BCC Minutes 09/13/1983 B ~~ rm a.,..: ~ , ,'~;'~:;F riW4.~ Peg. l'·i'i.1t.'. , . " ""'<:\·:¡~ft". ..-- -- - - ----..- -- - - - - --- -- .....-,-.-..-..... ------....._---....;..........-.....~ /..,:..:~';!~. , "., ',.,W\1 . :'.~.~ ... ,} ~ ,~ ;t:. "-" . 'f,j,· .. '1It- , '. ':"'.,. '$~' it, ',"," ¡: t. ~>.. -- Naplos, FloridÐ, September 13, 1983 LET IT U£ REM£M8~RED, ~hðt the Board of County Commissioners in .nd for the County of Collier, and also actln9 a. tho Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such .pecial districts as have been croatad according to lðw and hðving conducted businëss herein, met on this dato at 7100 P.M. in Budget Ses8ion in Ðuilding -F- of the Courthouse Complex, East Naplos, Florida, w~th the following members preentl CHAIRMANI Mary-Frances Kruse VIC::;-CIiAIRMAN: David C. Brown John A. Pistor Frederick J. Voss C. C. -Red- Hollnnd ALSO PRtS£NTI William J. Reagan, Clerkl James C. Giles, Fiscal Officer; Elinor M. S~lnnur, Deputy Clerk, C. William Norman, County Manager, Billy P. BecKott, Assistant County Attornoy, Burt L. Saunders, County AttorneYI Nancy lsrðolson, Administrativo ~ocretary, and Cepu~y .- , . ! .~?1ief Ray¡nond 13arnott, Sheriff'. Depðrtment. ':'.;,.. ~, I PUBLIC HEARING ON 1983-84 FINAL BUDGET ACENDA (AMENDED) 1. Chðirmðn's at~tement regarding purpose of .eetlng.' 2. flscbl 0fflcer's oxplanation of porcentaq. incroas. In millü~e ovor the rollod-bacK rate And tho specific purpo.e. for wnlch ðd valorem tax revenues aro being increa.ed. ). County ~~nð~~r'a comments. 4. COQQcnts trom the public. 5. Uoðrd diocus81on. 6. Mo t i on to ClotH" public hoar1ng. Motion to approvtj 1!JtJ3-84 .Ulage-lovy reaolution. MotIon to olpprov(J 1963-84 budget rosolutlon. ",I' 7. ,~:~'-~ : 8. 9. ~ttp.r¿¡tu diucus3ion and .ottons to adopt tðX l.vi.. and bU~get. of dopendent spoci.1 districts. ,,,:,., \,~. ',., ~~-j 5-ftt ;''', ~../!. /-1# ,·;f: '~ ,---------.-- .,4 '.' '\. '; I ~~) . ~ :~ ------------------------------.... September 13, 1983 .~ , ..,.' ~~ ( 071 fACim FISCAL OrFICER'S EXPLANATION OF PERCENTAGE INCREASE IN MIL~GE OVER THE ROLL!D-BAC~ RATE AMD THE SPECIFIC PURPOSES rOR WHICH AD VALOREM TAX REVENUES ~RE BEING INCRE~SED ' Legal notico hðvin9 been published in tho Naples Daily News on Septv~ber ll~ 1983, .!IS ovidenced by Affidavits of Publication filod with the Clerk, tho !lnðl public hearings were opencd to consider the :.:'" 1983-84 Final Budget Ðnd millage-levy resolutions. , Fiscal OfClccH Giles oxplainud the purpose of the mooting and said that Section 200.065 of the floridð Statutos provides that the first subatðntivv, issue that ~hol)1d bo discussed is the percentage increase in tho millöge over th~ rolled-back rðte necessary to fund the budget and tho apQcific purposes for ,which I'd valorem tðX revenues are boin9 incrUðsed. Hv referred to the handout glvun to those present and said that the percentage increase In tax ovur th~ rolled-back rate is 15' which Is shown on page 5 of the packet. tt~ said that the bulk of the increase of the tax lovy is related to the County's Gvneral Fund and the County's Unincorporated Area Municipal Service Taxing District General Fund. Ho saId that the primary factors causing the Ceneral fund'. approximate 3.6 million dol:.,r tax Increaøe are as followsl 1. Approxi~ate1y a $700,000 decline in cash available to carry forward to the 1963-84 Fiscal 'lotH, sho'em on page 25 of the pl1cket. 2. A $604,000 decrease in Amounts availüblo to be transferred from other funds to ~he General Fund. 3. A $2,360,000 Increas~ in .pvnding related to the Sheriff's operation which particularly involve. the staffing and ovcrheed relatüd to thv ~tate-mandAted jail facility cur- rently under construction, shown on page 32 of the packet. Mr. Giles ~xplolned ttat.t. other chðn9~s are shown broadly on page. 25 and 32 of tho pðcket and Also in the condensed verdon of the budget and the full stAndard budgu~ that he haa in tho 8oardroo~. He said "h~f that the othor incroas. in the tax levy, of significance, is in the .