BCC Minutes 09/13/1983 R , . - . . '. .) .... .. - : .,. N~ples, Fl.or Ida, September 13, 1983 LET IT BE REMEMBERED that the Board of County CommissIoners, In and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in Regular S...lon in Bullding,-F- of the Courthouse Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members .'~ pre.ent: '. , ..,~ CHAIRMAN: Mary-Frances Kruse ;"1, 4',' VICE-CHAIRMAN: David C. Brown "~"I, "" .... " '~'''l'' John A. Pi.tor ~~;. " 'r,.. FrederIck J. Voss . ~,,:. C. C. .. Red. Ho lland (.' ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagan, Clerk, James C. Glle., Fi.cal . , .111. " " Off icer, Elinor M. Skinner and Maureen Kenyon (1:30 P.M.) Deputy . ~?,..! ' ....',;..!. 0' f ,. Clerks; B"urt L. Saunders, County Attorney, C. William Norman, County :-;/) . I" .... , , Manager; Billy P. Beckett, Assistant County Manager, Terry Virta, i1f.' .. ~ l' ~ .~ l~': Community Development Administrator, Irving Berzon, Utilitie. ;~ '.\ . . Admini.trator, Dr. ~ r k Be n e die t , County Environmentalist, Lee Layne, .' . .11. ... " Plans Implementation Director, Missy Ober, Planne r II I I Henry Hll1, '- -Administrator of Administrative Services, Mark Thiele, Purchasing .. . Director, Grace Unde rwood, Administrative Aid. to the Board, and Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett, Sheriff's Oep.rtm.nt. ...;.: ; " '> ao~ o 77 ,,,~ 423 'ag. 1 .' .. " . . . '.~' ~. :'~, ~c.~' . T . ., -..,....,.- ...."....~."._>...--"..-_..-..._,- - . . ., :7"" ':f:;. ;. : "~;t' .. ..,,,,," rm r~Ct 428 Soptember 13, 1983 .~;',-("":~ eo~K Io.t......( f~J,;. .~<)~,:~ ~ :~;,\,;,:; 'rape '1 ,~1',:.~1:t~ Ite. '1 .Jt~:.. '" ,". AGEMDA - APPROVED AS AMENDED .. eo..i..ioner ,i.tor .oyed, .econded by Co..i..ioner Bolland and carried unanlaou.ly, that the agenda be approved with the following a..n4.ent., A. l2A - Recommend~tlon to adopt policy addendum for helicopter operations - Continued indefinitely at Staff request. B. 1 28 (1 ) - Confirmation of date for Property Appraisal Adjustment Board, added at Commissioner Pistor'. request. C. 1 2B ( 2 ) - Discussion of a personnel matter, added at Commissioner Pistor's request. D. 9B ( 5) - Transportation fund application for DeSoto Blvd. improvement, added at County Manager Norman's request. E. 90 (3) - Telephone System Contract. Execution, added at County Kanager Norman's reques~. F. 9C(l)(a) - Change Order No. 4 County Regional Water Transmission System - Continued to September 20, 1983, at Sta !f request. Ite. UA SICTIOM TO 81 ADCIO TO THE A~NDA rOR COMSTITUTIo.AL OrrICIRS Commissioner Holland noted that thur4 i. an ~genda itea for the Clerk t. Report. He said that there are time. when the other Consti- tutional Officers want to bring items betore the BCC, however, to go through the normal proce.. takes time. He sU9gested that a .ection be added to the agenda for the other Constitutional Officer.. COlllai.- .ioners Kruse and Pi.tor agreed with this suggestion as long a. the back-up ~t.rlal was presented properly. Co..i..loner Bolland aoved, .econded by Co&~i..ioner Pi.tor and carried ~nlaou.ly, that 8 aectlon be 844ed to tbe _genda for Con.tl- tutioAal Officera, a. long .. the back-up ..terlal OD aD It.. 1. provldacS . ',' :.',,::,;~ .,:""".'....,....: 'ag. 2 ' '?~~:;f: . :__(~t./ ...... ..:~ . . . . . -.... ,-' ~ .. , '~d!1~ ........" '...... ",'.....-"",-....... .~~.,......, .'" --. ._.."-,,~"....,'-.,.....,,... Septe~ber 13, 1983 rt ).; ...J.. ... ,.;:.~,: It.. '2'~ ,': MII.UTa or Tal PRO'IRn APPRAISAL AOJUSTMarr 10ARD MI&'I'IIIa, 8/5/83 and ., THI BCC BUOOIT H~RI>>G, 1/31/13 - APPROV&D AS PRI8IXTID Co..l..ioner 'i.tor ~ved, .econded by Co..l..loner Bolland and carried unanl~u.ly, that the .inute. of the 'roperty Appral.al Adju.tment Board ..eting of 8/5/83, and the Ice Budget Bearlft9 of S/3l/83, be approved a. pre.ented. . Ite. '3 EMPLOYII SIRVICI AWARDS TO BIMRY ALBRIGHT - ROAD , IRIDOI, 10 YRS., BORTIIICIA SOTILO - AaRICULTURI, 5 YRS.I LAlfOON WOODCOCK - IUILDllIO INSPICTION, 5 YRS. I "'AlliS OOOD - ROAD AWD IRIDOI, 5 YRS., AJlD 'I'1IOMAS KUCK - IIIGINIERI>>G 5 YRS. - PRESENTED Th~ following Employee Service Awards ~ro presented: Henry Albright - Road' Bridge 10 yrs. -Hortencia Sotelo - Agriculture 5 yr.. Landon Woodcock - Building Inspection 5 yrs. -James Good - Road' Bridgo 5 yrs. Thomas Kuck - Engineering 5 yrs. -Not present I t e. t4 ASSISTANT COUMTY KAXACER BILLY P. BECKETT INTRODUCED County Manager Horman Introduc~d Assistant County Klnager Billy P. Beckett and said that he began work September l2, 1983. Chair.an Kru.e welcomed him on behalf of the BCC. Ite. .5 ORDlaAMCl 83-47 RI '111110. R-83-12C, WILLIAM VI.IS, AG&MT FOR ~L&I ASS.. RIQUIS1U.G RI%ONII'O rROM -A-2- TO -'UD- rOR alROIII LAaIS .. ADOPTID, SUBJICT TO STIPULATI011S , INCLUDIIIG A POLLIIIO 'LACI 1. ft& DIVILOPMbT Legal notice having been publ1shed 1n the Naple. Deily Nev. on July 15, 1983, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed vith the :'J Clerk, public hearing WL'S opened to consider Petition R-83-12C, filed l{ by Willi.. Vln... .gent for .epl.. A..ocl.tlon. requ..tlng r..onlng ..:\.ilr.:.... ."'h ~Jl rm fACt.429 '.g. 3.. ';..5'!i< . "!:;~I~;~! ....'.~..;..."..'.."" t...,. ......'..'..""'.i~ . " ;."~\~ .' : .{.<?~" ": , . , ,'f~~. ___~~'''''<>f,"' '......, T ~____..",."..,,,..,, ,.., ._,.,~ ..... S.ptember 13, 1983 ~:~~ 0?7 fA~ 430 '~I bO:K 4-.411:\ ..-!~;~; froll .A-2. to .PUO. for an are. known as Heron Lakes, . total of 577 ','to ...:.:.:' ',:'7.'" units, 5.68 units p.r acre density, located bet~~en the Golden Gate tl,l~~, ...,"~{ :~~.~ west of Santa Barbara Blvd., approximately lOl.52 ..~ Canal and 1-15 RCW, ~. I"~ ., .~ .' ':I. . ::'i acr.s, the NE l/4 and the E 1/6 of the NW l/4 of Section 33, T49S, ",", I , ' i R26E. , '. (. Planner Missy Ober referred to Zoning Map 49-26-8 and indicated . ' the loc.Hion of this project as being outlined in pink, north of I-15 ,,,,* and east of Santa Barb~ra Boulevard. She said thAt the CAPC held their publi: learing on 9/1/83 and recommended approval subject to the following stipulations which wero revised Crom the Staff recommenda- tions: '" 1 . AJnendlllent of the .PUD. doculllent including the revi.ed Traffic t'- Engineer's recommendation and amondment of the Master Plan. ~t: ~ Ootai1ed site drainage plans be submltted to the County .. . Engineer for approval prior to the issuance of any construction permits. 3. Elimination of the section .Permitted provi.ional Us.. and 6 t r uc t u rea · 0 f the .PUD. document, allowing for .tr~ture. 'S constructed off-site. Ms. Ober said that the petitioner agreed to stipulation land 2 bot not 3. She said that one letter has been received troll John, Ag ne1l1, repr.senting Berkshire Lakes, objecting on th. followIng three points: the density, the mobile hOllle provi.lon and to the bikepath not . being required from Santa Barbara to the project entranceway. :1""'!t .. ..~.... Responding to Commissioner Kruse, Ms. Ober said under the provi.- ional use category in the .PUO. docum.nt that th.re is a provt.lon for structures constructed off-site, not n.c...arily .obile ho.... She '.A:' said that CAPC recommended that provi.ion be elillinated. ..~if COII.h.! on. r P1stor a.ked if the BCC would allow this off-.Ite :'~'J ".'l ",.,"'"". constr uc t i on, would it b. po.sibl. to put a provi.ion In the .'UD. that .::,It those .tructur.s b. li.ited to the ea.t/northeast corner or the ea.t , . 'age 4 . . , ~ . , . . . . . . . - . -""---~-""-~,"...- ~",,""""""~"""_.""....'...'""". . September 13, 1983 , : _id. of the project, instead of the west side, which 1. next t~ the d.velopment that will be constructed home. and not mobile homes? County Attorn.y Saunders said that the Bee can provide for that type of provisional use on tho property unless Mr. Vin.s has a disagreement with that type of stipulation. Mr. William Vine., representing the petitioner, said he did not disagree. He explained that the project is pl~nned to be a ~ix.d . single and multi-family neighborhood with plea.ant and extensive ameniths. He sa id it is the developing sponsor'. intention to bring these properties in at a moderate price level so that younger fa~ilies, with school age and pre-sch~ol age children, can afford the home.. He explained that ho~e development products are being produced in fac- tories as opposod to being built on site, In r.cent year.. He said, b ec a .Ii; e factory built housinq and housing compon.nts are not subject to the local bu i 1 ding inspector checking out the process of construction, the Federal government and the State of Florida have recently enacted laws that set forth bu~ldlng codes and th.y provide the building inspectors at the factorie.. He said ~h.n the housing components me.t the codes the units are sealed and certified to be eligible for u.e in local communities, .eetlng wind loads 4nd all the other kind. of structural ch~racteriatics. He sa ld if the developers find 900d quality housing at cost savings that they would like to utilize, in portions of this projoct, and in order that they have a vehicle vhereby th.y can ask the Bce for permission to do that, they have .U9ge.ted the " provisional use clduse. He said that the clause cite. the fact that upon application to and approval by the Bce home. or hoae coaponenta which are factory ..de, rather than locally as...bl.d and vhlch ..et applicable State and rederal Codo could b. utilIzed. He .ald, at thia bO:lt rm fAW431 'a9. S t, '.,\~ '''?1 ',",j" _:!,~ ~-,-".,"-~...,~.,," _.,,,~'''' ,- ": ! (r17 fACt 432 September 13, 1983 boaK ,.',:.;' ",^. ..'.,' point, the developera are not able to tell the Commissioners whether they want to us~ this housing or not or where on the site it would be used. Be said, in his opinion, that the CAPC visualized conventional ".;", and that they recommended that the provision be stricken ;'::.. mobile homes, from the -PUC- document. He s~id the developers would prefer to leave the clause in. Ouring the discussion that followed, Commissioner Pistor saId he .., , has seen types of prcfabri=ated homes and that he considers some of thelll to be fire hazlIrds. Mr. Vines agreed there are variations in the quality in the housing components. He described the structures that are put on poured, concrete foundlltions with conventional, urban utilities, us i ng wood 2 ' x 4 I framing sheoted with exterior building Commissioner pistor asked ~I material and using dryw51l pl",ster. if there would be any problem if the acc puts the limitlltion, that would allow the developer for a provisional use, that this type of i to come b.5ck housing would be placed only on the eastern side of the project, and . . Mr. Vine. said he would agree to that. Responding to Chairman Kruse, Hr. Vines said that the d~nsity is 5.68 units per gross acre. 11ft said this ia a 102 acre nit. with 285 .ingl. family lots and 292 multi- family units in clusters on the lak., surrounded by the park. Respond- ing to Chairman Kruse, I1a . Ober said that the adjacent, existing . d . vel 0 pcne nt, Berkshire uke., has a density of just ur.der 4 units per acre and that the Comprehensive Plan allows 6.22 units per acre. She said that Golden Gate City is 4 units per ~cre. Mr. Vines explained the density factors of thia project. He said there la no golf course, ..... which would reduce the density. He said when a developer att..pts to ...' produce lIIoderate price housing, mixed single and .ultl-famlly, without a large piece of real e.tate that ia devoted to a golf cour.e or a .\ ,\.,', : <-~ :) '~.