BCC Minutes 09/06/1983 R - - - -- '- -- - . -- - -- ---.- -- .-- - - ,~-- _. ~---- - - --- - --- - - ------ ------- '~,q.d ~::I, /;-' 101 l' 101, ;..; [J t y 10 bCl r I;, 1 ~ a 3 L.t.T I l' lot: I\U'LMlH.Id,':û, ~1I lt lIll.: uO..I[<.1 01 Cuunty Comt:'liDaionurs 1n ..lnd tor t;,~ CrJUIlt.y Dt ;':olllcr, "nd ;;1so ,tctiw ...::0 Lhe dOLlr:! of Zoning t\ppc"ll~ .Jnd "s 1.,1.: 'ìOV'Hnln.l IJ<.>"rrj(5) oL suet! ::i¡Jocii'tl dl.9tric:ts oJ. hùvc :Jccn I.:l'!..Il..:d ,JI.:Cor~11nJ L0 1..1.1 ..nd II,!"'!II'; ¡;unuu(.·t~ú business herein, met on UdJ U<.lL..: .Jt 9:01, ,\..'1. In Regular Session in l\uiltiinq "f" of the -':ourt::ou!:>t' ',"J:";)lcx, ,'.~".! :;,'pl.,:¡, rlorl,.,:, ....ittl tile (ollowiog lRumbers ¡..rl.!1idnt: :: ¡,^ 1 H:"M~: "1l1ry-FrI1I1Ct:3 Kruse dCl Ct1^IkM^/': f)-tvirl C. Brown J 0 f1 n I,. pi!J Lor [rccj,:rick J. Voss C. C. "I!\.!u" !Ioll,:¡nd ^L';0 1·¡.n:~jENT: f'1sc1l1 It I 1 J 1 ,1111 C I.! r" ; Jdl'nCti C. G11\.!s, oJ . ,,,: "'Jd n, ..J~ t iCl'("; ·~...,lJr ."'n l'.f_:ll~n, ..Pi '..Jt., ,\'11'.; ¡)llrt. L. :., UOJ.:r:l, County ""tL'JIII:Y; ...:. ,d Jl.I., >'Ol,~d", ,'¡'JIIL', .'..nh1,,·r; fJlutl.' I\,.rtr.\....n, Puulic ','Ol^:' '\urIJI11:'Lr,JLo!; t,:.., .....¡,r...·, I .11:. I/.,¡.l..'.i.\.:l1t.Jt.ion Virr..:c.::.or; 'furry '.-iCl.:, ....o¡r,";IUI\!L, :'L'II.:llJ,...I\.:IIt. 1')"lIll',,~: ,.nr, ;'011 ~.oct('I1, p",~)lic ..icrvicCtS i...r.,inl:.ill.,tJI; .",1 l ./vl r)... ,.:J; l' .'.J~.·t,. :,{II:.lnl~tr"lor; ."lSbY UUttr, i'l..nnlJr; ~,¡n':ï i..I...·J:,!)/I, ,,~lI1J:.LluL!·Jo.: ,.'\.'<.:r·:ll'cy' to 1111: i.o.)r~; ùno :.iL'¡,ULy :':hl.:t ,,,, .·I[:,.,t~; '\I'llll '. ,,"1.01 I ,--,,,·nt. b::~ 077 ¡A~¿Z15 Mlcrorl1mer'. Meao: The legibility or printing on thl. pag. .a. un.atllr.ctor1 for .1croflle reproduction. 1'.9- 1 _ _ ."4_ _ ___ - - - - - ----.... '" .. '- ----.-.. --..-_.. ---- ---- ~_. -- .----- -- --- --.. - -- - ---- -. - - -- -'-' ------- ~..: r:.\ - u-'~, ~~,t .. ,. . '~'Tape '1 ,', Ite. 11 ~/' , ~ ~:..;, AGENDA - APPROVED WITH ADDITION ~\~~~:~ " C,ounty Mðnager Norlllan incHcated that there I. one ~..~, agenda which I. . verbal report reqðrding the weekend floodln9 ~;.:. ..~~ì:':ln Golden Gate. September 6, 1983 , . , -- , . ~ .., ; , . Comml..ioner Pistor ~ved, .econded by Comml..loner Brown and .,'..' , ~ ,1' .;Þ _~~ ,carried unanimously, that the agenda be approved with the addition. ..~,.., ~. 'r,~ ,t;-,' ·,~Ite. '2 .:t~. .,-' , ~t:~\':t";NUT~'S ~"v "'~~~G~ST '16 AND AUGUST 2], 198] - APPROVED ....S PRESENTED þ~ J.f"~'\;:' Co.~I~·.·I~o·n'.·r "Plator .~ved, aeconded by CoøllDla.ioner Vo.. and l;t~~.rr·l:i ~~~~.(ì'.~~~~:l·'Y: tha~"the .Inute. ot Augu.t 16, and 23, 1983, be :~ ~ ~... ~~ . ,,"1 .. ¡\/''¡'' Þ"'.· J' . ·~~'~;:.~pprov~.~ ;.~ ,p,rea~~t~d. . ..~,~r. ~:~_'~I'~':~'£~~ .,"~~'~'.~;;: y,?' DIA.NE "LACC: P"-RAMEDIC, ~s DEPT. Rr.C<X;NIZ ED AS EMPLOYEE or THE "ONTH .~ rOR SEP'l'!:'1BER, ,198). ~" Æ:.;......" Commissioner /l;ruav re.d a pr..~nt.tion and presented a plaque to \S..:~ "'" ~ t ;151,. ~.. ~h.·"t...Dlane rla')q, Parðlled1c, tlllergency '1.dlcal 6erv1ces ~pðrtlDent, for ~....., .~ 1:;:.~,ID,Pl.o_~ee of the month tor Septellber, 1983. ~/, Ite. Ie c. 1.0.",'. ~ , ~,.< ... ~ ",... " ,., , " ,,1 r...··· " ;..~ , ,..:,:~,Þ PtTITION A-8)-1, "-PPE"-LING ADf1INISTRATIVE DECISION DENYING CARI!:TAJCERS"~_~ OR SECURITY GUMUJ RtS r Dt:NC't rOR ~OP£HTY ON HORTH 5 I DE or DOf1ESTIC AVI.'~ - " P PRO V [[) '" I T H 5 TIP U LA T ION . _. , _. . --_._--~_.- .--------. --"- --- ,,' Leqal ootlcc t)lIvln,¡ b~"n publl:>tìed In ttle ""q.l11:5 [)ð1ly News on ,~ . :t~ ,~ ~;) Au 9 u . t , 2 1 , , 1 9 8 ), as. v 1 d . n c . d by '" t ! 1 u ð V í tot l' u tJ 1 1 c ð t Ion f 11e d wit h ~1'.,.' .. "':'" the C14Prk, publ1c h"ðrloq WAS opened to coru\Ídu Petition A-83-1, . O:;by "-ndrew D. RJltÞdn, £1>'1. ~.ß'- . - -r~::, ~,.. 1"--, ~Y' r' .. to . ~ occu~y pruII1... ða ..curity qu~rd or caretaker for proper~~!: ,:~ the north 51Ju of Dom..tic "-venue, 16CO f~.t eoat of Alr.~~~~{J.' ~. ::..:/1 j_'£ !::. 077 r¡:i281 ..~~.t!$! . ..-.-- ....*_._..- -.... - . t .~,.ii \..',tf¡. for Rðy~ond "'11nrd appoallo~ the %onln9 k, "If.. ...... .... decision r.~.rdlng Inter~rotðlíun of Sectlon 8.40 relating ~ ~~"ï!"". , ~'" '.~~ÄU·.' . , "t-a;\. «:"". .j. "'I~ ; ..' # .;. . "...., '-. -~ '." - --- ------ -.- --- -- - -..... -.- - - - - .--.. - ---~ . , '.~ ' , .~ '~,,-":'. '-4' L -----....---- ------ -- --..- _.- ._..~ ---- ~~'~'" , ¡1f ...;.~. ':. "......... '. ''j¡~~~. . ~1'¥'J1~." .~~:.'.:.'" Community Devt:loplDent Admlnhtrator Virt. stated that the ,. ¡:.dtloner. !. oppeel!ng the m.on. by which the Zoning Deportment "~" ,. ,. '''J~' " " . l-þ .., ,determines whether or not a caretaker's residence Is or Is not .. ,~·91~. " ¡ . '~l '\"~~'under tha zoning regulation!!. He stated th.n in this Instance there I a''''''; ~~e: develo~~'nt thet he. 20 !ndlv!duol unit. which hev. 0 tlr., floor"...!> ~~~ .h~p end off Ire ond ebove .orh .hop/olllce, ,here I. . two bedroom ':j:; , .;.;. "'-,". ,t·.·, j . , ~ I. .' ¡ ·~~·¿partÍnent that la associated with a multl-tðmily unit. He reported '::; :', :~ ~;h.t ~he !ngr... ond "yr... to th. shop/olllce e. well .. the epert:~~~"',.~ .,':J>J: , ',': ;'~: S. through a cor:lmon duor but It "tops at that poInt ðS the flret floor .'ftf.' Ji. . ·'7\ /rt;JJ¡ ...tí{'t .~ woul d appeðC to be more of a lDu1 tl~-f~~S ly ',.' '.,~ , .~... ..~.~~ . :7:: ,~; l'~:~ 077 i':. 282.. September 6, 1983 , ~, -1'f'4."" ant 4tr 8 0 f t the door I ~' ,... .. -Iff \.... 1<;" '. · t ð I r II, a ð din 9 t h .H ", . j' " ~ ~.'.~' 20nlng Department th,H till. "S(,,... .,,¡. de y.1 0 pate nt, !~then e "''''''1'' 20 indIviduAl units ~lth the 1\t>111ty tor : ~~ I.t,;. ~~ tha k' ~;, ðnd the 5~cond floor you rIse up a f11ght at 11' ~ ' .. I , ."' ",; .. b~cßuae of this It ha~ bean detormIned by th.·~ , wtdl:h Is flUt ðllùwf:Od In an Industrial distrIct, rather ..J .',;;. ...,¡. He stated that there are J . . car e t.1 ~ e r t (J r t h ! sty J4! 0 t (1.1 c 1 11 t y. to operðtlo~ or /'1r. ...... "":. :" "': ',,,,,"'" ~ :' Vlrt. stðt~d that tha or191nðl mðrketlng at these 'M ð shop and ðpartment above, Indicating ðval1ðble (or r~ntal. " . ~ i r~~ t., ... '. " : .: I ,,,-.~. ,'~.. ... ~ . .., -'", \ ""." ,~....',tIw , . - ~~..,¡f.' the COlIlDer!cal distrIct, but there. " "\'.·'~4 ~ . '~'1 .... ..~ ..... ~. ,,, "it '., " enacting the zoning ordInance ~o :f.,:. .:t: . . 11"'. ' at so.e COII\.erlc:al ......, '." ., . . ','" '"' ... ..:, ~,~.. " · 'J~.. ~..;c..¡...,. ... . .ddre..ed by the,~,:t'. -3. . ., Pag.·) ~ . .~.~ .t. ~. --.. -- -.....---.-----..--..---------- ... ':.\...'" ··....~r,t-: Sdunders stated that fro. looking .t th~ &OnIn9 . code It appears that thrr~ 1.14. 4n intent by the Boacd to limit the ~, \ ' '~ ' .' nlMllber at re81dent1.~1l un1-:. \oIithln >"t~ . 1/ '. f .~~ ~"8 a180 an effort by the Board in ',: ..... '-:' I , ~... , 1f thdY ara an Integral part . . J He stated the 4ueatlon that should be . perlllt car.ta~ars, ,'~.~ 1 ~ , '..l .1.,. I, v.nture. .... , . ,:", '. t·... .It. ,.IUI<o.' t.... .... . ,.\~ ~ ...., '1at ?i; ,~ --- ',. ., t. ,. , . , ... -.... ... .. '4 .~~ ----------------------------~l~~· .'.:~, ", ~\~~~ ':.: '. ,'.' ;4;~·......·~.....{,..,~- September 6, 1983 '....:~~' ··~~~·s ... f·..-·) ,,0.;:' $-7:/·,.petl~ion.r i. whether thia la an attollpt to circumvent the intent of ·,.~r·. ~" ,~: "'.' ~:-t: i. ' ,'.:.t; the zoning ordinance to limit the nWllbera of roaldence. in 8 COllu..r~i81' ' .~~DI~tri~t ~y providing 20 omall orrico. vlth 20 condominium typo ~¡v¡ng :~:' ·.~;<i...~nlta~ . .... ~.,. , . 'H, .{ ..... 'H. Andy Rafkin of Carroll, Bobaky, atatltd that thl. project 18 :i'~.~..t -~. ,...~ 4 \;.,. In an lndustri.l zon.d diatrict, addinc¡ that 1t could e.ally be put in ..L.......__. , _. . '.....' ,'" ~~'" ,.' " ~.·~"a C-5 dlatrlct. . . ., ~ .~;¡~ unlt¡, .ddlng that th~ owner at the center haa ð new idea and wll1 ...¡t,r,...".., ~',. '~;i~ ~ocat.e~ ,elan ot Ai rport Road which 1.. ,~~t.;;~ery populated at thia .~.~ f. He atated that a. " WlJY to 91ve t.he ator'e ownera aecurity, there 1. a '.:.....~.....:,.... ~·,;"3' " 'J\¿,;,7'*\:~~{~,..,... I~ f' .~ .tore built downatairs and thca ..curlty 9uard upataira. He atated that ~ .'. ..... , :;~. 1t 1. not an .ttempt to clrcUIII....nt the zoning law, >t,.., .....,.,:_~... "....'.. \, . ._~ ,_. ~ 'r:\' :.f~1io;;,·..th._%0~ln9 lðw b~cau.. it .·t~~..'"t~~·t in.n ~,.. · "t- ~,.. \ I' I~."i. (j.,j ~. one aay have a clJretðker. U" atated that he ia wl111o< to stipulate 1n H. noted t.hat thure ðre 20 IndivldulJl condominium .~ )"~" ',. ". .1 It la an atte.pt to ,J~~ Induatrlal district, 1~~ i: .the condolllinlu.l docuaentll, tllal the upatair. .,111 only be re.lded In by -,f!-. .. i,_ , I :~~j5:. .,car,etaker or security qUðrd. He reported that the buildlnc¡ p.rmita '':''t' ~: '",~e#re:l.aued In June 1982 but constr;ctlon d~d not atlJrt until 1983 a~d .';,.. ~" the ~~~lng code th.H is beinq used S. !8.40, Þ'whiCf¡ says that the ;..< :$~ . ::;..