DSAC Agenda 06/06/2018Page 1 of 1
June 6, 2018
3:00 p.m.
Conference Room 610
Persons wishing to speak on any Agenda item will receive up to three (3) minutes unless the Chairman
adjusts the time. Speakers are required to fill out a “Speaker Request Form,” list the topic they wish to
address and hand it to the Staff member seated at the table before the meeting begins. Please wait to be
recognized by the Chairman, and speak into a microphone. State your name and affiliation before
commenting. During the discussion, Committee Members may direct questions to the speaker.
Please silence cell phones and digital devices. There may not be a break in this meeting. Please leave
the room to conduct any personal business. All parties participating in the public meeting are to
observe Roberts Rules of Order and wait to be recognized by the Chairman. Please speak one at a time
and into the microphone so the Hearing Reporter can record all statements being made.
I. Call to Order – Chairman
II. Ap proval of Agenda
III. Approval of Minutes from May 2, 2018
IV. Approval of DSAC/LDR minutes from April 14, 2018 (Only committee members Clay Brooker, Robert
Mulhere, Blair Foley are to vote on this)
V. Public Speakers
VI. Staff Announcements/Updates
A. Code Enforcement Division update – [Mike Ossorio]
B. Public Utilities Department update – [Tom Chmelik or designee]
C. Growth Management Department Transportation Engineering Division & Planning Division updates – [Jay
Ahmad or designee]
D. Collier County Fire Review update – [Shawn Hanson and/or Shar Hingson]
E. North Collier Fire Review update – [Dale Fey]
F. Operations & Regulatory Mgmt. Division update – [Ken Kovensky]
G. Development Review Division update – [Matt McLean]
VII. New Business
A. Amendment to the Collier County Water-Sewer District Utilities Standards Manual [Eric Fey]
VIII. Old Business
A. Follow-up on LDC Amendments [Jeremy Frantz]
IX. Committee Member Comments
X. Adjourn
Next Meeting Dates:
July 4, 2018 Cancel “Holiday”
August 1, 2018 GMD conference Room 610 – 3:00 pm
September 5, 2018 GMD conference Room 610 – 3:00 pm
To: Development Services Advisory Committee (DSAC)
From: Jeremy Frantz, LDC Manager
Date: June 6, 2018
Re: LDC Amendment Follow-up
At the DSAC meeting on May 2, 2018, several LDC amendments were reviewed, including:
• Post-Hurricane Irma LDC Amendments
• Medical Marijuana Dispensaries
• Commercial Landscaping
DSAC provided recommendations on all amendments, except the amendment that requires
permanent emergency generators at gas station facilities (LDC section 5.05.05). This amendment
clarifies the State mandate to install a generator transfer switch at gas stations, and it also
introduces the requirement to install a permanent emergency generator.
In advance of a recommendation, DSAC requested additional information regarding the
evacuation routes mentioned in the amendment. See the attached updated amendment draft and an
evacuation route map.
Staff anticipates the following hearing dates:
• CCPC – May 17, 2018
• BCC – May 22, 2018 (Medical Marijuana Dispensaries only)
• BCC – June 12, 2018 (Medical Marijuana Dispensaries only)
• BCC – June 26, 2018
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Jeremy Frantz, AICP
(239) 252-2305
G:\LDC Amendments\Advisory Boards and Public Hearings\DSAC\06-06-2018\DSAC Memo.docx
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G:\LDC Amendments\Advisory Boards and Public Hearings\DSAC\06-06-2018\Irma Response - Gas Stations 5.05.05 5-9-18 (For
06-06 DSAC).docx
Land Development Code Amendment Request
ORIGIN: Hurricane Irma After-Action Report to the Board of County Commissioners
AUTHOR: Growth Management Department, Zoning Division Staff
LDC SECTION: 5.05.05 Facilities with Fuel Pumps
SUMMARY: This amendment clarifies the requirement to install a generator transfer switch at
facilities with fuel pumps and introduces the requirement to install a permanent emergency
DESCRIPTON: At the Board of County Commissioners Work Session on November 7, 2017,
Staff presented several regulatory responses to the After-Action Findings regarding the County’s
Hurricane Irma Response. Regulatory Action #3 suggested strengthening the emergency generator
requirements for commercial gas stations located near the interstate highway and multi-pump
stations located further inland. The recommendation also stated the need for annual testing of
permanent on-site generators and operational certificates.
Currently, F.S. 526.143, requires newly constructed and substantially renovated gas stations be
capable of operating under an alternate form of generated power. These standards require gas
stations be pre-wired with a generator transfer switch. Corporations or other entities owning 10
or more gas stations within the County are required to have at least one portable generator for
every 10 gas stations. The statute also requires a written statement attesting to the periodic testing
of the equipment.
This LDC amendment models the standards from F.S. 526.143 and includes additional
requirements based on the Board’s After-Action Findings recommended regulatory action. This
amendment proposes the following changes to LDC section 5.05.05 I.:
1) Modifies an existing LDC provision that requires all facilities with fuel pumps to be pre-
wired with a generator transfer switch. This requirement only applies to motor fuel retail
outlets for which a certificate of occupancy is issued on or after July 1, 2006, in F.S.
2) Identifies certain facilities with fuel pumps that are required to install a permanent
emergency generator. While F.S. 526.143 requires corporations owning 10 or more gas
stations within a County to have a portable generator, this requirement would be unique to
Collier County;
3) Facilities with fuel pumps with a permanent emergency generator or transfer switches shall
conduct testing of the equipment under load and according to manufacturer’s
specifications, and keep a written statement on the site attesting to the periodic testing of
the equipment. The requirement for testing is also found in F.S. 526.143. However, the
requirement to perform testing “under load,” would be unique to Collier County; and
4) Exempts certain uses, such as automotive vehicle dealers (SIC 5511), establishments
operating a fleet of motor vehicles, and certain establishments that have a written
agreement with a public hospital. These exemptions are also found in F.S. 526.143.
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G:\LDC Amendments\Advisory Boards and Public Hearings\DSAC\06-06-2018\Irma Response - Gas Stations 5.05.05 5-9-18 (For
06-06 DSAC).docx
DSAC-LDR RECOMMENDATION: The DSAC-LDR Subcommittee reviewed the amendment
on April 18, 2018. Lacking a quorum, the Subcommittee member present, as well as a regular
member of the DSAC, made several suggestions and observations for further review at the regular
DSAC meeting.
DSAC RECOMMENDATION: The DSAC reviewed the amendment on May 2, 2018. Prior to
a recommendation being made, the DSAC requested additional information regarding the
evacuation routes referenced in the amendment. The DSAC also suggested updating the
applicability for this amendment to apply only to larger facilities with fuel pumps (i.e. more than
8 fueling stations). This amendment will be reviewed for a second time at the June 6, 2018, DSAC
FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTS: This amendment will result in additional costs to
comply with those requirements that differ from existing State requirements. The land area
necessary to accommodate the required generator and associated equipment may cause the site to
become non-conforming with other LDC standards, such as off-street parking, required setbacks,
landscaping, etc., which may cause further complications when transferring ownership of real
property. Also, if adopted, a facility with fuel pumps may experience unanticipated costs when
contemplating future expansions or renovations when discovering that a non-conformity exists
because the site lacks the required generator.
GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN IMPACTS: This amendment supports Goal 12 of the
Conservation and Coastal Management Element of the GMP which requires the County, “to make
every reasonable effort to ensure the public safety, health and welfare of people and property from
the effects of hurricane storm damage.”
Amend the LDC as follows:
5.05.05 – Facilities with Fuel Pumps 2
* * * * * * * * * * * * * 3
I. Permanent emergency generators. 4
1. Purpose and intent. The follo wing provisions are intended to protect the public 5
health, safety, and welfare through improved evacuation capability and 6
commercial fuel availability during a state of emergency. 7
2. Generator Connection. Each facility with fuel pumps that does not meet the 8
criteria in subsection 3 below, shall provide the necessary infrastructure and pre-9
wiring in order to provide the capabilities for generator service to the following in 10
case of emergencies : all fuel pumps, dispensing equipment, life-safety systems, 11
and payment-acceptance equipment. 12
3. Permanent emergency generator. Facilities with fuel pumps shall install a 13
permanent emergency generator capable of operating all fuel pumps, dispensing 14
equipment, life -safety systems, and payment-acceptance equipment for use in 15
case of emergencies under the following circumstances: 16
a. Newly constructed, 17
b. Located within one-half mile to an interstate highway or state or federally 18
designated evacuation route, or 19
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Text strikethrough is current text to be deleted
G:\LDC Amendments\Advisory Boards and Public Hearings\DSAC\06-06-2018\Irma Response - Gas Stations 5.05.05 5-9-18 (For
06-06 DSAC).docx
c. Additions or substantial renovations exceeding 50 percent of the 1
assessed value of the existing facility with fuel pump, including land and 2
improvements. 3
4. Permanent emergency generators and transfer switches must be tested under 4
load and according to manufacturer’s specifications. Each facility with fuel pumps 5
must keep a written statement on site attesting to the periodic testing of the 6
equipment. 7
5. The following are exempt from LDC section 5.05.05 I: 8
a. Automotive vehicle dealers (SIC Code 5511); 9
b. Establishments operating a fleet of motor vehicles; 10
c. Establishments which sell motor fuel exclusively to a fleet of motor vehicles; 11
or 12
d. Establishments that have a written agreement with a public hospital in a 13
form approved by the Florida Division of Emergency Management, wherein 14
the public hospital agrees to provide the establishment with an alternative 15
means of power generation on-site so that the establishment’s fuel pumps 16
may be operated in the event of a power outage. 17
# # # # # # # # # # # # # 18
Palm Beach
I 7 5 E v e r g l a d e s P k w y
St a t e H w y 8 4
US Hwy 41State Hwy 29Tamiami Trl
C o r k s c r e w R d
County Road 858C l e w i s t o n E x c h a n g e
State Hwy 92County Road 835BI
A Hwy 12811st StI m m o k a l e e R d County Hwy 833Collier BlvdS Tamiami TrlState Road 29Goddens StrandC o u n t y H w y 8 4 6
O i l W e l l R d
Martin Ave
Old 41C o u n t y H w y s 8 5 8
ld 4
Capri BlvdWildcat DrCreek 850Isle of Capri RdCoun ty Ro ad 84 6
R a d i o R d
State Hwy 951Pulling RdCo
State Hwy 82
County Road 951E Te r r y S tBo
State Hwy 45N Copeland AveCounty Hwy 29P i n e R i d g e R o a d E x tN Airport RdGordon DrAirport Pulling RdE Main StS 1st StCounty Hwy 951O
N 15th StB
ald E
Bonita Grande Dr111 t h Av e
Airport RdUS Hwy 41Collier BlvdState Hwy 29
I 75I m m o k a l e e R d State Hwy 29State Hwy 29US Hwy 41State Hwy 82
I 75Immokalee Rd
C o u n t y H w y 8 4 6
wy 41
Tamiami Trl
C o u n t y H w y 8 3 3
C o u n t y R o a d 8 5 8
US Hwy 41S Tamiami TrlBIA Hwy 1281US Hwy 41 State Road 29I 7 5I 75State Hwy 45US Hwy 41
Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council
Evacuation Routes
This map is prepared under the direction of FloridaDivision of Emergency Management for the Regional Evacuation Study Update. This map is for planning purposes only. Not to be used for measurement or legal purposes. Please consult with your county for the latest information.I
0 2 4 6 81
Map Legend
Statewide Model Network
Evacuation Routes
June 6, 2018
3:00 PM
2800 N. Horseshoe Drive
Growth Management Department
DSAC Meeting
Page 1 of 1
June 6, 2018
3:00 p.m.
Conference Room 610
Persons wishing to speak on any Agenda item will receive up to three (3) minutes unless the Chairman
adjusts the time. Speakers are required to fill out a “Speaker Request Form,” list the topic they wish to
address and hand it to the Staff member seated at the table before the meeting begins. Please wait to be
recognized by the Chairman, and speak into a microphone. State your name and affiliation before
commenting. During the discussion, Committee Members may direct questions to the speaker.
Please silence cell phones and digital devices. There may not be a break in this meeting. Please leave
the room to conduct any personal business. All parties participating in the public meeting are to
observe Roberts Rules of Order and wait to be recognized by the Chairman. Please speak one at a time
and into the microphone so the Hearing Reporter can record all statements being made.
I. Call to Order – Chairman
II. Ap proval of Agenda
III. Approval of Minutes from May 2, 2018
IV. Approval of DSAC/LDR minutes from April 18, 2018 (Only committee members Clay Brooker, Robert
Mulhere, Blair Foley are to vote on this)
V. Public Speakers
VI. Staff Announcements/Updates
A. Code Enforcement Division update – [Mike Ossorio]
B. Public Utilities Department update – [Tom Chmelik or designee]
C. Growth Management Department Transportation Engineering Division & Planning Division updates – [Jay
Ahmad or designee]
D. Collier County Fire Review update – [Shawn Hanson and/or Shar Hingson]
E. North Collier Fire Review update – [Dale Fey]
F. Operations & Regulatory Mgmt. Division update – [Ken Kovensky]
G. Development Review Division update – [Matt McLean]
VII. New Business
A. Amendment to the Collier County Water-Sewer District Utilities Standards Manual [Eric Fey]
VIII. Old Business
A. Follow-up on LDC Amendments [Jeremy Frantz]
IX. Committee Member Comments
X. Adjourn
Next Meeting Dates:
July 4, 2018 Cancel “Holiday”
August 1, 2018 GMD conference Room 610 – 3:00 pm
September 5, 2018 GMD conference Room 610 – 3:00 pm
May 2, 2018
Naples, Florida, May 2, 2018
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Development Services Advisory
Committee in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on
this date at 3:00 P.M. in REGULAR SESSION at the Collier County Growth Management
Department Building, Conference Room #609/610, 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive, Naples,
Florida, with the following members present:
Chairman: William J. Varian
Vice Chairman: Blair Foley
David Dunnavant
James E. Boughton
Clay Brooker
Chris Mitchell
Robert Mulhere (Excused)
Mario Valle
Norman Gentry
Marco Espinar
Ron Waldrop (Excused)
Laura Spurgeon DeJohn
Jeremy Sterk
Jeff Curl
ALSO PRESENT: Judy Puig, Operations Analyst, Staff Liaison
Eric Fey, Sr. Project Manager, Public Utilities
Jeremy Frantz, LDC Manager
Mike Ossorio, Director, Code Enforcement Division
Matt McLean, Director, Development Review
Ken Kovensky, Director, Operations and Regulatory Management
Danette Kinaszczuk, Pollution Control Manager
Dan Summers, Director, Bureau of Emergency Services Division
Richard Henderlong, Principal Planner
Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney
May 2, 2018
Any persons in need of the verbatim record of the meeting may request a copy of the audio recording
from the Collier County Growth Management Department.
I. Call to Order - Chairman
Chairman Varian called the meeting to order at 3:06pm
II. Approval of Agenda
Mr. Dunnavant moved to approve the Agenda subject to deleting Item VI.C - Impact Fee Indexing
2018. Second by Mr. Valle. Carried unanimously 11 - 0.
III. Approval of Minutes from April 4, 2018 Meeting
Mr. Curl moved to approve the minutes of the April 4, 2018 meeting as presented. Second by Mr.
Valle. Carried unanimously 11 - 0.
IV. Public Speakers
V. Staff Announcements/Updates
A. Code Enforcement Division update – [Mike Ossorio]
Mr. Ossorio provided the report “Code Enforcement Division Monthly Report March 22, – April 21,
2017 Highlights”” for information purposes. He noted:
• A coffee meet and greet was held in Immokalee as well as other outreach events such as
“Bay Day” and Cedar Hammock cleanup, etc.
• The Division will provide a dumpster to communities for cleanup upon request.
• He will provide information on the Division’s policies and procedures at the next meeting.
B. Public Utilities Division update – [Tom Chmelik or designee]
Mr. Fey submitted the monthly report on response time for “Letters of Availability, Utility
Deviations and FDEP Permits” and “Tables of Revisions for the Collier County Utilities Standards
Manual” for information purposes. He noted a Subcommittee meeting will be scheduled to review
the Utilities Standards proposed changes and the information will be forwarded to the full
Committee for information purposes. The item is anticipated to be heard by the Board of County
Commissioners by July of 2018.
C. Growth Management Department/Transportation Engineering and/or Planning – [Jay Ahmad
or designee]
D. County Fire Review update – [Shar Hingson and/or Shawn Hanson]
Ms. Hingson reported turnaround times are as follows: Building Plan review – 5 days; Site Plan
reviews – 2 days; Inspections – 3 days.
Mr. Boughton arrived at 3:20pm.
E. North Naples Fire Review update – [Dale Fey]
Mr. Fey reported turnaround times are as follows: Building Plan review – 7 days; Site Plan reviews
– 4 days; Inspections – 1 to 2 days.
May 2, 2018
F. Operations & Regulatory Mgmt. Division update [Ken Kovensky]
Mr. Kovensky submitted the “Collier County April 2018 Monthly Statistics” which outlined the
building plan and land development review activities. The following was noted during his report:
• The Division received 6,300 permit applications in April with 30 percent being Hurricane
Irma repair related. The activity provided for one of the largest volume months on record
which is causing delays in processing.
• Electronic plan submittal is at approximately 43% of the applications.
• Staffing levels and operations continue to be addressed including changes to the front lobby
area to improve service.
• Next week, the Board of County Commissioners will be hearing Staff’s request for the
proposed increase in the number of personnel as recommended by the DSAC.
• Staff continues to develop the Fiscal Year 2019 budget which becomes effective on October
1, 2018.
• Those with applications in the system have the ability to determine their status by calling the
G. Development Review Division update [Matt McLean]
Mr. McLean reported
• 503 lots were recorded in the month of April, the largest number in the last several years.
• He requested right of way permitting information be included during the Site Development
Plan process to facilitate approvals for the work.
VI. New Business
A. Presentation of the Sunshine Law & Ethics [Colleen Greene]
Ms. Greene provided the handout “Government in the Sunshine” and “Public Records” prepared by
the Office of the County Attorney for information purposes. She outlined the requirements of
Florida’s Sunshine Law noting:
• The law governs meetings for public boards, commissioners or committees, etc.
• Two or more members should not discuss items that may become before a Board they sit on
outside of a publicly noticed meeting or communicate on items with other Members via
phone, text, email, etc.
• If communications are necessary, a Member should contact the Staff liaison who may
distribute the information to all members. Members should only respond to the Staff liaison
in these cases.
• Violations of the law are punishable by fines or imprisonment.
• The Committee is also subject to the Public Records Law which includes the public’s access
to all documents, maps, letters, films, photographs, emails, etc.
• Any correspondence regarding a Committee should be made through the County liaison
whereby the record will be stored on the County server or in the records office.
B. LDC Amendments [Jeremy Frantz]
Mr. Frantz presented a Memo dated April 25, 2018 – Re: “DSAC Recommendations for LDC
Amendments” and noted:
• The amendments are proposed in order to address several deficiencies brought to light as a
result of Hurricane Irma including evacuation shelter deficits, generator requirements for
Clubhouses & Community Center buildings and coordination with Division of Emergency
Management, fuel Shortages, generators at ALFs and Nursing Homes, exemptions for yard
May 2, 2018
encroachments, parking requirements and landscaping to allow for generator installation at
existing sites, etc.
• The Land Development Review Subcommittee reviewed the proposals, and provided
comments only, as no quorum could be obtained for the meeting.
• Staff addressed the Subcommittee’s questions including confirming the proposed
amendments do not preempt State Statutes and clarified noise abatement standards.
5.05.17: Permanent emergency generators for clubhouses and recreation facilities in
residential developments
LDC SECTIONS: 5.05.17 Residential Developments with Community Clubhouses or Recreational
Facilities (New Section).
SUMMARY: The amendment establishes new standards for community clubhouses or recreational
facilities in residential developments, aiding the County’s response and recovery
after an emergency event.
Mr. Summers and Mr. Frantz presented the proposed amendment.
The following issues were raised by the Committee:
• Concern on opening the clubhouse to non-residents of the community and the expenses
related to the Membership.
• The increased costs imposed on the community residents when approximately 10 percent of
the Membership would utilize the facility given the evacuations and other arrangements
residents undertake during these times.
• Some residents already have generators installed at their homes and would be paying twice
for the amenity.
• The decision should be left up to the Membership of the community, not imposed by the
• Access issues given most communities have security features restricting public access.
• It may be more beneficial to require the installation of transfer switches as opposed to total
generator facilities given the cost of the full installation could be $75,000 - $100,000.
Mr. Valle left at 4:30pm.
Mr. Brooker moved for the Development Services Advisory Committee to recommend the Board of
County Commissioners not adopt the proposed Land Development Code amendment in its current
form and revise the language to require transfer switches be installed in the subject clubhouses.
Second by Mr. Curl. Motion carried 9 “yes” – 2 “no.” Ms. Spurgeon-DeJohn and Mr. Foley
voted “no.”
Mr. Dunnavant left at 4:40pm
5.05.04: Permanent emergency generators for group housing
LDC SECTION: 5.05.04 Group Housing
SUMMARY: The Amendment creates new requirements for assisted living facilities and nursing
homes, as defined by §§ 400 and 429 F.S. requiring Emergency Environmental
Control Plans (EECP), and installation of permanent emergency generators.
May 2, 2018
Mr. Summers and Mr. Frantz presented the proposed amendment and noted it has been reviewed
by the representatives of the industry who did not raise objections to the requirement which are
being addressed outside the Florida Building Code for timing purposes.
Mr. Brooker moved for the Development Services Advisory Committee to recommend the Board of
County Commissioners adopt the proposed Land Development Code amendment as proposed.
Second by Mr. Foley. Carried unanimously 10 – 0.
5.05.05: Permanent emergency generators and transfer switches for gas stations
LDC SECTIONS: 5.05.05 Facilities with Fuel Pumps
SUMMARY: The Amendment clarifies the requirements to install a generator transfer switch at gas
station facilities and introduces the requirement to install a permanent emergency
Mr. Summers and Mr. Frantz presented the proposed amendment.
The Committee noted:
• Clarification is needed on which roads are included within the parameters of the amendment
given the language in Section 5.05.05 3.b – “Located within one-half mile to an interstate
highway or state or federally designated evacuation route.”
• As written it appears a large portion of the urban area in the County falls under the
jurisdiction of the proposed amendment which may pose a financial burden to smaller
businesses proposing changes in the future given the added cost associated with retrofitting
the facility.
Mr. Brooker moved for the Development Services Advisory Committee to recommend the Board of
County Commissioners adopt the proposed Land Development Code amendment subject to the
following changes:
1. Section 5.05.50 I.3.c be applicable to those facilities operating 2 pumps or 4 filling stations.
2. Section 5.05.05 I.3.b read – to read “Located within one-half mile to I-75 or US41, or”
Second by Mr. Curl.
Discussion occurred if the filling station number should be increased.
Mr. Brooker amended the motion for the Development Services Advisory Committee to
recommend the Board of County Commissioners adopt the proposed Land Development Code
amendment subject to the following changes:
1. Section 5.505. I.3.c be applicable to those facilities operating 4 pumps or 8 filling stations.
2. Section 5.05.05 I.3.b read – to read “Located within one-half mile to I-75 or US41, or”
Second by Mr. Curl.
Motion failed 4 “yes” – 6 “no.” Mr. Foley, Mr. Mitchell, Mr. Boughton, Chairman Varian, Ms.
Spurgeon DeJohn and Mr. Sterk voted “no.”
Mr. Foley moved for the Development Services Advisory Committee to recommend the Board of
County Commissioners adopt the proposed Land Development Code amendment subject to
Section 5.05.05 I.3.c to be applicable to those facilities that operate 4 pumps or 8 filling stations.
Second by Chairman Varian. Motion failed 5 “yes” – 5 “no.” Mr. Boughton, Mr. Curl, Ms.
Spurgeon DeJohn, Mr. Gentry and Mr. Mitchell voted “no.”
May 2, 2018
The Committee noted they support the general concept of the proposal, however recommend the
standards be relaxed for pre existing facilities proposing renovations.
4.02.01, 4.05.04, 4.06.05, & 10.02.03: Design standards exemptions for permanent emergency
generators at facilities with fuel pumps, assisted living facilities, and nursing homes
LDC SECTIONS: 4.02.01 Dimensional Standards for Principal Uses in Base Zoning Districts
4.05.04 Parking Space Requirements 4.06.05 General Landscaping Requirements
10.02.03 Requirements for Site Development, Site Improvement Plans and
Amendments thereof.
SUMMARY: The Amendment creates new exemptions from certain design standards for existing
facilities with fuel pumps, assisted living facilities (ALFs), and nursing homes that
install permanent emergency generators and related fuel storage for an emergency
Mr. Brooker moved for the Development Services Advisory Committee to recommend the Board of
County Commissioners adopt the proposed Land Development Code amendment as proposed.
Second by Mr. Foley. Carried unanimously 10 – 0.
1.08.02, 2.03.03, 2.03.04, 2.03.06, 2.03.07, & 5.05.16: Medical marijuana dispensaries
LDC SECTION(S): 1.08.02 Definitions 2.03.03 Commercial Zoning Districts 2.03.04 Industrial
Zoning Districts 2.03.06 Planned Unit Development Districts 2.03.07 Overlay
Zoning Districts 5.05.16 Medical Marijuana Dispensaries (New Section).
SUMMARY: This amendment allows medical marijuana dispensaries to become a new permitted
land use in the same zoning districts as a pharmacy or a drug store.
Mr. Henderlong and Mr. Frantz presented the proposed amendment noting the Planning
Commission recommended dispensaries be banned in the County.
Mr. Brooker moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners not ban Marijuana
Dispensaries in Collier County. Second by Mr. Espinar. Motion carried 8 “yes” – 2 “no.”
Discussion occurred noting the proposed amendment imposes additional requirements from those in
the State Statute and Staff reported the changes were to address security and safety concerns raised
by the Board of County Commissioners.
Discussion occurred on Section 5.05.16.D 1.c. of the proposed amendment and the concern an
existing shopping center may not have adequate facilities to house a vehicle indoors.
Mr. Brooker moved for the Development Services Advisory Committee recommend the Board of
County Commissioners adopt the proposed Land Development Code amendment subject to the
following change:
1. Remove Section 5.05.16.D 1.c. – the requirement to park a transport vehicle in a garage or
fully enclosed structure.
Second by Mr. Espinar.
May 2, 2018
Concern was expressed on Section 5.05.16 D.1.a, the requirement for compliance with Dark Sky
lighting standards given the operator will most likely be a tenant in the facility with no control over
the exterior lighting provided by the owner.
Mr. Brooker amended the motion for the Development Services Advisory Committee to
recommend the Board of County Commissioners adopt the proposed Land Development Code
amendment subject to the following changes:
1. Remove Section 5.05.16 D.1.a – the requirement for a dark sky compliant lighting system.
2. Remove Section 5.05.16.D 1.c. – the requirement to park a transport vehicle in a garage or
fully enclosed structure.
Second by Mr. Espinar. Carried unanimously 10 – 0.
4.06.01, 4.06.02, 4.06.03, & 4.06.05: Replacement trees in shopping centers
LDC SECTIONS: 4.06.01 Generally 4.06.02 Buffer Requirements 4.06.03 Landscaping
Requirements for Vehicular Use Areas and Rights-of-Way 4.06.05 General
Landscaping Requirements.
SUMMARY: The Amendment increases the size of required landscaping trees and modifies the
standards at shopping centers that remove mature canopy trees within the vehicular
use areas (VUAs) and “Type D” buffers through a landscaping plan change.
Mr. Brooker moved for the Development Services Advisory Committee recommend the Board of
County Commissioners not adopt the proposed Land Development Code amendment. Second by
Mr. Espinar. Carried unanimously 10 – 0.
VII. Old Business
A. Review proposed Pollution Control ordinance [Danette Kinaszczuk]
Ms. Kinaszczuk presented the Executive Summary “Recommendation to advertise a public hearing
to consider the adoption of a new Ordinance to be called the Pollution Control and Prevention
Ordinance consolidating, repealing and replacing Ordinance No. 87-79 regarding the
transportation and disposal of sludge and repealing Resolution 83-311 regarding fees for sludge
transportation and disposal permits. This proposed Ordinance will be in addition to Ordinance 89-
20, the existing Collier County Water Pollution Control Ordinance” for consideration. She noted:
• The proposal was previously reviewed by DSAC at the March 7, 2018 meeting with several
issues raised and remanded to a Subcommittee for review.
• Changes were made based on the Subcommittee input with language modified to address
• She provided the Memo “May 2, 2018 DSAC Discussion Points” which documented the
changes based on the Subcommittee input.
Mr. Foley noted a concern remains on the proposed changes which may be required of
“grandfathered” systems built in compliance with the regulations at the time of development. He
proposed adding language to the 1st paragraph of Article VI, Section 2 – “Pre-existing residentially
permitted properties shall not be required to implement BMP’s to their existing structural
Ms. Kinaszczuk reported the Florida Department of Environmental Protection provided guidance on
the issue and regulations are required to address non compliant areas and those contributing to their
May 2, 2018
To address the concerns, the Section does state “if permit requirements are not being met or Best
Management Practices are not be adhered to” also, has a qualifier of “to the greatest extent
possible” for reducing the pollutant load discharge.
Mr. Foley moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners adopt the proposed
“Pollution Control and Prevention Ordinance” replacing Ordinance No. 87-79 and to repeal
Resolution 83-311 although expressing concern the proposal may have unintended consequences
on older facilities.
Without a second the motion was not considered.
Mr. Foley moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners adopt the proposed
“Pollution Control and Prevention Ordinance” replacing Ordinance No. 87-79 and to repeal
Resolution 83-311 subject to adding the following language to the end of the first line of Article
VI, Section 2, 1st paragraph “Pre-existing residentially permitted properties shall not be required
to implement BMP’s to their existing structural infrastructure.” Second by Mr. Brooker.
Carried unanimously 10 – 0.
VIII. Committee Member Comments
The Committee determined to cancel the July meeting.
IX. Adjourn
Next Meeting Dates
June 6, 2018 GMD conference Room 610 – 3:00 pm
August 1, 2018 GMD conference Room 610 – 3:00 pm
September 5, 2018 GMD conference Room 610 – 3:00 pm
There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by the order
of the Chair at 6:10PM.
Chairman, William Varian
These Minutes were approved by the Board/Chairman on ________________, as presented _______, or as
amended ________.
April 18, 2018
Naples, Florida, April 18, 2018
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Development Services Advisory
Committee – Land Development Review Subcommittee in and for the County of Collier,
having conducted business herein, met on this date at 3:00 PM in a REGULAR
SESSION at the Growth Management Department Building, Room 609/610 2800 N.
Horseshoe Drive, Naples, FL with the following persons present:
Chairman: Clay Brooker
Blair Foley
Robert Mulhere (Excused)
Brad Schiffer (Excused)
ALSO PRESENT: Dan Summers, Director, Bureau of Emergency Services Division
Jeremy Frantz, LDC Manager
Rich Henderlong, Principal Planner
Eric Johnson, Principal Planner
Ellen Summers, Senior Planner
Mark Templeton, Principal Planner
Michael Bosi, Zoning Division Director
Michael Shaw, Emergency Management Coordinator
Lauren Bonica, Human Services Program Manager
April 18, 2018
Any persons in need of the verbatim record of the meeting may request a copy of the audio recording
from the Collier County Growth Management Division – Planning and Regulation building.
1. Call to order
Mr. Brooker called the meeting to order at 3:10pm. He noted he was the only one present and a
quorum could not be established. The meeting will be held for informational purposes with the
comments being reviewed by Staff and the proposed Amendments being brought forth to the
Development Services Advisory Committee for a recommendation.
2. Changes to Agenda
3. Old Business
4. Review of Amendments to LDC Sections:
a. LDC SECTION: 5.05.04 Group Housing
SUMMARY: The Amendment creates new requirements for assisted living facilities and
nursing homes, as defined by §§ 400 and 429 F.S. requiring Emergency
Environmental Control Plans (EECP), and installation of permanent
emergency generators.
DESCRIPTION: The new State rules require nursing homes and assisted living facilities to
acquire alternative power sources, such as a generator, that ensure
sufficient cooling temperatures are maintained at 81 degrees Fahrenheit or
cooler, during extended power outages for at least 96 hours, to all of the
facility’s residents.
The following points were discussed:
• Mr. Brooker wanted to know why staff chose to adopt some of the State standards and not
all. He expressed concern the State already has requirements and the County may be
duplicating the efforts or preempting State requirements.
• Mr. Brooker noted that the anticipated fiscal impacts are “not insignificant,” and he was
pleased the industry was willing to absorb the additional costs of complying the additional
• Mr. Brooker felt the new regulations will help the industry against potential litigation.
• Mr. Brooker was concerned about code enforcement action being taken too quickly against
non-compliant facilities.
• Mr. Curl inquired about whose responsibility it will be to enforce the regulations. He also
asked about follow-up maintenance inspections.
• Mr. Brooker asked if the fuel tanks for the generators are generally above-ground or below-
• Mr. Brooker asked staff to clarify if the proposed LDC regulations were more stringent than
the Comprehensive Plan with regards 72 hours of generator run-time compared to 96 hours.
April 18, 2018
Staff reported:
• The proposed State standards that were chosen will reinforce the requirements that
staff determined to be issues after the most recent hurricane. Some of the State
standards have little to no enforcement at the State level, and adopting the proposed
standards will allow the County to enforce said standards. With respect to
preemption, staff hasn’t received any comments from the County Attorney’s Office,
but staff will request an official statement from them.
• Staff had a training session with the Florida Department of Elder Affairs and the
Agency for Health Care Administration. The Governor signed a bill on March 28,
and there are April suspense dates that every nursing home and licensed facility needs
to report with respect to their Emergency Power Plan (EPP). Staff assisted the
licensed facilities in creating a EPP template to help facilities meet this requirement.
Fines are approximately $1,000 per day for non-compliance. Staff determined there
are a few missing pieces in the State legislation that would help build a
Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP), which will be a plan for the
facility - “How to shelter?” and “How to evacuate?” – and now this new Appendix,
which is their EPP. Staff showed the EPP to the industry (i.e., Florida Assisted
Living Association and a webinar) and received no push-back. The CEMP legislation
had been drafted in the 1990s and it had not been updated. In comparison, the EPP is
“current technology,” including information such as square footage, generator loads
and run-times, and fuel consumption. In the CEMP, staff was encouraged by the
State to have some local rule to meet our needs. Jurisdictions can ask for finished
floor elevations and the elevation for the generator to assist staff in determining
whether a facility can shelter-in-place or needs to evacuate. Staff wants the local
activity to piggyback the State legislation, particularly in the event of any future court
• Facilities are required to submit an EPP to the local emergency management agency
by April 25, 2018 for implementation to occur by June 1, 2018. A six-month
extension may be granted until January 1, 2019. Facilities may submit an ad hoc
power plan for this season while they’re working on something permanent. They can
bring in a towable generator and spot coolers to demonstrate compliance, or they can
document that they have either rental equipment under contract or rental equipment
• The State legislation did not reference NFPA 99, which addresses generator standards
for a Class 1 (facility) - the equivalent to hospital-level readiness and preparedness.
NFPA 99 addresses preventative maintenance, load-testing, and documentation of
load-testing. In the proposed amendment, the County will ask the question, for
example, “Has your fuel been properly sampled?” The County Emergency
Management staff will require attestation from a 3rd party, such as from an authorized
manufacturer’s representative, local service dealer, or electrical contractor, who has
done an evaluation of that generator for PM fuel reliability and load-transfer.
• The fuel tanks for generators are typically installed above-ground.
• Staff noted the Comprehensive Plan requires 72 hours of climate control, whereas the
LDC amendment proposes 96 hours.
April 18, 2018
Staff to contact the County Attorney’s Office to determine any issues with County adopting the
regulations which may preempt the State Statute.
b. LDC SECTION: 5.05.05 Facilities with Fuel Pumps
SUMMARY: The Amendment clarifies the requirements to install a generator transfer
switch at gas station facilities and introduces the requirement to install a
permanent an emergency generator.
DESCRIPTION: At the Board of County Commissioners Work Session on November 7,
2017, Staff presented several regulatory responses to the After-Action
Findings regarding the County’s Hurricane Irma Response. Regulatory
Action #3 suggested strengthening the emergency generator requirements
for commercial gas stations located near the interstate highway and multi-
pump stations located further inland.
The following points were discussed:
• Mr. Brooker asked staff to clarify if the County may be duplicating or preempting State
requirements that are already in place.
• Mr. Brooker commented that he saw no Fiscal or Operational Impacts, which he thought was
• The requirement for installation of generators/transfer switches (GTS) applies to newly
constructed service stations, those within ½ mile of I75 or existing facilities with a
renovation of 50 percent or greater assessed value of a structure. What part of structure
qualifies for the assessed value (main building, pump areas, both, etc.)?
• Mr. Curl asked about the screening of accessory structures from public rights-of-way. He
also talked about landscape maintenance, a topic of discussion that is pertinent to other
amendments as well. He made a general comment about noise abatement for generators and
later mentioned that hedges have very little noise abatement qualities.
Staff reported:
• Anticipated fiscal or operational impacts were yet to be determined. Staff intends to
identify the impacts to the County as well as to facilities with fuel pumps.
• The problem with the existing State regulations is that there is no enforcement capability
or penalty for non-compliance.
• After Hurricane Irma, the gas stations complained that fuel shortages were primarily
caused by the following: 1) facilities having the GTS were depending upon the arrival of
temporary equipment that never came in or not installed; and 2) the lack of
communications and internet connectivity to assist with POS. Establishments, such as
Costco and Sam’s Club, transmit via satellite for their POS; however, smaller retailers
rely on Comcast Cable Business or other type of communication.
• With respect to the assessed value of a facility, it was not staff’s intention to draft
regulations that are stricter than the State statutes.
• No new screening or noise abatement requirements are being proposed.
April 18, 2018
Staff to check on any conflicts or preempting of State regulations and clarify the parameters
for the assessed value requirements.
c. LDC SECTION: 5.05.17 Residential Developments with Community Clubhouses or
Recreational Facilities (New Section)
SUMMARY: The amendment establishes new standards for community clubhouses or
recreational facilities in residential developments, aiding the County’s
response and recovery after an emergency event.
DESCRIPTION: At the Board’s Work Session on November 7, 2017, Staff presented
several regulatory responses to the After-Action Findings regarding the
County’s Hurricane Irma Response. Regulatory Action #2 suggested
creating a local ordinance to help address evacuation shelter deficits.
The following points were discussed:
• Mr. Brooker was concerned about the increased cost to individual homeowners.
• Mr. Curl was concerned about gated communities and requiring them to have access
• Mr. Curl commented that many lift stations failed and suggested that the provisions
should be directed towards downstream lift stations.
• Mr. Brooker and Mr. Curl were not supportive of this amendment, and Mr. Brooker felt it
was overreach.
• Mr. Brooker has concerns requiring the installation of generators for clubhouses 10,000
square feet or greater in area when some owner’s have already incurred the expense (of
having their own personal generator) and would in effect be paying twice for the
convenience. Mr. Brooker and Mr. Curl were supportive of an “opt-in” incentive for
home owners (and condominium) associations (HOAs) in exchange for some benefit for
which they would be willing to participate in financially.
• Mr. Brooker asked if a generator is required for the County to engage in discussions with
HOAs for the use of their clubhouse lacking a permanent generator.
• Mr. Curl suggested creating a strategic location map wherein it be beneficial to identify
areas in the County in need of facilities and target certain neighborhoods given the efforts
may be duplicated if other similar services are available nearby (shelters, etc.).
Staff reported:
• The intent of the amendment is to provide options to public sheltering, particularly in
newer communities and those in less vulnerable areas. Staff wants to promote
sheltering-in-place (at home when safe) and utilizing the clubhouse as a post-
emergency distribution point. If a community elects to take refuge in their clubhouse,
they now have a local option, but they are responsible for managing their refuge. If it
is a government-sponsored evacuation location, then it will be considered a shelter.
Staff wants to give a local option to communities to use their clubhouse to access
communications, shower and hygiene areas, and obtain emergency supplies.
April 18, 2018
Sheltering-in-place reduces the number of people using County shelters and lessens
the need for traveling on County roads.
• Public Utilities Division is discussing their Master Wastewater Plan, and the
discussion may address public and private lift stations and the necessity for those to
be in a transfer plan but also a requirement for newer sites be generator supported.
• Staff reminded the Committee the proposed requirements were modeled on a
different community and ours would only be applicable to new facilities and for
existing facilities undergoing substantial renovations.
• With respect to Mr. Brooker’s question regarding the County engaging in discussion
with an HOA with a clubhouse that lacks a generator, staff responded that there is no
requirement for a generator to be present for the County to engage in discussion;
however, staff also mentioned that the County doesn’t get much benefit if we don’t
have lift stations that are generator-powered. Efficiency is increased if there is
potable water, refrigeration, and communications.
Mr. Foley arrived at approximately 4:10pm.
d. LDC SECTIONS: 4.02.01 Dimensional Standards for Principal Uses in Base Zoning
Districts 4.05.04 Parking Space Requirements 4.06.05 General Landscaping Requirements
10.02.03 Requirements for Site Development, Site Improvement Plans and Amendments
SUMMARY: The Amendment creates new exemptions from certain design standards
for existing facilities with fuel pumps, assisted living facilities (ALFs),
and nursing homes that install permanent emergency generators and
related fuel storage for an emergency event.
DESCRIPTION: At the Board of County Commissioners Work Session on November 7,
2017, Staff presented several regulatory responses to the After-Action
Findings regarding the County’s Hurricane Irma Response. Regulatory
Actions #2 and #3 suggested the creation of new requirements to improve
the County’s recovery efforts after emergencies.
The following points were discussed:
• Mr. Brooker questioned if “above-ground” tanks should be specified in the proposed
language, given the greater likelihood that above-ground tanks would be used by property
owners as opposed to below-ground tanks due to the higher costs of installing below ground.
• Mr. Curl noted that, as proposed, the generators can encroach into landscape buffers and
suggested adding a cross-reference to the noise ordinance in the proposed language. Mr.
Curl was concerned about noise emanating from a generator - an ALF that is 30 feet from a
single-family home. Mr. Foley advised that staff get familiar with the levels that are
currently in the LDC and determine how they apply to this application.
• Mr. Foley asked about the site planning process for allowing generators (e.g., insubstantial
change). Mr. Curl asked if an NAP involves a review of buffer requirements.
April 18, 2018
• Mr. Foley advised staff to review the provision for allowing removal of 10 parking spaces to
ensure there is adequate basis for the extent of the provision (i.e. is more area required for the
installation of the equipment).
• Mr. Brooker noted this amendment is applicable to existing facilities and asked about
renovations that go beyond the 50 percent threshold.
Staff reported:
• Existing sites may be constrained (to accommodate the installation of a generator post
hoc) and this amendment allows for flexibility with respect to setbacks, off-street
parking requirements.
• No new provisions related to noise attenuation are being proposed. The only cross-
reference in the proposed amendment is for sound levels not to exceed that which is
allowed for manufacturing and industrial uses.
• Allow generator and fuel tank via an NAP. Any reconfiguration of a landscape buffer
to accommodate a generator and associated equipment may elevate the review to an
insubstantial change to a site development Plan (SDPI); however, these types of
determinations will be conducted on a case-by-case basis.
• Staff 10-space parking removal was applicable to ALFs and nursing homes because
staff felt those properties would be generally larger than gas station sites.
e. LDC SECTIONS: 4.06.01 Generally 4.06.02 Buffer Requirements 4.06.03 Landscaping
Requirements for Vehicular Use Areas and Rights-of-Way 4.06.05 General Landscaping
SUMMARY: The Amendment increases the size of required landscaping trees and
modifies the standards at shopping centers that remove mature canopy
trees within the vehicular use areas (VUAs) and “Type D” buffers through
a landscaping plan change.
DESCRIPTION: Board Direction: Over several years, residents have petitioned the Board
regarding impacts on surrounding residential neighborhoods when mature
canopy trees are removed from shopping centers and replaced with the
minimum tree planting requirements of the LDC.
The following points were discussed:
• Mr. Brooker explained that the He questioned the “impacts” to adjacent residential
neighborhoods (as mentioned in the narrative for this amendment), and he felt that
adopting new standards becomes problematic given his philosophy about private property
• Mr. Curl suggested that one of his past projects was probably responsible for the Board
giving staff direction to move forward with this amendment.
• Mr. Curl questioned if the root ball of an 8-inch caliper trees can fit into an existing
parking island. He explained the difference in cost between a regular replacement tree
compared to an 8-inch caliper replacement tree would be ten-fold. He requested that staff
reevaluate the cost impact of the proposed amendment. He had concerns regarding the
April 18, 2018
added expense may create a disincentive to redevelop existing shopping centers,
especially in times of an economic downturn.
• Mr. Curl informed staff of the potential for lawsuits to existing sites having conflicts
between exterior lighting parking lot landscaping. He mentioned that root barriers do not
work 100 percent of the time. With respect to proposed language pertaining to landscape
buffers and the requirement that trees be 30-foot on center, Mr. Curl cited the Southern
Live Oak as a species that will grow so dense in 20 years that it will conflict with the
other trees.
• Mr. Brooker asked if any landscape architects were consulted.
• Mr. Curl questioned whether visibility (to the buildings within a shopping center) was
such as issue anymore now that people have smart phones and can use the latest
• Mr. Foley asked if this issue was brought before the BCC by one or several
circumstances. Mr. Curl noted this issue was brought to the BCC in at least two
circumstances: Riverchase Commons and Pelican Bay Marketplace.
• Mr. Brooker asked staff to send out the emails again to the private-sector landscape
architects. Mr. Curl suggested reaching out professionals who usually submit on behalf
of the landscape architects (to eventually get the feedback from the landscape architects).
Discussion turned again to reaching out to property managers.
Staff reported:
• Staff did not analyze whether an existing parking lot island could accommodate the
size of a root ball for an 8-inch caliper tree.
• The intent of the provisions is to plant fewer trees in the buffer to allow for larger
spacing between trees. This spacing will provide the visibility that is sought by the
property owners.
• Staff received feedback from several of the County’s landscape architects.
• Input was sought from private-sector landscape architects without much response and
agreed that it may be beneficial to re-contact the professionals and garner input from
other sources such as attorneys, commercial property managers, etc.
• Staff felt this tree removal landscaping issue has been brought up to the Board several
f. LDC SECTION(S): 1.08.02 Definitions 2.03.03 Commercial Zoning Districts 2.03.04
Industrial Zoning Districts 2.03.06 Planned Unit Development Districts 2.03.07 Overlay
Zoning Districts 5.05.16 Medical Marijuana Dispensaries (New Section)
SUMMARY: This amendment allows medical marijuana dispensaries to become a new
permitted land use in the same zoning districts as a pharmacy or a drug
DESCRIPTION: On December 12, 2017, the Board of County Commissioners extended a
temporary moratorium on Cannabis dispensing businesses to June 30,
2018. The extended date was authorized to grant staff enough time to
analyze and evaluate any changes to F.S. 381.986 relative to the medical
use of marijuana that was under consideration by the 2018 Florida
April 18, 2018
legislature. Because the legislative session ended without an amendment,
the Board directed staff on March 13, 2018, to publicly vet a land
development code amendment to permit medical marijuana dispensing
facilities in the same zoning districts as pharmacies and not located within
500 feet of a public or private elementary, middle, or secondary school. A
brief review of the current regulatory framework to medical marijuana
dispensing facilities, as distinguished from the cultivation and processing
and the delivery of medical marijuana is provided below to clarify some of
the administrative provisions of F.S. 381.986. Afterwards, the specific
changes to the land development code are described.
The following points were discussed:
• Mr. Brooker wanted to ensure the proposed amendment is consistent with State Statutes.
With respect to the maximum number of facilities, the narrative should identify the number
of dispensing facilities allowed in the various Counties in the Southwest Florida region. Mr.
Brooker asked about signage and the proposed language indicating, “avoid marketing toward
children or which promote recreational use.”
• Mr. Curl suggested including a cross-reference to the sign code in the proposed provisions.
With respect to exterior lighting within off-street parking areas, he desired more specificity in
the ordnance by referencing the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES).
• Mr. Brooker questioned the proposed provisions as they relate to the delivery vehicles.
Concern the requirements are above those required for conventional pharmacies and the
proposal may face legal challenges.
Staff reported:
• The amendment proposes to regulate medical marijuana dispensaries similar to
• The proposed amendment is similar to those previously brought forth but
incorporates additional security and signage measures consistent with State
• The changes are proposed to address concerns raised by the Board of County
Commissioners. When deciding to include or exclude the provisions of the State
Statute into the proposed ordinance, Staff chose to focus on retaining “land use”
types of issues.
• The Florida Statutes references “adequate lighting.”
• Section 5.05.16 D.1.d requires transport vehicles be housed indoors to deter
criminal activity and promote safety.
5. Public comments
There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by the
order of the Chair at 5:00PM.
April 18, 2018
These Minutes were approved by the Committee on ________________, as presented _______, or as
amended ________.
This report reflects monthly data from: April 22 thru May 21, 2018
Code Enforcement Division Monthly Report
April 22, 2018 – May 21, 2018 Highlights
• Cases opened: 650
• Cases closed due to voluntary compliance: 306
• Property inspections: 2569
• Lien searches requested: 1015
765653701462542576610418803743625650Cases Opened Per Month
2956 2794 2907
2405 2237
2519 2452 2569
Code Inspections per Month
This report reflects monthly data from: April 22 thru May 21, 2018
2017 2018
Origin of Case
Code Div. Initiated Cases
Complaint Initiated Cases
This report reflects monthly data from: April 22 thru May 21, 2018
April 22, 2018 – May 21, 2018 Code Cases by Category
Case Type Common issues associated with Case Type
Accessory Use – Fence permits, fence maintenance, canopies, shades, guesthouse renting etc.
Animals – Prohibited animals, too many animals, etc.
Commercial - Shopping carts
Land Use – Prohibited land use, roadside stands, outdoor storage, synthetic drugs, zoning issues, etc.
Noise - Construction, early morning landscaping, bar or club, outdoor bands, etc.
Nuisance Abatement – Litter, grass overgrowth, waste container pits, exotics, etc.
Occupational Licensing – Home occupation violations, no business tax receipts, kenneling. etc.
Parking Enforcement - Parking within public right-of-way, handicap parking, etc.
Property Maintenance - Unsanitary conditions, no running water, green pools, structure in disrepair, etc.
Protected Species - Gopher Tortoise, sea turtles lighting, bald eagles, etc.
Right of Way - Construction in the public right-of-way, damaged culverts, obstruction to public right-of-way,
Signs - No sign permits, illegal banners, illegal signs on private property, etc.
Site Development -Building permits, building alterations, land alterations, etc.
Temporary Land Use - Special events, garage sales, promotional events, sidewalk sales, etc.
Vegetation Requirements – Tree maintenance, sight distance triangle, tree pruning, land clearing, landfill,
preserves, etc.
Vehicles - License plates invalid, inoperable vehicles, grass parking, RV parking, other vehicle parking
1%Accessory Use
Land Use
Nuisance Abatement
Occupational Licensing
2%Parking Enforcement
Property Maintenance
Right of Way
Site Development
This report reflects monthly data from: April 22 thru May 21, 2018
March 22, 2018 – April 21, 2018 Code Cases by Category
Case Type Common issues associated with Case Type
Accessory Use – Fence permits, fence maintenance, canopies, shades, guesthouse renting etc.
Animals – Prohibited animals, too many animals, etc.
Commercial - Shopping carts
Land Use – Prohibited land use, roadside stands, outdoor storage, synthetic drugs, zoning issues, etc.
Noise - Construction, early morning landscaping, bar or club, outdoor bands, etc.
Nuisance Abatement – Litter, grass overgrowth, waste container pits, exotics, etc.
Occupational Licensing – Home occupation violations, no business tax receipts, kenneling. etc.
Parking Enforcement - Parking within public right-of-way, handicap parking, etc.
Property Maintenance - Unsanitary conditions, no running water, green pools, structure in disrepair, etc.
Protected Species - Gopher Tortoise, sea turtles lighting, bald eagles, etc.
Right of Way - Construction in the public right-of-way, damaged culverts, obstruction to public right-of-way,
Signs - No sign permits, illegal banners, illegal signs on private property, etc.
Site Development -Building permits, building alterations, land alterations, etc.
Temporary Land Use - Special events, garage sales, promotional events, sidewalk sales, etc.
Vegetation Requirements – Tree maintenance, sight distance triangle, tree pruning, land clearing, landfill,
preserves, etc.
Vehicles - License plates invalid, inoperable vehicles, grass parking, RV parking, other vehicle parking
1%Accessory Use
2%Land Use
Nuisance Abatement
Occupational Licensing
Parking Enforcement
2%Property Maintenance
Right of Way
Site Development
This report reflects monthly data from: April 22 thru May 21, 2018
February 22, 2018 – March 21, 2018 Code Cases by Category
Case Type Common issues associated with Case Type
Accessory Use – Fence permits, fence maintenance, canopies, shades, guesthouse renting etc.
Animals – Prohibited animals, too many animals, etc.
Commercial - Shopping carts
Land Use – Prohibited land use, roadside stands, outdoor storage, synthetic drugs, zoning issues, etc.
Noise - Construction, early morning landscaping, bar or club, outdoor bands, etc.
Nuisance Abatement – Litter, grass overgrowth, waste container pits, exotics, etc.
Occupational Licensing – Home occupation violations, no business tax receipts, kenneling. etc.
Parking Enforcement - Parking within public right-of-way, handicap parking, etc.
Property Maintenance - Unsanitary conditions, no running water, green pools, structure in disrepair, etc.
Protected Species - Gopher Tortoise, sea turtles lighting, bald eagles, etc.
Right of Way - Construction in the public right-of-way, damaged culverts, obstruction to public right-of-way,
Signs - No sign permits, illegal banners, illegal signs on private property, etc.
Site Development -Building permits, building alterations, land alterations, etc.
Temporary Land Use - Special events, garage sales, promotional events, sidewalk sales, etc.
Vegetation Requirements – Tree maintenance, sight distance triangle, tree pruning, land clearing, landfill,
preserves, etc.
Vehicles - License plates invalid, inoperable vehicles, grass parking, RV parking, other vehicle parking
1%Accessory Use
2%Land Use
Nuisance Abatement
Occupational Licensing
Parking Enforcement
2%Property Maintenance
Right of Way
Site Development
4599 4562 4604
FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018
Cases Opened Generated by Complaints
2882 2939
4003 3870
FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018
Cases Opened by Patrol
7152033724610011307077461221610958146385126402468101214020406080100120140160180Nov-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18RequestsDaysResponse Time - Letters of AvailabilityMinimumAverageMaximumRequests Received
65999322610668949811211325131625051015202530024681012141618Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18RequestsDaysResponse Time - Utility DeviationsReceived - SIRE EnteredSIRE Entered - ActionRequests Received
24.341.028.818. 11121615024681012141618051015202530354045Nov-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18RequestsDaysResponse Time - FDEP PermitsInitial Review TimeRevision Review TimeDirector Approval TimeRequests Received
To: Development Services Advisory Committee (DSAC)
From: Jeremy Frantz, LDC Manager
Date: June 6, 2018
Re: LDC Amendment Follow-up
At the DSAC meeting on May 2, 2018, several LDC amendments were reviewed, including:
• Post-Hurricane Irma LDC Amendments
• Medical Marijuana Dispensaries
• Commercial Landscaping
DSAC provided recommendations on all amendments, except the amendment that requires
permanent emergency generators at gas station facilities (LDC section 5.05.05). This amendment
clarifies the State mandate to install a generator transfer switch at gas stations, and it also
introduces the requirement to install a permanent emergency generator.
In advance of a recommendation, DSAC requested additional information regarding the
evacuation routes mentioned in the amendment. See the attached updated amendment draft and an
evacuation route map.
Staff anticipates the following hearing dates:
• CCPC – May 17, 2018
• BCC – May 22, 2018 (Medical Marijuana Dispensaries only)
• BCC – June 12, 2018 (Medical Marijuana Dispensaries only)
• BCC – June 26, 2018
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Jeremy Frantz, AICP
(239) 252-2305
G:\LDC Amendments\Advisory Boards and Public Hearings\DSAC\06-06-2018\DSAC Memo.docx
Text underlined is new text to be added
Text strikethrough is current text to be deleted
G:\LDC Amendments\Advisory Boards and Public Hearings\DSAC\06-06-2018\Irma Response - Gas Stations 5.05.05 5-9-18 (For
06-06 DSAC).docx
Land Development Code Amendment Request
ORIGIN: Hurricane Irma After-Action Report to the Board of County Commissioners
AUTHOR: Growth Management Department, Zoning Division Staff
LDC SECTION: 5.05.05 Facilities with Fuel Pumps
SUMMARY: This amendment clarifies the requirement to install a generator transfer switch at
facilities with fuel pumps and introduces the requirement to install a permanent emergency
DESCRIPTON: At the Board of County Commissioners Work Session on November 7, 2017,
Staff presented several regulatory responses to the After-Action Findings regarding the County’s
Hurricane Irma Response. Regulatory Action #3 suggested strengthening the emergency generator
requirements for commercial gas stations located near the interstate highway and multi-pump
stations located further inland. The recommendation also stated the need for annual testing of
permanent on-site generators and operational certificates.
Currently, F.S. 526.143, requires newly constructed and substantially renovated gas stations be
capable of operating under an alternate form of generated power. These standards require gas
stations be pre-wired with a generator transfer switch. Corporations or other entities owning 10
or more gas stations within the County are required to have at least one portable generator for
every 10 gas stations. The statute also requires a written statement attesting to the periodic testing
of the equipment.
This LDC amendment models the standards from F.S. 526.143 and includes additional
requirements based on the Board’s After-Action Findings recommended regulatory action. This
amendment proposes the following changes to LDC section 5.05.05 I.:
1) Modifies an existing LDC provision that requires all facilities with fuel pumps to be pre-
wired with a generator transfer switch. This requirement only applies to motor fuel retail
outlets for which a certificate of occupancy is issued on or after July 1, 2006, in F.S.
2) Identifies certain facilities with fuel pumps that are required to install a permanent
emergency generator. While F.S. 526.143 requires corporations owning 10 or more gas
stations within a County to have a portable generator, this requirement would be unique to
Collier County;
3) Facilities with fuel pumps with a permanent emergency generator or transfer switches shall
conduct testing of the equipment under load and according to manufacturer’s
specifications, and keep a written statement on the site attesting to the periodic testing of
the equipment. The requirement for testing is also found in F.S. 526.143. However, the
requirement to perform testing “under load,” would be unique to Collier County; and
4) Exempts certain uses, such as automotive vehicle dealers (SIC 5511), establishments
operating a fleet of motor vehicles, and certain establishments that have a written
agreement with a public hospital. These exemptions are also found in F.S. 526.143.
Text underlined is new text to be added
Text strikethrough is current text to be deleted
G:\LDC Amendments\Advisory Boards and Public Hearings\DSAC\06-06-2018\Irma Response - Gas Stations 5.05.05 5-9-18 (For
06-06 DSAC).docx
DSAC-LDR RECOMMENDATION: The DSAC-LDR Subcommittee reviewed the amendment
on April 18, 2018. Lacking a quorum, the Subcommittee member present, as well as a regular
member of the DSAC, made several suggestions and observations for further review at the regular
DSAC meeting.
DSAC RECOMMENDATION: The DSAC reviewed the amendment on May 2, 2018. Prior to
a recommendation being made, the DSAC requested additional information regarding the
evacuation routes referenced in the amendment. The DSAC also suggested updating the
applicability for this amendment to apply only to larger facilities with fuel pumps (i.e. more than
8 fueling stations). This amendment will be reviewed for a second time at the June 6, 2018, DSAC
FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTS: This amendment will result in additional costs to
comply with those requirements that differ from existing State requirements. The land area
necessary to accommodate the required generator and associated equipment may cause the site to
become non-conforming with other LDC standards, such as off-street parking, required setbacks,
landscaping, etc., which may cause further complications when transferring ownership of real
property. Also, if adopted, a facility with fuel pumps may experience unanticipated costs when
contemplating future expansions or renovations when discovering that a non-conformity exists
because the site lacks the required generator.
GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN IMPACTS: This amendment supports Goal 12 of the
Conservation and Coastal Management Element of the GMP which requires the County, “to make
every reasonable effort to ensure the public safety, health and welfare of people and property from
the effects of hurricane storm damage.”
Amend the LDC as follows:
5.05.05 – Facilities with Fuel Pumps 2
* * * * * * * * * * * * * 3
I. Permanent emergency generators. 4
1. Purpose and intent. The follo wing provisions are intended to protect the public 5
health, safety, and welfare through improved evacuation capability and 6
commercial fuel availability during a state of emergency. 7
2. Generator Connection. Each facility with fuel pumps that does not meet the 8
criteria in subsection 3 below, shall provide the necessary infrastructure and pre-9
wiring in order to provide the capabilities for generator service to the following in 10
case of emergencies : all fuel pumps, dispensing equipment, life-safety systems, 11
and payment-acceptance equipment. 12
3. Permanent emergency generator. Facilities with fuel pumps shall install a 13
permanent emergency generator capable of operating all fuel pumps, dispensing 14
equipment, life -safety systems, and payment-acceptance equipment for use in 15
case of emergencies under the following circumstances: 16
a. Newly constructed, 17
b. Located within one-half mile to an interstate highway or state or federally 18
designated evacuation route, or 19
Text underlined is new text to be added
Text strikethrough is current text to be deleted
G:\LDC Amendments\Advisory Boards and Public Hearings\DSAC\06-06-2018\Irma Response - Gas Stations 5.05.05 5-9-18 (For
06-06 DSAC).docx
c. Additions or substantial renovations exceeding 50 percent of the 1
assessed value of the existing facility with fuel pump, including land and 2
improvements. 3
4. Permanent emergency generators and transfer switches must be tested under 4
load and according to manufacturer’s specifications. Each facility with fuel pumps 5
must keep a written statement on site attesting to the periodic testing of the 6
equipment. 7
5. The following are exempt from LDC section 5.05.05 I: 8
a. Automotive vehicle dealers (SIC Code 5511); 9
b. Establishments operating a fleet of motor vehicles; 10
c. Establishments which sell motor fuel exclusively to a fleet of motor vehicles; 11
or 12
d. Establishments that have a written agreement with a public hospital in a 13
form approved by the Florida Division of Emergency Management, wherein 14
the public hospital agrees to provide the establishment with an alternative 15
means of power generation on-site so that the establishment’s fuel pumps 16
may be operated in the event of a power outage. 17
# # # # # # # # # # # # # 18
Palm Beach
I 7 5 E v e r g l a d e s P k w y
St ate H w y 8 4
US Hwy 41State Hwy 29Tamiami Trl
C ork s c re w R d
County Road 858C l e w i s t o n E x c h a n g e
State Hwy 92County Road 835BI
A Hwy 12811st StI m m o k a l e e R d County Hwy 833Collier BlvdS Tamiami TrlState Road 29Goddens StrandC oun ty H w y 84 6
O i l We l l R d
Martin Ave
co RdOld 41C oun t y H w y s 8 5 8Ol
Capri BlvdWildcat DrC reek 850Isle of Capri RdCoun ty Ro ad 84 6
R a d i o R d
State Hwy 951Pulling RdCount
y Hwy
865State Hwy 82
County Road 951E Te r r y S tBoni
a Beach CswyState Hwy 45N Copeland AveCounty Hwy 29Pi n e R i d ge R oa d E x tN Airport RdGordon DrAirport Pulling RdE M
ain StS 1st StCounty Hwy 951ON
N 15th StBa
Bonita Grande Dr111 t h Av e
Airport RdUS Hwy 41Collier BlvdState H
y 2
I 75I m m o k a l e e R d State Hwy 29State Hwy 29US Hwy 41State Hwy 82
I 75Immokalee Rd
C o u n t y H w y 8 4 6US Hwy
y 4
Tamiami Trl
C o u n t y H w y 8 3 3
C o u n t y R o a d 8 5 8
US Hwy 41S Tamiami TrlBIA Hwy 1281US Hwy 41 State Road 29I 75I 75State Hwy 45US Hwy 41
Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council
Evacuation Routes
This map is prepared under the direction of Florida
Division of Emergency Management for the
Regional Evacuation Study Update. This map
is for planning purposes only. Not to be used
for measurement or legal purposes. Please
consult with your county for the latest information.I
0 2 4 6 81
Map Legend
Statewide Model
Evacuation Routes
Collier County Water-Sewer District Utilities
Standards Manual Update
Changes from 5/2/2018 to 5/18/2018
· Itemized the Design Criteria changes.
· Revised the description for 099723 to include all approved products.
· Deleted the revision to detail WW-16.
· Deleted the last sentence of the second paragraph.
· 2.1
o Deleted the sentence that we previously added at the end of the first paragraph, requiring
DI or HDPE for water mains 16” and larger.
o Deleted the sentence regarding manufacturing pipe striping.
· 2.2.1 – Calculate potable water design demands to be 1.4 times the corresponding wastewater
design flows.
· 2.6.1 – In the last sentence, change “casings” to “conduits” for consistency with the rest of the
· Moved the peaking factor equation from 2.2.1, and changed the per capita flow rate to 100
· 3.1.3 – Added the word “interim” to describe the “end manhole.”
· 3.1.4
o Clarified the sentence, “Intermediate cleanouts shall be located along the curb or gutter
(where available),” to indicate the back side of the curb or gutter.
o Clarified that concrete collars are required for all County cleanouts.
· 3.3 – In the fifth paragraph, changed “Planning” to “Engineering.”
· 3.6
o Deleted the last sentence referencing standard details for additional information on signage
requirements for privately owned wastewater pump stations since we have no signage
o Fixed the improper capitalization of “Operations, Preventive Maintenance” in paragraph B.
· 099723 – Deleted the redundant “PART 2.”
· 022501 3.1 A.2 – Rejected the changes to the third paragraph.
· 330518 3.2 H.1.e – Deleted the requirement for bituminous coating.
· 330518 3.2 Q.2 – Bolts and nuts used in aerial crossings shall be 304 stainless steel.
· 331200 – All exposed nuts and bolts for water valves and appurtenances and for all flanged
joints shall be 304 stainless steel.
· 333200 2.1 B – All valve and flange bolting at pump stations shall be 316 stainless steel.
· 333200 2.1 H – All mounting bars, nuts, bolts, etc. for pump control panels shall be 304 stainless
· 333313 2.2 F.1 –All nuts and bolts for flexible couplings shall be 304 stainless steel.
· 333313 3.1 G – Eliminated the requirement for stainless steel bolts on mechanical joints for
wastewater valves and appurtenances.
· 333913 2.2 B - Changed “wet wells” to “manholes.”
· Added revision clouds to the details.
· Updated all revision dates to be May 2018.
· G-2A – Revised to allow HDPE pipe in lieu of steel pipe casing.
· G-8
o Undid the changes to the minimum clearance callout and delete the associated cloud.
o Changed two callouts from “limits of HDD alignment” to “bore wall,” and adjusted the
revision clouds.
o Deleted “(typ.)” from the ARV callout in the profile (since only one is shown).
o Revised Note 1 to reference Section 330523.13 of the Technical Specifications.
o Deleted the unnecessary ordinance reference in Note 2.
o Added a missing dimension arrow on the left side of the detail.
o Clarified note 5 by beginning with the statement, “PLACE ARV ON UPSTREAM SIDE.”
· G-9 – Revised notes 1 and 2 to require an ARV on the upstream side of the crossing or on both
sides where bi-directional flow conditions exist.
· G-11 – Revised detail to require yellow plastic sleeves on all bollards (water and wastewater
· W-8 – Clouded “2-1/2”” in the title.
· W-12 & W-12A – Deleted the diameter variables (A and B) from details W-12 and -12A.
· W-12A
o Reverted to letters for the outline style of the notes (i.e. A – D instead of 5.1 – 5.4).
o Changed “casings” to “conduits” for consistency with the Design Criteria.
· W-13 – Deleted the word “release” from “air release valve.”
· W-14 – Deleted this detail in its entirety as it is essentially the same as detail W-13.
· W-14A – Mirrored the meter assembly to reflect the proper orientation for the direction of flow.
· WW-2
o Showed the two valve pads consistently and added “(TYP.)” to the callout.
o Curtailed the detail after the plug valve at the property line.
· WW-7 – Clouded the asterisk in the dimension table for dimension H.
· WW-7C
o Indicated “VINYL COATED” in the fence post callout in the “GATE SECTION”
o Identified the 6’ fence height as a minimum.
o In the “CHAIN LINK FENCE DETAIL,” indicate the tie and tension wires to be 316 SS.)
· WW-8, WW-8A & WW-8B
o Restored the words “grass covered” to the callout for the 12’ access drive but limited the
soil thickness of the sod to ½” to avoid rutting. Referenced Section 329200 for further
o Added the text, “FIELD LOCATE W/WASTEWATER COLLECTIONS STAFF, 239-252-2600,” to
the generator receptacle pedestal key note.
· WW-8A
o Oriented the generator, control panel, antenna, and grounding system along the left side of
the detail, with the generator at the front, left corner of the site so it is accessible from the
access drive.
o Reconfigured the force main connection toward the ROW with the pump-out connection
projecting toward the access drive.
o Showed the odor control pad to relative scale.
· WW-8A & WW-8B – Showed the generator receptacle pedestal as it is shown in detail WW-8.
· WW-9 – Moved the conduits that are between the control panel and the motor j-box
· WW-16 – The changes to this detail have been eliminated.
Appendix A: Utilities Deviation Form
· Modified the revision cloud to include folio numbers and the required information box.
Appendix B: Water Meter Sizing Form
· Deleted this sentence from note 2: “For meter sizes larger than 2", specify an approved make
and model that is rated to handle a maximum intermittent flow greater than the estimated
· For the 6” meter demand range, the first number was corrected to be 1,000.1.
NOTE: See bulleted text legend on last page.
Collier County Water-Sewer District
Utilities Standards Manual Update
Changes from 5/21/2018 to 5/30/2018
· Updated pursuant to the changes outlined below.
· Corrected all page numbering.
· Corrected all references to “non-potable irrigation water.”
1.1 Pipeline Separation Requirements
· Clarified the last sentence of the first paragraph to indicate that 57 stone is required only where
vertical separation is less than 18 inches.
· Deleted the clause concerning ductile iron pipe from the second sentence of the third paragraph
for consistency with an earlier revision eliminating DIP as an option for force mains and to
eliminate the ambiguity regarding water mains.
· Added a setback requirement for gravity sewers adjacent to buildings, based upon the depth of
the sewer with a minimum of 10 feet, and prohibited gravity sewers beneath buildings and
other structures in the third and fourth sentences of the last paragraph. Building setback
requirements were previously added for all other pipelines, and while it is uncommon for a
gravity sewer to run near a building, it would be prudent to address that scenario at the same
· Deleted reference to “plantings not specifically allowed by ordinance” from the first sentence of
the eighth paragraph concerning the 5’ minimum setback requirement; and added the last
paragraph, implementing a 7.5’ minimum setback between utility mains and canopy trees,
establishing criteria for consideration of Deviations, mandating coordination of utility and
landscape designs, and setting expectations for construction inspection.
1.2 – Horizontal Directional Drilling
· Changed “Direction” to “Directional.”
2.2 Design of Pipeline Size and Location
2.2.1 Water Pipeline Sizing Criteria
· Replaced paragraph A to require a source pressure assumption based upon a recent fire flow
test and provided an equation for converting test results into a design source pressure.
· Changed “mg/l” to “ppm” in paragraph B for consistency.
NOTE: See bulleted text legend on last page.
2.10 Laboratory Testing and Sample Collection
· Revised the first paragraph to extend the validity of passing bacteriological test from 45 days to
60 days for pipes 8” and smaller. The current standard of 45 days will be maintained for pipes
larger than 8”.
3.1 Gravity Sewer Systems
3.1.3 Gravity Sewer Main Extension Stubs
· Prohibit plugged openings in terminal manholes on stub-outs and require core boring for future
extension. The DSAC Utility Code Sub-committee had requested clarification on plugged manhole
openings. The Wastewater Collection Section requested that core boring be required due to the
uncertainty of future development. This would necessitate repair to interior and exterior coatings
(per the requirements of Section 034100 2.3 C) upon future connection, but a terminal manhole
is being added as an alternative to the current standard of ending a stub-out with a bell.
· Deleted the word “interim,” which was added in error to the previous version.
3.1.4 Gravity Sewer Laterals
· Limited gravity sewer laterals to 75 feet in length and deleted the language relating to cleanout
spacing and intermediate cleanout location. The DSAC Utility Code Sub-committee had
requested clarification on intermediate cleanout location relative to curb-and-gutter, but internal
discussion concluded with direction from the Wastewater Collection Section to eliminate
intermediate cleanouts by imposing a maximum length of sewer laterals. Gravity sewers must be
designed to avoid unnecessarily long lateral runs.
· Changed the fifth sentence of the second paragraph to prohibit all lateral connections to
manholes, not just those that are core bored. The wastewater team requested this change to
avoid maintenance issues associated with deposition due to elevated discharges and/or
improper flow line channels. Laterals should connect to sewer pipes downstream of a terminal
· Clarified that concrete collars are required for all County-owned sewer cleanouts.
3.2.1 Pipe and Fitting Materials
· Changed “check valve” to “plug valve” in the last sentence of the first paragraph.
3.3 Wastewater Pump Stations
· Augmented the sixth paragraph to reinforce an FDEP requirement to provide uninterrupted
pumping capability to any pump station that receives flow from one or more upstream pump
stations or discharges through a force main 12 inches or larger.
· Added the seventh paragraph to require conveyance of all new pump stations to the CCWSD,
except for grinder pump stations, which must be approved by Deviation and must include a
standard generator receptacle.
323113 Chain Link Fencing and Gates
· Revised for consistency with detail WW-7C.
NOTE: See bulleted text legend on last page.
331619 Hydrants
· Revised paragraph 3.1 C to increase the maximum distance between the nearest valve and the
hydrant from 5 feet to 20 feet. This change is pursuant to coordination with the two major fire
districts in June of last year, following discussion at the 5/16/2017 Utilities Discussion Group
meeting, and was omitted in error from the amendment package. It is accompanied by a change
to detail W-3.