~ "";44 "<,,'~' 'a9 e , :~ "i/:~1t ", ~,~.! '}i . . . . . . .. ,-, ~ .'^-."'~~{~ , .. . ~~j~~~ ,~.:l ;j;. ~- t~}~:~" ..:. ~:\:,:.~{, , .....,d~ -------."','.... ._~.,._.- , September 13, 1983 preserve, thft density in the 5 to 6-1/2 unit per acre range 1s characterist1c. Commissioner Pistor referred to the Ex~cutive Summary dated 9/13/8) , and the traffic engineer's report which states that the dev.3loper will reserve the right-of-way to allow for future road connections eastward. He said that Collier County is running short of money for building roads and, in his opinion, the developer should be willing to contribute a portion for building the roads that the develo~ents make necessary. He asked if the developer would be willing to contribute a portion of the cost for the road that goes through Hit ron La ke and eonnec ts Santa 8a rba ra Boul eva rd w1 th S. R. 9511 Mr. Vines said that the connection will occur when the land is developed and the developer will bu 11 d the road with Heron Lake and . that the people who O'Jn lands between Heron Lake will build the road in that area. He said that the provision is made for interconnection of those roads. He said, initially, the project was planned as a self-contained project with only one point of access, that would not extend through to S.R. 951. l!e sa ic4 the County ?urchased the pa rk ."..t of this project an~ the St3Cf said that they wanted lands east of Heron Lake to have neeess to the park through the development, therefore, the . change was IMde and the street syate. was extended to the eAst property line as well as the bikew3Y system, ready for continuation when the vacant land to the east is developed. Responding to Commissioner Voss, Mr. Vine. said that the Golden Cate Canal 1. utilized as a recreational waterway by people vho live on 1t and this site fronts on that canal. He said that the developer. have set Aside a co~unity park fronting on the canal vith the option ot any resident of Heron Lake having acce.s to the canal. He ..ieS i,..~'::' . .....;.-)::" " &oJ<< 071 IA:c: 433 '-9- 7 i ;'$ :-{,,"1" :;t "-. " ,~. '.': j, . "~:_!,-iri -..-...-.-- ...._~._,.~.._., . Sej:ltell\ber 13, 1983 bOJ~ rn7 fACe 434- there i. sufficient land 80 that .aall docks could be placed there to accommodate small boats. Public Works Adminl8trator Hartman said, in his opinion, there may be a problem with docks in that area. However, . ,,:~~~~ he said at Bear's Paw, on the Golden Gate Canal, the situation was ~~:',~~ , . ,.1 resolved by excavating along the boach of the canal 80 that the dock ~1~ "f; does not extend into the original canal. A discussion followed -. .. regarding perm1tting docks on the Golden Gate Canal. "'. II County Attorney Saunders said that Mr. Vines has agreed to limiting the mobile types of structures to the east corner of the project and that there needs to be identification of what is meant by the east corner. Comllli.sioner pistor said the northeast 1/4 of the property. Mr. Vines said Mr. Saunders asked him earlier if the developers would ag re.d to incorporate a new prov1sion with reapect to providin9 a polling place, in the event that the Supervi80r of Elections wlshe. to utilize it and that the project sponsor is pre.ent and has indicated there will be a co~munity recreational building that will be ..de ava i lable Cor that purpose. Mr. Saunders said this was done with Berkshire Lake. and that he ha. prepared an agreement that reflects this type of arr4nge~ent, which he will send to Mr. Vines for hh .iqnature. ~ Mr. John Agnelli, repro.enting Berk.hire Lakes, reiterated cOlllme"ts he put in a letter to County Manager Noraan and the co..ent. he ~de at the CAPC .e.tinq on this project. He said hl8 pri.ary " objection i. to the h1gh density bein9 proposed for Heron Llk.. a. oppo.ed to the density in Berkshire Likes and not being consistent with ..~}, J: the surrounding sin9lo family area., Golden Gate City, on the north .' :~; .,~/.}, side of the Golden Gate Canal. He said the developers of Berkshire '1ge . . . . . <r . . . . . --,-"<~",,,,,~_,"',. - '",'.,"".."_.""O_''''''~."' , September 13, 1983 Likes have no objection to _pecifically identified manufactured home.. He said their concern is that Heron Lake not be turned into a mobile home park or a trailer park, which it appears to them from the size of ~he lots and the wording of the proposed .PUD. 18 going In that di rection. He said, in his opinion, there is lack of continuity in the recommendation for off-slte Improvements and that those recommendations for Heron Like are minlmal. He said that the on-site improvements, pdrtlcularly blkepaths throughout the development, are also mini~al. Co..issioner Pistor aoved, .econded by Co..issioner Bolland and carried unaniaou.ly, that the public hearin9 be c10.ed. Tape . 2 Co..l..loner 8rovn aoved that 'etition R-'3-l2C, Wl1lia. R. Vine., requestln9 reaonlng fro. -A-2- to .PUO., known a. Beron Lake, located betveon Golden Gate City and 1-75, east of Berk.hire Lake. .'UD- be approved subject to the CAPC's stipulations and the .tipulatlon that the developer haa 4greed to provide a poll1n9 place. Commissioner pistor said he would second the motion if Commis- sioner Brown would agree to limit the ~ob;le hom. type structures to the eastern 1/4 of the proporty. Commls.loner Brown said he would not amend hi. ~otion. Motion died for lack of a ..cond. Durlng tho discussion, Ma. Ober clarified that it va. the CApe recommendation and not the Staff recomm.ndation to eliminate the section · Pe fllli t tad Provisional Use. and Structures. of the -PUO. docU&llent, allowing for structure. constructed off-site. Responding to Commi.sioner Brown, .h., .aid that th. Staff reco~.ended approval subject to the following stipulationsl A.. A.mendment of the .PUD- document and Master Plan. bO'J1t 071 rIA 435 'IUJ e t -_...~. '-'" ,,,,,=.,.w,,,~.,...,.~, . . '. (fl7 r~Ct 4.36 Sept:ember 13, 1983 ".1< '\ bO,)~ ~, .', B. Detailed .ite drainage plans be submitted to the County ':.H Engineer for approval prior to the issuance of any ~~~~,. construction permlts. ~ i:..,~ ~.(. t' ,\ .....,,'t'.-. c. Paved turning areas of a minimum of SO' radius be provided to . or:};;. the three lots without direct access to a main road. ;~' ..+, .~.' Chairman Kruse clarified that the first three stIpulatIons, on the "" Executive Summary page 6, dated 9/2/83, were Staff recommendations and that the second three are the CAPC recommendatlons. Co..issloner Brown aoved that PetitIon R-83-12C be approved -..... .gbject to the Staff stipulations a. veIl as the .tipulation tbat tbe developer has agr.ed to provide a polling place. The .otion died for lack of a .econd. Co..issioner Pistor aoved, .econded by Co..l.sioner Yo.. end carried unaniaously, that the ordinance a. nuabered and entitled below re 'etitlon R-53-l2C, be adopted subject to the Staff'. and tbe CAPC'. stipulations a. veIl as the stipulation that the developer ba. agreed to provide a pollin9 placer ORDUIMlCI 83-47 , . All ORDUIAJICI AMODU.O ORDIKAllCI 82-2 T81 COM'RIIDSIIIVI tOllU,a RIGULATIONS rOR TII UXINCOR'ORATID ARIA or COLLIIR COUNTY, 'LORIDA BT MEIIDU.O THI ZONUla ATLAS "", NUMBIR 49-26-8 IY CBAllQIIIO Tal ZOMIMG CLASSlrICATION or THI BIRII. DlseRIalD RIAL PRO'IRTY fROM A-2 TO PUD PLAKNID UXIT DIVILOPM~ rOR IIROII LAKI LOCATIO NORTI or 1-75 SOUTB or GOLDIN GATI CITY, EAST or SAMTA BAaaARA BOULCYARD AND PROVIDING AN IrrECTIVI OATI. Mr. NorDan said thero has been .o~. confusion in the .edie when the County asks that a pollin9 place b. provided. He said it is not a . consideration that the developer will be requIred to build a separat. buildin9 or desi9nate a place that will be perDanently excluded for pollin9 purposes. He said this is to overcome a probl.. that has emerged where co~munity centers or condoDinium recreation areas, once 'r' they becoDe the property of the people in the association, are not available for polling places. He said that the County is aSking that the restrictions that govern the u... of those facilitie. ~ written to 'age 10 .- . . --.,. .~"" - " :- 1,..., )'~.;~ September 13, 1983 I ..v' t;'. . 0 ..,~~ overcome that problem, so that there can be a neighborhood polling I .. ..",. '.X. place. ;~ . 'c"':~' Ite. '6 ',:::."~.~ j!7'( .,~ ~ "". R&SOLUTIOM 83-158 RI PITITIOM AV-83-02l, JlrrREY G. rISBER RIQUISTIMG A to ,',') VACATION or THE DRAINAGI AND UTILITY tASlMlWT - ADOPTID f.~~~+~ ;~ Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on ,- "'/ August 28 and September 4, 1983, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publica- tion filed with the Cl~rk, public hearing was held to consider Petition AV-83-021, filed by Jeffrey G. Fishe r, requesting vacation of the draln~9' and utility easement on the easterly 20 feet of the westerly 30 feet of Tract 140, Unit 27, Golden Gate Estates to allow the con- struction of a swimmin9 pool. Co..l.aloner 'istor aoved, aeconded by Co..l..loner Vo.. and carried unanlaoualy, that the public hearing be clo.ed. . ", Co..iaaloner Bolland aoved, .econded by Co.-i.sioner ,i.tor and carried unanlaoualy, thet ResolutIon 83-158 re 'etItIon AV-83-021, be .' adopted. :; :,>:;1 '1;:~" I /.,1 bO~K rm PACc437 'ag8 11 . " \.' "_",~".""',"-.,-;~_,-"_"",,, "'.,",B", ,--.--........;""""''''-..''''.,,'....,..<., ..,,: I September 13, 1983 ..:c., ',~ ~.,. .. ,'~,m .>J~ Itea '7 ' ~1.1 " ;":W. ..1 ' i'*'t RBSOLUTIOM 83-159 RI 'ETITION AV-83-022, ROGIR , DOHKA MOORI, 'iN~, S~~; REQUISTING A VACATION or DRAINAGB AND UTILITY IASIMINT -,ADOPTED ,)~ Legal notice having be~n published in the Naples Daily News on i"t"> ~. bv~~'f. ,. lfi .t.~ ^uqust 28 and September 4, 1983, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publica- ,,{( :;'::~: cion filed wi th the Clerk, pu~lic h.aring was held to consider Petition "'J ~ ,/ AV-33-022, ! 11 cd by Roger and Donna Moo r c, requesting vacation of the dr~inage an~ utility easement on the easterly 30 feet and the 60 foot bisecting eaaement located on the southerly 60 feet of the northerly 360 feet of Tract 46, Un i t 96, Golden Gate Estates to allow an exIsting home to remain. Commissioner Pistor asked why this permit was issued which ha. created the situation that the ecc will either have to approve the . . requ.st~d vdcation or tell the petltioners they have to tear down the house? Responding to Chalr~an Kruoe, Mr. Norman said he would investigate tht! situation and provide the BCC wlth a report. Co..i.sioner Pistor .oved, .econded by Co..l..loner Vo.. and carried unani.ously, that the pUblic hearing be clo.ed. Co_i.sioner Piator aoved, .econded by Co..l..loner Vo.. and carried unani.ou.ly that R..olut!on 83-159 r. 'etition AV-13-022, be adopted. b~:~ em fA:i489 'ag. . , . __.._..._,,<__._..,_~o~ ",.'._ "".. _.. --_--....,,,.-...,,~-"",~".. - r......J ~ ~~.- . .