CAC Meeting Notice 06/14/2018 - CancelledCollier County Government Growth Management Department Capital Projects Planning, Impact Fees and Program Management Division 2685 South Horseshoe Drive Naples, Florida 34104 Contact: Connie Deane Community Liaison 239-252-8192 or 8365 colliercountyfl.gov twitter.com/CollierPIO facebook.com/CollierGov youtube.com/CollierGov Growth Management Department Capital Projects Planning, Impact Fees and Program Management Division 2685 South Horseshoe Drive Naples, Florida 34104 May 23, 2018 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NOTICE OF CANCELLED PUBLIC MEETING COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA Thursday, June 14, 2018 1 p.m. The Collier County Advisory Committee (CAC) meeting scheduled at 1 p.m. on Thursday, June 14 has been cancelled. For more information call Gail Hambright at 239-252-2966. ### 06/30/2018 COLLIER COUNTY Advisory Boards Item Number: 8.A Item Summary: Coastal Advisory Committee - June 14, 2018 (No Meeting Held) Meeting Date: 06/30/2018 Prepared by: Title: Accountant – Capital Project Planning, Impact Fees, and Program Management Name: Gail Hambright 07/05/2018 9:54 AM Submitted by: Title: Dept Head - Growth Management – Growth Management Department Name: Thaddeus Cohen 07/05/2018 9:54 AM Approved By: Review: Administrative Services Department Michael Cox Document Review Completed 07/05/2018 10:44 AM Growth Management Department Judy Puig Additional Reviewer Completed 07/05/2018 10:55 AM Advisory Boards Michael Cox Meeting Pending 06/30/2018 12:00 AM 8.A Packet Pg. 211