BCC Minutes 10/13/1983 W
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Nap1os, Florida, Octobor 13, 1983
LET IT BE REMEMB~RED, that the Board of County Commissioners in
and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning
Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have
been created according to law and having conducted businA~~ h~r~in, ~ct
on this date at 9:00 A.M. in Workshop Session in Building "F" ?f the
Courthouse Compll:!x, East Naples, Florida, \.¡ith the follo'ÿing mcmber3
CHAIRMAN: Mary-Fr~nces KrU3Q
David C. Brown (9:25
John A. Pistor
Frederick J. Voss
C. C. "Red" Holland
. ...
ALSO PRESENT: WllliÐm J. Reagan, Clerk; James C. Giles, Fiscal
Officer, Maurocn Kenyon anù Elinor Skinner, (1:30 P.M.) Deputy Clerks;
Burt L. S,lIunders, County Mtorncy; Billy P. Beckett, Assistant County
Manager; Henry Hill, Administrator of Administrative Sorvices; Richard
Ruth, Personnel Director; Neil Dorrill, Public SlIfety Administrator;
Guy Carlton, Tax Collector; Sam Colding, Property Appr~isQrl Mary
Morgün~ Suµervisor of ~lections; and Sheriff Aubrey Rogers.
1. Discussion and presentation by E. W. Siver & Associates rc
County Hcalth nnd Life insur~nce covarûge.
2. Discussion re Office space allocation.
Tapo U
Item 11
Administrator of Administrðtive Services lUll statod that this
m~uting is to deal with the employee health insurance, adding that the
report of Rouert Siver will be raviewed by hi r.\ . lie noted that there
are three areas thl1t need to be dac idcd upon this date, adding that. one
is the selection of an insurer/administrator, the second is the
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October 13, 1983
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selection of ð benefit plan, and the third is consideration regðrding
employee cost-sharing for coverage. .
Mr. Robert Sivcr of Siver & Assoc1£ltés', "Inc. stated that according
to the Department of Health medical costs are incTcasing because of
inflation, technology, population growth, and increased utilization.
He noted that und~r this scenario employer policies will have an impact
only on about 22\. He stated that another view of medical increases is
cðused by aging population, improving medical tcchnology, expectations
by Americans that the ultimate in medical care is ~veryone's right, and
Medicarc cost shifting by the fcdcröl Government. H~ noted that many
people belicv~ that the only way to change utilization at this point is
to ask somùone to mãkc ~ financial decision before the service is
rendered. 110 noted thélt thiz Is usulllly acomplished by dealing with
deductlblcs ~nd co-insurùnce, nddin9 that it can DIGO be ðccompljsh~d
through the adoption of Preferred Provider Organiz~tion ~ctivities. He
noted that the County'z past cxr~riencc ðnd future tr~nd in expericnce
rðted plJid clùims has increased, adding that in 1981-82 the ðmount was
$742,000 or $755 por employee and in 1982-83 it was $l,l24,OOO or
$1,1~5 per employco. He stùted that h~ anticipateG applyIng only 22\
~çdical inflation to ttlC previous figurc which will m~kc the claims on
an expcrience rÐted basis ~1,J72,OOO or approximately ~1,409 per
employee, adding thDt this is under the asslœption that no chango is
made in the benefit structure and the prescnt benefit structure is
continued. H~ reported th~t there is ~ brief listing of the pros ~nd
cons of sclf-insurÐnce versus fully insured. He stated that the pro!>
cd fully inGurcd is t!1ùt it is a budgetable expensQ, little or no risk
assumption, the insurance company exercises the claim control, and the
insurÐnc~ company assumes the extended liability after termination of
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tho pliln. Ha notcd th.:1t the disadvantages of fully insured is that
there ürc moro rate incroðses thDn you would like to see, the
opportunity ço~tcl dt~ lu~t ün üarnlng ~n~ûrûz~ en
rCJ:.;"r'.;c:-; ,
.....4_.. _
is G possiblú lilck of fl~xibility, Dnd tho pDymcnt of premium tDxe~,
although in tho case of the pr05~nt insurer, Gulf Life, th~ra is not
that problem because th~y are a domcstic insurer b~5~d in FloridÐ and
are, therefore, (!xémpt from premiu.":\ t.Jxes. He stated th¡¡t on the
self-insured b.:1sis tho ¡¡dVantðgos ~ro lower ~xpans~s, no or vcry few
premium t~xes, u~c o[the rescrve moncy for earning interest and ð ~
lo....or risk ch¡¡rgc:: .:IS well as h.Jving direct control of the plan. f!e
roported thðt the disadvantages of salf-insured are groater fluctu~tion
of estimated cost, potcnti~l claim zcttlcmont problems, and the
contractor holdcr cJ5SUil1l:S t.he extended liûbl1i ty ùft~r the termination
~~i' .
t>, .,,"
of the pI ðn. lie stilt\.!d thLtt in terr.l:3 of ð fully insured trllditionûl1y
funded pI ð n , which is basically what thu County now ha:3, the li()bility
Is 100. tha t of the insuc.)nce compc:lny and thcrc ,He equal periodic
In5urc:lnc~ premiums. He Gtatcd that in the CDse of ð fully insured plan
but with funding modl[ic~tion3 of premium delay, the insurance company
still has the liability ~nd the County has cqual pcriodic p~yments but
th~re Is somt? mcthod of ddjusting them through tho prcmiur.l delay. lie
stated that on ¿:¡ non-insured basis, no insurance whatsoever, on
ildl~inistrative servicos only, the County has lOO\ of the ri$k and arc
paid as they ùrc prcs~ntcd (or payment. He statcd that self-insurDnce
makcs f;Cn:3a in t\..o ::>1tuLltions. one \¡h~re there i5 no insurance
available anJ two, th~ro must be a much lower cost for th~ County to
a !)surnc the ul tim.u te i3ÙÙ it \ona.l risk.
