nLII of Q s1tu Jtlon And I.solvo them wlth . plAnned pr09,a.. tie I ht.u tho numbor of dualgnurd and tho projectu wl th wholl tho f1 rm haa work"ù land acdd t.nat tilt: Lino nlls hold . (~"rlence wlth ",alftewater vroblem&o in th" paat ,,111::11 hðVI: bucn complotl:u on tlmo Dnd withln budge t. Mr. ~lco rof"rruO to vðrlouw mun1cip..lltius thot have utiliz.d tt.ery ......n"'IIQR\ltnt'. On91nc(;rlng anti conJltruction møthodß. tie explained "'orkln<j with tn.: ~P^, lInd thu methods of obtll1nlnl) money, addinc;¡ that tho pro9rMm Is to combln" elollonts of timo, cost and fundin9. h. d..crlbed tho ~.twr seh.uul" tor construct.ion mana<j.mont but .oid he would prefor to lalk ðbo~t obtölning fundlng to do ",hat has to b. done, P.90 2 I.'IIm - - .... ,! . " "~,.: .::~:'X: - - - - - - - - - - .- - - -- - - - .- - - -- - .-. - - - - - - - - -, - - - - - -~'t';:' July 1 J, 198J after I\i. Urm knews wn¡¡t hðlJ to bo don... He Maid that hi. Uns'do.. 1nv01ve County poo~lo with thw approAch. Mr. floe sdid that .II ICC poJ.1cy cesolvJ ng wl,..thwr the County ....i11 own or franchi.e the seperat. . p4lckago pl..ntll has to Oil torlUulottld. lie add that this doe. not mean "hard "nd hat- d.c:laionll, howev.r I f-ol1cy .:.nd CJuldol1nes muat be ruüchuQ to addruos th~ dltuutlun. Tape U Mr. Josh ~runer ~xpla1neu hi a b~ck9round 1n rWCJard to the post history of the firm Gnd tho muthods by whlch thu Heory peopla havo a pproactlud problems 1 n Houa ton. lIu compo:¡ cud tho t ð rwa wl tn ColUe r County and said th~t lIou:aton h.1d Wð16tuw.:tter plants scattered ovar the arca, wlth numerous 90v~rnment.1l bodie., duch ð. county govornment and ..veral cltl~lI, Incl~in9 houoton, und 4S wull ð. authorlt1es In each district with vory1nq úuqrQulI of powltr. 110 :Ju9gested Lh. fir.t stup toward a åolution 15 to proceed to lOOK at whurlt CoIller County wants to 90 L;.O ~t..cldt: tllll ..ituat1un~. tIlt "¡oJ\l1J I.IIJ/J'.Il:øtlonø with rU9ard to resolvlnq [utur~ l)ro~llJlR", ð8 thoy r~1at~ to tno County and a pr09r.1~ of evury U.1y io,ut"WðtW[ "l\lCII 1.. c~lrr~ntly 'Jo!n'J Into !)O w,tatuw.\tur tr.atment plcllltG in ~olllec County. 11.: sp\lcul.ltcd about tho noud for roqulrcd r1'.Jht-o.t:-wclV ~a:JI:ment.S. Ho oL!.HP.U ¡"Ufilllt>h! BU'J90.t1ono for lIolutlona, ..n<.l dtl'~dat:d t¡"Jt thJ JoIcla1on lI':'d t.;) lH I,i~du 011 to wrl1ch qovtJrnm.nt41 bouy >lellJ 'JoJil") L"J ¡,1t111. tllu :Jy:auII' wuck prut),)rly. II" 1I..del that. hi. flrm <J"vclo\Jull .1 ¡,coCj[bm wlt.1I wld.:h tlHt qO\l(HnlnCj I,)ollra fült cUII\fort4b1u iJnd "¡(i,l. II1"d \,tJ,;¡t 1:; cur roJntly b\J11'I~ <.J"n~ 1n th&t p",rtlc.u1..r éHtlCI. 110;1 ,1U..,,¡U tu.Jt tht:rlt .HU ¡;rol,)l":III:I dilallnC] with the 111 tu..t1or. cur rl.! II:' 1)' . ,10W.)\,lJr, oJv"'ryonc ;'.Oo~" "u¡J front" thll t1icection tn.. ..ystltlo\ io ']01 n'J. COI1lAl1.IHQn"r vl"tor c.:tucr..,d to f',r. urClo"r'. cllft/CllnCII to tn. aO~K 076 rACE 330 Pal; o 3 - -- ~_.- ..- - -- -... -... ...... - ..--- ~.- - - ,.....--.......... -- -- .- - - - ,~- ...- -'~ - -,--. - _.- , .. ...- --~. ~ i!J ',~ !..~ I)~I tIll July 13, 193;) numeroUM packaqo pl~nts and rolated dispo~al of affluent. Ho asked about tho poulb1l1ly of: terthry truatmtlnt and sprinkler lIystcm. aa those .ubjoctc r_lbte to an oconomlccl way to re-u~c thu effluent? Mr~ Mr.n.r said, In houdton, that ~n. immedl~t~ problem waa no control ovor ~h.t wa. bcln9 ·dum~~~· and alt~rnate MUurcus of wnlor. ....Comal..ionor Brown enterod the room at 10130 A.M···· /'Ir. brenur eX!Jlainud that. ò1ft.:r 1972 r\lora omphaDla WIIS vlacetl upon uintainlng livery dðt, 400(.1 wo.Iter qu..l1ty, partlcul cly wlth re.pect to the eloment. 01 nltro~vn ~nd Vhoapllorus And tnoir affect on e.tuaries. Re.pondlng to Commlul£ionot l'il£t:.Ot, ~}r. IHun,H ac.l~ r.hat. tl\lHt.: 18 eKJ:len.. InvolvelJ wlt.n tnl& r.yp" or treatmunt. lie COm¡:HHed thti coat of treatIng tho flrat. !;O~ of ct!1ucnt to the mora ex.,ltns1ve tr04t.ml:nt of the lost. 10\ volume ot waut~ products. At tniu Joint I'Ir. fiCO ßllowud lhe ~CC voJrlouu charta ðnO identi- fled thu m6nagttn,.nt ðspect. w1th rogard to tOt: tlmefram~ o! 120 day. for the first pha.u. t'lr. Norman po111ted out some 01 the source. of fundlng that fAay bo avall.ble. lie rehrud to IIn ap.,roprlc1tlon of fundlng for asa1stence in wastewatttt for tho comlnq y"ðr from the FlorIda Leg1slllture. He .aid there 18 pOllslbli1ty or funOlng from thl. program. Mr. flco touchud br1t.:[ly on lAnd acquisitlun and sald that there h.:a. tu be pol1cy e.t",blishuo r"'jilrc11/1~ wh.,:tt1ur the BCI.: want. to own or fcanchlsd thö vdclous smaller ~Ac~n9~ ~l~nr... rill atr..sud that. this probl.