BCC Minutes 08/23/1983 R --....--""'~........._~~~-'"''''''",..., ""--;;"""""""'--. , "'··"_·;·_''''··j,..·.."_·,_''...;~1 .'.._'.;,_...!J,.~~..""'. "'.""_'. '''_.....,'~;"'.H_h.'...'"'..........·.,',"~_,_,..,.,,,,..·'".,~ ~.~~ , ... . '...."',,"'.._....~~.,.~..,,_.."" ~.. .. :n<r("'T.~~......!',~.~ ~..":'~~" . or" ¡ " 4 . : r . .,.... :. >. &Ö~K 0T1 mE 126 Augult 23, 1983 ,.0: ..." '~p,.'I:",. ,'....' ... Tape 11 It.. 11 AGENDA - APPROVID NITH ADDITIONS Co..1Dcloner Plltor .oved, .econded by Co..i..loner Vo.. and carried 4/0, tbat the agenda be approved wlth the following addltlonl. 1. Greater Naple. Llttle League Softball ·Ou..n.· und.r Ite. 12A. 2. Extra C.ln TI.. r.l.... und.r It.. 12D. It.. U "INUTI' or AUGUST 2 AND AUGUST 9, 1913 - APPROVED AS PRESENTED CO..I..lon.r '1. tor Mov.d, ..cond.d by Co~mll.lon'r Vo.~ .nd c.rrled 4/0, th.t the .Inute. of AU9U.t 2 .nd AU9U.t 9, 1983, be approv.d .. pr...nt.d. It.. '3 o',&a ACCePTED 'OR THe DEEDED 'ARK PROPIRTY ON KARCO ISLAND rROM THE DCLTOMA CORPORATION. COHSULT~T TO PREPARE A PRELIMINARY DESIGN 'OR THC GYKATORIUM AS 800N AS POSSIBLE - APPROVED "r. J.... Sl.Ckpool., Vie. Pr..ldont for Delton. Corporallon .t.ted th.t h. had pr..entod two lutl.r. to tho Comllll..lon, .ddln9 that the flrat on. st.t... thllt on bc;h,)1f of tho tJelton. Corporation and the M.ckl. f.mlly h. i. ~1.4.vd to com~ t uallvcry of a Warranty o.od o! Tract. R-£ and R-r o! . r.pl.t of . portion o! Marco C,.ch Unl~ 25, a. recorded in Plat book 12, Pa9'. IG-19 of tho public record. oC Colll.r County. Ke statad th.t It I. his hop. that tho d..dln9 oC this 29 acro .It., Includln9 tho pr'-.9r..d eKcavoted IOk., will .nsure the tl..ly .v.II.blllty o! fund. fro. Cull lor County's rocro.tlonal bond (or do.19n and d.v.lo~'nt of thl. prl.. sit.. H. r'port.d that the Dolton. Corpor.tlon oC(lclals h.ve mat with County .t.!f to r.vl.v the 1976 ·9r....nt rolatlvo to this sit. and .llow ...ndg.nt to tho p.r~ pl.ns a. b.ln9 appropriate by the County. K. st.ted th.t h. ..9. 2 . -"'- - -- -. ..- ._~ - - - -.. -& ..&"'\-.- ...- ~,,-"'1~, : I ...- -..-----. -- - ----- - -------------- ... IIZD œB , -. /, "_.~..."......'<k,...,.._..~,.^¡~",..."'''_''''..~''''''''"~,,,._..~....,..._~_..,''i '--;---_.;»,..,--,-~""'--~-,."-..."'-""""-,-"'--""""..".,,,.,,,....-"'''"''-''''_",,".".,~~''-~''''''''.^~,..'-.'' ....._,,^.........,. raI ... iiiiiiiii .' -----------------------------------------~ AU'lu.t 23, 1983 antlclpatea co.plotlon of tho review and tran.far of the deed by Septe.ber 1, 1983. lie atatod that tho aocond lutter propoae. that if In the planning of the park to b. located on R-t and R-" the County conaldera It advlsable, Daltona will pay the County tho au~ of $76,195 In lieu of construction ot any pork facility, adding th~t thl. pay..nt will be .ade In lato 19B~. Ho .totod that It is auqq..tod that all or a portion of thl. .oney b. uøod to provld. ll?htlnq for tho basoball field at Wintorborry Park on Marco I.land. H. statod th^t ln plannln9 and de.l~n for tho park on Tract. ~-L ond ~-r. tho County ohould recognl,o thot excavation work will Þe91n In 190) and, thoroCoro, Any propoa'd cnanqea to the lake conCI9urotlon must be decldod upon a. aoon aa poaalble. Co-.I.aloner PI.tor aoved, .econded by Co..la.loner Holland and carried 4/0, that tho County accept tho off.r of the Daltona Corporation to d.ed p.rk property on Marco I.land In advance of the agreed upon achedule and Inatruct ataff to work with Daltona Offlclala to co.plete lor.al accoptance oC the property at the earlleat poaalble dato and to dlrect the conaultanta to prepare a prell.lnary dealqn tor tb. gya.torlua a. aoon aø poa.lble. ,\):)x 077,ACi 127 ,,- ¡-,·..'.·,<"·"'~~.·..·">,..."""'.'e'"...'"".....;.....·,,,·~_,,,..,."~.,,,;·.,..·"",...·""__"'''';''''',,''"''.-,''''''-·~:,,,j;.'';:I'"'''>i<·_'_'','M~,,''''_'hJ."".-,.",..,..,..".~ ",.,-, '."~.'''''''''''-'''''''',., "., ,,,.<.~,""~..'" ..... .",-.,...,..-.-...".." , to \.40 0.. ", u ~.... ..',1.."" ,'!!~ ¡.,;¡ .. '<"'~. '.~'!~' ' .'( if. ~ , C lif"'.O ~~a. I:: " . If ,110"0 , .0 1j Do" f Do I ~ = ;~.~~ '~.;'~. 8 "- , 0 " ~.. .~. ~ CJ :'~ ~ .. ¡¡ " ... ~ .. ~...o , . Do"- ¡~'" ~""! - ,..-... ......-.,~_. ". """"~~···'_".-^1"'·"". .'.."..""",..".......'...~_, .,'.", ..he"....."_ 2'J'~' l!1å3 "UL"~, 'r"&",- It.. '4 I' X ;1~~' 'J, ~, 'i ,t' ,,"!,oI RISOLUTIOM IJ-13S RI PETITION CCCL-13-11C, ANCHOR EMCIN¡ERI~G REQUEST- IMQ A VARIANCI OM TRACT I; MARCO BEACH, UNIT 22, SOUTH SEAS wrST CONDOMINIU" - ADOPTED SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS LeC Jd notlc. having b..n publlahed in the N.plea Daily How. on July 10, 1983, aa .vldenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the CI.rk, public h.arln9 was continued fro~ July 26, 1903, And AU9ust 9, 1913, to conald.r Petition CCCL-OJ-IIC, Anchor £n91ne.rln~, rwqu..tlng · v.riance fro. tho CCCL for property located on Tract £, Marco 8e.ch, ~;~;.:' ,~ ~ ï-t', :-,; :\' 1 "1' t:- I:\' .' f;/ ,:, ,I Unit 22, South tiea. Weat Condominium. County Envlron~enta11.t een.dlct statod th.t this varianc. rcqu..t is to pl.ce rlprap 20-28 feot .eaward or tho Coaðtal Conatructlon Control Line. 110 Indicated thllt In front or thl: South Lie.. Condolllniua " " '.. there w.a an .rtlflcial uuna with II rlprap cora built year. .90, .ddln9 that tho ·no-n...· stor~ rwmovod mOlt of th~ Artificial dune leÞving aolely the rlpr.p cora. /Ie atoted thðt thla .n,a II one of hl9h .roalon .nd h.s loat .bout IOO fe~t In ten y~ara, adding th.t they .re propoainq to ex~.nd the rlpr.~ coro of the .rtltlcl.1 dune Into a .or. aubst.nl1a1 revetlllont to protecl the upl.nd property. lie referred to a propos.d dealqn ac.atln.] that "ll UIO' standard apocltllatlona have b..en ..t. He noted th.t the revetment would be burled 2-3 f.et beløv ..an s.. level In ord.r to reduce the ch~nce of It boln9 .coured out by w.ve., .ddlnq that the olwv.tlon haa b.en Incr..a.d by 2-3 feet In order to prevent w.ve ovortop~ln9 and It will b. built wllh a alop. of 1 to 3.~ which 11 a genorou. but gradual alopo which will retain the reveUunt. lie re¡>orted that the problo. la not the dealgn but the actuel loc.tlon. notln9 thlll durin') hlqh tides the water goe. up a981n.t the b..e of tl1u exlatlng rovotlllllnt. U. noted thot there 1. an Pag. .. . --------.---- - -- -- - -- - -- -- ._.- ------------------ r!!!!!:I '·'.:·'·'.··:'~I~. ".....:.:.~'.... ':.it·,,· ,;; - ,~", .. -... , "~i'~i;<\~; l¡,~t~$ .-.,..).~~: lIB !!III ,.".,.",..",.,.,,,~.,, ,.......-..."~,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,.,;..,,",",,,,,,;,,,,., t'\.'"'_."·;_·".k'''"_~_·_"''';¡;·_'''''''''_____,__.;<e...""'''.,,,,~.~,_'~"''''_'_'''___''''>'.' :' t:' ,",0 0.... (.I, it'~ 1.:::1.= ¡.-4.... ":~ .. "! .~. . Å ~"\'..::4 ~a I.... 'f . H ".,L '-'1'0 ,,~.. . 0 ·,'1 Aok ~~ . e- ,t .-4... I:/.~ . ..:;~. e e , 0 , !f~ ...:i~ 0..... . k~ ,gk~ . Ao~ :~. " , >, ... r ~ f· l f (, ':' í'" .' 1M .. ¡¡¡¡¡ ------------------------------------------ ~'I '" ',' AU'Juat 23, 1983 eroalon probl.. at this .Ite nnd aumvtllln'J needs to bs done to better protect tho upl~nd atructuro, addln~ that his b~alc (_commendation I. that the variance be 9ranted to build tho rovatment with the .tlpulatlon. a. outlln.d In the propoaed ro.olutlon. Mr. Daryl ~rch of Anchor Englnoerlng atated that he hal revleved the ~xucutlve 6u.~ary and haa only a faw problum. with tho reco...nda- tlons. 110 reCerrad to Jlctur.. on IIn overhvad bo..rd, atatln9 that 2:1 t.et of tho backyard I. boln9 loat, ~ddlnq that th. run-off I. very laportant. II. ßtatod tll~t If t.ho rov.tmont I. mov.,, bliCk, the atorage arell I. qolng to bo r..ducou 80 tn.t tner. ...111 hOl .. prol:lClIII with .tor. run-ofL lie Ito'ltvtJ thllt ho agree. wIth not puttln< tllO revet.ent any furthor a"award, .'Iddlnq thllt they are propollnq to ¡ncr.lle tne tront slope 01 tho ra..,II tment to I to 2 whIch II tha ....IIII\, ;) alope that 1. allowed and than r~duco the 4ru. bohlnd the r.yet..nt IInd the .Idovalk to nIl In ordvr to .