There WdS a gonor~l discussian on how the funding techniques work
while Mr. Siver illustrated the contractual elament and the funding
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October 13, 1983
element on the blackboard.
Ho stated that with regard to clðim fluctuation thcre WDS a ~tudy
. . ,
done, noting that if tho claims Dre expected and set to be $3,000,000,
48\ of the time that will be exceeded within one year or 99% of th~
time in a 10 year period. He noted that ðS the rùtio of mðrgin over
expected claims incroi1seG, then the likelihood of exceeding thðt m~rgin
is 1esG.
Tapa 12
lie stated thë:lt out of .:111 the proposals thi1t were receivcd there
was certain criteria that hòd to be mQt, adding thut aome companies
were clirninoteù brJCðUSC tl1t:y did not mcCtt the neccsE£lry cr1tcriß or did
not provide uscablc dntu. lie :3tl'ted th£lt conccrn was focused on
InGurer/Admini!>trlltor Service Càpðbil1ty, First YCêlr Cash flow
Expectation and Limitations, and Expected Accrued COGts and Maximum
AccruC!d Costs. He rcported thcJt durin<J tile prOCC:3S of climlnðtlon one
major question Wë:lS "¡-;hat ""ill the expected pùld c1aim~ cost be from
11/l/B3 to 9/30/D~7 He not~d that during elimination, Cunningham/Sun
and B~nson/Sun WÐS eliminated because Gallagher/Sun offers essentially
identical costs ....ith çoml)let~ proposal information and scorekeeping
rexamplos. lie rcporterJ thlll First Benefit/Northuast Insurance ðnd Smith
Lesher/Mil/fill Exchðngc was elindnllt~cl because thcre is no finðncial
advantagv offered in thc are~a of Lxpcctcd ^ccrued Cost.and ~ðxlmum
Accrueù Cost. fJc stlJtcd thi:t the issue cÜ this point W£lS the selection
of ~n insurer or ~dminlstrator who has reasonable net retention costs,
re£lsonable maximum accrued costa, Dnd the most ðppropri~te
administrative capability, including scorekceping. He reported thAt
further compðnies wcrc eliminated and the final selection list ended up
with Gal1agahcr/Sun, Gulf Insured, lInd BC/BS Insured. H~ reported that
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his recommendation on scorekoeping i3 that G~ll~ghor/Sun w~s adequate
but has D raw things that they cannot delivcr that the County should
have, adding thùt. Gulf ~nd Bluo Cro93 héwe more than adequi:lto !Jystemz.
He noted that all tl1reo hðd excollunt references, Ddding that the fini:ll
consideration ~ùs bðsed on sorvice capability, finûncial and budget
considorðtion lInd cost control potential. G reported that BC/BS
maximum is $21,095 lowcr than Gulf if maximums ûr~ reached and BC/OS
retention id ûpproximatcly 641,370 higher than Gulf At any clûim level.
lit! noted that Gulf has ð slight administrative edge as the incumbent 7
and Gulf's proposed rates ûrc 4l\ over present Gulf rates while BC/BS
rates arc 51% over prescnt Gulf rates.
He rcportcd thëlt both
proposers sho~ed zcro mùrgln in their figurcs, but whilc Gulf holds
$150,000 'in <'I prer:1iuln ::;ti'biliz,)tion fund, this C,1n cOOle into play only
if claims exc~ed Gulf's quoted rùtes, therefore, he rucomm~nds Gulf
ovor BC/US. lie noted that the riltes should not bu set <1S low as
G.1l1c1gher's propo3úl sugyests, adding that GÛll.:I<Jher h.:!!.> a ~31,81l
R c ten t ion cd 9 e () n d a ~ ll, 3 , /. 6 5 1'1<'1 X i m um e d g c 0 v erG u 1 f. 11 e 8 t II t cd t. hat
aincc tho maximum edge ia principally one of budgeting ycar to y~ðr,
the consultant ~lects to balðnca the mðttcr of ~ 531,011 lower
retention ih)Jinst Admlni~trdtive m.:!tters. lie stated he thiny.s thùt
anyone of the three could Ddequately scrvo the County, but that
GcJl1agher ùnd Gul f could bQtter servu the County tlnd he rocommends
remaining with Gulf JS the heRlth insuror on a fully insured basis with
d GO (j.3Y prcmium delay fl:ðturt: based on t.he comparison between
Gallagher ùnd Gulf on scorekceping, complote ~dministrative services,
insurer responsible to provider, County's use of reserves, claim ~ud1ts
included, preferrod provider orga~izat1on potential, and transition
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Octob~r 13, 1983
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Clerk Re~gan questioned if the prcmium would increßse if a lot of
dcp~ndent units droppcd their coverDqe, to which a represontative fru~
. . I
GUlL indicated that the premium would not change as long as 75\ of the
dependent coverage Wi1S maintained, a.dding that H it. went bclc~'l 75~;
they would have to revi~w the matter. A reprcsentbtlvQ of Gallagher
ûnd a representativc of ~C/B~ indicûted the same thing.
Tape '3
Commissioner Kruse qU0stloned thc Constitutional officers with
reference as to whether they tiDe! lJny problcms with Mr. Siver's
recommendation to this point, to which they replied negativcly.
