BCC Minutes 11/08/1983 R ~ '.~,Ç11 ."!J ",:j~ 'i\!:; "'J~1'/, Naples, Plorida, November 8, 1983,~ " . ""i_ ',"~'l :s:-,. 'j. , LET IT BE KNOWN, that the Board of County Commission.r. In the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning App.al. and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have be.n created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in R'9ular S...lon in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the fOllowing members present: CHAIRMAN: Mary-Frances Kruse VICE-CHAIRMAN: David C. Brown John A. Piator Frederick J. Voss C. C. "Red" Holland ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagan, Clerk; James C. Giles, Fiscal, Officer; Elinor M. Skinner, Deputy Clerk; Burt L. Saunders, County Attorney; Billy P. Beckett, Assistant County Manager; Terry Virta, Community Development Administrator; Knute Hartman, Public Works Administrator; Lee Layne, Zoning Director; Ann Ober, Planner; Chria Holley, Administrative Assistant; Donald Norton, Public Service. Administrator; Grace Underwood, Administrative Aide to the Board; and Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett, Sheriff's Department. " ~" " '~'t 'j,~ 'It ':¡'.~ ~:.::, ..'~ '1",:1 :~1 ·.·:·1···· '. '..) :i~ 1 ,'~ . .:.:~, - \t. , 800K (}j7~tA~t~~~ . . "''''..""","-,..._""---,,,--- ·'"-·-..-·""'-___..._..""',"_~..,',.,,',.,·,'~..,",,....'.'m~' -----------------------.---.---------;.:; '¡.":~:! '.7;~ , i'YE ·,1 ;"1:~ .,;\~ ..~ ':,,~~ :.'~~ carried unðnlmously, that Item 13C, a discussion regarding the CypreBs~ , . ;.r·.· " ~t0, ,~;;;.'!~t,.. . ,',' ¡~' , . . . >.:1"" ,. :...~,.' 1Í>¡",;i< . . " ....... ,.,:.,:,~.~,~ ¡~" . ~'p.~ ;:;~, ,:,. 'tP<,~ ---- --- - - - - -- ---:- -:-- - ~---- -------,~"~-~,~"~:':.::.,~'"\"1~ ...,....,-......,.'."'~~,.._,."""""~''''.,......"........",<..,,...,..< ..~;J "¡¡'". , '0') '..~ "-',, 078 PAI'.r501 Nov~rnbcr C, 19~3 '1 .1 AGENDA - APPROVED AS ^MENDED Commissioner Brown moved, soconded by Commissioner Holland and - LeU, be added to tho agenda as Chairman Kruse requested. Commlsslonor Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the agenda be approved as amended. Item '2 MINUTES OF 10/25/93 REGULAR BCC MEETING - APPROVED Commissioner Pistor moved, second~d by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, thðt tho minutos of 10/25/63 Regular BCC moeting be approved as presented. Item .3 PROCLAMATION DESIGNATING NOVEMBER 11, 1963, AS ·VETERANS DAY~ _ ^DOPTED . ~'/~ Commissionor Voss movod, seconded by Commissioner Brown ~nd cðrried unanimously, that the Proclamation designating Novomber 11, , "' 1983, as ·Veteranø Dðy· bo adopted. ProclDmE. t ion. Mr. John ~owry acceptod the " -.\) "'t~~~ .,.... i:¿: ,. \ ','., ' ..,...--"-,...~"".^'''."-..,.".."''.'"';",...."...'-,--..-.,..,--'''''''"'''..,,.."<'-..·....."_·.....,.·..,,,.!O'I<t,n'....."'._·"';"",_,,__~;_""'~....*"''","'''!/<.,..¡~bC..'",<,~.,"".....>...,,,...,;...;, '. ,0Ot (J78rA':! 503 <, .......;j.,:','..,: .,', " , % t.. 14/~,;;(;·>. .'. . ~ 'I~~~'~~ ~"I,'::,~i"~r...í.~r~r:_ ,:~':_",~ t~~,::';;tÞiUX:~TIÒN Ð&SIGNATING TH& 3RÐ WEEK '{~:;;~('?Æ~"WKEK IN COLLIER COUNTY .. ADOPTED ~*( r;·'},::·::,I. ',;, /, " . , '. . ::~J"~'~,,,,':'~f!t'~'::~r~: COrDIIIs8S0nar Holland movod, seconded by Commissioner Brown end ")~'··¡:i>,I:~~~·5,. "" carrledunnnimously, that the Proclamation dosi9natlng the 3rd week -------..;..--------------------------_......_--------~ ..iiI, '~, """~"<~ .',~'(', i .,;~ ! ,,j <~ .'-:zrA1 '..i,':,\;,~ ~', ~.. I., '...' November a, 1~83 Wayne Scðrnehorn ðccaplcd thu ProclDrnation. ..} ,-. , November aa Youth Appreciation Week in Collier County be adopted. " ." :>1' ',",~~ ~ :., ,'?i :·-~'1 . rt .'" '.~ )" '., ;"J ~} :it:h;;:i:·.: !' .' ,~~....._- -----. -...... - -.- - ---- - ~ ....... - - -......-'..... .......--.-- -............ --..... :-~,..,..,~. ~ 11dÎ.':' < _. . ·'\¡i'i~;f,'~~~~i~~~~· . :1 "',~f " ,~~: , ,:ii . .,-.., -, ,'., i,';~t~ i'C: '\:~ ~7~~.f¡t. ,It.,. ~. . , ':-~ 'j~ ,» '.'- ,I', ""..,....''''''''".,...~.,-,,-,''''.~" ,...".b""ri_~';<~>...4"·~._~..~'_..""'"""',."._""''''''',_;'''__,_,__1i!"" rn. _u I~" ~J_..__........,.,~""_."._.'," ."."..';"",~.....~,,,_..~.""..,..~._...,,.,"o;.." -----.-....-----.- - -- -.----- - -----.- ~., .:,'( "''''. ~'--:----~"'~ r "~ w' tOOK ~~PA~t~ November 0, 19R3 '.' -:::';'::';o.:',~.\~):~,~,; loungus atc ð )..'vrmlttccl princllJlIl U8U of the C-I. and C-5 Dictrictø"""...."..""... ' ' . . :....,,*,::,",'.'..~,",\..::..:,:..:.,~:'~,:'.)·,".~~,':.~',.',~:',f.:~,7",>.\¡f ·:~t:.. , ~~--------------------- ---~--~~~b~lii~f~':" ~~l"'. . . ,~':',.\ "~~'.v1'~..",. .' '.c,..,'''''' :i:è;è'.'\ <,,' '. ;t\~:. ~;~};f~~,;".:;':i;'~;~:: It.. .5 CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION FOR BIKEPATH RICHT-OF-WAY DONATIONS _ PRESENTED Mr. Hick kointtke of thtt tn9inc:urlnf) Department oxplnined the ~rojÐ~t to ~omplutc II bikop~th Ðlong Colden Cato PðrKwùy. Ho said that 48 out of ~2 property owners alon9 thbt roau hnvu donatod oaScmontø 10 fettt wide and DPl/roximtltuly 10 fe-at back from thu roedwÐY to run the blkcpath t\1O milos. Hv slIid ho is still workln9 on tho third mUa. Ho introduced those persons prcst:nt \Jho donatod thEf aasomunts as followDa Nav. WlIlter Lowst( r, Church of Cod; Nr. "nð "'ro. Dorothy Johnoon; If rQprescnt~tlvc front th~ Am~rlcðn Rc~ Crossl ~nð Mr. ~nd Mrs. John Dorn. Chðlrman Xrusu ~xprcHsQd tllonk& and ~pprec1~tlon from the ~cc ðnd stðted th~t Certlrlc~te$ of Appreci~tion would' be given to these people ðnd th~t C:ort1fic,:¡tcs woulù be rnë.dlc:u to the! other pco¡;lc ""ho donat.t:d oas (!I:len t. t>. Item '6 PETITION ZO-83-10C, FRED L. GILLETTE, RE AN AMENDMENT TO SECTION 7.22.b.2) PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES TO INCLUDE COC~TAIL LOUNGES AND LIVE ENTERTAINMENT IN CONJUNCTION WITH A RESTAURANT IN THE C-3 DISTRICT _ DENIED LegCll notice havinl) been published in tho NÐplcs Daily Nows 'on October 20, 1983, DS ~vln~ncud by Af!idðvit of Publication filed with th~ Clurk, public hearing w~s opened to consider Petition ZO-83-10C, filed by tred L. Gl11~ttc, Esquire, of Oill~tte, Pilon, Rlchmnn , Slims, requ~stin9 ðn Ðffi~ndrnent to 5cctlon 7.22.b.2) p~rmlttcd accessory uses to include cockt~il loungcs and live cntert~inment in conjunction with ð restaurðnt in the C-J District. Plllnnet Ann Ober rctcrr~d to the Executive Summory dated 10/31/83 which ~xplllins this ruquost. Sho 8lZ1d that, currently, eocktall ,. ~>o.""""·.""."",~""__"_",,,,,,,.,_,_ .'·_.___t;";~;O__",''''''''_'''~''''-''''''"'''''"'·'''-' :,è:!~.. !..~{, ; .l .-" '¡~! ~~'k ~<~r~, ,~~ ','~,t ---------------------------------------~-~ ..... , j .:'~j~.~~'dt' <......."'''~ ~lovdlnlJnr '(1, 10S3 ·~"'·laj"·J'-: ,'Ii ~ 'Ii :J iiI '¡.;..;>'t;tt~f!,~ .) ':, :'\" '~~?~~~ . , ...- ~ ~ . , ,"!,' ¥,,¡j,:< ': ~'p' , ,:;:" . .........,------- ---..... ....-.-. _.--- - - -- .-,.____ W )f ~¡{'.....;,~\,. 1:- \"ß,,'''", ~ ,.'.... *~~t~l;~~ .'"ï).r' ..::~~i;Ji':.~.?; . bl1nco th"t occurred ~hcn live t,nturtðinmont WðS put in thct rostùufðnt last SUtnl:\sr. Commissioner Pil:itor ¡..oretlented ¿i petition slgnnd by .:17 only. Sh., aaid that ~)taf!, tho CAPC .'Jnd tho 1APC hllve rf.:viewed th!B.:.,~Ûk·: . ~ 'i,~'),'j.~:i;f\ poci tlon rJnd rocol~mend "pµroVl'll. , ", ';,,~~~ ~ ;:::',"~~' Mr. "odn~y trnBh~w, ~ho livu~ ùpproxlm~t~ly 150 fvot (rom aðxt~r's:~ Restaurant, øpoko in opposition to this potition, duo to th~ dlstur- artHI roaidentB oppos«:d to I:h1~ putition. ''''m .' " ... -j. ,~ }~{ 'i't ·~A. ,~~" .....¡}...: --';Pi{ ;i~M· .1"4' ..~~, " Mr. Fred L. Gilletto, rqproaenting the putitionor, u~plalnod th~t ~ðxter'ä will b~ mnnügcd ~dlJ ünd Þny problcmG will bo re~adi~d. Commissioner Plator said 110 could not n~rco with n~k1ng a brohd chan9~ in thl! zoninq district. to sêJtisfy one or two rest£lurûnto tlnd éJdded that ~üxtcr'~ is in n rusijcnti~l aren wh~ro the kind of disturbanc~ mon- tiont!d should not occur. Rcsµnnulng to C0ll1min5ionor Uoll¿¡nd, Community 'I' "- ,'". '~ :~t.t ,~~, . 1:/ ¡" .;~! DuvQlo~ment ^dministr~tor Vlrta said only th03u fncilitics thðt Dee in thu C-J Dißtrict would be ð((ectod. H3 sðld that the intent of this ûmondmcnt is to nllow cocktail loun~cs ~s accessory to a rostÐur~nt o¡::~r<Jtion, and, therefore, if thoro 15 no rastaurnnt opcriltion tho otht'tr opttrations would not bo ,'llowt'd. 110 slIld th~t Inusic Is current,ly 'i ~llow~d in th~ C-J District, howovcr, the livu ~nt~rtðinm~nt Is prcclud~d. Commisaloncr Holl~nd ðgrc~d with Commiusioner Pistor. '.~ ;;. 1..J_:i.,; ~" . , \ ~:';\f '....i1,' ~':~ :~~:'.' , .~~j7 ;,ï¡- ~,'1(~ )'i/i ::::~. ./Ãi'[, "iI' ~'~J1 ._r, " .~ ;.~ ::;1" ',;¡": ,.y.Z , .~ Ii,.:'.: j' . . , . ":.""j' '¡,¡ . ":i .:1');' County Attorney ~aundvrs 8uggo9ted the nmondrnont of the provisional use suction of the ~oninq Ordinance to provide for 11vu untcrtðinmunt in th~ C-3 District if ccrt~in c~nditions ar~ met for thia typu of usa. He said thnt would ~iv~ the BCC Dn opportunity to rov1ew d~ch n~plicJnt on ~ cas~-by-cHse bDSiø. Mr. C11lutt~ said that thu lounge in question is cealed inGid~ the rostðurant and the ðro~ . amdndmont would dllow pl~no plðyurs ðncl ØU99Qsted th~t Involv~d with l1vIJ ~,..ntertalnr:lQnt is '4 cmc111 .)rur:. Ih, said that thu ,8aOK U18rxt.! 506 .... Pðg'e"S .'ú;¡.., _ _ _ __.___..:;Ú;~)~1.~.,":~y~~,Ô6· :. ~.,.'- ;.,'~~,d~:jl{:ij~i,:;~~{~;'1;~~:~J . . i"}3·f;M~...;;,¡, "·,·"-".""','I'"."",,';-"..~--,..;,--,..._--,,--""--,'~.....,"""~".'~ ---------.---------------------------,:;,; 'ÖDK D7B'1r::5UI Novcmbor 0, 19C3 ,',..¡:::','h. ·;if~f~ amblqulty undur thu pr080nt ZoninCj Ordinance land this ÞmoncJment woul.d",.;..;¡,. . . Ì-' ;"!,-,·..,r"..:þ ~ ðdctroBs thnt lJmbi<;Ju i ty. :''';'''!~F::':,~ Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Drown land carried unanimously, that the public heðrinCj be closed. Comml8sloner PI8tor moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried unanimously, that Petition ZO-OJ-IOC, be denlød. Item .7 RESOLUTION 83-195 Rt PÈTITI0N AV-83-0JO, ASULEY FINANCIAL CORP. Rt VACATION OF 6 FOOT SIDE EASEMENTD IN LOTS 3 AND 4, BLOCK 22, COLDEN GATE CITY, UNIT 2 - ADOPTED Logal notic,", hovine;¡ b~c:n pub] ished in the Naples Daily News on Octobur 23 and 30, 19G3, os evidenced by ^ffid~vit of Publication filed with thu Clurk, µublic h~ðr!ng ~ðd openQd to consider petition ^V-éB-030, f llod by Ashl úy ri nanc 11.1 Co rp. request! n9 vltcation o£ the six root side CDDumentc on Lota 3 and 4, Block 22, Colden Qate City, -III:' .~.J: .~, ',{~ "4~ -~ " .~i';.t '.",f': ~-..:'.' Unit 2, so ~ctition~r mÐY builu ocrO$S ðnd up to interior sidu lot linob. ~'j~ il·.··,··,"'·~ ')r' , ,~"iJò, , f ",'jo?' ;.~ ~i:;;(~ ! ~ r I ~ ~ ~.. PutJlLc korks Administriltor HartnlDn said that Stoff rucornmends approval of this petition. Commlsaloner Plstor moved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and cDrrled unanimously, that the public hearin9 be clos.d. Commissioner Plstor moved, seconded by Commissioner Holland and carried unanimously, that Resolution 03-195 re Petition AV-83-0JO be adopted. ,fl\. ' , . ".\,'-(;,<" ".' ".i,i"~:'t. j -- -...... -.... - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -.- --- - - - - - - - - -,- -.... .....~-.....~ "7, . '.<Vf~~1t~1[~~ ---,"",.,---,,-'"'"'''_...''''.~'''""'....__'''''.'''!''.~.'''...,'..."'''',..''"'.,....,.,~.-."..',.,..'......,,,......_,'"'.<,.....".. ",.¡i'.,.,, ~,. :tf:)i!, t , \.~..' . ..........-. ---- ---- ~l{:~1 .~ J~;:1,\: , " <tll' -~------------~----~-----~------~---~----~ , .,~;,~ '-'-'~"q:-- ,,-,,'~ 'Ðtllt 078,,~r::509 November ~, 19BJ It.. '8 RESOLUTION 83-196 RE PETITION AV-83-020, WILKINSON-MEFFERT CONSTRUCTION , " CO., RE VACATION OF 6 FOOT SIDE EASEMENTS ON LOTS 17-30, BLOCK 22, UNIT ,;,;./~ 2, GOLDEN CATE CITY - ADOPTED , . 'i~J,~:: Legal notice hÐvin~ b~cn ~ublished in tho Nðpl~s Daily Nows on October 23 bn~ JO, 19a3, ~s cvidenc~d by Affid8vlt oC PublicAtion fLIed with tho Clork, public h~tring WßG op~ned to connldcr Petition AV-83-028 filed by Wllkinson-Me£fert Conßtructlon Company, requosting vðcatlC1n of tho six foot stCle ~"som(JnttJ on LotB 17-30, 1$1oc~ 2', Unit . . '_"'(t' '1'<1 ""':I':~ '~'~'-, . :.:~ ",',11,:' ~~~:: " ~-, ~'.';' 2, Golóun Gate City, so putitioner mDy bul1~ Dcroes and up to interior side lot lines. Hcspond ing to (;onlmi GE>lone,¡r HollÞnt!, I)ublic ":0 rku Admi ni ctri'tor IillrtmDn snid thl1t wlc.:1tinCj those caseMents fðcilit"tcs the construction of mul t.1fumUy hou:J! no:¡. Commun I ty j1.'\'U lopment ^dministrll tor Vi rta Sit Id that VDclltin~ the t:as~mcnts allows Cor tho construction of e rour-plox wJ,ich gcnerðlIy tends to bu II little nicer unit thDn tho dupl~xos thût . ,;~,~~f '\,"" ,\'it ,~; :.'- ,,\ hnve boon constructed in Colden Gato City ðnd he addod this would be .;,.. .~~, .!./ 0'_, within th~ zon1ny. ~/~f )~ ,'....~¥ o~ ,:/J:. :;J ,of~ ,I, ,c ~'." ->:{, ""~'f ,..'", Mr. Gßllðw~y, represunting tho p~tltioncr, explained thnt he attended ð recant meeting of the Golden Gðte Civic ^ssoclðtlon ond tho mfJmb~rs slated thut they were opposed to chðnqt.u:; in ::onin9 which ,increased the dentlity in the Colden \.Ìttt&t DrtHI. He sDid t.his petition.' would not increüsft tho density. Commissioner VOSS moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carriod unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, thðt Resolution 83-196 ro Peti t10n AV-03-028 be, adopted. .. > ~ .. _....... .-.. ------ -- ..... - ----- . , " '-~~.~..,-...,-,~......_._.__..,--__,_,~-- 'II'<i __~ ."'__ II' . "__...~"""...""'...""~~,','_,,,...,"',,_....___._..,_.."....,"";.,,._._.",,,,,,,,>.,,.,,~,,,.,,,.,,,.,,,.;,~._,"~~'"'.''''' "_..,.__.,.,,.. "_,_...._"w",.,....*'""~ --.-_- ~-,- --.-- - - ---.-..---------------- BODK 07Sr.