BCC Minutes 08/04/1983 R -~--"'---~---_...,~,.", -'-""'~~"-"'-_.._.,--_.---,-"".. ._.__.......""_.'..~""~"".._'.........._~.....",'_.. ',~,", ¡;;¡:;;J ~. ...... ....,. ~ - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.- _. - - - - - - -- - -- - --- Auguat 4, 198¡ con.ervative roaprv. Cor contingencies should be, is one that ne.ds to b. anawered. Commlaaioner Kruse questioneu ie anyone haa received any indication oC what the mental health billa will be this year, to which County Mðnoger Norman atðt~d that there haa boen an Indication. Ho atated that the montal health people are not asking Cor an increosu thl. ye.r b~~~e there wa. built into the budget the mid-year adjuøtment, adding that, IlopoCully, thou bills are lroðdy provided Cor. He noted that on the Clnal budget, he Ce.ls that the Contingency Fund will have to be treated strictly aa an emergency fund. In respo~~u to Commloølonur Kruse, Henry Hill stated that whatever goal tho Board would like to sut la what can bo aimed Cor. He noted that Commi.sloner Vo.s indicatud ~l million, adding that thore Is a quarter of a million dollars to recalculations and the $600,000 Cor the insurance coat. Fiscal ùrflcor ~ilos .tatua that t~eru was a reeerve contingency of $2.1 million ûnd it ~GOO,UOO is uacd It brln~a tho contlngoncy down to $l.~ and anothur $250,000 to covor the t~x adjustmont which loave. about $1,25~,OOO which Is abuut 5\ ol the total appropriations. He noted that it 0 tlqht ruin I~ ~u~t on contln~encl.. throughout tho year, tile County will 'Jut by, ûc.Julng that th" County should /lctu.1lly be cloaer to lU\ ot tno ~ppropriotlons lor the CenerAl Fund. County ,'\IIna'J!!r Norln~n at.lto..! that thure nro 41 number ol thln9a that can .1nd muat llU worked on dIll' In'J ~h. comlr"J year to lower coat, auch ~a adùltlonol contr~cLln~ for aorvicoø ~nd c~n.ldvratlon or how the operation of tne n.w community p..rÞt:J will b. ....:Ild. He stated that he would not ;ocommand ~ny mojor cut» at thi. Li~u In Lhe budget. He e~:~ ens FA~686 PaC). J - - - - - _. _.. -- ..~. - "~"!'8J·M.,",\Ú\Jí,tk\,j¡ ~.!ré'~ ',~I'i. . \~~~~' 1',~:j;T,\J;,,~y,~~ ~ ;1 ;>~~;_; . . t~t~".. ::~',. . . ~.,~: _~" ,J:>~,:.' <f. ,. --........=.~,~~"'~.,.-."'."~...-,~.,._.~"..,,,...__.- "<.,--...",.....,,~-_...,,...-"... _..-_"M",....'_..,_.____.....·.., August oi, 1981 ~O()~ 016 FACt æ7 noted that he would like the discussion of the capital budgets takøn up next, as there ha. bean act10n takon earllor to transCer costs Cor voting machine» and mlcroCilm equipment. He statod that tho Board may also want to consider the lIcqulslt10n of lhu hardware for the proper illlplelnllntatlon of the dlltA procellslnq 'system from the Capltlll budgets. He concluded by stllllng that Chrla lIolluy II.HI prupnred the Capital budqot and w1ll 1ndontlCy the line 1tem~ that nr~ most prono to tha Øoard'o consldoratlon for using lunJ~ to of[3~t cupltal costs that would otherwise comf! {rom tc'lX levy. Chris Holloy, Admlnl»trðtlve ADfilBtanl, ct~t~d tncl In previous action tntl reserves trom Fund )03 and ]04 !lIIVC bl,)()n crnns[tlrrud bllck into t.h~ Gunl!rAl fund IInd the Unlncorporlltl!d Aru.. funù tlWL wus appropriate. 1111 noted that thllre Wè!¡¡ $2P.,U(JO to1kun from the 30< fund and :i!>6,COO t......n trom th.. 303 ~·ulld. liu root"d tnilt lhe¡;e funds wore the ones u.ftd last year to help the ~~ncral funrl. lie noted that Fund 302 ls limIted by bond resolution ðnd cannot be transferred Into the eenerlll fun<J. 110 noted lhat tile line Item~ [or the projectu In Fund 302 ",Ill have to be rcduclld In oro"r to IIccomlUodal.. tllo: voting machlno. tor the bupcrvisor of ~1.ctlonß, lllo microfilm nuudD In tne Clerk's operation and pot"ntlðlly tlla data proc"s.lny needs. Ill! noted lhat thl. would total ~107,OOO. lie roport"d that In f'und 302, tho HvAc renovation and tll.. b..dCh access Improvement. could wlth.tand .ome reductions. He reportec.J lllat tha third phase ot tho I!VAC is building .,.,. renovallon which could b" accomplishlld under tho Just1c," Center Expansion program, addlny that the HVAC could be r"ducec.J by $2~,000. He .tated that In ord~r to got $107,000 thðt i8 neod~d $2~,OUO could be taken Croll the HVAC, :;25,000 lrolll tho TrAnstor ¡;tiltlon, $7,000 troll tho "ago 4 . --.