-. , . - -. -- September 13, 1983 It.. '8 RISOLUTI0M 83-160 RK 'ITITI0M AV-83-020, BOARD or COUNTY COMMISSIOMIRS, RIQUISTIMG A VACATION or THI WESTIRLY 430 rllT or ORAMGI STRIIT ROW BISECTING COUNTY-OWNED LANDS IN IMMOKALII, rLORIDA - ADOPTED Legal notlce having been published in the Naples Dally News on August 28 and September 4, 1983, as evidenced by Affidavit of publIca- tion filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider petition AV-83-020, filed by the Board of County CommissIoners, requesting a vacation of the westerly 430 feet of OrangG Street right-of-way bisecting county-owned lands in Immokalee, Florida, for future expansion of the County Courthouse. Co..lsaioner pi.tor 8Oved, .econded by Co..i.sloner Brown and carried unanigously, that the public hearing be clo.ed~ Comais.loner pist~r ROved, .econded by Co..i..ioner Brown and carried unaniaoualy, that Re.olution 83-160 re Petition AV-83-020, be adopted. bO~~ 017 fJU 441 Pag. ... September 13, 1983 Ite. Ii RISOLUTIOM 83-l6l RI PITITIO. CCCL-82-2C, COLLIIR COUNTY PARIS , . RICRIATIOM DI'ARTMIMT RIQUISTIMG A VARIAMCI FRON TUI COASTAL COIISTRUCTIOM COIITROL LIMI rOR 'ROPERTY LOCA'f&D 011 TRAC1' -A-, MARCO BEACH UNIT 14 (TIGIRTAIL BEACH COUNTY 'ARK, MARCO ISLAMD) - A,")() P'fID Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on August 28, 1933, as evidenced by Affidavit of Public~tion filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider petltion CCCL-82-2C, filed by the Collier County Parks and Recreation Department, requestine; a variance from the Coast~l Construction Control Line for property located on Tract -A-, ~rco ~each Unit 14 (Tigertail Beach County park, Marco Island). Responding to Commissioner Pistor, County Attorney Saunders said that the original application that was submitted, to permit the 0 expansion of the parking ar.:d for the Tigertail Beach County Park on ~rco Island, was denied by the nor Ida Depar tment of Envi ronm.ntal Regulation. He said the County fil~d suit against the DER and submitted 4 modified application and a n~w application do.s not have to be submitted. He said verbal approval has been obtained from representatives of tho DER and the Corps of Engineors whlch has to be reviewed by U?pdr levels of those agencies. H. said that the Staff is in the process of a?plying for d Department of Natural Resources p.r.it and a State Co~stal Control Line construction permlt which i. the 5 ub j e c t :) f this rttquest. County Environmentdlist Dr. Ben.dict revi.w.d the information contained in the Executive Sumlll4ry dated 9/2/83. H. said there .re only 57 p~rking spaces available, at tho present tillie, tor thw us. of tho publlc at the Tigertail Oeach parking lot. Ho sald, that during the winter season, approxillately 200 to 300 car. ace packed in tho area and 1l0St are parked on private property .djacent to Cia. P.... Re bO~l 077 flCi 443 ..t,1.'i~l "9- 14 ;":;:~ , ,;.,,^,."jJ , ",rc~til(~ '~l1 ~:.. :"":/~l :...~:;~,/}' 'I :. "":r.t.At;). ~!:.,.'.~d/',,~~ ,,-,.'<",.,- -"~'"""-~'~""""~~" -- . . ... .'~,,' . 1 :'i~~ , bOJK 077 fACt 444 Septerober 13, 1983 indicated on a map that the area on one side of Clam Pass is mangroves and coastal bays And that the area on the other side of the DHR CCCL the dune and beach area. He sa i d that the original two plans were turned down because of the destruction of mangroves. lie explained that , he went to the site with representatives of the DER and Corps and he flagged the boundary thAt was in an Australian pine area and baslcally in an u~land brea, except fo r a few marglnal mangrove habitat. He said the DER and Corps repres~nlatives agreed to that location. He sa i d It, is the po li cy 0 f the Corps of Engineers that every acre of mangroves, regardless of whcth~r it is productive or non-productive, has to be mitigated by the creation of 1.52 new acres of land. He sa 1 d that the Corp stipulbtlon In te rillS of approval for the parklng lot approval is the mitigation cre~tion of W'etlands. He sald that the OER and Corps c!lppl ications arc in process and that he expects to hear froll! tho.e agencies in 60 dd)s, for the areas behind the CCCl.. He said that part ~., . ~', . . ,,' of the parking lot in front of the CCCl. and DNR applications are needed ' ',~;~ . 'I''''! '. " for tha t. Ho sldd prior to f ili n9 for that appllcation the Staff ha. to have local County approval for thv project. Co..iaaioner Pistor aoved, ceconded by Co..la.loner Bolland and carried unaniaously, that the public he.r1n9 be closed. County Manager Norman explained that the County noeds to secure f i nand ng for the construction of this project. He said it ls Suff's .. intention to seek revenue borrowing and to charge parking fees that -'\~t: ,.' will be 5 u f !1 c i en t retire that cost. said the cost will be i to He " ,,' approx iN! tely " 0., $200,000 to $300,000. COIl.issloner Plstor st.ted he h.d t. .. ..-. ., .~ '" .' a mello from Mr. Saunders tha t says there i. another Ileana of financing . ' .!~ F p. ,.,' the project. \ . . Co..l..loner 'istor aoved, ..oonded by Co..l..toner Bolland and '..g. 15 -~~' ~ , , , . '~ ' / ........"..._....-."~..,,,~-_. >>....-.' "-",-' ..."~,~~,._~...__._"....- .-'-' :-::. .,~ . '.-<~ '.S, , I "1 .. ~~;' Swptember 13, 1983 ,;~" . . ~'~ .'i>i~ " " \;;~ carried waani80us1y, that Re.o1utlon 83-161 r. ,.tltlon CCCL-82-2C, J~: -"*#$ ,., ' , . ,/~... l-:l' Collier County 'ark. and Recr.ation Departaent reque.tlng . y.rl.nce ,;,~ '{j'fj , ;.:t~~., fro. th. Coa.tal Construction Control Line for property loc.ted on "r4 W',.; .h ,~ ~ract -A-, ~rco B.acb Unit 14 (~1gert.ll a.acb County Park, ~rco .....~ .;.il ..f' I.land) be adopted. ,.,:t' <',:' \~:.. . . .;. :~':.~ : 'i,i>;' " ~:~~ " , 7~' , ' LOjj( 077 fAce 445 . .. ,~-~~_....-._-- .,.",.~- .............__...._-_...'_..._.""'..."_.,"-""^'"..."'''-.,,_..'..,~..~.,.,,~~... ..,....- '.' ~ .. .~'t,! ~.' ,<Ilj , ~}t;' S.ptember 13, 1983 . .!~ . ,~ G17 PA:t~56 . .:\1 t~J~ '.:~ i~~~ ;!\ It.. 110 t,'l" , ~. < "-. ....,...." R&SOLUTIO. 83-l62 RI 'ITITIOM V-83-7C, CAROL'8URMKTT, I.C., REQUISTIMO "' A VARIUCI rROM MAXIMUM SQUARI rOOTAGI rOR A MOTEL, GOODLAIID ISLES 2IID .,.1" '":--l ADDITIO. KNOWN AS COO. KIY rISBING VILLAGE - ADOPTED '--,,". ~. I .. ..-.-, Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on Aug us t 28, 1983, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider petition V-B3-7C, filed by Carol Burnett, Inc. , requesting a variance f rom the maxhnmr- ... . ' square footage for a motel in a .C-4- zone for maximum size of unit to ,. be no larger than 576 s~uare feet for Tract 2, Goodland Isles 2nd Addition, known as Coon Key Fi sh i ng Vlllage. , Plans Implementation Director Lee Layne said that the objective of ...".., the project with the same unit size as . ' . this petition is to complete built prior to the new zoning ordinance. She said that the subject \.~, . property is .C-4- that permitted 33 unlts under the old -GRC- zonin9' ~ Sh e sa i d that tho old -GRC. did not have any limit on unit sizes. She ' ~ ,J".. "', " ., said tha t the owne r wishes to develop the rest of the project vith the .~ ,- same type unit, which is a modular unlt of 576 square feet. She 88id ~. that the existing zoning now limits units to 500 square f.et. Based on r~ the standards in the Executive Sum~ry dated 9/6/83, sho said that the J ';,r~ Staff must recommend denial of the petition. " ,.. Mr. Joel Metts, represontinC] the petitIoner, expl a1 ned th is :~. project was planned in 1981 and tha t Pha se 1 was cOlllpleted in March ... 1982. He said that due to economic conditions the balance of the project was set aside. He said, in the meantime, the zoning vas .< changed fro. -CRC. to -C-4- "nd that the petitioner doe. not feel the differential between 576 and 500 square feot i. that great. He ..Id the project would be kept cOlllpatible. He said that the .ewer plant which wa. de.i~ned for the units is alr.ady in the Phase 2 portion of 1/;'; '",_"~i;;, :;;~. '~~ " ,.'" 'tlge 17 ' ., ';':>~'! ^ :..,,,,ffJ. .h"j . ~1~;11 i,-;,~V;'I :\,~j;~:1 ,;~ .' ".)1 ~.''''~::~I --.... .".....,~...,;..~"'."""..,_"'''''''''i..-''.."_.,,' September 13, 1983 the project and that tha units in Phas~ 2 have been sold based on 576 square feet. R~sponding to Chairman Kruse, Mr. Metts said that thIs 1s a condominium hotel. Responding to Commissioner Pistor, Mr. Metts said, of the l3 units that have been completed, that there are three or four people who stay during the yea r. Commissioner Pistor said it i. his understanding that the maximum slze limlt has been placed on units of this type because the Staff and the BCC do not want condo~tnium or time share units being used also as a motel. Chairman Kruse stated for the record that one of the reasons the zoning was altered was to prevent the easy availability of the hlgher density permitting of a Dlotel or hotel that, a t a later date, would be able to convert to a condomi n i WI. She said by putting the maximum square footage on the units, if that square foo tage did not meet the min iloum square footage for a livin~ unit, the unit could not be converted to a condominium. Respond i n9 to Commissloner Holland, Mr. Metts said that h. has some of his buildin~ materials in stock, however, he does not have the 4 modulAr units in stock. Ho said that all of the engineerinq has been done with 576 squ.3re footage in mind. Co..issioner Pistor .oved, seconded by Co..is.ioner Holland Ind carried unlnlaously, that the publio bear In, be closed. Co..ii.loner P1stor ~v.d, seconded by Co..is.lonet Bolland, that Resolution 83-162 re petition V-8J-7C, Clrol Burnett, I no . , requesting &1 yariance fro. ..xiaua square footage for a ItOtel In a .C-4. aone for ..xl.ua slae of unit to be no larger than 576 square feet for Yraot 2, Coodland Isl.. 2nd. addition, known a. Coon Key PI.hln, Vll1a,e, be adopted. Coamiasioner pistor suggested that the Zoning Ordinance be ..de '",' stronger so that a building like this one clnnot be used for ti.. .hare 077 r).~.fS7 -,~,~,:L b~~~ 'age 11 r)f/t 1'~:1: rl~'::t. i~t,. . . '.'.it;:O~ ..'-'~, ;~ I' ,..., . .; ?1.i~", ,; ~""'_''',.N',_'''''''~'N' ....._ ,.,.c....'- , ,. o September l3, 1983 '. bO~,( rn r~~.:458 ,;,~ ,',':~J ".,~ condominIum sales. Mr. Saunders said that the permitted provisional 1 .... i . use. in the .C-4. district Include hotels, motels and time share ~., . , " facilIties. He said it does not include facilities such as condominIum ,~ ,> apartlllents. COlnmlssioner piator said that l3 u..,its have been sold .. condominium investments and he asked how this situation can be cur- . tailed in the future. Mr. Saunders said, if the Bee was interested in,/, prohibiting that type of activity, that would be a potentIal violation of the ordinance and he could seek an injunction to prohibit persons from violating this ordinance. Ms. Layne clarified that the word .condominium- does not mean a residential unit. She said the word . . means ownership. She said, in her opinion, the County cannot limlt how ownership is held, whether it is renting or owning. Mr. Saunders said that is correct. 5he said, as long as the person uses the structure for a motel meeting the requirements of a motel unit of one week at a tlme, tho person ia m~eting the requlrementa of the ordinance. Mr. Saunders said he was referring to the fact that these are units that have been sold and apparently are being Inhabited a. apartment. a. a I.. home or condominium apartment would be inhabited and that use would be a violation of the ordinance, if that is the case. Ms. Layne said, it,,,.... ':('"'- ,\.;;. .' is her understanding, there is a manager at this project just like a .~ ..~ '-';....... motel and the units are rented. week or a day at a tillle. ") '-~ Upon call for tbe question, the aotion carried ..nanl.ously. " .' ~ . " ......... . . .j.'........ ,'. " 'f{ ... '\ '. ',':'-,1' ',,~.!.~' . '~,~'~:~r "':_::'~"'f' J i,"'.:- ,\.~~':' 'age 19 ~Z"~: .~,,~ ",(-~~ - '...I':.:.:;.~~' i~, \ '. . ..; l. ~ ""'.....-......---"'''''.-.-......." , .;. Sept\ollber 13, 1983 ' \~ "~'" ~'i:i rrn r,\Ct462 ~;:>.~. . . ~)K ;.".~..,~t ,; ~. ..!;"f/J.. It.. '11 '.;V~' ::j'}i'~ STAPr AUTBORIZID TO US'OMD TO STATI AIID RBGIOllAL COIOlDTS RB COMPRI- ' )'-.: HIMSIVI 'LAN, rIRST 'U8LIC BIARIHO OCTOBER 18, 1983 AT 7aOO '.M. .; :1,,;';, t,~~'.