BCC Minutes 10/11/1983 R ~.;;.,:-.r ....., (}\ì"\ ..fr b~1 Naples, Floridù, October 11, 1993 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in Ðnd for th~ County of Collier, and also ÐCFing ÐS the Beard of Zoning Appeals and as the governing bo~rd(~) of such sp~cial districts as have b~en created according to lùw and htving conducted business herein, met on this ~~t~ at 9:00 A.M. in Regular Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Comple~, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Mary-Frances Kruse VICE-CHAIRMAN: David C. Brown ~ ; ., J John A. pistor Frederick J. Voss C. C. "Red" Holland ALSO PRESENT: William J. neðgan, Clerk; James C. Giles, Fiscal Offic~r; Elinor M. Skinner ~nd Maureen Kenyon (1:30 P.M.) Deputy Clerks; Billy P. Beckett, Assist3nt County M.ani (J~r; Burt L. Saunders, County Attorney, Don3ld Norton, Public Servic~s ^dministretor; Neil Dorrill, Public Safety Administrator; Terry Virta, Community Dt:veloprn~nt Administrator; Lee Lc1yne, Zoning Director; ~!enry Hill, Administrator of Administrative Services; Mike Kloehn, Planning , ¡ Administrative Aide to the ~oard; and Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett, Director; Knute Hartman, Pu~lic Works A~rninistr~tor; Grace Under~ood, Sn ¿ r iff's De pa r till'') n t . i \ , , 1 "1 , . . 8C~!( 078 PACE 85 Pðg c 1 -'. ,-.. October 11, 1983 aOOK 078 PAGt .00 ," .f 1-; f,·;" , Tape '1 Ite. '1 -AGENDA - APPROVED WITH AMENDMENTS Coaai3s1oner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and , . , carried unanimously, that the fOllowing items be continued to 11/15/83: 1. Item 6B(1) - Petition R-83-4C and R-83-5C, Avatar Properties, Inc. 2. Item 6B(2) Item 6C(3) Petition R-83-l9C, ~vatar Properties, Inc., Petition AV-83-008, Avatar Holdings, Inc., 3. Commissioner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carried unanimously, that the following agenda amendments be approved: 4. Item 9E(3) - Proposed contract with County Forestry Sfrvice _ Added. " .' 5. Item l2E - Discussion regarding acquisition of Immokalee Park site - Added at Commissioner Holland's request. 6. Item 12F - Discussion to authorize staff to negotiate with Collier County School Board on joint use of the facilities at Avalon School in conjunction with East Naples Park Site Added at Commissioner Holland's request. 7. Workshop re space allocðtion - Changed to 10/13/83 following Employee Health & Life Insurance Workshop. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried unani.ously, that the following agenda item be added: r . - 8." Formal action re Mr. Vincent Murphy's resignation as Chairman of the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commis.ioner Voss and carried unanimously, that the above agenda amendments be approved. Ite. '2 PETITION R-83-l9C, AVATAR PROPERTIES, INC., - CONTINUED TO 11/15/83 This item ....as continued until '11/15/83 during approval of the agenda. Chairman Kruse informed the public that there. would be no vote on this item, ho....ever, due to the large number of registered speakers, . . Page 2 . October ll, 1983 it was the consensus of the BCC to allow those persons to speak, if they desired. Leo Salvatori spoke in opposition to the petition. The following persons were present, [~~lster&ð and daclincd to ~~^......... -r"'-·· . Sð lly Hend ry Ednamae B. Saunders Thomas ß. Farrow Nina J. Curry Catherine D. Farrow Michael J. Marshall Ray A. Saunders George F. Keller Jerry R. Windisch It.. '3 MOTION TO APPROVE PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDING ORD. 83-14, .COLLIER COUNTY FIRE PREVENTION CODE- - FAILED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on . . - September 21, 1983, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider a proposed ordinance amending Ordinance 83-l4, the -Collier County Fire Prevention Code-. County Attorney Saunders said he submitted a memorandum to the BCC on August 18, 1983 dealing wi~h the authority of the BCC to regulate child care facilities. He said that his opinion has not changed even though"he spoke with Mr. Buddy Dewar, of the State Fire Marshal's office and he indicated that the Legislature had intended to pre-empt the field of regulation of child care facilities. He said it is his opinion that the State was not successful in expressing that pre-emption of regulation. Community Development A~ministrator Virta explained that the proposed ordinance was prepared at the direction of the BCC and would amend the Life Safety Code to add the requirement of sprinklers to child care centers. Chairman Kruse referred to a letter signed by Mr. John Stephens, Director, Environmental Health Section and Dr. Fraser McConnell, Acting Health Dire~tor regarding this subject. She said she- would provide a copy of the letter for the record. ~oO!( 078 PACë 91 Pl:lqe 3 BOOK 018 PACE 92 . I { October ll, 1983 Tape 12 "- ',; The following persons spoke ~n opposition to the proposed ordinance: . .~..... . . , Tape 13 Mr. nnll(' l~~ KAV. rç.nrp~pnt{no Fin:;t Liqht Day School. Mr. Don~ld Long: Die. Day Care Center,-E. Naples Methodist Church Cindy Speers, ownor, Double Loving Care Day Care Center. Alice Hummel, owner, Central Sun Montessori, Inc. Marge Burnham, representing Kiddie Garden pre-School Greg Speers, representing, Double Loving Care Day Care Center Dr. James Cðsale, owner, Love and Learn Child Care Center, and representing Collier County Early Childhood Association The following persons spoke in favor-of the proposed ordinance: Robert Shank, Fire Marshal, East Naples Fit'e Dept. Gðyland Moore, Asst. Chief, Golden Gate Fire Dept. Don Peterson, member of Golden Gate Fire Dept. Kenneth W. Rogers, North Naples Fire Marshal Bob Pistor, Assist. Chief, Marco Island Fire Dept, Vice-Pres. Collier County Fire Marshals' Assn. John Jackson, Chief, Marco Island Fire Control District Jim Jones, Chief, North Naples Fire Dept. Jim Billma~, Chief, East Naples Fire Dept. During the course of discussion, the members of the various fire " '. departments presented statistics supporting their contention th~t sprinkler systems are beneficial to day care centers. They supported this argument by stating that no record has been found of a fire d~ath in a sprinkled child care center. Various death and injury statistics were recounted related to fire in unsprinkled buildings. Responding to r- "èommissioner Voss, Mr. Peterson said that the average cost for a child care center on domestic water supply is approximately $1.00 per square foot. He explained that the cost to a child care center not on a domestic water supply is from $1,000 to $2,000 for the auxiliary water system. He described the items necessary to provide such a system. Mr. Shank provided information relðted to fires that have occurred and sðid that the cost of providing a sprinkler system varies from $2,000 to $5,000, which he said is not really a factor when the cost of saving pag e 4 October ll, 1983 human lives is considered. He disputed Mr. Kay's statement that the reason this issue is before the DCC is because the LSC has been taken away. He said that the Fire Marshals have an obligation to prevent