BCC Minutes 10/25/1983 R ---,--"....-.--..---..... .._---------------------_._~--- t~l. :\~ ';.-),.". -.¡ " <'.;::I~~ ;':; NlIples, Flor IdD, Octobor 25, 1983 ')¡P:~; :~. . '- "~,~:'~~~~/~ .' '~''£. ~. ." ~,~' ,f ". ...h '~\¡~~,·~.~f,f LET IT BB REMEMBERED, that the ßo~rd of County Commisøioner., in :i;,~',;;;::" ".",' '4/:~~"¡,~t Cor tho County of CoUior, and Dho ðcting 4!tS thø UOl:lrd of Zoning ;;;~.!!it t' . ¡:J '; iJ~^ls and as thu 90vernlng board(s) of ßuch speciðl districts .a LJl'l.:n creatod accorcUng to law .:\n<.l .havinq conductod business haro!n, G~ this dðte at 9:00 A.M.'in Regular Session in Building -F- of the LJurthouøo Complex, East N~ples, F.lorldð, with the following mambors I I I I ¡ , ¡ I I ! I i . .~ $ CI n t : CHAIRMAN: Mary-FrnncoB Krusa VICE-CIIAIRMMI: David C. Brown John A. P1stor Frederick J. Voss C. C. "Red" Hollðnd ALSO PRESENT: William J. noagDn, ClerkS James C. Ciles, Flscol Gf[icor Elinor M. ~ki"ner, Deputy Clerk; Burt L. Snunders, County /,::.tornoy; C. Will111m Norm"n, County Nanðgor, Billy P. Bockett, ¡\sslstant County M;'"lIger; Terry Virt.i), COr:\munity Dovelopment l\dl:\lnistrator Knutø licHtman, l'ubl1c Works Administrators Donftld :;orton, PubHc Services Administrator; Neil Dorr1l1, Publ1c Safety ¡\c1:ninistrlltor, Pðt Carroll, En<Jin~er III, Grace UnderwoocJ, I !,d¡;aínf;jtrc)tivtt Aid~ to the E.odrd; c)nd Deputy Chio! Raymond Barnett, :,1)(.: r 1 t f' s Dep/u tmon t. ao~ ( 078 'ACE 2æ . ' , . pa'J~,. ~,; --- - - --.....-....------ - --- -------..... ....-----.- ..........----.............. . ·;,'~i~;~~,¥~C'>~¡~~1.P~:::;~· ·..??D ,-., '. )J,..' . >..:: "-''':111 - ßE.J( _ ..c_Rßø ....30...3... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _-:_ ~~:"..'L$::: .,... ,. .,', "'I ~ " . '~~~'¡. ....~ \lZ~ Octobor 25, 1993 ¡;rtk Tape ~ 1 Item tl ^GSNC~ - APPROVED AS AMENDED Comml.sloner Voss moved, secondod by Commissioner Brown and c~.~~~d unanimously, that the agenda bo approved with the following Ðmend¡¡ìcntSJ 1. Item 13D - ViSCUGD10n re V~ndßruilt Conners property added by Chdrmlln (Cruse!. 2. Item 13 - Pdrsonno1 m"Ht.er .:Iddod by Com¡:issloner Voss. Itel:1 ~2 /:" . :';. ':S OF OCTOBE,' " 1983 - APPROVED Coromissioner Pistor moved, seco~ded by Commissioner Voss and C~rrlcd unanimously, that the minutes of the October 1l, 1903, moeti~g bu ðp~roved as presented. Item ~3 F':~O-::LM'í'\TION DESIGNATING WEEK BEClt4NINC OCTOBER 31, 1983 AS "CHEMICAL PEOPL~ AWARENESS WEEK" - ADOPTED Commissioner Bkown moved, seconded by Commiøsioner Voss and . carried unanimously, thot the Pro~lDmation designating the week I bC91nning October 31, 1903, as ·Chemical People Awareness Week- be ðdopted. Mrs. Kalv1n, of the ColllQ~ County School Board, accopted tho proclamatIon with thanks. ) . . . '··~I;:~t ,.H to. :~ "~ ~. . ',<)!~ :,'-<~,~~'~; ,.'~;~; '-"1'" '¡k~ ~:~.~'A~:t ¡.''', . . {,. , \ '~, 8O~K 078 fAC£3QI PðCJO 2,~ " ,,;\' . -r--- --- --- - - ---- - - --._ - _ __ _ _ _ __ ______~..::..~~' .. --'.~!C .- ----------------.---------- -----------~:T;Z,· ,.';~'~; : October 2~, 1~03 BO~X 078 fA~£305 Item 14 E~ ¡.>r.OYE~ SERVICe AWARDS - PRESENTED 1ho following Employee service ðWlIrds were prasented by Kruse: Lowoll Dorroborry - Roð<.l & Drid9c Ellis Horne - Roed , HridgQ *£lbort Murphy - Road' Bridge Rollie Hlco - Perks , Røcre~tion -Myron Shermðn - Zonin~ Martha Crlor - LibrDCY 1oHobert Nickel - Librðry Orfi110 Olazabel - Roed & Uridgo Uuthel Ðandars - ~olid Waste Hunry Schlosser - Hldg. ~aint~nðnce John Tippins - CtTA 10 yrs. lO yrs. 10 yrs. 10 yr s. 10 yrs. S yes. S yr s. 5 yrs. 5 yrs. S yrs. S yrs. R - E~ploYde not present. Item 15 onDINANCE 83-49 AMENDINC ORD. NO. 79-103 RE CONSULTING STUDIES, ETC. FOR SEWER AREA -8- SOUTH HALF (EAST NAPLES) - ADOPTED LCH] a 1 notice hl\ving been publ1.ahed in tho Naplos. Daily Naws on October 5, 1983, es evidonced by Affidavit of Publication filed with thÞ Clark, public hO.lring was opened to conaldcr an ordinance omcnding Ordinance No. 79-103 Section 1, Subsectlon 3 and Section 4 by providing that funds may be raised end expended for preliminary consultl~9 øtudies and to prepare preliminary ðnd final ongineÐrin~ plens and specifications for construction or ~ sowago colloction system within the boundaries of Sewer Area -8- (South Hðlf) tast Naples. County Attorney Saunders roferr~d to tha Executive Summory In the agenda pAcket ~nd sDid it 1s his opinion Lh~t the ~cc has the authority under the existing orò1n~nc~ to collect fundS for praliminary studies and preliminAry and final enQinocring plðno. He said, however, because of the wording of the ordinoncQ permitting tho collection of fund. it va. his opinion that it would be favorablo to amend th. ordlnanc. to mnko it clear thDt the DCC has this Authority. --~-~-~--~--~-------------------~--~-~-~ '. ,,:,t'·;~:j~L'.:~;t! ----~~---------------------~~~-~--~~-~~--- October 25, 1983 Com.issioner PIstor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the public hearin9 be closed. Commissioner Pistor movc~, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that tho ordinance as numbered and entitled below be adopted and ontorod Into Ordln~ncQ Book No. 17. ORDINANCE NO. 83-49 AN ORDINANCe ^M~NDING SECTION 1, SUaSECTION J AWD S~CTION 4 OF ORDINANce NO. 79-103 BY PROVIDING THAT FUNes MAY aE RAISED AND EXPENDED FOR PRELIMINARV CONSULTINC STUDIES AND TO PI~EP^RE PRELHIINAnV MIL> FINAL ENGINEERING PLANS AND SPECIfICA1'IONS FOn CONs'I'RUCTION OF ^ sJ::~'I^m; COLLECTION SYSTEM W~TIJIN TUE BOUNDARIES OF ~sE\"ER AREA ..