((' Plannln9 Dlr.ctor Michael ~lo.hn .ald that the Staff has received the formal comments on the updated Comprehensive Plan fro. the Florida Oepartment of Community Affairs and the Southwe.t Florloa Regional Plannlnq Council. tie 58 id that the County Is requi uJ by Chapter l63 of the Florida Statutes to formally respond to those co~ents. He said that the Statutes require that the County hold no les. than two night public hearin9s on the updated Comprehensive Plan. He sa i d tha t the Sta ff recomalenJs that the BCC set the ni9ht of October 18, 1983, for the first public hearing. Responding to Commissioner Pistor, Mr. Kloehn said he would giv6 hIm a copy of the State and Regional comment.. Co..i..loner Pi.tor aoved, .econded by Co..l..loner Holland and carried unanlaoualy, that the Staff be authorized to re.pond to the , State and Re910nal co..ent. ra9ardlng tbe updated eo.prebenalve 'lan and to ..t October 18, 1983, at 7aOO ,. M. a. th. first public b.ar!ng on the Co.prebenslvo 'Ian. ....RICISSa 9,55 A.M. RICOIfVDfIDI 10110 A........ Ite. 112 TRAFrIC SIGalALUATIOII ,lAJI FOR TII IMTIUICTIOII or AIRPORT ROAD wIn MIRCBAllTILl AYDUI - APPROV&Da UfTlUICTIOII or AIRPORT ROAD AIID LO>>GBOAT DRIVI TO 81 MONITORID Public ftOrks Ad.lni.trator Hartaan said that this Item v.. approved during the budget approval process l..t year at thl. ti.. a. an added itell of work for hi. department to include in this fl.cal y.ar. He ..id that Staffs' concern is the fact that .1gnallzing ~rchantl1e Avenue require. reduction of .0.. of the .ov..enta of a .treet north of Merchantlle. On a ..p he Indicated the locatlo~ of tb. 'ag. 20 :. ~ . . . ~ """". ........:....... .,..., , , . T 1'1 T "....~..,',_...,,"-.~,~, ".'-- --,.,.," '~I i,. lJ,::'I;~"~ f'.'{ September 13, 1983 ' ~~.~.~ ,c;.;";p:, "~ 'I ,>C:~ ~ .. . " ",,~~ ~. intersection of Merchantile and Airport Road and said that, currently, .:(,J-'" ~ /',~ - ~ ';I"~~)~ , '.; traffic can jog across the ~edian to enter Merchantile. He .aid, when .'~ , ,,*f, ..~jo 11:' his departlllent finishe. creating a l.ft turn, the Clipp.r Way traffic :~ ;:r.. ;~ " He .aid ~"v".;" will have a right turn out capability and a right turn in. , ~hat those people who want to go north on Airport Road wIll have to u.e the connecting street in Coconut River Estate. and Longboat Drive to do . . He said hls department met with the Civic Aslociation in that area ' . so. and explained thl. plan. He said th.re is a 7-11 Store on the corner of Airport Road and Longboat Drive that create. traffic. He said, should the traffic using Longboat become great enough to warrant a signal, in the future, tho County wi 11 provide a signal at that tlllle. Commissioner piator said he has had diacur.sions with the p.ople living in Coconut River Estates and that they do not agre. with thi. . plan. He asked about a site that is belng cleared south of the Golden Gate Canal on the .ast aide of Airport Road, and he .tre...d that when that developm~nt Is completed that the intersection will line up with Longbo.tt Dr ive. H. referred to the traffic complications currently experienced at the point where Longbo,H Or ive meet. Ai rport Road wh.re Cue, Brew and 7-l1 businessos are located. A discussion followed regarding the posslbility of a traffic signal at Longboat Drive. Mr. HArt~an said that the n.ed for a .ignal at that point depends uyon the traffic count during so aany hours of the day, and that the condition is not met curr.ntly. Mr. HArtun .xplained thd diagram on the overh.ad bo~rd that will create a left turn Ian. and will contaln lIIedian curbing. t'ape '3 Mr. H~rtm8n 8greed that a u-turn .t Merch.ntile Avenue would be a difficult lrlovement to aak. during buoy periods. Tran.portatlon LO~ rm ,.\C(-463 Page 21, .' . _._..""'..........~."'_...._.. ..---....-'",,'-- '".''.,,-,,'~''' . c .-;,jo fJ Septemher 13, 1983 ..~ G71 PACt464 ,tv. LOJ~ .";.; . Director Archibald said that traffic would have to increase . approxilllately 1,000 vehicles per day to warrant a traffic signal at Longboat Drive and Airport Road. Responding to Com~issioner Holland, Mr. Hartman said that the distance between Clipper Way and Longboat Oriv. is approximately 250 fe~t. Com~issioner Holland compared the traffic .ltuation in this orea to the intersection of Solana Road and Old Trail Drive, where he has been told a traffic signal is not ju.tlfied. He sa i d that he agrees that the o~gnalization il nece..ary at the area und.r discussion, howeve r, he added, in his opinion, that the plan needs to -go bi1ck to the drawlng board-. He said there could be dual signalization with Merch~ntile Avenue and Longboat Drive. Mr. Ha rtJun sa id that DOT does not h~ve to approve this light. Commissioner Holland said he was aware of opposition fro~ the re.ldent. of Coconut River Estates. Continued discussion covered other plans for the traffic signalization plan at this intersection. Hr. Don Arnold pr~sented a potition slgned by 468 people request- ing the proposed signalization plan for Merchantlle Avenue and' Airport Ro ad, Exhibit 1. He also presented a Collision Oiagr.. of the inter.ection under discussion, prepared Ly the Staff and an accident history of the area, Exhibit. ^ and a to Exhibit I. He spoke in favor of the propos.d traffic plan and stressed that 18 accident. have occurred in the area. He said that he addr....d this situation one year ago when the mon.y was placed in the budget for the light and he .sked that the light be installed. He referred to the develo~ent ..ntioned previously by Com.haloner Pi.tor and laid that the property ha. changed hands and that he repre.ents the current owner.. He aald the property wa. cleared to ~ke it .ore attractive and that nothln9 has been formalized to develop that property. Responding to 'age 22 :'. -' <i'~':, ,~~ ~ :"~.,, .},::~..!i . ,'" C.JII''''':~''':,,~; . ")J~t.t2~ ," .P'.' .~. '\P'"~;: ..,',..... ,--,.......~ -'.......~.,~--"._...._.".~ .,,-,-- +< .~, ,~': September 13, 1983 'A " " :',.1, ;::'" COlUmls.loner Plator, Mr. Arnold said he ~ould be coordinating the " development of that property, if and when it takes place, and added , that all traffic will be coordinated with whatever impact the " developnent of that property would cause. Mr. George Cook, resident of Coconut River ts tat e s , said he lIves in the first house behind the 7-11 Store. Hli spoke against the proposal and stressed thllt traffic has increased since the gas PUIIlPS Wdre allow4I1d to be installed at the 7-11 Storll. He said that the traffic will be backed up 80 that residen ts will not be able to get out of the subdivision. He referrvd to traffic created by the Cue , Brew establishment and he stressed that is a dangerous corner. Responding to Commissioner Pistor, De pu t y Sh" r i f C Barnett sa id that Mr. Cook'. referenclt to the sign on the 7-11 Store th~t alcoholic beverages cannot boo pe n e d 0 r con .s u.~ .~ don tlu pro p~ r t y is a rule and regulation and not a l3w, b\!causa th~ 7-11 ~torc halO a liconse that does not perlllit consu.llt:'tion on iJrumise. Mr. Saunders said thd t some communities in Flor id.a hav~ ~nJcteJ ordinanc~s tha t prohibit the consumptlon of alcoholic beveruges in polrKing lots and around conv4tnlence stores and shopping centers, Ilu Hid t~lOrQ 1s an ~nforcement problelll with that type of .an ordin3nc..!, ho""~vur, there is a potenti,d that Collier County. could f!n3ct th.H tytle of prohibitive ordinance. Co_issloner Pistor aoved that the County Attorney prepare an ordinance to prohibit the consuaptlon of alcoholIc beverage. In P8rklDg lota .nd .round convenience store. and .hopplng center.. Be vi tbdrev . the .otion until the Ite. under di.cus.ion v.. coapleted. "~~ I"\s. He 1 en Cd r s t, PresIdent of the Coconut River Esta tes Clv ic .v. Association, strongly objected to the tuff ic plan aa presented. She pre.ented oil putition algnGd by ualdenta .sklng that . tr.Uic li9nal ~~l< rm fACt 465 'age 23 - . .....'.-.-.. ----~---.-. . oj, September 13, 19B3 LJj~ (rn r~:A:66 ,.:;",..' be installed at Longboat Drive and Airport Road, ExhibIt II. She said that the gasoline trucks cannot come into the 7-l1 Store and turn around due to lack of pll rk I n9 space, so they have to come through Longbolllt Orive to get Into the gAS pumps. She described the dangerous traffic conditions at the intersection of Longboat Drive and Airport Ro ad. "ape 14 Ma. DI1rst Sold the re$idcnts o( Coconut River Estates will have difficulty exilin~ bod t:ntcring the subdivision the way the traffic phn i. now de:siqnel.l, and ~i1tf asked (or a traffic signal at Longboa t Drive. Re.ponding to COfil.'711ss1oncr Vo S 5, Mr. HIH tml1 n said that the traffic si9nal has belen ordeCt:d and th.1t the po 1 os ....ill btt delivered in two wl:f.ks. Commissioner Voss sdid, in his opinion, the lights shoul d be installed ",nj he suggesteJ, during the next two we e k s , that the Staff llhould -take os o.1ood look- at the! configuration to Stte if there ia anothor way to addeoas the .i tUAtion. lie laid, 41t this point,' the County does not have tho;} money to install a second light at Longboat Drive. /"Ir. Ha r tman agroed. He compared the situation to U.S. 41 and Solana Road wh~[e tht: trAffic count w4~rllnta a L t 9 na 1 , and he said that the traffic =ount at Longboa t Drive does not, currently, ria r rant . signal there. Cll.11rman Kruse said there are aeveral intersections within th. City o~ N41-'1ea wh~r" there are silllilar probleml and that left turn only 5 igns pcohltJlt trllffic from cutting across the streets. She su~ge.tod that a let t turn only slgn b. phced at Lon9boat Or ive oS nd ^ I r 5>0 r t ROlld so traffic ~uld only go aouth and that would prohibit trAf!ic frOID cuttln9 Across Airport Road. Mr. Har tun agreed to investigate this possibility and report back to the BCC. ".9. 2. . . ......, "_.,...>-,_..~ +"",,._...~,.,_.-'" r S~ptelllb.r 13, 1983 Co..lsaioner ,l.tor ~ved, .econded by Co..lssloner Bolland and carrl~d un_nlaously, tbat tbe trafflo 8lgnall.atlon plan for tbe intersection of Airport Road vltb Merchantile Avenue be approved and t~t tbe intersection of Airport Road and Longboat Drive traffic, Including traffic in and out of tbe Cue . Brew and the 7-11 Store, be aonltored to varrant requireaen~. for future installation of a traffic ll9ht at Lon9boat Drive. I tea U 3 COMPEWSATIOW FOR LOSS or TOOLS BY MR. CHARLES BlAUCBAMP - A"ROVED Cha i rman Kruse referred to the Executive Summary in this agenda po1cket for II claim for the loss of tools by Mr. Charles Beauchamp when he traveled to Jacksonville to inspect and evaluate the LeU .Cypre.... She &aid 'that the replacement cost of the tools 1. $3,231.45, which Public ~rks ^dministrator Hart~n substantiated. She said that an insurance claim was mad., for $2,l78.00, which is a co~blnatlon of the depreciation and replacement valuo of the tools. Commissioner Holland aa~d, in his opinion, the replacelllent cost is It just expenditure bccoJuse Mr. B~auchamp was doing Colller County It s~rvice when the tool. were stolen. Re&pontlinq to Com.1lilsionec Plstor, Chair~an Kruse laid that the insurance coverage did not co.~ence until arter the theft hid occurred. Co..ls.loner Pistor aoved, seconded by Co..ls.loner Brown and carrled un.nlaou.ly, th.t coapen.ation In tbe aaount of f3,231..5 for the 10.s of tool. by "r. Charles ..aucba.p be approved. .' . . . ~~; \-\ ern Ul~ 467 1-""':'" ~,jJ~ ~;! ;,.,.. "/~ 'age 25 I ri~r~ ' ",,_Jf. -I :.(' '.