BCC Minutes 09/27/1983 R ----------------------------------------:~ ...",'1'1 .{i :':":~: ';if .'- ~:~}}~i <,1 ~, . J".~ ....'...,'....-n..........~.. "...,........................._.... ........... r::::::J ~ ~ Naples, Florida, September 27, 19B3 LET IT BE R~MEMB~RED, that the Board of County CommissIoners In and for the County of Collier, and alao acting aa the Board of ZonIng Appeals and as the 90Vftrning board(a) of Ðuch special distrIcts as have boen creatod according to law and having conductod business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in Regular S..slon in Building -,- of the Courthousc Complex, East Napl.s, 'lorida, with the tollowln9 members present: C H^ I RMMh VICE-CHAIRMANI Mary-Frances Kruse David C. Brown John A. Pistor frederick J. Voss C. C. -Rod- Holland ALSO PRESENT: Jameo C. Gll"., rhcal OfCicClf ElInor III. Sklnn!:r and Mauroen Kenyon (11:OS A.M.) Deputy Clorkol Burt L. Saundura, County Attorney Billy P. Bockett, .....I.tant County Manllgerl Terry Virta, Com~unity Devcloµmvnt ^dginlatratoc Xnute Hart~an, Public Work. ~ JlMministr.1tor¡ Irving 8urzon, Utilities ^dminiatratoc Donald Norton, Public ~,,·rvlc.1I ^dr.alnllltrlltoCI /lonry Hill, ^d/lliniatrntor ot Mllliniatra- tlve ::;'HvICC5¡ 148il Dorr!ll, l'ubl1c ~a(Hy Adminiatrator Nancy 1:; c",:1 lIIon. ^.JJII!nlatcðt.lvu Secretary to tllo Board, IInd Ocputy Chief lI..ymond Ii.Hnett, :ihorl!!'1I l>opllrt_nt.. - &O~ 071 ~ 619 ..,. 1 ..-- --:..._-- '...., )J' . " . . . . ~ ...... ,. J '\_ ~ ---------- -------- &eptember 27, 1903 Tape 11 , It.. tl ~ ;.~ (ff¡ rACE614 ACE~DA - APPROVED AS AMENDED Coaais.ioner Brown aoved, .econded by COftmis.ioner Vo.. and carried un.ni~ou.ly, that the agenda be approved with the following a.end."nts, ^. 9B (I) - Turnover roport for Solid Wa.to Depl. - Added. B. 9£(1) - Contract for new County Forestor service. - Continued lndefinitely. c. 9E(S) - Addendum to the CETA AdmJnl»tration Controct and ~odiClcðtlons to the JTr^ plan - Added. D. 12d(2) - ^pproval o( agroement with D.ltona Corp. providin9 conveyðnce by Warranty Deed of land to bo utilized for park purposes on ~rco Island - Continue~ to October 4, 1983. E. l2C - Dlscus.lon re floor .pace 1n Huildin9 -r- - Addod. r. 120 - OIßcu&~lon of P~rcolatlon Ponda at .ew4go tre.t.ent p:llnt In North Naple. Sewer Aro. -^- and )-'mH" funding _ AdcJcd. G. 12l - Thrce ðPpointments to WMA8 - hd~cd. It.. 12 MIHUTES or SEPTEMBER 6, 1983 - "PPROVED AS PRESENTED Co..i..ioner Plstor aoved, seconded by Co..I..loner Vo.s and carried unanlaou.ly, that the .lnute. of Septe.ber 6, 1983, b. ,approved a. pre.ented. Ite. '3 ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR POSITION IN BUILDING COOl COMPLI~CI DEPT. _ EXEMPT FROM THE HIRING rREEZE Co.~unlty ~veloµm.nt ^d~lni.trator Virta .aid the County inspection rate 111 up con.iderably over a year ago and it Is i.portant that the electrical Inapoctor ~ftltlon be f111d. Coaals.ioner Plstor .oved, .econded by Coaai..ioner Vo.s and carried unani.ou.ly, that the electrical In.pector position In the Building Code Co.pliance Depart.ent be e.s.pt fro. the hiring frseas. It.. 14 ABSISTAJIT COUNTY MAMAGER nCIttTT TO RESEARCH rUNCTIONS or SOLID WABU.,., .. DtPARTP\ENT ',' ,'(} '~."'. . Public Worka Adaini.trator Hart.an reCerred to the Turnover ~e~r~ 'a9. 2 -----------------------------.--.............-- c::I IE ---- ---_._.._-_..~..-....~._---- , ------------------------------------------ r.:::::J r.::;;:J r _ I' 30ptoMbor 27, 1983 for the Solid ~a.te Department for tho period of September IG, 1982 to Septel:lbor 16, 198J, includoc1 in the agonda package, which indicates there h,lYe been 12 .epar/ltlons during tht. period. 11. laid throe were layoff. and thllt two wer~ durin'l the six month probatIon period. lilt .aid that tho layoffs wero nece.aary to reduce oxpense of tho operatton. 110 said thllt two peruona _ro dlschar<)ed with one being disch.orqed durlnq the .1x ~onth probðtion period. Ho said one person ",a. to/!lporArlly omployed while IIn cmpJoYtJu WillS sick. 110 said th.:1t tvo o( the thre~ pursons who left (or bctter jobs 1e(t durIng tho six month probation period. CIlð1rm.on \ru:sq polntcu out thllt a 48' turnover rðto t. hlqh and Mr. Hðrt~ðn .1r~od. Responding to Commlsslonor 1I01hnd, Mr. lIartman laid that, in hi. opinion, the workln<;¡ condItions lit tht' lllndflll and the NoJp1es Tranafor Station lire dlc!lcult ond thðt tho titð!f ~Id not glv" thOKU persona hlrt'd onoùqh lo'lmlll.:¡rlz.Hlon wit!, tl1q workin'l condltlona for the" to ro"11%8 how dlUlcult thll work CDn be. Cor.ar.l1sslont'r lIoll.and .aid the 81tuðtlon In surl~u~ ynou~11 to Wllrrant II change bocllu~Q with /I 48\ turnovor Ulere In no Wl'IY th.Jt op"ratlng cost Cð~ be kapt down. Mc. Hllrt~n s/lld on~ aolutlon ~I~ht bo to hlrc a bottor ð..lstðnt lor Mr. fllhvy be~ðu8e tho ~tllt( Iß currontly Involvod with II considerable amount o( stall work 1111 wall ..8 the day-to-dAY operlltlon. H~ said that the ::it.}!! 1:1 currently workln.:¡ on II\MHlatory collection, dl:lf>Osltton of the site on ~)~c:stJc ^vunu~ ðnd control ol thu lIIolld w.st~ atreoa which will take consII.Jo.:rabl" th0U'1ht. CO/MIIi..loner Hollðnd C!xpro.lI~d the opinion that t;tIC anti rc oporatlon o( t/.. Sol lei ¡'a.to ~...artJ:lent .hould b~ look_d At Instcad o( hlrln~ any AIIS19tðnt. 110 s"ld he h4a rec.tved cOl'lplalnts ,¡bout tl10 Gltuoltlol1. Ch~lr~n Krus. .~Id thAt .nø ha~ Indicated to.the County ~na~or 4nd Mr. F4h~y her qrllvo concurn with th. operation o( the di..el 110:' 071 ~ 62S "'9. 3 ~ -- --------- - -- --- -- - -- -- ---- ,.... ,,,.... . . 17, ............. .n~ t;:. 1 lL 11 , ",,:, ""'''-.'''\~' " " · . -., '#1Iw ---- .-,.... ~ fJTl PACE 626 Sapte~uer 27, 1983 engine. of the LCU duo to their .izo and compl~xity. Sho .ald she had indIcated, in hor opinion, that i( anyone waa hirod to work on tho.. engine. it should not be the atðndard fleet ~aintenance group, however, they havo boon working on thone englnos. Sho said sha had mcdu It clear (rom the beginning that thqre was a potentIal prob1om and that the engine. had to havo plro¡:.le working on them who knew what th.y were doing and, she added, that Is not ^RA's field. Commla.loner Voaa soid this situ/ltion Is on administrative function and he recommendod that AssI.tant County Manager Beckett investigate the sltubtlon. He sold it is not a function of the Bee to get into the d.part~~nts other th~n to call attention to a problem. Mr. Beckett .ald he would do GO. ltea 15 DONATION or TWO NEW ELEVATOR CABS FOR BUILDING ·f· fROM WEST COAST ILIVATOR, IHC. - ACCEPTED. PURCHASE 0' FURNITURE PADS TOR SAMI _ APPROVED IN THE AMOUNT or $700 Public Safety Mmlnlstr'ltor Dorr1l1 uld that the project buðget had not called for n~w Irlev/ltor cabs for building -,- a. a res~lt of . study that Indicated thot the current cab. were structurally sound and had tho capabllltle. to ~ov. quicker up and down tho elevator shaft. and serve the olght floors and enhance their capabilitiea. He ..1d that West Coast £levotor, Inc. Approached tho County and proposed an initial cona.rvotlvc flqur~ In order to provide the County with two new elevator cabs to enhance their overall tlnished product. He .ald, ln hi. opinion, thú County did not have the buðget to acco~pliah that and throuqh -horsotc,¡¡Jlng- tht! propoaðl has been reachod whor.by Weat Coalt Elevator, Inc. haa o(fered to provide two nwv elevator cabs that would have coat between $G,OOO and $10,000 at no Coat to the County. He aald the COClpany has asked perJ:llaslon to dUx. slNIl placard Inside each :.;,;-""" , , .. <;i;" cab as rocoqnltion of their donation. He requested that furniture ~d. . 'alil· .. ..._~-------- - ----- ---- - - -- ---- --------.. t::::::J ~ ........ ræœ:¡ " . r:::;;;::J ~ ~ ~ .' ._-----------------------~---------------- September 27, 1903 be purchased for each cab for protection of the walls whon furniture i. lIIoved. Co..i..ioner Vo.. lIIoved, .econd~d by Comml.sioner Pi.tor and carried unanimou.ly, that the BCC accept the donation of two new elevator cab. for Building -F- from We.t Coast Elevator, Inc. with thanks and apprecIatIon, and that two furnIture pad. be approved for purcha.e in the amount of $700. Ite. ,6 ANNUAL BIDS '657 THROUGH '668 - AWARDED TO VARIOUS VENDORS Logo1 notice having bo~n published in tho Na~lea Daily News on July IB and 19, 19BJ, as evidenced by Affidavit of Pub1lc~tion filod with the Clork, bids woro received for Bids '657 through '668 until 2:JO Y.M. August 17, 198J. Responding to Ch~lrmðn KruH~, County Attorney Saundors sold it would be approprlðtc to dct on lh~ annual bids as a grou~ unloss there was 4 quostion on a particular Item. Administrator of Administrative Services Hill pointed out that the Courthouse grounds maintenance Cor a second y~ar in a row has come in approximat~ly 25' loss than was budg"ted. Hospending to Conll:dssionor Voss, "1r. Hill said that thore 1. moro thlln onu supplier ,on some o( the bld:! for oXII/IIple, on tools, b~caus. tho .upplier~ providod lowor prices on dif(oront tools Cor dlfferont departments. Co..I..ioner Pistor lIIoved, seconded by Comals.ioner Voss and c.rrhd unanilllous1y, that Blda '657 throu9h 1668 be awarded .. indicated on the Executive Su...ry dated 9/15/03, aa reco..ended by the Purchasin9 Director to be the lowest responsible bid in the beat interost of the County and that the Chair.an be authorized to s19" and the Clerk to attest the resultlnq a9re..ent for the. following It.... ~~ 071 PaC[ SZ7 '4MJ. 5 .-- --- -- ------- ----....- ------- .,. ",... . . , , "....-. ,_"'.._.........,5""...·'.·,·,·.,·.,..;~,;"·"..,..,,.,......._,,~C__.___." ---- ... , ,.' '\. -- ----- ------ ~ rrn rACE 628 September 27, 1983 Bid 1657 - Unifor.. Bid 1663 - Metal Culvert Pipe Bid '658 - Gasoline , DiQul BId 1664 - Helicopter Spray Fuels ServIce Bid 1659 - Courthouse Grounds Bid 1665 - Sign Blank. and Maintenanc:e Post. 8id '660 - Li.erock , rill Bid '666 - Gras. , rertillzer 81d 1661 - Aaphalt Itells BId 1667 - Aquatio Weed Bid 1662 - Concrete Pipe Che.icals Bid 1668 - Tools Mr. Hill a.ked Cor approval to awðrd the annual contract for tires which was not put out (or bid because of a sole source. Chairman Kruse reCerred to the Executive Surnlllllry which explains thðt no other . acceptable bidders have been idvntltiod who CDn ollcr the type. of odd tires and service. that the County require.. Co..i..loner Pl.tor moved, seconded by Co~i..ioner Holland and carried unanl.ously, that the annual contract for tire. be reneved vith Naples Tire and Service Center. It e. 7 CONTINUATION OF AWARD OF BID .678 - AWARDED TO TAMIAMI FORD rOR ALTERNATIVE BID FOR ^ 1984 FORD LTD IN THE AMOUNT OF $8,152.00 Chairman Kruao notod this i. tho continuation of the award of Bid '678 for fleet Operðtions Vehicles fro~ the acc meeting of Septellber 20, 1983. She referreú to the Executiv. Su.~ry dated 9/22/83, which contains the recommendation to award the alternative (or the Ford LTD to Ta~laal ford in the amount of $8,152.00. Adminl.trator o£ Adllinlstratlve Services Hill said that a delllonstratlol'l wa. arranged for thl. Itelll and that, while the Ford Tempo h A .ath(actory vehich, the COIIIl\isslonera and Staff agreed that It would not bo a. comfortable as it could be Cor four adults who might have to take 10n9 trip.. Co..i..loner Holland ~ved, seconded by Co..l.sioner Pistor and carried unanillou.ly, that the alternative bid for a 19.4 rord LTD be avarded to Ta.l..i 'ord In the ..ount of .',152.00. Pa9 e , --------------------------------------- t::::1 film ~ ... -- - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - ---- -- - - ---- ---- _..." ,~,~·,"..~"'m".....,·......,~..,..."..,....... ... ~ ~ ~ ~ September 27, 1983 it.. 18 CUSTODIAN POSITION - APPROVED Responding to Commissioner Voss, Mr. lilll said that currently thero i. a te_porary abaenco in tho Custodial Dop.rtQent due to illnos. .nd there is ~n Immodiate lack ot personnel. He said that tho dep.rUnent ia porenniðl1y working undor-staffod and that tho Staff is 901n9 to take a lon~ look 4t contracting out custodial C4r~ in the next year. He .aid thllt with the turnover th.t normally occurs in this dopartment, due to people not wantinq to work lonq tenurQS of time, in Sta!(s' opinion there will be a vacancy within a couple of months and this will not bo a posltlon of hiring .o~eono .nd then looking to dimnis. the/ll shortly. Co~lssioner Vo.. .oved, .econded by Com.is.ioner Pistor and carried unani.ou.ly, that the filling of the vacant cu.todian position be approved. Ite. U BID '~77 POR 250 ELECTIOH BALLOT KACHINES - AW~~DED TO ELECTIOM SUPPLIES ~I"IT£D IN THE AMOUNT or $28,350 Leq.d not.ice h.vin~ bct'n published in the Nðples Daily Hew. on Auqust 11, 1963, aM ovideneed by ~f(idavit o( Publication tiled wIth the Clurk, bid, were accwptod (or bid ~577, (or 250 eloctlon ballot [Ið chi no. , un t II 2 : J 0 P..'1. ^ u'J u s t 3 I, 1 98 3 . Co.-issloner Brown aovod, .econded by Co.