-' ", ~~)' .:~ '~ .,. . .,¡... ',. t',;~ i:' ',' upatalra 'structure hð5 to b~ an Intec¡ral part of the downstairs ¡. atructure. Co.mi5s1oner ~lu8e atated that under ~r. Hðt~ín'. I1n~ at ."," ~\.,~reaaonln9 inattlðd of one re.ldence for the aecur1ty gu..rd, there could rlt, .....\, .r¡.~~~;b. one for each structuro and th1. particular project happena to h..... i'~.~.Î20 unit. which means that 20 secur1ty people could realde In the.e .t;"J . r·· . unl t.. '...... þ'~~, '. ~. , .\, P·,. COlIIlJllbaioner Pi.tor .t..ted that he thouqht there wa. oolno to be ,~ ' .. .. " ',Ion 1 y ;,l". .,. "., . '<'.. t: ~., a ppe. r s t hat the r e will ¡, , :. one aecurlty quðrd tor the entire projec~, addlnq th.t now it ì~ b. one aecurity quard for each unit. Mr. 'R.ltkln atated th.¡t he IItOnt. according to th" code which ..y. I , &0:;< 077 ~A~ 283 -_.-...-._-~,---_._..- -- --- -- --.--... '·ge w ~ '/. ----~-._. -----------.- - ----...------ .,.....~ : . . .t-b .~ , ........,..' " ~~\: , ...... - ,,.....~. ,~~..~. .u"".:,. i:....... ~~~..,.,.. ~.. ....., .. ~.. )¡., '\. ., r. ". ... "'" ~ ". t~' ..~lli ~ ..-.,..,. '..·êl~ ·~I·.~~ ':.'; 4 _,-", <. '".... '. .' . ,~, . t,.: ,",I.: ~ - ~'~ . ,., ~': ;.~ . *" .~, ," .~,; %ltðtrd thðt there ar. t'-'a structure. Caclnq eolC:h other:~ ~J':. dividod int.o ten un'lt'~' .ach: '.;. atated ~ha~ ~,,~';14§f""'::¡'~~: ~ þ' . ,,; .~, :": ...,. " , " ., .)... ." ~r... '",' L ,. ~ -'&!' ,{. ~ ':;-~..,j ~... . . '~t'. ,,,. ..' .~ ,'... "~Y' ~ t. t ... r:. tvÖ"~' ',"j.~~:f~ . , I!/·"· .: l ' . ~'. , .~ ~~41 ,};~ .::~,':~ . .- Nt,., ... ~ . i· ·t· ~ In thl. dl.trict. , ..... . .. "'\. ' Comml.sloocr P1Ntor stðt\.!d that h. could 5.. on. caretaker but not ~\ ,:,,:.: ~'. ......1 ,. . ~ COII1:l1..lonor Bolland questioned how far they are with th~' ~. ',t1í '-I .:~....\ '. Mr. Ha!klo atat.d that they have hid 1In.. and h.ve::·~·j.i/~ ..........~ '\~;~\I· ..:.:..c.... ~, 'T' ';IItwf -.. -.-J ,," ..'J. ~,.... 4' t ~:... . .,'...,....~. .~.. -'.... . ...;,...'. ., ... ~ ~~\hð t ,.' "~1"~', '',A,' ..;:~. H. e stated that mðybo .... " ~ ~tf"":chan90d, add 1 n9 thð t --- - - - ..-- -- - -.--- --- .._-- -- -'- -- -- -- -"- - --- --- -_. ... BO~~ 077 PACt,284 Sertel1b~r 6,190) i it be constructed ða a principle pðrt at the lntoqral 8tructure~ I' thure should be a public heðrlnq and the code he Is cQmply1n9 with the code as It now atanda. ,. ~ ~ ......... H. noted that the building permIt was 9ivon undor the current code. I i -ci..,.' I ~'~·'be Commissioner Voss questioned if the poo~le living upstalra woulð paid employees of the p~oplo that have the store, to which Mr. ..' ";Ì'~, ¡' .~. Ralkln stolted tl1l.tt they would be paId liS security guards, not i ~ ." .~i·!":'· . " ..~. po.sibly ·1oI'»'nece.sarily aasociðtðd w1th the business downGtalrs, and could .' 1':- b. paid In the 3cnse of 91\1in'1 them rcduced rent. \ . Counly Attornt'y :,.IIJOcJor& questionod how many bulldlnq permit. were ..'1'. '.... . i.aued, to ..hich ,.'r. Rðfkln r('p11ed t~o. County Attorney Saundera .. . ,. , questlono-j ho.. l:1any cnretttl(l'rs unit. '-'auld b. In ,.,. 1 ti!.:·~r. Ra!klo repllod t\oo'(!nty. the facIlIty, to which .......":' County Attorney Sðunder. at.ted that'. :~., ~~t~·· . ~ ) . ..,.....: at ten'unita, I ¡ . conslat .~ buildloq por~1t ..au ð~pllud for a structure which consist and. aecond bul1din~ ~ermlt I ......--. I I, , ."',. ,. ~D:y. . P'I r - Ra C kin ~~t;~ # " ~, whIch have been ¡'~"'" ¡p:r' :.imPl~ asking ; ~~ '; .;.,. '\,~eVctloperft ".1 " wh1ch Is what they \'- ' ;.{, I,:, '," '.. to: tIle noxt. atructure which also ot ten units. tile bOdrd to look at the code, adding that when 90 lnlo tha field, thay .lmply have the cod. to rely on ara doing according to section 8.40. I·' I !' ,f , . . I ¿··f I I I COlDmiøsioner Kru~o 8tðtcd that It there were two perelta tor structures, th~n two Cðrotðkcra ..ould ba allo".d. Mr. RaCkin stðtt"LI that th('ra are 10 ae","Hat. doors In one" atructure and the code allow5 a caret.,kor'. reaidence #, '. ten. ~'. ~.._ < t /~.~- ~ c,o n. t ~ uc t 1 0 n 7 -4101. . .." , .J:,i....,...., '. IIÞ· '\~j,.. . ,'... , , -,.,.' , " ;' .... -.. . .~ 4 ...., . P.ge S ~" , " ------.-- " ~. ::'. , l ;4:; ,.'.......' ... '. '...... .i'J~·· ....' . - ., "',. " . ......... (' . T., .; ~~It ~~ , .f'4 .~ . ',' '.' .''( , " ., ~-:-.-:-- -;-..-- -- -- - --- - - --- - - ,- -- - --- - - -- - -'- - -"~4J; '~~ '". I '.;t Æ~.tA.., .'.J I ,~~: "17.....' "1"',,,,,,, ." 6 b 6, 1983 ~.i':~~tIÍ:?~t tho oIt.. coaaIUlon.:::::.:: quoatlon.d ..h.n tho . ..~ ~: " ¿~ .n;':':i ~ ·~Ub.1 ...d It tho Y .ho... d tho .p.' ....n to on tho ucond n 00' . ~, ~:. I n~' ~I r ~~. ·P....! t. ... ,. ¡uu.d bl..d on thl t. to ..h ¡ ch II,. R. fk I n .~ ~.. '", . .. ',' ~; replied atfirmatlvely. :.J.b '0 -\ t r.: ~~'''' COIII.i.sionor Holhnd statod that h. haa lII{)ced emotions about .~.'~. ~~ ~~ rejeC~,i~~. ~h18 requeat as tho building porRlits were l.sued. !~~:r ~ pe !? /. ..{~:_::." . ' ..., .''Þ'" Mr'. Ratkln atatod that thuro waa never any doubt thðt aOlle(l..~ . ~~'CO~¡d";'IV~' '~plStaira, addln9 that the quoation ia whether tho party i!~: ~ u~-¿~~: .~.n:,~ t . h~,~,' to 11 v. In ¡ to' tho .. nAg or ".001. t.d ..I th tho ~ ,~?.. bu8it'.a. or whether a caretaker can be hired to live th~ro. He stated ~1t~r" , (eo ) . .,. , ~:h\~~a;~ .~.h~,~.he 'o~iog Direc,tor hða no proble. having 20 caretakers tn..re,:',¡¡,·' , ~It~~ t' ~,s;~t~~.'~,. "."1'-' . , "; 't;~~~·"Í~~.p;{...;~~~:~.they~.ave to be the unit owners. He stated that the only>\" " la.ue iawho the 20 poople Inuat be. .-~ If' ) '-à, . ':jj,~~": i. :'~~'~f~y' Atto~ney Sðundcrs stðt~d thðt the 109al iluue beIng .:;;.. '~~'d1aCu'~~~d 1. equitable e8t~ppel, add1ng that the qu.stion bas.ð on 4n .~ ,'I~'fT~ ~. "'.." ~ :~,1;~ac~, .o~ ~o~e,rwnlllent "'hether tho qoverolllttnt would be estopped fro. d-..ny1n9 ~ "..-:; .the p.titioner to proceed w1th the project. He atðtod that there ar. ..~ ~~¿: throe .lementa of. e~\Ji table eatoppel, ðddln< that on~ ia an act of . o_,~ ...-~ . . ¡ .A!,·J . <10/ Jf " .' 90vernment which olttDlt'nt has been lDet by the 1ssuance at the bulldln9 .~;1;- ) - . ';<o:_perØli~. (ereported that the other two elements that are clearly not ':t~t ~I-~ -r..t by the petitioner are that the petItIonor must have exp.nded a ~~~ -", ". 1 ~r':\ ,. - {. .~ .~" .'\..ub.tAnt~..! ..ount of aoney In d.veloplng tho proj.ct .ft., tho Act of .~ ,. govorn~ont. .dd lng that thor. 0 no oho.l ng of Any .ubat.ntl.! fund..." .\W!fA ¿ . ~ ..t' 'II' ',_,,. <'He .tated that ,he aecond element that is not ..t 1. that there h.. ~r~,~'~, "!~~~~':h:h;:::: ~:::A:::' :;::::'t:~t t~: :::J:~~:d:::·::P:::.::: ~;::;::{ :~ ,laaued a buildlnq pertait thllt should not have been i..ued, the --:i e.toppel cannot ·Ùe to prevent the c overn..nt fro. revok1n9 ....:!.:;'j M~K 077 PA~ 285 '-9 e ,-:-I. ~ I; . ---- ....,--,.,-------------------- --- of". .".~ ------.-.. .., ---..------ -.-----....--.- ....., --.-.-.- - - --.- . .'- -- -- - ._- --- ._- jj.if.. ·~:iI "'~ .~ ;'L~"'\"';' fl," '., . .., " '-".' '" ';·:~;r'~~': ì~ ,. "..it' ~.;q.1' J 'L .~ '!' .¡ ~.' ',¡.' ------- _.-- -- - ..... · , "'I..... ~, .' · ': \'. " ô~:~ 077 FA~,~ 286 ~eptomber 6, 1983 thðt building per~it. , ~::~" r 't. ' .~~, ~:(,',~. . .,: ,;. ~:- perllllt WðS issued, but the buildln'1 hlJS not been built, to which Mr. COlllrnlssioner Kruse statud thlJt on June 10, 1982, tho bullding :' t·" .' ~. "-' ,..... . \ '¡ -J ..? ,', Rð fk \ n ~':1)~ , ,. until .., :. . . . ' stðted that lJn extt'n5ion ~as recdlved which gave the petltloner . .~~~ "'11"'1..1(...., .....~~ He stated that there 1s .,-;.; , , . ,.iiI>~ 1 ::';;:: , 1'r~.V", not an equitable uno~¡.>cl 81luat1on as there hð8 been a lot of lI'Io~ney , .>~\i;f Bpent on 'plans, lIrch1t~ct and purchllse of property. ne stðted that 'h;'- 'f:1:~;' '<I .. Juno 23, 198 J, to commence construction. ~~",. · '.' .~', Is simply askiog the Uoord to look at th~ code as lL exists this date. Comm1ss10ner Hollond moved, s6cooded by Com~lssioner Pistor and . , ~.: carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. · ... ~ " CommIssioner Iloll.HI<1 GUlted ttll'lt the !>tðf!, the Building . "Il t ,,' '. , ,., ,/ -If" Department, and Zon1nr] \oI'He ðw,ne of the plana for the t...enty unit. and' ;:~·;·l ',1.-. f r- ' · ~ ' ~I ·'·t. · . year later, bUCðUfte somunnr tloes not want to see thl. builðing '\ > ".~ \'." '. ,0, '" ,;" now II · t. , ...... .~~. built as the plans \oIcre ~u~nltl~d, tne Commission should oot reject, It ", · ; "'t...,;. at this point. He 8t..'ltlld th"t 1( the unlls had outside entrances, he ,.~t. ~~~""', . ...ould hAve a difforent fucling .about It, adding I -...r.... -",;~ only one entrAnce (rom the ßhol'/o!!lce belo'tt. -if;\' ~.,~..-.. CORu.lsslone' /(rulllo slated lh.at the bulldin9 can ~¡'4ddln9 thðt the gut'at1on 1. \oIho will ~ellide in it. II¡~J}~~ Com~ls:i1ooer floll.and at~t(!d thðt the petitioner iH, -t".. \ I ,:' ¡ .. .. , agreed would put a stipulatlon In the aqret'~.nt Ind1cðtln~ that the guard, caretok.l!r, or nlyt1t wðtctlmon would be the only one , '" .~.' , :,/'*. . t --:'I\j·.(;14;-'.f .J.t!o, :~!,,:l' t . ~ , tho un1 t. . .