loss of life and property. Mr. Moore strongly urged the BCC to pass the proposed ordinance or reinstate the LSC 101 as it pertains to day care centers. Mr. Rogers appealed to the Commissioners to remember the children in this discussion regarding the spinklers, cost and objec- tions made by the day 'care center owners and operators. He added that.:.: the subject has been complicated by the possibility of the rates being raised to parents of children enrolled in these centers. Mr. Pistor noted that some child care centers have combustibles on the walls in the form 'of pictures the children have drawn and there are "'ooden chairs in many centers. He noted that one day care center has 54 children with 6 teachers and all but one went to lunch at the same time, and he stressed the lack of supervision in some of the centers. He urged the Commission to pass the proposed ordinance to keep Collier County free of deaths in fires in ~he centers. Chief Jackson stressed the need for sprinklcd buildings in Collier County by stating that a sprinkl~r system can be activated in 2-1/2 minutes. He said he is unable to get a fire truck across the street from the fire station in that length of time. Chief Jones said that the North Naples Fire Department building currently under construction will have fire sprinklers, even though the firemen are trained to combat fire. He said his department f~lt there was a certain need for this system in the new station becau£~ of the protaction it provides. , . . ."': , The opponents of the propose~ordinance stressed their respect for the firemen, ho~ever, stated that this situation has become an emo- tional issue. Mrs. Speers noted that she has 5 doors in her center I/J &oQK 078 PACt 93 pag_ 5 BOOK 07B rACE 9+ October ll, 1983 , :,. with 60 children and that she conducts fire drills regularly and is able to have them out of the building in 15 seconds. She said that she is in the business to provide safe, ¿apable care for children. Dr. . . , . ! . 1 Casale stressed the "need for cooperation between the Department o~ Health and Rehabilitative Services, the Firo Departments and the Child ... Care Centers to resolve the subject of safety in the centers. He showed lists of ..·egulations that child care centers must meet from federal and state authorities. He said that Mr. Buddy Dewar has informed him that pla~tic pipe is illegal to use in fire sprinkler systems. He contended that is the type of pipe used in the systems previously mentioned and the systems do not have UL approval~ Mr. Saunders agreed that Mr. Dewar informed him plastic pipe is illegal to use. Mr. Saunders said he just had a te~~phone call from Representative Mary Ellen Hawkins who was a member of the Regulatory Reform Subcommit- tee to reform various State regulations. He said she indicated that her intent and that of the Committee and the Legislature was to pre- empt the field of local regulations of child care facilities. Hb said he explained to Mrs. Hawkins that may have been the intent, howev~r that reading Chapter 402 as a whole, in his opinion, the Legislature ..- ~. . did no~ live up to that expectation. He said he 'anticipates that Mrs. Hawkins may reconsider child care centers next year. He said it is still his opinion that the State has not pre-empted the field of local regulation. He said that the provision the State enacted is Section 402.305, in which the Legislature struck :the words -appropriðte mini- mum- to indicate that the State would establish standard ðS opposed to appropriate minimum standards. However, he said. that Section 402. H 6 and 402.315 talk about licensing of child care facili~ies if those Page 6 ~ ,." . ';f October ll, 1983 facillties fail to meet or exceed State regulatlons. He said that based on Chapter 402 in its entirety he bases his opinion that the BCC can regulate child care facilities. ComaIssIoner Holland moved, seconded by CommIssioner Voss and carried unanimously, that the public haùr1n; be clcs~d. Chairman Kruse said, for the record, that this issue has "dragged on too long" and the subject has gotten out of hand. She referred to the regulations that may only cost a quarter ð week for one item and a quarter a week for another item and added that all these amounts add - up, eventually. -, She said it is the intent to make the system perfect, J to make it easy so that there is never a chance that a child is hurt, that prompts the regulations and the concern of the various agencies, whether it be the school bus, the school yard or the day care centers. She said that the day comes when parents cannot afford to keep a child in a day care center and then the child is turned into "latch key", when the child is old enough and the parent takes the chance of giving the child a key and allowing him or her to be at home alone. She said she could not vote for this proposal. A discussion followed regarding the conclusion of the next Legislature session. County Attorney Saunders said that the conclusion is uncertain, however, the Legislature begins in April and it is a 60 day session which can be ext~ded. Commissioner Voss said he would never forgive himself if a child dies because there are no sprinklers in the day care centors in Collier Ccunty. However, he added, if the Legislature decides that the State standards should pre-empt local centers, he would not 'want to see ð sprinkler system installed that may have to be changed to mee~ new regulations. Co..i..loner Vo.. moved, .econded by ComaI..ioner Pistor, that the ...: , BOO" 078 PACE 9S paqe 7 ., "'''''"'___0 bOQK 078 PACt 00 October ll, 1983 BCC aandate sprinkler systems, and that the Ordinance not be effective until the conclusion of the Stat. Legislature .ession next y~ar, to .e. . .." '"., ': "..' \ .~. if they pre-.mpt the local stand~rd.. Commissioner Holland explained that he had l1stened to both sides .' . . I .._A ~..'"" that he has had th~ opportunity to visit several chIld care centers. He said he has had children in the child care centers and has grandchildren in the centers at this time. He said the people are to be commended who operate these centers. He said that the people who use these centers are predominately working mothers and that the cost is ð factor with today's economic system. He said there has been no demonstration to him, in this immediate area, to warrant the approval for this prvposal. Mr. Saunders requested clarification that the motion was to approve the ordinance, as presented, with an effective date of June 1, 1984, to which Commissioner Voss responded affirmatively. UPON 'call fr.r.r the question, the motion failed 2/3, with CCllJllis- 810ners Holland, Brown and Kruse OPpos.d. RECESS: 10:25 A.M. RECONVENED: 10:40 A.M. Ite. '4 rRESOLUTIOH 83-178 RE PETITION FDPO-S3-V-6, MARCO ISLAND SHOPPING CENTER '-:APPROVED Legal notice having been published in the Naplos Daily News on September 25, 1983, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public he~ring was opened to consider Petition FDPO-S3-V-6 filed by Marco Island Shopping Center, N.V., rftquesting approval of a variance from the minimum base flood