~ . :";"; .. ,I!,: Pac¡e 2-~. .., ~ . ,~ ~.,~ ,,.~ , .~~: 'c, "~.;'i!! ., f ',.,.. ",' '~f' . , . .' :j , "~""v' '". ,., ......,. _. : ....:... "iJ, .;\11-',,: ·d, _~,1 ,,,.,.., t;"","" .....-.-..-.....-..... -- - - - -.- --:.......~~ ------.-; " ~~~ -~~......- J"" ----- ------------------------.... S.~temb.r 13, 1~a3 f'" Unincorporatud Ar~ð C~nurA1 FunJ, which i_ ð tax on pøopl~ llvin9 outsido the Ci t.y 11mi ts of either N.ophs or Evergl.odes Ci ty. He said that tho pr1mðry rltllson for tllo incroase is l1n incroðse in the required contribution to tho General Fund that is made pursuant to a dual . " " ~·t~- ----------------------------~--------~~~-~ ':''; '»~; , "è: \. . :\ taxation D~rQðm.nt with the City of Naples in the amount of $282,665, a~ shown on page 101 of the p~cket. He said thure has beon ð $554,000 decline in c~sh ðyal1ebllt to carry forwÐrd to tho 19B3-ß4 fiscal year which begins Oct.ober 1, 1933, as shown on pogo 99 of the packet. COUNTY KANGER'S COMMENTS County Manager Norman said thnt the buùgut provides for a 5' increase in personnel COtits to rCc01ntze the cost of living and morit factors, a. well as the unfortunate situation with rugðrd to health insurance costa for the employees under thu 130ard of County Co~mis- Gionetrs. lio sð1d, in h1a opinion, th~ departments and divisions under tho Bee deserve d voto of ^~pr.ctQtlon by the ~oard and the public bec4US~, when th~ duv.lopment of this yanrld budget. WAS bugun, the Staff recognizeu that the County was tdc~d w1th difficult time. in terms of trying to prov1da the sørv1cas nuoded wit.hin the constraints, particularly IJctCdUS<J of the millagtt cap that hns beun impo»eiJ. lie said that. t.hd Stdff h.eltJ the l1nd and cut CO<l&tft tJU much as posa1blu and, oven rdcognlzin9 the S\ increase in p~r~onnul costs, that tho ovorall increalle lor 0.111 of tho døpðrtllurntø étno divisions under the ace, for which hu ls responsible ~xcept for the tJtility Div1sion, i» 1.". H. expro8sud approciðtion to th~ ðd~inistrðtors for tho conscientious job they holye oono. ChairlSldn Kruse aljrQod o1nd s.id that 2.3 million dollars o( t.hu 3.5 mill10n increase is lho aøount ruquirud to open and operate the new j.>ll which 1n mandated by lðw. 6\)3« 077, £( 53a rage .) ,,', ~...' i , "j"~ , . ~.,' "'"'' ., ---~----------------------------------_: . .. ';/.( 'Q¡~ ", ·rm r<>n Septembor 13. 1983 'øj¡¡ ~ ~~ ,øl".,~ .'1 .~. ')I" '.¡. ~... " :: ,.ã "'-~'. :-", '?~I ~. .~, '::U" ~; ,: ~''. Mr. Harold L. Hall, llS9 Holiday Lane, NÐples, compliØlented the .. Staff for the Ølechanics of this budget. He said it was ð difficult job coupled with 4 now ðccountlng system and new computer base system and, -, In hi. opinion, tho £t~'! did ð fino job. Ho recommonded that the BCC adopt the budge t. Cocalss1òner Pistor moved, .econded by CODal.sloner Brown and carried unanimously, that the public hearin9 be closed. R&80LUTION 83-168 ADOPTING 1983-84 MILLAGE RATES AND TAX LEVIES - ADOPTED As requirod by lð~, f1scðl Officer Giles read the attached rOGolution In Its entIr~ty, sdttin9 forth the fin.l ~illðge rates and tax loviou for FY 1983-84. He said that the percentage lncroase In ml11aqo over the rolled-back rate nucessðry to fund the budget II l5'. Cocaislloner Pistor moved, .econd~d by Co.-i..ioner Holland and carried unanimously, that Relolution 83-l68, .etttn9 forth the-final .111age rate. and the tax levl.. for ry 1983-84, October 1, 1983 to Septe.ber 30, 1984, be adopted. '898 C , ......: ' .-..... 4 II f. 'f .1,.. ,..... \ .. ~..:.. , .'.. -,,.; '"'þ''' ,., ----~-- .... ...........---.- --- ~-- ..... ,.... ........... ~~ ....., "I ,~ .~ ,... ,~i> . I I , I "" '" I ,:,1 i ,~~~ . w~ , .' ;;~ ----------------- ~-- - ---..