- . , . ' · , CO~lIlsslon.r Plator .oved, .econde"¡ by COlUDlssloner Hollend end " " ~. ~ carried unanimousl(, that Petition ~-8)-I, Ray.ond ~llard, b. epproved : f.~, :.. ~ wilh lh. stipulation that the person re.ld'n'il In the unit .ust be . .-. . ,. ( .) .. .~.~ · . " , . .ecurity 9uard, night 'ttðtch.an, or caretaker. ! , , ... ' ! , 1+;:~· ~~ ,;.. have I ~ .:..1-.. Þ, ~.. ' I~ .:.ø' 100: ..,. , .. , - I ' " , ....,.."., ¡ ',~: "!';~, . ! -~ ':.::-- ' J : Comm1ssioner Kruse stat.d that It \01.. never the Board's Intent to : ..A horl~ntal aecurlty guðrds Cor every unit built In Co Iller County, . . i _ ---- -- --- - -- - - _. -- - - - - --- -.- - --- -------------. ...... .' ..' Ðopto~ber 6, 1983 . , adding that this .ection of the code should be reworked and brought back to the Board. ..." , .?,,- , ' . .~:,. \ . , .~ ''-.1.'' "";~. I~. :,1 ,,' Coaai..ioner Pi.lor .uved, .econded by Co..l..ioner Holland and "'~a~ried un.ni.ou.ly, that Staff be directed to .ore definitely define the &onlng law regarding re.lding above comaerical e.tabllahaenta and report back to the BCC a. soon .. po..lble. Ite. '5 . RESOLUTIOM 83-146 Rt PET. AV-83-017, GEORGE SCHMAELINC, RI VACATION DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT ON U27, GOLDEN GATE EST. - ADOPTED or , . ':'" .' H't" ~ Legal notice hav1ng been publi.hed in the Naple. Daily Nev. on ,r.... , , 'I , August 21 and 28, 1983, as .videnced by A!!id4vit of Publication W't~'~"t"h';'é1erk, public hearing w,,. opened to con.ider petition " ,,"', " l fUed !., ~ ,~..." - , ~ ;..... . ""..~ AV-83-0l7, tiled by Goorgc 6ch~4eling, requesting a vacation of the ,~ ¡~.'Jr"",;ri'J'I;C~...'" ~" , .', ~. drainage ~nd utility ...o~.nt on the weat.rly 20 tret at the easterly . ,¡ . ~ ,,'" "I 'lop .. .~.- , t ~~. , _ 30 teet ot Tract 90, Unit 27, Goldon Gate [atate., to allow ,~. construction or ð larger home. 01,' " '. I-t'" '0\ þ~~:" .~ 1 carried unant.oualy, that the public h.arlng be c:10.ed. Comai8e1oner Piator DOved, .econded by Coamie.loner Va.. and .( -., " . , 1'<' Co..1..ioner Pi.tor aoved, .econded by Comai..ioner Vo.. and carried unani.ously, that Resolution 83-146 re Petition AV-83-017, be ~.. adopted. '. ... .. " /'"" i \_ t . . . ~w~ ,~~ , .:,..",; ~ .. ., .,.. , ",,', ., ,.. f;: ,,; , f'lI~ I ~ ó,'~( rJ77 FA:c,2ßï P.9~ 1;4 --- -- -- ,--- - ------·---rr-v--w i ~, .---- -- -- --,-. . I: .- - ..,,-- .- - .,., --. -- - --- ,_. .---.:- ----.- ------ -- -----,--- - ---- ------ ------ tV' 1 .... .,', ~~S~h''" t"~···~··'. " .... ......., ", -# ... ... -: ""... ,.", ~~.. '6 . ,'j'r., \ 4' ,f 1.\.... RISOLUTIOtl :~'r: REQU&STING 1~'~' GATE CITY, ..... "... bÌtt' · ,.,~", ,..".. '. ''': ...,.. S.pteœber ~, 1983 ~.:"'; ,"t ~ 83-lt7 RE PET. AV-8J-018, BEVCO MANAGEMENT INVESTMENTS, INC. VACATION or 6' SIDE !ASEMENTS ON LOTS 10-14, BLK 158, GOLDEN U4, PART 1 - ADOPTED .",Le9a1 notice havln9 been published in the Naples Daily News on Auguat 21 and 28, .;..;, 1', : _, '''''\~'\ wi th . the Cl. rk, public hell ring wall opened to cons Idor Peti tion f' ~"~; AV-~'3~Oi¡t t il~d by Bevco Management Investmentð, Ine., requClstlng .~:":~ '~:'. ~,,, :~~,\. vacation or the 6' aide e.uernenta on ":"~~.:Jt. t· "-"~f" · ,.,·~-,Jk '. '. ,',." ~,I li~I.\ Cl ty, Unit 4, Part 1, ao that petitioner a..y build across and up ~\:- 1~'t'~~ ¡ò ;:~ Id.."lot :lin~'J.~~: ~~'I';:' ',' ;...... ... t ~,'- .".,.,~ *' t,,: ,..,....... ,....f,1', " . ..~ ' ",. .. \ . . c '",' '" ,,' Co_ia.loner Pl.tor .. '~;'f"~,, ".71:' , ' ..-".'¡" ..,.... ' , . ~t carried unan1.oualy, that the public hearing bft clo.ed. Ii "~~;a;~Tn~:';i~~'~r .0Ye~; .econded by COllUlli..10ner Holland and ~r"'c.rried unanlaou.ly, that R..olutlon 83-147 re Petition AV-a3-0Ia, be ~:..ï r.~. ' ,1·".; ''Í;' . ~ .~, . adopted. <. ~.: ':¡~':::~_;~': · "f-' ._ A....> I ,01,''' " ",'~ ' " , , " <.'. :~; .,,~, . .. l.t.,:,..." ~', ,;;,¡-~-! ~:r-, ... '. i 1983, ae evldencud by Affidavit of Publication filed . . It , '~ Gate ,:~~,':,' . '" .. .t" t ' '. ,;;."..ø;,< o .,...~'" '. ,:i';~t; , to' "f~·.t'~, ..~~~~ ; ',' .,:..: ( .',. Loto 10-14, Block 158, Colden .oyed, .econded by Commlsstonor Holland and ;. ~. ' . . " -..,.. '..... ,'''' ..... 'ill' ,:.}. . f;'~'"'' \",~.. '...... '. 1õ". ... " , ~-:'j~~ ""'~ ',",'; : :~: .. ~ " , '\-.Ji-.l.L .~' {~:,<. r' ,~:. .."" ~: "..... ': ft¡" ~ ,'.....,., ;. . :t ':'. J ,__ _. i !li~~·,' j.' . . ..,{t~ $~,'~t.-.. ,. ~ ' :;,~ 1}.¡' .~ :- " ' .} ~ ,'1i ';,. . :~:' :. ' , , , . f 'r't- ~\.(I' , ' '", ~~~'. ,~ ;..~,..., ". , . ,·,~.;f ' ~~,;..,...~ ~.. ,--. , , ~ l4~' ' . ... , 4~.. . ....: .~ '"_. ;~,. , ,. .~"... t!'·l· ~, · ' , .,..., .:¡¡~ . . . en '~~~'" ,,, '";"..-,,. " , 6C:~ 1 FACe:?iJO " :.-;.:.I:~,~ '. .'.\' It· I &O~ f'.#~ "'f " ' . ... ':-fl. ' .~'," I , 'ag. '...~ " ~4 '. ,'.... " j.: '. ~~~~-----------_._._--------------------~-~ . 1 l,,rL ...' .,' _. ';1..~ -- _.- - -..- -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - ..,- - - - - - - - . ,\ .' '<It Patt. 10 . ..., lJ .. * .--- ~- '- -_. ._'--~-_.- -- --- ------_ I ""'- ,::fj " :t: ~I. .---.--- - - --- - _. - --_._- ,'l.J"' , ,;., ", , < t~ 4:ò~~~'¿~~~' oJ · 1 \1" .: , . ,t ·~,It.. .'7 #' .' --.; ¡,,';' ,.f ~ .~ ' RESOLUTION 83-148 ':'. PORTIONS OF FIRST Soptember 6, 1983 RE PET. AV-83-019, WM. L. BLACKWELL, AGENT VACATING AVE. SO., EASTOVER SUBDIVISION, IMMOKALEE - ADOPTED hAving boen published In the Naple. Dðily New. on ',,,.. ~'~!\::t~~:\''!''. ' ..,~.I,. 'ft.' :'~,;u LegAl no t 1 CtI ,~r~~ )~!t:!;~~ t~.. " ': AU<j1uat 21 and 28, 1983, AS evidenced by AffidAvit of Publication flIed . . ~ I \. \. ':':'''~lth tho Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition ~ ; ~~,:. ;.. AV-a3-DI9, filed by william L. Blðck~ll, agunt for WhizpAc, Inc., A. .....'~ .... - . ~ t:l~'fI ," t ' '...,;,.....,8. Curry, Jr., AIiC Produce, Inc., John E. Price, Jr., And Southwst ,oI coi' ''',''. ~~ , . ,.\ I ... ' '~<,,;!~o'rida Services and Supply, to VAcate portion of First Avenue South, ~~~...~ ..~i·~.. . ~:~Eo.t.~.. Subdlvl.l.n, Immokal.., t. c.n.t.uct f.u. packIng h.u.... , 1!,'mJð~'f. .~': , . . It'\. , -1J-V'-:'¡¡ ~:i".\.'r.~¡\ "r. William blackwell atated thðt thl. reque.t i. to vacate tho.e , ~~$~~ .:. 'Ý,"" ..'t' 1 1I',.egIHnt. of Firat Avenue South In E.,.tov.... Subdivi.ion, adding that tf': \ ), ;:C " ¡4\" "ther,e 1. no appeal tion to this request. He .tated that Whizpac has oS t$", "t ..11'1..10 '. ~'t''',- ~.. -.;..."....'Y".. .. ... ,~.:ír·~,r ,p,~ov.l,.l/)nal perm1t that will allow the placing of the building over a "¡., " .,'q",,",~,~, '. '. ,...'..... portion o( First Avuou~ South, addloq that this road ha. never been .. , ~ , '.:,~ . pAved or improved. , .....". -.,' . , . """. ' Co_i..ioner 8ro""o ~oved, .econded by COII_I..loner Piator and ,,''':' -,.;.,...' .: ,.~ ;~ è.rrl~d unanl_ou.ly, that the public heðring be clo.ed. ;.. ',','" . .'~ 0' .. . Co_i..ione r Brown DOved, .econded by Co_i.. loner Vo.. and carried unanl.ously, that Hes01utlon 83-148 ce Petition AV-8)-D19 b. adopted. 'f _ ... ' '.... ~, J~~ , .. 'f:' ~4~,'" l:'f., ' , .' .- .. .;":'t ~- """'I J,¡'þ '. .'", ' ,... ..", ' ~¡'~.. D~:< rt77 FA:,2.Sl ." :,..... , ''''\. .1;" , AI!!"". ' r.¡. .. ¡(;l!~, " ~~.J.~' ~Ì!I' \0 .,..~ ";Of.' ".~.:: , ,.' ~".~~- l! 'I ' 'L .f ",1 ".1¥;.¡ ,0. .... ~ :;"',~~. . '..... .. .. , . . 1-' ,- ";, ~¡ ~"';" . ,'" ";'V'~'l. .', ,.. ,"/ . ~"'-:'&, . , ,; ~-:' " .~,., ..~ .... . . .. . !;-¡: , .. ~, " ...,r~ ¡~, '. ,.' ---- -- --- - - -- -- --- -- - --- " ,-\ : '~" .' If", . .,,; t4~', ~1LK ,¡Jt~, :' .~., : ~,'~ 1:-. \, I I I' I ~, ,',¡ ..,- " t, ~;~~; -_. . --,/\ .~"" "'., -------------------- ,~ ..'d- . tl.. ~~ "~ .-,,..,.. ,.. -~ . '~4' ~,', ,.; n__. .__ __ .._~ _ -- ---. -- -- - -- -- ---. - BC~~ 077 FAC¿ 294 ~eptcmber 6, 1983 I~_a '8 II t,'; ~.:. .,,):;. "', . ".t RULes or COLLIER COUNTY UTILITY RATE' REGULATION BOARD GOVERNING PRACTICE , PROCEDURE , ^PPLICATIOH FORM TO ESTA8LISH OR CHANGE RATES ADOPTED '( ...'.~ ' . .. .,'- . I--:~.. ... Legal notico having bcoo published In the Naples Daily News on August 16 end 21, 1983, as evidenced by ^ffidavit of Publication filed . ".;'1; f~ ~'¡~.t .~ ....t'.¡¡; , ( .~ ".'l .\.\ with the Clerk, public hUðring was opened to consider the rules of the Collior Couoty Utility Hate' Regulation Uo~rd governing practice And proce<1ure and form for applicat10n to establish or chango rates. :..., .~- . .)..... County Attorney Sl'Iunders attltcd thtft theRe rules ..,.re ðpprovtld by the Collier County Utility Pate and Rc')ulatioo [,¡oard ðt their last ",'il, meet10g with one chðn<)e which i6 ttlilt they wl'lnt to require that all ::.t" :'~ï 'Ii::V> .ø,:, - . '~{~ ",-f pet1tioners use lettør Bize ~tlpor ð8 opposed to logal 81ze paper. Commlsaloner Brown moved, 8~conded by Commissioner pistor and, ..¡ carried unanimously, that the publlc hearing be closed. ...~ .1 ¡' t -::~ " Comm1a.loner plator aoved, seconded by Co~al..loner Holland and carried unanimously, that the rules of the Collier County Utility Rate \~ , Regulation Board governing practice ðnd procedure anð tora fot,·,,·,;.v.,j,L~~:- application to estðblish or change rate. be adopted and t.hat- ~'1'1'; \h:~(:~~)j ,"'I;~-.. ·..