~ h__ to bu ru»olved. Mr. flco Ðxplclnud tiN 12U (iLlY .ch.dulu And the work ho: onvlsions hia 11r. wlll .ccom~llMh. ~oNml..10nur Vo.. ral.ed tn. questlon of local ù.velovorø, who ar~ a»k1ng him for ftnÐWer~ and direction with P.'iJ. 4 ~"'.""'----- -- ---- -- -- -...- -.- - - --- I. '~" : - - - . .....',... .... ,--"..",,-.,,-'-'--' - - - - -- - - -~- , :' ~~.~~;:'; -~'~:4" -- ------.--- --, --,-_._-------------------~~.\,', ;"'1:;*" .':~}' July 13, 1983 ,'.i,,;;;'t.'" u9ard to tl1eir own ¡>acka9« phnta desiqnod into projects, now perlllitteo. COIIUl\l.Sion.r Voss r.11scd the point of the 50 slIIlIll pAckaqe plant. currently In u.« in ~olli.r County. Mr. Flco .aid h. had no anawers for thl)lIIoI problell\., at thll11 time. 11« said thot the County needs to qo throu9h 120 days of problem investiqat1n9 ðnù planninq. problelQ. of various sQct.lons of the County war., dlscus..d. Chairman Kruse aakoO wnAt ~hQ projoctlon i~ for the finished -biq syatva- .s 1t relatuS to thll lnolv1dual homoowner. Me. rico said that she ~AS r«que.t1n9 a lo~ ø.tlmate with reqard to the problom. involved, and he could not 91vo hor a preclao answer, at thia time. Chairman ~ruse oIxpr..sod hoc oplnlon thnt lh~ ßCC has to see .ome flqures. ~ore dl.cu.alon occurroó cO~~drin~ thla situation in Collier County wlth other Areas of tho Country. Comml.alonur Holland aaked what Mr. Flco woulu ,~con\mllnd that tlH' uCC do due1nq the four month 1_II1C1007 lie aall.llfJ ~l ¡'\[. l-lCO WdG <joinq to be ,1blfJ to allow for X nUllbee ot. unit-s'l l'Ie. n.:u :lo1l\] th.:at tlld 'ludl:òt1on hln~"" on thtl dlroctlon thu öCC 1:1 ~uin~. currunt.ly 1n utt~ct with r~qard \0 sarv1CuH Avallablu ~nd asked if Co~m1.alonwr Holldnd l~la~o tnu 4ue~L1on or ~ubdivlaion ordln~nceS He.'y will ,,)11".. t;1":SU il\ \-IICU ;)\I"r...I..I. ¡>l.:ln7 t~r. t·ic.) sðlcJ tnðt aftar CUIII1II1..ioIHH uo!l,ln' a.I1": ll...t II", ...I.uo. hau buon ....1Ii"'."'! '4u~IH.lon. by t.h~ dlruction \I...... ü.:¡:n u.JtuenlllHI";, the })ro<Jrtun can OU IJwtt4lr <.Iofll1uO. d.v.lot"H'" .Iit\lJ..ll to L:1~ on"8 1.0 ",nien (;o,nmls:s1pncr Voe» r~t"rrod. H. IHlld t¡¡"t IIi.. L1rr.\ '.0/1.1.1 L...&l~ '..It.. ...~l t\h' c1..vclo¡...:rl> ;:\rl\) ptJolJ1~ in bQn~[1t !rulII tn.;¡ ..x¡J~LLi:>" ot ",h: ûúvulo¡.ur and t:ro~1 the pco.Jrllm o( t.ne U\!ld 11:1 on.:. oL tn\l ~ 11:H. ut~¡J:i. .to :laid tn.1t thct County cðn "",,,rY· Cor.IQ,1.alontlr .'ro..n .li/I"'IlJ ...OOUl t.oo ..."lulllu 0' work oJllC1 it th~ro c4In ~O~K 076 PACE 332. ''''9. 5 ;,\':" 0;: .._.- ..-. '-' - - ..... -. ...~. ~----- - - -----_.......~ .~ . - .~.~ .-. -... ";~~: "",;... '. : ,~~ :.~ " · - .".~ .. '. " ~ ',:);~; .. ~, :"" ~ ~.-:1,,:::;.:!'I .,. _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _._ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ __;r.:.;__......_'.. .,':;.¡~);~ July 13, 1903 ,ò~ trÆ rAtE 'ò33 .' be In oatlØ1ðt.u pr..entocl this datu? Mr. FIco .ald his Urn can caive t.ho Count.y Mn e.tim.t~ and 4d~o~ thûL in part of dev410ping an invent.ory of oxlatinq f.cllltl~H and µrojectoð county noods. Co.ml.- Alon~r VOM. ..k~d l' HoOtY W~6 901n~ to dw~lgn thO pipe slz., and Mr. rico ro.~onded negAtlVoly, 4~dIn9 tnat 1» an vnq1noerinq job. He .ald th&ot. tho trf)lItlllont. ¡>lllnts, Mllowr¡ In thv ,,11cJe pro.entat1on, were ·..·.';;1 d..1CJnQd by '1 rtns 0 the r tlllSn Ii.e ry, Inc. "',r. r\l\db jtlwall. 1 r,,!~rrcd t.o Coml:l1alà10ncrs Voss· ant.' \lolland'. que.tion. und lSak~~ tor d1ruct.lon. H~ sai~ that thero 18 curr.ntly a project b~ln~ dwv~lop~d In DUwer Arc" -d-. A dlacUdd10n ensuod rcqacd- In.. tho ,_latlld ~rot.len\.. Mr. M.sdðjow.ld ttxplalnod that there are currant propos.lu tnöt havu b~.,n ~~rmlttad. ~ollowln~ contlnued dlscu.alon, IIU concluded lllo.lt tho conaon5un of the BCC Is for the Utll1ty DIvIa1un t~ not.1LY tnu dwvclopetS tllot a management progc.. may be co~lng. Comml.&lonur Plst.or rúfurrea t.o ð project In the North Hapled Aua. ~untll1uwd cll.cu.alon followed r09ðrdln~ varIou. a.pect. of Colll.r County rulat.d dwvvlo~lent. ond PUD·. now com~18ted And In proc.... MC. NocalAn .