BCC Minutes 11/15/1983 W
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Naploø, Florida, November, 15,.1983
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L~T IT DE R£MEM8~H&D, th~t In Ðccor~ancu with ðct10n t~kon on
Novumbor 15, 19a3, the doard of County Commission~rs in and for tho.
County of Colll~r mot In Workshop Session on this date at 3t45 P.M. 1n
Buildin9 "F" of thu ·Courthouse Com pi ox, E~st NDpluø, Florida, with the
£ollowin~ mdmbvrs presontl
ClIAIHMAN I D~v id C. [u:own
VICE-CIIArnMANI C. C. "Red" Holland
John A. Pi stor
Frederick J. Voss
Mary-Frances Kruse
ALSO rR~~ENTI Elinor M. Skinnor, Doputy Clerk, Rollie Rice, Parks
and necro~tion Dlructorl Irving derzon, Utilities Administtðtor, dnd
various Utaff.
1. ProsantÐtlon of the concopt of M~ster Plans for
County Parks
Mr. Tom Peek, of ~11son, Millor, Darton, 5011 and Peek, Inc.,
explained thv Master Plans his firm has dosigned for tho County Parks.
With the use of display he describod In detail the Master Plan for tho
!~arco Island ParK, conslstin~ of 29 acres with ð pre-dotermined ðrea of
10 acr~s that ~ust be sot ~side for ð lake ðro~ which providos for
water mannqom~nt for ~rco Unit 2S 10c~tQd to the north of the park
property. Ho said that the Marco Island Citizens Croup prepared a 11st
of itoms they desired in the park which included a civic center,
9ymnator 1 urn aroa,· rltcqutltbal1, volleyball, élnd baskotball courts,
ahuffleboðrd ~ruas, horseshoe area, tonnis courts, and softball fiold.
He uxplalned that approxlmat~ly 1,000 feet to the south of the park
propctrty there 1s an addi tlonal baaob4111 fhtld located in tho
County-owndd ~int.rb.rry Park anti that the outfi.ld Is c:onf19ured so
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that . aoècer-football field can be acco~modated thera. He a~ld tbat
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November 15, 1983
the County oporates and maintains a softball field and two additional
tunnis courts on the Tommie Barfield School sitv. He said that the
park property is bordered ~r the west and OÐst by 8in9l~ family homo..
He said his firm i8 Ðware that there are not enough funds within the
bond Issue to construct all of the facilities on all of the parks and
that fOllowing the ~~ster Plan approval his firm will begin to put
.stimated price tags on the inùividual units and the BCC will then
determin~ the distribution of tho funds available for construction. He
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said the determination will then be m~do on what will be within the
first phase of construction of each pork. He said thv facilities will
be designed-following that determination and the contracts will be
formulated and the bid process will begin for construction.
Mr. Peek followed the same procedure and described in detail the
park facilities in the Mðoter Plan for the East Naples Park site by use
of a display. He indicated the proximity of the Avalon Elemontary
School to the park site. He indicated the portion of thu property on
which the County and the ~chool Board have a joint use agreement. u.
said that the plan includos th~ re-developmont of thu softball field to
improve it, since the lighting is not good. ~e said that the foot-
ball-soccer field will be activated and he indicated where the tennis
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courts will bø located. He indic~ted the location of the racquetball
field, the shuffleboArd and horseshoe courts, a tot-lot play area, a
swimming pool, and a baseball field. He said that at all tho park
Sites his firm iM dcvelopin9 ð standarùi~ed, modular building for the
admlniatrativo/sl11ðll moeting aroa-galn.room concept. H4t said at this
park site and tha Marco lsland sito thero 1s a place designated for a
gymnatorlum facility, if it is nooded in tho future. He said there
will be vohicular acc.s. around the oxterior of the site and added
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there nru j099in9 trðils and a fitness course ~round tho.intorior
ðdjacent to the lake. Ho inðicÐtod the 10cÐtion of picnic areas and
sheltdrs Around the lako and th~ maintenance facility in th~ southwest
corner of the sito. II~ indict1tcd tho parkin<j c3reas. Aeøponding to
Commissioner ~rusu, Mr. Peek sÐld his firm would deal with sewage
disposal and water neads on the site.
Mr. Peak said durin~ a meeting with the School Administration,
discussion was hold concerning the continued joint use of tho school
property with tho School Administration indicating Q willingness to do
so. He said that the School Administrûtion had concerns with regard to
the socurity of the school and tho students ~nd he ddscrlbed tho
proposal to fonce the entire joint-use o1rea and to gðte the south, east
and west side. lie said during the school hours the gatas to the south
and east would be closed ~nd the school children would be permitted
access to the facilities. He said that durln~ non-school hours the
school gates would ba clo~cd ðnd the area would be open to the general
pUblic for util1~ation.
Mr. PetJk described the M.lJstar Plan for tho Cold.n Gato Park and
the facilities consisting of a tenn1a complox, baskotball, volleyball,
dnd racquetball courts, a ~wimming pool, admi¡\istration meetin9 room
co~plex, a baseball field and soccer-football fiold, two additional
combination softball little leaguo fields and n bicycle motor-cross
fiuld on the oast side and a maintenance facility. Ho indicated the
location of picnic facilitios along tho perimeter of the Golden Gate
C~nðl Syøtem ~nd consideration for a small docking facility.
A discussion followod regarding the cost of the swimmln9 pools ~nd
the Marco gymnatorium. Commissioner Pistor expr....d concorn about the
naJntenanc. ~ost of thos. facilities and suggo.ted that a roferendum be
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November 1S, 1983
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held to 8~e if the Marco Island residents would be willing to have
taxln9 dlBtrict to pay the differuncQ between the use.J.~!_co1lect.d;.:
and the cost of operation.' He said ð similar referendwn should ¡;:
in Colden Cate for the swimming pool costs. Commissioner Kruse aCJrQÐd',i:~
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that the people in the district 8hould be asked if they ere willing to '~f
support the cost of swimming pools. Mr. Peek 8aid his firm would neod
to supply the estimated cost of construction of tho pools and the
maintenance cost of tho facilitius plus the in8urance and liability
Mr. Poek said the Master Plans will need to be placed on tho BCC
agenda for adoption and his firm can continue to proceed with the work.
Re8ponding to County Manager Norman, Mr. Poek 8ni~ that this
pre8entation can be presented to the area Citizen Advisory Committees.
There being no further business to come before thd Hoard the
meQtln9 was adjourned by order of the Chftir at 4z10 P.M.
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