·.i.ti'. .. ,.' .. ' 'I': If '", ~. .," ~i ... "" ....J I"! petitioner. be required to u.e letter 8ize paper .. oppo.ed to l.q.l",/..¡. '. ;0..., :;",\ \, ~~' , " .-\ '\-~~-1.'# I'" 4:' ~:' ~ ~'5(iJ.::'.,~ ' . t" \ ; I' '( . .~.. I. " ) ~ .'} -,,¡ t.¡.... , 1t~ft';"..': ~;;,··..J'...'I.. I . .. .... ' .' - -~". t' ,}. . ". ...., :,: , ~~~..,:..;;;..,'... .' " ",,;, :.~," ~,':} ~. .,~~'.. ~ . ,~" ~ ~ ~~f!i' , ;~·t,4. , , . .~ .':~~;' ~ ~, ,r,".:"',:;' ~ ,.~. :,,< .. , ' ~ t. , h. " ,,,' .,¡', "··~·.t·~ .,." .¡,.... .... ~ <......., '....~~ ~\ I <, . ,~.t: ...,.... \ ~.., '. -,I., ,','_ .~\ I '} .j., '\ " ,'. .~ " ',f. " , . ,>,\t+, .,., ',;.I , size paper. '. ~ - - --- ~ .- - ---- '.9- 11 :~l' , "\I.¡r~,~ -.-. -. -- ··-----~-~-~I'~-- ~¡ - - - -- -- -- -- . _ _ _. __ __ _ _.__ __ __ .... H_. ___ ___. - ~ ..- --- _. --.. - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - -....... ~uptombor 6, 1~83 Ite. '9 RISOLUTIOM 83-149 RI PET. PU-8J-6C, DELTOHA UTILITIES, INC., RI 30 ACRES HIE OF MARCO SHORE5 - ADOPTED SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS Plðnn&!r UbtH inul-.'..tcu thtf cJ"ncH,1l location on An overheðd map, adding thðt ðll counLy .:I'Jun..:lcs 1I"""c revicwc,d the petitIon and rUcolQLI\cnù olpprovld ::¡ubJ'~ct to tho ut,ipulcltiona outllnud in thu E)(vcut1"w :.Jumm4ry ~¡It.!j ')/';/:lJ. Co..i..ioner Brown movod, .econded by Com_i.aloner Vo.. and carried unaniaoualy, that Resolution 83-149 re Petition PU-83-6C, Deltona Utilities, Inc. roquest1ng a provision,,1 u.e of Section 0.10 for percolation pondo ðnd effluent di.posal tor approximately )0 acre. located north.aut of "~rco Shor.. be adopted .ubject to the stipuhtlon. outl1ned in the Petitioner's agrøemont and the Plnding ot FAct be accepted. b~:~ 077 rA~3<G P.". 12 - - - -... ...... . . ... .-. '. _. -~. _.... _ _~ _'.. u .- _.. -'-" ..._.. ~_. ..,-. -_. ..- -.. - - '- - - - - -- - --- Septemher 6, 19A3 1 tea 110 PETITION MP-83-SC, HIDEAWAY DEV. CORP., REOUESTING VARIANCE TO HID!AW^Y BEACH FIRST ADDITION - APPROVED WITH STIPULATION Planner Ober stated that staff has reviewed Petition MP-83-SC anð reco~aended approval subject to the stipulation that the final building plana be approved by the County Environmentalist prior to the COMaenceaent of construction. Mr. A. W. Crowder, Consulting Engineer for Hideaway Beach, stated that he agrees with the recommendations of the C~PC and also of Dr. Benedict and assures the Commisøion that cooperation will be forthcoMing. C~mmiasioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and ~arried unaniDOusly, that Petition MP-A3-5C, Hideaway Developaent Corp., requesting a varinnce to the Hideaway Beach Firøt ~ddition PUD to permit a pool lInd portion of two b~lildings to be built within the 150 foot bellch setback in Tract G be approved with the atipulation that the final build1ng plans be approved by the County Environaentaliat prior to the co..encement of construction. Hem .11 CONSOLID~TION OF TWO ROADSIDE P~RK AREAS ON C.R. 29 BETWEEN EVERGLADES CITY AND CHOKOLOSKEE - APPROVED Public Workø Ad~inistrator Hartman atated that one of the parka 1. used by people that do not live 1n the area and dUMp their traah there, adding that the par~s are never in good condition. He atated that he would li~e to consolidate the two par~ areaa into one which would be at the eaat end of the bridge. Commissioner Brown moved, aeconded by Coa.iaaion.r Voaa and carried unaniDOualy. that the two roadaide park areaa on C.R. 29 cauaeway between Evergladea City and Chokolo.kee be conaolidated 1n acc~~dance with ataff propoaal. f ~¿..I 7 7 fJ~ 30'1 P4'Je 13 ... .~~ \. ~77 P~310 Sertember ~, 19R3 It.. U2 ~ RESOLUTION 83-150 REQUESTING DOT TO OPEN UP SEGMENT OF 1-75 BETWEEN C.R. 846 AND C.R. 896 UPON COMPL~ION OF ROAD CONSTRUCTION - ADOPTED. LETTER OF COMMENDATION TO BE SENT TO MR. BONNESS OF HIGHWAY PAVERS COMMENDING HIM ON FINE JOB ON EXTENSION OF PINE RIDGE ROAD Co..i.sioner Pistor stated that he would li~e to have a letter of co..endation .ent to Mr. nonnesa of Highway Pavers commending hi. on a fine job on the extension of Pine Ridge Road. Co..ls.ioner Pistor moved, aeconded by Commisaioner Holland and carried unani.oualy, that Resolution 83-150 requesting that the DOT open up that seg..nt of 1-75 between C.R. 846 and C.R. 896 upon completion of road construction be adopted, and the Chair.an be authori~ed to execute said resolutIon for submittal to the Florida DOT, ~ and that a letter of commendation be sent to Mr. Ronne.~ of Highway Pavers com.ending him on ð fine 10b on the extension of Pine Ridge ;,\ '. ., ~ .. .,., f':' Road. Paq. 14 I .!. . ,...:,~.~~' .. < , '. ",. ,.'t" ,'. ..:..--..:...-.~. -- - - - - - - - --. _.- __ __ __~ __ _n '., ~;4 ''''':L\.;~ --~:~~mb.r~~19a)--------~;I '~':f~ .f '~.~ " éOOK 077 PAC, 312 It.. 113 . .... J.. ":.4.,' REPORT ACCEPTED ON ANNUAL EVALUATION, DISASTER PREPAREDNESS DEPT. Public Safoty Administrator Dorrill expressed hin appreciation to :~ '.~~ < o" ' ¡i .f. . ,,., ..., .~ the Board for the support received for the dopartment, addinq that he .~ ha. completed the !lrst annual evaluation for local disaster ',- preparednoss activitios ado~tod by the State. He stated that Collier ~,~, County's aggregrato score Waft 14.3 out of ð total of 20. Ho stated that wlthln the cotlce southurn Florldd zone, this particular department plð<.:es t.he capab1l1ties abovo thoue of Dðde, Broward, Lee; ~ Sarasota ðod Hoodry count.y. H~ statud that. there are tr~mondou. goal. to obtain 1n the tuture, ~ddlny that he ia quite proud of the first evaluation. " Ite. 114 VERBAL REPORT GIVEN ON WEEKEND FLOODING PROBL~"S IN GOLDEN GAT! Publ1c Safety ^d~lnlstrnt.or Oorr111 atated that he rec.ived a call Cram the Sherl(f's DepartMent ot 6 A.M. on FrIday, September 2; 1983, at which time he was advised that thore wa. a problem with tloodln~'1n I Golden Gate. He Slated that hu cð1!1itd Public Work. Malnlatrator ,\ '.,. , , Hartman at 7 A.M. to "d·,tise h1m of the situation and that he was 901n9 ~ to call a m.etlng. He indicated that at 8 A.M. he talked with the County Xannger and uy 9 A.M. on c~er9cncy meetin9 had be.n called vlth County M4nnger Normðo, Pub11c Works Administrator Hðctman, Commi.sioner Voss anù ð few othor people. lie stated th.1t the couoty weed harve.ter and drag lInes ~re ..t up i~mcdiately to work the Green Blvd. and D-2 canal Pðrø11el tv 1-75. H~ atated that by 11 A.M. there va. a prepared atatem.nt Cor nIl tho newspaper and TV network.. He atated that" lII.oting w.. IIGld with ~hlt., Conat.ruct.ion to IlIIvrove the dcalnage on the .outhern portIon ot 1-7S. !fo reported that. ..ndba9 op.cationa "'Ore initiated by noon fro. the Golden Cate Park, adding that. phone nu.ber 'ag. 1~ - - - - - -.... -, --- ..~.- -~ - ._~-. -- --. - ..-- -- -- -- ,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ,--- _.-- -- - -. - -- --- - - -~~ - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- September 6, 1983 va. .et up to call lor transportation it It w~s needed or tor people that nonded .andbags around their homes. . " Tape' '3 , ., . . , , '.", ì Mr. Dorrill reported that an em~r9.,ncy canal cut WlIS done to connect the Neptune and Coronado canal as well ~s lIcrOSB Huoters Road. þ ,....l,~e".tat~d that he out11ood thu County's act10n for t.he mo(.I1e at 11 A.M. ""~7·'a. wl1 II. Isauing h4!lalth wIHnlngs for children to 5tðy out of the · t'~,·'t,+.. . ,'vðter in the .tre~t5 and to boll water betore drink1ng. He r~ported ' '.¡!:~., t_:~') . . ~that an emergency comm4nd post had been aut up at Golden Gat¿ Park and \'!;J,~" ~.. ~.:~ndba99Ing we. underway through tho elforts of th~ County ROlld . , fI.I.<{... . ~B(ld~e Department. H. atated that Itn aorlal ð8S0ssment oC the area "'0. ' . ~~ ,'..... '~'.: . ?k~\d~rye by County Hel1copt4lr. He Ind1catGd th-'t the Sheriff's Department , ~;'f ,,f. , t,...19n.d their subslðtlon m~mber8 to cut of! th~ ðroa b~cause there " ,I':, ,vere problctllUI ....lth people moving lhrou<']hout the IIr!..'a ðnd c:ðuslng wakes . .. 1 . í . . .'f\' '$'~!' ~.~ '_ 'd:; 01'-......:. Jtp';/: . ,~- were washing Into ~ar oua hom~s In th~ vlclnlty of Golden Cate He stilted thdt he contðct~d ttltJ hurrlclJne cooter In Mial1i at 2 to get an Upddt~ 00 till'.! Iorolllher, ðdcJ1n<.j that he aleo aaked that ..- J : dec14He II flood warn1ny COI ttlLlt pQrtlon ot lhlt County. H. that the County uth:c1 UI\1ir 1rllt!,)1 .upply at 3,000 sandbag. thð afternoon LlIHJ lIn .JdOiLlon.,1 1:100 slInc11HlqlS were purchased. ~n11ne~r_ allSo sont an additional aan<.Jbag8. He nolt:~ ttlðt by 4 P.M. trier secuocJ "laft lIeOUng had held and by ~ P.M. ttl~ .vellinc1 atatt werc workln9. He reported that ..,ndbðg9inq Conl!nuc~ unlil 9 P.M. whvn the _andba98 ran out. He ...l ; þ 'indicated thðt ~y 10 P.M. hv ð9"in held tðlked with the ..aa.i center th~ w~4thc:r (or ttl"t even1n'1, adl!1ng that by 1 A.M. it waa Wda rcc4l'J1n~. tie stðt~d that rlre Chi.C .. .. !..~ morn1ng. He indlc.ted that on,",,~~~ . h.> County ~ndger Nor~n tOok oYer foe hi. and relocated the ..-....', .. ,.... ... i bO~~ 077 fA:, 313 '.. ;.. ..tt" .