<ata thl:t t.he cS1a.::ua¡¡lon 1. about II different areA o( the County, howtlvur, tile need ls tl'lO S4m!:. lie sAld. in his opinion, that ~ewer Area -b- 1M 0 prlorlt.y ðr~a. Mr. Harold Will, an I:.'IH,t N¿¡~l\, 1iI l"IHdent who would be affected wh..n tll'HtJ .HIO IUtwe:rs 111 t;A.t Na~l"., r.ahu:d qua.t.lon. r"90rding the co.." of tn111 progcllm. lIu uIci, 1n hi. of'lnlon, now is the ti.. to place ...wo r. In t:Aut "cI~ltJl" till odkcJ tlHlt the County not pay for any 1I\0re plan. or d..lgn". Mc. Norlllan poIntw~ out. that $6~,OOO 1. thv propo.ed cost for the next. (our month.' wo rl\, tor tllu He" ry Mðna9 e&:lfrnt, Inc. propo.al. Pa90 6 ______.______ __1000.-'. ____........ ,I·'·'.·.·....··.·· ,,., - - - - - - - - - - - -..... - - --.... ", .~ - .. - ." ,''II . ..... ,'~' ____ __ __ _ _ _ _, _ _ _ .__ _ ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_ _ _ __ _...;.. - -- --·J:l~' r~,~ July 13, 19B3 k"spund1nq to I'Ir. tleU, I'Ir. Norman _aid thh is <1 contract propo.al fòr d \:on.tJ.'uctlon ¡H09rðm aoanc.".r, not all "nc¡lnuor1ng U fill. 110 sa!tJ that thl. ~r09rðm 1s to im~le..nt a ~roqfam and not to de.19n one. Comm1.- IIloner Voss lIð1d tnat hd doe. not wunt to 11111. more pockagll plants, throu9hout Col11dr ~ounty. Mr. Hall r~qu.st.d uxplanat10ns of the alturnatlve. ~ro...nt.ud by thu Hoery tlrm. n..pondlnq to Cha1rman Kru.e, Mr. flco com~nrod 111. ~ro~oßal with tho effortB taken in the past in Collier ~ounty. I'ir. /loll IUk.UO (or coot øatlmates for tho alternatives wlLh ~Òv~ntaqe. and dløadv~ntðglts to preaent to the BCC, for t.heir conwidur~tlon. II. uld, In 111 a oplniun, l20,dsy. 1.'.. lot of t.im~ for the propoaal. Tap' 13 ~s. k4utlo-Mitcnøll, ru~r~..nt1ng tho Longue of Women Votors, Dwkod what woulJ be th~ ~rovlu10nu fur ~uolic 1nput regarding v~rious clvlc or~4nl~atlun~ and ~ng1nuerinq tirma to cnoblo thoue qtOUps to provlJu rcsou&:col:l7 ¡,r. fico !SalIJ, 1n nis opinion, nis firm plantS tu bUCOhl1l ð poll \. ot tll" ~uunt.,. Jto!f, In tilt! b"'J1nn1n'l ancJ, whan tne subjuct of cOlol."unlty ¡J14nnln'J is ru4ctulJ, that 111 plHt of tne ¡-roces. wit!)in In. ~ounty ituul[ 1.0 ¡..ruvlc\J tor that KinJ ol l;npurt..nt Input. ¡H. l'Iolloh1n ;idlu ... 5:rl,/n'J ¡Jubl1c ,-,1Ct.icl¡J..t.ion .:om¡;on.:nt WI'. not n 1 ~'c U l:Hh.l 0 W 1 t h l , I C <.: u . , :> u 1 t d n t. ~ ., Ii í"'H t (J t tlll:1 1> r 0 J 01 C t, ..1\ \J il <1 c1 It Ú t h II t t:'lC doci.ion w1J.l il,.IVI! \;0 I.H.! .HJ\JrUl:luud by tho uCl:. hct compareú tho aub}~ct undue ..l¡,o..;u;,;;.>1'Jllwl tll ...hl Julili.:o ~.nlur pro)Oct thJt wos lnlti.1t.c\J wHì\ 1.011.: l.o:i:Ji~1iity ot ~ rof"rendur.l. l1e .!Iald, obviously, \,:\,Hu ¡un.! \.0 I.h! lì1!il\'Y :-ubllC Lnvulve:1\1:nt lnt" thlll tJroyrðlil. tl. .1aiKotd it th.1 !:ICC ...on\.ú" .') ¡,..\lo;! .IULJUC pðrtici¡'¡ilt.lon "QW or; whon tho options ..nd tho ollturn.1tl\l'::" ~;I..U. ,\rO &truct..L1'OU by tllO .:unl>t.ructlon r.u~naCJ·r1 ChalrØ\An I~ruuo z.UU II\,;r L,\.!..ct.lo11 ia 1.0 iJllow lllem to 1.10 th.lle woek, ~O'JK 076 PAct 334- Nlq.. 7':'<' " ..;::)~.,¡ -- - ..-- -......--.......-----..... . ~ , .~,~~ _ __ __ ..._ .._ __. _ w ....... .._ ~_.. _... __ ._ - __ .__ '.. ,n·'" _ __ -. ~ - . _._ _. ,._ 'H· ~,' ,,(I~ .' ~ ,~:'~ .' '~ palie 8 /i'1'~~ ·ì·'$; __...__...-.I..-----...:.~ . .:¡;~ ~'. ,~~ ~"::'!.~~ ;t' "'; " . ... ' l, July 1:1, 191.13 ,o~~ me PACE 335 thðt the documont 10 than 91ven to tho bCC and to the qonorol public, anó thvre .hould b.. heavy cHiaon in~ut from thol" wt\O or" affectod and will pay for tho Iystem, although 011 citizens should have an opportunity to ~om.n.nt on t.he wubjcCI.. R..~ondln9 to Ms. Rðutlo-M1tch~ll, Mr. Normon øaid that there will be con.ultant .election w1th en9incur~ ana tholr developors involved, in ordur to Dnalyzr Itxl»t1ng conoltlonn, proulcm and needR. durln9 tho f.1 r.t (our "Iontll... 