BCC Minutes 08/02/1983 R ",_.-,,,,,,....¡'.,, """",.~,~--" _...'~.._--""'...""".."..,,.'"' _....._",,"<,"""""'~'"- ""...."''''''''-';...,_.--;',"'--'''---'''~----''''¡'..-......,--"'''''''''"';,''''''.._"'','',.....,,''''''."'''_-'''';'''''''"'.'''-"'~',,,,,,,".-,,'' """"^>""',w",; ,"",""",..,""~"_,,,,,....,_.~,,,~,_,,.,.,,,¡.,, """,",--,"""'4'""._","""""*"""",,,",,,,,,",_. August 2, 1983 'aOOK 076 fACE 59S 11 11 AGENDA - APPROVED WITH AMENDMENTS CO..l..loner Holland moved, .econded by Commissioner Piator and carried unanl.ou.ly, that the Agenda bo approved subject to the following a..nd.ental A. S^ - Rvcognitlon of ~~p1oyee of tho month ot Auguat - Con- tinuod to 8/9/83. B. 90(2) - Thr.e party ^9roomant wIth North NDplus Firo Control District and Barron Colliur Corporation ro relocation of exi.ting North Naple» rire ~tation - Continued to 0/9/83. C. 9(;(2) (II) - Hecommcndlltion to crollte a "poleltll allses.mont dl~trict In the County üarn and Whltaker Rd. area - Continued to II/1G/8J. D. 9(;(3) (c) - He ca..mont to l:iarnott üonk, II. trusteo, for acce.. over watet treatment plant properly rursuant to Judiclal Order in Coso Uo. 01-0749 - Daloted at Stafe request. t. lOA - ~otltion to a...sa County'o costo of ~ðMt N4pIea Water System., Inc. franchise and rato review ~Xp.nLea to peti- tioner - Consolidate ~ith Item 6C(6), considurntlon ot tranchlse aqreement ~ith aðm~ Corporation. r. 108 - Hesolutlon ra -^9rccment for Settlement and Release of Claims and Dismissal of ^rbltratlon Proeeedln~s- and fmH^ ·Change Order No.2· between County and Patterson , ~ilder Construction Company, Inc. for Coodland Water Di.trict project - Continued to 8/16/83. MINUTES or RECULAR BCC MEETINCS or JULY 5, 12, end 19, 1983 - APPROVED AS PRESENTED Co..i.aioner Pl.tor DOved, .econded by Co..is.ioner Voas and cArried unAniMoualy, that the Slinute. ot the Regular BCC .eetin9s ot July 5, 12, And 19, 1983, be Approved a. pre.ent.d. AUCUST EMPLOYEE or THE MOHTH AWARD - CONTINUED TO 8/9/~ At Statt'a requeat, thia ite. was continued to the Auguat 9, 1983, BCC .eeting. Page 2 "- -- -,- - .- ,- - -- - - ,- .-- -- -,~- -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- E:mIJ .. EaA1 ...._----~ ~ """''',' .".,",,"" ''''-'''-''''-'~'~''-~ ..... aOOK 076 rA;SÙl' Auqust 2, 1983 ,,,,... - --.-- -- - - -- - - -- -- ,- -- ,-- ...- --- ~'.~- -- - -..----- ---- ------ d.bt aervice. Co..i..ion.r ,iator aoved, a.cond.d by Co..la.lon.r Vota and carried unanl.oualy, thH the public hearing b. ':loud. Co..laaioner Plator .oved, .econd.d by Co.-is.loner Voss and oarrled un.ni.oualy, that the joint Ordinance/Re.olution, a. nu.berad and entltlad below be adopted and ent..rtd into Ordlntnca Book No. 17. ORDINANCE NO. 8J-J8 RESOLUTION NO. CWS 83-4 AM ORDIKANC£ AMENDINC COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 82-65 AND ~ESOLUTIO" NO. CWS 82-7, PROVIDING NEW WATER RATES TO BE CHARGED WITHIN THE COUNTY WATER - SEWER DISTRICT, PROVIDINQ AN EFFICTIVE ~T£. ORDIMA»CI 'J-39/RISOLUTION HW3 83-1 INCREAGING MONTHLY SEWER RATES AND RILATINO TO SEWER CONNECTIONS WITHIN THE MARCO WATER , SEWER DISTRICT _ ADOPTID 1.e'1.1 notle. h.....ing b..n publiøhoú in tllO Nllpluw [¡ally Nows on July 14, 198J, and the ~rco 1.1ano ~1I91. on July 13, 1983, 4. evid.n- c.d by AffIdavit. of Publication (lIed with the Clerk, publIc h'lIring wa. held to conaidor . propoMad ordlnanc. and re,olutlon rolatln<¡ to ..wer conn.ctions for propertl.. within the Marco Wllt~r , Sewer DI.trlct. Co..isaionvr Pi.tor .xpr....d hi. conc.rn rogarding tills Ito~. H. addtd that ho hat been rocoivln9 num.rou. calla about tht fact that pre.ent billlnga h.ve b..n incorr.ct for tho last aevcral .onth., in .0.. c...., by thnuaand. of dollars. Ho .aid that this .ituation may be li.Jt.d to condo~lnlums. He .aid that he cont.cted the Billing Depart~nt of ~rco Island Utlllti.., and ho ox~lalned that he "'IS told tht billing proble",. weru the ru.ult of tho co",pany'. computer c.pa- city. Ho aaid, In his oplnion, thi. .ltu4tlon should b. Inv.stigated to .n.ure that so.ethin<¡ Is don. about tho entire billing opor.tion .nd to .top Incorrect bills from buln~ sunt to cuato..rt. h. .aid that h. P.ge 4 .. - - """""''''"'''''--- "-""~^"",,,",,,,,,,_..,....,..,..""~-_..._.,.....~_...,",',-,,,"",,,,,..""""",,, _....,,',,'-.',--,'....,,- ""_....."'-'""'""'",...''''--"'',~._-'.,-","',..."...,,' """""~";"~~'-'.'""'.''''''''''-'''' "'''. "..,~"'..,,"--""',.-'-"""'---...._-,._-_____ 'I'I_----.p- ,,',"'.,"~. """,~"",,,.,."'~~-,,,,,,,-,,,.~,,;,.,,____,-,,"I'-""_,,,,,,,,,",,W'-,'" ..e"....'__ .. '-''''".'''-'"''-"'~'''''''-,""...,~.,,'~,~ ~-"---.,_..",,,",..._,~", ,""""",,,.,,,,.,--,-,,,-,.,,, ,,'"'.." ...._,,~ ...-."""!<-_.......,,-"".,....," _"..."",,'~'....Ou'..'.~,.,""'r-,~.,,, , ,'>""'~_ _...,"","' .-,""",~ ._",",,"'''''>___",'''''''''. --111- ,~"----""""""""-~,,.,~","'-.-,~,.,--,,<,,, , &OOK 076 fACt &>9 ^ugu.t 2, 1983 Comml..ioner VOl8 a8k~d County Attornoy öaun~ora for clarification regarding the valldity ot a reforonco that the State of rlorida wilJ pre-elllpt anything that tho BCC doos, rlltgarding thlll lIubj~ct? Mr. Sa ",ndllrs .aid that it ls pouibh for the Stllt~ to do tha t, however, 1n this particular aroa, in hi. opinlon, tho State has not pre-emptod local rogulations. H~ sold It Is poslliblc for Collier County to ongage a regulation that would be morti IItrlngent than th~ State roqulrements. Responding to CommiS.ionur YOSII, Mr. Vlrt~ .Diu thot th. Stato rogula- tion. do not provld~ .prlnklor&. CommlMoloner Vo.. expre..ed hill oplnlon that Colller County should hovo s~rln~lorll in chlld cor. cen- ter., and Comml..ioner PIstor agreed. Mr. Virt~ clarified thðt thla propo.al 1. to ùeletu child core fðcl11tic3 from Choptor 101 of the Collier County Lifo U~foty COda, which would put th~ County under tho State requlations. County Mana~el Norman 8Aid this propo.al would, in effect, not require .prlnkl~r8. Re.ponding to C:ommla¡¡ioner YC,) UJ' qUlllltion concornlnq In.til;ution. other than child caro centor., and ð royulrement for sprinkler .ystelllo, Mr. Virta said that the requlruØ\dnt d~pond8 upon the particular type of .tructurt.t. Mr. NQrmðn ø..ld thllt the LiCe Safety Code has other requirelll.nts, which the rl ro U"par tØ\~nt. havu propos.d be deloted and the .prinklur sy.teØl. .ub.tltuted. He .ald th.r. ha. never be.n a code, othor than tho Staff propollal, thollt would havo raqulred sprlnklerM tor that type of facility. Mr. Virta concurred. 80b Pistor, ""'rco Island ^sllistant Fire Chief and Vice President, Collier County Firo Mauhal.' AaaoClation, said that the State of rlorlda ha. poII...d the child C4re rogulation. and, it I. his under- .tanding that thu rule atates that Collier Ccunty cannot chang. the regulation elth.r to .u~orsede It or pas. a ruling of l....r degree. paga 12 ---------------------_._-~-------------------- ~ ~ smc Iii "';~;¡".",..._.,----".";","" "",~..,'" .",_.......,,,,,,,..,";~,',,"",,;. ","~"'-"...-'"'"'"... "-""-''''''''"''''"'~~'''~''''"''''~''<'''''''''''h''''''''''''-''''''''__''''~ &OOK 07B PACE 6if Auquat 2, 1983 enforced t¥¡ HRS, through the loeal lIull:1 Department, as well u the raqulre.ant. of tho L\fe Safoty Code 101. Hu said that tho detaile of that Code are lIIore strinqent than tho State regulations. He said that a legal d.t.rmination Is neodod r.gordlng the tochnicDl ospucts of whether or not the 6taff can impole, at thi., point in tl~., rogulatlon. .ore atrlngent than the State ru~ulðtlons. Mr. Virto clarifi.d that the reason thls Itum i. b.ln9 dtscu.sed is bøcausu tho ~CC direct.d Staff to prepare this proposed ordinance. Ho s.id thllt, b.caus.. there 1. thh conflict b.two.n which code pravails, 5taU 111 rocommondlnq that the propolled ordinance 1.)01 adopted to e1tminlltu the question of what cod. provaila. 1101 said that ðdo~tlon of the pro~oBed ordinance would leave only thu /IRS regul~tton5, which or" in effect and are in the procolla of being amvn~od. Di.cu.ston continued, durin~ which Assistant F!r. Chi.f rlstor explained that, durin') moutinc¡ø Iodd with day-care centor personnul, althouqh not all affected Jeoplc worc IJr.sont, one rucurrlnq eomplalnt wa. that th. Cod. "'lI. not boin') .nforcod -to th" letter-. H. .,lid that the H.~lth De Jartmvnt perMonnul. pru.cnt lit tho." meeting., .aid they were understaffed .nd thoy were unable to gut to .very day-care center. He e.plainuQ that tho nre Oepartm"nts did not have the authority to do an~thing untii the He.lth Dopartmunt dectded to have the depart~ents antore. the regulations of tho Lito Safoty Codu. ~r. Jim Caaale, r.preaentlnq the Collier County Early Childhood Asaociation, said that hi. As.ociation wa. recently Infor~ed, by the State Deparllent of lI.alth, that It ",as under 4A-J6, curr.ntly being ravis.d October 31, 1\183. lie .