~ ..'~: -.-..--.-- p.~e~tI·,.···- . . ," .,~.~.~.,~.:~, ,~ .: ." .-,. - -- - _... --., ---.. _.-- -_.._-- - ,:I' ~. .;),;¡ ~---,---- &8::< \fl7 fASc314 I~ J..~, .. '~A' ,';'~'~~' -" ~..., :.l. ~# .~.'" 5~pt~mber 6, 1983 disaster comm~nd post to the Commuoity Center. He stated that an add1t1onal 1000 sandb~ys w~ru rece1ved, adding that by Sunday, 911 had rocelv~d no complaints. . ~... 'r (, 'f" 0.". ·:i~·~·. .~," ;~ " ··'"".ð2 -'v. ". . i :L)I <~~~.. .. . (-' . ~.t.'.~ H~ 9t<.lted thÐt he made an Inspection Sunday aCternoon at whIch time ttlreo sewer syslcm Llllurcs wcre found, ðdding that GAC was cootltcted tlnd the matter WðS rC!Aolvcd by early evening. H. report that on "'.onday he Insp~cLüd the generðl arttas of 1-75 interchan~. ae w~ll A~ review1ng Golden Gate City, adding thðt the water hod reced~d ~r~~~tlc~lly. tie rcpúrtcd tho'lt h. will b. following up on converso'ItIons with ~tatr o([lcl~ls ~nd lhe Governor's office. H. atated lhot ho np~ruclðt~d nIl the he Ip [rom all tho crews that ....orkod . t ' -.1" , . ."";. J the arCd. , Com~I8s1oner Kru~e queHtluned It there is anyway that the &tato ....ith residence. In the City ot C<.>lden Gate. ':: DOT will look 1St the Intcrc~1.HI·Jt!s, culvortø, and drainage pattern. ot thAt area? Public \oo,urkt> f,ú:I.I¡¡j(,tr~tor ðrtmðn stðt~d thðt wIth the con 5 t r uc t i 00 0 t I - 7 S, II n d l t I (' t ~ r:- P') r dry wo r k t h ð t the he la 'Jolny to lI~k ttJu LJlntclct t.n<Jlnecr who coolrols it hi. .ttention. II. !Stðt~ð that h1e conCern 50DO liðbllity on the Stole's pðrt bCCðU~. of temporðry cros51nq of the canal at111 In place ond hn. two (cot "!to' ('," ,'. ~,' He atated lhðt tho construction, :" ~. '''; .'\;...~ ~ t 1, ~ ..... I According to th~lr own plDns, should htlvo been out of thc."~~'~~~':~.,*;~;~h"" evcr buill In the orllJlnðl cllnøl and uscd the r.doctlted cðn.l....;..", ~. .( .. ~ \'~~4~·.1'~: t Cor.-,ml{;!;lont.·r liollllnd yut'fStlonctd if there Ja ð possibillty·th~t'th. .' ': ,r: 1 ",'\' - f) -", . , culvert t.hðt WllS In:ltðlJ~tI under hUllt~rll Road could b. p4trlDanept, to bel 0 (e . l d e ~ p II t t t1 ð t po 1 n t . ", ~ " "\ wh1ch Mr. Hartln"n replIed th"t It ehould be lIade perlUnent' and probably .~,.., <~'"^' '.. A . mode a little blg~or with a porManent connect10n. He atated that h. would check 1:\to the matter further. " '''''; ~ \.: , ... J '...,: .. .., ".... t ' ...... ~,. ~ ~. \ ' ~ } '. ... t .' ~,~t..;: f ," .,- Pa9. 11 ,~~',: ....., '. . ,_ :...... ~ ~ .:.:: 411¡~ ,), . ,,;/-~~, .,; - .. ..- -..... ._- "-"--- - - - - - -- -- - -' - --- - -. -..- -- --- -- - - - - - - - - -.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - September 6, 198) County Manager Norm~o etated that he Is grateful for all the hard work everyone haa done, ðdding that the Sheriff's Department had off~duty people and the1r volunteer people working extensivoly a. well .. the Colden Cn~~ Fire Dupart~ent. He atated that the County needa to build a record of whoro these problema exiat, adding that h. will aak any TV people that have tðp~a that they took of the arca to mðke them available to the County for cop1es In ordor to have a good record of " , the incident. , '. ,: ..... Rece.., lOllS A.M. - R.convended¡ 10.25 A.M. ..... ~'¡:J. .'.... .. '~~ .M .~\ " , ;".j'- It.. U5 ,:...·t . STAFF DIRECTED TO LOOK AT SITE 3 IN IMMOKALEE FOR C~MUNITY PARK SITE AND RETURN TO BOARD WITH A R£CO~tHDATION AT THE NEXT MEETINC , ..:>..!.." PublIc ~erv1ee. MIII1rdlHrdtor Norton stated that in hllnokalee . '. .,., , .,\.1"-.,' >.t~ere were' Originally 14 aites wh1ch ",ere brought do'""" to 8 .ltea that .~j' ;.... '-': , .\,..,,\\~ ~ '. ..t 'the crlter1a. He stdt<!cl th"t ataff rocornmendallon 18 tor t;;lte' 4, '~~4. " h. hi9h aChool .1lo or a~~rox1mðtely JS acres, And he 1a asking that ,\<ii,~ -. . authorIzed lo enlur 1nto nvqot1alionø foc the acqu1sition of he rn"teu tI¡,H tl1. prov1ouII recomllu:nJðtlon 1ncluded that b. ð u l hoc 1 :l e d t u t> IH¡1 n n c y 0 t 1 a t ion Iò 0 nth ., L4 k v T r ð f for d Ma r I n a ~,. 1'"., Is be1ng lool<.~u .it 0'18 ð .U~fJl«:II.c.:nt tI"H'" l1ite. lie atðted that he 'I. cheCk"d 1nto UIl: (jl"nt fJosaluJ11tlus Iottdch ð~F.uar to be good. Co 111111 Ii II Ion e r U r 0 loft I ~ t ,\ l v <.J U ¡ ... l h ~ 1 sop po IU' d t 0 d e a 1i n 9 ., 1 t h l h e School Board and docs not Iotðnt Site 4. He stðted that he la Intere.ted ,.. « . . ," '·In .itlt 3 wh1ch is 40 è (.'[t!5 ðnd 1s not on lhu rwcommended 1lot. 5Ldt...'U tll<!t S1lv ) lotðS el1m1n~tctJ troll! the othor 8 addlny tho'll h~ will CheCk 1nto the redsons (or thla. to take ð good look at Site J In I..okal.. for and return to the Board with a reco...ndatlon next aeetln9. b~~~ 077 fA:, 315 , .. t ,. ~~. : , ~ "¡,;" , ,'''''.''' l~l;¡;"À ~... 'a,. II _. . -'. -.. ._._-~. ,~- - -.------ ';l' ~' ,'. ,,", I ~!Y?l: ______,____. _, , _ __ __, _ _ _ '~~'''1:!1.: \ :;. , ~:. ~'~ !,,~,~. ,~. :.. ,,,,,,'.~':"T " ,- Tape ... '; Ite.. 116 ·~:~;~ART , STEPHAN, INC. AND .~ P^R~ PROPERTY - APPROVED .. -,.-.. . .--- -- -. -~ --.- -~ ------ ~,~;,¡ . ' 5eptcmbur 6, 1983 &C~~ 077 FA~, 316 _ ')01' '..I ~--" . ". , .' , -. MICHAEL MAXWELL TO APPRAISE LAKE TRAFFORD '. ' ~ - .~,j"; "~ " . "... COlI\mlssloner Brown mOiled, seconded by Commissioner Pi.tor and '..., . ~~: carried unanimously, that Stewðrt , Stephan, Inc. and Michael Maxwell .1~(\t;, .. ;:';: b. authorized to appraise Lake Trafford Marina Cor Collier County. ,_ """:'~.. ..... .. ¡t" .11:': ''V " ." , ' Ite. '117 ,~ "':~'~,;!~ , 't.,,,;.; 'I , , I ' "q':'. '. ¡,\ '--~'a WATER' St.'WtR FACILITIES P'OR PAVILION SHOPPING CTR. _ ACCEPTED WITH .~,'" STIPULATIONS " UtIlItIes Administrator ~~rzon ~tðted thðt In ndd1tlon to the Of recommendations of the [xe~utlve ~umm~ry dated 9/6/H], h. i. r!qu..tln9 ..,. "','"' ' -,' ',:1 t.hat 0 atipulat10n be dddn' t/\ðt tht! 11ft. stat10n wet well b. ,rels.d a, ..-;¡, ,', , ,j ···~-Æ~· water on-aite. H._;},~t'.i;\Þ_ ..} :.~il~. ~i!' f ' '.,', _ J'~~~' ~;;Wt' ¡,~ ))~,... .-,1 ... -:\~:-.;' mtn 111Ln of l' ð IS a rCRult of ~ome of the stðnd1ng . ",1 . ,,10M- noted thðt tho deveJopfjr ~, ,.,.... ,..;~,~:' ,:!t~' C0Ø11111Sð10nor P1.tor .', #f~':' .: till S J')'JrcclL moved, sccooded by Commi.alonor Holland and " . : '~.... carried unanimously, thðt the wlSte, and .ew.r I , i ""i' Pavi lion 'I ",:-~,. . . -"-;'''11 .. .. \. ., .; - I . , 1;i~!T 1 ~ : ~,..;~ :., ~ . ~ i _'. ......'-, I ,~~l. i ~~ , -'~'4 'V ShoPp109 Cont.er be ðccepted with tho . ~I' '~.t'\', That all legal documdnta .r. found by tho County Att.orn~y. , '¡ .,.-/,' -,.,. .' ,I/It"~ ~ . , , '~'f'.~~ ' Rat.. the cover of the 11ft atatlon wet . .It. ....' ~, . intecnal Co~ponenta of tho wet woll In heltjht. ", ;ó ; ) . , He. 118 ,1' COUNTY H[CIONAL WATER THEATMtNT PLAMT, CHANGE ORDER NO. 3 (BAY GENERAL) FOR EXTENSION or TIME - APPROVtD ~~111t1es Admlnl~tr~tor Lcrzon atated that althou9h tho bide WWce Î' tak~n In December of 198,l, becðuae of the lllclt of fun,Hng, the I ¡ . I~ ~ . .:( J : iA: .! I ~,....' ; -11i-: h19h ralnfalh .'"'to rein end 1a . 1-. ~ " 1 ~~~ ..... "f" " t" . " "øt.~".J"''' ",: . .-~~!.: .- - - Contrðctor iI.Jrecd on J a..,.;....rðte occðs1ona to extend their bide. ,U. ~~:~t were hlato~ically :::,~:~~.~J'. \ '~~ lit thet time, addloCì t.hat t.he cont.ractor wa. dolayod du..:,,':-_~ ukln9 for 45 doya. Ha noted thot the contract~r 10. }':';j'. ".:¡ . .4;' -. r' :) ~ ." Pago ut ---~--~:':. ooted that the work bC9ðn in Juno of 1982 and t.her. ~ - ~- ...- ..... .. -.......... - .- -. -- ---- _. - - _. -- - -- - - - -- - - --- --------.-- . ~ September 6, 1983 foe an additional 46 days due to rainfall later during the ~n additiQnal 3 days duo to the flooding that was croated on by WhIte Construction whon they were doIng road ~rk. He there Is ample justification for 9ivin9 the contractor ,,' :.:f,: t ~·ct·.ddltional tIme. ï·~":',·ì'lf.~'. l..' ¡,r \-.; #~"._f. :~~' . ,':,. Comlllssiooer Pi5tor stated that he can understand the additIonal -', ~',: 4., ' ;",', ti~. (or the contractor, but he caonot uodcH6tand the additIonal '... . .~'\ ,,-.tJI ~ ., "'..~ ' $ 5 5 , 0 0 0 ! 0 r t h.. . n 9 I nee r. t: . u . ·~r)".., ,'0'_ ..~. ~\r' ~,; .~~~1., \,'~.:t,"C,.' Berzon atated that thia Is Cor two inspector8 to be on the t<~.,,#,~. '....., . l\ . -~'~,. . ~'., .1~e at all ti~es wh11e th_ contractor 18 working whIch Is 10 hours 8 ~.,.", ,.,"'.'''!¡ t.,., " '!,~';~ ·~~y~, 1JOday. a ~.k. Hu st.H~d that thIs bcuically figures out ,to $30 (,~,,·,'~~t 'J". , '~ ' ~.n,hour. He atðted t.hat t.here are inspections on paInt, electrical, ;f~~~~:~~~~¡~al, densIty test, reIn(orcln9 steel teøt, ~nd admInistratIve ""¡", ~ .(U\e~"~ t,,.. , " ''*f''1+r'- ~,.. .,.. ...~. rk.:;¡'Re .tated that the contrðctora have had to ce-do work becaua. ~. "~, \ \t..,~' ... \ i "t . '1 n 8 pe c tor II h ð V It t: 0 u n d 1 tun 8 a t 1 n r ð c tor y . :t'~~~ut':"t' , ,,~;,~:Kti:~ ,~,C..oIlUDIsaIoner Brown aoved, .econded by COllml.sioner Vo.. and ,~,,¡~ '. :', :~f.l,c.rr1ed uanlaoualy, that tho County Regional Water Treat.ent Plant ~'~'l~~~.: + , ~,:.,~(.,>Cban9. Order No. ) (Bay Con General) lor the extension ol 94 days be 1 '~::',. I ~,/;"~..