--....... ,~ f1T1 fAct 543 Septembor 13, 1983 .' . ft£SOLUTION 83-169 ADOPTING T3E 1983-84 BUDGET - AOOPTED Fiscal Officor Giles explained ~hi8 resolution adopting the 1983-04 budget that refers to tho Budget DocuØ\ent which is an approximate 450 pagv document copies of which the ecc has received and he said that ft copy is on file in the Clerk's office. Co..lsalon.r Pistor Doved, .econded by CODaI.sloner Holland and carried unanlDoualy, that Resolution 83-169, regarding the final budget tor ry 1983-84, be adopted. Page 5' ~ - - - - --:- -:--- ~ - - - - _ _ _ .....í. _ _.. _ _ _......... __ _ _ _ _ ___ -..... __ ......... _........._ " ~,' ';I I;t ";"~l:, , ','~".: '~./·,1 .~~. :)~ :'1,:'~ ;.:·~t~ ,f~ 'Ì¡J .~ \: , p.~ " .' " , ''''. " . ... ' ,,\ ,il " I .. "~I A~""':;~'~ ... ,..I- .. ,< .r 1,/ , ,,';; "',',"~, .,..,~ "~ ...! " ~ ,P. ,;;~ýf,' . -.'\ , \,' '~ " " .:, ----- ---- - - -- - -- - - ------ ---- - - - -- -- ----- :---....$IIJ. '. '/~·\'d ~ hW)o!Yf' , 071 C,~ Sertember 13, 1ge3:~1'!'J:;' ~ ~~ '. 'î,\f~ J}'1'¡] ;~ .J, 1:~' I,~"ií ~:~:,~ ..'i'¿ '..¡., , -\{" DISCUSSION AND MOTIONS TO ADOPT TAX LEVIES AND BUDGETS OF DEPENDENT SPECIAL DISTRICTS Fiscal Officer C1les referred to Section 200.065 of the Florida .' Statutes thAt ruguir~c that tbX levies and budgots for dependent spacial taxing district6 shðll each be SOpðr41tely d1ncussed and adopted at the hearingb Cor tðxing Authority following the d1scusnion adoption of lovius ðnù budgets Cor tho superior taxing ~uthority. Road District.s Commi.sioner Pistor ~oved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried unanimously, that the budget for MSTD 1 Road District be adoptod. Commi.sioner Pi.tor moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried unanimously, that the budget for MSTD 2 Road District be adopted. Commissioner Piator moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried unanimously, t.hat the budget for MSTD 3 Road District be adopted. Comal~sloner Pistor aoved, .econded by Comaissloner Holland and carried unanimously, that the budget for MSTD 5 Road District be adopted. Water Management , Unincorporated Are.s Commissioner Piator ~oved, seconded by Co.-Is.loner Holland and carried unanimously, that the budget for MST aeneral Fund for Water Management be adopted. Com.is~icn.r Piator ~ov.d, seconded by Co..lssioner Holland and ",arrl,.d un.ni.ou.ly, that the budget for MST Road and Bridge for the Unincorporated areaa be adopted. pag e 6 -- --- ~-----.¡- .L lli.- .-..-_____ .' \ .~~ · . · · . . '., . . . . ' ,0 ~ ,., t~ ---------------------------------------- September 13, 199J ...{'J ,to, :'~rl ":~j :.~ ,., '''':~ r:) ~~ '1, '~ Co..i.sioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and c.rrled unanimously, that the budget for Community Development for the Unincorporated Ðreas be adopted. Improve.ent Districts Comai..loner Plstor moved, .econded by Comeissioner Holland and carried un41nlmously, that the budget for the Golden G41te Community Center Improvement District be adopted. Commissioner Piator moved, .econded by Commissioner Holland and carried unanimously, that the budget for the Marco I.land Beautifica- tion Improvement District be adopted. Co..l.sioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried unanimously, that the budget lor the Pine Ridgo Industrial Park MSTU be adopted. Commissioner piator moved, .econded by Commi.sioner Holland and carried unanimously, that tho budget for the Port-Au-Prince En9ineering HSTU be adopt_d. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried unanimously, th~t tho bud90t for the Victoria Park Drainaie Improvement District be adopted. Commissioner Pistor DOved, secondod by Commissioner Holland and c41rriod unanimoùsly, that the bud90t for the Woat',ke Boautiflcatlon Improvement District be adopted. Fire Control Districts COllua!ssion.tr Pistor moved, secondod by COIII.issioner Holland .and carriod unanimously, that the budget for fire Control Dlstrlct 1 b. adopted. Comaissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Co.ai..ioner Holland and :'.r,;;. ."