ðid that the County duea not have the authority to .uper.ed. 4^-36. Ho .aid he ia IIwaru that the topic under di.cu.sion is tho propo."d ordlnanc. that would dulete Chapter 11-7, Page 14 -, --~ --- ,. - -- - -- '--.~.- -- - ,- - - - - --- ---- .. ræJ I!B "--"">.~.""-"~...."',"".'.,-''''~--,-'---_..~-_-....-''-- "'.""""~._"'""-""'''"'''-'''"'"''-""",-"",-,-,,--,,., ßO:~ 076 PACê 613 AU<Ju.t 2, 1983 Health Deportllent. Respond1ng to CIHl1rman Krus., Mr. Saund.rs pointod out that tho County can rU9ulato in tho tiald as long a. tho County r.gulation io at least au strinqent as the Statu rogulntlon. H~ said that the County cannot tðko a StotP. ruqulQtion and reduce It, and that the departnlont recommandfttion would be purmillaoble, r.gnrcling lmpo.ition of fire s~rinklors. O,,,lrJ1,an Kruse a3kod if thoro ~dll bu a t>tlSto: regul.Jtion going Jnto eff.ct, a8 of Uctober 1, 1983, rvqardlcDB of th~ action tho DCC take. thi~ duto? Mr. ~aundura oold that tho ~tote rogulation, os it exi.ts, cannot b. wllmlnatad, ru~ard1u~u oe ace bet ion, and Chairman Xrus. clarified that Collier County ho& a mor~ stringent regulation in effect, currently, than the Btate re': ulalion. Mr. CII ale related information his group rccoivcd from tho Stllte oUicals in Tallohassee who explelned the now regulation will not allow local flre d.partments or CommiMsiona to poss roquiremonto beyond the State roqulrumentu. He said thls µrllctice has caused contusion State-wid.. Commlsøloner Voss sU9gested this item be deterred for one wO.k to allow Mr. Saunders to dincovur whðt the policy is. Mr. Saunders said that a stat. agency cllnnol, by r~': ulatlon, go beyond a state enabling .tatute, unless there 1M a Btatu StatuL. that speclflcally grantM tho local r.9ul~tion. ~osponding to Chairman Kru.., Mr. Saunders s~ld h. would Inv..tlqAL. to .oe 1£ tho State Logiølaturo took any .uch actlon and r.port at the BCC moetinq 8/9/8). Mr. Douqlo8 Kay, rapre.entlng flrat Llght Uay Cent.r, .xpr.s..d his opiniona on the di~.dvantages ot .prinkler nystums. He .aid that the C.ntor for Fir. ~...arch of tho National Bureau of St.~derd. ha. done r....rch on sµrinklor .y.tema thðl resulted in a .tat.M.nt that aprinkl.r systems are extrem.ly offective In prcventln9 multl-death Page 16 --- - -- '- -- - - - -- .-. -- - - - - --. - -.--'---~-.-,---- ---....-----------.. ~i": ,3 ~'¿~::;';I e:&i ,I.'. "I,;.,,;,'!'"-; 11.,',c':," ' ,~. ;""':::jj¡'.i': ;~,:. ':¡~)' , :tt~'-~;'" ,(I:·11}.\~~\:.-~,JJ~ ~~"\"""~~~;::'SjJ; ;i:~\: " ::?:{.:", ,f:',;'" -;'1\:;<: ;~"':'~. -..........-'''''....-..-----'''''''''''"'''''-..-...'''''.-,- c;¡;;¡ ri1iiY ~ .---------------------------------------- August 2, 19B3 fires. lie Maid th4t uC'Janl%ðtlon clarifies thoso multi-death (irell situation by 'lðyln'J thðt t/le aprinkl<)ra would savo liv.s In Q multi- ~in9 bul1dln9 or . mulll-story building, however, th4t the device. 10'111 not save the 1ivos o£ the .t<IIoplft who arv In the coolna wll"rv the fi r. or igin. t.s 0 r even thoaa who are nea r the fire source. lie sa It! tho t th. reason ls becau.. . Mprinkler huad take. i35 to 16S dogroes for a pertod o! approxlmðtoly a ~Inute In order tor lnðt spclnklvr h..d to .ng.ge. He gavo further intormatlon re9ardlnq the .efuctlven... o! sprinkler aystorna In savin.. propl'rty and sald thl'lt tho! Contcr for Flrc R...arch has uutecmlnu..! that sprinkler sYlitomlS c.Jn crain.:! iJ lit/rlous, .eeondary Slnoko h..zarlJ. 110 salu /I.. could fin..! no 1e<Jal .>recedont that would juatlfy a~rlnklec .yatums In an Induatry such O¥ hla. H. requusted that tho ~CC tdk~ ~Ctloh 80 that ruqulatlon ~^-Jú i» controlled .:Ind enCorcod, :10 lltðt all doY-CIICd contars felluw it to the -latter- and nol to "blanket- tho day-carl! center Indu»try wlLh aOllethin':j that I:.; n\Jt r':d1Jy nuutluu In oruor to [Jrovld.. :Io(uty (or tile centers' chlldran. Comml~slonur VOISU nskud Mr. Kay tor the ba.ls of the at4t16tlc o1U to t/H. nlortðl1ty oL children In tlro. In doOy-car. centers, o1nd Mr. ~:"Y CV:I¡.;onued thLlt Intorroldtlon wad 'jlvun to him by the rlco MIIcshllls on April ~lut. he d.Hd, in hlK opinion, th.2t the flro Marshal. obtained thin Intocul<nlon throuqh th"ir Injury totdls out of 1111 the County dny-cdrv cunLuru. Reaponding tt' Cor.1Inill"lonor "l"tor' ~ concucn ru').)rdin'~ day-earn centera th~t cecl~ve Codoro1 aid and their n~ed to abidv by thd Fedoral rir. COde, that lnclud~n Chdpter 101, or rluk 10.ln9 th~t aId, ChAlr~.n Krus. »aid ttHlt ah.. reco')nizes Comlltasloner a>lstor'. conc.rn. Howwver, .he ..1«.1 thAt th. la.ue IUY becol:\. contu.od if hder.l regulAtions are lnclude~ in the dlscuas10n eoox 076 fACt 614- Page 17 ,--"" """'.''''h__%<'''..,,,,".... '~'.__',>","_'~._,.,_"',..".."""",_ 800K 07B fACt 615 August 2, 1983 Ms. Ju~y R. Burleson, ropro.onting Rodl.nd. Chriøtlan Migrant .....oel.tion, operatln9 6 day-core centers in Immokalee, said that her agency is supportive of the use of Stattl .·1re MlIrshals I Codtl 4^-36 And would we 1 cOllie ita enforcement by trained fir" inspllctlon porsonncl, County-wido. Bhe roqutlllted that the acc tako whatovcr act10nø are nec..aaIY to a.aure th~t ~^-4G Code io onforcud. Reaponding to COAl- Jll.sionor brown, "'I. Ihlrloson 6aid that her MlloclaUon, currently, do.. r.~.ive fundln9 from fed~r~l aourcuø. &h~ laid, no hor orqani- aation roceives funding from fudoral sources, they GhoW that the facility whero the money wi 11 bl' lI >ont hall met tilt:' locnl County code. "'r. Viet. agre.d with Mr. Norlllftn'a .talemtlnt that thv County would b. under the tit.te Ho~Ulðtionll without IIprlnklcr .yutom&. Mr. Normnn lIummarh:orJ till' prcvlouo dillcu&olon by st/ltin<) thðt .tatementll h.svl! buen mad" 1<:(,)IH<.Ilo':l tile exlatl!ncc or duy-cDro.: ccnt'!!rs that -y be violat.lng th" code, cuerllntly. Director of Environmental H.alth John Stephen. IIxplalnOld that hi. dep4rtment hllM a certification by the tire dopllrtmentu, on an "nnual basia oach P'obru'1ry 1st, before the day-care canters ore ru-curtlllo.:d. Ho said that If thore la any eviden~OI of flru v1uldtiona, thoDe would be reportod to the Fire Dopart.llttnta, Alld that Id~ <.Ie .)¡Htlhcnt 1101111 not tðkun a stand on 1'i re Code 101 or .ny othQr code. 110.0 Id that tho pro.ent Codo 4A-)6 i. .uppo.edly entorclld by thu Flro DorartmontM. He.pondin9 to Mr. Nor~an, Mr. Stephens .ald th"t thu day-corti center. hove always been eertifi.d on an annual baMia lJy tho ficl! dep/lrtments. R..pondin<J to Chairlllan Jl:ru..'a request eor clor1fic')llon, A¡¡sistðnt Fire Chief Plstor aljJr.od that the fIre deportmonts hllv~ to ~o in ev~cy Fobruary I and in.pect the fac1JitleJl. 110 Ij avo his undorotollnt1!ng ot tho orginDtioll oC the problem. He .sklld Mr. Ste >h~na it the two Morco leland day-care Pa911 18 -..----- ------------ ~ ~ ~ [}-=.·r~~.~.., ,"'" " ......,-_...,.......""·~,_"'*'_-..-,,,w.~,_,,_,,. ~-""'--""'-"'-""---;"''''"-=---'"--""-........_-- __.·w. "'~.'~d"",'"'-'_''''.''''''''''''''''''' __,',',___ri-'-"......""_...,.,',"_,__,_'""""..,""',.,~,,.,....,.."",""_"'''''''''C' aOOK 076 fACé 619 ^uguat 2, 198.1 used. ChAirM.n Kruse aaked whAt i. th" e.,pabiJ1ty o( ex¡.¡anl1ion, and Mr. Cr.gg .xplalned thðt tho s.wor syatem con oe e~p^ndwd, quit. r.~dlly, with reqard to the capAbility o( th.. trvatmont fociliLy. He .ald that the effluent diapoøal wil1 depend upon tho areAS that the utility la able to Oxpand into, bacauae tli.:ro \oIIIJ he A no<td for some ar..as of efflu.nt dlapoaal. lit; ./lid, a. tho facility oxpandu Into tho.. arva, the applicant would bel able t(\ trvat tllu a.,wogc from thw ladditionlll unita IInd lake the uftluent bac~ to thouv particular Aroas to 1rri94tu their qolf courllQu. ~'olJowing ¡I! (u'l.>lðlnðtion, Chnlrm4n Krua" clar1tled thðt th., t:.ut Na¡.>ll.:s Ioi<ltl.:r SYlitom¡¡, Inc. p14nt has tIle capability of ·~oln~ Lo at luost tnr.r tlm~~ its »Iz~·, provided that the ,H. a belnlJ 6orvlcod IncllJdclb II liut!lclunt am, unt of C)0J! coura.s to taka tho .f'lu~nt, ~nu ~r. Gr,,~~ concurred. Mr. SAunders ruyuobtwd clarificAtion of tho ovrvlcr arwlI thllt would contain the 600 to 900 units. I'Ir. Cra9'J rnlt...rdtocl tnat tI,e ..reaa r""Iuøsted for SIIWIH would be La....wood, thll Gladeo and Wlntor ',lCk and the ar.as aurroundinq tho Còlðde. tho1t ar. bllln,:! Ûtrvulop.:d t.