~~,~ove~ ',and the Cha1rm4n be authorlzed to execute sall8, and that t.he ;~:,~~~en~~~or addItIonal inspectIon aervice. durinq the additIonal t.l~. f~r.~'~p~rlod b. authorlzvd. t' 1.' '....... ,,~ ~... ..:, '\' ~.r J, :~.,...~-- ',,' - ..... '. ~', ¡"~,"F,"',",:'~.'" '; .. ' '~,.,~~~,' , 'f;~:;;;, .. , ,':.k.I.~ :-': ~"..",. t'\ ": ~:-:.; ,'.i~~~~4" .'f., :~~.. :. II . "t' . , ' r ....' ,'¡'" )., ~ ", . ~ , , . .. ), &~:\ 07ï FA:, 31? .", , ~.. ,.1»." '..,I .' .. ~¡ ~<; .... ,------ ---- ;--~. P"qe 20 _. Or_ .~ __ __. _.~_ _ _ __ .¡'"'" ... .-<.. _..- - ~ '. .~ ~'\' ,J' 't~, .. . .... " . " \, ..'. . a ~, ;:, ~;~~j ,. " ..~ :." ..' , . .>' ,...' .' , ~' :..' "',;, :.,;,,, , ., ~ ....~. ~','~ . ¡ ," .. ¡ ......... -- -'- ---_.-- - 1"'" ..¡ , <".',..' - .--- .-- . :,.- . " . .' &~J( 0'77 f,,:, 320 September 6, 1983 I a.. I t:'~' I ,~".. '\o\~I' ì ,,', 119 COUNTY RECION^L WATER TREATMENT PLANT, C.~HCE ORDER NO. .. (BAY CON CENERAL) IN AMOUNT OF $42,782.00 FOR ADDITIONS AND DELETIONS TO CONTRACT - APPROV~D Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Co~mlssioner Holland and ",~; carried unonimoualy, thllt the County Regional Woter Treatment Plant, ,¡" ¡.... :,..... '~, ... ..,~'. , " " .... Change Orðer No. .. (ßlIY Coo Cen.rlll) in the a~ount of. $42,782.00 f.or, additions ðnd deletions to thu contrllct~~hairmðn be authoilzed to sign. ''1',tJ;;;.~· , ·~t f. 0#1'*' &~"..- "'("~ . " ,. _f ,'~ \~ , , ~ . II . ./; , ~", ,'..~: , . t '/0 '?fI' ¥. , ~,t'J1;-"\.'I ' , ,,:"~~!'!-,'''''."t'< -'Ct;,.' .;~ .~ ., 'þ-'. ~ ~ ;' ",k:" .A J . '.'~'" , 6.. , , , '}." ,"~ .¡ ,-" '':../ ,.,.. .~.":.' ( ¡s.'~ t' ,I' '. , - ~',~~~:; ~....t? ," I r..:r, ' I r:~¡j- ~':'. . " t " , " , tf·;t ," ,,'~' ' "J ;,... ,.~"..-~-" , t . _. - - oAt hg. 21 , . ,. .. ......." '~. '--{ij ~-,-;-' ~ '...' , . I ,.~f. '.(:"'.. - - - -- i.. ~_"/::J ~~~ 'ii'''' . , ~ , ' '¡. . :.. ," ._\_ _ _J '. ;1dUÏI, .":I~IV 6;1·', .... . '~. ú, :~'~ '---1 -.-.--..------ (- - - -- - - -..... --- -.- --_. " 1,·- '\ ' ~aptQnber 6, 1983 I ' 077 ~~,324 " , b~"~ Itet;l . 20 COUNTY REGIONAL WATER TRANSMISSION SYSTEM, CHANGE ORDER NO. 4 FOR F~NAL REVISIONS TO QUANTITIES AND COSTS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF 12- AND 20- TRANSMISSION MAINS - WITHDRAWN PER STAFr REQUEST Chairman ~rU5. indicated that this item was withdrawn per the "':'~. ,requeat of stafC. ',t'- . , ,'., '. '"r ·~t' ~ , . . ), " J Ite. . 21 "', , ,:·~"'REPORT ON DISMISSAL BY EQUAL EMPl.OYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION ~,~J'I" DI5CRIMINATION CHARGE OF kAYMOND E. DULANEY - NO ACTION TAKEN ;tf~'~it... 122 ""I' . I .,:\~:.¿ RESOI.UTION TO APPROVE AND AUTHORIZE EXECUTION or -AGREEMENT 'OR SEnLE- : ~#i', MENT AND RELEASE or CLAIMS AND 01 SM I SSAL or ARB ITRATIOM PROCEEDINGS",' ":~ 'œ: AND FMIiA -CHANGE ORDER NO. 2- B!:TWE~ COUNTY MID PATTERSON , WI LDER,.' . : ~~, CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. P'OR GOODl.AND WATER DISTRICT PROJECT - R'!~..i~ED ' I " County Attorney Sðundora atated that h1e recom~endðt:on 1. goln9- ·7!·vt.,~' ...t~ to be dlfCcr~nt than tho original recommond^tlon for approval, adding' . .....':., ~. ~" r : ...., that wht.'n UIC County !)I!gðn nef)utl^t!ons tor I"'ltlem~nt of the.e tvo~.:..,.., ')"'-..'\, . 4.\ \ik_ - . .. ....... '. .', f.' .. ,,-':1.. . . '", arbltrntlons whiCh arrived out oC aome octlvit1.. on the Goodla~d,W.t.r :\:(1 : "~,,"'<i\"l"d i ..~-. plant, tho Clr!it ortdtratlon loins tllvd by l'ðtLo:r~on , ~ilder., I ;:;1 . ~ 1 Con.tructlon Co., Inc. and the IIccond W.JII Ciled by P. J. Siller '. J Company, both cl^I~1nq a total of npproximatcly $175,000-200,000 Cot d"U;'ð<j tlS lor var10us causas. Hit reported that the County was h~i~;~J :" . ",' l approxl.ately ~6S,OOO thftt 1.108 olol1n9 to th... tlolO contractor. on their , ,,- contract, addloq ttlat th. CO'¡f)ty wa. ho1din<j this ~oney a. there ,wa. , ;~~. " ¡ , ~t. < t " " ) I or AGE , ,~.\... . .' '.. County Attorney 5ðund~rä ntntrd thðt tt¡ls cnsc wos tiled ð90inst Collier County be.fore tho U.S. t::mploymrnt OpportunIty Commisaion In ,¡.,;' " MlðC'll, bJding that he '",. :.... ' .,. "'. responj"d to the chnrgea and the CommissIon oÞ: I:,. diamlS!Jcd the chnryos the tlrst oC AU'Just. lie atcHed thAt he wanted to ¡: :~.-,'\~'" brlog 1t lo the board's ,HtL'I',tlu(} m..,lnly a. an 1ndlcntlon that the County ^ttornoy's officI!! tlð8 fttt~mpt(~d to handle 80me ot those . . 'ft~'-': lðbor-rttloltJd typo problt~m~ 1n-h:..>uso ðll otJpo..d to going to outside!, counsel, ..H1dln'J thllt ttdlll 18 t.he first one that hðS been l1ðndl~d. '.. ~ .rT ..,~, ~;,. , ' '... ~ . ,I", . '¡ ,.,.. .,h¡~.' .' . '.'-\.' . ..'J'I -. ·v.., '~".. ¡ .,- ~ ,.." "\. ~, Page 22 .,~ , ' t, . - '-... .-... ~- -------........- ,1 ,1 :') '~t --- --- -- - - - -- -- .~_. - --. ._-- - - - -~~ ._- --- - - -~ -- --- - - -- - - -- -_.- --- - -- - -------- Scpte~ber 6, 1983 rea.on to bellv~. that ~herv would bo contract disputus. H. .tated that th. Cou/lty be~an sottlement nugotlations with Patterson' Wilder, adding that one oi. th.t constraints that he waS under wan to settle these two CðS~. for A total of $6~,000 as the County did not want to .pend additional ~unds. Ho atatud that Patterson' WIldor agreed to accept $10,000 over ðn~ above tho amount of money that was owing to thom, adding that he thought $15,000 was owed to them. lie stato1 that the basi. of th~ir claim was that crews had to be kept on slto due to delays that were not tholr fault. He stated that they had delay d.~ge. of $30-50,000 but were wlllinq to accept $10,000 Cor the dolayed damAges. He reµorted thAt the Siller company was owed $50,000, , "f adding that he hod agrecd to scttle the CAse with them for $40,000. He .tated that the SlO,OOO t.hat would hove been pa1d to Patterson' Wilder could have com. (rom the Sill~r Co. ðnd the Sill~r Co. ACknowledging that thoy wøre cuspon~lbl~ tor ^t lU~5t ð portion of the delay damage. at Pattcrson , "11d~r. He 11\< lciltud Ulðt "ubs1!4uent to those n.~ot1ðt1on5 a ct'ðrll e Orc.:cr ..('~ d1:1c:ovt:r~d ....tdch was 1n tho (11", but not yut acted u?on, .:IcJdlnJ ttlðt according to the Chðnqc Ord~[ only $5,000 Wð& owinq to Pdtt(:r~on " ~Ildt:t as oVvos"d to $l~,OOO which all o t a 5 ud d . n lI\ð d c t t1 elSe t t J IJ m... n tot ~ .;: ~ , 0 0 U m... d nth., t t h f.I Co U 0 t Y wos a ðtt.~plin~ to pðy thu~ SJU,OOO tor dclðycd ddmdqdn ns opposeo to $10,000. II C ,lit ð led lt1 ð t tt I ~ P <I t t. t! r I> un" W 1 1 ú t.. reo. it n t".., t h n t t h. County was offorIng them ~lC,OOa oVtJr and "Dove whðt W.)5 o wad to th~. He atated thðt bocAu3c oL thin ch-'n<J... . r"ttcrllon " "11~cr Co. has taken the position thðt they 1.1 1 1 1 not acc\1pt I(' G:) ttl..,n $:25,()OtJ. lie statod that this ðl'lIount 1:J \"-:I.:t.'sldv~ i,ncJ tH.o ðdv1sQd thC' two attorneys tor the two compðrdcs t!l,H it "ppct'lr:'ò th(Jt lh.' !lettl~m(Ont w111 oot be approved and w111 proceuù to ðrD1lr~t1on. tic concluded by stAting that Staff 1. raqueatlny that tho Uo,uu rcj('ct the 50ltlcmont otfer. bC:~ 071 f4~i 325 Pac¡e 23 ' f '. ". --..- _.. --- ,.. - --- ..----...--------- . ~, " .. '" ~ (.f,,: 'tI,~"" . ;;.r;r --- - ---.... - - ----. - . - .-.- - - - -- -.. - -- --- ------- ~~... '.. . ~.. ,\if~ "r,"it. '''fr;~ ,. f' ~'\1-.' '.,i~^' , ' ,. , , ......' " "" "'u, ..;:, ('fÌ~' j..¡ DCJ~ 077 rA~t 326 September 6, 1963 - " - ... COD~issloner Pi.tor moved, seconded by Co~~iaaioner Brown and " ,,;- :r carried unanimously, that tho resolution to approve and authorize the , . ~:..'" ",: .~' execution of -^qreement for settlement and release of claim. And .."~ ,. ,""., .. ; : \ . I.. ., oIC:' '. dl.Dlssal or arbitration proceedings- and FMHA "Chanqe Order No.2- ;.!':' between Couoty ðnd 'Patterson, Wilder Constructlon Co., Inc. t.or .;'\" . \ ' :~"'G~od1and Water District Project be rejected. ...., .. ,,' ,"',1·. . ",¡' il ,~ ~"."''¡ ·r:... .f. . ".. 1;. ¡ '..:¡.., ~¡" I ,.,...... !~. ~ _~,\.....JJ,.:., " .I ~~ : ~ :';;'l'~; .;.f'T,t~',,~ . '" . '. .' ~ ~ ~~_1 ~~; ,;,''1,' L Ite. 123 ~~t' ROUTINE BILLS - ^PPROV~D FOR PAYMENT Pursuðnt to ResoluLlon Ol-I~O Lhe following chccks werc issued '¡' throu~~1 Frldðy, Sc¡:..tembcr '2,1983, in pðymcnt of rouline b11ls1 "'..:, . .t'""', .~, '':It'.. ; c ,. ~"h"f, "~ ., -t~~~"":·~"''''~'- ',,:..'~: ~ \~~~. '":' ~~ ~(~; .~:~~.~'., , ~¡. -;.. '..... ·fI' eft ,- .\'. .. ,.. - ".' .~ .'. ."." ··"f¡.~1t.., : Y1~,~!: ClltCK DE~CHIPTrON ClllCl< NOS. AMOUNT 9') G 'J 2 1(,0219 $ 1,793,403.58 l; ì ~ 'j 4 - ()b~88 2JB,~S3.03 ., . .:. VOUl:IHH Ch('cks ., 1.'¡.' .'~.~" RC'Julllr Pðyroll ,Ite. '24 , ·t ,'. ~"'i '.'J:"" BUDGET AMENDMENTS 8)-806 TIIHOUCH 8)-841 - ^DOnfD AS PRf:Sr;NTED . -~_._--_.._.- .,' ! "J~ I 1 d . , Coma 58 oner Piator moved, second.d by Commissioner Va.. An ·h..~', '~:.~ú' :car/~ led unanlmousl y, lhð t Budget Mendment. 83-806 through :~adopted a. presented. .. ....('~ I ~~:,," COIIUIIIsllioner Voss moved, s.conded by COll1al..ioner Brown ",~~#' ~ ':, .~ .tjfo("" :'" ..' carried unanS.oualy, that fjudget .....endlll.nt. 83-819 through ~~"I' . ... ~- .. adopted a. presented. .' .