elevation required by the Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance on property described as Marco Island Shopping Center, Tract G, Unit 4, Marco Beach Subdivision. Planning Director Mike Kloehn said this petition 1s a request for Pag e 8 . ~ ' c October ll, 1983 a 3.5' variance to permit the construction of a th~ee structure shopping center addition at an elevation of 8.5 feet National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) instead of 12 feet NGVD as required by the FDPO. He said that tne petitioner has indicated that the pUblic interest would best be served if the expansion was constructed separately. H~ said that the petitioner has also indicated that flood proofing is not a viable alternative due to cost and aesthetics involved in the cOllstruction. He said that the Staff disagrees with the petitioner's. claim that serving the public interest justifies granting of the ..: variance and that aesthetics and costs justify the granting of ð variance from the flood proofing requirement. He said the Staff recommends that the variance be denied. Commissioner Pistor expressed concern regarding increased parking needs. Mr. Virta said that the parking situation at this proposed shopping center is not comparable to the other shopping center that Commissioner Pistor mentioned. He said that parking is not an issue in this petition, since the petitioner would have to comply with the current requirements under ordinance. Tape ,. Mr. Darrell March, of Anchor Engineering representing the petitioner, said this shoppi~g center was originally bu~lt between 1969 and 1971 and was built to the maximum flood elevation determined by Deltona Corporation at that time. He said this building was built at 8.5 feet above sea level and that the buildings would have stayed dry during Hurricane Donna in 1960. He said this is adequate in his '....~ , " opinion. He said the County 18 cu!rently appealing the flood elevations as they were done erroneously. He said it is from that " i erroneous flood elevation that the petitioner is seeking a variance. aOOK 078 PA~E 97 I ; I PaC¡8 9 ~ October 11, 1983 BO~K ~~OO ~ ~ He said that the petitioner has submitted a site development plan that ~~ has been approved by the Staff for t~e parking requirements. He said there are required improvements that will 'im~rove the traffic situation at the site on Bald Eagle Drive. Responding to Commissioner Brown, Mr. M~rch oatd that, in his opinion, the elevation at this location will be ~. either 8 or 9 feet after the appeal has been made to the federal government. He said that if the three buildings were connected to the - original building there would have been no need to bring this petition before tile 8CC, because It 15 less that SO¡ of the area. He said the petitioner did not want to connect the buildings because that would interrupt the fire lanes and that would be less safe for fire vehicles coming on and off the site. He sald that the parking arrangement if the buildings are connected is not as good in that getting on and off the streets might c'eate traffic hazards that already exist. He described the existing elevation of the buildings surrounding this site as being at 8.5 feet. He said the expansion area is approximately 30,000 square feet and the existing area is over 60,000 square feet. He said that the viable alternative is not to build higher becduse of the ramps that would have to be built and the factors involv~d in rr~building the parking lot. He said that flood proofing the building would necessitate changing the architecture of the building. Commissioner Voss noted that since the requirement is 12 feet, in the long run, the petitioner would save money on insurance by building to that elevation. Mr. March said the petitioner has submitted a letter that he is aware of the increased insurance cost. He said the petitioner is appealing the flood plain elevations. Commissioner Voss questioned whether those appeals will be successful. Commissioner Pistor said that the BCC has granted variances on Page 10 ~ .' . , ¡ " I I I ~ ' I" ~ ~ L r " Í' I ~ \ 1; f ( i t';- . ~: I '," tf ~ p ~ 1. . ~ ~. ,I [ r" r ~ ~ ~ October 11, 1983 building sites on Ma r c 0 Island in the pas t. He questioned if any variances have been grantcd without requiring the building to be flood proofed? Mr. Virta responded that he did not believe the BCC has. He ~",!d th~ ~ '.It., b.,dy 13h"p fl?C''!ntly !'pprovpq W."!I rI Allowed due to the 'Jarage doors on the shop. A discussion foIl owed regarding this subject during which Commissioner Holland noted that the the petitioner could have connected the buildings and would not have had to appaar before the BCC. He said that the petitioner has tried to improve thp. situation and Chairman Kruse agreed. - ~. .. ..... -..; Commissioner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Bolland moved, seconded by Commissioner Br~wn and carried 3/2, with Commissioners Pistor and Voss opposed, that Resolution 83-178 re Petition FDPO-83-V-6 be adopted. In response to Commissioner Pistor's question of whether C""mmissioner Holland would add that the building has to be flood pro~fed, Commissioner Holland responded he would not add that v~rbage. " .. aDaK 078 PACE 99 pag e 11 ·W. 800K 078 PACEiDZ. October ll, 1983 It.. .5 PETITION TR-83-7C, WILLIAM A. ANDERSON, RE TEMPORARY RESIDENCE PERMIT FOR PROPEHT1 LOCATED 8 MILES EAST or SR-951.QN 8TH AVE., N.E. - DENItD Zoning Director Lee Layne explained this pet~tioner was granted a temporary rosidence approval by the BCC in March of 1982. She said in October 1982, Mr. ^nderson received his building permit for a temporary residence with extension which would expire October 1983. She said he hZJs had his year's life of the temporary r~sidence which is allowed bi' the ordinance. She said he is asking for an additional permit for another year and that staff recommends denial because the ordinance specifically states one year. Responding to Chairman Kruse, she said that the Zoning Ordinance does not go ~long with .the building permit regulations which is strictly limited to one 6 month original and one 3 month extension and a second extension, with a maximum of one year. During the course of discussion, Ms. Layne said that no building progress has been achieved on this property that the Staff can determine. Mr. Winston Barger, resident of 3825 8th Avenue S;E, ð neighbor of Mr. Andel.ion, said that Mr. Anderson has lived on t~lÍs property for three years. He said there have been from 1 to 7 truck _campers and camper trailers on that property at various times. He , .