-i..loner Pistor and carriod unanl.ou.ly, that Bid '677 for 250 election ballot ..chine. be awarded to Election Supplle. Ll.itod, Nap., CIllfornla, In the aaount ot $28,350, with trade-in o( 100 exiating booth., a. reco..ended by the purcha.ing Director to be the lowest and responsible bid In the beat interest of the County, and that the Chalr..n be authorIzed to a19n and the Clerk to Attest the resultIng ~9r.e..nt. It.. 110 ~ UTI rACE G29 'age 7 ------- ----- '"',... ,It ".. ,·,;;i;.%~~Ji I t,~~ '~11,~:':~ ; ~::';J.~~ " ~i·t . ¡...·~%h "~'.".:-::~.'.'~'" , ;:: ;','_/"~~?~~; .._-______.h_ ... .. .- ,. ---------- ------------ bOO~ 077 ~CE S3) Septem~er 27, 1903 KR. JAMES L. HIC~ HIRED ON A CONSULTANT BASIS TO ASSIST IN EVALUATION or INSURANCE BIDS Ad~inlstrator of Administrative Service. Hill oxplained that durin9 the month thAt thv InsurAnce policy haG boen out to bid the Staff has learned ~ore ragArdlng tho optJon of Half-Insurance, which is more properly called self-(undlng. Ho soid it i8 Staffs' opinion that the r19ht people should be aVAIlab10 to better inform the BCC on this option ÞeCAus. it looks like I more vIable option. Ho said that Siver Ind Msociatu. will be reviewing tho bid specifIcation. lie requested that Mr. Jðlll... L. HIck!>, Risk I'I.!Inðger Cor Lee County, look at tho bids from I s"lf-insurl:r's p<:r:;¡:'.:ctlvCI ðnd be aVAil..'Ibl. for the BCC workshop to enscuss the... Item". l<esl,0lluin9 to Chairman Kruse, Mr. Hill saJd th"t Mr. Hicks 1.6 A LI:I: County employee and thAt this recommendatJon is to hire him on an outs1du con5ultðnt bAsia, and he has ~ade arranCJe- IIICInt5 with Leet County to do thlll. Comllllsaiont:r Holland tlxprea5f1d his opposition Ind said that the acc dirocted ataff In July to go out lor bid. for the s.me coverage that the County currl!lItly hali /Jnd that now the BCC Is being told the bid» will not be aVllil/lble until Septe~ber 30, 1983. H. said, in his opinion, Still! ill ch^nglng pedley with this proposal. lie said that there i. little dlfferonce betw.en the inforQAtion he road In the newspaper on September 26, 198J, that was suqgest'd by Mr. llickfi, and the In(ornotion on this subject thAt wa. reco~mendod by Mr. SJver. He said he was not In favor of chðnqlng anything on the Insuranc. .ituation until tho UCC recolves tho (acts and figure. that the BCC voted to ask for. Cor.amlllslonor VOIIS said that ttu, specification. went out aa the BCe directed and following that, there were .everal JnquJries regardlnq aelf-Inøurancti. He .ald Mr. Hick. wa. a.ked to come down and di.cu.s this and that he has peraonl1ly s.ked .everal '.:'~t·: '~iþ\ ....if¡. ,...:....-: people about it and ~he consennus i6 that CollIer County c.n .Ive aoney Page 8 -------------------------------------~~~ c::::J ~ .......... œE· - .' T - ~----:-1 .-..:....:..! ~ ~ r:::::.1 -.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - -- - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - -- 5cptombor 27, 1~83 by going to self Insurðnce. lie said, in his opinion, the County would be derelict if øelt-inaurancu is not included ð8 an option. He said that, while Mr. Siver Is competent in many kind. of insurance, in hiD opinion, he CAnnot guide the County on 8elf-lnsurDnc~ bocause he has not had oxperience in thnt situation. Chair~an Krusð ~akod if anyonv has contacted Mr. Ray Dunn, the Statu Insurance Commissioner'u aide, who come. to the Courthouse onco .a month, and Mr. /1111 sðld this was not done becau:lc Uto1Cf hðs not reðchud thv point o( r:\lIking any recommendations. Co~mlasloncr Plstor said that tho insurance the County hða been carrying 15 hll If wlIY to slllf Insurance. Mr. /U 11 IIgreed and uid that the conventionlll ¡Jo 1 It: Y tho County currently hils i5 such that the County is -blllllcally p/lyln') 1 tn 0"'" (ro Iryh t- and thlJ County is not part of lIny lar'J~r group. lie 5,)lcJ that the only point in which thorc i. II true insur~nce In II &cn~e of largo actuðrily basad protection Is II $50,000 stofJ lost! or C:ðp. lie slIld ðl1 th... prumiums go to µðy tho incurred 105n up to th/lt poln:.. Chlllrll\ðn Kruse oald she would be lIIore comfortAblo It Somconv 11~1r Mr. Dunn wos ¡Jrus..nt to explaIn the option. to tno ecc an an Ynbl~lIvcJ luvql on ð ~tllto wlJ~ basis. Di5clJSlilon contlnuud ~ur¡I1'J "..hich Comll1lßsioner Vo.s said that 011 ¡Jortlon of the monvy the County 10 currently payln<j Gull Insurance Compllny to m.:. na'J " th~ Insurllnct 31tu.stion waul d be s.,vad undor . ..U- insurancu program. He sllld that t.hv roa1 trick in alllt-lnsur~nce end D.:Ivlng ~onuy Is to police tho cllli~8 and that la not wh~t 1. occurinq at tho preSent t I,,,,.. Ii" Þaid th/lt 1s why he i. rlllcollllllonding .1 Risk Mðnðgcr who ~uld do this. Tape '2 COIllIllIS.10n.H Holland conC:und",d th.t the insur"nclt clðim. h.v. b.en IIIlahandlod IInd th,)t he 15 opposetd Lo hirinq .Ollloon", e1&e for ~h. bW« uTi rACE 631. P"9. 9 ...----------- ----------- ." ... ---.-.".. '-_... -..--"... ~ --....-.- -----....-......... ......,._"'- Þ.." ". ',' '\. '* 071 rm 632 September 27, 1983 ----- sltuðtIon. Co..issioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor anð carr~ed 3/2, with Co..issioners Holland and ~ru.. oppos.d, that Mr. J.... L. Hick. b. hired on a con.ultant ba.i. to a.sist the BCC during the workshop 1n evaluation of the insurance bids that are due Sept..ber 30, 1983, and that Mr. Siver and Mr. Dunn also be pre.ent at that workshop. Chairman Krusc said, for the record, that h~r opposition i. that, in her opinion, this situation ~hould havo boen handled for next year's insurance ðnd not lit this late limo. No datu Cor. tho workshop was dote rl:\inuù. It.. '11 I ANNUAL REPORT BY CHRIS ANDERSON, COLLIER COUNTY FORESTER - ACCEPTED. Collier County forcoter Cheis Anderson presented his annual report a. outlined in his letter d~ted September 10, 1963, included in the agenda. He said that the five major divisions in which he spends hi. time are Urban Forestry, Educational actlvitie~, rorest Management, Fire Control and Insvct and Dlsual. control. He explaineõ current projects such AS An Inventory program with ~he lethal yellowing aituðtion and the! County Parks developMent. He uld that a method of reporting And iliA king his s~rvices available to thè County departments has been improved over the llllOt year 50 that his .ervice. can be I114de readily available to the County. Responding to Commissioner Vo.., he .aid he has spent approxlmðtely l800 hours in Collier County in training aclivil1t:s, mCCltlngs and spec1!ic work projects. He explained that Collier County contracts with the Florida DIvision of fore.try to provide a forestvr to advi.e in a technical way on envIronmental concern. and other are.s and that tho amount the County pays fund. a portion of his .-oslt.ion in co1l1or County. lie said that tho other ''''go 10 ~ ~ œJ æœÐ --------- - - - - - - -- - - -- -- - ---------- --- --------". ._---------------------------------~------~ C:~.~;¡ c::::1 r::. i IlIlJ Septembvr 27, 1983 portion of his contract i. covered through state and federal fund.. Mr. ^oderson said that the Commissioner of ^griculture and department hO.lds are in tho procoss of getting his contract r,udy find providing it to Collior County. He aaid it will bu retroactive to October 1, 1983. Hesponding to Chairman Kruso, he agrQQd that the 8CC could contlnuð with status quo on hid contract until the document arrivos. Mr. Anderson said that that he will bo Dssigned tu1l timo to Collier County and thoro will bo an incro^so from $l,500 to $3,000 for the contract. Chairman Kruse asked Mr. Anderson Lo got tho contract to staft as soon as it lsavailab1e so that Staff con add it to tho agenda. Ite. 112 REORGANIZATION or CETA/JTP^ OFFICE - APPROVED AS RF.COMMENDED Public Survlcus Aumlnlütrator Norton explained thiG it~m i. a rccommondot10n for th~ r~or~anizatlon of tho curront CETA which will be renamed th~ Job Training Partnorship ^ct (JTP^) oC(ic~ a~ of Ocotber 1, 1983. He sdld Colll~r County lu ro~ponslblu for 0 four county Service Dolivery Area th.:lt inclu'Jes Collier, Ch,Hlotte, Hendry and G1ados Countlus. He uld that four Privata Inductry Council (PIC) meetin9s hllve bðen huld ðnd that the PIC votlld that, in the CASO of Hendry and Glðùos County, tll.:ro will be ð Bub-contr.:l<:tor which ill ,\qriculture Labor progr.:.tm, Inc. (ALPI). I/o !lAid th.:t the slIrvice deliverer will be the current CLTA o!fico and that no County (unds will be Involved tn this. lie said tho r<1commondations 01111 outlined in the Executtvft SUllllllðry d.Jtod 9/20/03 will bu tho upqrac1in') of two positions and the addition of two posltion3 because of the incroa.ed responsibility. CORaissioner Piator .oved, seconded by Co..ls.ioner Vo.. and carried unani.ously, that the reorganlzaton of the CETA/JTPA office be approved as contained in tho Executive Suamary dated 9/20/83. ,. ern rACE 633 Page 11 ------- -------------------.-..- .., ~ . .... . . . ~,_..._-_..,... ...,. ~.__._._.........._- .......... "_.__·'n~___.. .,.... ~ . . It.· ," ..' 'II, b(Ø 017 ~c£ 634- It.. 113 September 27, 1903 ----------- ---------- TRIAL PERIOD or 90 DAYS rOR MR. RON JAHRO TO REORCANIZE THI COLLIrR COUNTY MUSEUM - APPROVED. VETERANS' SERVICES SECRETARY - APPROVED UNDER AN AGREEMENT WITH JTPA rOR A 50' REIMBURSEMENT ARRANaEMENT WITH THE COUNTY IN THE AMOUNT or $8,519 Public Services Admlnlstrðtor Norton offered an a1ternativo proposal req~rdln9 the reorganization of the County Museum from the one outlined in the Exucutlvo £ummary doted 9/19/83. He expl~ined that the Staff c10arly wantG to toke the same opproðch In turms o( increa.inq the volunteer effort IInd tn~t the members o[ tho Colliur County HistoriclIl sociuty have IndlclItcd that they want to bo involved. Ho .aid that Mr. Hon Jðmro, in tho Personnel Dopllrtment, has II Mdstera Degree in history ðnd Mr. Huth f('cla hc could otfer a groat deAl of pro(es.lonðl sUl'tJ0rt 011 0 temporary b.aals. Mr. Norton said that rather than taklnq the promotional action ,lt this time he requested that the Bce authcrlze thu tcm~orary a651gnmont o( Mr. Jamro to coordinate the volunteer prol rem in the MUßeum and t.. change the ulrection of it to ~ake sure thoro ala contlnuod public service. in that area. H..por-ding to Commlu510ner Pi.tor·s question about financing Mr. Ja~ro'. salary, Mr. Norton snld the arra~~.ment ~uld bo a slvlng. because the ~useum Clor~ would not be promoted immediately. He said Ulðt Mr. Jalllro'a aalðry woulu bo the sarn a. currently bud?eted snd thot item could be left In t.he Personnel Department. He s~ld there WCJuld bu no cho.lnge in M:tU.)} dollar amounts. Mr. lIill said he sat in on tho meeting whero this situation was discussed and that ~r. Jaero volunteered to te~o over this effort. He .oid that it was dlscus.ed, at thðt IIICI.tinq, that Mr. Jð/torO'¡¡ reapon.ibll1t1ua in tho Per.onnel Depðrtment we r. !1 rat. and for.,moat. lie said that Mr. JI.ro hila been IQðdo aware that hIs ra..,onslbil1tie. to the p.rsonne1 Depart¡.ent would take precedonce and that he loIOuld be available in " leas than full tS.. ba.I. to the Museu. and also durIn9 the evenIng, and he added that Mr. . . "9. 12 œ::1 fIE IIØJ ---_._------ - --- - _. - ----------------- --~-_.....-.....~.: "P' .__ -.. " ------------------------------------------- ..__.".~ c::::::J ~ ~ ~ ~ Septembor 27, 1983 Jamro ia willing to do this in addition to hi. Qxisting dutie.. Responding to Commissioner Piator, Mr. HIll sði~ that Mr. Jamro 1. volunteerIng to do a certain ð~ount of tho work unpaid. CODaissloner Pi.tor moved, seconded by Co~ml.sloner Voss and carried unanimously, that a trial period of 90 days for Mr. Ron Jamro to reorganize the Collier County Mu.eu~ be approved. Mr. Norton said that tho Vetcr~ns' ~Qrvjccs Cecretary is a position thðt has been funded through CETA funds and is ncudcd. 110 said that tho cucront person Is working out well. 110 roco.,lmendod thðt this position be hlrud 'by the County under an <!grccmenl with tho JTPA office for <1 50\ reimbursoment ðrrangement. COII.issioner lIolland moved, seconded by CO/llJll1aa1oner Pistor and carried unanimously, that the Veterans' ServIces Secretary be Gpproveð under an agree.ent with the JTPA office for a SOt rei/llbursellent arrangement with tho County in the amount of $B,5l9. Item -114 ADDEND~ TO THE CETA ADMINISTRATION CONTRACT AND MODIFICATIONS TO THE JTPA P~N - APPROVED Public SQrvlcoa ~~!nls~rQtor ~orton said this item consIsts of minor modifications to tho C~T^ ^dmlnlstratlon Contract ~nd the JTPA ¡.¡lan. Co~ission.r Holland lIoved, seconded by Co~issloner Pistor and carriod unanimously, that tho addendum to tho CETA Administration Contract and the DOdItications to the JTPA plan, as described In the Executive Summary dated 9/23/83, be approved. "bOCl U77 rACE 635 .~ ------------'- pa'Je 13 '-------- ,. ... ,..- ". .,' ... -------- &OaK fJTl rACE 644 September 27, 19B3 -_ _,,--.-.a.-.- __'_,. -- ,",", . . P.g. 14 _. 'J;:; -------.- -- --- --- ---- ---------------.--..--....---.... F .... "··RECESS: 9:48 ^.~I. It.. U5 COWTRACT WITH U. S. CEHSUS BUREAU TO CONDUCT SPECIAL CENSUS - APPROVED, PROPOSED BUDGET AMEN~!NT - APPROVED IN THE AMOUNT OF $25,0001 INITIAL $20,000 CONTRIBUTION FROM NAPLES COMIIIUNITY HOCPITAL - ACCEPTED. RECONVENED: 10100 ^.