~;;'t. ; ',', J >'/;:' ( ."-'<""---""~~'"""".""". ..._--",~,....,-, SoptclIlber 13, 1983 ~3J~ 011 rri'~~ 468 It.. '14 I' ".';",I~" "/t.U '~ RON) AIID BRIDal DIPT. AUTBORIZE)) TO MAltI UIITIAL ROAD IMPROV&MDT8 011 \~ ~ DNlI&L8 ROAI) AS SooM AS rUllDS rROM PRIVATI IlfDIVIDUALS CAlI 81 REALIZID. ,.~ ., .,'~ CRlATIOM or A TAXIMG DISTRICT DILAYID UlITIL A PITITIO.. IS SUBMITTID AIID '.,~ Tal ROW rOR SAMI HAS BIIM DONATID TO TBI COtnrTY - A"ROVED '''',. . Public Works AdMlnlstrator Hartman said this lRsue involve. a .ection of roadway that is north of Unlt 35 In Colden Gate Estates, the north-south road in Section 6, T49S, R26E. He referred to the t, " Executive Summary dated 9/8/83 which explains how private roads that . are not accepted by Collier County for maintenance are normally approved. He said that the Staff concludes that the north-south .ection of Daniels Road is p~rt of what will eventually be the north- south arterial, currently called Livin9Bton Road. He said the road " .. ..rve. only the private residents in that section. He sald that the residents are concerned about losing their mail service and the poor condition of the road. lie verified that during the recent rain storm the road was under water, as well as being full of pot-holes. He said ... .' that Stat! recommends that the BCC approve the repair of the existing road as soon as the County 1s able to obtain the right-of-way for Hunters and Daniels Road. Chairman r.ru_e asked if this would .et a precedent? She referred to a similar problelll wit~ the road on which she lives, except the County already has the right-of-way for that A discussion followed reqardin9 obtalning the r !gh t-o f -way, ;.~ area. durin9 which Chairman Kruse r~ferred to previous attempts to obtain the r igh t-o f-way. She said one property owner agreed to giving the right-of-way provided the County installed fencing along hi. property ,~.. and she asked Mr. H.n baan to follow through on that .1 tuatlon, to which ",'_i ,~s:;' \.,.... he agreed. .'. :~'l.~ Coamt.sioner Voss raised the possibility of the County being ;l(i 'I .. j. obligated to repair other roads in similar circumstance. vithout first " 'ag. 2' . ~ . . P" '-'''''''''-'''---'''''''''_..''' ...."'"_....,'''~, Sept.ember 13, 1983 obtainin~ the right-of-way. Mr. Saunders agreed with Mr. Hartlllan that there i. alway. a potential, once the County becomes Involved in any type of r . pa i r we r k , that the County would have to a.sume the rosponsibility if there is a problem. Mr. Hartman said that there is a .hort .ection of the N-S section of Daniels Road that i. in UnIt 35 tha t is not paved a~d that part .lopes to tho road that i& in Section 6. He said that section of the rock road, in Unit 35, the County has maintained except for the road repair the County did a. a result of a house movln9 operation a couple of years ago. Commissioners Holland and Krus. a9ain referred to the verbal agreement with the owner 9iving the right-oC-way provid.d the County installed a fence, and Mr. Har tman said that tho County would still have to obtain tho eastern half of the right-of-way of Daniela Roa~, since that property owner owns the 0 western half. Mr. Fred DiOrio spoke in favor oC the proposal of the County to do preliminary r.palrs to Danivls and Hunters Roads and he described tho detoriorated condition>> of those roads. lie sa i d if something is not done the situation may become so bad that fire trucks and aabulance. Ilay not be able to respond to emergencies. He said that the north and south portion of Daniels Road was put in approxlmately two years ago . and grad.d by the County. He spoke on behalf of 13 faailie. on Daniels Road and asked that the north ~nd south and east and we.t portions of that road bo kept undvr r e pa 1 r until the neces.ary .a....nt. can be secured. Comllli Bsioner Piator said he was .ympathetic to the .ituation, how.ver, he explained that .ince the County doe. not own the.e rOlds It i. not po..Ible to repaIr thIs rOld at the taxpayers expense. He sald the poll cy is that tile County a.ks the re.idents to pay a reasonable L~JX un f~4G9 . 'ag. 27 ,'.._..._~_.~,,_....~ '.'''"'~''''_'''.<F'",~' ......~....,' -..-.. ;', #' ,l ":..tt . :;~~ September 13, 1983 ,~" ~ .. .~f~ 077 tA~,470 ~!,~ bO~K ". ,.;.... . .~1 amount of money toward the repair of the roads. He referred to similor f::~~ , .~~~~ situatIons throughout the County with roads that do not belong to the ..i~L:' '.: County. A long discussion followed, during which Mr. Hartman said, as ..,. a genoral rule, the County does not do an assessment job on a road . unless the peopte give the right-of-way because, to do otherwiae, the people assessed would have to pay for the price of the land, also. Mr. 'I, Hartm4n said, if the property owners are not golng to be asse.sed for , improvements, the owners of the right-of-way on the east side of .. Daniels Road, north and south, might be willing to givo the County the right-of-way. Mr. Norman said that the original Staff recommendation was that the Staff wo ul d rely on the receipt of a petition in a proper v form to create a special assessmont program for this road and, in the meantimo, once the rights-or-way have been obtained the repair of the pot-holes could begin. Mr. DeOrio said that the resldents will deliver the easements to have the roads blaCk-topped, however, he sa id tha t the County ha~ made a commitment to the are. by maintaining the road. up until a few years ago. Mr. Norm4n said that aecuring of the ri9hts- of-way does not automatically trigger the necessity that there be a special assessment for a road improvement, however, it is an important requirement before the County doe. ilDprove..ents. Chairman Kruse said .""~ I that the County has to obtain the right-of-way to avoid legal problems. "- ..." I I Tape . 5 I I I Commissioner Voss compared the County repairing the roads before the rights-of-way are obtained with repairing an individual'. driveway. :~ Mr. DiOrio said that when the County black-topped DanIels Road up to " 2nd Avenue and abruptly stopped a precedent was .stablished. Mr. .;-~: Saunders said that the fact that the County engaged in road work in the ' ~', ;....~: .:}~, past Is not binding on the County to do that repair in the future. ~'- "':1 "1j '.~ .:.;tii ~! .. .... '.9. 21 ""j . ~ ...~ ,,? ,";f . . , - '- -- ~~'I . :_.~ l~<'f. . .....~~ ~ ""'",._..__~,_.~".~ -0"- ..._ ,."""-"-,;,--",,,~,,,,----,,-,~,,,,,.'~,,,-,,.-,,..-..... . Sep:.mber 13, 1983, .-,,1' "{~ .::.~it ~...~. ..,\;. Responding to Commissioner Voss, Mr. Hartman said that 2nd Avenue is . ,;~ ~ : little south of the north boundary of Unit 35. He said that north of .~ I, '.... that is the area where the house moving problem occurred in whIch the County became involved. He said that the contractor gave the County v money to repair the damage to the road. Mr. DiOrio took exception to this explanation and said that the road was filled with lilllerock and was graded. . Mr. Robert V. Smith, resident ot Daniels Road, said that the north part of Oaniels Road was filled in, graded and limerocked October, 1982 at which ti~e the U.S. Mail OGpart.ent moved the mail service to the end of the north-south of Daniels Road and the County abandoned the Road. He asked that a grader be sent down the road in order for the residents to have access to thelr property without ruining their cars or trapped when it rains b~cause the pot-holes are 80 deep. Mr. Saunders referred to Ordinance 75-14 which explalns the creation of the assessment district and he offered to give Mr. OlOrio a copy of sa.. when the residents do start tha process of giving the rights-of-way to the County. Responding to Co:nmissioner Vo.., Mr. Hartman sald the cost to fill 11\ the pot-holus on the N-~ section of Daniels Road would br between $200 and $~OO. R~~pondinq to Commissloner Voss, Mr. NorQan said that this situation is a policy precedenco. He said there have been Ilvlral incidences whvre the people who are affected have collected the .0n1Y and, In effect, contracted with the Road and Bridge Depart.ent to aake repairs. Commissioner Voss said h. would perlonnally pay half of the cost if Mr. DiOrio could obtain the rest of the cost froll the resi- dents. COlllllliaaioner Pistor said he would contribute to the cost, also. "c:' 11., Mr. DiOrio said he would pay tor half or obtain the coat froll the area "f}I: ......'.!;!...~:.... 60~ em fAtA71. paga 2. ~, '., <I.\!J; ',-::r~ ,~~ :, :,,;;, ~ .. ~ .", -~-""."""',".","-'~' .- ,.,.~~~ ,.'~-,-,,,,,,,,,,,,~.,,,,,.,,,'''''''',.. 60JiC ern 1).Ct.412 S"!'ptember 13, 1983 residents. , Cha irman Kr UC,jf Asked Mr. Hartman to clarify his conversation with Mr. SlIIith. Mr. Hartman said that Mr. Smith asked how much it would cost to do the east/west portion of Daniels Road and Mr. Ha rtman sa id he did not make an estimate of tha t. He .ald h. asked Mr. Smi th wha t he wanted done and Mr. Smith said that he just wanted the road graded and the pot-holes filled. Mr. HlHtman said t,u.t would be appoximately another $200. Chairman Kruse said, for the benefit of the audience, that this policy has been followed once before in lmmokalee and once for the road on which she lives whtln area residents in both instances raised the money and paid the County to grade the roads. Co..i.sioner Vo.. ~ved, .econded by Co..i..ioner 'istor and carried unanl.ously, that the Road and Bridge Departaent be authorized to grade tho.e p.rts of Daniel. Road that are unfinl.hed and fill the pot-hole., a. .oon as private individual. contribute the .oney to COllier County to pay for It. Co..i.sioner 'istor aoved, .econded by Co..t..ioner Vo.. and carried unanlaously, thet the ICC delay creation of the taxing dlatrlct for Daniel. Road i.prove.ent. until .uch ti.e a. a petItion 1. .~itted In accordance with Ordinance No. 75-14 and that the Staff b. authorized to do th. full Daniel. Road i.prove.ent. a. soon a. the right.-of-way for Daniels Road has been donated to Colll.r Co~ty. Chairman Kruse said, for the record, that she wanted to warn the resldents that they would be in a9ain next year, unless there is a way of forlllin9 that taxing district, because Daniel. Road will be In the same condition then aa now. She .aid that gradin9 and pot-holing the road does not hold up. She said her road 1. in al.ost the .... . , condition this year as it was when the repair. vare ..de la.t year. . .,''':. ./..( Page 30'~~;~ ,~~ , Hi ..~" ~ I .-"'~ . :/. ". f;~~ "_....._,..,..'---...""~.._-- --..,.,.,.".,..,..,-...--."'. September 13, 1983 It.. '15 IRISOLUTIOII 83-163 RIVISUIG rlls TO 81 CHARGED rOR TU USI or COlDlTY SOLID WASTI rACILITIES - ADOPTED Co..i.sioner Pistor aoved, seconded by Co..i..ioner Vo.., that Re.olution 83-163, revi.ing fee. to be charged for the u.e of the County Solid Waste facilitie., be adopted. Responding to Commissioner Holland, So11d Waste Director Robert . Fahey explained that the normal pick-up truck body is 8 feet long and approxim4tely 6 feet wide which would result in approximately 2 cubic YArd for a load that is 1 foot in height. He said to get 5 yards of lII4terial on a pick-up truck, the load would have to be approximately 2 to 2-1/2 feet high. ...Coaai..ioner lru.e 1ef.t the roo. at 11135 A. M. and returned at 11145 A. M.... Coomissioner Holland said that when a resident goes to the trans- f~r station to dump a pick-up load of debris the charges range from $5.00 to $10.00 a load, at the pr~.ent time. Ha asked the charge for a garbage truck to dump a load at the land fill, to which Public Works Administrator Hartman responded $6.00 A ton. Responding to CO~lDls- sioner Har tlnan, Mr. Fahey said there ~ould be 10 to 15 tons of material on the garbag9 t r uc k . Commission~r Holland said that, in his opinion, , the County is putting 4 restrictiv~ price on the people who are trying to clean up their areas and take the debris to the landfill. He said, as a result, more debris is being dumped on the side of the road all over the County. He expres3ed his opinion that the County ~y be pr 1 c1 nq itself out of the market as far as the general public i. concerned, and yet creatin9 an eyesore and health haZard along the public roads and on private property. Mr. Hartman laid that the reco...nded rate. are still b.low what the cost will be and that the 60:1 rm'f~.