~vv tho drdlnllge retention area and 8000 o( the backYllrd for tl..¡ condunlnlUnl. II. at..tad that h. hila no probla,.a "11th the re.t or the Itlpullltlon... 110 concludod by I\t.atlng that. th.y ltOuld like to b. allowod to ch.1n')tI t"" croaG ..ctlon to .. IIt.of"lC Ilop. and to put the sld.walk rl~nt lIy~ n.t th. ravata.nt. Co..l..10ner ,I.tor lOved, .econded by Co..lssSonor Vo.. and oarrlod 4/0, that the p~llc hoarln9 be clo.ed. Co"S..lonor PSator ROved, ..conùod by Co..l..Sonor Rolland and carrl.d 4/0, that Rosolutlon a3-l3~ re Potltlon CCCL-'3-11C, Anchor ln9lnoerlng, roquo.t1n9 a variance troM tho CCCL for property located on Traot ~, ~rco Boach, Unit 22, South Sea~ Ne.t Condo.lnlua bo adopted .ubjeot to the Itlpulatlonl In the re.olutlon with the Ilope being chanted to 1 to 2 and the eldewalk being conatructe. rlvhtbehl~ ao'J« tff1 rACi131 - ,.,."","",.',.""""',......""",."....,.',.,',,;,..".."",..,,~"....,"...0>4'.~¡,",.""-..".,...'...""~_ ..~' ,11' August 23, un· ~'~;··.i· ,.~.;...;?~ i¡";Aj.. ;.t·<J·P~, ',',. ~' l~vr. 'f,; ~ ·I~ì' '. . '¡'j:., :f ,.I ",' . " c ~.-- q ..'~ ..,a.' J~ ' it,j,1 U 1\:'" Y IÞ> . "I,: ' !'i~~ ,¡', I, ,.-. ,.. I"rot -= ",,1 , l'" .. ',"l~ ~ ,Ai''!.'' in; urJ;. iê '~: Jj..'ií!' the revetaent providing that the toe doe. not go any further aeavard of the ex!at!ft9 rev.taent, and that the Chairman be euthorlzed to algn the Re.olutlon after the above rlrerenced change. are made. . f ~~. .'4 .'. Pag I 6 ---------------------------------------'--......... II1II - "'",··""....;·,·",.;'"'_,"''''~,~..''..._·..'~·''_'..n' "~_."___1oII¡""_'__><W__""¥....""þ<...,_,_"'I_.....1>."..."''''~..._._,...,."...~.'.,;..,"'"_"'....,...".___,_...',',_'....'~"'.,.....<_,_..." 'C".' ~ .."...... , '1" ,'~ '>,O~ ,Þ... ,,'.'.... , or4 " ,'1"4 or4 ' (.~.. ~-; . t:a · I,; }~~. ".. j'~ iI . ~r. 8 .,:'a I ¡: '~. ..~.' . H " IIO~ \,) a.~ ~ .eo " or4... ·r.!i ~ ~ ~.:!S~ ", 0 '.' ~'" " ~ u ,;,'0... ¡¡ ,,~~... ,¡ b.~ r=a .., ¡¡¡¡¡;¡ ., i . > , -.: ~. è', " " , ~) 'j, 1ft r"'·· X; ^uquat 23, 1983 ------------------------------------------ "~ " ~, .} J w, :¡~ i: It.. U ~ISOLUTION 13-136 Re PETITION AV-83-010, ANDREW AND VICKI A. Cf.AVELO VACATION or THE DRAINAGE AND UTILITY IAS~EHT or TRACT 68, UNIT 28, GOLDeN CAT I ESTATES - ADOPTED b' '\ \- t~ Le9al notice havlnq boon publløhed In the Naple. Dolly News on Au9ust 7 and 14, 1983, as ovldonced by Atfldavlt of PUblicotlon filed vlth the Clerk, public h.arlnq was oponod to conalder Petition AV-8J-OIO, Androw and Vicki ^. Clavelo reque.tlnq vacation ot the dralnaqe and utl1lty oa.v~ent on the W20' of the t30' ot Tract 68, Unit 28, Colden Cate t.t~tca. Tape 12 Coaal..loner Pl.tor aoved, .econded by Co..I..loner Vo.. and carried 4/0, that the PUblic haarln9 be clo.ed. Co..l..loner PI.tor agvod, .econdoJ by Co.-I.. loner Holland and carrled 4/0, that Re.olutlon 83-136 re Petition AV-83-010 be adop~ed. ~()& 077 ,ACd,39 " ~ '.·.·",,'"~,;·,·,,·'""____'.;'",;........·.,,'"",·;,,·,"'.'.....O..I""""',..IiI\<_'¡~·r..'....,L""jlh.'$."....,~...·t·,'''''''',.",._..,·"...·........',~..._......____.'~_..._"!IW""_,~_",..,.......,....",."',......,"_....~."".......,,,."....,"_.."".__....'~.'"....._,.,,~.~ .. laD ¡¡¡¡¡¡ ----------------------------------------- Au<)u.\t 23, 1983 It e. 16 R&SOLUTION 83-131 RB PETITIOW AV-83-013, MARIO LAMENDOLA, AGENT, RCgUCSTIWQ VACATION 0' THE SIX 'OOT SIDE EASEMENTS ON LOTS SAND 6, aLOCK 81, QOLDEN GATE CITY, UNIT J - ADOPTED L'9.1 notlco havln9 b..n publlshwd In the Naplo. Dally New. on Au9uat 7 and 14, 1983, .s evidenced by Affidavit of Publication flIed vlth the Clerk, public hearln9 waa opened to conalder Petition AV-83-01J, ~rlo ~aMondola, ^~ent, raqu.atlnq v.catlon of the .lx foot .Id. ......nt. on Lots ~ and 6, block 11, Cold.n C.t. City, Unit 3. Co~1..10ner PI.tor ~v.d, .econded by Co~.I..loner Holland and carried 4/0, that the public hearln9 be c1o.ed. Co..l..lon.r Pi.tor aov.d, ..conded by Co.-I..loner Holland and c.rrled 4/0, that R..olutlon 83-137 r. Petition AV-13-013 be adopted. ~~~ 01' 'Awi4.1 ,..,.."..,~,'~...,"'_;,",.."''''.,.:~,,''''''~....,,_.'''.._.._...~,.:,'''~"'",';:·,Ù,&_'·''',k_...'__....__ _.__~...."''',..,_'...·_··,,''',·,,,>-., ma &ii1 ~ .---------- ----- - - -- --- - --- ---- - ------- ---- ^ugu.t 2), 198) It.. t7 R&80LUTIOM 83-138 ASStSSINC EAST NAPLES NATIR SYSTEMS, INC. '30,392.00 RC UTILITY'S APPLICATIONS FOR A RATE REVItN ~D A rRANCHISE - ADOPTED Logol notice having Þoen puuli.hed In the Nopl.. Coily N.w. on AU9u.t 7 and 14, 1983, .. ovld.ncod by ^!!id.vit oC Publication filed with tho CI.rk, public h.aring waD opened to con.ld.r ...0..ln9 E..t Naple. Water Sy.te.., In;:-. tho .I.I1II o( $30,392.00 for the County'. out-oC-pocket expen... In .ctlng upon the Utility'. .ppllcatlon. Cor a rate revlow and. Cr.nchl.o. County Attorney :>.:IunClur. IIItattld that h. r.c.lvod . tCllopllono call Cror:l Mr. /lublch..n tho prlJvlou.. dðy, ðIJdlng th.t he aqr".ù to th. pa~ent of $)0,)~2.00 a. woll ð. to roachodullng the r.t.. In ord.r to p... th. charg. on to Ilia cuøtolller.. II. Itated th.t b.c.1UGO of th. a~ree..nt to tho a.......nt, ho ,¡,Jvl."u Mr. /luD.cha.n th.t hu would not a.k Cor tho $~OO plJnally. Co_i..lon.r PI.tor aov.d, ..conded by Co_I..loner tloll~nd and carled 4/0, that the public hearin9 be clo.ed. Co..I..lon.r Pl.tor aoved, .econded by Co_l..loner Holland .nd carrl.d 4/0, that Re.olutlon 83-138 ......1ng Ea.t ..pl.. Wat.r Iy.te.., Inc. tho .u. of $)0,392.00 for lhs County'. out-of-pocket expen... In actin9 upon the Utility'. application. for a rate revl.w and a franchi.. be adopt.d. .o~ tÞ "",..".,.~"""",.."';""-""-"'.";"""""""'~'~",,,,,,....,,,_,,,.,~,,.,..",."","'.....,.,...,.,#..,___...__""'''*'''1..._.......,,'''''...>"1;''''...,..,,_..._..._.._.'''.''''''..'''...'""'H·..~...·..·.·"...'_....,.._·~_"'"',__" :J~\,"¡ ¡, ~~;"t' !~ 0 ",O~" ¡,,,, . ~ .,- ... ~.~-=;, , ..,... " ~;e; " ?ì i~:f í. ,::~J .. !~ nn t ,~:- ~ ,!I ~:: {,i~~ ~ ,;,~:~ " :~ ~ ~ t4 ;,~.,' ~'iè t.~ ,~' , ~t.\I;::';-" ' 4':. Auguat 23, 19S3 ,- .~1'...{ ~ _. eO~K 1 te. 18 klSOLUTION 83-13' RI PETITION 'DPO-83-V-4 SAN-I INVESTMENTS REQUESTING APPROVAL or A VARIANCI rROK THI MINIMUM BASI PLOOD ELEVATION ON PROPERTY DESCRIIED AS 1765 COMMERCIAL DRIVE - ADOPTED WITH STIPULATION' Lcgal notice having been publlshod In tho Naple. Dðlly News on AU9uat 7, 1983, a. evldonced by ^ffi~avlt of Publication fil.d wlth the Clerk, public he.ring wa. oponod to consld_r Petition fCPO-S3-V-4 San-8 Inve.t~ent. reque.tln9 approvðl of a v~riQnce from th~ minimum baae flood elevation required by the Flood Damage Prevontlon Ordinance on property described as 176~ Co~morclal Drlvu. Planner McDaniel atated that thl. 10 a roquest to build on auto body shop on Co..orclal Drive, IIddln~ that the existing ground elevation Is 3.3 feet. Ho atoted that the olevatlon required io 9 feet and they ore reque.tlnq G.2~ foot which In 0 variance of 2.75 feat. He noted that thl. building I. I~pr.ctlcol to floodproof with the 8 large overhead doora. He stated that thoru la a further complication which 1. the .urroundlng building. which r~nge Lro~ G.6 to ~.8 feet In elevation, adding that they or. all hlqhwr than what tn. applicant I. requIIstlnq. lie concluded by stating thllt It I. Sto(f's recol!