~. SOUTU HALF (EAST NAPLES) PROVI DING FOR CONFLICT At-:.D 5 Evt::RAfHLITY I PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Itoll .6 RESOLUTION 83-190 RE PET. FDPO-S3-V-7, MARK CLEARY RE VARIANCE FROM TUB MINIMUM BASE FLOOD ELEVATION ON PROPERTY DE5CRIBED AS 466 TRADEWINDS AVENUE - ADOPTED . Logn1 notico having been published in tho Naplcs Cally Nows on Octobur ~, 1933, as ovld~nced by ^'flddv1t ot PUblicntion fl1~d with the Clark, public h~ðring was opened to conold~r Petition FDPO-83-V-7, filud by Mark Cluary requesting ð~proval of D vßrianco from the minimum base flood elevation re~uired by the Flood D~magc PrQv~ntlon Ordlnðnce (FDPO) on property do~crlbod as 4GG Tr~dcwinds ^vcnuc (Lot J, 810ck M, Connur's Vl1ndorbl1t Beach Est.1tes, Unit 2). Plðnnef Tom McDani~l sð1d thiÐ vðriancu rcqu~st compllus with tho provision in the FDPO th~t statos vùriancßs may bo issued for now construction ond substantial irnprOVl!mcnts to bu erected on a lot of ono-half acre or leas in 61 zo cont iquous to and surrounded by lots wi th exlotlng structures constructod below the b~sQ flood l~vul. Rospondln9 to Commlssionor P1ÐtoL, Mr. McDDn1el sðld that tho rODd slopes in front or the housa and it tno potit1on~r wcro to ·step· thu hous~ down. it would make a mor~ ordorly ond nicer ~ppoarðnco, and ho addod the . I ðO~K .078 PACE30B ..--...-- ----............---- ---,--- ---,-- - - - - --- -- ----.--................... .,.. . ~, ~.' .! &O~ 078 PAŒS01 Octobor 2~, 1983 . . r..;; dra1nago would bu easier to control. :'f~ ,; Commissioner Pi.tor ~ov.d, soconded by Commissioner Vo.. and carried unanimously, that the public hoaring be closed. Co~~I.sloner Pi.tor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and , ~ ,'." '. >,.¡" carried unanImously, that Resolution 83-190 r. Petition rDPO 83-V-7, Mark Cleary, be adopted. ~ ." f·' ... ~. ::;~;. ... '!¡"-~ . ,., .- -.~ 1 , ---',.;." .",~:.. <':' ,;t. "~¡~;¡~Ø~1:~~ ~--~-~~-----~-------~-----~--~-~~~~~~~~~ . , ';,~~JJ~1'f~~¡i¥I~~~ ¡ ,'. ----------------------------------------,j .' October 25, 19B3 It.. '7 INTERIM MODIFICATION TO SMALL EASTERLY WEIn NOTCH ON TilE MAIN HENDERSON CREEK STRUCTURE HCC-3 - APPROVED Watur Management Director Boldt rcferred to the Exocut1ve Summary dated 10/lO/G3 rOC;¡ðc<Jing thu on-going concern of tho Hendorson Crook we1r. Ho sði<.l th~t nt th~ July 12, 1'83, ace moeting tho Stolf was directed, 1n <1ccordl1nce with t.he IJrunn and Bruns, Inc. Roport, to procQod to modify both the woirs to elevation +3.51 Ðnd to make an improvemont to tho channel l.h:tlo\.. tho I/C wulr. He soid based upon those directionÐ the Staff proc~eded t'o :tnko the tttcpu outl1nfld 1n tho aforemention~d Executive SummDry. Ho s~id Dt the diroction of the acc an ðPplication has bt!en submi ttcd to tho South f'lorid~ Water Managoment District and £I meeting was ht~ld \.,ith them, at which time thoy tfxpressed '; .....;..,~ 'f).) ,:Z~::¡ "~,I -'",I ~'r:d, ~rf:; >',';'1'£';', .i.,¡fj\\' ".'," concern that there was not enough in(ormation to bð30 judqment on the modifications as direct~d. Ho c~id thu ~tDff DIso discussed with the SFWMD the posnibility of ~oùifying tho 3~ðll oasterly weir associated with the main UCC-3, which they concluded would be a helpful interim step to solve the situation. lie ~,.:dcJ that !ÞFI':MD Raid is comprehens1ve , bD»ln study would hðve to be donu b~Coro Dny Mðjor modiflcationø could bo allowod. He D~ked lor tho duthority to m~ku the modifications to the smDII easterly wuir notch ~hich 13 in the borrow can~] along U. S. 41 to lOWtH it from olcvlIt.lon +3.5' to oJ~vation +2'. Jlo said this woul<.l also involve modificðtion to the ripr~p on both sides of the wolr and that. tho cost J., esti~þtQc1 to 1..>" between $10,000 and $15,000. Ue describod the mannor in whll.:h this modificlItlon would be done. Ho said it is ttle opinIon or the Stù!!, from observ.Jtions ovor tho past summer, thdt this modlficðtion woul~ h~vo ~idod in tho nolutlon to tho dralnage probl~m "'Ion? h'ostwincJs IInu tho U. S. 41 aroll, if thlir.. hðd boen tho &O~K 078 fACE 310 paqo G capability ol dischðr~in~ ~d~ition~l wðtor. .-------- - -- - - - --- --.-"- - ---- ------ -....._--~.....-- I / ! I ¡ ¡ I j j ! , I ! J -----------------------------------~~ '~. . . ' ,. . '.'~ , October 25, 1983 .. ;,. ~ ,. 1 80~K 078 PACE 3ff Mr. boldt referred to tho noxt Dgenda 1 tem rec.1ueøt1ng author! ty,to:.',."" .... ' ....~ ~¡I' !":'" c, ..., "':1'. ~','t, c' ,~ -',', ~.'~\" ,'):~* the Belle Moade Hunderson Creek aroð'in,(.~~;ç::,' "- .,' :.'" " ¡. '..... ", initiate tho aerial mdpping of conjunction with the SFWMD/Blg Cypress ~~sin endeavor. Ho oald the maps would be uHoful to ð consultant that would be doing tho comprehon- sive study of the Honderson Creek. He said that the sketches attached to the Executive Summ~ry outline tho minor d~t~ilG of tho weir modlfl~ cAtion. Comr.1isslonor Plstor s~id hA had no objection to lowerlnCj the easterly woir notch to +2' above mean high tide. He asked for clarification regording the culvorts in the Access road. Mr. Boldt said enl~r9ing the culverts h~s becn:suggcßted, however, from his observations he h~ß nevor seen ðny real differ~ntiDl in tho flow through tho culverts and ðddcd that the water level on both sidos of ',:~ f . ,.', , ,~~JJ ,,~;t. ~~. ...(-", tho culverts, upstream and downstrcDm, hna Dlwoys romo1ned the same. Durln9 tho onsuing dlscussion, Commissioner Plstor expressed the opinion that goln~ bulow +2' ~lev~tlon could possibly rosult in solt water int.rusion In the lIren. He st1id thoro ~re pumps used for water in this aroa. Mr. \\'inton Harrlil!, ð resident of the Wootw¡nd Mobile Home Park, read a letter from Mr. Htelnmðn, Director of W.stwind, which asked if the SWFMD hllve bean provldc.:d with tho Bruns "nd Sruns Report, and a9roed that lowerln9 tho weir woulu Ðlleviate flooding conditions ODst of the present weir structure. "; ~..: ; ~: :~ ';~ .'