\r.! 511 Uovt!'rnbcr a, 19£13 " ,It.. .9 '. RESOLUTION 83-197 RE PETITION AV-83-02G, ASHLEY rINANCIAL ~ORP. RE VACAT,ttN OF 6 rOOT SIDE EASEMENTS ON LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK 22, UNIT 2, ~LDEN OATE CITY - ADOPTED LegAl notice having bwen published in the Naples Daily HaWD on October 23 ðnd 30, 1983, ftD cviu~nccd by Affidbvit or Pu~ll~~tion filed with the Clerk, public heðrin9 was opcn~d to consider Putitloh AV-83-02(i, filed by Ashley finnncil:l Corporlttion, roquesting vactltion of the six foot. sldt! eáscmunt::. of Lots 1 and 2, Ulock 22, Cìoldon GðtQ City, Unit 2, so patit10ner m~y build ßcrOSÐ and up to interior Did~ lot Unes. 'J !tubUc ~;otk::J Adnlinhtrlltor H.,H'tmn('l soid tnot. thfl zoning if3 ·R~F-12" for this prop~rty. Commlasloner Pis tor movød, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. ,t :~(, ',í ,:,~ ,':') '. ~ ;.<~t s¿~ "':;I:~ -~ì 1 t ,¡~ ;~~ ':'~ ";~l ..,<\1 Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commisaloner Voss and carried unanimously, that Resolution 83-197 re Petition AV-B3-026 b. adopted. :. ~ ~'-'. ~,jI; 4 ¡, ,.~~.f \~,~~:~,,::"~",¡:,' i~{ \, ",.' , f4¡i,;"f,.i.~;{;{.;) . "-'~:;'~~:'-~~~~.'-,~\:'{-j . . . '. ......\." \o..:;P~9".j·f~1 ,'.e ' "','" .0,,\, '"MÞ'i¡i'Ah~iir~'f~'~'~"'.lI1\,Jf:11 ~..:.. ~ ~..... -........... - -- - - ..... ~ - -- -- .....~ - -- ~ --.... .... -... :':"::~~,21~~~~"'~~<~~ ." , ft -. ·~::)~~~~t~~~)j:i!:·;·;;~í;: ..,..·,,,..··..·-···-...,,..~_;,·,,·"".-,,..,,_~__'_.,.4~.''''.,, T ,. .'fI...... -.r I. _...,__..._,....~'"''''_._........._''""._''';H~'.-_'..";,...,...._..,,, ---------------------------------------~- '--~._,-"',."''''', Novemb~r C, 19U3 '001( m8~1:¡51a It.. ifo ORDINANCE 83-50 REGULATING -MOTOR VEHICLES POR IIIRE- WITHIN COLLIER COUNTY - ADOPTED AS AMENDED ":" ~,.R.~'~, . , ;~;i'~~~ , " ~. , . ..;.'~ ',:-\. '. ii) \:;;~ ".:~~ Logal notice hav1ny buun publi8h~d in thu Napleu Caily Nvwn on October 20, l~ÐJ, as evla~ncud by Affidavit of Publication fl1~d with tho Cl~rk, public hQ~rln9 WÐ& oponcd to consider a propoHud ordin~nce regulating "Motor V~hicleG for Hire" within Collier County. Admlnlstr~tlvt' ASDlütðnt lIolloy t'xplllint:d this Ie :I renult. of Staff direction Dt the 7/26/03 UCC meoting to dcv~lop this ordlnðncv nnd thlJt HOV~r.1J wor~a~hopu Weft.: h~ld wit~1 loc.)l opcrlltor:ï of mutor vohicles for hire to do ao. He referred to the l::xccutiv«: f.iummðry dated .." .~;'~ ,. ~ 10/26/8J which hiCJhl igllt.cd tl1t: rðtelJ, thc) atJr.l1nll.:itrlltlon of the ordinance: and hðndl1n~ vün~ ~nd 11mou6inua. Hu acid ~ rata structurÐ '..~ '. '\~ wao dovlsed till1t \o'oulc¡ b'.: (,dr llnd oc¡uitable c'\nCJ woul,: c'Jllow the opcrc:.tors to go into the rurùl páftR of ttw County (!nd rocoup coSt for Rdown tirn~" which is ~rovlding sorvice and hÐvinq to return to th~ '1,~ .,) :~~ ';,'ií~ metropolitan arc~ without ~ pð~Gen9cr. H~ referred to ð map on th~ ovorhC:ilù b04r~ Dnù indicéltuc1 the thrcf.! ~rol;osvd zones "ß Zone, A, tho metropolitan nrOD of th~ County, Zono ~ which wuuld allow a maximum $~.OO ~one ché1rg~ in addition to thu metered r~t~ I1nd Zone C, the rural areas of th~ County thðt includes Imrnokaluu. he said the rates would have to purchas~ mutdrs ðn~ have thou~ c~rtirle~. He sbld thbt the rates are Id~ntl£iod In ~cctlon e of the proposed ordinðnc~. He not bu rÐ9ul~'tcd 1n ¡one ~ bt.'C/IUf\<: th..; opur~torø chlJrgc substl1ntiDUy less ratos thon ttlC NLlplez rDt.es lint;! it would put A burden on them to propoHed thllt the Tnx Collt!~tor b~ ¡ount1!led ðS the issuer of oparøtot permitø and the F.1t:~t. "¡'.'Ilwger.umt Ccpt'lttme:nt liS inspoctor of venicleø for the County. ue C4ðitl thot tllo réJt.~s for vehicle lnspcC:tlonare what ARA h08 idQntlf1~d aa the coot for that dopartmt:nt to Inspoct thos.: .' , . '. .",; ::.,:¡."~.. 1;.;,:~·~,:·~~';/~-~P.9.' 9 ,.-- ,:.,t; ?~'.;;::-t~~:'~: _ ~. '.;"'- ------------------->~[~~~~~~r ''''·"'-·-·'"·..·,~,-,··_,..,·'''''''"''''"_,_L~"'h''''''''''..~.,...''".''''a"_.._"''''._... 1 ,.,,..-_.~""',,.-~,-""......,-""--.....,.....',._-,...,"'_.""'--""."'.."',;.,,.."'''"'''""..,.,';,..'''..,,,.~,...,'' .,..,~.,'~,.._."""'-,.'"',..,.".."'"""~,,.,......,,...,,~..., ,-"'-,1 --------------------------------------~__1 - ~~ ¡;.jl>Jl <-I Novembor 8, 1933 vehicles and thftt tho fleot Manag~ment Dlructor would administer progum. Mr. Ibll~y refer rod to :Jectlon 4b Imd "ulked th<!\t tho I¡¡¡ordiny be chan90d to road thðt two movln9 viol~tions occur beforo suaponsion process would bogin inGlOnd of on~ as Ibaed 1n tho orcUnanctJ. 110 that County ^ttorney S3undors hns notiCiud him thllt ~ectlon 15 should be chan~ad to GO d~ys j~il torm for n mjsdurn~dnor instead of 90 dnys. Ho reforred to corrtJspondenco thdt the ßCC received regarding d problom ~.;,~, ....~( .- . :1~ i-.y..;í '.-,,\. ·.~i with thu sizo of tho luttoring on the vehicles and added thllt the · current ordinðnco provides for G inch lottors. He D~ld mony of the oporlatorn cur rontly only h,'ve .; Inch ll!tt~cs. He SJid a $50.00 p(,frmlt foe io proposed tha t covers tho cost of rtJs(,farching driver background, rc£eronco checks o)nd fingerprinting. 110 s<,!id that the ordinanco ell" be altored to provide for a reduced rðto of $25.00 for cenownls. Ho proposod thðt n 60 day complioncQ period be nllowed if the ordinanco is adopted in order to distributo information to the companies fn the County, lnnpcct the v~hlclus ~nd h6ve the opcrators pcrmlt~od. He s~id that vðns and limou~lnu8 o~er~to' sOp'arntoly from taxis ûnd thAt the proposed ordlnllncc would lItik thiJt the ope:rûtors or those vahicl'fs obtûfn i) perr:1it and thùt tht! vehiclûs be lnspec~cð. He said that the rdto structure provides that thone offoring bulk Borvico on ûn unreserved bcJsis could not oxcood $l().OO itS a fara. He røcommended ~ lüngua9~ chango 80 that if thore Is on¡y ono occup~nt of that vehiclo tho rhto cûnnot ~xccod $10.00 if more thûn thr~e lndlvlduðls ðro in tho vuhjcl~s, ðnd lí there ûrc IQSS thon thrca pcrsons, the rûte cðnnot exceud $30.00 Tape 12 ~, .,. Mr. Holloy said that tho vans and limousinos prov1dln9 '. . &OOK 078rar.¡ 514.- , -<1"'V"& __11_ ~... ...._".,~" ,,' ·"·""·_..,"'"'»...""J ,."~.._.','."H,~",,,,...,'"·...~,,·.,,...."'..,'".",>,,,,,,,',..,,,, "..~,.,"..,.,".'.''',.."',,.. ..... ',." ~,."",.",' ---~-----------------------------------3~ ¿.. ;':;.'<~ r~.· c' "1 ~, ''4;'''-' ;... ';r'.. ",\. s~rv1cc do not h~ve to have mutors or odhere to Zone A rate Rystc~.. Hu ,.~ '* D78,,~r.!515 Hoyumbcf t, l~O~ hour8 Is not ruqui rud in the proposod orcHnc.'lncf: IInd thÐt there Is no rcquirement thht ðll roquoøted fares bo picked up. Commissioner Voss fHdd ttWl thu 4 inch lutlur reC]uir~mont is reð80nðbl" ðnd Mr. tIolloy agreed. Commission~r VOGS scdd, in his opinion, thDt ~IO.OO Cor ð r~new~l foo Shou]d be used bnd 1£ this iø found to be insufficient the foe could be r~1sc(J, to wnich Mr. Holley 8ðld that tho (~ueutlon or limiting. th~ numbor or vehiclcs permitted was,. not adcsføssed, howevt? r, could be done in tho futuro. IJ~ RD iei thðt 24 ':;:~~ :j' !.' . \1. . ",..:'~~ .'~ ðgrved. CommlDoloncr Vasa sðld th~t oncu ~ yc~r inspp.ction ou~ht to be ~ enoul.}h. He said, with reCtironce to op.:rüt.ors thDt offer bulk stfrvice:;i on Dn unresorved basis, the fßtc coulë be ~J~.OO or $10.00 per perøon whichever is tho greë1ter, to which Mr. Holley Itgrecd. ^ discussion folJ.ow~d reglJrùing t.hl! lott(:r1ne] on tha vvhlclca ~'hich might reault in persona not baing nb1e to pÐrk v~hic1es in !ront of their homes with ":.~ , '/~ ".1 '.~ .~i~ ',,;~ , ..',',' ".,,;'. , 1-' :.~ '.\~ ,~\II :,:.~j ,\¡~ :.;:!~ ..,~~ ',..,'~¡.¡,:., i'\:'~ "~.?~ ),~~ ' uuch letters, ~nd Commissioner Pistor sU9gentcd thbt magnetic signs be usud. ,.Ir. Holley StdcJ th.1t Zonln9 Direct.or Lnynv explained that a vehicle coulù be parked on ð person's property Dr. long as the weight docs not oxceed 2,000 pounds. Commissioner Plstor questioned the $5.00 flat ratc being Dllowed in Zono B. Commissionor Voss said that the $5.00 flat rate is to compensate an operator ror hðvln9 to mako 8 return trip with no fl,re and Is not unreasonable. Commissionor Holland agroed. Mr. 6ðun~ar~ snld thût ~cction 8.51 of tho Zoning Ordlnðnce prohibits parking of commercial vehicles in rosidenliùl areas with certain rustrictions ~nd th~t automobilos, v~ns and piCkUP trucks having D rated load capacity of on~ ton or loss are exempted from tho ordinance unless othorwisu prohibited by û spacial parking district. """""-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-~-_,,~_..,,, ...... . .T '.. '" .. ---."...--,.;''''''...-..-''''''-........".,',. CommissIoner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner PI.tor, that the, . -, '. ".'" "~,:')~;"",;.::~. ..,....; ordinance .a iI'umbered and entitled b'.low be adopted and ontered Into~;':";;¡:, ;·:,·¡:,;¡,)¡.,",,:~\;';·l/~h ~~~ Ordinance Book 17 with the chan90s Mr. lIolley suggested Plu.':thaf"t:h.\"~,,,,¥'~ ~j~~", , "., . ' :l1'"78.r.\r.t5!8, -:<; ,'" >:::~:I~á~~~::~~:;:~>~,,~~1:è" /rflt,~" . ,',.~ " lOOK U'¡ I '.' , " " ':, ,'" !\~I;I'iÌi.:!Jtit.::r.", '. ',; ,~L. " iÌ1\J'.., ' , " ':", , '\" ,~''.,' '''I',~¡;1" l'ago~ 1 ,r" !1J.." tf:' , . , ",', .Ir'~ ;"1',',;;." '>""'!t.:;~,,~,.,. 'À' ': ~,.~.,..., . . , ' ~,." ..,',...,·"',wJ·h,,V..,'i ......--._--------------_..........._------------_........-----..~.... '*'"",,, . . .' ':f'j'·J~,I~;;W:~~tf~)'':fi*fi.J: , 'M'~ -------.-----,----------- ---------------'-~ " ".:~ . "",..', ' . ~ .' ,'," """" /,' ~: ".,' , '<~ NuVemb~r ~, 1983 ";' ~;;:.> ',,~f~i~t, Ms. Marg~rQt ftI. l'ùroiùd, ropresentint') Airport Mini DUB :.iorV1cô/::'"i';,,'(:::' If '¿·.,I .<._.:~',.' ~':~:'X1 1I021d that Ih'r Urm' 0 pr"'sent tðtê structure 13 $22.(;(1 for one peroòn.tof . " .:;'":~'?t 90 to the Gouthwost neqionbl ^lrport from Any ,tvp.n ~~int in the uðplá. ùrUð, howover, if thoro ¡HU two pooplo In th,! ß,)ma 'Iddrosø 1 t would $11.00 each. Shn Bðld ~s the numbcr of people plcknd up per ~iv~n I1cJdrODS Increüsl:tÐ thtt rùte 10 ùQcro( ~Ðd lIncJ r·lr. Hollp.y Sð Id this ordlnanco would not af'uct hur firm sinc~ the r~tQO in tho ordin4nco lire müximum ilnd :;¡he cOlll<l contlnuQ to OpCHi1tu undl'r her pr<taont ri:lt~ '~~j ~'~'.. "'T,I :.iit ,~, '~~. it ~', ~:. .'J~~ iii/;, , . , ; ; '~'( .¥". .....~ " ','1,' structuro. :Jhu sc11d she ltpproclates tho rt:t:ommondl.ltions rnùdtt on oporator's pormit ren~wal fees ùnd tho inø~Qction procdduro. Mr. John Inlin, roprosentln';1 Colli or C~b ,'nd Nap1as CDt>, spoko In f~vor of the proposed ordin~nco. l'Ie. Ocy rUchücùson, rcprc:j~ntin\,) ,{ollow CD!:>, spoke 1n fDvor of tho propostJù ordinanc~. lie "'xprcs~]r)d concc!cn that thuro 1s no protection cl1n be brought baCk ù!ter it htl!l bth!n in operation t.o soe how thd of 02n i nvas tr,1tJU t 11nd s., i d th.:lt if ¿¡ lHtf non 'JetD 1'1 permit to oportita a c~lb he should lH..' c1vt'1ilcJblc 24 hours iJ rjðy. Commissioncr lIollllnd nllqgesteù th~ ponsibilityof lim 1 ti n(j " C " b company from opùtllting only durinq tho Dunson. t\ discussion cnsued rt/9,Hdinq this topic during wkl1ch Mr. Hol1uy u~pla1nud th~t tho ordinance required ~ liconoe Ðnd inuuranco raquiroment to bo r~ncw~d from July to July. It was the Cot"u:lunsus of tho 8Ce tlMt thiu ocdlnllnco is D b~gJnninCJ ðnd th.:tt Jssues sy~tum wo rks. Commissioner Voss moved, secondod by Commissioner Brown ðnd carried unanimously, that the public hearing be closed. i ( ./' ¡ ~',.<~.."'........>.."'_."".","~",._"."""'''~.....-"''~'...'^..."''.~'''''''.,,..._--. ......._"""_I.~.....\I.4~'"'_j'_·QI'...¡¡r....;"..__"'_,;""_...."'......,.,,..._;.....;, ,~·..'.·."..."..','M;'"...."".'..,·;""..,'.·'" - - -- - - - - - ---- - - - - - - -- - - -- - - --- - - - - ------ --." ""'~ .::.,~'~ ,'~~~ ~'''~ , ,,,';¡i requlred letter be 4 lnch.., that the renewal. charge be $10.00 rath.r:','I to. tfJ'~ ....j ::-h~ '}~1 T~1 '001( U78N,:!S17 Novcmb~r €, 1983 than $25.00, that Inspections be mtde annually rather thftn seml- annually and that the maximum fee that can be charged for unmetered public vehicles to the Southwest Regionðl Airport in Fort Myors bo $30.00 or $IO.OO per person whichover Is the greator. Tape .3 Commissioner Hollllnd 5Gid the ordinance should havo the Sl1mo i.1 restrictions on ðll vehlcl~G tor Ilir~, ouch as lhu limousines that CDn be hired. Commissioner Vosa sAiet that tbio ordlndncc ~pplies t.o vohlcloø 9~nor~1Iy us~d by tho public. Mr. Holley said thoBe v~hiclon will havo to be inspcct~J ~nd lh~ oper~tors will have to b~ licensed. Mr. ~Ðundvrs sélld thnt when tho County becomes involvod with vehicle inopections anù liccm:.;lnt) oc. vehicle opcr.ltors' ther~ 18 i1 pott:ntitd for . '''. "'. liability an() he sð1ù ho noo u 1 d notify the lnsurÐnco corrier o£ the ./ ordinance IJnd adv i fh.: him th~rc mDY be a potun t lid t:or á liDb1l1ty. Commlssionor Kruse lIskaù Mr. HDUndetfs to Inform the acc 1£ thero 1s nny al teration in tit<! rA tcs. Co:nrni s&iont:r Holland ro~uosted clar i ftcation liS to why flout ~1lHHaJt!mont Wc7S chosen to inspect tho vehicleø to which ~\ :.~/J. " jf: . t Mr. Holley rospond(ld he waG unðWlIrc of other mechanics on the County ~t~ff who COUld perform the service. Comm1oø10ner Holland said it may V' ',-, provo to b~ more convnniont Cor ð person to be allowed to tðke his vehicle to an autnorlzvd deülorship for ins~ection. Commisøioner Brown agreed. It WßS tho consensus o! tho Commlssion~rs th~t this Bubjèct could be brought b~c~ nftor tho ordinance has been in effect, 1£ neccasary. Upon call for tho question, tho motion carried 4/1, with COllUDissioner Holland opposed. Chat rmon l<ruse ðskeù Mr. Holley to provido a report to th~ ~cc r~9ardln9havlng the inspoctions undQrtak~n ~ :. ""t ;q "'~ .' ~~ ,.r: '.~ . ",';¡!F "','- . ~;'::\;f ; ~",~~ 'n'l j~ " ' ~---.---._---- by ðuthor1zod ùaðlcrshlps. ~. ':4, . }. ~: .. , ." "'>~;'" .....',~_."--""'._...,""_.~"""'-"""'_..... - ....., ., ".,-pq____.."'..;,..,"",",~.'""',·",.,"'_'.·...~~I·.;;',,.v__.""'''''''~..·_"".,·>,..·,·,,,·,.H_ .;}~ ---- -- --- - - - -- - -- - -,- ---- - - -- --- - - - - - - --. - :""'~ . ".j.~ , '''~~ Novombur 0, 1933 "'t,¡t:; , "'*.41 . '.. -". ",'", . , '". '1"" ,/:-/ .£,';': " ,,' ,,/,','... pago ..4.>-" '~;' '. ,'ý.~h,t.