BCC Minutes 08/16/1983 W
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~!)K 071 PAC¿ i.at
^u9ullt Hi, 1983
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th.r. .1th.r he. to b. a .y.tem that wl11 compllment what 1. alr.ady 1n
plae. or a n.w .y.t.... wl11 have to b. purch..llad. H. .tat.d that the
eon.ultant, Bob Connolly, would addrll.o the Board. He stat.d that the
v.ndor. woulu b. .xplainlng why the new .ystem 1. ne.dad, the ro.pon..
to t.ho con.ult.ent.'. co~m.nt.s .nd t.ho hlghllght.. of t.h. ~yst.em.
Mr. Connolly .t.atod that. h. chlt.e t.~. four vondor. from a good
t.chnologlc.l .t.ndpoinl, addin9 t.hat. ho hils his opinlon .. to who is
aor. t.echnologic.lly .ound. H. .tat.~ that hi. r...un for ..10ctln9 a
new .y.t.... 1. alao from . t.chnolo~lcal .tandpolnt. H. stat..d t.hat
und.r today'. dollar. . .up.rlor sy.t..m can bo purcha.ed to fulfill the
n..ds of the County .nd could b. .xpand.d lit a !utur. dat.. Ha not.d
that. t.h.re vert arrors in the cost that in In t.he r.port. and pr...nt.d
the Þoard with a r.viaed coat ah~et. H. atat.d that on the rovlsad
co.t sh.,et It. ahows t.h. price with ACD end without. ^CD, which Is
Auto.atlc C.ll DI.trlbution which I. t.h. ability t.o dlstrlbut. call.
CI.rk H.a9~n .t.t.d th.t If nothln9 la don. fro.. the .tendpolnt of
purcha.lng .noth.r pleco of .qulpm.nt or purcha.lnq addltlonal UTI
.quip..nt, the .yat... cannot handle any.or. lin.. und.r It. pr.s.nt
l...inq arr.nq...nt. It. qu.etion.d it additional .qul~.nt i.
purch.s.d, would thla cancol the le... with UTS, to which "r. Connally
r.pll.d aCflraatlv.ly. Cl.rk R.aqen stat.d that. the County 1. lookln9
at a half .Illlon dollar .xp.ndlture that wa. not ev.n taken into
eon.id.ration with the budq.t, addln9 that th.r. I. alr.ady $600,000
tor the sal.s tax d.bt ..rvlc., addlnq thot the County 1. below bu4get,
Pa9C 2
August lG, 1983
but 1t i. .o.ethlng with which the County should b. concern.d. H.
.tated that h. wa. trying to d.t.rmin. If thor. was anyway that the
County could do wlthout addition.l 'qulpm~nt for tho n.xt (our y.ars.
Co..I..lon.r Voss qu..tloned If the l.a»~ with UTS i. t.rmlnet.d,
would the $?J,OOO .tlll be an obligation? Mr. Connally repllod
affir..tlvely, .ayln9 that It w.. includ.d in tholr price. Ho .tat.d
that UTS' propo.al Lnclud.d the $9J,000 to upgrade the pr.s.nt .y.t..
if UTS' bid i. Collowed.
..... Com~ls.ion.r Brown 1.Lt the room at
2115 .nd roturn.d .t 2125 P.M. .....
Purchaaing Director Thiel. .tat.d that thero i. a .y.t.. In plec.
at thia tlmo that Is at mexlmua capacity end ther. Is . sorvlc.
.qu..ont. .on that syat.m thet laats for another four yoers. Hu .tat.d
that the contract I. In two parts, one which I. 901n<J to b. ~'ðl~
b.cauae the County la contrðctu~lly obll9at.od Cor thv noxt Lour yoar.