~ ì;""~~ 1:'- Coma18sioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carried 4/1, with Chairman Kruse opposed, that the interlm modification to the amall easterly weir notch on thø main Hendereon Creek structure HCC-3 be lowered to +2' above mean eea level be approved. Mr. Boldt requestad BCC direction r09ðrdlng tho compreh.naive Pagé ~--~--~~--~-------------~----~--~---~~~ ^, ;,' - ------- - - - -. ---- - - - - - -- - - - - - --- - -- - - ----......... " ,- October 25, 1983 study, ~nd S~]gested th~t the decision coulù be put off slnco tho next It.om 1. rogarðln9 the tOlJOgrðphic mapa of the Hendorson Creek and Meðde-Royol Palm Hammock Sasin .1rells. It.. 18 AGREEMBNT BETWEEN SPWMD/BIG CYPRESS BASIN, KUCERA AND ASSOCIATES, INC. AND COLLIER COUNTY TO PROCURE TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS OF HENDERSON CREEK , BELLE MEADE-ROYAL PALM HAMMOCK AREAS - APPROVED Commissioner Hollðn<.l ðsked why it Is necuss~ry to spend mora money on a study of in!ormlllion that hðS to bo on rccord regarding tho Hendorson Croak ðre~? Water Management Director Boldt said that the ori9inål design report m~de sevan or eight years ago as well as tho Bruns and ~runo, Inc. Hcport was mlldo ,'va1l4bla to thtt Sl~W~1D. Ita said . becausc of the controvcraial natur~ the SF~~D is questioning if those reports answored all the yua~tlons that have been raised concerning the flooding potontl£11 of t.h~ structuros. COIn:nissionl,)r Holland sðld that the ~CC took action in July, 1983, ðsklnq that the wéir be lowered. Mr. Boldt sðld thlJt the StaCf have taken ð numbltr of thE: stepa to impll!ment this directive, however, it is necessary to have SE'WMD's approval to do 30 Dnd they have 3i1!cJ no furth~r ùction can bt! tðkon, be~ond lowering the e~st~rly weir notch to +21 as discussed in the previous ltum, until ~ comprohenßivo study of the area is done. A discusuion followod concerning tho permitting process ùnd modification approval of the Honderson Crcek IICC-3 structure. Chairman Kruse Ðald she could not understand why the sr¡"l"D h"d ~nough inform<1tlon to permit the otructuru but docs not hÐve enough !nfornùtion to ðlter the structure. Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carrlod 3/2, with Commissioners Holland and Kruse opposed, that the Agreement between SFWMD/Big Cypress Basin, Kucera and Associate., Inc. ÐO~K 078 PAc£312 1'8ge 0 - - .-.-- --- -- -- -¡--- - - - - -- - - - -- -.- _.~ -- -,--"'-'--.~~ I I ¡ ¡ I ! I :i ! 1 ~ ",í.,. eo~ 078 nCE 313 Octobcr 25, 1903 .,.,. and Collier County to procure detailed topographic mapa . . Cr.ek and Bell. Meade-Royal Palm Hammoc,k areas be approved,. and to author!.. the allocation of monies 1n Fund 325 to covor the total required to ~.ot the term. of the Agreement. ~.. . Tape '2 Comm18sionar Holland en to red into tho record pictures of flooðcd ~I areas presonted by Mr. Hðmmlll. . . ,-~ I .,'1J. ;',I7M d~~ , '-;-.'~,,~,~ '.' ¡.' ~ :'~, ,1 ,{~ '., ~..; ".h ,i ,'.. ',~ .;'. ,~~ ,,<~ ·,t~ , ',,I¡.!;. '::~f1 .....". :"',";:,' , " " ...., ':;: . ';I~' ,<, '_\.' .,J;, <:.~:.~ ' " ~~ -, ~ "t- ,~ '.d~-' , , i...;;;',."::~f·..~,~;:þt;:;=t~~f{~}! ., .~-,...._,......,..,'..,,',.,,;~"'.;"""'-~...,,;.._--._-- ~ Octobor 25, 1963 ¡,'., ,~ " > . It.. .9 CONTRACTUAL ACREEMENT OF DECK HAND/^S~T. ENGINEER - NO ACTION TAKEN. , EVALUATION OF THE REEF , MARINE DEVELOPMENT PROCRAM, WITH A REPORT BY A; CERTIFIED MARINE ENGINEER AS TO CURRENT CONDITION or TilE LeU ·CYPRESS· ") BEFORE IT IS MOVED OR USED FURTHER - ^PPROVED'~r) .'~ I .i;'~~ ~4 , "",,'1 ~~1 Public Works Administrator lIðrtman referred to hiD memorondum datod 10/21/83, to ,County Mandgor Norm~n rC9ðrdinq tho contract for an omployoe to assist tho LCU ~Cypresu" Dhip master. He said ~hat tho Staft nevur Intonded that tho d~ck hand be capDblc of operating the ship or hove 401 liconsl:t to ÙO GO. 110 stilt! th~t tho contract job description has been modified to climln~te that possibility. Ho said, regarding the modificðtlon to tho ship's bulwark with removal of an ei(Jht foot panel, th.3t tIll? ::>tof! havo boen in touch with tho rogistered en'Jineer in Jacksonville who did the ship survey originally. lie sDtd he was sent tho dr4wings ~nd photo~rðphs of the projact and he con- firmed by tulophone on 10/24/83 that tho modification that was made will not affect the ship's str~nyth or 9i1foty in any way. Mr. Hartman oxplained th~t the enqln~cr said such modificÐtions have been mad. to other ships with which ho io C.,mil1ar and that provisions have been .,1 "" :. ~ , rna~o to bolt tho pnnols b~ck in pl~c~ whon the re90~rch work is not being done, ~o thllt tho bulwark st!rvoø the purpose! to protuct the ahi~'s cargo and r~rsonnel. r~l!sponding to Chair/':lDn I~ru~~, ,.1r. Uartrni1n expll\lned how the ·Cypress· nudged thu piling thðt protocts tho Lve County Co-op crossinq to Marco Islnnd when th~ vess~l ~DS b~ing relurn~d to Its moorings. Commissioner Holland said that hu is not satisfied with the operation :\~<) ,,:'J;' ---- of the vessell. He said it w~s his undurstantJinl) thè:)t ovcrythlnq was to be stopped following tho lO/lH/03 SCC meeting until a lull roport vas r~ceivod by tho GCC. He si1id there is mon,/ i1nd property Involved and mishandling has boon evident. Ho s~id furthor ovaluation of tDDI< 078 _322 ---Ai ___ ______ -_____ -.-........----.-- - - -----....-......--.~'.~' Octobor 2~, 1903 8M1 078 u:329' assigned to mðnÐgÐ ~nd opurðta the v~~sel 1s nee<.lod bofore he woul~ be in tavor 0' hiring anyon~ or doing anything c1ao with the bÐfgO. . Commlestoner Holland moved, seconded by Co~mlssloner Brown and carried 3/2, (Commlesloners Pi.tor and Voss opposed) that an evaluation of the Reef' Martne Development program in written form, with a report by a certtfied marine engineer as to the current condition of the LCU ·Cypres.