· Revised paragraph 3.1 C to exempt privately owned and operated water distribution systems.
333200 Pump Stations
· Changed last sentence of paragraph 2.1 C to facilitate future installation of a mix-flush system
rather than requiring one be installed.
G-3 – Pipe Separation Detail
· Revised note 2 for consistency with 1.1 of the Design Criteria and Section 330518 3.2 P.2 of the
Technical Specifications.
G-11 – Vehicular Guard Post
· Revised detail to require yellow plastic sleeves on all bollards (water and wastewater
applications). This change was inadvertently omitted from the 5/18/2018 USM amendment
package but was previously included in the Table of Revisions and was discussed at the
5/21/2018 sub-committee meeting.
W-3 – Fire Hydrant Detail
· The following changes were made in 2013 but were never included in any USM amendment
o The valve is now shown at the connection to the main.
o The steel reinforcement was eliminated from concrete collar, which is consistent
with the changes to detail G-7.
o The brass disc callout, which is covered by detail G-7, was deleted.
o The shoe of the hydrant is shown accurately in lieu of a 90-degree bend.
o Minimum and maximum heights to the main nozzle are shown.
· Increased the maximum distance between the nearest valve and the hydrant from 5 feet to 20
feet. This change is pursuant to coordination with the two major fire districts in June of last year,
following discussion at the 5/16/2017 Utilities Discussion Group meeting, and was omitted in
error from the amendment package. It is accompanied by a change to Section 331619 3.1 C of
the Technical Specifications.
W-4 – Connection to Existing Water Main Detail (Gap Configuration)
· Added note 11 for consistency with Section 025400 3.3 of the Technical Specifications (as
proposed), exempting fire service pipelines less than 20 feet in length from installing a gap
NOTE: See bulleted text legend on last page.
configuration. This change was reviewed at the 11/21/2017 Utilities Discussion Group meeting
but was inadvertently omitted from the amendment package.
W-8 – 2-1/2” and Smaller Fire System Detector Check Assembly Detail
· Moved the property line to the edge of the valve pad.
W-11 – 3" and Larger Fire System Detector Check Assembly Detail
· Moved the property line to the edge of the valve pad.
W-12 – Typical Short and Long Side Water Service Meter Setting Detail for Connection to Water
· Labeled the branches.
WW-3 – Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole Detail
· Added “or equivalently stabilized surface” to the “pavement” callout. This change was made for
consistency with a corresponding change previously made to 3.1.5 of the Design Criteria.
WW-7 – Pump Station Detail – Profile
· Added volute opening with bolted cover for future installation of a mix-flush system.
· Clarified the 8” dimension on the lip of the footing as a minimum.
· Deleted the word “round” from the footing dimension text to allow any shape.
· Changed the drop pipe adjacent to the wetwell from ductile iron to HDPE and deleted the HDPE
flange adapter on the bottom side of the corresponding tee. This change would achieve the
original intent that all aboveground piping should be HDPE and would reduce stress due to
thermal expansion. Also, unlike ductile iron, HDPE is not susceptible to corrosion due to hydrogen
sulfide gas exposure.
WW-7C – Pump Station and Wastewater Details
· Added a note to the chain link fence and gate details requiring all components to be vinyl
coated. This clarification is consistent with current requirements under Section 323113 of the
Technical Specifications.
· Clarified that vinyl coatings may be green or black and that the color of the slats shall match.
WW-8, -8A & -8B – Pump Station Plan Details
· Revised key notes to require field location of the generator receptacle with Wastewater
Collection staff, and revised the details to show the rack-mounted option. Pedestal mounting
may be required on a case-by-case basis.
· Noted that both the suction pipe/wetwell vent and the pump-out connection shall be field
located with Wastewater Collection staff.
· Added a reference to detail WW-7C for the fence and gate details.
· Added a sentence to the site configuration note requiring orientation of the control panel to
avoid an eastern or western exposure. This change was requested by the wastewater team to
facilitate visibility of and to avoid sun damage to display screens.
NOTE: See bulleted text legend on last page.
· The right-of-way lines and callouts were deleted. The pump station site should typically be
setback at least 15 feet from the right-of-way to allow for a required 10’ public utility easement
plus 5 feet for vegetative screening.
· Eliminated the grass covered porous pavement and brick paver options for the 12’ access drive.
The Wastewater Collection Section has requested concrete or asphalt pavement to avoid issues
with rutting of the sod and shifting of the pavers.
WW-8A – Community Pump Station with Generator Detail – Plan
· Reconfigured the discharge and force main piping onto the left side of the wetwell, away from
the access drive, with the force main running toward the street and the pump-out connection
set toward the access drive.
· Adjusted the orientation of the generator, control panel, antenna, and grounding system along
the left side of the detail to avoid a conflict with the reconfigured discharge and force main
WW-8B – Community Pump Station with Diesel Pump Detail – Plan
· The bend on the suction side of the diesel pump was changed to a tee w/blind flange. This
change was recommended by both approved Diesel pump manufacturers to facilitate impeller
· The site plan should be reconfigured like that for detail WW-8A—with the wetwell centrally
located; the access drive at the front, right corner; and the diesel pump near the front, left corner
for accessibility. Given the complexity of these changes and the infrequent implementation of the
diesel pump option by the development community, these site plan changes will be deferred to a
future amendment.
WW-9 – Pump Station Control Panel Detail
· Revised detail to allow rack-mounted or pedestal-mounted installation of the generator
receptacle in a location approved by Wastewater Collection staff based on a review of field
conditions. Pedestal mounting may be required on a case-by-case basis.
· Added note 9 requiring orientation of the control panel to avoid an eastern or western
exposure. This change was requested by the wastewater team to facilitate visibility of and to
avoid sun damage to display screens.
Appendix B: Water Meter Sizing Form
· Revised note 2 for consistency with the bottom half of the form, which was changed previously
to allow for upsizing due to fire flow.
NOTE: See bulleted text legend on last page.
Bulleted Text Legend:
· Gray text indicates revisions that are relatively inconsequential (e.g., minor corrections or
consistency changes).
· Green text indicates changes made pursuant to comments made by DSAC Utility Code Sub-
committee members at the review meeting on 5/21/2018.
· Gold text indicates system resiliency measures as discussed with the DSAC Utility Code Sub-
committee at the review meeting on 5/21/2018, with changes addressing issues raised by the
sub-committee members.
· Orange text indicates substantive changes made pursuant to staff comments received after the
5/21/2018 DSAC Utility Code Sub-committee meeting that have little or no potential fiscal
· Red text indicates substantive changes made pursuant to staff comments received after the
5/21/2018 DSAC Utility Code Sub-committee meeting that have potential fiscal impacts.
· Italicized text is explanatory.
1 | P a g e
Proposed Utilities Standards and Procedures Ordinance Revisions
Applicable to existing wastewater pump (lift) stations:
1. Private pump station owners are required annually to provide the following to the Public
Utilities Department:
a. Emergency phone number of pump station owner
b. Emergency phone number of pump station operator
c. Maintenance reports and inspection reports
Note: If any phone numbers change, an update must be provided within 24-hours.
2. Private pump station access must be secured with a master lock provided by the Public Utilities
Department. Public Utilities’ lock may be interlocked with the owner/operator’s lock to allow
access by both.
3. The Public Utilities Department is authorized to conduct inspections of private wastewater
pump stations at its discretion. Any non-compliance will be enforced through code enforcement
and FDEP code compliance where applicable.
4. Home Owners Associations (HOAs) and/or private wastewater pump station owners will have
the opportunity to convey their pump stations including collection systems to the Collier County
Water-Sewer District (CCWSD) after bringing the infrastructure into compliance with current
utilities standards. System upgrades and repairs of any defects shall be the financial
responsibility of the HOA or private wastewater system owner.
5. Address conflicting language such that the Ordinance shall take precedence, if in conflict, over
the LDC, in regard to the extension and/or development of potable and non-potable water
and/or wastewater systems and utility services.
2 | P a g e
Proposed Utilities Standards Manual Revisions
Applicable to new wastewater pump (lift) stations:
1. Wastewater pump stations that receive flow from one or more pump stations shall provide for
uninterrupted pumping capabilities, including an in-place emergency generator or Diesel pump.
[Reference FAC 62-604.400 (2)(a)1]
2. Wastewater pump stations discharging through force mains 12 inches or larger shall provide for
uninterrupted pumping capabilities, including an in-place emergency generator or Diesel pump.
[Reference FAC 62-604.400 (2)(a)1]
3. No new private pump stations are allowed, with the exception of grinder pump stations which
require utility deviation approval.
4. Grinder pump stations are required to have a standard generator receptacle.
System resiliency enhancements:
The following requirements are intended to protect underground potable water and wastewater pipes
from damage caused by uprooted trees and their root structure.
1. As required by Chapter 556 of the Florida Statutes, property owners must request a ticket
through Sunshine 811 two full business days prior to the start of any excavation or demolition in
proximity to or in conflict with underground utility infrastructure. This applies to landscaping
projects that include removing or placing plantings near existing County utility infrastructure.
2. Plantings with invasive roots and plantings susceptible to tipping over in sustained winds
exceeding 45 mph should not be used within 7.5 feet of water, wastewater, and irrigation
quality water infrastructure, including service lines and laterals. Canopy trees, as generally
defined by the criteria in LDC 4.06.05 D.2, shall not be planted within this minimum setback
distance unless approved by Deviation. Deviation approval will be contingent upon providing
evidence that the selected tree species has non-extensive roots and is either frangible or highly
wind resistant.
3. Landscape plans submitted for subdivision or site development plan approval shall show all
existing and proposed underground utilities to facilitate review of the minimum 7.5-foot setback
4. During the final utility inspection, the County inspector shall verify that no canopy trees have
been planted within the minimum 7.5-foot setback distance of any water, wastewater, or
irrigation quality water main, service line, or lateral. Any violation must be corrected prior to
passing the final utility inspection.
5. HOAs should ensure that canopy trees are not placed in the right-of-way or any county utility
easement, and should educate its residents about landscaping requirements.
6. Items 1-5 above are also recommended for private side of the water/wastewater system to
prevent loss of service.
Utilities Standard ManualTable of RevisionsRevisions as of 5/31/2018 ItemRevision SummaryFiscal Impact to Developer (Approx.)1 Part 1 GeneralThe document was reorganized to group all general requirements in Part 1, followed by water and non-potable irrigation water in Part 2, wastewater in Part 3, and electrical and control systems in Part 4.None2 1.1Pipeline Separation RequirementsClarified the last sentence of the first paragraph to indicate that 57 stone is required only where vertical separation is less than 18 inches.None (already required by detail)3 1.1Pipeline Separation RequirementsDeleted the clause concerning ductile iron pipe from the second sentence of the third paragraph for consistency with an earlier revision eliminating DIP as an option for force mains and to eliminate the ambiguity regarding water mains.None4 1.1Pipeline Separation RequirementsAdded a setback requirement for gravity sewers adjacent to buildings, based upon the depth of the sewer with a minimum of 10 feet, and prohibited gravity sewers beneath buildings and other structures in the third and fourth sentences of the last paragraph.None5 1.1Pipeline Separation RequirementsDeleted reference to “plantings not specifically allowed by ordinance” from the first sentence of the eighth paragraph concerning the 5’ minimum setback requirement; and added the last paragraph, implementing a 7.5’ minimum setback between utility mains and canopy trees, establishing criteria for consideration of Deviations, mandating coordination of utility and landscape designs, and setting expectations for construction inspection.None6 1.2Horizontal Directional DrillingIntroduced new requirements for detailed construction drawings to be prepared by a licensed Florida P.E. for any capital improvement project using HDD.CIP projects only7 2.1Pipe and Fitting MaterialAdd requirement that potable water mains 16” and larger be DIP or HDPE (i.e. eliminate PVC option).$10 to $50 per LF, depending on sizeSub-Section / DetailSection 1 - Design Criteria1
Utilities Standard ManualTable of RevisionsRevisions as of 5/31/2018 ItemRevision SummaryFiscal Impact to Developer (Approx.)Sub-Section / Detail8 2.2.1 [1.2.1]Water Pipeline Sizing CriteriaCondensed hydraulic design analysis to fire flow under peak hour conditions rather than separate analyses for peak hour and maximum day with fire flow conditions, simplified all water design demands to be 1.4 times the corresponding wastewater design flows, and revised chloramine dissipation modeling criteria for consistency with the hydraulic design criteria. None9 2.2.1 [1.2.1]Water Pipeline Sizing CriteriaReplaced paragraph A to require a source pressure assumption based upon a recent fire flow test and provided an equation for converting test results into a design source pressure.Potential savings on smaller dia. pipe10 2.2.1Water Pipeline Sizing CriteriaRevised mg/l to PPMNone11 2.2.2 [1.2.2]Distribution System LayoutClarified requirements for water main looping and automatic flushing devices. None12 2.6.1 [1.6.1] Service Pipelines Clarified requirements for water service conduits.None13 2.6.2 [1.6.2] Water Meters Delete separate meter requirement for cooling towers$1500 to $5000 per each, depending on size14 2.7 [1.7]Air Release AssembliesExtend ARV requirement to all County owned water mains and not just transmission (16” and larger) water mains.$2500 per each15 2.10Laboratory Testing and Sample CollectionAllowed for 60 day bacteriological tests on mains 8 inches and smaller. None16 Part 3 [2]Wastewater Collection and Transmission SystemsClarified peak hour factor calculation for residential and non-residential uses. None17 3.1.3 [2.1.3]Gravity Sewer Main Extension StubsAllow a gravity sewer main stub-out to end with a manhole. None2
Utilities Standard ManualTable of RevisionsRevisions as of 5/31/2018 ItemRevision SummaryFiscal Impact to Developer (Approx.)Sub-Section / Detail18 3.1.3 [2.1.3]Gravity Sewer Main Extension StubsProhibit plugged openings in terminal manholes on stub-outs and require core boring for future extension.None - Ending w/bell remains an option.19 3.1.4 [2.1.4]Gravity Sewer LateralsRequire concrete collars on all County-owned sewer cleanouts. $250 per each20 3.1.4 [2.1.4]Gravity Sewer LateralsRevisions to lateral requirements, adding 75' max length to gravity laterals, clarification that laterals cannot directly connect to manholes.Highly dependent on site/subdivision plan.21 3.1.5 [2.1.5] Manholes Allow manholes to be located in any stabilized surface.Potential cost savings will vary by project.22 3.1.5 [2.1.5] ManholesRequire the angle between the inlet and outlet pipe within manholes to be no less than 90 degrees.Potential cost increase will vary by project.23 3.2.1 [2.2.1]Pipe and Fitting MaterialsRestrict the use of DIP for force mains to aerial crossings and aboveground flanged pipe only.None24 3.2.1 [2.2.1]Pipe and Fitting MaterialsRevised delineation of ownership between private and public ownership to a plug valve instead of a check valveNone25 3.3 [2.3]Wastewater Pump StationsAugmented the sixth paragraph to reinforce an FDEP requirement to provide uninterrupted pumping capability to any pump station that receives flow from one or more upstream pump stations or discharges through a force main 12 inches or larger.None - Already required by FDEP rules.26 3.3 [2.3]Wastewater Pump StationsAdded the seventh paragraph to require conveyance of all new pump stations to the CCWSD, except for grinder pump stations, which must be approved by Deviation and must include a standard generator receptacle.Small projects will incur conveyance costs, but Deviation already req'd for GPS.3
Utilities Standard ManualTable of RevisionsRevisions as of 5/31/2018 ItemRevision SummaryFiscal Impact to Developer (Approx.)Sub-Section / Detail27 3.3 [2.3]Wastewater Pump StationsClarified that landscaping is allowed around wastewater pump stations but must be maintained by the developer.None28 012000Measurement and PaymentThis section of the USM was deleted in its entirety. The reason for this deletion was due to the fact that the section was not applicable to private industry (developer projects) and was not sufficiently detailed or flexible to be used on County/capital projects.None29 022200Preconstruction VideoRevised requirements to indicate DVD's instead of VHS's None30 022501 Leakage Tests Clarification on testing requirements for Force MainsNone31 025400 DisinfectionAdded language (3.3) exempting fire service pipelines less than 20 feet in length from installing a gap configuration.-$4,000 per occurrence (savings)32 034100Precast Concrete StructuresThis revision allows for additional options (polymer concrete) for industry to utilize instead of various approved coating systems.None33 099723 Concrete CoatingsThis revision updated the list of approved coating systems and manufacturers to meet current needs.None34 221336Standby Diesel PumpsThis specification was created to clarify what diesel pumps are required at wastewater pump stations.None (Diesel pumps were already required)35 263213.13Standby Diesel GeneratorsThis specification was created to clarify what generators are required at wastewater pump stations.None (Generators were already required)36 312316Excavation Earth and RockRemoved language regarding payment for rock removal. None37 323133Chain Link Fencing and GatesVarious revisions to make the specification consistent with Detail WW-7C NoneSection 2 - Technical Specifications4
Utilities Standard ManualTable of RevisionsRevisions as of 5/31/2018 ItemRevision SummaryFiscal Impact to Developer (Approx.)Sub-Section / Detail38 330502HDPE Pipe and FittingsRevision to "mechanical joining of pipe". Simple clarification / revision. None39 330503PVC Pipe and FittingsRevision to the requirement for ductile iron pipe beneath roadways, replaced with DR-14 PVCNone40 330504Ductile Iron Pipe and FittingsVarious revisions to the requirement of ductile iron pipe. These updates were the result of the County working directly with industry professionals in order to update the existing specification to meet current industry standards for ductile iron pipe.None41 330518Laying and Jointing of Buried PipeRemoved reference to bituminous coating on bolts and threads.-$20 per fitting (savings)42 330523.13Horizontal Directional DrillingRevisions to the requirements for tracer wire. Simple clarification / revision. None43 331200Water Valves and AppurtenancesThe proposed revision requires to use of stainless steel bolting on water valves in order to extend the useful services life of the valve.$250 per valve44 331619 HydrantsAn additional valve was added to hydrant leads crossing a roadway to facilitate maintenance and repairs. Private systems are exempt.$1250 per occurrence45 331619 HydrantsIncreased the maximum distance between the nearest valve and the hydrant from 5 feet to 20 feet. -$1250 per valve not req'd (savings)46 333200 Pump Stations Clarification on type of stainless steel to be used.None47 333200 Pump StationsRemoved requirement for mix flush system to be installed, revised to require a bolted cover for future system.-$1,500 per occurrence (savings)48 333313 Wastewater ValvesThe proposed revision requires to use of stainless steel bolting on wastewater valves in order to extend the useful services life of the valve.$250 per valve49 333913 Sewer ManholesThis revision allows for additional options (polymer concrete) for industry to utilize instead of various approved coating systems.NoneSection 3 - Utilities Detail Drawings5
Utilities Standard ManualTable of RevisionsRevisions as of 5/31/2018 ItemRevision SummaryFiscal Impact to Developer (Approx.)Sub-Section / Detail50 G-2Paved Area Trench Restoration DetailThis detail was revised to remove the notes regarding pavement repairs and instead reference the Collier County right-of-way handbook to ensure the two sources of information do not conflict. Clarifications of text and labels.None51 G-2AState Road, Major Road, and Numbered County Road Flowable Fill Road and Trench RestorationThis detail was revised to remove the notes regarding pavement repairs and instead reference the Collier County right-of-way handbook to ensure the two sources of information do not conflict. Clarifications of text and labels.None52 G-2BRoad and Trench Restoration for Local RoadsThis detail was revised to remove the notes regarding pavement repairs and instead reference the Collier County right-of-way handbook to ensure the two sources of information do not conflict. Clarifications of text and labels.None53 G-3Pipe Separation DetailRevised note 2 for consistency with 1.1 of the Design Criteria and Section 330518 3.2 P.2 of the Technical Specifications.None54 G-7Typical Valve Setting DetailAdded a PVC stub out in the concrete valve pad to accommodate for termination of tracer wires (normally used in directional drills).$500 per valve box (on HDD's only)55 G-8Typical Horizontal Directional Drill (HDD) Under a RoadwayRemoved the requirement to install casing pipes, clarified the graphical image to match the notes.>-$5,000 (savings) on most drills, depending on size56 G-9Typical Subaqueous Horizontal Directional Drill (HDD)Removed the requirement to install casing pipes, added a warning sign (shown on both side of the waterbody now), clarified the depth requirements for the water body crossing.>-$5,000 (savings) on most drills, depending on size6
Utilities Standard ManualTable of RevisionsRevisions as of 5/31/2018 ItemRevision SummaryFiscal Impact to Developer (Approx.)Sub-Section / Detail57 G-9ASubaqueous Water Main Valve DetailRemoved the concrete vault from the detail and replaced it with a water meter box for testing/sampling purposes.-$2500 (savings)58 G-11Vehicular Guard Post DetailAddition of a yellow plastic sleeve over the bollard for aesthetic purposes. $250 per bollard59 W-3 Fire Hydrant DetailMiscellaneous changes for more accurate depiction, to eliminate redundancy with detail G-7, and to specify a range for the height of the nozzle above finished grade.None60 W-3 Fire Hydrant DetailIncreased the maximum distance between the nearest valve and the hydrant from 5 feet to 20 feet. -$1250 per valve not req'd (savings)61 W-4Connection to Existing Water Main DetailAdded note 11, exempting fire service pipelines less than 20 feet in length from installing a gap configuration.-$4,000 per occurrence (savings)62 W-82-1/2" and Smaller Fire System Detector Check Assembly DetailDetail previously was for 3" and smaller assemblies, allowing for brass or ductile iron components. Detail was revised to apply to 2.5" and smaller assemblies, allowing only brass (ductile iron is not available in sizes smaller than 3"). Removed a wye strainer. Revised delineation of ownership location.-$250 per assembly (savings)63 W-113" and Larger Fire System Detector Check Assembly DetailRevised detail to apply to 3" and larger assemblies (previously 4" and larger). Removed an air release valve, removed a strainer, removed a gate valve, changed from 45 to 90 degree bends. Revised delineation of ownership location.-$1,500 per assembly (savings)64 W-12Typical Short and Long Side Water Service Meter Setting Detail This detail was modified to accommodate the new detail W-12A which was created to clarify meter sizing requirements. None65 W-12AService Connection Sizing Chart and NotesNewly created detail which clarifies meter sizing in relation to service connection piping. Revised landscape setback requirements from 1.5' to 3'.None7
Utilities Standard ManualTable of RevisionsRevisions as of 5/31/2018 ItemRevision SummaryFiscal Impact to Developer (Approx.)Sub-Section / Detail66 W-133" and Over Potable Water Meter Assembly DetailRevised the order of components on the above ground assembly (moved the air release valve after the gate valve), revised the graphical image to match the text (showing a full size bypass being installed).None67 W-144" and Over Potable-Water Fire and Domestic Meter Assembly DetailThis detail has been deleted and combined with detail W-13. None68 W-14AMaintenance Driveway for Water Meters 3" and LargerRemoved a non-applicable reference to a former detail. None69 NP-1Standard Irrigation Water Meter Non-Telemetry Meter Assembly 3" and LargerRevisions to the above ground meter assemblies including the removal of the back-pressure sustaining valve, relocation of the ARV after the gate valve, removed the motor operated butterfly valve, etc.-$6200 per assembly, depending on size (savings)70 NP-E2Standard Irrigation Water Meter Assembly 3" and Larger - TelemetryAdded a new pressure transmitter, moved the location of the air release valve, removed the backpressure sustaining valve, added a flow control valve, misc. electrical revisions.$2500 per assembly, depending on size71 WW-2Private Force Main Connection to County Force Main DetailClarification for delineation of ownership (at the terminus plug valve), added a second plug valve at the ROW/CUE line.$1,200 72 WW-3Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole DetailClarified the location of manholes to be in pavement "or equivalently stabilized surface"Potential savings in paving costs8
Utilities Standard ManualTable of RevisionsRevisions as of 5/31/2018 ItemRevision SummaryFiscal Impact to Developer (Approx.)Sub-Section / Detail73 WW-7Pump Station Detail - ProfileClarified the "Pump Off" float elevation and set a minimum submergence of 18 inches.≤ 7" add'l wetwell depth74 WW-7Pump Station Detail - ProfileChanged the drop pipe adjacent to the wetwell from ductile iron to HDPE, deleted the HDPE flange adapter on the bottom side of the corresponding tee, and removed the expansion fitting on the above ground pipe.-$500 (savings) per station75 WW-7Pump Station Detail - ProfileAdded volute opening with bolted cover for future installation of a mix-flush system.-$1,500 per occurrence (savings)76 WW-7Pump Station Detail - ProfileClarified the minimum requirements for size and shape of the footing. None77 WW-7CPump Station and Wastewater DetailsChanged the type of gate to be used at wastewater pump stations: switched from a roller style to a cantilever style gate to facilitate maintenance and access.$1,500 78 WW-7CPump Station and Wastewater DetailsAdded a note to the chain link fence and gate details requiring all components to be vinyl coated.None - Already required by Section 323113.79 WW-7CPump Station and Wastewater DetailsClarified that vinyl coatings may be green or black and that the color of the slats shall match.None80 WW-8 & -8APump Station Plan DetailsDepicted an acceptable site configuration with the wetwell centrally located, adequate access into the site, and accessible locations of equipment, valves, and appurtenances.None81 WW-8BCommunity Pump Station with Diesel Pump Detail – PlanThe bend on the suction side of the diesel pump was changed to a tee w/blind flange.9
Utilities Standard ManualTable of RevisionsRevisions as of 5/31/2018 ItemRevision SummaryFiscal Impact to Developer (Approx.)Sub-Section / Detail82 WW-8,-8A, & -8BPump Station Plan DetailsRevised key notes to require field location of the generator receptacle with Wastewater Collection staff, and revised the details to show the rack-mounted option.Nominal cost increase for add'l conduit & wiring vs. panel mount83 WW-8,-8A, & -8BPump Station Plan DetailsNoted that both the suction pipe/wetwell vent and the pump-out connection shall be field located with Wastewater Collection staff.Potential cost increase will vary by project.84 WW-8,-8A, & -8BPump Station Plan DetailsAdded a reference to detail WW-7C for the fence and gate details. None85 WW-8,-8A, & -8BPump Station Plan DetailsAdded a sentence to the site configuration note requiring orientation of the control panel to avoid an eastern or western exposure.None86 WW-8,-8A, & -8BPump Station Plan DetailsThe right-of-way lines and callouts were deleted.None87 WW-8,-8A, & -8BPump Station Plan DetailsEliminated the grass covered porous pavement option for the 12’ access drive. None88 WW-9Pump Station Control Panel DetailRevised detail to allow either rack-mounted or pedestal-mounted installation of the generator receptacle in a location approved by Wastewater Collection staff based on a review of field conditions.Varies by site. ($2,500 max.)89 WW-9Pump Station Control Panel DetailAdded note 9 requiring orientation of the control panel to avoid an eastern or western exposure.None90 WW-11Sewer Clean-Out Detail Paved AreasAn electronic marker ball was added to the detail to be consistent with outer clean-out installations. $100 per clean-out91 Appendix AUtilities Deviation FormAppendix A was updated to include the corrected contact information to submit requests, an option for grease trap deviations was added, and language was clarified.N/ASection 4 - Appendices10
Utilities Standard ManualTable of RevisionsRevisions as of 5/31/2018 ItemRevision SummaryFiscal Impact to Developer (Approx.)Sub-Section / Detail92 Appendix BWater Meter Sizing FormAppendix B was updated to match the utility ordinance with regards to meter sizing and also included a clarification regarding upsizing potable water meters to accommodate fire flow.N/A93 Appendix DUtilities Conveyance ChecklistAppendix D was updated to reflect the current conveyance process and remove items that are no longer required.N/A94 Appendix EVendor and Manufacturer Approval Application FormsAppendix E was updated to include the correct contact information for submittals. N/A95 Appendix FApproved Products ListAppendix F was revised to update the document and remove companies that are no longer in business, remove items that are no longer used by the Utilities Department, add additional products, correct errors, etc. N/A11
For the latest revisions to the Design Criteria, please visit:
http://www.colliergov.net/ppmd https://www.colliercountyfl.gov/your-
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This Manual has been established by action of the Board of County Commissioners and is
authorized by County Ordinance 2004-31, as amended.
This Utilities Standards Manual has been prepared to guide the design, construction, and asset
management of potable water, non-potable irrigation water and wastewater system extensions to
Collier County Public Utilities (COUNTY); the Manual applies to utilities in new developments in
the County, as well as County Projects involving utilities.
The following standards shall be included in the design and preparation of plans and
specifications for all utilities construction projects for Collier County, including utilities and services
connected to the COUNTY’s utilities systems or constructed for future transfer of ownership to
the COUNTY. These standards are provided for uniformity in utilities construction within Collier
County, and represent MINIMUM standards acceptable to the COUNTY.
Not all specification details may apply to an individual project; however, approval of
utilities construction within Collier County will require conformance to applicable
requirements of these specifications. Approval of any deviation from the specifications must
be obtained utilizing the appropriate form included in Appendix A, Utilities Deviation Forms.
1.1. Pipeline Separation Requirements
Potable water pipelines shall be separated from wastewater lines and /or stormwater lines by a
minimum clear vertical distance of 18 inches and a horizontal distance of 10 feet. The 18 inches
minimum vertical separation distance does not apply to separations of sewer laterals and potable
water pipeline installations. 57 stone shall be utilized for separation between wastewater lines
and stormwater lines if separation is less than 18 inches.
Non-potable irrigation water pipelines two inches and larger shall be separated from potable water
mains, wastewater lines and/or stormwater lines by a minimum clear vertical distance of 18 inches
and a horizontal distance of five feet as shown in the Utilities Detail Drawings.
Wastewater lines shall be separated from stormwater lines by a minimum clear vertical distance
of 18 inches and a horizontal distance of five feet. All pipeline crossings with vertical clearance
less than 18 inches shall be made using a full 20 foot length of thickness Class 200 AWWA C900
PVC pipe or , Class 235 AWWA C905 PVC pipe, or, if necessary, Pressure Class 250 ductile iron
pipe centered on the crossing. The sewer pipe in these locations shall be back-filled with bedding
stone or sand to a height six inches above the crown of the pipe.
Potable water, non-potable irrigation water, and wastewater pipelines shall be separated from
telephone, power, cable and gas sleeves/lines and any other underground utilities by a minimum
clear vertical distance of 18 inches and horizontal distance of five feet.
Page 2 of 22
Potable water, non-potable irrigation water, and wastewater lines shall be separated from raw
water mains by a clear vertical distance of 18 inches and a horizontal distance of 10 feet.
Stormwater lines shall be separated from raw water mains by a clear vertical distance of 18 inches
and a horizontal distance of five feet.
Wastewater lines shall be separated from public drinking water supply wells by a horizontal
distance of 100 feet. Wastewater lines shall be separated from private drinking water supply wells
by a horizontal distance of 75 feet.
Also see separation requirements in Section 020500, 1.3.F.
Potable Wwater Mmains, Nnon-Ppotable irrigation Wwater Mmains, and Wwastewater Fforce
mains shall have a minimum setback of five feet from the centerline of the pipe to residential
roadways, curb and gutters, permanent structures, fence posts, and walls, or plantings not
specifically allowed by ordinance. Also, potable water mains, non-potable irrigation water mains,
and wastewater force mains, shall have a minimum setback of 10 feet from the centerline of the
pipe to a building. Gravity sewers shall be setback from buildings a minimum distance equal to
the depth of the sewer or 10 feet, whichever is greater. No utility main subject to these design
criteria, and shall not be placed beneath any existing or proposed building or structure.
Additionally, Ppotable Wwater Mmains, Nnon-Ppotable irrigation Wwater Mmains, and
Wwastewater Fforce mains shall have a five footfive-foot minimum setback from the center line
of pipe to the edge of a right of way (ROW) or County utility easement (CUE), unless there is an
adjacent CUE. or public utility easement (PUE).
Plantings with invasive roots and plantings susceptible to tipping over in sustained winds
exceeding 45 mph should not be used within 7.5 feet of water, wastewater, and irrigation quality
water infrastructure, including service lines and laterals. Canopy trees, as generally defined by
the criteria in LDC 4.06.05 D.2, shall not be planted within this minimum setback distance unless
approved by Deviation. Deviation approval will be contingent upon evidence demonstrating that
the selected tree species has non-extensive roots and is either frangible or highly wind resistant.
Landscape plans submitted for subdivision or site development plan approval shall show all
existing and proposed underground utilities to facilitate review of the minimum 7.5-foot setback
requirement. During the final utility inspection, the County inspector shall verify that no canopy
trees have been planted within the minimum 7.5-foot setback distance of any water, wastewater,
or irrigation quality water main, service line, or lateral. Any violation shall be corrected prior to
passing the final utility inspection.
1.2. Horizontal Directional Drilling
When horizontal directional drilling is used for any capital improvement project, detailed
construction drawings shall be prepared by a Licensed Professional Engineer registered in the
State of Florida which, at a minimum, show the following information:
1. The proposed entry and exit point of the drill
2. The overall geometry of the drill include entry and exit angles, minimum and maximum
bending radii, and the horizontal and vertical path of the drill
3. The minimum and maximum depth of the drill
4. Minimum separation distances between adjacent pipes, structures, watercourses, etc.
5. The estimated pull back force required for the drill
Page 3 of 22
The design Engineer shall calculate the estimated pull back force required for the directional drill
and ensure that it does not exceed the maximum allowable safe pull back forces as defined by
the Plastic Pipe Institute’s (PPI) Handbook for Polyethylene Pipe, Chapter 12 – Horizontal
Directional Drilling.
Safe Pull Back Force, lbs.
Size Nom. OD DR 9 DR 11
4 4.800 8,217 6,876
6 6.900 16,980 14,208
8 9.050 29,210 24,442
10 11.100 43,942 36,770
12 13.200 62,141 51,998
14 15.300 83,486 69,859
16 17.400 107,977 90,353
18 19.500 135,613 113,478
20 21.600 166,395 139,235
24 25.800 237,395 198,647
30 32.000 365,201 305,592
36 38.300 N.A. 437,764
Source: Table 6, “PE4xxx 12 hour Pull DIPS Size”, Handbook for Polyethylene Pipe, Second
Edition, Plastic Pipe Institute
Page 4 of 22
All potable water, non-potable irrigation (including reclaimed or reuse) water and raw water pipe,
material, equipment and appurtenances shall be new, and shall conform to Section 2, Technical
Specifications and Section 3, Utilities Detail Drawings.
All material and equipment designed or used in connection with a potable (drinking) water system
shall conform to the requirements of the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) Standard 61,
“Drinking Water System Components – Health Effects” and the Reduction of Lead in Drinking
Water Act amending the Safe Drinking Water Act.
1.1 Pipe and Fitting Material
Potable water pipelines and fittings, except for service piping, shall be a minimum of six inches
(6”) in diameter, and have a minimum depth of thirty-inches (30”) and a maximum depth of forty-
eight inches (48”) below finished grade. Non-potable irrigation water pipelines and fittings, except
for service piping, shall be a minimum of four inches (4”) in diameter, and have a minimum depth
of thirty-inches (30”) and a maximum depth of forty-eight inches (48”) below finished grade.
2.1 Pipe and Fitting Material
All potable water or non-potable irrigation water pipelines shall be constructed of ductile iron,
HDPE, or PVC pipe, and shall utilize pipe meeting the requirements of the Technical
Specifications. HDPE shall not be used for pipelines with service connections.
All pipe and pipe fittings shall contain no lead pursuant to the Reduction in Lead in Drinking Water
Act. All pipe and pipe fittings installed shall be color coded or marked in accordance with F.A.C.
Potable water pipelines shall be blue in color. Raw water pipelines shall be white in color. Non-
potable irrigation, reclaimed, and reuse water pipelines shall be pantone purple in color.
All Ductile Iron, metal, and concrete buried water main pipelines shall have blue stripes applied
to the pipe wall. If tape or paint is used to stripe pipe during installation, the tape or paint shall be
applied in a continuous line that runs parallel to the axis of the pipe and that is located along the
top of the pipe.
All buried water pipelines and mains, except those installed by horizontal directional drilling or
jack-and-bore methods, shall be marked using metalized warning tape for HDPE and PVC pipe
and non-magnetic for ductile iron pipe. The locator tape shall be placed in the pipe trench two
feet (2’) below grade or one-half the pipe’s bury, whichever is less, and labeled “potable water” or
“non-potable water” as applicable. Horizontal directional drilling shall include installation of at
least two locating tone wires as described in the Technical Specifications.
All water main aerial crossings shall be Pressure Class 350 flanged ductile iron pipe and shall be
coated on the exterior using a suitable grade of appropriately colored, field applied (or factory
applied with field touch-up as required) epoxy coating. Potable water mains shall be painted
Federal Safety Blue. Raw water mains shall be painted white. Non-potable irrigation, reclaimed,
and reuse water mains shall be painted Pantone Purple 522C. Specific colors shall be subject to
approval of the County Manager or designee. All nuts and bolts used in aerial crossings shall be
Page 5 of 22
stainless steel. All canal, river, or creek crossings shall be aerial, unless otherwise approved by
the County Manager or designee. Aerial crossings shall be designed to incorporate valves or
other flow regulation devices in accordance with F.A.C. 62-555.320(21)(b). Aerial crossings shall
be designed to maintain existing or required navigational capabilities within the waterway and to
reserve riparian rights of adjacent property Owners. Submit aerial pipe and flange computations,
including support and anchor design, for review. The submittal must be signed and sealed by a
Florida registered Licensed Professional Engineer.
2.12.2 Design of Pipeline Size and Location Water Pipeline Sizing Criteria
All potable water mains to be maintained by the COUNTY shall be a minimum of six inches (6”)
in diameter. For dead end mains on short (300' or less) single family residential cul-de-sacs,
hydraulicHydraulic calculations shall show the capability of maintaining required fire flow
(according to NFPA 1) plus potable demand as required below.
Water systems shall be designed to maintain adequate flows and pressures and water quality
standards as established by Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), using the).
The following criteria shall be used to design water systems and analyze model chloramine
A. Minimum residual node pressure within a proposed project system shall be 20 psi
under peak hour with fire flow conditions, assuming a source pressure verified by
the results of a fire flow test not older than 6six months. The design source
pressure shall be calculated as follows: Pd = Ps - (Ps - Pr) (D / Q)1.85, where Pd is
the design source pressure (i.e. theoretical residual pressure for the design
demand), Ps is the static pressure from the fire flow test, Pr is the residual pressure
from the fire flow test, D is the design demand (i.e. peak hour demand plus required
fire flow), and Q is the flow rate from the fire flow test.
Designs shall assume a minimum COUNTY source pressure under peak hourly
flow conditions of 50 psi and a minimum COUNTY source pressure with fire flow
under maximum daypeak hour conditions of 40 psi, delivered from the closest
COUNTY transmissionsource main to the project. Minimum residual node
pressure within a proposed project system shall be 20 psi under peak hourly flow
and maximum day with fire flow conditions.
B. The design Engineer shall model the proposed system, including all dead ends,
for chlorinechloramine dissipation assumingand assume a chloramine residual of
2.0 ppmmg/l at the entrance point to the project.
The following criteria shall be used to analyze model chloramine dissipation unless otherwise
approved by the Public Utilities Water Director upon the submittal of specific case data:
C. When estimating potable water demands multiply the estimated wastewater flows
from Part 3 Wastewater Collection and Transmission Systems by 1.4.
D. The standard chloramine decay rate is - 0.012 ppm per hour. The analysis
assumes a static chlorine level of 2.0 ppm at the tapping point in front of a
Page 6 of 22
project. Using the decay rate and solving for the elapsed time from the initial
chlorinechloramine level to the minimum chlorinechloramine level residual of 0.6
ppm in the following: 0.6 ppm = 2.0 ppm x e^(-1=0.012 ppm x #hours) => time =
100.33 hours...
The Project Engineer shall submit an analysis letter to the Growth Management
DivisionDepartment as part of the review package, certifying that all points within the proposed
system shall maintain a minimum level of 0.6 mg/l chlorine/ppm chloramine residual under the
conditions listed above.
Systems unable to meet minimum design requirements or maintain minimum chlorinechloramine
residual levels shall not be eligible for ownership and maintenance by the COUNTY.
Water mains not designed to carry fire flows shall not have fire hydrants connected to them. Distribution System Layout
Potable and non-potable irrigation water pipelines and fittings, except for service piping, shall
have a minimum depth of 30 inches and a maximum depth of 48 inches below finished grade. .
Water distribution systems shall be designed so that all systems are located adjacent to, and are
accessible from, paved or unpaved roadways so as to allow access for short and long term
maintenance, repair, and/or replacement of such system. Water mains shall not be placed
beneath any existing or proposed building structure.
New potable water distribution systems shall be designed as “looped” systems to avoid dead
ends. A “looped” system should have two independent connections off the source main (unless
served by a master meter). If two independent connections aren’t possible, a stub out for future
development in a location agreed to by the County shall be provided in an easement or ROW to
the limits of the project. If changes in design during construction result in dead ends to any new
or relocated water mains, such dead ends shall be connected to the nearest water main. In cases
where no nearby water main is available for looping, a County approved automatic flushing device
(AFD) shall be provided at each dead end of a water main and, if applicable, . An AFD shall also
be provided near the mid-point of a looped water main unless the design engineer can provide
information to confirm that the minimum residual chlorine will be maintained based on the
predicted water consumption at the time of County acceptance of the water main. At no time shall
a dead end serve more than 149 residential units. For phased projects, temporary automatic
flushing devices can be relocated for future phases, if not conveyed to County. On dead end
water mains that do not have service connections, no automatic flushing devices are required.
Installation of the automatic flushing devices shall be designed so as to prevent erosion of nearby
areas as well as prevent silt and sediment transport.
All commercial facilities must be metered separately from residential facilities with the exception
of those commercial facilities that are within a master metered residential development and
designed for the exclusive use of the residents within such development. Master meters and
backflow assemblies shall be located within a County Utility Easement (CUE), which shall be
located outside of, but contiguous to, the road Right-Of-Way (ROW).
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Water mains shall have a minimum setback of seven feet and six inches (7’6”) from the centerline
of the pipe to residential roadways, curb and gutters, permanent structures, or planting not
specifically allowed by ordinance.
Water mains shall be designed parallel to accessible roadways and within the setbacks
established herein above. Deviations from these design parameters shall only be approved in
cases where such installations can be shown to be necessary in order to comply with minimum
chlorine residuals or other FDEP quality parameters, unless otherwise approved by the County
Manager or designee. In such cases, the water main shall be located within a separate tract of
land or CUE dedicated to the Water-Sewer District. Such tracts shall be delineated with fencing,
landscaping, signage, pavement, or other methods determined to be acceptable to the Water-
Sewer District. All such installations shall require approval from the Water-Sewer District. In
addition, an agreement shall be provided authorizing the COUNTY to traverse all private property
outside of the CUE for the purpose of access, maintenance, repair, and/or replacement of such
main. The agreement shall also hold the COUNTY harmless for any damage to the private
property resulting from the COUNTY’s maintenance, repair and/or replacement activities within
or outside of the CUE.
1.1.1 Pipeline Separation Criteria
Potable water pipelines shall be separated from wastewater lines and /or stormwater lines by a
minimum clear vertical distance of eighteen inches (18”) and a horizontal distance of ten feet (10’).
The eighteen inches (18”) minimum vertical separation distance does not apply to separations of
sewer laterals and potable water pipeline installations. 57 stone shall be utilized for separation
between wastewater lines and stormwater lines. Non-potable irrigation water pipelines 2” and
larger shall be separated from potable water mains, wastewater lines and/or stormwater lines by a
minimum clear vertical distance of eighteen inches (18”) and a horizontal distance of five feet (5’)
as shown in the Utilities Detail Drawings. Wastewater lines shall be separated from stormwater
lines by a minimum clear vertical distance of eighteen inches (18”) and a horizontal distance of
five feet (5’). All pipeline crossings with vertical clearance less than eighteen inches (18”) shall
be made using a full twenty foot (20’) length of thickness Class 200 AWWA C900 PVC pipe,
Class 235 AWWA C905 PVC pipe, or, if necessary, Pressure Class 250 ductile iron pipe centered
on the crossing. The sewer pipe in these locations shall be back-filled with bedding stone or sand
to a height six inches (6”) above the crown of the pipe. When this standard cannot be maintained,
the sewer line shall be concrete encased for a distance of ten feet (10’) each way from the water
line and any other conduit, with a minimum vertical clearance of twelve inches (12”) being
provided at all times. All pipelines shall be successfully pressure tested to 150 psi after the
concrete has properly cured.
Potable water, non-potable irrigation water, and wastewater pipelines shall be separated from
telephone, power, cable and gas sleeves/lines and any other underground utilities by a minimum
clear vertical distance of eighteen inches (18”) and horizontal distance of five feet (5’).
Potable water, non-potable irrigation water, and wastewater lines shall be separated from raw
water mains by a clear vertical distance of eighteen inches (18”) and a horizontal distance of ten
feet (10’). Stormwater lines shall be separated from raw water mains by a clear vertical distance
of eighteen inches (18”) and a horizontal distance of five feet (5’).
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Wastewater lines shall be separated from public drinking water supply wells by a horizontal
distance of one hundred feet (100’). Wastewater lines shall be separated from private drinking
water supply wells by a horizontal distance of seventy-five feet (75’). A County approved deviation
form will be required if the separation distance cannot be maintained.
Also see separation requirements in Section 020500, 1.3.F (separation distances from existing
County Utilities). In the event the required separation is not technically sensible, a Deviation
Request can be submitted to the COUNTY. Such request shall contain the minimum criteria
identified in F.A.C. 62-555.314(5); however, these criteria alone are not justification for COUNTY
approval of a Deviation Request.”
The encasement of potable water mains in concrete shall only be made after review and approval
by the County Manager or designee. Valve Locations
Valves shall be provided at all intersections and branches in sufficient numbers as to allow for
zone isolation of distribution areas in order to limit impacts of line breaks and service disruptions
to customers. In-line gate valves shall be provided in accordance with AWWA requirements and
at no greater than one thousand1,000 foot (1000’) intervals when no other valves exist within
internal distribution systems. All gate valves twenty20 inches (20”) and smaller shall be of the
resilient-seated wedge type, conforming to AWWA C509 or C515, or latest revisions thereof. All
gate valves or plug valves thirty30 inches (30”) or larger shall have a concrete slab placed under
the valve to help distribute the total weight of the valve and reduce line sagging. See Technical
Specifications 331200 2.3.A.2 . All valves shall be furnished with valve boxes extending to finished
grade as shown in the Utilities Detail Drawings (G-7).
2.22.3 Conflict Crossings
All storm sewer, non-potable irrigation water mains, and wastewater transmission system conflicts
with water systems or portion(s) thereof that must be crossed shall be performed using AWWA
C900 Class 200 or C905 Class 235 PVC with ductile iron fittings. All fittings shall be adequately
restrained using retainer glands, stainless steel rods, or see County Approved Product List,
Appendix F. Transitional fittings, when approved by the County Manager or designee, shall be
located as close to the point of conflict as possible. Air release assemblies shall be provided as
specified in Subsection 12.7 herein, below. Gradual deflection of the water line in lieu of using
fittings to clear the conflict shall not be permitted if cover exceeds five feet (5’).. A minimum
vertical clearance of eighteen18 inches (18”) shall be provided between the water main and
bottom of conflict. Wherever the eighteen-inch (18”) minimum vertical clearance cannot be
provided, a COUNTY approved deviation form will be required. (A deviation form will not be
required for separation of sewer laterals and potable water pipeline.) . Maximum depth of 48
inches below final grade is exempt when dipping under conflicts in which case the water main
shall be returned to normal depth within 10 feet on either side of the conflict or as soon as possible
using a fitting of 45 degrees or less. 1.3.1 Subaqueous Canal Crossings
Potable and non-potable subaqueous crossings shall be designed to a minimum depth of thirty-
six36 inches (36”) below the design or actual bottom, whichever is deeper, of a canal and other
dredged waterway or the natural bottom of streams, rivers, estuaries, bays, and other natural
Page 9 of 22
water bodies. If not practical to design the project with a minimum thirty-six36 inch (36”) cover,
alternative construction features must be installed to ensure adequate protection of the pipeline.
Wherever the thirty-six inch (36”) minimum vertical clearance cannot be provided, a COUNTY
approved deviation form will be required.
All subaqueous crossings must be introduced/discussed at a plan Pre-Submittal Conference. It is
important that representatives from the Water Department or Wastewater Department and GMD
be present for approval at the plan Pre-Submittal Conference.
A permanent easement is needed when there is no room available in the ROW.
When crossing watercourses, the following shall be provided:
A. a) The pipe shall be of special construction (HDPE), having welded (butt
fusion) watertight joints;
B. Valves shall be provided at both ends of the subaqueous crossing for isolation,
testing, or repair of the line. The valves shall be easily accessible and not subject
to flooding. The valve closest to the supply source shall be in a below grade vault
as per FDEP requirements and constructed to meet FDOT standards. All welding
shall be done above ground. Water, reclaimed water, and wastewater lines shall
have two (2) air release valves between the two valves;
C. Permanent taps shall be made on each side of the valve within the manhole to
allow insertion of a small meter to determine leakage and for sampling purposes.
The taps will allow for a ¾”three quarter inch meter to be attached;
D. The HPDE pipe shall be encased in HDPE DR11 casing;
E. Pressure test according to Section 022501;
F. Conform to HDPE Specifications, Section 330502.
Warning signs shall be placed along the banks of canals, streams, and rivers clearly identifying
the nature and location of subaqueous crossings. The signs shall state the type of pipeline and
the depth of pipeline below design or natural bottom of the water body. Warning sign shall be
aluminum and have minimum dimensions of four feet (4’) wide by two feet (2’) high with a
minimum of two inch (2”) lettering.
2.32.4 Fire Service Systems
All private fire service systems for sprinkler systems, wet standpipe systems, and privately-owned
or controlled distribution systems shall be installed with an appropriate back flow prevention
device with a leak detection meter. The backflow device shall be sized by the Developer’s
Engineer and shall be purchased, owned and maintained by the private service owner. The
COUNTY requires all privately-owned backflow devices to be certified at the time of installation
and on an annual basis by a Certified Backflow Tester (University of Florida, TREEO Center, or
equivalent certification program). The results shall be submitted to the County Manager or
designee. The County Manager or designee will require all privately owned metering devices to
be certified for accuracy at the time of installation. Fire meter devices using a three quarter to
Page 10 of 22
two inch (¾” to 2”) metering device shall be re-calibrated to manufacturer’s specifications every
five (5) years, replaced every ten (10) years, or replaced immediately upon meter failure. Fire
meter devices greater than two inches (2”) shall be re-calibrated to manufacturer’s specifications
every five (5) years and replaced immediately upon meter failure. The County Manager or
designee will inform the owner by mail prior to the due date. Private owner(s) shall submit
certification results to the County Manager or designee within sixty (60) days of the due date. Fire Service Meters for Residential Systems
Residential projects such as, but not limited to, single family, multi-family condominiums, trailer
parks, mobile home parks, etc. utilizing a master meter shall pass all fire flow through such meter.
The meter shall be sized to pass the domestic coincident draft plus rated fire flow at the AWWA
pressure loss specifications. Fire Service Meters for Commercial and Other Non-residential Systems
Commercial projects such as, but not limited to, shopping centers, malls, retail, and industrial
buildings shall pass all fire flow through a potable master meter or have a separate fire service
connection to the water distribution main. The Fire Service meter and isolation valves shall be
extended above final grade as shown in the Utilities Detail Drawings. For meter reading purposes,
metering devices shall lie within a County Utility Easement (CUE) that shall be dedicated
separately to the Board for the appropriate Water-Sewer District or in conjunction with the
easements for any on-site utility system(s).
The Owner shall purchase and install an approved backflow device with a leak detection meter at
no expense to the Water-Sewer District.
2.42.5 Connections to Collier County Facilities
Connections to existing COUNTY water mains shall be constructed as described in Section 2,
Technical Specifications and shown in Section 3, Utilities Detail Drawings. These details shall
apply to all connections to existing systems including, but not limited to, hot taps and extensions
from existing dead end systems. A section of pipe shall be inserted into the gap to connect the
new construction to the existing systems for the purpose of accomplishing line flushing.
Immediately upon completion of the flush, the connection shall be removed. A jumper shall be
installed (see detail W-4) until final connection is authorized by the County Manager or designee
and approved by the FDEP at the completion of construction and after satisfactory completion of
all test procedures and bacterial clearance of the new water system or portion(s) thereof.
Steam condensate, cooling water from engine jackets, or water used in conjunction with heat
exchangers shall not be returned to potable water mains.
2.52.6 Water Services Service Pipelines
All building lots and parcels of land within a development on the opposite side of the roadway
from a water main, or that do not have an accessible water main fronting the location of the
proposed meter location, shall be provided with a means for potable water service and non-
potable irrigation water service by the developer. Accessibility to these lands on the opposite side
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of a roadway shall be provided by the installation of water service conduits. Conduits shall be a
minimum of four- inch (4”) diameter PVC, with a minimum cover of twenty-four24 inches (24”)..
Such pipelines shall extend at least five feet (5’) past the edge -of -pavement, sidewalk, bike path
or any other improvementback of curb where provided and shall run from lot corners on one (1)
side of the street to a lot corner on the opposite side and shall be capped and marked with an
electronic marker (see County Approved Product List, Appendix F). Service pipelines shall be
polyethylene of a minimum of one-and-one-half inches (1 ½”) in diameter. Service pipelines under
pavement shall be in casings conduits in all scenarios for County owned services. Water Meters
Water meters shall be properly sized, based on the total calculated service demand for water,
according to the Collier County Water Meter Sizing Form (Appendix B). The properly sized water
meter shall be installed according to specifications and standards. Any deviation from the
determined meter size shall require an approved Deviation Request.
All water meters larger than two inches (2”) shall be installed above ground. These meters shall
be equipped with a backflow preventer and installed by the Contractor at his expense. The type
of backflow device utilized shall be on the Water Department’s list of Approved Backflow Devices
(Appendix G).
All large potable meters shall be purchased by the owner and installed by the Developer's
Contractor. The systems’ master meter assemblies shall be built in accordance with the current
design details shown in the Utilities Detail Drawings. Alternate designs may be permitted upon
submission of design details for review and approval. The location of all meters (potable and non-
potable) shall be clearly shown on the construction plans.
All potable water and/or non-potable irrigation water meters shall be equipped to accept the
COUNTY’s Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) units shown on the Utilities Detail Drawings. Two
inch (2”) and smaller meter units will be installed by the COUNTY. On meters three inches (3”)
and larger, contact the Water Distribution office to determine the necessary AMR equipment for
the meters. All meters shall be turned over to the technician performing the full bore flush prior to
the acceptance of the meter. The water supply to any cooling tower(s) shall be measured by a
separate, dedicated water meter. The water line from the dedicated water meter to the cooling
tower(s) shall be used exclusively for the cooling towers.
Temporary meters may be applied for by phoning the Water Distribution office between 7:30 a.m.
and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, under the conditions provided by the ordinance.
Temporary meters shall be installed for the purpose of supplying construction water to meet the
COUNTY requirement for new water line construction as listed below and require a minimum of
forty eight (48) hours advance notice. All backflow devices shall be reduced pressure type and
shall be certified as required by the ordinance, provided by the Contractor, and be of an approved
Temporary meters shall be installed as shown in the Utilities Detail Drawings.
2.62.7 1.7 Air Release Assemblies
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Air release assemblies shall be installed at all high points on transmissionall County owned mains
where air will not be released through service lines, and on both sides of conflict crossings (unless
it can be demonstrated by hydraulic analysis that air pockets will not accumulate at individual high
points). In cases where reversal of flow is not expected, the air release assembly shall be
provided at high points and on the upstream side of conflict crossings. A high point is defined by
the hydraulic gradient and is considered the upper end of any pipe segment that slopes up to the
hydraulic gradient or runs parallel to it. The design engineer shall review and apply the pertinent
provisions of AWWA-C512 and AWWA Manual of Water Supply Practices M51, “Air-Release, Air
Vacuum, and Combination Air Valves”. Air valves shall be suitable for use with potable water or
non-potable irrigation water. For all water or non-potable irrigation water mains fourteen14 inches
(14”) and smaller, see the County Approved Product List, Appendix F. For potable water or non-
potable irrigation water mains sixteen16 inches (16”) and greater, the design engineer shall be
responsible for air valve selection and sizing. An isolating valve shall be provided below the air
valve to allow removal of the valve assembly. All air release assemblies shall be installed as
shown in the Utilities Detail Drawings.
2.72.8 Concrete Collars
All gate valve boxes, air release assemblies, and permanent sample points outside paved
surfaces shall be provided with a concrete collar set to finish grade. Such collar(s) shall have a
minimum thickness of six inches (6”) and the outside dimension of the pad shall be as shown in
the Utilities Detail Drawings. Concrete shall have minimum compression strength of 3000 psi at
twenty-eight (28) days.
2.82.9 Testing and Clearance Procedures
All water systems or portion(s) thereof shall be subjected to pressure testing and disinfection
conforming to the AWWA Standards C600, C602, C605, and C606, or latest revision(s) thereof.
Under no circumstances shall any person other than an authorized COUNTY Water Department
employee operate valves, make service taps or otherwise tamper with COUNTY Distribution
system or portion(s) thereof. Failure to comply with these requirements will place such individual
in jeopardy of legal action by the COUNTY pursuant to US Code, COUNTY Ordinances and/or
Resolutions in effect at the time of the violation. Pigging
All lines larger than twelve12 inches (12”) in diameter shall be pigged with a new pig to clear
debris prior to flushing. Refer to specifications section 025400, 3.1. Flushing
Full-bore flushing shall be coordinated with COUNTY Water Distribution personnel and shall
require forty-eight (48) -hour notice to Water Distribution prior to performance. During flushing
the Contractor will be permitted to install a spool piece to close the gap as shown in the Utilities
Detail Drawings. Upon completion of such flushing, connection to the COUNTY’s systems or
portion(s) thereof shall be returned to the configuration shown in the Utilities Detail Drawings.
Refer to specifications section 025400, 3.1. Line Filling
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Lines under construction shall be filled utilizing water supplied by the temporary meter and such
filling shall be performed by the Contractor in accordance with required procedures including
those outlined herein below. Chlorination
Line chlorination shall be performed utilizing water supplied by the temporary meter for the
purpose of chlorinating newly constructed potable water lines. Such procedure shall be
performed by the Contractor, and shall require forty-eight (48) -hour notice to Water Distribution
prior to performance. Post-Chlorination Flushes
The Contractor using the temporary construction meter shall perform Post Chlorination Flushes.
All chlorine injected into the system for disinfection shall be flushed from the system at least
twenty-four (24) hours prior to collection of Bacteriological Samples.
The initial flush volume equal to the volume of water main being flushed shall be captured and
properly disposed of, such that no chlorinated water enters into a storm water system and/or is
discharged to the ground; all regulatory requirements for the protection of the environment shall
be met. Bacteriological Samples
Bacteriological sample collection shall be performed utilizing water supplied by the temporary
meter in order to supply pressure during sample collection of newly constructed potable water
lines. Such procedure shall require forty-eight (48) -hour notice to Water Distribution prior to
performance. These procedures shall be performed on Monday through Thursday, excluding
holidays, unless otherwise directed by the County Manager or designee.
2.92.10 1.10 Laboratory Testing and Sample Collection
All new potable and raw water systems shall be subject to bacteriological sample collection and
testing. Sample collection and laboratory analyses shall be performed by COUNTY certified
laboratory technicians only. The Contractor or his agent shall provide the equipment required in
Section 2, Technical Specifications, to supply a continuous sample at the points indicated on the
engineer’s construction drawings. Sample points having a one (1) day total of two hundred (200)
non-coliform bacteria or greater shall be considered as failed samples. Samples containing one
(1) coliform bacteria or greater shall be considered as a failed sample. All potable water piping
up to and including 8-inches in diameter shall pass bacteriological tests within sixty (60) days of
being placed in service. All potable water piping greater than 8-inches shall pass bacteriological
tests within forty-five (45) days of being placed in service.
Sample collection and sample laboratory analyses costs shall be borne by the developer. For
Utilities Capital Projects that are run by the COUNTY for the COUNTY, one set of tests (including
water costs) are provided by the COUNTY free of charge and the contractor shall pay for any
additional tests.
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All wastewater pipe, material, equipment and appurtenances shall be new, and shall conform to
Section 2, Technical Specifications and Section 3, Utilities Detail Drawings.
Wastewater systems shall be designed to maintain adequate flows and standards as established
by Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), using the equivalent residential
connection (ERC) value of 250 gallons per day per residential unit (broken down to 100 gallons
per day per person and 2.5 people per household) and F.A.C. 64E-6.008 for non-residential.
Peaking factors for wastewater systems shall be in accordance with Section 2.2.1 F.The peak
hour factor shall be determined using the equation:
(18+√population in thousands)
(4+√population in thousands)
Populations for non-residential units shall be derived using the estimated average daily flows
calculated using Table 1 in Rule 64E-6.008 of the Florida Administrative Code, divided by the
average daily flow per capita of 100 gallons.
All wastewater projects shall be designed to preclude the deliberate introduction of storm water,
surface water, groundwater, roof runoff, subsurface drainage, swimming pool drainage, air
conditioning system condensate water, non-contact cooling water, and sources of
uncontaminated wastewater as specified in F.A.C. Chapter 62-610 and comply with Ordinance
2012-13 “Collier County Industrial Pretreatment Ordinance.”
3.1 Gravity Sewer Systems
3.1.1 Pipe and Fitting Materials
Gravity sewer pipe and materials shall conform to Technical Specifications for polyvinyl chloride
(PVC) pipe and fittings. All pipelines shall be green in color.
3.1.2 Design of Pipeline Size, Depth and Location
All gravity sewer mains constructed shall be a minimum of eight inches (8”) in diameter. The
minimum depth of cover over all gravity sewers shall be thirty-six36 inches (36”).. All gravity
sewer designs shall consider buoyancy of sewers, and appropriate construction techniques to
prevent floatation of the pipe where high groundwater conditions are anticipated.
All gravity mains eight inches (8”) or larger are allowed to be core bored into existing manholes.
The manhole must be restored as per Section 333913. An inspector from the Wastewater
Collections Department must be present during manhole restoration.
Hydraulic Design Requirements - All gravity sewers shall be designed to give mean velocities,
when flowing full or half-full of not less than two feet (2’) per second, based on Manning’s formula.
When calculating full-flow velocity, use a Manning’s Roughness Coefficient of n=0.013. Design
wastewater system with uniform slope between manholes. The following are the minimum
allowable design slopes that may be provided for each pipe size listed:
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Minimum Slope in Feet per One Hundred Feet (ft/100’):
Sewer Size Slope (ft/100 ft) Sewer Size Slope (ft/100 ft)
8 inch 0.40 18 inch 0.12
10 inch 0.28 21 inch 0.10
12 inch 0.22 24 inch 0.08
15 inch 0.15
Special attention shall be given to gravity lines that receive flows from wastewater transmission
or re-pumping facilities. Due care shall be taken in these cases to ensure that no surcharge
conditions occur downstream due to excessive flow rates. Under no conditions shall pipe of a
diameter larger than that necessary for proper hydraulic design as determined by the COUNTY
Growth Management Division or Public Utilities Planning Engineering and Project Management
Department be permitted for use on any project.
Pipeline separation criteria and conflict crossings criteria shall conform to the requirements
described in Part 1, Sections 1.2.3 and 1.3.
All sewers shall be designed to prevent superimposed loads.
3.1.3 Gravity Sewer Main Extension Stubs
All main-line extension stubs to future developments and/or parcels shall terminate in a stub-out
if it is part of a phased project. The stub-out shall end with a bell or manhole. The manhole shall
not have manufactured plugs. The manhole will be cored for the future phase as needed. No
service connections shall be installed upstream of the end manhole on the bell end.
3.1.4 Gravity Sewer Laterals
Laterals shall be extended to the property line or easement limit for all installations.
Laterals shall be a minimum of six inches (6”) in diameter. Laterals shall have a maximum length
of 75 feet, shall have a minimum depth of thirty30 inches (30”) and a maximum depth of forty-
eight48 inches (48”) below finished grade. In locations where a minimum depth of thirty30 inches
(30”) cannot be provided, laterals shall be C900, DR 14 PVC pipe. At no time shall the depth of
a lateral be less than twenty-four24 inches (24”).. At no time shall a lateral be core bored into
manholes.No laterals shall connect directly to a manhole. Upon installation, all lateral ends shall
be plugged. A cleanout shall be provided at the end of each lateral prior to the end plug. and a
maximum of every 75 feet. Intermediate cleanouts shall be located along on the back side of the
curb or gutter (where available) concrete collar as shown in the Utilities Detail Drawings. Typical
lateral and cleanout standards are shown in the Utilities Detail Drawings. The cleanout riser and
cap shall be set twenty-four24 inches (24”) above finished grade. All COUNTY-owned sewer
lateral endscleanouts shall be provided with an electronic marker and concrete collar as shown
in Utilities Detail Drawings (see County Approved Product List, Appendix F). Electronic markers
shall be placed twenty-four24 inches (24”) below final grade at the cleanout, for COUNTY
inspector to see during final plumbing tie-in inspection. At no time shall the connection to the
lateral be made to the cleanout riser or any part of the vertical assembly. Either a single six inch
(6”) diameter or larger lateral to each property or a single six inch (6”) or larger lateral with a
double wye shall be provided.
Page 16 of 22
3.1.5 Manholes
Precast concrete manholes shall be installed at the end of each wastewater main, at all changes
in grade, size, or horizontal alignment, and at all main pipe intersections, shall be spaced at
distances not greater than four hundred400 feet (400’) and shall be placed in roads.pavement or
equivalently stabilized surface (or future pavement). For sanitary sewers with a diameter greater
than fifteen15 inches (15”),, the maximum distance between manholes is four hundred fifty450
feet (450’).. All gravity collection mains shall terminate in a precast concrete manhole.
Minimum inside diameter of all manholes shall be four feet (4’).. The angle between the inlet and
outlet pipe within manholes shall be no less than 90 degrees. A drop pipe shall be provided for a
sewer entering a manhole at an elevation of twenty-four24 inches (24”) or more above the
manhole invert. Drop manholes shall be constructed with an outside drop connection encased in
concrete, as shown in the Utilities Detail Drawings. See FDEP Wastewater Checklist Form 62-
604.300(8)(a), “Manholes” section, for further design requirements, as well as Specification
Section 333913 and the Detail Drawings.
3.2 2.2. Force Mains
3.2.1 Pipe and Fitting Materials
Force main pipelines and fittings shall be a minimum of four inches (4”) in diameter. All force
mains between four and fourteen inches (4”-14”) in diameter shall be constructed of PVC, HDPE,
or HDPEductile iron pipe and shall utilize pipe meeting the requirements of the Technical
Specifications. Force mains sixteen inches (16”) and larger in diameter shall be constructedThe
use of ductile iron, HDPE, or PVC pipe on force mains is restricted to aerial crossings and above
ground flanged pipe only. A check valveplug valve is required to delineate ownership between
County owned and privately owned force mains.
Deviations from the minimum four inch (4”) diameter pipeline design parameters shall only be
approved in cases where such installations are necessary in order to comply with minimum FDEP
velocity requirements. Whenever the minimum four inch (4”) diameter pipeline cannot be
provided, a COUNTY approved deviation form will be required. A check valve will be required to
delineate County owned and privately owned.
All HDPE and PVC buried pipelines shall be color-coded as described in the Technical
Specifications. Force main pipelines shall be green in color.
Buried force mains, except those installed by directional drill or jack-and-bore methods, shall be
marked using metalized warning tape for PVC pipe and non-magnetic for ductile iron pipe.. The
metalized warning tape shall be placed in the pipe trench at two feet (2’) below grade or one-half
the depth of the pipe’s bury, whichever is less, and labeled “WASTEWATER FORCE MAIN.”
Electronic markers (see County Approved Product List, Appendix F) shall be placed twenty-four
inches (24”) inches below final grade, above the force main, at all bends or changes in alignment,
valves, and every two hundred fifty250 feet (250’).. Horizontal directional drilling shall include
installation of at least two locating tone wires as described in the Technical Specifications.
All force main aerial crossings shall be Pressure Class 350 flanged ductile iron pipe and shall be
coated on the exterior using a suitable grade of Safety Green colored, field applied (or factory
applied with field touch-up as required) epoxy coating. Specific color shall be subject to approval
Page 17 of 22
of the County Manager or designee. All nuts and bolts used in aerial crossings shall be stainless
steel. All canal, river, or creek crossings shall be aerial, unless otherwise approved by the County
Manager or designee. Aerial crossings shall be designed to incorporate valves or other flow
regulation devices in accordance with F.A.C. 62-604.400(2)(k)5. Aerial crossings shall be
designed to maintain existing or required navigational capabilities within the waterway and to
reserve riparian rights of adjacent property Owners. Submit aerial pipe and flange computations,
including support and anchor design, for review. The submittal must be signed and sealed by a
Florida registered Licensed Professional Engineer.
3.2.2 Design of Pipeline Size and Location
Force mains shall be sized to provide a desired flushing velocity of two and one-half feet (2.5’)
per second with a minimum allowable velocity of two feet (2’) per second. The maximum
allowable velocity in wastewater force mains is six feet (6’) per second. The minimum size force
main conveyed to the CCWSD shall be four inches (4”) in diameter. Approved mechanical thrust
restraints are required at pipe joints where specified in the Utility Standards.
Minimum cover for force mains shall be thirty30 inches (30”).. Maximum cover shall be forty-
eight48 inches (48”) after final project grading is complete except when dipping under conflicts in
which case the force main shall be returned to normal depth within ten10 feet (10’) on either side
of the conflict or as soon as possible using a fitting of forty-five45 degrees (45°) or less. The
design engineer shall strive to minimize the number and frequency of dips (maintaining a
horizontal run line through intermittent grade changes, by deviation). An air release valve is
required at all dips. Engineers should evaluate possibilities of lowering storm drainage piping or
dipping potable water and IQ non-potable irrigation water main to avoid dips in the force main.
When force mains are interconnected with a gravity sewer system, for transmission purposes
through that system, interconnection shall be as shown in the Utility Standard Drawings. No force
main laterals shall be core bored into manholes.
Pipeline separation criteria and conflict crossings criteria shall conform to the requirements
described in Part 1, Sections 1.2.3 and 1.3. Force mains shall have a minimum setback of seven
feet and six inches (7’6”) from the centerline of the pipe to residential roadways, curb and gutters,
permanent structures, or plantings not specifically allowed by ordinance and shall not be placed
beneath any existing or proposed building structure.
3.2.3 Valves
All connections of privately-owned and maintained wastewater force mains to the Wastewater
Department’s force mains shall be connected through a check valve housed in a structure as
shown in the Utilities Detail Drawings which shall allow performance of required maintenance,
and shall be owned and maintained by the property owner.
Sufficient plug valves shall be provided to allow for zone isolation of wastewater transmission
areas in order to limit the impact of line breaks. In-line plug valves shall be provided at no greater
than one thousand1,000 foot (1,000’) intervals per COUNTY requirements.
3.2.4 Force Main Extension Stubs
Page 18 of 22
All main-line extension stubs to future developments and/or parcels shall terminate in a stub-out
if it is part of a phased project. The stub-out shall end with a valve and cap/plug.
3.2.5 Air Release Assemblies
Air release assemblies shall be provided at all high points and on the upstream side of conflict
crossings at which the force main passes under the conflict (unless it can be demonstrated by
hydraulic analysis that air pockets will not accumulate at individual high points). A high point is
defined by the hydraulic gradient and is considered the upper end of any pipe segment that slopes
up to the hydraulic gradient or runs parallel to it. Air valves (see County Approved Product List,
Appendix F) utilized on raw sewage facilities shall be designed and manufactured specifically for
use with domestic sewage. The design engineer shall review and apply the pertinent provisions
of AWWA-C512 and AWWA Manual of Water Supply Practices M51, “Air-Release, Air Vacuum,
and Combination Air Valves”. When installed, the air valve shall be provided with a shut-off valve
to allow isolation and removal of the valve assembly. All air release assemblies shall be installed
as shown in the Utilities Detail Drawings.
3.3 Wastewater Pump Stations
Wastewater pump stations shall be designed and constructed in accordance with FDEP
regulatory requirements, Section 2 Technical Specifications, National Electrical Code (NEC)
Requirements, and Section 3 Utilities Detail Drawings.
Pump Station wetwells shall be designed to withstand flotation forces with the assumption that
the structures are empty and ground/flood water elevation is at the top of the structures. The
design shall consider the potential for damage or interruption of operation due to flooding. Pump
station structures and electrical and mechanical equipment shall be designed to be protected from
physical damage by the 100-year flood event. Pump stations shall be designed to remain fully
operational and accessible during the 25-year flood event. Pump stations shall be designed to
avoid operational problems from the accumulation of grit.
Pump stations shall be designed to be readily accessible by maintenance vehicles, including
pumper trucks, during all weather conditions. Pump stations shall be designed and located on
the site to minimize adverse effects from odors, noise, and lighting. Pump stations shall be
located on the site to have a minimum separation of twenty20 feet (20’) from the edge of the CUE
for the pump station to edge of a body of water and fifteen15 feet (15’) from the edge of the CUE
for the pump station to a residential structure (including appurtenances).
The effective volume of wet wells shall be based on design average flows and a filling time not to
exceed 30 minutes unless the facility is designed to provide flow equalization. The pump
manufacturer’s duty cycle recommendations shall be utilized in selecting the minimum cycling
time. Pump stations requiring a pump motor of twenty horsepower or greater shall operate by a
VFD (variable frequency drive) that varies the operating speed of the pump based on wet well
water levels. Pump stations shall have a compacted earth berm on three sides with 3:1 slopes to
divert liquid toward the ROW. Top of berm shall be twelve12 inches (12”) wide and six inches
(6”) higher than back of curb (with curb) or edge of pavement (without curb). Minimum berm
height shall be six inches (6”)..