\ll1ondatlon that this p.tltlon bo dwnl.d. Mr. ~'rk L~oureux, San-Þ Invest_lints, .tated that he would like to a..nd the petition .0 that tho offices and the walhroo.. be built to the flood ehvation and the ululndwr of the shop area be built at the '.25 elevation. He atatlld thal thla could s.ve . substantial a.ount of fill, ~lua, In ordor to bulJd the building hl9hor thurll would have to be a retalnlnCJ waJI built. around the altw. tlo noled that the slope leadln9 Inlo the auto shop .octlon would be . 4-1/2' 9rado In GO' which would be too steop. Page 10 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- .- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----- I!I!II - ~ '.', ..j... "+>O""_"""';"""";'~'''''''''''''><"''''_"''''''''"''"''''''"''''''':.,~".",~".",~,"~"","""."",_,,,,,,,,,,_,,,,,,,,,,",,",,,,,,,_,,___.,._ it¡l,,',:,: ' '~~·t·h ",~" ...- ',\4 0 "O~ '\'... ~ ' ~,..,. \.4 ;~~ . .~ª i ::.;; ,', . is''' , ·I~ ''l! '; ~ . 8 ~ , ' ''8' ~ *.8 I.~ ;' i';.~k ' ~'i',fJ ~ 'f ..~~ :8 ~ ~J J.' !... \'. ,;. (J Y, ~~ ~ ~~' ".·.k~ " ';:; ~~ ' ~~;'J':, ' :;¡;~f1."'~;:~· - - - .----------------------------------------- Auqu.t 23, 1903 Co..l..lonlr Holland .ovld, .econded by CODmla.lonlr ,1.tor and carried 4/0, that thl public hear1n9 be cloøed. Co..la.loner ,Iator aovld, .econdlð b~ Co~.la.lonlr Holland and carried 4/0, that Rlaolutlon 83-139 rl Pltltlon rDPO-8J-V-4 rl 'In-I Invlataent. reque.tln9 approvll of a variance fro. thl .1nl.ua ba.e flood ellvatlon required by thl 'lood 0..a91 Prevention Ordinance on property deacrlbed a. 1765 Co..erclal DrivI be adopted aubject to the Itipulltløn. outlined In the re.olutlon and the atlpul.tlon that the office. and wa.hroo.. b. built accordln9 to tha ropo .nd the rl..lnln9 ahop are. to be built At 6.2~· NGVD. . , ) , '... , '.., 'I. .~ 077 PAt( 147, " ·Ii', ".. ,..."".'."._,~"'"_"...__.,_____.."_.'.,,'...~_4.;,...""_"4;0...4>_,.'""_¡,.,.".'"'."'~,.>N',....~,._____""',__........"'_"..,.."'.".,..;:..."'''''"'" """,...,...."'--.-....-..".,,,,.., ~. ,;:"" ,,,- ;""'.~""- , AU9Ult 23, 19i;~~:."',~"~".~ ..._:w._ .. It.. It RISOLUT%ON 83-140 RI PETITION 'U-13-laC, UNITY or NAPLES, 1HC., REQUISTING PROVISIONAL USI (I) or ESTATES lOR A PRE-SCIIOOL CHILD CARl AT 2000 UNITY NAY - ADOPTED Planner Ober .tated thAt thh requut 11 for A pro-.chool child car. in an exl.t1n9 bulldlnq, addlnq thAt Storr and all agoncle. havo ,reviewed thl. It.. and reco~mended approval. ^ letter "'.. pre.entltd for tho record !roAl lIenacl .. Gretol Learnlnq Center In oppo.ltlon to the petitIon. Co..l..1oner Vo.. aoved, .econded by Co..l..10nor PI.tor and carried 4/0, that Re.olutlon 13-140 re Petltlon PU-IJ-18C, Unity of -aple., Inc. be adopted. h9 e 12 - .. _.--_....,._"'"""'...~....,',.......;. þ ,......-..... ,."..,." "'<If"". .. ',"""'~"-!.I, '~,"v......."..,,,____,......t""'__'~"~;«;"'''''\- ,ao.¡.,,,..., ,_"',;"..."".'....."",..·"''''..;,....._~',h......'''~..,..,........'...."....._''''........,_ ""'~.. ,.....","' t- . \.4 0 ,,0 ., , u þ~ ,~~ ...10'4., :'~ . ~.~, , ~\I¡~ II . " ';~f'. 8 ~al:: í7.,\).' . 8 ~.; ."8 ,.;"1 a.... .. Q, 5 .. \', 10'4... .~'.~ ~ :~"~. s ~ ..'.: '0 ¡.: h ! U , \.4 10'4 ,', 0., . ,:....s ... ..!:I... 0 ill Q,~ ^uqu.t 23, 1983 .'n ~ ,... ..... Roco.s. 9.50 A.". - Reconvenedl 10100 A.H. ..... " !~ :g.. '}, 1If ',' ::;. 1'1 \". d It.. 110 , RESOLUTION 83-141 ISTABLISHING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES fOR THE CLOSING . AIID ARAMDOIIKIMT or ROAD RIGUTS-or-w.\Y MD THE VACATION MD AIIHUUtENT or PLATS or SUBDIVIDED LAND - ADOPTED ~. . COllllunlty DeveloplllOnt ^dllllnlatutor Virta atat.d that this i. a, ~propo..l to .ovo the adminiatrativo porllonG of tho procedure. of vacations, etc. fro~ tho I'ubllc Warka Dlvl.ion to tho Community Devoloµmunt Dlvi.lon, .dding that It ~lao further dofinos tho policie. thst arQ Involved liS veIl a. the .to~ß. Ho noted th.t tho County ha. beon oporatlng under tho b~lle! that the currcnt policy wos adopted adalnlotratlvely, .ddln9 that he l.arneø the previous day that thoro " '~'~' " wa. Boe '(, ..ctlon In 1972 .do~tI119 thO! f'OlIcy, notln9 th..t th. r..olutlon .nould roco~nlz. that tlt.11 la on oxl.tln~ polley and thot this polley would r.pl.ca tho prevlou. polley. Co~mlløloner noll.nd Gue.tloned who orderod this policy and why, to "'hi.:h Mr. Vlrt. at.ted that tll.tr_ \,MU. atof( lIIeotlnq hold betweon "r. Hart...n, !'Ir. NorNn and hlallurl! to dlscusII tho land u.. altuðtlon and th. Id"o of this policy ell." up At th¡H tlm... Co..I..lon.r Krus. .tbt.d thot au tho policy st.nd. now aOD.on. c.n 90 into Engln..rlnq anti put In . rec.¡uellt for a vac.tion of 'a plat and, t.chnlcally, It did not 90 to Planning, .ddln9 thot this did pro.ont II probleD bocaus., by vacAtln9 tho plat that w.a belnq requo.ted, I~ could hay. add.d additIonal units on lhat .... lot und.r the zonln9 th.t would not h.v. boen .ddod IC th. .....~nta vere nol vllcatad. She st.ted th.t all v.c.tlona .I,ould 90 throu9" tho Plannln9 Do J"I r tJDe n t for It.a land UDO. Sho noted that thla po II cy will now coordln.ta .,verythln9 throu<¡h Co..unlty O.velopøent. Pa91 11 ---------------- --- ---..- -- ------------------ 11!!1 II!I £:::!:! .."'..,._,,,',,~.,<_.,,...""",._.",......,,.---,~..,,""-,.,',.,,~'"...,,."....--...."" 'ot'~' <Ii. 1:' ;\ g ,i} {~ t , "'" ~; ~, ... ~'. ~, !' ~ ~, 1:;::;1 Ii.:a ~ ------- -- - - - - - - -...- - - -- -- - -- - - - -- - -- ---- AU9uat 23, 1983 COI1lIlI..loner Holland .tlltCld thðt h.. Is not In fðvor of qólnc¡ Into thh pol1cy a. It "Ill chjlnge the other po 11 cy jlnd this COlllllla.lon .ho uld knov about such change. betore they are put on the aqendð. Co..l..10ner Holland aoved that the e.tablllh.ent and procedure. of the propo.ed polley regardln9 the cloalng and absndon.ent of ro.d rlghtl-of-"ay .nd the yacatlon and annul..nt of plat. of .ubdlvlded land be rejected. ~tlon died for lack of a .econd. Co..I..loner Voa. aoved, .econded by Co.-I.. loner Plator and carried 3/1, (Co...luloner JIolhnd oppoud) that Ruolutlon 83-141 e.tabll.hlnq pollcle. and prncedure. for the clo.ln9 and abandon.ent of road rlght.-of-vay and the vacatIon and ðnnul.ent of plata of .ubdlvlded land be adopted. ~ rm PACt 155 "", .., .....,·"··~""",·,,,,,,,..·,·,"o,., "'''-''''';_''''';''~''''''''''·'·'''''''·.'''''1''''''''''''''''"'''''''''''·'','''' ..,.~_____~"."..~",~,._'~'''''''''''''''_'''-""-"._... ...."",_.._,,,"ij,,'_''''_'''_''''''''' ..', ,.....~,_"". .._..'" ~;>..._., ^!:I9uat 23, 1983 It.. 111 IUILDIWO COOl COKPLIAMCI DEPT. TO ISSUE BLDG. PERMIT 1-83-21', WHI%PAC, INC. aUB~ECT TO OUTCOKE OF PtTITION AV-03-01' AS IS PROVIDED FOR IN THB PETITIONCR'S AGRE~INT - APPROVED Co..unlty Dev.lo~ent Aùmlnlatrator Virt", .tatod thðt this co~~.ny In I..okahl WQuld like to build a pal:klnq houalO ",.hlch thuy would Uke to have on 11ne for tho fall ....on, adding that thure il a pendin9 vacation which would allow for the conatructlon o( the pAcking hou.e and allow the bulldlnq pormlt to bo I.au.ó. 110 Ita tad that til' vacation WQuld norl\aJly como tÌlrou~h the proce.1 tho flrlt lIIoetlng In Sept..ber which, lilllowl.., wlll not .llow for thi/\ bulldln9 to b. on ~ lin. Nov_bor 1, whrn the packing 80allon Itarta. IIn .tated that ~" Whlzpac I. rO'Ju..tln'J that ¡¡tilt! bll lIuthorlzod to I..uo tho pormlt, ,~1 addlnq thal thoy will ..."r". to r"..ovv the portion. of the bulldln9 that do not _.t tho re..,ulr.....ntll of lh.. zoning orc1ln4nc.. T.pe . 3 Coeal..ioner 'i.tor aov.d, .econded by Co..l.alon.r Yo.. and carrl.d 4/0, th.t tho nulldln9 Code Coaplianc. Depart..nt b. authorlsed to 1..u. bul1dln9 per.lt l-13-210, Whlzp.c, Inc. .ubject to tho outco.. of "tltlon AV-IJ-Ol' .. i. provided for In the petitlonor'. ."'r....nt wblcb Indicate. th.t tho applicant will .eet .11 r.qulr...nta óf tho lonln9 Ordlnanc.. Po",. 15 -- - - - - - - - - - - .- - - ~- -- -- -- - - - - - - - ..- - - - - - - - - - - - - --- l1li fill _·.....,"..."·.