- . asked that the people in the are~ be treated equally. Mr. Kellcr spoke in opposition of this temporary permit. Ms. Layne said this has been a recurring problem and that Staff feels there is no intent to build on the property. She said that the intent of this ordinance is to allow a petitioner to live in ð mobile home to protect the property. She said that in Golden Gate Estates a petitioner has to come before the BCC ðnd that an agriculture district allows it automatically. Commissioner Pistor moved, .econded by Commissioner Bolland and Page 12 October ll, 1983 carried unanimously, that Petition TR-83-7C, William A. Anderson requesting a temporary residence permit to utilize a motor ho.e during construction of a principle residence for property located 8 miles east of SR-951 on 8th Avenue, H.E., 1/4 mile west of Everglades Boulevard in Golden Gate Estate. be denied. Ite. '6 POSITION OF FOREMAN III, TRANSPORATION DEPT. - EXEMPT FROM HIRING FREEZE AND APPROVED TO BE FILLED Public Works Administrator Hartman said he feels strongly aoout this request to have the vacant Foreman III position in the Road and ".: Bridge Section filled. Responding to Commissioner Holland, he .Gðid that the person left in September. Comml.siøner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown .nd carried unanimously, that the position of Foreman III in the Transportation Department be exempt from the hiring feezet and approved to be filled. Ite. 17 MOTION TO APPROVE VACANT SOLID WASTE COORDINATOR POSITION - FAILED Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Coami8sioner Vo.., that the vacant Solid Waste Coordinator position be exempt from the hiring freeze and the po.ition be approved to be filled. Commissioner lIollûnd stated that he was not in favor of approving another thing until the BCe gets ð full evaluation of the Solid Waste Department. He said there has been constant turnover in that depart- ment. He said it is his understanding nobody has even question~d the man who left the department as to why he loft. Public Works Adminis- . trator Hartman admitted he hðd no~ talked with the person, however, he was familiar with his work. Assistant County Manager Beckett said he has begun his investigation of the department ðS he was directed to do ~OOK 078 fACE 103 pag. 13 6í)~K m8 FACE1t)t. October 11, 19B3 by the BCC at a previous meeting. Commissioner Holland said he could not see justification for this position to be filled due to the financial situation of tho County at this-time until Mr. Beckett's evaluation is complete. He said there has to be ~ "hard look" at th1s situðtion. Commissioner Brown agreed. Commissioner Voss sðid it is good to make the investigation, however, if a man is needed he should be hired. Upon call for tbe queøtion, the motion failed 2/3, Comm!sB!oners Brovo, Holland and ~ru8. oppo.ed. Chairman Kruse said the floor will be open for a motion with respect to this position after a complete report in conjunction with the Personnel Department on the operation of the Solid Waste Depart- men to Commi S5 ione r Hol land requested tha t the fe be a brea kdo'....n of the personnel turnover during the last year in this department. Mr. Be c k e t tag r C t! d . ItIJ. IS MAIN ROTOR BLADES FOR UHIB HELICOPTER - APPROVED Co..issioner Brown .oved, seconded by Comeissioner VQSS and carried unanimoully, that the purchas. of the m.in rotor blad.s for the ~UHIB Helicopter b. 8pproved in the amount of $21,500, plus $400 for . . . shipping, and that the ~udget Aaend..nt transferring this amount be approved froa ~und 302 for Mob!le Office. ($20,096) and Re.erves ($1,804). Ite. .9 CODY AMD ASSOC. CLASSIFICATION STUDY REPORT - ACCEPTED, RECOMMENDED RAISES ~OT TO BE INSTITUTED UNTIL (ABOUT 30 DAYS), UKnL BCC kNOWS WHAT THE rINANCIAL STATUS IS, WITH THE EXCEPTION or THE ecHOPIE fIRE DEPT. Adminstrator of Administrative Service. Hill explained this i. the Cody report which was finished the end of August. He Baid that the Page 14 October ll, 1983 report reviewed 55 requests which resulted in 77 recommendations for changes of positions within the existing pay structuro. He referred to t~~ Ex~,:uti'!p ~lImmAry dated 9/30/83, that includes 1\lternatives 1\ and B based on the rules and regulations of the County. Regarding Alternative A, he said that only those' employees being recommended for promotion would get an increase, and that Alternative a would include those employees recommended for promotion plus those employees recommended for reclassification being given a 2-1/2% increase. He - said that the Ochopee Fire Department is recommended to be handled ..l differently because of the unique situation that exists and the competitiveness that exists with their firefighter pay i.\ relation to the other pay scales of area firefighter positions. He said that the Staff recommendation, if the acc chooses to adopt the report, as indicated below, is that the money come from contingency: 1. Receive and approve the Cody and Associates Classification Study recommendations. 2. Adopt Alternative B to implement the Cody recommendations. 3. Approve the additional recommendations of the r~rsonnel Department regarding the Ochopae Fire positions and the Foreman I for the Parks and Recreation Department. 4. Allow that the salary changes be retroactive to October 1, 1983. 5. Authorize the preparation of the necessary salßry and budget amendmen t s. - Mr. George Cody, of Cody and Associates, reviewed the report regarding the clðssitications of Collier County employees' pay plan. He said his company has done work for the Clerk of the Board and the Tax Collector for this County and for a merit system for the City of Naples. He said that the mér1t system in all three ðreas is working ~Q1I. He said his firm WðS asked to update the r.lassification and pay system which has not been looked at in three years. He said department &OOK (J/8 PACE105 Page 15 -:r.;. .ft. I ;'r;¡ I' ~ t .~' f. ~'; ?; ~~: ~~. ~'f "~.-'. f· I;; ". òf-: .," .ì. ," ßD~ me rA~106 October 11, 1983 'i heads submitted questions where they thought jobs were misclassified and his firm conducted 30 interviews~ had SS requests and made recommendations for upgrading some jobs. 'He 'Said a wage survey was rvviewed, thtat the County PersonrJel Depðrtm~nt. conòuct.~ù, to make surè he was comparing equal situations. He said title changes were recommended. He said that jobs, where there is significant inequity, were closely reviewed. He recommended that the County pay plan not be changed this year. T¡lpe . 5 Mr. Cody said that the recomendat{on is to move the employees within the existing plan. He said that his firm finds that the merit plan can work in government, given the right support and atmosphere. He said that the major recommendations of this report is not to change the minimum/maximum range; im~lemp.nt a merit system and make selective adjustments withIn the plðn. lie said that those selective adjustments drc based on job aUdit, wage survey and on inequities that have come into the plfJn during the last three years. He said that many of the inequities have been "festering" ~ecause every time there Is going to be a change, the result is a change is never made and some of them are rt~ree years old. I!e sðid they relate to minor title changes. ..,.. ~, . ~p Coami..ioner Brown left the roo. at 11117 A.M. and returned " at 11:20 A.M. '!f. "('0; .,-1' ~~ During the course of discussion Commissioner Voss said he "it. ¢. ~t subscribes to a m~rit plan and Commissioner pistor agreed. ~t. ~. ¥k: Commissioner Holland said ð merit plan itJ a valid way to handle ~~ promotions. He said, however, the