~..... Administrative Moist~nt Bolley oxplainod this Item 1ø a result of a request by th~ Stoff on July 7, 19U3 to contact the Census Bureau to conduct a Spacial Census, tho main purpose of which would be to gain Metropolitan Statiatica1 ^rt!(J (M5A) støtus for Collier County. He 8lIid this would grant local 90v~rnmont. anù other agencios increased funding 1evlII"" In c(.'rtldn progf.¡n1li. II!! r,,(erred to the Executivft Summary dated 9/16/83, which outllnet; ttlU benefits, a financing plan and 41 proposal of attlllnlng M5A stùtu£. Commisaloner rlstor said that the N~plus Community Hoapita1 has qenero~laly ðqrecd to contrlbut~ a propor aharo of tho money needed for this Special Cen~us, b~CðUSQ uvcrybody in thu County will benefit from any DcJcJit10nDl monoy the tioafJlt( l rccuivII.. Ife said that Collier County ~ay rccelvo $33,433 from Stote Hcvonue Sharing ~nd the çounty I. a»ked to pay G25,OOO toward the expcnso of the census. He said that the City ot Naples ~ay rccuivo $)50,000 Crom tha Community Dovelopment Block. Grant Progr4/!l and Yilt thcy are .sked to pay $25,000 ",Iso. fl. commented on the way. thw City 18 a~l. to co11.ct.~oney (or ~~rvlces which are not available to thu County. Commissioner VOl. said th.:Jt 1! the anticipðtl,Jd benetlts that the threll bodies will gain ar~ considered on a percentage ba.is Naple. CO/lmunity lIospltnl would PIlY $126,000 and they have ocrered to ~y $130,000 which i& 7!t. liot uid thllt the City of "aplea would receive 27.3\ which would UII .ppro.>Clmately $0;9,000 thct they should pay and Collicr County would roc.lve 2.6\ and ahould only PIlY $5,000. u. ..ld that, In hi8 opinion, the County i. buin9 ovorly 'ilenltrous. IIIr. Holley said that the finðncin9 plan was not bllsed on a percenta90 ba.l~ to ~771 . ~." If'!.,:t -;:~, I!IE fII!J --...----......-----"'-...----..--,... ~ [::::J - l.,...~-...;..: ------------------------------------ ------- ~~ptembor 27, 1983 which commisfJionwr Voss sAid, in his o Jlnion, it should ha'lt.' boen. Mr. Holley s"lel tll~t tho bcnufits derived from the MSA deslqnation portaln- In~ to the Community Development Ulock Grant proqram is difficult to .atlrnoto. 110 cxpl.:llnnd th.H the 5tðCf u~ed C4;150 ontitl<:ment funds thllt have beun ~rovldcd to cltiea of similar size, howover, it Is based on poverty lev"ls within thoa~ cltlea And It is difficult to t/)ko one city and try to osscsa povurty leveln. lie lðid tho City of Nð¡..les could gain entitlement lunds AS low AS 5100,000 or QU high AS G350,000. Ollllrman Xruse adld that tho ~rimary rcci~icnt of funds will probably bu the hos~ltðl ~hich will bwnefit IIIl County and City ro»lù"nta. ~he Agreed with Comrnlusionerll Voss and Plator reqðrdlng the City'!! contribution. RcspondlnrJ to COlllmioslonor VOU.I, Mr. !Jolley said that tho 1982 eutl~te by the Buslnells Economic Roacllrch ~ection o( the Unlvlltrslty of "lorlda, which SClld!! W.:Illhln,gon florida's est m~te, was 98,094. He :laid thdt \,.uhlnc;ton, D.C. will m.,kc their 0..." estImate Cro~ that !i9uro .:Inù ~^~hln9ton s estimate will bu out In October. Ho sold thðt th"r~ 15 ð I~D" blllty, when tho Census BureAu provideø tholr t1st!I:1.:1te oC tho: populðtlon 01 Coll1or County, that the County will 9ð1n :"\:>^ :Hðtus and that WQu1J r)ðp Jotn lit the en'l of Oclo::>er or thœ first p"rt ot Nov"rJb..r. lIe :;,110 tldli r\:<¡ut:'st Is to provide tho 1nlc.l.Jl In5tll11mont to <Jct the IJp.:cl.d '::lJnlillll IIt.Hult movln'J IInd If th. M:J^ st.:ltuli ili qillned n'!xt r.1onth, U)d prOl:\!IiS .::.:.n be stoppod ðl\U whdtll!ver is not spent the County would 911!t bðCk. Coaai.aionor Pistor Daved, .econded by Co..l..ionor Vo.., that the contract with the United State. Cen.u. Bureau to conduct a SpecIal Cenaua lor Collier County be approved that the propo.ed budget ..endDont lor the Special Census b. approved in the a.ount of $25,000, tbat the Initial $20,000 contribution fro. the Napl.. Co..unlty Hoapital be accepted a. the flr.t installment to the C.~.u. Bur..u and &P 077 ~ 645 Pat)e 1~ -------------- . .-. " . . . . -.. ,. .J '" --------- -----_......_--=----- bOOK 0'T1 rAc£646 üeptecnber 27, 1983 ~. tb.t tho Star! be authorized to contact the Cit~ of Napl.. and Napl.. Co..unlty Hospital to aocure r.maining funds nec..sary to complete the Special Cenaus. Mr. MIke Zewa1k apoku in .upport of thI. propoaal. He commended Hapl.. Community Ho&~ltal as one of the fineat in the state to whIch Co~mi..ioner piator agreed. Upon call for the queation, tho motion carried unani~ou.ly. 'L'." 'a90 16 ;:.m ._------------~-------------------------~~ ' '};':~ .~. -:... H ..'...~) c::a all &iI!I!I . . _. Il1o .' Ii 'f aoox 071 rACE 648 September 27, 1903 . . _.~~. - - - - - - - --- - - - - - --- -- - - ---..-- ----...---------- It.. 116 RESOLUTION 83-172 AUTRORIZING USE or FLORIDA BOATING IMPROVEMeNT PROGRAM rUNDS rOR THE CITY or NAPLES MUNICIPAL DOCK FACILITIES PROJECT - ADOPTED WITH A PLEDGE or $25,000 or SAID rUNDS FOR FOUR YEARS Administrativo Aldd Holley said this item is thø second request by tho City of Nnplcs for Boating Improvement Funds for the construction of the City dock. Ho said ct this time thore are no projects that are competlnq for the funds that arc being requosted by the City of Naples and he added thoru dre boats within tho City that contribute to the County Trust fUnd in Tðllðhðsseo. Co..lssioner Voøa moved, seconded by Comml.sioner Brown and carrlod un.nl~ou.ly, that Resolution 83-172 authorIzing the use of Florida Boatin9 Improve.ant Pr09ra. Funds for the City of Napl.a Municipal Dock 'acilitles Project be adopted with a pledge of $25,000 of aaid funds for fours years beginning in August 19B5 and ending In Auçust of 1989. '.90 17 -------------------- -- f;""l E!II æ:iIi ~ ~,. ~ ~ ,þ', Sept~mbor 27, 19BJ ----------------------- It.. 117 TEMPORARY ELECTRIC UTILITY EASEMENT TO 'LORIDA POWER , LICHT COMPANY 'OR THE COUNTY REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM - WATER TREATMENT PLANT SITE _ APPROVED Co.-is.ioner Brown moved, seconded by Co..i.sioner Voss and carried unanimoualy, that the temporary electric utility ea.ement to Florida Pover , Light Company for the County Regional Water Sy.te. _ Water Treatment Plant Site be approved. ¡ '. ¡~ ." ~O ( 071 fACE 653 'a9. 11 . ',.. ,',. .. ------ - ------ ----------- ---~-----...-_--.~,.~,:, ,<,(~~ .'.,' ·~¡;t:. '.'!'I<:t ,;~~~.,. ,~.... , .:"' . . 'I ... .' '. '. - ---- - ---- - - - - - - - -- - - -- --- -- - - - - - - - -- ------ aOOf: rrn ~AC( 656 Tape 13 tt.. 118 E~ptomblr 27. 1983 R£SOLUTION 83-l73 AUTHORIZING ~GR!!MENT WITH ASSOCIATED UTILITY SER- VICES, INC. AS CONSULTANTS FOR CCURRO - ADOPTED. AGREEMENT - APPROVED County Attorney Saundors explaIned that tho CCURRB revIewed l~n request aa outlined In the £xocutlve Summary dat.d 9/19/83, and are .sklng BCC approval. Co__isslon.r Pistor mov.d, s.conded by Com.i..lon.r Voss and carried unanimously, that ResolutIon 83-l73, authorIzIng the agre.m.nt with Associated Utility Service., Inc. a. con.ultant. for the CCURR8 in r.vi.wing .nd pr.paring the inltial rate applic.tlon forms, appropriate schedule. and other .upporting documents be adopted at a cùst not to exceed $3,000 and that the Agreement b. approved. "9- It ----------- -- -- ~,'I·,,···~· ~ mE! ~ ..-"'.....--.-.... .. 4........._......__._.._. ¡::;::J ~ ¡;;;;¡;;¡ '. ----------------------------------------- September 27, 1983 It.. . 19 DIRECTOR or ENGINEERING TOK ~UC~ TO RETURN TO HIS POSITION AND ASSIST THI UTILITï DIVISION PROG~ RI THB OPERATION OF THB HEW COUNTY REGIONAL WATER PLANT ON AN AS-NEEDED BASIS Asøiatant County M4nager Beckett .aid that Engineering Dir~ctor Kuck has buon on a temporary ~..ignment to the Utility Division and ho has requested to return to hi. duties in the engineerIng Departmont with thv proviso that h. will ~int4in the contact and provide asslstanc~ to th~ Utility Døpðrtrnent whenever it is requested. Com.iaaionor Vo.. .oved, aeconded by Co~lasioner Pi.tor and carried unani.ously, that Engine.ring Director Tom Kuck r.turn to hi. poaition and that he a.aiat the Utility Divi.ion Program with regard to the operation of the new County Regional water plant on an a.-needed baais . Ite. '20 UTILITIES ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT RE OPERATION OF TH! NEW COUNTY REGIONAL WATER P~T. COUNTï ATTORNEY TO INVESTIGATE CONTRACT WITH CH'M HILL Rt ENGINEERING CHARGES Utilities Admlnl.trator 8erzon roported that at the pro.ent rate ol progruns the County RQqlon~1 kator Plant will b. r.~dy for operation on at IOð~t a llmltod basis in the ~iddle a! Decembor, 1983. He said that /li'pllc.1tlons hdve 'boen 1101 1I.:i tad for Cl~.s ^ oporator. ðnd two appllc~tlons ~re on hllnJ. 11o a~ld applications have been recoived from two Claus tI o¡'>lIr.Jtors "nd t\<o Clad. C oporûtorø. lie lIu9ge.tvd that at least one ~nd possibly t~Q of th.s. applicants bo hired befora tho end o[ OCtober and hava th~m work In the plant aa tho final Installation of tho inatrumftnt~tlon dnd some of the olectrlcal equipment i. baing dono. Ho said, in tho contrllct with the consultllnta, there are arrangement. for start-up and th~y will turn over oporational manuals to tho County. lie said that hll dnd DOmbvr. of hi. staU hsve wi tno..ed moat of the conatruction ðnd tho critical ele.onu ot tho phnt will bfo the aoOlC rrn rAC£6ô1 rag. 20 . ----- - --- -- - ---- ----------------~--__'~31'1 ..." , ... .'" . ... . . ~~ _ =--::':t _.:-."r-::::....u~-.....¡·1:·"~·'4;·"I.".·..-fo., ._,..~...""'.~".~"... ~.'_.'..._~._.-~....._ .h " -... .. --------- ------------------ - -------- 8ÓOK 071 PAC[ 662 Soptomb~r 27, 1983 .." lnstrumentation and the process control, which .,,111 be9in ln the next two or three ~eeks. He soid that the ~Coromuntion.d positions are provlded as part of tho opuroting budC)et for 1983-64, of tho plant. tIe sald, with Dce concurrence, he would liko to have one or two of tho tho.. positlons tIlled in the next two or three ~o.ka and shortly thereaftor to begin monnlng the remaining IIta£! that would be n..clod at the plant. lie said that a fe~ months ago he wan approached by an operAting firm thAt. does opuration41 work on a contract basis and that they are prepôring a proposal for the County. tie said they ~ou]d offer the s.rvIc.s of as ~any pco~lc as Dr. n~edcd for the length of timo nece.sary to get the plant opvrating ond would train the County employee., if necessary. 110 ..,ld if thll County finds that tho right two persons ðre not a\lAilllble to Btort the operation of the plant these servlces would be aVdllablu on ð contract b~als. Chairman Kruse roferred to a mell10 dated 9/20/83, that indicated that CH21'1 Hill'. bill connu~ted with hor ðgriculture \ofIt11 was going to bo reduced because of their Input within it. She said it was unclear if the total .:Jmount of the bill wa IS solely r.,lnted to tha t portion of engineering baRcd u¡:.cn the exlnting ^griculture we 11. She .ald if the total bill Iota. ralated to it, in h.r opinbn, the f1 rill should no t be paid at all bcclluae they Iotore wrong. She sald thát till' South Florida Water Kðna<Jv~cnt DIstrict and ~lasimer and ^ssocietea sald they ~re ~rong and sho asked thðt thet situation be checked. County ^ttorney saundora saId that lt _~s hia un~erst.ndlng thnt tho totAl .~ount waa for tho tlxtrð en', lnecrlncJ to 'Whir-II Mr. borzon I<; rcecJ. Ch llrllln Kru.e sold, In her opinion, the County should not pay for incorrect engineerinq. Ço~mls.ionor Vos~ agre.d. R..pondin9 to Chair..n Kru.., Mr. Slunders sAld he would check the contrAct lnd the englnoerlng !lra end report bDck to the öCC. P49. 21 ----------- --. ..... ~ ~ ~ -- " :.~ t.~~ '" " ¡;;;;¡;J ~ ~ Soptomb~t 27, 1983 .-----------------------------------------. IteID 21 BIDS .679 RI WATER SERVICE SADDLES, 1681 RI SINCLE METER BOXES AND .682 RI BRASS rITTINCS AND MATERIALS FOR ANNUAL CONTRACTS FOR THE COUNTY WATER DIVISION - AWARDED TO VARIOUS VENDORS. AWARD or BID 1680 - DEFERRED FOR THREE WEEKS Utilitios Admlnistrdtor Ber%on rofcrred to the Exocutivo Summari.s tor Bid 1679 ùated 9/20/UJ, Bid .GOO dated 9/19/63, Bid 1661 dated 9/16/83, and Uld .682 dðted 9/16/83 for Dnnu~l contractß for tho County Water Divl~lon which Indicdt~ that bids wore rocelvod until 2:00 P.M. on Sept( mber 7, 1983, from vacioua vondorll. He said he received a comment by mail (rom ono of th. othur bidders for Bid 1680 that stated, in t.h~t blddar's o~lnlon, that tho low bidder, Rockwell Intornational, did not ~uet tho specifications. Ho said he has doubts as to whether that objectIon is valid, however, hu requ~sted that ~ld .680 be duf.rrod for thro~ weeKS while he Invoatigatus the situation and added ho 10'0,'1 rO[)Qrt back to thu IJCC on the subject. He s.,id thIs bid is for thu largo meters and thure 19 not tho urgency nbout th~m os thore mlqht be for the 5mð]l~r muter~. Com.iaaioner Piator aoved, .econded bï Com.is.ioner Brovn .nd carried unaniaously, that Bids '679 re water aervlce saddles, '681 re .ingh ..eter boxes lu\d '682 re brðs. fittings .ond a"ter1ala for annual contract. for tho County Wator Dlvi~ion be awarded to various vendors a. explained in the aforementioned Executive 6ummarioa. Coami.sionor Voss moved, .econded by CO.Di..ioner Brown and carried unanimously, that Bid '680 re annual contract. for water .eter. be deferrod for three weeke. Itea '22 ROUTINE BILLS - APPROVED FOR PAYMENT Pursuðnl to Resolution 61-1S0 the fol10~in9 ch~ck. w.r. I.aued throuqh Septembor 23, 1903, in paymont of routlno billol CII1:C!