},.;.;,? :!,;~j :;'::' \,~':;::~'~'f ~~------~-----~-~~~-----~---~~--~~~~~-:~~ ':;,'",' '..' ,.., "",::':;},)';" '" '-~-;~~:: ORDINANCE 83-50 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE REGISTRATION AND REGULATION or OPERATORS OF MOTOR VEHICLES FOR HIRE WITHIN COLLIER COUNTY, PROVIDING rOR DEFINITIONS, REQUIRING A PERMIT AND WRITTEN APPLIChTION TO OPERATE A MOTOR VEHICLE FOR HIRE; PROVIDING FOR APPEAL UPON A REFUSAL TO Issue A PERMIT, PROVIDING FOR SUSPENSION AND REVOCATION OF PERMITS; PROVIDING FOR ^ PERMIT FEE AND REQUIRING PHOTOGRAPHS OF APPLICANTS; REQUIRING DISPLAY OF PERMITS AND PHOTOGRAPHS, PROVIDING FOR LIABILITY INSURANCE ReQUIREMENTS; PROVIDING " SCUEDULE or RATES AND CHARCES, REQUIRII~G ~'ETERS AND POSTING 0...· RATES IN TAXIC^,~S AND FILING OF RATE SCHEDULES; REQUIRING NUMBERING OF MOTOR VEHICLES FOR HIRE AND REQURING IDENTIFICATION PAINTED ON TAXICABS AND VANS; R!QUIRING VEtlICLE CERTIFICATES, REQUIRING MINIMUM VEHICLE STANDARDS, PROHIBITING CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL ON DUTY, REQUIRING TRIP LOGS, PROVIDING THAT IT IS UNLAWFUL TO OPERATE IN VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE, PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES, PROVIDING FOR APPLIC"üILITY OF SECTIONS; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND SEVERABILITY AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ,,~ ,,'!\ ..···R£C£S~'s 10: 10 A.M. RECONVENEDs 10s20 A.M. I tea U 1 EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. 101, LELY EGTATES, INC., TRACT -N", - APPROVED SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS j -5:~ ,;~~ ::¡~I'" ? .::!,;; <i~~ .;~~ ,.;~ .~<~~ '::"¡'11 ....,' ':.:+ ~ 1/;'·"< Commissioner Plstor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown ðnd carried unðnfmously, that Excavation Permit No. 181, Lely Estates, Inc., Section 20, TSOS, R2GE, Trnct,-N-, within the Lely Royal Palm County Club be approved subjoct to the following stipulations, 1. '¡'ho uopth of ulIch tJxcavcHlon shcJll be l1r.dtcd to -:J.O ft. n9vd whcr~vur tho uxcDvation ~ide olopcs will ßllo~ such depth. 2. Off-citu ùlDch~rge of grounùwðtor durin9 construction shDll be only through dpprovad discharge structuros c,ftor water quality trcntmcnt l1µprovèd by the County t:nqineer. 3. All off-site disposel of excavated m~tcrial sh~ll be Im~cdlDtQly terminated upon tho platting of St. ^nùrcwd Blvd. .;~,\.,. .~ ' .~ , :;1. " . aOOK 07S ~':15i8 "~"·'·'_+·'.W."_'_,-·'''''_'n''C''·''~.a.._·'''''_,'____~','__ ij.Oj ~ _, ..t~ _._"~u"_~"'__,_·___..,"',..""""'''''...~,,¡¡o_,,....,'''",".,...'''_.~,,.,'',""""''''.,,,;,,,,,,,,~"",,,~,,,,,,,.,,,,~~-,~,.,,,~-,~,,,,,,,_",,._.,."Tk ..,,"" " ': ."" "\pt --------------------------------~~~---~~!, ""'.' ','. .~...,.\Ir4.'....,.....'~,,'....~,__<_~. c ¿ 'ìÔOK (Y18n'.!5i9 ; It.. 112 ,. ,'f t J "-, '/: 'j ·:'~¿~î~~:~·~':; ITATE ATTORNEY'S OFFICE ^DDED TO THE COUNTY'S NtW TEL£COMMUNICÃTIONS IYSTEMS,'1'IIE EXISTING UTS TELEPHONE CONTR^CT TERMINATED ANDTH£' ,;,¡'~¡j~;"~r, CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE EQUIPMENT SUPPLEMENT IN THZ' AMOUNT O';~t"(~i $32,322.50 , . '~~;~,'" ;Ú'í¥'~' Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Pi.tor .nd',:::;;~:;;{Ú . ::})"fl~\~-:,?; :';ff carried unanimously, that the State Attorney's office be added to ,th.;'~~ County'. new tolecommunications systoms; that the exløtln9 UTS telephone contract be terminated, and that the Chairman be to execute equipmont supplement in tho 8&Ount of $32,322.50. ,¡ ....... ~~~-~--~-----~-~~-~--~~ tt:~;~~> ",t~'~;i0'~>': ,,:,':t~ , :š: ..' .~ ," ; ..,-?" '",: " ",..,""""'".."',-.,,...,,~,....,,',\,'"',....,-.._.,,.,,,,...,.,...'....._,.___.____'ô....___'''"_,_:~.','''q;..,,"'''_~·,''__.. ¡_.''''''....''''_''''o,''''._~,,.,,.,"'^',.....,,"".;.;,...,.;,_.......;'u,,, r",_ ,"- .. -.-. -- - - -- _.- -..-.-- - --- - -- -"..:- - -- -- _.- --.- - - -:-- ~.,-:--'~ ..:' Prol1m1nllry "usICjn Ph¿,¡B6 wIth work hnving been dont) on tha Marco,' East': '." :,:'..", " , '-','>::-'T":.'-.j~,~~~.~~ Naples ~nd Golden Gate parks. H~ sald thnt tho contract sets forthth.~~ ':). J '; " IDOX 078..r.t522 ,,,¡¡.,.¡:g~9.;'Í'¡~t ~...\ . ." , , . r ('f'_"~~~":¡/I.'",,",~l."~!' ,"~N -' .,;-,,,.~ ;..:.~, -¡. . '.. ,I . . q ..'" ..../'.... ,1.1:'1,'" ).ò( ~ .".\:.. ::x-,.,,¡ .. - -...... - - - ..... - - - - - ---- - -.: - - .... .....-.. -.... - - - - ..... -.... - ..... ........ .... .....'...... .......... , ' , . ,.' :Jir."'" t.." ,', . .," :j", "". ' ~. <J ",I'" ,*', "!:f:l.J~t ~t.t ~"'r' :..f.~ 1 > ' , , , ',,\":;~:~:;kJ~~i'~J:i;::::, :'),'i~t(, , Nov~mber P., 19ß3 . ~~ ~ Ite. 113 COMMUNITY PARKS CONSULTANT CONTRACT WITH WILSON, MILLER, BARTON, SOLr.,:~ AND PEEK - APPROVED \"If~ Asalstant COLlnty Ma ntlliJor Decko tt vxplð i n/lild thll t lÐnguage have been made in the Communlty Parks Consultðnt Contract which AssIstant County Attorney Cuyler has ðpproved as to form and 10gal sufficiency. ~r. Tom Peek, o£ Wilson, Miller, Barton, SolI ~nd Peek, In~., said that the proposud a9re~ment outlinad in th~ Executive Summary dated ll/4/DJ, is b~twven Collior County nnd tlif¡¡ !ïrm ~'f¡¡ tho rrojuct Manager. He sdd th",t the Project t1<1nnger includes services tht'lt will be 'furnished in the Projoct Dovulo~cnt Phaso for tho gonoral concopt of tho pr9ject, tho Preliminary Ceslgn Phaso, tho Final Do sign Phðse, the Bidding Phase and' the Construction Phðse. He said thðt thv contrðct provides for his Cirm au tho goneral contractor to providv the profossionðl survlces of ~nginoerln~ and survaying, ute.; Cor John o. Simonds, L~ndscðpe Architect and L~nd planner I for noburt ~. Forsytho, !~ , '.I'" "~ :;~ ¡,~ '::'~; "j;.;, " ,'_:'\,,;~ :~ , "ip , :.,~ <~ ,:~ .,~:¡~ Architect of tho building :Jtructurgs; for G. Randolph Worh¡ 0' nevenuo Consultants to provide thQ economic ~nalysis for the oporationðl cost and incomal ßnd for Heury proqrðm Mnnngomunt, Inc. Cor the Program ManðCjement Sorvicea. He said the contract provides for hio firm to meet with vÐrious ~dYisory committecs, the Parks and Rucrp.ation Advisory Soard ßnd the citizen ðdvisory groups In tho development of tho facilitios to bl:t pli1cod within the p~rku. Ho refurred to tho Tentative Schedule ot ~vents in th~ contr~ct which shows that his firm, h~8 boen providln~ surviccs since July 19U3 Dnd has been Moeting with' various ~rou~s an~ or90nlzations. 1~ said the project iain tho ------". '..".," >...,','....."".."......,""".-...,"'."'-,....-............,....--...- ·,+··,.."''''-...''''..._..."^·__.~'''...·,M~'''*"_....'''.....".'''''''_''''''''''"......;,_'"'"...,~.,......,._,""u"'''..,'~,_"'',.·,.·,'';_"·.,......."'..,·_,,,,^.'"""',""~"""""'"" _ ..---- .------------ - ..- ------------ -- --- _. -_. - -- -............ - - - ----.-.. -- - --. -- - - -.......- - --..... --,......- - 'ÖOK (}~lJp1~t~ "..,':ø, "~M , ~~l~ Ilovomb.:r A, 1903 , ; .Ù~· i)t;('j';i: '1Ii:"'.'f:"l/If,'Y 'r, _?(:!'w~ß:¡"!\.:~: " . , ,:,:.';,,~ < ,':~t.;¡,~~;,' dOßign and construction of the parks In tho minimum amount of time. ~':'~:.;:tJf;;;;r ^ " /": ,~<,..,~~~,; Mr. Peek sðid thÐt this deponds upQn the acc m~king koy decisions aUch~1.~ , ,. .', '!.'.i¡·~;-;h·, 08 tho d~torminðtlon 0' tho d18tributlon o( tho construction fundø;fro~~~ < ,'"~~;''''' .",:;.¡¿ tho bond Is8ue. tie 8ðid his Urm propose'" to provido the ,.\aster plcn\\:;;,'':';' for the pðrks which will tð~e into cons1derðtion tho land mn8S and the list of items dotorminod by the citizens committees and a~proved by Pili rks and Hocroa tlon 80a rd and that Ð [cas will be set asido for the 1 tems to be constructud ira l)hðUU Ono Clnd for tho ul t1mato dovolopment of tho entiro park site. Ihl Gldo ~'hQn tho Ml1ster r1ðn Is completed it will be necessary to ùutcrlninu wtllit itcmo on which to do tho final design in ordcr to go to conatru~tion with those items to bo con- )~ ¡ .~ .,} ~'J: '~ 'i~ ~ 'f ,·.î ~~~~...:... ~~~' t"" structod ðS a pdrt of Phase Une. Commlssion~r Pistor u~id if Proposition I pOGseo, tho County will be required to havu all tho pbrks completed before September 30, 1985, and will there would be ð limit on how much money the County eould s}Jend in- a cJivon yoûr. Mr. Peek s.lid In ttlt.: contract tho matter of ~'.:- Managor. Progrðm Management is the last item to bo decided. He said thðt the Staff has indicðtud if the tim~ schedules can be lengthened and if tho BCC Is willing to commit in-house dollars and forces, the Program Management portion of the Contract can be taken from the consultants and placed in-houßu to be provided by tho Staff. Ho said he had no problem with this item being removed from the contract, howcver, it is h is opinion that the tim" sc:hedul to will be lengthened for the ul tlmate dvlivcry of the parks Lor uso. lie described the work of the l'r09ram Public ~rks Admi nintra tor IItutman sa id that the proposed would cost $866,000. Bet said that Program Construction Managcment '1~~...> , ",<'.1 aim!l"r to the subdivision imvrovcmenta that his department lOOkS ofter,;"t:i{~ '''', '. ~:':.~)-;.;.;' ~'~:, " _""'-_,.."_;"'_'.",...._-..#_;I\o<_"""..,.~___""'''''_'''...'''''';;,~,''''''.,''',..,'","'''.~,~.'"',~,,~--,_'"','»'_,_'''..'''« , "I" , ",.,.'. ....., ----- -- - -- --- - - - - ,- - _.- - - ----- -- - -,- --;;7'"' ,;7;:."7;'Z~:.~,,, ,. , , . ,.).,,:~~:r:~(~¡~:~¡"~ 110 vumt>o r C, 1933 . " (J;:':,'~:~m~J, . ; .;f..."....,"">. i, ;',~ ~-:?~i '\ì ' ,;: ","¥I ù.:llly. Be ø~id thðt ::.t..'f hQf.¡ inturnt111y 9upervtsed I:.ht> canatruct1¡'~\, of parks, previouöly, .'1nd cue rantly Is doing tho u-",mo thin') Cor the County road aystoln. He o,dcJ, hOWCV'H, in his opinion thore will lie ;'·:·,'~·>1 difficulty in belnc.; ~ble to i.1cnhva t1l" fast tro1ck !Jchp.r.!ulin(J indicAted" 1n tho prOI~Ged contract bQC~USÐ th~ acc may not Q9ra~ to distribute the monoy for facilitiu~ until thoru is a prolimin~ry doølqn with a cost estlmatv for oðch pilrk. Ho said thrr<.t iu D r¡rtH'It dUdl of community involvement. 1n thv p&.lrks projects that "',11' dcl.:!1' tho schedul1ng. He SLdd thétt he would nuod to adù dn EntJ J neer I r ðncJ nn L:nglnoHr Inøpoctor for thu Sé1I!1p. yac1r "nd onu-h¡)lf pt}rJod 'Jnu wi th tho related co~ts to support tho~e indiv1ùuals the cost vould bu $109,000 cor:I¡'Mreù 1:.0 th~$1 ';4,I)(jO which is the COtit oí thlJ ProlJrc')m Manl1gem\!n~ and one full tlmu project reFruöentdtive in the contract. Commlssion~r '. ,.~. :~ Voss said thDt tin Ino~pt:nuunt criti"tuc In tht.: Corm of ;. c:onRtructlon ;nðnl1qor is deüirablo. hospondin'. ~o Commissioncr Voss, Mr. Hartman ",>~ "t ¡:¡,.:~ ""i;" ':i~ :¡, .:"",;¡~ ::\,.,~ ,~;~ ,~ SÐ1d, In hilS o¡;lnion, his StüH could hllndlu the projtJct. Chairr.1an ~ruuu ôa1d ahe w~s concurned about ~plinterlnlJ th\! project which would put half the rusponslbility on tho County'u ~n~lna~eø ~nd h~lf on the hired conaulto1nt, ~nd adcJc:d that onc«: pco[JlQ 'HC )11red, at tho end or a ,.,;;.z ":", '\1 ',,.~~ 1(¡~ ,¡'t;¡ """ ~; YQl'Ir or two }I:ears, there would bo tl).:tr:3 enginecrs who ::lay or tnlty not be usoful, depending on the County's budq~tðry restrictions. ~ho said sho i:. concernod about th\! potontlnl that Propos! tion .t \11 11 pðns on a Statu l~vol and the [Josslbll1ty th4t thø pl'lrks program would bo in I1n.bo if tnu ¡;Drk~ dru no~ cor.:pl ctcu. Comm1 clIloncr PI stor dxpressed thv conc<trn ttllH t~\d piJrkn would not b" finiohod unti 1 ldto 1985 and ~6rly 1!HJ6. Tape '4 Mr. (,juor'Jo .'. I\clh:r, ItrualC:unt. of Collier Count1 Civil: Fodor.,-, ,", , aOO( C17B"Af.!52,I ~~~~, ,~.~~ -~----~~-------------~---~-------~~~---~~,. l.__."_.~.."".. ------------~------------~-----------~ 11IDK '078~~':1525 Nov~mber D, 1903 t10n, said thðt tho County should not com~it to the cost of this :~~ contract until 011 tho park land ha. beon ocqulrocJ and the amount~i~~ money left for dC'velopmcnt is d~tu rrninod. He spoke in fr.vor of usin9'~ in-house Statf for Program Management. :;~I " \'r~~ Assist£lnt. County Ml1nagor a"ckott þointod out th£lt tho contrðct'¡: cost Is tlaøed on tho assumption th.Jt there will be $5,000,000 for dløtrlbution ðft~r acquisition of land. He DDid that the $866,000 is "..'!fÎ not the t.otal IUllount o£ funds t.h&t nETeds t.o be uxpeanded ðnd thet theru ~re rclmburs3ble oxpcns~s that tnt! (.;ounty .....ill incur, such as the e$timntad travel expenso3 or. tn~ Project MDnagor of ~2a,OOC. Commis- sion~r Plator Baid that Wilson, Miller, Barton, SoIl Ðnd Pook, Inc. hel alreðdy aono work on this projt.'ct. Mr. P",ok said thé:1t tho onc:¡lnoering serviceD £IS a perccntð9~ cost of the ðctuðl construction arc approxi- mately 7.3\ ðnd added th~t thu contrnct includes lnnd plannin~ ðnd m~stcr ~lannin9 services ns w~ll de the flnðnciðl conuultant Cor tho operðt1on and mc"llntonanco of the (Jarks for 8 fivo yøar proCjram as w~ll as the program constructlon rndnagemant. " Commissioner Holland ~oved, aeconded by Commiaaloner Brown and carried unanimously, that the Community Parks Consultant Contract with .,. Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soll and Peek, Inc. Including the construction management services, be approved. 'f",1 ...... '",,'/,'.1 ,,,,, ;,,;"',;':7~~ '~' '')!o'~'''' ",.,<:f1 f. ; ~1;'.'~:';·"...\'" ,,/;_~~~ - ("\4.).'''':' '. ~.1,-~4; ~~;\; ., . . ' ..i.i1~ ~~;~:'~\),:':',<",'>' ' '. ,,' >~a9~,J! '~,r';,)f.!>i' " I" >, ,,7 , ,,_, ;~ :~;..~~..... -.....- -- --..... --- -- --.... - - -- - -- --..... -.:,--.- -- - ----.......:.,:-,: ,. ~ft;fi:, " '}"",,' ,-5'" , .~:.~::-:~;",' ". ,y>",,,,,.~._~,,~","_,,.,_...__.,,,,,.,~,,,.,,,,,...,.,,,,,..,....__~."·"·"·~<";"'_~"'·'""'·.'_"",_"',"_"'''_~___,,__·''_"''_,,_d'''''~ Novvmber C, 19U3 ~--------- --- - - -- -- -- -- - - -- --.- -.. - - -- -- -...-.~'~. Ji 9ðtohoUGo, fit rICj.3tet four-l,'ning .1Oa ULY,) r.:tè 1n9 from \':~8t Rond to thtt hotol parking lot dCC.1t1S, " COMon o.ccc:as-wtty into the poJrKin9 lot. Ðnd hotel, bOðchslde {Qcilitiøs, Includlny rQstrooDo, showors, ðnd'snðck ,; bor ond tho ofor..,untlonud bo.rdwalk construction contribution :.~~,~~!'0f· , .. ,.,:\~4, . ' " .' , ...'.' ' ,'. ' ;.,',,:;};~~>;JJ~: ;,:r~¡,,"~~('<;>!