Page 19 of 22
When a pump station has a peak design flow coming into the station greater than 500 gpm,
contact Public Utilities Planning Engineering and Project Management Department for
A pump station that is connected directly to the County transmission force main from a
development (Community Pump Station) and any pump station that receives flow from one or
more upstream pump stations or discharges through a force main 12 inches or larger (see FAC
62-604.400 (2)(a)1) shall have uninterrupted pumping capability (standby diesel pump or
generator) with three days of fuel storage (compliant with Technical Specification 263213) and a
concrete pad for a future odor control system.
Except for grinder pump stations, which require Deviation approval, no new private pump stations
are allowed. Grinder pump stations are required to have a standard generator receptacle. All
other pump stations shall conform to these standards and shall be conveyed to the Collier County
Water-Sewer District in accordance with the utilities conveyance policies and procedures outlined
in the Collier County Utilities Standards and Procedures Ordinance (Ord. No. 2004-31 as
All pump stations shall have water available to them. Available water means a water main is
accessible in the adjacent ROW or CUE.
Landscaping may be is not required, per these standards, to be installed around developer
constructedwastewater pump stations that are intended to be conveyed to the Public Utilities
Division. Landscaping, if. If landscaping is provided, it shall be maintained by the developer,
homeowners association, or land owner and shall NOT be located in the CUE. Landscaping, if
provided, shall be located as to not block access or interfere with operations. If plant material
dies, it is the responsibility of the landscaping owner to replace it. The landscaping shall be
maintained to not block telemetry antenna line of site. All landscaping shall be in accordance with
the Land Development Code.
3.4 Connections to Collier County Facilities
Connections to existing COUNTY wastewater mains shall be constructed as described in the
Technical Specifications and shown in the Utilities Detail Drawings. These details shall apply to
all connections to existing systems.
All projects shall be designed with no physical connections between a public or private potable
water supply system and a sewer or force main and with no water mains passing through or
coming into contact with any part of a sewer manhole.
3.5 2.5 Tests and Inspections
Tests and inspections of all wastewater systems or portion(s) thereof shall be performed in
accordance with the Technical Specifications before acceptance of the systems or portions
thereof by Collier County.
Page 20 of 22
3.6 Wastewater Pump Station Asset Management
Asset management is required for proper use and maintenance of these wastewater facilities.
State of Florida DEP regulations state: “…systems shall be operated and maintained so as to
provide uninterrupted service…” To accomplish this obligation on privately owned wastewater
pump stations, the owner(s) of each such station shall:
A. Maintain a permanent fence with a sign mounted thereon, which sign shall include the
correct name and phone number(s) of at least one emergency contact individual and the
correct name(s) and phone number(s) of the station’s operator as well as the station’s
owner(s). The text on the sign must be immediately updated if and when any of the
information on the sign becomes outdated.
B. The station’s owner shall continuously retain (contract with) an operator qualified under
Florida laws, rule or regulation, for oOperations, pPreventive mMaintenance, and to
respond to each service interruption, if any, at that station.
The above requirements are mandated by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection
regulations: Florida Administrative Code, Subsection 62-604.500.400(2)(d).
Also refer to the Standard Details for additional information that applies to the above noted
signage requirements.
Page 21 of 22
4.1 Electrical and Control System Material
All electrical devices such as motor starters, breakers, and control centers shall be manufactured
to current NEMA standards. The construction of each device shall conform to the NEMA rating
for the environment of that device.
All programmable logic controllers (PLC) shall be manufactured by Allen-Bradley. The PLC model
for each specific application shall be coordinated with the Utilities Engineering Department.
Page 22 of 22
SECTION 012000
Section 012000
Section 022200
Page 1 of 1
SECTION 022200
A. The work specified in this section includes the requirements for pre-construction
audio-video recordings necessary to document existing conditions on public and
private property.
A. The Contractor shall provide color videos showing pre-construction site conditions
of all public and private property within the scope of construction. The videos shall
be 1.2-inch VHSon DVD and electronic format indicating on the beginning and front
of each cassetteDVD, the date, job title and location where the video was taken.
The videos shall be clear and shall thoroughly document all existing structures and
B. Two copies of the video cassettes (including the originalDVD and one electronic
copy (on a USB flash drive or other appropriate device) shall be delivered to the
County Manager or designee for review.
A. Construction on private property shall not commence until the County Manager or
designee has reviewed and approved the audio-video recording.
A. The Contractor may be required to restore private properties to conditions better
than existing, at no additional cost to the COUNTY, if the Contractor fails to
sufficiently document existing conditions.
Section 022501
SECTION 022501
A. Section Includes: Testing for any signs of leakage in all pipelines and structures
required to be watertight.
1. Test gravity sewers and drain lines by infiltration/exfiltration testing.
2. Test all other pipelines with water under the specified pressures.
B. Operation of Existing Facilities: Conduct all tests in a manner to minimize as
much as possible any interference with the day-to-day operations of existing
facilities or other contractors working on the site.
A. Written Notification of Testing: Provide written notice when the work is ready for
testing, and make the tests as soon thereafter as possible.
1. Personnel for reading meters, gauges, or other measuring devices, will be
2. Furnish all other labor, equipment, air, water and materials, including
meters, gauges, smoke producers, blower, pumps, compressors, fuel, water,
bulkheads and accessory equipment.
A. Codes and standards referred to in this Section are:
1. AWWA C 600 - Installation of Ductile-Iron Water Mains and Their
A. General: Provide all submittals, including the following, as specified in Division 1.
B. Testing Report: Prior to placing the sewer system in service submit for review and
approval a detailed report summarizing the leakage test data, describing the test
procedure and showing the calculations on which the leakage test data is based.
1. Reference Sewer Line Data
Section 022501
a. For Low Pressure Testing
(1) The length and diameter of the section of line tested (MH to MH),
including any laterals.
(2) A complete description of the test procedure, including:
(a) Trench backfilling and sewer cleaning status
(b) Type of plugs used and where
(c) Depth of sewer, and ground water pressure over sewer
(d) Stabilization time period and air pressure
(e) Actual air test pressures used if ground water is present
(f) The time allowed by specifications
(g) The actual test time
(h) The air pressure at beginning and end of test
(3) The name of the inspector/tester and the date(s) and time(s) of
all testing performed, including any retesting.
(4) A description of any repairs made.
Not Used
A. All new sewer and water pipelines installed shall be tested for leakage. The test
used will be Hydrostatic Testing for pressure lines and Infiltration/Exfiltration
Testing for gravity lines. Tests to be performed will be indicated by the
ENGINEER and witnessed by the ENGINEER and the County Manager or
1. Flushing
Section 022501
a. Full-bore flush all mains to remove all sand and other foreign matter.
Flushing shall be terminated at the direction of the ENGINEER.
Dispose of the flushing water without causing nuisance or property
damage. Full bore flushes on force mains shall only be required where
sufficiently sized water mains are present.
b. Install temporary flush out connections on all dead end water mains at
the locations shown on plans and in accordance with the Collier
County Standard Details.
2. Hydrostatic Testing for DIP and PVC Pipelines:
Perform hydrostatic testing of the system as set forth in the following, and
conduct said tests in the presence of the County Manager or designee and
other authorized agencies, with 48 hours advance notice provided.
Piping and appurtenances to be tested shall be within sections between
valves unless alternate methods have received prior approval from the
County Manager or designee. Testing shall not proceed until concrete
thrust blocks are in place and cured, or other restraining devices installed.
Thoroughly clean and flush all piping prior to testing to clear the lines of all
foreign matter. While the piping is being filled with water care shall be
exercised to permit the escape of air from extremities of the test section,
with additional release cocks provided if required.
Perform hydrostatic testing with a sustained minimum pressure of 150 psi
for a period of not less than two (2) hours. If sustained pressure goes 5 psi
above or below 150 psi during the first two (2) hours, the test fails (AWWA
regulation). After two (2) hours, use the AWWA formula if less than 5 psi to
determine whether test fails. Testing shall be in accordance with the
applicable provisions as set forth in the most recent edition of AWWA
Standards C600 for Ductile Iron Pipe and C605 for PVC Pipe. The
allowable rate of leakage shall be less than the number of gallons per hour
determined by the following formula:
L = SD (P)1/2
L = Allowable leakage in gallons per hour;
S = Length of pipe tested in feet;
D = Nominal diameter of pipe in inches;
P = Average test pressure maintained during the leakage
test in pounds per square inch
For 150 psi, L = (9.195 x 10-5) SD
Section 022501
The testing procedure shall include the continued application of the
specified pressure to the test system, for the one-hour period, by way of a
pump taking supply from a container suitable for measuring water loss.
The amount of loss shall be determined by measuring the volume displaced
for the said container.
Should the test fail, repair the fault and repeat the tes t until results are
within the established limits. Furnish the necessary labor, water, pumps,
and gauges at specified location(s) and all other items required to conduct
the required testing and perform necessary repairs.
General - All sanitary sewers and associated service lines shall be
constructed watertight to prevent infiltration and/or exfiltration.
3. Hydrostatic Testing for HDPE Pipelines:
Perform hydrostatic testing of all HDPE pipelines as set forth in the
following, and conduct said tests in the presence of the County Manager or
designee and other authorized agencies, with 48 hours advance notice
Provide all labor, equipment and material required for testing the pipeline
upon completion of installation, pipe laying and backfilling operations, and
placement of any required temporary roadway surfacing.
Disinfect all HDPE potable water mains prior to testing in accordance with
the requirements of Section 025400 – Disinfection.
Test pipelines at 150 psi.
Field test all HDPE pipelines for leakage in accordance with manufacturer’s
recommendations for the size and class of pipeline installed. Unless other
procedures recommended by the manufacturer are approved by the County
Manager or designee, pressure test the pipeline as follows:
a. Fill pipeline slowly with water. Maintain flow velocity less than two (2)
feet per second.
b. Expel air completely from the line during filling and again before
applying test pressure. Expel air by means of taps at points of highest
c. Apply initial test pressure and allow to stand without makeup pressure
for two (2) to three (3) hours, to allow for diametric expansion or pipe
stretching to stabilize.
Section 022501
d. After this equilibrium period, apply the specified test pressure and turn
the pump off. The final test pressure shall be held for not less than
two (2) hours.
e. Upon completion of the test, the pressure shall be bled off from the
location other than the point where the pressure is monitored. The
pressure drop shall be witnessed by the County Manager or designee
at the point where the pressure is being monitored.
Allowable amount of makeup water for expansion of the pipeline during the
pressure test shall conform to Table III, Test Phase Make-up Amount,
contained in the manual “Inspections, Test and Saf ety Considerations”
published by the Plastics Pipe Institute, Inc.
If any test of pipeline installed exceeds the amount of makeup water as
allowed above, locate and repair the cause of leakage and retest the
pipeline, without additional cost to the COUNTY. Repair all visible leaks
regardless of the amount of leakage.
4. Force Main Pressure Testing: All force mains shall be subject to pressure
testing at 150 PSI. the following standards:
System Operating Pressure Test pressure Duration
50 PSI or less 100 PSI 2 hours
Greater than 50 PSI 150 PSI or 2 2 hours
times the
whichever is
Allowable leakage on force mains shall be computed utilizing the standards
for water loss in conformance with AWWA C600, the latest r evision thereof.
5. Infiltration/Exfiltration Testing for Gravity Lines
The allowable limits of infiltration or exfiltration for the entire system, or any
portion thereof, shall not exceed a rate of 50 gallons per inch of inside pipe
diameter per mile of pipe per 24 hours. No additional allowance shall be
made for house service lines. Any part of or all of the system shall be tested
for infiltration or exfiltration, as directed by the ENGINEER or as required by
the County Manager or designee. The procedures and limitations for
conducting infiltration/exfiltration tests shall be established at the pre-
construction conference on a project-by-project basis. Air testing of gravity
sewer mains may be required. All testing shall be run continuously for 24
hours, unless the County Inspector can visually verify that this test duration
is not required due to the observed infiltration/exfiltration rate. The amounts
of infiltration or exfiltration shall be determined by pumping water into or out
Section 022501
of calibrated drums, or by other methods approved by the Public Utilities
Division, such as in-line V-notch weirs. Where infiltration or exfiltration
exceeds the allowable limits specified herein, locate and repair the defective
pipe, joints or other faulty construction at no additional cost to the COUNTY.
If the defective portions cannot be located, remove and reconstruct as much
of the work as is necessary in order to conform to the specified allowable
limits. All visible leaks shall be repaired regardless of the amount of
leakage. Provide all labor, equipment and materials required and conduct all
testing required under the direction of the ENGINEER.
a. Infiltration: Prior to testing for infiltration, the system shall be pumped
out so that normal infiltration conditions exist at the time of testing.
The cumulative results of the entire collection system results shall not
be a satisfactory method for gauging infiltration compliance. Each
sewer section between manholes must permit infiltration no greater
than the maximum allowable, as specified above.
b. Exfiltration: The exfiltration test, when required due to groundwater
levels, will be conducted by filling the portion of the system being
tested with water to a level 2 feet above the uppermost manhole invert
in the section being tested. The cumulative results of the entire
collection system results shall not be a satisfactory method for gauging
exfiltration compliance. Each sewer section between manholes must
permit exfiltration no greater than the maximum allowable, as specified
6. Low Pressure Air Testing
Contractor shall conduct air testing in accordance with ASTM specifications:
a. ASTM C-828 – for clay pipes.
b. ASTM C-924 – for concrete pipes.
c. ASTM F-1417 – for plastic pipes.
When low pressure air testing of gravity sewer mains is specifically required,
all testing shall be run continuously for 24 hours, unless the County
Inspector can visually verify that this test duration is not required due to the
observed infiltration/exfiltration rate.
When air testing is specifically required, after completing backfill of a section
of gravity sewer line, conduct a Line Acceptance Test using low pressure air.
The test shall be performed using the below stated equipment, according to
state procedures and under the supervision of the ENGINEER and in the
presence of the County Manager or designee, with 48 hours advanced
Section 022501
d. Equipment:
(1) Pneumatic plugs shall have a sealing length equal to or greater
than the diameter of the pipe to be inspected.
(2) Pneumatic plugs shall resist internal bracing or blocking.
(3) All air used shall pass through a single control panel.
(4) Three individual hoses shall be used for the following
(a) From control panel to pneumatic plugs for inflation.
(b) From control panel to sealed line for introducing the low-
pressure air.
(c) From sealed line to control panel for continually monitoring
the air pressure rise in the sealed line.
e. Procedure:
All pneumatic plugs shall be seal tested before being used in the
actual test installation. One length of pipe shall be laid on the ground
and sealed at both ends with the pneumatic plugs to be checked. Air
shall be introduced into the plugs to 25 psi. The sealed pipe shall be
pressurized to 5 psi. The plugs shall hold against this pressure
without bracing and without movement of the plugs out of the pipe.
After a manhole-to-manhole reach of pipe has been backfilled and
cleaned and the pneumatic plugs are checked by the above
procedure, the plugs shall be placed in the line at each manhole and
inflated to 25 psi. Low-pressure air shall be introduced into this
sealed line until the internal air pressure reaches 4 psi greater than
the average back pressure of any ground water that may be over the
pipe. At least two (2) minutes shall be allowed for the air pressure to
stabilize. After the stabilization period (3.5 psi minimum pressure in
the pipe), the air hose from the control panel to the air supply shall be
disconnected. The portion of the line being tested shall be termed
“Acceptable”, if the time required in minutes for the pressure to
decrease from 3.5 to 2.5 psi (greater than the average back pressure
of any ground water that may be over the pipe) is greater than the
time shown for the given diameters in the following table:
Section 022501
Pipe Diameter
In Inches Minutes
8 4.0
10 5.0
12 5.5
16 7.5
18 8.5
24 11.5
Time in Minutes = 0.472 D
D = Diameter of pipe in inches
In areas where ground water is known to exist, install capped pipe
adjacent to the top of the sewer lines. This shall be done at the time
of the sewer line is installed. Immediately prior to the performance of
the Line Acceptance Test, the ground water shall be determined by
removing the pipe cap, and a measurement of the height in feet of
water over the invert of the pipe shall be taken. The height in feet
shall be divided by 2.3 to establish the pounds of pressure that will be
added to all readings. (For example, if the height of water is 11-1/2
feet, then the added pressure will be 5 psi. This increases the 3.5 psi
to 8.5 psi, and the 2.5 psi to 7.5 psi. The allowable drop of one pound
and the timing remain the same).
If the installation fails to meet this requirement, determine the source of the
leakage and repair or replace all defective materials and/or workmanship, all at no
additional cost to the COUNTY.
B. DEP approval is required to use reclaimed (IQ) water for flushing and pressure
testing of irrigation mains and potable water mains. The requirements for
submitting a request to DEP are available from the County PUED.
A. Structure Leakage Testing: Perform leakage tests of manholes, wet wells, tanks,
vaults and similar purpose structures before backfilling, by filling the structure with
water to the overflow water level and observing the water surface level for the
following 24 hours.
1. Make an inspection for leakage of the exterior surface of the structure,
especially in areas around construction joints.
2. If visible leaks appear, repair the structure by removing and replacing the
leaking portions of the structure, waterproofing the inside, or by other
methods approved.
Section 022501
3. Water for testing will be provided by the COUNTY at the CONTRACTOR’s
Section 022501
Section 025400
SECTION 025400
A. Section Includes: Disinfection of all pipelines, tanks, structures, conduits and
equipment that are to store, handle or carry potable water. Furnish all labor,
water, chemicals and equipment, including taps, corporation stops, temporary
pumps and other items necessary to perform the Work, except as otherwise
A. Codes and standards referred to in this Section are:
1. AWWA C651 - Disinfecting Water Mains
2. AWWA C652 - Disinfection of Water-Storage Facilities
A. Disinfection Standards: Disinfect in accordance with AWWA C651 for water
mains and AWWA C652 for water storage facilities and equipment.
B. Chlorinated Water Disposal: Dispose of old highly chlorinated water in
accordance with applicable regulations.
Not Used
A. After coordination with the COUNTY Water Distribution Section, perform all
flushes, pigging or swabbing, disinfection and post flushes in the presence of
Water department personnel. Fill all water lines with potable water, pig or swab
and perform a line flushing. All lines larger than 12 inches in diameter shall be
pigged to clear debris prior to flushing. Use a swab-type pig for HDPE pipe. Use a
5- to 7-lb. density poly-jacketed bullet style pig for all other pipe material. Under
no circumstances is a pig or swab considered reusable. A section of pipe shall be
Section 025400
inserted in the gap specified in the jumper shown in the Standard Details to
connect the new construction to the existing facilities for the purpose of
accomplishing the full-bore flush. Immediately after completion of the flush,
remove the connection. The facilities shall be capped and returned to the jumper
connection shown in the Standard Details until final connection is permitted by
County Manager or designee at the completion of construction and after
finalization of all test procedures and bacterial clearance for new water facilities.
A. Following acceptable pressure testing, disinfect all sections of the water
distribution system and receive approval thereof from the appropriate agencies,
prior to placing in service. Provide advance notice of 48 hours to the County
Manager or designee before disinfecting procedures start. The disinfection shall
be accomplished in accordance with the applicable provisions of AWWA Standard
C651, "Disinfecting Water Mains" and all appropriate approval agencies.
B. The disinfecting agent shall be free chlorine in aqueous solution with sustained
concentration for 48 hours of not less than 50 parts per million. After 48 hours, if
chlorine solution contains at least 25 parts per million of chlorine, the line may
then be flushed and samples taken at various points. Chlorine may be derived
from Chlorine gas, or 70% (high test) calcium hypochlorite (HTH or Perchloron, or
equal). Administration may be by any of the several methods described in AWWA
Standard C651 as proposed by the CONTRACTOR and approved by the
ENGINEER. Proposals as to method must be made prior to commencement of
the disinfection process.
C. Following contact with chlorine solution, the system shall be thoroughly flushed
out. Schedule water sampling in coordination with the COUNTY Water
Distribution Section. The COUNTY Water Department will obtain all water
samples for analysis.
D. If samples do not demonstrate satisfactory results, the line shall be flushed and a
resample taken. If the samples fail on the second attempt, redisinfection per
AWWA standards must be repeated until two satisfactory samples are obtained.
The period between samples must be a minimum of 24 hours.
E. After approval of the samples, and before placing the system in service, perform
another flushing of the water lines to remove any stagnant water.
A. In configurations where 20 feet or less of new pipe is installed between the
existing COUNTY water main and the permanent above ground fire assembly,
the temporary gap configuration assembly may be omitted if the following
requirements are met:
Section 025400
1. The full interior of all new pipe between the existing COUNTY water
main and the permanent above ground fire assembly shall be swabbed
and disinfected using a chlorine solution with a concentration of not less
than 200 parts per million.
2. The pipe must be flushed and bacteriological samples must be collected
in accordance with this specification.
3. The tapping valve on the COUNTY water main shall remain closed until
bacteriological clearance is achieved.
A. Disinfect potable water storage tanks and equipment in accordance with
AWWA C652, Method 2 or 3, using sodium hypochlorite.
1. In Method 2, spray method, spray the entire interior surface of the tank with
chlorinated water containing 200 mg/l of available chlorine. After spraying,
allow the tank to stand at least two hours before filling with fresh water.
B. After disinfection, allow the tanks and equipment to overflow until the chlorine
residual is approximately 2 mg/l.
A. For the purpose of new water main construction, bacterial sampling points shall be
positioned at the beginning of each new system, at 1000-foot intervals and all
dead ends unless otherwise directed. These sampling points will be utilized by
Utilities personnel for water main bacterial clearance procedures. At the
completion of the project, when authorization is given by the County Manager or
designee, permanent sampling points shall remain every 3000 feet or one at 2/3 of
the length from the point of connection to the COUNTY system if the line is less
than 3000 feet long. All others shall be removed down to the main and properly
capped by the CONTRACTOR. The permanent sampling points shall be
constructed as shown in the Utility Detail Drawings. Collier County staff wi ll review
the permanent sampling point locations during final plans review.
Section 025400
Section 034100
SECTION 034100
A. Furnish all materials, labor, and equipment and construct manholes, wet wells,
valve pits, meter pits, and accessory items, consisting of precast sections as
shown on the Drawings and as specified herein.
B. The forms, dimensions, concrete, and construction methods shall be approved by
the ENGINEER in advance of construction.
C. These specifications are intended to give a general description of what is required,
but do not purport to cover all of the structural design details which will vary in
accordance with the requirements of the equipment as offered. It is, however,
intended to cover the furnishing, shop testing, delivery, and complete installation
of all precast structures whether specifically mentioned in these specifications or
D. The supplier of the precast manholes, wet wells, valve pits, meter pits, and
accessory items shall coordinate his work with that of the CONTRACTOR to the
end that the unit will be delivered and installed in the excavation provided by the
CONTRACTOR, in accordance with the CONTRACTOR's construction schedule.
E. Coordinate the precast structures fabrication with the equipment supplied to
achieve the proper structural top slab openings, spacings, and related dimensions
for the selected equipment frames and covers. The top slabs, frames, covers, and
subsurface structures shall be capable of supporting a live load of 150 pounds per
square foot.
A. Submit to the ENGINEER, as provided in the General Conditions, shop drawings
showing details of construction, reinforcing and joints.
B. Shop Drawings
1. Content
a. Dimensions and finishes
b. Estimated camber
Section 034100
c. Reinforcing and connection details
d. Anchors
e. Lifting and erection inserts
f. Other items cast into members
2. Show location of unit by same identification mark placed on member.
3. Include design calculations.
C. Manufacturer's Literature: Manufacturer's recommended installation instructions.
D. Manufacturer's certificates of material conformance with specifications.
E. Test Reports: Reports of tests on concrete.
F. Testing
1. Manholes and Valve Vaults: Four (4) concrete test cylinders shall be taken
for every 50 cubic yards (cu. yds) for each type of precast structure.
2. Pump Stations: Four (4) concrete test cylinders shall be taken for each
pump station wet well. Four (4) concrete test cylinders shall be taken for
each pump station's top and bottom slabs.
3. Certification: The supplier shall provide the certified results of testing (7 day,
28 day) for the test cylinders stated herein. Random test cylinders may be
taken at any time by the ENGINEER at the COUNTY's expense.
A. The quality of all materials, the process of manufacture, and the finished sections
shall be subject to inspection and approval by the ENGINEER, or the County
Manager or designee. Such inspection may be made at the place of manufacture,
or at the site after delivery, or at both places, and the sections shall be subject to
rejection at any time on account of failure to meet any of the Specification
requirements; even though sample sections may have been accepted as
satisfactory at the place of manufacture. Sections rejected after delivery to the job
shall be marked for identification and shall be removed from the job at once. All
sections which have been damaged after delivery will be rejected, and if already
installed, shall be repaired, if permitted and accepted by ENGINEER, or removed
and replaced, entirely at the CONTRACTOR's expense.
B. At the time of inspection, the sections will be carefully examined for compliance
with ASTM C478 designation and these Specifications, and with the approved
Section 034100
manufacturer's drawings. All sections shall be inspected for general appearance,
dimension, "scratch-strength", blisters, cracks, roughness, soundness, etc. The
surface shall be dense and close-textured.
C. Imperfections may be repaired, subject to the approval of the ENGINEER, after
demonstration by the manufacturer that strong and permanent repairs result.
Repairs shall be carefully inspected before final approval. Cement mortar used for
repairs shall have a minimum compressive strength of 4,000 psi at the end of 7
days and 5,000 psi at the end of 28 days, Epoxy mortar may be utilized for repairs
subject to the approval of the ENGINEER.
A. Precast submersible pump station wet wells shall consist of precast base, precast
wet well sections, and top cover slab. Precast valve vaults shall consist of precast
base, sidewalls and top slab. Concrete shall be air entrained at the time of
delivery and shall have a minimum compressive strength of 4,000 psi at the end of
28 days.
B. Joints between precast concrete sections shall be set by plastic shims and fitted
with non-metallic non-shrink grout as shown on the drawings.
C. The top slab sections shall be fitted with watertight hatches. The frames and
covers will be sized for the openings shown on the drawings.
D. The various precast sections should have the inside dimensions and minimum
thickness of concrete as indicated on the drawings. All precast and cast-in-place
concrete members shall conform to the Building Code Requirements for
Reinforced Concrete ACI 318.
E. A vent pipe shall be furnished and installed as shown on the drawings.
F. Fillets shall be provided and installed in the wet wells as shown on the drawings.
G. Precast structures shall be constructed to the dimensions as shown on the
drawings and as specified in these Specifications.
H. Type II cement shall be used except as otherwise approved.
I. The date of manufacture and the name or trademark of the manufacturer shall be
clearly marked on the inside of each precast section.
J. Sections shall be cured by an approved method and shall not be shipped until the
minimum 7-day compressive strength has been attained.
Section 034100
K. Each pre-cast section manufactured in accordance with the drawings shall be
clearly marked to indicate the intended pump station installation location. The
CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the installation of the correct pre-cast
sections in their designated pump station locations.
L. Paint all exterior surfaces with two coats of coal tar bitumastic, each coat to be 9
mils each. All interior surfaces of valve vaults shall be coated with two coats of
coal tar epoxy (9 mils each).
A. Wet wells shall meet the requirements of ASTM C478, Specification for Precast
Reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections, with the exclusion of Section 10(a),
except as modified herein. Cement shall meet the requirements of ASTM
C150-74, Specification for Portland Cement, Type II. Concrete shall meet the
minimum requirement for 4000 psi concrete. Minimum wall thickness shall be 8
inches or 1/8 the inside manhole diameter as shown, whichever is greater. The
required minimum strength of concrete shall be confirmed by making and testing
three standard cylinders at seven days. Rings shall be custom made with
openings to meet indicated pipe alignment conditions and invert elevations.
Submit shop drawings, consisting of manufacturers' standard details of various
sections for approval prior to placing order for wet wells. Drawings of individual
wet wells showing invert elevations, pipe sizes and similar details will not be
B. Joints
Form joint contact surfaces with machined castings. Surfaces s hall be exactly
parallel with nominal 1/16 inch clearing and the tongue equipped with a proper
recess for the installation of an O-ring rubber gasket. Gaskets shall meet the
requirements of Specification for Joint for Circular Concrete Sewer and Culvert
Pipe, Using Rubber Gaskets. "RAM-NEK" sealing compound conforming to
Federal Specification SSS-00210 (GSA-FSS), Sealing Compound, Preformed
Plastic, for Expansion Joints and Pipe Joints may be used in lieu of O-ring rubber
gaskets. If joints are sealed with "RAM-NEK" sealing compound the recess in the
tongue for an O-ring gasket may be omitted.
C. Wet Well Liners and Coatings
Coat or line (see internal protection on County Approved Product List, Appendix
F) the interior of all wet wells.
Furnish, install, test and inspect liners and coating in accordance with
manufacturer’s recommendations, and in accordance with Section 099723
“Concrete Coatings”. Extend coating and liner and seal onto wet well hatch frame,
around pipe openings and other protrusions to prevent contact of wet well surface
Section 034100
with corrosive sewer gases. Provide factory or field applied bituminous or epoxy
sealer exterior coatings. If exterior coating is factory applied, CONTRACTOR
shall provide field touch-up as required.
As an alternative to the concrete coatings and linings described above, steel
reinforced polymer concrete structures may be furnished and installed for pump
station wet wells. All steel reinforced polymer concrete structures shall be supplied
by a qualified company with a minimum of 5 years’ experience manufacturing
polymer concrete. All steel reinforced polymer concrete structures shall be
manufactured and installed in accordance with the applicable requirements of
ASTM C76, C478, C443, D6783, C33, C267, A82, A165, A496, A497, A615,
and A615M.
A. Where pipes are to extend into or through structures from the exterior, provide
flexible connections (mechanical or push-on type joints) at the exterior wall face.
B. For pipes passing through structural walls, install wall pipes with water stops
where the location is below the surface of the ground or at any point where fluid
levels will exceed that elevation. Neoprene sleeves with watertight caulking and
316 Series SS stainless steel clamps will be suitable at other locations.
C. All of the following conditions apply to any proposed pipe penetration into an
existing sanitary manhole:
1. The opening for the penetration must be core bored and fitted with a
neoprene sleeve as specified above.
2. The core boring or penetration shall not affect a structural joint, and the
boring edge must be no closer than six inches to an existing structural joint.
3. The proposed piping within the manhole must comply with all other
provisions of these Utilities Standards.
4. Connections requiring drop pipes shall be constructed in accordance with
these Utilities Standards and shall require two penetrations.
5. The existing manhole flume or invert must be modified as required to accept
the discharge from the proposed pipe.
6. The interior lining of the existing structure including flume or invert shall be
repaired by an approved applicator for the lining system.
Section 034100
7. Any damage to the exterior coating of the existing structure shall be repaired
with two coats of coal tar epoxy (9 mils each) in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations.
A. Control ground water to provide firm, dry subgrade for the structure, and prevent
water rising on new poured in place concrete or grouted joint sections within 24
hours after placing. Guard against flotation or other damage resulting from ground
water or flooding.
B. Place a 12-inch layer (minimum thickness) of crushed stone or shell as specified
under Section 312323 as a foundation for the wet well base slabs, valve pits, and
meter pits.
C. Provide backfill material around the wet well and above the pipe bedding as
specified in Section 312323.
D. Precast bases, conforming to all requirements of ASTM C478 and above listed
requirements for precast sections, may be used. Set the base in place on a
thoroughly compacted crushed stone sub-base and adjust grade for the correct
structure elevation.
E. Do not set the station into the excavation until the installation procedure and
excavation have been approved by the County Manager or designee.
F. The base may be cast-in-place concrete as specified in Division 3, placed on a
thoroughly compacted crushed stone sub-base. Shape the tops of the
cast-in-place bases to mate with the precast barrel section, and adjust in grade so
that the top slab section is at the approximately correct elevation.
G. Set the precast concrete structure sections so as to be vertical and with sections
in true alignment with a 3 inch maximum tolerance to be allowed. Fill the outside
and inside joint with a non-shrink grout and finish flush with the adjoining surfaces.
Allow joints to set for 24 hours before backfilling. Backfill in a careful manner,
bringing the fill up evenly on all sides. If leaks appear in the structures, caulk th e
inside joints with lead wool to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER. Install the
precast sections in a manner that will result in a watertight joint.
H. Plug holes in the concrete sections required for handling or other purposes with a
non-shrinking grout or by grout in combination with concrete plugs.
Section 034100
I. Where holes must be cut in the precast sections to accommodate pipes, cutting
shall be done by core drilling prior to setting them in place to prevent any
subsequent jarring which may loosen the mortar joints.
Section 099723
SECTION 099723
A. This section provides details for furnishing and installing the SewperCoat lining
system where shown on the drawings for protection of concrete structures against
hydrogen sulfide corrosion. Perform installation by workers experienced in the
application of the lining system to be used.
B. This section provides details for furnishing and installing the Integrated
Environmental Technologies (IET) coating system where shown on the drawings for
protection of concrete structures against hydrogen sulfide corrosion. Perform
installation by workers experienced in the application of the coating to be used.
C. This section provides details for furnishing and installing the SprayWallRaven
405 coating system where shown on the drawings for protection of concrete structures
against hydrogen sulfide corrosion. Perform installation by workers experienced in
the application of the coating system to be used.
D. For sanitary sewer wet wells and manholes, steel reinforced polymer concrete
structures may be provided in lieu of concrete coatings and linings as described in this
section. See Sections 034100 and 333913 for further details and requirements.
A. The SewperCoat (calcium aluminate) lining system shall be as manufactured by
Lafarge Calcium Aluminates, Chesapeake, VA.
B. Pure-fused Calcium Aluminate Cement Lining: The cement lining material shall
be a pure fused calcium aluminate mortar with pure fused calcium aluminate
aggregate equal to SewperCoat as manufactured by Lafarge Calcium Aluminates, Inc.
The material shall be spray applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s
1. The material shall be packaged from the manufacturer so as not to
require field mixing of mortar and aggregate to obtain recommended
2. The material shall form a mechanical and chemical bond to the wetwell
surface with zero shrinkage. The material shall have a minimum 28-day
compressive strength of 9000 psi.
Section 099723
3. The material shall be suitable for use in a severe hydrogen sulfide (H2S)
4. Provide documentation that the material has a minimum 5-year history in
the reconstruction of sanitary sewer structures.
A. The IET Coating System shall be as manufactured by Integrated
Environmental Technologies, Santa Barbara, CA. The County knows of no equal
product to IET.
B. Polymorphic Resin shall be a 100% solids, two-component, highly modified
polyester resin system, exhibiting no adhesion-interfering shrinkage upon curing.
Resin shall cure rapidly within fifteen minutes to one hour without the use of heat
or cooling at surface temperatures ranging from –30 degrees Fahrenheit to over
+150 degrees. Excellent resistance to a broad range of corrosive chemicals,
including sulfuric acid created by hydrogen sulfide gas as well as other chemicals
typically found in sanitary sewers, and impact and abrasion attack shall be
A. The SprayWall (polyurethane)RAVEN 405 coating system shall be as
manufactured by Sprayroq, Birmingham, ALRaven Lining Systems, Broken
Arrow, OK.
B. Raven 405 coating shall be 100% solids, solvent-free ultra high-build
epoxy system exhibiting the following characteristics:
1. Product Type: amine cured epoxy
2. VOC Content (ASTM D2584): 0%
3. Compressive Strength, (ASTM D695): 18,000 psi
4. Tensile Strength, (ASTM D638): 7,600 psi
5. Flexural Modulus, (ASTM D790): 700,000 psi
6. Adhesion to Concrete, (ASTM D4541/7234): >200 psi with
substrate (concrete) failure
7. Chemical Resistance (ASTM D543/G20) immersion service for:
8. Municipal sanitary sewer environment
9. Sulfuric Acid, 30%
10. Sodium Hydroxide, 10%
11. Sodium Hypochlorite, 3%
12. Successful Pass: Sanitation District of L.A. County Coating
Evaluation Study and SSPWC (Greenbook “Pickle Jar”
Chemical Resistance test)
Section 099723
A. As an alternative to the concrete coatings and linings described above,
steel reinforced polymer concrete structures may be furnished and installed. All
steel reinforced polymer concrete structures shall be supplied by a qualified
company with a minimum of 5 years’ experience manufacturing polymer
B. All steel reinforced polymer concrete structures shall be manufactured
and installed in accordance with the applicable requirements of ASTM C76,
C478, C443, D6783, C33, C267, A82, A165, A496, A497, A615 , and A615M.
C. Approved manufacturers: See County Approved Product List, Appendix
A. Plug or bypass all pipes in service before any work is started on the
structure. No debris is to be flushed down the line.
B. Anyone entering the structure must conform to all OSHA requirements for
“Confined Space Entry” equipment and permitting.
C. Prepare surface in accordance with the requirements of SewperCoat Data
Sheets on Concrete Preparation. Interior surfaces of wetwell shall be sound,
porous, dry, and free of dust, dirt, oil, grease and other contaminants prior to
application of lining.
D. Interior surface of structure must be abrasive-blasted to remove all loose
patching, old coatings and any contamination in the concrete. Do not use silica
1. Abrasive-blast “new” structures to remove all oils and patch mud, and
to open pinholes and expose aggregate.
2. Abrasive-blast “rehab” structures to remove all loose patching, old
coatings, and any contamination that penetrated the concrete. The finished
interior of the structure shall be gray. Coat the exposed invert/floor also.
Where there is severe deterioration of the mortar, place new concrete to
match the original interior dimensions after abrasive blasting and removal of
all loose material and by-products of corrosion. Restore invert/floor to the
original elevation.
3. Vacuum to remove all abrasives and debris.
Section 099723
4. Condition of the wetwell may require the use of a 10% solution of
hydrochloric (muriatic) acid over all surfaces or the use of a detergent. If an
acid or detergent solution is used, the surface shall be thoroughly rinsed and
neutralized prior to the installation of the liner system.
E. Repair all leaks by injecting grout using Avanti Multi-grout AV-202 or
equivalent. Hydraulic cement shall not be used to stop any water leaks.
F. Spray Application: Mix and apply the pure fused calcium aluminate cement
liner system in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s written instructions using
only manufacturers approved equipment. This includes the preparation,
installation, curing and finish operation required for the completion of the process.
1. Wet gun: Spray the material directly to the damp wetwell surface in a
two-coat application. Trowel the material smooth after each coat, completely
covering the interior surface of the wetwell from the frame to the invert with a
minimum thickness of 1 inch. Apply a “brushed” finish to the second coat
after troweling.
2. Dry Gun: Spray the material directly to the damp wetwell surface in a
one-coat application. Trowel the material smooth after the application,
completely covering the interior surface of the wetwell from the frame to the
invert with a minimum thickness of 1 inch. Apply a “brushed” finish after
G. Curing: The material shall cure in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendations and instructions.
H. Inspect lining system for holidays (i.e., discontinuity), cracks and pinholes.
Take particular care to check lining over brick, block, heavy spalled surfaces, and
other very rough surfaces and locate holes in the lining caused by voids in bricks,
block, concrete and structure joints. Fill voids and holidays in accordance with the
lining system manufacturer’s instructions.
I. Provide a five (5) year unlimited warranty on all workmanship and products.
The work includes the surface preparation and application of the SewperCoat
lining system, and shall protect the structure for at least five (5) years from all
leaks, and from failure due to corrosion from exposure to corrosive gases such as
hydrogen sulfide.
A. Plug or bypass all pipes in service before any work is started on the
structure. No debris is to be flushed down the line.
B. Anyone entering the structure must conform to all OSHA requirements for
“Confined Space Entry” equipment and permitting.
Section 099723
C. Prepare surface in accordance with the requirements of IET Systems Data
Sheets on Concrete Preparation. Interior surfaces of manhole shall be sound,
porous, dry, and free of dust, dirt, oil, grease and other contaminants prior to
application of lining.
D. Dry abrasive-blast Interior surface of structure to remove all loose patching,
old coatings and any contamination in the concrete. Do not use silica sand.
1. Dry abrasive-blast “new” structures to remove all oils and patch mud,
and to open pin holes and expose aggregate.
2. Dry abrasive-blast “rehab” structures to remove all loose patching, old
coatings, and any contamination that penetrated the concrete. The finished
interior of the structure shall be gray. Coat the exposed invert/floor also.
Where there is severe deterioration of the mortar, place new concrete to
match the original interior dimensions after abrasive blasting and removal of
all loose material and by-products of corrosion. Restore invert/floor to the
original elevation.
3. Vacuum to remove all abrasives and debris.
E. Repair all leaks by injecting grout using Avanti Multi-grout AV-202 or
equivalent. Hydraulic cement shall not be used to stop any water leaks.
F. Clean and remove dust material with pressure washing for maximum
adhesion. Blow dry concrete at 250 cfm with 120 psi.
G. Apply IET Systems Coating by the use of the IET Systems Spray Unit and
IET Systems Spincaster. Apply IET coating at least three different intervals –
prime coat, intermediate coat and finish coat, per IET Systems manufacturer
instructions and specifications. The total thickness of the IET coating shall be at
least 125 mils.
H. Inspect lining system for holidays, cracks and pinholes. Take particular care
to check lining over brick, block, heavy spalled surfaces, and other very rough
surfaces and locate holes in the lining caused by voids in bricks, block, concrete
and structure joints. Fill voids and holidays in accordance with the lining system
manufacturer’s instructions.
I. Provide a five (5) year unlimited warranty on all workmanship and products.
The work includes the surface preparation and application of the IET coating
system, and shall protect the structure for at least five (5) years from all leaks, and
from failure due to corrosion from exposure to corrosive gases such as hydrogen
A. Plug or bypass all pipes in service before any work is started on the
structure. No debris is to be flushed down the line.
Section 099723
B. Anyone entering the structure must conform to all OSHA requirements for
“Confined Space Entry” equipment and permitting.
C. Prepare surface in accordance with the requirements of Raven Data Sheets
on Concrete Preparation. Interior surfaces of structure shall be sound, porous, dry,
and free of dust, dirt, oil, grease and other contaminants prior to application of
D. Dry abrasive-blast Interior surface of structure to remove all loose patching,
old coatings and any contamination in the concrete. Do not use silica sand.
1. Dry abrasive-blast “new” structures to remove all oils and patch mud,
and to open pin holes and expose aggregate.
2. Dry abrasive-blast “rehab” structures to remove all loose patching, old
coatings, and any contamination that penetrated the concrete.
3. Vacuum to remove all abrasives and debris.
E. New Portland concrete structures shall have a minimum of 28 days cure
since manufacture prior to commencing coating installation.
F. Offset structural components, lids, covers, frames, etc. shall be repaired,
replaced, or reset prior to the commencement of surface preparation.
G. Concrete and/or mortar damaged by corrosion, chemical attack or other
means of degradation shall be removed so that sound substrate remains.
H. In conditions where severe chemical/microbiological attack is present the
prepared substrate shall exhibit a pH of 8-12. Additional cleaning and/or
contaminated substrate removal may be required to achieve the specified pH
1. Prior to the application of the coating product repairs shall be completed to
ensure the following:
2. All inflow and infiltration shall be eliminated by use of appropriate repair
material(s), such as hydraulic cements and/or chemical grouts as described
in Section 2.2.
3. All repairs to joints, pipe seals, steps, mechanical penetrations, benches,
inverts, pipes or other appurtenances to be coated shall be completed and
repaired surfaces prepared according to this section.
4. Benches or other horizontal surfaces shall have adequate slope (1” rise per
lineal foot minimum) to minimize the retention of debris following surcharge.
5. Inverts or flow channels shall be smooth without lips, rough edges or other
features which may cause debris to collect; contoured to minimize turbulent
flow; and be sloped to promote adequate flow from the inlet(s) to the outlet
Section 099723
6. All joints, pipe seals, steps or other penetrations shall be sealed against
inflow, infiltration and exfiltration and be adequately filled, smoothed and
contoured to promote monolithic coating application.
I. Areas where reinforcing steel has been exposed shall be repaired in
accordance with the Project Engineer’s recommendations or at the minimum all
exposed steel shall be prepared in accordance with Section 3.2 prior to coating
with the coating product specified or other approved primer as specified by the
coating product manufacturer.
J. Coating shall be applied to a minimum dry film thickness of 80 mils to
surface profiles of CSP-4 to CSP-5 or 125 mils minimum DFT to surface profiles of
CSP-6 or greater and in rehabilitated structures.
K. Subsequent top coating or additional coats of the coating product(s) shall
occur within the products recoat window. Additional surface preparation
procedures will be required if this recoat window is exceeded.
L. Provide a five (5) year unlimited warranty on all workmanship and products.
The work includes the surface preparation and application of the Raven 405t lining
system, and shall protect the structure for at least five (5) years from all leaks, and
from failure due to corrosion from exposure to corrosive gases such as hydrogen
Section 221336
SECTION 221336
A. Requirements for providing a permanently installed automatically starting pump station back-
up pumpset.
A. The specifications herein state the minimum requirements of Collier County (the Owner).
All bids must be regular in every respect. Unauthorized conditions, limitations, or provisions
shall be cause for rejection. The Owner may consider as “irregular” or “non-responsive”,
any bid not prepared and submitted in accordance with the bid documents and specification,
or any bid lacking sufficient technical literature to enable the Owner to make a reasonable
determination of compliance to the specification. It shall be the bidder’s responsibility to
carefully examine each item of the specification. Failure to offer a completed bid or failure
to respond to each section of the technical specification (exception yes or no) will cause the
proposal to be rejected, without review, as “non-responsive”. All variances, exceptions,
and/or deviations shall be fully described in the appropriate section. Deceit in responding to
the specification will be cause for rejection.
B. INTERPRETATIONS: In order to be fair to all bidders, no oral interpretations will be given
to any bidder as to the meaning of the specifications documents or any part thereof. Every
request for each a consideration shall be made in writing to the Owner. Based upon such
inquiry, the Owner may choose to issue an Addendum in accordance with local public
contract laws.
C. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS: Units described shall be new, unused, and of the current
year’s production. The style of pump being bid must be in production for a minim um of 5
years (include users list). Unit shall be of the latest design and in current production
completely serviced, ready for work and shall include all standard and optional equipment
as specified herein. All bidders must have demonstrated the unit they are bidding, prior to
bid date.
D. Bidders must have a fully stocked parts and service facility within 50 miles of the project
site. The Owner shall have the right to inspect the office and shall be the sole judge of its
adequacy to fulfill this requirement.
E. Bidders, on request of the Owner, must be prepared to review their specifications with the
Owner and must, if requested, also be prepared to provide a unit for tangible evaluation
purposes only. These services, if needed, are considered as part of the bidder’s proposal
Section 221336
and will be provided without cost or obligation to the Owner.
A. The pumpset specified in this section will be used to pump wastewater from a Collier County
pumping station (PS).
B. Pump shall be fitted with a fully automatic priming system capable of repeated priming from a
completely dry pump casing.
C. The complete pump set shall be supplied by the pump manufacturer.
D. The pump offered shall be the manufacturer’s standard production model. It shall have been
in continuous use by municipal and industrial owners for a minimum of five years. A list of five
user contacts including contact names and telephone numbers shall be provided with the bid
submittal. Failure to supply a verifiable users list will be cause for rejection of the bid.
1.4.1 All design requirements listed below must be clearly displayed on performance pump
curves. These performance pump curves shall be based on testing standards
established by the hydraulic institute.
1. ANSI B16.1 - Standard for Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings.
Section 221336
A. All manufacturers shall be ISO 9001: 2008 certified. Certificates shall be made available to
Collier County upon request. Bids will be accepted for consideration on any make and model
that meets the requirements of the project specifications, as interpreted by the Owner. If a
product proposed does not meet the requirements of this specification, the Contractor shall
provide a unit which does, at no additional cost to the Owner. The Owner shall have the final
decision on which products do and which products do not meet the project specifications.
A. PUMPS: The pumps used in the diesel backup pump system shall be supplied directly by the
manufacturer, not by a distributor. The pump itself and the diesel backup pump system as a
whole shall come from a single manufacturer. “Packagers” of systems which incorporate
pumps from a separate manufacturer to fabricate diesel backup pump systems shall not be
B. CASING, SUCTION COVER, SEPARATION TANK: Pump castings shall be cast iron or
ductile iron with a minimum pressure rating of 100 psi. The pump casing shall be constructed
so that the suction flow path is in axial alignment with the impeller eye. There shall be no turns,
chambers, obstructions or straightening vanes between the suction line and the impeller. The
pump casing shall be complete with a removable port for inspecting impeller/cut water area.
C. IMPELLERS: The pump impeller shall meet the criteria of one of the following:
1. An open, three-bladed, (or 2-bladed) non-clog type with pump-out vanes on the back
shroud and fabricated from hardened cast- chromium steel construction (or other
material to meet minimum Brinell Hardness 340 HB).
2. A high efficiency non-clog type, 2-vane, enclosed design with full front and rear
shrouds, containing back pumpout vanes, constructed of high grade 65-45-12 ductile
iron and capable of passing a 3” spherical solid.
D. WEARPLATES/WEAR RINGS: Shall be fully be replaceable, fabricated of cast iron. Wear
plate/wear ring clearances shall have no relationship to the ability of the pump to achieve a
E. BEARINGS AND SHAFTS: Pump shall be fitted with a bearing bracket to contain the shaft and
bearings. Bearings shall be tapered roller bearings of adequate size to withstand imposed
loads for sustained pumping at maximum duty points. Minimum ISO L10 bearing life to be
100,000 hours. Impeller shafts shall be fabricated of high strength alloy steel, accurately
machined, polished, and of sufficient size to transmit full driver output without excessive flexing
or stress.
Section 221336
F. SEALS: Pump shall be capable of running dry, with no damage, for periods up to twenty-four
hours. The pump seals shall be the requirements of one of the following:
1. Seal shall be high pressure, mechanical self-adjusting type with silicon carbide faces
capable of withstanding suction pressures to 87 psi. The mechanical seal shall be
cooled and lubricated in an oil bath reservoir, requiring no maintenance or adjustment.
All metal parts shall be of stainless steel. Elastomers shall be Viton.
2. Pump seal shall be an inside-mounted, self-cleaning John Crane type 2 component
style mechanical seal with tungsten carbide rotating and silicon carbide stationary faces
with Viton elastomers and stainless steel spring and hardware.
G. PUMP SUCTION AND DISCHARGE FLANGES: Shall be cast iron ANSI (B16.1) Class 150,
raised faced.
H. PUMP GASKETS: Shall be compressed fiber and/or Teflon.
I. PUMP O RINGS: Shall be Buna-N.
J. PRIMING SYSTEM: Pump shall be fitted with a fully automatic priming system incorporating
a air compressor, venturi (with lifetime warranty), priming chamber, and discharge check valve
assembly. The compressor shall be installed on the engine auxiliary drive and shall be gear
driven, lubricated and cooled from the engine. Installed system design shall prevent any
carryover of the pumping fluid onto the ground. Priming system may require additional
drainage pipelines to be constructed to re-circulate pumping fluid back to sump area. The
pump must be capable of running totally dry for periods up to 24 hours, then re-priming and
returning to normal pumping volumes. Pump and priming system is capable of priming the
pump from a completely dry pump casing. The pump shall be capable of static suction lifts to
28 vertical feet, at sea level. It shall also be capable of operation using extended suction lines,
and pump shall be capable of priming and re-priming without any user intervention. Equipment
acceptance shall be contingent upon the pump’s ability to run continuously at full speed in a
completely dry condition. The engineer may require a demonstration. Priming systems that
incorporate the use of a positive displacement diaphragms OR oil-cooled vacuum pumps will
not be accepted.
K. CHECK VALVE: The priming system shall include a discharge check valve to prevent pulling
air through the discharge line during priming and prevent in-line return of flow when the pump
is shut off. Non-return check valve shall be constructed of cast iron with Nitrile rubber and shall
be field replaceable. Check valve shall be vacuum-tested by the factory, and test results shall
be provided.
L. DRIVE UNIT: The drive unit shall be a diesel water-cooled engine. The engine shall drive the
pump by use of direct-connected intermediate drive plate. Starter shall be twelve-volt electric.
Low oil pressure safety shutdown, high temperature shutdown, tachometer, and hour-meter
shall be integrated into engine control panel. Battery shall have 180-amp hour rating. A
certified continuous-duty engine curve shall be supplied to the owner/engineer.
Section 221336
M. GOVERNOR: Governor shall be an electronic or mechanical type. Engine speed shall be
adjustable to operate the pump between maximum and minimum design operation speeds in
manual mode. See section 2.3 for Automatic mode.
N. FUEL SOURCE: Integral skid fuel tank capacity shall be sufficient to provide at least
fortyseventy-twoeight (7248) hours of continuous operation at full load. The minimum tank size
shall be 150 gallons and the maximum tank size shall be 550 gallons. The engine shall be
capable of operating satisfactorily on a commercial grade of distilled No. 2 fuel oil.
O. EXHAUST: Exhaust system shall include a hospital grade muffler housed in a separate
chamber within the enclosure. All exhaust piping and manifolds shall be encased in fitted
acoustic blankets. They shall be constructed of high-density fiberglass material with
waterproof jacketing.
P. SOUND ATTENUATED ENCLOSURE: The entire unit including the pump and engine shall
be completely enclosed in a lockable enclosure. The enclosure shall be constructed with a
modular galvanized steel frame and galvaneel panels. Acoustical material shall be installed as
required to reduce pump and engine noise. Maximum sound ratings for specific pump sizes
are shown in the table below. These sounds rating shall be the maximum dBA rating measured
at 7 meters @ both duty points specified.
Pump Outlet Size Maximum Sound Rating Allowed
4” 68 dBA
6” 70 dBA
8” 72 dBA
10” 72 dBA
12” 72 dBA
Q. Units not meeting this requirement shall not be considered. The enclosure shall be removable
for easy access to the engine / pump for maintenance and repair. The enclosure doors shall
all be equipped with latches that are keyed alike. For maintenance and service needs, the
enclosure sides shall have hinged doors for quick access to the engine oil fill, fuel fill port, oil
dipstick, and filters. The enclosure shall be coated in epoxy based primer and paint to a total
dry film thickness of 5 mils.
1. The pump base tank shall be a UL-142 approved double wall design constructed in
accordance with Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code, NFPA 30; The Standard
for Installation and use of Stationary Combustible Engine and Gas Turbines, NFPA 37;
and The Standard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems, NFPA 110. Pumps
installed within 25 feet of a building shall be equipped with UL-2085 fire resistant fuel
tanks. All fuel tanks shall comply with the requirements set forth by Collier County
Pollution Control.
2. The tank design shall be a Closed Top Dike Pump Base Tank. It shall be of double
Section 221336
wall construction having a primary tank to contain the diesel fuel, held within another
tank or dike, which is intended to collect and contain any accidental leakage from the
primary fuel tank. The completed base tank assembly is to incorporate pump mounting
locations and must be able to support four times the rated load.
3. The primary tank shall be designed to withstand normal and emergency internal
pressures and external loads. It shall be capable of withstanding internal air pressures
of 3 to 5 psig without showing signs of excessive or permanent distortion and 25 psig
hydrostatic pressures without evidence of rupture or leakage.
4. The primary and secondary tanks or dike shall have venting provisions to prevent the
development of vacuum or pressure capable of distorting them as a result of the
atmospheric temperature changes or while emptying or filling. The vent shall also
permit the relief of internal pressures caused by exposure to fires. The vent size shall
be determined by using the calculated wetted surface area in square feet (the top is
excluded) in conjunction with venting capacity table 10.1of UL-142. The tank’s vent
shall also be equipped with a coupling device and shall be located to facilitate
connection to a vent piping system. The dike’s vent may be an opening for venting
directly to the atmosphere and protection from the entrance of natural elements or
debris shall be provided.
5. The primary and outer tanks are to be constructed of 304 stainless steel, 7 gauge
minimum. Internal baffles or reinforcement plates shall be located on a maximum of 24
inch centers in tanks up to 60 inch width and on a maximum of 19.5 inch centers in
tanks over 60 inch width. At least one baffle shall separate the fuel suction pipe from
the fuel return line.
6. The outer tank is to be constructed in a manner to be able to support four times the wet
load of the pump and housing. The entire load is to be carried by the outer tank so no
load or vibration stress is placed on the primary tank. If the pump base tank is wider
than the pump set to be supported, structural rails are to be incorporated to span the
width of the base tank so that the load is transferred to the side rails of the tank. Vertical
reinforcements shall be welded to the outer sides of the secondary tank or dike at a
maximum of 45 inch centers on tanks up to 30 inches high and on 24 inch centers on
tanks greater than 30 inches high. At least one vertical reinforcement shall be
positioned adjacent to each mounting hole location. Provide level monitoring and
interstitial space leak monitoring.
7. Both primary and secondary tanks shall be fitted with the proper welded pipe fittings to
accommodate the requirements for the fill port and normal and emergency venting.
8. The completed assembly is to be cleaned with a heated pressure wash followed by a
chromium free post treatment to ensure proper paint adhesion. The tank assembly is
to be painted with an epoxy ester primer and high quality polyurethane enamel with a
minimum dry film thickness of 3.5 mils.
9. All tanks shall be tested in accordance with NFPA 30 TO INCLUDE ON SITE
Section 221336
TIGHTNESS TESTING in accordance with NFPA 30 Section 21.5. This requirement
shall not apply to portable trailer mounted diesel pumps.
10. Manufacturing and testing of this system shall be performed within the scope of
Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. “Standard for Safety UL 142.”, or UL 2085, as
applicable. A UL label shall be permanently attached to the tank system showing the
following information:
i. The registered UL mark and the name: Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
ii. A control number and the word “listed”
iii. The product’s name as identified by Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
iv. The serial number assigned by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
v. Other manufacturer’s information may also be included.
1. The complete pump set shall be factory mounted on a highway trailer meeting NHTSA,
DOT Part 571 standards 108, 119 and 120.
2. Trailers with loads of 5,000 pounds or less with fuel tank filled, shall have a flat bed,
single axle, two 15-inch wheels with 6-ply tires. Axle ratings shall be a minimum of
5,000 pounds.
i. Trailers with loads from 5,000 to 10,000 pounds with fuel tank filled, shall have
a flat bed, 2-axle, four 15-inch or 16-inch wheels with 10-ply tires. Axle rating
shall be a minimum of 10,000 pounds.
ii. Trailers above shall have following accessories. Ring and pintal hitch including
safety chain and fasteners, electric brakes shall be provided on all wheels, and
all required ICC lights such as tail, brake, direction signals, license holder and
light, etc., shall be provided; jacks and sand shoes for front and rear corners
shall be provided so that unit can be completely supported.
iii. The diesel backup pump engine shall be balanced mounted on trailer. All
necessary service and checkout of diesel backup pump set shall be performed
prior to delivery.
T. FACTORY PAINTING: Pump, engine, and base shall be shop primed and finish painted at the
place of manufacturer.
A. The engine control panel shall be provided in a NEMA 3R enclosure mounted on rubber
isolators to reduce vibration, equipped with a factory installed m icroprocessor-based
controller designed to start/stop the engine at a signal supplied by high and low level floats
or a 4-20 mA transducer.
B. The control system shall be able to start/stop the engine a via a signal supplied by a primary
level transducer and back-up high and low level floats for redundant automatic operation.
Section 221336
1. The engine shall be started, stopped, and controlled by a digital controller. The
controller shall be weather proof enclosed, and contain an external weatherproof 12-
position keypad accessible without the need to remove or open any protective cover
or enclosure. It shall be designed to start/stop the engine based on relay contact
closure provided by others. The controller shall provide the following functions
without modification, factory recalibration, or change of chips or boards, by simply
accessing the keypad:
D. The keypad shall be a capacitive touch sensing system. No mechanical switches will be
acceptable. The keypad shall operate in extreme temperatures, and maintain complete
weather-tight sealing of the controller.
E. In automatic mode, the unit shall conserve energy and go to “sleep”.
F. The controller shall function interchangeably from remote contact closure, as well as manual
start/stop by selection at the keypad. No other equipment or hardware changes are required.
G. The start function can be programmed to provide two separate functions each day for seven
days (i.e. a start, exercise cycle on two separate days at different times and for a varying
length of time all via the keypad).
H. Manual-Automatic Button:
1. In Manual Mode, manual “Start” button starts engine and runs until “Stop” or “Off” button
is depressed or an emergency shutdown occurs.
2. In Automatic Mode, start/stop sequencing is initiated by a signal from a digital input.
I. The controller shall integrate the engine safety shut-off for low and high oil temperature, and
provide over-speed protection.
J. The controller shall include standard, field-adjustable parameters for engine cycle crank timer,
and shutdown time delay.
K. The controller shall have only one circuit board with eight built-in relays. Three (3) of the relays
shall be programmable to output desired parameter on display and to be used as dry-contacts
for communication with Collier County’s SCADA system, all via the keypad without changing
relays, chips, printed circuits, or any hardware or software. Relays will monitor the following:
1. Low Battery Charge
2. Low Fuel Level (Less than 25 gallons)
3. Diesel Pump Engine Start
L. Standard components shall consist of one of the following set ups:
Section 221336
1. (24) Digital inputs, (7) analog inputs, (1) magnetic pick-up input, (8) 20-amp form “C”
relays, (1) RS232 port, (1) RS485 port, (1) RS232/RS485 port, (1) J1939 port, and (1)
64X128 pixel full graphic LCD display with backlight.
2. (8) Digital inputs, (5) analog inputs, (8) digital outputs, (1) RS232 port, (1) RS485 port,
(1) J1939 port, (76) selectable features, (32) alarm event history.
M. The industrially-hardened Controller shall withstand vibration of 3 g, 3 axis, frequency swept
10-1000 Hz, in an operating temperature range of 4 to 176F (-20 to 80C) and an operating
humidity range of 0-95% non-condensing.
A. FULLY AUTOMATIC TRICKLE CHARGER: The unit shall include a fully automatic trickle
charger powered by 6-amps, 115 VAC.
B. LIGHT: The unit shall include a single switch operated 12VDC light within the enclosure.
C. FLOATS: The unit shall be supplied with one (1) float assembly including two (2) N/O floats
which shall integrate with the engine control panel via a single multi-pin plug.
D. LEVEL TRANSDUCER: The unit shall be supplied with (1) one Teflon diaphragm sewage
compatible level transducer assembly including a single 4-20 mA level transducer with leveling
guard (0-15 psig), which shall integrate with the engine control panel via a single multi-pin plug.
E. AUTO THROTTLE: The unit/s shall include one (1) automatic throttle controller integrated into
(2) relays in the electronic engine control panel. The auto-throttle control panel combination
shall allow the pump to ramp up to the target RPM given a start command and ramp down to
idle given a stop command via the 4-20 mA level transducer
F. DC / AC INVERTOR: The unit/s shall include one (1) 12VDC to 110VAC volt single-phase
inverter, 1750 watts, mounted inside enclosure, single 15-amp GFI outlet, and one (1) fusible
A. The manufacturer shall furnish the services of a competent factory representative to do the
1. The complete pump set shall be factory tested according to ANSI/HI 1.6¬1994 by a
certified quality technician. The pump shall be sound tested according to ISO 3744,
ANSI/HI9.4 and CPB Sound Level Measurement Standard.
2. Instruct the Owner's operating personnel in the proper operation and maintenance of the
Section 221336
system for a period of not less than one-half day.
A. The manufacturer shall furnish the following on delivery of the pumping system;
1. A recommended list of spare parts.
2. Two (2) replacement mechanical seals
3. An Operations and Maintenance manual for the pump and engine.
4. A fuel polishing system capable of below 1 micron filtration equipped with a fuel-water
separator and 12V DC fuel pump rated at 40 GPH minimum. The system shall be a
standard commercial or industrial off the shelf unit intended for portable use of diesel fuel
polishing. The fuel polishing system shall include 6 spare filters and an operations and
maintenance manuals.
A. The manufacturer shall furnish the following to the owner:
1. A copy of the engine manufacturer's parts and labor warranty.
2. A 3-year Parts and Labor Warranty issued by the manufacturer on the Diesel Pump
System. This warranty must cover all pump parts.
3. The venturi shall have a minimum five (5) year warranty to include parts and labor.
Section 263213.13
SECTION 263213.13
A. Section Includes: Extent of diesel generator set work as indicated by Drawings and
Schedules, and is hereby defined to include, but not by way of limitation:
1. Diesel engine.
2. Electrical generator.
3. Engine starting system .
4. Batteries.
5. Instrument control panel.
6. Sound Attenuating Enclosure.
7. Sub-Base Fuel Tanks.
8. Exhaust silencer.
9. Wall thimble.
10. Additional accessories.
11. Automatic transfer switch (ATS).
B. Types of generator sets required include:
1. Permanent Diesel Engine-driven Generator.
A. Shop Drawings: Submit in accordance with Section 013400, Shop Drawings covering the
items included under this Section. Shop Drawing submittals shall include:
1. Product Data: Submit manufacturer's data on diesel engine-driven generator sets
and components.
a. Generator dimensions.
b. Generator weight.
c. Generator rating.
d. Alternator rating.
e. Generator Starting System Data:
1) Battery size and ratings.
2) Charging system capacity.
3) Battery heater data.
4) Battery warranty.
f. Generator Control Panel Data:
1) Layout.
2) Wiring diagrams.
3) Control interconnection.
4) Instrumentation.
g. Exhaust System Data:
1) Muffler size.
2) Decibel reduction curve.
Section 263213.13
3) Fuel system data.
h. Cooling System Data:
1) Radiator capacity.
2) Cooling reduction capacity
i. Enclosure Data:
1) Materials.
2) Size.
3) Assembly/disassembly instructions.
4) Door locations.
5) Noise reduction.
6) Color.
j. Sub-Base Fuel Tank:
1) Capacity.
2) Fuel usage calculations.
3) Coating.
k. ATS Data:
1) Enclosure Material.
2) Dimensions.
3) Factory test report.
l. Warranty data.
m. Accessory and miscellaneous equipment.
2. Wiring Diagrams: Submit wiring diagrams for diesel engine-driven generator units
showing connections to electrical power panels, feeders, and ancillary equipment.
Differentiate between portions of wiring that are manufacturer installed and portions
that are field installed.
3. Agreement to Maintain: Prior to time of final acceptance, Installer shall submit 4
copies of an agreement for continued service and maintenance of diesel engine-
driven generator sets for OWNER's possible acceptance. Offer terms and conditions
for furnishing parts and providing continued testing and servicing, including
replacement of materials and equipment, for 1-year period with option for renewal of
Agreement by OWNER.
4. Certifications: Provide diesel engine-driven generator sets certified test record of the
following final production testing:
a. Single-step load pickup.
b. Transient and steady-state governing.
c. Safety shutdown device testing.
d. Voltage regulation.
e. Rated power.
f. Maximum power.
g. Provide certified test record prior to engine-driven generator set being shipped
from factory to Project location.
5. Spare Parts Data: Submit a list of spare parts for the equipment specified.
6. Operating and Maintenance Instruction Manuals:
a. Operating instruction manuals outlining step-by-step procedures required for
system startup and operation.
b. Manufacturer's name, model number, service manual parts list.
c. Brief description of equipment and basic operating features.
d. Maintenance instruction manuals outlining maintenance procedures.
Section 263213.13
e. Troubleshooting guide listing possible breakdown and repairs.
f. Point-to-point connection wiring diagram for the system.
g. Performance Test Reports: Upon completion of installed system, submit in
booklet form all shop and field tests performed to prove compliance with
specified performance criteria.
h. Provide OWNER with two (2) electronic copies of O&M manuals on CD’s.
A. Codes and Standards:
1. NFPA Compliance: Comply with applicable requirements of NFPA 37, "Installation
and Use of Stationary Combustion Engines and Gas Turbines," NFPA 99, "Standard
for Health Care Facilities," and NFPA 101, "Code for Safety to Life from Fire in
Buildings and Structures."
2. UL Compliance: UL 486A, "Wire Connectors and Soldering Lugs for Use with Copper
Conductors," UL 2200, "Standard for Safety for Stationary Engine Generator
Assemblies," rated 600 volts or less. UL 1008, "Automatic Transfer Switches," and
UL 486A, "Wire Connectors and Soldering Lugs for Use with Copper Conductors."
Provide transfer switches and components which are UL listed and labeled.
3. ANSI/NEMA Compliance: Comply with applicable requirements of ANSI/NE MA
MG1, "Motors and Generators," and MG2, "Safety and Use of Electric Motors and
Generators." NEMA Standards Pub/Nos. ICS 2, "Industrial Control Devices,
Controllers and Assemblies," ICS 6 and 250, pertaining to transfer switches.
4. IEEE Compliance: Comply with applicable portions of IEEE Standard 446, "IEEE
Recommended Practice for Emergency and Standby Power Systems for Industrial
and Commercial Applications."
B. Submittal information shall be generated from a representative located within Collier
County who has knowledge of Local and State code requirements.
C. Warranty: Submit in accordance with requirements of Section 01740, warranties covering
the items included under this Section. Unit shall be provided with a full comprehensive
warranty of 5 years or 1500 running hours from date of ENGINEER's acceptance.
Response time shall be a maximum of 3 hours. Provide label on inside of generator with
description of warranty period and contact information.
A. Manufactured material shall be adequately packed to prevent damage during shippi ng,
handling, storage and erection. Material shipped to site shall have approval of OWNER
prior to shipping. All shipped material shall be packed in a container properly marked for
identification. Blocks and padding shall be used to prevent movement.
B. CONTRACTOR shall inspect the material prior to removing it from carrier. If damage is
observed, CONTRACTOR shall immediately notify carrier so that a claim can be made.
If no such notice is given, material shall be assumed to be in undamaged condition, any
subsequent damage that occurs to the equipment shall be the responsibility of
Section 263213.13
A. Subject to compliance with specified requirements, manufacturers offering products
which may be incorporated in Work include:
1. Standby Diesel Generator Sets:
a. Caterpillar.
b. Cummins.
2. Automatic Transfer Switches:
a. Caterpillar.
b. Cummins
A. Except as otherwise indicated, provide manufacturer's standard diesel engine-driven
generator set and auxiliary equipment as indicated by published product information,
and as required for a complete installation. Generator set shall be rated to continuously
power the total accumulated load and starting load shown on Schedule at 100 degrees
F ambient temperature and at altitude where installed.
B. Diesel Engine: Provide a 4-cycle, compression ignition type engine for operation on a
commercial grade of petroleum fuel oil such as No. 2 fuel oil. Engine operating speed
shall not exceed 1,800 rpm and shall be controlled by a governor to maintain alternator
frequency within plus or minus 3 Hertz of 60 hertz from no load to full load. Frequency
shall recover to steady-state tolerance within 5 seconds after application of 90 percent
rated load.
C. Starting System: Provide engine-generator unit with 12- or 24-volt, negative ground,
starting system including positive engagement solenoid shift-starting motor, batteries,
and 35-ampere, or greater, automatic battery charging alternator with solid-state voltage
regulator. Mount batteries in a plastic- or epoxy-coated metal platform near the starter
but not on the generator and coat battery terminals with an anti-oxidant. Generator sets
rated 150 kW or less shall have a battery rated 650 amperes cold cranking at 0 degree
F and 170 minutes reserve capacity by SAE Standard J-537. Larger generators shall
have a battery rated either 220 ampere-hours or 900 amperes cold cranking, and
430 minutes reserve capacity. Batteries shall have a 12-month full warranty and 60-
month prorated warranty.
D. Battery Charger: Provide a solid-state, current limiting, float-type SENS model #NRG22-
10-RC battery charger with 10-ampere minimum capacity. Charger shall operate from
120-volt AC single phase, 60 hertz power and shall automatically keep batteries at full
charge. Equip charger with ammeter and voltmeter. Battery charger shall be located
within the generator enclosure.
E. Alternator: Provide a single bearing brushless, self -excited alternator with inherently
regulated rotating rectifier exciter system or a revolving field design with a temperature
compensated solid-state voltage regulator. Connect the alternator housing directly to the
Section 263213.13
engine flywheel housing. Couple the alternator rotor directly to engine flywheel with a
semi-flexible steel disk coupling.
1. Provide windings with Class F insulation with epoxy impregnation and fungus -
resistant coating. Temperature rise shall be as defined in NEMA Standard MG1-
2. The alternator shall be capable of starting load given for site with 35 percent
maximum instantaneous voltage dip. Instantaneous voltage dip shall only be 20
percent when there is a VFD. Recovery to stable equation within plus or minus 5
percent of rated voltage shall occur within 3 seconds.
F. Engine Cooling Radiator: Provide a complete engine cooling system equipped with a
radiator and blower type fan sized to maintain safe operation, 190 degrees F engine
outlet water temperature at 100 degrees F maximum ambient temperature. The engine
cooling system shall be filled with a solution of 50 percent ethylene glycol.
G. Instrument Control Panel: Provide engine-generator unit with engine oil-pressure and
water-temperature indicators, reset circuit breaker, static voltage regulator, voltage-
adjusting rheostat, voltmeter, ammeter with phase selector switch with an OFF position,
and with running time indicator and frequency meters. Select circuitry of plug-in design
capable of quick replacement, and capable of accepting a plug-in device which allows
maintenance to test control panel performance without operating the engine.
1. Provide a cranking limiter to open starting circuit in 45 to 90 seconds if engine has
not started within that time or after a series of 3 or more cranking intervals separated
by 2 or more rest periods.
2. Provide engine safety devices to shut unit down on high engine temperature, low oil
pressure, overspeed, and overcrank. Provide, for each of these conditions, an alarm
light and an unpowered, normally open contact for remote use. Provide an audible
alarm with silence switch which is activated by any alarm condition. Provide
additional unpowered, normally open contact for remote use that indicates general
generator alarm. General alarm contact will be for any alarms associated with the
generator and not pre-assigned to a specific alarm. Sacrificing a specific alarm in
order to receive the general alarm contact is not acceptable.
3. Provide a relay with 2 normally open and 2 normally closed contacts rated 5A at 120
volts AC and which is energized when unit is running. W ire these contacts to terminal
strips for remote use.
4. Provide a RUN-OFF-AUTO switch. In AUTO position unit shall start when a remote
contact closes and stop when contact opens. In RUN position unit shall start and run
until OFF position is selected.