< DESCHI P1'IOH CHCCK NOS. aOIJK 071 rACE B63 AMOUNT Pag_ 22 ..... -,.,.,-----_._..._¥..,~.-. ........, , . . . . ..... ao!)K rrn ~ACE 664 .. '-. ,:.\)~~. .~:¡;,. 1·~4·,'" _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _____ _ __ _ ___ .__ _ _ _ _ __ _ ",:,:~J,::, .. 'J" . ---------- . . Septembor 27, 1903 Vouch. r Ch,ck. 100679-100983 69144-69674 $2,100,571.35',,, ".'t..'''''< 224,402.38 Regular Payroll It.. 123 BUDGET AMENDMENTS 83-86~ THROUCH 83-896 - ADOPTED fi.cal Officer Cil.s .aid he ha. a.ked that E. W. Siver' A.aociate. appe.r before the acc at 1130 P.M. thl. date to ~lve theIr reco.mendation re9ardin9 bid. receIved on property/Liability Insurance lor 10/1/83-e6. Co..i..ioner Pi.tor .oved, .econded by Co~l..loner Vo.. and carried unaniMou.ly, that Budget Amend.ent. 83-889 through 83-092 be adopted .. pre.ented. Co.-ls.ioner Vo.s .oved, .econded by Co..i..ioner Brovn and carried unanl.ously, that Budget Amend.ent 83-893 be adopted a. pre.ented. Co..is.lonor Pi.tor Moved, .econded by Co.-I..ioner Vo.. and carrIed unanl.oualy, that Budget Amend.ent. 83-894 through 83-896 be adopted .. pre.entod. 5\! l':?·5i~~I~. ....,~¡>.,... ,*.jII -""',()"'" "'J ,: ".,..., :,1Hf,th . ~:~~?'~~. "',"'íI~',' "I~' _,ø ,\~~ . .~, --------- -, I!I!D ': .~; , , :l"\,','.::r:+:y ;'..;':¿.;' './>:J::..,::,i<; _w~·~__....~_·.__""""....,....,_u ,.,...."'..,..."..."._..'".....,~"",._...""~.,,,,.....,-.,"____,_._-.."'..,;_..."·""".._4i-',.........,.....,_"""..'_'I'I_'_.......yl....'__',-....__.,_...._......_."'.,."".._..".>'"*"'....,...-.,"',-"...,',"., ~ ~ l1li ¡-. ŒiiII ;, --....-------- ------------------- S.ptcmbor 27, 1983 It.. 124 MOTION TO INVESTICATE "IRINO A RISK MANACER - DENIED CommissIoner Vo.. SAId that if the County 90e. to self-insurance on the health inøurðnce, .. the County currently 1. sol! insured on Workman. CoÞpensatlon, in his opinion, it is imperative that the County h.we a cO/llpetent Riak M.1nager. 110 IIIld thllt although this matter will not be settled until 80metime In October, in hIs opInion, the Staff '"I' J ,-:!~ ,':;~ .~.; ~}~ :~ }:~J .f ;t,I<~ . "' should begin looking for sOllleone for thllt position now. Jle said he would handle the health insurance and Work/llllns CompensatIon which Mr. CA11agher 1. curront1Y'handllng lor the County. Coaai..loner Voss .oved, seconded by Comaisslonor plstor, that .taff Start looking for a Ri.k Manager to hIre In the event the '/1:' ~,,~-_-\, , t'_"'f , ':' "t ~:~i~ ·~~.'i1 , l.i¡~ ¡"~ ;:~{~ ,,:'~ .',," f , ;~~ ~I:' '/' "'..jto; , :',;i',, . ....'., :;~~ ''?~ 1:1\~j", , ":.., ...,1( ~il';'~ .~; ; ',r':;~ ,,,,~ 'f.t;V, "'\~ ,~, "", decision i. aade to go to self-insurance. Chaltman Kru4a stated (or the record that ahe llOuld have to voto a~aln.t the motion because ahe cannot hire someone (or a position that does not oxlat. County Attornoy Saunders øaid thAt in the Clark'G Report thero 1. a letter !ro~ E. w. Sivor talking about the lIability and proporty damage covorage for the Coun~y. He ~aid that Mr. Siver raco.mend. a program which Inc1uJes aOllle self insurance. II" a..lid, In his opinIon, in determining whether self insurance is .dvisab1~ Cor tho liability portion, for tho Individual who runa off II County road and sue. the County bucause tho streots \lOre not proporly .Alntainud, that. thero S. ð naed to det~rmino what t.he c1alœs history ha. boen ovor the past couplv ot yoars and how much ha. boon paid in clal.. and how .uch by tho insuranc. companies tor attornoys' fooa and how Much the County'. promiur.ls are. 110 aald th"t Mr. Sivur'. roport do.. not include any of thAt in(ormation and h. said tho.. Items should bo Investigated ~ 071 PACE 673 bocauaa, in hi. opinion, the liabilIty covoraqo Is an Imporant PI'. .21:.} . ,'~,.~..>j:~i1;'~ ------~----~~-~~-~~~~~~~--~~~~-~~-~~~. , ,..'" .,' . ",~ of,,·.. ........ ~ ., . , .. _..,_...,_...,.""'..._-........__....~-..._,..~.~... .-....-...- , ~ " , ..... . .. ~ ," ¿ ". ----- - - -- - - -- - - - - - --- - -- ---- -------- -- -......,.. . . ,~ 017 m¡: 674 September 27, 19B3 .... of that. Upon call for the que.tlon, the motion fllleð 2/3, with Co_i..loner. Holland, Brown and Kruse opposeð. Ite. 025 WORKSHOP SCUEDULED fOR OCTOBER 11, 1983, RE ALLOCATION OP PLOOR SPACE 1M BUILDING ·f-, COST ESTIMATES TO FINISH THE 8TH FLOOR AND DISPOSITION or MOBILE TRAILERS AT THE COU~THOUSE COMPLEX Commi.sloner Voss Baid someone should take a good look at the overall ruquirements of tho department. in Building -F- anù provido a firm plan for locating the vllrloul d.part~ants. Ro.ponding to Chair~ðn J<ruso, Mr. Dorrill said thðt ðS part of the original projection of need the Staff, with tho holp of the conGtruction ~anDg~r, a programatic effort to de(lnu spaceD for 5, lO and 15 yoars for all of tho Bee activities DB woll ~& the Constitutional Officer.' activities wa. made. He said th~ro was a Uluo Hibbon Citixens Committee selected to vi:lt each d.p~rtment nnd review those nocds and that matarial is available. He said t.h"rc will be Vllcðtod spaco on the first floor of Building -r- Ind that the 8th floor will be shelled In and this could be fini.hed and occupied, at D reùuced cost. Al.o, thore will be a nu=ber of mobile officvs that will be vacated al a result of the JustIce Center completion. lie said he agreed that tha situation needa to be reviewd a9ain and a ~lan neods to be ~de for the vacant .pace. and that, In hi. opinion, tho HCC hðs an obl1C)ðtlon to ensure, a. 4 rOlult of the completion of the Justice C~nter, th~t Bce activities receive lome priority in tor~Q of additional space. 110 said a plan i. ne.ded to detur.ine what will be done with the .oblle buildings and where they .ay be relocated to .erve the County bettor. Co.mlaøioner ristor sU9ge.ted that a workshop be held on this subject. Mr. Dorrill ..id that the allocation ot curront .pace i. under the juri.diction of Ma'l1nlstrat1v. Sorvic.. and Mr. H111. I'.e ,a9- ----------.. ~ ~ fill .. ,. ~ ~ I'll fiæ .-------------------------------------~-~~ September 27, 1983 8aiJ, in his opinion, it would bo prudent to provide the BCC with the coat infor~~tion, thro~h Chango Ordors, to fInIsh the Bth floor of Building -f- and in(ormatio~ ahowlng tho v~catod space. In BuildIng and the mobile offices that will be avaIlable as D rosult ot the comp1otIon of the Justic~ Centor, wIth 10gic~1 analysis from tho original allocation that will show a list of those areas that have the most critical nevd in terms of the original apace progr~~. Rosponding to Commissioner Holland, ~r. Dorril1 said that the original project was modified bocGuøe it included expansion of actlviti~ø to include Dee departmonta to meet the initial 5 yoar needs. Ho ø~id tho Staff subsoquont1y deforred all activities and any space requirements under the BCC to targ"t only toward Justice Centtlr recjuirem.nts. Ife saId that policy will havo to bo changed if the acc fec1ø their activities ar~ deserving of additional space. It was the consensue of the Bee that a workshop be scheduleð for the Constitutional Offlcera and the Bce Gtaff for October 11, 1983 at 1130 P.M. or at the conclu.lon of the Bee .eetlng regardIng .allocation of floor apace in Building -,- and cost estl.ates to fInish the 8th floor and dispo.ition of mobile trailers at the Courthouse Complex. It.. . 26 REPORT RI USE or PERCOLATION PONDS IN COLLIER COUNTY SEWER DISTRICT -A- - NO ACTION TAKEN Chairman Kruse referred to a latter from DER datød 9/l9/Ð3, 8tatln~ that the County had not co~p1.ted the CertifIcate of CompletIon by th~ timo the percolation ponda were put into u.. at the .ewA98 tr.:at.nont p1'ant in :';owor Dilltrict -A- and that anothGr condition of the per~it enquired tho County to retain the engineor of r_cord for inapection oC the projoct. She said that the letter further stated that the vn9inotlr is required t.o inspect tor conforllllty to construction permit ðp~lic.tion. .nd .søocloted documents and that recont conver..- &cOX rrn fACE õ7S ----._-- ---------- - -- -----------.....----...,..' . . . r.. .'''''' ,.. .,. ,.... . . ".-------.-..,-- .---.....-- ~.,....,,___,~,...,__O..._41"·'·..""',';,"'<". ; h'o>"·;."','~ ..., ,,".,.,,,,,.. .,.~,.,_,·,.,;,.,.,..">,,·."··,~"",·~.,·_'~'·H_.._'"_,·...··"',,,".~...,..,'" ; .. - .' .. '- . ________ __ _ _ ________ ____---'_~4_____ &oaK 077 'A~t 678 ...... September 27, 19C3 tiona with the on<)!.neor of ret'o~d lncHcatea this was not dono. Sho .aid that the letter also stated that, .s of the date of tho inspec- tion, the sowage trUGtment plant did not have a flow moter which is requIred by Florida law. She said that It ia hor understanding that there wa. a meoting on 9/26/û3, and that the.e Item. have been worked out with DI;R to which Ut1l1tio. Mm1n1otrator 8erzon ru.ponded affIrmA- tively. She pointed out that there i. an engineer of record baing paid on that job, the County operation running tho plant and a project consultant paid to ~nÐge tho proj~t't nnd, In her opinIon, one of them should have not1fi~d D~H thllt tho porco1atlon ponds wore open. She said it waø har underattlntllng thlJro 10';'111 an oClergency, however, that DER should have been noli!lod. Mr. ücrzon explaInod lhill tIlt' cm.rCJcncy wa. the result of the heavy rains that occurred around Lllbor Day. Ha related the sequence of evonts that resulted in the pondn being open and his coversntlon with tho project man"gcr. lie saId that the overflows were vorklng and that the wator lovel. wore rising and some erosion could have occurred, In hi. ustir.lðtlon. It ""tI. a prudent act on the part of whomevor dcclded to use tho pond., he ø~id. RegArding notifying the DER, he saId that -everyone dropped thu ball- because it wa. never 'ntended to place the pondø into activo sorvIce other than as a relhf .ea.ure. He saId that once this situation waø pointed out to the DER, in hIs opinion, the .atter was rosoh·cd. 110 SAid thot. tho key problem thAt the DE~ faced, which WOIS brouqht to the ~ta!f.' att"ntion over a wek aqo, was that th.re .eemed to be 0 lÞck of wi11In9ne.. on tho part of the consulting engineer and the project manllgor a. to who was going to comply with the requirements of algn1n9 off on the project. He said that this had been resolvcd even before the DER rAised the objectIon whIch was poInted out at the ~oetln9 of 9/26/63. He Aðld that the 'low~etor did 90 out of Ie/Or ------ ~.~~~ III -'..:, ~... .~'._"".~,"~"".......,...._,,,,,,~,,,,,,,,,_..",,,,...~,...,,,,,,,,,.,:...,.,._.,,,,~¥,,,,,,,.,,-,._,~...,,,,., ~ ,,~. '., -t , , ~ ....... .. .. ''; , ;:"~~>'\. . ,\~1'; --------------------------------------.- September 27, 1903 servIce approximAtoly thre, or four day. before the DER inspection and that thio is .tI phce of ttquilJlllont that cannot be ropairedin tho stato without. lot of ag9ravatlon which has boen experieneed in tho past. He said that hu has assurod D~n that the County will qet ~ new flowmeter. Chairm4n Kruse ~grued that -somebody droppod the ball- and said that it i. not p1øð.~nt for tho Ch~irman of the BCC to receive this kind of letter (rom tho DEn. Mr. Berzon said that whenevor thero 1. any typo o( breakdown his department notifies the DEn and alao when the condition Is corroctud. Chalrman Kruso aakod Mr. Berzon to contact tho projoct m4nðg~r and ð6k him to -pay attention to tho rules of the qamo- in tho tut~rol. Ite. '27 COUNTY ATTORNEY DIRtCTED TO INVESTIGATE OPtNINC DISCUSSIONS WITJI MR. DREW, STATt DIRECTOR, r.HA, RE LOAN rUNDS FOR WATER-SEWER DISTRICT 5!RVIC! AREA -A- Cl4irm.n Kruso roferred to a lettor datod 9/11,/83, from Btato Dlroctor Mitchull N. Druw, fmH~, to Mr. Borzcn, øtatinq thAt the :i1,500,OOO fr:aH^ funding (or tho n.Hor-Selllor D1Atrlct Servlce ^rea -A- hða been _lthdrðwn. Utll1tlus ~DiniøtrAtor aerzon said that was ..:orroct and rofurrold to . IIIOQOr4nr!\J he sent rcgardin9 this subjoct dc.tod 9/19/0). 110 ul~ that, In hi. opinion, tho 'rlH^ teoh that Colll~r County doeB not nQud tholr holp. Responding to ChAir~n KrUDO'. Guuation concernlnq whothcr thl. could have been avoided by buglnning tho other ~xpðnølon at the .ð~O tl~. or by vftlldetin9 the bon<.ilJ, Mr. tWr%on ..lId ttlllt the bond valid4tlon we. tho bl9gest thinl thAt conc"rn..d the rll~I/'. He said that the County can proceed with the proqrQQ with tho Qxception of 4ddln9 a second ~illion 9allon oxpansion to tho plant lQmodiAtely, hOW9ver, wIthin tho next YCdr to fift.en months th. County prOÞðlrty wtll t?e 1n .. posl tion to do t.hat ..nd at . ~ 071 Mfm ;~ :'J ':. ,'J. . ' "1 ",.' ;, k", ,':~.,: ~ , .. '. , ,P~C¡·,·,,~!.~t (7·~ ------------------....; ---~-----,~---::~~f;:.~~~ . "1> . :) ;'''~ j~" c,: '..' ." ".