Commissioncr Voss st<ltcd thðt he is interested in yetting adequðtc
covcrage for the least ùmount of money, and he is conccrned regarding
the companies that did not supply th~ complete information. Mr. Siver
stated that the two co~pðnic5 ~rc Cunningham/Sun ðnd Benson/Sun which
operato on ð hlJnd IJc.1si~ ðnd not", computerized bilSiG, adding that the
hðnd opcrlìtlon would not scrvl..' the County as well a5 D computc.rized
operotlon. lie 5t.:stcd thi.Jt he docs not have tho complete informðtion to
make a good judgemcnt.
Commissioner Kruse atated that if these people do not answer the
:banic q,uestions in the bcginnin<), they will be hardcr to deðl with
lator on. Shu ::a.ðtcd thl)t tlH..'re arc roprf.tsentativoD in the audience
thQt would like to apcok ~nd questioned whethcr the bOdrd membcrs want
to hei\r from each of these rcpresentðtivcs.
Commissioner Vo~s stilted that he would sin:(Jly like to havo II
quastion answcrcd regarding ß computcr operation.
Mr. Siver st.1tod that he asked if tho companies could conform with
the elaborate scort:keeping mctboås, adding that he received positive
answera from c) number of proposals ðnd Z",.tro answers from Cunningham/Sun
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October 13, 1983
and Bt:nao n/Sun.
Mr. \ÿ~bb, rt!presentlng Cunningham/Sun, statud that he ha~ no
quarrel with /'oIr. Siver, out that Mr. Sivor has li1isreprescntcd
CunningI1,¡m/Sun as tho c¡uu~tionnãir\J ""<'IS completcly filled out. H~
noted tll<1t he hod cJ complcto copy thãt '",ðS returncd to "'r. Siver,
indicatlnl) thðt he dOC5 hðve ð COr.1put~r opcrlltion r.nJ hú~ t1,ld It for
ovor .:J year.
-..-. ROCOGG: 10:20 A.M. - Reconvened: 10:30 A.M. ***._ .
Commissio:1cr i:ruse stlltcd that on Page 8, Soction D, of Mr.
Siver's report, it St.1t'1U th<.lt thu cOnt1UltM\t rocommcnds rcmainint) with
Gulf as the hcalth insurer on c1 fully lnsured basis with c1 GO day
p r c: m i um d a 1 t1 Y ! (.' d t u r 0 . ~ h c q U f! ~ ti 0 n e d the C ¡;) n 3 tit uti 0 n.) 1 ü f f 1 c c r 1I ~ to
whathor it would pret,ant oJ prol>l eM to thor" 1 { the: POiJ rd ~hould vote to
ðCCl.lpt ,.Ir. SlvC!r':¡ rp.comment!<'1t1on (19 outl inud on PdIJl! 8 of hin report,
to which Sheriff ~o~ur~ indicated that it does not prcncnt ðny probl~m
to him ilnd he will ::¡upport tho BOdrd's d(.·cinion. ~ufJ\.!r...isor of
21l!ctlons Morgan, proµcrty A~prðiscr Coldin~, nnrl T~x Collector Cðrlton
Indic,'teù the Sðml!. CltHk ¡<t:ðgiln zt.)tcd thðt he 'Joe:> ,1lon') witll Me.
Siv~r'::s r~commcndùtion, ilddlng th.:1t t.e 11"5 .)l·....Jy~ z:'lIpportad the ~oDrd.
Mr. S!v.:or 5t,'ted th:ll lie I%uld lik~ to r.~ply v-.!rb.:..lly to
CunnlngI1..,m/Sun r'1(J,Ht.!lnf) their pr~vlous Stðtcr:1Cnt. lie noLed thLlt on
Page 11 of hi:> report LJnd<:r Column 7 ðnd 8, thf!Y tHo bl.'nk, "ddlnlJ thðt
below this the lcqQnd 5tðtC:> thnt subject to d specl~cn contract to bo
providod subject to ð vcriti~ðtion muotinq for full unù~rstnndin9 of
.\ll the clomentn. 110 :;t.:Jt"d thüt thu .1nûly~t took thot to bo
non-rosponsive r~lðtiv~ td those quostion~ he left blðnk nod thðt Mr.
Webb vory correctly said ho answered the lJuoÐtlon:s. lie Ðtðtod th<'lt tho
qu~stion8 wero answored after finding hiG ~ðt~rlðl, ðddin9 that this
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October 13, 1983
would not make any differencc in his recommendation, but an apology is
due to M:.-. Webb liS he has £I fine rl)putation in the aCf~a. lie noted that
he did complete the form, although the an~lygt did not list thc items.
Mr. Siver.stated thcJt his recommcndlltion is .tor Gulf ovcr
G~11ðgher and that recommend~t1on still remains.
Commissioner Pistor moved that Gallagher and Son be contracted
with as tho insuranco carrier for tho County. MotIon died for lack of
a second.
COlI\JUissioner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and
carried 4/1, (Commissioner Plstor opposed), that the County insurance
CoveragQ remoir: with Gulf Lifo Insurance on n fully insured basis with
a 60 day promium delay feature.