- tv"1ð r.t I:.J'1 '" , ."', ". ,';'....\~;Pi9..¡j'.2 BOOK U '0"1. ~ ': ':: r,' ,,' ,,' ~'."::;"J.\:1,''¡".*!''''¡;~'. . . , ' .. ~ ,.¡;: { '~_\ ":1 '",.~"fJ>'~~~~" --~~--~-~-------~~--~~~~--~~--~-~~~~,~ ,;~t~1;~:,/ " , "":,:;:,,1:i~,:, ~::,g:iP,~1~~Þ~~ It.. 114 CONCEPTUAL APPROVAL OF TilE CLAM PASS BEACH ACCESS AS PRESENTED _ GRANTED, COUNTY ATTORNEY DIRECTED TO DRAFT AGREEMENT, STAFF DIRECTED TO~~ UNDERTAKE NECESSARY ARRANGEMENTS FOR BOARDWALK Public Uorvlces Adminititrator Norton said that WOGtln~housø Communltios of NðplQS and thu lJro(Jo&ttd conc~saion.:Jir" h"veo proposed n dl£feront concept for <1ccerss to Clð/l'l P,}SS Park. Mr. HOGR Oblcy, roprusen tIng (<;e at inc;house Cor.unun it i uS "neJ ClIn-,\mer iCCln ~Q89ct tu Cor~~~ation, reviowed th~ history of tho ^gr~o~ent rp.9ardin~ access to Clnm Pass Park. 110 sUbmittud is now pr09rðm which is responsive to tho needs of tho County .3ncJ ttH? pulJl1c. He sðJd thllt thla progr03m .....ould include no ConcosuIon ^gL·t.~cnu.!nt, tlldt tht) County \o.'ould o.....n and have operational responsibi1i t.y for b~ach and aCC\lSS c1nd, if thu County has boardwalk boach dCCUSS ayst~m ðpµrovùls ~no permits by llllCS, the hotel wIll contrlbutu to th~ County funds ~quiv~l~nt to the ostimðte of tho cJock-boat-dock coct to help con~tr uc t ta bOil rdw,11k beach aCCOÐS :5ystom. He Ðald 1£ the County dous not initiate construction of ð bOélrdwð lk bOllch élC~~SS t¡¡ystem by, l/l/éJ 5, tha hotlll .....ill proceed wi th the dock-boat-dock syntom for beach ~ccuss by both ~ubllc ðnd hotul ..~ .. ,;!;,', \1' )~; ...;:.~;.:.~ ·~U'!stÐ. H~ uxplÐin~cI thl'lt tho t-ltlsic pl~n f.or the bO,H Is tor a 9 Inch drðft which 1300s t.o 14 incn~u when Cully loaded ''Incl thnt the lJrec'Js whoro the boat woule.! hrWo to paS3 has no DrOit undor 20 inchos. He anld that if the County does inili~le bo~rdw~lk construction, tho hotel may rrovlde the ~ock-bod~-dock 3ystcrn tor add1tion~1 ~ccnss by Its guests. fie oxplainQd th"t the hotel ',.¡ill r,rovicle .'I landscap~d park1nq lot with ,.-,., "-~,..~...,.,-"-".-."."..",.,",.....~-,.",.--~>"".,..,.,.."",,,,,~,,,,;,,,,,.._-..-.-.....-..-- T'I-M¡~'·_·_'.''''_''''__·~'·"· ,., ----------------------------------------~ . . . ~ .' ,", . '~:.i¡. aOOK 078p,\,:t549 Novernbor a, 19£:3 - -:::~ complete by 10/1/CS. II~ sldd that Collier County would· own the facUltlos upon t.holr cornple::.ion; would provide and control thtJ seven.>;:". daY-D-week ~arkin9 lot "nd bOÐch operations through their own staff selected concQBslon~iro; would establish and collect nll feas or ch~rqQs; would provide 4uality, clean And responsible operAtions; would' proc~ed to design ~n~ purmit a directly wootward boardwalk boech access system and prepare the ðgreemt:nt. lie said t.hat Westinghouso Communi- tluB of Nnplco Is prepnr~d to r~vicw ðnd ~pprove ~lJ facility desl;nn if ðosthetic~lly pl~asin9, to Pellc~n Bay standards, structurdlly strong nnd cnvironm~ntally sonsitive; w111 provide ACCOSS easements Dnd parking lot land by the earlier of the'construction start date on the boardwolk or the: bot.ul, will assist .In tho p(-rmitt.1ng applicatlonfi, if requested, and will agrce to beach use one night per week by the public and hotel 9u~st~. He asked for ace approval of the program ðnd that StÐff be dir~ctccl to work out tho deta.1ls .for final a9rooment lint! approvol noxt week. Responding to Commissioner Voss, Mr. Obley said that tl ( purking lot .....ould be paved. Commissioner 1)lstor referred to " . :(" ,,::£ !;~ '.':~ ')~è~ i .~ . .."J~ "';';'." ~~~ ;,¡'kJ '"l~~ ~,~ , "."','~';..~./I,.':.:', '>" .!j:;.. '::: :'~:. , '<... ::~~t I'",,~ ,:,;,~" :ì contour mÐp in tnc ~xccutivo Summ~ry of Clam ~ay ond asked for clnrifl- c~tion, to which Mr. Obley said that his Staff is convinced theru is enough depth in the direction thr.y ch"ckod. 'l'hu !ollmJinc; persons spoke in favor of the propo~all Henry ¡..,. Mi\Xdnt., rùpr<.:oentin'¡J Pine Ridgd Civic Assn. MIko Zewalk, ruproHentin~ North Naplus C.1vic Assn. Wllliem Brickman, repreuentlnq Crayton koad Assn. CCOC90 Kullcr, representing Collier County Civic fedorðtion, who r~qu~~tod con~ldcr~tlon be given to a provision that tho parking lot could be extonded, in the future, into th~ land between the rOdd and Out~r Cldr:'\ Paso. Vi rginl.::1 Nt.'wm!Jn, representin\:) Moorings, Property Owners Msn. David bennett, roprescnt.1n-;J P¡Hk Shore Pro¡Jorty Ownors Asan. Otis Albright harry Rothchild ntfsponding to Mt. Rothchild, Commissioner VOSG s,dd th"t tilt! " 6' - ';¡::,j ,: »;~.. '.:~'- ..,.. "..' , )......'..v. " . .,.-....,',. uoveJrlbtfr 8, 1983 County will tnaint4ltn anc' control thu gc2tahouso which ...Ul ba usod calZItI!fI:J: ... paraSag LC'tr, ~t ~ø be "1l.~,.sIWd, DIÞ ¡:nMTúItr CIIW r.a. ..,.... t'ertanc:o or that park!n'j lot. Mr. Hothchild roquQ8t~d cli2rlflc4tlan tho item rogarding use o! th4 benen onü ni9ht par wack, to whLch Chairman Kruse said thðt the County benches Dre not opon at nl9ht. , ~", . 11.".-), said that Westinghousu Commun1tioB of !~i)pl"8 will bo rosponøiblo for;~,~~ ".,~ ~.¡~ the beach one night ð woek ðnd thðt the public may purc:haso a tl clect to ":~'fI. attond whÐtover 1s being helù on t'10 beLlch that nil,1ht and that ~CN will ,,'~ :'? bo responsible for tho pUblic also, that nilJht. Tape 'S Mr. Saundors said that in tha original ù9rcemont thQ ~rrangement was thðt tho County Manager would scn~dulo ðn event one night pur week which would altttrnato butwoon the hotol havln9 a speclé1l ovont that would bo o1Jon to thl! public .3t tho ti~mO cost alS to the hotel 9uest ðnd <~ ''''1' r: ,'. ~'." '- '<1\i the other week ð (.Iublic organ! zé:ltion coulù hav" i1 a~l)cial event, 1 f they WiDh to do so. Me. Obloy said that one of tho r~qulrdmentB of the . t' :-~ ~. ',I Corps of Engineers ~nd WCN was thac tn~r~ would be 11mit~tion3 on tho .:'~ ":~ i~. .\ o~ ulJe to which ðny of the lÐnd could be put .:tnd cortaln usuu would h13vO to 90 back to the Corpa and WCN for approval. Commissioner Pi.tor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carriod un4nimously, that conceptual approval be granted to the Clam PAsa Park Boach Access proposal of Westinghouse Communitlos of Naples, as presented, and that the County Attorney be directed to draft an ^9roement to be brought back to the ace on l1/1S/03. Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Plstor and carried unanimously, that Staff be directed to Immediately undertak.- . ' , '. the engineering of the boardwalk and to apply for the necessary for Installation. , .. . '~'\.," .,,~ ~~-~..~ :.' " , ·,~"1 . ':.'$0'; .._ ,- '" BOOt me P~r.t544- ~~.... .~ ~ . \J ;.. ~. . ~. ......,..."..";"~_.~"'"."."'........_..."_,,,..,,.~_,..."_,,.,..._.,___,'_....,_.;,"'"".;.."__M~·.'.....···._"..."" '15 NovemlJ~r 6, HARRY M. CUNNINGHAM AND PETER C. JUKUSKY INDUSTRY COUNCIL , ,'., ,,:'2~Š·:\;, Public Servic~s Admi ni strator Norton said that thoro are" tWô·~;.'¡'¡;,,;¡'·;,'/ '.j ,~'\",:.'{~J;:~~:_~' ~ .'-~ vacancies on the Pr Ivate Industry Council undor the Job Training ,::'::;':;", " ,"',.:;:tit~~:;; n?,~ ~;\ Partnership Act and thðt they must be !111od in ðccordonco with the. ,:'.~; original appointment which was thDt an orgDnlzation needed to mðke ð nomin"tlon of lit least ISO; o£ the total numbur of /,. vßcðncics. He roferred to thu ~xecutivc ~u~m~ry dated 11/3/8J which included the list oJ: the nominees. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner PIstor and carried unanimously, that Mr. Hðrry M. Cunningham and Mr. Peter C. Jukusky be appointed to fill the vacancies on the "TPA Privata Industry Council due to the resignations of Mr. Richard Kamp and Mr. Paul J. Baschon. .\: .',··!,~",:".·I,.·'.',,'. ,~'.h,~ . , ~',.~ . , ,.:)~~ . ..".~,j"', :;;j " 4~- ,.,:t'. ,+ i,(. '\-'r«~ '~3' \~~ìti .."t~J~, : ,.\" Item '16 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICtS DIVISION DIRECTOR - EXEMPT FROM THE HIRING FREEZE Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the position of Administrative Services Division Director be exempt from tho hiring freeze. Item 117 ROUTINE BILLS - APPROVED FOR PAYMENT Pursu~nt to Resolution aI-ISO the íollowing checks wore issued through NOYCtmbur 4,1933, 1n payment of routine billsl cnECl~ DESCRIPTION CHECK NOS. M10UNT Vendor 102416-102433 70714-71233 ÐCC (IÞyrol1 ~ .' " ·:~t. .' ''\::'~t)' , , "if.,~ ,··,··,···,....·.,~";.".·..,,""'...,,_..,.."'.....~''"m__..'....,_"".,.,.'"''<-.''''...........,'_,____,_______t>'''_~,,1._..'''''''',....,~'".__'__.._~"''''''.........,."'"_"..".'..,, ,~:!¡f",}t~~~'~,~E:0~{~Ä,_~__ _.22.;~i~~lÇ~~:~~~~:f.~~~:~:.~;:·:è~ !', ~;.,:. ;~,~/"t,~, <or ~".< "It ,;¡""ì:,,,ntr, r"r;ji,', ". ;~~~~:;~e~!"' ,,···.....'"...'~,""".·,.."'·""~._."J.__.._~__,,¡_-..I" ""''''''~'''''''''.~I>. .. u'4Ul1l"."'¡ ~,_~,.,,,~",;,..¡~',,.'_I"'_·"'''_",_'>¡ j''·,,,-,, :',.~ . .,;~"(!tI -----------------------------------·--~-~3 ;':r. aD OK 07B PAr.!œt Novumbar a, 1983 It... '19 COMMISSIONER DAVID C. BROWN ELECTED CHAIRMAN AND COMMISSIONER C. C. -RED- HOLLAND ELECTED VICE-CUAIRMAN TO SERVE FOR A ONE-YEAR PERIOD BEGINNING NOVE~1BER 15, 1983 Clerk ReoQon cxplðlned that tho election of Chdirman ond Vice-ChalrmlSn of the acc would bEt handlod in the samo monner as hDntlled in previous years. ~Q sðid that tho floor will be opened (or nominD- tlons dnd if theta is ~orc thðn one nomination th~ ulcction will proceed until thcr~ ia ~ winner. Mr. Ru~gDn oðld that the term would bogin lit rnidlli9ht, Novcnlucr H, 1983. Commissionor Kruse nominatod Commissioner Brown for Chairman of the BCC for the ensuing y_or. Thero being no furthor nominations, Clerk Reogan closed the nominations. Upon call for tho question, Commissioner Brown was unanimously elected Chairmðn. Commissioner P!stor nominated Commissioner Voss for Vice-Chairman of the BCC for the ensuing year and Commissioner KrU8e nominated Commissioner Jlolland. There being no further nominations, Clerk Reagan closed the nominations. Clerk Reagon conducted a no1l Call vote for Commissioner Voss for Vice-Chairman .a follows& Commissioner Pistor Yes Commissioner Uo1land No Commlssionor Kruse No Commissioner Brown No Commisaionor Voss Yes Upon call for the question for Commissioner Holland to be elected Vice-Chairmðn, the motion carried 3/2 with Commissioners PIstor and Voss opposed. Ite. '20 " WALLACE E. MOORE - APPOINTED TO IMMORALEE AREA PLANNING COMMISSION Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carried unanimously, that Mr. Wallace E. Moor. be appointed to the ....,;".[,.. - --.".I"__._'""""_.......-"'--""',;;._''''......'''''-~,-;.·'''''''<_··..''''''··...,"""-",,,,,;-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,>"",""""__""~""""~' .;!. .,:~f,:~~¿ ',",".,,;',~'~?,..,'..~' }'., J.,', ,i"' ' :<.~ ",',. tl' .7~ ,;,1 iI :i"" 'I: ':ï,( '~ ,~ ,'!"~~ , ;':. .,,./~: ~~~~~ :'1;11.- {':':: :r..., ':,\\1 i¡I'~ ",iJ~ ....:'!\ "".. '<~ II t~1'~' _/~~ ----------~--~----~-~---------~-~~~~~~~ . .',(¡{àJ . . -,. >.,', '.'.~'(' . (. ~-" ,.,':1-..,.... Immokal.e Aroa Planning Commlø.lon tor a tour-year term Marino. tlovcmbur a, 1903 ~. Ite.. '2l FIVB-MEMBER AUTHORITY TO I"NDL£ POLICY, PROCEDURES AND DAY-TO-DAY OPtRATIONS OF TilE CYPRESS - LCU - APPROVED, CltAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE RESOLUTION 83-198 snOWING acc SUPPORT OF Tn! DOCTOR'S PASS DREDGING PROJECT ,,~~~~ , ',, -~~f . :'. ~"j , .)~, Ch~lrm~n Krusu read hor mumorandum dotod 11/7/DJ, which recommendod that tho ~CC ~µ~oint ð five-member ðuthority to t\andlv thø policy, procudur \!H ,'nd cJ0'2y-to-d.1Y operll tions oí thu Leu - CypruuR with" support from ~ta!£ mcmbera. &h~ oxplainu~ th~t, in technical oporations such cJS thu Colliur County Utility Hato oJnd Regulation Board ,; where rates ðr~ rugulated Jnd in the instanco of the LCU, which ia d lDcge ship, in her opinion, ~ stðndðrd advisory board normðlly do~s not c~rry the restrictive expurienco necessnry. She reco~rnendQd that tho memburship consist of a 11cen~ed C~pt~in with a IOO-ton license or ~oru, ð peraon ~xperivnced in m~rino architecturo or øn91no~rlng, ~ ~~rßon experienced in mðrln~ øngin~s, ~ poruon with accounting expericnce, ùnd ð r.'Iembar of thu goneri'l ~ublic ~ith marinu related "':Jsoc1.1tion. , . Commiøsloner Brown movod, seconded by Commissioner HOlland, that ð five-member authority to handle policy, procedures and ðay-to-day operations of the Cypress - LCU be approved. . "(, "j,,-.:, ..~~ Commissioner Voss said that the Cypress 8houltJ be put back in use '~~~ and if tht) time is tiJkcn to Cr(Mt~ this authority it will t.1kø that :.~i ~A~o/~ Commlssionar l'istor said he,,.,,,! ,'.f:~ .,i~ (,,~N ~ it names for the author 1 ty could be pr~s(mtcd IJ t the 11/15/03 Dee nteetlnÇJ. '~1~ . " ~I , much longur to CJet the ship 901n9 ~9aln. did not sea what the authority would do. Chðlrm~n Kruse said that .' Respondin9 to Cha 1 rmÐn Kruse, Public ~orks lia rtm.1n said thðt th.Reaf:..~}\ '. ¡ ,:,;. -,". ,..<~~:.:, >Q~ ~ and M4rlnt2 Development Section within tho Sol1d W1I8tO Department 15"':,:":'"" ;~t':¡¡ ,- ,.¡.. ' , 'T ' ,,', '~~~t% " f¥"7' ."" .,¡ , k"'&OO~ u /8pl/r558, '; ..'.".,::;:,:;:<,::<,/L,::·J~'pnCJa 26;: ,,' "", ' 1 , . , ' ,'; :;i',;r:':,;·,:,>,~~:.r",::j¡":;:;.,, :""~',';.i ------------------------------~----~--~ ' . I .. ...~' . .. ".. ! .- ~ . ",,'.. " , Y. .""'*"_"~_""',.......___.__.__..,.""',.'"...;o_"~.,'_'...._'",.,,,.,,.........,"~"".."",'0'-.-',,""" ,.",. ,..."".... ",,>,! .".,. - ------------~-~--~ ----------------~--- - .¡~ ::;.~,~ c-:a" 'i.",,,-,,;,, "'~' I" 1t)D( 078~r.:5 Novombur a, 198J whore tho finnnclul accountin~ is done for this ship. Hu said that Staff Is curr~ntly daallng ~lth thb Have th~ ~ðY. project Cor dredgin9' Doctor's Pass nn~ that ho ~ould be preporcd to bring a draft of the policy menual at thu ll/15/a3 BCC. Ho requested ðpprovol of a resolution showin') the support of the acc lor tha Doctor's POSD dredging projec1;. HCI ludð he has been advised via t9lephono that tho GSA Office In Atlontð will probably approve this project, howover, they need tho resolution oxpros&ing £ormðl support 01 the project. Mr. Hðrtmun snid th~t Gt~ff u9r~os that ðn authority as outlined by Chalrml1n Kruse would I.