- '.: .' ·,r,'. ",., " ~ ..'/,':"'...; : :, ~';<" .' j '....,' ; . I' \',.""', , ~ --------- - - - -- - - ------------- -------------- 'I ..., '..". aoox 077 rACE fr/ 8 Septomber 27, 1983 .liqhtly hiqher coot than could be done ot this tIme. Ho sold the.e .... . bonds should hnvo boen 5\ bonda, although FmllA'ø policy hos chlln90d on that and that he could not soy with certaInty tho bonds would hove beon 5\. He "oid hn ho. tr lad to obtaIn the loon. Tape 14 Reaponding to Chairmon Kruø., Mr. Berzon ..Id he .sked for volidatlon on thl. project In ^ugust, 1982. lie saId ho suspects that when the objection for tho origInal permit was filed In September 1982 there mIght have boen good reason to hold bock untIl the settlement was roachod, since thDt objection w.o f1lod by tho samo person who origIn- ally objected to the project In 1977-78. RospondIng to ChoIrman Kruse, County ^ttorn~y 54unders aaid that in Mðrch, 1903 a process was begun to validate bonds and In July he roceiveð the resolutIons and approprIate do~umonta for valIdatIon (rom the bond counsel, whIch have been forwarded to tho vllrious dupartmont. for thoir revIe.". He .aid thore have bown con!l!ctln~ signAl. over the laut two montha ðS to whether the County should or øhould not vnlIdate. He said, in hi. opInIon, tho County was not. rendy to vAlIdate in 1982. ChaIr~an Kruse roquested that Mr. SIIunder8 appruach the raHA to .ee if discussions cannot be roopened with Mr. Draw reqardInq the fundinq and sugqested that board lIIelllbcrø go wI th Mr. Saun~ers for this purpos., If neecled. Co..issioner Brown aoved, seconded by Co.-i..loner Pi.tor and carried unaniaoua1y, that the County Attorney be directed to inve.tiqate openinq dIscussIons vith Mr. Drev, State Director r.RA, regardinq the loan funds for Water-Sever DIstrict Service Area -A-. ae. '2' MESSRS. JOSEPH IONNESS, STEPHEN MITCDELL AND MR. EDWARD ~ APPOINTED TO THE WMAI Co.-i.sloner ~ruse 8Oved, .econded by Co..i..ioner Brown and Pag. 29" ---.-- -- tz:3 fill - >'\.' 'f" ["ilV~~' .. WIiiìI ..------ Septumber 27, 1983 carried unanimously, that Mr. Jo.eph Bonne.. be reappointed to the WKAB . Commissioner Brown ~oved, .econded by CommIssioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that Mr. Stephln Mitch.ll be appointed to fill the unoxpired term of Jerry Cutlip on the WMAB. Chairman Kruso noted that Mr. Mltchnll had boan an alternate and that, according to policy, there are no 10ngor alternates on AdvIsory Boards with thiø appointm~nt. Com.issioner Brown movad, seconded by CommIssIoner Voss and carried unaniDously, that Mr. Edward Kant be appoInted to fill the unexpired term of A. B. Curry on the WMAB. *···n~CESSI 10:(5 A. M. RECONVENEDI 10155 A. M..·.. Ite. . 29 STAPP DIRECTED TO PROCEED WITH PARKING LOT CONSTRUCTION IN VICINITY or VANDERBILT BEACH RAMADA INN TO NEGOTIATE WITH DELNOR STATE PARK TO OBTAIN AN EASEMENT TO PURCHASE SAME IF THIS IS NOT POSSIBL% Pub11c ~orks I,drulniatrðtor lIartmðn dlstributod copies of Mr. John Her~d'~ lettcr dðtud 9/12/83, to County Managcr Norman, requeøting reopening of the hCðring regarding the BCC meoting to consider duv<110~ent o( poJ ,kln'J ~pIlCOØ on 6luQbi11 Avenuu. He re(orrod to the ~x~cutlve Summ~ry In which ho roquvat3 th.Jt the acc roafflr~ their initial Dpproval of tho propos~d additional parking on Bluebill Avenue ~nd to o3k Mr. Nornd abo~t the Ramada Inn donatln9 their oxisting beach aC:=llss eoJllement .:Ind to nuthorizo the County to provIde a six foot chain 11 nk foncll be two en the Inn property, County r ight-o(-way IInd uld OIlSGment, 1! 1 t Is gr.:lnted. i~ [ . Nerlld W.1S glvon a CO 'Jy of the Exocutive Summary. He read hi. lot tor In which he statod thAt the Ramada Inn management will close the accus. to the beach to avoid the problemG of unðuthorized parking a. datai10d 1n hi. lotter of 9/l2/0J. A diacu.aion was he!d re9.rdin~ postponemont 0' this ~tt.r until ~. ."".,'~~~,\ ~ 077 j~':;' 6'19 30',;;(,· __ __ _ " ' ,!,...:;:::.~J: --- ---- - - - -.......... --....--;-....- -- -.....-- -.......... --'-",-~""----~ ~ '. .~ ... ...... , .... ~."""~"_"·~""'·"_"~N"~""_"""'_""_"'-'·"""'_""__"'_ ,..." ,··".",<."·,.,......"""'...",.._.'~"',""".·.,"_"...'_.___ü_._·;·,~"'..._"",..._"'_~...,.,"''''.."_''''..;,',,..<W,''·"II;..',~,....,,~_ø____...._'''_.,._"_."'....~..,;".,'".._...".,_.'~"...~,'".",,.~,"',..""; ·M'_".""'~''''_''~·''''''·"' , . .. . . . , . 10<0' I - J \.' &O:)K 0 71 ~AC£ 68 0 Septemb.r 27, 1983 -t' I'Ir. Norl1d has a chanc. to d1acus. Mr. 114rtll1ðn'. ~rocommenððtlon with ht. a.soctate.. Rosponding t~ Chairman Kru.e, Mr. Hartmðn said that hts depart/llent personnol will b09in constructin9 the 18 pðrkin9 .poce. within the next ~ek or two. Mr. Nørad said that his corporatIon would ..ke the ~eciaion rogardinq tho donation of tho .asem~nt and thl. would .ean G dolay until Aftcr November 21, 1983, for hi. nöxt Board m..ting. He said that, in hi. opinion, thoro would not be acceptance by hIs Board of Dir_ctors to donate the easement bocause there Are plans for that 20 root apAce. Hoaponding to Chairman Kruao, County Attorney Saunders .aid that the BCC has tho Authority to uso eminent domaIn to . obtaIn this typo ~C proporty for Accesa to tho beach. Mr. Nera~ .aid thðt the oas"aont is wo rth lIIore than tho cost. o( the proposed fence ðnd that the property i. not for sale. Chairman Kru.o said that Mr. Nored 1& placing the BCC in An uncomfortable position because no is saying his corporation 1. 901n9 to c1os. the beach access and that leave. tho acc with tho decision of not havinq the use of an accvas that has beon used over the years or purchasin9 the proporty. Mr. Norad said hi. Board o( Director. would not bo interested in tho rocoll1~nda~ion. Co..l..ionor Voss .oved, s.conded by Co..issioner Brown that Staff proceed with the parkin9 lot construction in the vicinity of th.· Vanderbilt Beach Rea.da Inn. PIotion carried unani~usly. Co..i..ioner Vo.. aovod, seconded by Co..l..10ner Rolland .nd c.rri.d unaniaously, that Statf be dlr.ct.d to n.90tl.t. with De1nor Stat. P.rk to obtain an ......nt of .inl..1 width for u.e fro. the p~rklng lot to the be.ch .nd to purch... .... if thl. S. not po..lbl.. Mr. Mike I.walk .poke In favor of tho BCC action to proceed with the parkin9 lot construction. ",. .. ",~ .... ------ fIi!.I .. ."" ..._..""·__.,¡",_"-"''''·''''''''''',,,.,...''.i·..,¡''·H<I..,..II...... """.....,...,,, "._"'_'.~....,"""',.,.,,_;.,.~;.'...~,'...,"""~.,,'..."'"~".,"..,__.,.,,',,",,"'." riiii Iii1I fiiiII .----- ,~/r "~ '.~~~; --------------------------~ .-":~"~~, ""1'~ ':·~i ~i~;;; "M~' '~i!: ,If! ~.ptembor 27, 1983 ***.The f0110win9 it... w.r. adopt.d and/or approved und.r the Con..nt ...genda by aotion of Co_I.doner ,lator, .econded ',' by Co..ls.ion.r Brown and carried unanl.ously···* Ite. 030 CHAIRMAM AUT~ORIIED TO SIGN CERTIFICATES rOR CORRECTION TO TnE TAX ROLLS "'S PRESENTCD BY TilE PROPERTY "'PRAISER'S OFFICE TANCIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY 1982 TAX ROLL 1982-455, 457-459 9/15 - 21/83 I u. 131 LAKI TRA"ORD MEMORIAL CARDENS DEED NO. 361 ACCEPTED FOR RECORDATION See P89- 7tJ~ IU. 132 PETITION TR-82-29C, TERRENCE .... KILLS, REQUESTING'" 3 MONTH EXTEHGION ~,TEMPORARY RESIDENCE PERMIT IN COLDEN GATE ESTATES It.. '33 SANT... B"'RB"'RA BOULEVARD BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT (BID NO. 599, OVER TilE B-1 CANAL) - ACCEPTEDI fINAL PAYI'\ENT RELE"'SED IN TItE "MOUNT 01' $22,428.03 It.. . 34 PINt RIDGE RO"'D EXTENSION CONSTRUCTION 'ROJECT (BID NO. 594) - ACCEPTED FIHAL PAYMENT RELEASED IN TUE AMOUNT OF $87,831.08 Ite. 135 BID 1683 'OR ANNUAL PURCHASES or 'APER PRODUCTS - "'W"'RDED TO UNIJAX, HOATII FT. MYERS "'NNUAL PURCHASES FOR PLASTIC BAGS - AWARDED TO OIL'S 24 HOUR STORES, NAPLES Leqal notlce h~ving been publishod in tho Mapl.. o.ily New. on Auguat 17, 1903, aa .vlJuncod by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids ~rQ acceptod for Did IGB3 tor annual contracts for paper ðnd plastlc pro~ucta until 2130 P.M. 5.pto~b.r 7, 1983. eO~K 071,AU 681 ----------- --- - ---- - ------------ - -- ----- :' 1* "..... ....... . 4 ;.. . J'o,., '.". <"." , . . . ...... '." ----- - --- -- - - - -- - - -- --- ---- -----'--------......~~i ;,.~~~*~ ~}\.'::; . "......., 4,1 ~~: .,., ~OX 077 PACE 682 fte. 136 September 27, 1983 ~CELLAHEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED Ther. be1n9 no objection,. tho Chair dlrocted tho following corre.r~ndcnce to bo filod and/or retorred to tho various departments as indIcated 1 Copy of a lettwr dated 9/G/B3, from Jam.s F. Hurley, Director, Dapt. o( Community Affairs, regardIng the role of tho Reqlonal Plannin9 Çounci18 in our particIpation in the St.to'ß Small Cities Community Dovelopmont Block Grant ProqrÞm. xc Mr. Nor~ðn and Hr. Virta. Filed. 1. Copy of 1ettor dated 9/8/03, from Lynn S. Bramlett, Budget Analyst, Dopt. of Hevenue to Mr. Guy Carlton, TaX Collector, indicating npproval of the attached budqet rnquost for fiscal year 1903-84, pursuant to Section 195.007, Florida Statutes. xc ~'r. Gl1as. ~·iled. 2. 3. Departmontal keports received and filed: A. Collier County for.ster, August, 1983. B. Colli or County Foroatwr, ~nual Report, with att~ched let.ter datod 9/10/83. xc Hr. Norman. C. Soclðl Servicos, June and July, 1983. 4. Coplos oC ~lnutos received and filedl A. CM'C /IIlnute. of 9/1/83 and agenda 9/B/83. , ß. Golden Gate Community Center Advisory Committee July 26 and AU'Just 30, 1983. C. Library Advisory Board, 8/25/83. D. Ochopcw fire Control DIstrict, 9/8/83. s. Lettor dated 9/9/03, from Fred J. Borch complimenting work of Collior County Transportation DIrector Geor~e Archibald. xc Mr. Nor.an, Mr. Hartman and Personnel De pa r UHf n t . f iIe d . the ~, 6. of Enqin&era to fIll wetlands to xc Mr. Norman. Co~y of Public Notl~o Crom the Army Corps regarding Pormlt Application No. 03T-2006 conøtruct parking lot nt Tigertail Be.ch. Filod. ..... Deputy Clerk Kenyon replaced Deputy Clerk Skinner at 11105 A.". ..... Tape 14 Ite. '37 STArr DIRECTED TO CONTACT OWNERS or SITES 5 AND 3 RI I""OKALI£ PARK Don Norton, Public Service. Administrator, pre.anted _ petition ~. . ~ . . .~~" ,~. for the rcrcord fro. peoph of Immokal.. Indicating thAt t.hey vant~~.t.~~ i.~ . : Y/;' )t~{Ai~"l , P.9~,'3S ------....-------- -- ~ IBI I, ", 4,.....,,,.~ ~.¡ 1IiII"'~'- ,....."...·__,,_·¡·'"·......·~""-·.~..&·"..."I___.....~·"'_.""·_'"""~,,·.....~,.<..."".;,',·,."'·u'-",,"....""·.,...,,;.···_·, --.----..--.,. ~ ~ IIiiI iiiiiiI . " --- Septemb.r 27, 1903 par~ .ite to bu located at tho Immokale. H1gh School sIte and tho Trafford .ito as they are tho most centrally locdted and would be the. most b.neficial to the plfoplo of Immoka1eo. He stated that Pat Carroll, £ngi~eer III, would give tho presentatIon. Commi.sionor Kruse queationed the total dollar amount tor tho Lako Trafford Marinð, to which Mr. Norton repliod $240,000 <jrllnt funda. Commissionor Kruso stated that if tho grnnt !un~s ore not availab1., thw County i. talking about uµ to ono-half million dollars juøt for acquisi tion. Ms. Pat Carroll .toted that the introduction in tho report basically out11nos tho critorln which Sta(! analyzud. Sho stated that the crit.ria standards ar. aet in the Comprøhonsive Plan. She roCarrod to nn ovwrhead map f~intlng out th~ distrIct boundaries of Immoka1eo. ~ho notod th.n the populatIon Cigur.a; ....ere tnken 'rom tho lCJ8~ consus rwport and !rom the community develo~ont reports. Sha stated that onco tho diøtrlct boundario. (or Immokalu. wert: a.tab1iAhod, aerials .....r. Mtudi.d for th~ wholo distrIct and outlined any vacant proporty thðt 'WOuld utls.!y the mlnimum criteri.1 which would be 22 acre.. Sha noted tho1t there were 14 possibh locations bofor. zoning or ownars wur" invclStlCJ..t~d, 4Iddin'] thðt ðCter furthor reMearch was don. DOQe 0' tho ait.. ....\lru el1t.Ünj\teJ. She notud th.1t SIt. 11 1a on ^lrport proporty and Wo1S olimlno1ted becauso oC it. aize and locatIon within the district. bhe statod that SIt. 12 1. property above Ros. ^venu. and was eliminatod b"causu it ~a. zoned Industrial and would be too costly. Sho indicated that Site '3 wa. initially eliminatvd but ha. b..n includud in this ruport plfr roquo.t of Com_is.ioner Brown. She stated that SIta I. is land at the Iaaokal.. Hi9h School ðnd i. con.idered a. a prilllory .ite. Sho repott_d that Site 15 i. b.tween Immokal.e DrIve' .nd kobertaAv.nue, i. k~own a. the H.ath-Robert. .it~ And h.. b.en ~ Oil PACi 683 , " 1" "....,_,.,"',_;_,¡,"'".."".,_,~___"_..i>"""""',.,~~.,'~,., " '&ÓOK 077 fACE 6ß.4. '. , . --------- _ _ --- _ --- ------ -_..:.. --------.-...,¡-.........::..:;;,,: . 4 . .t'fc~¡.. . ..;: ~"'~ " ¡J.¡\ ,@ ,~- ---~'fr:,.