· be made before it is moved or used further. ,'Chairman I<rU!lQ stlie!, in h~r opinion, ther~ needs to be ð better policy for this mbttor. It." 110 ELECTRICAL/SECURITï SYSTEM IMPROVEME~TS, COURTHOUSE COMPLEX/JUSTICE CENTER EXPANSION - APPROVED Public S£1fety Adm1nistrt'Jtor Dorrill roh'rrod to the threo part Executivo Uum~Ðry dated 10/12/03 rccornmcndin~ th£1t modlClcations bo made to the ~xlst.in~ «.'lcctricdl/sl.:curity £ystem at the Courthouse . Complex ðS well liS fo r Buil<.J i n9 · Fit. Ho sa Id representa t ives of Florld£1 Power and Light aca present this data and recommend that the County lnstðll D du~l feed loop switching electrical system for the Cour thouso ðnd Government Center. wi th tho use of a d 1ðgrl1m on An ovorhead board, he ind1cate~ thnt thé sole source of power for tho Government Center goes ðlon~ the nOllthenstern property Une on on overhead transmisßion line, underno^th a parking lot and Into tho mDin trðns!ormar VðU]t. He s~id thnt thare have been occasions as a reoult 0' traffic ðcc1dent$ on U. S. 41, ð primary feeder, or problomø with the C,ounty transmission l1nu that havtt reÐult~cJ 1n power being disrupt~cJ to thu Government Center. ila sé.'I1ù thttt FP&L proposes to come in off ð diffurent primary feeder lin~ that is £1n undor9round ey.tom that runs parallel to Airport kond and ontur the northern edgÐ of tho Government Conter, m~ke ono pavument cut and install 0 new incrvased PDg8 11 ~ .0,"..-.,. ::1 ...~ ~'~f~~;,: " l: , ' .':~ "::~:; ·,;1',01, . '::,..... .,-, it" r~ :~~ ,~. ,'~, , "1110;1' I ¿:j. !;Jt~ .',1¡ ,>~~ .~ "'f 1,'1:" .;~~ ".'..:i,. ' \>~. ,'ì~ f!.{ .'~ :~j , '¡!>', ".~ ~:M~' ',2'?: ~,~ ",,',,:. " î :~ }\ . : ~,~ ~-~---------~----------~-~--------~---~~~~ . . ; ,:::~ ¡ Î ¡ i,-í, :1'" ;.... . 1.' ! ¡ '1 .! I """- }$:" -------------~~--------------------~--~~.~~ .>:.,,,,.;.;¡¡¡; October 25, 1983 I size tr.1nsformer nOtU tho rCHlt of tho ex!stinÇJ jail. Ha sAid tho cost that FPr.L would like tho County to btHJr \Jould be to increAse tho sl zo of the trc1n5fur vö ul t, a concroto block øtructure that house. the eloctrical trDnafcr and to maka tho p~vement pðtch that run~ ~pproximatuly 200 to~t di~gon~lly ~cr03S the reDr of the parking lot. He saId that the under~round tronching, tho coble and ne~ tronsformQc will bo at the oxpense of FP&L. lie said thdt FP&L \'lill requiro that the County grants thorn an e~sornent for maintonnnce purposes alon9 the northorn edge of the govp.rnm\}nt centor. Ht:laponding to ComrRissloner Vo~~s, Mr. Dorrlll said that tho entire feed '....ill be unc.Jorground. said ð loop s~itch will 11ft Inst.:lllt!d in th(! ovent thnt one of the sourcQS of powor goen down thar& is ~n automatic mochðnic~l transfor thl\t will bt!gln pulling power from tho altornativo 30urcu. Ho said that the primÐry source will bo th(! existing lIbov~-'Jroun<.l sourca. ~espon<.lintJ f.O CommiGslonor Uolland, ,.,r. Dorrill fHlld that the antlr" switch-over cDn be done without creating probloms in the computer center. ne uald it will not 0311oviðto aorne of the problems that have beon oncountored but will holp re!'iolve lonc;-tcrm power outlJgoø and hDv1ng to be on emergoncy powor. '^ Commissioner Holland moved, secondod by Commissioner Voss and carried unanimously, that the Electrical/Security System Improvements tor the Justico Centor Expansion, as outlined in the Executive Summary, be approved In on ar. 'unt not to excoed $3,500 per area of need ($lO,500) to be paid from tho Justice Contor Bonds Reserve and a final roport be preparod for the BCC. iðobK 078 :}tAt£:3U .. ~4gct " . .--.-....--,,-.........- -..--..--. --- -- - ----- -- ----- -.-.-- --- --------_......_,- ,,',~ " ·~>tl.:-' j ,~:t.< ,,:~!,. . u.~' Þ;¡,~ ,;>'4f "' ~.,'~¡ ; Ho I 'I ,¡ ;-",,", :';~ ,;;~ f;7~~~' .~ , .l:ì~ " {.: . <I~\ /0 ; eox 078 ,££325 Octobcr 25, 1983 .(;;~'':' ~':. :';;,1 ,....¿!ò ;~ff~':;~ '¡""'í!" "'<~~ ,,'y'. " '''',':OJ' .;;.>:' - "~'-:;"."~' ;':~~~:~~ /,)~.. ;/ià;t~ '''~''Ir' ':";-);~" ,',;l;,~~ ;':;)1",'\ ~:/,~,~;' . ,,.}It- .,,::~.~ --....----.- - - - _.- - - - --- --- - - -- - -- -.--'- -.- -- - ---- It.. '11 RENEWAL or EMS CONSULTING CONTRACT BETW££N ROBERT BOYD TOBER, INC. AND COLLIER COUNTY - APPROVED Com~i.siondr Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, th4t the renewal of tho EMS conaulting contract between Robert Boyd Tober, Inc. and Collier County be approved. ,> . ~_.; ;, i~ N"~ Page') 3,',5;, " "';';, 'xi'·' ·~,,,,'J"J:vsl¡. , ,. '-11, "\J. f"'.'J~''''¡''' 'ß1' --~--------------------------------~4~~~{ ~ ~.. ""'" ,_.,........__,__.."....."_""........"'".-.~,'"'.,..<ø,..""">o,,,"_~ ~[)9K 078 rm332 October 25, 1903 '"' ~ - -- -..... - - - - - - - - --.,- - - ..... - -- - - - - - - - - - --...... - -- -.............. - ---:.,= " .:' Ite. '12 OFFICIAL RECOGNITION OF MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 31, 1993, - APPROVED , "'~";.#'l', Commisøioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland andJ~ . ~ ~';'T~' i} :!~ ~I~~, carried unanimously, that Halloween officially be recognized on Monda~" -;0Y.:r~ .vonlng, October 3l, 1983. Ite. '13 RESOLUTION 83-19l RE LAND AND WATER CONSERVATION PROGRAM GRANT FUNDS APPLICATION POR ACQUISITION or LAKE TRAFFORD MARINA PROPERTY - ADOPTED Commissioner Brown moved, soconded by Commissioner Holland and carried unanimously, that Resolution 83-191 regarding Land and Water Conservation Program Grant funds Application for the acquisition of Lake Trafford Marina property be ðdopted. . --- -- ----- --- - - -.- -.....-..--- I,,· t;:, î '" ';I, &' ''{ ~.', ~~~, }"¡ :,i, :'~ '":J.;H ',1' ;: .:"~ '{ ,I <~". . ' ~( ... " /~ (;. :# .'~~ ~"" 1{ '{r }~ ,.,).. if r~ ',I >J ,:_) 'f.i. > ;\ ;~r '- t !~, ~:~ ~, 'r ~ "it~ ------------- - - --,--- -,- ----- -- ---- ------...··'1.'·'-·'·· ,'" , f.':' October 25, 1~D3 .·j;fLlfl 1 It.. 114 COMMUNITY PARKS CONSULTANT CONTRACT - CONTINUED TO 1l/l/BJ Commls.ioner Voss moved, 8econded by Commi..ioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the Community Parks Consultant Contract be continued to 11/1/83. Item 115 EXISTING AGREEMENT BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY, CITY OF NAPLES AND STATE ATTORNEY FOR CODE ENFORCEMENT - APPROVED TO aE CONTINUED ON A MONTH TO MONTH BASIS UNTIL COUNTY AND CITY ARRIVE AT A REASONABLE DIVISION OF COST ~-'t,t ·1::';"'"'' )~ .. ,~' . " J..:' ',. ".ttt.-: .,o;",~ t~~~ .X'~ ..,.