Item '2
Mr. Siver indic,1tcù thüt cost containment measurc:J needed to be
considered, lidding th.:1t t.he t....o thðt .!Irc directly effcct\!d and will
htlvt) nn irnncdi"tc ir.1IJ,'ct on the rðt<.· or the cost ....i II be chðnging the
deductible from ~200 to :300 and incraðuing the co-insurance w~ivor to
$5,000 Crom $2,500. Ie noted tbðt theso two itemt> would save £Ibout 9\
'iñ total prcmium which would mC.:1n a mûximum out-of-pocket thðt £In
employee could havo from $700 to $1300. ~o stllt~d that tho $200
dc:ductlble Is ë:lbout tile snme .as what other countieg hðVQ within tbe
state, lidding tI!ðt the co-in:1urance waiver is a littlfJ low. lio stAted
that if the $300 d~ductible 1s not used this year, by next year it
should ue considered. He notad that I'lðndatory S«:conè Surgical Opinion
and pro-ndrnission testing should be considered, adding that the
d I.t d u c ti b 1 e we u 1 d be We) i v cd for the IS e two b. n Q f1 t s a s we 11 .1 is the
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October 13, 1903
Mr. Siver Dtatcd thðt regarding employee contribution, this County
is onc of the fe~ counties that pays lOO~ of the employee de?&nd~nt
coverage. H~ stÐted that ~ome governments pay something toward
dCJpendent coverage, ¡:¡dding théit it is tile time for tho employee to pay
ð shôrü and he would rccommcnd 25\ but not greatcr them that. He
stated that this µerccntage is ~anðgoable ¡:¡nd d?cs not drive people out
of the progrDm. lie not<:d that oither the deductible Qnd the
co-insurance neúds to be ch,~n9t.!d or the cmploy~e n~ecl5 to contribute,
but he' would not reco~mcnd both.
Commissioner Kru~e stated that she would prcfcr to look at ð 25~
increas~ on dependents rathcr than chnnging the deductible ¡:¡nd the
Tape 14
TDX Collector Carlton stated that his employee's would r.:3thcr péJY
25\ thdn to have the düductible changed. He nlso notc.'d that he would
liko to have the mandatory participation ch.1nged ¿¡:,> SO/11C employecs have
outside insur.:¡ncc: for their spouues Dnd would not n~cd tho ðdditionðl
covcr<1ge if it is going to CO!;;t tht.!m J.5\.
11 r. :.> i vcr i n d i c éI t e d t h i\ t the r e wo u 1 d be nom 0 rem () n d a tor y
dependcnt p¡:¡rt1ciµat10n effective Novumbur l, 19U3, as che County
Cc.1nnot r.\<1ku the employee Pé1Y for dependent COVIHéHJC 1 f they do not want
Propvrty '\pµrùiscr Colding sti1ted that hi::; cmployce$ wOI.Jld prefer
co pay 251 dcp~ndont coverage thðn hÐVQ the deductible incrcðsed.
Supervisor of £lçction3 Morgan stðtod thDt her employees would
like to ~t:e cover.3gc: rembin thu ~¡)me without having to pay, but if
, .
neceSSèHY thcy will p.JY 25' vùrsus. chc)ng1ng the deùuctible.
Sheriff Rogers ilnd Clerk Hei:lgan st~tcd that their employees would
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October 13, 1903
prefer to pay the 25% coverðg~ for dependents.
Mr. Sivcr indicatcd th~t tho dcpcndcnt coveragc is $106.85 per
. . ,
month which would mean ~pproximately $26 per month for each employee
that wants dependent coverage.
County ^tLorney baundcrs st¿¡ted that ~ome of th~:;¡t.! itcms ,HC
subject to negotiation with the Union, adding that a 10t will still
depend on them.
Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and
carried unanimously, that County employees pay 25\ for depcndent health
ins~rance coverage effective 11/1/83 and that the deductible'and the
co-insurance waiver remain the same.
***** Commissioner Voss left the room at 10:56 A.M.
and returned at lO:58 A.M. *****
Item '3
Commissioner Kruse indicated that Mr. Siver's recommendation
rcyardin9 the cost containment options should be included.
Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and
rcarr10d 4/0, (Commissioner VOGS out of the room), that all cost
.' .
, .
containment options to waive deductible and co-insurance for optional
second surgical opinion, mandatory second surgical opinion,
pre-admission testing, and out-patient surgery (2) be included.
Item '4
Commisaioner Kruse stated that in order to prevent problems in the
future, it could be considered tho!! t Llll new employees hired lIftcr
January 1, 198~, wo uld hðve to wai t 90 doys for d~pendcnt coverðge.
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Dc to b e r 1 3, 1 9 R 3
Mr. Giver stntcd thðt the idea of ~n Qliglbillty perioù is almost
entirely based on the turn-ov~r of the cmploye~, adding that if thcr~
is a vary high turn-over during the first 90 daY3 then pRople should
not be put on the insurance. He not~d that when it is detcrmined whor~
the turn-over. period stab1l1zes, that snoulè be ·....hen t.i¡~ åupunùcllÍ-
cover~ge is added to the insurance. He notod that extending from 30 to
90 days \vill not l:'Iðke much diffcrenc~ except from <:In Ddministrativc
crror or fr.o:n rcceiving claims from an cmployea that is only going to
bc with the County for, a short time.
ShIH iff Ro(]ers stated th.:1t this could reoul t in ù problcm for him
as thore is nn ùdvan~ðge of hiring a c~rtificd officer versus onc th~t
needs to be trained, adding that if a certified officer is hired, they
will not wùnt to giv~ up another job whur~ they hùvc insurancc and have
to ·....ait a (.i~r1od of 90 days to got their f¿¡mily insured ðl)ðin. lie
noted that a restriction like th~t could be () real hinderðncQ.
Commissioner Voss noted that the T1uW hire cCJulcJ Pc.lY ¿¡II the cost
of the depúndent coverage for the first ~o dnys ,)nd then the County
would pick up 75'.\ äítcr the 90 day period i!ö up. H~ noted thi'lt tht!re
could Dlso bt:! some type of situÐtion wlH~reby (' new employee P¡¡ys 50'6 of
dependent coverüg0.