(l3 'eg. 31 _._.~,,>.~, >'~,~'v.'''''''__'"" ....."~.- '-'-~"-"'~ .. "\ September 13, 1983 " '. . 077 ~ACt474 . ~,:.11 bOJK '... .... .\( '!''IiI rat.. will be subsidized by the landfill collections projected for the . ,'I " next fiscal year. Commissioner Holland suggested that -somebOdy better take a good hard look at what the money is being spent for-. Mr. j Hartman said that Staff is going to bring before the BCC a better mandatory collection proposal with a proposed ordinance early thIs coming fiscal year. He sa i d , compared with the service now avallable, that the Staff hopos that it will be less expensive for the citizens. Comeissioner Holland said the landfill was supposed to be self-support- , ing and tha t it has not been and the costs have steadily increased. He said that garbage has not benn more plentiful. He said, in his opinion, if the Same taxpayers, who are paying ad valorem taxes, cannot clean up their own property and dispose of it without hav~ng to pay a penalty, tha t there is something wrong with the system. He said that people U5ttd to be charged a reasonable f.e to dump debris, however, with raised prices people are not uslng the landfill and that has cut down on the revenue, to which Mr. Hartman agreed. . Mr. Hartman said another item in this year's budget is an enforce- .ent capability of the existing ordinance. that prohibit littering and dumping on private property and that is i nc 1 ud ed in the rate calcula- tions. Commissioner Pistor said that to get people to take pride in thttir ~topecty, in his opinion, they have to be given help. He .aid I"'" there used to be a semi-annual pick-up of garbage deeri. for which there was no extra charge. He said that has been stopped. Mr. Mi ke Zewa 1 k , representing the North Naple. Civic Association, asked if the taxpayers can look forward to mandatory garbag. pick-up so that the citizens can look forward to a reduction to the fee. He .aid, if every household is going to be paying for the service, the people will not duap it along the road because they know t~.y are g01ng to pay 'ag. 32 . .. - ........-.' . <~,."r\~ ~~ ~ ,-J.: -t'/ J' . .~...~ .~ ;/.'.\ !;\'../:: - - ".~"""<>'-" ,..."...._", ..;.....~,,,',.,.._,,.""",,~.,"--~....".---'... , - Sept.mbor 13, 1983 for the service through their taxes. Com~issioner Voss said that he was in favor of mandatory pick-up. "ape ., Discussion continued about the problem of people dumpIng along the '..'[.~., ' sides of the roads and on private property with Commissioner Holland ,lit~ . ;~~~j contending that the foes are too high to encourage us. of the landfill. :.~t~,~' "'~~ 'I.','t~!,~ County MAnager Norman said that the BCC has directed the Staff to ~):'~ proceed with the development of a mandatory program and that Mr. HartlMn has indicated thore will be a report on the subject in October. Upon call tor the question, the .otion carried 4/1, with Coaai..loner Bolland oppo.ed. . " .;~ '. ' ...~ . ~'r:: Cr.' '\J:.~'< 60~ on FACi.415 Page . . ".,""",.".,-,,-,-'~"''''''~--' III .u ~ lOll . ....._-'._-=......,,,~...,'"'.~.---..,,."",..,<' ,.,-, ~eptember l3, 1983 &JJ~ 077 r~:~478 Ite. 116 TRAaSPORTATIOM FUMe APPLICATIOH POR THE DESOTO BLVD. IM'ROVEMEWT TO THE STATE FLORIDA DEPT. OF COMMERCE - APPROVED Public Works Administrator Hartman referred to the Executive Summary dated 9/9/83, requ~sting BCC approval of the transportation fund application for the DeSoto Boulevard improvem~nt to the State of Florida Department of Commerce, Division of Economic Development. He said that the application for the grants is due September 16, 1983. . Hespond i ng to Chb 1 rrODn t<rus~, Community Development Administrator Virta said tha t the rezone application for the Ford Motor Company will be before the ~cc m~uting on 10/4/83. Chairman Kruse informed the Commissioner~ that she Nould not be present at that meeting, in the event tha t tney wan t that rezone ?ctition to be heard by a full Boa cd. Mr. Vlrta said thc..t LI1\: petitioner is aware that Chairman Kruse will no t be prasen t. eha 1 rm,)n KrU5e said that her concern is the impl1 ca- tion that the BCC is applyin~ for a grant for a rezone that has not . taken place, yet. She said, if she were a member of th. ?eneral pub Ii c , she would have a feelin9 that this actlon would be presupposing that the BCC intends to .1pprove tht: rezone. Commissioner Pistor said that the application process for a grant takes considerable tlme. Mr. No rman sa id if the r 0 zone is not approved the County would no longer be el1giblo Co r the qr.'1nt. R.:tsponding to COillmissioClt:C holl"nd, Mr. Hart~an said that the money would be applied to the coat of paving DeSoto 60ulevard from Alligator Alley to Golden Gate Boulevard. Commissioner Holland asked, since there will be no entrances or exits on Alligator Alley when the highway Is compl~t.d as 1-75, what pur po>>. would there be in paving DeSoto Boulevard. Mr. Hartman sald that the people ne.dln9 to go to the Ford Motor Company proving grounds would use Golden Cate Boulevard Paille 34 ,-- ^.~,.",..""".."""-"",,, .,~"",- _';,<..~"""""C'_'_ -"..~_.., . September 13, 1983 to DeSoto Boulevard proceed south on DeSoto Boulevard. He said that 1. the basl. for the grant. Respondlng to Chairman Kruse, Mr. Hartman sald that Fund 3l1, from which the expense to the County of approxi- mately $23,000 would come, conslsts of several of the gas tax surpluses deposi tod Into one fund. He said that the County funds would be involved in II\4king the east/west dralnage swales operable. Commi.sioner Voss said this is the only opportunity to obtain funds for tho road and that the BCC has changed the Comprehensive Plan to permit tho project. Mr. Hartman said, if the grant is approved, that the State and the BCC would b~como party to an agreement which can be ~ time consuming project. 110 said the BCC can either accept the agreement or deny it. Co_isslonee pistor aoved, ~econded by Co_l.sioner Vo.., that tbe transportation fund application, for DeSoto Boulevard 1.prove..nt, to tbe State Florida Depart.ent of Co...rce Divi.lon of Icono.lc Dev.lop and the expense of approxiaately $23,000 fro. Fund 3ll should the application be approved, be authoriled. Mr. Clifford 8~rksdale, represonting Collier Enterprises, said that the application state. tha t the local qovurnmontal body =ust cortlfy to the State: that the r~zone has been approved before the money would Actually be qranted. H. SAid the actIon thl. date allows the AppliCAtion to compete with oth.r projects in that fundlng program. Upon call for the question, the aotlon carried 4/1, with Co_lssioner Kruse opposed. . l.~~~ rm f~.f19 'age, 35 ;0 ."',.,........_,.,..... -"'--~,,,- "'i,. September l3, 1983 ".'iO, :~I ',:411' . 'J~ ..'j,;;., r~:\ '...)1:. Ite. 117 '>~t5; . ';~?;J BID '674 rOR BI~EW~~ COMSTRUCTIOH TO HIGHWAY 'AVERS, INC., MAPLES, :\01"~ ;,,~:~ FLORIDA - APPROV~C' N THE AMOUNT or $362,327.6$ ~ ., '-:~ ':...: LI~( L~ga1 notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on .-#;:~ " ,. ','.1 ,;.I.~ '. , .~, August 1, 19S3, as dvidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clltrk, bid S Wit r It receivc}d for Bid 1674, for Bikoway Construction, until 2:30 P.M. , August 24, 1983. Coaaissioner pistor moved, seconded by Co..issioner Holl.nd .nd carried unanl.ously, that Bid 1674 for Blkevay Construction be av.rded to Highvay Pavers, Inc., Naples, rlorida in the aaount of $362,327.68, .a reco..ended by the Purchasing Director to b. the lovest re.pon.ible bid in the b.st Interest of the County, and that the Chair.an be authorized to aign .nd the Clerk to attest the resulting .gre..ent. ..... Rece..J 12:00 Noon - Reconvenedl 1130 P.M. .t vhicb tl.e Deputy Clerk Kenyon replaced Deputy Clerk Skinn.r ..... . Ite. U8 PROPOSED POLICY RE PHONE INSTRUMENT AND PRIVATE LINI ACQUISITIOM _ APPROVED tlo!nry Hill, ^d:ninistat(ll of Administratlve S.rvlces, st&ted that this is II reques t to h,'1ve policy quidelines ..tablished to aid In the implementation vf thd telephone aystdm. lie roforred to d Calendar of Events thclt ~as est~blish~d with the AT'T people which would serve as a . guidellnli. Ii.! stated that under thiu policy thero Is controlling multi-line sets, addln9 th4 t thor,,' ls 4 difference in price betw..n multi-line sets and sin11d lin. s.ts of approximately S185.00 per ins t r um~ n t. He stated thllt with the n~w system a lot of things that could bo donv with ~ ~ultl-lin. svt iM now avaIlable on a single line se t. Also, t~cr' has been conc~rn re~ardIng private line.. He stated ' '; ~::', . :::, ~, that 4dditionally ?eripherals, booper telephones and other type. of ,/>..;. "~' >;fi, dquipment could bo lookvd at closely. He stated that he is askIng th.t ,.~ . ::f: ' .( . rrn FACe 493 .J< bJ~~ '.Ig. 3' .'- , ...',....~..~._-~"._,._"" ....._--"'..'""'-_.'~"".,......_..~ -- ..... -. ~. . ...- September 13, 1983 &~~~ fJ17 PACi494 the Board consider establIshing these guIdeline. as polIcy. Commissioner Pistor stated that the only concern he has is that it should read, appropriate justification provIded the County .-t~ under 1B, t;,~ {l. Manager appoint a Syatoms Administrator -in writing-. He stated that . ~.~:r~ :\~: '..~~;.:~ the same thing which apply to private lines and the words -In writing- ::Y,: ".~ ,~ .h~"lIJld be inserted. He stated that the deviations or special ..ta; ;of. .l""o \'1. considerations should be on record in wr it i ng . .r:'- .- j Mr. Hill stated that it was hi. intention to qet them in writing, adding that it can be added to the policy guidelines. Co..is.loner Pi.tor aoved, .econded by Coaal..loner Vo.. and carried unaniaously, that the propo.ed policy re phone In.tru.ent and private line acquisition be approved vlth the word. -In vrltln;8 added. , .- . , 'a;. 37 , . . . . . , . ..-"'....,---"....,_.......... ... .-;"...,,--- -"... .._____.__""_...'_"""""""...._....,._'..u.w....,.""....~.,,._._,_~~.,.,...., ._.....""., ;,," ,r;'Ji ,.'.'~ September 13, 1933 .~ '.>~<:€ ern f~~~.{96 >~<i: I_;e-: " Jlrl~~ &OJ~ . 'II t.' \./~", ~~J. "~A .''1:,: ; ..-'-AI" It.. '19 '~~,;:-'''' ,/.,',1:;:, " ,,\ ,', -, t :^~ CBAIRKAM AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE ALL LEGAL DOCUMIWTS PERTAINING TO THE , "'':' ,. .....~. COUNTY TELECOMMUNICATIONS 'URCRASI WITH AMERICAN BILL . ,,,~,' ~~. , -,......'.-( Mr. Hill stated that he wllnted to be sure the documents wore - " presented to the Commissionors as soon as possible in order to not '. l~ .: j eope) rd i zc any implem&nt~tion date of the Calendar of Events. He noted . 