~;~.." ,:~i' , :,,{ " ~. " ... ~ ::;~J . " County Attorney S~undurs reforrud to th~ ~xocutivo Summary in the form of his memorandum dated lO/l3/63, indicating th~t he has sent the ':;¡'{1 " agreement to the State and City ^ttorney. lie sal<.1 that the only real issue is the percantðCjo payment from the City of z.taplas and tho COUl\ty. He sðid that the stðt~ ^ttorncy'soffice has made it cl~ar that they will not participato in the funding of tho attorney or tho attorney's secretðry for prosecution services. H~ s~id that tho monthly reports " colldctud over the l~st year, purGuant to tho contract in forca, " indicates that a 50/50 upllt would b~ r~dsonDblo, however, he added " that he ht3G not hCéHd from the Cl ty whether they would be willing to pay that much. He rQcommendod th~t the current contract ba continued dS it is wordad untll theca is él ucfinita ùnswur from thtt City. Rosponding to Commisaionur Holland, :~r. ~"und~rs sðld that the controct , I , was chdn9cd to run with tho County's fl~cal yedr and it 9xpirod Soptember 30, 1903, and thðt the County curr~ntly pays GO\ ðnd the City pays 40\. Commissfoncr Holland sù1d that. the rocord ref1~ct8 that tho City receivos ~pproximatoly GO, of the time spent on City or County busineos and the County receiv~s Dpprox1mutuly 40\, to which Mr. SÐundura agroud. . . M~ 078 ~3SO .-....--......----------------------------------------- ------------~----------------------~---~~ . -"I. 6Ø 1178 1m 351 Octo~or 25, 1983 '. Mr. Saundørs said thDt thøro was ð~reomcnt betwoon the Stðto Attorney, the City and tha County, in the ovent that the prosocutor not working on City or County busineøs, that he would work on ~tnto Attorney business as opposed to whiting for something to be duliverecl to him. He sold that tho State Attorney has made it clear that City and County ~rk would take priority. Community Development Admini- strator Vlrta said th~t thurc h~ve been !ewar cosos th~t needod to ba brought to the State's Attorney's att~ntlon because thEt Stllff is settling Cðses prior to them reaching thüt point. Mr. Saunders 8ðid that approximately 75\ of the prosecutor's time WðS dovotcd to City and County prosecution. He said tllnt the County needli to have enforcement capAbility an<.l that th~r~ is vðlu~ to having a cont.rDct wh~re cases cßn be turned over to the Stbte's Attorney to have those cases prosccu~ed, using the criminal sÐnctions that the Stßte's Attorney can impose. Ho said the value of that deterrent is difficult to qUÐntify, however, thero is value. Mr. J. Sandy Scatana presented £xhiblts 1 throu~h 14, for the record, supporting his request that the proposed agreement should be . tor the County to p~y 40' Dnd the City of Naples to pay GO, of the salary and benefits or both the Assistant Stðte Attorney And the L~9a1 Secretary. Rospondin':} to CommisLï1oner Voss, Mr. Saunders said that thought haø boen çivcn to ncgotiating the contract taking an arbitrary SO/SO split of the cost bctwoen the City and tho County and making a quarterly odjustrnvnt depcndln9 upon the ratio of the time expended for the two bod ios. He ardd, howf.:VC r, th~ problem is thnt the timo does fluctuðte throughout the year and it W~ß Cult that a .et amount would b. batter 80 thðt th~ City ðnd the County could budget thðt --------------.. , . :'-:~< 7: ;, :::,';;' "...~,.~: h "'.f'~'\;,o -,:,~' .~ ,ií\~ <~t ~- ,:1." ·t~: .;~~ :~~ ~;'$r ,<...., itA ..;¡.J........ ,.... . :::;'"fÔ~ .':,~ .t&.\ .~~ . "...... ..(!~ .f.g.·.. ( .. '~fÆ?' ·;iX' '~,~.. ,~;l~ '(¡, ·""* -~--------------------------~----~~~--~-~; .~,'.j ì October 25, 1983 a full YGar 4S opposed to hnving to tJuoss whllt the tot"l amount bø by the und of tho yea r. Tape 13 Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carried unanimously, that tho existing Agreement botween Collier County, tho City of Naples and tho State Attorn~y for Code Enforcement be c~ntinued on a month-to-month bosis until the County and City arrive at a reasonable division of cost. ****RECESS. 10.05 A.M. RECONVENED: 10.15 A.M.**** It... '16 ROUTINE BILLS - APPROVED FOR PAYMENT Pursuant to Rcnolution 81-150 tho Co110wing chocks wero issued through Octobor 2l, 1983, in payment o! routino bills: . .... CIIEC:< DESCiUPTION CH~CK tlOti. At10UNT Vendor 101711-102162 7020l-70713 $1,H!1,622.63 211,508.36 acc Payroll Ite.. '17 BUDGET AMENDMENTS 83-962/964, 84-34 and 84-35 84-37/41 AND 84-45 _ ADOPTED ' Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Plstor and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendments 83-962 through 83-964, 84-34 and 04-35, 84-37 throu9h 84-4l and 84-45 be adopted. rb!J1) ( 078 .'ACt352 .""'-...",--........""'..--...,......."'.'...-.....-,"...""..,"'."'''' ""~""""".",,,,," ,~,; ~~ ,"i~~ "~ 'ï iii,::, :~ .~.~ ,I~~ "':, r,;~ '.?' ,:4 ~\I~ .'\)~ "'~ ~j~ .1.t. '~I:'f;': ','''' " ~ :'~, ¡: ,-~ . "1 ,..,.,~ ~I~ :~~;, ';'t -----------...---- '- - ----- - - - - -- --- -------------......- Octobar 25, 1903 ;,' - 078 uæ5 It... '18 MESSRS. SAM B. HEATI1, E. L. JOHNSON, RICHARD JOHNSON, JACK A. QUEEN, SAMUEL R. LEE AND JAMES W. SPIRES - RECOMMENDED FOR APPOINTMEUT rOR '1'HB/'. IMMOKALEE WATER/SEWER DISTRICT " "':!,~:, Administrativo Aide to the Bonrd Underwood referrod to 0 latter. ..nt by tho ImmokÐlee Wuter/scYo'er Distdct requesting that Messrs. Jack A. Queen, Samuel R. L~e and JÐmcs W. Spires bo appointed as Commlsaioners for the Immokaleø WÐtcr/Sowcr District. Responding to Commissione r Brown, she SiI id there ð u, six vacßnc iea, cur ron tly, IInd referred to thu Executive &ummnry that recommonrlø Mossrs. Sam E. Hoath, E. L. Johnson and Hichðrd Johnson be reappointed. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that Messrs. Sam E. Heath, E. L. Johnson, R1chard Johnson, JAck A. Queen, Samuel R. Lee and James W. Spires be recom- mended for appointment os Commisoioners for the Immokalee Water/Sewer District. Item 11. 