>y G140eB, Inc. lit' said that tnoa. particular ar"aa would n.ve dpµroxlmatuly 3,000 total ~HC'a within lh.., And added thllt the term lHC'o .tends 'or L"Iulvalent ~..idontl~l Conn.ctlon. lie expl.lned that tho J,OOO tftC'a thot wOl.lld b. dev'eloped within that Initlðl oraD would no.J opproxi~atvly 600,000 gallon. of capacity. ~espondln9 to Mr. SlIundllr., Mr. Cìr"'J9 .aid that plant expansion would bll ntrc.a.~ry to servo areas outaid. 0' the ar.o. he d.scribed. ~r. bounders aSked it ths ulillty could obtaln per~ls.ion tro. property ownltrM to dl.poIH· 0' treated eC!luont. on 'laIC cours.s and silllIar fAcilities without h..v1ng those are.. withln th. utility'. aervice .,r.a, And Mr. Gro99 responded thllt, l.~o)lly, th.:lt would be Page 22 -- -,_ __ h_ . __ _ _. ___ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ G:::J E(·~;~~·l F;6î~;:~~ ~~~~;~::.~~~', ~'7---- -'-~---- -- ---; ~U~U.-:-;'-l~-;--:¡\::-·"7 ~J.~:iji" . .~~': .,~lt··t.4/(.'.: ' . ,.¡ , ~,,~~I.,\':'~ ~ oI'~ i,:t sslbl. and I. a fairly coftaon practle.. : «,-.... it 1''-' 101 ';,:. ·~R..ponding to Comm1..ioner Brown, Mr. ,1\.1',., .' I '..J' .., 111 ..k. the ð.cls10n ot wh.th.r oth.r ar.as n.ed to b. t"::J~;;.1f4" " ~hai'~ht~ c~mpany i. r.ady, wlllln9 and ·I.~f~~ih:'" , On th.·..p, ne indlcat.d tho additlonal .~-:y, 'I; t ',~I'., '. after p1ant'~.xpan.ion,' a. b.in9 property alon9 Kelly Road ~~~'l~...., , Avalon ar.a. 'A dlscu.aion continu.d re9ardln9 tho . ;"'\;~'·;¡"f'iot> J~,;;,:~,'!þ 1 " , ,. ' ., during which "r~ Cregg Indicat.d that or.a and .~.It ' ......~j;...~..:.l1c.~~.~., ....'. n. .aid that ar.a would bo wlthln tho aroa the '.~ ' ',', ~ "f .i, n~d hi~i.,co.pany WQuld bo .bl. to undertake. J'\~' . ;~lf' '.. aloner Drown, Mr. Catlln .aid that tho BCC . :... ,.. ,. I "'/:.ç urv.d ~'and ·.1:~;;A~\ ., ,!f .,,·,""~W."~. s."J\ able to underta k. tha\~r.o.j~~t.<'!~~' ar.u that could b. '·u~Y'd, ...~ ' ~~. ~\t~... ~. ~h;"t"J and th.'L.i ko . . ,).I.... ','..{.,~I~ . Brook.id. ar.a, ':",,: ,¡.\ . . ....JJ(..'. ...I,.! :~\-;f'~." tho .urroundln9 'area. ~¡! ~.óI¡I~·f'f '.~'. ,." ,.:.l~ ,::,¡, petitlonor hUrd.tar- ':~,#'"Il~ Rupondinq to COCl.l.:.... '" ':~ ' ~ " ; ~ :'.',l :. t.'~1 :'i '¡~ '.~:.. \i~'U~ ',~ '1¡;; ." ".---- " . . , ~:I ~.-I"" J ~. , ~I ~ " , Cr.gg said th~t th.r. Is no central ..w.r In tho Irooksid. ar..... Co..unity C.v.loplll.nt Mlllni.trator Vlrta indlcat.d h. a.rkshir. prop.rtle. which will contaln an e.tl.ated 4,200 hou..s. J\ \ '. .1". 'At Chalr...n Jl:ru..·. roqu.st, "Ir. Vlrta : ~;§'~ '!: " tt~ot tho roxfir. Subdivl.ion, liS well es tho rp , L transmlo.ion line ':~r.;'~~~h' wa.' identlfiod, on tho _p, a. a .t'~"" : ~. if.','~,,'~<.nt ¡o th. .ootun boun'H, of "" rod!" .n' ",.g. Lok. rr 'U~~.~ivI..len.. ". Co..l.slon.r Pistor asked about tho po..lbllitles of h.vin9 tho ., 1,.' . , '~',E4tst Mapl.. Wat.rs SYlltOIll., Inc. treat the .lIwage for tho ~t')I~ '" ,. .. .t:,d1scusa.d, on a ..t.r.d basi., In.tead oC .nlarglng the .....~ :", ":. of havln9 tho trenchl.. 1 hlltod to th" proaently øllrvlld or....? H. indicated the q.n.ral locatlon whlte line running JII~.dl.t.ly "~' aug9··t.d that tho us.r. could contract with tho utility lor ..wag" ;;. " '. ' .....'.. .:.....tr.at.a.nt and .l!lu.nt dl.po.al at a roaaonable rate without .nlargin9 ~·t~. francbl.e. H. .ald there la .uch an arrangelllent on Marco I~~~nd, i~urrentlY. Mr. Cro99 agr..d this procedure is a poulbil1ty. .....~~.'..,~i~'~' ~..~ow.vor, that tho length of tho contracts is .omothing with' whic'h'-tho .:,. .' '..' ....".."~~ " .~il1 ty would b. concern.d, ~~~.~.u~.: the .~,~~,nt,lS. ~.~I'~+,;~:;¡~~~~t~è""are~·'" ~;:i:' '~~triOK 076 PACt 620, ~' :~ ~",' . . ~'¡' :'~':"~~~i~:' . '~,.. ' L , ...... ....... , ,:"01 ·__"·,_....·_"'''''''_''''"_'".,_'M~'_~'''''''"...',',~.,,,'''_,.,'''~'''',.",,""_..."' .... ovor 35 to 45 yecr.. no .cid, in that Collier County would own the and the East Naplo. Wat.r &YltetAlI, Inc. "'auld 'j. ... '·'..~i and leaslnq the line. fro~ the Coun~y under the Ho said that ~he franchise would allow the utllity "-::~¡ itl plant capabll1ti.s that would nood to be built ',~ 1~' ~ould not be any restrictlon to any future takeover. Ho .aid, in ','.,., his opin1on, t.hore would be an easior lIituatlon wlt.h whlch to deal if "Ä' th,,; ...' . ,,,",hI.. mho< th.n 10ng-'"., .hol...l. con,,,cto, .lth" ":±..' .1t~"I""~ . 4 . , ,!,;y~~_~ ~)... the nece..ity of the people hllvin\l to pllSS on thdr cost to their .....,.·....'.Jit. .':~:' .).~I··· I "0'f. ~~;oìî.u..r~·, ruulting in oub-utllitlu within the area. lie uid that '""'~>., ~./,~( "th'~ ¡~o~nt y'. proposi tion 1 n the frenchl.. would be a better II tuatl on;.'';t:~. . .. '. '!~~I' ..... in that one porllon would be ruponllble to IIIðlntain the llnu and bill".:~i;~(~ ~ :~;.:' the Cu.to.era and there would be control over the whole unlt, rather .. .,'.. . ' ~'. 'I,>;/,' ,", . ,¡.1-"",. I:;~ 'than .eparatlnq out piece. that would be non-franchilled. COlllmi..ioner. .",""'i' li,l' Pistor de.cribed the current practice between Collier County and/.~.,·h~ .',,~.~r{&.,:>· I IJ7f· t. . ." . ~ .:~~.:: Celton. Corporation. ,'Y.". ,~. . ';J'~' . . :~.',t, . (1/..1';,',','. Chainnan Kruu uked if there wa. anylhinq to preclude . fra.~~~lì.""· 'I" th'at' .ay~· the new subdivision. comlnq on 11ne, withln a tranchille·aru~~."'-' 'J J4 , .', '. .,It,~t)~ ~ .. .. r' . . . ~"")" ,.''r1-.i,.t...t,,:¡' /:would follow the Subdivision HfI<julntlona, and th~ .l.inu w~Uld be .~'. :'·i~.1-;ft,'( i/ ~ . ;~~tallod' and deeded to Collier County and teat H...p~.'u ~at~r Sy"t;';s,'.;;;'Jt~'! ,¡li'\~(~. '., . '.' ,", '," \"","',.',. :~..v,' ,:.~~1;"i,.;,I'''. ' ~~;., WO,,~}d t.reat the "'01119_ on a bulk u~e?.' She ,coll'lpued thla" '~t ':~'>'>~~ '¡ii ,~~:~,~~,~:~,./n contrut to the the,ory ot th',~JC.1'::~'i~.n.?í.,~r''',~..:~f,,~.ht~!~~:~r,. ~~ . UtilitYf under the torllls of tho franchi.e, goe. in and inatal1. the '".",'~' "'\L"~..' Ili ;..... '~',.. .,..I¡..... 11 ,.,.." ""¡.~\ ~., .; "'ll,,;_ ,.l,..:.......~...,., , ""...... "'" I, ,l .' ',f' .. '"'t . .. ",.1"_..,.... ....." ~ ~l1n.., they would beco.e the property or the util',ty, and "'hen th~;,.:,.~.. ~-'.:'~" , - '. '. .r'". \ . '" i~' Utility h purchued tho.. llnu ace part of the Utll1ty's bau.::"l'Ir";";Í:' V. r;?,'",,:,;,\" ,. '. t . ..' ,'. ".f.~. ",t. ~> Gre9g Ind. I1r. Catlin a9reed with Chairlllðn Kruae'. propo.ltlon, and Hr., .:~.~. . .' , ".:L, :~"'. I1r. Sa..nd.rs ref. e..rred 'v..X\!lf;...... '," ~ ;~{~~ , ;,;~ .:2'~:,~;~~1..· ..... ·~...:1 _:_~·,;t'~~~~. - - -. .-- - - '- - - -:..~... ~",:"._",,::,;;t.;:¡ \ '..IIIIN.M....' ' .~~;f· . ".- ~ Catlin ad~ed that ls in the Utillt.y'a proposal. ,., .' ¡ >~ ) ~~. '.~:.~ .t". ">' -------~.._- ..- _.___ _·.'h_"_~.____._. . ',. , , 1.i....1.:t.\., . ........;... "Si~ '. ..:. ' , ' ":.~/;~ ' ~ ..... ~ \V:\j".¡¡'4,Jo¡ .~;~.,' ".;. ,'" ~'.:..~:._: . ~".;'f""I~ ..... I ~ L . .~, ¡.f -"~""''"'~'''»,~,-~,..-._._".-..-."...,-"....,,,,_. . ,.""'''...-.-,- .. Þ.ugult 2, aS3 800K G7ô PAC¿ 623 thore is no othwr way to recover tho monöy. lie lIðid that hCl had no mlMundoratllndiny with thO intent of Chldrman Krus.'s quostion. Hospondlng to Commiøaionotr Voss, Mr. HUbachman s/lid that his com- pliny WQul d do a fvasibllity study to doviso tllll mllnnor In wl¡lCh an Area, such as nrooKslde, would be .eweru~1 thllt thv mon~y would have to bo borrowed to do it and tho monvy would havv to b. rQcouped in t.he Greg9 oxplainud the expenøen involvod In aowurln~ the area undor rAtes over a pllrlod of a 30 yoar industrial bono, Cor examplo. Mr. dlacUlllliof\ c1u~ to the! Cðct that tho ^rvo I,; low-lying and havtI problems partlculnr tu that situ4tlon. He described nu~ syatems thllt might "cut bðCk" IIllghtly on ttUl cost of thu construction. 1ft: sald thlJt, In hls opinion, th.. Compðny ought to split tho: rlllus for thos!: P.Ht1cular areas ðnd have an ( xtr~ asøeasmont thal lants II curtllln numbcr of years to takt, Cðro of thlt cost, however, the CustOlTlors In the lOrWII would ultilllAtely pay tor the cost. He oxpluined tho curr...nt proc.duru Cor with tho .t !luenL being rvturned to trIll 1.ðkl!wood Colf Coura. for dis- the troabnent of L4kewood Rewage at thc central plant in tho CIDdus, p08al. .pe f4 R..pondlnl/ to Ch~lrman Kcullo rQ~lIrdinq the lonyeat period of ti.. thAt the ØCC has given" aewer, water or road osseMsment, Countý Manager Norman and Ulllltlos Director 8erzon explainlld that tho County has authorlzed aa much as 20 years. During th. eliscussion that fOllowed, the problems unique to brookllide with regord to the existing rock strata wero coverfld. Mr. /JublilChlllðn descr ibed 4 po..ible .yste. that. would utilize individuAl pumpin<J in each home to avoid "\loing into the rock strata". IIv referrod to such systellls 46 low pres.ure systems with a holdir'lg tank at each hOD1e Punlptld to a force IIlIin syst.e.. as Page 26 ---- - - '-- - --- - --- ----~-- ,~. '-'----.