~ t.,,:~~ :' f~~,~*~~ Septymber 27, 1983 kept in the report for further analysis. She stated that Site '6,ls land at the lIiCJhllln<1a Elementary School and i. aho a primary s1te. She indicated that Site '7 was land that wrapped around the exist1ng Winn-Dixie and has been eli~in.ted because 1t is zoned CommercIal and the potential cost. She stated that Site In 1. land on Immokalee DrIve and has baan kept for consideration, adding thnt Site '9 is at the corner of Carson Drive and Lðko Trafford Road and is also considerod In the report. She noted that Site 110 was elIminated bOCAUSO of the Commercial zoniny and high cost. She atated that Site III is North of Lake Tra!!ord School Þnd Site 112 is on Lðke Trafford and site '13 and 14 ia the Lðke Tra!ford Marina, adding that all these sites have been kept in tho report. Tape '5 In a~swer to COm~i5510ncr Kruse, MS. Carroll indicated that Sites 13, '4 and III aro all adjacent to schools. Ms. Carroll stated that one way aho analyzed the distrIct. was to compute the geographic center of tho I~okalee District. She reported that the population center of the district. was also co~puted whIch was based on the 1980 census. She referred to an overhead ~p showing the I-'.~ location of the C'ontflrø. In ana we r to Commi.sioner Holland, "'0. Carroll stated that thw population in 19G2 was 11,438 which 1s an adjuated fi~ur. from the 1980 conSUD. ...s. (.;arroll atated that in the rAting systOlll the first criteria listed is location, which is the most important of the criteria. She referred to an exhibit which showed the calculations lead~g to the total points 9ivon to each ai' o. She refer.red to . chart that show_" her roting ot each site which include. the location, the .lze, .urround1ng uaea, com~4tibllity w1th the coaprehenslv. plan, acce.s, aesthetics, watur activitie., and ownership, ----- 1" . .... . ~ ~ , -.. -.-,. ._.~.....- "'^""'"~""'"'';''_''''-'''~'''"''~'"''''~_;''____''_'''~''''"_'''_'''''''';'''''''"'.,._,.._"'"_",...._"""".u~,_,·~'·W<·._iO._I_"".>\'·,,,"",';...";.~U"'''''''''.'''''~·_·';''''$'~·'''''.'·"'''~·'';¥'.'·'_~'',*,'''''··'"''''"'''·; c> iiiiiiI1 t. h·..I.'¡4I~ IiiI . . ,Septomber 27, 1983 the roault of tho basic analysis and computetionl whIch 9ivel tho number of points used to rank each lite. She referrod to another exhibit which shoWQd the rankin9 of the 9 sit.. that were considered, addin~ that thoro aro thro. ways to r~nk the sites. She stated that one way WAS by locotlon only with ßite '6 bein9 number one, Sites 14, IS, and .6 wore r~nkQd second, and SIte '3 was rankðd third. She atated that another way to rAnk them was excluding 8ize with Site '4 bein9 numbor ana, thu HeAth-Roberts sito and Sitos '8 and 13 following next in line. She stated that the third way is ronked according to the ovorall r a t1 ng which includes all criteria and Sit. 14, tho HIgh School alt.e \{ould be n umbo r one and Site . e would be the second choice with Sit\.! IJ be=ing tho thIrd aite and Sito 19 beincJ the fourth choice. Ms. Ca r roll stated that ono of tho reasons LAko Tr~fford waa Includ~d In the roport WII8 that Staff hlt it was important to attempt to provide a mln Imum of 35 acroll of land for Immokaloe, which hila been the aVIHÐgo for the other p.Jrk sites. She noted that if there was not 35 ~cr~a avoil.Jb1u, ~ke Trafford would take advantage of ð unique rr:crolltlonlll opportunity lInd would provido a sU¡Jplomonta1 ~ark for Immokilloo. Shu reportti~ that tho concluølons that Staff came to a. a rosult of th~ report is that lmmokaleo noed. a community park with at loaet 35 acres to construct most of the facilit.ies that Im~okal.. dosiee.. She notod that the recommended altern.Jtivos baaed Oil the ratln9 and rankin9 of thu roport would bo (1) to aC4uirtl 35 .tcros at Site 14 if available, I (2) to Ðcquire 35 acres At Site '8, (3) to acquire 35 acre. At Sit. 13 per Co~miQs10nur Brown'. ruquoat, and (4) to acquiro J~ acres at Site '9. She noted th.Jt if tho Board t..ls that the central location ot Imlllokaletl should be. uud, !itoff would At.tempt (1) to acquir. 25 acf4. . at Site '4 and (2) to acquire 23 acre. at Site IS, addin9 that in i . } ~ 071 'ACE685 . . ..,.:...:.~- --- ----,.- ---.,.- - ~--- _..:... -- - - ---...... -- ---~.~..:.:.:.~ . 'r, , ·':}r/:j;%.", " "~':"~:;''.':~¡') '. Ji<t:;;~Tr~;~~~ n.. !In_._._....."''_,,··,'''·''''.~.._......_·_''',_,.......'''~'"·_~__''"·._,_~,·..""_.;."""""...-.~;,_.-,...~.,,,,,. WOK Gr77 ~Ct~ .. -------------------------- September 27, 1903 ':":\t!"':;, .\C- .", ~_, '!R"" ,!;J.,¡ , 4?\ j:,~~, ',_:t~} ~,~I';"¡¡' '{î' , -1' 't: :,'~~?~; ¡,r'. ,<'-~: ~t addition to both of th..o Lake TrAfford MarIna ~ould be acquired. She noted that the third alternative would be to acquire 2S acres at Site '6, plus 12 Acreø at Lake Trafford Marina. She reportod that ~lternativ.. recommended by Commissioner Brown would be to acquir. Lak. Trafford Marina with the additional acreage, acquire 23 acres of SIt. ,'5 and acquire 39 acren or Sito 13 plus the additional 10 acres. She noted that a combination of these to be acquired lø wh~t Staff understands that Commissioner Brown would like. She stated that,Staff recommendðtion is tho 3~ acros at the High School site which would provide a contral location (or a park, if availablo from tho School Board. 51161 statotd that. thu second recommendation would bo to acquire 25 acreo at Site '4 and Lake Trafford Marina and the third recommendation would be 23 /lcre. at Site '5, plus the Lakv Trafford Marina. Sho stlltod that the arua around the Immoka1ee High School is 1'#·' «, ',\ Ú. an importðnt area becausu tlllHe are three schools, tho Highlands E10montary, th~ middle school, and the high school with a total of over , 2,000 chl1dron on a regular baais. She notod that the fourth " ..- '. r: ,.~ , . ~, ~. "',.' recommondation would bo to acquire 3~ acreø at Þito .8 if the land In ~ I' "'- .~. tho central /lrea could not be Ð~quirod. She noted that there are sovoral good altornðtiv~a availab10 to the Board, adding that a good community program Cor pllrks can be ~ade available' to tmmokalee by using one of thoso alternatives. ¡ \, Commlsøloner Krus. stated that for the record, that there ..... to be 80~e emotion.l Drqument that tho Com/llisaioners dented a town hearing in Immoka1e., addinq that the.e funds are County-wide tax dollars and ", any hearing. to deturmino how that County-wJde funding 1s to be .pent .hou1d be h~ld in thtt Courthouso. Shtt stated thAt Staff d1d a Un. job puttJng togother thIs r.porl and aftor Staff ha. completed their report it 1s the Commission'. job to make the flnÐl deci.ton. She stat4d that -------,- t- . .... ,. [i~~''71 '£I!m r=m . ............~.~.....__...................._ .'.__.~..,__....._......_. W....._nof..._~_...~ :S' ______001 T r¡;¡¡;¡¡ IIiiiI ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ ..---------------- 50µtcmbar 27, 19B3 0110 would not pl..ly t'.dco for tho 841m. Illnt! which tho school BO(lrd owns now, addlny thot It i. public l~nd alru~dy. Ms. C^rroll stated thot shu h~s contacted the owners of Site IS, addin; that ~'r. Uoath h.3o IItAtød thAt he will donatio! his portion of th. l~nd to lllu County !or ~ pnrk sit~ nnd that Mr. Roberto will work with thu Count~· c\nd woulcJ Uk.., t.o so. £In iI¡J¡>rDia,ll lInd thcrü is c1 pOIi:.Jl:Jility th.Jt hu will donDte tho land, but t.hdro WlIS no comrnitmant .1t t~lls point. Sht;t indiclIteù that ßhe hLJ8 £I fin:! vùrbil1 commitment from ,.Ir. IIO.1t:.h t.h,1t hO,woulù cJonato tho pro¡Jcrti'. CO¡:lrto1:Jsionar Holland IItc:ltod thoJt tllo County purchê1sed 35 <Jcrcs for the p.:¡rk ulto in l:.a~3t ¡'¡,Jpleo /lnd quostioned whot ¡JIJrKs lire bl!lnCJ i!l<!dntoJlncu In tho Laut Naples District by thu County and the othcr Jlatrlcts.d~ wol1 as whal thu po~ul£1t10n flguras arc? I'W. <,:,:.I[ro11 st,Hu<J thðt by thot tlr:1U t:1C p¡¡rK Is built the ~~~ul~llan for LJst N"pluw will bo 4roun~ 25,uOO pco~l~ in 1984. .....r. 1tlc.~, Pnrks " Rccrolðtion :)lrl'ctor, IIt.nod lh.:¡t In East NllpleG CIDtrict, the 'ollowin~ {ðcilitles i]ru ma1ntð1ncd: Avulon ~chool area, 5-7 ¿jc:rc~; Sh'lI':o\o.l.':I1,.;n ,)rcù, :; acre:J; li,,~'vicw park., 3.2 ""crosl "~nd Ltl1y Hign :'chool ,Hca. III: stlltcl':; th~t 111 11;\.nokc1loJll thli! followill9 fðcil1ti". "r~ r.lcdnt,1in<.'u¡ 011 ,;.:11 Pürk, ~ ðcrus; Lnmokl11c:u 1'.1rk., 5 acres 50uth I":T.OKùl\!t1 PilrK 3.5 ,¡cr<::s/ Ilnmokdle., 1I11)h ~chool, 3 c1CrNJ¡ bðsaball t i I: lu <it J:.lddloJ 6l.:ilool, J <Jcr.J1>1 dnc.l !..lkQ Tr,~(ford, 4 ttcrcs. He .tAtod thDt in ttll! Goldun Gl:lu ...reD, the (ol1o....in<] !/'Ic111tles lire IDllintainodz tl1<.: l:oldcn <;¡¡to PJrK, ).2 - J.5 ,"'Crall and olcmantlJry school ba11tiuld, ;, <1cr\ls. Ii.. I>t.Jtud to"t in ':'¡orlh Napllts tile followin.] !ðclliti.. lire ~.Jlnt.Jint1~1 N~pla~ Pðr~ clQm~nt~ry, J.5 acrus, Sl1l1gôtw olem.ntary, 4-5 ,,~rU6; Poil1cliJn" \iillð')oJ p"rk, 1 ðcro llnd poin-:lan3 elementAry, 4-5 .acrt!lJ. lie lodlc<Jtuù llH1t ill ~rco Clstrict tile followin9 Cðc:il1ti.. t'lCIJ Nlntnlnftø: TOhlr.'Ile tlAr!hJ.d ~chool, J.S - 4 ilcres, 'ri'JertoU B'I.éh I &~ ern PACt SB7 PaC) . , ._------------------------------~-~.~-~ ',' 4 .........,"".~_~"_.._...;_*'....._'""'_............__.........__~,_,~..;~.,....,",.....""'"_""_''''''''''·...·.'''.m'..,.;'_·."''''''~,,.; 'OOK 071 PACt 888 ----- -- --- -- - ----------------------------- soptember 27, 19B3 _~ Park, 31.6 Acre., pi~dmont Circle Park, 5 acre.t Wlnterberry Park, ~.7 acres and Caxnmbn5 PQSS Par~, 4.7 acre.. HA. Carroll stGted that she did not have the po~ulAtion f19ures for MArco Diatrict, ðdding that by 1984 EðØt Nnplos would be Dbout 25,000 in population, North Naples would be 18,000 and Golden Gato would b. l!i,OOO. "ape 16 Commissioner Holland stated that he doe. not believe that people are aware that thia coard has mAintðlned A lot of the p3rks and built and equipped thorn. Commissioner Kruse stuted that she is not against a pArk site next to a school, but a com~unity p~rk is Cor the entire communIty, including tho adults, and if too many park situs aro noxt to schools, the family orientud or old~r puop1e Ara being precludod simply blcau.. of the Dctivitit=. that would bo in a park next to a school. Commissioner Kruse atðtud that aha thinks it would be nice to havI Site 15 lInd the additional l.akc Trafford because it would free. up 80me additional money for tho development of park aitos. The following people spoko in op~~ition to the purchase of Site 13, stating that it is not centrAlly located, too costly to clear and prepare for G pArk aito, too swampy, and water pollutions Mr. Johnni~ Goodnight Tape 17 P. O. Box 13l5, Inullokalee Hr. lIonry Noronll Raw. Howard AllIIn Lucy Ortiz Mr. ~te vo Prl co ^lbort Lee I"IAr i a Sanchez Olivia Reyna 602 poinsettia St. ImmokAlee 430 GAunt St. Immokale. G06 Robert. ^ve. Immokalee Immokale. !.J09 Pine St. Ia'Ølokale. P. o. Ø4x 1102, Immokal.. 205 E. Adams Ave. Iamokalee The above rofenncod ¡..eople spoke In favor of purchasing Site 14 or Site 15 and the additional acreaIJe for wk. TuHord Marina for the community of Im~okale. AS it i8 centrally locatoó. __________________A .L -- '.' . . ~ ~ 'II!D .,_.....~,..~...._'.......-... -..."""'¥--"'--......--......"....-""'. .,.,."'.-..."'_..........'",......,~,..'_..," ~ ¡¡¡¡¡ ¡ j;l} ,~J ;' ",' ,. .·i.':':....- : _____ .i, ¡;¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡a . '.' ----- Soptember 27, 1983 ^ letter was presented by Rev. Allen, for the record, from the ImmokaloQ Civic Aøøociðtion IndIcatIng Sito 15 a8 tha number one cholco and Site I. as tho number two choIce. Commisa1onot Brown atated that h. hat always wAnted Slu 15 a. woll as ûite 13 and a portion of tho Lake Trafford Marina. Commioaioner Piøtor stated that he looked at many of tho sites in .;:i~' .~ rJ4,.~ ,'~:~ ."~' . t~ "!it '~;1 . ,..,~ . t;.¡f ...,,~ "I~ .::~' ):i: Immokaleo, addin9 thAt ~ite 14 Is the b~st aite and if Site IS ia donated it would UO ð 900d community park projoct. Commissionor Voss stated h. a1øo looked at many of tho sites and SItos 14 and .5 in hIs'opinion are thv best, addIng that this wa. confirmed by everyone that he talked with. He stated that he felt Sit. '4 is 4 1ittlo bott~r, but Sito IS is vory close and if It 1. donated thon the County should accopt It. He stoted thðt it would be nice to have both'of them, but th~y ore not both noedod. .:(.~. ~, i'~~ '" ¡,~ '., Co.missionor Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner pistor, that Staff be directed to enter into negotiations with the owners of Sit. .5 and also with the School Diøtrict lor Site '4 and come bac~ to the {" i'j~~, .,,: 'f ":~ .:r-~' :~ ,....'t· i,~~ ~'U 'I" ',~. ''::~' "'i" ~;:~!: Board wIth the better of the two negotiations. Commisøioner Voss noted thl.l tloard could then lIako A docision. Commissioner Brown stDtod that hot wou1 d stick to his doc!øion.for ~ito '3, :>ito , 5, and the /'Iðrinlt. Commiaulonar Kruse stated th4t she fel t thoro w~s nothing wrong ···.i,Î ¥ ~~~.: "",!" ,V¡ ,;/;-;' ,~, '''fr :·~Jf~ ~~ 'iJ' .;¡¥t .!,~ '~~:-r .,.'i, ''I.'. '1¡.f: . ',.~;':.; ,......- "~i with an activ~ park, a passIve park and the Kar!na. She stated that aho he. no problom with Gito IS as it is bein9 donated, addIng that it th~ tot~l do1l4r amount Is considerably 1... to acquir. all of th...