5. Mount instrument control panel on unit such that it is isolated from generator set
A. Enclosure Design: Generator set shall be provided with a skin tight outdoor enclosure.
Enclosure roof and side panels shall be constructed from a minimum of 0.090 Marine
Grade Aluminum. Side panels shall be constructed from a minimum of 0.090 Marine
Grade Aluminum. The Side Walls shall be complete with necessary access doors and
ventilating louvers. There shall be at least 2 access doors on each side of enclosure and
Section 263213.13
one at the generator control panel for access to the controls. Doors shall be capable of
full-range of motion. CONTRACTOR shall coordinate final location of generator to
accommodate door swings. Any changes due to generator clearances shall be at the
expense of the CONTRACTOR. Doors shall be hung on full-length piano hinge
assembly. All hinge hardware shall be stainless steel. Finish paint shall be powder-
coated over epoxy primer. Doors shall be equipped with handles. Louvers shall be
stationary type and shall be arranged to provide adequate protection against rainfall at
15 degrees from vertical. Air of intake louvers shall be sized so not to exceed .5 inches
of water column while providing the required genset cooling and combustion air flow.
Enclosure shall be of bolted formed panel type construction. Exhaust shall be provided
within the enclosure unless otherwise directed by the ENGINEER. Roof shall have
sufficient strength to support an exhaust silencer. Enclosure shall be large enough to
fully enclose all components necessary to the system. All doors shall be capable of being
locked or have provisions for padlocks. Door hardware shall be stainless steel.
1. All raceway and conduits within the enclosure shall be sealed-tight flexible conduit
or rigid aluminum or galvanized steel with malleable iron boxes and compression
type fittings as appropriate for the raceways used under NEC. EMT and flex or
“Greenfield” conduits are not acceptable.
2. When this outdoor enclosure is specified, the temperature specifications for unit shall
be 0 degrees F to 120 degrees F with ambient air at radiator intake being 100
degrees F maximum.
3. Modular enclosures shall comply with DCA, Florida Building Code and have a
minimum sustained wind rating of 150 MPH.
4. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for verifying the impact rating requirements under
Florida Building Code and shall provide a generator enclosure in compliance to these
5. Consult the ENGINEER prior to bid when generator is located within any “Zone 4
impact area under FBC”.
6. Enclosure shall match footprint of sub base fuel tank.
B. Sound Attenuation: Enclosure shall be insulated to attenuate sound and include sound
attenuating features that direct radiant cooling air in a route to minimize ambient noise
when generator is running.
C. Operational noise shall not exceed 75 dBA at 23 feet (in Free Field Conditions).
Additional sound attenuation references or limitations may be required. See drawings for
additional details. If generator is located within 50 feet of a commercial or residential unit,
then operational noise shall not exceed 55 dBA.
D. Source dBA and sound attenuation shall be as measured and defined under ANSI
S12.34-1998 and SIO 3744 as applicable. Additional local codes and standards may
apply for generator operational noise. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for compliance
to all local standards without change order or additional payment.
E. Fuel System: Provide unit with a UL142 compliant double-wall skid base type integral
fuel tank that is “skid” mounted, unless otherwise directed by the ENGINEER’s drawings
or addenda. Tank capacity shall be a maximumum of 550 gross volume gallons. The
Section 263213.13
tank capacity shall be calculated assuming the tank is 90% full and based on the
generator running at full load/speed continuously for three (3) days.
Sub-base Fuel Tank Size
Generator Size
Fuel Tank
Dimensions 1
40 KW
60 KW
108"L x 54"W x
80 KW
100 KW
125 KW
120"L x 66”W x
150 KW
172.9 KW
120"L x 56"W x
250 KW
168"L x 78"W x
1 Dimensions shown are max dimensions unless
otherwise noted on drawings or addenda.
F. The ENGINEER has projected fuel use estimates using equipment listed as the basis of
design. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for providing the manufacturer’s fuel usage
calculations with submittal documents for ENGINEER’s review.
G. The fuel tank shall be furnished with UL142 and FDEP required accessories to include
a fuel site gauge, normal and emergency vents and fuel cap having padlocking
provisions. All necessary fuel supply and return line shall be furnished pre-assembled to
unit. The Fuel Tank shall meet all applicable State and local standards for the volume of
fuel the tank will hold.
H. Sub base fuel tank size shall be provided and sized as shown on the contract
documents and within the specifications.
I. Sub base fuel tank shall not allow pooling or ponding of water on top once generator is
mounted on top.
J. Tank shall be made by a manufacturer with minimum of (10) ten years’ experience in
the design and construction of UL Listed, FDEP and NFPA compliant sub base fuel
tanks. Manufacturer of the fuel tank must be approved and registered with the State of
Florida, and have their required “EQ” file number on the supplied fuel tank. The
installing CONTRACTOR is responsible for supplying fuel for the field testing.
K. The fuel tank shall be mounted under the generator skid rails, consisting of a dual wall
design constructed to UL142 and standards applicable to this application under FS-62-
762, NFPA 30, NFPA 37 and NFPA 110. All fuel tanks shall comply with the
requirements set forth by Collier County Pollution Control.
Section 263213.13
L. Sub base fuel tank shall be rectangular in shape and include reinforced steel box
channel for generator support.
M. Both the inner and outer tanks shall be constructed of 304 stainless steel.
N. The outer wall shall be prepared before & after primer. Prime with one coat of epoxy
primer to a thickness of 12-15 mils (DFT). Outer wall finish coat shall be a high gloss,
black, UV blocking epoxy primer applied to a minimum thickness of 3.5 mils (DFT). All
welds and fasteners connecting the generator skid base to the fuel tank shall be
similarly primed and finished. Primers shall not be electrostatically or powder applied.
Primers shall be hand applied & dried in a drying booth.
O. Fuel tank shall be equipped with a magnetic liquid level fuel gauge as manufactured by
Rochester Gauges, Inc. Fuel tank level shall be output as a 4-20mA signal from the
generator control panel.
P. Sub base fuel tank shall have a 4 point lifting system in place when shipped to the site.
It shall be the responsibility of the Generator manufacturer to recommend a lifting
system along with instructions for the CONTRACTOR on site.
Q. Sub base tank testing shall consist of primary and secondary tank containment basin
and shall be pressurized at 3-5 psi and leak checked to ensure integrity of sub base
weld seams per UL-142 standards. A copy of this report shall accompany close-out
documents. Fuel containment basin shall be sized as a minimum of 110% of the tank
capacity to prevent escape of fuel into the environment in the event of a tank rupture.
Provide a fuel containment basin leak detector switch.
R. The sub base tank fittings shall include the following:
1. Appropriately sized NPT fuel supply.
2. Fuel return fitting
3. 2” NPT for normal vent
4. NPT for emergency vent, sized as appropriate
5. 2” NPT for manual fill.
6. NPT for level gauge, sized as appropriate.
7. 3/8” NPT basin drain
8. 2” NPT for level alarm.
9. NPT fitting for leak detection alarm
S. Coolant Heater: Provide engine coolant heater that operates from 120-volt AC single
phase, 60 hertz power with thermostatic controls to maintain engine coolant at proper
temperature to fulfill start-up requirements of NFPA 99.
T. Inlet and Exhaust Systems: Silencers and exhaust ducting to silencers shall be self-
supporting when assembled. Provide all necessary supporting members for ductwork
between silencer and outlet. Provide all required cutting as shown on Drawings and
noted herein. The unit shall be complete with raincap. All exhaust duct shall be Schedule
10 steel pipe, minimum. Inlet silencer and filter to be self -supporting. Provide necessary
Section 263213.13
supports for all intake ductwork. All intake ducts shall be Schedule 10 steel pipe,
1. Provide a silencer which meets sound standards of a critical area. Silencer shall
provide attenuation (input to output) of 25 dB or greater at frequencies of 125 hertz
to 8 kilohertz. A curve shall be submitted with Shop Drawings showing attenuation
(input to output) in dB versus frequency. Curve shall be on manufacturer's standard
data sheet or from an independent test lab. A spiral or bellows-type flexible section
of pipe shall be installed in the exhaust line between the muffler and engine manifold
connection. An insulated thimble section shall be provided where exhaust line
passes through roof or wall. Exhaust lines shall be pitched and a condensation trap
provided at non-draining low points in line.
U. Circuit Breaker: A generator power circuit breaker shall be installed as a manual load
circuit interrupter and an automatic overload and short circuit protection device.
1. The circuit breaker shall be a solid-state trip type for all sizes rated 200 amps
continuous and larger. Solid-state trip shall include Long-time, Short-time, and
Instantaneous. Ground fault trip required on breakers 1,000 amps and above.
2. 100% ratings under UL shall be required as noted on ENGINEER’s drawings.
3. AIC rating for generator power circuit breaker shall meet or exceed that of the
upstream service entrance rating.
4. Generator power circuit breaker shall be UL listed as short circuit, service entrance
rated device under UL and NEC.
5. Trip settings for all breakers shall be selected for the rating of the generator power
circuit as indicated on Drawings.
6. Provide breaker and alternator trip curves in the submittal. Show coordination of
curves for equipment provided.
V. Provide protective relays to protect the generator system/alternator.
W. Alternator protection equipment as basis of design shall be equal to “Amp Sentry”
protection by Cummins Power Generation with the following features: Over current and
short-circuit shut down - Over current warning -Single and three phase fault regulation -
Over and under voltage shut down - Over and under frequency shut down - Overload
warning with alarm contact - Reverse power and reverse Var shut down - Excitation
fault. Equipment other than basis of design is subject to ENGINEER’s approval.
Provide full submittal and comparison data for ENGINEER’s review on equipment as
X. Any pump station requiring a generator shall also have a generator receptacle located
on the pump control panel for a portable generator, coordinate exact model with
A. Automatic Transfer Switch: UL listed and 600 volt-rated with amperage rating shown on
Drawings and shall be the mechanically held, electrically operated type rated for
continuous duty in an unventilated sheet metal enclosure.
Section 263213.13
B. Switch shall be double throw, with an off position, having electrical operated normal-
emergency positions inherently interlocked mechanically, and with main contacts
mechanically attached to a common shaft. Main contacts shall be silver alloy wiping-
action type. They shall be protected by arcing contacts.
C. Heavy duty emergency pushbuttons shall be provided. Emergency pushbuttons shall
reset when pulled out.
D. Switch and Relay Contacts, Coils, Springs, and Control Elements: Removable from front
of transfer switch without removal of the switch panels from enclosur e and without
disconnection of drive linkages or power conductors. Sensing and control relays shall be
continuous duty industrial control type with 600 volt, 10 amp rated contacts.
E. Transfer switch internal wiring shall be composed of pre-manufactured harnesses that
are permanently marked for source and destination. Harnesses shall be connected to
the control system by means of locking disconnect plug(s), to allow the control system
to be easily disconnected and serviced without disconnecting power from the transfer
switch mechanism.
F. Power transfer switch shall be provided with flame retardant transparent covers to allow
viewing of switch contact operation but prevent direct contact with components that could
be operating at line voltage levels.
G. Transfer switches that are designated on the drawings as 3-pole shall be provided with
a neutral bus and lugs. The neutral bus shall be sized to carry 100% of the current
designated on the switch rating.
H. Field control connections shall be made on a common terminal block that is clearly and
permanently labeled.
I. Upon drop in normal voltage of 83-85 percent of rated voltage, and after an override delay
of 3 seconds nominal, switch shall start generator and transfer the load to emergency
source, provided emergency source voltage and frequency are 90 percent of rated or
J. Upon return of normal source voltage for 5 seconds nominal, to 92-95 percent of rated,
switch shall retransfer load to normal source after a minimum transfer time or if
emergency source fails. Provide a 5- to 60-second adjustable time delay to maintain
transfer switch in the "Off" position during transfer to either source.
K. Sensing relays shall operate without contact chatter or false response when voltage is
slowly varied to dropout and pickup levels.
L. Four auxiliary contacts shall be provided: Two for transfer switch position indicating use,
and two auxiliary contacts, one N.O. and one N.C. to operate after completion of the 3-
second override delay for starting generator. All auxiliary contacts shall be 600 volt, 10
amp continuous rating.
Section 263213.13
M. Operator Panel. Each transfer switch shall be provided with a control panel to allow the
operator to view the status and control operation of the transfer switch. The operator
panel shall be a sealed membrane panel rated NEMA 3R/IP53 or better (regardless of
enclosure rating) that is permanently labeled for switch and control functions. The
operator panel shall be provided with the following features and capabilities:
1. High intensity LED lamps to indicate the source that the load is connected to (source
1 or source 2); and which source(s) are available. Source available LED indicators
shall operate from the control microprocessor to indicate the true condition of the
sources as sensed by the control
2. High intensity LED lamps to indicate that the transfer switch is “not in auto” (due to
control being disabled or due to bypass switch (when used) enabled or in operation)
and “Test/Exercise Active” to indicate that the control system is testing or exercising
the generator set.
3. “OVERRIDE” pushbutton to cause the transfer switch to bypass any active time
delays for start, transfer, and retransfer and immediately proceed with its next logical
4. “TEST” pushbutton to initiate a preprogrammed test sequence for the generator set
and transfer switch. The transfer switch shall be programmable for test with load or
test without load.
5. “RESET/LAMP TEST” pushbutton that will clear any faults present in the control, or
simultaneously test all lamps on the panel by lighting them.
6. The control system shall continuously log information on the number of hours each
source has been connected to the load, the number of times transferred, and the
total number of times each source has failed. This information shall be available via
a PC-based service tool and an operator display panel.
7. Vacuum fluorescent alphanumeric display panel with push-button navigation
switches. The display shall be clearly visible in both bright (sunlight) and no light
conditions. It shall be visible over an angle of at least 120 degrees. The
Alphanumeric display panel shall be capable of providing the following functions and
a. Display source condition information, including AC voltage for each phase of
normal and emergency source, frequency of each source. Voltage for all three
phases shall be displayed on a single screen for easy viewing of voltage
balance. Line to neutral voltages shall be displayed for 4-wire systems.
b. Display source status, to indicate source is connected or not connecte d.
c. Display load data, including 3-phase AC voltage, 3-phase AC current, frequency,
KW, KVA, and power factor. Voltage and current data for all phases shall be
displayed on a single screen.
d. The display panel shall allow the operator to view and make the following
adjustments in the control system, after entering an access code:
1) Set nominal voltage and frequency for the transfer switch.
2) Adjust voltage and frequency sensor operation set points.
3) Set up time clock functions.
4) Set up load sequence functions.
5) Enable or disable control functions in the transfer switch, including program
6) Set up exercise and load test operation conditions, as well as normal system
time delays for transfer time, time delay start, stop, transfer, and retransfer.
Section 263213.13
e. Display Real time Clock data, including date, and time in hours, minutes, and
seconds. The real time clock shall incorporate provisions for automatic daylight
savings time and leap year adjustments. The control shall also log total
operating hours for the control system.
f. Display service history for the transfer switch. Display source connected hours,
to indicate the total number of hours connected to each source. Display number
of times transferred, and total number of times each source has failed.
g. Display fault history on the transfer switch, including condition, and date and time
of fault. Faults to include controller checksum error, low controller DC voltage,
ATS fail to close on transfer, ATS fail to close on retransfer, battery charger
malfunction, network battery voltage low, and network communications error.
N. The transfer switch control system shall be configurable in the field for any operating
voltage level up to 600VAC. Provide RMS voltage sensing and metering that is accurate
to within plus or minus 1% of nominal voltage level. Frequency sensing shall be accurate
to within plus or minus 0.2%. Voltage sensing shall be monitored based on the normal
voltage at the site. Systems that utilize voltage monitoring based on standard voltage
conditions that are not field configurable are not acceptable.
O. Transfer switch voltage sensors shall be close differential type, providing source
availability information to the control system based on the following functions:
1. Monitoring all phases of the normal service (source 1) for under voltage conditions
(adjustable for pickup in a range of 85 to 98% of the normal voltage level and dropout
in a range of 75 to 98% of normal voltage level).
2. Monitoring all phases of the emergency service (source 2) for under voltage
conditions (adjustable for pickup in a range of 85 to 98% of the normal voltage level
and dropout in a range of 75 to 98% of pickup voltage level).
3. Monitoring all phases of the normal service (source 1) and emergency service
(source 2) for loss of a single phase.
P. The transfer switch shall be configurable to control the operation time from source to
source (program transition operation). The control system shall be capable of enabling
or disabling this feature, and adjusting the time period to a specific value. The transfer
switch shall incorporate adjustable time delays for generator set start (adjustable in a
range from 0-15 seconds); transfer (adjustable in a range from 0-120 seconds);
retransfer (adjustable in a range from 0-30 minutes); and generator stop (cooldown)
(adjustable in a range of 0-30 minutes).
Q. The transfer switch shall be configurable to accept a relay contact signal and a network
signal from an external device to prevent transfer to the generator service.
R. The control system shall be designed and prototype tested for operation in ambient
temperatures from -40C to +70C. It shall be designed and tested to comply with the
requirements of the noted voltage and RFI/EMI standards.
S. The control shall have optically isolated logic inputs, high isolation transformers for AC
inputs, and relays on all outputs, to provide optimum protection from line voltage surges,
RFI and EMI.
Section 263213.13
T. Enclosures shall be UL listed. The enclosure shall provide wire bend space in
compliance to the latest version of NFPA70. The cabinet door shall include permanently
mounted key type latches.
U. Transfer switch equipment shall be provided in a NEMA 4X enclosure.
V. The enclosure shall provide code-required wire bend space at point of entry as shown
on the drawings. Manual operating handles and all control switches (other than
key-operated switches) shall be accessible to authorized personnel only by opening the
key-locking cabinet door. Transfer switches with manual operating handles and/or non
key-operated control switches located on outside of cabinet do not meet this specification
and are not acceptable.
W. Transfer switch normally connects an energized utility power source (source 1) to loads
and a generator set (source 2) to the loads when normal source fails. The normal
position of the transfer switch is source 1 (connected to the utility), and no start signal is
supplied to the genset.
X. Generator Set Exercise (Test) With Load Mode. The control system shall be configurable
to test the generator set under load. In this mode, the transfer switch shall control the
generator set in the following sequence:
1. Transfer switch shall initiate the exercise sequence at a time indicated in the exercise
timer program, or when manually initiated by the operator.
2. The transfer switch shall issue a compatible start command to the generator set, and
cause the generator set to start and run at idle until it has reached normal operating
3. When the generator set has reached normal operating temperature or after an
adjustable time period (whichever is shorter), the control system shall accelerate the
generator set to rated voltage and frequency.
4. When the control systems senses the generator set at rated voltage and frequency,
it shall operate to connect the loads to the generator set by opening the normal
source contacts, and closing the alternate source contacts a predetermined time
period later. The timing sequence for the contact operation shall be programmable
in the controller.
5. The generator set shall operate connected to the load for the duration of the exercise
period. If the generator set fails during this period, the transfer switch shall
automatically reconnect the generator set to the normal service.
6. On completion of the exercise period, the transfer switch shall operate to connect the
loads to the normal source by opening the alternate source contacts, and closing the
normal source contacts a predetermined time period later. The timing sequence for
the contact operation shall be programmable in the controller.
7. The transfer switch shall operate the generator set unloaded for a cooldown period,
and then remove the start signal from the generator set. If the normal power fails at
any time when the generator set is running, the transfer switch shall immediately
connect the system loads to the generator set.
Section 263213.13
Y. Generator Set Exercise (Test) Without Load Mode. The control system shall be
configurable to test the generator set without transfer switch load connected. In this
mode, the transfer switch shall control the generator set in the following sequence:
1. Transfer switch shall initiate the exercise sequence at a time indicated in the exercise
timer program, or when manually initiated by the operator.
2. The transfer switch shall issue a compatible start command to the generator set, and
cause the generator set to start and run at idle until it has reached normal operating
3. When the generator set has reached normal operating temperature or after an
adjustable time period (whichever is shorter), the control system shall accelerate the
generator set to rated voltage and frequency.
4. When the control systems senses the generator set at rated voltage and frequency,
it shall operate the generator set unloaded for the duration of the exercise period.
5. At the completion of the exercise period, the transfer switch shall remove the start
signal from the generator set. If the normal power fails at any time when the
generator set is running, the transfer switch shall immediately connect the system
loads to the generator set.
Z. Factory Testing. The transfer switch manufacturer shall perform a complete operational
test on the transfer switch prior to shipping from the factory. A certified test report shall
be provided to OWNER & ENGINEER upon delivery of generator. Test process shall
include calibration of voltage sensors.
AA. The manufacturer of the transfer switch and generator set shall maintain service parts
inventory at a central location (within 50 miles of the city) which is accessible to the
service location 24 hours per day, 365 days.
BB. The transfer switch shall be serviced by a local service organization that is trained and
factory certified in both generator set and transfer switch service. The supplier shall
maintain an inventory of critical replacement parts at the local service organization, and
in service vehicles. The service organization shall be on call 24 hours per day, 365 days
per year.
CC. The manufacturer shall maintain model and serial number records of each transfer
switch provided for at least 20 years.
DD. Accessory devices shall be provided as follows:
1. Time delay to override harmless power dips and outages. (Inverse time characteristic
with voltage.)
2. Test switch.
3. Auxiliary contacts (as specified herein).
4. Selector relay (as specified herein).
5. Lockout relay (sensitive to voltage and frequency).
6. Full phase protection with nominal 75-80 percent dropout and 92-95 percent pickup
on phase relay.
7. Adjustable time delay on retransfer to normal source. Minimum retransfer of 2
minutes and maximum of 25 minutes. Built-in circuitry to nullify the retransfer time
delay if the emergency source fails and the normal source is available.
Section 263213.13
8. Adjustable (10-20 minutes) time delay for running generator unloaded after transfer
for cool down.
9. Adjustable time delay or delays (5 to 60 seconds) for holding transfer switch in the
"Off" position when switching from standby source to normal and normal source to
10. Engine starting contact.
11. A selector switch shall permit generator to be exercised with or without load.
A. Install diesel engine-driven generator units as indicated, in accordance with equipment
manufacturer's written instructions, and with recognized industry practices, to ensure that
engine-generator units fulfill requirem ents. Comply with NFPA and NEMA standards
pertaining to installation of engine-generator sets and accessories.
B. Coordinate with other work, including raceways, electrical boxes and fittings, fuel tanks,
piping, and accessories, as necessary to interface installation of engine generator
equipment work with other work.
C. Tighten connectors and terminals, including screws and bolts, in accordance with
equipment manufacturer's published torque-tightening values for equipment connectors.
Where manufacturer's torquing requirements are not indicated, tighten connectors and
terminals to comply with tightening torques specified in UL Standards 486A and B, and
the National Electrical Code.
D. Install units on steel spring type vibration isolators fastened to an inertia base in
accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
E. Connect fuel piping to generator equipment as indicated, and comply with manufacturer's
installation instructions.
A. Provide equipment grounding connections for diesel engine-driven generator unit and
automatic transfer switch as indicated. Connect generator equipment ground to ground
ring around generator pad. Ground ring shall have a minimum of four (4) 5/8” x 20’
copper-clad ground rods. Connect ground ring to sites counterpoise. Connections to
ground ring, counterpoise and ground rods shall be exothermically welded. Add
additional ground rings as required to meet five (5) ohm (or less) specified resistance.
Tighten connections to comply with tightening torques specified in UL Standard 486A to
ensure permanent and effective grounding.
A. Start-up Testing:
Section 263213.13
1. Engage local equipment manufacturer's representative to perform start -up and
building load tests upon completion of installation, with ENGINEER in attendance;
provide certified test record. Tests are to include the following:
a. Check fuel, lubricating oil, and antifreeze in liquid-cooled models for conformity
to manufacturer's recommendations under environmental conditions present.
b. Test prior to cranking engine for proper operation, accessories that normally
function while the set is in a standby mode. Accessories include: alternator strip
heater, engine coolant heater, and battery charger.
c. Check, during start-up test mode, for exhaust leaks, cooling air flow, movement
during starting and stopping, vibration during running, normal and emergency
line-to-line voltage, and phase rotation.
d. Test, by means of simulated power outage, automatic start -up by remote-
automatic starting, transfer of load, and automatic shutdown. Prior to this test,
adjust for proper system coordination, transfer switch timers. After installation
inspection and fine adjustments have been completed, the Generator set shall
be connected to resistive type load banks, matching the full rated output of this
installed generator set.
1) A four (4) hour 100% resistive load bank test, matching the full rated output
of this installed generator set, is to be performed after installation i n the
presence of the ENGINEER, OWNER, and any required Authority.
Coordinate with ENGINEER, OWNER, and any required Authority for
appropriate test date and time. During this load bank test, monitor the engine
temperature, oil pressure, battery charge level, generator voltage, amperes,
and frequency. Voltage dip will be observed with a recording oscilloscope
furnished by supplier for this test only. Voltage dip is defined as the peak-
to-peak voltage minimum, at starting compared to the average peak-to-peak
voltage with the starting load running. The difference shall be less than 25
percent of the running P-P voltage.
2) Provide a test of safeties and transfer under NFPA-110 criteria.
3) Provide all tests in the presence of an OWNER representative.
Upon completion of installation and testing, demonstrate capability and
compliance of system with requirements. Where possible, correct
malfunctioning units at Site, then retest to demonstrate compliance;
otherwise, remove and replace with new units, and proceed with retesting.
Initial testing and retesting to be at no cost to OWNER.
A. Commissioning and Qualifications shall be performed by Manufacturer's authorized and
factory certified trained for installation of units personnel.
B. Maintenance Proximity: The commissioning and selling manufacturer office location
shall not be more than two hours' normal travel time from the project site.
C. Access to Service & Parts: Manufacturer for the Generator shall maintain a full
operational facility, with service, parts and distribution center within 50 miles of the
Project Site. A ‘sales office’ will not qualify as a service & parts facility. A “dealer” that
buys product from a Factory Distributor does not qualify.
Section 263213.13
D. Manufacturer’s Qualifications: The manufacturer shall be in the business of
manufacturing power generation systems under ISO-9001 certification process for over
10 years. The manufacturer shall employ service, engineering, and parts staff within a
factory-owned or authorized service center, within 50 miles of Project site.
E. When an “upfitter” is used for a fuel tank or generator enclosure, the manufacturer shall
be located in the same state as the Project Site.
F. Upfitters shall provide their UL Listing number on all documentation of compliance. UL
as an “assembly” under the generator manufacturer’s main UL Listing is not acceptable.
G. cUL (or other) listing or compliance shall not be accepted in lieu of UL listing and label.
H. Manufacturer Service Qualifications: The generator manufacturer shall have a service
center within a 2-hour driving distance from the project site. This service center shall
have engineering, application support, on-site rental, start-up, commissioning, and
replacement parts and labor for the maintenance and repair of the same brand of power
generation system equipment as supplied on the Project.
I. Source Limitations: Obtain all equipment under this section through one source as
practical and possible under the limitations of the manufacturer’s ability to provide
J. The equipment under this Section must be sold to the installer or the OWNER by an
entity operating from within the project State.
K. The equipment under this Section must be installed by a CONTRACTOR operating
from offices located within the Project state.
L. Equipment under this section shall be provided by a single manufacturer, so as to
provide only one source of warranty and responsibility whenever possible.
M. Generator engine, alternator, and generator controller shall be provided by a single
manufacturer exceptions must be noted in submittal. The ENGINEER reserves the right
to reject exceptions based on the equipment used as the basis of design in comparison.
A. Building Operating Personnel Training: Train OWNER's building personnel in procedures
for starting-up, testing, and operating diesel engine-driven generator sets. In addition,
train OWNER's personnel in periodic maintenance of batteries.
Section 312316
SECTION 312316
A. Section Includes: Requirements for performing opencut excavations to the widths
and depths necessary for constructing structures and pipelines, including
excavation of any material necessary for any purpose pertinent to the construction
of the Work.
B. Related Work Specified In Other Sections Includes:
1. Section 017416 – Site Clearing
2. Section 033100 – Concrete, Masonry, Mortar and Grout
3. Section 312319 – Groundwater Control for Open Cut Excavation
4. Section 312323 – Backfilling
5. Section 314000 – Shoring, Sheeting and Bracing
A. Earth: "Earth" includes all materials which, in the opinion of the ENGINEER, do
not require blasting, barring, wedging or special impact tools for their removal from
their original beds, and removal of which can be completed using standard
excavating equipment. Specifically excluded are all ledge and bedrock and
boulders or pieces of masonry larger than one cubic yard in volume.
B. Rock: "Rock" includes all materials which, in the opinion of the ENGINEER,
require blasting, barring, wedging and/or special impact tools such as jack
hammers, sledges, chisels, or similar devices specifically designed for use in
cutting or breaking rock for removal from their original beds and which have
compressive strengths in their natural undisturbed state in excess of 300 psi.
Boulders or masonry larger than one cubic yard in volume are classed as rock
A. General: Provide all submittals, including the following, as specified in Division 1.
Section 312316
B. Engage the services of a Professional Engineer who is registered in the State of
Florida to design all cofferdam and sheeting and bracing systems which the
CONTRACTOR feels necessary for the execution of his work. Submit to the
ENGINEER a signed statement that he has been employed by the
CONTRACTOR to design all sheeting and bracing systems. After the systems
have been installed, furnish to the ENGINEER an additional signed statement that
the cofferdams and sheeting and bracing systems have been installed in
accordance with his design.
C. If a detour is required, submit a traffic control plan for approval to County Manager
or designee and/or the Florida Department of Transportation as described in
Section 015526.
A. Geotechnical Investigation: A geotechnical investigation may have been prepared
by the COUNTY and ENGINEER in preparing the Contract Documents.
1. The geotechnical investigation report may be examined for what ever value
it may be considered to be worth. However, this information is not
guaranteed as to its accuracy or completeness.
2. The geotechnical investigation report is not part of the Contract Documents.
B. Actual Conditions: Make any geotechnical investigations deemed necessary to
determine actual site conditions.
C. Underground Utilities and Collier County Damage Prevention Policy:
1. This policy has been put in place to avoid damage to Collier County
underground utilities. A minimum distance of five feet (5’) horizontally and
eighteen inches (18”) vertically must be maintained away from Collier County
utilities. Any and all variations from this order must be the Water or Wastewater
2. Before commencement of any excavation at road crossings or any boring or any
drilling, the contractor shall mark the proposed run alignment with white paint or
flags. Subsequent to placement of the white markings, the existing
underground utilities in the area affected by the work must be marked by
Sunshine One Call after proper notification to them by either calling 811 in
Florida or toll free at 1-800-432-4770. Visit www.callsunshine.com for more
information. Before commencing excavation for the work, potholing of all
potential conflicts must be performed.
3. All lines in conflict must be physically located by the contractor and verified by
Collier County Locate Department personnel before performing work. Utilities
under concrete or pavement may require soft dig vacuum locates which also is
the contractor’s responsibility to perform. All utilities will be field marked per
Sunshine State One Call’s statutes and guidelines. For line verification or any
Section 312316
other information concerning locates, please call the Locate Department at 239-
252-5922 during normal business hours. For line verification or emergency
locates after hours, call emergency numeric pager at 239-890-0809. In the
event the potholing and/or vacuum soft dig does not locate the marked
utility, work must be stopped and the affected utility owner contacted.
Failure to comply with this policy and obtain required signature(s) may result in
delay or denial of permit.
4. The contractor must comply with all provisions of Florida Statute 556, the
Underground Facility Damage Prevention and Safety Act.
D. Quality and Quantity: Make any other investigations and determinations
necessary to determine the quality and quantities of earth and rock and the
methods to be used to excavate these materials.
Not Used
A. Clearing: Clear opencut excavation sites of obstructions preparatory to
excavation. Clearing in accordance with Section 017416, includes removal and
disposal of vegetation, trees, stumps, roots and bushes, except those specified to
be protected during trench excavation.
B. Banks: Shore or slope banks to the angle of repose to prevent slides or cave-ins
in accordance with Section 314000.
C. Safety: Whenever an excavation site or trench is left unattended by the
CONTRACTOR or when an area is not within 100 feet of observation by the
CONTRACTOR, the excavation site or trench shall be filled and/or, at the
County’s Manager or designee discretion, protected by other means to prevent
accidental or unauthorized entry. Include barricades and other protection devices
requested by the ENGINEER or County Manager or designee, including
temporary fencing, snow fencing, or temporary "structure" tape. Such safety items
shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR of any site safety requirements or liabilities
established by Federal, State and local laws and agencies, including OSHA, but is
intended as additional safety measures to protect the general public.
D. Hazardous Materials: If encountered, take care of hazardous materials not
specifically shown or noted in accordance with Section 015000.
Section 312316
E. During excavation and any site work, take storm water pollution prevention
measures to ensure that water quality criteria are not violated in the receiving
water body and all state and local regulatory requirements are met.
A. Excavation Size: Provide excavations of sufficient size and only of sufficient size
to permit the Work to be economically and properly constructed in the manner and
of the size specified.
B. Excavation Shape: Shape and dimension the bottom of the excavation in earth or
rock to the shape and dimensions of the underside of the structure or drainage
blanket wherever the nature of the excavated material permits.
C. Compaction: Before placing foundation slabs, footings or backfill, proof roll the
bottom of the excavations to detect soft spots.
1. For accessible areas, proof roll with a ten wheel tandem axle dump truck
loaded to at least 15 tons or similarly loaded construction equipment.
2. For small areas, proof roll with a smooth-faced steel roller filled with water or
sand, or compact with a mechanical tamper.
3. Make one complete coverage, with overlap, of the area.
4. Overexcavate soft zones and replace with compacted select fill.
A. Preparation: Properly brace and protect trees, shrubs, poles and other structures
which are to be preserved. Unless shown or specified otherwise, preserve all
trees and large shrubs. Hold damage to the root structure to a minimum. Small
shrubs may be preserved or replaced with equivalent specimens.
B. Adequate Space: Keep the width of trenches to a minimum, however provide
adequate space for workers to place, joint and backfill the pipe properly.
1. The minimum width of the trench shall be equal to at least 3.5 feet or the
outside diameter of the pipe at the joint plus 8-inches for unsheeted trench
or 12 inches for sheeted trench, whichever is greater. Conform the trench
walls to OSHA Regulations.
2. In sheeted trenches, measure the clear width of the trench at the level of the
top of the pipe to the inside of the sheeting.
C. Depth:
Section 312316
1. Excavate trenches to a minimum depth of 8 inches, but not more than 12
inches, below the bottom of the pipe so that bedding material can be placed
in the bottom of the trench and shaped to provide a continuous, firm bearing
for pipe barrels and bells.
2. Standard trench grade shall be defined as the bottom surface of the utility to
be constructed or placed within the trench. Trench grade for utilities in rock
or other non-cushioning material shall be defined as additional undercuts
backfilled with crushed stone compacted in 6-inch lifts, below the standard
8-inches minimum trench undercut. Backfill excavation below trench grade
not ordered in writing by the ENGINEER with acceptable Class I, II or III
embedment material to trench grade and compact to density equal to native
D. Unstable or Unsuitable Materials: If unstable or unsuitable material is exposed at
the level of the bottom of the trench excavation, excavate the material in
accordance with the subsection headed "Authorized Additional Excavation".
1. Remove material for the full width of the trench and to the depth required to
reach suitable foundation material.
2. When in the judgment of the ENGINEER the unstable or unsuitable material
extends to an excessive depth, the ENGINEER may advise, in writing, the
need for stabilization of the trench bottom with additional select fill material,
crushed stone, washed shell, gravel mat or the need to provide firm support
for the pipe or electrical duct by other suitable methods.
3. Crushed stone, washed shell and gravel shall be as specified in Section
4. Payment for such trench stabilization will be made under the appropriate
Contract Items or where no such items exist, as a change in the Work.
E. Length of Excavation: Keep the open excavated trench preceding the pipe laying
operation and the unfilled trench, with pipe in place, to a minimum length which
causes the least disturbance. Provide ladders for a means of exit from the trench
as required by applicable safety and health regulations.
F. Excavated Material: Neatly deposit excavated material to be used for backfill at
the sides of the trenches where space is available. Where stockpiling of
excavated material is required, obtain the sites to be used and maintain
operations to provide for natural drainage and not present an unsightly
G. Water: Allow no water to rise in the trench excavation until sufficient backfill has
been placed to prevent pipe flotation. Provide trench dewatering in accordance
with Section 312319.
Section 312316
A. Jacking and Augering Requirements: Allow adequate length in jacking pits to
provide room for the jacking frame, the jacking head, the reaction blocks, the
jacks, auger rig, and the jacking pipe. Provide sufficient pit width to allow ample
working space on each side of the jacking frame. Allow sufficient pit depth such
that the invert of the pipe, when placed on the guide frame, will be at the elevation
desired for the completed line. Tightly sheet the pit and keep it dry at all times.
A. Rock Excavation: Excavate rock within the boundary lines and grades as shown,
specified or required.
1. Rock removed from the excavation becomes the property of the
CONTRACTOR. Transport and dispose of excavated rock at an off site
disposal location. Obtain the off site disposal location.
2. Remove all shattered rock and loose pieces.
B. Structure Depths: For cast-in-place structures, excavate the rock only to the
bottom of the structure, foundation slab, or drainage blanket.
C. Trench Width: Maintain a minimum clear width of the trench at the level of the top
of the pipe of the outside diameter of the pipe barrel plus 2 feet, unless otherwise
D. Trench Depth: For trench excavation, in which pipelines are to be placed,
excavate the rock to a minimum depth of 8 inches below the bottom of the pipe or
duct encasement. Provide a cushion of sand or suitable crushed rock. Refill the
excavated space with pipe bedding material in accordance with Section 312323.
Include placing, compacting and shaping pipe bedding material in the appropriate
Contract Items.
E. Manhole Depths: For manhole excavation, excavate the rock to a minimum depth
of 8 inches below the bottom of the manhole base for pipelines 24 inches in
diameter and larger and 6 inches below the bottom manhole base for pipelines
less than 24 inches in diameter. Refill the excavated space with pipe bedding
material in accordance with Section 312323. Include placing, compacting and
shaping pipe bedding material for manhole bases in the appropriate Contract
F. Over-excavated Space: Refill the excavated space in rock below structures,
pipelines, conduits and manholes, which exceeds the specified depths with 2,500
psi concrete, crushed stone, washed shell, or other material as directed. Include
refilling of over-excavated space in rock as part of the rock excavation.
Section 312316
G. Other Requirements: Follow, where applicable, the requirements of the
subsections on "Trench Excavation" and "Structure Excavation".
H. Payment: No additional payment will be made for Rrock excavation., including
placing, compacting and shaping of the select fill material, will be paid for under
the appropriate Contract Items or where no such items exist, as a change in the
A. Finish: Provide a reasonably smooth finished surface for all excavations, which is
uniformly compacted and free from irregular surface changes.
B. Finish Methods: Provide a degree of finish that is ordinarily obtainable from blade -
grade operations and in accordance with Section 312323.
A. Traffic and Erosion: Protect newly graded areas from traffic and from erosion.
B. Repair: Repair any settlement or washing away that may occur from any cause,
prior to acceptance. Re-establish grades to the required elevations and slopes.
C. It shall be the CONTRACTOR’s responsibility to acquaint himself with all existing
conditions and to locate all structures and utilities along the proposed utility
alignment in order to avoid conflicts. Where actual conflicts are unavoidable,
coordinate work with the facility owner and perform work so as to cause as little
interference as possible with the service rendered by the facility disturbed in
accordance with Section 020500. Repair and/or replace facilities or structures
damaged in the prosecution of the work immediately, in conformance with current
standard practices of the industry, or according to the direction of the owner of
such facility, at the CONTRACTOR’s expense.
D. Other Requirements: Conduct all Work in accordance with the environmental
protection requirements specified in Division 1.
A. Additional Excavation: Carry the excavation to such additional depth and width as
authorized in writing, for the following reasons:
1. In case the materials encountered at the elevations shown are not suitable.
2. In case it is found desirable or necessary to go to an additional depth, or to
an additional depth and width.
Section 312316
B. Refill Materials: Refill such excavated space with either authorized 2500 psi
concrete or compacted select fill material, in compliance with the applicable
provisions of Section 312323.
C. Compaction: Compact fill materials to avoid future settlement. As a minimum,
backfill layers shall not exceed 6-inches in thickness for the full trench width and
compaction shall equal 95% of maximum density, or 98% if under paved area of
roadway, as determined by using ASTM D 1557. Perform compaction density
tests at all such backfill areas with spacing not to exceed 100 feet apart and on
each 6-inch compacted layer.
D. Payment: Additional earth excavations so authorized and concrete or select fill
materials authorized for filling such additional excavation and compaction of select
fill materials will be paid for under the appropriate Contract Items or where no
such items exist, as a change in the Work.
A. Stability: Refill any excavation carried beyond or below the lines and grades
shown, except as specified in the subsection headed "Authorized Additional
Excavation", with such material and in such manner as may be approved in order
to provide for the stability of the various structures.
B. Refill Materials: Refill spaces beneath all manholes, structures, pipelines, or
conduits excavated without authority with 2500 psi concrete or compacted select
fill material, as approved.
C. Payment: Refill for unauthorized excavation will not be measured and no payment
will be made therefor.
A. Stockpiling Suitable Materials: Stockpile topsoil suitable for final grading and
landscaping and excavated material suitable for backfilling or embankments
separately on the site in approved locations.
B. Stockpile Locations: Store excavated and other material a sufficient distance
away from the edge of any excavation to prevent its falling or sliding back into the
excavation and to prevent collapse of the wall of the excavation. Provide not less
than 2 feet clear space between the top of any stockpile and other material and
the edge of any excavation.
C. Excess Materials: Be responsible for transport and disposal of surplus excavated
material and excavated material unsuitable for backfilling or embankments at an
off site disposal location secured by the CONTRACTOR.
Section 312316
A. Water Removal: At all times during the excavation period and until completion
and acceptance of the WORK at final inspection, provide ample means and
equipment with which to remove promptly and dispose of properly all water
entering any excavation or other parts of the WORK.
B. Dry Excavations: Keep the excavation dry, in accordance with Section 312319.
C. Water Contact: Allow no water to rise over or come in contact with masonry and
concrete until the concrete and mortar have attained a set and, in any event, not
sooner than 12 hours after placing the masonry or concrete.
D. Discharge of Water: Dispose of water pumped or drained from the Work in a safe
and suitable manner without damage to adjacent property or streets or to other
work under construction.
E. Protection: Provide adequate protection for water discharged onto streets. Protect
the street surface at the point of discharge.
F. Sanitary Sewers: Discharge no water into sanitary sewers.
G. Storm Sewers: Discharge no water containing settleable solids into storm sewers.
H. Repair: Promptly repair any and all damage caused by dewatering the Work.
Section 312316
Section 323113
SECTION 323113
A. Section Includes: Requirements for providing vinyl coated galvanized steel chain link
fencing and gates.
B. Related Work Specified in Other Sections Includes:
1. Section 033100 – Concrete, Masonry, Mortar and Grout
A. Codes and standards referred to in this Section are:
1. ASTM 1043 - Strength and Protective Coatings on Metal Industrial Chain
Link Fence Framework
2. ASME B36.10M - Welded and seamless wrought steel pipe
3. FS RR-F-191 - Fencing, Wire and Post, Metal
A. General: Provide fencing of the chain-link type and seven six (67) feet high with six
(6) feet of diamond mesh woven wire fabric. topped by extension arms with a vertical
height of approximately one foot above the top of the fabric. Design the extension
arms slanted out at an angle of 45 degrees and provide the arms to carry three
double strands of barbed wire when specifically required. Locate the fence as shown.
B. Fabric, Supports and Fittings: Provide steel fabric, supports and fittings except as
C. Fabric, Supports and Fittings: Provide green or black color coated steel fabric,
supports and fittings. Coat the framework, posts and hardware except hinges and
latches to match the fabric with thermoplastic or therm oset resins and provide oven-
baked materials to a minimum dry coating of seven mils. Color coat all accessories
except hinges and latches to match the fence. Provide aluminum hinges and latches.
D. Pipe Sizes and Weights: Provide pipe sizes and weights m eeting the requirements of
ASME B 36.10, Table 2 and ASTM A 53, Table 1. All pipe sizes listed are nominal,
unless otherwise indicated.
Section 323113
A. Acceptable manufacturers are listed in the County Approved Product List, Appendix
F. Other manufacturers of equivalent products may be submitted.
A. Provide fabric that is a one piece woven 2-inch mesh chain link of 6-gauge steel wire
with a minimum breakload of 1800 lbs/ft. and which is interwoven to form a
continuous fabric with no splices and is coated after weaving. Provide the top
selvage knuckled for fabric 60 inches high and under, and the bottom selvage twisted
and barbed for fabric over 60 inches high. Clean the fabric of all grease and foreign
matter before coating and shipping. Stretch the fabric tightly approximately two three
inches above grade level and attach the fabric to the terminal or gateposts using
beveled tension bands and tension bars.
1. Provide galvanized fabric that is fusion coated with a minimum seven-mil
coating of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) applied over a thermoset plastic bonding
agent. Conform the PVC to Federal Specification RR-F-191.
2. Vinyl coat all cut ends.
3. Conform aluminum fabric to Fed. Spec. RR-F-191.
A. For the tension wire for the fence bottom use minimum 6-gauge galvanized coil spring
steel fusion color coated as specified for the fabric.
A. General: Furnish the top rail in approximately 20-foot lengths with couplings
approximately 6 inches long for each joint. Provide one coupling in each 5 with an
expansion spring. Provide the rail continuous from end-to-end for each run of fence.
Provide brace rails at all terminal posts, locate the rails midway between the top and
bottom of the fabric and extend from the terminal p ost to the first adjacent line post.
Securely fasten rails at both ends. Provide top and brace rails that are galvanized
steel fusion color coated as specified for framework in Subsection 1.03 C.
B. Pipe Type: 1-1/4-inch, Schedule 40 pipe or a 1.625- by 1.25-inch roll-formed section
with minimum bending strength of 192 pounds on 10-foot span.
A. General: Provide all posts that are coated as specified for vinyl-coated framework,
posts and hardware in Subsection 1.03 C.
Section 323113
B. Pipe Posts: Provide pipe posts as follows:
1. For end, corner and pull posts use 2-1/2-inch, Schedule 40 pipe
2. For line posts use 2-inch, Schedule 40 pipe
3. For gate posts use the following pipes for different leaves:
a. For leaves up to 6 feet wide, use 2-1/2-inch Schedule 40 pipe
b. For leaves over 6 feet to 12 feet wide, use 3-1/2-inch Schedule 40 pipe
c. For leaves over 12 feet to 18 feet wide, use 6-inch Schedule 40 pipe
C. Bending Strength: Provide materials with the minimum bending strength based on a
6-foot cantilever for rolled formed or tube posts as follows:
1. End, Corner and Pull Posts:
2.875" O.D. roll formed or 444
2-1/2-inch square tube 547
2-1/2-inch square, heavy
wall extrusion
2. Line Posts:
For fences 8 feet
maximum height 1.875- by
1.625-inch C-Section
For fences over 8 feet
high 2.25- by 1.703-inch
3. Gate Posts:
For leaves up to 6 feet
wide (2.875-inch O.D. roll
formed or
2-1/2-inch square tube
Section 323113
A. General: For the perimeter construction of gates with leaves up to 6 f eet wide, use
1-1/2-inch Schedule 40 pipe or 1-1/2-inch square steel tube, and for gates with leaves
greater than 6 feet wide, use 2-inch Schedule 40 pipe or 2-inch square steel tube.
B. Braces: Provide the gates with sufficient horizontal and vertical members and bracing
to ensure structural stability to prevent sagging and to provide for the attachment of
fabric, hardware and accessories. Provide gates with diagonal cross bracing
consisting of 3/8-inch diameter adjustable length truss rods where necessary to
provide frame rigidity without sag or twist.
C. Cantilever Sliding Gates: Furnish cantilever overhang as follows:
Gate Leaf Size Overhang
6'-0" to 10'-0" 6'-6"
11'-0" to 14'-0" 7'-6"
15'-0" to 22'-0" 10'-0"
12'-0" to 30'-0" 12'-0"
1. For gates leaf sizes 23'-0" to 30'-0", add one additional 2-inch square lateral
support rail welded adjacent to the top horizontal rail. Make the bottom rail of 2"
x 4" tubing weighing 1.71 pounds per foot.
2. Provide all cantilever overhang frames having 3/8-inch (galvanized steel)
(aluminum) brace rods.
3. Provide the enclosed track made of a combined track and rail aluminum
extrusion having a total weight of 3.72 pounds per foot and designed to
withstand a reaction load of 2,000 pounds.
4. Provide each gate leaf with two swivel type zinc die cast trucks having four
sealed lubricant ball-bearing wheels, 2-inch in diameter by 9/16-inch in width,
with two side rolling wheels to insure alignment of the truck in the track. Hold
trucks to post brackets by 7/8-inch diameter ball bolts with 1/2-inch shank.
Design truck assemblies to take the same reaction load as the track.
5. Install gates on 48.625-inch OD Schedule 40 (galvanized) (aluminum) posts
weighing 9.1 pounds per foot. Use three posts for single slide gate and four
posts for double slide gate.
6. Provide guide wheel assemblies for each supporting post. Provide each
assembly consisting of two rubber wheels 4 inches in diameter attached to a
post so that the bottom horizontal member will roll between the wheels which
can be adjusted to maintain gate frames plumb and in proper alignment.
Section 323113
D. Gate Accessories: Equip gates with hinges, latches, center stops, hasps, holdbacks,
and padlocks. Provide hinges, latches, center stops, hasps, and holdbacks that are
aluminum. Provide double gates with a center drop bar and gate holdbacks.
E. Latches: Provide gate latches that are positive locking, pivoting type with the
padlocking arrangement accessible from either side of the gate.
F. Hinges: Hang all gates on offset hinges to permit swinging the gate through a
180-degree arc to lie, when not obstructed, along and parallel to the line of the fence.
A. General: Provide all attachments fabricated of coated to match the fabric as specified
for framework, posts and hardware in Subsection 1.03, except provide aluminum
hinges and latches.
B. Tension Bars: Provide 3/16-inch by 3/4-inch galvanized carbon steel tension bars
attached to the terminal posts by means of beveled edge bands.
C. Truss Rods: Provide 3/8-inch diameter galvanized carbon steel truss rods. Securely
mount truss rods between the line post end of the brace rail and the base of the
terminal post.
D. Post Tops: Provide post tops of galvanized pressed steel or malleable iron to form
weathertight caps for post or tube posts. Make provisions for installation or passage
of the top rail.
E. Brace and Tension Bands: Provide galvanized steel brace bands and tension bands,
of the "unclimbable" beveled edge type with 3/8-inch diameter square shouldered
aluminum carriage bolts, nonremovable from outside of the fence.
F. Rail Couplings: Provide rail couplings of the outside sleeve type, not less than six
inches long, self-centering, which allows for expansion and contraction. Provide
aluminum galvanized steel rail couplings.
G. Fabric Ties: Provide 119-gauge galvanized steel fabric ties.
H. Hog Rings: Provide 119-gauge wire, aluminum alloy, Type 6061-T6 hog rings.
I. Extension Arms: Provide galvanized pressed steel extension arms for supporting the
barbed wire where used. Design the arms with an adequate cross section to
withstand without failure or permanent deflection a perpendicular force of 250 pounds
applied at the end of the arm when the arm is securely attached to the post.
Construct extension arms to be slanted out.
Section 323113
A. General: Install all fencing and accessories according to the manufacturer's
recommendations. Do not begin installation and erection before final grading is
completed, unless otherwise approved.
B. Excavation: Drill or hand excavate (using post hole digger) holes for posts to the
diameter and spacing indicated, in firm, undisturbed or compacted soil.
1. If not indicated, excavate holes for each post to the minimum diameter
recommended by the fence manufacturer, but not less than four times t he
largest cross-section of the post.
2. Unless otherwise indicated excavate the hole depths approximately 3 inches
lower than the post bottom, with the bottom of posts set not less than 36 inches
below the finished grade surface.
C. Barbed Wire: When specifically required, firmly install the barbed wire in slots in the
extension arms, anchored to the terminal extension arms after removal of all sag from
the wire.
D.C. Tension Wire: Attach the tension wire to the bottom of the fabric by hog rings spaced
at 24-inch intervals and to terminal posts by brace bands.
E.D. Posts: Set posts plumb in concrete encasement at not more than 10-foot centers in
the line of the fence with the tops properly aligned. Extend concrete encasement for
line posts a minimum of three feet below finish grade with a minimum diameter of ten
inches. Extend concrete encasement for terminal, corner and gate posts 40 inches
below finished grade, except gate posts for leaves greater than 6 feet, for which
extend the encasement 54 inches below grade. Provide the minimum diameter of
encasement for terminal, corner and gateposts to be sufficient to provide not less than
four inches between any part of the post and the face of the concrete and in no case
provide the diameter to be less than 12 inches. Set line posts 32 inches into the
concrete and set all other posts 36 inches, except gate posts for leaves greater than 6
feet wide, which are to be set 48 inches into the concrete. Slope the top exposed
surface of the concrete to shed water and provide a neat appearance.
1. Place concrete around posts and vibrate or tamp for consolidation. Check each
post for vertical and top alignment and hold posts in position during placement
and finishing operations.
a. Unless otherwise indicated, extend the concrete footing 2 inches above
grade and trowel to a crown to shed water.
2. Where aluminum is in contact with concrete, coat the aluminum.
Section 323113
F.E. Fabric Ties: Space fabric ties approximately 14 12 inches apart on the line posts and
24 12 inches apart on the rails. (For clips used with C-section posts, use galvanized
11-gauge steel wire.)
G.F. Fabric: Leave approximately 2 3 inches between finished grade and the bottom
selvage, unless otherwise indicated. Pull the fabric taut and tie to posts, rails, and
tension wires. Install the fabric on the security side of the fence, and anchor the fabric
to the framework so that the fabric remains in tension after the pulling force is
H.G. Fasteners: Install nuts for tensions bands and hardware bolts on the side of the fence
opposite the fabric side. Peen ends of bolts or score threads to prevent nut removal.
Section 323113
Section 330502
Page 1 of 9
SECTION 330502
A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals required to install High
Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pressure pipe, fittings, and appurtenances as shown
on the Drawings and specified in the Contract Documents.
B. High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) – Collier County Utilities has the option of
approving the use of HDPE for pipeline crossings of roadways, ditches, canals,
and environmentally sensitive lands. HDPE mains shall have the same equivalent
internal diameter and equivalent pressure class rating as the corresponding PVC
pipe, unless otherwise approved by the County Manager or designee. For all
roadway crossings requiring casing pipe, a steel or DR 11 HDPE casing pipe must
be provided. The Department of Transportation having jurisdiction of said road
and right-of-way must grant specific approval.
A. All standard specifications, i.e., Federal, ANSI, ASTM, etc., made a portion of
these Specifications by reference, shall be the latest edition and revision thereof.
A. Furnish all HDPE pipe, fittings, and appurtenances by a single manufacturer who
is fully experienced, reputable and qualified in the manufacture of the items to be
A. Submit to the ENGINEER, a list of materials to be furnished, the names of the
suppliers, and the appropriate shop drawings for all HDPE pipe and fittings.
B. Submit the pipe manufacturer's certification of compliance with the applicable
sections of the Specifications.
C. Submit shop drawings showing installation method and the proposed method
and specialized equipment to be used.
Section 330502
Page 2 of 9
A. All work shall be inspected by the County Manager or designee who shall have
the authority to halt construction if, in his opinion, these specifications or
standard construction practices are not being followed. Whenever any portion
of these specifications is violated, the County Manager or designee, may order
further construction to cease until all deficiencies are corrected.
A. Warrant all work to be free from defects in workmanship and materials for a period
of one year from the date of completion of all construction. If work meets these
specifications, a letter of acceptance, subject to the one year warranty period,
shall be given at the time of completion. A final acceptance letter shall be given
upon final inspection at the end of the one year warranty period, provided the work
still complies with these specifications. In the event deficiencies are discovered
during the warranty period, the CONTRACTOR shall correct them without
additional charge to the COUNTY before final acceptance. During the warranty
period, the ENGINEER will determine if warranty repairs or replacement work
shall be performed by the CONTRACTOR. The decision of the ENGINEER shall
be binding upon the CONTRACTOR.
B. Installer Certification for The CONTRACTOR installing thermal butt fused HDPE
A. Provide polyethylene pressure pipe manufactured from PE3408 polyethylene
meeting AWWA C906 standards. When specified by the ENGINEER on the
construction drawings, as an alternate to PVC, HDPE (ductile iron pipe sized)
piping can be used for buried applications. Iron pipe sized (IPS) HDPE piping can
be used for below-ground applications as determined by the ENGINEER.
B. The diameter of DR 11 HDPE casing pipe provided for roadway crossings or other
purposes shall conform to the following.
For HDPE pressure carrier pipes, casing spacers are not required when HDPE
DR11 (or DR17 for 42” to 54” or DR21 for 63”) casing is used. The casing inside
diameter shall be a minimum of two inches larger than the carrier pipe’s outside
C. HDPE to HDPE pipe connections shall be by thermal butt fusion. Thermal fusion
shall be accomplished in accordance with the pipe manufacturer and fusion
equipment supplier specifications. The CONTRACTOR installing thermal butt
Section 330502
Page 3 of 9
fused HDPE pipe shall be certified in this type of work and have a minimum of five
years experience performing this type of work. The CONTRACTOR shall provide
certification to the Engineer of Record, who will provide the Engineering Review
Services Department with the certification.
D. Qualification of Manufacturer: The Manufacturer shall have manufacturing and
quality control facilities capable of producing and assuring the quality of the pipe
and fittings required by these specifications. The Manufacturer’s production
facilities shall be open for inspection by the County Manager or designee.
Qualified manufacturers shall be approved by the County Manager or designee.
E. See the County Approved Product List, Appendix F, for manufacturers that are
qualified. Products from other manufacturers proposed for the work must
receive approval from the County Manager or designee prior to ordering.
F. Materials: Materials used for the manufacture of polyethylene pipe and fittings
shall be PE3408 high density polyethylene meeting cell classification 345434C or
345434E per ASTM D3350; and meeting Type III, Class B or Class C, Category 5,
Grade P34 per ASTM D1248; and shall be listed in the name of the pipe and fitting
manufacturer in PPI (Plastics Pipe Institute) TR-4, Recommended Hydrostatic
Strengths and Design Stresses for Thermoplastic Pipe and Fittings Compounds,
with a standard grade rating of 1600 psi at 73°F. The Manufacturer shall certify
that the materials used to manufacture pipe and fittings meet these requirements.
G. Polyethylene Pipe: Polyethylene pipe shall be manufactured in accordance with
ASTM F714, Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR) Based on Outside
Diameter or ASTM D3035, Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe (DR-PR) Based on
Controlled Outside Diameter and shall be so marked. Each production lot of pipe
shall be tested for (from material or pipe) melt index, density, % carbon, (from
pipe) dimensions and either quick burst or ring tensile strength (equipment
H. Color Identification: HDPE must have at least three equally spaced horizontal
colored marking stripes. Permanent identification of piping service shall be
provided by adhering to the following colors.
Blue – potable water (Underground HDPE pipe shall be one of the
a. Solid-wall blue pipe;
b. Co-extruded blue external skin; or
c. White or black pipe with blue stripes incorporated into, or
applied to, the pipe wall.
White – raw water
Green – wastewater, sewage
Pantone Purple – non-potable irrigation, reclaimed or reuse water
Section 330502
Page 4 of 9
I. Polyethylene Fittings and Custom Fabrications: Polyethylene fittings and custom
fabrications shall be molded or fabricated by the pipe manufacturer. Butt fusion
outlets shall be made to the same outside diameter, wall thickness, and tolerances
as the mating pipe. All fittings and custom fabrications shall be fully rated for the
same internal pressure as the mating pipe. Pressure de-rated fabricated fittings
are prohibited.
J. Molded Fittings: Molded fittings shall be manufactured in accordance with ASTM
D3261, Butt Heat Fusion Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Fittings for Polyethylene (PE)
Plastic Pipe and Tubing, and shall be so marked. Each production lot of molded
fittings shall be subjected to the tests required under ASTM D3261.
K. X-Ray Inspection: The Manufacturer shall submit samples from each molded
fittings production lot to x-ray inspection for voids, and shall certify that voids were
not found.
L. Fabricated Fittings: Fabricated fittings shall be made by heat fusion joining
specially machined shapes cut from pipe, polyethylene sheet stock, or molded
fittings. Fabricated fittings shall be rated for internal pressure service equivalent to
the full service pressure rating of the mating pipe. Directional fittings 16” IPS and
larger such as elbows, tees, crosses, etc., shall have a plain end inlet for butt
fusion and flanged directional outlets. Part drawings shall be submitted for the
approval of the ENGINEER.
M. Polyethylene Flange Adapters: Flange adapters shall be made with sufficient
through-bore length to be clamped in a butt fusion joining machine without the use
of a stub-end holder. The sealing surface of the flange adapter shall be machined
with a series of small v-shaped grooves to provide gasketless sealing, or to
restrain the gasket against blow-out.
N. Back-up Rings and Flange Bolts: Flange adapters shall be fitted with lap joint
flanges pressure rated equal to or greater than the mating pipe. The lap joint
flange bore shall be chamfered or radiused to provide clearance to the flange
adapter radius. Flange bolts and nuts shall be Grade 2 or higher.
A. The pipe and fitting manufacturer shall have an established quality control
program responsible for inspecting incoming and outgoing materials. Incoming
polyethylene materials shall be inspected for density, melt flow rate, and
contamination. The cell classification properties of the material shall be certified
by the supplier, and verified by Manufacturer’s Quality Control. Incoming
materials shall be approved by Quality Control before processing into finished
goods. Outgoing materials shall be checked for:
Section 330502
Page 5 of 9
1. Outside diameter, wall thickness, and eccentricity as per ASTM D2122 at a
frequency of at least once/hour or once/coil, whichever is less frequent.
2. Out of Roundness at frequency of at least once/hour or once/coil, whichever is
less frequent.
3. Straightness, inside and outside surface finish, markings and end cuts shall be
visually inspected as per ASTM F714 on every length of pipe.
B. Quality Control shall verify production checks and test for:
1. Density as per ASTM D1505 at a frequency of at least once per extrusion lot.
2. Melt Index as per ASTM D1238 at a frequency of at least once per extrusion
3. Carbon content as per ASTM D1603 at a frequency of at least once per day per
extrusion line.
4. Quick burst pressure (sizes thru 4-inch) as per ASTM D1599 at a frequency of
at least once per day per line.
5. Ring Tensile Strength (sizes above 4-inch equipment permitting) as per ASTM
D2290 at a frequency of at least once per day per line.
6. ESCR (size permitting) as per ASTM F1248 at a frequency of at least once per
extrusion lot.
C. X-ray inspection shall be used to inspect molded fittings for voids, and knit line
strength shall be tested. All fabricated fittings shall be inspected for joint
quality and alignment.
A. In case of conflict with Manufacturer's certifications, the CONTRACTOR,
ENGINEER, or County Manager or designee may request re-testing by the
manufacturer or have re-tests performed by an outside testing service. All re-
testing shall be at the requestor's expense, and shall be performed in accordance
with the Specifications.
B. Installation shall be in accordance with Manufacturer's recommendations and this
specification. All necessary precautions shall be taken to ensure a safe working
environment in accordance with the applicable codes and standards.
Section 330502
Page 6 of 9
A. Install all high density polyethylene (HDPE) pressure pipe by direct bury,
directional bore, or a method approved by the COUNTY or ENGINEER prior to
construction. If directional bore is used, or if directed by the County Manager or
designee or ENGINEER, surround the entire area of construction by silt barriers.
Install all high density polyethylene pressure pipe and fittings in accordance with
Manufacturer's recommendations, and this specification. Take all necessary
precautions to ensure a safe working environment in accordance with the
applicable codes and standards.
A. Make joints between plain end pipes and fittings by butt fusion, and joints between
the main and saddle branch fittings by using saddle fusion using only procedures
that are recommended by the pipe and fitting Manufacturer. Ensure that persons
making heat fusion joints have received training and certification for heat fusion in
the Manufacturer's recommended procedure. Maintain records of trained
personnel, and shall certify that training was received not more than 12 months
before commencing construction. External and internal beads shall not be
A. Polyethylene HDPE pipe and fittings shall be fused together by heat welding when
possible. HDPE pipe and fittings may be joined together or to other materials by
means of flanged connections with back-up rings, by mechanical joint adapter with
glands, (flange adapters and back-up rings) or mechanical couplings designed for
joining polyethylene HDPE pipe or for joining polyethylene HDPE pipe to another
material. A stainless steel sleeve insert shall be used with a mechanical coupling.
Mechanical couplings shall be fully pressure rated and fully thrust restrained such
that when installed in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations, a
longitudinal load applied to the mechanical cooling coupling will cause the pipe to
yield before the mechanical coupling disjoins. Do not use external joint restraints
in lieu of fully restrained mechanical couplings.
A. Make branch connections to the main with saddle fittings or tees. Saddle fuse
polyethylene saddle fittings to the main pipe.
Section 330502
Page 7 of 9
A. Excavate trenches in conformance to this specification, the plans and drawings, or
as authorized in writing by the County Manager or designee, and in accordance
with all applicable codes. Remove excess groundwater. Where necessary, shor e
or reinforce trench walls.
A. Butt fuse fabricated directional fittings 16" IPS and larger to the end of a pipe.
Make up the flanged directional outlet connections in the trench.
A. Install mechanical joints and flange connections in accordance with the
Manufacturer's recommended procedure. Center and align flange faces to each
other before assembling and tightening bolts. Do not use the flange bolts to draw
the flanges into alignment. Lubricate bolt threads, and fit flat washers under the
flange nuts. Tighten bolts evenly according to the tightening pattern and torque
step recommendations of the Manufacturer. At least one hour after initial
assembly, re-tighten flange connections following the tightening pattern and
torque step recommendations of the Manufacturer. The final tightening torque
shall be 100 ft-lbs or less as recommended by the Manufacturer.
A. Lay pipe on grade and on a stable foundation. Rem ove unstable or mucky trench
bottom soils, and install a 6-inch foundation or bedding of compacted Class I
material to pipe bottom grade. Remove excess groundwater from the trench
before laying the foundation or bedding and the pipe. A trench cut in rock or stony
soil shall be excavated to 6 inches below pipe bottom grade, and brought back to
grade with compacted Class I bedding. Remove all ledge rock, boulders, and
large stones.
A. When lifting with slings, use only wide fabric choker slings to lift, move, or lower
pipe and fittings. Do not use wire rope or chain. Slings shall be of sufficient
capacity for the load, and shall be inspected before use. Do not use worn or
defective equipment.
A. Hydrostatic Pressure Testing: Pressure test and flush HDPE pipes after swabbing
in accordance with Section 022501 and 025400.
Section 330502
Page 8 of 9
Section 330502
Page 9 of 9
Section 330503
SECTION 330503
A. Section Includes: Requirements for providing buried PVC pipe, fittings and
1. Provide PVC pipe and fittings complete with all necessary jointing facilities
and materials, specials, adapters and other appurtenances required for
installation in and completion of the pipelines to be constructed.
2. Provide plain end or rubber gaskets (push-on or mechanical joint) of the
types, sizes and classes shown or specified.
B. Related Work Specified In Other Sections Includes:
1. Section 022501 – Leakage Tests
2. Section 025400 – Disinfection
3. Section 330504 – Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings
4. Section 330518 – Laying and Jointing Buried Pipelines
A. Codes and standards referred to in this Section are:
1. ASTM D3034 - Type PSM Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Sewer Pipe and
2. ASTM F679 - Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Large Diameter Plastic Gravity
Sewer Pipe and Fittings
3. AWWA C900 - Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe, 4 In. through 12 60
In., for Water Distribution
4. AWWA C905 - Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Water Transmission Pipe,
Nominal Diameters 14 In. through 36 In.
5.4. AWWA C907 - Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Fittings for Water - 4 In.
through 8 In.
Section 330503
6.5. ASTM D2321 - Underground Installation of Flexible Thermoplastic Sewer
7.6. ASTM F477 - Elastomeric Seals (Gaskets) For Joining Plastic Pipe
8.7. ANSI A21.10 - Ductile-Iron and Gray-Iron Fittings 3 inches through 48
inches, for Water and Other Liquids
9.8. ANSI A21.11 - Rubber-Gasket Joints for Ductile-Iron and Gray Iron
Pressure Pipe and Fittings
10.9. Uni-Bell B-11
A. Gravity Sewer Pipe - PVC pipe shall be of the integral wall bell and spigot joint
type, which meets or exceeds all requirements set forth in ASTM D3034, latest
revision. Minimum wall thickness shall conform to ASTM SDR 26. PVC pipes
used for gravity sewers shall be green in color. Fittings shall be made of PVC
plastic as defined by ASTM SDR 26 1784, latest revision. Flexible gasketed joints
shall be compression type conforming to ASTM D3201, latest revision.
Elastomeric joint gaskets shall conform to ASTM F477, latest revision. At all
conflict crossings using 4”-12” substitute C900 PVC, Class 200305, DR 14 and for
PVC pipe 14” and larger use C9005 PVC, Class 235, DR 18.
B. Force Main Pipe – PVC pipe meeting the latest revision of AWWA C900 or AWWA
C905 shall be provided. For installation of 4” – 12” pipe, the pressure class shall
be 150 235 with a DR of 18. For installation of 14” – 24” pipe, use pressure class
165, DR 25, meeting or exceeding the requirements of Uni-Bell B-11. PVC pipes
used for force mains shall be green in color. Outside diameters shall be
equivalent to ductile iron pipe of the same nominal size. Joints between
successive lengths of straight PVC pipe shall be compression type using a single
elastomeric gasket, per ASTM C-3139 and F477. Fittings for C900 pipe shall be
C900 rated PVC. Joint restraint devices shall be provided for horizontal or vertical
alignment changes using uni-flange type collars, epoxy coated, with high strength,
and low alloy hardware (see County Approved Product List, Appendix F). PVC
pipe direct buried beneath roadways, parking lots or parking lot entrances shall
meet AWWA Specification C900 or C905, latest revision. All 4” to 12” pipe in such
locations shall be a minimum of Class 200305, DR 14, and all 14” to 24” pipe shall
be a minimum of Class 235, DR 18. Pressure Class 250 ductile iron pipe may be
used instead of PVC in these locations if approved by the County Manager or
C. Potable, Raw and Non-Potable Irrigation Water Main Pipe - PVC shall conform to
AWWA Specification C900 or C905, latest revision. All 46” to 12” pipe shall be a
minimum of Class 150235, DR 18 and all 14” to 24” pipe shall be a minimum of
Class 165, DR 25 and shall meet or exceed Uni-Bell B-11. All potable water pipe
shall bear the seal of the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) for potable water
pipe. All pipe shall be marked with the manufacturer's name, nominal size, type of
Section 330503
plastic and pressure rating. All PVC pipe used for potable water lines shall be
predominately blue in color. Underground PVC pipes used for potable water lines
shall be solid-wall blue pipe, will have a co-extruded blue external skin, or will be
white or black pipe with blue stripes incorporated into, or applied to, the pipe wall.
PVC pipes used for raw water shall be white in color. PVC pipes used for non -
potable irrigation, reclaimed or reuse water shall be purple in color. Pipe O.D.
shall be equivalent to cast iron pipe of the same nominal size. PVC pipe direct
buried beneath roadways, parking lots or parking lot entrances shall meet AWWA
Specification C900 or C905, latest revision. All 4” to 12” pipe in such locations
shall be a minimum of Class 200305, DR 14, and all 14” to 24” pipe shall be a
minimum of Class 235, DR 18. Pressure Class 250 ductile iron pipe may be used
instead of PVC in these locations if approved by the County Manager or designee.
D. Provide pipe of the various sizes and classes as specified in the schedule or
shown. Restrain all pressure pipe joints.
E. Construct concrete encasements only with written permission from the Water
A. General: Provide all submittals, including the following, as specified in Division 1.
B. Submit the following shop drawings:
1. Pipe joints, fittings, sleeves and cleanouts. Where special designs or fittings
are required, show the work in large detail and completely describe and
dimension all items.
2. Fully dimensioned drawings of piping layouts, including fittings, couplings,
sleeves, cleanouts, valves, supports and anchors. Label pipe size,
materials, type, and class on drawings and include the limits of each reach
of restrained joints. Provide cross sections showing elevations of cleanouts,
pipes, fittings, sleeves, and valves.
3. Catalog data for pipe, joints, fittings, sleeves, harnessing and cleanouts.
C. Quality Control: Submit certificate of compliance for pipe, fittings, gaskets,
coatings, specials, sleeves and cleanouts in accordance with this Section.
A. Deliver, store and handle all pipe, fittings and appurtenances as specified in
Division 1 and Section 330518.
Section 330503
A. PVC Pipes and Fabricated Fittings: PVC pipe and fabricated fittings shall be
made from virgin PVC resin that has been compounded to provide physical
and chemical properties that equal or exceed cell class 12454-B as defined in
ASTM D1784, and shall qualify for a hydrostatic design basis of 4,000 psi
(27.58 MPa) at 73.4F (23C) per the requirements of PPI TR-3.
B. Fittings for Pressure Pipe: Provide all fittings meeting the requirements of
Sections 330504.
C. Joints and Fittings for Gravity Sewer Pipe: Provide all fittings meeting the
requirements of ASTM D 3034 and ASTM F 679. Provide joints that are a molded
integral part of the pipe section. Do not use joints or couplings furnished loose.
Provide joints with elastomeric gasket joints.
D. Joints for Pressure Pipe: Provide pipe with bell ends in accordance with AWWA
C900 and AWWA C905. Provide joints with elastomeric gasket joints.
E. Elastomeric Gasket Joints: Provide elastomeric gasket joints in accordance with
ASTM F 477.
F. Rubber Gasket Joints: Provide mechanical joints meeting the requirements of
ANSI A21.11.
G. Color: Provide pipe made of 100 percent of the color specified. Provide green
sewer or force main pipe. Provide blue potable water pipe. Provide white raw
water pipe. Provide purple non-potable irrigation, reclaimed or reuse water pipe.
H. Pipe Marking: Provide mark on each pipe at internals of 5 feet or less to
designate compliance with applicable ASTM or AWWA specification.
I. Temporary Bulkheads: Provide temporary bulkheads at the ends of sections
where adjoining pipelines have not been completed and are not ready to connect.