- --- - -------------- &i!J œE imI -'""'..~",~- "-,~,...".~"',-- .,......·,..-.-__11'1 _'''"_'''''-'~__''h'.''"'''""",,,;,,,,,_,,,,.,,,_",,,,^,;,,,,,",,_,,,_,~,,,,-,, ~,_." ~",,,,,.,.,, 'o__~^..''', '""_''''~__''''_'''''''''''<''_''_'__'~'''",_.",....,~....-,_"~" ßOOK 076 PACt625 August 2, 1983 apprall1er, and tho County would havo an appraiser and 1f a fi9ure could not be negotIated, the situation would go to Court. Mr. GatlIn ~ald that two appralsura could pick a third appr~iser. Høøpondln9 to Commls.ion.r Holland, Mr. Grog9 rotern,d to thu rate hearing (or t:ast Naplea Hate: Sy.to~s, Inc. and ho cx~lalned that approximately 35\ of the wator plant And 45\ of tho ..wor plant ~as not used In that hearln9. He .ald thðt if the County wero to tAke tho propurty this date and wanted County bond iSllu.u¡ for thllt oruð to "stand on its own" thore wolJld hove to bp 80me non-U8e propt:rty where thero aru, currently, no customtirll. Hu Boid lnal in order to find out ~huther tn. facllity would be ·purchasoolo this dat." wIthout raising th., rates, a rovl.w of tho cosh IItr.u.m .Jnn bond Ci1pllbI1I ties of the ..ystem would have to bll done. lie 8/1Id lhat the comJ.Mctnu8S of the present sYllt.m .ight mak.e it !uaaIblu, deperloin<) upon what is done wlth the non-u.e property. He aðId thðt must of the aystorns IIru purchðsed on cðsh strean, which 111 th~ aVAIlability of money comIng to the County and how .uch tho County can borrow without Increalllng tho rotes. The dIscussion continund during which the curront rates to custo~ers that ru~ullud from thu ðtoromentIon~d rate hearing ~ero cov.r.d, as well as tl". .pcfclf1cM ot II municIpality or County purchaae of the .yat_ und.r dIscussion. The ratoa currently charged by 'Collier County and the ~a.t No~iC!s Wi1tvr ~ystdms, Inc. lor Itom. .uch a. hook~p. and impact teoa for auwor and water were compared and wh.thor thero was a monthly bill I! a ain9lu famIly reaidencw is connect.d. Com.la.ion.r Vo.a .aid that the Mðnogemvnt Audit eU9ge.ts a couple of way. to d.t.rnline tile torlllulo1 that ho teel. ia noces.ary to be d.ter.1~ud ðhead ot timo. Chaircðn Kru.e .xpr.....d hor oplnion r·9ardin1 th. orua. .he would b. prv~ðr.d to conøldot tor 0 lranchis.. Page 28 -- - - - -- -,- .-. - --'. - - - - . - - -- ~- '.- ..-.- -- -~- --.- -~ - -"- - - - - -- - - -.- - - - --- ¡r, )';;] 6I{3 ŒB ~"';"'~-"'''''''''''""''-_'~_''_'_~~_',,,,,,,,,,,",~_,.,,,,o . -"--'.'--...._._,_.".",-,,.,",,"'~. -',.,--'..""-.,"'"-,."".."~'-",'---,.,-_.....,-,---,-,.,, ",. ~...... L;,;~~::;::J GZ8 t:::'J --.------ -- - - _.- - - ~- - - -- --- ._-.'- - ----------------...... ^UlJUSt 2, 1903 the petitioner duo to the lack of tlm.. Mr. Norman clcrl(iod the history oe the thrue pro~odals by saying that there are t~o üta!! propoa~ID, one Cor water and one lor .ewer, a single proposal Crom tho petltlonae reculvod 6/1/a3, that combinea water and .e.....r IInd he sold that thoro Is no 10'101 description or map attached to that proposal. Respondinq to Chairman Kruse, Mr. Saunders clarified that an advertisement WIIS publllhud th~t A franchise Agree- .ent loIOuld bl! dl.cusMlld by tho /:iCC an(. /In area was 4dvortlsed, however, no apvcific franchl~e agroemont WIIS 4dv~rtiued. Mr. Norman r~(errod to a ~/9/0J, service documont, mentiunud by Mrs. "autio-Mitchell os if it wvre II document that was 10em~lly proKcntud. Hu Intor~ed the acc that thore hO:l Deon no formdl 5ulJmlll~lon by Lh.. p.nitlon"ru of that part~cular, Intorrn."l1at.. lIervl\:u drc.. butweon the ar..a coverfld by the Stð(f docwnent ill tn" orlqln.ll p.nltlun and tn.. m.:l J Lhðt id poSt..", thIs dato. Ch41rman Krullu ot"tt.'ù Lor the rucorcJ thdt (. urln'J tho I'ast 2-1/2 years !lhe, pursonally, II..:. !ll!un ,It IUc1,H ..Ix or III<Jht dif(lIrtlnt IInd varied propolI"lli uf motl'=- nnù sh., .¡.:J1<J th"t, tu har knowl...dge, thoro was none sp"ciflcotll~ evu[ dccu~tud by thu dC~. Mr. ~aun(ht[ j joll", !t t/IU ul:C <J"fllr,)¡ to .Jlvu Lho ¡.,.nitlonor ð wrltt"n ([ancnl;.¡1.' thla ¡I,lL", to,)t tllu U"nchluo inclucJ"ù In tho t:xocu- tive Summðry, ')11;1 Lor w"tùr ...nJ une Lor uow.:r, Is tho on.. &t,]ff is recOmlllltndln<j. It" .;"1<.1 t;l.1t tho: putalonu[ lu r':'juuatin') tllo'lt tho ßCC award the (ranchl.e u Jon the I'ro[JOomJ trDnchiue thllt '1111. cJol1verecl 8/l/liJ, that ID not In Lh" /lqondd pi1Ck"t. IItJ!lponr ln~ to Chnlrman Kruse, Mr. Cdtlln .... Id that the p"t! tloncr rUÐpondod to the County proposal ",ith th.. (runcn!a.. ...ro~u...l dul1v"r..cJ 7/29/83. Mr. 8orzon osaentlally agr...d with Commissioner Voss' remark. re9ardln~ the dlffervne.a in the charges o! tho ~GGt Naplol Water &O~K fnS fA:ë 62.8 . , Pege 31 . ,; .; I.),,' ..r'~,.·;"J1t,tí:J;~,t',¡¡/;::~,~iÄ:ht,i'ot*':.< '~:_'¡'>"?; ~: Â. t..¡¡;.....'«. ,·.Plil1W>iJ._..t~~~V'\~'1i ':':1.I;~1¡. 't,';":"",'",,,., !,~r:""¡i:",~~j~: /,\~ :¡·,,;;·C·tÞ~~ ;';. .' ")"',k'fÌÍ.' ,~.' ,'," . ~: ·,--·~;,\,,..rl". ¡ -1?"~"'" -:;';~~t~"?~'~·¡:". O¡ J l';,..... .. . , , &OOK 076 fACt 629 ^U9ult 2. 1983 Systom., Inc. and the County. He .aid that if tho concentration 18 COII.,arod .. opposod to what i. o.tablhhed on the Counly level in Svwer Ar.a -A- that tho County ha. nloro invoßtment in force mains and 11 f t .tatlon. than tho Gladu would have. He Baid, as II rllllul t, the imp/lct re. would have to bo h i<}he r. 110 mon t lonod tho fact tha t whon the I:ICC con.ider. extendin9 tho tranchiso ace~ boyond tho pc.aunt .ervice aroa tho Utillty will have to put in fore!;: malns /lnd pUlllp stations IInd tt..t co.t will have to be recover.d In user foos aD· well liB through Impact t..s. lie compared the altulltlon wlth the recent ace dlrcctlon to Dolton. Corporlltlon II few monthu "'Jo to com" bo.lck with 411 Impllct t..1t in order to reduce the ctfuct oe lhuir rate. on the exiating usora. 110 said that Oeltona Corporatlon IIrrlved at an Imp/lct fo~ that ia virtually identical to tho County's Impact f~c anð the Corporlltlon reportod thot they could juwt1(y hlqht!r t.tta., which Mr. ¡;IIr:¡:on agrllted was poaaible. Therefore, he Billc1, In his opinion, it would be unrealistic to ~xpoct that If thl» Utility wcre to go beyond Ita existing uervlce thllt tho afor.,monllon~J Imp/lct fee will remaln at the current level. lie olso volntou out thllt the dcvI:loper, II' Doltonll Corporal Ion was dol~9 ovur tho yeaCH, WIIS able to keep the l~pact f..a down, (or tho SlIke uf lan¡J a"l~.. Oil an Incentive, whoreas tho County or any utility operating atrictly liS a ut¡lity ot nec.saity has to recover all of the coatu. Mr. ~erzon referred to Chairman Kru.e'. qUIIstlon regarding u.er fs.. to those peraonft who havlI mllde an IIppllclltlon for ..rvice by paying an Il1pact and that tho utility had responded no feo wlla charged until tho service wo. .vallablu. lie explained that tho utility would Þo forced Into the some clr¡:umStðnco8 a8 the: County, if tho utility were actually oper~ting ðS a utlllty. He said If a duveloper com.s in P.9 e J 2 - - - - - - - - -- -- -- -.- -- .-- -- -- -. -,-. ... - ,-- ------------------------- ~ ~ m!1 - --'-~-~"-,...",._"~~""'-,...~,..,-,-,..""...."',,-..._,,- .......,-~...,_._""-"""-,."........<'''_..,''.,,. Li...o.:::'"d ~ ~ ---------------------------------------- ^U9ust 1., 198J end request. bullding p~rmlts and PðY" h18 Impact fue, hit w.1i ts for as long as the pe r III i t Ii IHIt valid, up to t'WO years, and ho: "/lid if the County wero to "tie up· tho County's pl4nt c/lpaci ty by having sold a -Cuture connection- to lho County systom for two Yd/lra the following t"'O result. would oceurl 1) Another person would be denied ace... into the plant, if tho plant Is 11mltuu In cðpacity and, 2) Tho County would not rltculYe any rovenucs tor that purlod of tlmu, which Is what the .y.tell dupenda upon for financial Integrlty. lie oxplalned that the Impact foe Is not p~yinq the ful1 amount of tho construction ~nd operation of the lIy.tum dno wi thout tho rllvonuo, the County would bo lo.ing monoy. Tape 16 Chairman Kruae IIlIló Mr. äor%on ~ remark» worlt v~lla, howuvur, sho polnted out tllClt with thu currunt Imp,lct Cve dlfforonl:lill .¡ currunt u..r loIOuld tak. six y",HII to m~kc UfJ tllC d.lf!~rence. After ~ øhort dlscu»Mlon, Mr. bur%on ~m~r1i1111¿v~ tn.. ImportancQ Cor ~ b~al3 to 00 estllblll1hed {or an "vuntual purcl .I.... "cilely in thu 'J..mu.. lIo.