March 5, 2018
8:fl) A.M.
Napl€6, Florida
fEI lT fE RfMEM3ERED that the Colller County Affordable Houslng Advisory Committee met on tbls date at 8:00
A.M- ln a WORKINC SFSSrOrv at 3299 Tamiaml Trall Eas! Bulldlng F, 3d, Board Room, Naples, Flodda, with the
followlng Memb€R present:
Present: Sherylsoukup
Jobn Cowan
Mary Waller
utha Betger
Scott Klsh
Denlse Murphy
Carlos Ponu
Joseph Schmltt
Chrlstina Apostolldls
Steve Hruby, Chalr (anived at 8:32 a.m.)
Absent: Taylor Mclaughlln
ALSO PRESENT3 Cormac Giblin - Houslng & Grdnts Development Manater
Barbetta Hutchlnson, Operatlons Coordinator - CHS
Jason Rummer - operatlons Analyst - Publlc Servlces
Susan Golden - Sr. Grants Coordlnator - CHS
Hilary Halfor4 Sr. Grants Coordinator - CHS
OTHEflS PRESENT: GeorSe Danz; Earbara Melvln, FFIB; Gabrlela Mollna, Clerk of Courts; Lenore Meurer;
Bernadlne Harrls
In the absenc€ of the Chalr and Vlce-Chalr, Carlos Portu volunt€ered to chah the meetlng. He called the
meetlnS to order at 8:05 A.M. and read the procedures to be observed durlng the m€eting, He led In the
Pledge ofAlhglanc€.
2. Rou Cru- CoMM]mE MEmoERs Ar{D SraF
Nlne members were ln attendanc€; therefore, a quorum w"s eslabllshed,
3. APgnov roFAcE oAAlrD Mrl{urEs
a. A motlon was made to approve the agenda by Mary Waller and was seconded by D€nlse Murphy.
The motlon passed by a vote of 9{.
Packet Pg. 32 Attachment: AHAC Minutes - March 5 2018 (5434 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - April 2, 2018)
b. Joe Schmitt made a motion to approve the minutes from the meetlng of February 5, 2018, and Litha
Eerger seconded. The motion pass€d by a vote of 9-0.
It{toRMAftoNAt tTrMs
a. Cormac told the Sroup this process started over a year ago when the ULI suggested that all of the
county owned lands should be looked at for the possibillty of building affordable houslng. The gCC
gave staffdirection to make a list ofthose propertlet analyze and determlne which would be best
suitable to use to build affordable units. The llst was broken down to 2 parcels that would be best
sultable. An RFI was issued and 10 responses were recelved ftom local, regionaland natlonal entltles
that were Interested in bullding In Collier County. These proposals will go to the BCC on March 13u
to be reviewed and a decislon wlll be made on which they would like to make further inqulries. Both
properties would be sent to the Plannlng Commlsslon fot rezoning. Comments were made
regarding the over-saturatlon of low income persons and chlldren all goinB to the same schools, Joe
Schmittsald that he felt llke Manatee was not the place to build more affordable housing. He also
told the group that a plan for tiny homes came to the planninS commisslon and hasn't Sone
anywhere. The Plannlng Commlsslon had a tle vote and the proposal has not gone anywhere. Public
speaker, gernandine Harris asked about the parcel at the corner of lmmokalee and Livingston for
affordable houslng. cormac told her there was an FPL easement that made that property unusable
for this purpose. sald that she doesn't want any more lowJncome houslng ln East Naples and urged
the commlttee to find a new term instead of 'affordable housingl. Public speaker, Lenore Meurer
stressed the fact that there ls an over-saturatlon oflow Income in East Naples and wants them to be
dlstributed throughout the county.
b. Housing Plan lmplementatlon- BCC Recap: Cormac revlewed the timellne for the implementatlon of
the Communlty Houslng Plan, what has been done and what is upcomlng. He told the troup the new
detinltlon for affordable housing went back to basicsfollowlng the state statute and federal
regulations. lt states that affordable houslng ls any type of housing that requlres less than 30/o of
someone's gross Income,
Dec la 2017 BCC Meetlng (completed)
. Bring forward a Request for Information (RFl) for making county owned sites available
for housing development (to include: Bembridge PUD and Manatee Park slte).