~,.",,,w"",__...._.......",._.......,_,,;"".,._,;......, ,",<"~"~""""~"_"",_"_",____,~"_"__""_,__",_",,,,,,,._..,,,,,,,,,,._"".... ,.,..". ,....... ~;;'; t' 'ø3 :' ¥ iÞ... , '!1 .:I ,:;;4~ i·~ .. ~!§ . :~",. 8 fa I:: lJ~' t~ .!J".o ;.~. .J CIo ~ ;- ~ ~ /~r~ 5 ~ :~ 8~ ...!~ o~ . ~.. ~ .. ...0 CIo... ~_...,__...~,,",.. , ..............._.__., ."«' c, ~ ",_"_,,,"'," 4":. I' ~ _ fJ). -......'>'I!'-. ..··...)..·-:·.1··, .,', ·;.(;~-:'C:i'·'· .~/:~; ",~fII"m,.~.!'~ "..:~\··1f~ta, :: ": &O~K OIl PAC, 170 Auquat 23, 1983" ..' ''\~ '; It.. 112 CONtÞK:II'IÞT 0' NEGOTIATIONS NITH AMERICAN TEL , T£L lOR THE ACQUISI- TION or A TCLECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM - APPROVED , , ¡,'t!.; :1 .~~ ~i \'!' P ;r ;~:i r~:' :t!.~ ,:., ( Purchasin1 Director Thl.le stAted thot tho purpose of this r.que.t I. to d.clde on ...hlch compAny to n090tIÐto with for tlllt purchlla. of the new telephon. aya tOM. II. stð tltU thA l lho .Y. tom In pI liCe: e I tho r n.eda to be uP9r.dod or a completoly new systom Inøtalleö AR thø County can no 10nger function undor tho prllllunt lcatle and no further el. ulprn.nt can b. added. Ite autod that UT5 rHld II ::!~,OCCl price for the! purchlue of ,~< ~ the oxlstlnq equlpmwnt lor tha bh"rlft' II dU~lIrtm...'nL 10/1 thout IIny < "',' enh.ncem.nts. He staled thAt thcrw hod been dlacu.ølon r09~rdln9 dl91tal veraus ðn..lo\! and After doln'J rUllollrCIt throu:;¡h the Industry ther. la no onv th')l will toll the County for certAin whiCh is better. He atatod that nu ono kno.s ...nan d1ylt~1 will complotely take over .nd ...hltt wIll happen In t.he nvxt few YI/llrø. 110 statwd thllt the consultant atill reco_ends the Rolli! sYlltt'm. U,. Cllported thllt whar. the flnancin9 Is concern.d tlll/ro la " fixed cont thDt will rc~aln constant whether the exlatlne;¡ contract III conllnul/u or wlll1lhf!r . con1¡..1.tldy nww .yst.m la Inatalled. ho atated th~t the ~DSO cost p~r y.~r I. about $112,OOO tor the telephones, addlnc;¡ th.H ..hen n.... equlp..ent 11 purchale~ the $112,000 ...III still be paid but, InatoAd of to"'ðrd a aervice .9r....nt, It will be for purch.aIn9 ...nlch will toka 7 y..ra at 100' perc.nt fln.nc1n9. He noted that the Uhur1tf'. Dwpart....nt could continuo tho .xlstln9 cOlllracl (or a porlou of tlm., but II now ayate. will eventually be n.eduII. 110 atated thDt If the üoard doalres to hólv. 911 Included, he ...111 ne.d directIon, othlrr..1aa, aftar a vtndor Ja chol.n tho 100\ tinancln~ pockage ...111 b. prepared and tho docu.ent. will be bro..".ht back to the l.Ioðrd In A we"k. p'ge 16 ------ - ----~ -- - -. --. -- - - - --_.-.- -----..----------- r:::::1 c;;¡;) c= ~.._..,,"'..._-;."'......._---_....._,..._..._!I' .~: R!I!I Ih:4 ~~.:J ----------- ---- "ugust 23, 19U) ---------------------------- Mr. Boll Connelly, con.ult.nt. st.ted that hi. prlJllðry c:oncern Is th.t a co.p.ny could ~.~on.tr~te I vroven track r.cord to .erve Collier County, .ddlnq thðt h. II .tlll reco.."ndlnq nol. Corpor.tlon, a. they are In the t.elt poalllon to _at tne n."dl froll tho It.andpolnt ot service and t.chnoloqy. H~ .tat"d that whlcnay.r way the County qoe., he vlll .upport th. IDpl,u""'I,'l!Qn. Co..lslloner Pletor 4u..tloned why ~ol. ~or~r..tlon can .ccopt voice data bett.r th~n lh. ulnorl, to whl~n Mr. Connelly etated that he felt Mol., ò..ln< In N~J'¡".' "'Jul, ...rv. III.. C,)unty t>ltt"r. CO..I..lon.r "lltur ' u,,~tl"r""J wh( lI\(1 ....ol.lnty .ould n..d thl. traft1c"lnq ..rvl.... c.nl., "" ¡-r...I...., ."'dln') tt...t with "T'T It II turnl'had twl..... I ,.eor ,H IH. ':I,..r'l" ..".1 .........I&J ..100 C ..,",uet $~),ÇOO fro. th" orl< lnal prl....e' .". '~"",n" 17 ..t.1t.~ ,,,..., the InCor...tlon to d"III~" the tr..ttle fluv waul.' onl)' II" 01"'111..1.11. ,,,I.:. a y...r, ....dln') tt..t h. fe"l. that It I. n.ed.d mor.. th..n twl~p II Y"'" CO..llllllunu, \/0" ·.".:&t....n.'" I...... "n..¡u. 'J..tl to bo dl')lt.. ..h..n h. pic... up hi. tel.pnon. an:.! 1..1.... Into It, tu wld...n "II. Park.r or "T'T .tatwd th.at In tllO ""<¡ltal .I..lll.'h (",r .. <':I",~,'nc. o( .about III Inc".. It Is dlfilt.lzod to ilOilO tI'IIooJJ ' tllO <.11'111..1 "'ioJl~nt Inside lh" IwltCh, addlnq th.t whon It, le"lIe4 lh.1t pi..;.:.. ot o~ul,_"nt .nd "'.poslts 10__hore within tha ¡J\ululn. It Dust Ò" rOl.'un""rtod to In .na1oo¡ .19nel to tr.y,,1 oy..r t/.. ,",ublll.' ...Itl.'h n..lwoor- which 1. pr.do.lnlnt1y .n .".10'1 n.twor.... :.h. Hllt..tI lh..t tho ;200 I.Illllon Doll Iy.t_ anai09 n.tlOOr~ I. not 11....ly to c:h1l11ge In th. "lfry heAr futuro, ad,Jln9 th.t It J. ch~n91~ ~nd It ~11I change .o.otl.. In tho Cuture but th.t kind oC an Investaent I. not turned .round In . very short tl.e. Co..a..loner vo.. que.tlone~ the traffic reportl, to vhlch "I. ~o:. 077 rACè111 - "A, ,¡I ;M.'''II ""O.,...~'"._,·",..__,~,,_,,__......·_.,.""'",,""~,.,....<;"""",_"'__'"""""'_''''__''''''''_',"".0._, ~'«"'..'I""""~":rt'l:., "'Iok¥"'" ~~')"" -'f'';' '~~t"tl:i~to:,.¡'·:<~"· :, _. w~600K 077 PACé 1 "'It ~U9U.t 23, 1983, Parker .tated that there ero two d1fforont. k~ndll of Iníorrnatlon, IIddIn9 that onw 111 atllt.lon call detail Informlltion w/dcn i¡¡ tile stlltion II1IIkln9 the cllll, the numbor of c/]lls, tho length oí lhe calls, etc. which allow.. the County to be abl0 to coat üllocllte dtlplHtmentll in the baae ~' price and 1. highly recommended. I:HlCt IItated tn.1t In IIdditlon to the ballc .pec. that call for tho CIIW datil of that Informlltion, AT'T has offered an additional micro-computer d~vlctl that will sl~ulato thüt Information, analyze It, qlYU ~ana9ument roport» lInd cost detail on that Information which Is olso in tho blft~ prlctl and hll» beon recommend.d. She øtoted that tho traffic In!orm,)tlon could bo elJmlnated out wyen though tho specs ClIllou for In on-premise ;>rovlblon, adding that thlll III prOVI( cd IInu "III coøt $~J,7J) which 1. an unnece..ary oxpendlturo on tho plrt of th~ County. Hho atotod that this inforaatlon 101111 b. Avall.blv on I cUßtom~r administration p.nel which will be on-~ro~l.w .nJ clln bu ruðO out, but will not print out, and 101111 al.o be ovolloble u~n ru~uu.t from the Re~oto Mðlntunønce Center, addlnq that It ~111 b~ øent to tno County twice a year and may be rwque.tod ",ore oft&'n wnwn nil''',''''.!. !;l1e .tate(.\ tnat ...n..n tho inforNtlon i. reculvCld It nOCld. to be an~lyzl:<J by an wl:p.rt to find out If additional trun~., tlo Ilno., .unco~ linea, etc. are ne.ded, addln9 that the County 1ft not likely to neod to change that kind of .qul¡a.nt .ore than oneil. yoar and cwr tlll/lly not lIIoro than twice a ye.r. bhe .tated that ^T'T will ol.o analyzl the roports fro. the Re.ote ~Intenance Conter wllhout charge. Co~~I..lonwr Vo.. que.tloned tno .y.t~ that would be put In the Ta. Collector'. offlco on II tw.porllry bd.I., to which Ma. Parkor .tated th.t the bid spec. cðllod for prlcln~ out a~dltlonal Infgraatlon for POlle 11 -------------~----- tII:I '=' r:= r;;;.I ~ ., -----------------------,._--------------------- ^u'JUlt :::3, 1(\1\3 te_porøry sprvlco. r.hft .tated that r.qArdlnq thft type ~r lervic. that the C~unty ~lll ne.d f~r b~th facl'ltlAI, thft Caunt.y ønd the ~herirr, It II qglnq tg tAkft thft laboratorle. And the onqlneerlnq depart~entl .ev.ral ~~nthft t~ deftl~n, vprIfy an~ put to'J.thpr whAt I. npeded. She Itated thAt hncause ot the work lnvolvpd and the I~.dlata need of the Tax Collector, ~T'T will provide . ~edlu~ alre .yatp. cal..d the Hgrlron ~hlch II A r~x, trpe at chArq., to the County. ~he It.ted thAt It will COlt about S1,4" bpCAuse ^T'T ha. to pay 8.11 sy.te~ to In.tøll It. She rpnurted thAt It will he nrovl~.d a. a c~~pll.enlary .ervlc. uf "T'T, which will be t~~.n h,ck At the tl~. the ro~plete .y.t.. Is roady t~ h. Installwd, Cu~l.ftlon.r rl.tor ~u..tlun"d why w~. rAr~er r.con_.nd.d a 2 hour ~.ttery re.erve rather than a 4 hour, oth.r thAn IAvln~ f:::l,nn~, to which ~s. rarker stat.d that h-r rAco~~.nðAtl~n W"A h~Ae~ on tho fAct that around PP\ of bruwn outs or hlac~ out. Are under )~ "lnutes. She .tatfo~ that thl" W1:Iul,I -1f'pllnd on t!'l.. Sh"r 1 tt·. I'..p"r l"rnt lint! 1s .I.ply I~ethlnq to think Ah<lut In r"r1uclnQ the COAt, Tape '4 C<lI'\'" I ftll lanf'r Plnt.or I' uftfttl<lned t,ho "etho'! of pAy....nt ...llh "T'T. "s. Parker statod lhAt "'<lftt vendors require pr~e.. p.