'It , ". that along with the purchase ayrQ~ment, there is a maintenance " . agre~m~nt and a letter of ag~ncy which will authorize AT&T to be the County's represent~tive in further follow-up with United Telephone. Commissioner Pistor questioned if the $50,000 for the cable completely rewircs tbe whole complex, to ~hich Purchasing Oirector Th ieIe stated that at this point o;,ly the wire in Building F has been investigated and not the wire in th~ ground. He stated that he has not asked United Telcphonu whl:t:.h..:r ~hcy will or can sell the existing wires as there are priv~te lines on these wi res for certain departments. Commissioner Pistor qUl:stionlH.l why the lines had to be changed if they were good enough for t h .: U T l:) 5 Y stem, to which Purchaslng Dlrector Thiele state" there are not enough wires and they are not compatible with the AT.T system. ,., r . Hill stated thAt he is aski~9 that the County Attorney prepare a letter to United T(tlcphon~ which will request their statement and position on the wires and the proposed pr ice if they ar. going to sell it to the County or if th~y Are going to take it out, addlng that he will need a reply back by the rnidjle of October. Co..l..ioner Vo.. aoved, ..conded by Co..i..ioner 'lstor, that the Chalr..n be authorized to execute the legal docuaent. wItb AaerIcan Bell pertalnln9 to the County'. telecoeaunIcatIon. .y.t<<2. Hr. LA. !Hat, rupreaenting United Telephone Company, .tated that , wh.n h. initlally caGle Into thv County, he was the low bidder, vhich Page 38 ...... ~ , ---.....,.---,.., ""~""'"~~'".<" -,_."...... ; .fl.. c' '. ,.11, . ...."" .' . ", September 13, 1983 .) included all the cable in the buildings. He stated that since he met with the C~unty the last time, the Soiriff's system changed and he put new prices togother for the Shori f f. He stated that after all change. were made, he was lStill the low bidder for a total cost o~ $382,338 except for the outslde cable. He stated that United can stIll provide the best service with the best product. He reported that his price include. the satisfaction of tho existlng contract. He stated that this system is the same system with enhanced software in the PBX. Hr. Jay H19hley, District ManAger of Utelcom, stated that before the Board si9nB any le~al documents wlth AT'T, he is requesting that AT'T provide a copy of their occup~tional licen3e to do buslness in Co lli e r Co u n t y . County Attornoy Saunders stated that the contracts can be exC!cuted, but prior to any commencement of iiOrk, an occupatlonal liconse would h.sve to be issued. Upon call for the question, the ~tion c.rried unanl~u.ly. . \l 077 PA~497 " . &Oj~ ..."~ "';,1 .. , :J.".:. ,. ~" ..,., "),,,, . . J.~~A '. .., ';1" , j,. . .. ~.,"~".=._--,--,"'-_._''''',.........'~,,'',,_..., III" --""- ----~..,..~,~--,..~,.,.~--,,_......_..""._.~~ September 13, 1983 DO~~ fro fA:,49B Ite. '20 BAS RlCOKMKMDATION TO APPOINT DR. POLKOWSKI AS COLLIER COUVTY BIALTH orPICER - ACCIPTED Co..l..loner Pistor aove4, .econde4 by Co..l.sloner Roll.nd and c.rried un.nlaoualy, that KRS'. reco..endation th.t Dr. Polkow.ki be .ppointed .. Collier County Health OffIcer be .ccepte4. Ite. '21 RBSOLUTION 83-164 AUTHORIZING EXECUTION or AX AGREEMENT NOT TO COMPETE'.~ ~ AXD All OPTION AGRIEMENT, 80TH AGRIEMINTS POR THI 'URPOSI or ACQUIRIHa~.,~;~, 'LA_DB rOR AX'[) RECREATIONAL PURPOSES RI THI LAICE TRArrORD MARINA . . :r.,~~1 rACILITY AHO ADJACENT LANDS - ADOPTED 'I!J:" Oon No r ton, Pub 11 c Sorv I cos Adml n 1st ro<o r, stated ths t h. 1. _ :1.- a...... requesting that the BOcHd i1uthor i ze two agreements regarding the Lake .::',!:'~, .MI. ".. Trafford Marina property. lie reported that the option contract allows the County to purchase the mbr!na property within 75 days at a price of $239,900.00 and the agreement not-to-competo is re~uired by tho owner. o! Lake Trafford Mc!lrina, Inc. as ,) condition procodent to donatln9 .:~'f approxilllate:y 1/2 acrc to be uSt:d for 4 ploc, boat ramp and other park ~, , :~,.. ~)'" i ~ .provelD ..s. 'j, ,'~A COIll.issioner Pi~tor stated th~t he had concerns regarding the ii:~ concessions not on the dClJdlJd properly and adjoinlng property, to which ;.;..........' ".' Assistant County Attorney Cuyler stAted that he would check the wording ':~'1~ of tho contract and take care of Commlasloner Pi.tor's concerns. ::,y;l:, .'..... . "Y"'" Commissioner Kruse indicated that once the property was purcha.ed ;~ , .~ by the C~unty, the not-lo-compete Agreement would beco~e null and vol4. Co..is.ioner Brown aove4, .econded by Co..l..ioner Yo.. .nd c.rried un.nlaou.ly, that R..olution 83-164 authorlllng execution of an .gree.ent not-to-co.pete which the owner. of Lake Tr.fford Marin., Inc., requlre .. . condition precedent to don.tlnt .pproataately 1/2 acre to be uae4 for the pier, bo.t reap .nd other palk lapro.e..nta, ,::"fl\.' '.g. 40 ~.,.:-:,}k ^....fl\,_,,~, .. ., -'--w.. ....... ...t:j~.; <<, '. '~ ,-*: ~ ...._"._"..,.~o"'..n __.",,~>,~~ -"",""~.-,-,.~_............,,.~. .- .- . ,,:;:& Sept_b.r 13, 1983 ....~ "'f"~ . ,} . f <, ~ " " "., i 'ff:..'~' ,;1? and an option .gr....nt, .llowlng the County to purcha.. the ..rin. ,~r;~.r.~~. .-:-;1 prop.rty within 75 day. .t a price of $23','00.00 be .~opt.4. y.:,~ "i'~\~,~ 'f~-l,F' ,<~~fr;~ ,.1 6JJl 071 tA:c499 " , I'! .', .~,;, ., -- .'..,-",..".-".,"--- alii , . '1 ....... ~ II 1" _....._....-._"-_..~;....'_....~.-~"'_.""..,~....;,,,.""'--,......',.,".,,,~"g' ,- ~"~''''''''~~-'''~"'- ,. ,"" . ~":::, .~ '~:~ ~i~ "';~'1 Seplember 13, 1983 .~~ em PAC, 506 4/~: ~n< - '~",'~~l It.. 122 STAFr RIPORT OM THI SITI SELECTIOM FOR COMMUJlITY 'ARK 1M THI IMOKALE& ARIA - POSTPONED TO 9/20/83 Coaal.aioner Brown aoved, .econded by Co..l..loner Vo.. and carried unanl.ously, that the .taff report on the .lte .election for the coaaunlty park in the Iaaokalee area be poatponed to 9/20/83. It.. '23 C~E ORDER MO. 4 - TRANSMISSION MAINS FOR THI COUNTY REGIONAL WATER ,TRANSMISSION SYSTEM - CONTINUED TO 9/20/83 Co..l..loner Voss aov.d, .econded by Coaai..loner ,l.tor and carried unanl.ou.ly, that Change Order No.4, Tran..i..lon ..In. for the County Re910nal Water Tran..i..ion Sy.te. be continued to 9/20/83. Ite. '24 CBAI~ AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE A ONI YEAR LEASI RENEWAL FOR THI COUNTY WATER DIVISION WAREHOUSE AT THE MONTHLY RATE or $250.00 Co..is.loner Pistor aove~, .econded by Co..la.loner Brown and carried unanl.ously, that the Chalr..n be authorlaed to execut, a on. year l.ase reneval for the County Weter Divi.lon Warehou.e at the aonthly rate of $250.00. .- ..,.' ...;... ""~ '1 'ag. 42 ' ':':'~'~;'~', _. , , .,:,..t\.,~ . ~l', . . . ,~ '\'~'I ' ";\\~ ~ '::(~ _0"'"'..-'..___......_ ,---,.~...,._'_.,,,...._~..,..,..._"" .~ ' . ,." f.""... ~ ),.,;.! p , . ~~,.. r. ,,, September 13, 1983 &O~K 071 PAc,510 It.. '25 ROUTINI BILLS - APPROVID rOR 'AYMIHT Purauant to Resolution 81-150 the following check. were i.aued tbrougb rrid.y, Septeaber 9, 1983, in p.yaent of routine billa. ;'\": ,~, ~;;~~ CHICI DESCRIPTION CHECI HOS. MOUll,. , Voucber Check. 100220-100437 . 1,149,597.62 '~\, ReCjJular '.yr011 68589-69143 221,120.07 (I. i.... Ite. '26 . BUDaI,. AMIXDMEH,.S 83-846 THROUGH 83-855 - ADOPTID AS 'RISENTED Coaals.ioner Pistor aoved, .econded by Co..i..loner Bolland .nd carried unaniaously, that Budget Aaendaent. 83-846 through 83-855 be adopted .. pre..nted. ..... Rece..& 2&00 P.M. - Reconvened. 2&10 '.M. ..... . " k ~' 1~~ ,"i' :.ll,. ~: ~, "/ ., ~ . ;,'-' 'l',,, ." ,~ j. :;~ ""i' t"l,. 'M" ","'. '.' ./, :\,i" ;~. . 'I' ;~fj ~. -,~'~ '1ge 43 . ,'l'i-, :/~ :l!.~,"..i' ..~,. ,~' ,', ";~'1;'l(.~ ,t-, e. . M ....-""'~ II .~ )i_~.::.:.jI~,'i"-' '\~if ,'. "---"--,,,---,,,._,,,,,~-,,,,,,,,-~-,,,"'~"""""""-'"-.,.-" --=~'-""'''''- September 13, 1983 Tape '7 It.. '27 MARCR 1984 BALLOT TO BOLD RSrSRDDUM RBGARDIIIG Ia.CRII-SIaIG AD VALORIII TAXIS 1/4 MILL TO PROVIDE rUNDS rOR MOM1TORIMG SLUDGE AHD ErrLUENT PROBLEMS rOR TBE ENTIRE COUMTY - A'PROVED Commissioner Voss stated that staff was instructed to take so~e samples of the .ludg. that i. being d.poalted in the County, adding that these .am~les were sent to the State for bacteriological and vira analysis. He stated that there has not b~en a final report, but it ha been determined that it is loaded with bacteria and virus, noting that the Medical Society in Collior County as well as the Health Oepartment is very much conc~rned. He stated that there are a lot of things that are not done such as how far it migrates or how deep it goes. He stAted that one thing is known thll t if it migrates very much it can a ffoct the water supply for the entire County. He stated that as the County grows and ~ore trea tmont plants arc installed and more sludge il a CCUl1\ul a tud, thu wholo fut'Jre of the County could be jeopardized because of 4 water supply contamination. He stated that he would like to su~gest thlSt this bu put on the ~rch ballot for .. referendum of 1/~ mill to provide funds to study the overall prob1 e.ll of the County with res t>d C t to wilter and Sew4ge. lie rcp<,rtcd thdt the Medical Society has augqltstecJ that a1 pI.lee be found to doposit s1ud~e, not on an aquifier, ar,)und which a t est ...u 11 could be inatalh\J in order to monitor the migration of ba1ctcri~ olnd virus if both arc there. Ue stated that ther. i. not monEY to do this and it i.. i~perativ. that the public reali~c thd severity of the problem and their support for 1/4 ai 11 ad valorem in~rease to laonitor the sludge, the sew4ge proble. .. well a. the water problem in th. whole County. He stat.d that It is not auch of an in.:r...., but it will 9ive the County something to work with. Commissioner Pistor stated that he agr..d with Commissioner YOs. and had a conversation with Or. Cox, adding that soae of the problea 11 ~~ (, 71 fA~ 521 'age .4 -..- "'-_.-~_'_,_'''''''''''.''----~ ., i' ....... Oeptember 13, 1983 -,'..Ill W'. LO~ en? fA:, 522 "~~ ,fJ4.;" DERts and a Mr. Ron Blackburn should be contacted to see if they can do something to help. He stated that a'suggestion has been m~da that two :~ 'O'}.,. ., ; areas of about three acres in size, be found as soon as possible, " i~':'t; . :.< (, addlng that one should be in the western or northern part of the County ~" and one in the eastern part of the County that can be used as the dump sites. Ue stated that there would hAve to be a sufficient number of monitoring wells Around a fenced or blocked in area in whlch the sludge is dUlllped in order to 1Il0nitor what 18 happening with the seepage. Co..lssioner Voss .oved, seconded by Co..is.loner ,i.tor and carried 4/1, (Co..issioner Kru.e opposed) that the Marcb 1984 ballot to bold a referendua regarding increasing ad valoree taxe. 1/4 .111 to provide fund. for aonltorlng .ludge and effluent proble.s for the entire County be approved. County ~nager Norman stated that Mr. Voss discussed this proposition with him, adding that he encouraged him to think In terlDs of drafting the ~roposition and explaining it in such a way as, to be able to use these funds also for the total program. Commissioner J(ruoe indicatvd that her position i. based on the (act that ther6 are existing sludge deposita now that could eaolly be monitored and there is no need ~o set up another site. It.. '2' PROPIRTY APPRAISAL ADJUSTMIIIT BOARD TO 81 BILD SIM'IMBIA 26, It83 AIfD SIPTIMBIR 28, 1983, IF IIICISSARY .. Coaalaalon.r Pistor 80ved, .econded by Co..l..ioner Yo.. .nd carried unanlaoualy, that the 'roparty Appral..l A4ju.~nt Ioard be held Septeaber 26, 1983, and S.pteaber 28, 1983, if n.c....ry. ',\ Com.iasioner KrulIe indicated that she la on this board and If for , r aooe reason she is unable to attend, COlDaia.ioner Holland ha. agreed to take her pl ace. 