ì_,.: ), ~;f 6C~K ern F.tti546 Page 7 . ..----- - - - --- - - -- - -- -- - -- __ __________.___.......'_"..It /..- .~ 1 '~, . ,. --- - - - -- - - -- -- - - - - - - ---- - --- -- -- -- -- ----~~" , ,:'...: ...,., .~:.:.\:. ';:¡~ \~ ,<.".'~ ,"..."'.,-~,~",',' , ____ -.. -"1 ....¡ , ,'. ·,:,r~ , .: ;;,.J5~,· , ,:' :)~'17; ~cptcmbcr 13, 1963 ~~ rrn fA:cS+7 carried unanimously, that the budqet for the Honder.on Creek Fire Control Di.trict be adopted. Comai..ioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commis.ioner Holland end carried unani.oualy, that the budget for the Isle of Capri Fire Control District b4 adopted. Comaiðsioner pi.tor moved, seconded by Commi..loner Holland and carried unanimously, that the budget for the Ochopee Fire Control District be adopted. Lighting Di.tricts Coami.slonor Piator ~oved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and cðrrhd unanimously, that the ,budget for the Collier County L19hUn9 District be adopted. Commissioner Pi.tor moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried unanimously, that the bud90t for Collier County Production Park Li9htlng Di.trlct be adopted. Co.-Issloner pi.tor moved, seconded by Co..is.ioner Holland end carried unanimou.ly, that the budget for Edgewild Subdivision LI9htln9 District be adopted. Co__i..loner Pistor .oved, seconded by Comaissloner ~olland and carried unaniMC"JS1y, tt-.,at tho budget for Forre.t Lakes Unit 1, Phase 1 , 2 L19htlng District be adopted. Co..issioner Pi.tor moved, seconded by Coaais.loner Hollend and carried unanimoualy, that the budget for Cladfts Subdiviaion Li9htin9 Di.trict be adopted. Coasissloner Pi.tor DOved, aoconded by Co.-issloner Holland and carried unanl.oualy, that the budget tor laackalee LIghtln9 Di.trlct be adopted. P.ge 8 .....---.------.--- ------------...._---........_-~ ., .._--------------~.. --------- September 13, 1903 Co..issioner pistor movad, oeconded by CommlAsioner Holland end carried unanimously, that the budget for Henderson Croek Road Lighting District be adopted. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissionor Holland and carried unanimously, that the budget for Imperial Golf Estates II Lighting DistrIct be adopted. Co~issIonor pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried unanimously, that tho budget for Imperial Golf Estates III Lighting District be adopted. Commissioner Piator ~ov.d, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carrIed unanimously, that the budget for Kings Lake Unit I Lighting District be adopted. Commissioner Pi.tor moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried unanimously, that the budget for Kings Lake Unit II Lighting District be adoptod. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by CommIssioner Holland and carried unan!Mously, th41t the budget for Kings Lako Unit III Lighting District be adopted. CommIssioner Pistor moved, 8e~onded by Commissioner Holland and carried unanImously, that the budget for L~kewood Unit 5 Lighting District be adopted. CommissIoner Pistor moved, secondod by Commissioner Holland and carried un41nimously, that the budget for Lakewood Unit 6 Lighting District be adopted. Commiasioner piator moved, secondod by Co.-issloner Holland and carried unanimously, that the budget for Lely Palmetto Dune. Lighting District be adopted. 6~~K OT! fACe 548 V:,:'" Page 9 '<,;;~;~. - ",": ·,,'1 " /j"~~H~:~,~ . " '} :'.¡.!~ _________ .:,..;,:i';~~ , ------------------------_-.._---~~~. ,~ ,/.