~'~ ~.\. 1 .~. \ ' ,'/ ". ') \.' , I . . ~ . ; .~~ '\ " 4'" , , . ¡, _ ___~_:~4,:~~1 .,. . , .~;.,-, 'k"' ,...~ :'. "." l .f .... " '.Þ., . '.... ~ ._. __ W·__ ~'~fJt(!lßbo:!r I), l')U] It.. 125 DISCUSSION REGARDING INCORPORATING BCC APPROVAL IN SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN REVIEW OF PROPOSED EXPANSION OF DAVID LAwnENCE MENTAL HEALTH CTR. Comm1.1s11)nl.'l P11.it.or lndicilt\"d t¡l..t hc .1S ('d to hiJVf": thia item put 00 t.ht: .ly....nuiJ, ",;J1n'J thut. ", I:J , w.H0 ttldt the L';Jv1d Lillo/cence Mcntc11 IiC.:IlUI C"/lLur n<J.·Js t.o .:"p.\nd, bUL :h~ ,;()<.::> /lot :..,,:11,1V.... UI.1t .1 prOVltilon¡d us,,, "'.'I:rrul.::.> ,dlJ1:1",tilhJ ':Oll1n,,¡ r,04U1t<:!lH:nLS tor to.: eJrUd. III! :>t.dt,·U tl¡,¡t ",lien It~'J:; Orl,j¡n..¡J1y 'Jrdr.tl~..J, tln,y inl:luuud II cJ r ... w 1 n "j t II iI L :J II 0 we d ., 1.0 :1"1 1 D I \" t u L u reI: )( lUll!:; Ion. lie :>:~t..:u tn/It 1n Uhf l,:¡ttll.Hi District v(1'.' r"'y,,drl:m':nt. 13 ttitJt. you h.1VC on~ d....<l1110g unit ¡..uc 2 -1 / 4 d .: r (J B ..I n ~ 0 n I! 'J IJ tt 15 tho u 8 .~ 00 t. n,l t S <1I:lCl oJ C L' I! l! 9 a . /111 st...tttd that urH.hH µrovl:il<'>/111 U:¡\,". IL ,>"y", tn,¡t ¡..:tlt.L'H\ 3t\ou11 lI\(:IU(11' m..turl.:11 IH.'CVS:HICy to d...moru:itrdt.: ti\.Jt L!¡d JrM'It of 5 Jec1ðl \"· (l:l!pt.1on Iil1rlll b\,.. 1n l1ðrrnony WiL:1 tll'~ ')\"11"( d lill.'I,t .tnu pur¡Joa~ at lnu zon1n'J ordln.:1ncc ,IIIJ ..,1:J nuL ~J': Irljur ~:JU:i :) ~"., /1\'1 JfllJUrhooc: or :iurrounr1lwJ ¡Jropcrty o r 0 l I: \,.' r... J :; t.' .J,' L r I 1':1(.' /1 t.. d to:' 110,,; ¡ o\J {): 1 ',: \o'~ 1 L " r \.' . ilL' r" Jort.:,j th"t Ulncc It'11::. I;. JI\ tI.., \.':.L...t,_~ .11'.,', "II,! U1(,',' nurc~ :Jul1c)1n-;:;. ,1(1' ,1l1o....11d on tlh)t lITIC;, Jt. 1)¡)\'I1.; ~..,' ;uo,,;[ /1)1 ....",'-'r l,rO'JI:.lulldl U'-'I,:5 l,:._\ ~.,lVI! b~cn )r-"lIl\.";. It '-0" ')d ~ \, d " , .... .' ~ :.11<' ~\Jr(()¡J¡)()ln' ¡.. rUt'" r t y r¡ ..../1.: r s ... J 1 ¡ I.J~ tlUC t lH!C".1USC' ù; ~,I \ ,.. Ca,.;':1l.ll1i...i ll.'\Jt .....",.,tl1t :"I.·,l:~:.t&..~t..l)t w'ler,. :.L....l..: tl¡,'l ""~'~'r' tJJC LJO cJ r J ... -= '- v J tJ I L ,', I.. "r" VI.. : u 1\, Ii u :..:, ¡"d l ,J l :. .1": r... :; 0 1 U l 1 Ù 1\ t., oJ t oJppro\lud l II" lJ ., ~ 'J ( : :1 : thl! fJet l ~ ¡ (ì t . ,f' [ ~.J C, 1 : ,,,1 LJ/ '. r"I.d)l; Il.':l<.>~ ,,';¡l.:1 (~ç'otJnlzcd )(¡.,¡I1Jlu/\ 'I.: ,:ruv..:cu ::IJL tt.<Js,' t.:)(t-'(J',:"lon~ :)&" ~\"")Jl . " ',. ~ t.1,' r ¡ I' \ ! ,... L.>un L I i.t:-"" ."'f '''1/' ".1:' ';llfL.; U"l , t,rovl:JAùrhd u::H: (JOC':'! not. l:"1!t t:it' :ìu,J.L'...L ,Jt '~'lH..L.JI· "f !li~"l ..It It..~: o"~ln~nl:"': ""'oulJ 04\VC to b.., ;:-hJnJ....d ..0') ,,,,er,on.' ,'Jul.> l.a tut un IIr)ll":,~ C.!ìl:J ,!"tl.:. Ctl.d(,nlln ;:r,,~~' .'c·:s..nt,·,; .' ~,t"1 !rok' t:"rot"i' JOhll~OIl in O~po.ll1!)n to .,ny Lurt:ì,~r r)l¡ ~':1n'JtJ or ¡..[ovl:1ion.Jl "'HO for tn.., David bC~~ 071 (A:t363 .>.)90 1!) - - - -..-, -- -- --- ,...--. - - - - -- -- -- - - - - Mlcrofl1mer'. Me.o: The leSlbl11ty or pr1ntlnc on thl. pice w.. un..tllr.ctory for .lcrorl1. reproduction. ,"" ---- --- --- . - -" -~. -- --- - -- --~..- f_i~"'g~ " . ...- -- - -~ ~.- --- -- --- - - .--- -- -- --- .. . .,,,~ .' ''t -," bC~K 077 FACt 364 Septcmber 6, 1983 .: ~~ . .',',- Lð"'rence Menud tleðlth Centlfr. ... ' '. Tap. 15 , ., ;., ~ Mr. Virtð atnted thðt the purpose of a site plan rcview 1s to Jook .:.. .:~ ," i< .." ði- at the impendIng d~vclopment that ðll ðspects of C~ Jnty to mðke sure "i ,. ~\ :,:.~;. ~I.r)_~ J ~.; ....:' re9ulðt1ons ðre being mut. ·~:.,:I ' :..~:'.. ,'. , J ~. ~ ' Commissioner P15tor stated that he brouCJht tile mðttor up because ~~., , ,t thoy are plðnning on buildIng two more buildIngs on thill property ðnd '>''''.~tl'. . \ . , "~'}1.. ~ . '1J~i "nother buIldin(J on <'Inother piece of property und.r " provisionol use.~~:,€~· < .; .:;r'd!,,'Ir' , He .1I~tcd that tho BOllrd should h<lve a r1ght to r~vie"" the site pl"n on ' i", thIs mattcr bucðuse It IH not in conformIty with the surroundIng arCð. ~;. He stated that thu provisional usc 6eems to override the zonIng laws. ... ,.I.-:.~~. ,/-. " /tI' .... ~ '~''"f: " ." . : i .J ,t'< Comm1u~ionor Kruse ~tclt<,d thðt she does not lIke provis1onðl u~es '::'~'.:i '''''''.l . }.~~. .->' and has consitltcl1tly vot~d ðgllÍnst thcm s1nc. ahe has beeo In off1c.;\·'~:'lt~t:,. ,'~ ~'·'I··' , ,..., ,. . :.. ~f/:~,-:' .' .,\, \ ·~;t'r ~ , .j·...d t f·~~~ ! ~, add1ng that once they lICt! (~ivtln lhey nðvo O.en given ð ",ide ranqe of ..\.- , -, abIlity to use tI\dt pro¡.>orty. Comm1ss10ller VO:JIJ st.,t~d lhðt htl feels thðt the Inost :~:: \.., itelll Is thdt ttle ~oard sets policy but dous oot ðdministee .~\' that a pol Icy hð3 been set (or provis1onal use. ....:.~.. '. i "~' there Is lòom"Udn9 \,aonq 1.11 th : ·:tfSt~ ,\, ! . " ' , ! :t~ 'changod, but thtt Board 'should . "/t j>.... ' I ;~~~;,,;: Commiss10ner Plstor moved that tho eito plan for the David ,..,-y '.. t t .I. lie stat.ð \ .\ L~wrence "entðl Health Centvr be brought ber:or. the Board. ) for.. lack or: second. '. . Motion died , .,~ \''\~ . " ';,; . Comml.ss10ner P:CU~lIt staled that the site pll'ln will not come be\fo~~~~l'.<' the Board Cor the cHda tllðt Is already approved lor a provlalon~] u..;~j~;~~. COl\alaö10ner P;.stor mov.d that the Boðrd request tho Zon1nc¡ "1~....,,,.:': Depart.tlent to tighten up the provis10nal us. zonin9 and that th~}', h..·.;~::;' · t:,-'_~{~ for provIsIonal us. and or expan.lon. Motion d1ed (òe l.ck ~f .' 'lit ~ . . " J"k.' ..... .-¿ ~-'i " .. , ,. ~ ,. ". .. , :'1.\. ="'"'": ¡ . " .~ ~.~~~:; Pa9_ 26 ' þ; " """ ~~< .' sit. plans cï:' ", ;... of second. . ""1 , , " ,. " , ) : ~ ,'F " "-'''''''''___''>o..~.____'_''_'''''''-'''__'' ,_ 5cpte.ber 6, 1983 4 ~~~\t~,( l~~______ --,-- -- --------- - - - ---.------ ~f,..,7' , :'\""J.'. '! ,>.I't.,~.~.....~ .I,Y . _~,~~~~~.",~; ~~\J.. I,:t;.rl:;t.~ ','~~;, ",)......:- I, '\ .........'/1 ~. \..~ ' ' ~ ,~~~s~~ml.~ïon.r VOSS stated that County Attorney Saunders could check ~~~,t:'~"l t1nto ·tht.~:Ntt.r, to which Q'lalrman F.:ru.e atated that. County Attornoy '. ;'-,f"";""::" . '. ". ,.."... ~. ~ "- ... )t, ~ ....~ '.,"- . COIDO back wi th an opinion on 81 te plan expansion "tor use. , Attorney SaundQrs stated that Commissioner Pistor Is ðak~n9 the structures In provisional use that 18 be imposed at the ( the Board. . 'Mr" VI rc;¡ll Cottongl'n, "3090 64th St. S.W., atatod thðt there o :,i .... , . '.., .., 111D1tationa on the or9ðnlzatlon If the County or State puts up , . '1~'. for~th. operation of this !acillty. .. ..~, ~ .. . '"ra. ~~ncy Garlick, 3205 Crayton Road, alated that she ia In , tot ' '·1 ' .upport of the Health ClIntc and ralers It v"ry highly. .. . ,. ;'t'/t ¡.j:~" ",r. Fred Edwards "tated thðl ho live. next door to the facUlty -, , ~ :..', .. ~nd I~ very .uch oppoøed as . lDðtter or principle, adding that there ~y .be .: noed tor lIIore facil1ties but he doell not like being next door ,..... , ......'~: ~ ~~:. ~ h I It t a c I 1 1 t Y or Cut u r I.! . X ~ a n 10 ion 0 ( It. .:<..¡.. ~\_~;:..... Co..lasloner Pialor .olled, .econded by COl\lDi..loner II' ....;,'1;. Brown .nd carrled unanl.oualy, that the followln9 It... '.' be adopted and/or approved under the Con.ent Ag.nda ..... '.. ,',.. ~ t.. '26 '~~'¡' ..."'t' '" ' ( RESOLUTION 83-151 AUTHORIZING EXECUTION or EMPLOYMENT AGRE£MINT I&TWIEM ," COLLIER COUNTY AHD ROBtHT E. GORE ' , .:.. ~j~~-1";' : 5.0 Pðq... .? 7ð -3 7.3 ;f; ,~:;¡q, i' ,.'Ite. .~{ ,', ~' '( ',1'1 w..ì'\IIf(J,; ,I, "~~,~ RESOLÚTxC)N 83-152 REHMIHG fROHT ST., SHErFIELD ST., , PORTION or TEMTB ~,jt~, ST. TO ROSEMARY LAHE, RENAMING PORTION OF TENTH ST. TO ROS£KARY CT. ~_~~ 'I' .~~1';, See Paq". 37</ - J '77 , :;: ~,,;,.., 'J-¿~ t. ~ I:~~) ~} . ,t. ~. " 'r~..';~"'." '':1', . ...~ ;~,-r 'Jt.~~~ 1 . '( - , ..-..~ It 1 ! "I '\ -..., " .. &c:~ 077 fACi 365 'I to 1 t Pa9. 27 ( ',' '" .t¡ , 't&¡. ~ .',. t..'-' \....... ...____..,.-.. _~- r-- ..-- ...._u ,_ _ _-. _ ...-_ ..-- _._ --.. --------_._,_.~-- _._---~-- --'-'---' -----. 01;r:c~~~~----- se~t~mb.~~'-1~8~------~)~;~I~ t ~ "~'., '.. "'" ..:,. RE PET. SNR-83-6C, COM"'. DEV. DIV. REQUESTING STREET ' .~'~;;: FRANGIPANI AVE., KAPOK ST., SUGAR8ERRY ST., AND DOVE~. IN SEC. 15, T49S, R27E, SOUTH 0' GOLDEN GATE EST.,¿,;r1,~ .."...~. ._.~, ;.;,~}.:'~'¡' '4 , , .\:~.. . It.. 128, BC~~ -~~ :. ,.. ~.:, "a:. "',#1 l R!SOLUTION 83-153 NAME APPROVAL FOR TREE ST., LOCATED . ., . ~ . ",~t~" :.' , See Pi:lges 37f-379' ItOID 129 ; , ':.'. ~:,', ':: .#- ) ~,~ I, '~(;';' ,\ -:', ' s¡., .~", PET. TR-83-6C, RANDALL A. rINLEY REQUESTING TEMPORARY RESIDENCE PERMIT "~,;~" TO UTILIZE TRAVEL TRAILER DURING CONSTRUCTION OF PRINCIPLE RESIDENCE,t ':',,'~";i;":": 1-1/2 MILr:S SOUTH 0' SR-846 ON WILSON BLVD. ."..'.. ," :.+ ..... ,,':\~:"¡:ia - ._,r:~ " "I,;; ,'., .. . ,I" ItO. 130' .. t\,;'. . J '. .. ~ ~' -RESOLUTION 83-154 PHOVIDING ASSESSMENT OF LIEN, rOR COST OP ,,',... ~? 0' PUBLIC NUISANCE FOR LOT 12, BLOC~ D, BROOKSIDE, UNIT 2 , 0' . ' 5". P"~08 ::1¥'0 It.. '31 ':\" ....