and that ia $93,000 remalnlnq, eddln9 that It I. ð dlscount.d annual
a.ount. but. it still re..alna. Ito "tated that If tnv County docld.. to
upgrade with UTS with tho .xlatln9 eyat'lII now, und~r th"lr 10ea. thuy
.r. no lon~.r ðl10wo~ to buy .~ulpmont. and l..»e It to tho County,
th.r.for., th~ County cannot conald.r a.kln'] thom to put moro oqulpm.nt
In. Ho atat.od tll.Jt tn. Count,. would h.Jvu to bUY .."at III In ¡Jl.co, plus
buy the upgrodlld oqul [)I!\ent, ðddln9 that I' tho çounty shol.lld d.cldu to
do tnls, UTS will 4JlO charq~ the $~3,OOO tn~t is r.malnlng on the
..rvlc. agra.m.nt b.eau.. tho Public tiwrvlco Comml..ion dlctat.. how
the 1..... ar. oatoblllllh,,<J Qn.J tHOY h"vo no room to n'9otlatc on that.
Tap. t7
PAC). 3
,~~.( rrn 'Ati 103
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AuC]un IG, 1903
very .erloualy And the aanaqur of custom.r support roports directly to
the Vice Pr,sld.nt and C.n.r.l Mlnaq.r In Santa Clara. He .tated that
the Fortune top 20 co,.panl.. own Rol~ syøtoma, the top 10 conaputllr
co,'pan i.., tho top 10 bAnk', t.op 10 alrlln. co~panios And t.he top 50
r'tAI1"r., the top 50 In tr..nsportatlon indu.try and tho top 50
utilltl.s .11 own Rola .ystoms. Ho alat.d t.hat the ultlmato
.ndors..ent CA.. . ahort t I... 0'10,. wh.n 18/'1 purcrlls.d on tha op.n
.srk.t 15' of the .tock of Rol. Corpor.tlon.
St.vo Covington of Rol. Corporation .tAt.d thlt about. 50' of
qov.rrua.nt bu.ln..s Is don. with Rol. Corpor.tlon, the Crula. .1..11.
proqr.., the H....u .paco .huttlo, tho tntarprle., tho ADorlcln, the
Chall.ng.r 'all hav. Hola computors Aboard. H. .t.ted thlt the
t.chnology that Rolm n.a I. rellablo t,chnology that. la trloc and truo.
Ho notod thAt the telllphon. aystem theH Is belnq pro¡.oo..\J I. A very
floxlblo .yst.., .Cdln'i that "01.. In It.. t.echnoiogy, ha. IUrrlod "ot
only tho vole., thw date proces.lng, but olso offlcw automation. Ho
.tat.d th.t t.h. .yat.m ho la ~rovo.ln9 tor the County I. not only a
vole. co..unlcatlon ~acKaq.. but ~lao . dutd com.unlc~t.lone packag. .A
veil. It. atatwé tnat. Ilia .YMt.. naa tll" IIIOIlt. .o~nl.tlcittud pacKAgoB In
t.r.. of co.t. II\4nagolhnt ... to now tII..ny colli. or .'"JIt, wllat It. cost,
wh.r. the caUe .Ir. '1c.dng ..nJ lh.. ability to .....ur... ;10 Indlcllt..d
that Rol. coq.JOrdtlon Is cOØl~itt.d to ']Ivln'i tn... U..at .urvlc, to
Coll1wr County, wnlch 14 call..o c.:u:lt.o..wr 4u~port.. .to concludod by
.t.tlne¡¡ t.hat t~o County I~ not Just uuylng . pro~uct, they or. buylnq A
co..t ta.n t.
'49- 5
b~:< rn? fA~ 105
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August 16, 1983
..rvlce at a .avlnq. of ov.r $140,000. She .tated that AT'T want. the
County bu.ine.. and need. it. She .tated that thoy h.v. done .p.elal
th1n9. to d..on.trat. th.ir .ag.rn... to galn the bUline.. of Colli.r
County, one b.lng to vrovld. Collier County with temporftry .orvlc. that
i. n..d.d co.pll..nt.ry, which I. ø valu. of betwoon $10-50,000,
pr..u.lnq that the chøngeov.r would not take any lon~ur than 8 month.
a. Indicated by ~talf. She noted thlt t.hoy have off.r.d a paym.nt
.tructur. a. wwll that r.qulre. ab.olut.ly no progr... pa~.nt, ~hlch
..an. that the County do.. not PlY until tho .y.t~ I. compl.tely
In.tall.d, which .quat.. to approxlmat.ly $20,000.