¡x>nain9 t.o I.:ommlssloncr doll.1n¡J, i1r. tlurzon ..xplalnea t.hdt 1In.. lira 1-,11<.1 for oy trIa u:leru ot lr101 lIyst~mu, or tll.. pro(lolrty ownurs'. He clar1!lt:<J that.. tiy:Hllm JUI/clopmunt l.'O.H(jC 1:;¡ to ¡J.JY for thO! cllplt,)l cost or thl) tre.1tmunt ~!"nt ..nJ such (orc~' ",..inü 4:lntJ 11ft utatlons ðD ere incluch,u In tllO totD! COdt. hI! (IxpI..inod tl1.H In J I uxlstlnq .ubdlYialol1 tl,.It 1,. not <1CCIIIIOlblll to 1:110 Count)! sy:It.:¡, ancJ the dolvelo¡:.cn.nt provloua .. trllðt.lnltnt pl.1nt, ..t the tlm. tho application ia .ad" for ~p~roYa! ot the subdlvi.lon plat, etc. th~ County mClko. ð at1puleUon that the developer wlll PAY tho impAct tor that sll~r ·YAte. and wlll no lonqer be ob!i~atød to pay any future fve., when that facll1ty i. tled Into that .ysto., hol he. bouqht 4 .pace in the acolC 076 PACi 630 paq e ) J -~~,_.,-'-=~--""',',..;"".._-<,--" """""..._,"""""'"._i'<4'.,~".".','c __..___.__.__ "-_..~.._--"...."- "',-'".."<....",~,_......""..,"'_."_..,..._-.....-..'-,--,,.-...-"',..,_...."... eOOK 076 fACë 633 ^ugust 2, 1983 the ar.a, In favor of th1s p.titlon. Ho said thls r04uost Is co~patlble with the curront condltions in the area. Durin~ the onlu1n9 diacus.ion, Mr. Virta sai~ lots of los. than 5 acr.. In .izo in thlø are. would have t.O hove beon created bofore 1974, In whit'I, CIUO Stollf! would have ðl1oW\ld a property owner to build upon those! 10tG. Mr. ~ '~ld Williams, ropreøontin9 the potltlonur, explained that h. do.. not know tnv petitionur and 111 not relatud to nim OVOrl thou'1h they have tho .eme last name. Itu scdd t/lllt his son-In-law Iii lnterostad in bulluin9 ~ hou.~ on th~ property In question. /tv Gaid that hl. .on-in-law'. contr~ct is contin9cnt upon b~in~ ~b1e to build. ho..e and a smðll nursery on tile 2-1/2 dcru lot. Ch~irln¡¡n Kruse Bald that if t.his variance I.. ðpprov,,,J, in orúur to be fllir to th~ othttr landownorll, tht' DCC ml9t1t ¡"v[' to rezone the ,¡ntlrl) arell to ollow homes to be built on 2-1/2 ~crUK. Commis.ioner lIoJ!ðnd "diu tOcH II" did not think the requust would b. harlllful to the lurrour¡dlnr,¡ .lrea., ðnd ho pointed out thðt the petitioner ls ð8kin~ for ~ varl/lnco and not ~ zonln9 chðngv. COlllli..loner ~Istor sðld no aqrued In pðrt with Co=mlssioner Holland. He roferred to the Lxecutlvu ðummðry dðtvd 7/21/83, that states there have been previous requests In this area (or similar variances t.o build on les. than 5 acr..s and that thv lJec hila denied those requests. Ho said, in his opinion, that creates a difficult situatlon. Mr. Virt.a .aid he ~ld not hðve an exact numbvr of the lots thet have beon aubdlvld.d prior to 1\174. He re.l1nded tho Bee thllt tho pr lllary criteria In consloor1n9 a variance to the zonlng ordinancOf is one of hardship, not one of aulf-lmpoGed hllrdship. Ita 841¡J thal, In thls case, the petltlonor Is not tho owner of th. property a~d Staff did not Pa<j e 36 - - - - - - - -- - --.. -. --- - -- -'- >- -..- -- ,_. -- -- -- -- --- ._- -- - .- - - - - - - - - --- ~ ¡';;\t),¡,{,1 I'iB'm rill c::::J CJ -- - - - - - - - - -...... -.... -..- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- August 2, 1983 .eo any hardahlp oxiMting in thIs ~attor durlnq tho roviuw of tne potltlon. Mr. Horold Williams stated that Mlchaul J. William. is the own.r of the lot. ~o~mloølonDr Voss ø~ld that thoro 10 no fln~nclnl hardship to Mr. wll11~mft And that %onln9 Is %onln~, And h~ did not Seo any reason to change It. Responding to Chalr~an Kruse, County Attornoy Saundora commented that economic hardship In and of Itself ls ~enurðlly not satlsfoctory to .atabl1sh hardshlp tur tho purpose of grðnting a variance. lie referred to the question of whether the /:iCC would establish a procedent by saylnq, when the ßee ~nke» ð deLermlnntlon on ony variance rC4uollt, that tactors are presant that )uMtlty 9rnntln~ the varlanc~, and ð ai.llar1y situated property owner CAn cumu In and o.~ r~r troAt~ant in . fashion aimilar to tho 10111'1 tile UCC hðn tra..tftd other pliO pIe. He øald ~hile there i3 no "Iron clad" r04ulrument lhat everybody be tro~ted .qually, th" uce øtl11 11/18 to be I)mewhat \:on,illltent in tho wl.JY they 4pply thoir rc.l~u1.Hlonll. ""a,;pondln(J to Commlaslunl1r lIolland, Mr. Saundors explained thAt It i» ~ 9unurðl principal ot 1.101 that 4 landowner Cd/lnot r.dy 011 l<Jnln') r~'m lnln'J thl1 IJIJ/UO. He allld thðl the governin9 body ot tllO) !oe.d qOl/urnmcnt CIIII ""ðnl)U ;toning without any jHlvance notlct:, other tll.ln tn. rU'lu!¡"d notle..: tUt the ordlnanco. Chðlr/llðn Kruso corJparod this ilted to oJ IIltu.ttlon in Ijolden Cote t;atatos when ruzonl/l<j o.:c:urruJ und :1.11": tl1.1L tllU8U ¡Jotrlluns ownln.J 41 piece of proporty that wnll too amall to bo built upon, b.aod on tho acc's action, wore Au-c..lled -'Jr4ruHAtll'tre(j In". aha sold that thCl sa... thln<j occurred In thl4 HO.J ðnd thllt from t.he time tho new %onlnc¡¡ clesaUIc..tlon wont Into ~ffoct forward, the property holds under tho new cla.sif1cation. Mr. Vlrt. ..greed. ee·co"S..loner Brown ant. red the roo. et llSO P.M.... aoo. G76 fACë 634 Pege 37 ...."'..4-""'..0.<1___ "'''''''''"-'''''''''''''"''~'".~-''''''^-'''"'''' "'"-'--""-"'''''-,_...~'._;",,_....,,,''"''',..''''-- "--_I r;¡;¡¡¡ c:::J ~ ì,.(.......,J .---------------------------------------- August 2, 1983 ....m.nt do.s not glve any moco thðn It s~ys It glves. the County does not nave. grant of ooøument with th... 10 foet strips lie said that and he reitorated that the only 'ef.runc~ lion a pl~t ~llch 1. over private property. 110 :uld tlH.t it thu rl';ht Is not given it la retalned and that t/10 {tie øimµlu own&!rø olOn 1111 tho r iC)hts oICcept the rlght to Itop puoplu from wnlklng across th~t property. Tape .. DurinC) tl'l. continuin!) r!Ißcusalon Mr. Tuclter explðined tho'lt thtl lot. are all 100 foot lots and the deeds havo been conveyrd .s auch ov.r the y.ara. Chalrman Krulle aold øhe would not be In fAvor of p.s.lng an ocdin4nco that not only l~noros the ealementa but would 01.0 declare that the eaa.monta oru not publlc, no Mr. Tucltor sugC)osted o. a possiblo solution. Respondln'] to Commlu,¡lorl.H lIulli,ncJ, 'ub1!c Works Adminløtrlttor HartlMn aald t ,at Gule ~hor(" uoulev,1rd la to be widuned and improv;ld during the next couple ot Yèùra, In tho drua under dløcu..lon. Mr. Hart.an expltlinlld the County pllln I» to widen Gulf Shore Boulovllrd so that there will Du tUln l~n~& rUDullln~ In approxlmAtoly ð thrvo-lino wide atro"t wl11ch woulu utilI l"<lve room (01 t>ðralJ¡:l parkin'] on ooch aloo and .1ucwolK~. ,j\. (:xpLun...J U.,ll Lt,"I\! ,11... JI,dn"'Jv ."Iaumvntll ln the dr..... A , acu:llll1ol1 conUUUG (\.'JéHdlny th.. pObalbillty of (Jerkin,] .~cea evalL1ol" In ll1.. .lr'JiI. I'1r. 'UC^':I ..':'1.1 ,dtilouC)ht I~rlo. Lv,"lync I.JWm,lstcr, Fr"ail.lent ot till! VandorDlit ~u~cn Prop~rty Owners ^-ûocldtion, n~s laglst"r&d to spoak that aha r~quc"t"d hlr,¡ t::> "mt'thlul;tv lhòt I<cIJolution "/<:)-125 rvldtea to ~notnvr Inctdcnc~ In wl1lch tn~ 8CC h~s dluculJS~d this ~attvr. Mr. tucker ( UOlcd lrop! In,·t l~oUolution to tho elC"ct thllt "the lI(ororun- tionod bedch JCCUSø (till' three SP"CIIS undur ùl¡¡.:ualllon is to be ., foot &O~~ L7B FAC( 64.<J r~9 0 41 -- - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - -- ..- - - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---.c~ -.-......-."'........,...,..-....."......,.'''''''''' """,.""""""",--,.,. -"..._----~'-^"-....~"-,-"'""-,,'..~_......_..<.,,..,;''''' ~='~;J C:-] ~J ------ ---- --_.~ - _. ..- - - - _. -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ^ugust 2, 1983 RICESSI 2135 P.M. - 2150 P.M. at whlch time Deputy Cl.r~ Skinner va. r.placed by Deputy Clerk K.nyon. It.. 112 AUTHORIZATION CRANTED TO ADVERTISE THE ZONINC ORDINANCE REGARDING CHANGES IN FENCES - APPROVED Plan. Implomentlltlon Ulrðctor Lðyne stated that several month. ago the Soard inlltruct.,d ~taff to rovlew tho ZonIng Ordinance concerning tence. .long w.terw4y~, location ot funcus In front yards and the ..xl.~ hei9ht ot tence.. Dhe noted that In the attachod stat! report, the fence. alon~ waterways prior to Jðnu~ry of 1982, wvru required to be tour teet tor the side and roar yard Jf thoy wure ~ior.9 waterw~)' or canal lotll, adding that IIhe la recomm~ndlnq that the sarno requlro~ent be used that wouJd limit tho height tor the aide tind rear y~rd of tour teet .lon9 watorway or canaJ lOLlS. Lhe IIt.nud thal, r"qllrdin~ fences in tront yørdll, under l~. oxldtln9 Janqullge thoy IIrv 4Jlowe~ on thu lot llne up to G (cet In rUMI~..ntlal and non-rosldential districts, adding that th" ao.ord re~uvBt...d :.itllff not to 11110101 (encIJa In tho front Yllrd. She r.torred to vllrluu:a I·>!<:turl!a alt/lcl1c~ to tho I::lIfJcutlvo :.