>t' helpful wi t,h nddltionc)l expertlao. Follo....inCj " ~\~",I , ~'¡¡ :'Z~~· .. ~'-:1<.'; " ..~ , .':,c,,~ , 'il ,""'~~5 r;;~~ <I; -~::,:~ -"'f, J:r" continued discuHsion, Mr. Hartman DU9q~Dted that the BCC could authorize the Chðlrmün, this doti:, to execute the ðforementionvd reaolution, if it i£ approved by the County Attorney. Commissioner Brown amended his molion and Commissioner Holland amended his second that Resolution 83-198 showing BCC support of the Doctor's Pass dredging project, drafted by the County Attorney, be adopted. MsistlJn t County Manege: r Beckett cla r if ied that this author i ty would eDsentially remove thu rcsponsibility (or dðy-to-dðy operation from the Solid Wastu Department ðnd that Staff woul~ ~ct primarily in an advisory capacity rDther thün 1n A policy implemontntion capbclty, to which Chat rmðn Kruse soid t.hat ttlare nt!odD to b~ tJ. clofH~ , ,:'-;t !.~';;' '!1 ¿ï~ . ,i-"~.. ,,~:tJ ,~, c'd ':~~ ..'.~' :'. '~ . :~I~t :"'., . '," . '~"" ":'.)j '~I: ' i " " ...'. .-:.¡,~ rulatlonship b~twcun th~ authority ~nd 6tÐf!. ~r. Uob freeburn, ~ volunt~or on the Cypre9D, r~lated hia experiences on the shi~ and expressed thu hope that tho ship can be utilized (or tile benetit. of th~ Count~·. "Ir. i.:. D~nlel Spina oDked if tho Cypress will bu mlld(' iJv,'llault1 for the Doctor'G Pass project, to which Chairman KrUDe røsl:ondcd iif.cirmlttively, wh~n the fi~a1 ðt'proval is rec~lvcd from the Utate. County ^ttorney Saunders sald thurc ls ..-f' -----..-........ ,::';,!.jJ "'I ::"..i'<., .. .. /~J,,,~,, " . ";-."\~ . ...... ...,,--.-- ,.t ~" , ~ '::.,;:i\':~~~~r:¡ '¡ ~~----- -.--..-----~_.-.- --.-... -~----- - =::- -.......--..... --........~_-.~.,~ ~.~.,~ ., . ,', '....., h'"v,;'r \.,.~'~ ib1.. ß4l.(~J__>6r~~",h :" ~ ~ ,'. "'.',,.<.: '~'~,":~,',<~~:~' ?1~T'> "S~ . " t'.<~1t",".rjJ''''''''h'~:fJ4 ;"N?,~~m~Ð r,8J: :-,l~~'~Ai: ,,'~\ ,/:., " ~.' ' Æ "t'!:~i:W' /"';'r'~" ": ;~:);~~~:~;,~'~ with Scofield M"rlne rotjarding tho 'proj~~t.,;'whfëhèt. '11", .',',", :_ . .'. ;.e '~" I,;, ,,' '''.': .-¡ ",¡.J,.¡.. 'f,' f1nalapproval. Mr. Geor90 W. BlI tcheldur, wI th sco£1oìc1;~â:r1~;'i:~:,~Ph..' the Bee to approve tho oontroot .. 800n ð8 1,0981blo. ···;/¥..f:;~if~,:~ Upon cðll tor the question, the motion carried unanimously. "h"L::t,. \ .\ ::,:;} ¡,'~:~1, .':';~\~;~' '. r.p:~;/~,., \.....:--0. ~,;,:~::,,'::; ",,',', ,,' . , '. ;.¡ p:IOO(.. 07B~f;156Q , j., '~:,~~:\C-.., " , '. ¡.' ~)'!.,¡ ~~~',¡,1'>:';'* ",,¡::\,;':~~·:!'.:\ ~4:'I'~':¡!~";,·r¡" ~ ',~ ¡ ~ '. .' ~".;,\ \'.' .,~, ~'.l'l.~'.ì'~~f'l:'':'''/( .,' -" ' , '1 :""';~,,,,\lr .,,~' 'f;\'I'",",·,·^·,t·""'~.J ,,'" " .. -.....~ ..... - - - .... __ _ .... ....... __ _ _ --ii..... __ ~...;.. ,.... ~ ..r~ ~.....~ . ....··,'~.,t,:,t(j~'·~ ", . ".,. .,.,"'~, ~ .~ 'l"~< ~i~~.ç,~·.~~:)',>,:,,·'·· Y¡Jf.ß1\':~::·\~,. !'o( ....,~¡¡.., ','...... . ;...,ir',i~·, c , .".,..;...~,.~,.,.".~.""".".~.....__."",_o-.,....""",_._~_...,,__._\I';¡","'-"i''''_''_~~~_;'_'''4·_''''IIH'_~' .--. ..,";","'.........."..".."..__.....""~.""'..... ,.·..o."...~.....'...·".."..__,,',· ·J, , .. ~"'t ,.,,,.-,".....:... ~~~------------------------------------~~ " Nov~mDor a, 1~8J Itom 122 ,~^'-~; PURCHASE or TRAFFIC RADAR DEVICES FOR USE BY SHERIFF'S DEPT. - APPROVED,i' IN TUE AMOUNT or $15,000 FROM LAW ENFORCEMENT CONFISCATION TnUST FUNDS,¥{ , /'~'../ Commissioner ~istor moved, seconded by Commløaionor brown end ) carried unanimously, that the purchase of traffic radar devices for by the Collier County Sherlff'~ Department be approved in the $15,000 from tho Law Enforcement Confiscation Trust Punds. ····The following itoms were approved and/or adopted under the Consent Agenda by motion of Commissioner Pistor, seconded by Commissioner Srown and carried unanimously..... IDD! cn8~,"$2.·}{;~ ",,.,.,('; ;~' P09'O ~~:2~" . . " ...;. ". . ~~~,:.::':':\¡,..~,-._~~'~,;,~: ,t.'.,_ " ~~'."~.{~~/~, ' - -...... -- - .....-.- ..... - ----- -....... -..... - ,;.....,...... ...-.- ...;............,......, ......,~' , , . '. ;; ,\;;\g'~:.,~\ ",'..' J(~~~' Item '23 CI~IRMAH 1\UTUORIZED TO SIGN DOE WEATHERIZATION CONTRACT AND OTHER NECESSARY GRAUT DOCUMENTS INCLUDING BUDGET MODIFICATIONS SEtU P,1'3 ~3 584-593 Item '24 PETITION REQUESTING A ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR SUNSET ESTATES AREA - ACCEPTED Item i2S PRELIMINARY ACCEPTANCE or PARCEL -D", PELICAN BAY UNIT FIVE Item '26 ENGINEER II AND ENGINEEn I POSITIONS IN TilE SECONDARY ROADS SECTION, TnANSPORT^TION DEPT. - EXEMPT FROM HIRING FREEZE Iturn 127 PAYM~NT OF ANNUAL LEAVE TO JTPA STAFF MEMBERS ACCRUED UP TO 9/30/03 Item 128 UTILITY EASEMENT LOCATED ON LOT 48, DLOCK D, CONNER'S VANDERBILT SEACn ESTATES UNIT 1 (CiULF COVE CONDOMINIUM) - ACCEPTED ^ND AUTHORIZED FOR RECORDATION s,," P~IJCR Ibctment not received in Clerk's office as of 11/16/83 , ' ---- ,,,,",,,,,,,~._~...,,,",,,,,........-..,,,,-,,,.,,,,....__....._,.._..,,,,,---- ,_"'"""__Wl_.........-·._""""~"'.'...,_"'·,_""'·,"··,'"..""_'_,_"...·.."..~;-I"'''·'·"'''''''.--·''-~-·-··'''''·;·"~'··"'''·''"·'··'··'·^'' 'I", ;.¡ "'fM 'I" ':,iiil, ~¡;;:,' . " .hlJ¡ '::I,:i~ ,:;j " ,"~;~;: ",,;). '\~ '/:'( ,,'IJi.',, ;'.~,~ a.,:.' CERTIFICATES FOR CORnECTION TO THE TAX ROLLS AS PRESENTED PROPERTY APPRAISER'S OFFICE ;>4 ~ NUMBER D1\TE - 197~ 6GI, 10/12/83 19t:O 6lfi IO/12/83 19D1 G21 10/12/83 1902 G48 10/12/83 TANGIBLC PERSONhL PRorER'J",{ :',~~~- ~ " .¡., 19C2-1.1')2 - 4G5 10/17 - 10/21/U3 Item '30 DUPLICATE TAX SALE CERTIFICATES NOS. 4614 AND 4020 TO BARBARA B. LUCAS AND NO. 300G TO WM. J. PORTER üee P03gc:S ..5 9 j/- .-5'?ø Item .31 MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED Thuro beinQ no objection, thu Chair directed that tho followin9 correspondence be filed Ðnd/or referred to the various departmants ðB Indlcat~ds 1. Lutter dÐ~Qd ~/30/S3, from ~r. Ðnd Mrs. Marlo Brunetti, objoctln9 to the AVÐt~r Petition (n-03-19C) tor a zoning ch~n90. xc Mr. Vlrt~. Filed. 2. Lottor dftted lO/24/A3, from Mr. ðnd Mrs. Mickey HolmÐn (other sicJnÐtur~ l11~'.Jlblc) objectln/) to ~he AVfttnr Petition (R-8~-I~C) {or ø zonln9 chan9~. xc Mr. Virtð. Filed. 3. Co¡.>y 01: It:tt~r dated 10/12/03 to FAA £rol\\ Gary \.¡. Lo'l'ull1ur, Director, LQ~ County Alrpor~6, transmitting a copy of Aoronautical Study IOJ-ASO-lg99-0E objoctLn9 to tho Guyed FM Antenna Towc:r. filed. 4. ',.: .'j '''''~ '",~:t f''j~ <:;'-' ':¡~;~ J.~~í·;'· ~_ . '~,r( -' .; .~'rr·,· .......¡ ~':;:¡~ ;~>~ ,,'I"·,,'·, '~~, . '~,,:' ..J;- .':.' :: ':>~ , " Lotter dated 1Ci/13/DJ, Crom M. F. LlIwrence Dohorty, presi- ,:,<,<, '¿'; dent, Victoria (.lark 1 proporty owners' Assn., Inc. to Clerk:,~f'rt,:,:!\~ Rea<jan object.in') to th(.l Clðm PðSS proposal. xc Mr. Norton!>,:,~~¡::;:ik;~ " and Mr. Norman. Uled.""""1t,', " '. '., "«, "\, ......,.. ,.,.... ,~. .- '. '.: ,. , , '; ,.'>, 10/17/03, from GeorCje 1:'. l<'l1er,'Proal-",:,,~!~,) Civic federation, Inc., dbjectin9,:tothe;:"~ xc ",r. Norman, Mr. Norton. Fl1ed~t~·:;):~i~~;/'r:Á·.,,,,,~, " " ~,,}'~" -,-', :':~ ~":' ':(~. t, ... ~:: ~~,~ 1/1 ·-c,;.' "',;,~~,~~2 ,~.¡' .. ' ! , ! ",' .,PÐge ",300;-" ,~;~::.: " ' " ',/" » . :":J'~ <::,'n,:.,: AfA,~~~!,J,#ik.l¡,;'t~ ,.......-- _._._-- -......-......- - --.- ---- - -............... -- - - --.....------,-.-'~......;~~ Ii,"'·'.':,·' " " '^:!';',"i't.'~i¿" :~\i\';i!' . ~A.l.'" "';:' ":.,"/~'~~~'1'",~ './.~ tlt~~>~ _; ""¡'\Þ~)jt~w'\~ ~;q~.,.'I¡,~"... ~(f ,: , '·:\~~:":::.:~,t;~?';~".~., , s. Copy o! lutter dateu dont, ColI lor County Clem PðaB prop08~1. ".<,_·c·"",..."'...,..,"'''''.,__.--.._'''''''_"........",...j-;....~,....."£___.. "V1"'."..."'"......'.."'''4.'''''''._'IM__'''''.._''_""..,·_....,,.,·,_'''',,,;.,,",,_"...,,",",~"".""_....~i.."'H."'·"",..~"...".·,,",·~.,·..',...'"..",·,·,.,·....·,_.".~".._·"~'h...._' '. ":'1:';:.\ , \ '>t..~ ------- -- ------ -- -----":=:- - - ------------;..~"~~ ' ;.i~'··T.i~~ ,.' ': ~~,},:'~,~;';: , '. " ~,. ,~.";~: '.,.-" . :/.~, . \ ': :'~;;.~·~<,,;:;:.¡;l* Memorðndum dated 10/17/83, from Jt'lmes, F. Murl~y, 01 rÐc:tórï<~;~~t¡. Ulv. of 1.0cðl Hesourco ~an¡)gE:mont, ré delH.llJ.nes for subrda";~'~i~ 5ion of t)fndll Clths CDne; and Jobs II:lp.1ct. proqt.')Ø\ Appl1cn- ".\,;') tion:l and 3chedulo of workGhop::¡. xc Mr. Normðn ¿and Mr., ,,:>¡:~ Vi r t lI. ~'1l ed. '~;'~yi{ .. "':'t;~'j, wttor dattJd 10/6/03, from John H. DttCrove, Secrotary, Dftpt. of Voteran ðnd Community Affairs, ðnnouncin~ Col!ior County's' application for grðnt C~TF No. 048G-33-09-21-01-0G9 1n tho ~mount of G7,369.00 has boon approved (Social ~ervicos). xc Mr. Norman and Mr. Norton. Piled. 1,'1"'" wtter dated 10/12/63 from G.T. nichürd, U. S. IJept. of Commercu, notlfyln'1 that tho Economic Developmont Admin.' has closed CoU icr County' S,~êJn~ on projoct No. o,,-~ ~-2, 0' 9,3,3,,' tttO,',",,' .,'.,:\',_,> aOOK U l8Þht 5'64:- ' .." . ,::/""':" '. " ,"\: '¡~ðCJQ "~f"¡'(>:~;,' ¥ '.,j . ~ ,i.,,/ '; . ,,~,:~)'..~ ," , ......-'~~.'~~.~. Novembor n, 1993 G. 7. o. Copy of memordndum d~t~d 10/13/83, from A. Rny Smith, Dopt. of Community Affairs, ru roquirement of Bubgrnnt~e thðt if ~ 8ubgrnntoc is a unit of 10cÐl govornment or Ind!an Tribe they will provide their own ~udit. xc Mr. Norman ðnd Mr. Virta. ,lo·l1ud. 9. D~R notice of Air Pollution ~orkuhop rl~tßd 10/14/03 from tho Buroau of Air Quality Manllqemont regðrding 1.0cnl Air Pro9rDm/T~g Foe Dr~ft Rule. riled. 10. Copy of D£R notice dated 10/25/03, ~nd copy of ðppllcatlon from GHorgc L~Portu, File No. llU7Ga80~. xc Dr. Uonodict. F'il od . 11. Copy o( DCA notice, dnted lO/19/ûJ, and copy of appllc~tion from Dept. of Natural Hesourcea, (Re RooKery Bay) File No. 110766935. xc Dr. ~unedict. ril~d. 12. Copy of DER notic~ dated 10/21/33, ðnd copy of application from Davis 011 COlilfJl)ny, r'Uo No. 1107G9635. )cc Dr. ßunudlct. Filed. , 13. Copy of SaUd \'¡astt'J Activity Report, Soptc:mber, l!)UJ. Filed. 11. Copy of memorandum dðt~d 10/12/63, from £~win J. Conklin, DNR, notifyiny or C.A.H.L. Public Meetin9 and tr~namlttin9 ðn Intorim Acquisition List. Filed. 15. CO(JY of lQtt~r dütad 10/17/93, Cram Ca'rlos R. Cc1rroro, DNR, notifying Dpplicant of ~pprovD1 of mo~lfication of per~it fA CO-42M (A~F), Mardap, Ltd. xc Dr. ßÐn~dict. filod. 16. Copy of letter dðted IO/12/83, from Elton J. Cls90ndanner, DUH, to william J. Johnson, notifying approval of extension of permit fCO-47, the ~cott~dalQ Co. x~ Dr. Donodlct. .[-'llutl. 17. Copy of lettor d.Jt,-:d 10/14/83, from I::lton J. Gissendanner, DNH, to e..s. Ed1th C. Ewert, Scoflo1eJ MClrlnl! Const.., Inc., notifyjn~ ~pprovðl ol cxt~n~ion of pormit :CO-S4, ßahftm3 Club AGon. ~c Dr. 8unedlct. Filed. '. /, 13. ,,".,."" . ~~::,:~~;I"::-' t:·',, ....:·:1 ;H~f,~~,~ ;, i~~tt~'...· .~....;.. - ----- - -- -- - - -- - - - - - -........... - ---........--..... -.........;...-......... :~'~+'o ,..,.",·,"",i'....,~"" "'f.':·I';W.í:.·'" ~~"(,.,,, e~.-\s:," ~., . t, ,::~ . ~ t . '.i:.J'~." , -v 1 ........"....__..._..'..,,'. '~'<>Ja.""...."~~:__~_,__....."__~....""'."-O;",'1""_..""',,..'......_,:...,·,·.....'":·.,...~,~"o.."'y,~,,·_,,'~,:.""_·."'...."""o'".m""".·....,·'....~,.."",~...,.,, ~." '^. .., '~"'i ' ..~~ ~:~~ ""Jet ..'1, 'i .....\¡o'.. . ''': ,,):' l' ,f.'I~ <J-'¡';"', , " ~~:¿:j , ¡,~ . . " ,~:?, 1,'1 .,¡(~ 110 , ' '> >, "'1:' ~"<';:':.~':~ , "i~1i ::,"'j '- '. , ·,.~,:~~i ' , Pa9u 32:li "/,.' . ",., . , ' ,::NÆ 'I .- -..... - -- - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---..... - ....'......-.'....................... , . ", '. ~ - ...'1011." r1r'7O'!fa':I565 ~U~ ~Ig,· branch librðrIuc. Novomber a, 1903 ., :",~ ,:,.t~",',1;¡¡ rot I :-:.... '~~~,,"~j- xc Mr. Norman ðnd ~r. Norton. rUed. I!) . Lotter dðted 10/22/03, (rom Julio Fort~s notifying that he received lien notico No. D3-3, but 1s not owner of Colden' Gðto City prop~rty wIth lion. xc Finance Dept. Filed. ,~ , ," . :B . ,_".:'i~':)l! Copy 0' momorDndum from J. E'. Hudson, Chicf Fi&Cðl Cff1cor,::~i~ fitato I!oarr.i of Admin1øtrl.ltion, ru Jðnul1ry - Septomber (1!)Ø3):;J;'4'~ Inveutm~nt Activity. xc Mr. Glloß. Filed. "J; <;f'" 20. . 21. Copy of mlnutu& as follows. Filed. A. £MS^C meeting, 10/l2/8J. 8. Contractors' LicenølnQ ~oard, 10/19/83. C. City of Naples, 10/~/83. ':I,;::~~; ," ~,~,~~ -It' 'it ~"'" ;'.>:<;t 22. Lutter d~ted 'lO/S/3J, from ~. w. Elliott, COT, re th~ SurfÐco Tronsport~tion Act of 19n; ond tho noed to integrato altornDtlvc trðns >ortlltlon modes in tho planning proccøs. ,f'iled. 2.3. (;0I>Y of momorandum dated ~/30/03, £rom Tom f. Wooton, Dept. or Administration, ra SociÐl ~ecurity Cover~go for Non-Profit Organizations. xc Porsonnol'ðnd payroll Depts. Fil~d. 24. Mumornndum ðated lO/17/D.3, from Deputy Chic! Don Huntor, Sheriff's Dept. ro error in previously presentod check for interest earned on Certificate of Deposit bnd correction mode through 1"1n~nce Oft1cu. Filed. 25. Memorandum dnted 9/30/C3, from Sheriff Aubrey Uogcrs, trðn&.ltt1ng Fourth OUDrterly Report - Sheriff's Confiscation Trust Fund - Flscol Year 1982-a3. Filod. -*.*. Recos.. 11.40 A.M. -**** The me~tln9 reconvened at 7.00 P.M. with all Commissioners presont and the following stoL!: Maureen Kenyon, Deputy Clerk; Burt Soundors, County Attorney, Torry Vltta, Community Developmont Administrator, Mike Kloehn, Planning Director; JQff Perry, MPO ulrector; Terry Clark, Planner, Grðce Undorwood, ^dminlstratlve Aide to tho aoard; and Deputy Chief R~ymond barnett, Dheriff's DAp~rtmcnt. ,,' , ':ji".f. : .:~~ ~' -\:t-,~ ,.).;..... ;':,ì.; :.;1 ,:;~~ :'f!: ItolA '32 ~, <~j1 DISCUSSION REGARDING COMPREUENSIVE PLAN - HEARING CONTINUED TO 12/6/83 ,:.~ .(Jo'.' '~ ,l' ': LAND USE ELEMENT (CONTINUED) Community Dovelopment Administrator Virta stated that this 1& a continuation of the Octobor 10, and Novembor 1, 1983, meotlnqs. ,,,.' , . ",., ~ ", ~'.. . " . :··:;i;~!t~;;~g'~~¡<¡\¡f:~~tr:;, _ "'J__IoIi_.~_'""_____"~_·_"""""·''''"~'''__'"__'''''g·""~,,_.,,,,_..,.._'....><.^~.""""'.._,_."w~..~·......".."'._,..