· p~rka than the one in North Napl.. or Colden Cate, .he has ~o . ubj~ction. She noted th4t she would vote against it becAu.., il the doll.r A~ount is fair, th~r. Is no rooson why there cannot be an active and passive pork. aoOK 077 rACE S89 ,... , " ,'" ,. ·I;'::ï·", Pago ._------------~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~---~~~ ·t~:~;; .. __ - - - __ - - - _._ - - - - - __ --..I. _ _ _ _ _ _ _,_. _ ____ _ __ ~___ . .. ~. ~ ~~K 071 fACE 690 September 27, 1983 .... Up\)n call for the quutlon, the IIOHon hUed 2/3, (CollalulC)n.era Holland, Brown, and ~ruae opposed). Tap. 18 COlllSlisdoner lIolbnd .oved, s.conded by cOlllllhdoner Brown .nd carried 3/2, (Collmlaal~n.r. pl.tor and Vo.. oppo.ed), that Starr be directed to contact the owner of Site 15 for the beat available offer and the owner of Site 13 for the beat flgur.. for the I~okalee Park Site and bring back to the Board a total dollar coat figure. ..... Rece.sl 1105 P.M. - Reconvened. 2115 P.M. at which tl.e Deputy Clerk Skinner replaced Deputy Clerk ~enyon ..... Ite. '38 PROPERTY/LIABILITY INSURANCE PROGRAM II SUBMITTED BY BENSON INSURANCE AGENCY AND UNDERWRITTEN BY TilE INA/AETNA GROUP - APPROVED WITH CHANGES Fiscal Officor Giles ox¡.¡lDlncd that the purpose of tho senlon 1. to hODr the recommendatlonR from C. W. Siver and Assoclatos, Inc. reqArdlnq the property/liability InsurAnce bidD received. He said that ~ in May, 19CJ, the bCC contrActed with thl. firm to prepare the County bid specifications and to review the bide received and ~ke recOlllllonda- tions to the BCC on a throo-yoar policy. He said that the County'. current policy Is A throe-year policy which expire. Doptember 30, 1983. He said thal a couplo oC yeArs ago the County had a Rluk ~nager on !)taC( und~r the suporvlo10n of the Clerk'. Office' and that per.on waa terminated and that, since that time, the accounting and record keeping for property/cAøually/l1øbi1ity in.urance haG been done by the Clerk'. Office. II. referred to Pðge 5 of the Clork'. Report in the agenda for this ~eetlng which contains the recommendation of E. W. Siver. ÀSlóociatell, Inc. Mr. Ted Slvor, presld.nt ~r ~, W. stver , ~Gocl.tea, Inc. of St. Peter.bur9, atatod that Mr. Steven W. Corde., fro. hi. flra, wa. proaent. II'" ex"hinod that thirty-five (35) propoaal. weu received '·9- :'Æ ----- ~ .' ~ ~ ~ 'BI ~ , '. ''n- ' :~' " , '. . '.I.:" .i, , 1:', ~,.. , ¡¡;;¡;¡¡) ~ ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ ----------------------------------------- ,"1"_" S~ptembor 27, 1903 from fIve (5) agenta/brokora and thirteon (13) in3uror8. He saId the net result is thnt tho County will save money over its currant program, for _xample, .a much a. $189,656 can b~ saved at th~ maximum cost lovel. He uxplained that ~ith an account the 8izo of Collior County and spending upward. of close to $GOO,OOO for the Workers' Compensation, General Liability, Auto Liability, rroporty Inaurance, etc. thoro will normally be in placo a type of program wheroby the costs will bo dotormined by tho actual 10aa08 that aro Incurr~d by the County. 110 aaid thJs i. in contrast to amaller accounts whore tho pr.lllum 1a paid to the innuranco company and that company pay. all the 10.... and if the company does wvll thoy keep the profit and if they don't do well tho rates may advance in a aubsequent year. He .ald that All tho proposah hðVU a so-calhd ,)djustlnont feature, whoroby the net costs are detormlned by the clftims tllat Arv ~ctuðlly paid for or to tho County or on behalf of tho County. 110 liøt.d the followin9 choice. for conslderðtion: Program I - All coveraqes to b. fu1ly-inaured with a promium IIdjusunont feature whereby funds can be returned to the County if loa. experience ia favorable. Tho program was submitted by ^. J. Callagher , Co. with tho major coveragos underwritten by the Home lnauronco Co. Pro~rDn II - ^ll cov~r~9.. to bo fully-insur.d ~lRo witn a premlua ddjusunent foatur.. The pr09ram waS submitted by Benson Insuranc. Agency and un~.rwrlttðn by the IN~/Aetna Croup. Program III - Tho mnjorlty of the progra~ ia self-insured with atop-loUd lnsurancI om~loyed to limit thr. County's mðximua ri.k. It wa. pcopoacd by ~. J. Callagher on behalt of Lloyd'. and oth.r insurer.. Progr~rn IV - This roµro.ents tho County'. current, In-torce µroqrau, with tho majority of coveraqos fU11y-insurød Qxceptlnq workers' comp~nøatlon whIch is ..If-insured. Th. 4g.nt. ar. alA ðnd Gal1ð9h.r, respectiv.ly. Mr. Uivor said that thQr~ i. no adjuøt~Qnt teature tor PrograD IV, and that BI^ i& th. agent doln9 all but worker.' compensation and C.11hgher h tho a.¡cnt do1r/g t.ho workers' cOIDPon.ation. lie add that. &œI( 071 neE 69i , ' ..."''''''..~'_~.~'''',,'',,....,,~''''''~_,_, ..... ... ..t_~.,_"'___""..,_.«~""..,,,_""_~"'·'w·,"",·,"'·...,.;,,..,,·*', ".,.,..""''''''''..''';~...~...,._.___",__,..._....._..;,,,..,"....,,.'"'".,..."'.,".".,....".,...,.,.."" ---- ----------------------------------------.,....- \O~K 077 PAC( 692 September 27, 1983 -" all of the proposlIh lire subject to adjustment bllsod on 10..os. He _aid that a slmpl0 WlJ)' to view the situation 1. that tho County will pðy the loss.s p1uB the expenses of doIng busln... end that the question, lost of the tlm., is wnat lire tho expenseo thðt will make tho dif!oronce? Ii. said thðt the lOGses will romaln the sarno no matter whllt company is usod. Mr. 5ivdr re(~rred to the churt on page G o( the Clerk's report whic~ compðro. tho four progrlJms. He explðined thðt Expected Cost lIIeðns thøt hi. firm 111111 rQvlowed th<t County'. loss experience over the pllst soven or eight yeoro and has determined the ~mount, based on the overogo 10nn exporlcnro In pbst years, hos brought that ðmount forwørd, trended It (or inClatlon Dnd thllt amount is used for the losses thðt con be axpectad In tho future yellrs. lie said that Collier County 1. not lllrgo enough lor Actuarlally credibility so thðt thoso figures connot be tDkon a8 lJb~olule, however, they are indications of what should occur in th~ fulure based on whot hils hoppened in the p~st. County ^ttorney ~aunders Þskod if Hr. Sivor had a broakdown as'to how much would bo th. property damago ch iN and liabl1i ty cla ims, and Mr. Siver aÞid that n\.lllber is in the .poc1flclltlon.. Mr. Siver rehrred to Exhibit A which ll!lts tho vllClous kinds of Insurance deductibles that II re be 1119 pro po sad and the prem I UIIIS 0 f sallie. He aai d thð t the £xpoc ted Cost under Progrðm Is $55),61~1 under Progrcm 11 it 1. $559,085, under Program III it 18 $~20,15' IInd that the current County progrolll with the slime losses would produce II coat to the County of $536,404. lie «sx¡.¡lòlned that Maxilnu::! Coat loans tho maxhllllll olllount that would be paid by the County regardleaS of tho los.e. or claiJl., which I. on .ggr~gate Gtop-10ss f.atur~, which meana when tho cllll~. reach a certain point the County no longor haa a responsibility. 110 referred to footnote 2 on pAge 6 which stðte. that. -l'I4xlJ1ulI cost. ..sUlle no 10.s ~ Page U ------------- --- t, . , . ' (jÆ!t~i:'...,l 'ŒB ~ ........----........_.,._....---'.._.-~---~ .. ~'---'~""" ,..-,.--".--.-....... ....",-".._~......_..........', ..-.... ..........-..... ... .""..........--.........,.......----........-...- -,....,:,_..... ~ ~ ¡¡¡¡¡} ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ . .. ------- ---------- Soptember 27, 19B3 will exceed tho li~its of tho Umbrella coverage- which 1. in tho ran~. of $1,500,000. Mr. Siver said thot tha Mlximu~ Cost of Progrom I Is $SS3,6lS, under Progro/ll II it is $559,OeS, undor Program III it is $610,973 and under the existing County program it i. a possible cost of $743,271. Iht .aid 011 of these amounts are annual IInd not three year numbers. He oxp1Ain_d in detail the points as outlined in his memorDndum to the BCC datod 9/20/8J. He said his firm recommends ProgrDm III, thft Callagher Packa9~d Protected Solt-InsurAnce Program anù they support their rocommendation by commentary on their ðnðlytic criterIa. He sðid that Progrðm III preaents the lowost cost at the Expected Cost level as shown above. lie aaid that progrom III does present a potentially higher cost at the Maximum Cost 1ev~l, meaning the County's risk 1. gr..ter. . He Ctxplained, howevor, that Proqrðm III includes a loss limitation (eaturol i.e., no sln~l. loss occurrence can be charged to the County which oxcoeòs $100,000. He said th~t this Is contra.ted with the $300,000 that. is chargeable under Proqra~ I and $375,000 chðrqeablo under Program II. Ho said because of the feature in pcogca. III thðt SdYS no sill~lQ lo~g occurrence Cðn be ctlarged to the County which exceods $100,000 the posaibillty of the amount reaching the ~ðxl~um Cost a! $610,97J 13 moro remote. Responòlnq to Commissioner piator, Mr. ~lvar öðid that a person could look at the 10.. limitation feat.ure In a wny AS a deductible like his parsonal insurance. He .aid thðt at the Exp.rctud Coat level program II I has a sðvin')s of approxi- Mutcly ~25,OOO to $JO,OOO ovor the other two programs. Chairman Kru~. asked what is the deductible for individual 10.... for the(t ðnd Mr. Sivor aaid the deductibh wi:':' be $25,000 on property which h chargublo to the County'. 10" fund. lie said there is an ð99re9at- 10.0 fund that cut. off and creatdS the MaximUM COlt. &œK ern rACE 693 ----------------~-----------~-------~-~ ----------------------......,--------------..;.--......-.... " ~K rn7 fAC£694. September 27, 198J .. Chairman ~ruse said that previously thore was $1,000 deductible for each report. Mr. Siver said that Collier County haa grown 80 fasl and there is too much ~onoy involved now for tho County to take nominal deductible risks its~lf and insure with a company. Mr. Saunders said that he is concerned About the number of liability claims that havo been fIled, because he assumed under a .elf-insurance progra~ the County ^ttorney's office would defend tho.. claims. lie said t.hat a.soc1otud with thosIt types of claims would be inveatigdtor'. and attorney's costs. ~o said he had no idoa of the nl.lTlb«r of claims that havu been fillld per year over the past two or three yvaro. Mr. ~Ivc:r sillcJ that in lIHt program that is being rocom~ended, the clal~G ocrvlces arc provIded by C~lla9her-Bassett which is a subsidIary of the: Gðll~qher organization, which is tho Sa~e fiul that is now hand11ng thu \.IQrkltrG' compensation. Ho said this firm would continuo to rucelvu the (IrGt reports of public liability, and do the invotltiqDtlonl however, they would not provide defense costS within the area of tho deductible or retrntIon. Ho øaid a decision would be lude al to whether the County Attornoy's oCClce would provide that defense or whethor an outside Cirm would be enga~ed to do it. "'r. Saundera said that, In his opinion, It would be better for an attorney who Ja working for thll County to handle lhAt type of cIa I. AS opposed to spondlng $IOO an hour Cor outside counsel. Mr. Slve: agreed, if he 10 talking about routine cl.l~n. "o~ever, ho said if "'r. Saunders 1. talkin~ about a surlous ~~ttcr that would very likely exceed the deductibl. and then the IXCOGS insurer Lloyds and others would want to associAte in th.. deCltns" of that caGe. HI said often they would take the lead in aehction and bur thli r proportionate sharo of the dehn.. cost as related to the totðl of the claim. Mr. SAunders .ald thAt dealing with liabI1Ity..spects and the neg1igenco type. of cla1. he 3' '.9- 45' ------ ,þ .,. . ~ ~ I:'IiD II1II" ---~-_...- ~ r¡¡;¡a ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ ---------------------------.-.-... ~opto~bor 27, 1983 assuØlod Mr. !Hvor has taken into conll1doration the LImIts of LIAbilIty undor ChApter 7óB of FloridA Statutos dealIn9 with soverÐi~n Immcnity. ~r. Siver said ho had. Mr. Saunders said that the doductiblo on that type of claim is $100,000. Ho saId that the County would pay the first $100,000 of any claim, howðvor, Gal1~9her would arrange for the defense of the clai~, to which Mr. Sivor said thüt Callagher-Bas.ett would investlglltu th<J c1nlm alS any adjuster would do. 11~ IJlIid if a clailll rtlquired dofenGo then It would bet the County's policy nil to whether the Staff counsel would defend it or whother it W48 A CAGe that tho County p<Jrceived to be asslgnod elsewhere. Mr. saundurs said he was concerned about the burden of work and if, for example, there wer" SO neg1igence clai~s filed a YOdr an~ th~ County docided to defend all of those cIa IN in-house, tI"n would require the hiring of another attorney, .tlcretary and poaslbly an InvcøtlC)Dtor to handle tll.1t number of claims, hO''''ever, if thltro ðro only 10 c1l1ima, th.:lt would be a diCferent story. Mr. Siver con(orrod with hiü colle~~ues and reportod thðt the consensu_ is that tho nlAllber of cla Ims that re'iui ro a 11 U«Jatlon or any groat dual of lawyer'~ tlmu is very IImall. he said that tho majority of claims will b. sottlud t.hrough tho routlr, pro~cduro of tho Calla9her- 8l1Gsett c1.11ms adjuGtroent firm .:In~ tho hðndlin') of tho claim. Mr. ~øunders soid th.'t WoJ' onv of tho pointø lie wanted to mako because, if thu County 18 solf-ln:>urud, som~ of the 8~a11 clAi~s that an insuranco company r.a~y be willln~ to sottlo to IIvoid liti')ation cost, the County ~dY want to dofend thoso routinely and thAt hu would like sOØle ide. of the numbor. and type. of clolm. Actually filed 80 thðt he would know whether thoy could b" hon~l.:d in-house. lie said the County lIay not b. 