òummðry, .tatlnq that tn" J..t!nlllon uC the fronl Yurl.! III ttl.Jt .HI!a b4f'weon the property line 11110 thl: (ront lJ"lU,,(;1( 1 In.., Jlìu nol"~ tndl C"nc"lI cannot be prohibJt"d :Jtrlctly lor .Ju8thuUc purpo~ulJ, ..1.!~ln'.l thdt hedges and ahrubbery aru .Jllowed to ~o .Jny h..i~ht. ~hc IJt..tw(J that IIhe is recomm4fndlnq that lcncca not bu In tr~nt yðru3 uut In thu front )'lIed .otbaCI<.D, lurlnur dt..Un'l lhdt. It tI.J UOelf': rucomnunl.!M thllt f"nces not be In th&1 front yard !letbc1ck ,.0101', l/,ill il uu ltmitc... only to tho reaidentlal ~rlJðD of luna th~n onu aeru, uxeludinq tn~ estatea, 8qrlcullurðl, or commcrical ~r~a. ~he Bt~tcd thðt if It Is allowed within the lIetb.1cka, then tho Ø1ðxlmum huiqht of ~h. fence would be ðD~K 016 FACi:' 64-2 PAge 43 - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ "':4:- ._-"""""''''"''''""'-'''''~''"'''''~ """.'''' ~'.........,->.....'"'-,-""... _».._"'~,~,~"~'"",~,._""_,,,, "",,,..~....,,-,,,,c_~,,~ --_.,',~,~ -_'__~""'""""""~"'4.~'_"",_',~", '''','"~,",'''''~_'',,,.., '_,~'~"..._'"_.,,,,,,.__,."..~"__.. . ~ ~ [b,; ;.J August 2, 19B3 - - - - - - - - - - '-- - - - - _ _ _ ø._ _ _.. _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Co..issloner Vo.s moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that fences for aide and rear yard. that are on a waterway or canal be llmlted to a maximum of tour teet on a one acre or lesa piece of land, tor advertising purpo.es only. Plana Implementation Dirvctor Layne stated that in regards to location of fencos in front yards, tholro be no change in the ordinance. Coaaissloner Holland ~oved, seconded by Comml11s1oner Brown and carried 3/2, (Coaal..loner Pistor and Voss opposed) that the location of fence. In tront yards be left as is at the front lot line. Ma. Layne stated that thoru will bo no public hoaring ~n the location of fences in front yards as thoro is no change ðnd tho part of the ordinance regarding thls matter will remalr. the same. Commissioner Brown left the meoting at 3121 P.M. Thord wa~ general discussion ro~arding the height of the fence with th" gunoral consunaus being to follow thu natural contour of the lot lino at th. lowest point of the lot 4nd to advertiso for the pUblJc hear ing .st which tIme tho actuðl he igllt will be cJetdrrnilled. After discussion of fences bulnq usej as ð principle structure, it was tho ~~nerdl consensus to dllQW tonccB aB a principle structure and to advertise for tlllll public hc"c lll'l. Tape 110 Ite. IlJ RESOLUTION 83-119 AM~NDIHG RESOLUTION NO. 82-162, COASTAL CONSTRUCTION CONTROL LINE VARIANCE RELATING TO PETITION NO. CCCL-82-6C F~R PROPERTY LOCATED AT BEACH ACCESS COMMONS R , S, UNIT 2, PAHK SHORE _ ADOPTED Dr. ~or.edict, County Environmentalist, stated that thls is a resolution modifying Hcsolution G2-l~~ to include the plðcement of an additional 180 linear feet of rlprap dnd to Incorporato the ch~n?s in rlprap design spocifi"d in the DHM p~rmit. eOOK 016 fACê 644- pag e .. 5 - --- - --- - - ~- -- - -'- - - - - - - - -.. -- -'- - - -- -- - - - - - - --- -- -- ------------- ----------. 80DK (f76 fACE 645 ^u9uat 2, 1983 Co..l..loner Vo.a .oved, seconded by Comml..ionor Holland and carrlod 4/0 (Co..la.loner Brown absent), that Resolution 82-162, Co.. tal Con.tructlon Control Line variance relating to !etltlon No. CCCL-12-6C for property located at Beach Acce.. Comaon. R , 0, Unit 2, 'ark Shore, be adopted. '.g" 4G ----------------------------------------- .. .. III! .--'--"'-,,,,,.....,',..,.,.,-.;,'..-.-.--...... " .. " ¡;¡;;¡:J r:;;;¡;J ------------------------------------------ ^u91111t 2, 1:)03 It.. 114 PRI-PLAMMINO rOR PROCUREMENT or DßTAILED BASIN TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS or HENDERSON CREEK AND BELLE MEADE-ROYAL PALM HA""OCK AREA _ APPROVED Public: Works Administrator tllIrtmøn stated that thIs request h to pdrtlcipatv with the blq Cypruss Bðsin Boord ond is for the Mendelson Creek and eelle Maude-Royal Palm H~mmock Areu. Ho concluded by atøtlng that this has been ~pprovud in tho forthcoming yoar's budget. Com.l.aioner Pi.tor moved, .econded by Corn~i.sioner Vo.. and carried 4/0 (Commissioner Brown ab..nt), that the pre-planning tor procur..ent of detaSled baain topographic: mapa of Henderson Cr.ek and .ell. M.ade-Royal Pal. Ha.~ock area be approved. I te. U 5 RIPORT AND REC(»UI END^TIOH ON TilE JUSTICE CENTER PROJt.CT AND CIIANGE ORDERS - APPROVED Publlc :';/)f~ty ^dnllnlotrntor Noll Dorrlll :ltoltuCl tholt tlll0 lu is status report on tll.. OW'jllt and Ju..tlcl! l:onter project, .Iddin': thllt that Justlce Cttnter ¡.¡roJoct ""8 :;6~,oOO to tnu yood tor tho County tor oJeducta fro", IJxlat1n') .:Inti OUllHiJn(Jin'J conlracto ðm.l contractors th"t are currontly workln') on uutll or tli\i pro)l!ctø. It" rt!ported tnðt the un.lluc.IItttd mon.,y Cllilt tn's f'rojoct ¡,..U iJv..ll"blu to JlltCl ...... ðpproxim..tuly ~2."':" 1'11111011, ,,¡Joln<] th..C tli., ov"r..ll budgct .1nd choJn'Je ordcr ¡..oøltlons .Ir" vLlrt 'Joo·J. ilu IlOtud lh.:ll ¡JuI1dln'¡ "J" .1:1 pro9r"ssln') v-:-r} ......dl, 'JJull1-} lhllt 0"" ute I'",ck tor Ih,curlty 13 .pproximdtol}' ,j\l 'h1)1:O IJ·,uilhJ uchudlllu. fir. :J.Hyi ,...111...:1 at 11"..ry stdtl.:cI lll4t t:", contr..ct o/~IS 2 weolta lllte bo1u'l .Jw,H.J\;u by th.. uoJoJrJ to till' <:ontr..¡ctor, a<.hl1n'J ttat this amount o( C!:;H' ....I¡ ':,1l>\J<:t.'J OUl. ;¡" ~tðLoj tlH.t ev..rythln'1 undur the control oInd r<.'tI¡'<JIIJiblli·,y ot till' ":Olllrilctor ...·ho Is 49 tlðYII behind is their rusponsllJil1ly. II" not"d th.Jt lllcr" h..» bt'en.) :.hHi...:1 or ß~~~ 076 fACi648 ril'Je 47 -------------------------- n .""---._""""., "T .,----_.,,,..,~-"',"''''',..'... -- -- 80~ ( 076 PACë649 ^U'Just 2, l!llD ---- ---- - _. --- ---- ----- --- - ---------------- lIeetinçlil with this Contro1ctor, 4Idding that ttu:y 4Irc: comlng to a good .olution to try to recovor the 10Sl timll. lie ntlltvd that wIthin two ""'ek. ho would havo II rflcomlllendð t Ion fo r thv Uoa rd rfH]/Hd i ng the contractor and tho ØCh~dul~. Ho concludlld by Sl^tlng that tho Cinðl COllpletlol1 date of thll jail wl1l bll maou Dt l:wt tlmu. Com.ls.10nvr Plstor moved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carried 4/0, that the report and recommendation on the Justice Center project and Change Order. be approved. 'ORMATION 0' EMPLOYEE ADVI~ORY COMMITTEE rOR HEALTH AND LIrE INSURANCE - APPROVED. CTA,r DIRECTED TO PUT EXISTINC INSURANCE SPECI'ICATIONS UP 'OR BID. HR. SIVEP. TO 8£ UIRED AS INSURANCE CONSULTANT IN PREPARING SPECS - DENIED. Per.onnel Director ftuth stlltod tl..a this Is /I three part rvquQst, one bein~ that he recelv~ approval to Dollelt (or bids, Bueond that there be e"ployoe partlclP"lJon by o,¡ttln'J UfJ a conlmlttev of 12 Cor the purpoue o( eeculvln<) ol:\¡:.loyeu P/Ht1cL¡'ùt1on before bl<.lø "r~ lel, and third, thal Mr. SIver b~ h!red a~ the In~ur4nee consultant to ~rk up the apeclllcat1onM. 11.. Indlc.tvd thQt e/Jch a9vncy will ".lect a repreaentativII, thu 5hvrlfC's otlle" ~III bo asked to ael.,ct two, and large division. undee the Cummlsslon will selget two. He indicat.d that each one. of the»" r"pre..cnl.tlvus would rllport to their 4gency in order for all .lIIployuea to bu mad., /JWðru of what Is happening. COlllllarloner Voaø .tatuo that hll did not think that Mr. Siver's skills are neodtld at this pulnt, ðddlng t:lat the committees could work on the ideas to bug In wi th, adding th'H ht' would lIk" to aue ael:- inaurancc ch.c~.d Into. Com~i.aion.r Kruse st"t~d thot Inøurðnce is a vury coroplox (ield and the employ..a will need the ðsalatðnce of Mr. 5ivur. COlUlis.ioner HollDnd queatlolllJd "'ho ill going to wrltu the Page 40 -._--- - ---- -- - - ------- -- --------- ------------ mm œ.m mŒJ -",,- ~ tmZ1 ~~ ---------------------------------------- Au?ust 2, 190J .peelfleations Cor the bid, to whlch Mr. Ruth replied It la hi. r.co".ndatlon that Mr. Siver wrIte th~ 8pocltlc~tion8. there is now ~nd s~lt-Inuur~ncQ could bu initiated in this County Com~l.sionwr V03S .t~twd that tho County p.Y. ~ll the COBt that without any problem. COllllal..iontlr lIoJ1.sntl InuIcatC<J th.n Mr. Sivor In boln? retained on · contract Dnd should be Used, ~ddln9 that tlme 18 oC the eSlence and the ..ploy.es are vory upSQt. can be carrIed on a month-to-month bðuln without any emploY''':1I COllnty I'\oIni'lqer Honllan :ltatud thJt when the Contr4ct runo out, It 'dding thlt, five cOnstitutional o!Clc.:ru hl)VO ðllkod th.lt tile UOllrd c¡o out tor bId. tee 1. thlt some of the COlt containment ~lt~rn~tlv.s should be pursued, reclivlng a rlise until th. mattor III Sl1ttlwtl. lie notea thot =t.ff and .n {nMur.nco W~~urt 1~ n~uuuu. cov.r.g" h,.. to IHI 10UKwd <It, Lnu 4:m¡.