1. Remove all temporary bulkheads when they are no longer needed.
J. Date of Manufacturer: Provide pipe and fitting manufactured no earlier than 12
month period proceeding the date of the Agreement.
K. Wall Thickness for Pressure Pipe:
1. 4 through 12 inches diameter – provide AWWA-C900 DR 14, Class 200 305
for pressure pipe installed under pavement.
Section 330503
2. 14 through 24 inches diameter – provide AWWA-C905 DR 2518, PR Class
165 for235 for pressure pipe installed under pavement.
L. Restraining Devices: Joint restraining devices (see County Approved Product
List, Appendix F) shall be placed at all bends, tees, plugs, reducers, and other
fittings to provide lateral support, and shall conform to the Collier County Standard
Details. Concrete thrust blocks shall only be utilized if approved by Collier County
A. Install all buried PVC pipe and fittings in accordance with the manufacturer's
recommendations, approved shop drawings, as specified in Division 1, and
Section 330518. For horizontal directional drilling of Fusible PVC, see Section
330502 for casing and execution requirements.
A. Cleaning: Flush clean and test all pipes after installation.
B. Testing: Test pipes for leaks and repair or tighten as required.
C. Procedures: Conduct tests in accordance with Section 022501.
A. General: Disinfect all pipelines that are to carry potable water before they are
placed in service as specified in Section 025400.
A. Refer to the Schedules contained in Section 330518 Laying and Jointing Buried
Pipelines for information on the piping that is to be constructed using the pipe
materials and methods specified herein.
Section 330503
Section 330504
SECTION 330504
A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals required, and install ductile
iron pipe, fittings and appurtenances as shown on the Drawings and as specified
A. Section 330518 - Laying and Jointing Buried Pipe
A. Commercial Standards: (Latest Revision)
1. ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.4 Cement-Mortar Lining for Ductile-Iron Pipe and
Fittings for Water.
2. ANSI/AWWA C105/A21.5 Polyethylene Encasement for Ductile-Iron Piping
for Water and Other Liquids.
3. ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10 Ductile-Iron Fittings, 3 in. Through 48 Inches, for
Water and Other Liquids. (C110 2-48 inches).
4. ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11 Rubber Gasket Joints for Ductile-Iron Pressure
Pipe and Fittings.
5. ANSI/AWWA C115/A21.15 Flanged Ductile-Iron Pipe with Threaded
6. ANSI/AWWA C150/A21.50 Thickness Design of Ductile-Iron Pipe.
7. ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51 Ductile-Iron Pipe, Centrifugally Cast for Water or
Other Liquids.
8. ANSI/AWWA C153/A21.53 Ductile-Iron Compact Fittings, 3 inches through
16 inches, for Water and Other Liquids.
9. AWWA C600 Installation of Ductile Iron Water Mains and
Their Appurtenances.
10. Collier County Utilities Standards and Procedures Ordinance
Section 330504
A. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings of pipe and fittings in accordance with the
requirements in the General Conditions, the requirements of the referenced
standards and the following supplemental requirements as applicable:
1. Certified dimensional drawings of all valves, fittings, and appurtenances.
2. In all cases, a line layout to indicate the limits of each reach of restrained
joints or of concrete encasement shall be supplied. (NOTE: Obtain COUNTY
Water Director’s approval of all proposed concrete encasement of ductile
iron pipe.)
B. Certifications: Furnish a certified affidavit of compliance for all pipe and other
products or materials furnished under this Section of the Specifications, which
indicates that all tests have been made and that all results comply with the
requirements of AWWA C151, including but not necessarily limited to the
1. Acceptance Tests.
2. Hydrostatic Tests.
3. Low Temperature Impact Tests.
C. Additional Documentation: Upon request, furnish foundry records in the form of
written transcripts.
D. All expenses incurred for certification, testing, and data submittal shall be borne by
the CONTRACTOR or the Supplier.
A. Inspection: All pipe shall be available for inspection at the place of manufacture
prior to shipping in accordance with the provisions of the referenced standards.
Notify the ENGINEER in writing not less than 10 calendar days prior to the
shipping of the pipe.
B. The ENGINEER shall be given access to all areas where manufacturing and
testing is performed and shall be permitted to make all inspections necessary to
confirm manufacturer compliance with these Specifications.
C. Tests: Except as modified herein, all materials used in the manufacture of the
pipe shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of the referenced
standards as applicable.
D. Provide data on material tests at no additional cost to the COUNTY.
Section 330504
E. In addition to those tests specifically required, the ENGINEER may request
additional samples of any material including lining and coating samples for testing
by the COUNTY. Furnish the additional samples at no additional cost to the
A. If specifically approved by Collier County Utilities for use, provide exterior
protection for underground ductile iron pipe and fittings within areas of severe
corrosive conditions. This shall be accomplished by the installation of
polyethylene encasement through the area of concern. The soil test evaluation to
determine the necessity for extra protection in suspect areas shall be those set
forth in ANSI Standard A21.5. Additionally, where other existing utilities are
known to be cathodically protected, ductile iron pipe crossing said utility shall be
protected for a distance of 20 feet to each side. If ductile iron pipe is to be
installed parallel to and within 10 feet of cathodically protected pipe, then
protection shall be provided for the entire length. Do not install steel pipe in
severe corrosion areas.
A. Protective Lining for Water Mains: Cement mortar lined ductile iron pipe shall
conform to ANSI/AWWA C151 and C104, subject to the following supplemental
requirements. The pipe shall be of the diameter and class shown, shall be
furnished complete with rubber gaskets as indicated in the Contract Documents,
and all specials and fittings shall be provided as required under the Contract
B. Protective Lining for Force Mains and Sewers: Where lining is shown, specified or
required, for the protection of pipelines carrying sewage from corrosive gases, line
the pipe using protective ceramic epoxy coating or polyethylene lining (see
County Approved Product List, Appendix F) in accordance with the
manufacturer’s written instructions. For ceramic epoxy lining, abrasive blast clean
pipe and fittings to a near white surface to SSPC SP-10 and provide 40 mils
minimum of dry film thickness of ceramic epoxy lining.
C. Handling and Storage: Handle the pipe by using wide slings, padded cradles, or
other devices designed and constructed to prevent damage to the pipe and its
lining. The use of equipment or handling, which might injure the pipe and its
lining, will not be permitted. Stockpiled pipe shall be suitably supported and shall
be secured to prevent accidental rolling. Assure that all other pipe handling
equipment and methods is acceptable to the ENGINEER.
D. Laying lengths: Maximum pipe laying lengths shall be 20 feet.
Section 330504
E. Finish: The pipe shall have smooth dense interior surfaces and shall be free from
fractures, excessive interior surface crazing and roughness, in accordance with
F. Closures and Correction Pieces: Provide closures and correction pieces as
required so that closures may be made due to different headings in the pipe laying
operation and so that correction may be made to adjust the pipe laying to conform
to pipe stationing shown on the Drawings or line layouts where applicable.
A. General: Ductile Iron pipe shall be designed in accordance with the requirements
of ANSI/AWWA C150 as applicable and as modified in this Section.
B. Pipe Wall Thickness for Internal Pressure: The pipe shall be designed with a net
thickness to withstand the design internal pressure in accordance with the hoop
stress formula. In addition to the requirements of the Section, the minimum wall
thickness shall be in accordance with the minimum thickness wall depicted in table
50.5 of ANSI/AWWA C150.
C. Potable, Raw and Non-Potable Irrigation Water Mains:
1. Ductile Iron Pipe shall be a minimum pressure Class 250 and will be
accepted in any diameter for use within the water distribution system.
2. All aboveground potable water main pipe shall be painted Federal Safety
Blue. All aboveground raw water main pipe shall be painted white. All
aboveground non-potable irrigation, reclaim ed or reuse water main pipe
shall be painted Pantone Purple 522C. The pipe wall thickness shall not be
less than that required by a working pressure of 250 psi in laying condition
Type 4 “B” with 5-foot cover in conformance with ANSI Standard A21.50.
D. Force Mains and Gravity Sewers:
1. Ductile Iron Pipe shall be a minimum pressure Class150 and will be
accepted in any diameter for use within the wastewater collection system.
2. Ductile iron pipe for Gravity Sewer applications in not permitted unless the
ENGINEER can demonstrate that C900 PVC pipe, Class 150 or 200, cannot
be utilized from a structural standpoint.
3. All aboveground force main pipe shall be painted Safety Green. The pipe
wall thickness shall not be less than that required by a working pressure of
150 psi.
Section 330504
A. Ductile Iron Pipe: Pipe materials shall conform to the requirements of
B. Adapters to connect ductile iron pipe or fittings to pipe or fittings of dissimilar
materials shall be supplied by the CONTRACTOR in accordance with ASTM
specifications and the pipe manufacturer recommendations, and as approved by
C. Water Mains:
1. All water mains shall contain cement for mortar lining conforming to the
requirements of ANSI/AWWA C104. Cement for mortar lining shall be Type
II or V. A fly ash or pozzolan shall not be used.
2. All Ductile Iron buried water main pipelines shall have blue stripes applied to
the pipe wall. Stripe width shall comply with AWWA standards. The stripes
shall be applied by one of the methods described below:
4. Pipes striped during manufacturing of the pipe shall have continuous stripes
that run parallel to the axis of the pipe located at no greater than 90 degree
intervals around the pipe and that will remain intact during and after
installation of the pipe.
6.2. Pipes striped during installation and shall incorporate blue tape or blue paint.
The tape or paint shall be applied in a continuous line that runs parallel to
the axis of the pipe and that isbe located along the top of the pipe.
7.3. All pipe with an internal diameter of 24” or greater, tape or paint shall be
applied in continuous lines along each side of the pipe as well as along the
top of the pipe.
D. Force Mains and Gravity Sewer:
1. All Ductile iron pipe used within the wastewater system shall be lined with a
ceramic epoxy, (see County Approved Product List, Appendix
F)polyethylene in accordance with ASTM D1248. Pipe and fittings shall be
lined as specified herein. Each piece of pipe shall bear a marking denoting
the class to which it belongs.
A. Fittings for Potable, Raw, Non-Potable Irrigation, Reclaimed and Reuse Water
1. Fittings for ductile iron pipe shall conform to the requirements of
ANSI/AWWA C153/A21.53 or ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10 for diameters 3
Section 330504
inches through 48 inches and shall have a minimum pressure rating of 350
psi for pipe sizes 6 inches through 24 inches and 250 psi for sizes larger
than 24 inches. Ductile iron fittings shall be double cement lined, seal
coated and outside coated with an asphaltic material in accordance with
AWWA C104 as specified.
B. Fittings for Wastewater System:
1. All pipe and fFittings in direct contact with wastewater 8 inches in diameter
and smaller, shall be interior coated with a 12 40 mil thickness of ceramic
coal tar epoxy coating (see County Approved Product List, Appendix F).
Pipe and fittings, for force mains 10 inches in diameter and larger, shall be
interior coated with either a 20 mil to 40 mil thickness polyethylene as
specified above or a 12 mil thickness of coal tar epoxy coating in
conformance with ASTM 1248. Pipe and fittings shall have an outside
asphaltic coating as specified in AWWA Standard C151. Each piece of pipe
shall bear a marking denoting the class to which it belongs.
A. General: The pipe furnished shall be ductile iron pipe, lined as specified, with
rubber gasketed joints.
B. The pipe shall be designed, manufactured, tested, inspected, and marked
according to applicable requirements previously stated and except as hereinafter
modified, shall conform to ANSI/AWWA C150 and ANSI/AWWA C151.
C. Pipe Dimensions: The pipe shall be of the diameter and class shown. The
minimum wall thickness for each pipe size shall be as specified herein or shown
on the Drawings.
D. Fitting Dimensions: The fittings shall be of the diameter shown and class
E. Joint Design: Ductile Iron pipe and fittings shall be furnished with mechanical
joints, push-on joints and flanged joints as follows:
1. For buried pipe applications, unless otherwise indicated, mechanical and
push-on joints shall conform to ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11, with the
minimum pressure rating of 350 psi.
2. For above-ground or buried vault applications, unless otherwise indicated,
flanged joints shall conform to ANSI/AWWA C115/A21.15, with the minimum
pressure rating of 250 psi. All above-ground fittings shall be painted blue.
3. Use manufactured, labeled gasket lubricant for push on joints with trade
name and pipe manufacturer name, other lubricants are prohibited.
Section 330504
4. Nuts and bolts for flanged joints shall be 304 stainless, as specified by the
COUNTY, and conform to ANSI/AWWA C111.
F. Restraining Devices: Joint restraining devices (see County Approved Product
List, Appendix F) shall be placed at all bends, tees, plugs, reducers, and other
fittings to provide lateral support, and shall conform to the Collier County Standard
Details. Concrete thrust blocks shall only be utilized if approved by Collier County
G. For bell-and-spigot ends with rubber gaskets, the clearance between the bells and
spigots shall be such that when combined with the gasket groove configuration
and the gasket itself will provide watertight joints under all operating conditions
when properly installed. Require the pipe manufacturer to submit details complete
with significant dimensions and tolerances and also to submit performance data
indicating that the proposed joint has performed satisfactorily under similar
conditions. In the absence of a history of field performance, the results of a test
program shall be submitted.
H. Gaskets shall be a Buna N, Neoprene, or a Nitryl-based rubber product. Gaskets
shall have clean tips unless otherwise specified. Elastomeric gaskets conforming
to ASTM F-477 shall also be acceptable.
I. Shop-applied interior linings and exterior coatings shall be applied evenly to the
nominal thickness specified. Holiday free cement is not possible to manufacture.
Exterior coatings: asphalt coating for buried pipe or primed pipe cannot be
furnished holiday free.
A. Cement-Mortar Lining For Shop Application: Except as otherwise provided herein,
interior surfaces of all ductile iron pipe shall be cleaned and lined in the shop with
cement-mortar lining applied centrifugally in conformity with ANSI/AWWA C104.
Ductile-Iron pipefittings need not have the cement-mortar lining applied
centrifugally. The lining machines shall be of a type that has been used
successfully for similar work. Every precaution shall be taken to prevent damage
to the lining. If lining is damaged or found faulty at delivery site, the damaged or
unsatisfactory portions shall be repaired in the filed in accordance with
B. The nominal wet lining thickness shall be as follows:
Nominal Factory Nominal Replacement
Nominal Pipe
Diameter (in.)
Applied Lining
Thickness (in.)
Thickness (in.)
3-12 1/8 1/8
14-24 3/16 3/16
30-64 1/4 1/4
Section 330504
C. Protection of Pipe Lining/Interior: All shop-applied cement mortar lining shall be
given a seal coat of asphaltic material in conformance with ANSI/AWWA C104.
A. Exterior Coating of Buried Piping: The exterior coating shall be an asphaltic
coating approximately 1 mil thick, conforming to ANSI/AWWA C151.
A. If specifically approved by Collier County Utilities for use, exterior protection shall
be provided for underground ductile iron pipe and fittings within areas of severe
corrosive conditions. This shall be accomplished by the installation of
polyethylene encasement through the area of concern. The soil test evaluation to
determine the necessity for extra protection in suspect areas shall be those set
forth in ANSI Standard A21.5. Additionally, where other existing utilities are
known to be cathodically protected, ductile iron pipe crossing said utility shall be
protected for a distance of 20 feet to each side. If ductile iron pipe is to be
installed parallel to and within 10 feet of cathodically protected pipe, then
protection shall be provided for the entire length. Steel pipe shall not be installed
in severe corrosion areas.
A. Handling and Storage: Carefully handle and protect all pipe, fittings, etc., against
damage, impact shocks, and free fall and in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C600.
Do not place pipe directly on rough rocky ground, but in such instances support
the pipe in a manner that will protect the pipe against injury whenever stored at
such trench site or elsewhere. Do not install any pipe where the lining or coating
show defects that may be harmful as determined by the ENGINEER. Repair such
damaged lining or coating, or furnish and install a new undamaged pipe.
B. Repair or replace all pipe damaged prior to Substantial Completion or during
warrantee period.
C. Inspect each pipe and fitting prior to installation to insure that no damaged
portions of pipe are installed.
D. Before placement of pipe in the trench, thoroughly clean each pipe or fitting of any
foreign substance that may have collected therein, and keep the pipe clean at all
times thereafter. For this purpose, close the openings of all pipes and fittings in
the trench during any interruption to the work.
E. Pipe Laying: Install the pipe in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C600.
Section 330504
F. Lay pipe directly on the bedding material. Refer to the Utilities Standards and
Procedures Ordinance Section 9.1.2 for laying and backfilling requirements. No
blocking will be permitted, and the bedding shall be such that it forms a
continuous, solid bearing for the full length of the pipe. Make excavations as
needed to facilitate removal of handling devices after the pipe is l aid. Form bell
holes at the ends of the pipe to prevent point loading at the bells or couplings.
Make excavations as needed outside the normal trench section at field joints to
permit adequate access to the joints for field connection operations and for
application of coating on field joints.
G. Where necessary to raise or lower the pipe due to unforeseen obstructions or
other causes, the ENGINEER may change the alignment and/or the grades. Such
change may be made by the deflection of joints, by the use of bevel adapters, or
by the use of additional fittings. However, in no case shall the deflection in the
joint exceed 70 percent of the maximum deflection recommended by the pipe
manufacturer. No joint shall be misaligned any amount which will be detriment al
to the strength and water tightness of the finished joint.
H. Pipe and Specials Protection: Protect the openings of all pipe and specials with
suitable bulkheads to prevent unauthorized access by persons, animals, water, or
any undesirable substance. At all times, provide means to prevent the pipe from
I. Pipe Cleanup: As pipe laying progresses, keep the pipe interior free of all debris.
Completely clean the interior of the pipe of all sand, dirt, mortar splatter and any
other debris following completion of pipe laying, pointing of joints, and any
necessary interior repairs per ANSI/AWWA C600 and C602 prior to testing and
disinfecting the completed pipeline. For pipe larger than 12" diameter, utilize a
polyurethane foam plug "Poly Pig" to remove all debris from main.
A. Rubber Gasketed Joints: Immediately before jointing pipe, thoroughly clean the
bell end of the pipe, and place a clean rubber gasket in the bell groove. Carefully
clean the bell and spigot end of push-on joint pipe, and lubricate with a
vegetable-based lubricant or per manufacturer's recommendation. Insert the
spigot end of the pipe section into the bell of the previously laid joint and telescope
into the proper position. Do not tilt the pipe to insert the spigot into the bell.
A. Installation of Valves: Handle all valves in a manner to prevent any injury or
damage to any part of the valve. Thoroughly clean and prepare all joints prior to
installation. Adjust all stem packing and operate each valve prior to installation to
insure proper operation.
B. Install all valves so that the valve stems are plumb and in the location shown on
the Drawings.
Section 330504
C. Mechanical joints consisting of bell, socket, gland, gasket, bolts, and nuts sha ll
conform to ANSI Standard A21.11. Bolts and nuts shall be high strength, low
alloy, Cor-Ten, T-Head Type having hexagonal nuts. Bolts and nuts shall be
machined through and nuts shall be tapped at right angles to a smooth bearing
surface. Single sealed gasket push-on type joints (see County Approved Product
List, Appendix F) shall conform to the requirements of ANSI A21.11.
D. Mechanical joint retainer glands may be used to restrain mechanical joint pipe and
fittings to the plain end of ductile iron pipe and fittings when used in conjunction
with thrust blocks of reduced size. The Utilities ENGINEER must approve thrust
block size. Maintain joint flexibility.
A. Test completed water or force main pipeline in accordance with Section 022501.
Disinfect completed water pipeline in accordance with Section 025400.
Section 330518
SECTION 330518
A. Section Includes: Installation of all underground pipelines. Provide pipeline
materials, coatings and linings as specified and pipe of the types, sizes and
classes shown or specified.
1. Use proper and suitable tools and appliances for the safe and convenient
cutting, handling, and laying of the pipe and fittings.
2. Use suitable fittings where shown and at connections or where grade or
alignment changes require offsets greater than those recommended and
3. Lay all underground pipelines not supported on piles or concrete cradle in
select fill bedding material.
4. Close off all lines with bulkheads when pipe laying is not in progress.
B. Related Work Specified in Other Sections Includes:
1. Section 022501 – Leakage Tests
2. Section 025400 – Disinfection
3. Section 312316 – Excavation - Earth and Rock
4. Section 312319 – Groundwater Control for Open Excavation
5. Section 312323 – Backfilling
6. Section 330502 – High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Pipe and Fittings
7. Section 330503 - Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe and Fittings
8. Section 330504 - Ductile Iron Pipe (DIP) and Fittings
A. Codes and standards referred to in this Section are:
Section 330518
1. ASTM D 2774 - Practice for Underground Installation of
Thermoplastic Pressure Piping
2. AWWA C600 - Installation of Ductile-Iron Water Mains and Their
3. ASTM A 307 - Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs,
60000 psi Tensile
4. ASME B16.1 - Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings,
C25, 125, 250, 800
5. ASME B16.21 - Nonmetallic Flat Gaskets for Pipe Flanges
6. AWWA C111/A21.11 - Rubber-Gasket Joints for Ductile-Iron Pressure
Pipe and Fittings
7. AWWA C115/A21.15 - Flanged Ductile-Iron Pipe With Threaded
8. Uni-Bell - Handbook of PVC Pipe
9. Collier County - Utilities Standards and Procedures Ordinance
A. General: Deliver, store and handle all products and materials as specified in
Division 1 and as follows:
B. Transportation and Delivery: Take every precaution to prevent injury to the pipe
during transportation and delivery to the site.
C. Loading and Unloading: Take extreme care in loading and unloading the pipe and
1. Work slowly with skids or suitable power equipment, and keep pipe under
perfect control at all times.
2. Under no condition is the pipe to be dropped, bumped, dragged, pushed, or
moved in any way that will cause damage to the pipe or coating.
D. Sling: When handling the pipe with a crane, use a suitable sling around the pipe.
1. Under no condition pass the sling through the pipe. Interior of pipe is to be
kept free of dirt and foreign matter at all times.
2. Use a nylon canvas type sling or other material designed to prevent damage
to the pipe and coating.
Section 330518
3. When handling reinforced concrete pipe or uncoated steel or ductile iron
pipe, steel cables, chain or like slings are acceptable.
E. Damaged Piping: If in the process of transportation, handling, or laying, any pipe
or fitting is damaged, replace or repair such pipe or pipes.
F. Blocking and Stakes: Provide suitable blocking and stakes installed to prevent
pipe from rolling.
1. Obtain approval for the type of blocking and stakes, and the method of
G. Storage for Gaskets: Store gaskets for pipe joints in a cool place and protect
gaskets from light, sunlight, heat, oil, or grease until installed. Store gaskets in a
sealed container (such as a vented drum). When long-term storage with exposure
to direct sunlight is unavoidable, PVC pipe should be covered with an opaque
material while permitting adequate air circulation above and around the pipe as
required to prevent excessive heat accumulation (Uni-Bell PVC Handbook).
1. Do not use any gaskets showing signs of cracking, weathering or other
2. Do not use gasket material stored in excess of six months without approval.
A. Repair of Sanitary Sewers and Services: Rebed, in compacted select fill material,
sanitary sewers which cross over the new pipe or which cross under the new pipe
with less than 12 inches clear vertical separation. Compact the bedding to
densities required for new pipeline construction and extend bedding below the
sewer to undisturbed earth. Reconstruct sewers damaged by pipeline
1. Furnish and install all materials and do all work necessary for the
reconstruction or repairs of sanitary sewers and services.
2. Provide pipe for reconstruction of sanitary sewers and services meeting the
appropriate specification requirements.
3. Provide pipe of the same size as the existing sewer or when the same size
is not available, use the next larger size of pipe. Obtain approval of joints
made between new pipe and existing pipe.
A. The materials allowed for buried sewer pipes are PVC, HDPE or Ductile Iron Pipe.
Section 330518
A. Dry Trench Bottoms: Lay pipe only in dry trenches having a stable bottom.
1. Where groundwater is encountered, make every effort to obtain a dry trench
bottom in accordance with Section 312319.
2. Perform trench excavation and backfill in accordance with Sections 312316
and 312323.
A. General: Install all piping in accordance with the manufacturer's
recommendations and approved shop drawings and as specified in Division 1.
Where pipe joint deflections are used, do not exceed 80 percent of the maximum
deflection limits shown in AWWA C600. Gravity systems shall contain no joint
1. Arrange miscellaneous pipelines, which are shown in diagram form on the
Plans, clear of other pipelines and equipment.
2. Gravity systems shall not contain vertical dips greater than one and a half
inches (1.5”).
B. Code Requirements: Provide pipeline installations complying with AWWA C600
for iron pipe, AWWA Manual M11 for steel pipe, ASTM D 2774 for thermoplastic
pressure piping, and as modified or supplemented by the Specifications.
C. Pipe Laying - General:
1. Thoroughly inspect all pipe for damage and cleanliness. If found to be
defective, tag, remove and replace pipe with satisfactory pipe or fittings at no
additional charge to COUNTY.
2. Generally, lay all pipe with bells pointing ahead.
3. Carefully place all pipe, pipe fittings, valves and hydrants into trench by
means of a derrick, ropes or other suitable tools or equipment in such a
manner as to prevent damage and check for alignment and grade.
4. Make adjustments to bring pipe to line and grade by scraping away or filling
in select fill material under the body of the pipe.
5. Wedging or blocking up the pipe barrel is not permitted.
Section 330518
6. Bring the faces of the spigot ends and the bells of pipes into fair contact and
firmly and completely shove the pipe home.
7. As the work progresses, clean the interior of pipelines of all dirt and
superfluous materials of every description.
8. Keep all lines absolutely clean during construction.
9. Lay pipelines accurately to line and grade.
10. During suspension of work for any reason at any time, a suitable stopper
shall be placed in the end of the pipe last laid to prevent mud or other
material from entering the pipe.
D. Pipe Laying - Trenches:
1. Carefully lay all pipelines in trench excavations piece by piece using suitable
tools or equipment on select fill bedding (refer to Utilities Standards and
Procedures Ordinance, Section 9.1.2), concrete cradle or other foundations
as shown, specified or ordered in writing. Prevent damage to materials,
protective coatings and linings.
2. Do not dump or drop pipe or pipe materials into trench.
3. Properly secure the pipe against movement and make the pipe joints in the
excavation as required.
4. Carefully grade and compact pipe bedding.
5. Bell Holes:
a. Cut out bell holes for each joint as required to permit the joint to be
properly made and allow the barrel of the pipe to have full bearing
throughout its length.
b. Thoroughly tamp bell holes full of select fill material following the
making of each joint to provide adequate support to the pipe
throughout its entire length.
E. Other Foundations: Install pipelines laid on other types of foundations as
specified for such other foundations or as ordered in writing.
F. Field Cuts of Pipelines: For shorter than standard pipe lengths, make field cuts in
a manner producing a cut square and perpendicular to the pipe axis. Remove any
sharp, rough edges which otherwise might injure the gasket.
G. Procedure for sealing cut ends and repairing field damaged areas of polyethylene
lined pipe and fittings is as follows:
Section 330518
1. Remove burrs caused by field cutting of ends or handling damage and
smooth out edge of polyethylene lining if made rough by field cutting or
handling damage.
2. Remove oil or lubricant used during field cutting operations.
3. Areas of loose lining associated with field cutting operation must be removed
and exposed metal cleaned by sanding or scraping. For larger areas,
remove loose lining and dirt, then roughen bare pipe surface by scratching
or gouging with a small chisel to provide an anchor pattern for the epoxy. It
is recommended that the polyethylene lining be stripped back by chiseling,
cutting, or scraping about 1 inch to 2 inches into well adhered lined area
before patching. This ensures that all areas of undercutting have been
removed. Be sure to roughen an overlap of 1 inch to 2 inches of
polyethylene lining in area to be epoxy coated. This roughening should be
done with a rough grade emery paper (40 grit), rasp, or small chisel. Avoid
honing, buffing, or wire brushing since these tend to make surface to be
repaired too smooth for good adhesion.
4. With area to be sealed or repaired clean and suitably roughened, apply a
thick coat of a two-part coal tar epoxy (see County Approved Product List,
Appendix F). The heavy coat of epoxy must be worked into the scratched
surface by brushing. Mixing and application procedure for the epoxy must
follow the epoxy manufacturer's instructions.
5. It is important that the entire freshly cut, exposed metal surface of the cut
pipe be coated. To ensure proper sealing, overlap at least 1 inch of the
roughened polyethylene lining with this two-part epoxy system.
H. Ductile Iron Pipe Mechanical Joints:
1. Assembly: In making up mechanical joints, center the spigot in the bell.
a. With a wire brush just prior to assembly of the joint thoroughly brush 8
inches outside of spigot and inside of bell with which the rubber gasket
comes in contact. Remove all oil, grit, tar (other than standard
coating) and other foreign matter from joint.
b. Brush lubricant over the gasket just prior to installation. (Note: There is
only one rubber gasket size for each diameter of pipe.)
c. Press the gasket into place within the bell and move the gland into
position, bolts inserted, and the nuts tightened finger tight.
d. Tighten the nuts with a torque wrench so that the gland is brought up
toward the pipe evenly. Torque wrenches shall be set as specified in
AWWA C111. Spanner type wrenches not longer than specified in
Section 330518
AWWA C111 may be used with the permission of County Manager or
e. Prime all bolts by dipping with a bituminous coating, except the
threads. Coat threads immediately prior to installation of nuts.
f.e. Tighten all nuts 180 degrees apart alternately in order to produce
equal pressure on all parts of the gland.
2. Torques: Apply the following range of bolt torques:
Range of
Torque - ft. lbs
40 - 60
60 - 90
70 - 100
90 - 120
3. Remaking of Joints: If effective sealing is not obtained at the maximum
torque listed above, disassemble and reassemble the joint after thorough
I. Ductile Iron Pipe Rubber Gasket Joints:
1. Assembly: In making up the rubber gasket joint, brush the gasket seat in the
socket thoroughly with a wire brush and wipe the gasket with a cloth.
a. Place the gasket in the socket with the large round end entering first
so that the groove fits over the bead in the seat.
b. Apply a thin film of lubricant (AWWA C600) to the inside surface of the
gasket that will come in contact with the entering pipe.
c. Brush the plain end of the pipe to be entered thoroughly with a wire
brush and place it in alignment with the bell of the pipe to which it is to
be joined.
d. Exert sufficient force on the entering pipe so that its plain end is
moved past the gasket until it makes contact with the base of the
socket to make the joint.
2. Positioning: Before proceeding with backfilling, feel completely around the
joint using a feeler gauge to confirm that the gasket is in its proper position.
a. If the gasket can be felt out of position, withdraw the pipe and examine
the gasket for cuts or breaks.
Section 330518
b. If the gasket has been damaged, replace it with a new one before re-
installing the pipe.
3. Optional Mechanical Joints: Use mechanical joint fittings that meet the
requirements of Section 330504 with the rubber gasket joint pipe when
specified or when rubber gasket fittings are not available.
J. Temporary Bulkheads: Provide temporary bulkheads at the ends of sections
where adjoining pipelines have not been completed, and in connections built into
pipelines where adjoining pipelines or structures have not been completed and are
not ready to be connected.
1. Remove bulkheads encountered in connecting sewers or structures included
in this Contract, or in pipelines or structures previously built, when they are
no longer needed or when ordered.
K. Temporary Blow-Off Assembly: Dead-end water lines shall be temporarily ended
with a blow-off as shown in Collier County Standard Details. After full bore flush
replace with a fire hydrant meeting the requirements of Section 331619.
L. Sleeve Type Couplings: For sleeve type couplings, equally tighten diametrically
opposite bolts on the connection so that the gaskets will be brought up evenly all
around the pipe.
1. Torque Wrenches: Do the final tightening with torque wrenches set for the
torque recommended by the coupling manufacturer.
M. Concrete Encasement: Concrete encasement shall be constructed in accordance
with Collier County Standard Details when:
1. A potable water main crosses at a depth that provides less than 18 inches
clear distance from sewer lines in which case a Deviation Form request
should be completed. Encase the sewer main unless specifically approved
by Collier County Utilities. Encasement shall extend a minimum 10 feet on
each side of the point of crossing. Pressure test bot h pipelines to 150 psi
after the concrete has properly cured.
2. A water main running parallel to a sewer line provides less than 10 feet
separation from sewer lines, in which case a Deviation Form Request needs
to be completed. Encase the sewer main unless specifically approved by
Collier County Utilities.
3. The ENGINEER has ordered the line encased. NO POTABLE WATER
Section 330518
The points of beginning and ending of pipe encasement shall be not more than 6
inches from a pipe joint to protect the pipe from cracking due to uneven settlement
of its foundation or the effects of superimposed live loads.
N. Valve Box Setting: Install valve boxes vertical and concentric with the valve stem.
1. Adjust valve-box to final grade at the time designated by the County
Manager or designee.
2. Build a collar, as shown in the standard details, 18 inches by 18 inches by 6
inches or 24 inch diameter round by 6 inches flush to grade of top of box.
Similar collar shall be poured flush with grade and top of unpaved areas.
3. Satisfactorily reset any valve box that is moved from its original position,
preventing the operation of the valve.
4. Replace any valve box that has been damaged.
O. Identification:
1. Metallized Warning Tape: For DIP and PVC pipe (other than gravity sewer
pipe and laterals) to be installed, 3-inch detectable marking tape, of
appropriate color and appropriate warning statement, shall be placed along
the entire pipe length. In all cases, marking tape shall be installed two feet
(2’) below grade or one-half the pipe’s bury, whichever is less, during backfill
operations (refer to Utilities Standards Manual Section 1 – 1.1 and 2.2.1). All
PVC pipe, PVC fittings, and identification tape shall be color-coded per
Collier County Standards. HDPE pipe installed by horizontal directional
drilling will not be required to be marked with metalized warning tape.
2. Electronic Markers (see County Approved Product List, Appendix F): Install
electronic markers twenty-four inches (24”) below final grade, above pipe, at
all bends or changes in alignment and every two hundred and fifty feet (250’)
along the pipe between bends.
P. Separation From Other Pipe Systems:
1. Parallel Water and Sewer or Non-Potable Lines: Sanitary sewer lines, storm
sewers or force mains shall be separated from water mains by a minimum
clear vertical distance of 18 inches and a horizontal distance of 10 feet.
Non-potable, reclaimed or reuse water mains shall be separated from water
mains, gravity sewers or force mains by a minimum clear vertical distance of
18 inches and a horizontal distance of 5 feet center to center or 3 feet
outside to outside. When this standard cannot be maintained, the sewer line
shall be concrete encased for a distance of 10 feet each way from the water
line and any other conduit, with a minimum vertical clearance of 12 inches
being provided at all times. See Section 1 - Design Criteria, Subsection
Section 330518
2. Crossing Water and Sewer or Non-Potable Lines: Water mains crossing
over a sewer or non-potable water line shall be (bottom of water main to top
of sewer) separated by at least 18 inches unless local conditions or barriers
prevent an 18 inch vertical separation. All crossings with vertical clearance
less than 18 inches shall be made using sewer pipe thickness Class 200
AWWA C900 PVC pipe, and water pipe of Class 51 Ductile iron pipe, for a
distance of 10 feet on each side of the crossing. The gravity sewer pipe in
these locations shall be backfilled with USCS Class I bedding stone to a
height of 6 inches above the crown of the pipe. When water mains cross
under a sewer, both mains shall be constructed of C900 Class 200 PVC
pipe with joints equivalent to water main standards for a distance of 10 feet
on each side of the point of crossing with no intermediate joints.
Additionally, a section of water main pipe shall be centered at the point of
crossing. See Section 1 – Design Criteria, Subsection 1.3.
Q. Aerial Crossings:
1. Pipes spanning elevated pier crossings shall be flanged ductile iron
Pressure Class 350 pipe conforming to AWWA C115, C150 & C151. Pipe
spanning on piers spaced further apart than normal pipe length of 18 or 20
ft. shall be multiple length pipe with interior flanged joints with a rubber
gasket pipe (see County Approved Product List, Appendix F). The pipe wall
thickness and flanged joints shall be designed to safely span the elevated
piers under working pressure without exceeding the allowable stresses and
conform to AWWA C150. Limit pipe deflection at center of span with pipe full
of water to 1/720 of span length. Provide expansion joints for between
above ground and below ground wastewater lines.
2. Flanges shall conform to AWWA C150 and C115. All bolts and nuts used in
aerial crossings shall be 304 stainless steel. Gaskets shall be full faced or
recessed "O-Ring" type to prevent leaks in pipe under stress in the aerial
3. Outside surface of all pipe, flanges or spool pieces shall be shop coated with
zinc primer, High Build Epoxy protective coat and a finish coat of
polyurethane high gloss. Color shall be Federal Safety Blue for potable
water mains and Pantone Purple 522 C for non-potable irrigation water
4. Install operating valves or other flow regulating devices on each shoreline or
at a safe distance from each shoreline to prevent discharge in the event the
line is damaged.
5. Install supports for all joints in pipes utilized for aerial crossings and to
prevent overturning and settlement. Expansion jointing is specified between
above ground and below ground sewers and force mains.
Section 330518
A. Testing: Test pipelines in accordance with Section 022501.
1. Test valves in place, as far as practicable, and correct any defects in valves
or connections.
2. Gravity Sewer Lines: Test in accordance with Section 022501
B. Inspection: Clean, inspect, and examine each piece of pipe and each fitting and
special for defects before it is installed.
1. Cut away any lumps or projections on the face of the spigot end or the
2. Do not use any cracked, broken, or defective pieces in the work.
3. If any defective piece should be discovered after having been installed,
remove and replace this piece with a sound piece in a satisfactory manner at
no increase in Contract Amount.
A. General: Thoroughly clean all pipe before it is laid and keep it clean until it is
accepted in the completed work.
B. Removal of Materials: Exercise special care to avoid leaving bits of wood, dirt,
and other foreign particles in the pipe. If any particles are discovered before the
final acceptance of the work, remove and clean the pipe.
A. General: Disinfect all pipelines that are to carry potable water in accordance with
Section 025400.
Section 330518
Section 330523.13
SECTION 330523.13
A. The requirements of this section are applicable to all horizontal directional
drills where the carrier pipe is 3” in nominal diameter and larger.
A.B. Provide all necessary tools, materials, labor, supervision and equipment
to successfully complete the installation of directionally drilled piping as
specified herein and shown on the drawings. The CONTRACTOR shall be
responsible for the final constructed product, and for furnishing the qualified labor
and superintendence necessary for this method of construction.
B.C. Furnish all items necessary to perform the horizontal directional drilling
operation and construct the pipe to the lines and grade shown on the drawings.
Project work tasks include completion of the drilling, pulling operations,
horizontal directional drilling installation pressure testing, and final connection
of piping installed as part of the horizontal directional drilling to open-cut piping.
Horizontal directional drilling shall include the following work elements:
1. Drilling of the pilot hole and the reaming of the hole sufficient to install the
HDPE pipe.
2. Provide, assemble, and install HDPE pipe including:
a. Thermal fusion welding the HDPE pipe sections for temporary staging.
b. Pulling the HDPE fused pipe stringout, in a continuous pullback
operation with one fuse pipe cartridge.
3. Following HDPE pipe pullback, cut the HDPE pipe stubouts and install a
temporary thermal fusion welded HDPE cap on both ends of the HDPE
pipe stubouts, and perform pressure testing with water to verify pipeline
integrity in accordance with the requirements of Section 022501 for HDPE
product pipe material.
C.D. Use techniques of creating or directing a borehole along a predetermined
path to a specified target location. Use mechanical and hydraulic deviation
equipment to change the boring course and use instrumentation to monitor the
location and orientation of the boring head assembly along a predetermined
Section 330523.13
1. Develop, provide, and operate a Drill Fluid Loss Monitoring
Program as follows:
a. Drill Fluid Loss Monitoring Program shall insure the following:
1) Site specific storm water control measures meet the requirements of
the FDEP Best Management Practices guidelines. Storm water
control measures shall include, as a minimum, onsite silt fence and
sandbags or other mechanical means located between the
construction operations and any adjacent water body. Storm water
control measures shall provide positive containment of uncontrolled
fluids on the site resulting from spills or overtopping of drill pits from
heavy rainfall and prevent the fluids from reaching adjacent water
body, or bodies.
2) Positive containment of uncontrolled fluids on the site resulting from
spills or overtopping of drill pits from heavy rainfall.
3) Fluids are prevented from reaching the adjacent water bodies, per
FDEP ERP permit requirements.
b. Drill Fluid Loss Monitoring Program shall include the following:
1) Observations along the drill path during drilling and reaming
2) Equipment for spill control remediation including, but not
necessarily limited to, vac trucks, sand bags, and pumps; emergency
spill and leakage control materials and equipment including diapers,
absorbent material and other fuel and oil spill containment and
cleanup materials;
3) Drill fluid loss monitoring and containment including downhole
verification of annular drill fluid pressure with continual and
immediate reading capability of the pressure monitor;
4) Drill rig instrumentation, including remote-monitoring electronic
data recording features, to monitor drill fluid pressures and volumes
and rates at pits, tanks, pumps, and drill rig operations;
5) Drill fluid properties measuring equipment; and
6) Trained field engineer personnel to monitor and maintain the
c. Provide drill fluid Loss Circulation Materials (LCM’s) on site ready for use
if needed.
2. Equipment shall be in functional order during all drilling operations.
Section 330523.13
3. Data shall be provided to the OWNER’s representative daily or on request
and a complete package of the recorded data will be provided to the
OWNER following completion of the drill.
D.E. Accomplish drilling with fluid-assist mechanical cutting. Use a mixture of
bentonite and water or polymers and additives. Use bentonite sealants and water
to lubricate and seal the mini-tunnel. Use minimum pressures and flow rates
during drilling operation as not to fracture the sub-grade material around and or
above the bore.
E.F. Utilize small diameter fluid jets to fracture and mechanical cutters to cut and
excavate the soil as the head advances forward.
F.G. Install an offset section of drill stem that causes the cutter head to turn
eccentrically about its centerline when it is rotating for steering. When steering
adjustments are required, rotate the cutter head of fset section toward the desired
direction of travel and advance the drill stem forward without rotation. Control of
tunnel line and grade shall meet the requirements of this section.
G.H. The mobile drilling system shall be capable of being launched from the
surface at an inclined angle and drilling a pilot hole with a diameter appropriate to
the size, length, and configuration of the directional drill. The pilot hole shall then
be enlarged with reamers as required. Pilot holes are not required on drills 4” and
H.I. Develop and provide certified as-built plans, signed and sealed by a
Professional Land Surveyor licensed in the State of Florida, in accordance with
this Section
A. See Section 330502 for casing and carrier pipe diameter requirements.
B. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
C. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
D. ASTM Standards:
1. ASTM D 3261 Standard Specification for Butt Heat Fusion
Polyethylene (PE)Plastic Fittings for Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe and
2. ASTM F 1962 Standard Guide for Use of Maxi-Horizontal
Directional Drilling for Placement of Polyethylene Pipe or Conduit Under
Obstacles, Including River Crossings
Section 330523.13
A. CONTRACTOR’s Construction Drawings shall be defined as drawings by
which the CONTRACTOR proposes to construct, operate, build, etc., the
referenced item. Submit Construction Drawings for the sole purpose of providing
the sufficient details to verify that the CONTRACTOR’s work in progress is in
accordance with the intent of the design.
A. The ENGINEER will base the review of submitted details and data on the
requirements of the completed work, safety of the work in regards to the public,
potential for damage to public or private util ities and other existing structures and
facilities, and the potential for unnecessary delay in the execution of the Work.
Such review shall not be construed to relieve the CONTRACTOR in any way of
his responsibilities under the contract. Do not commence work on any items
requiring CONTRACTOR’s Construction Drawings or other submittals until the
drawings and submittals are reviewed and accepted by the ENGINEER.
B. The CONTRACTOR shall:
1. Submit for review complete construction drawings in plan and profile view
identifying details of the proposed method of construction and the sequence
of operations to be performed during construction only if deviations from the
contract plans are proposed. The drawings shall be sufficiently detailed to
demonstrate to the ENGINEER whether the proposed materials and
procedures will meet the requirements of the Contract Documents.
2. Submit manufacturer’s data for the HDPE pipeline, as outlined in Section
330502 for HDPE product pipe material.
3. Submit the directional boring locating equipment proposed for use, method
of locating to be used, and the proposed sequence and method of
construction, for approval by the ENGINEER in accordance with the plans
and specifications. Include information on how the bore is to be steered, the
information recorded, and the pipe location verified for record drawings.
Include proposed pilot bore tunnel size, proposed drilling fluid composition
and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), proposed viscosities, proposed
pre-ream procedures, and final tunnel size. Submit proposed Temporary
Traffic Control (MOT) plans for FDOT right-of -way work and for Collier
County DOT right-of -way work.
4. Submit a work sequence and schedule. Provide a list of key personnel for
the project including superintendent, driller, and tracking specialists.
5. Prior to approval for directional boring, the CONTRACTOR shall submit the
names of supervisory field personnel and historical information of directional
boring experience.
Section 330523.13
6. Drill Method Submittal: Submit a minimum of 45 20 days before starting
drilling for review and approval. This submittal shall include the following
a. Drawings. Submit scaled plan showing the following: the work zone
equipment configuration at each end of the drill; staging and storage
areas; and the location of drill fluid, HDPE pipe, water supply for drilling,
cuttings, pit spoil handling areas; and storm water containment
measures, devices and locations.
b. Drilling Procedure. It is recognized and accepted that the
CONTRACTOR may need to adjust drilling procedures and equipment
as new information is developed during the drill. The intent of this
requirement is to provide the CONTRACTOR’s initial approach to the
project specific subsurface and permit conditions.
c. Maximum Pipe Pull-back Forces: Submit anticipated maximum pipe pull-
back forces based on proposed drill path plan and profile.
d. Drill Fluid Loss Monitoring/Frac-Out Plan. Submit materials list including
bentonite and bentonite additives for the project along with respective
MSDS for all materials used on the site.
7. Tracking Coordination Submittal: Provide this submittal a minimum of 45 20
days prior to drilling. The intent of this submittal is to coordinate the
contractor activities with the tracking specialist. Include manufacturer’s data
sheets and calibration on the tracking equipment and sample data recording
log sheets.
8. Cuttings, Bentonite Slurry, and Pit Spoil Disposal Submittal: Provide within
30 days of completion of the drills a list of volumes of all cuttings, bentonite
slurry, pit spoil disposed of off-site and the location of the disposal area and
the actual original delivery tickets from the disposal operation.
9.8. The CONTRACTOR shall bring to the attention of the ENGINEER any
known design issues based on CONTRACTOR’s proposed drilling methods
and/or procedures. This shall be stated in writing to the ENGINEER no later
than the preconstruction meeting.
10.9. CONTRACTOR’s construction drawings shall be submitted on the
following items only if deviations from the Contract plans are proposed.
Section 330523.13
a. Proposed contingency plans for critical phases and areas of directional
b. Any proposed deviations from the Contract construction plans.
c. Any proposed deviations from the Contract construction specifications.
11.10. Quality Control Methods. CONTRACTOR shall submit a description of
his quality control methods he proposes to use in his operations to the
ENGINEER. The submittal shall describe:
a. Procedures for controlling and checking line and grade.
b. Equipment specifications for checking line and grade.
c. Field forms for establishing and checking line and grade.
d. Actual product pipe pullback forces.
A. Low Pressure Air Test. Before the OWNER accepts the installation of each
HDD, the CONTRACTOR shall perform a low-pressure air test of each of the
HDPE fused pipe string-out cartridges prior to pipe pullback. Low pressure testing
of the above ground pipes to be 10 psig for 60 minutes duration, soap all joints to
test for leaks, and test pressure to remain within 5%2 PSI of original applied
pressure for acceptance.
B. Annular Pressure Monitoring. Annular pressure shall be monitored and
recorded using equipment constructed for that purpose, and shall include a fully-
instrumented remote-monitoring data recording package, such as PASON or
equal. Annular pressures shall be monitored and recorded in the Annular
Pressure Report. Annular pressure shall be recorded during active drilling of the
pilot hole and during the first ream pass. The minimum and maximum annular
pressure experienced during the joint shall also be recorded; the minimum and
maximum pressures are not necessarily the pressures recorded at the start,
middle and end of each joint, but shall be maximum values as measured
throughout the whole joint. The time of each recorded measurement shall be
recorded. The annular pressure measurements shall be indexed to the rod being
drilled. The trends of the circulating pressure information will be assessed and
corrective action shall be taken when appropriate. Drilling shall be stopped when
required to prevent excess annular pressure. Drilling may resume once the cause
of the excess down-hole pressure has been identified and corrected.
C. Pipe Pull-back Forces. Force applied to pipe during pull-back shall not
exceed the values shown on the Drawings.
D. ENGINEER Authority for Directional Drilling. Directional drilling shall be
performed in accordance with approved submittals. ENGINEER will have the
Section 330523.13
authority to interpret and make decisions with respect to drilling activities should
specification interpretation be required or unanticipated conditions occur.
A. Safety Requirements
1. Perform work in a manner to maximize safety and reduce exposure of
men and equipment to hazardous and potentially hazardous conditions, in
accordance with applicable safety standards.
2. Whenever there is an emergency or stoppage of work which is likely to
endanger the excavation or adjacent structures, operate a full work force for
24 hours a day, including weekends and holidays, without intermission until
the emergency or hazardous conditions no longer jeopardize the stability
and safety of the work.
B. Air Quality.
1. Conduct directional drilling operations by methods and with
equipment, which will positively control dust, fumes, vapors, gases or other
atmospheric impurities in accordance with applicable safety requirements.
C. Geotechnical Investigation
1. Make any geotechnical investigations deemed necessary to determine actual
site conditions.
D. Unanticipated Conditions
1. Notify ENGINEER of unexpected subsurface conditions and discontinue work
in affected area until notified by ENGINEER to resume work.
2. Take emergency measures as required to protect persons and
A. Utility lines and structures indicated on the drawings, which are to remain in
service, shall be protected by the CONTRACTOR from any damage as a result of
their operations. Where utility lines or structures not shown on the drawings are
encountered, the CONTRACTOR shall report them to the ENGINEER before
proceeding with the work. The CONTRACTOR shall bear the cost of repair or
replacement of any utility lines or structures, which are broken or damaged by
their operations.
B. All utilities that may be impacted by the HDD shall be exposed through a
“pot-hole” or other opening, in accordance with state utility locate laws and
Section 330523.13
regulations, to ensure, through visual inspection, that the drill, reamer, or product
pipe will not cause damage to the utility.
A. Obtain any and all other permits required for prosecution of the work.
A. Refer to Section 330502 for HDPE pipe material.
B. Use a high quality bentonite drilling fluid or equivalent to ensure hole
stabilization, cuttings transport, bit and electronics cooling, and hole lubrication to
reduce drag on the drill pipe and the product pipe. Oil based drilling fluids or fluids
containing additives that can contaminate the soil or groundwater will not be
considered acceptable substitutes. Composition of the fluid shall comply with all
federal and local environmental regulations.
1. Disposal of drilling fluids shall be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR and
shall be conducted in compliance with all relative environmental regulations,
right-of-way and workspace agreements and permit requirements.
2. Drilling fluid returns can be collected in the entrance pit, exit pit, or spoils
recovery pit. The CONTRACTOR shall immediately clean up any drilling fluid
spills or overflows from these pits.
A. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for his means and methods of
directional drilling construction and shall ensure the safety of the work, the
CONTRACTOR’s employees, the public, and adjacent property, whether public or
B. Obtain locations of all existing utilities within the horizontal directional drilling
project area, whether shown on the plans or not, in coordination with the owners
of such utilities. Be responsible for protection of such utilities from damage, and
repair of any utilities damaged during or as a result of construction.
C. Anticipate that portions of the drilled excavation will be below the
groundwater table.
Section 330523.13
D. Comply with all local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations at all
times to prevent pollution of the air, ground and water.
E. A pilot hole shall be drilled such that the required vertical clearances from
ditch, river, or wetland bottoms and utilities and horizontal clearances from
jurisdictional or buffer lines and utilities are maintained. If the pilot hole exits in
jurisdictional or buffer areas they shall be responsible to grout hole to satisfaction
of the environmental regulators and the ENGINEER.
F. The boring hole shall then be reamed to be 120% to 150% oversized than
the HDPE product pipe OD. Drilling mud, usually fluidized bentonite clay, shall be
used to stabilize the hole and remove soil cuttings. The CONTRACTOR shall
monitor and record the reamed hole location and depth at the same intervals as
the bore hole.
G. During the entire drilling and reaming operations, monitoring of the drilling
processes will be critical. Pit Volumes for all mud tanks, SPM sensors for pumps,
drilling fluid flow and pressures, rotary torque, hook load sensor, depth and
azimuth tracking and monitoring sensors, shall be monitored and recorded.
H.G. The pull-back operations shall include pulling the entire pipe stringout, in one
segment back through the reamed hole and drilling mud. The pull-back
operations shall include filling the product pipe with water to reduce the buoyancy
and to reduce the pull-back forces required to pull-back the product pipe in the
borehole. Proper pipe handling, cradling, bending minimization, surface
inspection, and fusion welding procedures (for HDPE) shall be followed in
accordance with this specification and Section 330502. Note that anticipated
pullback speed is typically 1 to 2 feet per minute. Pull-back operation shall be
continuous with no stoppage. If conditions exist where the pull-back cannot be
continuous, the Contractor shall submit an alternative plan to the Engineer for
review and approval prior to commencing the drill.
I. CONTRACTOR shall provide a breakaway device or “weak-link” at the
leading end of the PE pipe during pullback operations to protect the pipe from
damage if the pulling load gets too high. The breakaway strength for the weak -
link device shall be set so that the allowable tensile load of the product pipe
cannot be exceeded. Alternative methods for ensuring that the pull loads will not
exceed the product pipe allowable tensile load may be considered.
J.H. Any soil borings required for the CONTRACTOR’s detailed designs shall be
included in the bid. The CONTRACTOR is fully responsible to obtain this
K.I. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for design and construction of the drill
entrance and exit pits. Supports may be required to maintain safe working
conditions, ensure stability of the pit, minimize loosening, and minimize soil
deterioration and disturbance of the surrounding ground.
Section 330523.13
L.J. CONTRACTOR shall be required to locate all utilities prior to start of
excavation or drilling. All utilities crossed or approached within 48 inches in a
lateral direction shall be exposed to verify location. In addition, visual verification
shall be required that the drill, reamer, or product pipe has missed the utility as it
passes. Damage to utilities shall be the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR.
M.K. Immediately upon completion of work, all rubbish and debris shall be
removed from the job site. All construction equipment and implements of service
shall be removed and the entire area involved shall be left in a neat, clean, and
acceptable condition.
N.L. “Frac-outs” or “Blow holes” of drilling fluid to the surface shall be immediately
reported to the ENGINEER and the OWNER’s representative, and shall be
cleaned up immediately and the surface area washed and returned to original
condition. All drilling fluids, spoils, and separated material shall be disposed of in
compliance with federal and local environmental regulations.
O.M. If, during boring, an obstruction is encountered which prevents completion of
the bore in accordance with the design location and specification, and the product
pipe is abandoned in place and taken out of service, the failed bore shall be filled
with cement grout. The record drawings shall show the failed bore path along with
the final bore path on the as-built plans. Should the HDD crossing be lost or
damaged while the CONTRACTOR is engaged in the performance of the work, all
such lost or damage to the hole shall be borne by the CONTRACTOR. Failure to
complete the crossing or partially completed crossing by directional drilling or as
approved by ENGINEER and OWNER will result in forfeiture of all payment.
A. Diesel, electrical, or air-powered equipment will be acceptable, subject to
applicable federal and state regulations.
B. Any method or equipment that the CONTRACTOR can demonstrate will
produce the specified results will be considered.
C. Employ equipment that will be capable of handling the various anticipated
ground conditions. In addition, the equipment shall:
1. Be capable of minimizing loss of ground ahead of and around the
machine and providing satisfactory support of the excavated face at all
2. Provide a system to indicate whether the amount of earth material
removed is equivalent to that displaced by the advance of the machine such
that the advance rate may be controlled accordingly.
Section 330523.13
D. Provide adequate secondary containment for any and all portable storage
E. Provide down-hole annular pressure monitoring equipment, including remote
monitored electronic data recording package, such as PASON, or equal.
A. Submit daily logs of construction location, progress and events, including
observations on the following:
1. Drill thrust pressure.
2. Drill pullback pressure.
3. Annular pressure.
A. Construction Control.
1. Establish and be fully responsible for the accuracy of control for the
construction of the pipeline to be installed, including structures, tunnel line
and grade.
2. Establish control points sufficiently far from the tunnel operation so as not to
be affected by construction operations.
3. Maintain daily records of alignment and grade and submit three copies of
these records to the ENGINEER. However, the CONTRACTOR remains
fully responsible for the accuracy of his work and the correction of it, as
4. Check, monitor, and record control for the bore alignment against an above
ground undisturbed reference at least once each hour and at least once for
each drill rod length interval. CONTRACTOR shall immediately report bore
alignment location to ENGINEER after each control check. The location
shall be reported based on the approved bore alignment, i.e. horizontal
distance and direction from approved bore alignment and vertical distance
and direction from approved bore alignment length from the entry or exit
point along the bore path, and horizontal distance from the entry of exit
5. The pilot hole shall be drilled on bore path with no deviations greater than 2
10 percent of depth of the bore path as shown on the Drawings or approved
CONTRACTOR submittal drawings. In the event that pilot hole deviates
from bore path more than 2 10 percent of depth, CONTRACTOR shall notify
Section 330523.13
ENGINEER and ENGINEER may require CONTRACTOR to pull-back and
re-drill from the location along bore path before the deviation. The depth of
the bore path is the vertical distance from the drill head to the surface of the
earth, i.e. ground, pavement, water surface. An example would be if the
bore is to be 70 feet in depth at a particular location then the drill head
should be between 71.4 and 68.6 feet in depth. Any deviations greater than
2 10 percent shall be reviewed by the ENGINEER. Excessive deviation may
be grounds for rejection of the bore. All minimum vertical separations and
clearances must be maintained regardless of the allowable drill path
6. Pilot hole shall be drilled on bore path with no deviations greater than 0.5
percent of horizontal location shown on the plans or approved
CONTRACTOR submittal drawings over the length of the pipe from the entry
or exit point. In the event that pilot hole does deviate from bore path more
than 0.5 percent of horizontal location shown on the plans or
CONTRACTOR submittal drawings over the length of the pipe from the entry
or exit point, CONTRACTOR shall notify ENGINEER and ENGINEER may
require CONTRACTOR to pull-back and re-drill from the location along bore
path before the deviation. For example, a bore 2,000 feet in length should
have a maximum horizontal deviation of 5.0 feet in the center and a
maximum of 2.5 feet horizontal deviation 500 feet from either the entry or
exit point, whichever is closer. Any deviations greater than 0.5 percent shall
be reviewed by the ENGINEER.10 feet horizontally along the path of the
drill. Excessive deviation may be grounds for rejection of the bore.
Regardless of the tolerance achieved, right-of-way and easement
restrictions shall take precedence over the listed tolerances. Listing of
tolerances does not relieve CONTRACTOR from responsibility for safe
operations or damage to adjacent utilities and structures.
7. Record survey of the pilot hole shall be submitted within 24 hours of
completion of pilot hole, in State Plane Coordinate system using NAVD 1988
A. Install all facilities such that their location can be readily determined by
electronic designation after installation. For non -conductive installations,
attach a minimum of two (2) separate and continuous conductive tracking (tone
wire) materials, either externally, internally or integral with the prod uct. The
ends of the tone wire shall be stubbed up through a one -inch (1”) diameter
SCH 80 PVC pipe which shall be installed in the concrete valve pad adjacent
to the valve box on both sides of the directional drill. Use either a continuous
green-sheathed solid conductor copper wire line (minimum #12 AWG for
external placement or minimum #14 AWG for internal placement in the
conduit/casing) or a coated conductive tape. Conductors must be located on
opposite sides when installed externally. Connect any br eak in the conductor
Section 330523.13
line before construction with an electrical clamp, or solder, and coat the
connection with a rubber or plastic insulator to maintain the integrity of the
connection from corrosion. Clamp connections must be made of brass or
copper and of the butt end type with wires secured by compression. Soldered
connections must be made by tight spiral winding of each wire around the
other with a finished length minimum of three (3) inches overlap. Test
conductors for continuity. Each conductor that passes must be identified as
such by removing the last six (6) inches of the sheath. No deductions are
allowed for failed tracking conductors. Conductor ends must be stubbed out
through the PVC conduit at the isolation valve box at the terminus of the drill.
wound into a small coil and left for future attachment to isolation valve boxes.
A. Where such effort is necessary, cost for groundwater control during the
course of the directional drilling work shall be included in the unit contract pric e
for the work.
B. Dewatering required during the course of the project to lower water table,
to remove standing water, surface drainage seepage, or to protect ongoing
work against rising waters or floods shall be considered incidental to the work
being performed.
A. Dispose of excess material, including, but not necessarily limited to, drill
fluid, casing water, cuttings and pit spoil, off of the project site.
B. Non-hazardous waste meeting the requirements of a Class III Waste
shall be disposed of in a FDEP permitted Class III Landfill.
C. Non-hazardous waste meeting the requirements of a Class I or II waste
shall be disposed of in a FDEP permitted Class I or Class II landfill.
A. Provide the ENGINEER a complete set of As-Built Plans showing all
bores (successful and failed) within 30 calendar days of completing the work.
Ensure that the plans are dimensionally correct copies of the Contract plans
and include utility and/or topography plan and profile, cross-section, boring
location and subsurface conditions as directed by the ENGINEER. As -Built
Plans shall show appropriate elevations and be referenced to two permanent
benchmarks as shown on the drawings, and in a State Plane grid system and
NAVD 88 datum, as designated on the Contract plans. As -Built Plans shall be
same scale in black ink on white paper, of the same size and weight as the
Contract Drawings. Submittal of electronic plans data in addition to hard copy
Section 330523.13
plans is required and shall be compatible with the industry standard CAD
software. As-Built Plans shall be signed and sealed by a Professional Land
Surveyor licensed in the State of Florida. Specific plans content requirements
include but may not be limited to the following:
1. The Contract plan view showing the center line location of each facility
installed, or installed and placed out of service, to an accuracy of 0.1 feet at
the ends and other points physically observed in accordance with the bore
path report.
2. As directed by the ENGINEER, provide a plan and profile for each bore path.
Show the ground or pavement surface and center line elevation of each
facility installed, or installed and placed out of service, to an accuracy of
within 0.1 feet at the ends and other exposed locations. Each bore path shall
be depicted on the Contract plans using the same datum as the Contract
3. Show the top elevation, diameter and material type of all utilities encountered
and physically observed during the subsoil investigation. For all other
obstructions encountered during a subsoil investigation or the installation,
show the type of material, horizontal and vertical location, top and lowest
elevation observed, and note if the obstruction continues below the lowest
point observed.
4. Include bore notes on each plan stating the final bore path diameter, product
pipe diameter and type, drill entry and exit angles, and installed bore path
radius for each pipeline installed by HDD.
A. General. Directional drilling operation site cleaning shall meet the
requirements of Section 017423 Cleaning.
B. Spillage. Clean spillage, on adjacent streets, from construction
operations on a daily basis, if spillage occurs.
Section 331200
SECTION 331200
A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals required and install
complete and ready for operation all valves and appurtenances as shown on the
Drawings and as specified herein.
A. Codes, specifications, and standards referred to by number or title form a part of
this Section to the extent required by the references to codes, specifications, and
standards. Latest revisions, as of the date of bid opening, apply, unless otherwise
noted on the Drawings or specified in this Section.
B. Standards
Designation Title
ANSI/AWWA Rubber-Gasket Joints for Ductile-Iron and
C111/A21.11 Gray-Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings
ANSI/AWWA Gate Valves
ANSI/AWWA Resilient-Seated Gate Valves 3 through 12 NPS,
C509 for Water and Sewage Systems
ANSI/AWWA Air Release, Air/Vacuum, and Combination Air Valves for
C512 Waterworks Service
ANSI/B16.1 Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Class 125
ANSI/B16.3 Malleable Iron Threaded Fittings, Class 150 and 300
ANSI/B16.5 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Steel Nickel Alloy and
Other Special Alloys
ASTM A276 Specification for Stainless and Heat-Resisting Steel Bars
and Shapes
ASTM A231 Specification for Steel Casting, Austenitic, for
High-Temperature Service
Section 331200
ASTM A743 Specification for Castings, Iron-Chromium,
Iron-Chromium-Nickel, and Nickel-Base
Corrosion-Resistant for General Application
MSS SP-60 Connecting Flange Joint Between Tapping Sleeves and
Tapping Valves
A. References to valve sizes on the Drawings and in the Specifications are intended
to be nominal size, and shall be interpreted as nominal size.
A. General: as specified in:
1. General Conditions;
2. Supplementary General Conditions;
A. Testing: Test valves as specified in this Section.
A. All valves and appurtenances shall be of the size shown on the Drawings and as
far as possible all equipment of the same type shall be from one manufacturer.
B. All valves and appurtenances shall have the name of the maker and the working
pressure for which they are designed cast in raised letters upon some appropriate
part of the body.
A. Resilient, Wedge or Gate Valves and Boxes
1. Valves for pipe less than 2 inches in diameter shall conform to the
requirements of AWWA C509 or C515 (latest revisions) and shall be cast
iron, single wedge, non-rising stem, screwed bonnet, 125 pounds S.P., 200
pounds W.O.G with stuffing box repackable under pressure and all parts
renewable. Ends shall be as shown or indicated on the drawings. For
approved air release line valves, bacterial sampling station line valves, curb
Section 331200
stops, corporation stops, and ball valves see County Approved Product List,
Appendix F.
2. Resilient, wedge or gate valves 2 inches in diameter and larger shall be cast
or ductile iron body, non-rising stem, bronze mounted gate valves,
mechanical joint conforming to requirements of the AWWA Standard
C509515 or C515 and shall be provided with a 2 inch square operating nut
with the word “open” and an arrow cast in the metal to indicate direction.
Valves shall be vertical resilient, wedge, or gate type and shall turn to the left
(counter clockwise) to open. The wedge or gate shall be cast iron or ductile
iron per ASTM A536, minimum 65,000-psi strength and, completely
encapsulated with urethane rubber, permanently bonded to the wedge or
gate to meet ASTM test for rubber metal bond, ASTM D429. The valve
stems for non-rising stem assemblies shall be cast bronze with integral
collars in full compliance with AWWA. OS & Y stems shall be on bronze bar
stock. The NRS stem stuffing box shall be the O-ring seal type with two
rings located above thrust collar; the two rings shall be replaceable with
valve fully open and subjected to full rated working pressure. The minimum
safe working pressure shall be 200 psi. All gate valves or plug valves thirty
inches (30”) or larger shall have a concrete slab placed under the valve to
help distribute the total weight of the valve and reduce line sagging. The
concrete slab shall have 6”x6” 10/10 welded wire mesh, have lifting eyes,
constructed using 3,000 psi concrete, be six inches (6”) thick, and sized
according to the following table:
Valve Size Length Width
30” 42” 30”
36” 48” 36”
42” 54” 42”
48” – 54” 60” 48”
60” – 66” 78” 60”
3. There shall be two low torque thrust bearings located above and below the
stem collar. The stem nut shall be independent of wedge and shall be made
of solid bronze. There shall be a smooth unobstructed waterway free of all
pockets, cavities and depressions in the seat area. The body and bonnet
shall be coated with fusion-bonded epoxy both interior and exterior. Each
valve shall have the manufacturers name, pressure rating and year
manufactured cast on body. The valve shall be designed and tested to be
opened and closed under a differential pressure of at least twice the working
B. Valves for Buried Service
1. Valves for buried service shall meet all the requirements as specified herein
for interior except that buried valves shall have mechanical joint ends.
2. All exposed nuts and bolts shall be 316 stainless steel.
Section 331200
3. All buried valves shall have cast-iron two piece valve boxes (see County
Approved Product List, Appendix F). Valve boxes shall be provided with
suitable heavy bonnets to extend to such elevation at the finished grade
surface as directed by the ENGINEER. The barrel shall be two-piece, screw
type. The upper section shall have a flange at the bottom having sufficient
bearing area to prevent settling, shall be designed so as to prevent the
transmission of surface loads directly to the valve or piping, and shall be
complete with cast iron covers. Covers shall have "WATER" cast into the
top. The covers shall be so constructed as to prevent tipping or rattling. All
valve boxes located in paved roadways or sidewalks shall have locking
4. Where valves are located out of pavement, the boxes shall be adjusted to
finished grade with a concrete collar as shown in the Details.
5. Valve boxes shall be of the heavy duty, traffic bearing cast iron, adjustable
screw type with a drop cover. The valve box assembly shall consist of a
bottom section, top section and cover which is cast from gray iron,
formulated to ASTM specification A-48 latest revision, minimum tensile of
21,000 psi and shall be free from blowholes, shrinkage or other
imperfections not true to pattern. The shaft size shall be 5 1/4" and the
adjustable length shall be from 18" to 36". The wall thickness shall be 1/4".
The weight of the assembly shall be 61 pounds + 2 pounds, with the cover
weight being a minimum of 13 pounds.
6. The name of the manufacturer and foundry of origin shall be cast into each
of the components of the assembly in legible form. The assembly shall be
suitable for highway traffic wheel loads of 16,000 pounds and shall withstand
a proof load test of 25,000 pounds without failure or permanent deflection.
C. Check Valves
1. All check valve bodies shall be cast iron per ASTM A126 Class B, having
integral (not wafer) flanges.
2. The seat shall be centrifugally cast bronze with an O-ring seal and be locked
in place with stainless steel lock screws and be field replaceable, without the
use of special tools.
3. Swing check valves shall have a shaft of single and continuous stainless
steel, extending both sides of the body with a lever and weight. The air
cushion cylinder, when specifically required, shall be constructed of
corrosion resistant material and the piston shall be totally enclosed within
the cylinder and not open at one end. The air cushion cylinder assembly
shall be externally attached to either or both sides of the valve body and
shall permit adjustability to cushion the closure of the valve. Cushioning
shall be by air trapped in the cushion cylinder, which shall be fitted with a
Section 331200
one-way adjustable control check valve to cushion disc contact to the seat at
the shut-off point. The bottom cylinder head shall be swivel mounted and
not rigid to follow the change of force angles as the lever raises or lowers to
open or close the check valve. Valve shall prevent backflow on normal
pump shut off or power failure, at zero velocity and be watertight. The disc
shall be cast iron utilizing a double clevice hinge connected to a ductile iron
disc arm. The disc arm assembly shall be suspended from a stainless steel
shaft, which passes through a seal retainer on both sides of the valve body.
4. Rubber flapper swing valves shall have a heavily constructed cast iron body
and cover. The body shall be long pattern design (not wafer) with integrally
cast-on end flanges. The flapper shall be Buna-N having an O-ring seating
edge and be internally reinforced with steel. Flapper shall be captured
between the body and the body cover in a manner to permit the flapper to
flex from closed to full open position. Flapper shall be easily removed
without the need to remove the valve from line. The check valves shall have
full pipe size flow area. Seating surface to be on a 45° angle requiring the
flapper to travel only 35° from closed to full open position for minimum head
loss. Valve has non-slam closure characteristics. Flapper shall create an
elastic spring effect to assist the flapper to close against a slight head to
prevent or minimize slamming. Valve shall be designed for 175 psi working
pressure for water. The valve shall be suitable for buried service, in which
case, 304 stainless cover bolts shall be furnished.
5. Valve exterior to be painted with Red Oxide Phenolic Primer Paint as
accepted by the FDA for use in contact with Potable Water. Materials shall
be certified to the following ASTM specifications:
a. Body, cover & disc - Cast Iron - ASTM A126, Class B
b. Disc Arm - Ductile Iron - ASTM A536
c. Seat - Aluminum Bronze or Stainless Steel - ASTM B148, ASTM A276
d. Disc Seat - Buna-N or metal
e. Cushion cylinder - Corrosion-resistant Commercial material
f. Exposed nuts and bolts – 316 stainless steel
D. Backflow Prevention Devices
1. Backflow prevention devices shall be reduced pressure principle assemblies
and shall be USC approved, and shall meet all requirements of the Collier
County Cross-Connection Control/Backflow Prevention Ordinance, as then
amended. Refer to Section 3, Utility Detail Drawings.
Section 331200
E. Combination Air Release Valves for Potable Water and Non-Potable Irrigation
1. Air release valves shall exhaust large quantities of air during the filling of a
pipeline or vessel. The valve shall be capable of venting air up to sonic
velocity without blowing shut; closing only after all the air has been vented.
The valve shall continue to release small quantities of air under pressure as
often as needed to keep the system free of accumulated air. The valve shall
automatically open to allow air to re-enter during draining or whenever a
negative pressure occurs.
2. Combination air valves shall be of the size shown on the plans and conform
to the requirements of AWWA C512 and be of the “Kinetic” design capable
of exhausting air at up to sonic velocity without blowing shut.
3. Body and cover shall be ASTM A126 Class B cast iron with stainless steel
floats and replaceable seats of Buna-N or other suitable material. Internal
linkage mechanism shall be 18-8 stainless steel. Plastic or bronze
components are not acceptable. Air release orifice shall be suitable for 300
PSI maximum working pressure. Screens shall be installed on the opening
of all air release valves.
4. Valves 3-inch size and smaller shall have a threaded inlet connection, and
larger valves shall have a flanged inlet faced and drilled per ANSI B16.1
Class 250.
5. Valves shall have a threaded outlet on valves to 4-inch size and a protective
cowl on larger sizes.
6. 1 inch NPT inlet and outlet shall be provided, unless otherwise specified on
the drawings.
7. Connections from corporation stops to air rel ease valves shall be brass for
F. Tapping Valves and Sleeves
1. All tapping sleeve and valve assemblies shall meet the requirements of
AWWA Standard C500, latest revision. Cast iron tapping sleeves or
stainless steel wrap-around sleeves, and cast iron valves shall be used to
make live taps into the existing water mains where shown on t he drawings.
Flanges must conform to AWWA C207 Class D ANSI 150# drilling.
Mechanical Joint (MJ) tapping sleeves are also acceptable. All bolts and
nuts shall be as specified304 stainless steel.