1':1:1. RAUt.lo-M1 tchull aaked to whom tho l..I:a9ue of women Votor.. øl10uld glvo occumulatad Infornlation th.:lt may help .01'1& problems? Comm11i¡¡101lÙr Kruse ¡¡utJ<:Icstdd that 1nformllt1on be given to th. ,county JI'.anagc.:r. NIò. k.:.lut.lo-Mlchol1 Itxpressed her concurn reqordlny tne colSt 01 thu ~ropolödl urICJur c.Ilscu&ulon. Iua IlA PROPOSAL or H£ERY PROGRAM HANAG~MENT. INC. RE MASTER PLAN rOR WASTE- WATER UTILITY SERVICE AREAS LOCATED IN SEWER AREA -B- S-I/2 MSTD - ACCEPTED, STArr DIRECTED TO DRAFT ^ CONTRACT AND CHAIRMAN AUTHO~IZID TO SIGN THAT CONTRACT Ch61rmon Kruaw fo!vrrad t.o th~ memordo(Jum datod July ll, 19B3, fro~ Utll1tl.. .....løtant 10m Kuck to the üCC. She alked for clariflca- tion of tll. .urplus In the &ew.r '.rtllJ -IS- 8-1/2 ~\:>·rl). County Manager Horman .ald tlHlt t.1I1: -rounoln9 ¡..roceøl-, whetn dOÞl1nc¡ with the taxation of a lar90 area, dou& produco »ur~lu.o». Ch~lrman Kruse laid thnt the opt!,;)n. the bCC h~a, 1n oratlr to lJuy tor t.hf' M.;Istttr Plan for ",,,.t.water Utility ~ervlc. Areð~ loc.t~d In thw 60utoorn i'~rt ot Sewer Are. -B-; a. pro.ented In th.. IItorwmunt.loned ,1101110, arc 1 '1'110 Generol fund and the afora.antlonwd bawur Atw. -b- ~-1/2 MbTD. Co~~1a510n~r VO.. sAid the lattar MSTC, In h1~ or1non, is the lo91c~1 ~ourc" tor fund.. Mr. Horman rocollU\lttnOtld . cOlubinatlon of the ex1stln9 surplu., a ...11 lavy for next. "v.Ar ..lid the Im(JhullcntAt.lon of sy.tom d.velOpIQent charge. a. . cour.. ot action. HOMµonò1n9 to Cnalrmon t(.rUStt, Mr. .~--_. -- -'" -.- - -... -_. -- -- -- -..--- -- - ----- - - --- - .. - ",_.. "J"" Y',' :,1 ";' ><'k. , (~ ",:~ .. " l\ ,~ ., , . !I. " F....: ,,¡\::i - - - - - - -... - - ..', ..--- ..---- -- -- --.----------------------': July 13, 19U3 .:.~ <~~~ . '",~1¡.; . <~'.~~" .~f1<1 Hor~n said th~t systom development chArge would pðy to inltloto a ~co~r4m and rofnrred to the 11ko charge in ~.wer Gurvlce Are. -Aw. O'Alr~n Kruse co~pared ~,wÐr Aroa -A" and -8- and expresded her concerns. Mr. :oIurlllMn .ald tllere 111 on opt.ion of pðrt.lcipat1ng the coat n.."dud for IUtxt )'*ð r, wllich will ro~ul (It moro Input from the lIeery ~.o~l., If t.hw ~CC dwcldus to Q~~rovQ tholr ~ropoaal and 0 tax lovy fur f..wer Ar.Ð "6- :..i-l/' ,,\::;'l'D 1n n~xt y..-ar'a buJgat. KcspondlnCJ to Chalrm~n Kruse, ~løc~l u(llcor Ul1dS cldrlflu~ the ml11Dge sltuatlon In the erua undur tJltóCu:u,lon, and aááod tl¡¡H ¡10 diu not aut the budget for '..1 I ',: I tho current. year. R.Mvondln~ to çommla.lonwr ~løtor, Mr. Norman uxplalnud that in order to i.suo bond~ tho ~ounty has to have an .nqlneerln~ study that would ensure thu ~ond ~uycrs that ttle cost ustlmatu8, and the projected. revenues and oth~r d~tðl1a arc ~ut'lclcnt to cðrry the bonds. He sðld that, 111 Ills 0~11110n, to,) (,;oullty will not bo in that 1>'>>>1 tlon ût ttde atl:l<; o. ^ tJl:Jl:Ud8i\)n cnd\J"u rcy...rúio, tne curr.,nt sltuiltlon In s.w.r :)\trv1c-, At"''' ~L.I- ..-1/;1. ,'\:..'I'J. ,,"r. ~111JtJ ott.re.... t.IIU lIu<.lltcd flnl.lnc1al ~tateIQQnt.., tUl tll': ...c~'" .UI ot :"U¡H_el,)~~r ..Ill, J.'Jt :!. w~nt8 to f111..1Il:\I ~u..,~r ;"\ltvlt;C Ar.:c!1 "u" ~-1/2 ,'1S'l'U cnt1roly from the Kuu~ondln') Lo ~owml~uioncr VuBd, Mr. ~or~an ~u~~utJted If thd bCe contlnu,,¡;lon <>t loll,) ..It.1I :i.11 loll< l",VY foe n",...l. 'iC(!I[, tnút hot 1. nut ~rcp.Jrl.ltJ lU .,¡ 1'1'" t.IIU d":C ..I t ilhil ,1U1:¡!JO r. 11\,1;>(1 Id that bl;l.Iff can') Ive t.nlit ""'OUllt ..11.0 t'_u t -.)1 \.b.. bU:.!'J"'t µr\).;u:H. tu <;)\1 ..:on.ld-,rucl 1RlllldtJlately. HII u...lu ..I u,:":iòàivll i.. u.:C.:~t..HY t"',:!o1cuin') Syt:tt:1õI '~~v"J.otJ:nent charges or t....X (uou.. to ¡-oJ)' ror t: hl pro'Jr..¡, Lvr t..", n.:¡(t. Y\lar, t>rlor to levyln~ - t>U~':Ìqt, ..1I1.l:11 will oCCIH o~tol" 1.1\" rO¡j(Ht. COlnmltJ..1o,,~r Bollaná _eKod 1 f t.ho LoX !.Jull'-,I ..; L"..:uti:i':\J l/oulJ \)(11) bl' on r':lil;;1~nt~ \)£ ~",wer j)crvlcu l.ruoJ -bw, t.o './IIlcll ,.It. ,:O(';\o1n concucrùll. <':U;¡...,1.IIIi.on.:r IjoJ.liJnd ¡:¡.ked if &a~K 076 rACE 386 P.1<¡ . !II -- ..- - - ..--. ..- ..... ------- --_.....~ "1 , "'~ ~ "1,! , . '~. ---.........-.-.--.... -... . 4 1 · . . ..' .. ~ ._--------------------------------------~ July 13, 1903 aO~K 076 PACE 337 ~no .orvlc~ bIJing o1(ured In ju~t lor ~ewcr ~urvic~ Arell "a", to which Mr. Norman agree~. A øl.cu»sion !ollowucJ durin'.) ",ldetl Comnl1»sion.:r I'lator !laid, in hi. opinion, tho ~ce ahoulC: t.aKo the Ht,)nc~ to <,)0 ahead with th. s.u.r "y.ter.. tor t.he Dunlltlt of the µoto¡·lu In ~ewur 5ervicl!' Area "U". ....pondlng to c.:umn,ll:1s1oncr 1'1stor' B sU'J'Jcstlild proc"duro, Chai rman Kru.e aGked Count)' At.torne)' :'ðunthl(£' 1( thu !:iCe.: ls n/')W in worKshop? ~tr. ~aunder. responded attlrmat.ivcli' Dur1ng the ensuing discussion concern1nq t.nu UCc.: proc~~uru rc thu proposöl discussed, Mr. Saunders advlsod that th\l moot1ng, thlu dðt~, was an tldvf:rt.18ed public me.tine; And, ln hll1 0µ1nion, tnat WJlb ill! tth1t 16 re4u1red In thlt awarding 01: · contract.. ¡It. udd t.t¡£,t lny nlembcr of t.he public, who would be Inter..t.ed 1n this to~1c, 18 on nOllee that tnere 1. a publlc ~,.t1ne; concernlng thl~ to~1c and that the BeC, If it deaires to award · contract, can. He lIoocd that Mr. NOrlllon has pelnt.lld out thore ls no contract at. tUc prapunt time. Chalrman Krus. asked if the BCC can Instruct St.