~~·'-"·_;·...,·.'.".·'" " -------------------------~--~--~--~---~ "., >,: ,;:;>~'r~·:i,~!';:-' b 8' 19B" ,'. ",..~., Novom er, .,þl' , '(,I}rr"; (',: '-'. ,':"> \~'t~-~ 'I.~"~1·, 'r ',1i,: \.f,~rt~'t:¥; ,:" .' <,,!':;;?h+;:,'" \ indlcðt~d tha~ it 19 not necossary for &taff to 90 into 'urthor'd~t~ ill t thlu t Imu, but to e1mpl y continua wi th the spøakerø that w~~;"~~:;i to speak ðt the last moetln..,. " :).q~;'({:~;:;' ."; . : ".~'~'.,t:.þ; . _ -A \',. r"r. Do rn10 Yokel, ropresGntin<J the cono~rvt:lncY, atÐtod that t'he' woul~ like to support tho line work that the County has~on~ COlnprehenalve PI~n, ðddlnq th~t tho Conscrv~ncy oupports tho environmental overlay buc~use it is in tho pUblic interest Ðnd helps , -' ,~,,,, ',' ¥o\ tho publ1c undorstanù wh~re thoro ~ru potanti~l environmental problems':4~ , ~'i;,~ ,1S well ,']s showing whore further informðtion is nocossary for an 't'! lie êoncluded 'by):t . '._ \:::\:, \ 5::>'~.:}:'~:"~· at~~tJ.n9 tl~a~ he is in aupport of the cnvi ronmenta.1 overlay, th.~~;~ ",1 ;,,':<~ ;;:~:'~~.~,~;:' , ¡ , " ". 'r:'ì~' '.', ' # " ,,' 07B~~566' , ''''~i i'i,.i;';',';~:;~;:~J, ',~,'.." , ,'..'~;~:\.-: .;¡rf?,.·". .' 'i,' ',' 'OD~: ,:,',' ,",,/:,,J',, "¡:',},~:..,\.(",((>'.¡::J;.i,:.;ì~~,pa91t:;3i J~:£~~·;:"'-~~----~~---~~t~~·::':z'~tl~J~t'i~~%:;~iiJ~i~J/ '¡/-~'~'i.,'ì" ',. .", , ,',/,',)!,.,.',."""""",.,,,:^j,,,.',¡f ;:!..:~~:;t;··:~1'·~¡,:" ,'- ..\.,_..-.;....~. ,...~.,.....,..'.-. -:",'.....,;¡.,.,...',........ "',. "_. ""'~ individu~l to mako full uso of his property. Ho noted th~t the ðqulfors ahould bo i~entlfied an It is vary Importðnt to havo In the ',r' pl~nninCJ process 03nd he would like to h.::sve tht} Commissionctrs dirlJct staff to identif~ theøe resourc~s. Cornmi ssloner ~1 slor eta ted thn t tho £Iqu!fors uhoulù be po Intec.J in order to protuct thorn. ,id -'-·'~i.'; . t- o ''f Dr. John ^l~xDnder Jr. statuù that he 1s rr.þrcDont1ng n 9roup of liJndo\mers at:. Pine IUdgo ¡,oad è}n~ 1-75 Intcrch.:1nge. lie st" tod th"t he ", /-;':~. ,lB a profosoor of Urban ðnd Re910nal Plannlny at tha University of ~ "~.' , ,'~~ r~',~ '4\' -".:,'",' 110 :¡tatcd th"t this plnn is ':,;;: different than other lünd usa plðns in Florida, in that it trit!s to tl¿.fl ~f\~~ ,á,~i~ .~ planning. He stated that the two koy w03YS th"t infrastructure 1s tiOd..,}{~ ',' ",,$,'''',' . ':Jl1tJ in io by the point sYÐt:.cm and the idea of having cornmerc101 nodes, ;) , Florldð, addingthðt he is very interested in tho land usu Dnd cnvironm~ntùl problams in Colli~r County. infrbstructùr~ and environmontal problums ùircctly to land use bdding th~t they should both holp with l~nd USe amendmonto in the future. ,".':"'" lie not.1] thd t the commer lea,l f"loduli proposod ! n the plan ..Woul~t . ,,'." ;.~. '. , - ~.. provide adequate .pace for commercial devolopmont. <.~,'..'.,.,."".......~..,',·,...~~.,,,..,...._,,,.....;'W"""'H..m"..._____._,~...."'___"___,,~,~''''''"'"''·'''~.,,...-i"''"'','~4·'<_I;J.j...'jj,,·,'''_; J_"..+...."''''...-.-,,~........,.,..,t''';,.=.~'u...,,,..··''',...·,,'~.,J~'''',·...,.;.,.".,._" ...."...'..._~......""".,,,.,,....""~..... _.....-. _ __ _.,J;..~ _____________.-.·_-.__________.0___.-.-._._ .0. :~r , ¡ODX f118f1~t.¡ fif1 ~oŸomber 0, 1983 commercial nodes and the point system. Ms. Cùrol Ruland of Hollywood; Florida, rcforroð to Pð~e GI" G, which states thnt the state ftnd Federol 90vernm~nts will b~ uncouragecl to construct ðn interchangu at the Inlors~ction of 1-75 and State Road 29, adding that she would appruciAte an intorchangß commercial ~t State Roað 29 and 1-7~ to be included in the Comprehensive Plan when it i6 adopto~. Mr. f:d Kðrit, Jrd Ut. no., Nl)pl~s, stilted thðt his cOr.1l1rkø lnøl week wertl dl recteC'J to tho pointo ~Ii t.h reqard to tho elderly and the rølationship to the schools, ðcJdlnc;, that ho hac concern regbrc.J!nlJ thp. park item in the f.loint count system. He nott:!d that. under tho NIcks afld Recreation Element discusuion ther~ is I1n objective to hove dr.velopcrs donllte bits and þlc:ccs of pðrl<. land, adding thltt he qUtlstions whether this is a valid Wc1y to rec~lvo park land tor the County. H~ stðted thAt on PðgOS 2~-33 is the neighborhood p~rk lsÐue, noting that th~ way this section is writt~n, the County will ond up with bits And pieces that will be dedicated to tho County and could be handled much better through honleownen:: ðssoclðtlons. tic stAted that if the County 18 dedicated to ðcquiring omðll pieces of property or payments-in-l1eu of dedication, then Pð'lc 31, p~rðgrðph 2, rogðrdinCj the monies collected for thase pnymt'tntG-in-liuu of dedicj)tion should bo rewordeð, stDting what reason~bl~ use tho money is to b~ collected for. He Inðic~ted that ttn) othor problem is in the definition or the facUities that were eligible tor crcdit ðgnlnst thesu paymunts or dedication which is on the bottom of P4ge 31. lit: referred t.o a picnic fl1cility, questioning whether onu picnic table constitut~s 6 fÞcl1ity or whethor ten picnic, tables constitute ð facility. Uu statod thl1t he haa no p~oblQm with tho formul" itself. Hu roportutj thðt thestt points should be ""paCJe ,34 ,,¡ , ·'\l,';;!d,,.,(":' ,"'+',:: , ---- -- ----- -- - -..... ~--- --- -....--.........._.....~....,---..: . ·';;~r~#f(~i;~Çt~~;~ -_ ·.o__"-"'_,,,,·-·~· '__·___"'."''''_.'''''''''.'''''_'''~'''"~'''._'H·''"''_·"''''''''''''''""",'."., " , 'î.· ----~-----------------~-----------------~ .. '.' ,:f<.~ , ..":> ~ · ' ~.""", , ~W", , ~--"- :~.it'::~; ;;;'~"~' /tr:.:,:i: ~ Novomber 9, 1983 before finðl adoption of thu rIan. Commissioner Pistor ¥t~tud that mðybo thera nhould be ð si20 for community parks. Mr. Rant st3~ud that he has no problo~ sizo, Bim~ly that these pi~cos of Idna should not b~ dedicðLo~ to County ~s it La not work~bl. from the devolopors point of view, ~ddinq that by looking at tho ov~rall plðn and ~akinq Qur~ that certnin minimal areas aro dodicðted to recreational ~nd open space uaes 1n sufficient. He stated thllt it is not nCCQGÐ.1ry to have tbu::;o items dedicatod to the County ðnd qu~stloncd the need for in-liou payments. Community Cevulor~cnt AdminiatrDtor Virto at~to~ that tho Loacd inùicated that they w,'ntcù Staff to work ""ith Parks t. Rocreation and to cornu back with su~qestions ~nd chanyes due t.o tho way the whole thinq is handled. He noted th~t it is already under consideration. Mr. Lawrence lill rmon of OChopee, ntl1 tcù tll/J t hd is concorned wi th Copeland, addin9 that he t~lkod with Terry Clark and some aqroemont hns be~n reached rogðfding tho urbÐn area. Ho pres~nted ßn nerinl map to tho Board indlc~tln<J the ared that he would like to sea included In tho Plan. tie titatud thil t he would 1 ikC! 'to S\}O the existing homes Dnd businesses In COPQli.1nd that have buen thùrc for years, evon though thQY are non-conforming, Includ']d wlttdn the I:Jla/'l. lIu indlcl1tod the lines along State Roac.: 29 tlwt he would li....<: included 'and showed the existin" boundary linos. Commissioner Brown stutcd that it 1~ dppro~riate that these houses be Inclwed lIS thoy hcwo beon thero for YClIr9. Commissioner Holland moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that the ðcea dofined in the aertal map b.e includod in the urban ~rea.. ,'.t" ~ . : !OOK 078p~,,!. 5E8 ,. .. ...IJI_·...'~;.._·""·~·"",·,,"'·,_··~ - ---- -........- ---.......- -....... - -.-.... -.-,-.-......- --- ~ -.---.....,- <,', ~ 'OOK 078p~r,t5S9 Novembor Ó, 1903, . . . t'è,f., è:Ulltr 1butlon, exist in9 zoning, and on aer hI photograph ,that: 8hows".wh~t. . ,.:': ··':·'~.'~·~<~,:-:',;r:~1.~~ 1s out there now. flu noted that h.. 1s ð8king for one entirt'" 8ecti,on,?,s}~;.., " !f .,~, ~';i "if -';: ,~>,:,y::~:",c~:"~~'þ~;1 ~ which is approxlmlltúly 640 ðcres, addln<;J that he bulieves this "lst,00,.,!Z:.·~,~~3. . :i'~:~' ~,~, ,', 1ar9Ð as it extends into aroas on thf:t cast. side or State f{oad 29 And ,':" beyond tho small parcels of ownership where tho existing non-conforming uses are. Mr. Harmon stated that this land 15 outside tho Fðhkohatcheo Strond and is owneò pr Ivatcly. He notQd thl:t this lond is approximately one square rnll~, which would probably be one mile on the Gdst Gidc along StÐtc kOðd 29 and Is ðbout 400 fef:tt doep. Tape '2 Upon call for the question, the motion failed, 2/3 (Commissioners Voss, Pis tor, and Kruse oppoøed). Commissioner Brown moved, secondeð by Commissioner Holland and carried unanimously, that Staff come back on December 6, 1983, with 9raphics, property ownership, and existing pðrcel sizes regarding the Copeland area. Mrs. Gladys ~mith, 4th Ave. s.C., Nðplos, stilted that she would like her property in Copeland chðngcd so that she will be able to build and open moro busineßses therv. Mr. Jay Bløhop, re~roscntin~ Nn~lcs Area Boðrd of Roaltors, stated that he would like t.o thank Staff for thulr cooperation and for tho meeting that he,hð~ last fridbY with Staff conccrnin9 the dovðluðtion of proporty with regards to tho Overlðy. lie noted at this point this is not an lmmediat~ concern, Addln~ thnt thoro is still Ð lon~-rðng& concern ðS to whAt effect the Ovurlay and tho Urban lino wlU have., stated that ho 1s concerned about the devaluation of property ~- . .J.~¡:(, future, IIddinl] that it iø his undorstanding thc1t tho &~~/~~J:\ ¡,' ~~~:j,;~':", > , ' , , ",>",_""",,_,< -__.._"""',, _._,,'"',.,..""""...."''",........_.....,......-,.......__.''"____, '..._...~¡-;_.._....-...,"'-.___"_¡..,_'H"""'"'.....'..,~'.'"""_",.......·__'" ,_,_"'~__._ ...-_.,'_I;,~,'-,~,-....-, H'AA"""" ;>"".,' ~ovembcr a, 19U3 -----------------------------------~~-- t·.. moved nnd docs not hðVQ to bo moved all at ono timo. Ito DlthoUCJh tho IDncJB will not Uft lrnmedJ.atuly duvi'llu,1ted, c:.hera WLtS ideð at the moeting thðt ~ community offort bu formed and, if n~ceøsDry, r~lso tunds to ~oke ~ roOfU sp~ci!lc mop of envlronmontal areðo In the County. He lndlc,'ted that thiB coulc.l bo a conøurtad ~ffort to ~inpoint ~rOðS that aru environmont«11y sensitive, adding that he is éJskln(j th.H .:a 3ix month ù<llay tllk4t plllc(: in the entire overlay or eluo ð »ectlon ot it bu tðkon out of th~ ovorloy ðnd six months be ylven to try to roise funds ðnd dccomplish this effort. Commissioner Kruse ~uestionod if th~rd is any problum in altoring the ovurlé1Y ðt l! latAr unto, to which Community Dovelopmcnt Administrator Vlrtð r~pli~d nO~DtivQly. Commissioner Plstor stated thðt whun tho oril)inal Comprehensivo ,;;1 ~¡; ,~ :,~':' ,~ t,;'r;!~ ,:,""'" :,i.,~.',',<" ' . "., .... ;,~.,,,, .~f: "tl"" .",.. -'.>i 4, .;'~~ :'î' .""'" . -:"J"" ~-~; . . ....~ Plðn was don~, thure werc large ~r~ëts that wero marked "ST- ðddin~ thot, over the years, thuse areas havo b~en modified so that they dol1nocae the orC41S ttHit ,If" cnvLronr:1entJlly r¡~nsltivo. He noted tnot this Overlay does not C.1USO l\nymoro prohlems than tho or 19inal II~T" desl':)nût10ns. the Ovarlðy th~t ~re not. Mr. Bishop st~ted th~t he 19 not ðppoS~d to the Ovorl~y, but is opposed to tho wrong Overlüy, ~uuln9 th~t theru Ør~ too many landB In thu ~vcrlðY thot should not be thuro AS well ~d ~rOðS that should be in COr.lr"unlty Dcvolopmttnt J\dministrtJt.or VlrtoJ stntud th"t this map is for informational purpo~as only and hds nothing to do with -ST", as that is ~ rcgulatory ~uvice. 11 Mr. bishop Gtdtod thðt tho ruvi~w prOCCDS for tho Comprehensive Plðn ~hould st~y at n six month rovi~w. Mr. Ed Duason of Cr~enwðY Road, stat"d that ho 10 spaðk1ng '-'"',111;" . " , , . aOOK 07BpAr,:5'7fJ II' '/"~. . - '. ' l:~':"_~ --_.:......:... _ _ _ _ ....._._..... _...í.__.__ __ _.-.;~'____ ·""'~~:£,t,;:,;,.;~.., ) , , )",,~·,,'.r~~:; ~:--'-~::~' " >~ / I ..._-_...'.._j.._--"'~,,.,""..,-,...;". ,- ,--, .."""..,.,,.~,,"",..~..w..""_'~· ","",.,."., -~".,.",.",.''''''''';''''_ ,-",.,-",,, . aOOK ~PAr,t~ -~-------------~---~-~-~---~-~-------~~. ~--.-..... -- -- -- - -- - - - -...... - - - - - -- - - - - - - -........................ Hovamber V, 19U3 PQrtainln~ to th~ Gruenway Road propertleø, adding that to bo includod In ~hQ Compr~honsiv~ Plan. Commlsnioner Kruse Dtated thÐt Groenway Road Is included in Comprøhenølvc P1Hn ^D Urban. Chðirm~n Kruse prcl:tuntcd a petition from rlJsid«.:nt.s of Gre~nway Road requestin'J that thoy be included as urbðn in the Comprehennive Pllln. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously, that the Urban line regarding Greenway Road be left whore it is. Mr. Daviù GrlCnür.I, r~prfJsentln'J Gold~n Gate Bu&iness Associc'ltlon, ;~ '-;'~' , :,!~~"',, ,,,..,:., -. "'~ ,¡~' ,,~.,rI\'!~.,\'!'.: , ---. ,..¡; , I, \ dt: , ;"J!' stated that no whure 1n tha plnn is therc anything about the a f fi rrn~ tion of tht' rights of property owners ahd he requested that this be inserted in the beginning of the Comprehcnsive Plan. 110 reported that in tht:: vl.:stad ùrOtt 1ik~ Goluen Gatu, thore should be ð tentative Tape '3 datu inclucJud within the Comprchensivo Plan that would indicllte when the Master Plan {or Golden Gðte will bo completed. 110 questioned 1f the cðtcgor1es undor vested would be site spocific on the map, to which Community Dcv~lopmcnt Administrator Vlrta otated th~t ho cannot answer that question a& he plDn~ on working with the poople in tho community. He stated that he is rC'iu~oting that the ace insert somt'th1ng to the effect that the Mastur Plan for Golden Cate would be completed within one yuar. He further diGcussed thu point system, ðddinq that there needs to bu leoway in certbin areas. ***** Racess. 8.20 P.M. - Reconvened. 8.35 P.M. ***** Mr. Don Falls, Golden Gatd ~GtateG resident, st~ted thðt hiø , " . ,concern is with the Commorlcal node at the P1ne Ridge Road ,._--"'-_._._"....., ---- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- - - - ---. - - - - - - - ....~-~~:'7~'.~'.;~ ...... ,., "<'It, )~~r-rt. "¡':.;~;"~!-\/ , . /~;'''..,-v...l~_/.;~d November O. 190 3 .",,}i1¡~~':f~ interchange. Jlet notod that 110 bought proporty thoru with "th."~~;;'!i~~:;:~ ji . ':..