Section 331200
2. CONTRACTOR shall verify type of existing main prior to ordering. The
tapping valve shall have an inlet flange to match the sleeve and a
mechanical joint outlet for connection to water main pipe. Tapping valve
shall meet the requirements for gate valves specified herein. The sleeve
shall have provisions for a tap and shall be pressure tested at 150 psi for a
minimum of 30 minutes prior to tapping.
G. Service Connection Materials
1. Service Saddles (see County Approved Product List, Appendix F)
a. Service saddles or fittings shall be used with taps to all types of pipe.
Gasket shall be cemented in place and confined in a retaining groove.
Saddles shall be cast iron saddles with double brass straps.
b. Tapping sleeves and valves shall be used for all taps.
2. Water Meters
a. Potable Water Meters: Potable water meters provided for service
connections to the COUNTY water distribution system shall be
designed to accept an encoder compatible with the COUNTY
Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) system. The COUNTY will install the
meter and the AMR encoder unit on 2” and smaller meters. AMRs 3”
and larger shall be turned over to the technician doing the full bore
flush. All potable water meters larger than 2” shall be installed above
ground. These meters shall be equipped with a backflow preventer
and installed by the CONTRACTOR at his expense, including the
AMR encoder unit. The type of backflow device utilized for potable
lines shall be on the Water Department approved list of backflow
preventers, Appendix G. All potable water meters 3” or greater shall
be purchased by the owner and installed by the CONTRACTOR. The
master meter assemblies shall be built in accordance with the design
details in Section 3 – Utilities Detail Drawings. The location of all
meters shall be clearly shown on the construction plans.
b. Non-Potable Irrigation Water Meters: Non-potable water meters
provided for service connections to the COUNTY non-potable
reclaimed distribution system shall be designed to accept an encoder
compatible with the COUNTY Automatic Meter Reading (AMR)
system. The COUNTY will install the meter and the AMR encoder unit
on 2” and smaller meters. All non-potable water meters 3” or greater
shall be purchased by the owner and installed by the CONTRACTOR.
The master meter assemblies shall be built in accordance with the
design details in Section 3 – Utilities Detail Drawings. The location of
all meters shall be clearly shown on the construction plans.
Section 331200
3. Corporation Stops for Service Connections
a. Corporation stops (see County Approved Product List, Appendix F)
shall meet the requirements of AWWA C800; ends AWWA thread x
compression, CTS.
4. Water Service Tubing
a. Water service connection tubing shall be blue polyethylene municipal
service tubing as shown on Utility Detail Drawing W -12.
b. Polyethylene tubing shall meet the requirements of AWWA Standard
C901. Polyethylene tubing shall be 3406 polyethylene.
5. Polyethylene Service Tube Stiffeners
a. A solid ring, stainless steel insert shall be installed with each and
every compression connection made with polyethylene tubing.
A. Install all valves and appurtenances in accordance with manufacturer’s
instructions and in the locations shown, true to alignment and rigidly supported.
Repair any damage to the above items to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER
before they are installed.
B. After installation, test all valves and appurtenances for at least one hour at the
working pressure corresponding to the class of pipe, unless a different test
pressure is specified. If any joint proves to be defective, repair it to the
satisfaction of the ENGINEER.
C. Install all floor boxes, brackets, extension rods, guides, the various types of
operators and appurtenances as shown on the Drawings that are in masonry
floors or walls, and install concrete inserts for hangers and supports as soon as
forms are erected and before concrete is poured. Before setting these items,
check all plans and figures, which have a direct bearing on their location and
assure the proper location of these valves and appurtenances during the
construction of the structures.
D. Flanged joints shall be made with 304Series 300, stainless steel bolts. All
exposed bolts shall be made with Series 300 stainless steel bolts.
E. Buried mechanical joints shall be made with COR-TEN bolts.
Section 331200
F. Prior to assembly of split couplings, thoroughly clean the grooves as well as other
parts. The ends of the pipes and outside of the gaskets shall be moderately
coated with petroleum jelly, cup grease, soft soap or graphite paste, and the
gasket shall be slipped over one pipe end. After the other pipe has been brought
to the correct position, center the gasket properly over the pipe ends with the lips
against the pipes. The housing sections then shall be placed. After the bolts have
been inserted, tighten the nuts until the housing sections are firmly in contact,
metal-to-metal, without excessive bolt tension.
G. Prior to the installation of sleeve-type couplings, thoroughly clean the pipe ends
for a distance of 8". Soapy water may be used as a gasket lubricant. A follower
and gasket, in that order, shall be slipped over each pipe to a distance of about 6"
from the end, and the middle ring shall be placed on the already laid pipe end until
it is properly centered over the joint. Insert the other pipe end into the middle ring
and bring to proper position in relation to the pipe already laid. The gaskets and
followers shall then be pressed evenly and firmly into the middle ring flaires. After
the bolts have been inserted and all nuts have been made up finger-tight,
uniformly tighten diametrically opposite nuts progressively all around the joint,
preferably by use of a torque wrench of the appropriate size and torque for the
H. Carefully inspect each valve, open it wide and then tightly close it and test the
various nuts and bolts for tightness. Special care shall be taken to prevent any
foreign matter from becoming lodged in the valve seat. Gate valves, unless
shown otherwise, shall be set with their stems vertically above the centerline of
the pipe. Remove and replace any valve that does not operate correctly.
I. Carefully center valve boxes over the operating nuts of the valves so as to permit
a valve wrench or key to be fitted easily to the operating nut. Valve boxes shall be
set to conform to the level of the finished surface and held in position by a ring of
concrete placed under the support flange as shown in Section 3, Utility Detail
Drawings. The valve box shall not transmit surface loads to the pipe or valve.
Exercise care to prevent earth and other material from entering the valve box.
Any valve box which is out of alignment or whose top does not conform to the
finished ground surface shall be dug and reset. Before final acceptance of the
work, adjust all valve boxes to finish grade. Valve extension stems or risers shall
not be used.
A. Prior to pressure testing a pipeline, all air release valve assemblies on that
pipeline shall be installed.
A. Ferrous surfaces of valves and appurtenances shall receive a coating of epoxy in
accordance with AWWA Standard C550 and meets or exceeds all test
requirements including the Food and Drug Administration Document Title 21 of the
Section 331200
Federal Regulations on Food Additives, Section 175.000 entitled "Resinous and
Polymeric Coating"; Impact Test Requirement in accordance with the ASTM
Section 331200
Section 331619
SECTION 331619
A. Furnish and install fire hydrants where shown on the Drawings or directed by the
A. Section 033100 – Concrete for Non-Plant Work
B. Section 331200 – Water Valves and Appurtenances
A. Install hydrants to meet current requirements of Collier County Utilities.
B. Provide manufacturer's certificate those products meet or exceed minimum
requirements as specified.
A. Submit manufacturer's certificates on conformance.
B. Shop Drawings: Submit manufacturer's drawings and data sheets for material to
be supplied under this Section. Indicate sizes and types to be installed.
A. During loading, transportation and unloading, exercise care to prevent damage to
B. Handling: Fire hydrants should be unloaded carefully. The hydrant should be
carefully lowered from the truck to the ground, not dropped. Only hoists and
slings with adequate load capacity to handle the weight of the hydrant shall be
C. Storage: Hydrants should be stored in the fully closed position to prevent entry of
foreign material that could cause damage to the seating surfaces. Whenever
practical, hydrants should be stored indoors. If outside storage is required, means
should be provided to protect the operating mechanism. In outside storage, parts
and flanges should be protected from the weather and foreign materials.
Section 331619
A. Fire hydrants shall be of the dry barrel, compression type conforming to AWWA
C502 “Standard for Dry-Barrel Fire Hydrants” and additional requirements as set
forth herein.
B. Hydrant shall have break away upper sections capable of ready replacement
without loss in the event of traffic damage. Each hydrant shall have a 6" bottom
inlet connection and valve opening at least 5-1/4 inches in diameter. Hydrants
shall have a national standard pentagon 1.5 inch, point to flat operating nut and
turn to the left (counter clockwise) to open. Each hydrant shall be fitted with one 4-
1/2-inch pumper connection and two 2-1/2 inch hose connections, both having
threads that conform to the Fire Division Standard for the area. Hose caps shall
be chained (unless specified without by appropriate fire control district) to the
hydrant barrel and fitted with nuts similar to the hydrant operating nuts. Each
hydrant shall have a barrel of sufficient length to bring the bottom of the 6" pipe
connection 3 feet below the surface of the finished ground. Each hydrant shall
have breakaway flanges and be made in at least two sections bolted together. All
interior working parts of the hydrant shall be removable from the top of the hydrant
to allow repairs without removing the hydrant barrel after it has been installed.
Hydrants shall have renewable O-ring stem seals. Hydrant barrels shall be
painted AWWA Safety Yellow (lead free) or as specified by appropriate fire control
district. They shall be designed for a working pressure of 150 psi.
C. Hydrant shall have no drain ports. If ports exist, they shall be plugged with a
threaded plug.
D. Operating stem shall be equipped with anti-friction thrust bearing to reduce
operating torque and assure easy opening. Stops shall be provided to limit stem
travel. Stem threads shall be enclosed in a permanently sealed lubricant reservoir
with O-ring seals.
E. Hydrants shall be designated for 150 psi working pressure and shop tested to 300
psi pressure with main valve both opened and closed. Under test the valve shall
not leak, the automatic drain shall function and there shall be no leakage into the
F. Hydrants shall be of the years manufacture when construction commenced.
G. Acceptable models, see Appendix F, County Approved Product List.
Section 331619
A. Set hydrants plumb and in true alignment with mains. Utilize restrained joints as
shown in the Collier County Standard Details. Carefully backfill around hydrants
so as not to disturb the hydrant and thoroughly compact backfill so as to support
the hydrant securely. The hydrants shall have 18-inch clearance measured from
finish grade to the center of pumper connection.
B. Hydrants shall be located a minimum of 4 feet from the curb in urban areas, and a
minimum of 14 feet from the edge of pavement in rural areas, and in accordance
with local Fire Department requirements. A gate valve shall be provided at the
connection to the main as shown in the Standard Details.
C. Hydrants requiring a lead to cross a roadway shall have a valve on both sides of
the road. The valve nearest the hydrant must be within five20 feet of the hydrant.
This requirement is not applicable to privately owned and operated water
distribution systems.
Section 331619
Section 333200
SECTION 333200
A. This section includes the following items: wet wells, access covers, pumps, wet
well equipment, valves, emergency bypasses, pump control panels, pump
controller/RTU, antenna subsystem, disconnects, electric meters, electric service,
pump wiring, lightning arrestors, and odor control system s.
B. Conform all pump stations to the specifications, Utilities Detail Drawings, and
latest National Electrical Code (NEC) requirements.
C. When a pump station has a peak design flow coming into the station greater than
500 gpm, contact Public Utilities Planning and Project Management Department
for specifications.
D. For systems eligible to be taken over by the COUNTY, provide enough room to
operate and maintain all water and wastewater systems in a simple and non-
awkward manner. If a pump station pump needs to be replaced, provide enough
room for the COUNTY to readily remove the pump, and to do so without
interfering with traffic. In order to be eligible for conveyance to the COUNTY, the
pump station easement area must be designed to 30’X30’, or twice the depth of
the wet well by twice the depth of the wet well, whichever is larger, as defined in
the Collier County Standards and Procedures Ordinance, Subsection 7.7(c), as
amended or superceded.
E. Schedule required COUNTY inspections of (1) pump station installation prior to
cover-up and (2) pump station start-up.
F. Install all fencing around the pump station in accordance with Section 323113.
A. Wet Well: The concrete structure shall consist of precast, reinforced sections
conforming to ASTM C76 and/or ASTM C478. 8-foot diameter wet wells shall
have a minimum wall thickness of 8 inches. Wall thickness for larger wet wells
shall conform to ASTM standards for wall thickness, but shall not be less than 8
inches in any case. The minimum inside diameter for all wet wells eligible to be
owned and maintained by Collier County shall be 8 feet. As a deviation, a 6-foot
diameter wet well can be utilized if the ENGINEER can demonstrate that the wet
Section 333200
well is sufficient hydraulically and the developer can demonstrate that the pump
station shall be used for the perpetual and exclusive use of that particular
development. For pump stations that will not be owned and maintained by Collier
County, the ENGINEER shall set the design specifications for the wet well,
provided such design does not in any way endanger the health, safety and/or
welfare of the public. Base riser section shall be monolithically cast with the base
slab. All concrete shall utilize Type 2 cement and have a minimum compressive
strength of 4000 psi at twenty eight (28) days. On new construction, if more than
one hole is abandoned and required to be cemented in, provide a new wet well
barrel section. Reinforcing steel for all wet well structures should be sized by the
unit manufacturer and verified by the ENGINEER. All connections to the wet well
for gravity sewer piping shall be equal to those for manholes as described in
Section 333913. Factory double coat all exterior surfaces with an acceptable
bituminous or epoxy sealer a minimum of 18 mils thick. Seal all riser joints
utilizing plastic joint sealing compound (see County Approved Product List,
Appendix F). Reinforcement and top slab thickness shall be specified by the
design ENGINEER for H-20 loadings in all cases. Minimum reinforced slab
thickness shall be 8 inches. Typical standards for wet wells are available in the
Collier County Standard Details. The ENGINEER shall be responsible for
designing all wet well structures to overcome buoyancy forces exerted on the
installed structure. Coat all wet well interiors with an acceptable field applied
internal protection (see County Approved Product List, Appendix F) in accordance
with Section 099723.
B. Above-Ground Valves and Piping: Above-ground valves and piping must be
positioned so that it does not lie above any gravity sewer line entering the wet
well, unless field conditions dictate otherwise and the COUNTY has granted prior
approval. Typical above-ground valves and piping standards are located in the
Collier County Standard Details.
C. Pumps: Sewage pumps (see County Approved Product List, Appendix F) shall be
of the submersible type suitable for operation in sewage of temperature not
exceeding 115 degrees Fahrenheit. Pump head curves and design specifications
for each application proposed shall be submitted for review and approval within
the ENGINEER’s hydraulic design report. All pumps shall be three-phase unless
approved by a Utility Deviation Form. At least one (1) pump in each wet well shall
be equipped with an opening in the volute with a bolted cover for a mix-flush
system (see County Approved Product List, Appendix F).
D. Access Covers: Access covers for pump station wet wells shall be above the 100-
year flood elevation unless the structure is located within a documented velocity
and tidal flood zone, and elevation differentials prohibit such installation. In such
cases, watertight access covers shall be utilized. The ENGINEER shall provide
shop drawings of such access covers for review and approval by THE County
Manager or designee prior to use. Access covers shall be constructed of
diamond plate aluminum sheets and aluminum structural members. All access
covers shall be attached to aluminum angle frames with stainless steel hinges and
fasteners. Angle frames shall be firmly anchored into the top concrete slab of the
Section 333200
structure. All access covers shall be equipped with a ratchet-type restraint
mechanism to prevent accidental closing of the cover and torsion bar or spring
assist type openers. Assist openers shall be manufactured of stainless steel.
Access covers shall be designed for H-20 loadings.
E. Wet Well Equipment: All pump discharge piping shall be HDPE pipe and shall be
in conformance with pipe utilized for wastewater force mains. All fittings shall be
HDPE fused, flange/flange, or Uni-Flange connections. All nuts, bolts, fasteners,
brackets, pump guide rails and other hardware located inside the wet well shall be
316 stainless steel. A pump out with a screened vent shall be provided on all
installations, with the pipe extended through the wet well lid (see details).
Electrical systems and components (e.g. motors, lights, cables, conduits, switch
boxes, control circuits, etc.) in raw wastewater wetwells, or in enclosed or partially
enclosed spaces where hazardous concentrations of flammable gases or vapors
may be present shall comply with the National Electrical Code (NEC)
requirements for Class I Group D, Division 1 locations. Electrical equipment
located in wet wells shall be suitable for use under corrosive conditions.
F. Valves: Discharge piping for each pump shall be equipped with a weighted check
valve and plug valve. A tee with an isolation plug valve, equipped with a quick
coupling (see County Approved Product List, Appendix F), shall be provided for a
means of emergency bypass access to the wastewater force main. Valves shall
be supported by stainless steel pipe supports.
G. Emergency Bypass: A 4-inch emergency bypass connection shall be provided
down-stream from the in-line discharge piping valves. The connection shall be
readily accessible and be equipped with a plug-type isolation valve and 4-inch
male Kamlock type quick coupling and cap.
H. Pump Control Panel (see County Approved Product List, Appendix F): Panel
enclosure construction shall be equal to a NEMA 4X stainless steel with 3-point
latch where required and utilize stainless steel. When possible, panel door shall
open away from wetwell and not towards wetwell hatch to ensure safety during
maintenance of wetwell and panel. To ensure proper installation of Control Panel,
contact the Wastewater Department prior to rough-in or installation of Control
Panel, for a pre-construction meeting with respective Wastewater Collections
Personnel. Control panels shall be mounted on two 6 inch by 6 inch precast
concrete posts. All mounting bars, nuts, bolts, etc. shall be 304 stainless steel. A
110/120 volt (110V) receptacle shall be provided inside the control panel for pump
stations that have outdoor control panels. Ground fault interruption (GFI)
protection shall be provided for all outdoor outlets.
I. Pump Controller / RTU: Provide a pump control panel (see County Approved
Product List, Appendix F) including a TAC Pack TCU (RTU) for pump controlling
purposes. At a minimum, the TAC Pack TCU shall include an integrated 2-Watt
digital radio, an 18 amp hour back-up battery, a manufacturer’s prefabricated wire
harness, all manufacturer recommended surge protection, and suitable devices
for measuring wastewater flow. The TAC Pack TCU shall incorporate three on-
Section 333200
board fail-safe HOA switches and Triplex/Duplex/Simplex configurable operation
mode. An on-board 240 VAC or 460 three phase monitor shall be provided. The
Alarm light and bell shall be activated by the TAC Pack TCU and the external
push-button alarm silence switch shall be wired into the TAC Pack TCU. The TAC
Pack TCU shall incorporate an on-board 4 by 20 character LCD display for
elapsed runtime of each pump. During the automatic sequence the pumps shall
be controlled in an alternate mode.
J. Antenna Subsystem: Provide a high gain antenna (see County Approved Product
List, Appendix F) for use to transmit and receive TAC Pack TCU data to and from
the COUNTY’s existing TAC II SCADA server. Antenna shall utilize all welded-
aluminum elements. Element connections utilizing nuts and bolts are not
acceptable. Antenna shall have a single radiator element connected to a type N
female connector. Antenna shall be supported on a mast/pole and have DC
grounding for lightning protection. Antenna mounting hardware shall be made of
stainless steel. Antenna shall meet or exceed the quality, reliability and
performance of the RTA series as provided by Data Flow Systems, Inc. Antenna
mast/pole shall be a 21foot by 1.25 inch SCH80 galvanized pole. Mounting of the
antenna mast/pole shall be in accordance with all applicable local and state
building codes as they pertain to structural strength and wind velocity
requirements. Tower shall meet or exceed the quality and reliability of the AG20
manufactured by Rohn. Coaxial cable shall be RTC 400 as supplied by Data
Flow Systems, Inc. Type N connectors shall be utilized at both ends of the coax.
Type N connectors shall be sealed with 3 inch sections of Alpha FIT321-1-0
sealant shrink tubing. Coaxial cable shall be secured to the mast/pole with
E.V.A.-coated 316 stainless steel cable ties. Cable ties shall meet or exceed the
quality, reliability and performance of AE112 cable ties manufactured by Band-It.
For pump stations to be conveyed to the County, a startup and successful testing
of Data Flow telemetry equipment by Data Flow representatives and County
Wastewater Collections instrumentation and telemetry represent atives is required
prior to County acceptance. After initial startup, for pump stations to be conveyed
to the County, the latitude and longitude of pump stations shall be provided.
K. Disconnect: A circuit breaker disconnect shall be provided to isolate the pump
control panel. Disconnect shall be installed on the service line between the
electric meter and control panel and shall be lockable in the “ON” or “OFF”
position. Disconnects shall be housed in a NEMA 4X, stainless steel enclosure or
L. Electric Meter: The electric meter servicing the pump station shall be located
adjacent to the pump control panel, and shall be located and wired so as to
service only the pump station facility.
M. Electric Service: All underground electric services shall be fully conduited in 2-inch
diameter Schedule 80 PVC pipe from the power company source point to the
pump control panel. The maximum length of the electric service from the power
company transformer to the pump control panel shall be 200 feet. One spare
conduit shall be provided and terminated in the meter. Only copper service wire
Section 333200
shall be utilized. Sizing of the service wire shall be verified with the power
company and the extent and location of the service shall be indicated on the
record drawings. The CONTRACTOR shall certify that the voltage drop across
the service does not exceed five percent (5%) of the power company’s line
voltage at full load start-up of the pump station pumps. All pump stations shall
have minimum 100-amp service. All electrical components shall be located within
the COUNTY right-of-way or County Utility Easement (CUE).
N. Pump Wiring: Power wiring for each pump, from the control panel to the wet well
shall be conduited in separate 2 inch diameter Schedule 80 PVC pipe and an
appropriately sized water-tight fitting with separate strain relief shall be installed
on each line. A spare parallel 2-inch PVC pipe conduit from the panel to the wet
well shall be provided. All wire shall be stranded THHN or MTW copper wire.
The pump motor cords shall be flexible and serviceable under conditions of
extreme usage. Total of angle bends shall be 180 degrees or less. All conduits
between wetwell and control panel shall not exceed a total of 180 degrees of
bends per run. All service conduits shall be 2" Schedule 80 PVC except where
noted. The pump motor cords shall be flexible and have an appropriate amount of
O. Lightning Arrestors: All pump stations shall be equipped with lightning arrestor(s)
(see County Approved Product List, Appendix F). The lightning arrestor shall be
installed externally on the load side of the disconnect, between the disconnect
and the main breaker. The penetration through the disconnect must be made
below the working mechanism of the disconnect.
P. Odor Control Systems for Community Pump Stations: Furnish and install an
8’X11’ concrete slab for potential future odor control system. A Pre-Engineered
Biofiltration Odor Control System shall be furnished if required by the engineer of
Not Used
Section 333200
Section 333313
SECTION 333313
A. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals required and install complete
and ready for operation all valves and appurtenances as shown on the Drawings and
as specified herein.
B. The equipment shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
1. Eccentric Plug Valves
2. Check Valves
3. Vacuum Breakers
4. Air Release Valves
5. Flange Adapter Couplings
6. Flexible Couplings
7. Diaphragm Seals
8. Unions
9. Mechanical Type Seals
10. Hose End Faucets
11. Pressure Gauges
12. Reduced Pressure Backflow Preventer
13. Flow Meters
A. All of the equipment and materials specified herein are intended to be standard for
use in controlling the flow of wastewater and reclaimed water.
Section 333313
A. All of the types of valves and appurtenances shall be products of well -established
reputable firms who are fully experienced, reputable and qualified in the manufacture
of the particular equipment to be furnished. The equipment shall be designed,
constructed and installed in accordance with the best practices and methods and
shall comply with these specifications as applicable.
A. Submit within 30 days after execution of the contract a list of materials to be
furnished, the names of the suppliers and the date of delivery of materials to the site.
B. Complete shop drawings of all valves and appurtenances shall be submitted to the
ENGINEER for approval in accordance with the General Conditions.
A. Special tools, if required for normal operation and maintenance shall be supplied with
the equipment.
A. All valves and appurtenances shall be of the size shown on the Drawings and as far
as possible all equipment of the same type shall be from one manufacturer.
B. All valves and appurtenances shall have the name of the maker and the working
pressure for which they are designed cast in raised letters upon some appropriate
part of the body.
A. Eccentric Plug Valves
1. All valves (see County Approved Product List, Appendix F) shall be eccentric
plug valves unless otherwise specified.
2. Plug valves shall be tested in accordance with AWWA C504 Section 5. Each
valve shall be performance tested in accordance with AWWA C504 Section 5.2
and shall be given a leakage test and hydrostatic test as described in AWWA
C504 Paragraphs 5.3 and 5.4. The leakage test shall be applied to the face of
the plug tending to unseat the valve. The Manufacturer shall furnish certified
copies of reports covering proof of design testing as described in AWWA C504
Section 5.5.
Section 333313
3. Plug valves shall be of the tight closing, resilient faced, non-lubricating variety
and shall be of eccentric design such that the valve's pressure member (plug)
rises off the body seat contact area immediately upon shaft rotation during the
opening movement. Valve pressure ratings shall be as follows and shall be
established by hydrostatic tests as specified by ANSI B16.1-1967. Valves shall
be drip-tight in both directions (bi-directional) at rated pressure of 175 psi
through 12-inch diameter, and 150 psi for 14-inch diameter and above. The
valve shall be provided with a 2-inch square operating nut.
4. The valve body shall be constructed of cast iron ASTM A126, Class B. Body
ends shall be mechanical joint to meet the requirements of AWWA C111/ANSI
A21.11 or single gasket push-on type.
5. The valve plug shall be constructed of cast iron or ductile iron and shall have a
conical seating surface that is eccentrically offset from the center of the plug
shafts. The plug and shafts shall be integral. The entire plug face shall be
totally encapsulated with Buna N (Nitrile) rubber in all valve sizes. The rubber
to metal bond must withstand 75 lbs. pull under test procedure ASTM D-429-73,
Method B. When the plug is in full open position, plug geometry and body
waterway contours must provide a passageway that allows flow capacity equal
to 100% of the adjacent pipe area.
6. Valve seat mating surface shall be constructed of a welded-in overlay of not
less than 90% nickel or be a one-piece 304 stainless steel ring. Seat ring
contour must be precision machined.
7. A mechanical "brake" shall be supplied on all valves and shall be capable of
"locking" the valve in any intermediate position between full-open and
8. Valves shall have multiple V-type packing and packing glands and shall be
capable of being field adjusted or repacked without the bonnet or plug being
removed from the valve with the valve under the full rated pressure. Valves
shall have a port position indicator.
9. For corrosion protection, the interior ferrous surfaces of all plug valves shall
have a 2-part epoxy internal coating to a minimum of 20 mils thickness.
10. Valve shaft seals shall be adjustable and comply with AWWA C507 Section 10
and with AWWA C507 Section 11.
11. Manual valves shall have lever or gear actuators and tee wrenches, extension
stems, floorstands, etc. as indicated on the plans. All valves 6" and larger shall
be equipped with gear actuators. All gearing shall be enclosed in a semi-steel
housing and be suitable for running in a lubricant with seals provided on all
shafts to prevent entry of dirt and water into the actuator. All actuator shafts
shall be supported on permanently lubricated bronze bearings. Actuators shall
clearly indicate valve position and an adjustable stop shall be provided to set
Section 333313
closing torque. All adjustable stop shall be provided to set closing torque. All
exposed nuts, bolts, and washers shall be zinc or cadmium plated316 stainless
steel. Valve packing adjustment shall be accessible without disassembly of the
12. Valves and gear actuators for submerged service shall have seals on all shafts
and gaskets on the valve and actuator covers to prevent entry of water.
Actuator mounting brackets for buried or submerged service shall be totally
enclosed and shall have gasket seals. All exposed nuts, bolts, springs and
washers shall be 316 stainless steel.
13. Three-way plug valves shall be non-lubricated gear oriented. Valve bodies shall
be ASTM A-126 Class, and be semi-steel with 125 lb. ANSI standard f langes.
Plugs shall be resilient faced. Three-way valves shall be 3-way, 3-port 270-
degree turn.
14. Plug valves installed such that actuators are 6 feet or more above the floor shall
have chain wheels.
15. Where shown on the Drawings, plug valves shall be installed with extended
shafts and actuators. Actuators for extended shafts shall be mounted on floor
stands where indicated on the drawings or shall be removable handwheels
where floor stands are not called for. Six-inch sleeves shall be provided for
extended shafts in all floors; where necessary covers shall be provided. Shafts
shall be of adequate strength to operate the valve and shall be 304 stainless
steel where submerged and carbon steel elsewhere. Floor stands and covers,
where called for shall be cast iron. Floor stands shall be equipped with valve
position indicators. Where shown on the drawings, plug valves shall be
furnished with extended bonnets, equal to DeZurik Figure 640.
16. All buried plug valves shall have a remote position indicator in the valve box
showing position of the valve. A stainless steel centering and I.D. plate shall be
provided showing direction of opening and number of turns to open for each
B. Valves for Buried Service
1. Valves for buried service shall meet all the requirements as specified herein for
interior except that buried valves shall have mechanical joint ends.
2. All buried valves shall have cast-iron two piece valve boxes (see County
Approved Product List, Appendix F), valve boxes shall be provided with suitable
heavy bonnets to extend to such elevation at the finished grade surface as
directed by the ENGINEER. The barrel shall be two-piece, screw type. The
upper section shall have a flange at the bottom having sufficient bearing area to
Section 333313
prevent settling, shall be designed so as to prevent the transmission of surface
loads directly to the valve or piping, and shall be complete with cast iron covers.
Covers shall have "SEWER" cast into the top. The covers shall be so
constructed as to prevent tipping or rattling. All valve boxes located in paved
roadways or sidewalks shall have locking covers.
3. Where valves are located out of pavement, the boxes shall be adjusted to
finished grade and a concrete slab two feet square and six inches thick shall be
poured around the box, as shown in the Details.
4. Valve boxes shall be of the heavy duty, traffic bearing cast iron, adjustable
screw type with a drop cover. The valve box assembly shall consist of a bottom
section, top section and cover which is cast from gray iron, formulated to ASTM
specification A-48 latest revision, minimum tensile of 21,000 psi and shall be
free from blowholes, shrinkage or other imperfections not true to pattern. The
shaft size shall be 5 1/4" and the adjustable length shall be from 18" to 36". T he
wall thickness shall be 1/4”. The weight of the assembly shall be 61 pounds + 2
pounds, with the cover weight being a minimum of 13 pounds.
5. The name of the manufacturer and foundry of origin shall be cast into each of
the components of the assembly in legible form. The assembly shall be suitable
for highway traffic wheel loads of 16,000 pounds and shall withstand a proof
load test of 25,000 pounds without failure or permanent deflection. The valve
box shall be cast, machined, assembled, and packaged within the United States
and shall fully comply with the Buy American provisions of Public Law 102-240,
enacted 12/18/91.
C. Check Valves
1. All check valve bodies shall be cast iron per ASTM A126 Class B, having
integral (not Wafer) flanges.
2. The seat shall be centrifugally cast bronze with an O-ring seal and be locked in
place with stainless steel lock screws and be field replaceable, without the use
of special tools.
3. The shaft shall be single and continuous stainless steel, extending on one side
of the body with a lever and weight.
4. The air cushion cylinder, when specifically required, shall be constructed of
corrosion-resistant material and the piston shall be totally enclosed within the
cylinder and not open at one end. The air cushion cylinder assembly s hall be
externally attached to either or both sides of the valve body and will permit
adjustability to cushion the closure of the valve. Cushioning shall be by air
trapped in the cushion cylinder, which shall be fitted with a one-way adjustable
control check valve to cushion disc contact to the seat at the shut-off point. The
bottom cylinder head shall be swivel mounted and not rigid to follow the change
of force angles as the lever raises or lowers to open or close the check valve.
Section 333313
Valve shall prevent backflow on normal pump shut-off or power failure, at zero
velocity, and be watertight.
5. The disc shall be cast iron utilizing a double clevice hinge connected to a ductile
iron disc arm. The disc arm assembly shall be suspended from a stainless steel
shaft, which passes through a seal retainer on both sides of the valve body.
6. Valve exterior to be painted with Red Oxide Phenolic Primer Paint as accepted
by the FDA for use in contact with Potable Water. Materials shall be certified to
the following ASTM specifications:
a. Body, cover & disc - Cast Iron - ASTM A126, Class B
b. Disc Arm - Ductile Iron - ASTM A536
c. Seat - Aluminum Bronze or Stainless Steel - ASTM B148, ASTM A276
d. Disc Seat - Buna-N or metal
e. Cushion cylinder - Corrosion-resistant Commercial material
e.f. Exposed Nuts and Bolts – 316 Stainless Steel
7. For corrosion protection, the interior ferrous surfaces of all check valves used in
sewage applications shall be coated with a factory applied, two-part epoxy
coating to a minimum of 20 mils thick.
D. Automatic Air Release Valves for Wastewater Systems
All force mains shall have automatic air release valves installed as they are indicated
on the plans. These Automatic Air Release Valves (ARV’s) shall conform to the
1. The ARV shall be a “Combination” ARV modified with a check valve on the
discharge of the air piping to allow air release only operation.
2. The body of these valves shall be conical shaped to maintain maximum air gap
to ensure no contact between the sewage and the seal.
3. The ARV shall seal at zero (0) psi and have an overall operating range of 0 –
250 psi, (0 – 17.2 bar).
4. The ARV shall close watertight when liquid enters the valve, even when the fluid
is rising without pressure, (no minimum operating pressure required).
5. The working pressure shall be 250 psi (17.2 bar) tested to 360 psi (25 bar).
Section 333313
6. The ARV shall include both a Polypropylene Debris Shield funnel and an Orifice
Strainer to prevent solids from entering sealing area.
7. The ARV shall have a rolling cup seal diaphragm for infinitely variable operation,
providing water hammer inhibition.
8. The ARV body shall be constructed of 316 stainless steel. The float shall be
Delrin (Polyoximethylene, POM) and the Float Spindle shall be of 316 stainless
steel. The valve seat and all internal working parts shall be of corrosion-
resistant materials. ARV flange hardware (nuts, bolts, washers) shall be of 316
stainless steel construction.
9. The threaded or flanged outlet size of the ARVs shall be sized by the design
engineer. A minimum diameter of two inches (2”) shall be provided.
10. All parts required for ARV maintenance shall be the same for all connection
sizes (ie: the internal parts for the 2” ARV are identical to the internal parts for
the 4” ARV).
11. All ARV manufacturers and models shall comply with the County Approved
Product List (Appendix F). All ARVs shall be installed in accordance with
manufacturer recommendations and shall have an isolation valve connection for
12. All ARVs installed for wastewater transmission systems (except at pump
stations or wastewater treatment facilities) shall be installed in above ground
polyethylene enclosures as shown on the County’s standard details. Color of
enclosures shall be dark green.
E. Flange Adapter Couplings
1. Flange adapter couplings shall be of the size and pressure rating required for
each installation and shall be suitable for use on either cast iron or ductile iron
pipe. They shall be similar or equal to Dresser Company, Style 128. All
couplings shall have a sufficient number of factory installed anchor studs to
meet or exceed the test pressure rating for this project, 100-psi minimum.
F. Flexible Couplings:
1. Flexible couplings shall be either the split type or the sleeve type as shown on
the Drawings.
a. Split type coupling shall be either the split type or the sleeve type as
shown on the Drawings. The couplings shall be mechanical type for
radius groove piping. The couplings shall mechanically engage and lock
grooved pipe ends in a positive coupling and allow for angular deflection
and contraction and expansion.
Section 333313
b. Couplings shall consist of malleable iron, ASTM Specification A47, Grade
32510 housing clamps in two or more parts, a single chlorinated butyl
composition sealing gasket with a "C" shaped cross-section and internal
sealing lips projecting diagonally inward, and two or more oval track head
type bolts with hexagonal heavy nuts conforming to ASTM Specification
A183 and A194 to assemble the housing clamps. Bolts and nuts shall be
304Series 300 stainless steel.
c. Victaulic type couplings and fittings may be used in lieu of flanged joints.
Pipes shall be radius grooved as specified for use with the Victaulic
couplings. Flanged adapter connections (see County Approved Product
List, Appendix F) at fittings, valves, and equipment.
d. Sleeve type couplings (see County Approved Product List, Appendix F)
shall be used with all buried piping. The couplings shall be of steel. The
coupling shall be provided with 304 stainless steel bolts and nuts unless
indicated otherwise.
e. All couplings shall be furnished with the pipe stop removed.
f. Couplings shall be provided with gaskets of a composition suitable for
exposure to the liquid within the pipe.
g. If the CONTRACTOR decides to use victaulic couplings in lieu of flanged
joints, he shall be responsible for supplying supports for the joints.
G. Diaphragm Seals (see County Approved Product List, Appendix F):
1. Diaphragm seals shall be installed on pressure gauge connection to all lines
where shown on the Drawings, to protect pressure switches used to monitor
excessive pressures on pipe lines. The diaphragm shall be "thread attached" to
both piping and pressure switches. Diaphragm seals shall be constructed of
cadmium plated carbon steel, except for the lower housing which shall be
specifically chosen according to the fluid pressure being monitored.
2. Diaphragm seals shall have a flushing connection.
H. Unions
1. Unions on ferrous pipe 2" in diameter and smaller shall be 150 pounds
malleable iron, zinc-coated. Unions on water piping 2" in diameter and larger
shall be flange pattern, 125 pound class, zinc-coated. Gaskets for flanged
unions shall be of the best quality fiber, plastic, or leather. Unions shall not be
concealed in walls, ceilings, or partitions.
I. Mechanical Type Seals
Section 333313
1. Mechanical type seals (see County Approved Product List, Appendix F) shall
consist of an adjustable modular bolted, synthetic rubber and plastic sealing
J. Hose End Faucets
1. Hose end faucets (see County Approved Product List, Appendix F) for potable
water supply at submersible stations shall be furnished with removable key and
shall be lockable.
K. Pressure Gauges
1. Each pressure gauge shall be direct mounted, cast aluminum case, with a four
inch (4”) 4" diameter dial and furnished with a clear glass crystal window, 3/8"
shut-off valve, and a bronze pressure snubber. Provide diaphragm seals
between shut-off valve and pressure gauge on all sludge and lines with
nonclear matter in suspension of solution. All gauges shall be weatherproofed.
The face dial shall be white finished aluminum with jet black graduations and
figures. The face dial shall indicate the units of pressure being measured (e.g.,
feet, inches, etc.) or be dual scale.
2. If shown on the drawings, each pump discharge lineGauges shall be furnished
with gauges sized 0-100 psisized with an appropriate range of pressure
readings shown in pounds per square in (PSI).
L. Reduce Pressure Backflow Preventer
1. If shown on the drawings, backflow preventers shall be supplied at each pump
station, and installed in accordance with the Collier County Standard Details.
M. Flow Meters for Master and Community Pumping Stations
1. Meters shall be of the magnetic type (see County Approved Product List,
Appendix F). with Teflon lining, stainless steel electrodes and ultrasonic
cleaning, or the universal venturi type with flanged cast or ductile iron body and
bronze throat. Flow meters shall be designed to record both the peak pumping
station capacity and anticipated minimum flows with equally high accuracy. The
meters shall be direct reading in gallons per minute, totalizing in million gallons
per day and recording on 12-inch diameter, 24-hour linear charts in gallons per
minute. All meters shall also be tied to the Radio Telemetry SCADA System.
The flow metering system shall be installed within the pumping station structure,
if space is available, or in an exterior protected and drained pit. In all cases,
meter by-pass valves and piping shall be provided.
2. Flow meters shall be supplied for “Master and Community LiftPump Stations”
Section 333313
A. Install all valves and appurtenances in the locations shown, true to alignment and
rigidly supported. Repair any damage to the above items to the satisfaction of the
ENGINEER before they are installed.
B. Carefully inspect each valve, open it wide and then tightly close it, and test the
various nuts and bolts for tightness. Take special care to prevent any foreign matter
from becoming lodged in the valve seat. Valves, unless shown otherwise shall be set
with their operator shaft vertically. Repair and replace any valve that does not
operate correctly.
C. Carefully center valve boxes over the operating nuts of the valves so as to permit a
valve wrench or key to be fitted easily to the operating nut. Valve boxes shall be set
to conform to the level of the finished surface and held in position by a ring of
concrete placed under the support flange as shown on the Collier County Standard
Details. The valve box shall not transmit surface loads to the pipe or valve. Care
shall be taken to prevent earth and other material from entering the valve box. Any
valve box which is out of alignment or whose top does not conform to the finished
ground surface shall be dug out and reset. Before final acceptance of the work,
adjust all valve boxes to finish grade. Valve operating risers shall be installed with
any valves required to ensure that the operating nut is 30-inches or less from the
ground surface.
D. After installation, test all valves and appurtenances for at least 1 hour at the working
pressure corresponding to the class of pipe, unless a different test pressure is
specified. If any joint proves to be defective, repair it to the satisfaction of the
E. Install all floor boxes, brackets, extension rods, guides, the various types of operators
and appurtenances as shown on the Drawings that are in masonry floors or walls, and
install concrete inserts for hangers and supports as soon as forms are erected and
before concrete is poured. Before setting these items, check all plans and figures that
have a direct bearing on their location and he shall be responsible for the proper
location of these valves and appurtenances during the construction of the structures.
F. Pipe for use with flexible couplings shall have plain ends as specified in the respective
pipe sections.
G. Buried flanged or mechanical joints shall be made with Series 300, stainless steelCor-
Ten bolts. All exposed bolts shall be made with Series 300 stainless steel bolts.
H. Prior to assembly of split couplings, thoroughly clean the grooves as well as other
parts. The ends of the pipes and outside of the gaskets shall be moderately coated
with petroleum jelly, cup grease, soft soap or graphite paste, and the gasket shall be
slipped over one pipe end. After the other pipe has been brought to the correct
Section 333313
position, center the gasket properly over the pipe ends with the lips against the pipes.
The housing sections then shall be placed. After the bolts have been inserted, tighten
the nuts until the housing sections are firmly in contact, metal-to-metal, without
excessive bolt tension.
I. Prior to the installation of sleeve-type couplings, thoroughly clean the pipe ends for a
distance of 8". Soapy water may be used as a gasket lubricant. A follower and
gasket, in that order, shall be slipped over each pipe to a distance of about 6" from
the end, and the middle ring shall be placed on the already laid pipe end until it is
properly centered over the joint. Insert the other pipe end into the middle ring and
bring to proper position in relation to the pipe already laid. The gaskets and followers
shall then be pressed evenly and firmly into the middle ring flaires. After the bolts
have been inserted and all nuts have been made up finger-tight, uniformly tighten
diametrically opposite nuts progressively all around the joint, preferably by use of a
torque wrench of the appropriate size and torque for the bolts.
A. Each air release valve shall be installed at a high point in the pipeline.
B. Prior to pressure testing a pipeline, all air release valve assemblies on that pipeline
shall be installed.
A. Materials, Construction:
1. All sewer service connections shall be of SDR 35 PVC as specified herein with
elastomeric gaskets on pipe and fittings.
2. Service lines shall be connected to the sewer mains by means of a PVC wye
fitting. The service branch of the wye fitting will be elevated depending on the
depth of the sewer and the elevation of the property to be served. 45 degree
bends or other fittings shall be used to connect the service line at the wye
branch. Service lines shall be installed at such grades as will adequately serve
the properties, minimum 1% slope.
3. Service lines shall extend from the sewer to the property line and be plugged.
Plugs shall be plastic with sealer. Service lines shall be 6 inches for single
residential properties and 6 inches pipe and larger for commercial, industrial,
and multiple residential services. Service lines will have a minimum of 3 feet
and a maximum of 5 feet of cover at the property line. Service will be provided
to each lot. All laterals shall have a vertical clean out installed at the property
line. Clean outs shall extend 24 inches above grade and should be capped.
After final connection of the lateral to a structure the clean out shall be cut off at
grade and capped.
Section 333313
A. Coat ferrous surfaces of valves and appurtenances with rust-inhibitive primer. Cap all
pipe connection openings to prevent the entry of foreign matter prior to installation.
A. Paint all metal valves and appurtenances specified herein and installed in valve and
meter pits as specified.
A. Subject completed pipe to hydrostatic pressure test at full working pressure. Repair
all leaks and retest the line as approved by the ENGINEER. Prior to testing, support
the gravity pipelines in an approved manner to prevent movement during tests.
Section 333913
SECTION 333913
A. Section Includes: Requirements for providing sewer manholes and all other
appurtenances for a complete installation. Provide precast reinforced concrete
manholes conforming to ASTM C478 in accordance with the Collier County
Standard Details.
B. Related Work Specified in Other Sections Include:
1. Section 055600 – Metal Castings
2. Section 099723 – Concrete Coatings
A. Codes and standards referred to in this Section are:
1. ASTM C 76 - Specification for Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm
Drain and Sewer Pipe.
2. ASTM C 478 - Specification for Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole
3. ASTM C 32 - Specification for Sewer and Manhole Brick (Made for
Clay or Shale)
4. ASTM C 443 - Specification for Joints for Circular Concrete Sewer and
Culvert Pipe, Using Rubber Gaskets [Metric]
A. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings of sewer manholes as specified in
Division 1.
B. Quality Control: Submit shop and field test reports of concrete samples tested in
an approved laboratory.
Section 333913
A. General: Take every precaution to prevent injury to the manhole sections during
transportation and unloading. Unload manhole sections using skids, pipe hooks,
rope slings, or suitable power equipment, if necessary, and keep the sections
under control at all times. Do not allow the manhole sections to be dropped,
dumped or dragged under any conditions. Follow applicable requirements
specified in Division 1.
B. Damaged Section: If any manhole section is damaged in the process of
transportation or handling (see Section 2.3.C below), contact the Public Utilities
Wastewater Department for visual inspection. If the Wastewater Department
deems it necessary to reject the manhole section, reject and immediately remove
such sections from the site, and replace the damaged manhole sections at no
increase in Contract Amount.
A. See County Approved Product List, Appendix F, for a cceptable manufacturers
of plastic joint sealing compound and sewer manhole frames and covers.
A. Concrete, Steel Reinforcement and Aggregates: Provide reinforced concrete,
cementitious materials, aggregates and steel reinforcement conforming to the
requirements of ASTM C 478, with 4000 psi concrete, Grade 40 reinforcement
bars, Type II cement, and a minimum wall thickness of 8 inches.
B. Steel reinforced polymer concrete manholes may be furnished and installed
instead of the Type II cement manholes described above. If provided, steel
reinforced polymer concrete manholes shall not require interior and exterior
protection as described in part 3.1 F and 3.1 G. All steel reinforced polymer
concrete structures shall be supplied by a qualified company with a minimum of 5
years’ experience manufacturing polymer concrete. All steel reinforced polymer
concrete structures shall be manufactured and installed in accordance with the
applicable requirements of ASTM C76, C478, C443, D6783, C33, C267, A82,
A165, A496, A497, A615, and A615M.
C. Manhole Frames and Covers: Provide manhole frames and covers as shown on
the Collier County Standard details. Castings for manhole frames, covers and
other items shall conform to the ASTM Designation A48, Class 30. Castings shall
be true to pattern in form and dimensions and free of pouring faults and other
defects in positions which would impair their strength, or otherwise make them
unfit for the service intended. The scating surfaces between frames and covers
shall be machined to fit true so the frames and covers do not shift under traffic
Section 333913
conditions or permit entry of storm water from flooding. Lifting or “pick” holes shall
be provided, but shall not penetrate the cover. The words SANITARY SEWER, as
well as COLLIER COUNTY shall be cast in all manhole covers except those
owned by a private party. All manhole frames and covers shall be traffic bearing
unless otherwise specified. Frames and covers shall be fully bedded in mortar to
the correct finished grade elevation with materials shown in the COUNTY’s
Standard Detail Drawings.
D. Preformed Joint Sealing Compound: Provide preformed joint sealing compound
for joining manhole sections.
E. Concrete Protective Liner: Provide concrete protective liner conforming to Section
F. Pipeline Connections: Provide neoprene boots with type 316 stainless steel
clamps of a design approved by the County Manager or designee for joining
sewers to manhole riser sections. Fill the unfilled portion of the connection with
mortar or concrete to guarantee a watertight seal.
G. Doghouse Manholes: Doghouse manholes over existing sanitary sewer pipes are
permitted, and in a number of instances, preferred. Provide a concrete base a
minimum of 8 inches thick, with proper reinforcing rods to prevent cracking. Pour
concrete base upon a 12-inch base of gravel. Precast manhole rings may be set
in the concrete over the existing pipe. Concrete should then be used to form both
the bench and to seal the pipe entrances, both inside and especially outside.
Once dry, remove the top of the pipe in the manhole.
H. Standard Manholes: The standard manhole shall be 4 feet or more in depth
measured from the base of the cover frame to the top of the concrete footing and
shall be of the concentric cone type, as shown in the Standard Details. If the
manhole is 4 feet or less in depth, it shall be classified as a "Shallow Manhole" as
specified below.
I. Shallow Manholes: The shallow manhole shall be 4 feet or less in depth
measured from the base of the cover frame to the top of the concrete footing and
shall be of flat top construction, as shown in the Standard Details.
J. Manhole Inverts: Form manhole inverts from concrete having a minimum 28 day
compressive strength of 2500 psi, and as shown in the Standard Details. Inverts
for "straight-through" manholes may be formed by laying the pipe straight through
the manhole, pouring the concrete invert, and then cutting out the top half of the
pipe. Construct curved inverts of concrete, as shown in the Standard Details, and
form a smooth, even, half pipe section. Precast inverts may be used, however, no
large "bowls" shall be permitted in the center of the manhole. To alleviate this
problem, grout the invert to form a smooth, uniform invert as shown in the
Standard Details. Maintain a 0.1 foot drop across the manhole.
Section 333913
K. Inflow Protectors: In all manholes, install an inflow protector manufactured from
a high-quality 304 stainless steel with a consistent thickness of not less than
18 gage (see County Approved Product List, Appendix F). The inflow shall
have a deep-dish bowl design with no less than 8 inches in depth to allow easy
and unobstructed removal of the manhole cover. The manhole inflow protector
is to be manufactured with a one-piece rubber gasket installed at the factory
for a tight, consistent fit. The rubber gasket is to be designed to secu rely wrap
around the entire leading edge of the inflow protector at the point where it
comes in contact with the manhole frame and cover. The wrap around rubber
gasket is to be manufactured to a width of no less than 3/8 inches, consistent
on top and bottom of the leading edge of the inflow protector. The gasket shall
be no more than 3/32 inches thick. The insert removal handle shall be
manufactured of a high-quality stainless steel for strength and durability. The
handle is installed in such a way that it does not interfere with the installation or
removal of the manhole lid. The insert handle will be manufactured to
withstand a minimum pull force of 500 pounds before it fails or separates from
the insert. The inscription “PROPERTY OF COLLIER COUNTY U TILITIES”
shall be etched, at the base of the handle frame, to provide a long -lasting
identification marker for the COUNTY.
L. Chimney Seals: Install a minimum of two (2) precast concrete or HDPE riser
rings with a chimney seal (see County Approved Product List, Appendix F)
between manhole and cast iron frame.
A. If requested by the County Manager or designee, at least three cylinders shall be
taken each day that manhole sections are cast, with batch samples to be
designated by the laboratory representative. At least one set of cylinders will be
taken from each 9 cubic yards of concrete used in manhole section construction.
These samples will be tested for strength. If the samples fail to meet specified
minimum concrete strength requirements, all manhole sections manufactured from
the concrete from which the cylinders were made will be rejected.
B. The County Manager or designee reserves the right to core manholes either at the
job site or point of delivery to validate strength of concret e and placement of steel.
If cores fail to demonstrate the required strength or indicate incorrect placement of
reinforcing steel, all sections not previously tested will be considered rejected until
sufficient additional cores are tested, at no increase in Contract Amount, to
substantiate conformance to these requirements.
C. Components of the manhole shall be free of fractures, cracks, and undue
roughness. Concrete shall be free of defects, which indicate improper mixing or
placing, and surface defects such as honeycomb or spalling. Cracks or broken
ends due to improper handling will not be acceptable. No lift holes will be allowed
except in rise and corbel sections. These holes shall not penetrate the wall and
shall be filled with non-shrink grout after installation.
Section 333913
A. Lifting Holes: Grout lifting holes through the structure with non-shrink grout.
B. Precast Base: Provide a precast base of not less than 8 inches in thickness with a
minimum dimension across the precast base of 72 inches poured monolithically
with the bottom section of the manhole walls, reinforced, with a minimum 28 -day
compressive strength of 3000 psi.
C. Joining Manhole Sections: Join precast sections using plastic joint sealing
compound (see County Approved Product List, Appendix F) and trimmed prior to
grouting. The first construction joint shall be not less than 2 feet above the base
slab. Use tongue and groove joints suitable for the flexible gasket. Use non -
shrink grout inside and outside for sealing between manhole precast sections.
Grout shall be of a type acceptable to the County Manager or designee and
designed for use in water. Seal all openings and joints watertight.
D. Top Termination: Terminate manhole tops at such elevations as will permit laying
up grade rings under the manhole frame to make allowances for future street
grade adjustments.
E. Drop Connections: Manufacture drop connections, where required on precast
manholes, with the manhole elements at the casting yard. Drop manholes shall
be constructed per the Collier County Standard Details.
F. Internal Protection: Provide internal protection for all manholes by either of the
following (not required for steel reinforced polymer concrete manholes as
described in 2.2 B. above):
1. Sewpercoat, or
2. IET Coating system, or
3. Raven Lining Systems
Install the coating systems per manufacturer’s recommendation and completely
protect the structure from corrosion. The liner or coating systems must extend
and seal onto manhole ring, seal onto and around pipe openings, and any other
protrusions, completely cover the bench and flow invert. Provide a five (5)-year
unlimited warranty on all workmanship and products. The work includes the
surface preparation and application of the coating or liner system, and shall
protect the structure for at least five (5) years from all leaks and from failure due to
corrosion from exposure to corrosive gases such as hydrogen sulfide.
Repair internal coating of existing manholes cored during tie-in of new sewers by
applying approved coating material as listed above in accordance with the
manufacturer’s recommendations. If existing manhole has an internal coating
Section 333913
other than that listed above, sandblast the interior of the existing manhole and
apply an approved coating in accordance with the manufacturer’s
G. Coal Tar Epoxy: Coat all manhole, wet well, and valve vault exteriors with two (2)
coats of coal tar epoxy to a minimum thickness of 8 dry mils (not required for steel
reinforced polymer concrete manholes as described in 2.2 B. above).
Section 333913
Utility Deviation Form Revision Date: December 2017
Any request for a deviation from the Collier County Water -Sewer District Utilities Standards and
Procedures must be submitted on the Utility Deviation Form and should include all required
information for a faster and more efficient process. Please email your request to
Please maintain on deviation per form and select the appropriate type(s) of deviation
(Wastewater, Water, IQ Water, or Grease Trap). Provide the associated land use application
number assigned by the Growth Management Department. Ensure to select whether the deviation
is on a privately owner or county owner system. Include a drawing that has the area(s) of interest
highlighted for quick referencing.
Please include any and all equipment specification information, pressures and velocities of flows,
or other pertinent documentation and a cover letter to give additional information that may not be
addressed on the form.
For Grease Trap Deviations, please include a cover letter giving any relevant information
regarding the kitchen and its use, a copy of the menu of what is to be cooked a nd served, and a
floor plan of the kitchen and seating area.
Typically, Utility Deviation requests are processed within 5-10 business days. You will be notified
by email of the outcome of your deviation request. If the deviation is rejected, a meeting may be
requested with the appropriate Director and staff to discuss.
If you have any questions regarding this process, please call (239) 252-8836 or email your
questions to UtilityPlanning@colliercountyfl.gov.
3339 East Tamiami Trail
Suite 303
Naples, FL 34112
Phone: (239) 252-8836
Utility Deviation Form Revision Date: December 2017
Date:___________ Wastewater Water IQ Water Grease Trap
Land Use Application #____________________ Privately Owned County Owned
Project Name: ________________________________________________________________
Folio Number(s): ________________________________________
Petitioner’s Name & Business Name: _______________________
Business Address: ______________________________________
Phone #: ______________________________________________
Email: _______________________________________________
Reason for Request: __________________________________________________________________
How does this Request Differ from Ordinance: ____________________________________________
Impact of this Request of Affected Area:__________________________________________________
Impact of this Request on the Maintenance of the System: __________________________________
Explain Benefits Request Will Have to the Operation/Maintenance of the Collier County Utility
System: ____________________________________________________________________________
Additional Comments: ________________________________________________________________
Petitioners Request
Cover Letter w/Pertinent
Site Drawings
Detail Specifications (include MFR
Maint. Procedures for Grease Trap
Menu & Seating (Only for Grease
Trap Deviations)
Meter Size Required:
Meter Size Requested:
Existing Meter Size:
Demand in accordance with the attached Fixture Flow Value
Worksheet(s) and the Table for Estimating Demand:
If the meter size requested is larger than the meter size required per the
table below, please indicate the reason for the request by checking the
appropriate box:
Fire Flow
Type or Print Name of Engineer/Architect of Record for Project
Signature of Engineer/Architect of Record for Project and Date
[Affix Engineering/Architect Stamp Here]
Demand Range
(GPM) Meter Size
0 to 30 ¾”
30.1 to 50 1”
50.1 to 100 1 ½”
100.1 to 160 2”
160.1 to 450 3”
450.1 to 1,000 4”
1,000.1 to 2,000 6”
2,000.1 to 3,500 8”
Preparer's Information: Project Information: Date ====>
Name ============> Permit or AR Number
Title =============>____________________________________________ Name of Project ===>
Company=========>____________________________________________ Project Address ===>
Address ==========>
Phone ============>
Email Address =====>
Please Note:
1. All commercial facilities must be metered separately from residential facilities with the exception of those commercial facilities that are within a master metered
residential development and designed for the exclusive use of the residents within such development.
2. The Design Engineer/Architect must submit signed and sealed documentation supporting meter sizing. Sizing shall be based upon fixture flow values, as shown on the
following page and the table on page 3, unless approved otherwise by Utility Deviation. If an increase in meter size is requested to accommodate for fire flow, the
Engineer/Architect should check appropriate box below. A Utility Deviation will not be required for increasing meter size for fire flow requirements. For all meter sizes, the
Engineer/Architect must consider all relevant factors before selecting the final meter size.
3. For remodeling projects, this form must be submitted only if there is a net increase in fixture flow value.
This Section to be filled out by Engineer/Architect of Record:
Effective: May 2018
Other (Please attach Utility
Deviation Approval)
Water Meter Sizing Form
One Form Per Meter
Page 1 of 43
Rev. 10/2006
Utilities Conveyance Checklist
Today’s Date:
Project Name:
Project No.
Submittal Requirements
1. Final Utility Acceptance Application
2. Addressing Checklist (ID number or Folio number of Property)
Legal Documents
accepted Item Needed Notes
1. Attorney’s Affidavit
2. Owner’s Affidavit
3. Warranty Deed/Bill of Sale with Exhibit B per Utilities Standards and Procedures
Ordinance Section 10.2.6
4. Utilities Facilities Securities Subordination (required when any security
interest in the utility facilities/systems is involved). UCC-1(s) can be subordinated by a
Subordination or by use of UCC-3(s) if not released by Subordination.
5. Deed of Utility Easement - Copy of last Deed that conveyed title of the
Associated Real Property and Copy of all Utility Easements then being
conveyed to the County, including legal description with Surveyor’s
Sketch of Easement.
(Utility easements are not required provided all utility facilities then being conveyed are
in public right-of way, are in then existing utility easements, or are in CUEs)
Utilities Performance Security (UPS) 10% of Total Cost plus
Final Obligations cash bond of not less than $4,000 (AR-5939 & above)
7. Final Release of Lien from Utility Contractor for the system(s) or
portion(s) thereof constructed
8. Facilities Lease (when applicable)
9. Facilities Lease (including Sub-Developer) use Form 10.1
Page 2
Page 2 of 43
Rev. 10/2006
Tests, Certifications and Supplemental Documents
N/A In
accepted Item Needed Notes
1. Sewer Video tape of constructed gravity sewer (Sewer Report & Master
Utility Sheet)
2. Certification of pressure testing of wastewater force mains by Engineer
of Record
3. Certification of the infiltration/exfiltration tests for the sewer lines by
Engineer of Record
Coating certification from the manufacturer or a professional testing
laboratory for all manholes, wet wells and valve vault.
5. Lift station(s) start up report(s)
6. Electrical Contractor’s certification of Lift Station electric service wire
sizing and voltage drop pursuant to National Electrical Code
7. Start-up and successful testing of Data Flow telemetry equipment
(AR-7936 & above)
8. Certification of pressure testing of water and non-potable irrigation
mains by Engineer of Record
9. Letter by Engineer certifying that:
• all water, non-potable irrigation and/or sewer facilities are
located within the public right-of-way or dedicated easements
• All the utilities system(s), or portion(s) thereof, has been
constructed in accordance with County Ordinances and
Regulations, including the required color for piping
10. One year (1) Warranty on work performed and system(s) or portion(s)
thereof installed by Utilities Contractor
11. Engineer’s Final Payment Confirmation
DEP Certification and copy of General Permit for WATER facilities
(including interim facilities, if applicable);
DEP WATER Certification approval In-Service Letter to be forwarded
when received
Page 3
Page 3 of 43
Rev. 10/2006
DEP Certification and copy of General Permit for SEWER facilities
(including interim facilities, if applicable);
DEP SEWER Certification approval In-Service Letter to be forwarded
when received
DEP Certification and copy of General Permit for (RECLAIMED) NON-
POTABLE IRRIGATION WATER facilities (including interim facilities, if
applicable); In-service Letter to be forwarded when received
Lab results on bacteriological tests for potable water mains
Satisfactory Test Reports and Certification of backflow device by
Certified Laboratory.
Verification of Final Cost (Include materials and labor, misc.)
Cost breakdown – Contributory Assets for County/Private Materials
(materials only)
(i.e. detailed quantities, sizes, unit cost, total cost, etc)
18. Letter from Engineering Inspections certifying that the Preliminary
Inspection reveals that the utilities system(s), or portion(s) thereof, has
been constructed in accordance with County Ordinances and
Regulations including the required color for piping.
Letter from the Fire District regarding ownership and maintenance of
fire hydrants
Only applicable
within East Naples
Fire District
Signed copy of field fire flow testing by the applicable Fire Control
Engineering Documents
N/A In
accepted Item Needed Notes
1. One Three (13) complete sets of Record Drawings to include all utilities
and all related underground work signed and sealed by the Engineer of
Record for potable water, non-potable irrigation water and / or OR
wastewater system(s) or portion(s) thereof
2. Five (5) complete sets to include all utilities and all related underground
work signed and sealed by the Engineer of Record for potable water
AND wastewater and/or non-potable irrigation water system(s) or
portion(s) thereof
23. One (1) computer-generated disk of Record Drawings in CAD and PDF
format files in accordance with Section 10.4: Record Drawings of the
Utilities Standards and Procedures Ordinance
Page 4
Page 4 of 43
Rev. 10/2006
Longitude and latitude shall appear on detail sheet. (AR-7936 & above)
Office Use Only below this line
Please prepare the completed Approval Application Form along with all requested information,
and email all documents to the Public Utilities Engineering and Project Management
DepartmentDivision as noted below. All documents must be in either PDF or WORD or EXCEL
format. Other file formats will not be accepted. Faxes will not be accepted.
Mr. Nathan Beals NathanBeals@colliergov.net
Phone: (239) 252-2583
Page 1 of 4 Rev 08/08
A. Application Contact Name & Business:
Phone # Fax #
Email address
B. Manufacturer of Product
Phone # Fax #
Email address
C. Specific Location(s) of Product Manufacture and Assembly
Phone # Fax #
Email address
D. Identify specific County Detail(s) or Specification(s) on which approval is
Page 2 of 4 Rev 08/08
E. Is the applicant the product manufacturer? If not, describe the relationship
of the applicant to the manufacturer.
F. Is the product available through more than one vendor? Describe who
will provide sales and service to the County for the submitted product .
Yes No
G. Is the product is manufactured in whole or in part outside of the United
Yes No
H. If the answer to Item G is Yes, attach copy of ISO 9001 Quality Control current
certification certificates for the manufacturer and the point of manufacture.
I. How long has the specific product or service being proposed been on the
market for public purchase?
No. of Years
J. In the case of applicators or installers, for how long has work been
commenced and completed using the specific product or service being
No. of Years
K. Provide a product or service customer reference list that identifies the
organization, location, contact person, email address, phone number, date
of first installation, date of completion, number of products used, and the
specific application of the product with each reference. Applicators and
installers must have at least three references using the specific product or
service being proposed.
L. Provide a list identifying the public utility departments or organizations that
have approved your product. Preference should be given to utility
departments within the state of Florida. The list must include a contact name,
email address and phone number at each public utility.
Page 3 of 4 Rev 08/08
M. Attach legible copies of pertinent product data sheets, shop drawings and
performance data to assist with the County’s review. All information must be
submitted with the Application form. Clearly identify what product and
product sizes are being proposed. Complete submittals are required with
initial application, and supplemental submittals will not be accepted.
N. As applicable, provide copies of certifications that specific product being
proposed meets the following standards:
UL Approval attached Yes No
FM Approval attached Yes No
NSF 61 Approval attached Yes No
(NSF 61 approval is mandatory for all products that may be in
contact with potable water.)
O. Summarize the advantages of the submitted product or service. Provide no
more than one page of text.
P. Provide estimated unit cost for the submitted product or service.
Q. Provide separate estimated unit costs for the operation and the
maintenance of the submitted product or service.
R. Based on the references identified above, identify the anticipated life of the
submitted product or service before either replacement or major repair is
S. Explain benefits this application will have to the operation and
maintenance of the Collier County Utility system:
Page 4 of 4 Rev 08/08
The applicant hereby affirms the information provided with this Application Form
is complete, accurate and current.
Submitted by
Firm name
Item Manufacturer Model System/s
Casing Spacer End Seals PowerSeal PEND_SEAL All
Casing Spacer End Seals Cascade Waterworks MFG Co.CCES End Seal All
Casing Spacers Stainless Steel PowerSeal Model 4810 All
Casing Spacers Stainless Steel Cascade Waterworks MFG Co.CCS All
Electronic Markers 3M Electronic Ball Marker 1423, 1424 & 1428 All
Electronic Markers OMNI MARKER Omni Marker Model 161, 162 &
168 All
Fences Chain Link Fence Co. of Pennsylvania All
Fences U.S. Steel-Cyclone All
Joint Restraint Devices EBAA Iron Sales All
Joint Restraint Devices Romac Industries All
Joint Restraint Devices Sigma All
Joint Restraint Devices Star Restraint Pipe Products All
Joint Restraint Devices Uniflange Ford Meer Box Company All
Joint Restraint Devices, Push-On joints for
push joint pipe American Cast Iron Pipe Company Flex-Ring & Lok-Ring All
Joint Restraint Devices, Push-On joints for
push joint pipe Flex-Ring All
Joint Restraint Devices, Push-On joints for
push joint pipe Lok-Ring All
Joint Restraint Devices, Push-On joints for
push joint pipe McWane Inc.Super-Lock & TR Flex All
Joint Restraint Devices, Push-On joints for
push joint pipe Super-Lock All
Collier County Public Utilities Division
County Approved Product List
2) If a product is not listed, refer to the Specifications for performance standards.
1) Substitutions for any item listed below shall be submitted using the "Vendor and Manufacturer Approval Application Form," Appendix E, and reviewed to be
considered an equal.
Appendix F Page 1 of 13 Rev. 021318
Item Manufacturer Model System/s
Collier County Public Utilities Division
County Approved Product List
2) If a product is not listed, refer to the Specifications for performance standards.
1) Substitutions for any item listed below shall be submitted using the "Vendor and Manufacturer Approval Application Form," Appendix E, and reviewed to be
considered an equal.
Joint Restraint Devices, Push-On joints for
push joint pipe TR Flex All
Joint Restraint Devices, Push-On joints for
push joint pipe U.S. Pipe All
Metalized Tape Reef Industries, Inc. Houston, TX Terra Tape D Sentry Line
Detectable All
Metalized Tape Proline Safety Products Detectable Tape All
Rubber Gasket pipe ClowMcWane Inc. "Long-Span Pipe"Long-Span Pipe All
Rubber Gasket pipe Flanged American Cast Iron Pipe Company Flanged All
Rubber Gasket pipe Flanged US Pipe Flanged All
Single Sealed Gasket Push-on type joint Alltite All
Single Sealed Gasket Push-on type joint Fastite American Cast Iron Pipe Company Fastite All
Single Sealed Gasket Push-on type joint Superbelltite US Pipe Tyton Joint All
Single Sealed Gasket Push-on type joint Tyton Wcwane Tyton All
Two-part Coal tar Epoxy Madewell Products Corp.Madewell 1104 All
Appendix F Page 2 of 13 Rev. 021318
Item Manufacturer Model System/s
Collier County Public Utilities Division
County Approved Product List
2) If a product is not listed, refer to the Specifications for performance standards.
1) Substitutions for any item listed below shall be submitted using the "Vendor and Manufacturer Approval Application Form," Appendix E, and reviewed to be
considered an equal.
120VAC Surge Suppressor Edco HSP121 IQ
12VDC Power Supply Allen Bradley 1606 Series IQ
24VDC Power Supply Allen Bradley 1606 Series IQ
Access Hatch, Aluminum Bilco J-AL H20 (5-1/2" depth)IQ
Access Hatch, Aluminum Halliday H1W (3-1/2" depth)IQ
Access Hatch, Aluminum U.S. Foundry AHS (5" depth)IQ
Antenna Subsystem Data Flow Systems, Inc.RTA209 Yagi Antenna IQ
Back Pressure Sustaining Valve Ames No. 920 IQ
Basket Plate Strainer, Top Access Hayward Mars No. 72 IQ
Coax Surge Supressor Polyphaser ISB56LN, Bulkhead Mount
Series IQ
Corporation Stops Ford FB 1100-6NL/
FB 1100-6 IQ
Corporation Stops A.Y. McDonald 74704B-22 IQ
Corporation Stops A.Y. McDonald 74104NL/
74104 IQ
Corporation Stops A.Y. McDonald 74101 BF NL/
74101 BF IQ
Corporation Stops Mueller H-10046N/
H-10046 IQ
Curb Stop Ford
B43-444W-NL, Compression
x Meter Swivel FB43342WNL
comp x meter/ FB43342W
Data Radio Integra TR IQ
Appendix F Page 3 of 13 Rev. 021318
Item Manufacturer Model System/s
Collier County Public Utilities Division
County Approved Product List
2) If a product is not listed, refer to the Specifications for performance standards.
1) Substitutions for any item listed below shall be submitted using the "Vendor and Manufacturer Approval Application Form," Appendix E, and reviewed to be
considered an equal.
Data Signal Line Surge Processor Edco PC642 Series IQ
Geomembrane GSE Lining Technology, Inc. Environmental IQ
Level Transducer Wika IQ
Meter Box, AMR DFW 12" D1200 AMR Series IQ
Meter Box, AMR Alliance 12" 16AMR Series IQ
Meter, Non-Potable Electromagnetic ABB Magmaster IQ
Meter, Non-Potable Electromagnetic Endress+Hauser Promag 53 IQ
Meter, Non-Potable Propeller McCrometerWater Specialties
Water Specialties No. ML-04-X
with 4-20 MA Output
Transmitter, TR-16
Pedestal Housing Channel
CCWD Signature Series P/N
SPH 12122C10000W (Dark
Green Color)
Rain Gauge ISCO 674 IQ
Service Wye Ford FY44264NL/
FY44264 IQ
Surge Suppression Edco SS65 IQ
Surge Suppression, Main Service Lea USP-M Series IQ
Tapping Saddle/ Hot taps Powerseal P3490MJ Series IQ
Valve, Air Release ARI D-040 IQ
Valve, Air Release GA Industries Figure 945 Combination IQ
Valve, Rising Stem Gate/ OS&Y American Flow Control AFC-2500 SERIES IQ
Appendix F Page 4 of 13 Rev. 021318
Item Manufacturer Model System/s
Collier County Public Utilities Division
County Approved Product List
2) If a product is not listed, refer to the Specifications for performance standards.
1) Substitutions for any item listed below shall be submitted using the "Vendor and Manufacturer Approval Application Form," Appendix E, and reviewed to be
considered an equal.
Valve, V-Port Ball DeZurik
VPB - flanged, type 317
stainless, and Teflon seat and
Valve, V-Port Ball - Motor (Actuator)Rotork IQTM IQ
Appendix F Page 5 of 13 Rev. 021318
Item Manufacturer Model System/s
Collier County Public Utilities Division
County Approved Product List
2) If a product is not listed, refer to the Specifications for performance standards.
1) Substitutions for any item listed below shall be submitted using the "Vendor and Manufacturer Approval Application Form," Appendix E, and reviewed to be
considered an equal.
Access Frame (Pump Station)U.S. Foundry AHD Wastewater
Access Hatch, Aluminum Bilco J-AL H20 (5-1/2" depth)Wastewater
Access Hatch, Aluminum Halliday H1W (3-1/2" depth)Wastewater
Access Hatch, Aluminum U.S. Foundry AHS (5" depth)Wastewater
Access Hatch, Cast Iron U.S. Foundry 7644-KA Wastewater
Antenna Subsystem Data Flow Systems, Inc.RTA209 Yagi Antenna Wastewater
Biofiltration Odor Control System Zabocs (pre-engineered)Wastewater
Ceramic Epoxy Lining Vulcan Painters Protecto 401 Coating Wastewater
HDPE/EPP Riser Ring Ladtech/Cretex(EPP)Riser Ring Wastewater
Chimney Seal Cretex Wastewater
Chimney Seal NPC Trelleborg Wastewater
Coaxial Cable Data Flow Systems, Inc.RTC 400 Wastewater
Corporation Stops A.Y. McDonald 4104NL/
4104 Wastewater
Corporation Stops A.Y. McDonald 4101 BF NL/
4101 BF Wastewater
Corporation Stops Mueller H-10046N/
H-10046 Wastewater
Diaphragm Seals Ashcroft Wastewater
Diaphragm Seals Mansfield and Green Type SB Wastewater
Diaphragm Seals Trerice No. 877 Wastewater
Appendix F Page 6 of 13 Rev. 021318
Item Manufacturer Model System/s
Collier County Public Utilities Division
County Approved Product List
2) If a product is not listed, refer to the Specifications for performance standards.
1) Substitutions for any item listed below shall be submitted using the "Vendor and Manufacturer Approval Application Form," Appendix E, and reviewed to be
considered an equal.