~lí ~o draft d contract. and advf:rtlso lt for public hearing, to ....hlch r.r. I:»ÖlunClttr& rUIò Jonded csffirmðtlv"ly. Mr. Norman sug9asted t.hat. the contrbC~ could bu aCI¡UdUled for July 2G, 19U3. c.:oøll¡¡lss1oner lIolland aSKcd Mr. Kuck tor clar if ication of his July ll, 1903, m"mo fit tile number onu mothud of (1nanc1n9 the Monter Plan dløcu.~ed, and Mr. Kuck explalnwd h1~ reasoning. Mr. Kuck .aid that, In his opln1un, th_ ma)orlty of th- du81gn will eventually be ut11ized In the t:il8t ~ð...lea ¡Hoa. 1,;0mml.~10nl.!r \loas aqreed that the d..i9n Is atl1l valid. CommlBsionurø ~løtQr, VOd& and BroW11 ru1torðtaÓ ~hat the yotors vutt:d .~o11nst th~ t)CC borrow1ng tho monllY from }o'mliA for this ere.. Mr. Ulloa s~ld that the ~CC haa BeL. precodont, with tho sower P.98 10 BIll ---------..--------- - __~'.."d..·...""""'-,.....,.-.....-.-.-- '\ .,..".~...~"'-~.,_...~'" , " ----------- -. ---.--------------..------ -------~ July 13, l~1S3' ~erylc. Ar.. -8- ti-l/2 ~~TD, ðcknowlMdgin9 that It i. of limited ¡" ~Î~' benefit t.o the putlcular proputy ownorlll in that orüa. Re.poncHn9 tô Comml..ioner 1~llanQ, Mr. GilMs sald that the Bee is not allowed t~ borrow lIIor.. tMn A yuor out of tho aen.ral t'una. 110 sa id that thla hat ha~p.nüQ In the t>aat., ttu"e hc.vo been no problems, Dnd this haa been a benefit to the Coun~y. !low.v..r, he oald that IItatutorlly this 11 not correct. tape t4 R..pondlng to Chðl[~an Kru30. Mr. GlluH ûgrded that tho General fund i8 going to h~vo Q problom this yoor. Chalrman Kruao said aha will not vot. for this proceòure. R~8pOnd1ny to eommlsaloner Voss re9ardlng the contrdct (or the employment. of !leary, Mr. Saunders 4dvl»ed th.:lt Ii contr^ct clIn be ðwaruoCl to u.."ry to accomplish the dotalla d13cusøud dno dlrect ~tðtf Lo drdft an agreement to ..ffectuate that t.o t)e IIlqnull uy th'J CtHd nhùn. Ho 9/.110 IIn alttlrnatlvc would be to set. An addltlon~1 huaring to review a contract that ~toff drafts. Commi.äionur \loua a:ucd if thu ~çç could otficl03l1y accept Beery'. pro XIdal and 1IIUtruct :>t!lH to droLt t )~ contr.3ct with th.:ecy, to ",hich I'H. b4unl.1.:rs r..:..po¡1~.h;d uft1rn,.at.ivèly. ;!\I ",iliJ it ttllu proc¡:durli lø tak.n, tllo 1I\J~ry ':or¡,or.1t.ion .,111 not n.lv," ... contrðct until thot 1. fOrlUldly ~r"l:Iul\tcd to L,I.... ut.:C .:It ù l...lIJr .:...l..... ILO ìIûviuvu t.naL tt\1It ÞCC cou.11.1 o1CClJyt till.! I...:t:ry -':or¡Joro.lt.l0n µro¡Jo6,11. ..CCL:pt t.llu ¡..r iell and ~lrlJct. Ul..llt to ~,qJ.:.r..: " cont.r,;¡ci. to r",lluct Lnll\:. lInd h"vo t.nd Ch41 [;t\cS1I ul'JII 1 L. ¡,O"'UVI.!C, "µ¡J[uv,, ttH: .;ontt ...ct ..d at thld ¡JlIta. ¡;o m m 11S1u 0 n '" r .,. n a:J ,J" ( II Ù Lor c 1 01 r ! 1. 1 C" t i...1I r " ~ ... r ¡ 11\:,) t\ LIJ \:. t IJ lot 1 n t. CI n t. · ."r. .,..unu"rl.l ü,dd tllllt thu t.:rMI tJ1!1cuUI$\JtJ today cl!n bo ðp~rov.d by' t.1'. bce, LI\t} oh1ölc LJlot".J~¡...l, \:.nu I.rice <lnu t.IHt tll~a :rume. Ita s...ld tll.:lt. tnu bCC CAn .ICC,;U¡.:t LllOtlO ILul"~ tiS II contract. lint! r.ûn dlroct. t.h' Cuunt.y ao~x 076 PAG£338 t»/H) e 11 ..- --... - .'. .,.,. -... -'.'~ --~ ~ ~- -- ,,) ._- - - --" .-- ..-------....... ,:~~ . ,.j "'~~ ¡, ,~(~ . <}~, ¡~" ,"~ '.t .'\~ .. -- - -..- -- -.. ,...- , : ~.~ ,------- ..------ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ -.:..;; -;.;..t:»-tl,j July 13,1983 \4::t/, " -::r.:~,:~:. '41 '(~] &DOK 076 PAC£ 339 Attorney to draft a wr:!ttun c:10CUmdnt or contuct to rltflect thOSO Ite.. anu Author 1;1.\1 tho ClllIl rmj,¡n tOÙL\Y t.o sl'.Jn that. ð'3rltc:r.U;lI\t Wllun 1 t is ,~~ L, ...:,,\; ~rupllfCIÛ . Co.-i.. loner Voss movod, .econded by Commi.sioner pi_tor that the BCC accopt the proposal of Heery corporntlon, as pre.ented this date, and direct Staff to draft the contract which will embrace the proposal in the termS handled and that the Chairman be authorized to .1gn that contract. County M.turney bound"r!