Agenda 09/25/2012 Item #10H 9/25/2012 Item 10.H.
Recommendation to appoint a County Commissioner to serve on the Southwest Florida
Regional Planning Council.
OBJECTIVE: To appoint a Commissioner to represent Collier County on the Southwest Florida
Regional Planning Council.
CONSIDERATIONS: The Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council (Council) was created in
1973 through an interlocal agreement between Charlotte, Collier, Glades, Hendry, Lee and Sarasota
Counties. Its purpose is to act as a regional information clearinghouse, conduct research to develop
and maintain area wide goals, objectives, and policies, and assist in implementing a number of local,
state, and federal programs. The Council works with local governments to protect natural resources
and promote the creation of jobs within the six-county region and serves as an advocate for the
region with State and Federal agencies, including the Legislature and Congress. The Council
currently has 40 members, including 25 county commissioners.
Commissioner Donna Fiala, who has represented Collier County on the Council since January 2011,
announced that she will be resigning her position.
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners appoints one of its members to
represent Collier County on the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council and directs the
County Attorney to prepare a resolution confirming the appointment.
PREPARED BY: Ian Mitchell, Executive Manager to the Board of County Commissioners
BOARD MEETING: September 25, 2012.
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9/25/2012 Item 10.H.
Board of County Commissioners
Item Number: 10.H.
Item Summary: Recommendation to appoint a County Commissioner to serve on the
Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council.
Meeting Date: 9/25/2012
Prepared By
Name: Mitchelllan
Title: Executive Manager,BCC
9/1 8/2012 1:10:57 PM
Submitted by
Title: Executive Manager,BCC
Name: Mitchelllan
9/18/2012 1:11:00 PM
Approved By
Name: SheffieldMichael
Title: Manager-Business Operations, CMO
Date: 9/19/2012 12:11:01 PM
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SWFRPC I What We Do — - " .
9/25/2012 Item 10.H.
What We Do
The Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council's mission is to work together across neighboring communities to consistentl
character of the physical,economic and social worlds we share... for the benefit of our future generations.
The SWFRPC was formed to enable local jurisdictions to make the most efficient use of their
services and facilities,and to optimize employment of geographic, human,economic and nat
social, land use transportation and public safety development.
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The purposes of the Council include:
responsibilities set forth by Chapters 163, 180 and 186 of Florida Statutes and other applicable state,federal and local law;
to serve as a regional coordinator for members,to exchange, interchange and review various programs of member jurisdictic
to promote communication between members for the conservation and compatible development within the region; and
to cooperate with federal, state,local and non-governmental agencies to accomplish these objectives.
Regional planning regional agencies assist local governments in resolving their common problems, engage in areawide compr
federal and state grants-in-aid or other programs, provide technical assistance, conduct research related to regional issues, a
programs undertaken on an areawide basis.These programs and services include transportation planning,economic develops
services such as research and scientific studies, dispute resolution,workshop and event coordination.
Funding is provided from local, state,and federal sources.
The Council meets monthly to...
Develop agreement on a common vision for the region and assess the progress we are making toward reaching that vision;
Deliberate on proposed projects deemed developments of regional impact and on proposed changes to local comprehensive
documents of statewide significance that may affect the region;
Collaborate on projects and programs that benefit multiple jurisdictions;
Discuss issues that emerge as matters of regional interest,for example infrastructure needs and proposed growth managerr
Share best practices from multiple jurisdictions, address challenges and discuss solutions.
Board meetings are held monthly on the third Thursday at 9:00 a.m.They are usually, but not always held at the Council's offrc
All official meetings of the Council are open to the public as required by Florida Sunshine Laws, Chapter 286, F.S.,and meet t
Administrative Procedures Act,Chapter 120, F.S.The Council gives seven(7)days notice of meetings and workshops,in add
What Is Planning?
When government officials,business leaders, and citizens come together to build communities that enrich people's lives.Plani
planning,works to improve the welfare of people and their communities by creating more convenient,equitable, healthful, effic
About Us Council Program Areas News Resources
Amok 9/18/2012
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