Flanged Adapter Connections Gustin-Bacon Group, Division of Certain-Teed
Products, Kansas City, Kansas Wastewater
Flanged Adapter Connections EBAA Iron Sales E2100 SERIES Wastewater
Flanged Adapter Connections Victaulic Vic Flange Style 741 Wastewater
Generator Receptacle and Angle Adapter Crouse-Hinds Russell and Stoll
AR2042 with S22 option, and
an AJA1 angle adaptor, 200A
200 Ampere JRS-2044
Grass Covered Porous Pavement Invisible Structures Grasspave2 Wastewater
Inflow Protector, Stainless Steel Sewer Shield, Inc. Maitland, FL Wastewater
Internal Protection Integrated Environmental Technologies -
Santa Barbara, CA IET Sytems IET Coating System Wastewater
Internal Protection Raven Lining Systems -
Broken Arrow, OK Raven 405 Wastewater
Internal Protection Lafarge Calcium Aluminates Kerneos-
Chesapeake, VA Sewpercoat Lining System Wastewater
Junction Box Hoffman A12106NFSS Wastewater
Lightning Arrestor Square D SDSA-1175 for 1-phase Wastewater
Lightning Arrestor Square D SDSA-3650 for 3-phase Wastewater
Liquid Level Regulators Roto-Float S 40 N 0 Wastewater
Mix-Flush system (Flush valve)Flygt 4901 Flush Valve Wastewater
Pipe Interior Lining Permox CTF Ceramic Epoxy Lining Wastewater
Appendix F Page 7 of 13 Rev. 021318
Item Manufacturer Model System/s
Collier County Public Utilities Division
County Approved Product List
2) If a product is not listed, refer to the Specifications for performance standards.
1) Substitutions for any item listed below shall be submitted using the "Vendor and Manufacturer Approval Application Form," Appendix E, and reviewed to be
considered an equal.
Plastic Joint Sealing Compound Hamilton Kent, Toronto/Ontario, Canada Kent-Seal Wastewater
Plastic Joint Sealing Compound K.T. Snyder Company, Inc. Houston, TX
Henry Ram-Nek Wastewater
Polyethylene Lining American Cast Iron Pipe Polybond Plus (60 mils
minimum thickness)Wastewater
Polymer Concrete Manholes US Composite Pipe, Inc.Wastewater
Polymer Concrete Manholes Armorock Wastewater
Pump Control Panel Quality Control, Inc. ECS 1825 for 1-phase Wastewater
Pump Control Panel Quality Control, Inc. SUNCOAST
HYDRAULIC 3825 for 3-phase Wastewater
Pump Controller/RTU Data Flow Systems, Inc.TAC Pack TCU Wastewater
Sealing Element Thunderline Corp. Inkster Michigan GPT Link-Seal LS-300-C Wastewater
Sewage Pump Flygt Wastewater
Sewer Clean-Out Rim and Cover U.S. Foundry 7621 Wastewater
Sewer Manhole Frame and Covers Pamrex Wastewater
Sewer Manhole Frame and Covers U.S. Foundry 105M Wastewater
Sewer Manhole Frame and Covers U.S. Foundry 420-C-ORS Wastewater
Sleeve Type Couplings Powerseal STYLE 3501 Wastewater
Sleeve Type Couplings Baker Allsteel Wastewater
Appendix F Page 8 of 13 Rev. 021318
Item Manufacturer Model System/s
Collier County Public Utilities Division
County Approved Product List
2) If a product is not listed, refer to the Specifications for performance standards.
1) Substitutions for any item listed below shall be submitted using the "Vendor and Manufacturer Approval Application Form," Appendix E, and reviewed to be
considered an equal.
Sleeve Type Couplings Dresser Style 38 Wastewater
Sleeve Type Couplings Smith Blair Style 413 Wastewater
Tower Section Rohn 20G Wastewater
Valve Box Brooks Wastewater
Valve, 3-Way Plug (Capital Projects Only)Milliken Valve Co.Modle M604 Wastewater
Valve, 3-Way Plug (Capital Projects Only)Dezurik Model D202 Wastewater
Valve, Air Release HTECH 2" SS MODEL # 8889860041 Wastewater
Valve, Check Kennedy Valve Manufacturing Co.MODEL 1106LW/106LW Wastewater
Valve, Check Red Valve Co., Inc. Longwood, FL "Tideflex"Wastewater
Valve, Check Val-Matic Swing Flex MODEL V500
SERIES Wastewater
Valve, Duckbill (Capital Projects Only)Red Valve Co., Inc. Longwood, FL "Tideflex"Wastewater
Valve, Plug Homestead Valve Co.Series 120 Wastewater
Valves, Plug (Plug Valves)DeZurik Model PEC & PEF (MJ &
Valves, Plug (Plug Valves)Milliken Valve Co.Model M600 & M601 (MJ &
Meter, Flow Endress-Hauser Promag W400 Wastewater
Appendix F Page 9 of 13 Rev. 021318
Item Manufacturer Model System/s
Collier County Public Utilities Division
County Approved Product List
2) If a product is not listed, refer to the Specifications for performance standards.
1) Substitutions for any item listed below shall be submitted using the "Vendor and Manufacturer Approval Application Form," Appendix E, and reviewed to be
considered an equal.
Automatic Flushing Device Hydro-Guard HG1BS0200030NF00 Water
Automatic Flushing Device Kupferle Foundry Company 9400-WC Eclipse Water
Backflow Preventer Assembly See Approved Backflow Devices List,
Appendix G Water
Bushing Ford C18-33NL Water
Corporation Stops Ford F1100NL SERIES Water
Corporation Stops Ford FB1100NL SERIES Water
Corporation Stops Ford FB 1100-6NL Water
Corporation Stops A.Y. McDonald 4104NL Water
Corporation Stops A.Y. McDonald 4101 BF NL Water
Corporation Stops Mueller H10045N, H15008N Water
Corporation Stops Mueller H-10046N/
H-10046 Water
Coupling Ford FC44NL SERIES Water
Curb Stop Ford FB43342WNL comp x meter Water
Curb Stop Mueller Mark II Oriseal N Water
HDPE Stab Fitting Elster Hydrosert Water
Hydrant American Darling 6-inch B-84-B Water
Hydrant Clow Medallion Water
Hydrant Mueller Centurion A-423 Water
Appendix F Page 10 of 13 Rev. 021318
Item Manufacturer Model System/s
Collier County Public Utilities Division
County Approved Product List
2) If a product is not listed, refer to the Specifications for performance standards.
1) Substitutions for any item listed below shall be submitted using the "Vendor and Manufacturer Approval Application Form," Appendix E, and reviewed to be
considered an equal.
Meter Box, AMR DFW 12" D1200 AMR Series Water
Meter Box, AMR Alliance 12" 16AMR Series Water
Meter Box, AMR Hubbell CDR - 28" X 41"Water
Meter Box, AMR Hubbel CDR - 18.5" X 25.25"Water
Meter, Fire Protection (3", 4", 6", 8")Elster AMCO evoQ4 Electromagnetic Meter Water
Meter, Fire Protection (3", 4", 6", 8", 10")Neptune HP Fire Service Turbine Meter Water
Meter, Fire Protection (3/4", 1", 1-1/2", 2")Mueller Systems - Hersey-Meters Residential Fire Meter Water
Meter, Fire Protection (4", 6", 8")Master Meter FSC Water
Meter, Fire Protection (4", 6", 8", 10")Neptune HP Protectus III Fire Service
Meter Water
Meter, Potable Water Master Meter Dual Body Compound (DBC)Water
Meter, Potable Water Neptune Tru/Flo Water
Pedestal Housing Channel
CCWD Signature Series P/N
SPH 121215000288 (Light
Green Color)
Sampling Station Kupferle Foundry Company Eclipse No. 88 Water
Service Saddles (Ductile Iron)Ford F202 SERIES Water
Service Saddles (Ductile Iron)Powerseal P3413 SERIES Water
Service Saddles (Ductile Iron)JCM J402 SERIES Water
Service Saddles (PVC) Perm Bact Sample
Point Powerseal P3401 SERIES Water
Service Saddles (PVC) Perm Bact Sample
Point Ford FS 90 SERIES Water
Appendix F Page 11 of 13 Rev. 021318
Item Manufacturer Model System/s
Collier County Public Utilities Division
County Approved Product List
2) If a product is not listed, refer to the Specifications for performance standards.
1) Substitutions for any item listed below shall be submitted using the "Vendor and Manufacturer Approval Application Form," Appendix E, and reviewed to be
considered an equal.
Service Wye Ford FY44264NL Water
Strainer, Flanged Ames 7001 Water
Tapping Saddle/ Hot taps Powerseal P3490MJ Series Water
Valve Box Tyler/Union 461 Water
Valve Box, Locking Cover AMPro USA LL562 Water
Valve Setter Wilkins WMJS Water
Valve, Air Val-Matic Model V22G Water
Valve, Air Release ARI D-040 Water
Valve, Air Release GA Industries Figure 945 Combination Water
Valve, Air Release Mueller Mark II Oriseal Water
Valve, Bacterial Sampling Station Line Mueller Mark II Oriseal Water
Valve, Ball Ford Water
Valves and Appurtenances American Darling Water
Valves and Appurtenances A.Y. McDonald Water
Valves and Appurtenances Clow Water
Valves and Appurtenances Ford Water
Valves and Appurtenances Kennedy Water
Valves and Appurtenances Mueller Water
Appendix F Page 12 of 13 Rev. 021318
Item Manufacturer Model System/s
Collier County Public Utilities Division
County Approved Product List
2) If a product is not listed, refer to the Specifications for performance standards.
1) Substitutions for any item listed below shall be submitted using the "Vendor and Manufacturer Approval Application Form," Appendix E, and reviewed to be
considered an equal.
Valves and Appurtenances U.S. Pipe Water
Appendix F Page 13 of 13 Rev. 021318
May 2018
Water - IQ Water
Page 1 of 5
Manufacturer Model Manufacturer Model Current Proposed $ Change % Change
Kupferle Foundry Eclipse 9400-WC Kupferle Foundry*Eclipse 9400-WC 1,885$
Guard HG1 Mueller/Hydro-Guard*HG1 2,230$
Kupferle Foundry*9700 2,561$ 676$ 36%
Mueller/Hydro-Guard*HG-6 2,633$ 748$ 40%
Ford C44-NL series Ford Model numbers vary per
application 16$
A.Y. McDonald Model numbers vary per
application 17$ 1$ 7%
Mueller Model numbers vary per
application 17$ 1$ 7%
Ford B43-342W-NL Ford B43-342W-NL 59$
Mueller Mueller Mark II Oriseal Mueller H-15172N 62$
A.Y. McDonald 76102-22 62$ 3$ 6%
Ames 7001 3,610$
Mars*Z-Plate 1,371$ (2,239)$ -62%
Neptune*Rilsan nylon-coated
ductile iron 951$ (2,659)$ -74%
IQ Water: Flow Meter,
Magnetic Endress+Hauser W400 Endress+Hauser*W400 No change No change, confirmed single-source.
IQ Water: Motorized
Valve Actuator Rotork Model IQ Rotork*Model IQ No change No change, confirmed single-source.
DFW/Alliance Light Duty DFW Light Duty 20$
Carson Light Duty 28$ 8$ 43%
DFW Heavy Duty
Carson Heavy Duty
Hubbel Heavy Duty
Channel CCWD Signature Series Channel SPH14206C1B1L01 218$
Water Plus Corp 131632 451$ 233$ 107%
AV142034HDHS001009 448$ 230$ 106%
(based on Ferguson contract pricing)
(negative) = savings Change Description
Retained original single-source product,
and added one other optional product at $8
greater cost.
Added heavy-duty option for staff retrofit.
Retained original single-source product,
and added two other optional products at
$230 - $330 greater cost.
No change, confirmed two standard
Allows option to use hydrant-mounted
flushing devices which cost more than
ground-mounted, but will cost less overall
as installed.
Retained original single-source product,
and added two other alternative products
at $1 greater cost.
Retained original two products, and added
one other alternative product at $3 greater
Removed less suitable single-source
product and added two other alternative
products at $2,339 - $2,659 less cost.
Curb Stop
Pedestal Housing
Flanged Strainer 6"
Meter Box, Light Duty
Meter Box, Heavy Duty NA Heavy Duty Meter Boxes not previously
listed. Added for staff retrofit.
Removed, less suitable
Products on Current County Approved
Product List Recommended ProductsEvaluated Product
Automatic Flushing
Device, Hydrant
Automatic Flushing
Device, Ground
May 2018
Water - IQ Water
Page 2 of 5
Manufacturer Model Manufacturer Model Current Proposed $ Change % Change
(based on Ferguson contract pricing)
(negative) = savings Change Description
Products on Current County Approved
Product List Recommended ProductsEvaluated Product
Kupferle Foundry Eclipse No. 88 Kupferle Foundry Eclipse No. 88WC 933$
Water Plus Corporation 301W 544$ (389)$ -42%
GIL Industries 3/4"278$ (656)$ -70%
Powerseal P3413 35$ Removed, iron, not brass
JCM J402 36$ Removed, iron, not brass
Ford F202 31$ Removed, iron, not brass
Ford FCD202 59$ Removed, iron, not brass
Ford F202B Ford F202B 104$ 104$ 0%
Mueller DR2 B 122$ 92$ 300%
Ford Y44-264-G-NL Ford Y44-264-NL 70$
A.Y. McDonald 708YS22 75$ 5$ 8%
Mueller P-15343N 75$ 5$ 8%
A.R.I.D-040 (Nylon)A.R.I.*D-040 (Nylon)360$
GA Industries Figure 945 (cast iron)1,148$
A.R.I.D-040 SS 1,077$ 717$ 199%
GA Industries 942SS 1,902$ 1,542$ 428%
Neptune TRU/FLO Neptune*TRU/FLO No change
Master Meter DBC
Retained original single-source product,
and added two other alternative products
at $5 greater cost.
Retained original nylon single-source
product, and added two other alternative
stainless steel products at $717 -$1,542
greater cost.
Removed one product no longer available.
Retained original single-source product,
and added two other alternative products
at $389 - $655 lesser cost.
Due to the extreme corrosion experienced
over a 20-year install base, four ductle iron
products are being removed, one brass
product is being retained, and one brass
product is being added at $74 - $92 greater
Water Meter, 3-inch
and Larger
Service Wye
Service Saddle
Sampling Station
Valve, Air Release Valve
- Water, 2"
Removed, not nylon or SS
Remove, compound meter not available.
May 2018
Manufacturer Model Manufacturer Model Current Proposed $ Change % Change
Kennedy 1106LW Kennedy*1106LW 1,415$
Mueller*A-2600, A2602 1,529$ 114$ 8%
Milliken*8001 1,597$ 183$ 13%
GA Industries*340-W 1,004$ (410)$ -29%
Flow Meter, Magnetic Endress+Hauser W400 Endress+Hauser*W400 No change No change, confirmed single-source.
Roto-Float S-40-NO Roto-Float S-40-NO 46$
Dura-Float 2900 Series B4 63$ 17$ 38%
Mixing Flush Valve Flygt N/A 3,000$ -$ (3,000)$ -100%
Each pump station has two pumps, one
with a mixing flush valve and one without.
Removed the flush valve requirement
resulting in $3,000 less cost per pump
Odor Control Unit Evoqua Various Evoqua*Various No change No change, confirmed single-source.
Submersible Sewage
Pump Xylem/Flygt N-Series Xylem/Flygt*N-Series No change No change, confirmed single-source.
H-tec 986 H-tec 986 3,436$
A.R.I.D-025 2,871$ (565)$ -16%
Change Description
Retained original single-source product,
and added two alternative products at
$114 - $183 greater cost, and one
alternative product at $410 less cost.
Retained original single-source product,
and added one alternative product at $17
greater cost.
Retained original single-source product,
and added two alternative products at
$565 less cost.
(based on Ferguson contract pricing)
(negative) = savings
Remove as standard requirement from all pump
stations. Staff will install mixing flush valves in pump
stations as needed.
Valve, Air Release
Check Valve
Liquid Level Regulators
(Float Switches)
Evaluated Product
Products on Current County
Approved Product List
May 2018
Manufacturer Model Manufacturer Model Current Proposed $ Change % Change
Allen Bradley 1606 Series Allen Bradley 1606 XLS 646$
SOLA HD SDN-P 330$ (316)$ -49%
PULS Dimension - QS 380$ (266)$ -41%
Allen Bradley 1606 Series Allen Bradley 1606-XLE 310$ -$ 0%
SOLA HD SDN-P 315$ 5$ 2%
PULS Dimension - QS 275$ (35)$ -11%
Data Radio Data Radio Integra TR Data Radio Integra TR No change No change, confirmed single-source.
Generator Receptacle &
Angle Adapter Russell and Stoll JRS-2044 Russell and Stoll JRS-2044 1,474$
Eaton/Crouse-Hinds*AR2042-S22 1,453$ (21)$ -1%
Pump Controller DFS RTU DFS*RTU No change No change, confirmed single-source.
EDCO SS65 series EDCO SS65 series 100$
CITEL TSP15M 100$ -$ 0%
Change Description
Retained original single-source product,
and added two alternative products at
$266 - $316 less cost.
Retained original single-source product,
and added one alternative product at $5
greater cost and on alternative product at
$35 less cost.
Retained original single-source product,
and added one alternative product at $21
less cost.
Retained original single-source product,
and added one alternative product at the
same cost.
(based on list pricing)
(negative) = savings
Surge Suppression
24VDC Power Supply
Evaluated Product
Products on Current County
Approved Product List Recommendations
12VDC Power Supply
Type Item Description Oty
List Cost,
List Cost,
Cost Change
Water Service saddle Substitute Mueller DR2 B service saddle for Ford
F202 service saddle 277 31$ -$ (8,465)$
Wastewater Mixing Flush Valve Delete mixing flush valve from one of two Flygt
pumps 3 3,000$ -$ (9,000)$
Wastewater Check valve with
lever and weight
Substitute GA Indusries Model 340-W check
valve for Kennedy Valve Model 1106LW check
6 1,415$ 1,004$ (2,461)$
Receptacle &
Angle Adapter
Substitute Easton/Crouse-Hinds Model AR2042-
S22 receptacle for Russell and Stoll Model JRS-
3 1,474$ 1,453$ (63)$
Wastewater Air Relief Valve Substitute A.R.I. D-025 ARV instead of H-Tec
Model 986 ARV 5 3,436$ 2,871$ (2,825)$
Total (22,814)$
--- (3) ---
Editor's note— Ord. No. 04-31, § 13, repealed art. III, §§ 134-51—134-67, in its entirety. Sections 1—12,
16 and App. A, of said ordinance enacted similar provisions to read as herein set out. See the Code
Comparative Table—Ordinance Disposition for a detailed analysis of inclusion.
Sec. 134-51. - Findings and purpose.
(a) It is the intent and purpose of this ordinance to promote, protect, and improve the health, safety and
welfare of the citizens of Collier County by the establishment, herein, of standards and procedures
for the construction, development, maintenance, and operation of safe, reliable potable water, non-
potable irrigation water and wastewater systems that meet the demands of Collier County's land
development and population growth and that are constructed, developed, maintained and operated
according to the latest technical and professional standards. This ordinance, therefore, establishes
minimum utility requirements for development of potable water and non-potable irrigation water
transmission and distribution and for wastewater collection and transmission systems or portion(s)
thereof within the unincorporated areas of Collier County, Florida. This ordinance attempts to ensure
that, with respect to all utility construction performed, reliable and economical utility services shall be
provided to users of the potable water, non-potable irrigation water and/or wastewater systems within
Collier County. All requirements set forth herein are in conjunction with and supplemental to the
Collier County Land Development Code (the "LDC"), to the Collier County Growth Management Plan
and to such other applicable Collier County Ordinances, Resolutions and/or regulations as are
related to land development and/or subdivision of lands within Collier County. The administrative
procedures, standards, and policies contained herein, as they apply to the extension and/or
development of potable and non-potable water and/or wastewater systems and utility services, shall
take precedence, if in conflict, over those contained in the LDC. The public utilities department
division shall review deviations (see Standards Manual for Utility Deviation Forms) from the
standards and procedures established herein, which are brought about by innovative applications of
design principles/solutions to individual projects. Upon such review, the public utilities administrator
or designee, at his discretion, may approve such deviations, provided that such deviation shall not
result in system/facility operation or maintenance performance that is less than that which would be
provided in this ordinance, if recognized, accepted standards are used, and provided further that
such deviation promotes, protects, and improves the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of
Collier County, Florida. Requested deviations from the requirements of this ordinance shall be
referred to the public utilities administrator or designee(s). All deviation requests must include an
impact statement. Appeals to rejected deviation requests shall be mailed to the public utilities
engineering director of the public utilities department.
(b) The Collier County Water-Sewer District, established in February 1977, by the board of county
commissioners, was created for the following purposes:
(1) To develop safe, reliable and financially self-supporting potable water and wastewater systems,
which will meet the water and wastewater needs of Collier County;
(2) To ensure that existing and future potable water and/or wastewater utility systems are
constructed, operated and managed at the minimum cost to users and with no direct/indirect
financial aid from the general fund; and
(3) To develop potable water and/or wastewater systems requiring the most reasonable operating
and maintenance costs.
(c) Potable water specifications, non-potable irrigation water specifications, wastewater technical
specifications, and standard details are now included in the Collier County Utilities Standards
Manual. By reference, the public utilities administrator or designee shall publish the manual and
should provide for periodic revisions thereto, consistent with good engineering practices and
(Ord. No. 04-31, § 1)
Sec. 134-52. - Title and citation.
This ordinance shall be known and may be cited as the "Collier County Utilities Standards and
Procedures Ordinance".
(Ord. No. 04-31, § 2)
Sec. 134-53. - Applicability.
This ordinance shall be applicable to development activities within the Collier County Water-Sewer
District, the Goodland Sub-District and the remaining unincorporated areas of Collier County, Florida. For
the purposes of simplicity and brevity, references herein to the Collier County Water-Sewer District shall
also refer to the Goodland Sub-District, where appropriate, as the context requires.
(Ord. No. 04-31, § 3)
Sec. 134-54. - Water and wastewater ordinances and resolutions.
The board of county commissioners, acting in their regular capacity as well as their capacity as the
ex-officio governing board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District (including the Goodland Sub-
District) has adopted other ordinances, ordinance amendments and resolutions on behalf of the county
and the district. Such ordinances, ordinance amendments and resolutions, together with all such duly
adopted subsequent ordinances, ordinance amendments and resolutions apply fully except to the extent,
if any, specifically and expressly superseded by this ordinance.
(Ord. No. 04-31, § 4)
Sec. 134-55. - Service areas.
(a) The following requirements shall apply with respect to the county's review of utility construction
within the district's service area in the unincorporated area.
(b) Construction of all utility systems including, but not limited to, interim utility systems, shall comply
with the LDC, with this ordinance, and with the Collier County Utilities Standards Manual, which is
hereby adopted by the board as part of this ordinance. The penalty provisions of this ordinance apply
equally to the manual and to exhibits then incorporated by reference into the manual.
(c) Utility construction shall not commence until the utility construction documents for each project have
been reviewed and approved by the engineering review services department director (county
engineer) or designee and the county has thereafter issued a written authorization to construct.
Conveyance of completed interim utility system(s) or portion(s) thereof within these certificated or
other approved service areas shall be in compliance with the LDC, this ordinance, and the Collier
County Utilities Standards Manual.
(d) Prohibited connections. Refer to the latest revision of the County Cross-Connection Ordinance as
well as subsections 134-55(d)(1)—(3).
(1) Wastewater and stormwater. No individual or entity owning, possessing or having control of
any building, structure, or other improvements within the then existing district shall cause,
permit, allow or suffer any stormwater and/or any water used for irrigation to be discharged into
any sanitary sewer, drain, cleanout, or manhole that is connected to the district's wastewater
collection system (direct discharge), or into any other facility that is connected into such sewer,
drain or manhole, (indirect discharge). Only wastewater from toilets, lavatories, sinks, bathtubs
or showers upon or in said premises shall be discharged into any such sewer, drain or manhole.
(2) Yard, garden, private stormwater drainage facilities. No yard drainage, garden drainage, nor
any stormwater, including from a drainage line, roof drain or downspout, shall discharge directly
or indirectly into the county's or the district's wastewater collection system.
(3) Inspection—Correction of violation condition. An authorized representative of the county may
enter premises (except an owner-occupied residence) to determine whether any violation of
subsection 134-55(d)(1) or (2) exists. If it is determined that such violation exists, staff shall
provide written notice to the owner or occupant of the premises to direct that all such violations
be corrected within 30 days of receipt of such notice, and within that 30-day period, the noticed
owner or occupant shall notify staff in writing that each such violation has in fact been corrected.
If staff does not receive such notification of correction within that 30-day period, staff may
correct all such violations subject to providing the owner or occupant not less then three
additional work days written notice. Notice from the county or district may be registered mail or
by any other lawful means of delivery of such notice, addressed to the owner (or occupant) as
the owner's name and address then appear on the then most current tax assessment roll. In the
event county staff corrects the violation(s), the county's may record a lien against the relevant
premises, which lien shall run with the land and may be foreclosed upon or otherwise collected
by staff.
(d) Private wastewater systems.
(1) Private pump station owners are required annually to provide the following to the Public Utilities
a. Emergency phone number of pump station owner
b. Emergency phone number of pump station operator
c. Maintenance reports and inspection reports
d. If any phone numbers change, an update must be provided within 24-hours.
(2) Private pump station access must be secured with a master lock provided by the Public Utilities
Department. Public Utilities’ lock may be interlocked with the owner/operator’s lock to allow
access by both.
(3) The Public Utilities Department is authorized to conduct inspections of private wastewater
pump stations at its discretion. Any non-compliance will be enforced through code enforcement
and FDEP code compliance where applicable.
(4) Home Owners Associations (HOAs) and/or private wastewater pump station owners will have
the opportunity to convey their pump stations including collection systems to the Collier County
Water-Sewer District (CCWSD) after bringing the infrastructure into compliance with current
utilities standards. System upgrades and repairs of any defects shall be the financial
responsibility of the HOA or private wastewater system owner.
(Ord. No. 04-31, § 5)
Sec. 134-56. - Definitions and abbreviations.
(a) Definitions. For the purposes of this article, the following terms, phrases, and words, shall have the
meaning specified herein. When not inconsistent with the context, words in the present tense include
future tense, words used in the singular number include the plural, and words used in the plural
include the singular. "Shall" is always mandatory; "may" is discretionary. Definitions in this ordinance
supersede definitions in the Standards Manual to the extent of any conflict between a definition in
this ordinance and a definition in the manual. No definition in this ordinance shall be construed to
affect any definition in the Florida Administrative Code or any other administrative regulation of any
superior government agency unless such F.A.C. or other governmental regulation's definition can
lawfully be expanded, contracted or otherwise amended by this ordinance and the apparent intent of
the conflicting definition in this ordinance is to amend the scope or application of the respective
conflicting exterior definition. Many of these definitions contain substantive provisions. The fact that a
substantive provision is contained in a definition does not affect full applicability of each such
substantive provision.
Adequate public facilities letter : Written verification prior to submittal of construction documents from
another utility (including a municipal owned or other government owned or controlled utility, or privately
owned or franchised utility) that demonstrates that concurrency requirements are firmly complied with.
This letter shall clearly verify the type and capacity of potable water, non-potable irrigation water and/or
wastewater utility services that is available to provide each such utility capacity to serve the specific
structure, building or unit, as well as any restrictions, conditions and requirements the utility may have
regarding issuance of a binding written commitment for service to each such proposed structure, building
and unit. Refer to subsection 134-57(a)(6) herein.
Availability letter : Written documentation stating water and/or sewer service is available to the
applicant via then existing utility lines adequate to serve each such structure, building and unit(s). This
written documentation must be provided by designee of the respective utility (including the district when
the district is the provider); and no guarantee is issued that adequate capacity will be available to the
respective structure, building and unit until each such structure, building and unit has received its capacity
commitment for the respective utility service.
Board : Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, as the Governing Body of Collier
County, Florida, and, where appropriate, as the ex-officio governing board of the Collier County Water-
Sewer District (including the Goodland Sub-District) and every other future sub-district of the district.
Collier County Water-Sewer District (CCWSD) or district : An independent special district within
Collier County that is defined in the Special Act, Chapter 2003-353, as such Act may be amended, and is
governed by the board of county commissioners.
Collier County Water-Wastewater Authority : A five-member authority appointed by the board of
county commissioners consisting of three technical and two lay members, having a wide range of
regulatory authority regarding the approval of rates, service area boundaries, customer/utility disputes,
and quality of service issues related to certificated private, investor-owned water and wastewater utilities
operating in unincorporated Collier County and the City of Marco Island. A Collier County Board
(authority) created and empowered by Article VIII of the Collier County Code of Laws and Ordinances
(the same being Ordinance No. 96-6, as amended).
Growth Management DepartmentCommunity development and environmental services division : A
department of Collier County which, for purposes of this article, shall be responsible for processing,
reviewing and approving potable water, non-potable irrigation water and/or wastewater construction
requests, pursuant to the terms and conditions of this article and/or the LDC, including the engineering
evaluation, design and construction of potable water, non-potable irrigation water and/or wastewater utility
systems. As outlined herein, and as set forth in the LDC, the "community development and environmental
services administrator" shall mean the engineering review services divisiondepartment director (county
Construction document : Construction drawings, technical specifications, hydraulic design reports,
Florida Department of Environmental Protection ("FDEP") permit applications, plats, where required, and
other supportive documents and data necessary to permit the review of proposed potable water, non-
potable irrigation water and/or wastewater system additions, extensions and/or improvements. An
engineer's report must also be included, with a summary of the proposed construction, including
connections, phasing, assumptions, and estimated total flows.
Construction document modification : Revised construction document(s) that include a written
technical description of all modifications.
Contractor : Individual, partnership, agency, organization, corporation or the like licensed in the State
of Florida to perform underground utility construction in Collier County.
Contractual guarantee : A construction and maintenance agreement guarantee on streets,
sidewalks, stormwater system, etc., that all subdivision developers are required to provide along with the
utilities performance security guarantee.
County : Includes Collier County, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida,
and/or the duly authorized staff, agent or representative acting on behalf of the board of county
commissioners, to supervise and/or manage the operations of the publicly owned potable water, non-
potable water and wastewater systems, and whose duties include administration of this article. Shall also
include the district unless the specific the context does not reasonably permit such construction.
County inspector : A representative of Collier County designated to provide periodic inspection of all
potable water, non-potable irrigation water and/or wastewater systems.
County utility easement (CUE) : An easement conveyed to the county and/or district to use land for
operation and/or maintenance of utility systems and/or utility facilities.
Customer : means each residence, apartment unit, condominium unit, office or other unit of a
building or structure, each mobile home, each recreational vehicle, etc., is one customer. A duplex is two
customers; a triplex is three customers, etc. Customer does not refer to each individual served.
Developer: Any individual, partnership, corporation, owner, sub-divider, including a governmental
agency, or designated agents, successors, or assigns, or such other entity that proposes and/or
undertakes the construction of potable water, non-potable irrigation water and/or wastewater systems, or
portion(s) thereof, to provide service for any property or properties, area, development or subdivision in
which the potable water, non-potable irrigation water and/or wastewater systems might sometime be
connected to a potable water, non-potable water irrigation or wastewater system of Collier County Water-
Sewer District (CCWSD).
Development services advisory committee (DSAC) : A 15 member committee created pursuant to
Ordinance No. 95-60 to provide reports and recommendations to the board of county commissioners, to
assist in the enhancement of the operational efficiency and budgetary accountability within the growth
management community development and environmental services and public utilities departments
divisions, and to serve as a primary communications link between the departments divisions, the
development industry and the citizens and residents of Collier County.
Deviation : Requested variation from the requirements of this article or the Collier County Standards
Manual requiring written approval from the public utilities department division administrator or
Distribution mains : Potable water or non-potable irrigation water mains less than 16" in diameter that
distribute water at the project or customer level.
District: See definition of Collier County Water-Sewer District.
District service area: All geographic areas where the District is then authorized to provide potable
water and/or wastewater service, and/or non-potable irrigation water, and/or bulk service, by general law
or by Special Act(s) of the Florida Legislature, including all such geographic areas then being served with
interim service by any other service provider. The following areas are not included in the District's Service
Area (1) All geographic areas within the geographic boundaries of each municipality as those municipal
boundaries existed on the effective date of Chapter 2003-353, Laws of Florida; and (2) all areas within the
City of Golden Gate (which is not a municipal corporation) as such area is now or hereafter defined in
subsection 5(C) of Section 3 of Chapter 2003-353, Laws of Florida); and (3) all area within the geographic
boundaries the Immokalee Water and Sewer District; and (4) all area within the geographic boundaries of
each utility service area then actively certificated to the subject utility by the Collier County Water-
Wastewater (or hereafter by the Florida Public Service Commission in the event the County cedes such
Chapter 367, Florida Statutes, jurisdiction back to the FPSC (for as long as such certificated area is
viable). Except as to the geographic areas listed herein, this section applies to each person or entity,
lessee, trustee and/or receiver, owning, operating, managing, or controlling such facilities of system, or
proposing construction of such facilities and/or system, who or which is providing or proposes to provide
any such service, or any combination thereof, within the unincorporated area of the county except:
(1) Property used solely or principally in the business of bottling, selling, distributing or furnishing
bottled water; and
(2) Subject to Chapter 2003-353, Laws of Florida, such facilities or system(s) owned, operated,
managed, or controlled by another government or governmental agency.
Subject to Chapter 2003-353, Laws of Florida and to other then applicable Florida Special Acts, if
any, and subject to then applicable federal Laws, if any, and general law of Florida, the district's service
areas may from time-to-time be expanded, contracted or otherwise changed by resolution of the board or
by Collier County Ordinance, or by amendment to Chapter 2003-353, Laws of Florida, a Special Act that
controls the powers of the board and the Collier County Water-Sewer District.
Dual system: A utility system within a development comprised of a non-potable irrigation water
system and a potable water system.
Easement : An interest in land granted to holder by owner of land. Such grant entitles holder to
specific limited uses of said land. Holder can be person, persons or the general public.
Effluent : The treated liquid end product of a wastewater treatment facility that is reused as reclaimed
water for irrigation or other approved non-potable purposes.
Engineer of record : The "project engineer," a registered professional engineer of record, responsible
for: 1) the preparation of plans, specifications and other related design documents for the potable water,
non-potable irrigation water and/or wastewater systems being constructed within Collier County and 2)
certifying the project, including transportation and stormwater facilities, upon completion.
Facility : See definition of water facility and wastewater facility.
Fees : The non-reimbursable monetary compensation rendered to the county for construction
document review and inspection service provided.
Final acceptance : Acceptance by the board of potable water, non-potable irrigation water and/or
wastewater systems at least one year after preliminary acceptance, and after satisfactory completion of
all final acceptance obligations.
Final acceptance obligations : These include reimbursed recording fees, one-year sewer viewer
report and video, final utility inspection, and final attorney's affidavit.
Inspection : Periodic construction site visits by a county representative, the purpose of which is to
ascertain/ensure compliance with county-approved construction documents and applicable ordinances,
codes and statutes. Such periodic visits shall occur, but not be limited to, during construction of the
potable water, non-potable irrigation water and/or wastewater additions, extensions and/or improvements
(including road/transportation utilities relocate projects), after completion of construction (for preliminary
acceptance prior to conveyance of the required potable water, non-potable irrigation water and/or
wastewater system(s) or portion(s) thereof to the district), and after the one year contractual guarantee
period (for final acceptance of the potable water, non-potable irrigation water and/or wastewater
system(s) or portion(s) thereof by the county).
Interim utility facility or interim utility system, (and utility facility): A potable water, non-potable
irrigation water distribution, transmission, treatment, and/or supply system, a wastewater collection,
transmission, treatment and/or disposal system, which meets all applicable rules and regulations
associated with any federal, state or local regulatory authority, and which is owned by the
applicant/developer or other person/entity other than the Collier County Water-Sewer District (CCWSD)
and which, upon completion, or anytime thereafter is capable to be dedicated to the CCWSD. All such
interim facility and/or interim system shall remain interim until such time (if and when) each interim facility
(or facilities) and/or interim system is interconnected into the district's system to be served by the district's
system and the interim facilities and/or interim system has been dedicated to the district pursuant to
paragraph 10 in Section 5 of Chapter 2003-353, Laws of Florida.
Internal non-potable irrigation water distribution system : Any non-potable irrigation water distribution
system not owned by the county or the district and located beyond the master meter assembly on the
development side.
Irrigation system : Any and all plant, system, facility or property, and additions, extensions and
improvements thereto at then future times, constructed or acquired as part thereof, useful, necessary or
having the then present capacity for future use in connection with the development of sources, treatment
and distribution of irrigation water, and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, includes dams,
walls, meters, reservoirs, storage tanks, lines, valves, pumping stations, laterals and pipes constructed or
installed for the purpose of carrying irrigation water to the premises connected with such system; also
includes all real and personal property and any interest or rights therein, easements, and franchises of
any nature whatsoever relating to any such system and necessary or convenient for the operation
Irrigation water : Potable, reclaimed and/or supplemental water artificially applied to lands to meet
the water needs of growing plants; excludes rainfall.
Lateral sewer : A sewer that discharges into a branch or other wastewater system and has only
building wastewater tributary to it.
LDC: Collier County Land Development Code.
Looping of water main : Interconnection of a development's potable water main(s) to minimize dead
ends to promote the flow of potable water throughout a project and/or development.
Master meter : A radio read water meter that measures the total gallons of water used in a specific
project, development or portion thereof other than service to separate, individual units.
Master pumping station : A pumping station that has gravity flow or force mains from other master
stations or submaster pumping stations pumping into it, which then pumps into another master station or
into a force main that pumps to the water reclamation facility; has standby power.
Meter : A device that measures the total gallons of water passing through a pipe.
Master plan development : A tentative plan showing the proposed development of a tract of land for
which development is to be carried out in one or more stages. (See site alteration plan, site development
plan, and site improvement plan as defined in the LDC.)
Modification fee : Fee for revisions to county-approved construction documents, as requested by the
engineer of record, when such revision necessitates an additional review and approval process.
Revisions requested by the county or the district are exempt from this fee.
Non-potable water: Water that is not suitable for drinking, culinary, or domestic purposes, including
reclaimed or supplemental water; effluent, well, stormwater and/or surface water.
Non-potable water system: See definition under supplemental water system and reclaimed water
Non-potable water facility: A facility used as a source of water for irrigation, cooling, or other
approved, non-consumptive purposes. Facilities used as a source for drinking, culinary or domestic
purposes are excluded from the definition of non-potable water facility.
Ordinance : Throughout this article "the ordinance" or "this ordinance" shall include the Collier
County Utilities Standards Manual and to all documents incorporated by reference in the manual unless
such inclusion is clearly not intended according to the context in the manual.
Person or entity : Individual, partnership, agency, association, private or public corporation,
organization, or political subdivision or the like which desires to construct potable water, non-potable
irrigation water, and/or wastewater system additions, extensions and/or improvements and/or requires the
services of the county or the district.
Potable water: Water that does not contain objectionable pollutants, contamination, minerals, or
infective agents and is classified by law, rule or regulation as being acceptable for drinking, culinary, or
domestic purposes.
Potable water facility: Facility used as a source for drinking, culinary, or domestic purposes.
Potable water system: See definition under water system.
Preliminary acceptance : Potable water, non-potable irrigation water and wastewater systems
conveyance to the board after satisfactory completion of inspections, tests, and certifications but not
including final inspections.
Probable cost of construction : Cost estimate prepared by the engineer of record for proposed
potable water, non-potable irrigation water, and/or wastewater system additions, extensions and/or
improvements which are required to be submitted to the county or the district for review.
Project : Potable water, non-potable irrigation water and/or wastewater system additions, extensions
and/or improvements illustrated and described in the construction documents for the development of land
in the unincorporated areas of Collier County.
Public utilities department division: A department division of the Collier County government
comprised of various departments including, but not limited to, the water and wastewater departments.
The public utilities department is responsible for the management, operation and maintenance of the
Collier County Water-Sewer District. The public utilities department division, together with the growth
management department community development and environmental services division shall have the
responsibility to approve potable water, non-potable irrigation water (in dual systems) and wastewater
systems requests, as well as engineering evaluations, including, but not limited to, the design and
construction of all potable water, non-potable irrigation water, and wastewater systems eligible to be
conveyed to the board for ownership and maintenance as outlined herein.
Reclaimed water : Water from a wastewater treatment facility that has received at least secondary
advanced treatment and high-level disinfection and is used or useable for some beneficial non-potable,
non-culinary, non-domestic purpose such as irrigation.
Reclaimed water system : A network of pipes, pumping facilities, and appurtenances designed to
convey and distribute reclaimed, supplemental, or a combination of reclaimed and supplemental water to
one or more users; part of county's or district's non-potable irrigation water system. Reclaimed water
systems referred to in this article refer to county-owned or district owned reclaimed system pipes six
inches in diameter or greater, up to and including the master meter assembly and backflow device.
Record drawings : Drawings that accurately identify the final, fixed constructed configuration of a
utilities facility and/or system, including the drainage system.
Review fee : Fee for work incurred by the county or the district to review and approve potable water,
non-potable irrigation water and/or wastewater system construction documents and provide inspection
during and after construction of said improvements.
Reuse : The deliberate application of reclaimed water for a beneficial non-potable, non-culinary, and
non-domestic purpose such as irrigation.
Right-of-way : A strip of land, public or private, occupied or intended to be occupied by, or for repair
of, a street, crosswalk, railroad, electric transmission line, oil or gas pipeline, storm drainage, potable
water or non-potable irrigation water main, sanitary or storm sewer main, or for similar use. The usage of
the term "right-of-way" for land platting purposes shall mean that every right-of-way, whether public or
private, or as an easement, hereafter established and shown on a plat is to be separate and distinct from
the lots or parcels adjoining such right-of-way, and is not included within the dimensions or areas of such
lots or parcels.
Service : Work incurred by the county or the district to review and approve potable water, non-
potable irrigation water and/or wastewater system construction documents and provide inspection during
and after construction of said improvements. May also mean water service—See definition of water
service herein.
Service area : The geographical area(s) described in a franchise certificated area or other form of
approval granted by the board of county commissioners and/or the water-wastewater authority to a utility
to provide utility service within the described boundary of such area(s). The geographical area(s) may
also be referred to as "territory" or "certificated area."
Sewer lateral : A gravity sewer pipe extending from the gravity sewer main to the customer's point of
connection at the public right-of-way or county or district's utility easement limit.
Sewer system: See definition under wastewater system.
Staff or county staff: Refers to the Collier County employee(s) authorized to perform the respective
act or decision.
Standards manual or manual: The "Collier County Water-Sewer District Utilities Standards Manual,"
as adopted by the board of county commissioners concurrently with the 2004 utilities standards and
procedures ordinance, including all of its exhibits, consisting of, but not necessarily limited to, all technical
standards, specifications, detail drawings, utility deviation forms, water meter sizing and impact fee form,
final waiver of liens, and utilities conveyance documents checklists for potable water, non-potable
irrigation water and wastewater systems.
Subdeveloper : Refers to each individual or entity that develops, constructs or installs improvements
to the real property in part of the development other than the developer of the development, including, but
not limited to, each such sub-owner, builder, contractor, promoter, lessee, or tenant of improvements to
real estate within the development when not acting as an agent of the developer, and after completion of
such improvements, the title-holder of those improvements is not the developer and, therefore, the
developer will not normally have the requisite authority to convey title of those facilities to the county or to
the district without authorization from the subdeveloper.
Submaster pumping station : The main pumping station of a subdivision that receives flow from other
pumping stations and/or gravity flow which then pumps into a master pumping station or county or district
force main; does not have standby power.
Supplemental water : Non-potable ground water, stormwater or surface water.
Supplemental water system : A system of pipes, pumps and all other appurtenances or equipment
needed to collect, transport and distribute supplemental water; part of county's or district's non-potable
irrigation water system.
Transmission mains : Potable water mains 16 inches in diameter and larger that distribute water over
a regional or sub-regional area, and non-potable water mains six inches in diameter or greater. Also
includes water mains used to transport well water from a well to a potable water treatment plant.
Unincorporated area : All geographic areas in Collier County not within the boundaries of any
municipal corporation as of the effective date of Chapter 2003-353, Laws of Florida. In the context of this
article all areas hereafter annexed into a municipal corporation shall remain classified as being
unincorporated to the extent that such annexed area is within the district's then existing service area.
Utility : Any person or business entity, lessee, trustee and/or receiver, owning, operating, managing,
or controlling a system, or proposing construction of a system, who or which is providing or proposes to
provide potable water and/or non-potable irrigation water, or bulk water, and/or wastewater service, or
any combination thereof, within any unincorporated area of the county to the public for compensation, but
excluding only the following:
(1) Property used solely or principally in the business of bottling, selling, distributing or furnishing
bottled water; or
(2) Such systems owned, operated, managed, or controlled by a governmental agency; or
(3) Manufacturer providing such utility service(s) solely in connection with its own manufacturing
operations; or
(4) Public lodging establishment providing such utility service(s) solely in connection with lodging
service to its guests; or
(5) Landlord or homeowners' association providing such utility service(s) to their own tenants or
unit owners without specific compensation for any such utility service; or
(6) Potable water system and/or wastewater system which has a rated capacity (at maximum day
system peak) of less than 2,000 gallons per day per utility service; or
(7) Utility deriving less than 50 percent of its revenues from unincorporated areas of the county,
with the balance derived from the incorporated area. Any Utility which derives 50 percent or
more of its revenues from the unincorporated areas of the county shall be subject to the
provisions of this ordinance only as they relate to rates, fees, and charges charged by the utility
in its unincorporated area(s); or
(8) Utility system that is then serving less than 100 customers with non-potable irrigation water,
potable water and/or wastewater service. For the purpose of this subparagraph, a "customer" is
not each individual served. Each residence, apartment unit, condominium unit, office or other
unit of a building or structure, each mobile home, each recreational vehicle, etc., is one
customer. A duplex is two customers; a triplex is three customers, etc.
(9) Systems solely for tenants or occupants of: governmental buildings, religious, educational or
cultural institutions or facilities, or for recreational, scientific or institutional facilities.
(10) Systems not owned by the utility that are downstream from the utility's master meter and are
operated and sub-metered by a master metered customer of the utility for resale to individual
residential or commercial consumers occupying property owned or otherwise lawfully controlled
by that master metered customer.
Utility company : A telephone, electric, gas, cable, etc. company such as, but not limited to, Florida
Power and Light, Spring, Comcast and Time Warner.
Utility construction document : See definition under construction document.
Utilities performance security (UPS): A performance bond, cash bond, irrevocable letter of credit, or
other authorized form of security furnished by the developer to the county or the district, prior to recording
of plat or conveyance of utility facilities, (potable water and/or wastewater facilities) and/or non-utility
facilities (reclaimed or supplemental water facilities) to guarantee the construction, workmanship and/or
materials for the warranty period after the utility system(s) or portion(s) and the non-utility facilities and
portions thereof have been conveyed to the county, district, or other appropriate water-sewer district, or
upon completion of the utility system(s) or portion(s) and the non-utility systems and portions thereof
when construction occurs on private property. (Refer to section 134-58(e): Utilities performance security.)
Wastewater : The combination of liquid and water-carried pollutants from residences, commercial
buildings, industrial plants, and institutions, together with any groundwater infiltration, surface runoff, or
leachate that may be present.
Wastewater facility : The structures, equipment and processes required to treat and store domestic
and industrial wastes, and dispose of the effluent and sludge.
Wastewater system : Any and all plant, system, facility or property, and additions, extensions and
improvements thereto at any future time constructed for acquisition as a part thereof, useful, necessary or
then having capacity for future use in connection with the collection and treatment of wastewater, and/or
disposal of wastewater effluent of any nature, originating from any source, and without limiting the
generality of the foregoing; includes treatment plants, pumping stations, lift stations, deep injection wells,
valves, force mains, intercepting sewers, laterals, pressure lines, mains, and all necessary appurtenances
and equipment; also includes all wastewater mains and laterals for the reception and collection of
wastewater from premises connected therewith; also includes all real and personal property and any
interest therein, rights, easements, and franchises of any nature relating to any such system and
necessary or convenient for the operation thereof.
Water facility : The structures, equipment and processes required to treat and store water.
Water service : A water service installation which includes: tapping saddle, corporation stop, service
line and radio read meter installation, meter box, wye, curbstop, and backflow prevention device, if
required, extended to property line or utility easement limit.
Water-sewer district : See definition under Collier County Water-Sewer District.
Water system : Any and all plant, system, facility or property, and additions, extensions and
improvements thereto at then future times, constructed or acquired as a part thereof, useful or necessary
or having the then present capacity for future use in connection with the development of sources,
treatment or purification and distribution of potable water, and, without limiting the generality of the
foregoing, includes dams, reservoirs, storage tanks, lines, valves, pumping stations, laterals and pipes for
the purpose of carrying potable water to the premises connected with such system; also includes all real
and personal property and any interest or rights therein, easements, and franchises of any nature
whatsoever relating to any such system and necessary or convenient for the operation thereof.
(b) Abbreviations.
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
AWWA American Water Works Association
BCC Board of County Commissioners
CCWSD Collier County Water-Sewer District
Community Development and Environmental Services Division
Growth Management Department
CPI Concrete Pipe Institute
CUE County Utility Easement
DCA Department of Community Affairs
DSAC Development Services Advisory Committee
ERP Environmental Resource Permit
FAC Florida Administrative Code
FDEP Florida Department of Environmental Protection
FDOT Florida Department of Transportation
GIS Geographic Information System
LDC Land Development Code
MSW Municipal Solid Waste
NAD North American Datum
NEC National Electrical Code
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
NWRI National Water Research Institute
PE Professional Engineer
PUD Public Utilities Department Division (can also mean Planned Unit Development)
PWA Preliminary Work Authorization
ROW Right-of-Way
SDP Site Development Plan
SFWMD South Florida Water Management District
SIP Site Improvement Plan
UPS Utilities Performance Security
USACE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
WEF Water Environment Federation
(Ord. No. 04-31, § 6; Ord. No. 07-60, § 1)
Sec. 134-57. - Policies and standards.
(a) Utility service: Availability of service from the district.
(1) As a requirement to developer's submittal of construction documents, developer shall obtain
prior written verification from the public utilities department division regarding service from the
district, which shall (i) ascertain the current status of utility service from the district, if any; (ii)
identify restrictions, if any, of availability of such service(s); and (iii) provide pertinent facts
regarding location and availability of district's existing and/or then proposed district utility
system(s). The department division shall respond in writing to all such requests.
(2) Service from the district not readily available. Service from the district is not "readily available"
except to the extent that the extension of the district's utility facilities is then a planned five-year
capital improvement program in the then current Collier County Water and/or Wastewater
Master Plan, and the respective plan's extension to the project site is planned to commence
within five years or less from the time of the inquiry from the developer to county staff for such
service(s). If an extension of the district's facilities to the respective project is planned to
commence within five years according to the then applicable master plan, but the applicant
desires that such then planned time schedule be accelerated in time, the developer may
negotiate a utility facilities extension agreement with the district, (which agreement may include
upsizing provisions.
(3) Development project extending its utility facilities to the district's system if connections to
interim facilities are not available. If the district's respective utility system does not have access
"readily available" to serve the respective project in the district's service area (as such service
availability is then specified in the respective master plan as described herein), extensions of
the project's utility facilities to the district's infrastructure will be required unless interim service is
available from another utility as specified below. No such extensions shall be any responsibility
of the county or the district, fiscally and otherwise (time and schedule) and such facilities must
be dedicated to and accepted by the district at no cost to the district before any such respective
utility service from the district commences.
(4) Interim service provided by another utility service provider until district's facilities may become
available. If it is determined by the county staff, in consultation with representatives of the
project desiring the utility service(s), that neither of the above-stated two alternatives (extension
of the project's utility facilities to the district's system, or a utility facilities extension agreement to
extend the district's facilities to the project earlier than contemplated in the then applicable
master plan) is feasible, only interim service from another utility (governmental, municipal or
private) can be authorized by the public utilities administrator or designee by means of
agreement. The utility administrator or designee on behalf of the district may authorize the other
utility to provide interim service to the project, in accord with paragraph 10 of Section 5 of
Chapter 2003-353, Laws of Florida, the district as a matter of that law cannot and shall not
approve any expansion of any permanent utility facilities from any such other utility or utility
service provider into or within the district's then existing service area. No such extension shall
be any responsibility of the county or the district, fiscally and otherwise (time and schedule).
Each such interim service agreement (between the project and the other utility or utility service
provider) must be executed by the other utility or service provider, by authorized representatives
of the project to be served, by the district and by the board.
(5) Interim utility facility. Provided (a) the project extending its utility facilities to the district's system
is not feasible, and (b) interim service from another utility or other service provider is not
feasible, and (c) a utility facilities extension agreement (Form 1) is not feasible, and provided the
proposed interim utility facility/system is then a lawful use at the project site (in accordance with
the county's LDC and all applicable laws, ordinance, rules, regulations, and relevant written
agreements, if any), the project's representatives may apply to staff to request authorization for
an interim service facility/system by entering into an interim facility/system agreement (see
Standard Form 1, herein below). Each such service agreement must be executed by authorized
representatives of the project to be served by the interim utility facility, by the district and by the
(6) Adequate public facilities letter. In the event the proposed development is outside the service
area of the CCWSD, but within the then certificated service area of any another utility or utility
service provider, that utility or utility service provider shall submit an adequate public facilities
letter to GMD CDES. That letter must prove that prompt availability of such service is available
to adequately provide the utility service(s) and must demonstrate that the entity can and will
provide service to the proposed development in accordance with Chapter 64E-6 F.A.C. for
water and wastewater service systems having a capacity not exceeding 10,000 GPD; also in
accord with Chapters 62-550 and 62-555 F.A.C. for water systems having a capacity of greater
than 10,000 GPD, and/or with Chapter 62-600 F.A.C. for wastewater systems having a capacity
of greater than 10,000 GPD. The adequate public facilities letter must clearly describe the type
and capacity of the utility services that is available in accordance with the then existing
standards in Chapter 64E-6 F.A.C. or Chapter 62-600 F.A.C., as applicable, and must include
all restrictions or requirements the utility (or service provider) may have regarding the issuance
of a binding written commitment for such service(s) to the proposed project. In the event that
potable water, non-potable irrigation water and/or wastewater service is not readily available to
fully serve the proposed project, it shall be the developer's responsibility to extend and/or
improve such service so that such service(s) can be utilized, or clearly and fully detail the steps
that will be taken to be served with interim utility services. All F.A.C. provisions referred to
herein that are renumbered shall be fully applicable. Refer also to this article's definition of
adequate public facilities letter, which is incorporated herein. The GMD CDES administrator or
designee may require additional information from the utility (or other service provider) in addition
to the adequate public facilities letter, whereby the utility (or other service provider) must prove
to staff's reasonable satisfaction that the required service(s) are readily available and will be
provided promptly. If requested by staff, the other utility (or service provider), at no expense to
the county, shall promptly provide staff with a capacity analysis report for such utility service(s),
as well as such other additional information as may be requested by staff. The burden of proof
is on the utility or service provider.
(b) FDEP permits.
(1) With respect to development and/or release of FDEP construction permit applications from the
growth management community development and environmental services department division,
written approval from the engineering review services divisiondepartment director (county
engineer) or designee of the utility portion of the construction documents for the potable water,
non-potable irrigation water and/or wastewater system(s) or portion(s) thereof is mandatory
before the county or district executes and releases applications for any required FDEP permits.
Prior to commencement of construction, FDEP permit must be issued. With respect to
development of and/or construction activities for an interim utility system, the development may
obtain executed FDEP permit applications prior to engineering review services
divisiondepartment director (county engineer) final written approval of construction documents.
Under no circumstances shall construction commence with regard to the interim utility system
until the construction commencement criteria in subsection 134-58(f) herein have been
satisfied. With respect to those service areas outside the CCWSD, copies of all approved FDEP
construction and operating permits shall be submitted to the county or district immediately upon
issuance and receipt.
(2) With respect to the FDEP certification of completion of construction forms, the engineering
review services divisiondepartment director (county engineer) or designee will have the forms
executed by the public utilities division after they receive the preliminary inspection approval
letter during the preliminary acceptance process. The engineering review services
divisiondepartment director (county engineer) or designee will release the forms after review
and approval of the required utility conveyance checklists items in the standards manual per
preliminary conveyance policy.
(c) Design and performance standard manuals and publications. The minimal, but mandatory, utility
design requirements of this article are established by the most recent technical standards,
procedures and criteria as set forth in the latest edition(s) of the publications and standards listed in
the standards manual. The minimal, but mandatory, utility design requirements set forth in the
standards manual are incorporated herein and are, thereby, an integral part of this ordinance.
Deviation from the established criteria, as set forth in the standards manual, is not precluded,
provided that, the engineer of record shall provide, for county water or wastewater director review, a
design deviation based on such rational criteria that promotes, protects, and/or improves the public's
health, safety and welfare and upon such showing, receives the county's or district's prior written
approval. Neither county nor district approval shall be granted to any proposed design that
jeopardizes the public health, safety and welfare, or that would result in a system performance less
than that which would be provided to the public by adherence to the recognized and accepted
industry standards set forth in the manuals/publications listed in the standards manual.
(d) Owner's responsibilities to maintain or repair interim utility facilities. Project developers, their
successors, or assigns, that own the respective interim utility facilities and/or system(s) shall be
responsible to maintain, repair and/or replace all interim facilities and/or systems, including all costs,
if any, incurred by the county or district to maintain and/or repair interim utility facilities in compliance
with this ordinance and with all applicable standards and regulations, including FDEP potable water
and/or wastewater quality regulations and other regulations. Such costs shall be borne by the
developers, their successors, or assigns of such facilities and/or systems, including homeowner's
associations and similar associations, as applicable, and shall run with the land (where such facilities
and/or system are located) until, if and when, the interim facilities and/or interim facilities are
connected to the Collier County Water-Sewer District's system.
(e) Construction observation and inspection. See subsections 134-59(a) and (d).
(f) Utilities conveyance and acceptance. The transfer of ownership of any utility facility, including any
interim utility facility, and/or any reclaimed water system or portion thereof, to the district shall comply
with the requirements of law, as set forth in the Florida Statutes, and applicable county resolutions.
(Refer to section 134-60: Utility conveyance procedures herein.)
(g) Utility easement.
(1) All uses of Collier County Utility Easements (CUE) shall be in accordance with this ordinance
or other board approved uses and shall be for the exclusive sub-surface use of the board or
other county or district approved uses. All CUEs shall comply with relevant LDC requirements,
unless specifically authorized to do otherwise in writing (in the form of a utility deviation form) by
the public utilities department division administrator or designee(s). Any use, other than service
crossings, of a CUE that is not authorized by the county or district and/or approved by the board
is prohibited. Any use of a CUE that creates a hazard or potential hazard to the potable water,
non-potable irrigation water and/or wastewater system(s) or portion(s) thereof or to the
employees of the board/county/CCWSD in the performance of their duties is prohibited. Private
road rights-of-way with CUE overlays are exempt from the exclusive use provision, however, all
design setback and construction requirements of the ordinance shall be adhered to.
(2) Privately-owned utilities may be allowed within a CUE, subject to prior approval by the
engineering review services divisiondepartment director (county engineer) or designee with
coordination with the transportation services division and/or the public utilities department
division, and provided that such privately-owned utility does not hinder operation and/or
maintenance and/or repair activities and does not create an unnecessary financial burden to the
rate payers of the district. Aboveground improvements such as, but not limited to, paved
parking, decorative walls and/or landscaping may be permitted to be installed within a CUE by
the grantor, its successors or assigns. However, all costs and expenses of any and all repairs,
replacements, maintenance and restorations of all such improvements shall be the sole
financial responsibility of the grantor, its successors or assigns. These cost obligations shall be
clearly stated on the approved plans, record drawings, and, if applicable, in the homeowners'
association documents but failure to state such obligations shall not affect these obligations.
(3) Combined water-wastewater easements shall be agreed upon on a case-by-case basis,
dependent on depth of lines and shall not be combined, unless and until approved by the
engineering review services divisiondepartment director (county engineer) or designee.
(4) Width of easements.
a. Minimum width of potable water main, force main, and/or non-potable irrigation main
easements shall be 15 feet.
b. Minimum width of gravity wastewater easements shall be twice the depth of the bottom of
the line or 15 feet, whichever is greater; and
c. Lift station easements shall be at least twice the depth by twice the depth of the lift station
inside-of-wetwell bottom or 30 feet by 30 feet, whichever is greater; and
d. Combined water-wastewater easements shall be agreed upon on a case-by-case basis,
dependent upon depth of lines.
e. In the event that the CUE(s) do not provide the county/district with full, adequate physical
access to the respective utility facilities, the county must be provided with other written
rights of physical access to such utility facilities.
f. For well easements, refer to the LDC.
(h) Building permits—Connection fees and charges. County shall not approve the issuance of a
building permit until the utility construction documents, together with the associated plat, have been
reviewed and approved pursuant to the LDC, and all appropriate potable water, non-potable
irrigation water and/or wastewater system impact fees, connection fees and the county's costs or
district's costs, if any, of making emergency repairs or maintenance to the utility facilities before final
acceptance of the utility facilities have been paid. The developer shall be responsible for coordinating
development activities with the county, and shall ensure that all necessary utility construction
documents, plats, etc., are submitted for review and approval. Temporary use permits shall be
exempt from the utility construction document approval requirement prior to building permit approval,
unless specific conditions preclude such exemption.
(i) Certificates of occupancy. A certificate of occupancy shall not be issued for any structure prior to
preliminary acceptance of all potable water, non-potable irrigation water and/or wastewater systems
required by this ordinance or the LDC.
(Ord. No. 04-31, § 7; Ord. No. 07-60, § 2)
Sec. 134-58. - Construction approval and document submissions.
(a) General. This section establishes the county's or district's minimum requirements, pursuant to, or in
addition to, the minimum LDC requirements for the submission of the following construction
documents by the developer, owner and/or contractor, for county or district review; however, the
engineering review services divisiondepartment director (county engineer) or designee or district
staff may require additional data, as the county or district staff deems necessary, in order to
complete its review of:
(1) Potable water, non-potable irrigation water and/or wastewater system(s) or portion(s) thereof
for projects proposing to connect to existing potable water, non-potable irrigation water, and/or
wastewater systems; and
(2) Potable water, non-potable irrigation water and/or wastewater system(s) or portion(s) thereof
for projects proposing to be served by interim potable water, non-potable irrigation water and/or
wastewater treatment systems.
Where practical, as determined by the county staff during the plan review process, potable
water distribution main extensions shall be looped to county (district) potable water transmission
mains. Water distribution mains at culs-de-sac, if not looped, shall have a flushing device at the
end of the line.
(b) Construction documents.
(1) Preparation of construction documents. Construction drawings and technical specifications for
the construction, extension and/or modification of potable water, non-potable irrigation water
and/or wastewater system(s) or portion(s) thereof shall be prepared by, or under the supervision
of, and shall be certified by, the engineer of record, a professional engineer licensed to practice
in the State of Florida, under Chapter 471, Florida Statutes.
(2) Pre-submittal conference. It is required that prior to initial submission to county staff of
construction documents, the owner, developer or authorized agent, (the "applicant") confer with
the public utilities representative and community development and environmental services
representative to obtain information and guidance, and to initiate an informal preliminary review,
pursuant to the LDC, as may be amended, before substantial commitments of time and/or
money are made in preparation and submission of further documentation.
(3) Submittals. Unless instructed otherwise at the pre-submittal conference, initial submittal of
construction documents, together with any supportive materials, shall be submitted to the
community development and environmental services administrator or designee and shall be
accompanied by a descriptive cover letter. Such cover letter shall contain, but not be limited to,
the following:
a. Project name.
b. Location of project.
c. Type of utility construction proposed.
d. Estimated number of potable water, non-potable irrigation water and wastewater users to
be served by the proposed construction.
e. Explanation of what action the county or district is being requested to take regarding the
materials submitted.
f. List of documents attached.
g. Engineer's report. A concise report summarizing the proposed construction including
connections, phasing, assumptions, and estimated total flows.
1. In the event the proposed construction is part of a proposed subdivision development
and plat review process, applicant shall additionally follow, unless otherwise set forth
herein, the "development requirements" procedures set forth in LDC, as then
2. The county requires complete data and information with this initial submission in order
to efficiently provide the necessary review. For this reason, a "standard transmittal"
form will not be acceptable for the initial submission. However, transmittal forms may
be utilized for the subsequent submittal of revised documents, additional items
requested by the county staff and other information pertinent to the review and
approval process.
(4) Schedule of fees and charges. The board shall by resolution establish a schedule of fees and
charges for construction plan review and inspection services. The schedule shall be posted in
the growth management department division of community development and environmental
services. The resolution shall be filed with the clerk to the board. The schedule may be revised
pursuant to standard resolution adoption and amendment procedures. The construction
document review fee shall be submitted with the construction document submission. The
construction document review resubmission fee shall be required if the county's staff requires a
third review in addition to the initial review and one resubmission. The resubmission fee shall be
submitted at the time the third submission is made. The construction inspection fee shall be
submitted prior to the final construction plan approval. The construction document modification
fee shall be submitted upon written request by the county staff prior to final approval of the
modifications requested. The developer shall be responsible for the payment of all fees
identified above.
(5) Plans, specifications and cost estimate. The engineer of record shall furnish complete sets of
the construction drawings and technical specifications (engineer's report) as required by the
growth management department community development and environmental services division
(a set of bound technical specifications shall be provided for community development's master
file if not already done so). Construction drawings shall be prepared on standard size 24" × 36"
sheets. Technical specifications (the engineer's report) shall be typewritten on 8½" × 11" sheets
and bound in an acceptable manner. Technical specifications (the engineer's report) shall
include an estimate of probable construction costs, prepared by the engineer of record, which
contains a summary of quantities and estimate of installed cost for the potable water, non-
potable irrigation water and/or wastewater system(s) or portion(s) thereof proposed for
construction. The cost estimate shall be prepared by the engineer of record and submitted in
itemized form to include the cost of all required improvements and/or the contract bid price for
all work necessary to complete the required improvements. Incorporation of technical
specifications into the construction drawings, in lieu of a separate set of written specifications as
described above, shall not be acceptable. The construction documents shall be submitted to the
community development and environmental services administrator or designee for review and
written approval prior to the commencement of construction. The construction documents shall
include, but not be limited to:
a. Cover sheet with location map;
b. Site utility master plan, indicating the overall site development and all proposed utility
additions, extensions and/or improvements including easements, with references to the
appropriate plan and profile sheets. If phasing of the project is proposed, phases shall be
indicated on this drawing. For proposed points of connection to existing potable water, non-
potable irrigation water and/or wastewater systems, the site utility plan shall indicate the
method and materials to be used. Actual location of existing sewer mains and/or laterals,
potable water lines and non-potable irrigation water lines and/or stubs shall be shown,
where applicable;
c. Identification of individual lots for subdivisions and/or buildings and structures for
condominiums, multi-family projects, etc;
d. For all projects, the proposed meter location(s) shall be illustrated. All commercial facilities
must be metered separately from residential facilities with the exception of those
commercial facilities that are within a master metered residential development and
designed for the exclusive use of the residents within such development. Final meter sizes
shall be determined by the Collier County Public Utilities Engineering Department Director
or designee, and the construction document shall note if water services are to be installed
by others. For preliminary meter sizing, see Consolidated Impact Fee Ordinance No. 2001-
13, as amended, superseded or consolidated;
e. All existing utility easements on the particular property shall be shown on the drawings.
Proposed easements may be required to be shown if the site working space is confined, as
determined by county staff on a case-by-case basis. Easements required to be shown shall
be clearly labeled and shall show the width and limits (refer to 134-57(g));
f. Plan and profile sheets shall indicate the horizontal and vertical locations for all potable
water, non-potable irrigation water and/or wastewater additions, extensions and/or
improvements, including all appurtenances, as well as other proposed and/or existing
system(s) or portion(s) thereof, together with all conflicts in the same general location.
Special profile sheets shall be required when unique situations or complex conflicts occur
that cannot be clearly detailed on standard plan and profile forms. Profiles shall be
positioned on the sheet directly below the plan section they are illustrating, with the
exception of utilities that are not eligible to be owned and maintained by the county or the
district. For such utilities that are not owned and maintained by the county or the district,
profiles shall be provided, but do not have to be positioned on the sheet directly below the
plan section;
g. Potable water, non-potable irrigation water and/or wastewater standard details. Use of the
technical standards contained in the standards manual shall be required for all construction
projects. Pavement restoration, backfill standards, compaction requirements, etc.,
regarding work within the public rights-of-way or CUEs shall be governed by the rules and
regulations established by the public utilities department division as outlined in the
standards manual. Standard details involving these items shall reflect the requirements of
the public utilities department division;
h. Complete lift station drawings, specifications, as required, and details including shop
drawings, when necessary, shall be required. A special site plan of the lift station and
appurtenances shall be provided. This plan shall contain specific details on the
configuration of the station, location of appurtenances such as electric service and
transformers, guard posts, control panel, fencing, landscaping, etc., and the proposed
location with respect to roadways, sidewalks or bike paths, driveways and proposed or
existing rights-of-way or utility easements;
i. Potable water and wastewater system hydraulic calculations;
j. A symbols and abbreviations legend;
k. A list of all county or district inspections that require 48-hour notice;
l. A statement as to who owns and maintains the onsite potable water, non-potable irrigation
water and wastewater systems (refer to subsection 134-60(d): record drawings herein).
(6) Connection to noncounty-owned wastewater systems. When connection to a central
wastewater system, other than those owned and maintained by the county, the district, or other
appropriate water-sewer district, is proposed, the requirements of section 66-2 of the Collier
County Code of Laws and Ordinances and amendments thereto shall be satisfied and shall
comply with subsections 134-57(a)—(e) herein:
(7) Rights-of-way permits. Construction within dedicated public rights-of-way shall require an
approved permit from the appropriate governmental county, state and/or federal agency. A copy
of the approved permit shall be submitted to county staff, prior to the project pre-construction
meeting. Utility construction within a right-of-way owned by the State of Florida, shall require a
FDOT utility permit. When companion FDEP permit applications must be obtained, they will be
released for processing prior to final FDOT permit approval, provided the construction
documents are satisfactory to the public utilities administrator or designee.
(c) Fire control district approval.
(1) All construction drawings containing potable water distribution systems or portion(s) thereof
shall be reviewed by, and shall require written approval by, the appropriate independent fire
control districts. Fire hydrant location design shall be in compliance with the LDC or NFPA
regulations, latest edition, whichever is more restrictive. The fire control district shall provide the
county staff with a letter approving the number and location of the fire protection facilities to
serve the project. This letter shall contain an agreement by the fire control district to accept the
ownership and maintenance responsibilities for the hydrants after construction is complete
pursuant to the established policy of each individual fire control district in effect at such time.
The public utilities department division will be responsible for the fire hydrant lead, up to and
including the gate valve as specified in the standards manual, unless the fire districts do not
accept ownership of the fire hydrants and leads after the isolation valve, in which case the entire
lead and fire hydrant shall be dedicated to the district.
(2) Upon completion of the potable water system construction, the engineer of record shall provide
to the community development and environmental services administrator or designee field fire-
flow testing documentation by the appropriate fire control district that establishes that adequate
fire-flow capabilities exist. The engineer of record must incorporate demand capacity and meter-
sizing data establishing that the water meter selected does pass the total flows required by the
project in the engineer's report for projects that are to utilize a master water meter to which fire
hydrants shall be connected.
(3) The county water-sewer district shall not be responsible for, and shall be held harmless from,
any damages or loss resulting from inadequate sizing of a water meter to supply fire flow in
addition to concurrent domestic demand for a particular project. Data on the meter sizing
analysis shall also be contained in a hydraulic design report required in subsection 134-
58(b)(5). Per F.A.C. 4A-46.041, the county shall not own, maintain and test fire lines, such
ownership is the responsibility of the applicable fire district.
(d) Plats.
(1) A copy of the proposed plat for new subdivisions that contain potable water, non-potable
irrigation water and/or wastewater system(s) or portion(s) thereof shall be submitted with the
construction drawings to the county staff for review and approval. All utility easements that will
be required for the potable water, non-potable irrigation water and/or wastewater system(s) or
portion(s) thereof shall be shown on the plat, if possible. Further, the dedication block on the
cover sheet shall contain the following statements:
a. That all utility easements for potable water, non-potable irrigation water and/or wastewater
system(s) or portion(s) thereof and Ingress and Egress rights, where appropriate, are
provided to the Collier County Water-Sewer District to operate and maintain potable water,
non-potable irrigation water and/or wastewater utility systems or portion(s) thereof within
the Platted Area after final conveyance to the CCWSD; and, where applicable, to install the
CCWSD's connecting utility facilities within such easement(s).
b. Applicable potable water, non-potable irrigation water and/or wastewater system(s) or
portion(s) thereof constructed within this platted area in compliance with the requirements
set forth herein shall be conveyed to the board as the ex-officio governing board of the
water-sewer district upon acceptance of the additions, extensions and/or improvements
required by the plat.
(2) Final approval of construction documents for a project will not be made until the board,
pursuant to the LDC requirements, has duly approved the proposed plat. Plats submitted and
approved by the board shall be in complete accordance with this ordinance. Any requests for
deviations from this ordinance shall be clearly outlined in the executive summary, with a copy
sent to the affected divisiondepartment(s). Deviations approved as part of the plat shall not be
valid unless clearly outlined in the applicant's submittal letter and a copy of such approval by the
public utilities department division administrator or designee(s) is provided. If a plat is not
required for a specific project, the engineer of record shall provide documentation confirming
such so that the county staff may determine the extent of utility easements that must be
(e) Utilities performance security and final acceptance obligations cash bond.