> Il<nu thlll, 111 order to approv\I tI contract, the bCC doult not I1l1V': to tH'VC a wr1Lt.ltll contract In front of thCtm. lie lIill0 t.hllt thl: bl.:C hils tile: termö of the ð'3reement that Staff would dra[t lIntJ, H ltlU bl.:C d",nlroti to "fleet that, agr..munt today, the ISCC can dlroct 111m to rll!luct. that pOß1tlon all\J ht: w11l do 110, and the Chairalk1n Colin ülyn ttltlt contrdct. lit.! ruvl.wlre! tho alternatlvw posltlon prvviously m~nl1oncd. Commlaðionc( Holland rd1scd thv qUd~tion of an advertlaod hwarlny, and Mr. ~öunders ~aid that thls i8 a technical, - legal ~lnt and could be done. Cho)lrman KruOd .ald tnðt the breakdown IIftlount. that tilt! ~CC IIIHI 1. $69,OUO, at thla tlme. Mr. baunders said that, aa lo~·.s A source of funa1n~ 1ft availAble, the contract would bt! ,. lo~..l contract.. t.oml\1i.slollor Holland rflferred to the Naples øay areoa and tho benlJl.1ta t\,) ,-1J0¡.-1" 1n OttHH MrODG 1111 expresaod hi. concClrn wlth nt'.Jù[d to J cont.ract awardud th111 date. Chalrman ~rus. said .he W4b 1n t~vor, at thl~ point, of tnu controct, howevQr, she saiu allu would not vot" Lur that ßlotlon the ...,ay it st¡¡nd.. eomanla- s10ndr Voa~ ...la tn~ uce nuedH t.o t~kU action. Upon cAll for the qu.stlon the .otlon carr1ed, 3/2. with Co..issionors Holland and Kruse oppoaod. /'Ir. Noranan 8«1id that h. ...,ill pr"par" amI pre.llnt to the Øce at the PAge 12 .__ _ _ _ - -- - - - --.- - _. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----- -'77'1 ",I,' 'J:~ .. .. - ""'-_....--.~>'"',.,.,'~.~._"..^._~-"'----,._-" -- not. auvn. í', ,...\1. '~;: .' .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _, _ _._ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ - - - - - -- ..,...#1 , . ,~/ July 13, l4Jö3 :.ß,'~' --------------. ._-- July l~ or 26, 19ijJ movtln9 a morv complete rvcomm.ndatlon on what the coat n..as will be tor nwxt year and will offdr optionø. ~iscal ufflc8e Giles aald, in hl0 opinion, it is a little dun~er:ous (or toll.. BCC t.o üpprovo OJ cont.ract. that thv commisaloneta have . Colonel Uvuboe spOKO In fav~r of tha concept as a nuces»ary proludu t.0 ~olvlnq \.hu proLllema In tollu .Hllla unCh,r dllicussion. /'I.. l\Autio-Ml t.clu,11 ur~ud, wl tit ruL~ro)ncu to the cost "roposal, that. tn.. acc look carufully at tho cost of thll propo&dl, pðrtlculdrly 1 f the co»t 1. to bo COIn¡Jut.\lO 0/1 ..an hour 11' ut.løi». ~he '8alu, 'ln her opinion, foe thu rucord, that thu coat. is hl~ner than she would liko it to boo cn..irman Krude Bt.llc.1 tt1at a/Ht wlll &l«;n till! contract aa tho DCC dlrects h"t', but. lithe la not in favor ot the wðy thlt ûctlon was taken. ..-RECESSI 12115 P.M. RECO~VEN~DI ll30 P.M.··· a.. 12 CLERK OF COURTS/CL~RK TO BOAkD BUDGET - ^PPROVED C1ùck. \\1111t.1m J. i(ttd~¡¡n .nqJ1.:lineú tll..at lit! !Ill!) not¡;ln,.J oxtr", In his bUIJc,ut. 110 1ó..dU Lh¡¡t nlu origin.:!.! budgl.lt C;'¡I:lU in /.It. oJ :>'Í} In::rc..a. ;snd thólt !I\I cuL I.t ùown to ..I 131 I.m:rc.slie, ..it.h "'Y"cöll lncr..",.Ut from the H"vunul!aI to 7.).. H\lsr-ondlnJ to ço;.un1~1.i1onlJr \tOIi.3, ,1r. I\':ð<)wn :;¡.¡lIJ 1:.11..t t.1I1I Incrltaav ia not. ¡JC l;:'ld( i 1i 1J.::¡;.:.u"" \.If. toe new JU:cltl<:~ -';",ntor ~o¡i\t-1tlx. h., Iðt.lld t.lldt Lllllà 1;;' ..Ii ,,(\.I.. of conCl.lrll rur .duI. ,,~...dl.> tll..H. 1:./ 15 ...asumln.j tlll/rll /1.J&ò lhJ"" ....I.ÞU'J!\ ..1unlJY \,;1LIII.I\ ~III' l.:;bU4I L¡'..tt. \..11 a\llp ...irn and .....sh.t ..nlJ "t L 1..:... 11\ 1 ~b Vi""..L 10n L rOl" .. turn!. :U(.. .Ina c..¡;d, t..¡l illl~rO"'OIl1..nt o£e\l.l. II.. ".dO t.1I.at h\) t,:.l Ii. Inl t.o .Ir. L;.;.ry1 ':.Ill1!8 thl. d....to :~ ~. . ..;\ :: r.~4rólni thlu ~ltu~t.!.on. Clvrl< ~eð;¡..n lò.Jlú t.'h\t Ihl Iii WOl'a:1\1U .Ibout tllU ~uUt. ~"rv1c~. " ~~',-' &OOK 076 ~AC£ 340 P.~. 13 !. - .-... _.- _.- -- ... .-...- .,.--. . . .... . __ ..._ __ . ... _ .,._ . _~. _... ......... _ ,_ _... _ _._ _ ............... .........;.~~ f' , i,i:f ';;;;.: . . · . '¡',:\~/f,-t· .