'Wi11in\l to sottlu tho cl..im& if it lIS ~ayinl'J the lIIoney out of the lolC-insurclnco pool. Mr. sivor a9rood. lie said that when hi. other cli.nt. lIIove from what (~ known as . full 'I lnaunJd posture to . a~ 071 rACE B9S ._-----~--~----~~----------~------~- ,~ ----,--,_... ". .....'-",.....""'¡.."''',.,.....__.;--......'-'..,.;~.. .". .. . ......'......,,~...'"'-^'~,,-----~_..~_. ,.~.~~.~~.. ~',~ ,-.----... '~~.'>''''';:'' ,../~.-t~..:., .-;i~I~.~~; ;,;. " --- - - - - - - - - - -.- - - - - - -- - -- -- --- -- - - ----- ------... . . ~} ~~;.:~ ::~,. aOOK 077 rACE 896 September 27, 1983 ;( ~. qUAsI-Melf-insurod they usually will not add im~edi.telY to atall and will wait for a ye.r and ..e what the demands Are and ~ake Adjustments accordin91y. Commi.sioner Voss s.id, In hi. oxperience, if tho claIms are ri90rously defended thoro are lower claims. Mr. Siver Agreed. ~ di.cu..ion fol10wud regarding this .ubject. Mr. Siver cxplained the .anner in which tho specifications werc writtun. Tape 110 Responding to Comml.sionor Holland, Mr. Siver laid that If the County had two $250,000 occurronces both of thoae claima would be charged to the pIon and thðt would put the County lrnme"'lato1y into the .aximua premium in Program I. He .aid In Program II with that same situAtion both ot tholie cl/liron would bo chargoable to tho plan and the County would bo at max illlum pr eml urn. lie .aid considering Program III with the saMe situ~tlon $100,000 would be charg.d for each of the occurrences. ~r. ~lver explained that one consideration In the pricIng i. the time valuo of monay, that is the time the County gets to hold mon.y under /I Bolt-insured proyrD~ beforc it is p/lid out In clalma. said undor .olf-insurance tho County get. the inv.stment earning. and, thereforo, his firm's !iguros show tho net inv.stment .arnlngs oppor- tunities of the various plans and they Ar. not all the ..... Mr. SIver said that tho Gallagher program has the County paying its own 10.... up to the loss 11mit/ltlons cnd tho firQ pays losso. which exce.d the I hnltAtions. :>1r. Ciles said h. IIgrlted with Commlssion.r Holland in that h. would like to soo the ·~pples to Applo.- compari.on. He .aid, in hi. opinion, with Program III thero might bo indirect costs that CAnnot be anticipat.d at lhis tJmo, such Aa tho litigation expena.. that Mr. Saundors mentioned. Ho said thero is 01.0 the upoid. riak or the , Klximum Coat Approaching the approxi~toly $61l,OOO if the progr..l. , I ,ag. --......---------- . ~--- '. ¡,. ... . . ~ ISII IZIII r -'FII" ."I'_....",.._____i'>I<"...""',,,,,,,.....,,,..,,.,.,.'.,,.,_~.,.,...,.'", t '". ; He ~ Qiii1i ¡¡¡¡¡ -----------_._------------------~-----.......-..... ~eptombor 27, 1983 not strictly ..naqed. He saId he wa. concernod slightly with rogard to carri4rs. He said that the County ha. had exc.llont service froD CAlla9her on worker.' compensation whIch is a portion of tho total insurance i'4cka'J.' He .ald th.st on the prop.rty c..ua1ty insurllnce the County ha. had good rulation.hips with OIA and thuy arc clooo at hand. Comglssionor Yo~ø said, In hi. o~inlon, pro')rnm III is tho loqical pro<JrAIII. Responding to Commissioner flollnnd, I1r. Siver .aid that the Callagher firm ha~ ~ fort Myoro office that handles claims. Mr. Tony Abolla, ropro.entlng Arthur J. Callagher , Company, said hi. firm has been hanlll1ng thu County's workers' componsatlon claims since 1978. ne said that program II already ~alf-Insured and the County has had II qood exporlunco with It. tie gave: back<Jround Informatlon rc': arding service his firo ~ðl providud tho County. Administrator of Administrative Surviccs 11111 said lhðt thu G.:dl.:J'jher firm hd8 <Jiven the County excollwnt sorvlcu In thw workers' componsation cl~lmG. Co.-is.ioner Yos. .oved, seconded by Co..i8sioner Pistor, that Program III .ub~itt.d by Ga11agher/L1oyds be .pproved. Mr. DAvo ~pcod, reprolcntln~ bI^I^etna-IN^, sald that hla co~pany presontly wrltuß tho pro?crty, <]Qnoral li~bl1lty ~nd auto~obi1e I bDl1l ty coverago .)/1<1' hðll for sovcHal years. He sr-oko on bllhalC of Progrðn 11. lie IlAld that Progrll:tl III will pay $3'),000 10.. or $62,000 lIorc thAn Proqrðm 11 dependln<] upon the County'. loall experience. He gave a hyvothctlc~l uxample so t.hat the County's insurAnce cOlt under Pro'Jrul III falls betwcttn -;:'O,OCO ,)nd $010,000. He uld t.ho cost wuld bo ~565,000. II..: said that progra. II is guarllntoed at $559,005. II. ..,ld that BI,\!Autnð-IN^ Is " locAl FloridA, UnIted State. insurance comp4ny aG compAred to Progra~ III which i. an out-of-town agent and an out-of-county company In ~ngland. Ho 8Aid that there i. . f~ctor of whother tne bce wants to· keep th.ir prollllU11! doll.H. hOllo or expor" f·.~ O"n ~rY-I >":':'!';,'~', aooK rAœ U'l1 Pl9. 48>:':~~\;};;~;¡ . ____ _ _. ,';'. \ ::;.(~: ,\;;,~~~5.~... - --..- ....-- - - - - - - - - ------ - - - -....- - -- ...._..........~'~þ~ > ~:.~--,,·f:'~i,:(~~)r~- ,.' .. a""lIJI . II .. . ._ .... .. ----- - - - - - - - -------------.--.-------.--.---.-".,..,- -..- þ, '::'¡í "! .. .'~,t.. 7;!0'. '¡'i~_~ ,.;.:'t" .~~~; .~~~,: :::~~ "'., '....... ~. t' .o~~ Soptember 27, 1983 077 PACE 698 ..', them. He pointed out that that the $375,000 lo~. licItatIon .hown in the .xhibit do.. not ~ko any differ.nce becau.e if thare 1. a 10.. of $1,000,000 all the County could pay under program II is $559,065 and undor Pr09ram III, If there iM a 100. ovar $100,000, tho County m~y still ~AY tho $610,973. H. .aid regardle.. of the loss under Program II ,the County woulC:: only pay $559,085. He uid, in his opinion, it is confu.ing to show that the maximum 10's under Program II is $375,000. Responding to Commiusionor pi.tor, Mr. Speed explained thA~ under Program II his company i8 pAying the losses and that the County i. pnylng for in8UrðnC\;. 110 BAld undcr Program III tho County would bo self-insuring and the loa~os are stopped At different lovels up to $100,000. He 8/'deJ thllt under progrnm II tho totðl premium is $559,085 with l1tigðtion and 1e<JIII costs included. 11. lIsked ~lr. Siver to explain the statement regnrdJnq the chargeable loss being $375,000 under Program II. Mr. ~ivor oaid that In Program II the compensatIon is what i» called n r<ltcntion progrom and 'the premium 10 ~J75,000 and in theory the whole nmount euuld be chargod Agalnst a single loos. He sðid that the only loss adjuGtment feature of the ~I^I^etna-lNA program i. tho workerG' cOl'.1ponllatlon, therefore, the lIaxilllum 1088 that could b. charged undor the complln.ðtlon program is the net premium itaelf. .He said that In Progrðm III the County would be holding thoir own lIoney and as the clðir:'lß devclop the County pay. tholll a. thoy are adjudicated or ncgotinted, whereQs under Program II all tho money i. paid to tho insurance cOr:'lpDny cnd there is an adjustmont ba.ed on 10..... Mr. Giles sold in one cose the County p , ys the cla im by prellium and In the other casu by svlf managin9. .^ discu8ßion fol10ved on this subject dudn9 which COlllmluloner /lo1land aøked if progru III includu legal sorvlces to which Mr. Slver snid th~t tho 10gal ..rvic.. are Includod in tho deductiblo. Com~i.sioner Uolland noted that the 10gal .ervic.. Pa9- 49 ---------- . f'. .~ , . ~ ~ l1li IIIr.I . ..d~IIt~ A ~ IIii.1 ~ ----------- .~:)}.. ~j~;:~ þ-¡~r~.( ~;..,.,~ , ~I'í.:,' ~,;'" \ ~VL:;'·,!,· - - - -- - - - --- - --- - ------..-.,. Soptember 27, 1903 ArQ included in Pro9ram II to which Mr. Siver a9roed. Re.pondin9 to CommIssioner Voss, Mr. Siver 8ald th~t thd annudl pre~ium for Pr09ram II Is paid In 12 equal Installment. and the County <Jeto the inter.at Income on ^p~roxlmataly one-half of tho money pAid in beCAuse it 1. ovar a 12 month perIod. 110 said that all thtt chimø monoy in Pro<jram III tho CQunty holds until It i8 paId. Mr. lIill uid he would not like to soo the County <JIve up the oxce110nt oorvico of Ca11ð<Jhvr-Baasett on workers' componsation. A discu.sion followed during whIch Chairman Kruse asked why Gallagher was toamed with the other two companies and not. BI^/Aotna to which Mr. Siver. sDld that program w~s done, however, a high maximum of Approxim~tø1y $670,000 dov~lopod. Ho Baid that BIA/Aetna's compensatIon proqram only proposal Is d1fCoront thon that which is packagud with 1111 o! the cOI:1 Jany's coverage. 110 saId, therefore, when ~IA/^etna 10 coupled with Gallagher the workera' co~ponaation loss makUB the ~xlmum qo up tu the aforrnontionod amount. Roapondlng to COr.lmIssionltr Holland, Mr. Clles sllld th.:lt tho County hall hðd the rolatlonshlp of E. h. Siver advising tho County on particular coverages and BIA/Aotna procusBln~ c1ai~q for thot covernge .:Ind ho Is a lIttle wary oC making drð~tic changos bvcauso thore io not Btronq Inaurance 1~..nll<Jllmllnt 1:"1 thu County, at this tlmu. Mr. 11111 GAid ho would have to view chan')lng thu workers' cOr.lpcnsotion covorA911 as a dr.:Jtltlc chan11, alao. fo II 0,", 1 n~ continulld dI.cu.aion the decision wall mado to ask Mr. Rv ed, Mr. AlIelléJ and Mr. ~ivor to conBult tOljeth"r to .ue If a pr09 rAil could be devised b9twoon Ga11ðghor-Bacsett And BI^/Aotnll-IN^. ····n~c~s~1 3:35 P.M. n£CONVtNEDI 4100 r.M.-··- following thlt reClUS, Mr. SIvers reportod that tho repr...nt.tivo. workcd out tho n\.Chers relative to the combination of the pr09r4II1G .. thoy woru ori9Inally øub~Lttod and all Agreed that tho rcsultin9 fI9u~. .~ OIl rACë 699 ,. -----------------------~-------------~~~. ß ,___h....,_'''__."''''.__"_,_....~,\iI''''.,.._4''''''"".,,_';O,~,~~,.",,..''',."'_~_,~._.~_,..._"". '".......,.".."...".,......"~,,,."c;,,'~ _______ ___ _ ____ __ _ _____ _____...... ____ _..".J__ _-.____ - -----.- - '~'.".'- &OQK 077 ~ACf 700 Septumber 27, 1983 lie Baid that th. question wo. placed to ~. of~ov.r $700,000 w.. too h19h. the principal ploï_rs of whether they ~Qre willing to compromise enough to lower the amount to the $559,000 range and Mr. Abella and Mr. Reed responded that their programs remain the sarno as submitted. Mr. ^bel1~ sold that both programs have si9nificant differences when thoy apply to covcra90 and the differences were spelled out In his firms. proposal and the County's consultant has taken them into consideration. H. &~id that there oro broodor de(initions in his pr09ra~ when it CQmv» to ~ropcrly insuranco end picks up all propertios whether lhoy h~vo buun roportod to the company or· not on II full replAcemont cost basis .....1 thout hllvinq to replace it. lie explolned other (ootura. o( hlß progrllrn. Upon coll for the quoation, the motion failed, 2/3, with Co..issioners Holland, Brown end ~ru.e opposed. Co.-Iaaioner Hollond moved, .econded by Co..i..loner Brown and , carried 3/2, with Commissionor Vo.. and pi.tor opposed, that the Property/Liability Insurance Program II, .ubmitted by aen.on Ió.urance ^gency and underwritten by the BIA/Aetna-INA 9rouP be spproved. A ~iacusalon (ollowcd durin9 whirh Mr. Sivers explained that tho covera90 can be Increll.ad Crom $2,000,000 to $5,000,000 for an additional annuàl premi~~ of $6,000 and he referred to Item 0 on p.ge 9 of £xhibi t 1\. Coaalssionor Hollend aoved, .econded by Comai..ioner Brown and carried unani.~u8'Y, thet the Umbrella policy, It.. 0 on page 9 of Exhibit A which would increase the coverage fro. $2,000,000 to $5,000,000 be approved. ^ diacua»lon followed during which "r. Gile. explained that Ite. H, the aircraft coverage, undor all threo pro9ra.s there i. . full promi.. or $26,888 for hull insuunce for the County h.licopt.rs which page 51 - -----. --- -- l1li1 ~ ,'.... . ; . :,.. lID ¡'___~__'''"''''""""""""''''''''.'_h''.~_·",.-".".,...-.,,,,,,...~·.·,.,~.,""".~ 'I ""7: ~ -------- hUVÐ no~ be.n insurQ~ AdministrAtor Dorrill this covorA90 At this IiiiW ,-- ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ " ---.......- Soptember 27, 19a3 In thu ,.6ast. lie said he spoka with Public th~ðt. and they both recommend n~t to provIde time. Commls.lonor Holland moved, seconded by Commissionor plator and carried unaniaously, that I~.D ø, the hull covera90 on the County hellcoptor, be deleted from the policy. I " ...... " . .. .. ... " " " Thor. being no !urthtr busineGs for tho qood of the County, tho meeting was Adjourned by order of the Chair at ~:06 P.M. , / (' y:" n'" "TTESTI ~ILLI^M J. REAC^N, CLlRK IiOMD OF COUNT)' COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD OF ZONING ^PPEhLS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING aOARD(S) OF SP~CI^L DISTRICTS UNDER IT~ CONTROL , ~ I _....¡ _ rr.JL 4~. iOMAN -"'", ~;,æ~ .. ~~ ~'~.~: ~ t'. ..- ,.,,~.. ,"'... ,. Tþ-óaè:.IIIinutl:'s' a;,proved by the p~~':J¡'t~d r7 or ,,. " ,:'" ..- .....~- - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - -.---- - -- - - - - -- -- -- LII ',':., ,...,. ,~, t2 c.. . acc on t"2~ /17 /f,;J . as lI8 corrected aO~K 071 rACE 701 'L-. .~ _._."-----"''''''.._.....'''.,...-"....,.~-".._''''.,,.''-'''.,,~,'"'-'"''-~-~-