(1) Notwithstanding any other provision(s) in this ordinance, the developer shall be required to
furnish a final acceptance obligations cash bond to staff in the amount of $4,000.00 and a
utilities performance security ("UPS") in an amount equal to 110 percent of the engineer's
estimated probable cost of construction for potable water, non-potable irrigation water and/or
wastewater system(s) or portion(s) thereof or $10,000.00, whichever is greater. The developer
shall submit the final acceptance obligations cash bond and UPS with the final construction
documents. The UPS must be approved by the Collier County Attorney's Office prior to
commencement of utility construction. The final acceptance obligations cash bond shall be
required, but a UPS is not required for the construction phase of a project, provided
development is occurring on private, non-subdivided property, or if the UPS has been previously
provided to the county or district, pursuant to the LDC requirements. A UPS shall be required on
all projects during the guarantee or warranty period as described in this ordinance. The final
acceptance obligations cash bond is to reimburse the county or district for any and all late fees
and all direct and indirect expenses incurred by the county or district that would not have been
incurred if all duties and responsibilities had been promptly performed by the responsible party
as required by this ordinance, including, and not limited to, final attorney's affidavit, all costs of
final utility inspection(s), recording fees, one-year sewer viewer report, video, costs of mailing or
otherwise providing all notices, and emergency repairs and/or maintenance to the respective
utility system conducted by the county or district with regard to any such utility facilities. The
minimum amount of this final acceptance obligations cash bond can be changed from time to
time by summary agenda resolution(s) of the board of county commissioners. Staff may
summarily waive the UPS requirement when the utility facilities/systems are being constructed
by, or on behalf of, another governmental entity, such as, but not limited to, the Collier County
School Board, a fire district, the State of Florida or any agency thereof, or the Government of
the United States or any agency thereof.
(2) Upon preliminary conveyance of utility system(s) or portion(s) thereof to the county, the
developer may request a reduction in the UPS in an amount equal to ten percent of the
probable cost of utility construction for the required guarantee or warranty period. For
completion of system(s) or portion(s) thereof constructed on private, non-subdivided property, a
ten percent UPS shall be provided to, and accepted by, the county or district prior to preliminary
acceptance of the completed utility system(s) or portion(s) thereof. Whenever reasonably
possible, the UPS amount shall be based on the actual bid price of the potable water, non
potable irrigation water and/or wastewater systems. Whenever a bid price is utilized, a copy of
the accepted bidder's proposal form shall be submitted with the UPS. The UPS shall be held by
the county or district and shall secure and cover the performance of the developer in
construction and maintaining the subject potable water, non-potable irrigation water and/or
wastewater additions, extensions and/or improvements. Acceptable UPS forms shall be a
performance bond, cash bond, irrevocable letter of credit, or escrow agreement. The UPS must
specify that the security shall not cease unless and until the board has finally accepted the utility
system(s) that are covered by the UPS. No other form of security will be accepted unless a
waiver of the requirements herein is granted by the board. All surety companies associated with
a performance bond shall hold a current certificate of authority, as issued by the treasury
department, as an acceptable surety on federal bonds under an Act of Congress approved July
30, 1947.
(3) Attorneys-in-fact who sign a performance bond must file with the bond a certified copy of their
power of attorney certificate. The bond must either be signed, or countersigned by a Florida
registered agent. The surety shall be directly responsible to the county and the district should
the bond be utilized to complete any repairs or work on the project.
(4) The issuer of any letter of credit shall be a federally insured and regulated savings and loan
association or commercial bank, authorized to do, and doing business, in the State of Florida.
The place of expiry must be in Florida. Any letter of credit must be irrevocable for at least 24
months and must apply to both the construction and maintenance obligations of the developer
and all final utility acceptance obligations, including late fees, and must be acceptable to the
Collier County Attorney. The beneficiary of any letter of credit shall be the board. The
beneficiary of a letter of credit provided as a UPS shall be entitled to draw on the letter of credit
a. The developer has failed to construct or maintain the subject potable water, non-potable
irrigation water and/or wastewater improvements; or has failed to fully perform all final
acceptance obligations. Final acceptance obligations must be submitted to community
development & environmental services, engineering services divisiondepartment within 14
months following preliminary acceptance.
b. The letter of credit is scheduled to expire prior to final acceptance, as described in
subsection 134-60(c) herein, and alternative performance security has not been provided
and accepted in accordance with this ordinance within three business days prior to the
expiration date.
(5) A final utility inspection of the subject potable water, non-potable irrigation water and/or
wastewater system(s) or portion(s) thereof shall be conducted prior to release of a UPS. All
construction and maintenance obligations covered by a UPS shall be guaranteed and
maintained by the developer until satisfactory completion of the final utility inspection. To
schedule the final utility inspection, the county staff shall provide written notice to the engineer
of record, if practicable, approximately 30 days prior to the completion of the one-year period
from acceptance by the county, the district or the board of the system(s) or portion(s) thereof.
The representatives of the county, engineer of record, contractor, and developer shall conduct
final utility inspection.
(6) The final acceptance obligations cash bond and the UPS shall remain, at all times, in full force
and effect until the board approves final acceptance. Upon such approval, the county staff shall
return and release the UPS to the project engineer or the developer's designated agent and
shall return the then due payment balance, if any, of the final acceptance obligations cash bond,
without interest, to the entity that supplied the final acceptance obligations cash bond. The
provider of the cash bond shall be strictly responsible to promptly keep county staff advised of
sufficient mailing return information to facilitate return of the then due cash bond balance. If the
provider of the final acceptance obligations cash bond does not notify staff in writing to the
contrary, the final acceptance obligations cash bond shall run with the land if the land is sold or
otherwise transferred in the interim and in such event shall be returned to the then current
landowner(s) or, if applicable, owner's of the common areas, such as the condominium
association or developer's association. If due to default of the provider of the final acceptance
obligations cash bond, it is not possible for staff to ascertain the refundable amount of the bond
within four years of the date of delivery of that cash bond to the county and the district, the cash
bond shall be forfeited to the public utilities department division after deducting all then known
obligations payable out of that bond.
(f) Construction commencement. Potable water, non-potable irrigation water and/or wastewater system
construction shall commence only after receipt of the following:
(1) a. Final written approval of the construction documents, or
b. Preliminary work authorization (PWA) approval as outlined in the LDC.
(2) FDEP construction permits for the potable water, non-potable irrigation water and/or
wastewater systems.
(3) Any other permit that may be required for potable water, non-potable irrigation water and/or
wastewater construction, including, but not limited to SFWMD ERP, MSW, USACE dredge-fill,
NPDES and FDOT permits.
(4) Pre-construction meeting as outlined in subsection 134-59(b) herein.
(g) Construction document modification. The engineering review services divisiondepartment director
(county engineer) or designee, prior to commencement of construction, must approve all
modifications to previously approved construction documents. The engineer of record shall submit a
construction document modification including a written technical description of all modifications, any
and all applicable fees, and revised construction drawings to the county staff for written approval
prior to construction.
(Ord. No. 04-31, § 8; Ord. No. 07-60, § 3)
Sec. 134-59. - Construction observation and inspection.
(a) General.
(1) Installation of all potable water, non-potable irrigation water and/or wastewater systems or
portion(s) thereof and/or connections to existing utility systems within the county shall be
observed and inspected by qualified professional and technical personnel as deemed
necessary by the engineer of record. Construction observation and inspection is required to
ensure that the system(s) or portion(s) thereof accepted by the board have been installed in
accordance with the county staff approved construction drawings and technical specifications.
Construction observation and inspection is further necessary to ensure that the county and the
potable water, non-potable irrigation water and/or wastewater districts shall receive utility
systems or portion(s) thereof that require minimum capital expenditure for operation and
(2) Under no circumstances will the county or the district accept anything less than the following.
To assure proper laying and backfilling of utilities pipes and other underground utility facilities
that can be damaged by improper laying or backfilling, a minimum of one or a combination of
the following methods shall be utilized at the election of the entity doing the installation of the
respective facilities: (i) mechanical screening of native bedding and backfill material to a
compacted height of one foot above top of pipe, (ii) importing of select bedding and backfill
material to a compacted height of one foot above top of pipe, (iii) full-time inspection during
laying and backfilling to a compacted height of one foot above top of pipe, or (iv) certification by
a geotechnical engineer licensed to practice in the State of Florida that the native or existing
soils to be encountered during the construction of the underground utility will be suitable for use
as bedding and fill material. If full-time inspection is the chosen alternative, such inspection shall
consist of on-site inspection by a non-county-government-employee licensed professional
engineer and/or qualified inspector under the supervision of the professional engineer
performed (at no expense to the county or district for private projects) during the installation
(laying and backfilling) of all potable water, or non-potable irrigation water and/or wastewater
systems or portion(s) thereof. Record drawings shall state which method was used to assure
proper laying and backfilling of material.
(b) Pre-construction meeting. Upon county staff approval of a project's construction documents, and
prior to the commencement of construction, a pre-construction meeting shall be conducted pursuant
to the LDC. The pre-construction meeting shall be held in the offices of the county or, if deemed
appropriate, at the office of the engineer of record. Representatives of the county, the applicant(s),
the engineer of record, the utility companies, the contractor and the developer shall attend the pre-
construction meeting, unless waived by the county staff. At the pre-construction meeting, a schedule
of construction activities and copies of all applicable state and federal permits shall be provided to
the county representative(s). At least 48 hours written notice shall be provided for scheduling the
pre-construction meeting with the county staff. Should any utility construction commence prior to the
pre-construction meeting, the county staff shall have the right to require partial or full exposure of all
completed work for observation, inspection and verification that utilities were installed in accordance
with the approved construction documents and technical specifications. The owner, developer or
authorized agent shall notify the county staff in writing of which one or a combination of the following
methods will be used to assure proper laying and backfilling of utilities pipes: 1) mechanical
screening of native bedding and backfill material to a compacted height of one foot above top of
pipe, 2) importing of select bedding and backfill material to a compacted height of one foot above top
of pipe, 3) full-time inspection during pipe laying and backfilling to a compacted height of one foot
above top of pipe, or 4) certification by a geotechnical engineer licensed to practice in the State of
Florida that the native or existing soils to be encountered during the construction of the underground
utility will be suitable for use as bedding and fill material.
(c) Construction scheduling. All potable water, non-potable irrigation water and/or wastewater system
construction in right-of-way areas, including pressure testing and sewer lamping, shall be completed
in accordance with the approved construction plans and technical specifications prior to proceeding
with the stabilization of the roadway sub-grade. Installation of improvements that would complicate
corrective work on the potable water, non-potable irrigation water and/or wastewater system(s) or
portion(s) thereof, shall be considered in scheduling all adjoining and/or related phases of the
construction. The County staff shall be notified within 24 hours, with written follow-up, of any
problems and/or conflicts with the construction of the additions, extensions and/or improvements as
they affect the completion of the proposed system(s) or portion(s) thereof in accordance with the
approved construction plans and technical specifications. Failure to comply with this regulation shall
constitute just cause for the issuance of a stop work order by the county staff and the county staff
shall have the right to require partial or full exposure of any related work which has been completed,
in order to observe, inspect, and verify that the utilities were installed in accordance with the
approved construction plans and technical specifications.
(d) Construction observation and inspection.
(1) General. Pursuant to the F.A.C., Chapter 62-555.533, the construction of potable water and/or
wastewater system(s) or portion(s) thereof requires a professional engineer ("P.E.") to certify
that the construction was completed in accordance with the approved construction plans and
technical specifications. The certification must be based upon on-site observation of
construction; therefore, all potable water, non-potable irrigation water and/or wastewater
systems construction shall require on-site construction observation in compliance with the LDC
and F.A.C., Chapter 62-555.533, as may be amended hereafter. The construction observation
shall be performed by a P.E. licensed to practice in the State of Florida or a designated
technical representative under the P.E.'s direction.
The P.E.'s certification of construction compliance with county staff approved construction
documents verifies that the potable water, non-potable irrigation water and/or wastewater
systems or portion(s) thereof have been constructed in accordance with record drawings. Refer
to section 134-60: Utilities conveyance procedures.
(2) Construction inspections by county representatives.
a. Upon final written approval of construction documents by the county staff, the engineer of
record shall be provided with a list of standard inspections that require the presence of a
county representative. All required inspections shall be identified in the county's staff's
approval letter for the project. The engineer of record or applicant's contractor shall be
responsible for requesting county inspections based upon the scheduling and progress of
construction. Requests for inspections shall be provided to the county staff at least 48
hours prior to the requested inspection to allow scheduling of the county inspector. Verbal
confirmation of the inspection time or a request to reschedule the inspection shall be made
by the engineer of record. During the county inspection, the engineer of record or his/her
designated representative shall be available on-site.
b. Routine county inspections shall be performed without notice on all potable water, non-
potable irrigation water and/or wastewater systems construction to ensure compliance with
county approved construction documents. In the event the county inspector, or an
employee of the public utilities department division, during an on-site inspection, finds
construction in progress which does not comply with the procedures and policies contained
herein and/or the approved construction documents, the county inspector, or employee of
the public utilities department division shall have full authority to issue a stop work order.
Such stop work order shall remain in full force and effect with respect to the non-compliant
work until the documented discrepancies have been corrected to the full satisfaction of the
public utilities department division. Construction-related inspections, where applicable,
shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
1. Hot taps to potable water lines larger than six inches and wastewater systems lines
greater than four inches.*
2. Master meter and bypass piping.
3. Jack & bore casings.*
4. Pressure tests.*
5. Infiltration/exfiltration tests.*
6. Lift station installation, prior to cover-up and start-up.*
7. Lift station start-up.*
8. Lamping of sewer lines.*
9. Pigging and flushing of wastewater lines, force mains, potable water mains and non-
potable irrigation lines.
* Note: full bore flushing and pigging of potable water lines need only water
divisiondepartment inspection.
10. Television video taping of wastewater lines at end of construction and the warranty
period ("in-office review").
11. Conflict construction.*
12. Connections to existing potable water, non-potable irrigation water and wastewater
13. Eight inch diameter or larger casing installations.*
14. Other special requirements as specified by the county staff at the time of
construction document approval.
15. Chlorination of water lines and reflushing of line after chlorination (needs only water
divisiondepartment inspection only).*
16. Installation of temporary meters/backflows.*
17. Bacteriological sampling (needs water divisiondepartment inspection only).*
18. Hot taps to any water concrete mains, pressure tests on lines 20" and greater, and
connections to existing potable systems greater than 12" need to be inspected by the
water divisiondepartment and GMDCDES.*
19. Fire flow testing.
*An inspector on behalf of the county or other qualified employee of the county must be present
during inspections marked with an asterisk.
(c) Preliminary inspections. A preliminary inspection of the completed system(s) or portion(s) thereof
shall be required prior to any conveyance to and acceptance by the board. During this inspection, the
utilities will be checked for compliance with the approved construction drawings and/or approved
revised construction drawings. All systems must be found to be in full compliance with the county-
approved construction drawings, or county-approved revised construction drawings, prior to
conveyance to the board for acceptance. Refer to section 134-60: Utilities conveyance procedures.
(d) Final utility inspections.
(1) Final utility inspections procedures run with all land in, on or over which the respective utility
facilities have been installed (constructed). The final utility inspection shall be conducted no
earlier than one year and no later than one year and 60 days after preliminary acceptance of the
utility system(s) or portion(s) thereof by the board. Each final utility inspection shall be
delinquent (overdue) if not completed and passed within 14 months after that acceptance date.
During this inspection, the utility system(s) or portion(s) thereof shall be examined for any defect
in materials and/or workmanship, and for physical and operational compliance with the county
staff approved record drawings. The UPS shall remain in effect until all final utility acceptance
obligations have been satisfactorily completed, passed and final acceptance has been granted
by the board. Refer to section 134-60: Utilities conveyance policies and procedures.
(2) Delinquent final utility inspections. Staff shall provide written notice of overdue final utility
inspections and other failures to comply with final utility inspection requirements, including all
final utility acceptance obligations. The notice shall allow 60 days after receipt of the notice to
comply fully with all final acceptance procedures. Any utility facilities that have not passed all
final acceptance obligations not later than 60 days after receipt of the notice shall subject the
service site and all units served by the utility facilities to all penalty provisions of this ordinance,
including withholding of all additional county permits, permissions and authorizations regarding
those sites and units, including, but not limited to, site development or site improvement plans,
construction permits, and/or any amendments to any of the same. Subject to staff providing the
notice, these provisions apply to final utility inspections that were delinquent prior to the
effective date of this subsection.
(Ord. No. 04-31, § 9)
Sec. 134-60. - Utilities conveyance policies and procedures.
(a) General. All utility facilities to be conveyed to the county or district, at the time of conveyance to the
county or the district must comply with this ordinance and with all then applicable standards and
specifications. Nothing in this ordinance requires that the county or the district must accept title to or
any responsibility for any utility facility, including each interim facility or interim system, until the
facility or system has then received all proper permits/licenses from all applicable agencies prior to
and during the construction, expansion, repair and/or maintenance or completion of each such utility
facility or interim utility facility or interim system and the facility, interim facility and/or interim system,
then complies with all applicable rules and regulations of all federal, Florida and/or local regulator y
authorities or agencies, and of this ordinance, the utility standards manual and all of the documents
then incorporated by reference in that manual, and each such facility, interim facility and/or interim
system is not then under litigation, enforcement action, claims and/or liens prior to the transfer and/or
entering into a facilities agreement associated with the district or other independent district utility.
Subject to these requirements, potable water, non-potable irrigation water and/or wastewater
systems or portion(s) thereof, after public utilities department division approval (if applicable), shall
be offered to be conveyed to and accepted by the board. The board will accept title to the offered
facilities unless in the specific instance there exists good reason not to accept title to such facilities.
Preliminary acceptance shall, after public utilities department division approval (if applicable), be
granted by the growth management department community development and environmental
services division administrator or designee. Upon approval from the public utilities department
division, final acceptance of such facilities and/or system may be approved by the board (subsequent
to the one year warranty period) and after all final acceptance obligations and requirements have
been complied with. All facilities and/or systems shall be located within a CUE (or public right-of-way)
if they are to be owned, operated and/or maintained by the county or the district. Neither the county
nor the district shall have no duty with regard to, or any responsibility for, any utility facilities until title
to such utility facilities has been finally accepted by the board. Notwithstanding that neither the
county nor the district has any duty with respect to such facilities or systems, in the event that county
staff deems that due to necessity (emergency) the county or the district should expend money and/or
perform labor to repair, replace, maintain, relocate, remove or have a contractor or other entity
perform any other similar activity with regard to such utility facilities or system, the board is
authorized to record a claim of lien against the property, site(s) or units(s) that were responsible for
such utility facilities (or system) at the time the county staff deemed it necessary to act.
(1) Potable water line acceptance. The board may accept title to a potable water distribution
system provided all pipes to be accepted are six inches or greater in diameter, and may accept
title up to and including the water meter and/or backflow prevention device. All such facilities
must be located within acceptable CUE(s) conveyed to the county (refer to subsection 134-
57(g)(4) for easement width) and/or lawfully located within public right-of-way. Neither the
county nor the district shall accept title to, nor responsibility to repair or maintain, any dedicated
fire line irrespective of the size of the fire line.
(2) Gravity sewer line acceptance. The board may accept title to a gravity wastewater collection
system provided all pipes to be accepted are eight inches or greater in diameter. All such
facilities must be located within acceptable CUE(s) conveyed to the county (refer to subsection
134-57(g)(4) for easement width) and/or lawfully located within public right-of-way. The county
will accept ownership of these facilities only from a manhole or cleanout located at the property
line of the facility (project) running to the main wastewater gravity collection system. The
minimum acceptable as-built slope shall not deviate by more than ten percent below the
allowable slope.
(3) Lift station and force main acceptance. The board may accept title to a wastewater collection
system, including force mains and/or lift station(s), provided all pipes to be accepted are four
inches or greater in diameter. All such facilities must be lawfully located within acceptable
CUE(s) conveyed to the county (refer to subsection 134-57(g)(4) for easement width) and/or
lawfully located within public right-of-way.
(4) Non-potable irrigation water main acceptance.
a. The board may accept for ownership, operation and maintenance non-potable irrigation
water transmission systems with pipes six inches or greater in diameter, including the
master meter assembly, that are lawfully located within acceptable CUE(s) conveyed to the
county (refer to subsection 134-57(g)(4) for easement width), or lawfully located within
public right-of-way. The board shall not accept for ownership, operation and maintenance
any internal non-potable irrigation systems that are downstream of the master meter
b. All projects requiring irrigation shall provide a non-potable irrigation water distribution
system with Pantone Purple 522C piping. If and when the project is legally and physically
capable of being connected, such system shall be connected to the CCWSD'S system
when the CCWSD's non-potable irrigation water system is available to supply such service
the project. The project can be issued a deviation from this connection requirement if the
applicant can prove that the project is legally and/or physically incapable of being
connected to the CCWSD's non-potable irrigation water system owner(s) shall bear the
sole responsibility of all costs associated with any additions, extensions and/or
improvements necessary to allow connection to the county's (or district's) non-potable
irrigation water mains.
c. Exceptions to subsections 134-60(a)(1) through 134-60(a)(4)b. Notwithstanding
subsections 134-60(a)(1) through 134-60(a)(4)b., the county or the district may accept title
to, or responsibility with regard to such facilities if in the specific instance the public utilities
administrator or designee, for articulated reasons, determines in writing that (i) it is in the
county's or the district's special interest, (ii) all exceptions are the public interest, (iii) there
are compelling reasons for the exceptions and (iv) each exception is reasonably
necessary. Each exception to any easement requirement shall be granted only through the
application for deviations process.
(b) Conveyance documents. Upon the county's (or district's) final approval of construction documents,
engineering review services divisiondepartment director (county engineer) or designee shall provide
the developer with the county's checklist (see standards manual appendix) of conveyance
documents required for submission at the time the constructed system(s) or portion(s) thereof is
considered for dedication to county or district.
(1) All conveyance documents, including but not limited to, deeds, bills of sale, affidavits,
easements, facilities agreements, subordinations, master condominium/homeowner's
association documents, letters of credit and UPSs, shall be in a form acceptable to the Collier
County Attorney. A schedule of standard legal document forms, approved by the county
attorney, shall be utilized as a guide in the preparation of conveyance documents. (Refer to
section 134-64 of this ordinance and Appendix D of the Standards Manual.) Revisions to
standard legal document forms as provided herein shall be reviewed and approved by the
county attorney prior to submittal to the growth management department community
development and engineering services division.
(2) Each instruction in section 134-64 of this ordinance is a substantive provision of this ordinance
that must be complied with unless waived in writing by the reviewing assistant county attorney
with regard to the specific document in the specific instance, and subject to such conditions as
may be required by that attorney.
(3) All documents shall be submitted to the engineering review services divisiondepartment
director (county engineer) or designee for review and written approval prior to preliminary
acceptance of the utility system(s) or portion(s) thereof and commencement of service.
Recording of all documents shall be made by the county only after written acceptance by the
community development and environmental services administrator or designee. All documents
recorded hereafter, which do not follow this procedure, shall be returned as "unacceptable."
(4) For projects where the potable water, non-potable irrigation water and/or wastewater systems
or portion(s) thereof are not conveyed to the board, the record drawings shall contain a
disclaimer stating: "On-site potable water, non-potable irrigation water and/or wastewater
systems shall be owned, operated and maintained by the master condominium/homeowner's
association, its successors or assigns" (or other comparable private ownership). Refer to
subsection 134-60(d): Record drawings.
(5) The applicant is strictly responsible to keep staff promptly notified of current and correct mailing
addresses. Until the utility facilities being conveyed are finally accepted by the board, the
applicant shall inform county staff in writing (to the address of 2800 N. Horseshoe Dr., Naples,
FL. 34104, Attn: Engineering Services) of each and every change to the applicant's street
address, mailing address, and/or telephone number(s). Such notice to staff shall not be effective
unless receipt of such notice is acknowledged in writing by staff and such receipt is presented to
the county staff by any individual or entity asserting that such notice had been delivered to staff.
Absent such written acknowledgement of receipt of the specific notice by staff, staff is
authorized to mail or otherwise deliver letters and/or other notice(s) to the last known address of
the applicant as such address is then indicated in the respective utility conveyance documents
file for that applicant, and such mailing shall be effective notice to the applicant pursuant to this
(6) Exhibit B to the warranty deed, bill of sale or combined warranty deed/bill of sale shall be a
sketch or other graphic representation showing the physical location of the utility facilities being
conveyed to the county or district. It is preferable that the Exhibit B be to scale. Each Exhibit B
must describe the facilities being conveyed by type (water line, wastewater line, lift station, etc.).
Staff shall stamp each such Exhibit B with a stamp that reads substantially as follows (with
blank spaces completed with correct information):
"The Utility Facilities being conveyed are shown on plans prepared by ____________ , sheets
thru ____________ , dated the ____________ day of ____________ , 20 ____________ .
These Drawings have been assigned AR number ____________ ."
(c) Inspection. County staff shall require both a preliminary and final utility inspection of all potable
water, non-potable irrigation water and wastewater systems or portion(s) thereof constructed. The
construction of all potable water, non-potable irrigation water and/or wastewater systems or
portion(s) thereof shall be observed and certified by the engineer of record and shall be inspected by
the county. Refer to subsection 134-59(d): Construction observation and inspection.
(d) Record drawings.
(1) Record drawings shall accurately depict the constructed configuration of all potable water, non-
potable irrigation water and/or wastewater systems or portion(s) thereof. All revisions to county
staff approved construction drawings shall be precisely identified and illustrated on the record
drawings. All record drawings of utility systems or portion(s) thereof that are not being conveyed
to the board shall bear, on the cover sheet, a prominently displayed DISCLAIMER, in bold
lettering at least one-quarter inch high, stating: "All on-site potable water, non-potable irrigation
and/or wastewater systems shall be owned, operated and maintained by the private owner(s)
and/or the master condominium/homeowners' association, successors or assigns" (or other
comparable private ownership).
(2) Three sets of signed and sealed record drawings for the potable-water or non-potable irrigation
water OR wastewater systems to be conveyed shall be submitted to the county or district. If
potable water AND wastewater, and/or non-potable irrigation water systems or portion(s)
thereof are being conveyed, five sets of signed and sealed record drawings shall be submitted
to the county staff. Each sheet of the record drawings shall identify the entity that provided the
record data. Drawings shall be referenced to and tie-in with the state plane coordinate system,
with a Florida East Projection, and a North American Datum 1983/1990 (NAD83/90 datum), and
with United States Survey Feet (USFEET) units, as established by a registered Florida surveyor
and mapper.
(3) Record drawings and digital files shall be submitted in accordance with the requirements in the
Standards Manual.
(e) Bacterial analysis. Bacterial analyses shall be required for all new potable and raw water
transmission and distribution systems or portion(s) thereof to be constructed. Bacteriological
samples for potable and raw water system construction shall be performed prior to preliminary
acceptance of the system(s) or portion(s) thereof. All such analyses shall be performed by the water
divisiondepartment laboratory at no cost to the county or the district, with test results submitted in
writing to the engineering review services divisiondepartment director (county engineer) or designee
before 30 days of being placed in service for transmission and/or distribution lines. The public utilities
department division shall not process meter installations until bacterial tests have been satisfactorily
completed and submitted, and the department has received the FDEP placement in service approval
letter or other FDEP written approval. The developer shall be responsible for coordinating all aspects
of submission of necessary test results and/or State approvals for placement in service of the
potable water system(s) or portion(s) thereof.
(f) Final costs. The developer or engineer of record shall submit to the engineering review services
divisiondepartment director (county engineer) or designee a detailed listing of all materials utilized in
the utility system(s) construction. This schedule shall include the description of items, quantities
utilized, per unit cost and total cost for each individual item utilized in the potable water, non-potable
irrigation water and/or wastewater system construction. The total cost of all items, including labor
and installation costs, utilized for the potable water, non-potable irrigation water and/or wastewater
system shall be clearly shown on the verification of final cost schedule. A UPS of ten percent will be
calculated on the verification of final cost schedule. Costs shall be table separately for proposed
county-owned (certification of contributory assets—county) and privately-owned (certification of
private material) infrastructure(s). These cost breakdown listings will be for material costs only,
exclusive of any and all labor and/or installation costs.
(g) Test results. All test data, i.e., pressure, inflow and infiltration, etc., required for submission with the
conveyance documents shall be certified by an engineer licensed to practice in the State of Florida.
Such certification shall bear the raised seal and an original signature of the engineer. Each
certification shall contain computations illustrating the allowable limits for each test based on current
accepted test standards, as set forth in the standards manual, and the actual field test data obtained.
Leakage within potable water, non-potable irrigation water systems and/or wastewater systems shall
comply with AWWA standards as specified in the Collier County Standards Manual. Wastewater
system infiltration/exfiltration data shall conform to a standard of 50 gallons/inch of diameter/mile/day
for all types of pipe and shall be in compliance with the standards manual. Refer to subsection 134-
59(d)(2)b. for construction inspections requiring county presence. Fire flow capacity within the water
distribution system shall be verified through field-testing by the appropriate fire control district to
demonstrate that required fire flow rates are available. Fire flow testing shall be performed during
peak flow pressure conditions as determined by the utility.
(h) Lift station submittals. A copy of the manufacturer's startup report for each facility shall be provided
with conveyance documents. Included with this report shall be a written verification from the
electrical contractor for the lift station verifying the wire type and size for the electric service and
certifying that the voltage drop across the service under full load startup will not exceed five percent
of the power company's line voltage at the transformer supplying the station. All tools, such as
access cover lock handles, valve wrenches, keys or panel locks, required for the ready access and
use of the facilities shall also be submitted to the engineering review services divisiondepartment
director (county engineer) or designee with the documents.
(i) Recordation fees. The developer of a project will be responsible for the payment of all recordation
fees associated with the utilities conveyance procedures. The developer shall remit the total amount
of the recording fee associated with recording the conveyance documents to the engineering review
services divisiondepartment director (county engineer) or designee prior to the final acceptance of
the potable water, non-potable irrigation water and/or wastewater system(s) or portion(s) thereof.
(j) Reapplication fees. If more than two submittals of any conveyance document(s) is required because
all insufficiencies specified in writing by the county attorney in any prior submittal are not fully
corrected by the second submittal, the applicant shall pay a $500.00 re-submittal fee prior to a third
review of any document by staff. This fee can be reduced or waived by the county attorney for good
cause in the specific case.
(k) Failure to meet deadlines. In addition to all other provisions of this ordinance, the applicable
individual or entity is strictly responsible to meet each and every specified deadline. Failure to meet
any deadline shall automatically result in imposition of a $100.00 per day late fee against the
defaulting individual or entity for each day that the respective deadline is not met. The deadline is not
met unless the respective document is actually delivered to staff by the end of the day of the
applicable deadline date. Staff is also authorized to withhold any and all other permits, authorizations
and/or permissions with regard to the property, or site(s) or unit(s) served (or to be served) by the
respective utility facilities until the deadline obligation is complied with and the aforesaid late fees
have been paid in full. Subject to staff attempting to provide at least 60 days prior written notice to an
applicable individual or entity then associated with the respective deadline defaulting property, site(s)
or unit(s) being served with utility service by the county or the district by means of the utility facilities,
and unless waived for good cause by staff in the specific instance upon written request for the delay
filed by the defaulting individual or entity (or representative), failure to file any overdue required
document on or before its respective deadline date shall automatically impose the $100.00 per day
late fee and authorize staff to delay or terminate utility service to the respective delay defaulting
property, site(s) or unit(s) to be served, or being served, by the respective utility facilities. This 60-
day prior notice provision applies retroactively to any and all overdue required document or item,
including, but not necessarily limited to, all final acceptance obligations that before the effective date
of this ordinance had not been filed by the applicable deadline date.
(Ord. No. 04-31, § 10; Ord. No. 2006-48, § 1; Ord. No. 07-60, § 4)
Sec. 134-61. - Amendments.
County staff may recommend amendments to this article (including the manual and documents
incorporated by reference into the manual) as may be deemed necessary or appropriate by the public
utilities administrator and, in case of actual or possible conflict with the LDC, upon the additional prior
review by the growth management community development and environmental services administrator (it
being understood that as a matter of law this article cannot conflict with the LDC and the LDC controls to
the extent of such conflicts). Revisions to the standards manual should be made periodically by the public
utilities administrator to reflect the best engineering practices, technology advances, compliance with
other agencies, and public input, if any. Such revisions shall also be reviewed by the parties listed above.
Revisions to the standards manual must be approved by Resolution of the board of county
commissioners. Each such resolution must be placed on the BCC agenda under scheduled public
hearings or in the summary agenda section.
(Ord. No. 04-31, § 11; Ord. No. 07-60, § 5)
Sec. 134-62. - Penalties and enforcement.
Violations of the manual and/or each document incorporated by reference into the manual are
violations of this ordinance. Section 1-6 of the Collier County Code of Ordinances applies to this
ordinance, to the manual and to documents incorporated by reference into the manual. In addition, any
person who violates any section or provision of this ordinance, and/or the Collier County Utilities
Standards Manual and/or documents incorporated by reference into the manual is also subject to be
prosecuted and punished as provided by F.S. § 125.69. Each day the violation continues may constitute a
separate offense at the discretion of the enforcement forum. The board may bring suit in the county court
or circuit court in and for Collier County for damages, to restrain, enjoin or otherwise prevent or to correct
each such violation of this article, the manual and/or each document incorporated by reference into the
manual. This ordinance, the manual and documents incorporated by reference into the manual may be
enforced by Collier County Code Enforcement Boards.
(Ord. No. 04-31, § 12)
Sec. 134-63. - Effective date.
This ordinance shall become effective upon being filed with the department of state. Subsections
134-59(a) and (b) shall have a delayed effective date of July 1, 2004.
(Ord. No. 04-31, § 16)
Sec. 134-64. - Appendix A—Standard legal documents.
Nothing in this Ordinance shall require the County or the District to accept title to, or any
responsibility for, any facility until the facility has then received all proper permits/licenses from all
applicable agencies prior to and during the construction, expansion, repair and/or maintenance or
completion of each such facility and the facility then complies with all applicable rules and regulations of
all Federal, Florida and local regulatory authorities or agencies, and of this Ordinance, and each such
facility is not then under litigation, enforcement action, claims and/or liens prior to the conveyance of title.
[Unless waived in writing by the reviewing Assistant County Attorney in the specific instance, the date of
each document cannot be signed and dated more than sixty (60) days prior to the meeting at which the
Board of County Commissioners will consider its acceptance of the subject utility facility documents.]
The following forms are to be used as a guide for preparers of instruments that shall be submitted to the
Board for proposed acceptance of potable water, non-potable irrigation water and/or wastewater utility
system(s) or portion(s) thereof. Adherence to the forms and instructions contained below will assure an
expeditious review by the Collier County Attorney's Office, which in turn will speed the process of utility
system(s) or portion(s) thereof acceptance by the Board. Deviation in substance or form from the
specimen forms herein may result in substantial delay or disapproval of the utility system acceptance
documents by the County Attorney's Office. Examples of previously approved forms are available from
staff upon request.
INSTRUCTION NO. 1. Each specimen form is prepared in a manner that indicates to the preparer the
location and the type of information that needs to be inserted. This is indicated by [brackets which contain
instructions]. Most bracketed information is self-explanatory. Where an in-depth instruction of the type of
information to be inserted is appropriate, the bracketed information gives a brief explanation followed by a
reference to an instruction. That instruction reference correlates to the following instructions.
INSTRUCTION NO. 2. Name of grantor/mortgagee/developer/lessee/owner/surety/issuer/applicant
(hereinafter collectively referred to for the purposes of this instruction as "grantor"). If grantor is an
individual, insert the grantor's name followed by the grantor's marital status. If the grantor is married, the
grantor's spouse must join in any conveyance instrument. As an alternative to having a grantor's spouse
join in a conveyance instrument, if applicable, a paragraph can be added below the reference to Exhibit
"A" which states: "The subject lands are not homestead lands."
If the grantor is a corporate entity, show the correct name of the corporation and identify the state or other
jurisdiction in which it is incorporated.
If the grantor is a partnership entity, show correct name of the partnership, identify whether the
partnership is a general or limited partnership, and identify the state or other jurisdiction under which the
partnership was created and presently operates.
If the grantor is a trust insert the trustees name, as trustee. If appropriate (Section 689.071, Florida
Statutes), identify the trust and recite the authority of the trustee to convey. Your attention is directed to
Chapter 689, Florida Statutes.
INSTRUCTION NO. 3. Witness and signature block. All instruments, unless otherwise noted thereon,
require two (2) witnesses. Example witness and signature blocks are as follows:
Execution by an individual:
Execution by an individual:
S/ _____
An individual
First Witness—Signature
First Witness—Print or Type Name
Second Witness—Signature
Witness—Print or Type Name
Execution by a Corporation :
XYZ Corporation, Inc., a Florida Corporation
By: _____ (L.S.)
Name, [President] or [Vice-President] Note: (L.S.) is effective as the Corporate Seal.
First Witness—Signature
First Witness—Print or Type Name
Second Witness—Signature
Second Witness—Print or Type Name
INSTRUCTION: In lieu of using two individual witnesses, a corporation may execute these instruments by
having the President's or the Vice-President's signature witnessed by the Corporation's Secretary (a
Corporate Officer) and by affixing the Corporation's seal. Sections 692.01 and 692.02, Florida Statutes. A
hand written or imprinted scrawl, scroll or seal, affixed as the corporate seal below the corporate
officer's signature is an effective seal. Section 695.07, Florida Statutes.
XYZ Corporation, Inc., a Florida Corporation
By: _____
Name, Title
(Corporate Seal)
[The corporate seal can either be by simply typing the words "Corporate seal" OR by printing or
stamping the words "Corporate seal" on the page under the President's or a Vice-President's signature.
By: _____
John R. Smith, Corporate Secretary*
* The Corporate Secretary is effectively the same as two individual witnesses.
Execution by a partnership with an individual acting as its general partner:
ABC Partnership
By: _____
[Name], as the General Partner
Execution by a partnership with an entity acting as its general partner:
ABC, a Florida Partnership
By XYZ Corporation, Inc., a corporate General Partner acting on behalf of the Partnership
By: s/ _____
Name, President [or Vice-President]
First Witness—Signature
First Witness—Print or Type Name
Second Witness Signature
Witness—Print or Type Name
Execution by Section 689.070, Florida Statutes, Trustee:
S/ _____
[Name], as Trustee
First Witness—Signature
First Witness—Print or Type Name
Second Witness—Signature
Witness—Print or Type Name
Execution by Section 689.071, Florida Statutes, Trustee:
By: _____
Name, as Trustee of the above referenced Trust
First Witness—Signature
First Witness—Print or Type Name
Second Witness—Signature
Second Witness—Print or Type Name
acknowledgment and notary block are sufficient.
For execution by one individual:
State of ____________
County of ____________
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ____________ day of ____________ , 20
____________ , by ____________ who is personally known ____________ OR who produced
identification ____________ . Type of identification produced: ____________ .
(Affix notary seal)
Notary Public
Notary [Typed of Printed Name (or stamp)]
My Commission Expires: ____________
For Execution by a Corporation:
State of ____________
County of ____________
The foregoing document was acknowledged before me by [insert the name of person signing], [corporate
title must be either President, Vice President or Chief Executive Officer [unless an appropriate corporate
resolution is attached and which specifically authorizes the respective execution by some other corporate
officer] of [insert the name of the corporation], a [insert the State of incorporation] corporation, on behalf
of the corporation, who is personally known ____________ OR who produced identification. Type of
identification produced: ____________ .
WITNESS my hand and official said this ____________ day of ____________ , 20 ____________ .
Notary Public
(Affix notary seal or stamp)
My Commission Expires:
Notary's Typed or Printed Name [if not in Notary stamp]
For execution by a partnership general partner who is an individual:
STATE OF ____________
COUNTY OF ____________
The foregoing document was acknowledged before me by [name of individual who signed], general
partner, on behalf of the partnership, a [insert name of state or jurisdiction under whose laws the
partnership was formed and operates][identify the type of partnership] partnership. Personally known
____________ OR who Produced identification ____________ . Type of identification produced
____________ .
WITNESS my hand and official seal this ____________ day of ____________ , 20 ____________ .
Notary Public
Notary Printed Name
My Commission Expires: ____________
For execution by a partnership whose general partner is an entity:
STATE OF ____________
COUNTY OF ____________
The foregoing document was acknowledged before me by [name of person signing], [corporate title, must
be either President, Vice President or Chief Executive Officer] [unless an appropriate corporate resolution
is attached which specifically authorizes execution by some other corporate officer] of [exact name of
corporation], a [State of incorporation], as the corporate entity general partner, on behalf of [insert exact
name of partnership], a [insert name of state or jurisdiction under whose laws the partnership was formed
and presently operates][identify type of partnership]. Personally known ____________ or Produced
identification ____________ . Type of identification produced ____________ .
WITNESS my hand and official seal this ____________ day of ____________ , 20 ____________ .
Notary Public
(Affix notary seal)
Notary Printed Name
My Commission Expires:
For an execution by a Section 689.070, Florida Statutes, Trustee:
STATE OF ____________
COUNTY OF ____________
The foregoing document was acknowledged before me by [insert exact name of person signing],
individually, and as Trustee. Personally known ____________ OR Produced identification ____________
. Type of identification produced ____________ .
WITNESS my hand and official seal this ____________ day of ____________ , 20 ____________ .
Notary Public
(Affix notary seal)
Notary Printed Name
My Commission Expires:
For an execution by an individual as a Section 689.071, Florida Statutes, Trustee:
STATE OF ____________
COUNTY OF ____________
The foregoing document was acknowledged before me by [insert exact name of person signing], as
Trustee on behalf of the above-referenced Trust. Personally known ____________ OR Produced
identification ____________ . Type of identification produced ____________ .
WITNESS my hand and official seal this ____________ day of ____________ , 20 ____________ .
Notary Public
(Affix notary seal)
Notary Printed or Typed Name
My Commission Expires:
For execution by a corporation as a Section 689.071, Florida Statutes, Trustee:
STATE OF ____________
COUNTY OF ____________
The foregoing document was acknowledged before me by [name of person signing who must be either
the President, a Vice President or the Chief Executive Officer, OR an appropriate corporate resolution
must be attached to prove that the person signing is authorized to sign on behalf of the corporation as
Trustee of the above referenced Trust. Personally known ____________ or Produced identification
____________ . Type of identification produced ____________ .
WITNESS my hand and official seal this ____________ day of ____________ , 20 ____________ .
Notary Public
(Affix notary seal)
Notary Printed or Typed Name
My Commission Expires:
INSTRUCTION NO. 5. Exhibits attached to all instruments shall describe the real property that
encompasses the subject utility facilities, system(s) and/or easement(s). Language on the legal
description Exhibit that alters or qualifies the instrument to which it is attached is unacceptable. If the
informational text of an Exhibit is not extensive (i.e., a short legal description or there are no security
interests) such text can simply added in the body of the document in lieu of an Exhibit.
INSTRUCTION NO. 6. For the purposes of simplicity and brevity, references in this Appendix and this
Ordinance to the Collier County Water-Sewer District shall also be construed to refer to the Goodland
Sub-District, where appropriate and, as the context requires. Prepares of legal documents are cautioned
to determine to which District their documents should run before preparing and submitting documents.
INSTRUCTION NO. 7. Notarization of an oath. The proper notarization of an oath (or affirmation) is as
follows: "SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ____________ day of ____________ , 20
____________ ." An acknowledgment is not acceptable for an affidavit (See Subsection 117.05(13),
Florida Statutes). The Affiant must both swear to the document in the presence of the Notary and must
sign the Affidavit in the presence of the Notary.
INSTRUCTION NO. 8. This Appendix is provided as a guide for preparers and is not intended to be all-
inclusive. All documents shall be reviewed on an individual basis. If the preparer is unsure of the required
form or content of any document, he or she should seek professional advice and/or assistance prior to
preparing and submitting such form or document for acceptance.
Form 1 - Rev. 2004 ( Interim Facilities/System Agreement )
*[Identify type of facility by inserting Potable Water Facilities, and/or Wastewater Facilities, and/or other
Utility Facility (as applicable) in the TITLE of this instrument]
THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this ____________ day of ____________ , 20
____________ , by and between
[Name of developer - Refer to Instruction No. 2]
(Hereinafter referred to as "Developer"), and THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF
referred to as "County"). Developer is used as singular or plural, as the context requires.
WHEREAS, for the purposes of this Agreement the term "Developer" shall include the Developer, the
Developer's heirs, successors, and assigns, including, but not limited to, any wholly owned or controlled
subsidiary entity; and
WHEREAS, the Developer is the Owner of the [insert name of project shown on referenced construction
plans] development, (hereinafter "Project") and has submitted construction plans for an interim [identify
type of treatment facility by inserting potable water or wastewater] treatment facility (hereinafter "interim
treatment facility") to the County for review and approval; and
WHEREAS, the Developer acknowledges and agrees that the Developer desires to provide on-site
interim utility systems to service the Project until such time as the utility systems within the Project may be
connected to the off-site utility systems operated by the County or District and the County systems have
adequate capacity to service the Project; and
WHEREAS, Collier County land development regulations require, and Developer covenants and agrees,
that the Developer shall connect any interim utility system serving that Project to the off-site utility system
owned and operated by the County when the County's system has been extended to within two hundred
(200) feet of the Project's boundary and the County has determined that the off-site utility system has
adequate capacity to service the entire Project; and
WHEREAS, the extension of the off-site utility system owned and operated by the County to within two
hundred (200) feet of the boundary of the Project shall be not required of the County as performance
under this Agreement; and
WHEREAS, all parties to this Agreement acknowledge and agree that the decision as to whether or not
any off-site utility system owned and operated by the County has the capacity to service the Project shall
be made solely by the County; and
WHEREAS, the Developer acknowledges its obligation to dedicate all facilities, including all appropriate
collection, distribution and transmission systems or portion(s) thereof and appropriate easements to the
County prior to interconnection of the facilities/system to County or District's system; and
WHEREAS, the Developer, or other successor entity satisfactory to the County, will maintain and operate
the interim facility and the associated on-site collection, distribution and transmission system(s) as set
forth herein below; and
WHEREAS, the developer has previously accepted the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement
as part of the County's review and approval of the Developer's land use petitions.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants hereinafter contained the parties agree as follows:
1. RECITALS INCORPORATED. The above Recitals are true and correct and shall be
incorporated herein.
2. INTERIM FACILITY. The appropriate on-site treatment facilities, and collection, distribution and
transmission systems are to be constructed as a part of the proposed Project and shall be an
interim system; all utility systems or portion(s) thereof shall be constructed in compliance with all
applicable State, Federal and local standards, the Collier County Land Development Code
(LDC), this Ordinance, as well as the Utilities Standards Manual, and are to be owned, operated
and maintained by the Developer, or other successor entity satisfactory to the County, until such
time as the County's off-site utility systems are available to service the project. The interim
system shall supply services to this Project only or, subject to the County's approval, other
adjacent or near-by lands owned by the Developer. The interim system may not provide service
outside the Project without the expressed written consent of the Collier County Water-Sewer
District and only to the extent of such written consent.
County's off-site utility systems the Developer shall abandon, dismantle and remove from the
site the interim treatment facility. All costs related to this activity shall be borne solely by the
developer and performed in accordance with FDEP standards.
COST TO COUNTY. The Developer shall, at no cost to the COUNTY, make connection to the
County's off-site utility system(s) within ninety (90) days of notification that such systems have
become available. Costs of connection shall include, whenever the County requires, but not be
limited to, engineering design, preparation of construction documents, permitting, modification
or retrofitting of existing pumping facilities, construction of new pumping facilities,
interconnection with County off-site utility systems, any transmission, distribution or collection
lines necessary to make the connection and any required environmental audits, including the
expense of bringing the subject system(s) or portion(s) thereof into compliance as well as any
and all costs for clean-up, removal or remediation.
County's off-site system(s) becomes available for connection of the Project, all utility facilities
required by the County in order to make such connection shall be conveyed to the County in
accordance with County Ordinances, rules and regulations then in effect, together with all utility
easements required by the County. All construction plans and technical specifications related to
the connection to the County's off-site utility systems shall be submitted to the County for review
and approval prior to commencement of construction. The COUNTY, at its option, may require
conveyance of facilities internal to the project.
6. CUSTOMER TURNOVER. All customers served on an interim basis by the utility system
constructed by the Developer shall become customers of the County at such time as the
County's off-site potable water, non-potable irrigation water, and/or wastewater systems
become available to serve the Project and such connection is made. Prior to connection of the
interim utility system serving the Project to the County's off-site utility systems, the Developer
shall submit to the County a complete listing of customers served by the interim utility system,
and shall not compete in any way with the County for the service of those customers. The
Developer shall also provide the County with a detailed inventory of the facilities served within
the Project, and cooperate fully in the expeditious transfer of any billing procedures.
Developer shall be responsible for payment of all applicable system development charges in
accordance with Ordinance 2001-13, Section 74-303 D: Payment, as then amended or
superseded. This requirement shall be made known to all prospective buyers of properties for
which building permits will be required, and supplied in writing upon closing of such properties.
8. BINDING EFFECT. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties, their successors and
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date and year first above
[Developer's witness and signature block - see Instruction No. 3]
Name of Clerk
By _____
Deputy Clerk
BY: _____
_____ , Chairman
Approved as to form
and legal sufficiency
By: _____
Assistant County
[Developer's acknowledgment and notary block see Instruction No. 4]
Form 2 - Rev. 2004 ( Utilities Performance Bond )
[Insert name of Owner - See Instruction No. 2]
[Insert current business address of Owner]
(hereinafter referred to as "Owner", and
[Insert name of Surety - See Instruction No. 2]
[Insert current business address of Surety]
(hereinafter referred to as "Surety"), are held and firmly bound unto Collier County, Florida, (hereinafter
called "County"), in the total aggregate penal sum of [insert written dollar amount] Dollars ($[insert
numeric dollar amount]) in lawful money of the United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly
to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, jointly and
severally, firmly by these presents. Owner and Surety are used for singular or plural, as the context
THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION is such that whereas, the Owner entered into a certain Utilities
System Construction Contract, dated the ____________ day of ____________ , 20 ____________ , a
copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof; and
WHEREAS the County has a material interest in the performance of said Contract; and
WHEREAS the County has adopted Ordinances and Resolutions (hereinafter "Land Development
Regulations") concerning the Owner's obligations to the County regarding the construction, conveyance
and warranty of potable water, non-potable irrigation water and/or wastewater system(s) or portion(s)
thereof constructed within the unincorporated area of Collier County;
NOW, THEREFORE, if the Owner shall well, truly and faithfully perform its obligations and duties to the
County under said Land Development Regulations and all the undertakings, covenants, terms, conditions,
and agreements of said contract during the original term thereof, and any extensions thereof which may
be granted by the Owner, with or without notice to the Surety and during the guaranty period established
by the County, and thereafter, and if the Owner shall satisfy all claims and demands incurred under such
contract, and shall fully indemnify and save harmless the County from all costs and damages which it may
suffer by reason of failure to do so, and shall reimburse and repay the County all outlay and expense
which the County may incur in making good any default, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise to
remain in full force and effect.
PROVIDED, FURTHER, that the said Surety, for value received hereby, stipulates and agrees that no
change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the contract or to work to be performed
thereunder, or the specifications accompanying same shall in any way affect its obligation on this Bond,
and does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of
the contract or to the work or to the specifications.
PROVIDED, FURTHER, that it is expressly agreed that the bond shall be deemed amended automatically
and immediately, without formal and separate amendments hereto, upon amendment to the Contract not
increasing the contract price more than twenty percent (20%), so as to bind the Owner and the Surety to
the full and faithful performance of the contract as so amended. The term "Amendment", wherever used
in this bond, and whether referring to this bond, the Contract or other documents shall include any
alteration, addition or modification of any character whatsoever.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Instrument to be executed this
____________ day of ____________ , 20 ____________ .
[Owner's witness and signature block - see Instruction No. 3]
NOTE: Collier County shall not accept any Letters of Credit that cannot be presented in Florida.
[Surety's witness and signature block - see Instruction No. 3]
[Notary and acknowledgment blocks for both Owner and Surety required - See Instruction No. 4]
Prepared by: [name of person preparing this instrument]
[Address of person preparing this instrument]
Form 3 - Rev. 2004 - ( Letter of Credit )
[Insert issuer's identifying number]
ISSUER: [insert full name and street address of Issuer] (hereinafter "Issuer").
PLACE AND DATE OF ISSUE: [insert address where credit is issued and date of issue].
PLACE OF EXPIRY: At Issuer's counters located at ____________ . [Must be in Florida]
DATE OF EXPIRY: This Credit shall be valid until [insert date of second anniversary of date of issue], and
shall thereafter be automatically renewed for successive one-year periods on the anniversary of its issue
unless at least sixty (60) days prior to any such anniversary date, the Issuer notifies the Beneficiar y in
writing to staff (at Engineering Review Services, 2800 N. Horseshoe Dr., Naples FL 34104) by registered
mail that the Issuer elects not to so renew this Credit.
APPLICANT: [insert full name of person or entity - see Instruction No. 2] (hereinafter "Applicant") [insert
Applicant's current business address].
BENEFICIARY: The Board of County Commissioners, Collier County, Florida (hereinafter "Beneficiary")
Collier County Courthouse Complex, Naples, Florida, 34112.
AMOUNT: $ [insert dollar amount] (U.S.) up to an aggregate thereof.
BY: Payment against documents detailed herein and Beneficiary's drafts at sight drawn on the Issuer.
has failed to construct and/or maintain the [identify type of improvements by potable water, non-potable
irrigation water, or wastewater or potable water and wastewater and/or non-potable irrigation water]
additions, extensions and/or improvements as shown on the plans for [insert exact name or title of project
shown on construction plans], or prior to the date of expiry the applicant failed to complete the required
final acceptance procedures as required by the Collier County Utilities Standards and Procedures
Ordinance, and the Applicant failed to provide the County with satisfactory alternative performance
security as required by that Ordinance."
name of Issuer], Credit No. [insert Issuer's number identifying this letter of credit], dated [insert original
date of issue]". The original letter of credit and all amendments, if any, must be presented for proper
This Letter of Credit sets forth in full the terms of the Issuer's undertaking, and such undertaking shall not
in any way be modified, amended, or amplified by reference to any documents, instrument, or agreement
referenced to herein or in which this letter of credit relates, and any such reference shall not be deemed
to incorporate herein by reference any document, instrument or agreement.
Issuer hereby engages with Beneficiary that draft(s) drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this
credit will be duly honored by Issuer if presented within the validity of this credit.
This credit is subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits [1993 (or later
generally applicable) Revision] International Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 500 [or later
Publication No.].
[Name of Issuer]
By: ____________
[Insert title of corporate officer - must be signed President, Vice President, or Chief Executive Officer]
[NOTE: Collier County shall not accept any Letters of Credit that cannot be presented at Place of Expiry
in Florida.]
Form 4 - Rev. 2004 (Utilities Facilities and/or Utilities Easement(s) Subordination)
[Leave 3" space blank space in upper right hand corner for recording purposes]
THIS SUBORDINATION is dated this ____________ day of ____________ , 20 ____________ , by
[Insert the complete and correct name of the Secured Party - see Instruction No. 2]
(Hereinafter referred to as the "Secured Party"), in favor of the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS
successors and assigns, (hereinafter referred to as "County"). Secured Party as used herein includes
singular or plural, as the context allows.
WHEREAS, the purpose of this Subordination is to subordinate the Secured Party's Security Interests
that encumber good, marketable title to the Encumbered Utility Facilities and/or the related Utility
Easement(s) being conveyed to Collier County, which Utility Facilities are located over, on and/or under
the underlying real property that is encumbered by security interests in favor of the Secured Party as
specified in the below-listed security instruments); and
WHEREAS, the Secured Party is the owner and holder of a ____________ [Mortgage or Assignment of
Rents and Profits, UCC-1*, etc.], recorded in Official Records Book ____________ , Page ____________
, et seq., Public Records of Collier County, Florida, [ and if applicable ], as amended by a ____________ ,
recorded at O.R. Book, Page ____________ et seq., Public Records of Collier County, Florida.; and
[NOTE: *UCC-1s are usually subordinated by UCC-3s. If a UCC-1 or UCC-3 is recorded outside of Collier
County, insert the Book, Page and place (usually Tallahassee) of the recordation of each such UCC-1 or
WHEREAS, the Secured Party is also the owner and holder of a ____________ , recorded at O.R. Book,
Page ____________ , et seq., Public Records of Collier County, Florida, as amended by a
____________ recorded at O.R. Book, Page ____________ et. seq., Public Records of Collier County,
Florida; and
WHEREAS, each above-referenced Security Instrument grants to this Secured Party a security interest
that encumbers good and marketable title to the Encumbered Utility Facilities being conveyed to Collier
County, and/or encumbers the related Utility Easement(s), if any, also being conveyed to Collier County,
which Utility Facilities have been constructed within such easement(s) and are under, on and/or over the
underlying real property; and
WHEREAS, prerequisite to the conveyance of the Utility Facilities and/or related Utility Easements, if any,
being conveyed to the County, Collier County requires that this Secured Party must subordinate only its
Security Interests in (i) the Encumbered Utility Facilities being conveyed to the County and (ii) each
related Utility Easement(s), if any, being conveyed to the County; and the Secured Party is hereby
complying with said request for these subordination(s).
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable
consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged by the Secured Party, the Secured Party
hereby subordinates its security interests in the Encumbered Utility Facilities being conveyed to Collier
County, and/or to each Utility Easement(s), if any, being conveyed to the County, which encumbered
Utility Facilities are located over, on and/under the described underlying real property. Except as
expressly subordinated herein, the Secured interests of the Secured Party remain in full force and effect.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Secured Party has caused this Subordination to be executed the date and
year first above written.
[Insert correct witness and signature block - see Instruction No. 3]
[Acknowledgment and notary block - see Instruction No. 4]
Prepared by: [Insert name and street address of the individual who prepared this Subordination]
[NOTE: Upon request, County staff will provide examples of properly executed Subordinations].
Form 5 - Rev. 2004 - (Attorney's Affidavit)
STATE OF [Name of State]
COUNTY OF [Name of County]
BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this ____________ day of ____________ , 20
____________ , personally appeared ____________ , who is to me well known, and having been sworn
upon oath, deposes and states:
1. My name is ____________ , I am over the age of twenty-one (21) years, am otherwise sui juris,
and have personal knowledge of the facts asserted herein.
2. I am a licensed attorney, Florida Bar # ____________ , authorized to practice law in Florida and
am currently practicing law in the State of Florida. My business address is ____________ . My
business telephone number is ____________ . My business mailing address is ____________ .
3. This Affidavit is given as an inducement to the Board of County Commissioners of Collier
County, Florida, as the governing body of Collier County and as the Ex-Officio Governing Board
of the Collier County Water-Sewer District to accept the dedication or conveyance of [identify
type of utility facility by inserting potable water, non-potable irrigation water, or wastewater, or
potable water and wastewater, and/or non-potable irrigation water] utility system(s) or portion(s)
thereof located within or upon the real property described in the attached Exhibit "A", which is
incorporated herein by reference, said land being located in Collier County, Florida.
4. The Affiant has examined record title information to the underlying real property and the utility
facilities being conveyed to the County referenced in this affidavit, including but not limited to,
information requested from the Florida Secretary of State relative to any Uniform Commercial
Code financing statements.
5. The record owner of the underlying real property described herein is [give full legal name of
owner as it appears in title information; if owner is an entity, make reference to the laws of the
state or jurisdiction under which entity was created and presently operates] (hereinafter
"Owner"). The Owner acquired record title to the subject real property by instrument recorded at
Official Records Book ____________ , at Page ____________ [insert official record book and
first page of instrument where owner acquired title], Public Records, Collier County, Florida.
[INSTRUCTION: If the record owner is an entity, the Affiant must indicate that he has examined corporate
or partnership information obtained from the jurisdiction under which the entity was created and presently
operates, that the entity is current and active within said State or jurisdiction, that the entity is currently
authorized to do business in the State of Florida, and identify the exact name and title of the persons
authorized to execute the instruments on behalf of that entity in conjunction with the conveyance of the
subject real and personal property. Pursuant to Section 689.071, Florida Statutes, IF the record owner is
a trustee, the Affiant shall state that the Trustee has full power and authority to execute instruments of
conveyance on behalf of the Trust and, if applicable, incorporate by reference and attach supporting
documentation.] [If the record owner is an individual, the Affiant must state the marital status represented
to the Affiant by the individual and, if married, state whether the real property is or is not homestead
property. If the utility facilities being conveyed are located wholly within public right-of-way, the Affidavit
should state that fact.]
6. Title to the subject utility system(s) or portion(s) thereof and/or easement(s), if any, being
conveyed to the County is not encumbered of record.
Title to the utility system(s) or portion(s) thereof and/or easement(s) being conveyed to the
County is encumbered by the following instruments of record:
1. [describe recorded instrument that imposes security interest against title to the
facilities] to [list name of the mortgagee(s)] ____________ , dated ____________ ,
____________ , and recorded at O.R. Book ____________ , Page ____________ et
seq., Public Records of Collier County.
2. UCC-1, recorded at O.R. Book ____________ , Page ____________ , Public Records
of Collier County.
[INSTRUCTION: The Affiant must list each mortgage, assignment of rents and profits, UCC-1(s) or other
security instrument that impress a security interest that could negatively affect conveyance of good title to
the utility system(s) or portion(s) thereof and/or easement(s), if any, being conveyed to the County. If
marketable title to the utility system(s) or portion(s) thereof and/or any easement(s) being conveyed is
encumbered by any such recorded instrument, the Affiant shall describe the respective security
instrument, including the book and first page where the security instrument has been recorded. It is not
necessary to attach a copy of any such document to the Affidavit. This Affidavit must list each security
interest that is listed in the Owner's Affidavit, and each such security interest must be subordinated. Do
not list a Notice of Commencement or Reservation of Mineral Rights, etc., because such instruments do
not negatively affect marketable title to the utility system(s) or portion(s) thereof and/or easement(s) being
conveyed to the County. If all of the utility facilities being conveyed to the County are located in public
right-of-way, do not list mortgages, etc., if they do not encumber after acquired property that is located in
public right-of-way. Claims asserted under Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, must be "transferred to security"
pursuant to Section 713.24, Florida Statutes, or other adequate security acceptable to the County
Attorney must be provided to the County before the County will grant preliminary acceptance of title to
such facilities.
7. Affiant further states that the information contained in this Affidavit is true, correct and current as
of the date this Affidavit is given.
[INSTRUCTION: Unless the time period is extended by staff for good cause in the specific instance, per
Ordinance, the date of this Affidavit should not be dated earlier than sixty (60) days prior to the submittal
of legal documents pertaining to Utility Conveyance to Collier County, Engineering Services to consider
preliminary acceptance of the subject utility system(s) or portion(s) thereof documents.]
DATED this ____________ day of ____________ , 20 ____________ .
Attorney/Affiant Signature
Attorney/Affiant Name
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ____________ day of ____________ , 20 ____________
, by (Insert name of Attorney/Affiant), who is personally known to me as ____________ OR who
produced identification ____________ .
Type of Identification Produced ____________ .
Notary Public
My Commission Expires:
Printed, Typed or Stamped Name of Notary
Prepared by: [name of person preparing this Affidavit]
[Address of person preparing this Affidavit]
Form 6 - Rev. 2004 (Owners Affidavit)
STATE OF [name of State]
COUNTY OF [name of County]
BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally appeared ____________ , who to me is well known,
and having been duly sworn and under oath, deposes and states:
1. My name is ____________ , I am over the age of twenty-one (21) years, am sui juris, and have
personal knowledge of the facts asserted herein.
2. I am the owner of said real property located at ____________ , and described on Exhibit A,
which shows the location of the subject utility facilities being conveyed.
3. All persons, firms, and corporations, including the general contractor, all laborers,
subcontractors and sub-subcontractors, materialmen and suppliers who have furnished
services, labor or materials according to plans and specifications, or extra items, used in the
construction, installation and/or repair of [identify type of utility facility by inserting potable water,
non-potable irrigation water, or wastewater, or potable water and wastewater and/or non-
potable irrigation water] utility system(s) or portion(s) thereof on the real estate hereinafter
described, have been paid in full and that such work has been fully completed and
unconditionally accepted by the current owner of such facilities.
4. No claims have been made to the owner, nor is any suit now pending on behalf of any
contractor, subcontractor, sub-subcontractor, supplier, laborer or material-men, and no chattel
mortgages or conditional bills of sale have been given or are now outstanding as to the subject
utility system(s) or portion(s) thereof placed upon or installed in or on the aforesaid premises.
5. Title to the subject utility system(s) or portion(s) thereof and/or easement(s), if any, being
conveyed to the County is not encumbered by any recorded mortgage, recorded assignment of
rents or profits, by any recorded Uniform Commercial Code Financing Statement, or by any
other recorded document that imposes a security interest that could negatively affect
conveyance of marketable title to the utility system(s) or portion(s) thereof and/or any easement
being conveyed to the County.
Title to the utility system(s) or portion(s) thereof and/or easement(s) being conveyed to the
County is subject to the following security interest(s) by the following recorded instrument(s):
1. Mortgage (or Assignment of Rents and Profits) [describe only recorded instruments that
impress a security interest against title to the system(s) or portion(s) thereof and/or any
easement being conveyed to the County] to [list name of the mortgagee(s)] ____________
, dated ____________ , and recorded at O.R. Book ____________ , Page ____________
et seq., Public Records of Collier County.
2. UCC-1 Financing Statement, recorded at O.R. Book ____________ , Page ____________
, Public Records of Collier County.
3. UCC-1 recorded with Florida Secretary of State at Tallahassee (Leon County), Florida at
O.R. Book ____________ , Page ____________ .
[INSTRUCTION: The Affiant must list each mortgage, and/or each assignment of rents and
profits, and each UCC-1, and/or each other recorded document that is a security interest
that could negatively affect conveyance of good and marketable title to any of the utility
system(s) or portion(s) thereof (and/or easement(s), if any) being conveyed to the County.
If good, marketable title to the utility system(s) or portion(s) thereof and/or any easement(s)
being conveyed is encumbered by any such recorded instrument, the Affiant must briefly
describe each such recorded security instrument, including the book and first page where
that security instrument has been recorded. It is not necessary to attach a copy of any such
recorded document to the Affidavit. Do not list any Notice of Commencement or any
Reservation of Mineral Rights, etc., because such documents do not impress any security
interest against good, marketable title to the utility system(s) or portion(s) thereof and/or
easement(s), if any, being conveyed to the County.]
6. As and on behalf of the owner of the subject utility system(s) or portion(s) thereof, does for
valuable consideration hereby agree and guarantee, to hold the Board of County
Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, as the governing body of Collier County and as the
Ex-Officio Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District harmless against any
lien, claim or suit by any general contractor, subcontractor, sub-subcontractor, supplier,
mechanic, material-man, or laborer, and against chattel mortgages, security interests or repair
of the subject utility system(s) or portion(s) thereof by or on behalf of Owner. Affiant is used as
singular or plural, as the context requires.
7. The utility system(s) or portion(s) thereof referred to herein are located within the real property
described in the attached Exhibit "A".
DATED this ____________ day of ____________ , 20 ____________ .
Owner's/Affiant Signature
Printed Name of Affiant
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ____________ day of ____________ , 20 ____________
, by (Insert name of Owner/Affiant (individual taking the oath), who is Personally known to me as
____________ OR produced identification ____________ . Type of Identification Produced
Notary Public
My Commission Expires:
Printed, Typed or Stamped Name of Notary
Prepared by: [name of person preparing this instrument]
[Address of person preparing this instrument]
Form 7 - Rev. 2004 ( Utility Easement )
[NOTE: Leave 3" blank space in upper right hand corner for recording purposes].
THE UTILITY EASEMENT(S) (CUEs), are granted and conveyed this ____________ day of
____________ , 20 ____________ , by [Name of Grantor - See Instruction No. 2] as Grantor, to the
COUNTY WATER-SEWER DISTRICT, its successors and assigns, GRANTEE.
WITNESSETH: That the Grantor for and in consideration of the sum of ten dollars ($10.00) and other
valuable consideration paid by Grantee, receipt of which by is hereby acknowledged by Grantor, hereby
conveys, grants, bargains and sells unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, a perpetual, non-exclusive
easement, license, right and privilege to enter upon and to install, relocate, repair and/or otherwise
maintain utility system(s) and utility facilities, and/or portion(s) thereof, in, on, over and under the following
described lands located in Collier County, Florida, to wit:
See attached Exhibit "A," which is incorporated herein by reference.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto the Grantee, its successors and/or assigns, together with the
right and privilege to enter upon said land to excavate, relocate and/or take and/or introduce materials for
the purpose of constructing, operating, relocating, repairing and/or otherwise maintaining the subject
utility facilities and/or system(s) or portion(s) thereof, in, on, over and/or under the easement area.
Grantor and Grantee are used for singular or plural, as the context allows.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has caused these presents to be executed the date and year first
above written.
[Witnesses and signature block - see Instruction No. 3]
[Acknowledgment and notary block - see Instruction No. 4]
Prepared by: [name of person preparing this instrument]
[Address of person preparing this instrument] Form 8 - Rev. 2004 ( Utility Facilities Warranty Deed and
Bill of Sale )
[Leave 3" blank space in upper right hand corner for recording purposes].
THIS INDENTURE made this ____________ day of ____________ , 20 ____________ , between
[Name of Grantor - see Instruction No. 2] (hereinafter referred to as "Grantor"), and the BOARD OF
WATER-SEWER DISTRICT, its successors and assigns, (hereinafter referred to as "Grantee").
That said Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and
valuable consideration to said Grantor in hand paid by said Grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby
acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said Grantee, and Grantee's heirs, successors
and assigns forever, all [identify all types of utility facilities being conveyed by inserting "potable water"
and/or "wastewater" and/or "non-potable water irrigation" and/or "potable irrigation water] utility facilities
and/or system(s) or portion(s) thereof lying in, on, over and under the following described land, for
operation, relocation, installation, repair and/or maintenance of said facilities, system(s) or portion(s)
thereof, all situate and lying and being in Collier County, Florida, to wit:
(See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein.)
(Exhibit "B" attached hereto is a sketch or other graphic representation that depicts the physical location
of the utility systems being conveyed.)
and said Grantor does hereby fully warrant the title to said utility facilities and/or system(s) or portion(s)
thereof, be they realty, personalty, or mixed, and Grantor will defend such title against all claims of all
persons whomsoever. For the purposes of this conveyance, the utility facilities, system(s) and/or
portion(s) thereof conveyed herein shall not be deemed to convey any of the lands described in either
exhibit. Grantor and Grantee are used for singular or plural, as context allows. A sketch or other graphic
representation showing the location of the utility facilities, etc., being conveyed is attached as Exhibit B.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto the Grantee and its assigns, together with the right to enter
upon said land, excavate, relocate and/or take or introduce materials for the purpose of constructing,
relocating, operating, repairing and/or otherwise maintaining utility systems thereon. Grantor and Grantee
are used for singular or plural, as the context requires.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has caused these presents to be executed the date and year first
above written.
[Witness and signature block - see Instruction No. 3]
[Acknowledgment and notary block - see Instruction No. 4]
Prepared by: [name of person preparing this instrument]
[Address of person preparing this instrument]
Form 9 - Rev. 2004 (Final Attorney's Affidavit)
STATE OF ____________
COUNTY OF ____________
BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally on this ____________ day of ____________ , 20
____________ , appeared ____________ (Affiant), who to me is well known, and having been sworn and
under oath, deposes and states:
1. My name is ____________ . I am over the age of twenty-one (21) years, am otherwise sui juris,
and have personal knowledge of the facts contained herein.
2. I am a licensed attorney, Florida Bar # ____________ , authorized to practice law in Florida and
am currently practicing law in the State of Florida. My business address is ____________ . My
business telephone number is ____________ . My business mailing address is ____________ .
3. This Affidavit is given as an inducement to the Board of County Commissioners of Collier
County, Florida, as the Governing Body of Collier County and as the Ex-Officio Governing
Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District, to conduct a final utility inspection of [identify
type of utility systems by inserting potable water or wastewater, or potable water and
wastewater] utility system(s) or portion(s) thereof located within or upon the real property
described in the attached Exhibit "A", which is incorporated herein by reference, said land being
located in Collier County, Florida. [If all of the subject utility facilities that have been conveyed to
the County are located in public right-of-way, the Affidavit can include the following statement:
"All of the subject utility facilities that have been conveyed to the County are located in public
right-of-way and, therefore, no utility easements have been conveyed to the County with regard
to said utility facilities.]
4. The Affiant has examined record title information with regard to privately owned real property
where these utility facilities are located and with regard to the current state of the title to the
utility facilities being conveyed to the County.
5. The record owner of the utility system(s) or portion(s) thereof described herein is the Board of
County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, as the Governing Body of Collier County and
as the Ex-Officio Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District (hereinafter
"County"). The County acquired its record interest by [insert exact name of each instrument]
recorded at Official Records Book ____________ , at page ____________ [insert official record
book and first page of each instrument where owner acquired title] [if a utility easement was
also acquired continue sentence and add: together with an appurtenant utility easement(s)
recorded at Official Records Book ____________ , page ____________ ] Public Records,
Collier County, Florida.
6. Subsequent to the time that the County recorded its interests in the subject utility system(s) or
portion(s) thereof and, if applicable, easement(s), as specified in paragraph 3, above, no
interest of the County in the subject utility system(s) or portion(s) thereof and, if applicable,
easement, is encumbered of record by any document filed by or on behalf of the landowner (or
predecessor in title to the underlying real estate in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida,
and/or the Office of the Secretary of State.
7. Affiant further states that the information contained in this Affidavit is true, correct and current as
of the date of the recordation of the recorded documents referenced herein which conveyed or
granted the subject utility system(s) or portion(s) thereof and/or easement interests to the
DATED this ____________ day of ____________ , 20 ____________ .
Affiant's Signature
Affiant's Printed Name
[No witnesses required]
[Notary block] - SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ____________ day of ____________ , 20
____________ , by (insert name of Affiant - the individual taking the oath), who is personally known
____________ OR produced identification ____________ . Type of identification produced
____________ .
Notary Public
My Commission Expires:
Notary Printed or Typed Name (if not on stamp)
Prepared by: [name of person preparing this instrument]
[Address of person preparing this instrument]
(Ord. No. 04-31, App. A)
Secs. 134-65—134-85. - Reserved.