¡1 r. ::;1 v Q r .s t i1 t e;: d t hat he dol.: s not f (' c' 1 com tor t ~ ~ 1 '': \v i tl1 t h i~:; ide a
because of discrilllindtion, to-which County ^ttorncy :iðundcrs indicated
t h ð t the r ':! is no 1 e <J ,11 !J rob 1 em 101 i t b till! ;nð t t u r (r 0 löI i1 d i s c r i:n i n a t ion
po into
i".r. Siver stiJtcd tllðt possibly by next year, dep~ndcnt coverage
will be up to ô 50\ contribution.
Clcrk Rcðg.1n indicðtcd'that if the cmploy~ea contribution <Joas to
50\ 1t puts one 1n .1nothcr position where tho employees salary will b~
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Octobcr 13, 19C3
incre~~ed to compensate for it and there will still b~ no savings to
the County. He stated thot in order to gét'good employees, he push~s
the benefits which is what pc 0 pI c are lookirlg for.
Reqarding two empl (iYPPf> t-.hi"lt ""0 rk f.C)r thç,+ CO'.In t y <Inri ~r'" mArr\t:'ð:
it was the gencral consensus thCit they ë'lre to be classified as two
separate employees.
Commissioner Kruse dirccted personncí Director Huth and
Administrator of Administrative Services Hill to work with Gulf and
bring back to the BCC ã report regarding what savings could be incurred
by initiating ð turn-over period for dependent coverage.
Item '5
Mr. Siver atatcd thðt, regarding the life insurance, the complete
county was anl\lyzcd, addin<] thðt he asked for two kinds of programs,
onc was fully pooled and the other WðS ~n experience rated pragrDm
which is what the County presently has. He stated that after
sumlilarizin<] the propo:::;ol:::; for the toLal cost, it was rccommcnded thût
the fully pooled p]~n from United Agencies/Reliance Standard be
Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and
carried unanimously, that the life insurance benefits be obtained from
the fully pooled plan of United Agencies/Reliance Standard.
Item '6
STEP RAISE (2-1/2'> EFF. 10/1/83; BALANCE AS MERIT RAISE EFF. 4/1/84
Administrator of Administrative Services Hill stated that the
Board needs to con1>iùcr th~ pay pllln now that the instJrllnce issue has
becn settled. He noted thDt the decisions made this date allows the
Pa') c 12
October 13, l~83
Board to be within budget for insurðnc~ coverage for this fi5cal year,
adding thnt this'being the Cðsa, thcre is a 5~ rescrve for wa1e and
salary adjustment that is avai1Qble and needs to be distributed as
County Attorney Suundors stated that he would Guggest that the
Board make their final dccision in a rcgulcH bonrd meeting versus the
workshop, adding that Staff could be uiven general direction rcgarding
the ma t t e r .
Commissioner Pist'or stilted that he f~Qls there should be 1.1
one-st~p across the doard advance affective October l, 19D3, and the
balance of the money to be used as a merit incrcûue effective April 1,
19H4, rctroactive to October 1, 1983.
Commissioner Kruse stated that she agrees with this n~ staff would
havo ðmµlu timc to develop a merit pny plan and tr~in dcpartm~nt heads
in how it should be distributed.
Commissioner Kruse directed staff to schedule the merit pay plan
for the next available agenda with due notice to the employees in order
that it can be discussed.
Itel1\ '7
Sheriff Rogers indicated that. hè would like to See some type of
policy put into effect where all constitutional officers would have to
sign off before .:1ny changes or amendments could be r.1¡:Hle to insurance
benefits prior to ¡:'Iny. final board decision. Hc notcd that this would
ma¡~¿ them all dwarc oE ûny, ~hôngcs that \.¡ould be coming up prior to ð
meeting so that they could give tlreir input.
Commissioner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner Vo~s ðnd
LO~~ 078 rAC~ 164-
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'Ba~K 018 PAGE 165
October l3, 1983
carried unanimously, that a policy b~ ostðblished so that all
. . ,
constitutional officers siqn off with comm~nts O~ ~c~~r~~~ r~ ch~Ïagaø or
ðmendmenta to insur~nce before final board dec!sibn so that they will
be aware of any changes and have an opportunity to give their input.
O***RECESS: 11:30 A.M. RECONVENED: 2:00 P.M.
Commissioners Brown and Voss absent and Deputy Clerk
Skinner replaced Deputy Clerk Kenyon.
Public SÐfcty ^dminiGtrÐtor Do~rill rcferrcd to the Executive
SummÐry included in the lO/ll/B3 agcndð Dnd hi~ covering mcmorDndum
dated October 7, 19D3, thÐt outlines the alleviation of certain needs
as a rasult of the Justice Ccntcr expansion ðnd tile existing problcm as
it relates to the: original extensive space study lIndertllkcn two years
ago. Hc said this report ¿¡Iso covcrs the lJdditionlll npace tl1ðt would
be av.:dlûblc if the fith floor of Building "F" is cOJ:1}Jletcd and wh,1t tl1~
cost of that program would be, since the floor is bcing shelled and
dried in as a result of the existing contrÐcts underway. He said this
report includes obsarvationn that he has discussed rel~ted to on-going
needs, such as Ð central warahouse or service facility that could be
rconstructed morc cheapJy than the existing departments currently.hnvc;
concerns related to a conprehensive micro-filming and records retention
activity ãt the Courthouse and spélce overview!> to enhance the efficien-
cies and inflnitit.!S th.Jt continue to exist between departments thðt
work closely together.