Tape U
Ms. P.rk.r .tated that th.re ðro unp.rallod financial option.
which or. 1...ln9, .tralght l.a.lnq ~Ith accu~ulal.d credit toward
purcha... l....-to-~urcnð.. opclon which la a .crø!~nt lUla. prlc. and
at the end you buy ouc tor a dollar, and alao purcn.ao. Sho concluded
by .t.atlng that th.y hav. co..ltt.d to unqu..tlonably tn. b..t. .urvlc.
and capabllltl.. to tho County, Dddln1 that they look torward tu tho
County bu.in....
County M4n,q.r Nor,uln <,uollt.loneU the dlU"runclI b.cw".n tho anal09
.y.t_ .nd the dlqltal, t.o wnlch "'a. ParKwr ac..c"c cndC tllf~y Inv.nt.,ø
tho dlqltal In 196U, tJut In r..¡;onuln':l to UHf litl' cn.y t!qurv..! that the
.yat_ t.hat. would b".t tit the County n."d. t:¡ thy on. thlt i. ott.r.d
which I. the ~naloq lIy»t... ~h. not.~U tn~t tnu In[orm~t.on trav.l. In
two way., whi~h is an ..nalo~ .19n~1 ~nd a dl~lt.l signal, addlnq that
voice trav.l. In ~n ..n,¡Jo~ IoIAnflur .nu Ù.L.1 t.cavtlla In a dlqlt:ll
Pili· g
&O~ rm rÅ~ 109
----~-~........ -- - .,......-- -- -------~--..-------'-....-
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'O'JK rm 'Ace 110
Auquat 16, 1903
patt.ern. lill. .ut.d that thoy oU.r th~ vole" to 90 through the awl1:.ch
In an anal09 fa.hion but th. data can 41ao b. swltch.d through the Dat..
proe..aing Deparbaent. throuqh tn. .I~e »wll:.ch on the same .y.t.a bul:. It
go.s digital .nd to .nd.
County Attorn.y Saundorø qÚI.t.lonvu tho bðae price to which Ks.
Parker repli.d $(47,000 without tna traffic information capablllty
on-pr..la.. She Dtatvd that t.h.lr ay.t... ha. built Into It, a unlfora
calling dlatrlbutlon clp.blllty which thvr. la no chllrql for, Iddlng
that the colu~n that Ihowa tho prlc. with A.CD I. an additional
capability t.hat cln bo provldod, which la ~Inag.ment Infor~tlon
Mr. Patrick Riley. Gal.. consult.ant tor Ut.lcom stat..d that
Ut.elcoa ahould b. flrat. cholcø and II . aubaldlary of Unlt.d Tel.co..
H. atat.d that .Inc. 1/1/8J, Ut..lcom h.. b..n . a.parata co.pany, but
ha. b..n In a.1atance lonqar than that. H. not.d that. t.h.y hav. sold
over 600 ~X'a In Florid.. and ov.r l~,OOO k.y t.l.phon. ayat..s, addlng
that th.y have b..n an S~l v.ndor .Inc. 1976.
..... Co..laalon.r Krus. l.ft the roo. at 3.25 P.M.
and r.turn.d al:. 3145 P.". .....
Mr. Ril.y indlc.t.d thlt flv. County qov.rn..nt. in Florida have
b..n aold the S~l .yat..a, which do.a not Include the City qovern..nts.
H. atat.d lhat alnco tn. incwptlon In J.nu,HY, theae h..v. be.n :no
bu. In... t.l.phone ayat.._ sold. It. no~.d th..t. PAin. Wobbar In Ft.
"y"rs:, "'rrlll Lynch In Orlando a/l.l tho H..pl.a ...dlcll Cent.r hev.
purch....d ~.l.pnon. ayat..a, H. atAted that of all the v.ndors that
Pa9. 10
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- .-------
Auqullt. IG, 1983
.ro r.pr..ented h.re, with the exception of on. which ls Unit.d
T.l.phon., Ut.lcom ha. the larqo.t sal.. Ind ..rvlc. organlzatlon
available to the County In tho Naplos/Fort Piyer. ar.a, which ..an. that
certain thlnq. Cdn bw quarant..d.