~.nt., which would be '::5\ upa:'\ .It nlnq, ~.., upun Ii.livery uf oqul p"'.nt , '::"' upon date of cut-over, which ",oans that over 9~' of the COlt 1ft paid h.tor. the ..rvIc. II aVAIlabln. ftho stated thAt "T'T rpquIres no ~ney rru. the County until approximately ~. ðlY. .ttar th. cut-over which 1. approxl.ataly A s:~,~~ø ftavln1. by belnq able to UI. that .oney In lnv..t..ntl bafor. ^T'T h.1 t~ be pa1d. C~__I.llon.r PIAt~r qua.t1on_ð what tha $løl,n'" ba.. COlt ~~, em rACè 173 " ._""'''''_._".....",ii¡..*......._.."."...,'_<-'''~___M..'''.,",._.........____";_,··__-.--"""'-",-",-.-.-"",.-"....", Aur¡ust 23, 1903 ..' I&CJ~ 077 PACt 17+ Sh~rlff c~n.lftte~ of, to whIch Ms. P~rk~r rep~lr.rt thnt It 1. tho number of st.tlons, the consoleft,the cnll dotnl1 record1n~ i~for~atlon ~"d the I.curlty ftystem whlch 1. whðt tho ~ld specI required. To Commllftlonor Voø~' question r~q~rð1nq the ~}l, Mft. P~rkor .t.ted that It ls stll1 her recomm~n1ntion thnt ~ ftOp~r3tn system for the 911 be purch~sed, hut it CAn ho Allowed within tho Oimonllon Iystem thAt they Are pro~slnq. Co~~lsaloner Plfttor quostionod tho s~rvlc~ th~t w~ul~ b~ rendered, to whlch Ms. Pnr~~r .t~ted thnt thero nrft fivp tftchniclnnn in the Naple. nre~, 'd~ln, thnt n .orvl~o crntrr will h~ ~pone1 In Octobnr 1n ft. "'ye rll . ~he atntpd thnt Aft onrly ~~ Jnnu~ry of laA~, nnothor .ervice cent.1 c~ul~ ~ft pr~vl~.rt In "Apl.a. ~hft n~tod thAt the County will hAYO . p.r~anent tochnlclan de~lcAt.~ t~ tllr~ on A :4-hour cnll bAlil. roh. stateÓ that hr wouid b. ahip tu hr contactrd hy berper nnd if (or .V"e re"a~n he wou'd nut hp aVllil~hll!, there woulr1 hI' An ~ It nU"bor ...hltre A t.ehn!c!an "",\I,d b.. ,,,ente" il'lll'cdlntc·'Y. Cvr...!a"lon"r "Iøtur <1UI'1! lun..'· U !h.. v"lc.. ,...tl' !II In th,dr syateN, to ...~Ich -ft. rnr~.r atntert th.t It la w!thln th.. nyator. and I. .Ittlnq th.re Idle, A"dlnq thnt the .oft"'Are, the cApability Ind the oper,tlvn I, there, An" to actlvAt. thlt feAture thoro I. an InterfAce that 1. noco.alry with A a-.ll f.. to ,ctlvAte the S,,(twAI. which 1. res1dlnq within the 'Ylte.. CO~II.lún.1 Vvl" qu."tlvnod ...~At th. ndvAntAqo to dl?ltn'lzln? (or 1~· I., tu ...hich -I. rvYln,!un or no:~ r.úl~r'tion loplie~, no~e. He st.ted that th.r~ I. An ~1v~nta~e 'run 117Ltlzlnq rru_ the tel.ph~ne to the .vlteh. H~ .lftt.d thftl tho rPA.on fur thl. I_ to hftv. the aÞillty t~ pluq In tho 1fttA ternlnAl Inl~ the ~A~~ wire that y~u _r. '.qe 211 ....~ - -~. - '. '- - - - - - . :::2 r== c= "·'~"'L""''''='''''''='''''=''''''''''"'_'',"",,·_oIØ'''__._'·'····1 p¡t --- -.,.,".....,---------.--- c:::J ~ ~ ~ ~----------------------------------------- ^ utJ U II t :), 19 t1 3 u.lnq for tha t~leph~n~, n~~lntJ th~t th1s c~nn~t he ð~ne wlth nn analo,. He at.t~~ that th" "olm DyatrM Is nn nll dlqltal Iystem and ~T'T'S ay.tam 1. nnaloq and ln ~rð~r to up~rndn th~ nystam to what it .h~u1d be It would he v~ry co~tly. Co~mlsslone, Vo~. stated that ^T'T snys th~t they can handle volce And datA In the Iynt"~ th~t thay nr~ rrûp~lIlnq nnð Rolm C~rroratlon aay. that ^T'T cnnnot h~nðlr. v~lcr. an~ rl~ta, "'n~ queatlon~d wh1ch c~mpany 1. rl~ht1 ^ reprellont~tlve ot ^T~T ntlltr1 thnt they hnv" th~ ablllty to hnndlo v~lcc and rt~t~ In thr. ny~tr.~ that thr.y are rror~.I"q. H. stated th~t thny cnn switch dlqltnl nl"nn,s dlq1tnlly ond t~ nnd wIthout ~ote end" add1nq that the loftwnrr. Inherent la 1n tho pnx. He stated that thero 11 a ch4rq" for aCllvntln') 80me uf thr advnncod faaturas In the softwnro which Inc'ur1.. m~to ...n<1 pullin'} "hlch nll~"" tho "yltelll ttl ~o hum the dlqltn~ Innlrlo lhf' "1P'\rn.lon out to t¡" n"lIlyzcr! for IIn analc.q wo r ~t1. "'r. Pat Riley IJ( tlt"'t:1J "t~t"d that 'Ill HI" "y"tr.ma thnt have been lo~~ed at will ~~lIlc^lly d~ thc nn~r. thin'), ^~rtln') that the m...jor factor n~w Is cost consideration and I~rvlc". He atat"d that .ervlce Cannot he match~d with Ut~lco hecause they ar~ a local cOMpany. "'r. L.. Post of United Tcl.ph~n" ~y.tom ntaled that the S9),~~. thltt th~ County III concern"d IIhout 11'1 Includerl In the .111. pr1c.. or t.he equlp.unt. II. "tlHqd thnt th.y ""V" met. ,.11 tho hid soecU lclltlon. for Conl1?uratlon e:. H~ r~pOrt4d th^t the1r .w1tch 1s a dl?ltel and could do '9' ~f the "~lIb~rate thin,s thal the C~unty ~uld ll~e to do, Iddln1 thAt It will not .wltch dlq1tal ~.tft throu~h th. .yst~~. "e statld that th. only thlnq thAt could not be provided 1. tho r..ote te.t and f¡C~~ rrn PAC¿ 115 ~:,' "'''''''''''''''~''_'''''~''"''''''~''''''''""''''''''''''_I>'.'~'''';''''__''''',,_.;..""'___o__,...._,.._"',..~."""~"';·,"",."".....';'...,J·.........,..._'''·.-..·,,,.,.,.,,,-,,,,. ,OJ' . ,,¡, __..,"_~.-.~_""""~.....,.,, "". ."""...._·""""·,·'O"..u~...,_""'_._,~~_~__"__ ,..---:-:-¡ ~....;...;.I ~.,'" \..:...A:~...J r.:::::::J - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- --- - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- AuqUl!lt 23, 19R3 BUI!l1llUY thl. will cost the County /lpprCll(lmllt"ly $fI,IH!n. ne stated that the CClunty ahCluld b. IIhlo to doternln. If II 12' IncrellslI Is justified over the previous CClst. Mr. Hartman .tat"d th/lt /I rllt" consult/lnt haD consldnr/lbl~ Information on the flllr rat" of rcturn hAsed on whllt other cCl~pðnle. IIround the nation are "arnln1. Cú~nll!l.ICln"r Plstor stated that If the County cannot .nalyze It, /I cIJn.u~tAnt cCluld be obtAined, hut II lClt of this In(ormatlon J. available IInd certain Jtems lire obvllJu. III!I tCl what .hIJuld be char1l!d. Comml~nlon~r rrus" stilted thllt the frllnchll~ a1re..nnt dIJ.. not Indlclltp whllt pnrcent can he ~lIde Cúr CúmmerclA1. County Attorney ~aundl!r. fttlltll~ thAt It nlmply IlIye II (1I1r line! re.onllble rate betwoen Rllalrlentlal IInrl rúnmnrcll1~ cuatomtir.. Co~clslllJn.r Voss .tated thnt thll lIurlltúr cuuld dllternlne If their Colt has lncrea.ed hy 1:\ In orr'C'r to ch..r1" their CIJII'I"'~rcl"l r:u.tIJ",er. thllt Incrnllso. ~r. ~lkn ZlIwalk ntllle~ thllt thllrC' shuuld On contrul over the CommerciAl rate. /Inri the (rllnchl"" ~qr""ment Dhuu~d h. rewritten. Tape 16 Mr. Ronllld W/lrkhllll'l, ~~n"1pr o! Y..h~ Oros., stilted that h. his no proble. qlvlnq finAnciAl ntnt""'.nts to /lnyon., bul he does have a prob111N qlvlnq IIn unaudlt"d (InAnell11 nt~tn~ent to a rate consult.nt. I'. st., t ed t hAt " Ct er l h II r 1 r n t CI ( t t't.. YfllI r, hili D co'" I nq 1 n for a residential r..te Incrollse IInd 1111 the In(IJr.atlon will he AVAI1.ble at that time. !Ie .taterl thllt his rllte of return of :" does Include Co."erchl. !Ie re¡x.rted tt'tlll 4IInyon. fro.. the County can 90 to Ft. ,),~t "'yera lilt IIny till.e to lCXIIt lilt the rocord. U they vould Hlte. Co..S..Son.r 'l.tor .oved, ..cond.d by Co.-l..10ner vo.. and LO:C L'77,ACi 177 ___,~"..,.,·,~.._,"<,;_"~",...,·.""",..n.."........__·",__';_.~__...."._,.",,,,__......._.,' ~ 'r'"<!' '\11" "U(' Ult .:!3, 19113 ::~<~~~. &O~~ an PA~¿ 1'18 carrl.d 4/Ø, not to t.k. ftny .ctlon, but to have Solid w..t. Dlr.ctor Fah.y and rl.cal ottlc.r 011.. 90 to rt. My.rs to .n.lyze the n.c....ry f1n.nclal docu..ntetlon. ..... ~.C...I 12185 P.M. - Reconv.nedl 113" P.M. ..... 