Commission currently does not know ¡ exactly where the County stðnds for 'the coming fiscal year as hr ðS the money to give merit raises. Chairman Kruse ðgreed and said that if thtare ar\~ identical positionn and a boss does not know which person is Page 16 October ll, 1983 doing the better job, that person should not bo the boss because that person is not payin'~ any attention to the situation. Mr. Cody agreed. H~ ~mph^sized that his recommendation is to move employees within the plan classification ðnd not give an "across-the-board" pay increase. Commissioner Holland said the BCC has had the misfortune of recommend- ing that they hold the pay increase and that the Constitutional Officers were told thðt the total pay increase should be held to 5\. He said later the BCC was told there might be a shortfall due to the excessive costs in hospitalization. He said he wants to know how the=J BCC can approve merit increases when the Commission i5 not sure that the money is available. Mr. Cody said this is not the case. He said he is not recommendln~ anything to do with whether there is a merit increase ~r not, which is ð separate issue. He s~id that the approximatoly 70 inaquitlcs are In the pay classification structure of 500 plus County employees. He stressed this has nothing to do with overall adjustment, however, those inequities should be addressed regardless of the decision of what is done next year. lie said they ðre problems ....hich should bu resùlved. Commissioner HollcJnd referred to the School Board's announcement that their employoes are being given a blanket 6\ pay increase plus m~rlt and noted that the County employees are in the same mark&tplacc. Mr. Cody said that is a separate issue. Commissioner Holland referred to staff recommendation '4 that would allo.... the salDry changes to be retrooctive to October 1, 1983. Mr. Cody said that is not his rcco~mendation in his report. Co~mis- sioner Holland said that he a9r..5 with Mr. Cody that the adjustments need to be made in the classification plðn. Mr. Cody said that this , . item refers to the 70 recommended 'adjustments in hi. report that are miaclaaaified. .He said this has nothln9 to do with next year'. 60~~ 078 PACë 1m Page 17 October ll, 1983 .' ~O~ f1lB PAw: 1CJ8 increase. A continued discussion resulted in Commissioner Holland . . , stating he could not see where the Commission can separate a dollðr need to function for the fiscal year coming up with staff recommending the raises retroactive to October 1, 1983. Chairman Kruse said that what Mr. Cody is saying is correct, that the item is sepðrate, however, that Commissioner Holland is saying that Alternative A will cost $51,000 and Alternative B will cost $65,000 and asks if the County has this money? She asked if this plan is ðpproved is thßre a possibility of wknocking offw somconcs 1\ rðise at one end for someone elses raise at the other end of the pay scale? Fiscal Officer Giles said that th~ larger question of how the other employees are affected, and how that might change the increas~ that might be across-the-board with th~ Commission, can be significant. He said, as to Mr. Cody's recommendation, Alternative B at $66,000 and Alternative A at approximðtely $12,000 or $15,000 less, that impact on a total budget of $84,000,000 is diUicu1t to say. He said that if thele aro!: implica- tions thðt Mr. Holland feels ðre prasent at ð later time the Commissioners could enlarge their discussion on ð pay increase in :g~ncral and life and ~eðlth insurance. Chairman Kruse said that Mr. Cody said these 70 positions are b~ing unfairly treated. Mr. Giles said that Mr. Cody is appr05ching it in this way becau~e from employees th~re is service and productivity, which is Mr. Cody's specialty. Commissioner Pi$tor said that on the Cody Position Classification and Pay Plan the following funds were involved: General Fund, Road and Bridge, Community Development, Aging Program, Ochopee Fire, Secondary Bonds, Utilities ~dministration, Solid Waste, EMS, Fleet Management and Helicopter. Ho said that the money is CO.in9 out of tho., funds for the chang'. that are suggost,d In hi. report. He .aid that i. part of Page 18 October 11, 1983 the budget that has been ðpproved for individual departments. He said that the matter of the general wage consideration is not being affected by this change. Commissioner Holland disagreed. He ask Mr. Giles if this will have an impact on the dollar amount that the BCC will need to op~rate for Fiscal Year '83/847 Mr. Giles said there will be an impact as stated in the amount for Alternative ^ & B to bc requestcd from Contingency. Commissioner lIolland said that nothing i3 being deducted to make up for this amount, to which Mr. Giles agreed, how~ver, he said therc in also the question of whether the ace feels this recommendation . .~ mu~t be done. He said it is advisable to have an equitable pay plan and look at the total plan and work out what should be done for all the employees. Mr. Cody s~id these 70 individual positions cross all occupational lines. Commissioner Holland said that he agre~s with Commissioner Voss' statement that the Ochopee Fire D~partment employees need the adjustment. lie said that he ·...ould like thiH to be implemented with a discussion to find out where the County stands b~fore the others are implemented. Chairman Kruse said it would not be fair to isolate one department out of 70 positions and make an arbitrary decision a~ that one being tho ·worst· treatp.d, because in Mr. Cody's opinion 70 are in the ~ame position and need to b~ altered. She said that the Clerk and the other oUicers arc in the ·same boa t· as the BCC in that they have a certain am 0 u n t of money to divide and if thuy have to pðy it out in insurance they cðnnot give more either. Commissioner lIolland said they have the opportunity to divide the money as they choose. Ms. Marty Grier, Extension Service Librarian, asked that the following positions be considered for raises as they are doing a , professional job: the Superv"isors. in Immokalec, Golden Gate, and East Naples. Responding to Commissioner Holland, Ms. Grier said that the hO~K 078 PA~109 Page 19 ßOQ~ 078 PAGE110 Oc~ober ll, 1983 recommendation for the library employees to work 40 hours ð week has not been implemented ex~ept in three cases. She said this is not a - desire of employees because they want to wor~ 40 hours. Chairman Kruse said it was her understanding that the employees were to be phased in as desir~d and the need requires. Commissioner Holland said he did not think the employees could live on 3S hours a week. Chairm~n Kruse suggested that the topic be separated into two separate subject matters; handle the Cody report and handl~the recommendations one at a time. She s~id if the Commissioners feel that a specific area of the County requires a close look Mr. Cody could look at that total operation and determine whether the employees should work 35 or 40 hours. Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Pi8tor, that the acc accept the Cody Report, however, not institute the raises for about 30 days, until the financial structure is known, except for the Ochopee Fire DGpartment, which should be raised now. Mr. Hill said that he did not know if 30 days would make "any difference as far as the financial situation because thi~ :s a separate question from general wage adjustments. Tape '6 ... . . . Upon call for the question, the motion carried 4/1, with Chairman Itruse opposed. Item 110 PROPOSED CONCESSIONAIRE'S AGREEMENT BETWEEN COUNTY AND CAN-AMERICAN SEAGATE CORP. RE CLAM PASS PARK - CONTINUED TO 10/18/83 After. short discussion and with the agr..m.nt of the petition.r, Coaai.sion.r Vo.. mov.d, second.d by Coaai..ion.r Brovn and carri.d unanimouSly, that the propos.d conc.ssionatr.'. agr....nt b.tw..n the County and Can-Am.rican S.agat. Corporation for the d.v.lopaent a~d Pac.¡ e 20 October 11, 1983 operation of Clam Pass Park be continued to 10/18/83. Chairman Kruse said that no vote would b~ taken on this item this date as it has been deferred until 10/18/83. She suggested that interested persons obtain a copy of the proposed agreement from the County Manager's office. The following persons were present, registered and declined to speak: George Keller Virginia Newman Mikè Zewalk John Venekamp Frank ~. Pettengill Leonard F. Colwell uw i g h t C. W il11 am William Bricxman J. Water Cross Ross Obley David S. Bennett Joyce Ushe r Charles F. Meyer - . ... Ms. Elaine Luckhart spoke in opposition to this proposÐl citing the untimely death of a fellow worker and another friend due to an accident as a result of a driver under the influence of alcohol. ***** Recess: 1l:55 A.M. - Reconvened: 1:30 P.M. at which time Deputy Clerk Kenyon replaced Deputy Clerk Skinner ***** Item Ill· POLICY OF PAYING FOR DOCUMENTS TO REMAIN THE SAME - APPROVED There was a general discussion regarding copies wanted by the public of the proposed concessionaire's agreement for Clam Pass Park. Commissioner Kruse indicated that it has been the County's policy to charge for copies. Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that the policy of paying for copies of documents remain as is. , . ßOOK 018 PA~E 111 pag e 21 "~ BOOK 078 f~112 October ll, 1983 . ,,' Ite. '12 ALL PAR~S aOND MONEY TO BE LEfT IN TACT UNTIL ALL ACQUISITION Of LAND IS COMP~ETED AND DESIGN PLANS ARE BROUGHT BACK TO THE BCC Public Services Administrator Norton stated th~t this item was requested by Commissioner Pistor, adding that it is a request for sheltered picnic tables, park benches, and BBQ grills at Clam Pass Park and lighting facilities for the ballfield_at Winterbercy Circle from the Community Parks Bond Fund monies. Commissioner pistor stated that he is simply requesting lighting for just the ballfield at Winterberry Circle and a few picnic tables and BBQ grills for Clam Pass Park. Commissioner Kruse stated that not all of the park sites have been acquired and she would prefer to see the money used for the acquisition first. Commissioner Voss stated that it is time to set a policy for the park money, adding that the people in Marco have really paid for the park site and they are also losing a sizeable amount of the ~~~d issue. He noted that the park site in Marco should be included in the full ~ amount of money that is going to be divided up, adding thAt they should . .- - ~ot be-penalized by paying twice. . Commissioner Holland stated that he did not want to see any of the money spent until the park acquisition has been completed and the site plans are brought back to the Commission and the decision is made as to where the allocation will be. Commis5ioner Holland moved, se~onded by Commissioner Brown and carried 3/2, (Commissionera Voss and PIator opposed) that all park bond money be left in tact until all acquisition of land i. completed and design plana are brought back to the BCC. Page 22 October ll, 1983 Itell 113 COUNTY FORESTER SE~CES CONTRACT - APPROVED Public Services Administrator Norton stated that this contract has been received from the State, adding that he needs approval of the contract. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried unanimously, that the County Forester Services Contract be approved. - .j , " 8O~K 078 PA~t 113 Pag e 23 October ll, 1983 Boa~ ens PAGE 118 It.. 114 . , ~OUTINE BILLS - APPROVED POR PAYMENT Pursuant to Resolution 81-150 the following checks were issued through Friday, October 7, 1983, in payment of routine bills: CHECK DESCRIPTION CHECK NOS. AMOUNT BCC Payroll 6~678 - 70200 1 0 11 5 1 " 1 0 1 11 6 8 $ 79,962.66 Vo ucher $ 1,379,1l0.l5 It.. 115 BUDGET AMENDMENTS 83~931/a3-~41 AND 84-13/84-16 - ADOPTED Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendments 83-931 through 83-941 be adopted as presented. Commissioner Pi~tor moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland ~nd carried unanimously, that Budget Amendments 84-l3 through 84-16 be adopted as presonted. 0- f - P::Ilj1e 24 '''''''/ 018 fACE 134- þ"JI\ October 11, 1983 It.. 116 CONSIDERATION OF REINSTATING COUNTY MANAGER ORDINANCE 80-77 - DENIED Commissioner Voss stated that Ordinance 80-77 should be reinstated, adding that in order to get a man of good quality he needs to have some type of security, further adding that he is only talking about a few top people like the County Manager and the County Attorney. He noted that there needs to be good admiAistrative people in order to rlln a County. Commissioner Kruse noted that it takes only 50% plus one to gat elected as a Commissioner. Commissioner Holland stated that without a majority a County Manager or Countl ,",ttorney could accomplish nothing, but a majority is all it takes. He stated that to his knowledge there is not a County or City in the State of Florida that requires a super majority. Commissioner Kruse stated that anything other than a simple majority is a violation of the entire American process. Mr. George Keller, President of Collier County Civic Federation, stated that he is not backing anyone on the matter, adding that he felt r this should have been a public hearing and that the County Manager - needs more power than what he has had. Tape '7 Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor, that Ordinance 82-110 be repealed and Ordinance 80-77 b. reinstated. Upon call for the question, the motion failed 2/3, (Commissioners Kruse, Holland, and Brown opposed). pag e 25 October 11, 1983 It.. '17 REDISTRICTING OF COUNTY COMMISSION DISTRICTS - NO ACTION TAKEN Commissioner Voss indicated that the population of Collier County has increased since 1980 by 25\, adding that the increase is not reflected in the currcnt Districts. He noted that there is an election coming up in 1984 and the districts should be divided equally according to population. He noted that he talked with th~ Community Development Department and was told that it could be done this y~ar. He reported that it has to be done in odd number years and if it is not done this year, it will not be done until at least 1985. - ... Commissioner Voss stated that the law requires nearly equal population for all districts. Commi~sioner Voss moved that the redistricting of the County Com~ission Districts be