Chairman Kruse s~id at the time the BCC Duthorized the Staff to go
aheðd with the currcnt construction there was an actuûl plan Ðdoptcd as
fùr as allocDtion of space prior to the decision to proceed. Mr.
Dorrill ~greed and said th~t completion of the Ðth floor WðS never part
of that plan. Chairman Kruse asked what happened to those allocations?
PðgC l4
------.--- - ---- ----- -- ---- ----- -- ----.
üctob.:!r l3, 1983
Mr. Dorrill said that thc need of this workshop has rl;!5ulted baci1uso,
£It the ti~c, the decision was madu to forego all but Justice C~ntcr
rcleted facilitics, although tho Staff QSÐontl£Jlly recognized the
s'luarc footage requircd for oth~r ngcncies. !I..:! 3ûld, as ¿) result, the
space nceds of the rC3t of th~ depllrtmcnts in the CourthouGc Complex
havr.! not been ðdC4UéJtcly iiddress~d. 1!e sðiä mobile offit.:es rlûve be..:!n
uzed as an attempt to mi::\kc better u~c of the Comr.'\Unity Dp.velopmcnt
Deµartmcnt. !Ie said that the Agriculture D\J[Jhrt:nent WltS moved out of
Building "F" to accomrnod,1tu the St£lte's Attorney's Office. He said
there have been no additionol acquizition of office spaces for any ~
activities under the Board or the Constitutional Officnrs or ~9cncy
managcrs thi1t did not hûvc a relationship with the Justice Center.
Chairman Kruse rúvie;~cd the following departments that do not need
any morc spðCC.
1. The Sheriff's Ccpartml.!nt ·...hich h.1s tile Sðmc square footùye thût
depé1rtment: was ùllocðtüd t.....o YCûrs ago. Shoriff Aubroy Hogcrs
2. The Judicial D~p¿Htment - The actual judicial chûmbors arc not a
probleln r1r. Dorrlll agreed. fie s,lid soma of the judges roqu~~stcd
rcdesigning Building "An in order that County Court and its
rûlated department:.>, plus the Fin~s and Forfeiture Division, under
Clerk Rc~gùn; the County ProbÐtion Dopartment; ðnd tho Courts'
^dministr~tor Officcr would be moved to the firGt floor wherc the
Sheriff is, currently.
r'lr. Dorrill sùiù thos~ dopartment:.> und¿r Clark RCû9¿¡n drc cur-
rently on the 2nd floor of Building "f" and the redesign for the
above rcquc3t i3 due within approximately ¿¡ WI:) OK.. He sðid all the
additional judges were éonsidercd in the originùl ~llocùtion plan.
3. The States Attorney, the Public Defendcr Ðnd the Court Reportcr
h~ve not indicated a need for morc space.
4. Th~ Board of County Commissioners have not altered their re4ucst
for additiondl spDce. Mr. Dorrill said he can sea some needs In
this area.
Cor.1mi$sioncr Pistor qbje.cted to tho "cubby-hole" put into tho BCC
otfice, to which Mr. Dorrlll said -that the ßCC have two "dditlon.:l
[¡O~K 078 PACi::t66
Pù9 c 15
BO~.\ 078 fÁ::i 161
Oclob~r 13, 1983
personnel ðS well as a confcrenco spa~e thftt was placed in a reccption
space. Chairman KruSt, said that put~ the BCC in line for additionÐl
space as well ð3 th~ Medical Examiner.
Chairm~~ ~ruse noted thDt the following departments have spÐce
. . I
1. Tho Property Appraiser
2. The Tax Collector
During tho di!:icussion r~9ardin9 the néeds of thesu tHO dCpéHt-
ments, Commissioner HoIland suggested that thc Community Develo~nent
related departments in ~uilding "D" be moved to utilize the completed
8th rloor of Building "f'", If the DCC decides to completE: th£lt 'floor.
He said the Uuilding and Zoning would be marc efficiently locðtod near
the Planning Depðrtment, which i!:i now on the 5th floor. He SÐid,this
would eliminate th~ unsightly mobilc tri1llcrs ",lllch have been utilized
in various locations at the Courthouse Complex. He said he was certain
that Property Apprbiser Colding and Tax Collector C~rlton would cooper-
Ðte with the BCC ~nd if there was sp~ce thðt was not needed in those
buildings for their opcrations Dn agreement could be roached for
efficient use to accommodate BCC ne~ds. A discussion wûs held regard-
ri~g moving the Property Appraiser's Department to Building "D" and
. -
having the Tax Collector Depðrtment remain in all of Building "CWo Tax
Collector Guy Carlton said he would remove the trailer behin~ Building
"C" I if this decision was made. Þir. Dorrill said that Supervisor of
Elections Morglln has requcsted additional space, perhaps the s~cond
floor spZ1ce that Clerk I~eé.'lg"'n's departments will be vacating. Chairman
Kru~e exprcssed her opinion that WÐS morc spðce than was needed.
Comnissioners Holland and Pistor lIgreed that the Property Appraiser,
Tax Collector and the Supervisor of Elec~ions should be located on the
Page 16
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October 13, 1963
first floo r level of the Complex to accommodûtc the general public.
,.Ir. Dorrill <1sk!}C] if tho publ ic, who need to obteJin building purr.¡it:J
and relûted items should be considarod, since thnt operation wo u 1 d be
moved to the Oth floor, if LJuilding "D" is utilized for the Proµe:rty
Apprûiser7 Comr.¡issioncr PiGtor said those depôrtmcnts ~11?uld be placcö
together and he did not think that would b( <1 problem. !lo zðid thcre
could be more production without the department pcrsonnul having to go;)
from building to building.