..... Co..l~slon.r Holland r.turn.d to the roo. at 3130 P.M.·····
Mr. Ril.y stlto~ t.hat th.y off.r the mOllt ~ll foundud servlc.
orqlnlzatlon which hal a .ultlpl. .~rvico support concept that his a
central dl.patch. He not.d tnat dl.patch h3S four choicvs, thwy can
call Ut.lco~, th.y can call local contractor., ~h.y could call United
T.l.phon. a. Ut.lcom ha. a ..'twr malntonanc. contract with thom, or
North.rn Toloco. CJn hlndlo It. He notod that ..rvlce III crltcal to
the County and 24 hour around tho clock .orvlcll I. quarlntw.d with
quarantw.d r..pon.. t IlIIu.. II. notod that North.rn TolacoCl I. the
.ocond larq..t .anufact.urwr of T.locom product. anu ha. 13,00U
o.l'loy,oll in the Unltod litllto. and J!I,OOU In tho world. lIa noted that
th.y .pent $2!10 millIon l..t y.ar on ro..arch ana uvv.Joµm.nt., .dálnq
that thl. y.ar t.hðt allll)unt will b. aurp':lUaod. 11. atðteu t/1.st. the 51.1
i. IUnufacturooJ In th. Unttucj ::'tatoll In :'':lfItiJ <.:LH.... C.dlCornl.a, adQln~
that 6,~OO !;i1.1'. havo buan .01oJ In ~11. \.Inlled :.tat.u. a. It I. t.h. only
truly !ully oJl'jlt.d P&lX In ll,..t If. ... ':I.}ll..1 ~nrou'Jn tn" r:lU1U C.H,¡'
dnd trun~ card.. /1<1 r..¡..orl."J ~II'H UI.,¡!':Uh, 1;.1 .. ~'.J"r .luJ)II"r an~
distributor of Ii 1.1 ¡..roeJuct". ".. nOl.od UI.'It tn.r. ..Ill :w ..rovl~.d on
.lto a Ut.lcoll1 tolclinlC:l.;n .hH In~ t:101 ':iI..n~tlo"ur 1.0 In.ur.. I.nðt
ov.rythln~ I. runnln.} ,"Ølootn, cUlitl)/fdz....¡ U..H troJlnllHi, locdl project
..n4~or, ana II lucal .jJdr. ~..rl.. Inventory which I. In t4rt Myers. Ue
Pag. 11
&O,~ rm rA~11f
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mx rm rAc¿112
^ugust. 16, 1983
not..d t.hat Northorn Tulco~ supports their ¡Jfoduct. and guarant.os th.ir
product a. w.ll aa providing t.h. County I 10 Y'lr lutt.ar of n.lnt.nanca
aupport qUllrantoelng ~llntenanco, pftrts, nnd aurvice. Ho r.ported that.
Ut.lc:olII I. the only vondor that can support thoir syatolll through tho
.....' l:o..i..loner Holland laCt the roo.. at 3/40 P.M.
and roturn.d at 4/25 P.M. .....
Mr. HI1.y notad that the CIguro. rcpr.ø.ntQ~ ðr~ nol d true
turn-k.y .Ituatlon b.caus. thcro I. n.ed Cor addltionll .qulpment,
addlnq that for thu County, the DC power ~v Included In the ba.. prlc.,
which la a four hour bðtt.ry lIyat_. It. at.t.d that tho County will
al.o h.v. . n.ed for k.y t.el.phones and th.y will provide 3S SLl
oloctronlc koy tal.phon.. In th. baalc prlc. which I. configuration 2
and In configuration J, the Shwrltt h.. tho aOlllo nuoU and, thur.Cor.,
20 k.y tul.phonea are Included In tnat prlc, lit no charge.
Tape 110
Mr. RIl.y atat.d that th.y are the only vondor thlt h.a nøt
chan9.d tl..lr prlcv. H. atat.d t.hat to the taxpay.r of Colli.r County,
the axp.rl.ncw, the ..portla. and the ayat... that th~y have propos.d
givoa t.h. County the b.at. valu. Cor their dollar and Ut..lcoa should b.