undertaken. Commissioner Kruse stated that before 1980, there was never a Commissioner elected from the working clas~ outside the city limits of Naples, adding that the way the district boundaries were drawn, all the Commissioners came out of the City limits. She noted that the way it is districted now, that situation h~s been rectified. Commissioner Voss stated that the way he is suggest:ng this does not put the power into the City of Naples, it merely makes it equal according to the law. Commissioner Kruse stated, according to the law, it is equal and the Commission will be required to alter the districts at the time the next census is done. Commissioner Ho11and stated that there Is a new census underway and the County should wait f~r that, adding that it is not that easy to do a redistricting and it is a big job on the elections office. Commissioner Voss stated that he has spoken with the Planning BO~~ 078 fACt 13S pag e 26 ,~"--,--_. LC:J~ (J18 PAGE 136 OctoQer ll, 1983 Department and the Elections office and they have indicated that it can be done on time. . Commi..ioner Vo.s stated that he wou¡d withdraw hi. motion and . , bring it back at the end of the month when ther. are new population figur.s. lte. 118 EXTRA GAIN TIME FOR INMATE NO. 41629 - APPROVED Commissioner Holland moved, seconded_by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that extra gain time for Inmate No. 41629 be approved. Item 119 RESOLUTION 83-179 TO BE SENT TO ORS IN SUPPORT OF EQUITABLE PUNDING POR THE SEVEN COUNTIES OF DEPT. OF HEALTH' REHAB. DISTRICT VIII - ADOPTED Commissioner Pistor stated that at the District board meeting it was brought to his attention because of some redistricting between District VIII and District VI, that one is boing underfunded and the other overfunded. He noted that he was asked if Collier County would pass a resolution to be sent to HRS asking for a reconsideration and get equitable funding for this district. COllaisalone r PIstor lIIoved, seconded by COlluDlasloner Brown and r carried unanimoualy, that Resolution 83-179 to be .ent to aRS In support of equitable funding for the aeven counties of Dept. of Health , Rehab. District VIII, bo adopted. pag e 27 Oc to be r 11, 1 9 8 3 Item '20 STAFF DIRECTED TO PROCEED WITH TIlE ACQUISITION OF PARK SITE 15 IN IMMOKALEE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AND BRING BACK TO THE BCC FOR APPROVAL Commissioner Holland stated for the record that he has not changed his priority on the number one site for the Immokalee area for a community park. He n0ted that when action was taken and approved to ask for prices on Sites i5 and 13 it was stated very clearly, adding that in his opinion Commissioner Brown was trying to provide two parl:s for the Immokalee area. He noted that it might have been a good idea to have the second park site, but the .aajority of the people in- - Immokalee were opposed to this. He stated that since that meeting, the .-,. oNner of 14 acres of Site #5, which is across the street fro~ the ~chool, has voluntecred to donate this property to the County for the development of the park. He reported that there is a Warrànty Deed that is being sent to the County Attorney for legality, adding that the balance of that site is 8.9 acres and is owneè by the Roberts family. He noted that th~y are seriously considering a donation to the County of that parcel of land, adding'that this would give the County th~ needed space to construct the facility that has been requested in the Immokalee area. He stated that rath~r than go to the expenditure of appraisals of any property other than Site '5 or Staff spending anymore time on trying to get prices and plans together, that Staff should be directed to proceed with the-acquisition of Site '5. Commissioner Holland .oved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/1, (Commissioner Kruse opposed), that Staff bo directed to proceed with the acquisition of Site '5 only, (Heath-Roberts proPQrty) as quickly as possible and bring it back to the BCC for approval. Commissioner Kruse statéd that it is a very tempting motion, but on a long term basis it would be unfair to the average citizen of BoaK 078 PAGt 139 pag e 28 tJ;K 078 PACE 140 October ll, 1983 Immokalee. She stated that she has seen and read th~ newspaper articles that have appeared in the påpers, adding that she has seen .. . " nothing that would alter her original vote. Commissioner Holland stated that he has spoken with many of the residents of Immokalee in the past few days, adding that he is assured that 99\ of the residents of Immokalee would b~ totally and completely satisfied with Site '5. He noted that wi~h the 14 acres being donated, if the other 8.9 acres have to be purchased, the County will still be further ahead as far as dollar investments. He noted that the Staff report indicated that Site '5 would be acceptable and the p~ople in Immokale~ will accept Site is, therefore, Site #5 should be purchased if necessary. Commissioner Brown .stated that the 'East Naples park site was purchased for $615,000 from Collier Company and another $300,000 will have to bc used for excavation and fill, which is to come from the park bond money. He noted that since at least part of the Immokalee park site will be donated, not much bond money will have to be used fer that site. Mr. George Kellcr questioned who voted on the East Naples park - f site, to which Commissioner Brown stated that it' was based on the Staff recommendation, the County Mdnager, and the Parks & Recreation Advisory Boa rd. Mr. Keller stated that the East Naples site was passed by a majority vote and the Board is to take the blame for it. He noted that he did not get involved in the East Naples Park site because he was not in favor of the park issue to begin w¡~h as there are school yards that ðre being wasted now. He noted that the school yards could be improved and the money could have been used to purchase Clam P~ss. pag e 29 October 11, 1983 Commissioner Holland stated that he would take liS of the blame for the ~~st N~ples site, noting that he made the motion to approve it. HQ stat~d that th~r~ i~ not ~ Commissioner that interferred with Staff on the recommendation that they made. He stated that he wished the p~ople in East Naples looked into the site as much as the people did in Immokalee. He stat~d that if the people of East Naples had looked at the site, they would have seen at least two feet of water standing therc. Mr. Keller stated that the advice of administration is not always~ taken and the Commissioners should have looked into the matter. He noted that the site that was going to be donated by Lely would have been suitable. Commissioner Kruse stated that Staff recommended against this sitc as well as the County Manager and four other staff members, adding that she looked at the site which was totally unsuitable. Commission~r Holland stated that he would put the bla~e of th~ East Naples Park site on three factions; the Commissioners, Management, and Staff. He stated that the people from East Naples did not get involved as much as th~y should have. Commissioner