'ag. 45 . -.' --""~.'<~"-'-'~"''''''~'<'''''''''_.~' ___n"~'''''~'_ September 13, 1963 Ite. . 29 COUNTY MAMAGER MORMAM AS~ID TO RESIGM AMD AUTHORIZATION GRAKTED TO ADVERTISE FOR POSITION - APPROVED l' Cotrlllli ss ioner pis to r read <1 prepared statemdnt indlcatlng his dissatisfaction with C~unty ,~nager Norman and asked that hI! resign fro~ his position. Comalssloner Pi.tor IIOved, seconded by Co.-lssloner Holland and carried 3/2 (Co..i.sloners Brown Ind Voss oppo.ed), that County Manager Nor.an be asked to resl9n and authorization be granted to adverti.e for the po.itlon. CommlLOsionor Kruse stated th~t dhc ~ould ask that consideratlon of Ii two "''''1 cl k period, _hich is in the Ordin!lnce, be yiven to allow the Co un t y M.l :la'll! r to consid..r hin next step. (;ounty Attorn~'I :.> .} u n d c r s indl=.:1tod that the Ordinance was alllended <2 nd it el1mlnilteJ Lhu timt.' periods, .)ddin'~ th!lt any time period that ttl\! ~o 01 r d sees !it can be provided. County :1.1nll-.J:.'r Normdn i 'I die IS t ~ d th"l 1 t is not a to ta 1 lurprl.e b,Jt .::o.nir~ loltllcr .:juicKly, ~(jain'J th.:a t he rugrets that this fe ell ng h a . d.:velot'~d. tlot in<:licoltnl tlla t h" iJla..neu a three ~ek vacation starting th~ next _r 11 ~ , ddding that he 1010 ltl d like time to rospond and ",ould ask th.Jt to" bo 4 r d -.liLn~r .n4~t.' thu ddte n~xt Tu.sday or un t il he returns fro:tl hi$ lIolcdtioll. Camilli :uionu Pistor stclted tha t h. would ~llow the County Manager every courtesy f-Os:lloi&: !Ind ....ould ttxtt'nd the resi9nation request to the first ....<e~ aft~r his lIac<ltion. Co_i.sloner ~ruse IaOved, seconded by Co..is.loner ,istor and c.rried un.nlaously, th.t County Manager Nor.an be 91ven until the first week .fter hi. vac.tlon to consider hi. next .tep before -.<0. reslgnin9. ,. 'I- ,.. " .,~~':'~' .')\ . (;11 U~ 523 . .~:;~ ~~~K '.ge 46 '<1'\') :!'I ,',-, . .":;~~ .. :::':"i ..IJ J~ "--,~_..'." -- ,_..,-" ","""".,,,,,,,..._,,,,.>~-,..._~, ",''r.\, ; , .. S.ptc~ber 13, 1983 ~ fn7 ~514 It.. '30 C8AI~ AUTBORIZ&D TO SIGH CIRTlrICATIS 'OR CORRICTIOM TO TBI TAX ROLLS AS 'RISIKTED BY THI ,RO'IRTY AP'RAISIR'S orrICI Co..l..loner ,lstor ~ved, .econded by Co..I..loner Holland and cerrled unanl.ou.1y, that the Chalraan be authorized to sign certificate. for correction to the Tax Roll. a. pre.ented by the ' . Property Appraiser'. Office. .-.' 1982 TAX ROLL TANGIBLE PERSONAL 'ROPIRTY .' 1982-401 - 1982-442 8/26/83 - 9/6/83 1980 TAX ROLL 615 8/29/83 1981 TAX ROLL 620 8/29/83 19S2 TAX ROLL " 646 8/29/83 Ite. '31 IXTRA GAIN TIMI rOR INMATES NOS. A-26839 AND A-32891 - A"ROVID Co..i.sioner Pi.tor aoved, ..conded by Co~!..loner Bolland r~ oarried unani.ously, that extra vain tl.e for lnaates .0.. A-26.39 and A-32891 be appcoved. It.. '32 LETTU or RUIOMATION ACCEPTED 'ROM MR. A. B. CURRY, JR. 'ROM Tal NATa JIAIlAGDtDT ADVISORY BOARD AND AUTBORIZATI011 GRA.IIT&D TO ADnRTll1 VACAIICY Co..issioner Pi.tor aoved, .eco~4ed by Co..Issloner Yo.. and carried unaniaou.1y, tbat tbe letter of r.signatIon be acc.pt.d froa Kr. A. B. Oarry, Jr. frOll the ....t.r Manag...nt Advloory Ioard and tJ:t.at autborlaatlon be vranted to advertis. .ald vacancy. Pag. .7 . . . .. .;. ,. ...--.......--.,..,...,.."".- .~''".- ._.__.....-"',',~" Sept.mber 13, 1983 .,'< ..... Co_lasioner pi.tor aoved, .econded by Co_l..lon.r vo.s " IInd carried unaniaou.ly, that the followlnCj Ite.. be ~. adopted and/or approved under the Consent ACjendaa ..... Itea '33 MISCIL~EOUS CORRESPO~DENCE - rILED AND/OR RErERRED ThHe bltin'3 no objolction, thv Chair dlrectad that the following ~orrespondence b~ filed an1/or ruf~rrQd to the various dep~rtments as indiciltod belo....: 1. Copy of llttt~r Jerry C. :-lool, P.1::., Anchor Engineering from DNR re approval of rdquest to construct sea....ard of the mean hlgh water lino for OO~-tiJ-S~, Sunset "OUEIl of Marco Island, ~outh. xe: Or. Btnedict, Filed. 2. COl-lY of letter to D. T. Tackney, P.!::., Tdckney " Associate., Inc. from D~H re ~pproval for request to dred~e sea....ard of the mean niqh ....lSlor lin" for DdS-t!2-47, Save the 8aY6 Association, Ine. xc: Dr. I.htnedict, Filed. ). Lutter d~teJ d/2a/dJ iro~ Ho....ard M. Glassman, State Coordinator, National Flood Insurance Program, re9ardIn~ notification from F~~A tlldt Collier County .....3~ presented the prclLnlnary Flood Insurance Study and ~lood Insurance Rate Mdp on 10/26/82. xc: Mr. Norman, Mr. Saunders, flIed. 4. Lutter ddtuu a/22/8J from Phillip D. ThomDs, CertIfied Consultin9 Metaotolo~ist, r~'3ardlng elev~lion8 list~d on thlt Hurrleane Infor~4tion Pa~phlct. xc: Mr. Horman, Mr. Dorrill, Mr. Saunders, fllt!d. ~. ~lnutcs ot 8/18/B3 CAPC mdetln~ nn~ agen~a of 7/l/83, agenda of 1:$/6/0) fo r r'lPO. xc: fo'lled. 5. 19aJ ~umm~r ~dcreatlan Program re~ort fro~ Parks' Reereatlan. xc: Filed. 7. Letter d3led d/1/83 fro~ ~rs. J~ne HO~dn req~rdln9 the n.ed for. tr~ffl: signdl at tho untr~nc~ to Naples Town Shoppln9 Center on U.~. 41. xc: Mr. Norman, FilQd. !tea . 34 RESOLUTION 83-165 CONFIRMING STREET NAME or QUAIL rOREST BOULIVARD See Page .... t:; 3" 1 tea US " '.j RESOLUTION 83-166 CONrIRMU'Q STREET lIME or ACRU..L ORIVI :~; .~ See 'age S 3 /';~ ;~ L~:'( rrn 1~S25 PaC)e 48;~ '~ .,:~ . . "'\ '...., '...:!.~ ....1 .j-~ ----..-----. ... \ . '::,;j;' ),.~,: ... ,.,,,:~ (f71 F~t 526 September 13, 1903 I ~~ " . .''! ' It.. '36 '.~' :',~f RESOLUTION 83-167 CONFIRMING STREET NAME OF THE EXISTING AND PROPOSED ')~ ,,;f,.,1 LIVINGSTON ROAD NORTH AND LIVINGSTON ROAD SOUTH '::,\~'t': ~'.: . ,0. '~~, See Page S3;{ ",~~~~ J~4i, .,A1 Itell '37 ;_"'':'!1 '''-',)'. ~"" . ~ ..' i1 CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN LETTER REQUESTING ASSISTANCE OF THE ',(,.t., . -,I. SOUTHWEST FLORIDA REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL IN THE PREPARATION OF SMALL CITIES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT aLOCK GRANT APPLICATION Ite. '38 ,., -'.. .. STATUS R!PORT ON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM Ite. '39 FINAL ACCEPTANCE or IMPERIAL GOLF ESTATES, PHASE II AND PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORIZED TO RELEASE THE ONE YEAR 10' MAINTENANCE SECURITY Ite. 140 APPLICATION FOR ANNUAL AID FROM THE ~TATE LIBRARY or FLORIDA See Page .533-S37'- It.. 141 DOCUMENTS RE THE PROPOSAL TO MODIFY EXISTING FA~R'S VILLAGE GRANT S.e Page S.3S It.. 142 MISS DEBO~H ANN NORMAN APPOINTED TO THE FOOD ESTABLISHMENT REVIEW I BOARD WITH AN EXPIRATION DATE OF 11/3J/83 AND MR. RAYMOND NELSON APPOINT.EO TO THE SAME BOARD WITH AN EXPIRATION DATE OF 11/30/84 ....* Recess: 2:25 P.M. - Reconven.d: 2:30 P.M. at vhich ti.e Comeissioner Kruse vas not pre.ent and the reviev of the Utilities budget was workshopped ....* pag. <49 .' " ,i'1V ~ ; ',.1 , ';.';r ~, ,.... , . .. '.}'~~ _... ~ ,...~ '......,. . I . ~...,. ..,.~,~, ".), . ....~....>" ---"'";.,,",,~.,.~-,"""" September 13, 1983 Ite. '1 UTILITY rUNDS SBOWIMG DOLLAR AMOUNTS TO BI SBOWM 1M TBI BUDGET UVDIR TBI UTILITY DIVISION " ,. Mr. Hill stated that the budgets do not include the changes that :}t were sU9gested at the laGt minute, as all totals would have to be changed and this can be accomplished by budget amendments after the beginning of the fiscal yea r . Utilities Administrator Bcrzon stated th~t these budgets are ba~ed . on certain revenu~s that come from operatin1 departments, such as Engineering, Zoning and Planning, going to the Utilities Dlvision for Administrative purposes. He noted that those revenues are strictly esti~ates b~sed on whdt was perceived in June of this year as being the work activity sent to his office for review. ....~ Co..is.ioner Iruse entered the roo. at 2135 '.M. ..... the budgetl'l have been completed, adding . Me. Bdr:ton stated that tha t In the interest of ~ovlng ahedd, the Fiscal Officer reco;nmended that thu budget remain th\t same clnd when the time comes that the revenues are not r c.11 I ze d , those expenditures which -.re ear~arked for those purposes ',oIQuld not be made and budget amendments would be made accordingly. Commissioner ristor questioned where it shows in the budget what is being paid Cor water that is being purchased? Fiscal Officer elles indicated that this is fro31 the operating fund of the County Water-Sewer District and can be found under Fund 411, Aq.ncy 114-1111, Pa~o ll. H. stll tod that the purchase of w~tor for the City in 1983-84 is shown as $737,352, adding that each fund will show a fund summary which indiCAte.. the total amount budgeted for the fund in broad Page 50 L~J~ 077 fACc52.7 ."._--,......,-,""'... _-.._,."~~".~..."~ ". .., ','"J ..;{.;;; September l3, 1983 ,,;J,~~ fJrl r.1.~,528 ~ "... .. .~. . f>iDl( . ~';'fi "",t; !~~~ categorI.s. He noted that after that there is a schedule showing the 'l>i{(l .." ~~;~1 calculation of each line ite~ showin9 all detail. ~'~it\ . . . .. " COlDmissioner Kruse questioned where she would find Sewer Area -B- ,~ \'~" ~, :~s' ".t Sou th Ha lf7 Mr. Beuon replied that it was not submitted because it . ";1' has been paid off. Fiscal Officer Giles stated that it was submitted by the County Manager as far as a special assessment fund, adding that it is not an .. " enterprise fund. He noted that in past ye"rs, the assessment would be ll\4 d e in a special assessment fund and the money would be transferred over to the Enterprise fund also called Sewer Area -B- South Half and then engineering expenses would be paid from it, adding that the only way to tell what the rl:al status was to to ta 1 the two funds together. He stated that there are not two funds now, there 1. only one fund to look at. Commissioner Kruse stated that there should be a Sewer Area -8- fund in Utilities, instead of looking under the County Manager~s budget. Fiscal Officer Giles stated that it 1. a .pecial aase.sllent fund and should be indicated as cuch. Commissioner Kruse stated that the preference of the Bo a r tj is that all utility funds show under utilities, adding that it is much loo easy to .pread too IUny studles into other areas where thert: is not a comprehenslve view. . + Fiscal Officer Giles stated that he is not tryin~ to oppolle the Board IS to who it ls under, adding that proper accounting 18 tha tit be listed as a special assessment fund. Co..i..loner Kru.e .oved, .econded by Co..is.loner ,l.tor and .' 'age S1 ',. ,1 :.:ou '}l ',,;~ "-('..' ~k , ,~~~J I -.:1 . " .'#":", I" '. .,$l '- ..'-.... ~.. .\I.~.~, ;.' . .. {t::..~ .~----"".',.,'." "._.~...,.._,_..,..,..",'.,,~.... ,.,.", - J '.t'.... ';"b I ".1 \"" t~~.~-, Septtmber 13, 1983 ~~. '., .~" ...~-" I ':v ~ carrled unanlaou.ly tbat the fund., the dollar. lnvolved in any utility if 'I ~.I' .;~ . ~'~iS'~' operation be llated under utllltie. whether it i. a .pecial ........nt ';!~ 'i' '"i " 'lJ .' or not. ':rP:- ,i/: .'.K.' Tape .e '.f" ;"..~ . ..... Co..i..ion.r Brown left the ..etlng .t 2150 '.M. ..... Co..laaloner ,l.tor .oved, aeconded by Co..l..loner Bolland and " carri.d 4/0, (Co..i..loner Brown not pre.ent), that the utllity budget " be tent.tively approved. , . . . . . . . . There being no further business for the good of the County, the m~etin9 was adjourned by Order of the Cha1r - T1me: 3:00 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARO(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS COl'lTROL . k~"'_~~ce 0la1nmn I MARY-FAA CES KRUS~, CHAIRMAN ' '. . " ., the BCC en ()ctober 4, 19R1 as ,..., ... ',~~ pr,..s~nted or as corrected . . , '1 '. ... ., ~ ~ "\ \\ \\ \ ' . - : " .~-:~,~ P.~. 52 ;r':~. "i~)~ &~~ rrn f.\:(529 . - . ~._"".."_......_... .,_. _...._-~_...~,."