114 BUDGET ~"ENDMENTS rOR SOLID W~STE DISPOS~L rUND 470 IN ACCORD~NCE WITH ESTIMATED TWELVE-MONTH EXPENDITURES ~ND Rr.VENUES, AND EST~nLISnMEHT or THE AEE' AND "~RIN! DEV. ru~o 471 - APPROVr.D. COUNTY ~TTORNtY ~ND COUNTY "AN~IR AUTHORIZr.O TO PREPARE AND EXECUTE A SIIORT-TERM LEASE rOR THE LCU VESStL Publ1C' workll IIclmlnll1trllttlf ""rtmlln lIt.llt"c1 thllt. thl11 rt!qul'IIt 1. to croate 0 bud~et ttlr tho Re"r and ~~rlno ~"voltlpment rund IInd to chan~. th" oxllltlnq Stll1d Wlllltl' bU~(' l't ttl mntch whllt III ntlw fOfl'Cllllt to be the expl'n.e~ IInd rev"nUQII through th" I'nrl of thin rllle'lI: Y"lIr. lie IItlltl'cI thllt In dulnq au, he wal IIb'e tu tllkl' 110mI' o( thl' ~tln"y frtlm thl' P"III'rVe for the Solid Wlllltl' to crellte t~" neer IInd ~lIrln" Ol'velopment. III! stilted thllt noxt yellr th.. ""1'( IIn" ~lIrlnl! nl!vl'loP"ll'nt rllnd w11" he .,,1 t-.uPPClrtlnq. Co~.I..loner Vo.a .oved, .econdecl by Co.mll.loner plltor and carried 4/1, that the budq.t a..nd..nts for Solid Walt. Dllpo..l Fund 47. In acctlrdance with ..tl.at.d twelv.-month expenditures and revenu.., .nd .stabll.h..nt of the R.ef and Mllrln. DevelopM.nt Fund 471 b. approved. CtI~II.1uner Hollllnd queœtluned the stalu. of the .1tuatlt1n r.qardln~ the us.. Clf tho LCU hy the IInqler'. "."ocll1tlon, to which Mr. Hart.an atated that thorp Will II meetlnq the prevltlul nlqht cClnc.rnlnq the _litter and a let tor II holnq rrepllr.,d with t.r.. that will hI' pre..nted ttl the "tlard. ~r. Robert IIbbtltt, Chlllrmlln tlf Ctllllrr r.tlunty IInqler'l Pllq. 24 -- - ...- - - -- .. .. - ..... - .+- ..- -.- -.------- -- ------- r.:::1 c= r=:J >·'~.,,"'M,-'"."""··..""""'~,·_·..,"""""__·__.,,_,........_... .. "·._..·",·,c,...."-.-;..""><·~,."""""',..~"~,_;.,..~...,..,,,,._,,..."".....'~..,...."'.,,""____._ ¡q . "1>" ._ .._~._"'_.._."__;"n....'·.-. ..._,~"',..""''''....." ,.."~. .·,,¥~,~..,,"'...~.~..'..<O>M·'.' c:::;J ["2:3 ¡;::J ------------------------------------------ ^ uq u lit 23, 19 q 3 that Piedmount Circle Land.capIng , Irrigation be awarded to Imperl~l River Land.caplng CorporatIon in the amount ot $31,295.77, that edditlonal i.prove.ent. tor Pledmount Clrcle with the remaining grant fund. fro~ the S8~ grant be authorized, and that Statt b. directed to In.tall entrance .lgn. to the Courthou.e Complex that are ordered froM S19n Craft ot Naple.. ae. 116 SELECTION or P~RK SITE IN IMMOK~LEE . CONTINUED TO 9/6/83. STArr ~UTHORIZED TO ~prLY rOR GR~NTS FROM FLORID^ Rr.CRE~TIONAL DtvELOPMENT ~SSIST~NCE PRor.R~M rOR L~KE TR~FFORO M~RIN~ ~ND ~DJOININC PROPERTY ^S SOON ~S POSSIBLE ^ND TO Nr.COTI^TE rOR L^~E TR^'FORD M~RINA PROPERTY AND ^DDITION~L 6 ~ÇR[S ~DJ~Cr.NT TO IT ^ND TO Rr. f'lROU~HT MC ( TO THE BCC C~~ml.aloncr Kruse Indlc~t.ð th~t Comml~ftlon~r "rovn requ~stod thnt whIle h~ V8S on v~cntlon, he woulu like the ~atter of the park slto øelectl~n contInued to Septemh~r ~, 19~). Commis.loner Pl.tor moved, .ec~nded by Comml.aloner Hollftnd and carried 4/0, that the park .Ite se.ection In lmmokalee bs continued to September 6, 1983. Comllll11s1onfH PI:a~r øt"tnt! th"t he h.... r....d thAt there Ire grant. Aval.ahle (rum the rlurl1~ necrfatlonAl Development ^a.latance rroqr...m. Comml.slon~r Plstor ~ov.d, .econded by Co~i..loner Voss and carrled ./0, that Staft be aulhorlzed to apply for 9rant. fro. the Florida Recreational Dev.lopment ~..I.tance rro9r.. tor Lake Trafford Marina and the adjoining property a. .oon a. po.slble. County "'~nll'1.r 'Iorm~n 8tH." th"t tho MarIn., o\o'n.r hAft /I')reed to don...te lllnd to thn County, providing th...t the County do.. ~ot operate a conces.lon. He stated that If the County ~ere to purcha.e this property, the appllc...tlon tIled for grant. would ..k. that property ellglbl. tor r..lbur....nt of some of the ~on.y that 1. .pent. ...J'. .,.,,,., ,,", .-"'.~. ' L~ en7 rAW 181' 'II: ","',',...-"",....._,_.__.,"'~"'..,........"""""'-_.._.."""""~_._'"'..,-......<., ~........ 'IiII'f,-...a_"'"__,""....,~_--.,·_'..-....~h·-...'"'''.·,~>.."''.-','''''..,·.""..,........_.,.~·...~"'."..'ri,~ ~,";~:~~1-~, &OOK ern FÅ~i18Z I\uqult 23, 19113 ' ,- .~:l~~· " Co.-I.stoner Holland ~ovtd, .tconded by Co~mt..loner Vo.. and e.rrl.ð 4/', that Staff be authorlztd to ne90t1ata for acqul11t1on of the L.ke Trafford Marina property and the adjacent 6 acrel and It be brou9ht back to the Board. ''õ." a.. 117 '~Àá~II"ZNT WtTH rtSCHER, JOKNSON, ALLEN' BURKE, tNC. AND SOUTHEASTERN "UMICIPAL BONDS, tNC. rOR rINAMCIAL CONSULTING SERVICES rOR PROPOSED JUSTICE CENTER CENERAL RtVENUE BOND RErINANCINC . APPROVED Co.-lssloner VOII ~ovtð, secondtd by C~mml..loner Plltor and carried 4/8, thøt the a9ree~ent with rlacher, J~hn.on, Allen' Burk., Inc. and S~uthealtern Municipal "onds, Inc. for financial conlultlnq .ervlces for pr~po._d Ju.tlce Center qeneral revenue bond ref1nanc1n9 be appr~ved. Pa9' 211 ._ _'4 ._ "_~_ .._ __ ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . .~_. _. -. . E!!J c:= ",>"'.""""""_"'","'..."."'",,,..,,,,."',...,,;...''''''..,,'''....._,,.___,;M>¡_, ...._ m _.....,_.._.,.."'......~~,_.",."~'" c:::=1 Œ:jf)" .- I",;",,;r " , ..---D ..' ',; ~......:;... - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -- - - -- -- .,- -- - - - - -- - - - - .- - - - - - - - - - - - -... ^uqust ::). 19'1) Tape 17 Ite. 111 BILLY P. BECKETT ^PPOINTED AS ASSISTANT COUNTY ~AN^GER. HENRY RILL APPOINTED ^S ADMINISTRATOR 0' ^DMINISTRATIVE SERVICES - APPROVED C~unty Mftnaqer N~rmðn In~lcðted thðt ho 1. r.~u~.tlnq that the B~ard conflr~ Billy r, Aeckott f~r the po.ltlon of Assl.tant County Manager at IIn ðnnuo. Rðlary ~C $)),13: which 1s ~\ ah~vo entry level anð that ~enry Hill h~ prom~t~~ t~ the position ~r Admlnlntrator ~C Aðmlnl.tratlv. Garvlc.. ~t an ðnnuðl slllðry ~f 'In,~IS which Is antry .ovol oC Pay r.radf' ;:7, I'l' 'H"t('-1 thH for hudqet nllrpOIlf'S, the C;en"ral Fund would 1f'croa.f' In ~.r('nftft r~r '1,1~~ r~r 1~~:-P1 and Increase Sft9P In l'U')-"4. Co.nl..1~nf'r Krus. .tat-d th~t n~n. ~f th. ro~ml..lon.r. have had the opportunity of mo_tln~ th. pro.pt'ctlvl' cðndl~ðte ~nd que.tloned If thoro 1. a probationary p.rl~~, t~ whlc~ rounty ~anA1.r Nor.an (.plled atrlnnatlvt'ly, ..,ldin1 that All r(,ftlt1onll art' <, ~onthll pr~hlltlon, He stAted thðt ho r.... v.ry c~nrl~ant ~h~ut thlft nontlt'man. Commll1.1~nor VOII" .tðt.rt thðt he .('"mll vory w~ll quallfled acc~rdinq to his ronum~. Ce"mmi..loner 1I....lan<.l stilted th.H hit wtJuld .llIe t~ se. a Cull bc"Ard vote on this mAttt'r. C...mml..lon'!r ~rll.e statod that ~hn will n~ ð.~n1 wlth A motion to hire lhe <}ontleman ð. .onq ð. It Is cl~ðrly und"rsto~d lhAt lit the end of the pr~batlonary period, the noar~ wi.l have Input re1ardln9 the .atter, con.ldfOrin1 the filet that the Aoard member. have n~t .~t the gentle.an. CQunty Att~(ney ~.under. _tated that thl. po.ltlon 1. an ex..pt ~.ltl~n and there is n~ reAl pr~b.tl~nftry period, eddln9 thlt the .... ,"~ .. ' ".,\.' ,. ~1I'\,;J¡L"(IÍ.·. ,o~. rJ77,ACe ~17 -.~.""~."",,,,,",,,,~,,;,.,,,,,,,,",,,.,..;,,-,----,,,,,--.-,.,, ....._....,";,....'"""'.,"_"'""',.."...._~"__"__>"..."".,,,.,,"" "'o""...-_,"'___~_..·~~_..·.."...,''''''''.....~··,_.. "'.~~"".":""":"':~"i)""..,:' ' ..... ~ . ,.,.1 ."!\:..... . , r;y..':J,l..~ ,.~ . ·.-1 iT. -..... " ' ~:~':'" &OOK em PACé 1æ ....::-" 'IIf..;."'( ^U9uat 23, 1983 poaltion can be eliminated at any time re90rdleu. of whether It Is be Core or after the .Ix nonth pwriod. Co..ia.loner Vo.. ~vod, .econded by ComDi..ioner Pl.tor and , .. carriod 4/0, that Billy P. aockett bo appointed a. Aa.latant County "-naVor at an annual ..lary of $33,132 ~nd a .tartlnq dote of Septe.ber 12, 1983. Co..i..loner Vo.. .oved, .econdod by Co~.I..loner Kruse and carried 4/0, that Henry Hill be appointed a. Adminl.trator oC Adalnl.tratlve Servlcea at an annual .alary oC $30,01~ and a .tartln9 date oC Sept..ber 5, 19B3. ..... Rece... 2.10 P.M. - Reconvened. 