- -.- ..-- - -~ - - - - - -.. (7"''j C:Z:J 1!:S ..J, --'---"~'''''''..._._-_.~_.",,~ <r_-. -~""-"",.."~.."",.,._..~~...>._,.._,,,,..,-^,,,,,,,,,,--,..~, c::.:J -- ~ ----, 1__.... - - -- -- - -- - - - -- .. -- -- -- -.- _.- .-- --. _.0 __ .. . _ .___ ~_ ... _ _ _ ___ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^u9u8t 4, 190,3 Co..i..ionor PI.tor .oved, .econded by Com_I..ioner Vo.. and carried 4/0 (Chalr.an Kruse absent), that Fund 309 be tentatively approved. ....e Reces.1 11100 A.~. - Roconvenedl 11115 A..... .ee.. County Manaqor Normðn atatd~ that the Board has ddcldod that they ~r. ~01n9 to look tor one milllun dollara, adding t.h~t hu I~ conc~rndd th~t the public will think the County Is one million dollars In the -hole- ~hlch Is not leue, ~ddiny that thu County h~s u.ed $600,000 in increesed heelth C.He COllt e. part of thq mllllun. 110 noted thðt ectlons that the Board have tak~n up to this dnto havv indic~tod that It IS the üoard'. Intuntlon th~~ tho ~r,OO,OOO uu accomplished by either chanqlnq benellta, by Improvod cðrrl.r at lowl/r coat, or by .eoklng lroll the olll¡.:loy... vnolJqh to m.Jku up tho dICf"r.ncu. Ho stated that h. dooa not viow tnðt '600,000 dD somulhinq thðt In going to h~v. to b. cut out ol tho budqot by lllylnq oft p"opl.., aduin'J th~t ho ·<.101111 not know how el.e to du It. II. noted tt.,'l r\'! .-oul<.i Ilk" lh" øo.Hd not to includu th" $600,00U In In.. dlscuhltLor."8 ttler.. .He other WIlIIII ~h..t tho County I. l..."kln') to l1.Jlv.. l/l..l proc:~"·\. It I.' noteu. hO\o'!lvr.r, th.t whon thl' "lIortt.ll In cm¡,doy..c ..."Itll/:ltc ¡¡,uur.melt COllt 1.\1 lIol'/UU, It ~y au m'H " up tlU¡Q ) conll>ln..~tu.. no ..>.n.tll.., "'~Ip¡oy' " IdHtlcll'l'tlon in tl'1d eOIH /lnu ll'1o: wn, u ..'h1 ".....r)' .IJJU..l'~'Hlt 111111 IlUI~1I th..t ~re ..lreedy In th~ bud'll·l. 1111 ..l..t"n tn,'l to "),,ct lIlI: t/lou'Jllt lll/lt tne County Ie .omenow 'lolfl'J t-.l com.' Uf¡ ..It:' uJdltl';no11 ",on"y lu . oln'j to luac.J aone UI:I¡>loy."fI to 1.>1"" IIJI""3 t:,,'l it U,,'y 1.-1;...1 .. 11~ll" stron~"r ttl.lt son./low l/l<1 MIJ1W"r ...111 tJ" th...r <I. ,it, IIU..t~·1J Llul som.ho.. lhe $GoO,OOC ploblolA i:l .,¡oin'l to t..o: :Jol""J 'odtlloul cUllin'.) U,U buo9ul ur t.:lkln'J eervlce. ,)way. 6~J~ G78 PA~' 69Z Pltge 4) - .... ..- .._- -- .-- - - -- - -" .... -- --.....-....,.. ')'·"c:;":.. '.' O~I:""'· ".' ,'., ,'. :t~~' .' ^u9ust 4, 1901 6~~K 076 PAC, 693 '4 County Manager Norman stated thbt by working to(J"lhcr durin9 tho cours. of t.ho yoar on his bud90t more clln bu accomplillhed at. that timo than Cillo bo done no.... lie :t.:1tcd th.':t ~'unù JU2,¡~)íould b" lnoked at a. a .WIY oC Cundlng addltion~l cüpltlll improvemuntø which are In the budgot., adding that the major ones to bL looKed Dt Dru It~m~ under th" ShoriCC'a budCJdt which coulcJ bu brou.,¡ht bDC~ to t;/¡e Uoðrc £It ,) later date. Fiscal Officer GIl~~ Sl~tud thal the rumðrk on thu Ghurl[f's equlpml!nt Is prcdlcllted on tla UV^C Improver:lcntn ttlðt ùr~ In fund 302 to be Cund~r] out of tund 305, adding thùt he do"s not thln~. the ~oard ahould be Interc9tcd In doing simply this bccaURC they wðnt a strong cushion on th.. .Justlco: <:ent..r lxp¡¡nsiol'. County Mðnar¡cr t-¡orman st/ltlld that all\.!r rcvicwln'J the buc.Jg\.!t, he pr..p"red II I'...nllger's bUd<JUl MUSSùqo and dnythln') that waB oVt'r th" 5\ incroase h.. wont back IInd addrussvu each Itom In detail. Be noted that of all the areA.. he wenl buck And lookud Dt the only one that could bit cut waa the Yoedlcðl t;xa"dner'lI budgct In thu amount of ~11,700. Theru WA~ qwnvrdl dlwcuß~lon regard1ng the Medical £xamlnor being able to us. part or the t;/'15 tðcillt1es or the £MS secrotary being "ble to h..ndl. tho Medical Lxamln~r'. socretarial work with the County Managur being dlroctod to check Into the matter and rework the Modical £xamlnor's bud~et and com~ back with Il. Co..iaaionor Holland .oved, .econded by Co..laaioner Vo.a and corrled 4/0 (Chairman ~ruso absent), that the Medical Exa.iner'a bud~et b. reduced fro~ $169,557 to $lj9,557. Pac,¡ e 10 . - --- - -- --- - - - - - - - - -- LC r7~ ~ E1 .. 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