~:;:l ~:." .:~>,:I¡";1:I.,;Îf]i· underBtl.lndlnf) thnt it would be ., resldunt,lal orot1 ðnd ho docui h,ot."w~:n~;,;':';~ it changed to Commercial. lie stated that h~ is IIskln<,] forll lone botwen tho houses oft. 8th ^vcnuu cnd rino r,idgu noad. Commissioner Kruse stðtod that she is interested in this area ~~, ~:'.' 't '.,," ~~i .'cont~.l bution.of ð.at~; ".,'" :¡, ,¥'. ~~~ l;·..·' "I ',~. \. ~:j:(l .>" " ~~/' ~~'~~.~ has aakod th~t the ~o~rd dincus& the mattar durin<,] tho ovenln9. Mr. Frod P",uly, 19J9 I:':m~resB Ct., Uap.l~s, 3t03tod thðt hu would liko to know what the board intonds to 1.10 ..,1 t.h tllu COIT.mt:rcinl notlas ðt the I-75 intorch~n90s. Planner Clark statod that thoro would bo 150 Ij~'rns dosiCjnatod Commerci~l at the 1-75 and David C. Brown Hiqhwny intorchange, bddln<,] that it Is the intent of the Planning Agency to h~vn thø inturchðn~~ nodes idontifl~d in the Plan wittl the ,",creago nnd no boundaries Bet o.1t this timo. Commissioner Kruse st03tod that tho only problem \~ith Commorciðl nodes has been the one at (-75 Lind Pino Ridge ROc3d. She indic1.Jtod that whon a duvolopcr comos beforo thu Uoard Dnu indlcatou ð desire to dovelop tho l~nd Ð~ Commercial that.ðmounl of lðnd will be deducted from thu ov~rall Jeoignc3tod Commer~lal no~o. Mr. ~tc3ncly Hold of Holu, ~ontus ~ AS90ciðt~a, stðted that boforu tho Plc1n Is adoptod he thinKs all the /nod i £ 1 Cll t 1.ons should bo brought back for the pub li c to sea and to !:Iako additionBl comments, if necessc'1ry, nnd at that point, tho Compruhonølvu Plan ohould bo ðdopted~;'\, He roferrod to his letter datod Novembur 2, 1983, which he presented ~o thet BCC c)nd lndlc.:1t~d that ho hopod thc)su concerns would be t~ken:, ~or~,¡\:...k .""., \:;,~ commercial si Zu is of concorn ð8~ "':'j",t, , - ',:. ';" ~,; 1 nst«uld of. fio noted that tho limit on the well as th. point syatnm ~nd provisions for pc)ymenL l"nd. ., lOOK',,07B PAr.t 572 : (:~ dW._._1"N.,,__ __''',""",''-;H "_""·"_·~'"'~'__'_"''''''_'·I'''.'.'''''''''_'"'''"'·''''_'·'''·~' ~H"· ~., '." n..'·........··,'"·.,,,,'.._ '0", -,..'.....,,-~."..,.. .., ..iI....',{ ';I;~~~;' , ·i~v;'; , '~"- ., . "}:;¡' '¡¡"'; ::i~ t'--;,.: ----------.............. :,..~;;(~ ..; .;. iI..'fA: ~;":'~ !~.. -~--------~---------~ 'OOK ~f¡PA~tJEþ~ , November G, 1983 Commissioner Voss questioned 1f Stðff needed direction re9~rdln~ the provisions for l~nd contr1bYtlona, to which Mr. Kloehn repliod thnt when Staff was directed to toke this out of tho P~rks , Recrentlon Elemðnt, it should Also h.Jvc; bu~n t~ken out of the point system. Plðnnin~ Dir~ctor Kloehn stated thAt with reg~rds to tho point system, Stl.lff would rework this item with the public in A workshop prior to th~ meeting of Dcc~~bcr 6, 1983. Mr. kon Raggc, ~ropurty owner Dt rina Ridgc Road interchnnge, stated that If tho IntQrch~n~o Is ~olng to become an issue, it should be tDken at onc time. Ho not~d that th~ro ~rc four or five sponkcrs thðt would be pro-intcrchðn~o. COlnml anioner I<t' U:'i~ i no iCë:I tcd thl.! tit should be hnndled now, add ing that, thure ar..: theot: mi'Jor int.erchanges shown. She quest.ioned if any Commissionor h,)d tI prol)lcrn wi th tho onE.: l't !-7!', and Dnvld C. Brown 1ilgh\oolllY, to which thoy all repliod negat.ivoly. She noted thðt there w~s no problo~ with tho intt:rchanga at 1-75 and C.R. 951. She r~ported that sh~ has a probl~rn with the Intorchnn90 et 1-75 Ðnd Pine Hidgu Road. Sho ~uostioned if th~ru is more commercial needed than what is already des19n~tQd at the other two? She stated that sho bolieves that thoro Is onou<Jh for thú Stðtt! oC Floridö. ~hø noted tht.t thcu¡o commercial desi9nations ðt tho interch~n9ðs are for Interstate support only, adding that thore is 150 acres Dt the north end )fad 240 acres ðt the south end. She stated that anothttr point is the relationship to the surrounding land UÐ~ Ileac., noting th.)t the interchange Ðt Pine Ridgo Road is reD id<:ntiall)' ~onQd and the north and tho south interchanges orc noL. Commissioner Krus~ stðtcd that Staff did not recommend that interchðngu, adding that It was tho recommondation o( the CAPC. - ~ r,'~B;~: "j' , ,"<..': , ";',!~ '.$.r '~~ " ',~~ ,<~ ~" "to:; ,,';,'~' , ,',.;" November 0, 19Q3~i . , .. Mr. Ron HLU39tJ stdtcd that Colllt)r County h4S appro)(lm~t.ly poople, ~ddlng thCit ~r. Alò!)Cdnaer Ù 1ù ù study that projucted I.Jround:~;¡;",ç ",.;:,:~ \~,~¡r 213,000 by the yoar 2000. lIu IItatad th~t 1n th~ otucJy, it 'was øtlltod', I ,.,,_,e, .... >',' " '...j th~t there was room for ~ll thra~ Inturchðnqug to h~vft ~ Bubstnnt1al' amount of devctlopment. by thllt ~oar 2000. Be noted that ovar Gl Dcros would be duvulop...d at the Pin~ Hidql:t Rond 1ntarchðnge, according to tho study of Dr. Alax~ndor. 119 at.1ted that Pino Hidgo Intorchong~ will be th~ gotaway to NÐples. He notad th~t this Plan does not chllnl.jEt ,\ny zonin'J, addin'J that if ,myono ""lints to chfvelop the "',:J~ ~;r'~~'~ ~;"".,.".",. " ':....r~~ , , " : "~'~.t.~ t.:if~' . ~.};, ,~ ,::lj .o;:'~ '~ Draa, th"y ,",'Oulu hûve to C)o throut1h the rovlew procoos. fie notec.t that it woulcJ bo buttor to doflnfJ that .H~ð now thon to let It becomo .1 cumboroome probl~rn in tho future. Commisslondr Voss stûtucJ thin iC t:Ht prim,)ry (unction is to serve traffic on 1-75, there Is only iJbout ·1 l11110s hatWtHtn th~8e Lnterchðngus, which io too of tan. Tope '4 Comlnlsaionor lioll..and ßt~tctd t.h,)t he 10 not In f.avor of comlnurci.1l1;:lng uVl:trytldnq, but utrongly fuels that peoplo comln9 thu ':Iroð ~ru enti tlod to an DreD that they can 'Jot to. He Rtoted Pln~ Ridge Intorch~nge will probably roceivu the brunt of the trðffic .1nd ~hðt. one side or tht:t oLhur Ghould b~ commercial. Mr. Stanley 11010 stated thðt Interstate 75 is 901n9 to be the stroet of Collier County, èlnd it should not bo (illed up with CJDS st~tlono nnd &mall motels. Cr. Nuno ~pð~na stated that th~rQ 10 n noud for tho commvrcl~l , :',:;.i.,,, nodes c1round ðll throe Interchðnges, addlnCJ th'1t all three of them wU1~ ,'\~ '~~, develop d I ffurently. lie noted thðt dredS that havo residential can,:,:';;'" , ' " ,,'It f' ,hðVO butler Dreas put up to protect their land. Ho statod,> thAt, it:' i~~;x' ,\:, , i. '·IGO( 078 ~¿l574 .... i"lf;;.~r::,:-j ,.;,¡, ,,;, 'r·-;~{7.,;.',.. ' "', :''':'', ,~" <"Á¡ 'j", '.. ..:,,".~, ,:'~"'\;~<'.('.'_', t··,,·,;j·~I~~ " :.'" \,-';"t{' ","~CJ .,'t.~~'" '-' ~ ,,~..tJl;'Il~~,"#' --. , .~- ',', '.,' ,'" i', ' 4 .~\ ~"'. ,,- I;,.~ i"".J~'" ht, Î ,~. ,",' ,:J~""~ '.''!f,,'' .,), f":,Ji'( ~,:f, '..~ ',(¡J... f' . ~M,¡·t·" . , ,-' ,'·'-":~~z if_~'t~,~ ,,':~.;- ,I·_~:'.i(>."'·';.r-P:~~,~.~, ~.:j,·, ,:~,}~-~,,:;;,~·.tJ,~.p:,~-<:y~t)r0·~.,tf~~~ - ..,);;'¡;;'i~P~~A'~~~'~l~;.ff¡· -..... .............-.....-................. ............-----~...............'......................... . ;~',?:?i ~~':.. ;¡,.;:.';' }~;~::~¡i~rf" '. ," ,___"""',«~,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,,,,._.,,,,,,,~""',,_"W',;"'__""_"'~'_''-'''_'__''*''''_'___'¡,¡;¡ oIIlj_''''"''''"'-.~'iI'_'_'.''_iI4'_'''''',..,."..""..",_..._I-._".""";f<,~,,,.,,,,·.,,,,,~~.",.._...,.,·_,,,"..,..-_''''''''''_ft._.",,,",,,,_~. thl1t he is ~urrounded on thc north, west, lInd the eÐ3t by tha interstate which was no choicu of his liS he WÐS living in th~ area whon it WlIS first lndiclltcd thût ;-75 would go on<: mile Oc3St of C.It. 951, oddinCJ that he now feels that ho shoulù be entitled to use his lDnd as he sees fl~. He notod thot he h~6 had businesø peop1~ approach him becausu they all soy that there is only one prime interchang~ in Naples and it will bo Pine Ridge JCoad. Ho concluded by stat1nCj that he ' deserves as much considerDtion as thø bl~ land owners and hopes thÐt t.he boDrd wil.1 consicJur thlt:ò interclHJn')c os Com/ncrcial. Mr. JacK Harr of ~arr, Vunlo~ & AssociÐtes, Inc., stated that he 1s in favor of this Commercial node designation, adding that thore should be morc ç.oints ot ðcceuo to the intorstðte system. He noted that the main ontrðncu to Lhù Naples urban nred will be the Pine Ridge Noad intorchanqe nnd wl1l be the hetlvhst used. He øtoted thltt with' :::m~ ::: a:O ::~:: :: :~t:. I: n I :::::" ~ ::.~: . ~ ~ulo tlon. all .th"';;~:,:;'Y~,¿:~Î ",:,/F,f:, :":,,,:'.~::r:, ",01" Peg- ..42;', ,~),_. _ ' ~ - '~;;JrÄ,rhk~~::~~~!~. ~:. '~~". ~~. , .~~----~-~----------~---~------~---~~~-~~ ~;.'t~Jí¡:gc~i\)!;~~~ - -..-.....- ---- --,------ --.....---- r _._~__ lOOK m8 PAr.! Ef15 N'ovumbor (!, 198J prudent to plan for these fðcil1tias now ðn~ not Ifttcr. Dr. Alexander Gtatod that ho did ðn intorchanqu study 890 in SarasotD Cuunty, ed~in~ thnt the northurn interchÐnqeQ have smell ðmountÐ of duv'lopmt:nt and, thorefore, tho interchan90 ðt Plne! Ridgu koad and thü one at C.R. gSl ~ould be thu ones that the tourlstc could pick to usa. tip. Stlltf!Ù that whon tho interchangu at. Pine Ridge Roa~ is developed, it should be h~ndled very carefully as this is tho interchanqu thbt LtJl.1 tour1nt will tiriit noticu. 1/0 roferred to Ð conceptual plan on thu overhuad bOl!rd of an intcrchðng.:i designated C om me rei a 1 . Mr. Jock ~uthcrlñnd, reslt1ent of Plnc Hldqo ROAd l1rC!'ð, stllted thðt he is in favor of tho Commerci~l node at this 1nterch~nqe. Hu noted 1"'"V__..,__",_""'>.,..,..."'__,._. ,_._.....~_,_""~,.,.,....."'f,..~..."'.,,~...."-""., ,';..".."',;...""...."'~...~,-<""'."-_.,.,,,.,...,,.~ 'I'·,'··' " ..~'f' . ',? ' '"I',~',',','~,"··, ' ~.';J., 1>, i~: '."" ) ~.~ : ::JI iifi~' ;v¡ :~ ';~i ,;to ~r.'r- <~:,'!, ""~. ',.~.: "",," '~~ ';' <' .-, ':~ ~ "4" ~~~~. ...:, ")ô.'- ~1 -"I. ~"i .. j~ , 't ;':¡J( /t!f '"'!';;~, ;~ "t't: ,;.;-.f, :'~, "~, :::rf :~¡'j' ":'1,' "-;~'- '4 ' ¡¡:;/J i~: "'1 ,- ¡ì;' " . .\¥ , :,~fi .~,~ -', Novomber 0, 1~D3 " 1 , ;; .::.: ~ Tape .5 Mr. ^ll~n Heynolds of Wi loon, Miller, Barton, ~oll , roek, stated thðt ðny int~rchange with bn Intarsthte highway nnd ð Qajor is going to uxort on influence on tho land uses. He utüted to . ... eliminato ðny of tho commerci~lly dosignated interchanges wouldbo tot.:llly lrresponoiblo. Ha st~tod that inst(!Ðd of: spucHylng certain ~creðges ~t certain interchangos that tho BCC identify a systom wheroby' the morits of a particular oit~ ia how it is ovaluated in tho rezoning procoss, for example, it the site has 900~ accuss, well planned, and n nC!edfor that use c':It that InterCht'ln'Ju i1t th.1t time. lit'! report'1d that this would bo the best WhY to h.al1dle theso mattcrJ:i in the Comprohensive Pl~n c':Ind Staff could explore thc~e possibilitien. He roport~d that Interchange CommerciÐl use is not the only ..,ppropr hte use at an interchange, addin9 that ^?riculture and Estatas Single Fnmily may not ùo tho most ðppropriate usP. either. :~:,~ ,,"-, ,f,.. ;~~. ~~:~~ ,'0. ,yr , . .<~ ~'~if ,,~~ "f ,JI'~"'" 't:/. . ~Jo" ;~I? 1:1, . .",' i ',.... f:~. .- .'("72' , ;;1-1 .,.....':., 1l Mr. Goorgo Vèlrnadoo uti1tecJ thcJt. the IntorJ:it~to Is 90ing to run throu9h whðt io going to bo tho middle 0: %Jðplos nnd thio needs to be kopt in mind. He st~t~d that he would sU9gast that these int~rchDngos should ðllow high intunsity retðl1 usos like shoppin9 cantors. Commiaøloner Voss moved, secondod by Commissioner Brown and carried 3/2, (Commissionera Kruse and Pistor opposed) that the lntorchango at Pino Ridge Road Ðnd 1-75 be designated Interchango Commercial. ..*.. Recess. 9150 P.M. - Reconvened& 10.00 P.M. **.*. Mr. Cliff U~rksdnle of Collier ~nturprlDøs stated that ho .ubmittud tJ 1 t1::ttut' for tho rccotLl i\nd \%uld also Uko to make his . . . .,'~ r¡ "request v"rbally iJointing out an admlnistri.1t iVQ dUomma that wou1d . ". .":..,.\" ,:' ',ç" ~,'¡';'" ~te~Îtud wl th the tJcJopt 10n of th<t new Comprehens1vv Pl..n if 1 t.,~o.~~,~~;~ i ~i .. ..... '.~, "... . \bOK 07B»,!576. ..> .1(.f!*'¡~~·}~~·> ;;~'"' . , ,',' .' ,: "~':>::;;·::;}~~?~~~t;f;;"\'.'~~;~'~r~~, ~~,~----......- ,......--.-...........-.- _._- --. - ------..... -. -..-.....-- - -- ....,.............,~~~,.~~~ ' :" ~',,' '" ''.''''';'.'iY''·~:'~f·;.,,''t1¢'}í~~t¡W1V " <, , " ";;'}·;;~:.·'::~h~i~t!;~:;~~'iÉ¿' ","," ~,p.,.,....."."."< .,.".~.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,.~.·,,,.,,,,."'_"·"w"'>""'-"',,"'''''''''''''"'_·'·"''''''''.''''-'_'_"__~"'_""""'_"'__"'¡¡¡""'~'''''''_''.H,h~_,III<!-"",¡,~;",~'''·j·''''''''~''""...·.....""',t".,..,-";..,,...."''''",,·_..,," ""n,""';""""""""'~~'~'···~""""~"'''.'~'''c''«''''"_''''''~"~""~~"" J~¡' .' .i,.1 ....~ '~~;' sett.ing stotomunt duscrlboti tho existin';) nl1tlve habitDtG in Collier. " ~l!~';:"" '¡$~\,;·{t County Dnd tho curront. Feder,,!, Stato ðnd County cnvironmontðl :¡ "','",' ".~j..·r .: '", ~' ~, '.' ". ;'::'¡.:', ' , , " Plgo .. t ;,' (~ ~~_..:.._- - - - -- -__ __ _ _ =_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _,_~::'21~~idJÆ~;~?f.,' " ~:~~.;;,.' ',' . ' '/ ,', ~;,."M¡:i1~~\i~·~·.i~'I,~i~;%"í'! ~¡,~~~'X ' " '. ':::~;:<'~/:~;':'::;:\;~~'i~L\ "ÔOI( 0'78 p).r,t5'T1 ~:'~Fj~1~~' :\-·j,/":Jt'- ----- --- -----_._--- ----..- ----.- --- - ~.-....-, . - -. ~ ,~. Nov~mbor C, 19ß3 rocognize thot the Ford Evalu~tion Ccnter current.ly has zoning. Ho stilted that the new Plan does nut show Industrið1 adding thðt if he is 8uccClssful in tho rozoning, it will b~ a problem. 110 noted thl1t the Uoðrd did chllng8 the l.and usr. to and he is requ~stln9 that the new PI~n thl1t Is to be adopted Indu8triðl use for that area. roal, , ',,' (>~;~~:.j; Industr1el'i:'~ ~, . , \" show thoi: NATURAL RESOURCES Dr. Benedict indicated thllt tho olð Plan had "n element cAllod tht} Coastal Zone and Conservation El~ment, adding that tho old element h~s beon Incofporl1ted into ~ new expnnded Nðturul R~sourcQs Element t~k!n~ into considorÐtion tho fÐCt that it will cover all th~ natural reBourcas in the County and not just the consorvntion criteria or the coastal zone. He st.lJted in tf:rms of the purpose of the Element, it 18 to cloarly state the goals, objectives and ~llcies of the County and onvironmental programs and to describe the procedures ðnd crltorið followed by Staff in carryinC] out these policies. Ite reported that the overall goal is to conserve nnd maintain tho natural resources of Collier County and their aSDocißtod and environmental economic benefits. Ho noted th~L the ~lcmcnt is diviaed into three parts, the introduction section, the settinc; and problem sttitement Ðnd the implementation. He stated that the introduction identifies thu wealth and natural resources of Colli~r County and relat.es the existonce or those rosources to the County's nppeÐl and econo~ic faith; rocognizes tho need for County ~nvironmentÐl proc;cams with both project-by-project review and long-range environmental Fll1nning to protect these resources, .and describes the purf~se of the element.. . He said that, _n_""_..