Collier County's flrat cholc..
To Co..I..loner Voaa' 4uuatlon, Mr. Thl.l. .tat.ed that
Configuration 1 WI. on. larq. .yst.. that would have on. co.put.r
.yst.. op.rat.ln9 the Sh.rlff as vell a. the Board. H. not.d that
Configurat.ion 2 Is tha board being .aparat.. and Conflguratlon 3 ls the
Shariff being ..pauta. H. .Ut.d that. if t.her. ".. on. ..in aYlt..
Pag* 12
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Auqullt 16, 1983
11~. und.r Conf19uration 1, when it COlli.. timu to chlnqe t.l.phon.
nUMber. or t.ll the comput.r what type of InCormatlon I. wanted or pick
up a r.port, th.re would b. Icce.. to all tol.phon. c~ll. mad. or
rec.lv.d by the Sh.rlfC which I. not 900d prlctlcu, therefore, h.
decided to get bid. for s.parato .y.t... which i. Configuration 2 and
), adding th.t the.. aro actuAlly 1... expen.lv. b.clu.. the .ecurlty
sy,te. would not have to b. built Into tho .ntlr. County .yste~, ~nly
the ~h.rlft'. .y.to..
Mr. Joo Bruno, repre.entatlv. of Telecom Plu. International which
i. the corporat. division oC Tol,coN Plus Florlùa, stat.d thlt Toleco.
Plus Int.rnational I' a dlltrlbutor for NtC t.le~hono .y.t.om., addlnq
that N~C h~. opproxlmatoly 1~-lS.OOO .yet.m. In»talled In this country
of which Tel,colII Plu, ha. Inl~,¡ll..¡J dpproxllDot..ly 4li\. II.. ruportlld
that on the Intarndtlonol lwvul» and tho local lovoll oro tho
dl.trlbutor. tor the NEC ~roductl, ,¡ddln~ that 01'10 at tho ru..on. that
the cODpony II structurod 10 that therv Ir. 14 opwralln1 co~µonlu.
locat.~ in ov.,r Sl cltl.., II boc.uB~ Twl.com PlUG InlwrnDt.!ondl hal
dcqulrad alruodY-1n-l'ldl:w local ol'.H...tlnq componl..s. II. noted thAt
this give. loc,¡l OXPO»UIO and 10coII .xp..rlll~ In vorlou. ~reð' ot whlcn
T.loco. Plul of florlJa I. 1nclu<.lolJ. Ii.. :H.sled l~ðt III T.I.cor.l Plul
Inturnatlonai, thwy "..v.. oJ CUJlltom('r b.... oC oVllr ~,(.oo "y'tema wnien
InclucJ'l the Nt:C ..rolJu.:t ¡ In.. ..u ",,,U oil voiIr Iou» otn"r protJuct line.,
which glv.. tllu tloxolll~y I)t 0.,11'1'1 .:.bl. to rocu~;II'/'Id b,"ud on tn.
n.ed. of thu CUlltolDur, t.hll ld".l t.l..pllon" IIYI t. 0111. He stat.d th.t in
PI']. 13
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Mr. HI/II lrvln'J, Systwma Mðnaqar of Tel,colII Plus of Florida, 'Jo;,
" .
. "
st.at.d t.hat. thoy havo the b.ut ¡.roduet., the bost s.rvlco and would l1k"~, :
, II .
thl Count.y buelne,ul. 11., ut..ted that t.It. an¡¡lysls provided by th..,,;\, t'.,
. .,;t." .r£
, ~-; ",' I :....
&O~K rm PAte 11+
^uqust 16, 19113
addition to support from Telecom Plue of Florida, thore will 1110 be
.u~port from Tolecom Plue Intcrnatlon~l which In turn rvc.lvea support
dlrcctly from H~C teloPhtono. /Iv rcportt/d that Toheorn Plus
Int.ernational W~I !ounaud In thv vurly 70'ø OD Tolocom Plul Equlpmont
Corporation In N.w York Clt.y.