9 STArr AUTHORIZED TO CONTACT THE SCHOOL BOARD RE ACQUISITION OF LAND NEXT TO IMMOKALEE AND BARRON COLLIER HICa SCHOOLS FOR PARK SITES Commissioner Pistor referred to his memorandum datød 10/19/.83, in the agenda re9srding obtn1n1ng a park site in Irnmokaloe. He sðid that . no warrAnty deed has been rocaived from Mr. UOl.lth and that thtt I:SCC has beQn advised thðt Mr. Roborts' property 1s not for 8£110. He said in his opinion Lhe bCC should ðuthor1zo th~ Gt~ff to contðct the Collier County School Board recJ£\rdlng i.lcgu!sltion of hnd that the citizens of the County DlreDdy own next to the Immokðlu~.H19h School for Ð park 81te. Comml..ioner Srown ~oved, .econdod by Commissioner Pi.tor, that the Staff be authori&ed to contact the Collier County School Board '\', ,,';:;;f ',' ,.,; :'...,~ ,-< .\"-'-"."''i' pag. .18~:,';/'(i(-' , ,i, -\ .1.,;, I:' -- -... -.-.. -..... -- -- ----- - -. - -- - - -'- - -,--- _._-~- - ----...--..-..~' '. ç'1·'¡Æi '''. l' ,oIJ. __""'~"';'~'''''''_~'~'''''''''"''''''~''4 ~ ----------- ------ -,_._- -- -- --- - - -,- - - --.--- - - - -- -- --~ , i I, October 25, 1903 ¡ . j' ::; regarding Acquisition of land next to the Immokalee High School for a park site. Mr. Ceorgo F. Koller, Prosident of the Collier County Civic Federation and the Immokalee Civic Asaocl~tion, apoke in favor of tho motion. Commission"r lIollbnd said ho 'ß(Joke wi th memberø of the School Board's Adminlstrativo ~taff ~nd received the Indic~tion that the land they want~d to be uuod on the school proporty was more or 10.8 a fur imeto r. He sa id he hDS been told thð t the reason the ace has not . receiv~d a warranty doed for the Heðth proporty is because a leg4!tl search, necessary to 9~t a cle~r title, has not bdon completed. Ho v s..ld he hDs boen told by thrue people that theco woro Gome poople who aro totally opposed to having a park adjoin their homes which surround the Roberts' property. He oxplained thnt hd talkod to one of tho County planners and asked if It wero possible to have n useablo park that would accommodate tho fucil1ties th~y said w~re nucded on the lIeath property and 10 ocres from t.he school. Commiosioner Holl~nd said thðt thlf stott' should bo oµan minded in their ncgoticJtions wit.h the school on how much proporty is nctuaJly neuded ~nd, If it will be benefichl to the school i1S well as it 11:> to tho County. tie said het was t.old that thl! school is In dire need of ð rt-I)ulfttio" baseball field, which they cHO hopinC, would be plðccd on school propørty. lIet sa iel in his opinion there is a possiblli ty thÐt the property could bet loased by thu County önd he askoc! that tho !Jta£! puraueJ> lIll avenues while they are nogotiating with tho Gchool Board. Ch~irman KruDo aUCJgeotod that tho Comprohontllvo Pll'n, that 1s in tha proce.. adopted, should be rOdd to sue what 1s said ;bout tho slzo of ~~: .'\~: : ,0 '~.!i.i , /,~~.. " " 'i~ , "'f~'" ~. " ,~f ":~,J~, of beinC) ;.. , I;.':¿- communi ty,:';~, ,,}:., ~ pc1rks. iMJOX {l7B frAt£:æB Pð98 ... - - - - - -.... -..... - - -.... -...- - - - - - - - - - - - - -.... - -- - -...... ''!'} \ ¡ ¡ ! { 1 , 1 1 i ! j ¡ f 1 ! í í .1 ¡ ¡ ¡ . 1 j ¡ , ---------~--------------------------- ~WK 078 mE 367 ~ October 25, 1903 '~);~!. - - -- ....... .\," 'r, '. .~'!..-: ':'/~,' ~.}, ,~ .~ .. ....' ;¡> ,'* '1" .:, :~~ ;,;¢ ..~ , 1:!'~'~ "1.1'f .:~~ " ,;7}f ,.~. ;:~t,'! ,;/', ,~ '. ~.} , " ". "~ f:Y'" \11., ..,i "~t, :~~""'." ~ ;~:. J. JI'j ,:¡ " ;",\', --------- --.----- - - - - - - - - --- - - --- -----....-...' Upon call for tho quostion, the motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Holland movad, seconded by Chairman Kruse, that negotiations with the School Board also include the property next to the Barron Collier High School for a possible lease of 30 or 40 acres for a North Naples park site and that the StAff return with a report to tho BCC. Commissioner Voss said he hDd no objections to exploring~ arrangements for this property, however, it is a long w~y !rom tha center of populDtion bnd (ronl thu gcogrnphical center of North Naples. Ho said the pork nceded in North Naples nhould be located more nearly At the geographic and popul~tion cuntcr. Commissioner HollAnd aÐid it i is his underst~ndin9 that the Staff is rocommending Q piece of proporty north of the b¡¡rron Collier Ulah School that would require' Ð road 1/2 mile to ronch it. He said it ;s his understanding that tho center of population in North Napleu is further WQst and if a p~røon will hAve to drive to thu park, in his opinion, one rr two miles would not make that mU9h d1ffcroncc. He 5~ld thDt th~ YMCA and other r~creðtional facilities ðrc in the ~ðrron Collier High School arUA, and it would be in tho County's interest to explore this mðttc~. Upon call for the question, the motion carried unanimously. It.. '20 RESOLUTION 83-192 REQUESTINC LECISLATURE FOR ^ SPECIAL ACT RE VOTE TO CHANCE THE ZONING ORDINANCE - ADOPTED Commissioner VO:JS reAd his memorandum dated lO/le/B3 includad in the agenda packet roquustiny ace consider~tjon thðt the requirement for rozone petitions be chðngod to ð simpl~ majority voto. lie said he reallzod thot th" 8CC cannot r.hont'jc the: numbor of votes required for a chango In the Com~rehensivu Plðn nnd that Is the the State Statutes' ! purviow. He acid 110 ro~lizeà that to chon98 th. requirement of voting !·d t ::f: pago 20 '.',1' ',\,.6' ., -!',~ . ,', "I' .'<;~ , . .t;, '~1.i" , . ' - ------------------------_:'.' .....------ - - - - - -.--,- - - ',:;,';:.¡:f!!!!:!!! " ".,.:i'~'~ . ,./ .~ :;; ;,-- '4 fo r Co I,ll. r County fo r . ub..1 "01 to tho Sto t. L.gla lotur.. II. ..1 d :,.:'~~ b~ 078 mc368 ;';~1£ ' .. , ,rÐge'21t-'} ~-- --- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - ----- ---~ ~*;£;'¿ES~~: 'I, Octob~r 25, 1~e3 on II rozone petition tho ace has to 1)0 to Loglalðturo with a lun 0(:;;,;\: '··'·;~l Local Concarn to p~rmit the vote of 4 to 1 to bo chonged to 3 to 2 and' that th~re hDs to be ð change in the Zoning Ordinancø. He said, a 1 though th~ process h t 1mo conaumi n<j, to be consistont throughout County this should bo done. Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor, that Resolution 83-192 to roquest amendment to Special 1967 Act to requlro majority voto to change the Zoning Ordinanco bo Ðdopted. Chairman Xruse said she woul<.l vote for this, however, she added that s~e did not ball~vo In it. Sho snld there hðB not boen a chance for the public to realize what will happen. sho said that she supports a simple majority except for zoning becauso that io "carved in stonoR. She suggested as a 1:411-sa£0 maximum J1'Icch<3nism that the BCC require that there bo two consccutivQ henrln'1ß bt1foro ê\ rozone is pasGed with only 0 three vote ðnd that thero be a roquiremont of three votos of the entiro BCC. . }'I I;', :tf.J [Ii~~~ , .'t" .~,~:~;~ ''''~ /:'~ '\ Mr. Goorgo Keller, repreaontlny tho Collier County Civic Federotion, and Mr. Mi ke Zewð lk, reprcsen tinr~ the North Na pIes Civic ^s30ciatlon, spoke in opposition to this resolution. ~espondin<j to Commlasionor Brown, County Attorney Saunders clarif1ud thc3t the rUGolutlon 'IlOuld be ð direction for him to draft on amendment to Chapter 67.1246 to provide for ð majority vote of the <Jntlru nlC:mberahip of tho UCC to ch.Jnge zonln9, and he said it would not affoct the Immokðlod Plannin~ Commiosion. Ho said there are saverðl countios that have this typo of requirement and Gev~rðl that do not. -~ .:;<- ,.: fie said there is no roquirumllnt Cor 01 public h.arinCj at this stago. ,11.>0::"" ,'"¡}:r~ add this resolution would be prosunted to the Logislative Oe'logatlon .If ~ '__,__.........~"""._¡___..,.,~.<.._'"".."",.__,þ"~"'"....,_~."_...'- ,...·c'.".._ -------------------------.--------------- I ¡ j I \ ! I I I I t I j r i i I ! ¡ \ I I t , I I I , 1 .....~ ~ ''Ó ,_ ,~... ' bK mB l~æ9 October 25, 1903 ~ thoro would have to be 0 public heorin9 fur th~ actual amendment to the %onln9 Code. County MDna~er Norman said th~t the Lugislotive Delegation also has ð public heðrln~ on Speci61 ^cts in January. Commisslonor Drown expressed hie opposition to this subject. Upon call for the question, the motion carried 4/1, with Com_i.sloner Brown opposed. Commissioner Kruse noted, for the record, with regret on her vote. Chairman Kruse movod, seconded by CQ~mlssioner Holland, that the amendment require threo votes, not a simple majority, and that it require two consecutive public hearings to change the Zoning Ordinance. Rospondlng to Comrnission~r ~rown, Mr. Saunders said this motion would he a I\\cchllnism to tiqlatt.!n tho zoning process that would be a fail-safe methoG. Ii~ sl.Iid it would not bo inconsistent for Commls- sioner Brown to conslù~r this ~mendment even though he 'voted ~galnst the rosolution. ComnllssiontJr holl.Jnd sÐld that the City of Naples wort:s on this process with th~ first hearing not baing an advertised public heoring, however, the second one Is ~dvortlsed. Following ð short discussion, Commissioner Holland Þskcd that the motion be a~ended that the first hearing is advurtlsed, however, it is not D public hearin') and that the second is A public htHlring. Chairman Kruse agreed to amend the motion that. ð requirement be included in tho above resolution that two con.ecutive hearings (both advortised) are necessary with a majority vote of the entire BCC to change the Zoning Ordinance. Upon call tor the question, the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Saunders 8aid if the r.solution passes Uhf Lt.'glslûture the m~ttcr would come bðCk beforu the Bce in June or July of 1984. NOTE. Re.olution not received in Clerk of the Board office. pog 0 . ',r-'__'""__".._,.",..,..""''''....,~,_....,...,~~~'","'''' ,""-..,,..,-.. ,~'< '. ------------- -- -'------ -------------..:::;;,s'lJ" ".~ "",.,1/ ',' :,.l(.,.~·", ' '- !r:l,~(.'~:.r~ OctobAr 2~, 1983 "... It.a ,2l I STArr AUTHORIZED TO NEGOTIATE WITH THB CONNERS FAMILY TO ACCEPT THE. DONATION OF PROPERT~ FOR A BOAT RAMP ON BLUEBILL AVENUE Pat Corroll of the En~ineorin9 Departmont ~xplained that approximately six months ðgO shu was approachod by a represontativo from the Connors f~ml1y ~akin9 if Collior County would be intorestod lbnds tor a boat ramp pi1rk in Nort'lt N"plos dnd thðt she expressed tho nuod for such a park. She Si11d last woek she received a phone call stating that tho Connors family wants to don~t~ this property. Shß roquested authorization to obtain the ~ppr~iGDl and to work with the , Conners FDmily to get tho warranty dead in hand. Commissioner Piator moved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carried unanimously, that tho Staff be authorized to negotiate with ~ho Conners Family to accept tho donation of property for Q boat ramp on Bluebill Avenue. . Ro~pondln9 to Comrnisslon~r Pistor, Ms. Carroll said that tho boat ramp could be on the lugoon which hðs access throu~h Wigginn Pass to the Culf. It.. 122 COUNTY ATTORNEY AUTHORIZED TO DRAPT AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCB 80-77 THAT DEPARTMENT HEADS BE REMOVED PROM THE BCC'S ABILITY ~O FIR£ THEM BY A 2/3RDS VOTE Commisnioner Voss said that Ordinance 80-77 s~ys that tho BCC, by o 2/Jrds vote, can dismiss Division Heads or Dupartment Heads. Commls- stoner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland, that the County Attorney be authorized to draft an ordinance omendlng Ordinance 80-77 that Department Heads be excluded from the ability of the acc to dismiss them by a 2/Jrds vote. Responding to Commis810n~r ~rown, chairman Kruse clarified that' dismlssðl of D ~cpartment Hoad would 90 throu9h the County BO~K 078 Ð.CI:370 , . ""'-"''''~''.'''~'''''';''''''''''''-'''''~''''''''''''''''"''-'~- , _I . ."'..~J , '~ ---------------------------------,r.¡;~, .i',c,.,;t',.,,. ,.~...~"'" '¡, , "fW.'W ---- I Octobor 25, 1983 ~ .. 