__";__. _.........~__..."._.:,,-<',.,._"'.,"'.,.,._..._._'''''".,'~"".....-..,'"""___."._....."'..'_~"-<,._,,.'.....",~,,,..'~..,-'_".'.". ·W.' ~ov~mbor 0, 1903 " ----------------------------------------~ {' .;~'I' '.:.~.,..'; : -,.c ~ jltt). " '<¡", . '\,'\ .,. " "~...\' t~" \, , " ~ . . '. '.' ,~f"""'-:""';"'-":"'" ---- -- -- - - - ..;...--- - - - .:.......:..:...:..,- , : ~,~ ~f~~:~~1,: .'..: ,,':-1;' nnd their jur~sdictlon. /Ie! noted that the problem statument:ind~~.t....,ì.~í{ that nntural roøources are valuable to tho County In tt!rms of thülr <,;~:J;,: , ",.' ù.. inherc::nt environmuntðl éJnd economic .atr.1butclJ. }!d uaid tnðt the ¡,¡roulom IJtatQment ill so indlc"tes that un¡JuidaQ rcJpld FJopullltion growth can dostroy thase rvsourcos and their asnociated vðluQs. He noted this statement indicates that tho County cðnnot soluly rely on the State and Federal unvironmental üqencies to protect tne natural resourcos, ..Iodine:; th",t it Is nocosGt'try for chI') County to tl'lko somo role in environmental protection themselves. He stated that the goal of the env.1ronm~ntal pro~rDm is not to duplicdt& any Faderal or StÞto jurisdiction, Ðddlng that it is to work closely with them to sat up ð bottcr workinCj reldtionshlp. Be roportud that the lmplement.1tion of thu ~rogrÐm recognizus tho day-to-day cnvironmentðl review and ¡lOW it is h"ndlod .16 Wt!ll au th<t lon\j-rðn\jtt envIronlilcnt.'),l plnnninCJ. ill! notÐd that mid-rango projocts will bQ funded throu~h ~tðtc ~rantG thst ðro possible. He reported thilt thd fina! [JcHt ot: thu £1olUttnt i:1 the. conclusion I:jcctlon which recoC)nizes tUc)t '1rowth 1~ in~vitob1e in Collior County and ~lao rücognh9s th.:1t 1I u;)l.:2nct! i1p~ror.ch to resourcfl management is neaded. "~~ ,I'~ <~,~! '._'i~~' i.~ ./;~, , ~'~~ iia,','\ ::11! ·'~I~'~ '.' ,;~- " .;~ .', ,.~ , <i~¡~~; ì:~.~,;f!, ~~t.~· ~ Tape 16 Mrs. Chðr10tte WUGtman" ruproso'nting the LUcHJUft of Dr. ~enudict utatcd that tharv Ðr~ six ^pponoicuu .:1ssoclatod with this Natural Uasource £l~ment which are ^, ø, c, D, E, and P which dro included wi thin the Plbn. lit! notod thttt the only comr.\tmts recoivod were from DJ::R and a lot tor froll1 Rookery ëdY ~anctuÐry ..,hich ora Attachm~nt "D" ~nd "~., ~dding that ho has no problems with the commentl:5 and will mako thv chc1nges thoy requus t. ; statod that tho Nðtur~l Hasource Element is 1~r90, vary Women VotCtrs~', '- ~'v.r ~- $.::~~s: comprohen8ive' ..' ~"~ . .r':i),J2{t(~~·' , '" PðcJe .',4SY.o:;. '-/,.':;,,:,~/ :~:,~ :;~-;¡,}~i? :allOK '078 F'\!~! 578 _·....t·.· .~ ___........',."..._'h_......"'".._.,...,..."''''.,...,',''''''.,.,''',_··,''"..,,''~.".. ',"..;".~." ~"'''_'.' ·".c"',,_,·,,· ' " ~ .,... --------------------- ' --.---.--------- -'::"....\.:{ ;~,:J ·078~,::579 November C, 19S3 .nd very Wctl1 done. She stated that she had considernble Input with ';:;";':~ I ' ~ ¡;.:: ..: : JH 'k~ regllrd to Ordinðncp. 70-2, addinCj that after reviewing the Comprehonalvê~; \'j,,'~.<'~~~ Plan, she 'eels that th~ Ordinðnc~ dhould b~ changed. Shb noted thnt the Ordinanco oÐtabliahes, defines and describes ð salinity llnu in Collier County. She notod that thc thrust of the ordin~nce in to prevent the: intruaion of aðlt wdt.,r to tho frcsh wðter resourCUG. Sht" reforred to Puge 6 of the Lðnd Usu ~lement regarding the Marco Is18n~ Limit line, noting that this linu is not a snlinity lino. She refurred to a study from the South Florida Wntcr M~nn90mQnt District dðturl April, 19S3, regllrding groundwðt"r d/Jvli:lopr.wnt f,lot;fI!ntitl. Shu st,ðted \", thnt the salinity ordinanc~ nep-ds n lot of updating. She st~ted that thero should b~ lönguayo in th~ Co~prehonDivo Plan with regðrds to the salinity line and its intention. ComrnlsÐionClr Voss Btðte<.l thDt the moat Importl.lnt resource: in thu County is potab10 wBter IInd it should be addressed in the Compruhensive 'Plan, as well as the aquIfers. Comra1ssionur Kruso stated thc1t thEf Attornoy should tðke another look at tho salinity ordinance 00 that the adoption or th6 ComprehonsIve Plan is not hold u~. Mra. Westman indIcated that thure could be some lan<;uðgc included within tho Plan regarding this subjoct. Commissioner Voss ~oved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and cðrrleð unanimously that Staff address, In the Comprehensive plan, the protection of the potable vater and bring it back to the BCC. Ms. J.^. Rðutio-Mltch~ll, representing the Leogue of Women Voters, referred to the Induøtrlnl fact and ~totistical book of Collier County by the Economl c Devolopment Council ðnd the Nð pIes Area Chamber of'" , . .Commereø and the h~tor Quality hasurancu Act of 1983 requQstln~ th~t "," ..;~ f·', '.,' :' ;fj;' ~ ' .·,."".~_.,,,,,,.,"_¡O;'''',.'''';A;';''';..'''''____''''''_ r _·_-"",<_""..,,~,.____i"·'·" ;.... , ~.'.~ ..,. J'f¡ ...,'....., , ,~... <\i ~. , - , , -------------------------------~--------~ Nov~mbur 0, 1983 ~ 'i' those two documents be <Jiven to ~;tcJU so thc)t they can bu re9ðrdlnq gtoundwhter ruftources ðn~ 4~uifuro. Commlsølonur Kruoo øtated thnt thoro ßuom~ to bu a mistake in .r.O" of tho Ordinllnc"s rug03rding property that W.!lD Hold te» Dc1do County and, !'<"'., will now bo used to drill for oil. ~he notod that the Ordinance do~s noc provido th~t tho finDl iD~unnco of Ð purmit bo by tho ØCC, adding that 1 t waD lJll handled un d State lovul c.1nd no ono in tho County waD involved in it. Cho stated thc1t th& ordlnðncu could b. changed so that the permit has to be issued through the HCC. CommlDsioner Vosø quustionod '",hon the Lllrport was sold 1C tho mineral rlghtø wore also sold, to which County Attorney Øðund~ra ropliud thðt he believed tho mlnoré.l riqhts wero -sold with the airport. He notod that this was tho training c11q;ort on 41, ,1ddlnq that he rucelvocJ 01 tuluphona cilll (rom Dadu County IncUciJtln9 that thoy weru going to luase the propurty to Exxon Corpor,ltion to bog in ~rl111ng (or oil. 110 noted thðt th:,HO art! ne» ordlnl1nct!s dt. t.his timo thût rogul,1to drillIng for 011, ðddlng th~t tho environmentc11 Imp~ct stat~mont could bo amended to ruquiru a public hUÐring. Mr. Jeff Porry, MPO Director, ~tated that the proviaional use. (or 01.1 exploration wor~ doletod bcc"usu E)()(on convinced t!Yeryonu that thurd WðO so much control over thQm from 5tnte tlnd Fedoral ð~8nchs that the Counties did not h<'tvo to \ria r ry . Dr. Benedict s ta tad th.'lt it comes down to whother it Is ð principle us~ or a provisionGl use, addinq that environmentally, tho crltlcnl stðge iu when the roðau Dra put in and II is explored. Commissionor Krus~ st~tcd that inst~ad of the actual purm1ttlng process tl~~ to ðn (Hdinance, it tiho,uld bü a provisional use within , ". ~-o that distr lct. , . 'ODK 078 r:.';: 580 :" "..:/ .~ ~:~ <1:;è '. 'Page ,47~~.~ . ...:.I~.".,:.'.~':~~.j': ...----------------------------"'-_.......-----.~-.-...........--.- , , '>f" .:' ~.. . :: ~'< ~ " ia'GDK tr1Bl'A'~! 581 Novembor 8, 1983 fir. üonald Pick\ltOrth, Attorney, stated that this matt.or by Stato or Federðl ro~ulations, adding that the comments about'~ provisional USGS Is vDlId. County Attorney Uðunders stated that the provisional usa ~ould bo tho best. wny to ðppro~ch this mott*r. Commissioner Voss moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown ðnd oarrled unðnimously, that County Attorney Sðunders prepare the necessary amondments for 011 oxtraction to be granted through a provisional use and brin9 back to the ace for a public hearing on same. COr.lmunity Dcvelof-'ólI.'ut Aùm1niHtrat?r Virt.i,) stutcd that he prepored a memorandum ot i tcmu thlòt: th1d been noted during thtt course of the last meeting, adding thðt ~omc or tht!£H.: items havEt boen addressed during this mooting. He ct~ttid that the concern regarding the mini-parks Is bcdng r~GOlvcd. 1I~ ~t~tod t}¡c)t thlHU ,...ere concerns rugarc.tin9 dolineation arcas to be scrved by sewer and w~ter, tho environmental oVQrlðy, the reduction of thu urban ðrea, and the shortncss of tho six month review period. , ! i ';. '''4 '~i /t :1 , "I ?i '·"·1' ..... T 'I ,'..t ;,¡r't ~"'. "'I ." / '"'....',',, ' " " ' ,.',,' ",' ~ ' . "1- ,t' , :::\1;, ·"t \~.~ '," ., ,~ ,~. T Commission~r Kruse inuicdt9ù that th~ urban aroa was not reduced and thore nceds to bu D dec1a10n on the environmental overlay. Commissioner Voss moved, soconded by Commissioner Pi8tor and carried unanimously, that the Environmental Overlay remain In the Comprohensive Plan and be updated ðS information i8 available. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Voss and carried unanimously, that the Comprehensive Plan hðve a one year review period. " > ~~:,,' :::::::: a: 1 :::0 a:: l::. l:::o ::::: 1::· 0: :~::C::1 r::: r::::d P:: t :::~:/ ,:;~~~w ' r~" ' " 'ti,"'" "~'(y(~ ;~;(ii:':. ' "~,<; .\,:~;~:,;,~, ,d· ~;,,:;;,:;¡,:;Sj~(~. ~~"'Jh 1.",_: .'." ','. """'.1~~"t~, ~~;i;"" '," ',., , .,:, P3tJà 40;:,'\\( )~;t ....' -,',/,:.' ,.",',:~~~: ,~,:t;';C";:~ ........_._~.... - -- - - -- -- - - - -......----.....----..... ...._,~-'..._- ........--........:-.<,.... ;~~i;ß~.::," ' , " ..____~,._'.."."."'....4<._._...._"'".....,_.._",___....,..."...,"',..,....".,'.-,,,.,.~,,..,, HO'/umbo r p" Commissioner Brown moved that there should be ð the intersaction of C.R. 951 and Cavid C. Brown Highway. for lack of second. Com~issionor Voss indicaced tn~t until tho p~rnmut.rG o~ ðquifier arc known, there should not bo Ð ~ommurciDl nod9 put chure. Mr. Virta stntcd that thure wer~ concorno r09~rdinQ thu point øystern and thert! will bo a ~JOrkshop ht;}ld rCCjardinr} thi.a mCJttor. Ito :j" ';i. '. ~): '-";1 ":' 1,:._ " J"~~' ~, . r; ~,!~ indictltod th"t there wero concIlrnu ilUOut Po!Iqt;} 4, PI'11'.)Qrðpt1 tl, r09.:t1'dlnc;J time vor~us deøign. Commis8ioner Pi.tor moved, socondod by Commissioner Holland Ðnd carried unanimously, that Paragraph 4, Pago 4, be ,removed from the Comprehenslvo Plan. ..~ ;-,ot;:. ': " ")I; Mr. VirtlJ sttJtod thDt thùro \I,B1 ,1 conc<!rn re9ëuding v~stt}1,} ared» '.~~"; .~ ';:~~ ,,3 .-','" '.~~~ ,,~~ ,ø¡, ',I.... ."i~, ;'-\" ;:......' baing indicated as committ~d foe urbJn uac, adding that the term sdmi-rur~l may bu mora ð~propricltu. It was the general consensus that semi-rucDl be used Instead of urban. It WðS the goneral cons~nsus that Paragraph 5 on Page 13 of the Comprehensive Plan ro~arding oil extraction and earth mining be left aa «-:"; :,(:,(',,"',,' ~' .,~ "";, ' .\ ' ':\~,~ ;";,,, ./ .~..~ ~ ,¡~~ , ),1;', , ;\"r!' \~~ ":~~ <'+i ",<ø'~l " ;1'š, T .:11:\ "'.,;1; ,~ri, ii' , ,J.'" ¡;' ,:..~ .; '/~O! ,:t' . . "~ f¡ is. ,'ir. 'Ill rta inctici1t.;:d tiwt. ther" WI1S 1'1 conCt'rn reqt]t(J1nrJ nodos th"t waro too ~ltu u~cclfic, ~ddin9 that ~taff is comfortable with the Wðy the nodes ~re. He stat:ad thnt tho no~«s ðrc far 1~su Gita spocl!ic thon the currant pl"n. He notod that tho unlargcmant for the aroo of Copaland will bu lookod into and brought b"ck to tho IJCC. Hc noted that thu concern brought up this cJ"tu rcgcuding tho Commercial. interchangu Ðt St~tu HOðd 29 ond 1-75 ia &1 matter tlH!t the County cannot do ~nythin~ about .Jt this time. He st..tted I:hðt theca wero, " concorns rt}9c1rdlng the hous!n.] ðøpect of the point uyøturn, ~dd!n9 'anDK ;018~,:;582. ':, . " . . .",""-',-"_~'"";.'-""""_"_"""_"""'_"";'''''';«'"""""",,,,,'''_'''''__.____ø_'''___'_"",_"'''''_'''"''';'_~_~''''''''_.~'''''''''''H'_'__'''',,,,,,,,,,,,,,......."'~~;"",," -------,--------- --------------~,~~ ,.,~~.~ , Novernbur 8, 19&3 .,;,,:,:g " ··f, , " 'm~ 078~·'\,::583 he will look into this mntt"r. Ho not__d that tho last It~m ho I the affirmation of prlvðte proparty right~. It was the consensuo of the Board that County Attorney Saunders would wrlto an affirmation of private property rights for the Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner KrU6V stð~cd that tho ðdditional comments th~t ~r. Hole presented to the ùOf\rd Dlloul!! be ilpplied, addln9 thut they ðro \ " rolatively easy In n"'tura :'Ind should bt.· .1darcoseu one lit " timo to "'r. Hole. ''''! Mr. Virttl atDtO(J thllt tIlt.' nuxt ht)ar1n.;¡ 1s sctlf:duled Lor Deccmbor G, 19B3, ðt which t,1me ho hop~~ thðt thu Comprehenølve Plan will be rUðdy for final Ðdoption, nduin~ th~t, i! thera arc ðny addltionë.ll iteme from the m~etin9 of December G, it m~y be nec6ssary to hold on~ addltlon£ll mectinIJ to ðdo¡.;t the flubl Comprehenaive Pllln. .'~ .. * * '* '* '* 'It .. Thuro bedntJ no furthe,r business for the 900d of ttu,: C"unty, the . mecting was adjourned by OrdQr of tho Chair - Time: 11:00 P.M. .., BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSICN£R5/~O^RD Of ZONINa APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNINC HO^RD(S) OF SPECIAL DrST~rCTS UNDER ITS CONTROL ::'~ i~: -. oj~... ~. .~; "'."!J ';;;:~ . ...;..,). .,.~ ::)j~ j';lt' .,.~.;" , :.~~'~j ;~~ , :¡~;¡j ;.':'{. "'r, <:;~t. , ';;:;~f~' " b u A Ii U Q ,~. , / , . I' (' ,'.,.~,..~~....,( t: -- .. !+.(~,_. .(... ~ ,.., : ,~¡:. I q , I ." - : ~..,:..\ ' I .,:".J,. :... ... . .', I " t· ,,- ~'fl't:$'1' I~"'~',:; : '. ~/~~!~:/£t.c^". CLtRK ~"~.~:. ,~&c, . T1({8d minutus apCJrovcu_ by tllC Bee on IIr.sonted ~ or aN corrocted )/aJ, .,l.-t /9" .3 es j"-:. . ~··..·~·,·.·,...·-;......~......",~,·___,..,.__."""",w__.__..... .. T Q 'r .~. ... _"'_;"g,-'~'~ .'-.,'.".....""""",*_...._,...'".) O'.>i,..,,",.,, "·~.e..;..'''.,'".... _,_,.."'~";.,..."........"'."."..,_._.....,....,,."