Comml..loner Vo.. quo.tlontld 1( thvy uaQ J.panosu .qulpment. to
which Mr. aruno stütud that thu NCC product hoadquartorG Is In Tokoyo
but th.,y aroc manufllcturud In tJlIll..... T.,xas and Long 1..1Ind, New York.
Commissioner Vo... questioned wh~t NEC melnt to which Mr. Bruno
r.~ll.d Nippon lluctrlc Com~lIny.
consultant. ahows thw ðccounts that IIrQ In ~lorldll. adding that th.y
hav. ov.r 3,000 accounts In florid. and have b.en In business In
Florldl for ovor 12 yelr.. H. r.port.d thlt IoIh.n there I. a \Juarant..d
r..ponso tlm., It will b. _lid. whother It tak.s on. .an or five ..n.
H. .tat.ed thlt he want.d to Iseure t.h. board that they are d.al1n\J tilth
a co.pany that I. located locally, but thlt th.y ar. al.o h.adquart.r.d
in Tampa. he r.porteeJ that what r.ally ...tt.rs Is how thl. loIill /'Ift.ct'
the taxpayera and whot they are Inter..tad In.
Mr. To. Nolaon, O!fico ~4na9.r of Teloco. Plus of Florida, .tat.d
t.hat the local offlc. In fort My.rs w.. opened In January 1983, with an
l...dlat. cu.tu..r ba.. 01 approxl.lt.ly ~O. H. atated that tha offlc.
con.lsts of a ..l.s, ..rvlc. and support technical staff alon\J vlth
pege 14
------- ---- -..--- ------------------
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August 16, 1983
cl.rical Indlvldual., addlng thlt they hðve had local servlc. In the
Napl.. ar.a for over 1-1/2 yware.
/'tr. Ivan W-11s, ~yste~s PBX Sal.. and Mðrketin~ Mandgor 10: NEC
T.lephon., Inc., atated that th.y are a wholly own.d 8ubeldlary of NEC
Corporation, adding tnat they h..we 60,000 employo.. world-wid. wlth $5
billion In r.venu.s. II. .tated thlt one of th.lr cuetom.re I. Sax
rlfth Avonu. .nd th.y .rw tho lar9.et supplier to the V.teran's
Ad.lnl.t.ratlon Iloapltal In tho Unlt.d Stat.oe. 110 not.d that th.y have
ov.r 6,500 Iln.. Inetalled at Jackson /'Iemorlal /losvlta1 In Florida. Ho
not.d th.t th.r. will b. ovor 8,500 line. Installed at tho University
of Alab..a thl. .....k. II. Indlcat.d lhllt othur clients ..r. Marriott,
HolldlY Inn, and 11:114. II. .tat.d that In 1899, Nt:C wle lorm.d .. .
joint v.nture of thw ~oet.rn ~lwctrlc Company and thw Nlp~n £loctrlc
Co~p.ny. Ho at~to~ th~t thuy provl~o aaloM, aorvlce, and parte ~ll
over tho '-'Or!d. "" ato1tlJu t/l/H overyono prob/lb!y 100kIJ tttft ao1mo,
addln9 that they .ro .11 doln? the a.~. thlnq, Game hav. dlff.r.nt.
qu.lltl.e, lIuthods, etc., !.Jut tile .nd r..uit I. thu talcphon. and If It
rln9. you can acc.vt the c~!l. Ita notou Lhdt tllu ovorwhelmlnq
con.!d.ratlon h.. t.o be prlcw /lnd what. It wlil coat tho tllxpayars 01
Colll.r C<.Iunty, .:Jddinq th...t ho 18 /)"...Inq tllllt Lh... UOllrd conøldwr the
coat ~a ....11 .s tho uVlvle", lra ..n':Jlnuvl In." ~4Cku..., th... lrllHa!ldtlon,
and t.h. ~anuf"cturol.