Commissioner Pistor said that the County Attorney ûnd the Com-
munity Development Dc!par tmcnt do not have cnough sp<1ce. He referrcd to
a conference room built in the COI~munlty Devclopment Department as
b~ing too crowded. r-1r. :1orrill 5ûld therc ,He peoplE: who occupy formcr
conft?rence rooms in th~ County M.1nager's DepeJrtmcnt. lie said there ..1rI~
no longer any conference rooms in ßuilding "F", with the exception of
the back of tho Dec Bonrdroom.
R~spondlng to Chüirm.:1n Kruse, 1·lr. Ccrr111 said c1pproxilllately
$800,000 lu in the 51 O~ner5' Contingency. H~ s~id that ~ll the bids
in Building "A" hùve to be let éJnd the inturlor fin!u!)cs portion of the
j.Jll h..15 to be completed. IIv said in th~ CeJso of rcnov03tions on
i3uilding "^" th~ unkno\.m fûctor C..1n r(.!!lult in more items discoverecl in
need of repair th~t wero not_anticipntcd. He said th~ Qxp..1nsion
program is currently undurbld ..1nd ðlGO th~re is a 3~ Contingency thin
üllows for errors élnd omissions on th~ pðrt of the architect. He said
the total rescrva~ within fund 305 are about $2,500,000. Commissioner
Holland ðskcd it thu $!J~O, 000 that has been set aside on thQ Bond plL1n
i3 included in thnt amount" ~nd Mr. D.Jryl Uailas, Construction Manager,
responded it has. Commissioner l1ôllDnd asked for CI,Hificðtion.
Administrator of t\dministrc1tlve Servicl1G Hill said he would ask Fiscal
£¡O~~ 078 rA~1æ
Pðgo 17
October'13, 1983
to!J1\ 078 rAGi:169
Off ice r Giles, because thc Staff had .requested tha t money bc movúd out
"f Fu nd 30 S.
. , ,
3~1d =hc r~i~cd the Guc~t1cn bcc~u~c =!~C
Ch~lr~~:1 ~ru::c
is aware of the ~xpense that can result Dt the conclusion of a buildir.g
project with last minute items.
Property ^ppraiser Coldin9 and Tax Collector Carlton expressed the
need for more spDce and their satisfaction with the proposed plnn for
Mr. Coldin9 to occupy Uuildin9 "D". They noted that two yenrs of the
original five yenr plan hüve passcd without them receiving any
increased spuce. Mr. C~rlton referred to tax envelopes and boxes
stored in the hûll ~~hich ¡¡r~ LI snfety hazðrd ûncJ inconvenience to his
5 ta f f.
Commissioner lIolland Llsked if the major contracts have been
completed, with the exception of the roofing? l'lr. Dorril1 ::.aid that
about 15% of the ori(jin.:d co!.>t of the cxpðnsion project remains to bc
finished, approximately $2,900,000. Commissioner Holland asked how
much money is left in the con!.itruction fund? Mr. Uailes slJid
approximatuly ~2,250,OOO, however, of that amount $850,000 has been
reserved. He sai~ that thera is another contingency fund that is in
:progress of appro:dmiHely $500,000 ttlèlt remains. He said thcre have
been more credit chang~ orders than add change orders. Responding to
Com m i s s ion e r Pis tor, ',I r. Do r rill s ð i d t hat the $ 2 , 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 i s not
encumbcrcd funds for work in progress. Mr. Bðiles said he did not
antlcipðte any significant problems lhat would require use of lhe
money. COlnmissioncr Holland asked if $3,000,000 wa~ set aside
unencumbered ûnd I-',r. t!ùlles said h(: did not know what the flniJncc~ lJre
to know what th~ budget costs arc. Ho said thlJt he reports to the ßCC
api?roxirnatcly evcry two months. Mr. Dorrl11 s.:lid thé.lt money is in
rC3crves and neither he nor anyonc clue c~n touch it unless a requQst
Pa98 18
- -----------.-- -- --.--------------------..
-- - -- --- --.--- ----- --- - -- -- ----- --- - ---
Oc t 0 b c r 1 3, 1 9 8 3
is made t.o ttlC I:'CC to move it out of reserves for a particular neoJd.
Chairman KrU3e said the alternative to tho critical 5p~C~ needs of
tha ~~~ C~ll~~tor ~nrl Prop~rty Apprði~cr would be to look Bt removin~
those dep~rtments that Commissioner HoIland mentioned, which ~hould
logically be combined with the Community Duvelopment Dupûrtment on the
enclosed UtI) floor expansion. She ilsl<cd if this plan would [rce Ui)
enou~h foota~d to accommodatu the TðX Colloctor and Proporty ApprÐiscr
for at least two YCðrs, because none of thú departments nr~ 90ing Lo
maku thu proj~ctcd five year plan, without risking the County bOdget?~ .