2.20 P.M. ..... Ite. 119 COUNTY MAKACIR AND COUNTY ATTORNEY TO rIND ALTERNATIVE SECURITY rOR MR. · MRS. SPCNce TO ALLOW INSTALLMENT PAYMENTS FOR S~£R AND WATER IMPACT ,US - APPROVED County ,...naqe r No r I14n .tatod that .ovor..l "",.kll ,It) 0 thw BOllrd approved a recolllllendotlon by Idlll to oIICCopt .. ll"n on thv Spwnce Jrope r ty a. .ecurlty for pay,,,.,nt o( 011 lIy.tvlII dvv.l 0 pcnen t char90. lie noted that .Ince that tllDo It haa buwn 100llrnod that thw ~penco's did not have clear tltlo to the Jroperty duo to the way the contract vas set up with the .eller. He .tated that the County could not 91vo an un.ecured note Cor the .Ylto.. dev.lopaent chllrge.. Mrs. Spence Indicated that altor thoy purcha.ed the property they Cound out that thw.e fwe. had to be paid and they do not have the .oney. "hot stated It 0103. 1..IHnwd lator that the Warranty Deed on thl. property I. beln~ hold In ..crow until the tend Is peld. County ^ttorney baunderll Indicated thllt the A9reement for Deed Indicates that the Spence'a CAn use th. property and the warranty Deed Page 30 . - - - - .- - -- ..- - .-- - -- -- -- ~-.- -- ----------------------- c:m £:::::) c::::J [¡£I.;¡€) ~J'Wi ------------------------------------------- ^uqust 2), 1 ~1I3 will be held In eBcr~w, hut If on~ p~ym~nt I~ ml~øo~, the property will b. forfeited, thorefor~, thorn II n~ lecurIty on the property at thl. tlm.. Co.-l..loner PI.tor mov.d, seconded by Co.~ls.loner Vo.. and carrl.d 4/., that Staft be authoriz.d to accept a .uitabl. alternatlv. security for Mr. , ~r.. Sp.nc. to allow installment pa~ent. tor S.ver and Water I.pact r.... Ue. .2. ROUTINE RIllS - APPROVr.O 'Oq PAY~ENT Pur.u~nt to Reaolutlon ~1-l~P the fo~~.,wln~ ~h.ck. w~r~ 1.aued through rrIday, ^\lqlJst 19, 1".j, In plly.,,('nt of r~ut1ne hillal elltCK Df:!1cnlPTI(¡'f cllrr-" ~u... ~ Vtoucher Ch.cles "1'141" _ qq"'1\ ·1,1'114,7111.93 1 tea . 21 '115,OAA GOOOlANO WATr.R DISTRICT ROMO ANTICIPAT10N NOT! _ APPROVED '1.~"~ (¡(flcnr CI~.. .tlltp~ thllt thll It~m In tht' ~lA5,l'np Cood'and Water O!.trlct n~n~ Antlclpatlun Noto which !~ .ecured by a lien upon cprtð!n ør.cll1~ 1I..o..~ent and wator revenue to be derived from the operation of the systom. Co..l..loner Plstor .oved, .econded by Co.-Is.loner Vo.. ~nd carried 4/Ø, that the $185,08' Coodland Water DI.trlct 80nd Anticipation Note b. IIppr~ved. 6Þ rm PA:è 189 ,....;..,;,..,_"."..."'"'......,."".,_..,."_.,..;,...,.."""_;,~,,,..,J,<',...,,,,,",,,_.,,,.,,,-.-,,,,..,..,,,,,.,,__.._ ___...,__"...__,_.,........~_>"'."'"w.";,.·.,·.,,'.,,·.,"""o...,,.",..,."",...""".....,'"'~..¥,-""..... -·'./Z··o;,! " ~ ^uqult 23, 1983 ~ .. Ite. 122 eUDCET A"!ND"EN~S 83.746 THROUGH 83.773 . ^DOPTr.D ^S PRESENTED Co.-I..loner pl. tot ~oYeð, .econd~d by Commle.lonar Vo.. and oarrled 4/Ø, that Budqet Amenðmant. 83-746 through ß3-773 be 8ðopted a. \'i-' pte.anted. '''9 e )2 - - - - - - - ~~- "- .- - -_. -- -- ca!1 IIIÐ II!!I <···1"'...."'".ø·,."'.~_"'..._""1f_"'__ -,--.......'''....-.,-----......,...''. ,,......,,"',.............'_."-,.--.---._-- , ··...,,,eo·,',,..'"..,,v,,_..~,~.,,;..·,,"'."''''..~''''...,,".____''''_....'_"'..- U _......"'~_~"'''''·~4.___'....,_''·'·,.,·~,·,.·,·"··,,· ,~,,,,,~....,,.,,~.,~,.._~.,,,,.,,.,,,,~~.~-...,,,_.~_.~,.,.~-,,~-- .._....._"...._,______._,_...,_.._..._. .' '..··_,,,·~,_,·_·,..,"·",,·,,,,.."·;!"m~;"'<'·~. ....,.,"""..,,''''''·~M'.'~..."__'.''''·"_..,.''._''.,~....~_'''...-''*''~_·~.. ti"'<r' ,...____"'-"._"'..._..............,,..,....'''c'',.;~'''.,~~__"".'.~',,.''....,. .-"""---- ^ U<:1 U ø t 2), 19 A ) ~OCK 017 PACt ê26 ~ u. n 1 RESOLUTION 83.144 eSTABLISHING ~ SPEED LIMIT OF JS MPI! ON 111TII AVENUE "ORTR BETWEEN TAMIAMI TRAIL AND CULF SHORE DRIVF. S.. Plc¡e :l:('2- 1Ua '32 L PRELIMINARY ACC!PT~NCE OF BAY FOREST SUBDIVISION rte. . 3) ~ CERTIFICATES OF CORRECTION TO THE T^X ROLL AS PRESENTED BY THF. PROPERTY ~ APPR1.1U" 1912 T"X ROl.L 642 .. 644 7/20/83 . 0/4/83 T^NCIAl.r. PEnSON"L PROPr.RTY 1912-4~' .. 1982-4AS PI/8/83 .. 8/9/83 134 EXT"1. C1.1N TIM! FOR INM^Tr.S NOS. )9671, 35731, 4"789, 10.'0 39262 ,nITI0N TR-82-7C, :'nEN PIIYLl.IS TIPLr:R REQUESTINC " 3 MONTH EXTENSION TO A TE"'POR"RY RESID~NCE PEnMIT rOR UNIT 2ø, COl.OEN O"TE tST"TtS LA~E TRAF'ORD "'EMORI"l. O^ROr.N~ Cr.~r:Tr:RY DEr:OS NOS. )~~ "NO )~Q 5.. PII'JU...<.r)...,,1 sf' MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FIl.tO AND/OR REFERRED There bolnq no ~~jectl~n, th~ Chnlr dir&cted that the !~II~wln9 c~rr..~ndonc. b. !Ile~ ðnð/~r rof~rrrð tu the Yari~u. dep.rt.ents .. indicated belowl 1. Drp~rt~ent~l rrp~rt. recrly~rl Cr~~ Cu~~l.r C~unty Furl.t.r, June IInd Ju¡y, 19"3, "e~lc~ptrr OpftC4IUuna, Ju¡y, 191'3, and rlðn I~p~rmentðtlun DOpðrt~rnt, July, 1?'3. XCI riled. Letter ðlltrð 7/:9/R), (rum RuÞOrt McVftty, "~~ini.tr.tur of ~~lid Waste and "alarrluuII w".t& ~rctlun, Dr.n, roq~rdlnq rec&ntly p4lssed Watrr Quality ^,aurllnce ^ct ~f 19~3 and .. .. Pa90 35 -.. -- ------------------..... ...,~.~.: ',(.r;!~~1t1 ,J~>~j , ':i~\,;~~ .0 I:tIm II!!ZI "',·.·j...,.·..·"_H""""',''''''"''-~._·,'''''_.,.''~',·''.."'_O¡¡'''''''__·· c;;:::¡ ~J -~ t.....~l~ 'j - - - - - - - - - -- -. - ~_. _..- -- +-- _.. -- -- -----.------------------. "uqullt. ~), 198) require~ do.iqnati~n ~f haznrdous waste storaqe facllitie.. ~CI Mr. N~rmnn, Filed. J. L~tt.or ~ntod P./~/~) fr~m SO~ Company, Ge~rge A. Westall, Jr., St. L~uis, ~iftl~uri, pr~testinq the .pecificntlon. ~f Section 150 - Vacuum Oewnt.ftrinq no~a for tho Collier Count.y Wallt.e Wnter Trelltment Plant. "ddltlon. XCI Mr. Norman, ~r. Saunders, riled. ~. Let.ter ~ated 8/5/RJ Cr~~ Yl~ridn nepnrt.mont oC Commerce reqardlnq applicat.lon proc~dur~ for receivinq funds for pconomic devel~pm.nt t.rannportat.lon project.. XCI ~r. JIIor'!\an, "c. Unrt"'lIn, ri'('~. 5. Minut.os recelvert rr~'" Co~trllct.~rl' Llcenllnq Board, 7/:~/A3. 6. Letter dated '/:~/n) fro", Rny L'^moroaux, DOT, enclonlnq copy of Form 1:~O nuth~rl7.ln, expenditure of SectIon 112 fun~a on talk" ....ithln lOQJ"p~ IIn! CI..d Plannlnq Work Proqrllm. XCI Mr. Norn.n, "'r. Vinn, P11,.". 7. Lolter dated p/s/nJ from Roh..rt Kr1ftmlnlkl, OOT, concernin, r.vle.... of S..ctlon II: lnvoir.. formll, oncl0.lnq copy of criteria Cor co"'pl~tlnq Jnvolce!! (or hllllnql on joint partlcipntlon nqre.",..nto. XCI "'r. r.rry, Mr. VIrta, Filed. 8. Memornndum datod "/5/") fro'll ~ert. of Veteran IInd Community ~fCnirl reqnrdinq trninlnq work~hop Icheduled for P/~: nnd q/:J in Ft. My.ra. XCI ~r. Normnn, Mr. Vlrtll, .... Wll11~~B~n, rl~~(I. . . . . . . . . SOLID W~STE M~JII~CrMr.JIIT 015CUSSI0N T.pe 18 It.. 131 QUESTIONS REC~ROINC RESOURCE RECOVERY SYSTEM UNOER THE TECHHIC~L ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO BE ^HSWERED ^HO 8ROUCHT ~~C~ TO THE 8CC Public '.I~rlo:l ,'rJminlPtrntttr l1artl9llln .t....te" thnt he proP<'I.. to hl']hll'1ht th. v...rlc..ulI lIectittn" (of the rop(ort, but delll !IIonly with the project thnt I:. .1 stet! "n~! 11!t into th. rllte IItructurCl proP<'.od Cor thtf next fllca. YfI"r. 11ft roportoù thnt t.h. first ".ctlon In the reP<ort III a redraft (It the Cc..unty ~^nnq~r·. PU~9.t ~e.II"qe that ~enlt with the ~oll" Wa.te rroqr..m, IIddln~ thftt tho County M.nftqer hiqhllqht.oð the .1qnlflcant ~~...nqo. in tho hU"90t for ~o11d Wft.to tor tho no.t fi.c.l year with. brier ..planlltlon. He r.ported that tho next .ectlon or ...~ :~..,.¡\~ ~O« m~Ac¿2Z1 ol, ..'.. ."'~~ ..,¡¡ 1.-.1YIII)" ,'''..''',·,·.'''~.,''_"·"''".<",'...~".._,.~,,''~__.·,____·__'.,u'_....,..~''"~'...,,,~ r~_ -----"'''''"..,...."'..,'"."...,.'...,.-...~''',."'"."''-'''........_,,....'~'.'.., ,'..,_,.,.,...'"'.._......_._"_"__.