Purcha.ln'J Dlructor 1'1114110 ¡¡t.Ht.:d t/'o1t h. would Uk. t./'" 80~rd to
_ke II dwcløHm on ""lIlcrl on. of tn", a)et"~,, thoy would lik. "'nd n.llt
1'00qe IS
bO~« rm rACi 115
"-',~......_·"--'·,',_"._·,~...."·.__~___......._...'..,M__.,·".. -1'-r-
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&O~K G71 PACt 11.ô
hugullt 16, I!lB3
_ok hv wll1 eOll1e back with /I contrllct thl\t. c:oulj b,· IIL'')otlaled.
County I'IoInagar I.orrnon statod that thoru ht-11 b"~n I!nouCJn new la.u..
ral.ed ðnl1 f-rlCClS chdnYCld La thÐt lhotrc: Ie a nucù Cor an updlOted report
from the Conllultolnt. l)(:toru t.lll' tlO,:zrcJ consl<Jortl tnr. mltt.tur.
<':0'III',18DlolI<lr r.ruuc IIt¡,tc:t.: tl¡'t. with tnl!.> VUICt' ú.H..I LUI/l81nlsaion
It mllY not b. Bon,.:thlll'J that t.1t( lounty oltoulJ hDv" IIIJ lllln\S could bo
trllnlmltte¡; thDt way Inst.AcJ o( Ir. COrlTl1I of m£'r.)() lInd tll"n thera would
Oe no rvcorOB on 111~.
Mr. !Alo _:H ot Unlt.d Tel.phone Syatw.a stoíltt'd thðL tou (uola
comfort.bl~ thllt Colllvr County n... had Datlslactory lIur"lcu. lie
report.d that thv U1':; eYlltolll tn..t 110 In w:cll1t...ncto 10 not the lotest art
of wqulpnvllt, but It III .. 'Jood aYlltcnt.
h. alat.a ~J5~.OOU oC their bid
"'.1 to ~.ut th~ Count yOu nVllo. ølld tnu ~nurlCl·. nCl.d~. bdaing thllt for
~2ci8,OOO t.h. t"rI,lnlltlon at tho vKl8t1nq IIwltcll coul~ b. a.tlefivd and
tho .wlt.ch ujJ']ra(~d to lIIect th. County's apocICIC"tlona..
Ite atll.d
that. a.. t I nq the epeel (ICc1t1onll .111 not give the County .vcrythinq
that ho. b.lln dlllcu....cJ In t.h" bOArdroolll lid. d"te, but hi. price will
91v. 98' of the I t "lie thAt hAve b..n dlecue.vd which in no way relat..
to the bid spuclClc6tlona. Itv notud thllt they looked at It v.ry
clo..ly and tr1.d to provlcJC1 the ~Olt .conollllcal trout. Lhey could a. the
County r.latlon.hlp with UT~ la l~port.nl. Ite at.tou lhat ho want. the
bu.in... and II About ~2C10,OUO l..e tll.n Lit. nwaraet cOlllp.tltor and can
continue to do II qood job In the (utur.. /lot stat.QO thlt the orlqinal
$3~O,OOO wa. Cor thu County and tho ~horl(( tor A Dulll proc...or D120C
t.hat lI.t the bid .peca bul Well. short In lint: capacity .0..WhAt, adeline¡
P1I9' 16
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^ ug u S t 1 G, 19 a 3
that, how.v.r, h. Is pr.pðrod to upqrado ~h. Shurl!C's By't~m t.o a 30
trunk 120 11n. .yato~ with all the station ap~øratus for .bout $22,000
and with the $268,000, It I' still far mora oconomical than anything
that. has bwen dlscus..d this dlt.. Ho Btntod that for tho $93,UOO, a
.yste. wa. ~urcha..d by UTS ~n~ In.ta11.~, noting that a runtal
.e¡¡r....nt wa. rvachvd, but .Ince th~t tlmo tne syatum has been outgrown
which I. a D1201, and now UTS I. .tlll .ntitlod to recover Its
Inv.stm.nt that th.y ..Id. In the machino. H. noted that th.
t.r~inatlon char~.s Ir. b.lng ,atlsflud and ~rlcinq additional hardware
to upqrad. the Dl201 to a C1202 which will meet the County'. needs for
.any y.ars and b. aor. .cunomlcal. Hu stat.d that UTS would b. the
b.st v.ndor for support anywhwr" In South_st Florldð.