~::'~ ß~~~ on U~ 549 Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried unanimously, that tho budget for Marco Island Llghtin9 District:~ ':'~ be adopted. Commissioner pistor ~ovod, secondod by Commissioner Holland and carried unanimously, that tho budget for Naples Park Lighting District be adopted. ,"/,' ',' Commlasioner PIstor ~ovod, seconded by Commlsøioner Holland and .. carried unanimously, that the budgot for Palm River Lighting District be adopted. Commissioner Piator ~oved, seconded by Commissioner Holland carried unanimously, that the budget for Pelican B41Y Lighting be adopted. Commissioner pistor moved, secondod by Commissioner Holland and ~.~~ carried unanimously, that the budget for Lðkewood Units I , II L1ghtt'~~~,;", , ."f. .¡it". . District be adopted. ,~J ";" ~ ,'t..,~ " ComJllissiongr pistor moved, seconded by COlNDiss1oner Holland and;,'~' ::'r~;r .,. '''.r.~~'''' carried unanimously, th.ü the budget for Railhead Industrial Park J. ;v!';'~,.~,'f" "'TJ,,~,J~: Lightlnc District be adopted. '=~, :,,;, ~§~ ., .~' I. ¡. "'\ Commia.ionor Piøtor moved, s.condod by COlM\lssloner Holland and ';:'~ ,. CD r r led unðn l1110usl y, that the budget for Riviera Colony Elt.t.s :',J¡/;J*,' LI9htln9 Dlstelct b. adopt.d. w;~: Commissioner pi.tor movod, seconded by Commissioner Holland and ~~~ .~? .:, '1Í ",:ow ,'t.l'!f . ..~..) "'fl'¡· carried unanimously, that the budget for Tall Pines Lic htlnc Dlstrlct ... .... . ' bo adopted. Commissioner Pistor aoved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried unanimously, that the budget for Timber Creek Phas. 1 L19htln9 . . " District be adopted. -------------- Pa9. 10 ----- ~-..---____1.~ . ...' .. .. , ',:~ :':~J ------- ------ --------- -----------------. Septembor 13, 1963 ':~ ,,'j¡ :,;.~ I'I,~ '~1 /; , ".f '-'I ::~ 't~ Co..issioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried unonimously, that the budget for Victoria Park II Lighting District be adopted. !.:::~ I~·' Com~i.aioner Piator moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried un41nimously, that the budget for Victoria Park II Additional Lighting District be adopted. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried unanimously, that thG budget for Willoughby Place Lighting District be adopted. Com.i.sionør Piator moved, seconded by Com.issioner Holland and carried unanimously, that the budget for Boca Clega Village Lighting District ~ adopted. Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried unanimously, that the budget for Crescent Lakes Estatos Lighting District be adopted. Comaissioner Pistor aoved, seconded by Co..issioner Holland and carried un41nimously, that the budget for World Tennis Center Lighting District be adopted. Debt Service Fundo Co~~Þsioner Piator moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried unanimously, thðt tho budget for the 1961 Ge~eral Obligation Bonds Debt Service Fund bo adopted. Commissioner piator moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried unani~ously, that the budget for the 1982 Parks General Obligation Bonds Debt Service Fund be adopted. &~~ 0711J.~55Q '}ój '1::::1' .....,.'.'... ..,' ' , .t-.;"_. ,.. ....If., . '7,: P..g 0 11 .'f':; - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - -- --- ------ --~---~ ~~ an us.: 551 Soptember l3, 1983 Special Assessment Funda Co.-l..1oner Pi.tor moved, .econded by Commissioner Vo.. and ~.rrled unanl.ously, that the bud90t for the Sewor Area -B- - South l/2 , MSTD be adopted. . . . There being no further busines. for the good of the County, Co..laalonor Pistor aovod, aeconded by Co~mia.ion.r Holland and carried unanlmouoly, thAt the .eetln9 be adjourned - Tl~e 7:30 P.M. UOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EX OFFICIO GOVEHNING aOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UHDEH IT5 CONTROL K- .ß ¿z &~__ __Vi" CMinmn M^R'f-fHANC£S KHUSt;, CIIAIRMAN ATTEST 1 WILLIAM C L l n~; ,.- II i n u t'e I .... . ", ·-;'.p'~~'~on tedr-X': ~ ' I, ..", ~' , ~ /'I, '.\' '., oJ U . 1/ () \ )) , "." ",r Octoher 4, lQ~1 on as or I:IS pag_ 12 ,-..-.......-..- - - --- ------ - - -- ----------........-- -------- _____ R .. '