<¿~ RESOLUTION 8)-155 PROVIDING A5f,ESSMENT OF' LIEN, rOR COST OF , " or PUBLIC NUISANCE FOR UNIT 1, BLOCK 12, LOT 4, GOLD!N GAT! .:.... .. : ' Sou PðqCfiI 3¡1 I ~. It.. '32 ; ,~: RESOLUTION 83-156 AMr:NDING D~V. OHDER 83-1, BERKSHIR! : ',i"';.; TYPOGRAPHICAl. ERROR CHANGING ·'IND- TO -FUND IN 5.C.J I 'J.. . ,~~ ~ : ,\~" See PageD 3x;J.... _ I ;t.!1f~' . . J, ' , I ",,":'...,þ.j ,""*. . . ' . ' It.. '33 " ", ~ io!''¡o(~~' I ", . ~"r. Þ, . ,,t' RESOLUTION 83-157 RENAMING GOODLETT! RD., PRANK ' NORTHERLY EXTENSION TO GOODl.ETTE-rRANK RD. , (:., "'. ~ S.a' Pag t.rII 3; 3 - 3f'S: i, 1." . ".' .. -'''" 1 J', 'I' ,..:t;,',j; t1t. ,'. ~ J a1,''Í¡ ,-' - ;'.'1. ~ , i>,~ It HD., AND TUE ¡ "'t. J:....~: . ,\-'Up, " 1 i ¡.;.It.e. '34 I '-to <I", ' I '7 ... , ~.~~ APPROVAL or . ,~: or CAPE COD j .,. , -, RECORDING or PINAL Pl.AT AND GRAM7ING PRELIMINARY ACCEPTANCE ESTATES WITH THE ACCEPTANCE or THI!: 10' P'lAINTENANCE SECURITY '. It.. . 35 .' .' ~ '" ~J:~, , , .~ fØ~"..J· , ' . ',;. lit ACCEPTANCE AND RECORDATION or TWO PERMANENT SIDfWALK EASEMENTS rOR HIE' , CORNER OF GOODl.ETTE RD. AND THIRTEENTH AVE. H. AS PART OF GOODLETTE RD. . IMPROVE"£NT PRO-JECT þ,¡\ ~.¡ > s.. Pa9.. 3f¡"3r'f/' I., ) , ' ,) , , ". .' -- .-.- - " ..... ..--- '" ~"" ,.. " ''''....,-.",''.-....."..-.-.-............. ~.....,"_..- -------------* ------------,--------------- .'.~."'.:, , . " , , Item '36 September 6, 1983 re. ACCEPTANCE AMD RECOR~TI0N OF PERMANENT SIDEWALK/BIKEPATH EASEMENTS ALONG GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY . . ,'I t:· , , , ,,,,,' , .~ , Seo Pð~OS 3~9 - 1:J. 0 It.. '37 FUND RAISING EXHIBITION ON COUNTY LAND ADJACENT TO GOLDEN GATE PIRE STA. BY GOLDEN GATE FIREFIGHTERS ASSOC. ON 10/16/83 Se.. Pðges ~cJ./"'I,,;).~ '1·~ " ...'..... It.. '38 POSITIONS TO BE FILLEDr HOMEMAKER, SOCIAL SERVICtS, CUSTODIAN, BUILD- ING KAINT., ASSISTANT ROAD' BRIDGE SUPT., TRANSPORTATION DEPT., PARAMEDIC, EMS DEPT., EQUIPMENT OPERATOR III, ROAD' BRIDGE DEPT. '~')"~ ...'- ;,.~ ;:;jl.· ,~)' :!t. : 1Le9al notice having been publhhed 1n tho Naples Dally New'. on ":~ AU9ust 1, 198), ð8 evidenced by AUidð\lit at Publ1cðtion tiled with the ;...;'~ ! .~. . It,e. '39 : , ~: ; ~:,_ '. t I ' '.. .,' ., (,I \ ; MEDIA" LANDSCAPING or $18,033.49 AWARDED TO ~NDSCAPES BID '675 'OR MARCO ISLAND UNLIMITED CORP. IN AMOUNT . . ,;\ '4' ~..' ".: .~~ ' :~m:., Commissioner PIstor .oved, .econded by Com.is.lon.r Brown and .~ carr1ed unan1.ously. that Bid '675 for Karco I.land Median L4ndscapln9 ':Jt~: t ' f~. be awarded to Landacðpes Uol1~i led Corp. 1n t.he altOunt. ot $18,033.49, " . ., I" ~ Clerk, bids were r~celved for b1d '67~ tor ~rco Island Median Landacðplng until 2,30 P.M., Auqust 24, 1983. a.reco..eded by the Purchasing Director to be the lowest r..ponalb1. -' bid In the best Inter.at of the County, and that the Chair..n be authQrlzed to 81;n and the Clerk to atte.t the r.sultln9 .9r....nt. '. t. '",- ) I te. 140 ,,:~. . .",.,.1 )o.~..,'. ,\i ~, CHAIRMH AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CERTIFICATES Of CORRECTION TO THE TAX ROLL AS PRESENTED BY PROPEHTY APPRAISER'S OFFICE 645 :~~~ . "~'i;'" " ",' . \-'- 1982 TAX ROLL ,..". J..'~ , '.. ,', 8/23/83 TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY 1982-406 8/18/83 !! ,. .fJ, ...;-~-~----_ - _" .._ v__ ._._ ___ __. <,.\" 8C:,~ 077 FACi 367 , Pa9- .!' i ..,........._,_"''''~..,o,,·...__.._~_.."··_ '. .",~-,')" , ~ -1-;--.- --...., - -- ---- I V> .... . " ,~".~~f"..:~ ,'. I ..:..:,,--', t " I "..',"," I I I ¡ ".,~..., ~~ ' I ,., I I I ¡ I I I I :; "1', I >~ I ',V... ..>:, .:' .,4 ~ It.1D 141 . . '\1" í ~ 1(' RESIGNATION '.,'.- - -. r ~'"", " )j" It~. 142 "-- -.- - -- -., _4 .. ___ _._ "' " -.-- - - -- -.- - - - - - --- - - - -- - -- - -,,~ ~- ,.,2 . ":. .'ç ,;,..'!._ ..I , ~,¡o;( ... .~t~~: '. :"'::.f::." : "'J%""" , Septombor 6, 1983 I '-, ~~:- (J71, ,,__ 368 ACCEPTED OF DR. WILLIAM COX FROM HEALTH FACILITIES AUTH. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPOND~NCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED There being no objection, the ChaIr dIrected that the fo110winq :,1" "." J... ì . ~FJ: '.:,' r;:¡'::..correspondcnce be filed And/or retf:rrcd to thtt var10us'departments.a ,',...:>. ' .,,' " Indicatttd belowl ' , "'-iJ,þ, ~~;<~,~1:' 1. Letter dat_d '/12/'3 from nWFRPC Ind1collng appral..1 an~ ,;,:'~;';:~' ';"t', cvðluðtlon report of tho Collier County COlllpreheor.lv. Plan " "I"i,~~:r~ hð:s becn revlt:wed o1nd is compat1ble with requirements of the ,:,''1 Local Government Comprchenslv. Plðnnlog ^ct. xcr Mr. Normlln, f11ed. h,{', , , ..t!;.,., ' """: .. I ~.. I ,,, ;~~;" I .' .. I to; :f~ 1 .ì~.,: .... '; ,'\ I ' .., , :'-'1 : I ,.. .. .~,' ~ I ". I '.:) "\'.'" , .. :I.'........ ~ :. ~'!',,.:., I ~.f.. ," '. I . ,Jo '~ 1 " 1 '. ' t.. .. " . I '/jf: I . ,"(" 1J¡Ç·." , 0.. ; ~ , 10. .' : I i ) .J.:.- . , ¡ ,'/..,..., i .....t, '.., . \. ~. I <. I' . I . '/ . , . "'... -- ... 2. Copy ot lctter dðtou 0/11/83 tram Chðlr~ðn Barbara Sheen: Todd, Pin~llðs County HCC, regarding the C.A.R.L. progra. the purctlllse of peo~erty In North Kðlml (Munlsport).' XCJ Mr. No rm"'n, f11 t!d. . ' 3. ....,',.... and ..' ". . '~'... ,,;.¡' , ¡"" , . '~'\4/'},\: . ,,' ,......'~ -, '~~'::f IIf j Report No. 102~O trom ^uditor General's ottice tor the ":.~'('~ ,.,; DIstrict School board, Colliee County, [or FIscal Ye~r ending: June 30,1')82. xc: tïled. :.~~ ~!l:, , . '. NoUc. of Cundll Q"'ðl1duil1ty from Department at Communlty.{ ., ^f Calest regðrdlng the Florida Sl1Iðll Cltie. Co~munlty )1.,",' D('velO~"Inent ~loc:k. ProgrlUl ^ct (1181290). xcr Mr. Norllan; 'Mr'~ v 1 e t ð , "'1 led. ; , ,/, . , "." "'~. .. rj¡¡, . , , (, , ..' 'N ..' M" ,;, ,. .' ... ~'~" lot -I ...~ ...... ¡ '; ,. . Perm1t No. CO-78M, Issued 5/31/83 to Lilli. S. Labe..!.r ro DNH for constructIon or other actlvltie. at 3430 Gordon Drl\' pursuQnt lo Section 161.052 or 161.053, Plorida St4tute.~ XCI Dr. B~nod1ct, rlled.. "". .~ ',,~1' . ".. . . ~ ,,,:,,, .... ., '.' ,'",...., " July, 1983, d.PðrtJl1ontal,r.por~t., Cro. L%brary.'·: xC"\~~'Fihd . , : -1:' MelaorðndlMl dated 8/11/83 lro. Dept. of [ducatlon r.9~H n School Dus Joint-Use Pro9rðma. ICCI Mr. Perry, MPO; tiled ~ ~ \ ( (,. , ...,.;......~. tAttur d/' ted 8/12/83 fro. Ran 'aha, Int.rgov.rruaentll, Coordlnðt1on, r.~ðrdln9 rov!ew of CollIer Cour.ty'.· ~ nouflcðtlon of inlent to apply for federal ...1.tanè:e..fo' SG80, ~2S (EDA E:.JI\~' ('1~ncy Job' Dill - Courthouse expan.lon' ~ Copi.. of corrcspondcnc. b~t"cen the Dept. or State and the , copt. at Coml:'lunity Atta1ra ðttached. XCI Mr. Nonften~ FJ1.d~, . Copy of If·ttor d.,tl!d 8/9/83 !co. RlchcHd Br~~~~r'obj·~·f~~n~Wl~~~t' the test Cðcil1ty being located In this vIclnltr becau.e.oti,' . po t e 0 t tal h a r II tow 1 1 d 1 If e . X elM r. No r aa n , , 1. d ~. , ','II' ," , ~ ~ '.t .. , ' '\¡.' ~,., 1'!1nute. of 8/10/83 £"'~A.C lIeetincjJI 8/3/83 Nap).. City Cound:,.,' . ' lIHretln91 8/4/83 C^Pç ..et1ngl 8/17/83 Contract.or'. I.lc.n.in9~'~f'~';'1 ' 80ard lIeeting1 7/28/83 PIC lIIe.~~ncJ1 and 6/18/83 CAPe, t\gendl..V ~. , xcr rtled. If: uì"" ..,.)t...~l~..... " ..... '\<¡. ¿;.~" ~~,..... ''"''I' "'.. ',' "r~"~"'~ ".,t L" '49. 30 '-~." " -6ò.'!:.it... ." . ',,'JìIi(,..~, __ ~_ ~~'~_~.~'.J,.. ~~, 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ~ .. . - ~ -~ .. -.- . .--.- .,r::, .~" i;~, ;, ~ .~. ,;i' ,t!..kt·. ~~~~ ~.~,. :::. í:··,;'-'---'-----~T ..to".¡(J~' .' " ;"~' . ,,",,'::,ð; ~," \,~-v ' ...~.~ ~ . ::.......~~ iìL~~...."la~ellaneou. Intormatlon rftgðrdlng 1983 Ret1r.llent '~,' !tlJ :\\-:;Legl.lation from D1v. of Retirement. XCI Personnel "",.~ Pa yro 11, F1 led. . ~~" 8/3/83 not.lce ot fund ava ll:~~~ì~1 ~;;'~for' 10v and .oderat"~:~ :.';10"', incom. housing land acqul81tlon and aite devolopment loans '\I' from Division of Local Resource Management. xcs Mr. Vlrta, FIled. , ~ j ,.. , ~)~~4 ~. ¡¡. . ,,', ---------- Septeeber 6, 1983 . \ Letter dated 6/3/63 trOll "ICA atatlng t.heir objections to ,':'.. variance., particularly on the ar.a now occupied by the xarco ~ Ialand Yacht Club. XCI Mr. Norman, Mr. Virta, Filod. i'/" of W. Norton attended the '. County Ve torðna .. ...:' , ;"'i':&'::'~'; '(\ '..: ,~ ..,~ , .: . ,t, ' ; .. ¡ ~ " '~J\' ' " , '..; ,,:t';¡RESCHEDULED TO SEPTEMBER 13, 1983. ' :, A, not 'ready for: , '" 'Jl~~.f' look over'the' " . S e p t 0111 be r 1 J , be , '. . .\ ' , the r09ular board 1I..tlng. . .. r .. .11) '" ~ , ,.~ ',. . ' '·r..:'.' ;'( .J' .., ,.r . .,," be1ng no further bus1ness for the good of the County, the ." ~>~. ....;u . ,AI- :~.,;¡.. . :c ....,,,:.J,r BOARU OF COUNTY C~~ISSION£RS/BOARD .~~ Of ZONING APPt:ALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING .',i¡.t-t)¡1. BOARD(S) or SPECIAL DIäTRICTS UNDER ITS ~,~; CO!'#TROL , ~ {-~~ ~' J .·-I:i.1: ',:: . _ t.,.' . " ,..... ~ I ¿ , ç;P¡. ~'~-J~ :.~ , ~, , ~. ", ..' I ~ ..... r :"'(1 ~ . ... . . . . Wð~ ðdjourncd by Order of the Chðir - TI~el 11r45 A.~. , , CLERK .. LJ. e. , Bce on,~-¿,;:~~,2?' /prJ Appr~ by tlht ~ or ðS cor rected .. . , ',>' 60J. 077 PAC( 369 . ( ..~-_.-.~- ...', .. -. - - -, - -- -"--~--.....- ...-- - _.. . .. , ~.... ~ :. ~,.... " ,.----.-