County ^ttornay ~aundors ~uoø~lon"d why UT~ cannot provide nny
additional tolophon..., un!"II. t!lu Coun~y pUrCII/lIi..s tho syst..m thdt Is
In plac. now, to which Mr. ~..,t r.pllwd thH ..1nco the FCC quld.llnus
w.r. .st.bU.nod that. .ut. ~II" IndulH.ry In l> turmoil, thw w"y t.hu
roqulated .Id. of uni wet. luft. II th.t the~' coin .xpand . syst.... up to
It. c.paclty under J...... to . cu.tomwr but on<.:c: It r".chlts c4Ipaclty,
nothlnq C.W bw don. furt/ler wi th that 'ylltuJr. under 'I r.guJiolIH
~nv1ron....nt. tie not lid thilt oil thllt tl,..a, tho!y clln only qlvo t.hll
cu.tom.r t.ho oPl'or~un1~y to purchll.., tho 'y,n"lII hnd th..n It CAn bit
uPlrad.d In tl10 unruquldt..ú IInv1ronm.nt.. II" notli<.l th.t th" syutelll th.1t
th.. County now II~" Is uti tu co1Ipac1ty, ..uuln':J thðt tl,wra I.Ir..
~pproxla.t.ly ~~ ..~tun.lon. leLt. In It, ~ut Il Is b~'lca!ly to
P..qw 17
&~~( rm fACt 111
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-- -- -
^ugust IG, 1983
::~ .
purpose wlthln tho Co..pl.x and also tho co.t of it, to which r.r.
Conn.lly atat.d that thore is no cost as it is not liøtcd In any of the
vendor. prlc.., addlnq that only the clpabllity 10 thero.
Co....i..lon.r Voao quwstlonod why digital i» rocommwnded ov.r
anal09? Mr. Connelly ropllod that It 1. his own personal oplnlon that
dle¡¡ltal tochnology Is b.tter than analog tuchnology bwcauso thw natlon
ls 90ln9 to go dl91tal. lie stated that trðnsmi.alon wis. and noi.., h.
thlnk. digital J. a b_tt.r .y.tum.
A repr..ontatlv. from ^T'T stat.d that an analog syot.m is a
dlfforwnt type of modulating a volco signal, In othor word., whon tho
sl9nal Is tranB~itt.d ono I. talking Mound and thero ara .ome
.fflcl.ncl.. provld.d by turning the volco analog slgnDl Into a dl91tal
signal which I. al~o.t Ilk. turning a flaMhllght on and doing mors.
cod. which I. tho way dl')!tal woll,s whlfre /In/)109 lias h/ltJ 01 sound. Hw
.tlt.~ that hw has 4~,(JOO II¡)Ppy custoll1urs with alia log switch,,».
County Attorney ~oIundcr. rutorrud to thu ~xocutlv. Þummary dnted
8/16/03, noting that tllw .t.¡lomwnt thdt roads I "(;olllar t:ounty lugðl
counsel ~alntalna tnlt th., ul! lily Is no lUI1CJllr Colpdblu 01 p.rfor..lnq
It. cont.ractual obliqeUonll and t.h. County uhould ¡Jrovolll in l1t.lg"tion
and should not bo a..".auo ..ny termination punolllY," /ltJ~!n? thl.
.tate..ent. Is not com¡..lutoly ..C:CUC¡)tw. II... IitoJtua lli,'t tn...ru arC! .:.rtlln
t..chnlcal dofon.,,» to thl! contract wi t:1 ';'C:; ..nd tlhl OOc<;' s decision 4111
to which ven<lors la uBud. should lJe bOIl"d on thu "s.uIIIPtlon as tc wh.t
ls the bast ÿrouut:l not willi tlhl I tl..1 ;;tJ,l'lJO Iii '}olnlj to holve to o. p41d
or n...t. h. noted tllllt nil do." n<1"''' tochnlC<ll ùef.n.e. to the contrar.:t
Pa'). U
&c:~ 071 rA~t 119
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