Kruse stated that there is not a major piece of property in Collier County t..!tat ùoes not end up before the Board with PUD documents with very precise water management which enables water to be moved off the property so that something can be done with the property. Ite. '21 STAPF AUTHORIZED TO ENTER, NEGOTIATIONS WITH SCHOOL BOARD FOR JOINT USE OF RECREATIONAL FACILITIES AT AVALON SCHOOL (ADJACENT TO E. NAPLES P~.) Commissioner Holland stated that it is necessary that Staff be directed to enter into negotiations with the Collier County School BO~K 078 PACë 141 pag e 30 8Q~K 078 fA~l14Z. October ll, 1983 Board for the joint use of the facilities of Avalon School which is adjoining the East Naples Park site,.because it is part of the property . . , that the County has improved and maintains and it will make a difference in the park design it these tacilitie~ can be used. He stated that Staff needs to discuss this matter with the School Board before the park design is completed. He noted that the property purchasod ranges in elevation from 2-1/2 to 5-1/2 feet, adding that there will be a 5-6 acre lake dug that will provide 90,000 cubic yards of fill. He noted that this will not bring the property up to the necessary level and more fill will have to be brought in. He stated that with a compatible agreement the area between the present baseball field and the new site will have a swale in hopes that it would drain the present site to a useable condition in a reasonable period of time after the rain has fallen. Tape '8 Commissioner Hollðnd moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that Staff be directed to enter into negotiations with the Collier County School Board for a joint compatible use agreement of recreational facilities at Avalon School. Ite. .'22 RESIGNATION OF PARKS , RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD CHAIRMAN, VINCENT MURPHY - ACCEPTED AND AUTHORIZATION GRANTED TO ADVERTISE FOR VACANCY Commissioner Piator moved, $econded by Commissioner Holland and carried unanimously, that the resignation of the Parks, Recreation Advisory Board Chairman, Vincent Murphy, be accepted and authorization be granted to advertise for the vacancy. Pðg e 31 I ft..", ~23 October ll, 1983 ***** Commissioner Pistor moved, .econded by Commissioner Voss and carried unanimously, that the consent agenda be adopted and/or approved. ***** CARNIVAL PERMIT 83-3, RE PETITION C-83-3C, SUNRISE ACADEMY, FOR 11/2 AND 11/3, 1983 - SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS 1. Staff rccommcnds a waiver of the $2,500 surety bond. 2. The Building D~partment shall inspect the premises prior to the opening of the car~ival. See Page /- ~t:, I tea 124 _. RESOLUTION 83-l0a RECOVERING FUNDS EXPENDED BY COUNTY TO AB~TE PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOT 7, BLOCK 57, UNIT 2, GOLDEN GATE CITY, PROPERTY OF JULIO FORTES Item '25 See Page / ý';? . RESOLUTION 83-181 RECOVERING FUNDS EXPENDED BY COUNTY TO ABATE PUBLIC NUISANCE ON LOT 2l, BLOCK 59, UNIT 2, GOLDEN GATE CITY, PROPERTY OF FLORIDA COMPONENTS, INC. Itea '26 See Page /yr' RESOLUTION 83-182 AMENDING RES. 83-100 AND AMENDING AGREEMENT WITH DEPT. OF NATURAL RESOURCES (DNR CONTRACT NO. Cll44) ON 3IG MARCO PASS ARTIFICIAL REEFS PROJECT It.a '27 See Page /Yf . STAFF AUTHORIZED TO ADVERTISE FOR PROFESSIONAL CONSULTANT ENGINEERING SERVICES AND APPOINT CONSULTANT SELECTION COMMITTEE FOR IMPROVEMENT OF PINE RIDGE ROAD, GOLDEN GATE BLVD. AND AIRPORT-PULLING ROAD Item 128 RESOLUTION 83-183 PROHIBITING OPERATION OF TRUCKS AND OTHER COMMERCIAL VEHICLES WITH A RATED CAPACITY lN EXCESS OP ONE TON ON LAKEWOOD BLVD. , See Page /' 5Z' BO~K 078 PACë 143 pag e 32 ßODi< 078 iPACë1.f4. October ll, 1983 Item 129 GUN PERMIT 83-11 ISSUED TO WILLIAM A~N MACRIDES, SUBJECT TO STIPU~TION 1. Conditioned on applicant coñtinuing employment as a State Licensed Private Investigator. '., !t~~ ~~n SECRETARY II POSITION IN SOLID WASTE DEPT - EXEMPT FROM HIRING FREEZE Item 131 REVISED JOB DESCRIPTIONS FOR THE SOLID WASTE DEPARTMENT Itea '32 EXTRA GAIN TIME FOR INMATE NO. A-42703 Item '33 LA~E TRAFFORD ~EMORIAL GARDENS CEMETERY DEED NO. 364 - AUTHORIZED FOR EXECUTION See P.3ge /~I Item '34 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED There being no objection, the Chair directed that the following correspondence be filed andlor referred to the various departments as indicated below: ... , 1. Notice from Dept. of Commerce of hearing 1013/83 on new rule (Block Grant Program) designed to implement Chapter 83-205, Laws of Fla. xc: Mr. Virta, Ms. Williamson, Filed. 2. Notice from Dept. of Community Affairs"enclosing copy of new rule (Block Grant Program) implementing special congressional appropriation under Emergency Jobs Act of 1983 and advising hearing date. xc: Mr. Norman, Mr. Virta, Ms. Williamson, Filed. 3. Letter dated 9/27183 from Dept. of Labor and Employment Security enclosing $33,956.00 warrant representing our CETA funds which Were voluntarily deobligated from CETA prime sponsor Fiscal Year 1983 grants for obligation into JPTA grant. xc: Mr. Beckett, Mr. Norton, Filed. Check delivered to Fisc~l Officer Giles, 9/30/83. 4. Departmental report from Purchasing Dept. August, 1983. 5. Notice dated 9/27/83 from DER ra Dale S. Jones, File Number 110735735 asking for comments by 10/19/83. Xcz Dr. Be n e ð i c t , F 11 e d . Page 33 October 11, 1983 6. Letter dated 9/20/83 from DNR notifying of consideration of CCCL permit for William J. Johnson, PhD, P.E. on behalf of Comm~ns "S" and "R" Association. xc: Mr. Virta, Dr. Benedict, Filed. 7. Copy of letter dated 9/26/83 from Dept. of Commerce advising that application for assistance under the Jobs Act has not been accepted. xc: ~CC, Mr. Notman, Filed. 8. Letter dated 9/26/83 from Attorney for Allied Gasoline Retailers Association of Florida inquiring if County will rp.fund to dealers to cover losses due to evaporation and/or shrinkage of motor fuel. xc: Mr. Saunders, Filed. 9. Letter dated 9/26/83 from State Representative Bob Johnson suggesting Collier County take steps to gstablish zoning to control visual pollution along 1-75. xc: Mr. Norman~ Mr. Virta, Mr. Hartman, Filed. - 10. Minutes of EMSAC meeting of 9/14/83. 11. Memo dated 9/22/83 from Sheriff's Dept. regarding interest earned on Certificate of Deposits, Fiscal Year 1982-83, and enclosing check for $39,717.90. Check delivered to Fiscal Officer Giles 9/23/33. xc: f>1r. Norman, Mr. Hill, Filed. 12. Letter dated 9/23/83 from John Maloy, SFWMD, enclosing certificate certifying to area in Collier County lying within So. Florida Water Management District and also Resolutions on Budget ~nd Tax Rates far fiscal year 1983-84. xc: Mr. Colding, Filed. * * * * * * '" * There being no further busin~ss for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 2:30 P.M. BOARD Of COUNTY CG~MISSIONERS/BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL - Co a ~ % -»~-'O - ~~ARY-FRANC~~ Yo USE, HA!RMAN ATTEST: WILLIAM J.tREAGAN, CLERK ~/ ~~~¿J.C. These minutes :ðpproved a~e~~ ~.pl:5; /,?'r/ or as corrected on . . "';. 'U f'Y18 -.' c ~~.. V I ....,~~ .I..-:f.S Page 34