80~!' D78 PA~F371 under this motion. Upon call for the question, the motion carried 3/2, with Commissioners Brown And Kruse opposed. It.. 123 COUNTY ATTORNEY DIRECTED TO PREPARE A LETTER REQUESTING AN OPINION OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL RE THE LEGALITY OF CHANGING ORDINANCE 80-77 BY A 3/2 VOTE Commissioner Voss sðld that Ordinance 00-77 specifically states that it takes a 4 to 1 vote to change and he noted there Is some quostion DS to whethor or not ð 3 to 2 vote could amend this ordinance. He said thl0 matter should be sattled nnd added th~t could be done by obtoining an opinion on this mottor trom ~tate Attorney Conoral. County Attornoy 6aundors Bcid that the BCC, by a majority ,vote, can request such an opinion. Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Pi. tor and carried unanimously, that the County Attorney bo directed to pre~are a . letter requesting an opinion from the State Attornoy Ceneral regarding . the legality of changing Ordinance 80-77 by a 3 to 2 vote. *****The following items were adopted and/or approved under the.Consent Agenda by motion of Ccmmissio~ar pistor, seconded by C~mmi..loner Voss and carried unanlmously.···*· It.. '24 PETITION TR-82-10C, LEON PRICE, RE A SECOND EXTENSION OF ^ TEMPORARY RESIDENCE PERMIT TO UTILIZE ^ MOBILE HOME DURING CONSTRUCTION or A PRINCIPLE RESIDENCE, GOLDEN GATE ES~ATES tt.. 125 FUNDING ACREEMENT FOR THE CANAL MAINTENANCE PROGRAM BETWEEN BIG CYPRESS BASIN/SFWMD AND COLLIER COUNTY See Pb9CS 3 ?$".. .377 ~---_.--------------- ~~... , ....~ -íi'¡. " 'if ,~1~-: ~\,'~ I/i'., ~~( )i , -'~'/~> .. ~~I ,., . .¡\ ',,:,I.¡. I~' '";5: ~<-. , :f ,1i:' F'~" ,'<~~: ..- ··.1 >'~'. . ~ ,~'" '.;, ',':i~',t¿ " ':'~ < I~~l;; ,"~,I,',' ., ....', l "Ji ~ ;,.-A~~ ,,',' ,'iii<. I' j j . ¡ , ¡ j 1 1 I j 1 , j' ¡ 1 1 ' . .' W"'~ Item 131 Octobcr 25, 1983 .. Ito. 126 ENCINEERING DEPT. TO ISSUE A RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT TO FOREST L. HARMON '; POR REMOVAL or SPOIL MATERIAL AND THE RESTORATION or THE ROW or C. R.' 841 (BIRDON ROAD) Itom .27 CLERK 11 VACANCY IN THE BUILDING DEPT. EXEMPTED FROM THE !lIRING FROM HIRING FREEZE It.a '28 LEASE AGREEMENT WITH EUGENE OLSEN FOR CHARLOTT~ COUNTY JTPA OFFICE See PðgE:S..3 71-..3 19 Ite. 129 FY 83-84 AGREEMENT WITH DAVID LM'iRENCE MENTAL HEALTH CENTER' FOR PROVISioN OF MENTAL HEALTH AND ALCOHOLISM SERVICES IN COLLIER COUNTY Seo Pages .,3fp.. 3K:z.... Item '30 WATER AND SEWER FACILITIES LEASES FOR WYNDEMERE SUBDIVISION, PHASE I AND THE PRESERVE . ~e() Pagcs .a cr 3- 'VP 8' . EXTRA GAIN TIME FOR INMATE NO. A3l022 Item '32 CERTIFICATES FOR CORRECTION TO THE TAX ROLLS AS PRESENTED BY THE VROPERTY APPRAISER'S OFFICE, TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY 1932 1982-461 10/12/83 1933 1903-460 10/10/8J , f' . .~~ . , .. M~j( 018 fAGE37Z .~~~-----~----------------~-------~ '. .' .. -----------------------------------------~. ,~t/ " '. .:~tl~~: ,.J: . , , :>",..~,;;t,. ,~' , ", . .'~\"~' j PaC)e 2G .,' . ,~~. ,~, . ., . : ,', ' " .,~:¡~.~;.~. .....~-~~~...._-~--------------~----------...................-.....-- ., ..~ -I . 1'-~, ~':~;, . , ,";'!::::\~ '; '. ~ .''': ,h :.;..!¡.. iBODK D7B IPAti373 Octobor 25, 1983 It.. '33 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED There boin9 no objection, tho Chair directed the following correspondence be filed and/or r~ferrcd to the vÐrlous dopartments ftG 1ndlcÐtød below: 1. Notice rcc~lvcd 10/14/83, of moctlnC::J on lO/24/83, at tiol1dtiy Inn ~ðst, Tallðh~ssee, to r~vicw proposod Rule for admlniutcriu<,) economic development portion of Small Ci tieD CDBC progrnm. xc Ms. Wl11iðmson. riled. 2. DoJp&1rtmcnte1 Reports received land filed: A. Uociðl Services, August, 1903. B. Purchasing Dc~t., September, 1903. C. VcterDns S~rvicoB, Saptcmbcr, 1983. 3. Foliowing minutes roc~1ved and fil~dl A. CAPC ^gcndD for 10/20/83 & minutes or lO/6/03. u. Golden Gðtft Community Canter Advisory Committee, 0/30 ~ 9/27/03. C. Library ^dvisory uODrd, 9/22/83. 4. Lcttcr dð\:.~d lO/5/D3, !rom P&1ul H. liocKwalt, Preø. Park Shore Assn, Inc., GtDting their Interost and concern co the Colli or County ~ark cites. xc ~r. Norman. Filed. :. .. s. Letter d~ted 10/S/83, from ~illiDm Walker, National A1liancQ of Buslnu~~, ~nclosing Q PIC data collection ~uestionnðiro. xc Mr. Norman and Mr. Norton. (Original questionnaire sont to Nr. Norton) fo'lled. I 6. Lettor da tud 10/13/83, from Proper ty Apprn is!!r Coldin~' transmitting his Annual Ruportø for yoar endin9 9/30/03. Filed. 7. Memorandum dated lO/12/83, frorn Sh~r1!f Aubrey Rogers trönsmitting a check (or $37,347.72 which reprosents intorost e&1rncd from eXCQS& monies invcnted on ð repurchase agreement. Filod. 8. Memorlll1dum uateù llJ/4/G3, from "Iarion Hart, Jr. Lito!f Director of Coordinùting Council on the Transportation Dløðdvantbgcd ro notic~ of meeting on 10/12/03, ond copy ot 9/14/83 minutes. xc Mr. Perry. rilQd. 9. Public Notice 23-83, dðtüa 10/7/83, from U. S. Coast Guard for application to construct ~ fixod highway bridge approximately G13 feet in length across Blue Hill Creek betwoen U~rfiold Bay and Blue Hill bbY near Marco ISland, xc Mr. Virto and Dr. B~nedlct. Filed. FL. { ],~~"..,.".. ." : ,$. ;) :I","""', . """':;;0. "t' ' "I) , ':3, .;< '; :... e>R ,~"f ~~f" , -1Þ ' 3 ~' ~ I, ~"';:"':'~¡:'i~ 10. Lottor datud 9/29/83, !ror.\ Blum, Schumllchør,& AaSoc., as Ii' genorðl proposal to provldø consul ting sorvlcøs in ðreas::··;~ concorned with HazartJous Wnstes. xc Mr. Norman and Mr. ":li ria rtnutn. ¡-'iled. ,. * ,. 'thare being no further buslnl)ss to como b~foro tho Soard, tho, moetintJ W41J adjournod by ordur of tho Chair at 11:00 A.M. üOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONCnS/ ~OARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNINC aOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTntCTs UND£R ITS CONTROL ~~h~ .......'. ATT~SOOAÆ ' : :"~~l:~~:t~~, J..~ j(ít.C~N, CLERK ' '!£A:,(ò'T'.:'"c, :,'~'~,~",~'" )/'Û ../)'.,.-' ~"7~.s;:, ~ ~~///~ 4,./,<::-- . -; :', ~t~:¡,f" ,/ ::; ''Y'7 / ~ / 1:~e~~~IrI},n.~te~ll~p~o\lOd he )CC on '/~ R; /7'.3 aD ,", . , pr~s¡,tiP~\\ or é:lS corrocted . .,; , .,¡~;; ~ '.' ~~j~ 'i'~l " ~r ',i;'! , :".~ :·::'.:·t·-~'~ ""!l:! . ~,,:,;~ "''¡;~ ,'~ '.,''t. ~þT~ ~b!JK (J'¡8 fJ'ACE314