>10YhI8 P,ort1clPIIl!on 111 n'hl<.hHI, the amount of Inon"y fur c1..Ilm~ IIlJudll to 1)1.1 r.llsod wll1cn m!tðn:l thllt th" Com.llslonor Kruso ~tdtlJÙ Lnðt nu mattor "no In!lured to" County, Tape .11 lubjllct tu w ~. 1 ncr"....... proper baC.1UII<1 till! cun~tltur\o/l,'l Old.:er:,)' l.IC';;:¡lItll hllVI1 blton o1p Jroved they will not 'Jut ., rdl!!" ulltlJ tllll III:JU!'.)/lC... I:; r.'r.olv.:CI, It 111 not tor thl:! Insur.lnclJ ut<l't1n'J III ¡';~tuù'..r "nIl It ¡luu tùl1 "'lIIplo~""8 that Comml.ø..lonur lIolJ.n<.l dt..t(lU tlli.t lllur" I" 'Join.) CU bo IIU /:Iuch cost OICCol .lt fur C;,... d..l...ry un<.l W.I<)" ..dju~t/:lunt r.lun...y. this IIIdtlur lid" uuun rU80lvuu bocaulIII LI1"ru 110 TlO otnllr money to PAY it Comlll1blJlonclr KruutJ ,¡t<1t...<.I th..1t l1u Ollu ,¡QuIll rVCCl!vo r..dbtJ8 until Comll11aøionur Iloll"l1d ato1tuu tJwt ~o of tl10 lU.HH nUllu01d poopl.. ---------------------------------------~~ ,\'J &::~~ 876 FA~650 Pt'It,¡e 49 -'---""--"~""~ .. ...... ... -<''''"----.._....,.,'''--~>'..,''"."''. -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -'- - - - - - - - .- - - - - - - '"- - - - - - '- -.- - -- &O~~ 018 fACt' 651 ^uqust 2, 1983 could be f1rod. Com..l..ioller Vo.. lIIoved, seconded by Commissloner Pi.tor and carried 3/1, (Co_issloner Bolland oppoud land CO/lllllluioner Brow" absent), that the for.ation of an employe. ftdvlsory commltt.e to .xplore all optlons for the employee hftalth and llfe inlurance coverage be approved. ellectlvo now, IIddlng thnt any nllw ~l';\ploY\lvR comlll<J In woultl hllvt: to Commisulonor V<>IIIII Dldtull lh...t lhl' dCPOln.'ent covcr"g" could uocomll their d.pllnú~nt µ~I~. pay tor thldr o\oln Coval"'J'" me! th,' aK1ut1n. om[-1oyot's would BtIll have flve conatltutlonðl of(lcllr. would bv mðdv pðrt of lhe record a. Comll1iilølonttr lIolland 1neJ!Ciltod thtlt tlte r""oll~tlon IIlgnod l>y the fl1e in the Clerk to the Board'. office. reterencod IInd Incorporatcú h..rl1ln. Hotel Tho re.olution appears on Co_l.sioner Holland .o'/ed, .econded by Co_l.sioner Voss and carried 4/0 (Co-l.sloner Prown øbaent), that Staff be directed to take exl.tlng .pecifications for the existing polley and go out for bid. tihorlff Rogers atatad thllt, dvallng with the budget problem., the exact same bellaUta cannot 1.>" gIven, addlnrJ thot he \oIould like to see COM up at the lllst minut... they want and n.ed. lie statad that ha lu concarncd why thia ..tter has the elllploy.e. "avo aome .ay in lhi. .Wltler liS lo th. ax.ct coverage be includsd in tho bld paCk/liJt' a. alturl1atlve bldø. It was the general conaen.us that Mr. SIver's alternatives could the Inauranc. conaultant. Commisaloncr Kruse stated that sha will vote Therl! was ganortll d1.cus.lon 1111 lo Whetner to hire Mr. Siver as for a splci.li,ad conaultllnt In tile field of Inllurance because It can be too dangerouB without tho knowledglt o( a consultont and $10-12,000 Pl.ge 50 - - - - - - - '- '- - - --- - --. .-. -- '- -- - -- - -- - "- ..- - - -.- -- - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~ - FJIIJ "-~-'''-'''-'-'___'''''__""n~..,'^ ..,~,.~,..~--",~--'''-_...- -"'------" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ^uqust 2, 190J .---- -- --- ---------- ----. ------- ----------- 1. nol a.kinq too much to apend on cmployvuø In~urance covwrA9a. Co..lss1oner Kruae moved, seconded by CommissIoner lIolland, that "r. Siver bo hired a. the Inauranca apecialist to a.sl.t in drawing the apecltlcationa and to assiat the employee committee. Upon call lor the ~tlon, It tailed 2/2, (Commissionera Plator and Veaa oppoaed and Com.ls.ioner Brown .L~.nt . Commiaaionor Kruao .t~tcu thAt PorsQnnul Dituctor Huth ls on hJs own aa tar as drðwlng up Hpo~ltlcðtlons ~nu lutting It out for bJd. ..... Receast ~120 P.M. - Reconvenedl 4130 P.M. ..... It.. U 7 R£80LUTIOX KWS 83-2 INITIATING SEWER ASSESSMENT PROGRAM FOR PHASE II WITH THE MARCO WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT _ ADOPTED Co..lsaioner Piator moved, socondwd by Commissioner Voas and earriod 4/0 (Com.iasionor Brown abaent), that Roaolution MWS 83-2 inltiatinq sewer aaaessment proqram tOt Phnao II with tho Marco Water and Sewer District bo adopted. ßO~K &76 PACë 65"2 1''1<;10 ~1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _. - - - - - - -_. ..-. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ,,",-,-....",.."-.~'" ,','~"""~,"~'""'"'-,...,, ,-~'-",...--_~ .-:m -- .~ ~_ _ _ - - - _ -- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...,J_ __ __ --~"'''--''___~__'_'''''''''_'''_'~'__'~'''''G_ aO~K (tlB PACë661 AU']uot 2, I!HIJ It.. In REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION ON THt ACQUISITION OF EASEMENTS FOR THE WELL PUMPHOUSES - NO ACTION TAKEN County Mal1a91:r Normbn .IItl1ted that hu Ie closu to hllvln~ thu necos.ary thr~o uQuemuntu, addlng thnt Mr. urrzon høs been In cont~ct wlth thfl contractor notln<J thnt thur... ~llll b., In..:ruasuLl cost ¡ss n re.ult. 01 t.he cJulays hut the construction \d 11 Iotill bu uncJur t.hCl ..cond low bid. tic notcu t.hat a tln.'!l rcport {,nd rucommendatlon ohould be avallablr !C\r th.~ noxt UCC muotlng. Ite. 120 ROUTIN~ BI~~S - APPROVED FOR PAYMENT Pur.uant t.o IIdsolutlon ~1-150 tho !ollowlng chocks were Issued throu9h t'r IdAY, July 29, 190J, In p...ymcnt ot coutlnt! blllsl CH~CK D£~CII¡PTION CIIECK NU~;. AMOUNT Vouchor Chuckll !.II!!>~~ - !.IG002 ~40!>, 939. 62 ¡'¡09u1ar ¡¡ayrul1 66640 - 67JOO 249,408.!>0 It_ 121 aUOCET AMENDMENTS 83-668 THROUCH 83-682 - ADOPTr.D AS PRESENTED Co..i.sloner Pl.tor .oved, .econded by Com.i..ioner Holland and carried 4/0 (Co.-i.sloner Brown ab.ent) , t.hat Budget AMend.ent. 83-668 through 83-670 be adopted as pre.ented. Co..lasloner Pistor moved, .econded by Com~la.loner Voss and carried 4/0 {Co~.ls.ionor Brown ab.ent) , that Bud~et Aaend.ent 83-671 be adopted a. pre.ented. Co..i.sloner Pi.tor .oved, seconded by Co..lss1oner Vo.s and carried 4/0 (Co~i..ioner Brown ab.enl) , that 8udget ~end.ent. 83-672 through 83-612 be adopted a. pre.ented. PA90 53 - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - --- ["Í~' 'Y,. . . . ~ ~ &'i'I! ~ -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- ~oo~ Oíti PÄCt õn AuqUBt 2, I!lU3 ..... Com.iasioner plstor moved, seconded by Commissioner Voaa and carried 4/0 (Co~isslonor Brown absent), that the followln9 Items be ado?ted and/or approved under the Con.ent Agenda. ..... Ite. 122 RESOLUTION 83-121 CONrIRP'lINO TilE STREET NMlES OF WILDWOOD ESTATES BOULEVARD AND WILDWOOD ESTATtS CIRCLE Su Pa9U t,?-3 Ite. 123 STArr MEMBER TO ATTEND A PROFE~SION^L DEVELOPMENT COURSE AT DETROIT, "ICHIOAN (SEPT. 19-2Ql., ON REIIAIHLITATION CONGTRUCTION MANAGEMENT ae.. . 24 CONCEALED WEAPONS PERMIT rOR MR. JOliN t. DOOLE't - DENII::D It.. .15 CERTIrICATE or CONVENIENCE AND N!CESSIT't FOR AIR AMBULANCE B't RorAL AIRWAYS, NAPLES FOR A PERIOD 01' ONE 'tEAR Ite. 126 COOPERATIVE LEAGE AGREEMENT, FLORIDA DIVISION or 1'0RESTR't AND THI:: COLDEN OATE rIRE CONTROL DISTRICT - C^NCELED a.. 127 TRA»SrER or rUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $300 PROM THE OEHERAL CONTINGENCY FUND TO PERSONNEL EDP OPERATIONS TO COVER PROCRA"MINO COSTS FOR THE DEFERRED COMPENSATION PHOGRAM Ite. 128 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT I 'OR THE PUBLIC WORKS DIVIÞION It_ 129 BID 1671 "!::DIAN LANDSCAPItIC AND IRIUCATION FOR MARCO ISLAND - AWARDED TO IMPlRIAL RIVER LANDSCAPING IN TilE AMOUNT OF $14,142.90 PLUS $65 ADDITIONAL PER TREE LegAl notlcu hAvln9 beun publl¥h~d In the N4pluø Daily News on July 1, 198J, AH evid.ncod by AffiOðvit of Public4tion filed with tho Clark, bldM wor.: rectlivC!d for Oic.l ,G71 for modioli landscaping and lrrlg4tlon on Marco Isl.nd, until 2:30 P.M. July 20, 19b3. P.:Ig. 54 -- - - - - - - _. - -- - -_.- - -~ .-- - -- - -- _. - -~-- -- - --- -- -- -------.. :~~] ~ ~ 2Lill' .' . '.... ,!,-':,,' 'j-" ." 'L'. c::J ~ _.__J - - - - - - - - - - - - - .- - --- - - - - - - -- - - - '-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ^ugullt 2, 1983 Ite. 1]0 APPROPRIATION OF APPROX. $8,000 rOR PURCHASI AND INST^LLATION or ^N AIR CONDITIONER tOR Till TRAININQ AREA or THE COLLUR COUNTY StlERU'l!'S orFICI FROM CONrISCATED TRUST rUND Ito. 131 CUTIFICATES or CORRECTION TO TilE T^X ROLL AS PRESENTED BY THE PROPERTY APPRAISER TANGIBLE P£HSONAL PROPERTY 1982 T^X ROLL 1982-J7S - 1982-JBI 7/18/B3 - 7/20/8] It.. 132 RESICNATION or MR. JERRY CUTLIP rHO'" TilE WATER "'ANAGE"'ENT ADVISORY BOARD It.. I]] "ISC&LLANEOUS CORREapONDENC& - rILED AND/OR REFERRED Thore bo1nq no oojuctlon, tllc Choic J1cl.lcto:d that thd fo110w1n'J corrolf"ondlJnCe ~If f11"d .)nd/or r.:to:rr<:d to tt...1 v.1Clou:\ d..p"rtmnllt>l cJd indicøt..d IHdo"': 1. Copy o( I\lttuc ¡J,Hu<1 July 1, 1"JJ, ,'1r. UrolBllo1, LlurL'''U ot UA1Qnc~ oC $t~tn, Depolrtm~nt ot Laboc and ~mp10ymcnt ~ucur1ty, to C~TA U1r.ctor Norton commend1ng ~nc out»tolnd1ng pdrCormolnco.! In¡JJ~at~¡J In tnu Mny munðgument rov1"",. fl1wd. ::. ù<:p...rt:;)l.Int c'-'port:! l..cc1Ye..J !rui.