Mr. Dorrill agr~ed ù5 Chairman Kruse described the situ.:Ition. A
discussion followed regarding the total ðmount of squaru footage ncuds
of those dcp,Htmcnts. 1'1r. Dorr111 s.:tid that the 7th floor of BuildlnCJ
"F" is a}loc~tcd to the State's Attorney, th~ Court Reporter ~nd the
Public l)efundnr. He said Clerk Reélgan w111 movoJ into tile vacated 4th
^ discussion followed rogùrding the mobile trailers on the
Courthouse Complex grounds. /lIr. Dorrill explùined th.:lt the /'~ùintcn(1nce
Vcpartmunt will be responsible for ðn addition.)l .1p¡.;roximately 250,000
squar(! (ect, ùs soon au th~ Justice Ccnter opens. !Ie stL\tcd the n~t!d
for incr~ascd maintenance storðge ~pncc, plus thu Purchasing Department
small stores :~tor<)gt.!. lie ('CJr~cd with Comlni:3siont!r lioll<tnd that the
trailers hav~ little res.:Ilc v~lue and could po~sibly be used in some
cdpdcity. I-io....t!vcr, he said th.:.t a pre-engineered, steel building
war~house to be loc~tcd on the b~ck of the Complex site would more
efficiently ,:¡cCOr.1moùate the above needs, plus the incrc¿wcd storé1ge
needs for Clerk Rdùgan's rucords that ðr~ required to be kept by
stùtute. He l1~tcd the follówing .itcr:1s thðt the ßCC directed this date
togetlHH ....ith hi::> recolnmcndlltions:
'bO~K (T/8 r-A~ 170
PaC) e 19
-- -- - -- - - -- - - - - --'- - - - --- -- - -- -- ----- --- ----
ø" ,...
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1iII" ,'þ,'
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w, .
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t~ ,..
, ,,~
bC~~ 078 fA~i: 171
Oc to b C I 1 3 , 1 9 Û ~
1. flu tho r1 Z D L ï 0 n t 0 µ r ~ p EJ r U éI fin" 1 co s t I! S t i rn¿¡ t (/ to com p 1 ~ t ~ the H l h
[loClr o~ Building 'If", that \o¡il~ inc./.ude ilrcllit(:ctur111 fecb.
. . ,
2. ^uthori~ation to poy the ðrchitcct~' ~xtra scrvices money to pr~-
¡,HIre ~,chcmLttic uriJ\<dnq:.> for the dcp{Jrtlnent~ .currently in t.!u{]cin:;
"l'" to fit on the Cth floor, liS there ~rc no current blucprintc.
3. Property hppr~isur will mOVQ from Builcling "C" to Huildin~ "D".
.; .
~~X Collector wil] rctÐin the U~~ of ~11 of Uuilding "C". (Th~
'fllX Collcctor offC!reo to r~r\lOvc hiz tri.i1cr froT.l thct building.)
^ fCðSi~ility rei/or:: [or the gc'!ncHéil "':'H:rvices iHC to l¡l¿:c¡; ë:.
prc-~nyinecr~d war~!1~UH~ facility to ZLor~ Cler~ ReÐgftn'~ recoras,
to ret:lovc ji:nitori.:.l ::;uprlit:~ iJnd to r.wvc Ct:ntri11 ~jtores out 01
tile: fir~l (loor of. !:i'-lildin<J "Fn, to <1cC'omrr.od,:¡tc ¿¡ò(;)ini:;trl;tivc:
<) f fie ú~, i t) L iI :J t s r- i; t: c, i1 n (j v 0 tin CJ m é¡ c Iii n c ~ t. h i\ t don 0 t nee d c1 i r
conditioned, carp~l~d affic~ DpDCC Ðt $3u.00 D squ~rc foot.
i\ l'(~¡)ort rl.! cOl1sic.Jc:r~tion or " onc-person dcpéJCtment thllt v:oulcJ
~;crvc ¡Hi iI corr.¡:.relwn<,;ivc, laicro-filmincj ct:!ntcr for thE.: entin,'
Cjov.:Jrnmunt C:1~nt(:r. '~'I)i~ would climinûtc th~ rcar,u:> or pñpcr ,1n(!
müteric.lz t!1i'lt .He not: C¡;ütutorlly z:-,quircnj to bl~ kqJL irl ~
retention µrogr~~.
^ proJosi.l for the nl.:.:d Lo rt;yuc:st propo!;¡Il!; Ero:,) one Ot t"'o
ex i ::; tin ':3 con::> u 1 t û n t ~ r ~ i n t t;: r i 0 r d (; c b; ion,¡; i n 0 ¡.J l! r ü t i 11 tj co 4 u i r-::\ en l ,
o[fic~ furniture, ,In,; kitctH~n t!quipment ne"'h:d i\':'; ¿¡ [t:suI t of til'-'
Justice Center ol,H:riJtion. 'nlere is Ðn itci., in the bu~¡<]ct [or
t¡'ds, however, the nl..'ucJs hdVC!' not: bucn gu;¡ntifi(..(~.
TIle: con:::cnsu:;¡ of. thu Comr.ds!;>ionurn WåU in úgrtH!mc.'nt ...I1th Items 1
t n r 0 ug h 5 i t h i.1 tIt u rot G b r.: co f:J i (J U l' c u a:; Ion (J iI B nom 0 n €: y i 5 $ µ ~ n t; éJ n c.:
thù t
Item 7 iu nc:c~ssary.
Commissioncr Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and
carried 3/0, with Commissioners Brown and Voss absent, that the abovc'!
rccomlilendðtions b~ accepted and that ,.Ir. Dorrill proceed l1nd return
with a report as soon ðS possible.
. * *
Tllcrt: bc:1nq I~O Lurlhur bUt.lnes:~ to come b~tor\;! ttw Bo.::rd th~
m\?cting ~lél::> ùåjourn<.:<.J by ord<:l' or the Choir ,'it 2:5!:: F.!,!.
}J.:!-Jc 2C
--_. - - -- - - - --- - - -- - - - -- - -- --- - ------- - - --- - ---