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - ----- July LI, 1903 &O'JX 016 PA~E a41 Kaspond1n9 to Commlu.lonor VOl., Mr. kOü9bn øald thot the Incrað.e 1. ~rimA[11Y d~6 to Court COGt. Uw »dl', r~9brdln9 tho Clerk of the ttoGrd, hit ahOwS II sllç¡ht deer,,"'.. in th<.lt IHttb, duo tu tn.. two EMS peraonnel wllU wtlru t.rolnad ln con,puLurlzütJ syatenlll Dnd who ore belng trl1ns[orr,,~ undvt t'ubl1c ~dL"lY Aomln1littratot L)orr111, If tlul I3CC has no objections. th, I..d(l llIlH<: 11\ no lncroilsu in th\! nt<:noa, notin9 that thJ.a WO\l~ t./luru dru ..lIC i\luvtlng£ witll only two stenOIl, from 11 proctlcal .t.nd~olnt.. lit! &<.110 t.1I;st h..: hllü ¡¡tided t...u nuw em¡.:.loyou¡¡, one in County Court I1nè on., in Cll'CUit l:oûrL. Ho cIC¡¿lolnod t.hat, oth"r thðn that, tl.erv 1. ø s. 1ò, I..ry illcrccui". !'Ir. ,H. ft9 M\ sûiu till.! Cðl'U..:d i::yull'ml!nt t.hi;¡t, he hils budgetod 1. for th" l.nu record "rell. wt.1clI he runloveu l..at yuðr to "'oep hi. budget down tu ~\.. !Iv al<l1\J tuiu lamount. to b a1 zðtJle cap! tðl lncrea.o because he haM t.u rOI-'~o1CU .dl 01 Lhø l1\1cro1.1Im rUÐowrll, prlnt.ra, flll1 and co.settoll. He ».du that t.lul ....ui¡xncnt. 11:1 ten YOllfa old, th. ~lnt.en.nc" cont.ract ho1s been lost .na, with tho current parts and materlal coat.a, it 1» moru *conomlcD1 ðn~ ~ract1cal to go to new "..uipment.. kcøpondlnq to CnQlrmAn Kruaø, Mr. Ruagtln aaleS ho wanta to "b.ot. up" t.nv J'llcrot11111 1Je1-'<lrt",,,nt And lIu rel-,rrod to the posDible lar~e ðll1o\Jnt. 01 c...,lLlll UI'"'cU tlHlt Clln tJo uav.d ov,,, a peelod of flye y..ora by effichnt. ut.il1;ilt.lou o( mlcrofl1r.1. Relloi-OnClln9 \;,0 COAlmlnulonor VO,, ¡, Mr. keðgDn referrod the Comllis- .10nora t.o th~ l:l~rK 01 ~ount.y Court, £at1mðtuù kevenuea, page il .UllIIIILry .n~ hi. not\,l that ð~¡Jro)(lm..tClly (.700,000 I. collected in Fines anù COIót.ao. Ihl .ala buclluat: 01 trHl doublt: tax ð<J rOllli,ont with the City of ...p.\c.., tlh' t Finello amount laðaö to Pot r or.llJvet1 frolll tho Ge~eral f'und and ..l.ctld in tnu Unincorl'ueo1ltvd iuuJ. h~ chr 1fhd the monies that. were ch.rl:jea t.o "Hoau, .uch 11111 t.ntorpr l»u t'undlll, for tho Clerk of the - ._-'._-~--_._... ._~ - - -- - - - '.90 14 - - -- -- - - - -- - ,- .,- .- .-. -- - - - .-' - ..- - .- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . July 13, 19n3 ~.rd. H. sAid thA~ the Cl_rk ot the circuit Court ~mount 1a for tho dlftaront hils And uxcu.. t:eou that his office turnø, back. lie said tbat tno Clork of the ~ounty Court amount. nre for fe.s such aa .arrla9u liconsa, pas.portø, prubate f... and a number of othor f.... Re.pond1n9 ~o ~omml..10nQr Vou., Mr. Heagan ~ald that Fines amount 90.. into tho Unl"corpor~ted Fund dnd tho Costs goes into tha Generðl Fund. 110 oxplaln.u '-nat 1'ln08 , ¡nd Coats ora ono ó:lnd thCl alllno, an I::ngl1ah torlll m.anlnq flne- plUd cowts. Cnalr~dn ~ruøe ~olnt~u out that th-, County ha~ no control what- aoever ovor the Court costB. Commldsloner Vos~ Bald that he understood that point. Mr. nuaqan retorrod to tn" Court coat.., and explalned that, two years 0<:10, hit bnqlln the ~roco<.lure of objoctlnq on every court cost th4t, In hls o.,lnlon, hu h"lI h.:lU ð atdnd to obj4lct. :~e sald thAt h. taKe. an 4t.torn"y and ooj~cts before the judye, for example, to the roto c>t Incru.:IS" (or ¡J1ò)'clllytr11.: CIC.Jml'l, for lHgol t"eJi, IItC. itespond- 1n.;¡ to l.:o:cmll1sionur '0'0311, ."Ir. l\v""Jon .... id thðt tIle.! ::it..1tute 1~ Vl)guo and that, basically, t. ,t,! Jud1c1"ry ,,()hl» tile "trump cllcdø" with rC~brd to their d.tcl»ion r.. 'lIIõ!Jl.:atohlt:nt LI)[ CO;jt tno whllt they tcul LIJ th41 otlfJd to run tnu o...et.1tlon 01. tll" Court.;. Hit 1I.l1û tlhJt tl\l: [,tatutcn 11<1)' >illat- -,ver tì1O) :jt..lto,/ -.1.:>"11 ,'01. 1,1 Clio ul' t:H! County 1>n...l1. ~ounty l,tl..::rl"J)- :;.."m":.;r.¡ ~"I1,: (..I<¡t n1ù oLt1CI.: rcvluwß tUIl attorn,,)' ,,,~. thüt ..n. ;,;..:t "'¡' .:1... I.::>UI\., .trIU will H')U'"' t.o cuOu::': t.IIOIHI t':I.!ß Lt Lluty "t'¡)I,)"r t.> LJu "jo,/t.L1:J'; ",ut. 01 l1nu". :11.1 ü~i'¡ ton"'l'\: 1;J noe. ql':..I1. !lv;t!lJll.iti' ¡\O.....Vvl, _'.,"1 t.. ,.ru ,,1..11.1\.1 to <,c.l1-.:v..: "II ,nuCh ..&I po..»lbl" 1n till a rO'jyru. COlllllllss1uner Holl<ind lIIoved, oeconded by COlllllllss10ner Drown And carried unon1mou»ly, that the Clerk of Courts/Clock to BOArd Budget b. approved as prosentl,)ó. ~O~K 076 PACE 342 1'.11) e I ~ _.,. - --. ~ . -... ....-----. ......._''''''_~_''''_^................_~_._..,....''''''~ ""_""""_"'#"'ð.'_'" ...---';¡'~ ·_- -------------.--------------- ---- - -- -- - - - - :-. ,,' 7'"~""1 ·~I.O~:~~~~:::::::.. ..:0.::: :::: r;:~,:·::~:¡·:;;~:;:;n:;;3::::U:::t .' '~¡~I ;~n~ ;t~i .,4io1r', . .