\: fllud. ,\. Col11..c County r1Ullolum, June, 19U3. U. Pðrka. Rocreation, ~ny ~ June, l~ijJ C. l'uol1c ",oclla, M.:Jjor C.:.p1tal Improvoment , ,'IllY l!lllJ. ¡). V"t"r.:Jnu :>ervlccß, Juno.!, 1')1.)). l. Youth Culd~nca, June, l~UJ. ). Copy o( July 1:.1, 1~)a3, not1c'J from Devl1'a Gardtln "/Stur Cuntrol District tQ Mr. Coldln~ indlcDtlnq t~x r~tøs 3et (or 1~93, wltn úuscrlptlon of lolnda In Colilcr CQunty on wnlch th~s. t~x.a ore to b~ 1~Y1cd. 4. Co~y ut notlcQ (rum DNR of Dppcovðl of tcunsfur oC permit CO-¿7, Vandorbllt P.:Jrtn.rMhlp, l.td. XCI Dr. Benedict, riled. S. Fln.l order [rom OWR on Permit Number ^ CO-Ol, Frank ~. Huls.n, clo bruco Creon' ^ø.oclate.. XCI Dr. Denedict, rlhd. &O~1. crT6 rA~ 618 rage 55 , ,L ..."'''''''-'",...,'...."~'"'',..-*'",....,,......"-,,.,...,-~. ~oa~ 01"/6 PAcë619 AUgust 2, 1~B3 6. ~tter dated July 12, 19B3, from congr.._~n Tom Lewis indicatlng hia a~pport of the Soard'. grðnt applicatiun regarding the ~conomlc Dgvelopmcnt ^dmlnistrotion Grant. rileú. . ,;" " ~ \\. ./ ."; 7. LutUr dated July 18, lIlUJ, from Chairman ot Mtlch V Review Commlsoion, Court 6y.tem Review, noti(yinq of muoting_ and public hearlngs concerning review /lnd evaluation of judiclal articlo of Florido Con.titutlon. XCI Mr. Reagan, Mr. NOrlll/ln, flIed. B. I.ettor dated July 8, 19B3, from Riche:d ~. Bðnderson, Chid, Natural Hazards Division, F&MA, roquesting a9r~em~nt in writln9 to two Itema nooding clorification concerning delay of commencement of appual poriod. xc: Mr. Cuylor, fl10d. 9. I.otter dated July 11, 19bJ, (rom Cummlloionur on &thics notltyin9 o( /lmendmQntll to diwcloluro low ond rC4Ugutlnq nome. of various BOllrd. undQr tho acc. xc: "',r. Anc1l:rson, f1l11o. 10. Copies of minuttJM ro.:eu iv..d frail' tho.: Collo",i n,; and eu<)c: ^. CAP<:, July 7, l~tlJ, ond agenda [or July 21, 198J. ß. EMSAC, July 13, .1983- C. Goldon Gote Community Cont~r ^dv130ry Committee, /'IllY 31, 1903, IIn.J JUIIU 20, 198J. o. Clty or tlllpl"'", .July (" 19¡;~. 11. Copy oC /'11'0 11gend.. tor mllcttlll': ot Ju.ly 2(" l!.lll:!. Filet!. 12. July 15, 198), letter from Mr. :';0 I HOIIII IIdviMing he had recelvud ð notlc.. oI public hworlny to b~ held on July IG, 19113, but lhat property 1ø no .longer hill end advlll1ng of new owner'. name and at!drcs~. XCI Mr. Carlton, FlIed. It.. 134 FISCAL OrFICER AUTHORIZED TO /'\AU NECESSARY CHAHGr.S TO TilE T^X CERTIFICATION SUBJECT TO THE COUNTY ATTORNEY ~ND THE CI.!RK OF COURTS CONCURR~NCE THAT IT CAN BE LEGALLY DONE - APPROVED County ~ðna9~r NormAn .tat~d that this ia an addlt10nal Item, adding thore are cortain Araaa in which the tax levy could be cut to stay with th~ l~' cap And rcducu tho pre..urv on the General Fund Contingency account by virtue of tlen.fera thAt wore made. He noted that the Ite~a that arc bein9 proposud would involve tax levies other thAn the G~nGral funú tn~ luvy and would involvu the pUblicAlion of a tax levy whlch i. sli': htly ~lffer~nl for those funds involved which were certified .last woek and h~vc bcon .ent to the Vropcrty Appraiser. 110 noted th~t there has not b~en 4 cluer ans~er to wh.th~r tho BOArd P:1ge 56 .- - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - ~- - - - - - -- - - - - - --- [:- ···~I r;":..;~ ~Sì ~---">"".," .. ::........,¡ ---1 ~-,., .~-- , " . - - - - - - - - - -- .- - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - --~ - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- ," lIuiJl.1nt. 2, 19B3 can legally chal~v that. certification. Co~mlaaion.r Kruse queationed whethor Mr. RODgan hila rouponded to that question of legality in writing, to whlch finc~1 Officer Cile~ stated that hu haa spukun with Mr. RVdqan, noting thut thv Florida Statuto atote. that t~o proposvd ml11ðgaa and taxeS mu~t be cartifiod to tn. prop,Hty ^ppral.er for 1111 !unLls withln 30 day::! IIft.er J\,ly 1, 1983, whlch wa. done. He alatau thnt there ia no ov~r( ll change and the change. thðt lire dosirod ard not 1110g.l. Co~misalonor Kruse atated that ohe would llku II wrltton opinion fro~ County ^ttorncy SdunuerB aD to whother the ~lllag~H ~ðY be altored after the July 30, 19B3, date, and a written roopon::lo (rom Clerk Reagan .a he ls responsible for tll.. mattur. County .....nllger Norman st.Hed lklat tho 5tatute requires tho Soard to /IIoSke the cortlflcDtlon, but dous not prohibit un /lmendll10nt to tho certl! lcation. Com~ltI.lon.r Kruse ut...tuU that tt..,ru hllG to b.. !Oom.. t.ltJju8tments iliad.. In otll'H funds to account (ur ;)ew,H "'ron ·u· .Ind It 18 ;dtcrlng the other funLls IIno tl1Q t,.., levy thllt ...ill LHI .H("ct.:,J. I'lscal u(t1cer <.ill... .jlùtod thllt tlllo l'dD nothil\<J to <.10 with r.uwer Area wL)-. County .....nl1ger Norm/ln :H...t"o th.;t I:. ,",oulcl ,¡llcct tllll other funLls Indirectly in order to :H.JY within tl1\1 15' C,1P but IIlIs notnln'; to do with ~....er ^roll ·u·. Budget ^na1Ylit 11111 ut.Jt"ù tI,...t till;; I;; ùcti')f1 th.:lt wðU t.:lkon which red~c..d t~o Contln~dncy VunLl uy 5JOO,000 with th~ qo~l thllt, thro\J9h tne worKlihopli, trdu ~on\.'y would, hOI'~tully, bu r\.'cov.,red. íle atoted thot by lncr~ðslnq tn" G~nurül fund by thot nmount ðnd lncrl1asln<;l thu miUüqe In thu Gl1nurlll t'unù, it would "'<Itch that &CC~ 076 PA~ 680 L'a<)e 57 ------ - -- --- - ---.- -.-..-- -- - - -- - --..-- ,.- - ~- - -- -- --------~ . ,,'~ ;r L tI~I /Ij<="'- ^vguøt 2, 1983 &O~~ 076 PACt 681 contlngency, oddlng that by reduc1n~ th~ contingency In tllo "oad , Br1dge t'und by $30,000, Cou\munlty Pllrk M.:Iintcnonco could be red\Jccd $30,000, Marco Bellut1ficbtlon Fund Cllpl.t~l OUt~4) could bu reducod by $40,000 ond thu ContingQncy Fund for ~~rco oeaüttf1cðtion by $7,00U, and ochopeu Flre Bud<J~t r.surveo could be reduced by $1!;,OOO. lie notcd that the pftyment-in-llcu-o(-t6xe3 revenue waD 80mowhðt le~a than derived by tho Flllc.,l o([icur, adding th.:lt thls cuulù slIet:ly be increased by ~2C,OOO In thu Ochopue fl rc Uurlgct. Ji., roµortcd that thv Wa te r 1'\11 nil'] on'~'n t Cllpltlll (unda has IS slgnlflcllnt r. ur.,bc r o[ projectll (0 r w/ltur ma nllg vmo n t control otructurou, .,del InIJ th.:ll It Iu pOlla1blc to deter wor~ on the Cocoh:ltctlll0 ""4Iln CðnIJl tor /J whll... to u.e thoso funds to trðnsfur bllc)r, to tho snurc", ot the fundo whlch WII. the ad valorem levy 1n rund llC, which would 01110'" thl' ad v¡¡lorem t¡¡X"S in Funù 110 to be decr..aG\ld. lie noto.1.J th¡¡l. thtu, IIU tI tot¡d, lIúdS up to $242,000 with the excoptlon oe tho pllymonl.s-ln-llC!u-o[-toXcs amount, ¡¡ddlnq th¡¡t If this 1M calculotoel by thll .'J~ It would glvo thu amount of tllX 8l1vlng. which cornea to :ï2!)4,OOO. III! note'; thol., IIddltlonally to this list, tho votln'J m.Jcldnelt could boo pro....ltlotl L H out o[ .'und JU2 118 .....11 /I:> the II'Ilcrofllm equlpmllnt Lor thl· C1IH)r,'1I liudqel which will Bave ðbout $32,000. lie at.alod that. III tuu c.:ounty I1Anaq"r'. budqut th"r" ls an adcHtionlll $11,000 (or tho Mod leAl ":xðllllner that could be used which would brlnq tUG ov.r~ll tolnl to $2~7,OUO which I. 99\ of the 9001 of G300,OOO. County I'\ðnðqor NorØ\ðn IItat\ló that hu would reco"men<1 thet the &O.rd author! xc lhu .-lac..l 0[£ Icur to make the n.c....ry ch.nqes to the t.x certlf1clltlorl sul.>Juct to toe Counl.Y Atturnuy arid the C1"rll. of Courts concurroncu that It. CAn be done 1cg411y. Co.-ls.loner Vo.s .oved, .econ~ed by Co~l.slon.r Pi.tor and I'A<JO 58 ~--,-. -...- ,-- ----.-------- ;-. 'j t,·J ~7"""J ,,', ':' ""';'",""'L' ,~: :~.:,:',}:}.' . I . .O' . >"=,--..,-'" ~ CJ w..J ----------------------------------------- Auguat 2, l!>83 carried 4/0 (Co..laaloner Brown ab.ent), that the Fi.cal Oftlcer be autborlaeð to make the nece..ary changes to the Tax Certiflcatlon .ubj.ct to the County Attorney and the Clerk of Court. concurrence that it can be done l.qally. ..... The .e.tlnq r.c..s.d at 4150 P.K. and vlll r.convene at '130 ^.K. Thur.day, Augu.t 4, 1983 ..... ~OJ~ 076 mt 682. PAqCl S9 .... ------ - -..- ---.. - - - -. - -- - --- ..- - --_\- - - - - - - -- ----"'"':'- ·,~,····""..uo!:j!'l\ . ~:~":''¡;¡''t:;.: e', "~\:;:/>~"A''ì;,, ;,.{;f.",1'r-!,.', 'P'. '. 'f'4J(,~%t;~(,h ::;¡'·t,···" "';':¡'.\: -----.-. __...----"""~.'a."'--,-'-<"---...