Responses to be presented to BCC on 3/13/18 to seek direction for lTB.
February 27 BCC Meeting (Completed)
. Adopt a New Deflnition ofAffordable Houslng- Housin8 Affordability. Adopt new Houslng Demand Methodoloty. Advocate for full funding ofthe Sadowski Housint Trust Fund. Amend the Affordable Housing Denslty Bonus (AHDB) proSrdm
. Adopt a pollcy to address housing that is affordable In future publlc land acquisitions
. create a concurent zoning review/approval process to reduce the cost of affordable
housing construction and expedite new housing
April 10 BCC MeetlnS. Develop a streamlined process for commercial to residential conversionso Develop guidelines to Incentivlze mixed income residentlal housing in future and
redeveloped actlvlty centers (reduced transportation impact feet Increased densities)
. Adopt amended lmpact Fee Relief program (increase rental deferrals to 30 yrs)
. Modifu the Housing Trust Fund and seek direction to bring back specific funding
Packet Pg. 33 Attachment: AHAC Minutes - March 5 2018 (5434 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - April 2, 2018)
. Commission a nexus study and dlrect staff to advertise Linkage Fee Ordinance
. Develop a marketin8 & communlcations plan and expend educational programs
including community partners and funding
. Partner wlth a local nonprofit organization on the creation of a Communlty Land Trust
and provide financlal assistance of S100,000 for the first two years
. Develop a process to allow for increased density in strategic Opportunity sites
o Provide an increase in density in the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRAI areas
and along transit corridors
June 12 gCC Meetlng. Direct staff to advertlse Mixed Income Housing ordlnance
. Provide administrative approvals ofcertain affordable housing applications (including
senior houslng
c. Cormac went over the HUD grant application round and told the group that there was S1.5 mllllon in
CDBG funds and S.5 million in HoME funds that are avallable. We have recelved 13 applicatlons
which wlll be sent to the Ranktng and Review Commlttee before March 23'd. After the
recommendatlons are madg they willgo to the BCC.
5. PuEucCoMME t
6. D|sajsslo frEMsaI{D pacs:l{rAlto s
a. Update on Housing opportunity Index (Holl and Apartment Listing - Jason Rummer gave
the group a recap of the report he prepared on the housing situation. He told the group
that there was a 15% increase in rent over the past year. This, with the result of the 14%
increase from last year, makes the rental rate increasing 2996 over the past two years. All
rentals on the survey are over 51000 and rent for a 2-bedroom apartment is currently at
51,200 a month, occupancies for all rental unltsareata 98.6%. In addltion, he found that
30% of properties had damage from Hurricane lrma.
b. Preview of items to be included ln Housing Plan lmplementation Phase 2 in April - Cormac
reviewed the items that wlll go to the BCC in Aprll as Phase 2 of the Community Houslng
Plan. He is workin8 closely with Growth Mana8ement for the meeting in April,
a. There belng no further buslness for the good of the County, the meetlng was adrourned at 9;48
a.m. after belng motioned by Mary waller, seconded by Scott Klsh and having a flnal vote of 9-0.
Nf,rIMrmNG: APR[.2,2018 AT8:O0 A,M.
Locatlon: 5u Floor Trainlng Room, Admlnlstratlon (Building F) located at 3299 Tamiaml Trail East.
Packet Pg. 34 Attachment: AHAC Minutes - March 5 2018 (5434 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - April 2, 2018)
coluEn Coulvty AffonDAsll lloun {c An4solY
The foregofng Mfnutes were approved by commtttee chalr o n 'f I | .2018, "os subnltts.ld. I
oR "os omended' Ll.
Packet Pg. 35 Attachment: AHAC Minutes - March 5 2018 (5434 : Affordable Housing Advisory Committee - April 2, 2018)