~'_ ~ uCJ u s t 23, 1 C\ " 3 'LQ~K 017 fA:, 228 hi. repurt deAls with the m~jur elements uf ~ sull~ waste man~gomont prugrem stftrting wlth Iturago un tho p~rt u! ð qener~tur And lc~~ln9 tu .ome form of ~ilpUR~l or rocyclln9 Anð thln98 uf that n~tur~. He .tAted thAt th~ro is A soctiun in the repurt lhat deals with the majur "pr09rAm ftle~ontD that aro currently heln1 uperfttu~, ðd~in9 that there 1. a Bummary uf thn current prujoctR ðn~ the rrugrð~ elements that they aCCect. lie nuted thllt thflre Is a soctiun un thp. unvr fep.s to fund thO! FY e)-A. Solid WAst~ Proqrðm and alsu tho Itnm hy Itflm dlscusslun uC the project. "e rorort~~ that he woul~ l1ko tu ~tðrt with the project dealing wIth the Technic"l ^dvisury Committee which is tho reaft~n thal this workshop is brinq h~ld. "fI ntAtlt~ that the Technic~l ^dvisury CU."l\lttee'" reC'u"HM'nrlðtlof' t!J thr PtJ^r~ In ,'lIlv WAil ~u IIppruvv a certain request tor qu~~lflcAtlons that h~~ h~vn prepftred and to ~llow stoff tu roquest qu~~lflcnllons from A list uf qualIfied conaultAntø to appoint a aelection com~1tt~r for t~at connult~nt lolection proces. an~ tu r.appoint the task force not unly In th~ consultant selection but allo in tho un-qolnq work wlt~ ~h^tev~r conøult~nt thflY cum~ up with. He noted that ~t tho Pu^rd mr~tln~ In Ju~y un. of the ~ueøtlun8 wal what wa. being don~ In Left Cuunty, adding that he cuntllcted a staCf ~.~ber in L~o County and he hils reviewed tho reque.t Cur qualificatIons lhat was prepared. "" st~t"d thAt l.t'e COllnty II currently cuntlnuln9 tu UI. .n advl.ory co~mltt~e tu hvar repurt. by vend~r. who ar. in the bUlln..s ur either designlnq ur bui~~lnq resuurce rocovery syøte~s. He .tated lhat the Cuunty'~ nrn Is a dellh~rancQ prúcaa. to surt ~ut the belt conlu~tAnt that can be fuund tu try and ~e.t th. neeð. of thl. cúunty. Dr. C. A. 5tvko. stated thAt h11 pur~lo 18 tu addr..s the need NIge )7 ~ - - - -- -- .._. -..- -- '- _. .-. ..- - -.,.- -.. .. ..- - ------------------- ~ C'.C:J r;æ ".,.,..,~",...~,,,,,,,,,,,,,.-,---,",,,~--,- .. þj ~_",._",""_~""".,.",..,..~",.,,,..,,_.,.,,,.",,,,,.~_.~"_..,,,,,,..., 'N'" ~ ut) u.. t ,:.! 3, 1983 ú::~ 017 fAC¿230 that c~n b. f~ll~wod yeAr ~ft~r year that wLll h~ the final ~nswcr to the probl.",. e~mmi..ioner Kruse atated thAt there hAve been at l~~.t 59 WA.te .nergy technoloqy pl~nts placed on 11ne from 19~~ until 19q~, aðdlnq that it. ~uld b. very int.rrl'lsling to find out what their expcr1enco lø with the pl.nt, ho~ they f~ol about Lt, ane! how it operates. Dr. Stok.. sttlte~ thnt h~ has l~okl'lð lit ..om~ of thes. !lIci1Iti.ø and hAs vi.it.d them, A~ wrll ~s kn~wlnq wh~ built them. HI'! ftt~ted that this w~uld h^ve t~ hn ~unp even hftf~rl'l ~nyono could be select.d. COf'\l!\lssionl!r pl!lt~r I1t.tcr1 thllt l' ll'ttcr could b. I'Ir"fteð to thes. S~ plllnt. asking thr~ ~ ~rrlp~ uf ~ue.tlunfi l1kr wh~ rn~~e It, whllt type c.f .qulptnl!nl It 1" , ~n" h~w pucc..s"ful It III, ...nd this 1'1/1Y sav'! .ome cost. COllllllls..loner Vvnl\ qUI'IPtiúne<1 If th" Techn1c,,1 ^-:1vl..ury r.ommittee would draft a letll'lr tú ~" ~( the nfOce"lIry plAnts tløklnJ for t.chnlcal 1nf~rmnt1un. Mr. ~toke~ renlleð rh/lt he Wllft ~olng to .ugge.t t~lIt he take that un1rr lI<1vll\l'~ent l'n~ prenllre for the ~o"rd tin lnfor l\atlonal report th...t will further eKpl/lln tho dottlll.. 1 tell 139 ST~F' TO STUDY M^ND~TORY LITTER COLLECTION ~ND REPORT .~e~ TO Tftl BCe Mr. Hartman indlc.t.d thllt mandAtory litter collection doe. not cau.e .n incr.... in user fecn ~nd thAt is what he 1. propo.ln9. He .tal.d th.t as pllrt of the m/lnr1Atory project, It would .ppear that the best way to cc.llect such fees would bo through the Tall C~ U.c to r' . oft lee. He .tat.d thAt in some Countl.,l, it I. an ......III.nt that appear. ~n the lax bill. He .tðtort th~l h. wc.ul~ .u1q..t that thl Pa91 39 - - - - - -- ._~ - ... - - ,_.- .-.- - - --. ~.- ,-- - - -.. .,. .. r.:= em:;) IJI2I) _...",...,.....,.~..,."_-._,..,,,.....,,.._,,,._,.w..,,_,'.·,,.._·~ c;¡:¡] c,~.;,) ~'~ .---------- ---------------- ------- ---..--.-..- ^U'1ust ~3, 1983 people thnt r~.ldo htr~ In the winter ~nly, pny s l~wer rate ba.ed bn tbe fnct that the ~~rvlco l~ nv~llnhle t~ them, addln1 that ell tho rate. would be n result 0' ~n nn~lynls by a qunllfleð rate center. There WII. '1ennral ðlftcu~.I~n ða t~ wh~t ~reas mAn~at~ry litter collection would cover, how Il would he set up, and how much and what type of tra.h would hv picked up, ~'r, HArtman .tllted he I. prClp<lslnl) that there be unll~it~d ~ervlce. C<I~~isaloner Holl^nd nt~t~d thllt thnre l~ mandat~ry pickup in the CIty and If you havft yftrd trftnh it co~t~ a~dltionlll and If YClu have a .pecllll pickup thern lø lI:n~ ~ cMllrqe. Mr. Hartman stllt~d thllt once It la doflnod, there could he II trðnsltlon perIod In which thQ c0~pllny that hila lhe franchise could adapt their oqulpm~nt l~ tho rroc.a~. Com",lnnllJner Holland "tlllod lh/lt MllndlltlJry pIckup would have to be =~d"d lo tll. bIlls, hvcllun~ prIJplr IIrn not ~ul"1 to volunt~rl1y ^1roe tIJ .,lInrllltory pickup. He nvt('·, thlll l he) t rlløh pro!)le", thllt i. allover the County c~meø ~0atly rrIJ~ r.nt~l prIJperty, addlnq thllt the ownor of that property would hllvo tv bo tft)(or1, C0~lssl0ner ~ru.e stilted thllt Dh. I~ prepared to look at what It vould coat to '10 t~ "'^ndat~ry collectl~n In IIny developable area. C~.,,,,i..lonrr Voss stilted thllt tho only Wðy 1Ittorln9 viii bo atClppod la to hllvo ~'^nll'H~ry piCkUp. Mr. ~lIrkhllm, Vðnaqer <If Vahl rrothers, .tðt.d th.t the b..lc concept I. rlqht. hut th'tr~ still nead. to be A 1~od flov ~"ntrol ordinance. lie øtattd thllt by havlnq this flow control, the County knovs where the trl'l8h 1. l]oln'1. tie stated thllt CIne vear 11110 Yahl .r~th.r. w~. ~~pln1 rou~hlV ~nn tc.n. A ~.V and they are ~nly du.pln9 &O~ 071 'ACè2!1 , .'''-------,.-., 'H."'''·'·",''''''''''"·.....'".·,~""..4i,__'''·._..."..iÞ''''''',,.....'''''_"''''_ .....þ"-,,,,..,,,,...,,...,,..._,.,,, ..... ,., '.',', ;,~,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,;;.._;.,;...,~.~.....~.~,,..., ,.,,'."","""''''''"'''''''.'''''__'''___--...'''..,,'''''.,,~_.._'"''"'', oOI.. -'u<' ust 23, 19"3 ----------------------------------------- ,i¡~ ,v,l~ , '.; . ~.~,~.~~.4 ~ ~;~~~~J;( ..,. 42'·i;-?:: '~".. . that prl~r tv this time th- r~nt w~s ~1,7n~ a year based vn t~e ability tv .ell and the -'Ir~rt ^uthúrlty h~s núw lndlc~ted thnt th~ rent will qv tv S34,~"Ø A year. Sh~ stAted that they are wl111nq tv neqvtlate that dúwnwArd tv súmethlnry hett~r than th~t and they ~uld .18ú like tv kn~w 1( the Cúunty can úr cannvt ~úve vut In the near futuro. She Indicated t~At tho Cúm.l.s1ún n~erl5 tv h~v. ~ ~vnth. at ~ new neqvtlated price and, within th,t six múnths, a decl.lvn will have tv be reachod a. far .. sv.e typ~ ú, ~únclu81ún fvr the futuro. Cúm~l~slún.r Húl1and .tAt~d th~t Cúm~løslvner ~ru.e ahúuld ~ppear bafvre tho ^lrpvr~ ^uthúr1ty. It wa. the q4neral cvn.en.u. that Cúm~l.aloner ~ru.e appear before the "lr~rt Authvrlty and dl.cu.. the best terma that can be arran9~' and Indicate t~ the. that wl~hln alx .únth, the County will ~nvv what their lúnq-range plana will be. . . . . . . . There holn1 nú !lIrther ~uølne.. cúr thp ~úv~ vf the C~unty, the .eetlnq was ~djúurned by urder v( the Chalr - Tlme 4.15 P.~. ~ OOA.çO · ATTr;ST I t' / .. WI LLI ~~ "~nr.r.a^N, . - " C' , :;>: 'e' - . , - :;; A0ARD ~r COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/BOARD f,r 70~I"G ^PPr.^L"/r.x tJrFICIO ~OVtRNINC ~OARO(~) or SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS co.,,.nOL ~Rb.~~ y the nec c,n Sept:4llber 6. 1983 C,f ". cc.rr.cted .. x . &Þ D77,ACê 233 .. ,~'"·._·",.>·>."'"..;(,_.~_......,..""...·_._'''''_._''''__ø...''''_ "'.'",.....~._._-,~,,~..._.... ,". ......~.""'-"""',,,...,'""'"-..~_.._..-...."'"""'_.._..,,_......-'~*.,"....,.,