·t:~ '.4 .. :1 cnar9Cd to users. Hu SO id thllt. t.hls (uno 1.0 not incorporatecJ 11' part o( the budtJloIt, fIo"".v~r, it. lw illcluduù for tIll: ace t~ 80. how tit., ravenu4tG comu 11\ Lron. tho oifforent lourclJl,\. H~ a~id that th" revenu.. to aU1JPort. t.he\. dotJurtmunt. h4vu Frlmar1!y coma (run. hls officu. Ho .ald ho. hoå to absorb tho C03t. of tho\:. ÚflPor tlt.ent which cÐusod hi. buà~ut t.o In~r'u IS", b"CbU(\U OL tho uxlt oi otlluC usurs. Ite said that he LeoJlø conf1c1",nt. L.ItDt, durin!) t.1I" nuxt. t.w.t.lvo lIIont.hb, his¡ office will Þe .bld to ou .\.nlnq~" t.nat. will Ð&81~t thlJ conslst.ent incrua84t in tnot i.. I' bud~tlt.. .*1,40 P.ft. Deputy Clerk Skinner was replaced by D.puty Clerk ~ertyon·e. SHERIFF'S BUDGET - APPROVED ~nerl([ ko~er~ .tat~U tnat cnlJ of tho major concerns 1. the cost of tne nuw bU11dln~, tho new j~ll, dnd the stafflnQ, addln9 that t.he jail and stafflng ha» to b" opproveu by tne Uepartment of Co¡(~otions. He noted thøt the staf(ln~ plan haa been approvdcl whlch is what It will t.ake to open tn. jal1. lie atllteo that ba.ed on that lnformation, the bucJ~at. h.U b9ttn worll.cd accordln'Jly. He stated that he has talked with the ^ttornuy <"dnoral'. oft1ce and oltl,l.:llnlJd tile: f1nancll1l proble.s that _ the County lß n~v1n~, notln~ tn~t thd ft~torney UenorA! understoo~ the money ¡Jroblt.:.11i but lóùld tlldt thoJ~ dld not nav\: ony bellrln9s on tho new )Ulltlc" cvnt,tr. Ho at-lIt..o tll03t tt1vru dr. approxllllot.dly 76 correctional off icvrd now o'Illd th4: stoUlng phn cOllIs for l2G in the new bulldin;. lie notecl thllt løst. YCbr ø lot. o! mondY was cut from the b\JÙÇJet end th18 yo.r thl.l Þu09wt cÐnnot Dct cut. baCk accordlnq to tho Statu. He add that thu »tatfln~, 4ccordlny to thU State. will recelve 80me long-tora beneflts .n~ wl1l b-' money woll .punt. lie noted that if the titate P.~. 16 ------------.-. ------------- ------------------- .. .. - - - - - - - - - - -_. -. - - - .- - -- - - -, .- ..- - - - -.- - - - - - - - - - - - - --" July 13, 198'3 dlt~C~. .0~thln9 ond 1~ is not don., »uit. ar~ broú~ht aqainst tho Countle. 1n ord~r to ~ee~ thom In compllðnctt with th. Low. Oon húnt~r, o.~uty Chiuf, st~t~d that tho budqQt has been broken down Into throe dlvls10n. law unforcement, corrections and judicial, aðdlnq that ~r.domln~ntly ho 1. ~.~ln9 tor pwrsonn.l In th~ law enforc_ment ~rÐð beyond tne nUW juatlce fACility. To Commlss10nor VOllM' ..¡uuat1on ro!]ordlng .ðl~ry, Mr. lIuntor r.plled that It bppuðrs ~h~t 5\ will bu the outcome dcpundln~ on the :J~ate. Commillaloner VOIiD yu"..tlon..d U1.. utll1tl\lM for the. new juptlcO centur to which Mr. I.untor r..~lled that thuy are covered un~er an .lluc~t.d oxpenstt. Commi..lonttr Vo... ßtðt~u tha~ th"ee la not much choica but to acce .lt th.. bud!]e t.. COl\llissloner ttolland movod, .econded by Comml.s10ner Brown and carried 4/0, (Commi..loner Plstor ab.en~), that the Sheriff's budqet be approved. COURTS AND RtLATED AG~NCIES Thor. was . qeneral con.~nsua to accupt the Courts , Related ^q.ncie. budqet. L'ÏIt":':'! ,,[:i<:~c lJl¿\Jâ.¡q,l.,11111.11J tiloJ"')Y tl...' JuuCj\:t. ... ..<It U¡.. ..nO c" t 411 r r -' IJ \; 0 0,1 a U.I¡ ~.... r 'í tI h ¡It; t. (,) t ..q. ,H (,).; r 1 .. t i 0 ¡ \.. ~.;¡ r t. : I" .:; oJ n u r :.. 1 ¡, un" '" h h: j\ 1110 1 C i.l1. ,HI t I ", ...:.: - J..I L l'; u r \! => d I,..! l.:1 \J ;;.J - v ,¡ I. i 'J III' 'J II . Comnl1,u.1on"r "ru~" ,¡UIJÞtlOIlt.:J ~, tr..: :Ju~'J...L I.:.jllh.l ""t. t.o .. l';.j .,.rc"nt. II\.:r\ld:lll OVl.lr J.~..t ¡'u,.It. .:\)1.11-.1 ~,... """''1l,;t LJ'J k,¡)s,¡,,(j ~nû t...)'....ti IncruAlhH.I'/ fl¡JI.:...tl vltil.:oe t;l1\1~ Itti.tuU t.tI..t. It c.illJCù 1G moeu t;,an ~, II)cr~"I!H~. it c,Jul..: D'~ "'rJtJr,)V,,\J lilt,..1 .j/:I "ot... ut I.III.! l1o,¡r..:. aO~K 076 PACE 344 paqo 11 ._~ .--.. .....,.. ...- .~.- ..~- - --.-.' ,- ..- -.... ... -.,.. .---- --.----.--- ., July 13, 1983 ~oOt 016 PAct 345 ti_cal offlcur ~ilc. indicðtod thÐt tho H08crvo is based on 10\ of t.h" op¡.¡roprhtlon& tint: 1\\,/ 111 now lOðVin(~ it to thu I:;oaru'u ð1ucutlon to adj\ult It olth.r wl..y. lie not.ud that thQr~ 1. tin Incre.S. in the bud9Cit, of ~2.) ¡¡.il.llon thlt1 YU.:.If which InclJnø /In incrvaao of about 3/4 of . mill on 0 rou.,¡1i b..a¡i:Jo. He concluu\':d by stating that tho budget for 1~83-U4 1" ~lú,"74,OUO. . . . . . . . '¡'hot" &Juln", no lurt.lhH l.'<.Itilnu U Lor thtl ~( o¡'; of t.n" county, thu .eat1n~ Wd~ ~dJournc~ oy Or~ul 01 t.n~ Chnlr - Tlm~1 211~ P.M.