Agenda 09/25/2012 Item #16I2 9/25/2012 Item 16.1.2. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES September 25, 2012 2. ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES TO FILE FOR RECORD WITH ACTION AS DIRECTED: A. Minutes: 1) Development Services Advisory Committee: Minutes of 6.6.12 2) Forest Lakes Roadway and Drainage Advisory Committee: Agenda of 4.11.12; 5.9.12; 6.13.12 Minutes of 3.14.12; 5.9.12 3) Immokalee Enterprise Zone Development Agency: Agenda of 7.18.12 Minutes of 6.20.12 4) Immokalee Local Redevelopment Advisory Board: Agenda of 7.18.12 Minutes of 6.20.12 5) Lely Golf Estates Beautification Advisory Committee: Agenda of 4.19.12; 5.17.12; 6.21.12 Minutes of 3.16.12; 4.1912; 5.17.12 6) Radio Road Beautification Advisory Committee: Agenda of 4.9.12; 5.14.12; 6.11.12 Minutes of 3.19.12; 4.9.12; 5.14.12 7) Vanderbilt Beach Beautification MSTU Advisory Committee: Agenda of 4.5.12; 5.3.12; 6.7.12 Minutes of 3.1.12; 4.5.12; 6.7.12 Packet Page -3077- 9/25/2012 Item 16.1.2. COLLIER COUNTY Board of County Commissioners Item Number: 16.1.2. Item Summary: Advisory Board minutes and agendas to file with action as directed. Document(s) have been routed to all Commissioners and are available for review in the BCC office until approval. Meeting Date: 9/25/2012 Prepared By Name: BartlettKristi Title: Executive Aide to the BCC 9/13/2012 8:32:56 AM Submitted by Title: Executive Aide to the BCC Name: BartlettKristi 9/13/2012 8:32:58 AM Approved By Name: Mitchelllan Title: Executive Manager,BCC Date: 9/17/2012 3:56:53 PM Name: SheffieldMichael Title: Manager-Business Operations, CMO Date: 9/18/2012 9:54:07 AM Packet Page -3078-